#i hate mustard btw LMAOOO
locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
What's everyone's preferred snack?
Also favorite ice cream flavor?
And finally
Would anyone like some Jam covered Toast? [It's Rhubarb jam, very tasty and freshly made]
-Question Bringer tm
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And yes they would like jam and toast
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snarkwrites · 3 years
six sexy words | lip gallagher ; wondering what your kiss feels like.
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Oh hello, hi. Guess whose inspiration has finally come back from the war? A while back, I was linked this really neat prompt list by a dear friend of mine and it.. Sparked a few things. So... I guess this is me, starting a new one shots collection?
All of these come from my own mind and I don't take requests for one shots / prompts, btw.
taken from either [ here ] or [ here ] give or take. It could be one or the other or a mix of both at my own choosing.
wondering what your kiss tastes like, be careful what you ask for and a swirling tongue and nibbling teeth were the ones I used / hinted at here.
Fandom / Character:
Shameless | Lip Gallagher x OFC.
Uhh.. Given that it's been a few minutes since I wrote any actual decent smut content (and that's not me being hard on myself, that's me being totally honest, lmaooo) I'm choosing to start this off a little bit tamer.. Dipping my toes in here. Kiddos can stay for now because as spicy as this gets is a heated makeout?
Making out. Kissing. Swapping spit. Thas all, folks.
@brithedemonspawn is the only one currently on my Shameless tag list, so...
** if you want to be tagged in my Shameless stuff, lmk!!**
Other Stuff:
[ about my writing | tag list doc - if you want to be tagged, that is. | fandoms I write for]
“ Are you even listenin to me, doll?” Lip’s voice cut through yet another daydream and I muttered a quiet,dazed response as I glanced up at him. He snickered and then with a smirk, he asked me to repeat what he’d just explained to me.
My mouth opened and closed and the more I tried to focus and remember what he’d been telling me about the equation, the more I struggled to remember. My face burned hot and I tensed a little, huffing out “When will we ever even use this?” in my own defense.
“Svetlana asked me to tutor you. To catch you up.” Lip explained patiently. He gazed at me and I could feel myself slipping out into la la land all over again, imagining what would happen if I just leaned in a little… Maybe grabbed the front of that blue thermal shirt and pulled his mouth against mine. The contrast of his rough mouth against the softness of mine. The taste of cigarettes and soda. My fingers dragging through his hair.
Just the vivid scenario my mind created had me biting my lip. Lost in his eyes and in my daydreams all over again. I shook my head when he snapped his fingers in front of my face.
“Yes?” I asked, a brow raised.
“You’re a million miles away today, Sveta. What’s up?”
I gulped.
Every part of me wanted to tell him exactly what was going on in my head, but there were more than a few things stopping me. For one, there was the fact that my older sister Svetlana would most likely be disappointed. I didn’t want to disappoint her. For another, I was quite sure that I was nothing more than a novelty to Lip. An outsider with a funny accent. A friend, maybe. He has a girlfriend.
,, He has a whore who calls herself his girlfriend and doesn’t treat him the way he deserves.” the thought was enough to have me wrinkling my nose in disgust. Anything involving Karen Jackson tended to do that to me, if we’re being completely honest.
Lip must have noticed the look of disgust. He chuckled and shut the book firmly. Then he rose from the sofa in the Gallagher’s living room and held out his hand to me.
I eyed his hand and gradually, found my gaze drifting back up. Settling on his face. The amused look in his eyes.
“C’mon. Your stomach’s growled at least twice. And I saw ya give Mandy your lunch money earlier, Sveta. We ain’t got much.. Maybe if you get somethin to eat in ya, you’ll pay attention better...” Lip smirked at me as he suggested it.
After finally managing to tear my eyes away from the high definition baby blue gaze I was currently drowning in, I reached out, taking hold of his hand. Letting him pull me up. When he did so, I wound up smashing against him lightly. Our eyes locked again and I licked my lips as my gaze wandered down, settling on his. “Maybe food will help me concentrate.” I agreed quietly.
“Let’s hope so, huh? You got that test tomorrow, right? Yeah, Mr. Ventura’s a dick, so if you don’t pass it’s gonna make it three times as hard to catch up.” Lip mused as he stepped back a little and turned, wandering into the kitchen. I pouted to myself at the broken physical contact and followed him into the room, leaning in the doorway.
Watching him as he fixed two huge sandwiches and then helped himself to a beer and asked me if I wanted anything.
,, to kiss you.” i thought to myself, but I shoved the silly thought out and stepped into the room fully. Slinking over to the counter and picking up the sandwich he’d made for me, taking a big bite. Groaning as the flavors exploded in my mouth, wiping the back of my hand at my mouth because I just knew that I had mustard on my lips.
Lip was the one staring at me now.
I lowered my hand and after swallowing the bite I’d taken, I tilted my head slightly. “What? Is something wrong?”
I hate the sound of my own voice, my Russian accent so thick that it definitely stands out.
Lip leaned in and down a little, raising a hand. Taking the edge of his long sleeve top to wipe at the corner of my mouth. “You uh.. Mustard. You had mustard on your mouth...” he muttered quietly, his gaze lingering on my lips.
I licked my lips and swallowed hard. “Is it gone?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s gone.” Lip answered quietly, his words trailing off as his mouth inched just a little closer to mine. His hand moved to my hair, smoothing my bangs back out of my eyes and then lingering on the side of my face. He gulped. Took a long and deep breath.
“Now you’re the one whose mind is wandering.” I frowned, confused.
What Lip chose to respond with caught me totally off guard. Not nearly as off guard as what came after that, but it left me wide eyed in shock.
“Just wonderin’ what would happen if I kissed you right now… How it’d feel.” Lip mumbled quietly right as he closed the distance between our faces and his mouth met the corner of mine clumsily.
I wasn’t so shocked that I froze.
Instead, I raised a hand, resting it across the back of his neck as I molded my body against his and used my grip to pull his mouth back against mine, muttering softly in response, “If you want to do something, Philip… Do it. Life is too short to wonder.”
Lip’s hands wandered down, settling on my ass as he lifted me and sat me on the countertop, moving to step between my legs. His mouth crashed against mine deeper, the taste of beer and cigarettes and the sandwich he’d been eating filling my mouth. The scent of his body wash filling my nose and sending a warm shiver through my body. His tongue parted my lips and I dug my fingertips into his neck as I worked to keep up with the frenzied pace of it as it clashed with mine, swirling.
I nipped and tugged at his bottom lip and he gave a quiet groan, scooping me forward on the counter so that I was totally pressed against him. A whimper rose up from my throat, escaping my mouth and lingering in the air between us as the kiss broke and we pulled apart to breathe.
Lip wiped at his mouth, taking a few shaky breaths as he stared at me, unblinking. In a thoughtful daze.
“Well?” I questioned, leaning against him just a little. Awkwardly. Ready to move the second he indicated that he’d made a mistake. I fully expected that to be what happened next. When it wasn’t, I was the one staring at him in a daze this time.
Lip was already leaning back in, going for the kill as he gave a goofy smirk. “Something I wouldn’t mind doin again.” he muttered right as his mouth crashed into mine and my lips parted in anticipation...
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