#i hate mornings but I hate grocery store crowds more so grocery shopping in the AM has been weirdly calming
mayra-quijotescx · 2 years
tumblr needs to introduce a function that blocks you from seeing the annoying-ass anons other people get since so few people on this godforsaken website can figure out how to either disable anons or ignore anon trolls
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puppypeter · 1 month
I know that the whole idol/super fan dynamic is like, a core component of what makes RoyJamie so delicious, but I CANNOT escape the hilarity potential of famous!Jamie/chronically offline!Roy.
Like, in this au, Roy wouldn't be a footballer (which is also intriguing to me because that's such a key facet of his character, so I'd be interested to hear from you what other careers Roy might have!!) and it is essential that he is also chronically offline, like near hermit levels of sheltered from pop-culture.
Roy would then obviously meet Jamie for some contrived fanfic reason (my running idea is that they meet maybe in a late season two/season three timeline when Jamie is doing his self-motivated 4am training. Jamie motivated for Zava reasons and Roy motivated to avoid crowds/the heat). Roy would have his wattpad 'im not like other girls' moment when Jamie approaches him, obviously assuming Roy will recognise him, which Roy does not.
Of course this leads to Jamie fixating on this grumpy old twat whose buttons Jamie can soo easily press and who seems to have no fucking clue who he is. Roy will become like, Jamie's yoga mums, especially because at this point in time Jamie would still be pretty infamous what with everything going on with his career, so I think having someone who doesn't have a preexisting idea of who he is would be extremely refreshing for Jamie.
This of course leads to a slow burn strangers to lovers situation with the obvious angst potential of a civilian/celebrity fic (paparazzi, privacy, 'oh our worlds are so different, how could this ever work', etc).
ALTERNATIVELY, Roy could actually know who Jamie Tartt is, but for whatever reason he finds him annoying and when they meet he just pretends not to know who he is just to knock him down a peg. This version of the au has the fun potential of the whole 'i know who you are' reveal, but I'm undecided on which direction it should go.
Anyways, thanks for letting me word dump in your inbox, I LOVE your blog and your RoyJamie posts!! 💕💕
i love people word dumping about royjamie in my inbox ❤💙
I also love the famous/non famous. There's not many AUs in this fandom as being a footballer is such a core part of who they are it is difficult to imagine otherwise but coming from other fandoms I have so many ideas (take capitan america/stucky having many AUs and many capitan america/modern bucky barnes too)
I love the idea of Roy not knowing who Jamie is at all. I do have a think for the non-famous person having the most random normal jobs ever like
working the till at the grocey store (I wrote a post once about them meeting at 6am when roy starts work and jamie is stopping for water cause I'd seen a Tesco guy that looked like roy from far away lol) (funnily i often picture step dad simon in this job and that's how him and georgie met and they've actually known each other since jamie was a baby but it took him many years to ask her out)
grocery delivery guy (quiet, peaceful, listens to audiobooks while driving)
park ranger (again can meet at 5am, kudos if jamie sneaks into richmond park and roy fucking hates him for it until he gives up and lets him do it)
classics like baker, coffee shop, bookshop, mechanic etc
I do love the grumpy roy thinking jamie is a pretentious early morning running twat whose colourful atrocious shoes are blinding him. Like he doesn't know Jamie has a legit reason to do all that aka his career.
And of course the angst that would come from stepping into Jamie's world. I did see a post not long ago about a Jamie that is more bashful around dating (and also more protective of his privacy as he was in canon with Keeley). But also would be cute him bringing his fit older boyfriend to the charity gala.
Or what if he knew him from Lust Conquers All that he watched with the yoga mums and had no idea he was a footballer? Then he thinks Jamie is a very superficial guy, a cheater who only cares about his looks etc before Jamie annoys him day after day and he slowly falls for him.
Ok what if he and the yoga mums worked together somehow? He is the maintenance guy or the grumpy receptionist at the yoga gym / massage place or the grumpy delivery guy at the diner who covers the night shift at the counter so he can prep stuff and restock etc and jamie is there at 5am every morning for eggs and a chat and like the first 5 times it's just Jamie yapping on and on with a lot of sighs from Roy. Maybe it's the post-return to Richmond Jamie who is still very lonely, away from his family, no agent, no keeley, no team friends yet (remember how he kept going to keeley to talk and she took him to dr sharon? that didn't happen and he just decided roy would do.. and tbf he does tip well at least ahah)
I have sooooo manyyyyy thoughts!!!😊😊😊😊
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
they are definitely my other otp and I love love love love love your anons and you discussing about them 🥺❤️ there needs to be more nerdy, shy boyfriends sharing their wine and bed and Moomin sheets and kisses and weird sense of humor and inside jokes only the other one will ever get and Rilla cuddles and late night skype calls when Olli is back in his apartment in Oulu and the distance feels extremely long and night so very dark and the only thing lighting it up is the other one's smile even if it is through the video call 🥺 they would finally falls asleep while the call is still going on and only notice the next morning when phone battery is nearly run out 🥺
(uugh yeah I wanted to participate and I am having soft feeling on this fine evening 🥺❤️)
ohhh noooooo that's too cute?? 😭😭😭😭 Olli/Aleksi is SUCH a soft ship, perfect for fluff and all kinds of domestic stuff 🥺💕
here's a cute little (Christmassy) Olli/Allu fic idea for all the Olli/Allu shippers out there, as a treat 💖
you've heard of Olli/Aleksi go grocery shopping, now get ready for Olli/Aleksi CHRISTMAS shopping! 😂
they both actually hate doing it because it's so stressful and crowded and they get hot in their winter clothes ugh we've all been there 😩
however, together they have so much fun trying to find the perfect Christmas presents for their bandmates and the crew and just messing around in the stores and squeezing inside the same fitting room to try on some silly Christmas jumpers (this one for Olli and this one for Aleksi)...and maybe also to have a little make-out break like some horny teenagers 😅👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
(yes, they give presents together as well as cards now, you can't change my mind)
and they also grab some glögi and chocolate for themselves to snack on while staying up late to wrap all the presents 🥰
and they giggle while coming up with cheesy poems for the name cards (and they will keep on giggling throughout the band+crew Christmas party where they exchange gifts and see the others' reactions to the poems and the presents 🤭)
they wake up at noon the next morning with decorative glitter in their hair (don't ask how it got there) and to Rilla having shredded the leftover wrapping paper all over the living room 😂
still, they couldn't be happier 🥺💞
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fractallogic · 1 year
My day tomorrow requires the use of every single ounce of executive functioning that I have to figure out when I need to be on campus to get everywhere on time
Okay. I need to advertise my experiment to a class on campus so I can finish the last SEVEN participants at noon. It’s all the way the fuck across campus in a confusing and unfamiliar building, so tbqh I should leave my office no later than 11:20 (20-min walk, 10 min to find the room, 5 min cushion, on time = 5 min early)
I don’t want to schlep all my stuff across campus so I’ll actually go to my office first and put everything down, so I need to get to the parking garage at around 11, maybe a little before (time to find a space and climb the stairs and actually get up to my office and the lab on the literal other side of the building, then basically turn around and go back out the door)
There’s also a lab meeting at 12 on zoom, so I’ll need to have an electronic with me, but I don’t want to take my entire computer, so if I take my iPad I can just have a normal-sized bag
I don’t want to go all the way back to my office because at 1 there’s a defense I feel obligated to attend (she is the sweetest and friendliest person alive and one of the few people who does syntax here, and. I just have to go even if it’s really throwing a wrench in my day) still on that side of campus, so maybe I actually do want a backpack if only to not have to clutch my water bottle as I walk all around campus (and then I can just have my computer for the lab meeting, which is easier than a device)
And then at about three, when the defense is over, I can finally go back to my office and do some work
I also need to remember to pick a lunch and, I guess, hope that my bread isn’t moldy, because a PB&J or a protein shake are my only options for a non-microwave-using lunch
Also there’s a Gathering(tm) for the post-defense party at 5 or 6 that I don’t think I super want to go to, actually, because I’m tired and need to go to the grocery store and want to go to the gym and NEED TO DO SOME WORK AT SOME POINT SO I CAN SPEND MY GRANT MONEY ugh, but I guess I’ll see how I feel about it tomorrow.
SO ANYWAY if I want to get to the parking garage by 11, I need to leave by 10:45ish. If I want to have a reasonable length of breakfast and get ready in a manner that doesn’t make me forget things, I should probably be downstairs by 10:15 at the absolute latest (and more realistically, probably 10).
If I leave my alarm set for 8:30, I won’t get enough sleep, so I guess I’ll set it for 9:30 to give my dumb ass time to hit snooze once for an extra 9 minutes (why 9, phone???) and moan and whine and complain to get dressed and go downstairs and rescue the cat.
I should also wear tennis shoes tomorrow because I will get blisters if I wear literally anything else walking (and sweating) that much.
I have no idea how I’m going to gym, shower, grocery, and eat dinner. Maybe I should just go to the party so that the professors can feed me instead, go grocery shopping afterwards, and go to the gym Friday morning. Christ.
Maybe I should just leave at 3 (or 4, once I congratulate her and get out of the chatty crowd and stuff and walk all the fucking way back to the garage), go straight to the gym (arriving at? 4:15?), finish an hour later, shower, grocery shop, dinner? And get something super chill for dinner while at the store? Or microwave a frozen pot pie?
So before I leave, I need to
eat breakfast (overnight oats)
make lunch (PB&J, hopefully)
pack gym clothes (just wear the gym shoes, it’s fine)
and I think that’s all. And leave by 10:40-10:45. And resign yourself to not working tomorrow unless a big lightning bolt of energy comes out after I eat. Nnnnggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
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demon-birate · 5 years
Ooph. Rant in the tags.
#this dude im rooming with by sheer fucking luck is literally almost as bad as atomic man#he fucking let go of a shopping cart in a crowded grocery store bc he 'got distracted'#when i said dude wtf he literally said 'i have adhd i cant help it'#now hes fucking drunk off his ass on a thursday night when he has work tomorrow at 8 and is currently doing laundry#and he doesnt seem to understand that his two roommates tend to go to bed early and wake up an hour before we leave#and he like comes back to the room no sooner than 11 every night and turns on the light#(or else shines his phone flashlight Directly at my bed)#and then gets mad at us when we turn on the light to get ready in the morning#less than an hour before we leave#also side note: he insists that his way of playing dnd is the be all end all#and said that minis are never necessary when it makes it So Much Easier for me when i use them#told me he was pretty sure id never dmed before even tho wed talked abt dming before#told me i wasnt gonna want to try the wine our other roommate got (even tho i wanted to and he hates wine anyway)#GOD its infuriating at least its only for two more weeks and hes leaving for this weekend#at least hes not actively fucking in the room he shares with two other ppl#OH!!!! MY GOD!!!!!!!!! he literally just said 'im too drunk to put my clothes away'#like??? theres signs next to the laundry machine that literally ask that the laundry baskets be returned#like it says 'use them to transport your clothes but return them immediately after'#and the caretaker checks the the rooms to make sure theres no fire hazards or whatever#and we told this dude that we didnt want to get in trouble and he just fuckin laughed at us#like at least fuckin respect the goddamn caretaker#im fuckin furious rn#aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
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miekasa · 3 years
do you have any cute (or h-word) bf headcanons for the Aot boys mie?
Of course I do, I have an ever-expanding list of headcanons for all of them, from how they react to you sitting in the backseat when they pick you up, down to whether or not they would rip your bandages off after your get a shot (spoiler: Eren, Porco, and Levi fucking would)
EREN sfw
He really likes holding hands, though it’s more of a calming habit for him. Holding hands keeps him grounded, and acts as an anchor for his anxiety; so he’ll grab and/or fidget with yours periodically.
He’ll steal your skincare if he’s over at your place, but honestly he just starts… copying it lmfao. Like, he’ll take notice of your face wash when he’s over he’s like “Oh, this is nice” and then a week later, he buys a bottle for himself. Then he buys your toner, and your moisturizer, and you stay over at his place and gotta do a double take bc he’s got damn near the same of everything at this point.
He doesn’t know if he believes that classical music actually helps him to concentrate, but he does know that he’s grown to like it, so it’s become his studying music of choice. He’s got favorite composers and everything.
He’d be upset if you didn’t steal his hoodies. That’s what they’re there for. He’ll make you steal them if he has to.
He hates standing in line. For anything. If he likes a restaurant that gets super busy at lunch, he’ll order ahead for pickup (and he feels special skipping the line). At amusement parks, he pays for the fast passes. If it’s shopping, then he’d rather just do it online.
On that note, he sucks at returning things that don’t fit/he doesn’t like when he shops online, so he honestly just keeps them, or gives them to his friends—it’s much easier than going through the hassle of printing a return label, according to him.
He likes the idea of recording you guys during sex, but he’s honestly a little too nervous to do it—nervous about being recorded himself, and about it potentially getting out somewhere.
Likes it when you look him in the eyes when you cum. In fact, he somewhat demands it.
Similarly, he’s always watching you during sex. Mostly your face, for indications of how he’s making you feel and when you’re close to your orgasm (which is why he’s got a thing for you looking at him).
He used to hate masturbating, until he tried masturbating to the idea of you, and now he fucking loves that. He takes his time with it too—if he’s gonna jack off, he’s gonna make a moment of it: sit on his bed, turn the lights off, make sure he’s all alone and can go for as long as he wants.
Threesomes are fine with him, and he doesn’t even have to be the sole one in charge, depending on who’s joining you.
He air-dries the majority of his clothes because he doesn’t want his sweaters and knitwear to shrink. Also, he likes the smell of his fabric softener permeating the room while the clothes dry.
On a similar note, he’s got sensitive skin—not to the point where a shirt less than 75% cotton irritates him; but he is conscious of fabrics and products he uses. Because of this, he takes extra care with his laundry, his pillowcases and bedsheets are satin as are the majority of his pajama shirts, and he never ever walks around without house slippers or he’ll irritate the bottom of his feet.
He’s scared of bugs, but he doesn’t like to kill them either. Honestly, he just kinda hopes spiders and stuff will crawl away without him intervening 😭😭
He likes board games, and has a thing for The Game of Life. He cannot play chess, even though most people would guess that he could, and he’s begun to practice by playing online versions against computers to learn.
He knows everyone’s gossip because everyone comes to him to gossip. And if he’s the therapist friend, then you’re the person who receives the summary of all the tea from him at the end of the week. And man can this boy throw a bitch fest when he’s in the right mood.
He’s got a bit of an oral fixation, so he really likes having your mouth occupied; with his fingers, with your panties, with his dick—he’s not really picky.
Likes sex with the lights on. Claims it’s because he wants to “see all of you” (it’s really because he’s nervous he’ll fuck something up if he can’t see properly 😭😭)
He really likes making out. Like, a lot. Though it’s not something that happens often—so he builds up a lot of frustrating thinking about it, and it all comes crashing down, and ends up with you guys damn near dry humping each other on the couch for two hours.
That’s something that applies to him generally, too—he tends to let himself get very frustrated and worked up, whether he means to or not. He also thinks about sex quite frequently, and it only fuels his frustration; so when he snaps, he snaps hard.
He’d let you choke him back if you asked. Just ask nicely.
JEAN sfw
Loves studying in cafés and adores when you study with him; peeps up at you periodically when you sit across from him. He always pays for your drink, but sometimes you guys share, and he likes making a game out of reaching for the cup at the same time as you.
He’s very chivalrous, but he hates when you call him out for it, or make any kind of deal of it. He knows it’s chivalry, but he also knows it’s the bare minimum, plus he’s easily embarrassed—especially in public.
Loves having his hair played with, absolutely adores it. If you’re just holding his face, or resting your hand on his cheek, he’ll move himself further into your touch to maneuver your palm closer to his hair.
He really really really likes back hugs—giving and receiving them. If he’s standing behind you, he’ll most likely reach for a hug at some point (sometimes he won’t let go and you’ve gotta waddle with him on you). His ears get red when you give him a back hug but he always uses a hand to rest over your arms to tell you that he doesn’t want you to let go.
He can play the piano, but he doesn’t tell a soul about it. The only reason you found out it through his mom. He’s got stage fright, so he gave up on performing, but he’s really talented, and can almost play any song by ear.
He loves the feeling of your hands on him, particularly if you’ve got long nails. Please scrape your nails against his back, or even just dig them into his biceps while he’s fucking you, it’ll drive him insane.
Along with liking having his hair played with, he adores having it pulled on—the attention and desperation in your actions goes straight to his ego and his dick.
One of his biggest fantasies is getting a lap dance from you. He’d never ever fucking say it out loud or dream of asking for it, but the idea of you stripping in front of him, down to lingerie he’d picked out for you, and teasing him until he can’t take it anymore and jumps you is something he thinks about… far more often than he should.
If you’re wearing his clothes (especially one of his t-shirts to bed, or around his apartment), he’s gonna fuck you in it. Jean has a lot of self control, but that’s one thing that’ll make him snap in an instant. And if you wear his shirt or hoodie out, he’s fucking you when you get home, it’s as simple as that.
He studies with children’s shows playing the background. He doesn’t remember how he discovered that his method works for him, all he knows is that something about Paw Patrol makes for excellent background noise for writing his research papers.
He’s quite touchy with PDA, but if you guys are in a crowd then forget about it—because Connie might forget about you. He’s definitely left you at the grocery store before.
He eats cereal for breakfast every morning, and he’s kind of got a collection of them in his kitchen. He claims there are upscale cereals that he doesn’t just let anybody eat or even touch; so, if he offers you a midnight snack consisting of a bowl of his favorite (and very rare) cereal, then be honored.
He almost always pays with cash, but he hates change. If he gets back coins, he either tells the cashier to keep them, puts them in a tip jar if there’s one in sight, or just pours them into your coat pocket. He understands that its money, but he’ll be damned if he’s just got a sack full of nickels clanging around in his bag.
He claims he doesn’t have a thing for exhibitionism, but with the way he’s down to fuck damn near anywhere, he might be a bold faced liar. Changing rooms, music festivals, airport bathrooms, the little corner of the multilevel parking lot that he’s oh-so-certain is in the blindspot of the security cameras... there are so few things off-limits with him.
Car sex on his bucket list… just not in his car lmfao (because trust and believe that’s something that already happens pretty regularly). Maybe his real kink is vandalism and destruction of property.
He is not above begging you to sit on his face. He will get on his knees and pant like a fucking dog for you to do it, he’s so serious. He’ll do it laying down, he’ll do it with you standing up/against a wall, he’ll do it on the couch. Break his neck please he’s fucking asking for it.
He doesn’t mind sharing and he definitely doesn’t mind watching. Honestly, he’d egg you on to kiss someone else at a party, or go as far as to seduce you into seducing someone else just so he can watch it go down.
He sends you iMessage games but only the ones he’s good at because he doesn’t like to lose. But also, if he is losing, he doesn’t want you to be supportive about it and tell him “it’s okay uwu” lmfao he wants to either cream you, or have you kick his ass; competition is the name of the game, don’t be soft on him.
He’s a morning person, and he likes going on runs or even just early-morning walks when the weather is nice. He will wake you up occasionally to join him—and if you’re a homebody, you will be joining him. He won’t be responsible for watching you decompose on the couch.
Very picky about his pizza. It’s not a calorie or grease or health thing—he just really fucking likes pizza, and he won’t excuse a bad slice.
Always pulls you closer to him in a crowd or when a group of people are walking by. He doesn’t have to, but he likes to. Tease him about it and he’ll push you right back tho, probably into a shrub if there’s one near by.
He’s such a “No, no—answer the call” kind of mf; a sadist, if you will. He lives for torturing and embarrassing you, and that applies to sex, too.
Loves the way his hands look on you, particularly splaying his hand over your stomach when he’s fucking you. Likes the heat of your body against his, when he positions himself just right to feel the outline of his dick against you, and squeezing the sides of your tummy when he gets lost in it.
Loves blowjobs, and loves to cum on you or over your face. His favorite thing tho is pulling away just before he’s about to orgasm, and jacking himself off with your tongue sticking out, ready to swallow.
Okay with threesomes, too; but he wouldn’t like to do much to or with the third person. It’s okay if they touch you—maybe even fuck you, depending on who it is—but he’s not there to get them off.
When he cooks dinner, he always makes sure to make enough for you to have leftovers to take with you for lunch the following day. Especially if it’s a dish you’ve been wanting or try, or specifically asked him to cook.
He’s got a specific tote bag he brings with him to the grocery store/farmer’s market, and separate one for when he’s running other light errands.
He hates soda, not even just because it’s not the healthiest thing to drink—he just doesn’t like the feel of carbonated drinks; the only exception being when they’re mixed with liquor, but even then, it’s not his preference.
After a while, he just starts lying and says you’re married at places where it benefits you both, or to curb a longer conversation about the status of your relationship to people who are inquiring. He thinks it’s fucking weird that marriage is what shuts people up, but if it works, it works; less people prying in your guys’ business.
He likes giving you forehead kisses, and if you do it back, he’ll learn that he doesn’t mind receiving them either.
He’s such a sucker for you rubbing your thumb against the back of his hand when you guys hold hands. He might not act like he notices, but he always does; and somewhat craves little touches like that the longer you guys are together.
He would never admit it to anyone, but birthday sex is up there for his favorite kind of sex. He never cared much about his birthday… until he realized he could get that as a gift. He knows it’s not different, but he likes it, nonetheless; one the few times he doesn’t mind having all the attention on him.
King of aftercare, though some of his methods usually lead to another round—in which he teases you for cancelling out his work, when you know he was just as willing and eager.
He likes edging himself and overstimulating you; and with his self-control, that makes for a pretty dangerous combination.
He’s strong and he knows how to use it to his advantage: maneuvering you with a single arm, holding both your wrists above your head with one hand, pushing your head down into the sheets when he’s fucking you from behind.
Sex is one of the few times Levi doesn’t mind making a mess—and in fact, he likes it messy; watching you drip onto the sheets, making you spit on his dick and fucking your face until you drool. He always goes on about how sloppy you are, how you can’t keep anything clean, but he fucking loves it.
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theroyalsims · 2 years
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Uh-oh. Looks like Ximena has had it with the pesky photographers!
Prince Alistair’s girlfriend, Ximena Kalarmy, was photographed this morning on her way to the shops, and let’s just say, it wasn’t such a pleasant experience altogether.
Although being followed by photographers has quickly become part of Ximena’s daily life after she and Prince Alistair went public with their relationship, things seem to only get worse for the feisty brunette.
While on her way to a nearby grocery store, she was cornered by a crowd of about twenty photographers and reporters, hoping to (at least) get a peep out of her. Ximena has been incredibly tight-lipped throughout her love affair with the Queen’s eldest son, but today, she finally snapped. 
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A video of Ximena shows her angrily telling the paparazzi to “back off.” The photographers, perhaps encouraged by her response, ended up hounding her even harder. At some point, Ximena was heard saying, “please, I’m begging you, just leave me alone,” before running into the store. Things got so bad that the store’s manager had to step in and help Ximena out.
The paparazzi continued to take her photos, albeit from a distance, as she walked all the way back to her flat.
Ximena has not been given her own protection officer despite the daily struggles she experiences with the paparazzi, and she probably shouldn’t expect to receive one until Alistair puts a ring on her finger. One royal expert shares:
“Royal protection officers are publicly funded, elite security experts that are tasked to protect members of the Royal Family. They cannot be loaned out to friends or girlfriends or whatever. So unless she’s a royal fiancée, Ximena must bear the consequences of dating a Prince on her own. She can always pay for her own bodyguard. No one’s stopping her.”
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Ximena’s appearance also caused some chatter online. The hashtag #WhyXimena trended on social media. One post in particular that has since garnered over 15,000 shares and even more likes read:
“What does Alistair see in her? She’s so frumpy. She’s not at all pretty. Plus, she could stand to lose a few pounds, if you know what I mean? I don’t get it. She’s so plain. She��s a 6, tops, and I’m being very generous. #WhyXimena.”
Another post reads:
“Chipped blue nails? Unkempt hair? Ill-fitting clothes? And you’re telling me this social-climbing nobody is dating a Prince? #WhyXimena #AlistairWakeUp
Ximena wore rolled skinny jeans which she paired with a plaid shirt and a tank. She also went bare faced, with not a drop of make-up on, for her trip to buy groceries.
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However, not everyone is hating on Ximena. One writer posted:
“The level of pettiness and nastiness hurled against Ximena is disgusting, and I suspect is all because of jealousy. She’s dating a Prince. You’re not. The Prince liked her because she’s genuine and kind, which, again, you’re all obviously not. ‘Why Ximena?’ I think the better question is ‘Why Alistair?’ Here, we have a beautiful, independent, and confident woman. Any man she dates should realise that they’re lucky enough to have her in their life. Alistair should thank his lucky stars that he found a woman brave enough to take him on. Leave Ximena alone. You have no idea what she’s going through.”
Poor Ximena. And this thing with royal girlfriends/boyfriends not being given protection officers is a little alarming and should absolutely be reconsidered. It feels like it was just yesterday when Clive was driven away by this very same unwelcome press intrusion. It would be utterly sad if Alistair and Ximena suffer the same fate. 
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stargirlfics · 3 years
Crybaby Blues
Daddy!Henry Cavill x Black Little!Reader
When Henry discovers you brought one of your Little items with you out of the house, you learn that breaking rules has consequences
Warnings: ddlg themes - minors dni, use of “daddy”, use of pacifiers,hurt/comfort, brief mention of scraped knee, blood tw/first aid, stern daddy!henry, fluff,
Word Count: 1.9k 
blurb format- based off a wonderful idea from one of my regular anons! ilysm angel, I hope you like it and thank you for letting me expand on this!!!
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To say the morning had started out a bit rough was an understatement and though the evening was much better, the journey had been a ride.
You’d woken up grumpy, huffing at Henry when he told you to sit properly and eat your cereal at breakfast, then accidentally spilling some of it because you were balancing in a weird position on the kitchen stool, and then being reprimanded which further agitated you.
Henry gave you a singular warning to cut it out and fix your attitude before he had to run to the store or else you’d lose privileges to stay home by yourself and you’d be coming with him, which you hated!
Grocery shopping made you anxious at times and upon hearing his threat you immediately slipped into littlespace, suddenly feeling very silly for how you’d been acting, realizing you just felt fussy and tired and wanted his attention, not to be eating your now soggy cereal and on the verge of punishment. 
However, since you were feeling so small and embarrassed about your behavior you had trouble voicing it to your daddy and knowing he’d want you to use your words only made you even more frustrated that you couldn’t seem to just come out with it resulting in you shoving your cereal bowl away angrily.
Henry caught your arm swiftly after, his icy glare evident even as you kept your eyes locked on the counter. 
“Look at me. I’m not in the mood to be dealing with an obnoxious brat today, clean this mess up, put your shoes on and I better see a difference in your attitude when you get in the car. Go.”
This was horrible, you didn’t want to go to the stupid store, you just wanted to be babied and cuddled and you hadn’t slept well and were grumpy and hungry now that you hadn’t eaten much of your breakfast. How shitty. 
But you did as you were told, reluctantly and very much taking your sweet time but you did as he said and you were about to head out when you stopped in your tracks, seeing one of your favorite paci’s on your nightstand. 
You weren’t allowed to have them outside of the house but you were going to be wearing a face mask anyways and it would help you feel a little calmer in the busy and crowded environment of a grocery store, what could it hurt? Henry knew you didn’t like the store either so you figured it was only fair, this would keep you from whining and acting out more, isn’t that what he wanted?
“Sweetheart, let’s go, please.” you could hear his shoes on the steps and you knew you didn’t have any time left to think about it so you snatched up the paci, shoving it into the pocket of your large hoodie, which was actually Henry’s, and grabbed your phone before meeting him at the stairs. 
This was either a very big mistake or a very genius ploy on your part and only time would tell the answer. 
The car ride was silent, with Henry focused on the road and you somewhere off in your littlespace, thinking of being back home under your coziest blanket and being held by Henry, the parking lot coming into view before you knew it. 
Careful to make sure nobody saw you slip the paci into your mouth quickly, you pulled up your mask before Henry rounded the car to open your door for you as he always did. 
Ok, so far so good. 
What was funny was that Henry could tell you were feeling little. I mean he could always tell but especially now because you wouldn’t look at him as you followed him around the store picking up different items, your silence a dead giveaway of your mood. 
And on your side of things, the shallow sucks of your paci was starting to make your brattiness fade as you pouted watching Henry grab the mac and cheese that wasn’t Spongebob character shaped, and he didn’t get dino nuggets, just the regular boring ones, and he didn’t get any of the vegetables or fruit you liked, your upset whines muffled by your mask and the general chatter around you. 
Now Henry was suspicious, he’d grabbed all those items on purpose knowing they weren’t what you’d want and still you were quiet as a mouse. So he decided on one last attempt, stopping in the milk aisle, the last thing on the list for today, not reaching for the usual chocolate milk he’d always get for you and that’s when you couldn’t help it anymore, whining and tugging at his arm quickly.
This was exactly what he’d been waiting for, the tantrum for your favorite and not his.
 “Use your words, love.” he gave you an eyebrow raise, his tone leaving no room to argue as he went back to browsing the shelf. 
When you go to grab the yogurt he was looking at from his hands he moves it out of your reach, he sighed and gave you another pointed look.
“What’s wrong?...Words.” 
Unfortunately for you his eyes flickered down to your mask as you whined again, sucking harder on the pacifier which pushed against the fabric in an odd and noticeable way. Yep, you were busted.
Henry had decided to wait to confront you about it, giving you a chance to think about what you were gonna say to him as you made it through the checkout line and out to the parking lot, his eyes on you sharply. 
You hated this, you hated being in this situation, wanting to throw yourself into his arms and be consoled, not hiding your face and anxiously playing with your hands as you waited for him to load all the bags and get in the car. 
Once he did, the air felt ten times thicker.
“What is in your mouth, little one? Show me, please, I’m not going to ask again.”
You took a glance at him, whimpering under his mean glare. You’d really done it now. 
You could only shake your head nervously, shying away from him, your eyes becoming teary. It broke his heart a little to see you like this and if he wasn’t so fed up with your continuous bratty behavior today, he would have let it go seeing as you were clearly desperate and feeling small. 
“Hand it over. You have five more seconds and then it’s no pacifiers for a month and no playtime for a week. Take your pick.” 
Not a single pet name, no soft coaxing, not a single threat of a spanking or time in the corner, you were screwed. 
It had been longer than five seconds but your nerves didn’t register that as you reluctantly slipped your mask down and handed him the paci, your vision blurry with tears not yet shed. 
“So you can listen, you just can’t count. Ok well, no paci’s for a month and maybe next time you’ll listen to daddy and not hide the fact that you’re feeling little.”
Ouchie. He was harsh and to the point and you were so very upset by how this day was going. 
“When we get home I want you to go and round up all your paci’s and bring them to me.” 
There was no room for argument in his tone and the moment you processed his words, you burst into tears.
This was the worst. You hated that you’d disappointed him, it made your heart ache
The car ride back was even more silent than the drive there, save for your sniffles and quiet sobs. Henry was disappointed in your choices today but didn’t revel in how upset you were, he knew this wasn’t fun for you. 
You trudged solemnly inside the house, letting your tears fall harder as you gathered all the paci’s you owned and placed them inside the pretty wooden box he’d gotten you specifically to store them. There was no getting out of this one. 
As you were coming down the stairs, you were sobbing and dragging your feet, lost in your littlespace and very distraught which caused you to miss the very last step on the stair and you tumbled a bit to the ground, your knee skidding across the floor painfully. 
Thankfully Henry had just finished carrying the last few grocery bags in and saw you fall, everything in him lurching to rush to your side. 
You tried to resist him as he went to pick you up, your wailing growing louder when you saw your bloody knee but given that he was so much stronger than you, your attempts to hide went nowhere. 
“S-sorry, daddy, I’m sorry, please! Didn’t mean to, I’m sorry.” you were frantic and far beyond upset, and Henry could see it written all over your face, you were worried you’d upset him even further. 
“Oh, bunny. I know you didn’t mean to, it’s just been a hard day, I’m not upset with you for falling, I should have been with you knowing how small you feel feel right now so that’s on me, little one. I’m gonna get you cleaned up now, I promise it’s ok.” 
Henry made sure to keep his tone soft, not wanting to make you any more sad than you were, his main concern being your poor knee. The scrape wasn’t too bad but it still hurt and your tears resumed upon hearing that he was gonna clean it. 
That meant it would sting and you didn’t want any part of it, but your attempts to scoot off the counter also went nowhere, his hands gently keeping you in place, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles into your arms. 
All in all, it wasn’t as bad as you had anticipated, even as you flinched and whimpered when he was cleaning off the blood and putting Neosporin on, he let you go through the first aid kid to find a bandaid of your choosing, carefully putting it on and pressing a kiss to the top of your knee so that it could “heal faster” as you put it. 
“Daddy, I really sorry about the store today, and this morning. I wasn’t listening and I’m sorry for disappointing you.” your head hung low as you fiddled with your hands anxiously again, worried about what he was going to say. 
“Sweetheart, can you look at me for a minute? Good girl. I appreciate the apology, I know you weren’t trying to do it on purpose, you were just having trouble telling me what you were feeling. I’m not angry with you, I’d never be angry with you. We’ll keep working on communicating with each other when you’re little, ok? Good. Now how do cuddles sound?” 
“Yes, please!” 
You sighed with relief, nuzzling your face into his cupped hands on your cheeks, giving him a small smile at the mention of cuddles and the smile grew wider when he turned to give you a piggyback ride to the couch, letting you set it up nice and comfy while he put the rest of the groceries away. 
The paci’s would still be put away for a month, there were still those consequences to your actions but now that you were nestled safely against Henry’s chest you felt calmer, like everything was going to be ok, even after a terrible morning. 
Your daddy had you in his arms, rubbing your back softly and pressing sweet kisses to your forehead while you played with your stuffie and that was all you needed to feel safe!
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silversatoru · 3 years
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play-thing — part one
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gojo satoru x getou suguru x f!reader
t/w: nsfw 18+, dark content, drugging, manipulation, noncon/dubcon, oral (f!receiving), nipple play, this story contains very dark themes so please do not read it you’re sensitive to any of these topics
synopsis: suguru and satoru are missing something in their lives, and who better to manipulate than an lonely, impressionable girl who just moved to tokyo from another city. they’re willing to take extreme measures to transform you into their perfectly submissive little play-thing. 
wc: 1.9k
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suguru and satoru do everything together; live in the same house, work at the same company, even share a closet of the most expensive clothes, but something was missing. they both felt it, the empty space between them, and they were determined to find the perfect piece to fill the gaping hole in their lives.
and you practically fell right into the palm of their hands, in a local grocery store of all places. a pretty little thing with a freshly broken heart who’d just moved here from a neighboring city. no friends, no family nearby, anxious and impressionable and desperately in need of a couple capable men to show her around. it all started with an innocent question: “hey, sorry to bother you guys, but could you tell me where the baking aisle is?”
how you ended up here you still weren't quite sure. 
“let us take you on a tour of the city tonight,” satoru had cooed at you.
“there’s a few really nice bars, we could grab some drinks,” suguru added, both their voices smooth and terrifyingly persuasive.
but they seemed nice enough, and you weren't in any position to be picky with making friends right now — after all, you’d have to get accustomed to the city somehow, right?
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wear something pretty, satoru had winked at you before you parted ways and continued your shopping, and for some reason you were very inclined to do as he said. they were both intimidatingly attractive and you weren’t exactly sure what their dynamic was yet, but you decided that if you ended up in bed with one of them tonight, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
you’d chosen a short and silky black dress, something elegant but classic that would absolutely catch the eyes of both men. and it did, satoru’s eyes glazing over your body several times before he even bothered to say hello to you. suguru was less obvious, his dark eyes giving you a quick once-over before giving you a warm smile and wrapping his arm around your shoulders as the three of you entered the first bar.
it was small, dimly lit with a few lanterns and packed tight with people. a little too crowded for your level of comfort, so you stuck closely to the sides of suguru and satoru as they led you deeper into the pub. the dark-haired male gestured towards an empty seat at the end of the countertop, the two of them standing on either side of you after you slid into it. satoru spoke with an impressive level of charisma, ordering three of the same drink from the bartender — who he seemed to know quite well.
taking a few sips of the liquor did wonders for you initial anxiety, and the casual conversation with both men was helping you to settle in as well. 
so, where are you from? 
what made you want to move to tokyo?
what do you do for a living? 
you were painfully oblivious to how the conversation stayed entirely centered around you; you still hadn’t learned anything about the two men, but they were learning everything about you. 
an hour or so in, a warm dizziness began to swirl around the inside of your head, slowly exacerbating until you felt like you were about to tumble out of your seat. you’d only had a couple drinks, and you normally handled your alcohol fairly well, so why did you feel absolutely sloshed right now? 
“guys, i think maybe-” you turned towards your two tour guides and crashed forward into suguru’s chest without warning. 
“think you went a little heavy, toru?” he scooped his hands under your plump ass and lifted your unconscious body into his muscularly arms. 
“not my fault she has no tolerance,” satoru shrugged, throwing some cash on the counter, “might be easier with her like this anyway”. 
“i suppose,” suguru clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth, “stupid girl, didn’t your parents teach you not to trust strangers so easily?”
the two of them casually made their way out of the bar together, making jokes about how poorly you handle your liquor to anyone who gave them a questionable look — but the bar was so loud and jam-packed with people that they made it out without any incident.
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you were slow to come out of your sleepy haze, head nodding up and down as you struggled to maintain consciousness and take in the scenery around you. in a futile attempt to brush some hair out of your face you realized your hands were tightly secured behind your back. panic immediately flooded your system, chest tightening and hot tears brimming at the edges of your eyes. 
“just a precaution, angel,” suguru came walking into your hazy vision, a warm smile on his face as he tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ears, “how are you feeling?” 
“wha-, whaaat happen- ed?” your words were garbled, your brain barely able to form them. 
“don’t worry about it,” satoru appeared next to suguru, “you just drank a little too much, but we’ll take good care of you, won’t we suguru?” 
“of course, no need for you to worry about anything anymore,” he gave an affirmative nod. 
“i don’t think-” you wracked your brain for any recollection of what had happened tonight, but you found nothing, “i don’t th- think i — understand”. 
“you will soon,” satoru flashed a bright smile, but it wasn’t nearly as inviting as the first time you saw it. this time it was eerie, evil, threatening — what exactly was he talking about? 
your brain was quickly turning to absolute mush, your vision getting darker and foggier than it already was as you tried to hang on to the sound of their voices.
just relax
we’re gonna make you feel good, you wanna feel good, princess?
you want us to make you feel better?
“mhm,” you gave them a slow nod. you did want them to make you feel better! you felt groggy and confused and nauseas! so of course you said yes! that is what they were asking? right?
you felt the bed shift around you, several hands tracing over your skin and gently pushing you onto your back. you tried to question them, tried to form the words, but your brain was unable to produce a single word or movement at this point.
a hot tongue connected with the side of your neck, lips latched onto the skin and sucking gently on the sensitive area. another mouth was on your inner thigh, sucking a little harder and undoubtedly leaving a small marking. you subconsciously let out a squeaky, shaky breath, the warmth of their tongues eliciting a response in your doped-up body.
goosebumps raked through your body when you felt a pair of slender fingers slip under your dress and brush over the thin material of your panties. it was satoru, his middle and index fingers prodding at your clothed cunt and sending jolts through your legs. meanwhile suguru continued to cover your neck in sloppy kisses, one of his large hands groping at your covered breasts.
your brain had gone numb, from the drugs, the confusion, the terribly intoxicating pleasure. you hated how clueless you were, how useless your body was right now, but what you hated most of all was that you weren’t even trying to fight back. their touch felt good — too good for you to ask them to stop.
it wasn’t long before satoru’s fingers were replaced with his mouth, his tongue running up and down the fold in your panties and absolutely soaking the material with his saliva. he groaned from the taste, getting just as much pleasure from this as you were. he was quick to push the fabric to the side, sliding his tongue against your sticky folds with hunger and urgency. he lapped at your cunt, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue and evoking a series of twitches from your lazy body.
“be gentle with her” suguru’s voice sounded far off in the distance as he mumbled into your chest.
satoru heeded to the other man’s instructions, slowing his pace and going more gentle on your sensitive, puffy clit. suguru found your hardened nipples through your thin dress, rolling them in his fingers and enhancing the already blissful feeling you were getting from satoru’s tongue.
the two of them working together was incomprehensibly euphoric, your stomach coiling into tight knots with each swipe of his tongue. without warning he dove even deeper, his tongue shooting into your cunt while his nose rubbed against your throbbing bundle of nerves. between that and suguru giving your nipples a sudden tug, your body was crashing with waves of pleasure — strangled moans and pitiful whimpers the only sounds that your mouth could produce.
it was a near-holy experience, the feeling of the sedatives pumping through your veins as satoru tongued your pussy and suguru massaged your breasts through your heightened orgasm. you felt like you were floating, the room was spinning, and then everything went dark.
a real shame that you wouldn’t be able to remember any of it by the time you woke up.
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bright sunlight pierced through your eyelids the following morning, forcing you awake and causing you to jolt up. you were laying in a large bed that was situated at the back of a rather large room, fitted silk sheets cool under your skin. confused of what happened and where you were, you stood from the bed and made your way to the door, feet patting on the soft carpeted floor. 
when you opened the door you entered a long hallway that led to a wide stairway covered in the same fluffy carpeting. two voices were laughing and talking beneath you, and curiosity fueled your motivation to walk down the stairs and into an open-concept kitchen and living room. 
satoru and suguru, the two men from yesterday were busy at the stove, pancakes and bacon sizzling away on two cast-iron pans. they wore matching aprons, suguru’s reading chef daddy, and satoru’s reading mr. good-lookin’ is cookin’. 
who the fuck were these guys?
“feeling better?” suguru was the first to notice you loitering at the edge of the room. 
“yeah, how are you? didn’t picture you to be such a heavy drinker,” satoru laughed, flipping a pancake with grace. 
you didn’t remember much, nothing past sitting down at the bar with them. you weren’t much for getting wasted but you were plagued with more stress than usual lately — maybe you really let yourself go last night. 
“ah, sorry about that, I don’t even remember what i did, honestly,” you shrugged, “thanks for looking out for me though, where’s my stuff?”
“in a hurry to leave? stay for breakfast,” suguru brushed off your question with a captivating smile, his eyes squinting together in the most adorable way. 
“we insist,” satoru chimed in, humming as he continued to focus on the sweet-smelling food. 
and so you stayed, which was probably the worst mistake that you’d made in the past twenty-four hours of countless terrible mistakes. 
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part one | part two
a/n: im on a yandere/dark content kick today i cant help it. anyway if u wanna be tagged when i post part two lemme know :) and if u want some yandere megumi go read @katslutski​ ‘s tell me 
(ily kat <33 so happy to have someone to get into very specific obsessions with)
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ticklystuff · 3 years
Two-Part Gift
Summary: Happy birthday to Ayato from Thoma and Ayaka
Word Count: ~2.9k
Characters: lee!Ayato, ler!Thoma, ler!Ayaka
Notes: this is a tickle fic!
i really enjoyed ayato’s trailer and it also happens to be his birthday! this originally was supposed to be a thomato drabble with lee!thoma but i decided to make it lee!ayato last minute and made it more platonic so that ayaka wouldn’t have to third-wheel lol
Ayato hurried himself as the first few drops of rain made contact with his face, signaling the start of the rainy spring season for Inazuma. The crowds of people around him had taken notice as well and Ayato found himself side-stepping around children and hastily apologizing to others that he bumped into while heading for cover from the changing weather. The plinking of water against steel rooves steadily grew and Ayato opted to remove his coat, draping it over his head as temporary cover from the light drizzle. He hated getting his hair wet.
The road to the Kamisato Estate would most assuredly be drenched by the time he’d be able to reach the outskirts of the city and would not be ideal for travel by foot. Ayato had found this out the hard way just the other year and ended up ankle deep in mud, ruining his fine leather shoes, not that it mattered much to him, but Thoma always nagged him about looking the part of the Yashiro Commissioner. To prevent future stressful shopping trips, Ayato veered off into one of the side streets, travelling further into the city and away from his original destination.
It had been quite a while since his last visit to the Komore Teahouse, but the exterior looked pristine as ever. Ayato couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Thoma busying himself over every little detail to keep the place clean and tidy. It wouldn’t surprise him if he did catch Thoma cleaning outside in this weather, risking a cold for his job. Thankfully, he was not.
A warm glow emitted through the glass windows of the teahouse, despite being afterhours, indicating only one thing. Ayato gently opened the door and stepped inside, greeted not only by the scent of incense, but three familiar faces as well.
“Huh? Hello, milord!” Thoma eagerly waved at Ayato, balancing Taromaru on his head as the shiba happily waved his tail and whined to greet the familiar face.
“What a surprise to run into you here, Ayato,” Ayaka said, lifting a hand to wave at her brother.
“One second, I’ll go start some tea,” Thoma told the two, reaching upwards to grab at Taroumaru. “Taroumaru, c’mon boy, down you go.”
While Thoma struggled with Taroumaru, Ayato slipped his arms back into his coat as he approached the counter. “My goodness, you’re in high spirits. Thought you’d have a party without me?”
Ayaka shook her head in response. “No, actually we came here to make some plans for your birth-”
“Ahem, milady,” Thoma coughed quickly, catching Ayaka by surprise, but the damage had been done.
Ayato couldn’t help but chuckle at the slip-up. “So that’s it.”
“Ah, my apologies!” Ayaka quickly bowed her head to cover her flustered face, causing Thoma to break out into a fit of giggles as well.
“It’s quite alright,” Ayato told her, briefly placing his hand at the top of her scalp for a reassuring head pat. “Unfortunately, I actually won’t be able to make it to my own party this year.”
“What?!” The two said in unison, looking at him in shock.
“You know how work goes for me,” Ayato said with a half-hearted chuckle. He really did want to celebrate his birthday with his favorite people, but being commissioner wasn’t easy.
“But you already missed yours last year,” Ayaka sighed.
“Well, why don’t we celebrate tomorrow?” Thoma suggested. “Stores are closed right now and I’m still going to need some groceries, but if I wake up early enough, I can probably whip something up.”
“I actually need to depart tomorrow morning,” Ayato told the two, watching as both their faces dropped in disappointment for the second time that night.
“Ayato, breaks are important too.”
“Come now, don’t be like that you two. We can still do something today,” Ayato said reassuringly. He’d be lying, though, if he said that he wasn’t disappointed as well. “Thoma, why don’t you brew the tea? Let’s chat about our lives. It’s been a while.”
“I-I’ll help too,” Ayaka stuttered, clearly still let down at the news.
“Don’t worry, milady, I got this!” Thoma told her as he stood up from the chair, finally setting Taroumaru on the floor. “I’ll join you the two of you in a bit!”
As Thoma busied himself in the back, Ayato followed Ayaka into one of the adjoining rooms, with Taroumaru in tow. Every time he would come back after having been gone for lengths of time, Ayaka always seemed to mature just a little bit. Despite this, though, he’d always see her as his baby sister, so he never failed to pull at his own heartstrings whenever he felt like he let Ayaka down. He’d have to make it up to her, somehow.
“Sorry, I didn’t have time to go shopping for a gift yet,” Ayaka said as she sat down by the table, Ayato taking a place beside her. “I would’ve made time had I known sooner.”
“No need to apologize,” Ayato told her, watching Thoma walk in with the tea set and brewed beverage. “The chance to see you both before then is more than enough.”
Before Ayaka could speak up again, Thoma leaned in from the other side to whisper something into her ear. Ayato watched the two, quirking an eyebrow when Ayaka started nodding to herself and giggling in response. Eventually, Thoma pulled away and started setting the table once more, but Ayato caught the sneaky glances the two gave each other as Thoma moved about.
“What are you two scheming now?”
“Nothing, nothing,” Ayaka covered her mouth as she giggled, clearly hiding something from him. “Let’s just enjoy ourselves for now.”
Ayato looked at Ayaka, then to Thoma, wary of how their moods had suddenly changed. Still, though, he’d rather have this random bout of cheeriness than the gloomy nature from before and he happily accepted the current situation as he offered to pour the two some of the freshly brewed tea. Once poured, the three gave cheers and conversed amongst each other, sharing stories from the time Ayato had been away. Although traumatizing at the time, the three laughed together when Thoma recalled how he nearly peed himself in fear when the Shogun attempted taking his vision away. There was also another time when a guest that looked almost identical to Thoma had paid the Komore Teahouse a visit and Ayaka had thought Thoma dyed his own hair red. Ayato joked that maybe they had finally found Thoma’s replacement, earning himself fierce protests from the blond.
“It’s good to have you back again, milord,” Thoma remarked contently after Ayato had finished sharing his own stories during his time away. “It’s not as fun when you’re gone.”
“I guess Ayaka is too boring for you, huh?” Ayato giggled to himself when Ayaka reacted with a playful slap to his arm. 
“I wouldn’t say that,” Thoma chuckled when Ayaka shot daggers at him from the other side. “By the way, the two of us have an early birthday present for you!”
“Oh? Ayaka, I recall you mentioning how you didn’t have enough time to go out and purchase a gift.”
“Ah, it was a last minute idea by Thoma himself,” Ayaka told her brother, avoiding eye contact with Ayato when he turned to look at her. “I’ll still go out and grab something nice for you, but this will have to suffice for now.”
“Oh, and it’s in the other room,” Thoma mentioned as he and Ayaka stood up together. 
Ayato looked up at the two smiling yet suspicious faces. He had grown up with the two, so it was plain as day to him when either of them were plotting something. Neither of them were great liars. “You guys can’t bring my gift to this room?”
“It’s, uh, fragile?” Thoma said unconvincingly, chuckling awkwardly when Ayato quirked an eyebrow at him.
Something was definitely up and Ayato instinctively grew wary, but he decided to play along for their sake. He stood up after quickly finishing his tea, and nodded at the two to lead the way, Taroumaru following right behind him.
The room across the hall was the exact same from before, with no fragile present in sight, further confirming Ayato’s suspicions that this was some kind of set up. “I don’t see anything noteworthy about this room.”
“You have to close your eyes first,” Ayaka quickly told him. “It’s a surprise.”
Ayato’s eyes shifted between the two, but gave in with a sigh. “Just don’t try anything funny.”
He closed his eyes and listened with heightened senses as the other two shifted around, giggling and whispering to themselves. When everything went quiet, Ayato held out his hands, figuring the two were waiting to give him their gift. Unbeknownst to Ayato, Thoma and Ayaka were standing directly in front of him, readying themselves to pounce as the two silently counted to three together.
“Wha-! Hey! What the-” Ayato yelped as he was pushed to the floor by the two, pinned down by their collective efforts, with Ayato at his upper-half and Ayaka sitting on his legs. Taroumaru also seemed to want to partake in the fun and wagged his tail by Ayato’s head, watching the three curiously.
“Gotcha, milord!” Thoma snickered with a triumphant grin.
Ayato scoffed and shook his head with a smile. “I normally would never fall for something like this, but went along with it anyway for you two. I’m assuming there is no present, then.”
“Yes there is!” Ayaka piped in. “Thoma, why don’t you show him.”
Ayato felt himself tense up when he felt Thoma’s hands grab at his sides, but quickly composed himself as he figured out what the “present” was. He simply gave Thoma a little smile, not from the tickling that the two had planned out, but to convey they weren’t going to break him that easily.
“Thoma, why isn’t he laughing?” Ayaka asked as Thoma attempts at tickling Ayato failed. “Thoma, I thought you said you’ve tickled him before.”
“I-I’m trying, milady,” Thoma stuttered as he tried switching methods, from squeezing his sides to tasering him. “I swear I’ve gotten him before!”
“You’ll have to try harder than that,” Ayato said with a wink, amused at the frustrated expression on Thoma’s face. Ayato even helped them out and spread his arms across the floor, giving Thoma open access to attempt at his underarms, but even that didn’t work.
“Hmm, let me help,” Ayaka said when she noticed nothing was working. Ayato stifled a grunt when he felt her small hands squeeze at his thighs, but he still managed to keep his cool, showing no signs of breaking.
Ayato had to hold back a yawn as he felt multiple hands try their best to evoke at least some kind of reaction. He could easily turn the tables on the both of them if he so chose to and Ayato knew very well how sensitive the two of them were, having tickled both of them countless times, but it was cute watching them struggle at some sort of revenge.
“Maybe I was wrong, milady,” Thoma sighed in defeat, finally stopping to turn to her. 
“Just know that I will be getting my revenge on you two la-GAH!” Ayato quickly clamped a hand over his mouth when he felt Ayaka’s nails graze over one of his knees. Despite his trousers acting as some kind of barrier, he was still able to feel a tickly shock shoot up his leg, creating a kneejerk reaction.
Thoma’s face lit up at his sudden reaction. “Wait, try that again!”
Ayato felt the same motion start up on his other leg and did his best restrain himself, but failed when a snort managed to slip past. Ayaka began skittering her nails against his knees, causing his legs to fidget, and Ayato felt himself slowly beginning to break down. “Pfft- O-Okahahahy! I’m ticklihihish!”
“Thoma, hurry! Get him again!”
Ayato gasped before dissolving into a giggly fit as Thoma brought his hands back to his sides. Now that the floodgates had been broken, it was harder for Ayato to contain his giggles and maintain a more relaxed state, feeling multiple shocks from two different parts of his body.
“We did it!” Thoma exclaimed giddily as his fingers dug into Ayato’s sides, using a mixture of gentle pinching and poking. ��Smiles for the birthday boy!”
Ayato clamped both hands over his mouth as he laughed in an attempt to stifle his giggles, knowing full well how loud his laughter could get. It had been quite a while since the last time he was actually tickled and the sensations felt foreign and fresh, as if no one has tickled him before. Normally, he would be in a position to shut down any attempts from Thoma and Ayaka, but now that they had managed to get him laughing, it felt impossible for himself to recuperate.
“Ahahaha! Guhuhuhuys!” Ayato giggles continued to spill through his hands as the two switched spots. Thoma had gone back to digging his fingers into his underarms, while Ayaka started skittering her nails against his thighs again. The two spots hadn’t tickled before, but now that he was already laughing, he couldn’t stop himself.
“How does it feel have the tables turned on you?” Thoma grinned eagerly, not that Ayato would be able to see through shut eyes and his hands over his face. Since his hands were being used to cover up how embarrassing his face looked, this gave easy access to Thoma’s underarms and made sure to take advantage with swift pokes and prods.
“I think he’s almost as ticklish as you, Thoma,” Ayaka giggled as she started squeezing at Thoma’s thighs, but her words fell on deaf ears due to how focused Thoma had become.
“Tickle, tickle, Aya- er, milord,” Thoma taunted, which just seemed to make things worse as he was not used to being in a position like this.
“AH- HahaheheheHAHAHAHA!” Ayato burst out into fresh laughter at the feeling of his hips being pinched, probably the most ticklish he has felt yet. His laughter echoed throughout the room of the teahouse, drowning out the dampened pitter-patters of the falling rain outside. 
Ayato suddenly felt a hand push away at his own hands at his face, revealing his laughing face to the two. He quickly brought his hands back, but Ayato felt the other hand come back to push them back once more.
“No need to hide your smile,” Thoma said, trying to keep one hand at Ayato’s hips while he his other hand focused on keeping Ayato’s hands away from his face. One less hand tickling him eased his laughter somewhat, until Ayaka brought her hands back to his knees, this time focusing on the undersides. This was somehow worse than the tops of his kneecaps and his legs began to twitch and spasm under Ayaka, renewing his laughter.
“GAHAHAHA! HAHAHEHEHAHA!” Ayato didn’t even try to cover his face at this point as tears brimmed at the corners from his shut eyes. He had never been tickled to such lengths before, but he was somewhat thankful that it was only Ayaka and Thoma that had to see him like this.
“O-Oh?” Thoma suddenly stopped once Taroumaru started pawing at his arm, whining at the blond as he did so. “You think we should stop?”
Taroumaru seemed to understand and barked in response, wagging his tail as he walked back over to Ayato’s head and giving his face reassuring licks, causing Ayato to giggle from the unexpected sensation. Even the puppy kisses tickled.
“I guess Taroumaru knows best,” Ayaka said as she removed herself from the floor and stood up. “Sorry, Ayato. I hope we didn’t take it too far.”
“Here you go, milord.” Thoma got up from straddling Ayato and offered his hand to help the other off the floor.
Ayato wiped away the few tears that had remained and took Thoma’s hand in his own to sit up. “Well, that was certainly not a birthday present I was expecting.”
“Well, neither of us were prepared on such a short notice and Thoma had the idea of sending you off with as much smiles and laughter as possible,” Ayaka told him, her eyes glancing at Ayato apologetically. “I didn’t have anything prepared for you, so I went along with it.”
"No, I appreciate it.” Ayato stood up and smiled at the two, opening his arms for a group hug. “Even though it’s not my actual birthday, I’m still glad I got to spend it with the two of you.”
Ayaka and Thoma both beamed at how content Ayato seemed and eventually joined him in a group hug, with Taroumaru jumping up and down as if he wanted to join as well.
“Happy birthday,” Ayaka said happily.
“Yeah, happy birthday mi- Ack! Nohohoho!”
Ayaka gasped in shock but soon fell into a giggly fit with Thoma as the two were tickled by Ayato, trapped in his embrace. Ayato hummed happily to himself as he listened to their laughter, delighted with how his birthday was going so far.
“I loved my gift so much that I hope you guys don’t a mind part two.”
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Best Friend’s Brother - Chris Evans x Reader (Part 22)
Summary: You and Scott have been best friends ever since you were 10, meeting at summer camp. Being best friends with Scott means you know his family very well. Especially his older brother. After a failed attempt at dating Chris when you were 18, when you move to LA for a job will you and Chris grow close again? What would the world think? and most importantly what would Scott think?
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Angst, Small amount of fluff
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Monday morning you got to work early to try and avoid the paps that were no doubt hanging around. You’d decided not to take dodger with you since you didn’t want to draw more attention to yourself.
There had been a small crowd of paps waiting for you though. You kept your head down as they shouted questions at you. Moving to get in your way trying to get a good picture.
“Did you tell Chris to cheat?” One shouts.
“Why do you hate Circe so much?” Another shouts.
“Are you worried he’d cheat on you?” One more shouts as you finally make your way inside where they couldn’t follow.
When you get to your desk you sit down with a deep sigh dropping your head into your hands. God this was a nightmare. You were dreading leaving work later. Maybe you could ask your boss if you could work from home for a week or two. You didn’t need access to the labs and you’d just be working in your office anyway.
You didn’t need to go find your boss as he soon came to check in on you.
“Hey how are you?” He asks sitting down opposite you.
“Um I don’t know if I’m honest, not great” you sigh leaning back in your chair.
“Not surprised, I did ask campus security to keep an eye out for press but looks like they didn’t get a head start on it” your boss explains.
“Yeah, just got to wait for it to blow over, hopefully it should die down in about a week, but um in the meantime would it be okay if I worked from home?” You ask rubbing your hands together nervously.
“Yes of course take as long as you need, safety and well-being of our staff is top priority. Academia is a tough job already without then world’s media interfering” he tells you letting breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thank you it really helps, I may head home at lunch hopefully the lunch rush around campus will help hide me” you say, and your boss nods his head in agreement.
“Hey, have you thought anymore on whether you want to stay here?” He asks.
You shrug your shoulders “I don’t know I do really like it here, but it’s just a lot more under the microscope here” you sigh glancing out the window half expecting a pap to be there looking in.
“Of course well the offer is still open and there’s no rush, we’d love to keep you here you’re a good addition to the department and the students love you” he tells you standing up.
“Thank you, for everything it’s really helped” you say with a small smile.
At lunch you slipped out of your office and managed to make it all the way to your car without being spotted. Feeling confident you decide to swing by the grocery store on the way back home.
As you walked around the shop you could feel people looking over at you and whispering. Whenever you caught them they’d quickly look away as if they were never were looking. You started to feel slightly on edge as you quickly finished up your shopping desperately to get out.
When you stepped outside though there was a large crowd of paps that instantly swarmed you. You felt like a lamb to the slaughter as you slowly managed to push through them. You chucked the shopping in the car not caring if it fell over or not. Climbing in the car you quickly started the engine and pulled away as quick as possible with the sea of paps around you.
The next couple day were exactly the same. Even if you didn’t go to work, whenever you left the house you were followed. Didn’t matter if you were just giving dodger a walk or just going to see Scott. They were always there shouting at you, the abuse getting worse and worse.
Whenever you opened your phone there was a new news article about you. Branding you as a slut or homewrecker. More comments came from the source saying how Chris and Circe were really serious before you came along. That they were already considering marriage, that he was the one for her. With every new story and new wave of abuse would crash over you.
It was becoming overwhelming and just too much. You felt like the walls were closing in on you every time you stepped out of the house. You were currently just sat on the couch knees pulled up to your chest staring out not actually looking at everything. You were just stuck in your thoughts. To the point that you barely heard your phone ringing.
Looking down you could see Chris’ name flashing across your screen. You hesitate for a moment debating whether to actually pick up or not. You knew he was also struggling too. He’d told you how the press kept asking thinly vailed questions about his love life. You didn’t want to burden him with your issues.
When the ringing stopped you instantly felt guilty leading you to pick up your phone and FaceTime him back.
“Hey sorry I left my phone in the other room” you apologise plastering on a smile as he answered.
“Hey sweetheart it’s okay no worries, how are you?” He asks smiling back at you.
“Fine, just keeping myself busy, how about you the press going any easier on you?” You ask trying to divert the attention away from you.
Chris sighs deeply dropping his head slightly “it’s been a bit better they’ve been putting me with other cast members which has helped” Chris explain with a small smile.
“That’s good” you say forcing a smile.
“(Y/N), sweetheart are you sure you’re okay, I just I’ve seen a few of the articles” Chris asks hesitantly.
You sigh dropping your head running a hand through your hair. God this man could read you like a book. You feel tears starting to build up despite your best efforts. When you looked back up and saw Chris looking back at you concerned.
“It’s um-“ you start your voice breaking.
“It’s not been easy or nice, I feel like I can’t leave the house without being surrounded. The stuff they shout is just horrific. It’s exhausting and I just don’t want to be here. I just wanna go home where nobody really knows me, and I just want it to stop” you say tears rolling down your face. You hug yourself tightly, but it wasn’t enough to stop the sobs.
You could see Chris watching you clearly upset, his brows furrowed lips turned down.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to unload on you, I know it’s not been easy for you either” you sigh shaking your head wiping away the tears.
“Hey, hey, hey no don’t think that, you can always unload on me, this is my world I’m for better or worse used to it, you’re not and its unfair that they’re treating you so badly” Chris tell you brows furrowing in anger.
“I’m sorry” you apologise again.
“Stop apologising, you have done absolutely nothing wrong, we both know that people that care about us know that. The only people who should be apologising are the low life scum who are harassing you” Chris says grumbling angrily, you could see his jaw clenching as he looked to the side trying to get his anger under control.
He looks back over at you and you see his face soften “god I wish I was there right now, I just want to hold you tight, god I miss you” he sighs shaking his head.
“I miss you too, so much, if I could get on a plane and fly over I would. I really just don’t want to be in LA anymore” you tell him, you see him look back at you sadly.
The both of you knew that you going back to Boston would mean having to be long distance for a large majority if the year.
“I get that, as much as it would be nice for you to stay in LA, since I know how much you love working at UCLA and it’s be amazing living with you. I just want you to be happy and if you’re happier in Boston then that’s where I want you to be” Chris tells you and you feel like a small weight had been lifted off of your shoulders.
“Thank you Chris” you sigh smiling slightly.
“It’s okay, I’ve been meaning to try and go home more often, and I’ll have more of a reason to” Chris says making you chuckle.
“God I love you” you sigh.
“I love you too, and don’t worry about all of this I’ll fix it I promise” he smiles.
“Can’t wait until I see you” you say smiling back at him.
“Me neither” he sighs smiling.
“And thank you for letting me vent and talking me down it really helped” you tell him.
“No problem I’m here for you through thick and thin, better or for worse” he smiles.
“Ditto” you say knowing full well that he could be just as bad.
The two of you continue chatting late into the evening. Chris would tell you all the funny things that had been happening on the press tour. While you told him what cute things dodger had done or things Scott had done to keep you occupied.
Lying down in bed with dodgers head resting on your stomach you were slowly finding it hard to stay awake.
“You should get some rest sweetheart” Chris says when he notices you yawn yet again.
“Yeah probably, I don’t want to stop talking to you though” you admit.
“Well I can stay on until you fall asleep, return the favour for when you did the same for me” Chris offers making you chuckle.
“You did look peaceful” you tell him propping your phone up beside you.
“I felt peaceful, it was almost like you were with me” Chris smiles making your heart flutter.
“Now c’mon get some rest, I’ll stay on the line until you’re fast asleep and I’ll call you again in the morning” Chris says.
“Okay, night Chris I love you” you yawn getting yourself comfortable.
“Night sweetheart, I love you too” Chris smiles as your eyelids grow heavy and you soon fall asleep.
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Series Masterlist / Masterlist
Tagged:   @n3ssm0nique @henrythickcavill @waywardswain @lharrietg @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3 @coldmuffinpartycloud @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @crazyjadedstar @thereisa8ella @andyrazzledazzle @uniquebeautyqueen @saltyflowermakertaco @jennamarieee623 @hockeychick10 @patzammit @itsfanxlaura19 @tvckerlance @panaitbeatrice @aidinniram @thevelvetseries @sltwins @mytbel0st @tabletennischampion @sassyandsarcastic17 @traceyaudette @elrw24 @dontbescaredtosingalong @denisemarieangelina​ @christina831​ @ysmmsy
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mayra-quijotescx · 2 years
if you've known me for a while, you know I have always (except when allowed to be nocturnal) regarded mornings as an old and bitter enemy. But I recently learned, thanks to someone taking the immense risk of talking about it on social media and possibly wrecking it for themself, that for a variety of reasons, very few people hit the grocery store before 9AM.
Maybe they're all headed to work, maybe they're tired and sleeping in, maybe they have other things going on. But if you land in the grocery store between opening and ~9AM most days, odds are it's just going to be you, the opening shift workers, and a couple of older gentlefolks. (and maybe a few other crowd-averse people, which is why I'm wary of talking it up too much, lest we end up creating an Oops! All Introverts rush hour at goddamn 7AM bc nobody wants to be in a late-afternoon grocery crowd.) I wouldn't try it on Sunday bc IDK what churchgoers are up to and I frankly don't trust them, but any other day of the week is fair game, especially the widely-dreaded Monday through Wednesday mornings.
So now when my dumbass brain wakes me up at 6:31AM even though it and I both know we're exhausted as hell, and the weather is decent enough to put up with for a ~45min round trip, I don't get mad. I get groceries. Except now I'm wired and it's not even 10:30 yet? Not sure what to do with that. In my happier days, I'd've still been asleep right now.
*according to people who live in real cities (ie. not Houston, which is more like if a bunch of suburbs unionized but then decided they all hated each other too much to cooperate on anything), a similar phenomenon can be observed from ~12AM-2AM, as everyone is for the most part either trying to sleep in preparation for the next day or trying to forget the previous day at the bar. And if I lived in a real city, let me tell you, I'd be a regular fixture in the nearest all-night grocery. Just me and my little shopping cart singing along to the in-house music bc nobody can see me doing that through my trusty N95. Maybe doing a little dance if I felt bold enough.
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scribbuluswrites · 3 years
The Shopping
I know the updates have become quite sporadic... but, I finally have a couple (seven, really) chapters! My love for these guys has apparently been reignited, and I am ready to get their story finished!
As always, thank you so much for reading and sticking with me. 2021 has been one hell of a year. :)
Happy stretched and rolled over, feeling the sheets move as Katarina tried to slide out of bed. He growled and snagged an arm around her waist. He hauled her back against his chest, wrapping his body around hers. 
“This is my first day off in months. Trust me, you aren’t going anywhere,” he mumbled, tangling his leg with hers so she really couldn’t escape. 
Kat giggled softly, scratching her nails against his forearm. “I’ll be back in bed in an hour tops.” She patted his elbow, waiting for him to move. Happy stayed perfectly still. 
“Nope,” he disagreed, squeezing her tighter. 
“Hap,” she laughed, squirming until she could roll onto her back. “I am so glad you’re home today, but unfortunately, the world continues spinning. I have to get groceries today.” 
“Get ‘em later.” 
“If I go now, the market will be basically empty. I hate the Friday crowds, and Dorothy has a particularly long list since we have a special guest this weekend,” she explained, moving again so she was facing him. “So…” she began, brushing kisses against his chest. “Short market trip now, much longer time together later.” 
Happy groaned, but he let Katarina go. “Who else is coming by?” The last thing Happy wanted was to share her with anyone this weekend. There hadn’t been nearly enough alone hours since he’d been out. 
“You’re the special guest,” she replied, looking at him like he should have known. “This is your first more than one day visit in months. Your mom has been talking about it nonstop. She’s making all of your favourite foods, and I managed to talk her down to just three desserts,” Kat added, grinning at him. 
“I told her not to make a fuss,” he grumbled, rubbing his head roughly. Happy heaved one more sigh before rolling out of bed quickly, grabbing Kat on his way. He carried her into the bathroom. 
“I thought you were having a proper lazy morning,” she wondered, wrapping her arms around Happy’s neck. 
“I thought I was, but apparently I’m going to the store,” he replied roughly, leaning in to turn on the shower. He still had Kat in his arms and the movement caused him to inadvertently spray her back with ice cold water. 
“Cold!” she gasped, pressing closer against Happy to get away from the stream of frigid water. He grinned at the surprised expression on her face, feeling mischievous. Happy stepped into the shower, doing his best to put the cold out of his mind. “What are you doing?” Kat squeaked. 
“We don’t have time to wait for the water to heat up. Friday crowds,” he said flatly. 
“But it’s freez-” Kat started to argue, but he cut her off with a kiss. 
Happy pushed her back against the wall, grinding his hips against her. “I bet I can make you forget all about it.” 
Kat groaned, no longer concerned with the icy spray. There was something much more important on her mind now. 
Despite their interlude, Kat and Happy had gotten ready in record time. They made it to the store well before the crowds, and Katarina felt relieved to be one of the first. It would definitely make for a faster trip.
She tried her best not to keep smiling as she travelled up the first few aisles, gathering dry baking ingredients. It felt pleasantly strange having Happy follow her around the grocery store, pushing the trolley as she grabbed items off the shelves. He didn’t say much, but Kat could tell that he was feeling a similar thing. It was the closest they had to normal. 
She checked things off her list, scanning it carefully for the next aisle they would need. Kat had these trips down to a science, having already memorised the layout. The weekly shop wasn’t a particularly special task, but she took a little pride in making it as efficient as possible.
Behind her, Happy turned left instead of right, heading toward the chips and popcorn. Katarina noticed him, pausing her usual routine to go after him.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Kat caught up to Happy, taking his elbow and trying to steer him back on course. Happy looked down at her with his brows furrowed.
“I want some popcorn,” he said, briefly resisting her. He had no idea why she was trying to direct him back to the other aisles.
“Yes, but we have to finish the aisles to the right first. Then, we come back towards the registers on the left,” Kat explained, her cheeks going pink at the look on Happy’s face. 
“But we’re right here,” he said, his expression softer as he started to tease her. Happy knew there was a reason, but it was more fun to have her explain it.
“Yeah, but we’ll come back this way, and…” Kat trailed off. Happy’s mouth pulled up in a faint grin. “I have a system,” she shrugged, uncomfortable with his scrutiny. 
“You have a system,” he echoed, still grinning at her. Happy stepped to the side again, holding out his arm to gesture for Kat to lead on. 
Katarina bit the inside of her cheek, still hiding her smile. She glanced back at the list and headed to the next aisle. Her expression fell, though, as she saw the store manager. He was borderline too friendly. 
“Good morning, Miss Kasun,” he greeted warmly, reaching to pat her on the shoulder. Happy could tell that Kat’s grin was very stiff and very forced. Out of reflex, he put himself between Katarina and this stranger, blocking the man’s hand. 
“Morning,” she returned, her voice tense. “Trying out Friday shifts?” The question was innocuous enough, but Happy knew it was a way to get information. He’d given her plenty of tips on how to get details without people realising what they were sharing.
“I swapped with Brad once he mentioned you’d started to come in on Fridays. I wanted to be sure I could help out if you needed it.” 
“I’m fairly self-sufficient,” Kat replied, briefly losing her fake smile. The man laughed heartily. 
“How’s your mom doing?” he asked, clearly choosing not to notice her discomfort.
“Oh, she’s not my mom. She’s his mom, actually,” Kat answered, gesturing to Happy. She seemed relieved to get the focus off of her. Happy took the opportunity to put his arm around Katarina. 
“Happy,” he introduced, decidedly not offering a handshake. “I know it’s not on the list, but could you get some English muffins?” Happy asked, giving Kat his full attention for a moment. 
She’d never seen him eat an English muffin before, but Kat assumed it was all he could think of since they were already on the bread aisle. It was a ruse to get rid of her, and she felt nothing but relief. 
“Yeah, of course,” Katarina nodded, starting to step away. Happy pressed a quick kiss to her temple, not making it awkward but definitely getting his point across. 
As she walked away, Happy turned back to the manager. The man was looking past him and towards Katarina, his eyes watching her much too closely. 
“I suggest you keep your eyes off her,” Happy growled, his voice low. “My girl doesn’t want your attention, and you can either leave her alone or start losing fingers.” Happy didn’t raise his voice but the warning was clear. 
“You can’t threaten me,” the man stammered, taking a step back. His eyes got wider as Happy took a half step forward.
“It’s not a threat,” Happy assured, the faint grin back. It only made him look more menacing, though. “I won’t threaten you, ever. I’ll just fucking kill you,” he added, clapping the man’s shoulder. 
With that, Happy walked away. He caught up to Kat, grinning down at her as she slid an arm under his kutte to wrap around his waist. He kissed the top of her head, letting both of them indulge in the ‘couple’ moment they could have so far from Charming. 
“I like it when you threaten people for me,” she whispered, tucking closer under his arm. 
“Like I told him, it wasn’t a threat, just a fact.” 
Kat scoffed. “I like it when you tell people you’ll kill them for me. Better?” she asked, putting on her most serious face to match his.
Happy ignored her cheek. “If you tell me someone’s bothering you, I’ll do it faster,” he mentioned. 
“I know, but he’s harmless. I didn’t need to add to your shit,” Kat explained. 
“No buts, tell me next time,” Happy insisted. “I told you I’d take care of you, and I meant it.” Happy waited until Kat nodded. “Back to this list,” he said, taking the paper from her hands. 
Katarina grinned, glad to get back on topic. “You’re starting to like the list, aren't you?” 
Happy looked down at her, his hand sliding down her back. “You said it’s efficient. I figure you’ve got about fifteen more minutes before I’m back inside you.” 
Kat’s face went red at his bluntness. “We can’t even make it home in fifteen minutes.” 
“Guess we’re gonna have to find a solid tree on the way home,” he rasped, putting a finger under Kat’s chin to gently close her mouth as she gaped at him. “List.” 
“List,” she repeated, forcing herself to focus once more. Her mind was definitely filled with non-grocery thoughts at the moment, but she knew Happy wouldn't hesitate to pull her into the toilets for a quickie. She’d rather try to make it home than risk getting banned from this market.
Despite his earlier words, Happy hadn’t pulled off to the side of the road. He’d thought about it, seeing a few well hidden spots. But, something inside him had shifted just a little bit as they’d loaded all of the groceries. 
It was such a simple thing, but he’d never let anyone into his life far enough for trips to the store. He hadn’t run errands like this, and Happy couldn’t deny that he wanted this sort of life with Katarina. Whether he would admit it out loud, he had a partner now.
The sense of home had only intensified as Katarina buzzed around the kitchen, putting everything in its right place. This was as much her kitchen as his now, especially with her name on the deed, and she knew intricacies of the day to day that Happy didn’t. 
He found himself standing back a little, watching her organise the pantry a bit before making sure Dottie’s pills were all counted and sorted for the day. Happy was filled with an overwhelming sensation of ours, realising that Katarina treated his mother like family. He was starting to accept that Kat was his family now, and this place was their home. 
Kat put the last spice container in the cabinet above the stove, barely closing the door before Happy slid his arms around her waist. He turned her around slowly, moving to stroke his fingers over her cheek. The look in his eyes took her breath away. 
Happy tilted his head, studying her a bit more before he leaned in to kiss her. His movements were slow and deliberate. It was the first time he’d really been tender rather than hungry. It felt… It felt a lot like love.
She pulled away after a few moments, not wanting Dorothy to walk in on anything. Kat took Happy’s hand, leading him back towards their bedroom. She closed the door behind them, turning to face Happy once more. 
He had taken a seat on the edge of the bed, his expression open and vulnerable. It was unlike anything Kat had seen, and it nearly broke her heart to think how rare it just might be. 
“Are you happy here?” he said softly, his eyes watching as Kat stepped closer, standing between his knees. Happy’s hands moved to rest on her thighs, looking up at her. 
Kat nodded, resting her hands on his shoulders. Happy’s hands slid up her legs, pausing at the hem of her shirt. It was like he was asking permission. 
Katarina hadn’t really felt in charge before, knowing Happy wouldn’t push her but also realising that he wouldn’t let her lead. This was a big gesture, and she wondered exactly what he was trying to tell her. Kat grabbed the hem of her shirt, tugging it over her head.
Happy took his cue, slowly stripping away the rest of her clothing piece by piece. As he exposed more skin, he pressed featherlight kisses against it, unaware that Kat was still watching him closely. 
Once she was down to her panties, Happy lifted her up. He turned to lay her on the bed gently, continuing to worship her. Kat held her breath as he dotted kisses over her ankle before trailing his lips up her calf.
Once Happy was satisfied that he’d kissed every bit of her skin, he retreated just long enough to shuck his own clothes, crawling over her. Katarina wasn’t sure what was happening in his head, but she knew she was losing a battle to the warmth rising in her chest. 
She tried her best to bite down the words, her brain slowly losing against her heart as Happy pressed another impossibly gentle kiss to her lips. 
“Hap,” she whispered, scared to meet his eyes. She knew things were going to change, but she couldn’t stop herself. 
“Look at me,” he urged, his voice soft. Kat’s eyes slowly met his, her voice nearly failing. 
“I think… I’m falling in love with you.” Kat regretted the words as soon as they slipped out. She knew Happy would push her away, knew he would put as much distance between them as possible. 
Happy didn’t flinch, though. He didn’t pull away, and he didn’t bolt for the door. Instead, he kissed her again, letting his actions show her he felt the same way. He made love to her. 
Afterwards, Happy wrapped his arms tightly around Kat. He held her against his chest, his other hand stroking soft circles over her back. She felt herself getting lulled to sleep despite the strange midmorning hour. 
Katarina awoke with a start. Someone was knocking on the bedroom door. It would be very out of character for Dorothy to disturb when Happy was home. 
“Kat, I hate to wake you, but I just want to be sure you’re alright,” Dottie’s voice called through the door. “You don’t usually sleep this late.” 
“I’m fine,” she called back, sitting up as she realised the bed was empty. Dorothy must know Happy wasn’t in the room. “Happy and I went to the store earlier, and I guess I took a nap,” she explained. Kat’s heart sank as she noticed his kutte was missing. 
There was a note sitting on his pillow. ‘Club shit’
Kat knew it was useless, but she grabbed her mobile anyway, calling him. There was no answer. She told herself he was just busy, but as the afternoon slowly turned into a week, Kat knew the Happy she’d had was gone. 
Tags: @gemini0410 @scuzmunkie @woahitslucyylu @chibsytelford @jitterbugs927 @yourwonkywriter @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @withmyteeth @est1887
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Accidently Married | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 5 | You practically whipped it out and peed on her.
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A/N:  Tom makes certain comments about an ex (who is unnamed).  It is a fictional girlfriend, take from it what you will.  Keep your hate to yourself.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Molly Bishop)
Summary: Tom is stuck in a news cycle from hell; Molly is stuck in the dead end job of bartending with a pile of student and credit debt.  Tom has an idea to solve all their problems.  Get married, get the paparazzi off his back, divorce after a year and Tom pays off Molly’s debts.  Tom has everything figured out, that is until he sees Molly as more than a just a friend and so does someone else.  In this vying for affections who will win, the handsome Brit or the boy from Boston?
This Chapter: Molly and Tom face their first big industry event, a Marvel party.  Tom finds himself unprepared for how he feels about Molly.  Particularly how he feels about Molly being friendly with a certain Captain. 
Warnings: fake marriage, smut (vaginal sex), mentions of:  child abuse/neglect, foster care, substance abuse, cheating.
Molly made a quick recovery and things went back to the usual routine. For her. Tom found himself wearing his better workout clothes. The ones without the holes. And wearing cologne and shaving.
“Did you shave?” Molly asked one morning, running her hand over his chin.
“Shame, I kind of liked how you looked with the stubble.”
Tom’s smile faded, and he started shaving only once or twice a week from then on. 
“I need you to go shopping.” Tom mentioned one day on his way out. 
Molly didn’t glance up from her reading. “Just make a list and I’ll go to the grocery store today.”
“No.” Tom fidgeted. “There’s an event. A party.” He cleared his throat. “For Marvel.” Tom tugged at his hair.
Molly’s eyes bugged out. “This isn’t just some party, is it?”
“No. It’s a big deal. All the stars will be there. Kevin Feige and some other execs. Think you handle it?”
Molly smirked. “Piece of cake, I have been charming VIPs for years. What kind of look do you want? Sweet wife or damn that’s his wife?”
Tom pulled her close. “Somewhere in between. Have Emma help you. I have no idea where to buy women’s clothes.”
“Will do.” Molly kissed his cheek. “Have a good day.” She pressed her hand on his chest.
“You too.” He returned the kiss on the cheek and stepped out of the door. 
Molly grabbed her phone and dialed Emma.
“So where does someone go to get a cocktail dress in this town?”
Molly caught Tom digging in her wardrobe the morning before the event. 
“What are you doing in there?” Molly called out from the doorway. 
Tom jumped and hit his head on the door. “I… I… was… just looking to see… if…” he sputtered, searching for a story.
“If you could see my dress before tonight.” She waved a hand, gesturing Tom out of the room. “Out.”
“But I need to make sure we coordinate.” Tom whined. His fingers lingered on a garment bag.
“That’s my wedding dress.” she sighed. “If I give you a color, will you yield?”
“On my honor as a gentleman.” Tom smiled.
“Black. Now leave. Your sister is coming over in a few hours to do my hair.”
Tom wrinkled his nose. “How long does hair take?”
She patted his cheek. “Oh you sweet summer child.”
Tom did the best to ignore the giggles coming from Molly’s bathroom. He fiddled with his jacket and shirt sleeves. He selected a black tweed-like suit with a grey shirt and tie. They should coordinate, he thought. For photos. 
A loud burst of laughter came from the bathroom. Tom strolled over and knocked on the door. Emma popped her head out.
“She’s not ready yet.” 
“We need to leave in fifteen minutes.” Tom countered.
“Give me ten.” Emma shooed him away. “Now go away.”
Tom shoved his hands in pockets. “It’s my house, you know.” he muttered.
“Our house!” Molly piped up from behind the door.
Emma turned to her. “Don’t engage. It only encourages him to stick around.” Emma’s head snapped back to Tom. “Why are you still here?”
“I’m going! Ten minutes, Em!” 
 Tom paced the living room floor. Twelve minutes later, Emma stepped in and cleared her throat.
“I present your stunning wife.” 
Molly stepped into the room and Tom’s breath caught in his throat. This was unlike how he had ever seen her before. Her tiered ruffled black dress hit right above the knee. Cut low in the front and back, it was sexy but not scandalous. Her hair pulled back into a low chignon. 
“Yeah…” Tom breathed, staring at Molly, who fidgeted in place.
“Thanks.” She caught the time. “Shit! Tom, we need to get going. Thanks so much, Em.”
Emma hugged Molly. “My pleasure. Next time we use the big bathroom. Or maybe my brother will renovate that bathroom to a his and hers.”
“Huh?” Tom frowned, glancing at Emma.
Emma giggled. “That’s my cue to leave.” She hugged Tom. “She really is your match, Tom.” Emma whispered in his ear.
Molly waited until the door shut before reaching over, playfully smacking Tom’s chest. 
“Brilliant acting job there! You had me going for a moment there.” 
Tom chuckled. “Right. Right. Let’s go.” He wrapped his arm around her waist.
Molly wasn’t lying when she said the party would be a piece of cake. She charmed everyone she spoke to. Tom most of all. He beamed, watching her from across the room. 
“You are positively glowing, Thomas.” Benedict sidled up next to him. “I guess that means the rumours are true.” Ben sipped his drink.
“Hmmm?” Tom turned to his friend, lost in thought. 
“Earth to Tom.” Ben mocked. 
Tom frowned at him. “I’m sorry, something distracted me. What was the question?” 
“Would that something be that young lady charming Mark Ruffalo, who is sporting a pretty diamond on an important finger?”
“And they said you shouldn’t play Sherlock.” Tom mocked. “That young lady happens to be Molly.”
“And what would be Molly’s last name?”
“Hiddleston.” Tom muttered.
“Is this a mysterious third sister?”
Tom threw Benedict a derisive glare. “Why don’t you just come out and ask the question, Benedict? It’s not a sister, that’s my wife. I got married. There, happy?” Tom huffed, downing half his cocktail. 
“Yes. But more importantly, are you happy?” 
Tom glanced over at Molly, laughing at something Mark said. “I am. I really am.” 
“Then, congratulations.” Ben clinked his glass with Tom’s.
Molly sidled up to the bar to catch a breath. 
“Cranberry and soda with a twist of lime.” she ordered, leaning against the bar. 
“Finally a moment alone with the belle of the ball.” A deep voice said next to Molly.
She turned to face none other than Chris Evans. He sipped on a bottle of beer, wearing a black on black suit with a brown tie. It shouldn’t work, but it did. 
“Captain America, himself.” She smiled and extended a hand. Chris shook it. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“Most people just call me Chris. And you, what do people call you?” He flashed a smile which she returned.
Chris took another swig of beer. Molly licked her lips, watching. “So what do you do, Molly, besides charming the pants off of everyone in the room?”
Tom’s head snapped around at Molly’s laugh from across the room. 
“Excuse me for a moment, Ben. I think Molly needs me.”
Benedict’s furrowed at how Tom could know that. Then he spied where Tom was beelining. The bar where Molly and Chris Evans stood in quite the animated conversation. He snaked his way through the crowd to get a better view.
Molly giggled. “That is too funny, Chris. Is it true that…” she sensed someone behind her. It was Tom. “Tom!”
“Oh you met Molly.” Chris offered.
Molly snorted. Tom’s hand wrapped around her waist, squeezing tight. Her stomach fluttered at Tom’s touch. 
“I have.” Tom snapped back. “She’s my wife.”
“Oh shit!” Chris held up his hands. “I’m so sorry man. I had no idea. Congratulations. That’s quite a girl you got there.” 
Molly smiled and relaxed against Tom. He kept his death grip on her waist, but he did smile at Chris.
“Darling, Benedict is dying to meet you. Can I steal you away?” 
Molly twisted to gaze up at Tom, cupping his cheek. “Of course, love.” She reached out to touch Chris’s arm, not noticing Tom’s smile faltering. “Steal away.”
Tom leaned down and kissed her lips before leading her away. 
After a quick chat with Benedict, Molly excused herself to the bathroom. Ben leaned into Tom.
“What the hell was that?” Ben hissed.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Tom tugged on his jacket.
“I mean that little territory marking over there with Evans.” Ben commented. “You practically whipped it out and peed on her.” 
“Don’t be crude. I was just… making sure Molly met you.” Tom lied. 
“Bullshit. You were jealous. Why? She married you.”
Tom sipped his drink. “It’s complicated.” 
“Then explain it to me.”
“Not here.” Tom hissed. 
“Then lunch, tomorrow.” Benedict offered. “Just you and me and the truth.”
Tom paled. Molly came back and wrapped her arm around him.
“Did I miss anything?”
“Nothing. Other than me missing you.”
“Aww.” Molly leaned her head against Tom’s chest. “I’m going to the bar. Do you gentlemen want anything?”
Tom perked up. “I’ll come with you.” 
Ben mumbled into his glass, emptying it. “Just whipping it out.” Tom shot him daggers.
“What was that?” Molly questioned.
“I am just heading out.” Ben said, covering. “Sophie will be expecting me.”
Molly leaned over and kissed Ben’s cheek. “I can’t wait to meet her. She sounds delightful.”
“She is.” Ben nodded. “Tom.” He extended his hand, and the two gave a quick hug.
“Benedict.” Tom responded tensely. 
Tom stuck to Molly’s side for the rest of the event. She appreciated the attention but was a little sad she didn’t get to finish up her conversation at Chris. She could swear Tom was keeping her from Chris. Molly shrugged off the feeling. 
She chattered on the ride home. 
“That was a lot fun, Tom. Everyone was nice.”
“They were.” Tom responded, gripping the steering wheel tight.
“Mark, Ben, Chris, and Robert.” 
Tom bristled at Chris’s name. He plastered on a smile. “But I’m the one going home with you.”
She placed her hand on top of his and ran her thumb over his knuckles. Each swipe sent electricity through Tom. 
“I hope I was convincing. You don’t think anyone suspects?” 
“What?” Tom glanced over at her. His voice grew more tense.
“About us. The whole fake marriage.” 
“Oh. No, darling, you were perfect.” 
He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. The first true thing he had said for most of the night. Molly wasn’t just lovely. She was perfect. Damning and infuriatingly perfect. And he was in love with her. And she wasn’t in love with him.
Tom feigned being exhausted once they got home. 
“I’m off to bed.”
“Me too.” Molly pulled off her black pumps. Tom headed towards his room. “Wait. I forgot! Will you get my zipper? Emma had to do me up.” She spun around.
Tom gulped. “Sure.” His fingers shook as he tugged the zipper down. His fingertips grazing across Molly’s back. Her skin soft and warm.
“Th.. thanks.” Molly stuttered.
“You’re welcome.”
She held the dress up by crossing her arms in front of her. She kissed Tom’s lips. “Night, Tom.”
He kissed her back, not how he wanted to. He wanted to rip that dress off of her and push her against the wall and kiss her until she lost her breath and then kiss her some more. Just for good measure. 
He leaned back. “Good night, Molly.” His voice low and soft as if he didn’t trust to speak too loud. As if he would spook her and ruin everything.
Molly’s head dropped, and she headed to her room, door clicking shut.
“Shit!” Tom yanked his tie off. “Real fucking smooth Hiddleston.”
Tom begged off their run that morning, claiming he was too tired from last night. In fact, he didn’t get up until he had to leave to meet Benedict for lunch. 
Molly sat up when Tom came into the living room.
“Are you feeling okay?” She beckoned him over and she pressed her hand to his forehead. “No fever.”
“I’m fine. Just tired.” He kissed her cheek. “I appreciate your concern, though. I’m off to meet Ben. Think you’ll be okay for a few hours without me?” 
“I think I can manage.” Molly mock pouted. “But hurry home.”
“Yes, darling.” Tom smiled and gave her a quick peck before walking out the door.
Ben was already seated when Tom arrived at the pub. 
“Look like shit, Tom.” Ben commented.
“I didn’t sleep well last night.” Tom grabbed a menu and ordered a coffee and water. 
“The wife keep you up?” Ben sipped his beverage.
“Not exactly.”
“Yeah, what is that all about? And why would you be jealous of Evans?”
Tom groaned. “Can I at least get my coffee?”
“Nope.” Ben grinned a wide grin.
Tom sighed. “Okay so here is what happened…”
Benedict sat there silently while Tom relayed the whole sordid tale. He left nothing out, not even Clive. 
Tom gazed up at his friend. “Say something, Ben. The silence is deafening.”
Benedict pressed his fingers to his lips. “And Luke doesn’t know?”
“And not your mother?”
“No. Just you.” Tom huffed. “And Molly.”
“Obviously. Seems rather simple.”
“Simple?! How is anything simple?! I am in love with her, Ben.” Tom stabbed at his food. “She’s all I think about.”
“See, simple. Tell her how you feel.” Ben smiled. “The two of you are already married. Seems like you skipped all the hard stuff.” 
“And when she rejects me? Not so simple. I can’t lose her.”
Ben stared at his friend. “You really are blind, aren’t you? I saw how she looked at you last night. There is something there, and it is not you paying off her student loans. Molly genuinely cares for you.”
Tom’s brows raised. “You think so.”
“I know so. Now let’s come up with a plan for you to woo your wife.”
Tom grinned. 
Molly settled back onto the couch, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. 
“Tom?” she called out while moving to answer the door. “Did you forget your key—” She stopped short upon seeing who it was. “Oh, Chris.”
Evans stood there wearing a plain tee that clung to his classic A-frame torso. Molly stared for a bit. 
“Hi!” He smirked at her.
“Um, Tom left to have lunch with Ben.”
“Actually, I am here to invite you out to lunch. We never got to finish our conversation.” 
“Let me grab my coat.” 
Chris grinned as Molly grabbed her purse and coat before locking up. He slung an arm over her shoulder. “Now where is a good place to eat around here?”
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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sinner | bucky barnes
word count; 14,861
summary; bucky is spending the one day he get’s to walk the earth freely the way he usually does. normal demon things. then, he meets his angel.
notes; I got carried away, nothing else to say. the pic is pretty much exactly how I picture demon!bucky looking. also, I did not proofread this, because it’s three am. take it easy on me if it’s riddled with grammatical fuck-ups.
warnings; it’s literally called ‘sinner’. you can work out the warnings.
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Bucky didn’t mean to run into you, in fact, you certainly weren’t what he was looking for as he wandered the aisles of a grocery store at two in the morning, but he still had hours before the day really began and the fun could really start, but sometimes he’d find runaways or strays who were so high he thought they surely shouldn’t be able to stand, who he could convince to do a little theft, but then there was you. 
Here he was, making the absolute most of the first few hours of the one day that demons were allowed to walk the earth, darkness still filling the sky and a cold breeze that was more than enough to make him shivering the coolness of the late-year air, and then you’d strolled in. 
An angel on earth, literally. 
He’d heard tales, girls so pretty they could bring you to your knees, an aura that glowed and glittered, all things holy and magical, and the absolute opposite of him, and he was drawn to you from the second that you’d stepped into the building. The cashier behind the till was just a kid, snoozing against his hand as the addict in aisle three continues to shove chocolate bars into his pocket, upon hearing whisperings that he should - something Bucky was still smirking about - as he followed you around towards the bread section.
He could see you more clearly now, and you really were gorgeous. Soft skin, covered mostly by hospital scrubs, and he tried to cover his scoff, finding it absolutely typical that an angel would be here working in a hospital, some kind of selfless act, and he wouldn't be at all surprised if you were a volunteer too, just to really rub your altruistic nature into everybody else’s faces. That was the one thing he didn’t understand, he didn’t get how everybody looked up to Heaven and prayed to a God or deity, how nobody thought it odd how they were all constantly being shamed by bars they could never reach, set so high they weren’t even in sight anymore, but then again, he didn’t like to judge. 
Not when his own actions would be so heavily frowned upon, but what can you expect from a demon? It’s in his nature.
You were tired, you weren’t paying much attention, a scrap of paper in your hands that look awfully similar to the back of a prescription as you moved through the store, trying to fill your basket with everything you’d need, none the wiser as he tailed you slowly, studying you, trying to work it out. From all the stories he’d heard, angels had left the earth long ago, so long that their existence at all had become something that he’d heard questioned many times in the underworld, and so he couldn't quite work out why you were herein a gas station store in the first few hours of Halloween morning. 
He wanted answers, he wanted to get a little closer, confirm it all for himself, and as you spun around to head to the checkout, you crashed right into him, a yelp leaving you as you jumped back, and your eyes finally met his, once you had steadied yourself. One look into his eyes, a quick flicker around the edges of his body as he was certain you could see his own aura, tainted and stained with darkness, before your eyes were going infinitely wider, and the basket in your hands fell to the floor with a crash. 
The items scattered around his feet, tins rolling away and disappearing under shelves, and that exhaustion you’d once had was fading away, replaced with shock and fear, and as you took a step back, he took another step forwards, crowding you up into the shelves, a hand on either side of your head to keep you kept from leaving, and a smirk took over as he watched you tremble a little. 
You hissed the word out like an insult, and he feigned offence, before that wicked smirk he knew he was wearing twisted up into a sinister grin, head tipping to the side just a little. “Well, hey there, angel.”
“What do you want?”
“You’re very hostile. I haven’t even done anything to you.” He paused, eyes scanning over your face, closing in on the place where you were nibbling on your lower lip anxiously. “Yet.”
“If you’re going to kill me, then just kill me, demon. Get it over with.” You were shaking now, full-blown fear, and he let out a little sigh, dropping his hands but remaining where he stood. 
“There’s no fun in that, is there?” You only scowled, standing strong in spite of the fact that he could practically hear your heart beating out of your chest. “What are you doing here?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“It means; what are you doing on Earth, on all Hallow’s Eve?” You had the guts to shove at his shoulders a little, pushing past him to begin to collect your shopping back up, and he sank down into a squat, tipping the basket back to the way it should be, and placing the items back within it carefully, waiting for your answer.
“I live on Earth, and I’m running late to get home. Away from the likes of you.”
He handed you back your basket as the two of you stood, having gathered everything you could find, and he let out a low ‘oooh’ in teasing at your words, laughing through it as the furrow between your brows only deepened. “I thought angels didn’t live here anymore, not holy enough for you once it was corrupted with sin, so you all retreated back up to the promised lands, to spit on the rest of us from the clouds.” He sneered it a little, he couldn’t help it, but you avoided his eyes, shoulders sinking as you shrugged.
“Yes, well, that would be spectacular and all, but they don’t let halfbreeds into Heaven.” He waited, walking alongside you as you moved towards the counter, and he would laugh at his own image if he could see himself now, but somehow, here he was, wasting the only day of the year that he was free to walk around the surface and escape from the depths of the underworlds by helping you pack your groceries. “My father was one of them, and my mother was not. I’m just a cast out. Earning my way.”
You only deadpanned, punching your PIN into the machine a little more aggressively than he thought would be normal for you, but then again, you were on edge, and even with your soured mood, you still wished a cheery goodnight to the kid behind the register that made him sick with the amount of earnest goodwill lacing your tone. “What do you want from me, if not to kill me? Is this part of the thrill for you, to make me let me guard down and then to kill me?”
“I don’t want to kill you.”
“All demons want to kill people.” You stopped short at the door, and he almost bumped into you, close to dropping the bags in his arms as he avoided the collision, raising his brows a little bit as you glared at him, before snatching your backs from his arms and taking a wide step back from him. 
“I see I’m not the only ones with misguided ideas about the other.” He tried to take a step forward, but you twisted away from him, protective of your groceries and your life. “Not all demons want to kill. Some of us just get our kicks by convincing people to commit petty crimes and scaring kids on Halloween night. Well, that and stealing candy from babies, obviously.”
He could see the way you tried to suppress your amusement, but your lips flicked up at the sides, and you dropped your shoulders, seeming to give in. Your eyes rolled slightly, before you were moving once again, clearly trusting him enough to let him walk you over to his car, and he held your bags for you as you opened it, loading them into the trunk before slamming it shut, leaning against the cold metal. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, demons can only come up to the surface on H-”
“No, I don’t mean here.” You waved your arms, making a large circle that he supposed was supposed to represent the Earth, before you were pointing at the building behind you both, shaking your head. “I meant here. Like, the grocery store. Surely that’s wasting your one day.”
“Well, I met you, didn’t I, angel?”
“Stop being so.. flirty.” You shuffled uncomfortably under his stare, your true nature showing through, and a shock of thrill and excitement raced through him, tucking some hair behind your ear, before you shook him off. 
“Can’t help it. It’s in my nature. Lust, and the other ‘deadly’ sins, as such.” You didn’t reply, and as much as he hated to admit it, you were the most exciting thing that had happened to him in decades of Halloweens, so he gave in, moving a half-step away for you again to give you your space. “Not much to do at this hour, except kill people in alleyways. But, that’s not really my style.”
“I see.”
“Can I be brutally honest with you?”
“Have you lied to me, already? We’ve only known each other for twenty minutes. Then again, you are a sinner.” He chuckled at your pathetic jab, but shook his head in denial, soothing you a little. 
“Your life sucks.”
“It does not!” You crossed your arms over your chest, foot stomping a little, and it was an adorable display of anger if he was being true to his thoughts. 
“Yeah? Let me guess, you’re wearing scrubs so I reckon you work at a hospital or care facility, probably a volunteer too, or you do some kind of volunteer work to fill your time. You took a night shift tonight to cover for someone else, because you just can’t say ‘no’, even though you should’ve been inside keeping safe from ‘the likes of me’, as you put it, and I bet you’ve never even been kissed. You’re pure, completely and totally, you probably have a routine, oatmeal for breakfast, Church on Sundays, bible on the bedside table.”
You gaped at him, jaw hanging slack now, and he reached a finger up to push it closed, and you soon formed an irritated pout in response. 
“So, did I get anything wrong?”
“No.” You grumbled it under your breath, gritted out angrily, and he only laughed in response, winding you up further. Your foot swung out, colliding with his ankle before you even realised you were doing it, and as he bent over, crippled to grip at the sore patch in pain, your eyes went wide, fear suddenly flashing over your features again. I’m so sorry! I don’t know why I did that!”
“That would be wrath.” You shook your head, stepping away from him, and he could only nod in response, grin getting wider as he watched realisation flash across your features. “How did your first sin feel?”
“It doesn’t count! It was just a kick to the ankle!”
“Yes, in anger. That would be wrath, angel. It’s not that bad, trust me.” Your eyes were glassy now, and he placed a hand over your jaw, calloused pad stroking over the skin of your cheek as he tipped your head upwards. “See? No lightning strikes, no plagues, no punishments. And don’t you just feel so much better now that you’ve done it?”
“A little bit.” You gave in, letting his corruption really take place, and your eyes dropped down to find his, tearing your gaze away from dark and glittering skies. “I’m not a sinner, though. I’m good.”
“Yes, but this day is bad. Nobody is looking today. You liked it, I know you did. Don’t you want to try another sin? Just on this oh-so-evil day, and tomorrow, you can go back to being a good girl. Be bad with me today, angel?” You didn’t reject him, not right at once, and he took that as a good sign, your breath hitching as he stepped a little closer, enough for him to be able to taste the coffee on your breath at the short and sharp puffs you let out. “Have you never wondered? Which one have you always wanted to try, late at night, when it was just you and your thoughts? Is it pride? Gluttony?” He leaned in, enough to brush his lips with your own, your breath hitching in your throat. “Is it lust?”
“What?” He snapped back a little, not sure he’d ever really expected a response from you, and he felt a gleeful fire burn through you as you took your first step away from holiness and more towards him, just at the simple admittance, to both yourself and to him. Swallowing thickly, he watched as your mind spun, processing your own words, before you were seeming to settle on them with confidence. 
“I have a routine, just as you said. I get up early every morning, and have breakfast, and do some work. I volunteer at a shelter and I do rounds at the hospital even when it’s not my day in, just to pray with those who want some company, but some days I don’t want to. I’m tired, and I want to sleep in. I want to lay in bed until late morning, and fake calling in sick to work just to have a day off, to do anything I want.” You had your own smile now, something brand new flickering through your eyes, and as you looked at him, and he laughed breathlessly at the confession.
“So, do it.”
“I-” You seemed to remember who you were, and where you were, then disappointment took over. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s wrong.” He sighed, hand dropping down to your waist, pulling you closer into him, and he could feel the steady thumb of your racing heart against his chest now, and he wished his own would react at all, but it had been so long since he’d felt anything from the organ that he’d almost forgotten he had it at all. 
“If it’s so wrong then why does it feel so right?” You had no response to that, rendered breathless again, and he took his chance, pushing the boundaries a little further. “Give me this one day, I bet we can fit all seven sins into this day, when nobody will notice your sins when mixed with all the demons roaming the surface, and if you don’t like it, then I promise you’ll never see me again, and you’ll never have to think about it.”
“We can stop at any time?”
“Whenever you want.”
You hummed under your breath, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, before caving and offering him a nod. “Big words for someone who only has twenty-one hours left of the day to keep his promises.”
“Well, then, we’d better get you home, angel. You have a big day coming up, and I know just which sin to start with. Let’s get you that late morning you’ve always wanted.” You merely sighed out, contented and happy with the thought, before you were nodding, and turning around to get into your car. Nodding to the passenger side, his grin only grew as he took the offer, climbing in beside you, and settling into the plush leather as the vehicle rumbled to life.
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After an exceedingly long sleep in, one where you’d actually then continued to just lie in your bed for upwards of an hour after the daylight had forced away your grogginess, you were left peering out of the window, staring down at the city below from the high-windows of your apartment, the bustling streets with a chaos that didn’t reach all the way up here to the serene quiet, and your lips flicked up at the sides as you remembered the comment that the man who’ already managed to flip your world upside down had made as the two of you had finally made it back to your apartment at almost four in the morning
‘Top floor, huh? Trying to get closer to heaven, or just in it for the workout?’
Turning onto your side, his lips were parted as he slept, slow breaths and a sight rasp following his breath each tie, but not quite a snore. As he was asleep, you had a chance to really observe him. You’d never met a demon, before, you knew the rumours, of course, and some of them were more tame, auras of darkness and a twisted kind of ugly that made you repulsed. Of course, there were also the wilder ones, horns and hooves and rotting flesh, but he was neither.
When you took him in, you decided that he was actually kind of beautiful. Scruff lining his jaw that made him look a little wild - something that was bound to be intentional - and the colour of his eyes flashed through your mind once again even if they were coed now. The colour was burned into your mind, not a glowing red, or all black, but instead the kind of soft blue shade that the ocean looked on a misty morning at the beach, grey clouds overhead that were the calm before the storm.
He was taller than you, much taller, and his frame almost filled your bed, broad shoulders pushing you to one side, further over than you’d ever slept before, even on the large piece of furniture, but he’ insisted that he wasn’t sleeping on ‘no damn couch’, and in your exhaustion and excitement, you’d simply waved a hand as he kicked off his shoes, crawling under the covers beside you. The comfort had been inviting, you’d never experienced such a thing before, but it was oddly peaceful to share a bed with someone else, to feel their warmth creeping over to you as well, the steady thump of a heart or the rise and fall of a chest with every breath, and you hadn't realised how lonely you were until right now.
“Stop fuckin’ starin’ at me.” You huffed, watching as that peaceful expression became a scowl, and he rolled over towards you a little, cracking an eye open to peer up at you. “What?”
“Nothing! You’re just not like what I thought a demon would look like. I’m taking it in.”
He sat up a little, running a hand over his face, before shaking his he'd to try and clear a sleep-muddled brain. “Yeah, well, you’re exactly what I expected an angel to look like.”
“I don’t know whether that’s a compliment or an insult.” Despite the bickering going on between you both, his movements had caused the blankets to lip down, a chill coming in to claim you, and you shuffled a little closer to him, seeking out more of the warmth you’d become addicted to in the last few hours of sleeping beside him.
“It’s neither. Just a statement. Innocent, pretty, that whole weird ethereal vibe that draws you in. That's you.”
“That sounds like a compliment to me.” You all but sang the words, and he rolled his eyes, a grunt leaving him, but he made no move to distance himself from you, and so you knew it was all in false anger.
“I’m revisiting the idea of killing you.” His eyes flicked up to the large clock on the wall, studying it for a second, before turning to look at you incredulously. “I thought we were sleeping in? It's eleven.”
“I normally get up at six! This is late for me, very late.”
He only shrugged, pushing back the covers and standing up, letting you wrap yourself in them a little more, before he was patting down his pockets, searching for something in the jeans that had been abandoned on the bedroom floor. A cardboard box and a lighter, and he was balancing a cigarette between his lips.
“Open a window!”
He only glanced over at you, raising his brows, before stepping across the room to the large panels of glass, clicking off the lock and pushing one open, before flicking on the lighter and igniting the tip. He held it between two careful fingers, a repetitive motion as he brought it up and down from his lips, lips curling each time he expelled the smoke, and it was a weirdly hypnotic scene to watch.
The sound of the traffic and bustle from below was now reaching your ears, muffled and distant but you could still pick it up, the bitter smell of smoke still making it over to you, and your nose scrunched up a little, before you were holding the blanket closer to yourself, and making your way over to stand beside him.
“You’re staring at me like you’ve never seen a cigarette before.”
“I have!” He chuckled a little at your eager enthusiasm, heat rising to your cheeks with your embarrassment, and you shrugged as best you could, from where your hands were pressed to your chest to hold the blankets closed and keep your warmth in. “I’ve just never..”
“Smoked one?”
You only nodded, and he seemed to consider it, taking an extra-long drag, before he was pulling the dwindling stick away from his mouth, flipping it between two fingers, and bringing it to your mouth. He had an expectant look on his face, nothing pressuring or judgemental, simply apprehensive, waiting to see if you’d take the offer before the flickering orange reached his fingers and burned him. The taste was lingering on the air, and you leaned in, lip parted and he grinned, placing it gently on your lower lip, pushing forwards until the edge of his finger was brushing your lips, and he gave you a nod.
Sealing your mouth around it, you took in a deep breath, dragging the air through the device, and the heat that coursed through you was enough to make you pull away and cough, a tingling and burning in your throat and lungs as the smoke clouded out around you, dissipating in the air, and you once again flushed with embarrassment, but the laugh you anticipated hearing from him never came. Instead, he looked almost proud, and you didn’t have a chance to question it, before he was taking the last breath himself, stuffing it on your window frame and ignoring your complaint, before flicking the butt out of the window and closing it once again.
“So, what are we doing with the day now?”
“Hm, well, I promised you all seven. One down, six to go. I’m hungry, so let’s go with gluttony next.” His eyes twinkled a little, and you thought about the sparsely packed fridge you had, just enough simple necessities to get you by and be healthy, nothing that could be deemed even remotely gluttonous, but you were excited to experience it, nonetheless. “There’s a diner near here, we’ll go for breakfast.”
As promised, you are allowed to take even longer, the longest shower you had ever taken in your life, until the entire room was so filled with steam that it felt like a sauna, and you were pruning up. You didn’t even bother to make your bed, instead opting to just lay flat on it for a while, still in your towel as you listened to the demon you were - for some unknown reason - trusting, as he moved about your living room and tinkered with your things.
When you were finally ready, you didn’t care to make the bed, or put on sensible shoes with laces, or even do your hair properly. Instead, you wore a hoodie, and your comfiest flats, and just ran a brush through it, and you’d never felt lazier in your life. You had spent every day doing yourself up to standards and making sure you were being sensible and rational, the proper attire for a day at work, running around a hospital and doing everything you could for everyone else, and nothing for you, and today, you’d texted in saying you were sick and weren’t coming and you’d relaxed, truly relaxed, for what you felt may be the first time in your life.
As promised, you were given a filling breakfast, with more than enough leftovers for a week’s worth of breakfasts, but you didn’t take any of them. At first, it had bothered you, watching as the waitress stared at you both with a little bit of judgement, a little bit of shock, and a little bit of amusement as the man opposite you had listed off dish after dish, until you’d been moved to a bigger table just to accommodate it all. With a bite of it all, you’d worked your way through the dishes, and the drinks, a sip from all of their wide range of coffees and milkshakes, and by the time you’d finished and enough food to feed a small army had been wasted, you were wandering out into the carpark with a wide grin on your face.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this full.”
He turned to look at you, beaming as you spoke the words as though they’d been a compliment, and you began to pat your pockets down for your keys, a wave of panic washing over you when you couldn't find them. A moment later, there was a jingling, and you followed the sounds, to find Bucky waving them at you, smirking around the straw in his mouth as he finished his milkshake, tossing the to-go cup in the vague direction of the trashcan.
“When did you even take those? How did you take those?”
“I’m not exactly new to pick-pocketing.” He shrugged, holding open the passenger side door for you, and you hopped up inside of it, grinning as he rounded the car, and it would seem that he was taking it upon himself to drive. Once he was inside of the car and starting it up, his hands were fiddling with the dial for the music, changing your classical music station over to some soft rock, and while it was unfamiliar to you, you tried to settle into it.
“You’re different.”
“We’ve covered this.” He mumbled, fingers tapping against the steering wheel to the song that was playing, and you turned a little more towards him straining against the safety belt across your chest, and not missing the fact that he hadn't bothered with his own.
“No, I just mean, you’re gentlemanly. You held the door, paid for breakfast, didn’t try anything with me last night, even though we shared a bed. It’s admirable.”
“Well, firstly, I didn’t pay for breakfast.” Your face paled a little, realising you’d essentially stolen the meal, but then again, you shouldn't know better. When he told you to go ahead and that he’d been right behind you, you hadn't questioned it, and now, that felt like it was slapping you right in the face. That’s where innocence gets you, you supposed. “Secondly, as I said, we already covered this. You do know there’s, like, tiers for this shit, right?” You only gave a short laugh, turning to look at him a little, and you could already feel your own mischief bubbling up within you.
“You mean the seven circles of hell?”
“Oh, you’re so funny.” He was grumbling now, pretty-coloured eyes rolling in his head, and you continued to snicker away to yourself, but didn’t miss the little flicker of his lips into a smile, that he did his best attempt to disguise as a simple twitch, but you knew better. “No, not the ‘seven circles of hell’.” He imitated your movie as you spoke, a scowl taking over your features at the poor impersonation, but it was quickly washed away. “More like, privileges, I suppose? Those down there because they’re not pure enough to go to all things good and dandy go down below.”
“So, how does it work, then?” He cast you a little glance, studying you for a second, deeming you to have a genuine interest, before one shoulder was raising and falling in a simple shrug.
“Those who are, like, the bad kind of bad get it, well, bad. People who killed for fun, the people who hurt others for their own enjoyment, people who do, y’know..” He didn’t have to say it, your face screwing up as you thought about exactly the sort of people who would count as ‘bad-bad’ and he nodded. “No privileges for them. They just get to suffer.”
It went quiet for a second, and you could practically see the cogs working in your new friend's mind as he tried to sort his thoughts out.
“Then, there are people who did bad things, but it’s not serial-killer bad, y’know?”
“Oh, like tax-fraud and grand theft auto?” He let out a laugh this time, entertainment shining through.
“Technically, yes. I don’t really know how it all divides up. It’s just my job to punish people who need punishing, I don’t ask questions.” That caught your attention, and you perked up slightly, ignoring the fact that you’d pulled into your building’s parking lot, and that the rest of the journey was over, the car coming to a halt, but instead, you were more intrigued about finding out more from the man before you.
“You punish people? The bad people?”
“Yeah. I suppose you can consider today my day off.” He grinned, moving to climb out of the car, and you struggled to follow him, falling into step beside him.
“But, doesn’t that make you good? Getting justice and all?”
“I never said I wasn’t good, angel.” He cast you a look from the sides of his eyes, a little put off by the insinuation you’d made. “I’m created in hell. I don’t really have a soul, or anything that would let me into Heaven. Besides, I do enjoy doing some of the things that would get me cast out.”
“Like what?”
You regretted asking the question from the second you’d asked it, a smirk taking over his features, and he turned to you in the doorway, finger under your chin to hold your face up towards his as he leaned down a little, breath washing over your face as your heart froze in your chest. “Like fucking.”
He watched you, heat crawling up your cheeks as your eyes went even wider, and he grinned, eyes flicking down to your mouth, licking over his lips for just a second, before he was pulling away.
“We can get to that later, though.”
He was ahead of you, long legs making wide steps as he crossed the lobby to the elevator back up to your apartment, and you had to race just to catch up with him. “So, do you have horns?”
You slipped in just as the doors to the elevator were closing, and he scowled, clearly having been hoping he’d be able to cut you off, and you almost wished he had, because you'd forgotten just how cramped his large frame made the small box feel. “Y’know, like-” you lifted up each hand to the top of your head, index fingers sticking up as the rest of the fingers curled into a fist. “-horns?”
“Do you have wings?”
You felt a little taken aback by his sneer, lips pursing as you realised he’d taken your joke the wrong way, and you passed by a few floors in silence, before he let out a deep sigh, shoulders slumping slightly.
“No, I don’t have horns.” He looked around the ceiling of the building when you stepped out of the elevator, a hand on your arm to bring you to a halt in the corridor, and he must’ve deemed it safe, before his fidgeting stopped. “I have something, but it’ll freak you out if I show you.”
“I can handle it.”
“I don’t think so, angel.” You huffed, and he continued on, car keys being used to find your house key, the door swinging open, and you followed after, complaints spilling from your lips as you did, and you caught the door as it swung closed, before it had a chance to hit you in the face.
“I can handle it! You're underestimating me!”
“Am I?” He was making himself comfortable once again, already going through the contents of your fridge, pulling back with the carton of orange juice, and you cringed as he popped the lid from it and took a swig right from the bottle. “You’re just a half-angel. You can’t take it.”
Anger boiled within you, and you weren’t sure where this side of him had come from. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
You gaped, jabbing an accusatory finger into his chest as he finished off the orange juice of your own that was supposed to last you all week. “I’ll have you know that I’m a lot stronger than you think. I work in a hospital, okay? I can take whatever twisted shit it is that you have to show me. I can take a lot of things, alright, pal? I think I do pretty well for myself, actually! I mean, if you haven’t noticed, you’re standing in my penthouse apartment, drinking orange juice that I bought, after recklessly driving my fancy car, so screw you. I can handle anything you could throw at me and more, you’re just rude.”
His head tipped to the side, and you let out a ragged breath, not giving him a chance to speak, before you were continuing;
“And, for that matter, I think I’ve done pretty well all around. I have a great job, and I do good work there, and I have spent over two decades avoiding the likes of you, living all on my own, so this little hitch that came in the form of you doesn’t matter, because even after today, I’ll still be doing pretty damn good. ‘Can’t take it’, yeah, well, you can shove your freaky demon thing that you refuse to show me somewhere that the sun doesn’t shine, okay?”
You huffed out, and he crossed his arms over his chest, neutral expression cracking out into a wide grin. “That was a great speech, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, well, thanks.” You were confused, caught off guard by the praise after you were given, your mind still spinning.
“You seem pretty happy with everything you have here. Would you say you take pride in it?” You almost retorted, a witty comeback at the tip of your tongue, before you realised what this had all been about, your shoulders slumping, and you dropped your head into your hands, a weak laugh on your lips and you climbed up onto one of the stools at your kitchen island.
“You got me all worked up into a rage for pride?”
“You’ve achieved some pretty amazing things in your life, and you should be proud of them anyway, even if it’s not for sin.”
You paused, eyes meeting his own, and for a second, the whole misconception of an angel and demon sitting across from one another being the kind of thing that would end worlds seemed to fade away, you were just a regular man and a woman, sharing the moment and sitting together on a lazy morning. He cleared his throat, looking around the room, not for anything particular, just to take it all in, before coming back to look at you, with something else in his eyes this time.
“Well, that’s another one crossed off of the list, anyway. I’d say we’re making pretty good progress.”
You only hummed under your breath, but he seemed to catch onto your hesitation, raising a brow at you. “Kinda’ have an idea about greed.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Do you think, maybe, you could take me there?” He stilled, the hand he’d been using to rearrange the salt and pepper holder in the middle of the marble countertop between you both fell flat.
“Absolutely not.”
“Because it’s hell. It’s literally Hell.” He was adamant on this one, not the same kind of cocky attitude he’d had while fracking pride out of you, but this was more just a complete close down on the situation, and he didn’t even have a flicker of emotion as you glared at him, standing strong in his decision. “You can’t handle it.”
“I’m not fucking with you this time, angel.” He stood up, rounding the little countertop to stand before you, and he rested his hips against it, one hand coming up to cup at your face gently. A thumb ran over your lower lip, his eyes tracing his own movements, and you pulled back from him a little, too angry to let him hold you so tenderly, even if something deep within you was craving that kind of contact and affection with him. “Too dangerous.”
“But I want to.” You pouted at him, ignoring the little smile he gave to you as you did, and he forced his gaze back up to meet your own, shaking his head.
“What if you get stuck down there, huh? Time works differently. If it passes midnight, you won’t be able to come back.” The thought did send a flash of fear through you, and he seemed to notice it, thinking that the argument was over. “Besides, down there is where everyone else gets to show their real faces. Where you’d see mine.”
“You could just show me now, and then I wouldn’t have any kind of surprise.”
You didn’t expect him to go for that, to buy it, and you gasped a little as the man before you changed. Soft and fluffy brown hair was longer, brushing around his shoulders in strands that weren’t tied back into a bun, faded blue almost entirely taken over by black irises. His eyes were sunken a little deeper, some teeth a little sharper, jaw a little more defined, giving a much more dangerous look, the kind of intimidating you were sure was done purposefully to scare those who needed to be scared, crafted in the bowels of hell to torture the people who deserved it.
A deep pink and puffy scar ran along from the middle of his cheek and into the stubble on the right hand of his face, emerging further down along his neck. The sleeve of his left arm seemed to strain a little more now, shining metal poking out from underneath, a mixture of battered metal and shining steel, metal digits forming a fist as you stared down at the appendage.
Reaching a hand out towards him, he huffed, pulling it away from you, leaning the entire left side of his body out of your reach. “What are you doing?”
You ignored him, taking the hand in both of your own, and the coolness of it sent shocks along your nerves, goosebumps rising on your skin. He let you lift it, inspecting each finger carefully, gears shifting under your touch each time a finger moved, and he sighed as you lifted the hand, resting it over your cheek again, the same way he’d had it only moments ago, when it had been under the illusion of flesh and blood. “You still don’t scare me, Bucky.”
He let out a laugh, a breathless one, before he was closing the distance between the two of you, lips meeting your own, and a small squeak left you as his mouth pressed to your own carefully. It was all entirely new to you, feeling his other hand find your waist, nails scratching lightly at your skin through the material of your shirt, before you were placing your own hands on his shoulders, grasping at his shirt as you moved your mouth with his own.
It was slightly awkward, and slow, and you could feel yourself fumbling, but as your eyes slipped closed and you matched his rhythm, you found everything within yourself slipping away. You hadn't quite realised what it would be like, to have another person pressed up so close to you, and to know how it felt when their eyelashes tickled your cheeks the way his were know, that feelings within your stomach like fireworks were going off was making you feel lightheaded, gasps for breath each time he pulled back, twisting his head, noses bumping, before softly swollen lips were finding you once again.
It was of their own accord that your hands slipped from his shoulders to his neck, one travelling even further into his hair, gripping tightly as you pushed up into him, almost falling from your chair as your legs went weak as you tried to stand a little, and he turned you around, lower back pressing into the cool marble for support, before a low growl sounded out. It reverberated along your entire body, and you trembled a little under his hold, teeth dragged over your lower lip, before he was pulling away.
You were chasing after him, feeling his grip loosen on you and you whined, catching his lips again in a little kiss, a chuckle breaking it as he backed away enough to rest his forehead on your own.
“Don’t be greedy. I’ll kiss you again, later.”
“Or, you could kiss me now?” You teased, letting him lift you up to sitting on the countertop, and he wrapped your legs around his waist, thumb smoothing over your cheek as he felt that same embarrassed warmth flood your skin. He pressed a kiss to the underside of your jaw, using his nose to tilt your head back, before he was nipping lightly about the pulse point along your neck, and you weren’t in control of the sound that left you as he did, or the way your thighs tightened around his waist.
“I could, but, I thought you wanted to go to Hell.”
“I do.” You mumbled, before realising fully what he’d said, and you pulled him back by a handful of his shirt between his shoulder blades, darkened eyes finding yours in a curious gaze. “I do. Are you serious?”
“You have to promise to stay by my side.” You nodded, vehemently, a wide smile taking up on your face. “You also have to wear a watch.”
“I thought time worked differently?” You teased, and he rolled his eyes, taking your chin between his thumb and a metal forefinger, cutting off your laughs with a short kiss.
“It does, that’s the whole point. We need to know when to get you home.”
You only nodded, dropping down and disappearing, searching through your drawers and cabinets until you found the device you were looking for, checking its display against the wall clock on your bedroom wall, and thanking your lucky stars that it still displayed the correct time. You were attaching it to your wrist and waving it at him proudly as you reemerged, and he held his hand out for you.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Well, you only live once, right?” He huffed, fixing you with a pointed stare, and you burst out in a series of little laughs at your own words. “Well, some of us only live once, anyway.” He took your hand in his, barely letting you swipe up your keys before you were following him out of the door and back towards the stairs, stumbling over your own feet slightly. “Am I going to have to die for us to get there?”
“What? No. Why would you think that?” The crackling in his voice was amusement, and you shrugged, letting him guide you through the door that said ‘staff only’, and at this point, you’d stopped even questioning his actions.
“Well, I don’t exactly see a lot of portals to hell on my day-to-day travels.”
“It’s like a door that only demons can open. On this day, of all days. Sorta’ like a magnet, you just think about it, and it pulls you to where you're supposed to be.” It wasn’t exactly a description that set you at ease, and as you made it to the top of the staircase he was pulling you up, you were met with the sight of the sprawling skyline, the sounds of a busy city filled with people who were none the wiser to your current situation going about their mundane lives below, and even after today, you know you’d never be that same mundane person again.
Stepping out onto the roof, you were in awe, never having ventured up and gotten to appreciate it, and while your apartment was high up and the view was the same, it was more the experience that was leaving you speechless.
“Are you ready?”
When you followed the sound of his voice, he was standing on the edge of the building, hand held out to you once again, and you weren’t sure when you’d ever slipped away from him. You wandered over, nausea sweeping across you as you leaned over the edge to look down, the people on the streets below looking more like specks in the distance, and you pulled back rapidly. “To jump off the roof? That’s seriously the way to go?”
“It’s the fun way.”
You scoffed, knowing he was just doing it to mess with you, and he took your hands in his, guiding your gaze back up to his face. Wrapping your arms around his neck, and you held on tightly, feeling him grip your waist, pulling you in close.
“Just trust me, angel.”
For whatever reason, you did. You had full faith in a man who’d you’d only known for twelve hours, feeling him inch the two of you towards the edge, up onto the ledge, until you were precariously balanced, and your heart was threatening to beat right out of your chest. Pressing your face into his neck, his grip on you became bruising, and then you were falling.
The floor fell away, and you were racing downwards, hair whipping around your face as your eyes squeezed shut, that floating feeling becoming more like you were being dragged down. It was cold, biting cold, and utterly terrifying, and then it all just stopped. There was ground beneath your feet again, blood wasn’t pounding in your ears as you found yourself upright once again, and you were only dizzy from the way you’d held your breath, not from tumbling such a distance, and you forced yourself to exhale, slowly.
When you pulled away from him, the hand stroking soothingly up and down your back then stopped, and he lifted it to smooth down your hair instead. Whereas in your apartment, he’d seemed out of place and daunting in his own skin, now, he seemed to fit in perfectly. Shadows cast across his face made his features stand out, strong and bold, and instead of being scared you felt protected by his presence. It wasn’t nearly as loud as you’d expected it to be, and it was the exact opposite of what you’d pictured.
Instead of burning pits of fire and tortured screams, it was much like what Earth was, buildings and pathways and doors along each one, a reflection of the home you’d known so well, just with a little more destruction. He seemed to already know exactly what you were thinking, smirking his eyes a little, but you just accepted it, taking it all in. There was a bump against your lower leg, something soft that made you jump, and the man holding you chuckled. Turning, you watched a little cat run away. It had a torn ear and was missing an eye when it looked back at you, before it was dating through an open door before it closed, and you gaped a little as you lost sight of the orange-furred little critter.
“That was a cat.”
“Well, yes.” He deadpanned, hissing at the way you pinched his arm roughly for his words, and he mumbled under his breath about being careful before you ‘inadvertently achieved wrath’. “Haven’t you ever heard about cats being the guardians of the underworld?”
“In, like, Egyptian mythology, maybe.”
“Yeah, well, all myths and fables come from somewhere, right? Everything you’ve heard is just one interpretation of the same thing. Like versions of a story.” He offered, and you felt like every answer you got became all the more confusing, like you had no real idea about the world you’d been living in at all, until now. “C’mon. We have much to do, and little time.”
“What are we going to do?”
“You wanted to come here, that’s your choice.” He shrugged, and you gave him a blank look, as though you had any idea about what you were supposed to be doing. He seemed to pick up on it, a smile on his lips, before he was slinging an arm over your shoulders, and beginning to guide you away towards a door only a few down from one that you’d seen that little orange cat disappear through. When you got into the other side, you were in the hospital, the time seeming to move differently, everything around you flying by at super speed. “What’s the worst thing you ever witnessed in the hospital?”
“The west thing. One of your patients, something you remember because it was just downright evil.” It took you a moment, but the worst one came to mind, and you felt sad witnessing it all over again.
“There was this man in here, once. Both he and the kid across from me were my patients. The kid was a car crash victim, both parents died, he was on life support, we were doing everything we could. If the kid died, he would have been the organ donor. The man smothered the kid in his sleep, we didn’t realise until the autopsy was done, by which point the guy had fled.” You shrugged, and he asked for the date, to which you mumbled, that day burned into your mind to last forever.
With a wave of his hand, that same speed that had been dizzying to watch as it moved like a movie on fast-forward was now frozen completely, and with a click, there was an entirely new setting.
Easter decorations, all around the hospital, Mercedes at the reception desk still had her hair dyed blue instead of her usual fiery red, the colour had taken a good couple of years to totally grow out; somehow, he’d taken you right back to the night that it had happened. Rainy, filled with clouds, water swilling around your car, and there was a loud storm outside. You remembered because it felt fitting, and it almost felt comforting when you’d cried in your car about it all before being able to drive home that night.
“Which room?”
“I, um, room three-oh-four.” You guided him through the halls, completely in awe of the way it resembled your place of work so clearly, and yet nobody could see it at all. You could see yourself, a younger version, standing behind the nurse's station and covering your yawn with your hand, a file in your hand as you tried to focus on it, and it was shocking to see it from such a different angle. You froze up a little as you approached the room, the two opposites, and you felt your heart crack a little at seeing that little boy alive once again, even if it was just barely. “That’s the guy.”
He followed the direction of your finger, a head of black hair in the bed across, idling himself on his phone, and Bucky stepped into the room, a sneer on his lips. Glancing at the name across the chart, he couldn't quite see it, but you already knew it anyway.
“Brock Rumlow.”
“Sounds like an asshole kinda’ name, already.” You could only nod, and just like that, Bucky was moving the timeline forwards again. Day to turned to night outside, you watched as he disappeared for a second, only to reappear a moment later, and then there was night becoming day, and he was taken to surgery, and the day flew by, bodies flying in and out, the flash of your own floral-patterned dress as you move in and out throughout the day, and then, a week later, he was leaving. It slowed, you watched as he went, following him right out of the hospital and into a cab, and he was none the wiser as in this turn of events, you and Bucky joined him.
It went by again, years flying back, Bucky’s eyes moving as he somehow seemed to see and understand every moment, before suddenly, it was all stopping. You were out of the cab, but when you left it, it was a firetruck instead. The building before you was burning, thick plumes of smoke curling up into the air, windows were broken as tall flames curled up and roared into the sky. Sirens were wailing, and water was spraying, and you could feel the heat even from here.
“Building fire.”
“Hm?” You twisted to look at him, and the demon beside you motioned up to the building.
“That’s how the universe got even with Brock Rumlow. He stole organs from a child, and he got trapped inside his apartment. He’s down here.” You felt your breath get stuck in your throat as he said those words, before you were finding his hand, gripping tightly with both, and his fingers curled back around your hand, before he was sighing, loudly. “Do you want to see him now?”
“Are you sure?” He asked, everything around you seeming to go into slow motion as he dulled the sounds, before you were pressing yourself into him a little more, feeling his lips brush against your temple as you let out a breathless laugh.
“I’ve thought so much about what I would do if I ever saw him again. Give him a piece of my mind, tell him how bad of a person he is, make him feel bad. Now, though, I’m not all that sure I could control myself.”
“Who says you have to?” You peered up at him, eyes wide, and he shrugged, cupping your face with both hands as he watched panic begin to take over you. “He’s a child killer, a selfish prick, he deserves everything he gets down here. This is a place for punishment, and maybe it’ll make you feel better.”
He took your hand, the closest door to the two of you opening back up, and just like that, you were back in the stone hallways, crossing over to a wooden door, bolted from the outside, and as his hands wrapped around the handle, it changed, simplistic designs shifting to that of one you’d expect to see on a little farm cottage, before he was opening it up and ushering you inside.
“Where are we?”
“His Hell-scape.” The door scratched against cobblestones as it was pushed shut behind you. “Germany, early nineteen forties, the precipice of modern medicine. It’s cold, and he’s fled from the war, he’s taking shelter in a little farm cottage. He needs surgery, and you’re about to perform it. There’s a kid, who could donate the blood, he’s sitting over there by the fireplace.”
Just as he said that, the door swung open once again, and there he was, stumbling inside as blood seeped between his fingers, and just like that, for the first-ever time in one of these scenarios, he was looking you dead in the eyes. He begged for help, and the little boy by the fireplace looked up, wide eyes and he was on his feet, dashing over to you. He cleared the table, helping the man to lie down, like the good little soul he was, and you ushered him away upstairs. With a knife from the kitchen, you sliced open the front of his shirt, watching as blood oozed out of several bullet wounds across his front.
Blood spewed out, and for a second, guilt washed over you as you hesitated in your motions to save him, but then you were remembering everything he’d done, and you could feel the presence of Bucky behind you, the scene you’d relieved as you watched the evil take place, and you felt no regret as you pushed a finger against one of the wounds. Hard metal met your finger, blood-curdling screams from him on the table as you pushed it even deeper, before pulling away, and making sure that he was looking you in the eyes as he did.
You weren’t sure if he was able to recognise you, or whether he was completely engrossed inside of this illusion, but you swore you saw something pass over his eyes, seconds before he was passing out. Little feet were coming down the stairs, and the boy was there again, watching rivers of blood dripping into puddles as they ran from the tabletop, a teddy tucked safely in his arms as he looked up to you again.
“Are we going to save his life?”
“No.” You hummed, wiping your hands on a rag, and it was shockingly different to see the way the boy whose eye colour you’d never seen before looked, how young he really was, and you took him by the hand as you guided him up the stairs. Tucking him in and brushing the hair back out of his face, you pressed a kiss to his forehead, and he fell asleep before your eyes, chest rising and falling of its own accord. It wasn’t real, you felt it slipping away under your fingers, and when you made it back down the stairs, the man on the table was dead, hand hanging limp, and it all slipped away.
Darkness filled the room, the features melted away, and he guided you back to the corridors, tears sliding down your cheeks as you left it all behind.
There was concern on his face when he looked at you, but you didn’t care, because you were pulling him in by a fistful of his shirt in order to press desperate and needy kisses to his lips. He reciprocated, humming happily as his hands found your hips, smoothing around towards your back, one warm and one cold as they pressed to you, and your wet cheeks pressed to his, gasping breaths as you sought out comfort in his touch.
“Are you okay?
“I’ve never felt like this before.” He pulled back, whining a little when you kept pressing up into him, and he pushed you back a little bit, ignoring your complaints. “It’s a rush, and it felt bad but only for a second, before it felt right. Not to hurt someone else, but to serve justice. I love saving lives, I do, but that felt incredible. It felt like closure.”
“You officially checked off wrath, angel.”
“I don’t think you can call me that anymore.” You teased, and he shook his head, pulling you in close enough to brush his lips against your own. It was a fleeting kiss, something that left you desperately craving more as you burned up from the inside out.
“You’re always gonna’ be my little Halloween angel.” He grinned, trying to wipe your cheeks dry.
“I think I’m checking off envy, too.” He beamed, raising his brows in silent questioning, and you gave him a lame shrug of your shoulders in response. “I just don’t think I could go back to my regular life and be happy now, knowing there’s so much more that I could be experiencing. My job won’t be fulfilling when I know how much better it would be to do yours, and be here. I hate that you don’t worry about anything, that you haven't spent your whole life worrying if you're good enough to get into somewhere only to spend the rest of eternity keeping up those standards. I wouldn’t have to be anyone but my true self here, and now, I’m not even sure if I know who that is.”
“You could find out, though.”
“Also, there’s a girl over there who keeps looking at you and I don’t like it.” He glanced over his shoulder, noting the pretty demon who was waving at him, tight curls and red lipstick and she looked like she was straight out of the world war’s era, but then again, everybody down here seemed to be fixed in some kind of time period or another.
“Envy doesn’t suit you, angel. You much more suit pride.”
His fingertips pressed into your sides a little, tickling you lightly, and you grinned, mind leaving her as you came crashing back into a world where only you and he existed. Dipping down, his nose brushed with yours, and you closed the gap, sighing out happily when you felt the rough prickles of his beard under your palm, the other hand sliding down to rest on his chest.
The tip of a tongue traced your lower lip, and you gasped at the feeling, before his tongue was pressing through the parting and into your mouth, a needy noise slipping from you before you could control it, leaving you feeling like you were floating within the clouds as you fell even further into him. You were pressed up to him now, bodies colliding, and what was once slow and sensual suddenly felt like it was rushed and frantic. Mouths meshing, growls and whines shared between you both and you were ruining the neat bun in his hair as your hands were pushed into his mouth.
His hands were exploring too, further than they’d ever been, one solid and one fleshy and then there was a warm palm gripping tightly at your ass, squeezing the flesh there roughly, and you keened up into him even further. Metal lifted you up, your legs fastening around his waist automatically, and you could feel him moving as you gripped onto him roughly. One hand digging nails into his shoulder as the other tugged on a fistful of his hair, a ragged moan leaving his lips as the two of you stumbled through the nearest doorway. Bedsheets found your back, and you were breathing clearly again as a hot mouth travelled along your jaw.
Stinging skin, drags of his teeth over heated flesh, and you were living in a world you’d never been in before as you felt those same hands now dip underneath your shirt, beginning to push it up as he adventured further.
“Where are we?” You mumbled, eyes fixed on the low hanging lighting extension from the ceiling, and he pulled back from the mark he was working to leave on your collarbone, an incredulous look on his face as he peered up at you. Swollen and shiny lips, half-lidded eyes, and a slight shine to his skin that paired with his messy hair made him look even more sinful than he usually did.
“My, uh, my room?” You sat up a little more to take it in, and he leaned back from where he was balanced over you, letting you take it all in.
“How convenient that all the doors you need are so close together.” He grinned, shaking his head in a way that made you think you were missing something, and he pulled you to sit up a little more, the haze over you both clearing slightly.
“Sweetheart, most of the doors work like the entrances, you just have to think about where you’re going, and you go there.”
It was like your world was clearing up, and as he knelt back, you moved forwards enough to settle into his lap, a soft giggle leaving you when you felt his hands come down to grip at your ass to keep you balanced, a smirk on his face as you did. “I was kinda’ expecting, like, bones on the wall, dungeons, dark, flickering torches, the whole shebang. I’m almost disappointed that it looks like a normal bedroom.”
“You have a bad habit of believing stereotypes.” He muttered, leaning in again to take your lower lip between his teeth, tugging on it lightly, and you keened up into him, finding the mattress either side of you dipping a little as he held himself up over you. “And I thought that after everything we’d done today, you’d have reconsidered it all.”
“Well, after all we’ve done today, I still have one sin left to complete.”
He grinned, nodding his head before his mouth was closing over your own. With one warm hand gently pushing up the edge of your shirt, you let him take it, sitting up just enough to let him peel the material from your body, before he was kissing along your neck, licking and sucking his way along the flesh until it was stained with blotchy red marks that would blossom into purple bruises sooner or later.
Then, as his fingers brushed over the delicate skin of your ribs, he was letting out a breathy laugh, pulling away once his lips were grazing the edge of your bra.
“Angel, I gotta’ be honest with you. I really like you, I do, but this bra is awful.”
You looked down at yourself, head clearing for just a second, before you were groaning, shaking your head as you looked down at the garment strapped to your body. “I don’t own any other bras! They’re practical, they support me at work. I’ve never really had a reason to own fancy underwear."
You were popped up on your elbows, and he grinned wickedly, metal hand undoing the catch with a simple flick of his fingers, and then it was falling loose. “Bet you’re wearing cute little white cotton panties, too, huh?”
You could only nod, feeling a blush beginning to climb onto your cheekbones, and it was a feeling you were rapidly growing familiar with while being in his presence.
“You drive me insane, in all your innocence. Am I the first person to get near your sweet little cunt? Tell me I am, angel.”
“You are.” You were breathless, everything from the way his lips curled around the words, to the sound of his voice, right to the way his eyes raked over you in a way that could only be described as predatorily, made your body burst out in flames, craving something you didn’t even know, but you just knew you needed him to keep going, to continue with whatever it was he was doing, because he had you floating on Cloud Nine.
“I’m gonna’ take such good care of you, I promise.” As he pulled the material away from your chest, that heat was spreading down, along your neck, and yet you didn't feel anything but powerful under his gaze. You’d never expected to have this kind of life, after hearing from your mother what had happened to your father for his sins, you were determined not to follow that path, but now, you wanted it all. You didn’t care about standards and responsibilities, you just wanted to drown in the way his tongue was dragging along your stomach as he left wet kisses along your skin, until he was mouthing at the place just above your jeans, soft skin teased with lips and teeth, until he was popping the button on your jeans carefully.
He took it all, stripping you down and taking his time, mumbling praises into your skin until there was nothing else clad on you, except for the slip of cotton over your core, and he was kneeling back at the end of the bed, two large hands palming at your thighs, and he licked over his lip, dragging the lower between his teeth roughly.
“Fucking hell, angel, you’re drippin’.” A single digit, lifting to brush over your covered folds, and as you were touched so intimately, you couldn't help the gasp that slipped from you. “Ruining your panties, sweetheart, soaking right through ‘em.”
He looked up as you whispered the words, eyes already blown out dark with lust, the grey-blue colour you so deeply adored was almost entirely gone, and it was like the tension in the room shot up even further. “Do you even know what you’re asking for, angel, or do you just want more?”
There was a teasing undertone laced in his voice, and you would’ve commented on it, snapped back at him for his taunt, had it not been for the way he lifted that finger up, knuckle brushing over the pulsing bud between your legs, and then he was circling it, a dull pressure applied, and your hips left the bed as your back arched. “That! I want more of that.”
“So fucking pretty, all needy and beggin’ for me, already.” He switched his positions, instead of a knuckle, it was the flat of a finger, and you were already shaking under his touch as your entire body lit up with fireworks. “Are you sure you want to do this? Once we do, there’s no going back. You don’t want to save yourself for someone special?”
“I’m already with someone special.”
His motions paused, before a slightly bashful smile took over his face, and you giggled upon looking at him, sitting up enough to take his face in your hands, moaning against his lips as he picked his movements back up, just to drive you crazy. “You sweet-talkin’ me, angel?”
“Nobody would ever believe me if I could make a demon blush.”
“Just something about you. Don’t know what it is, but you drive me crazy.” He whispered, closing the distance as you continued to test him, a sloppy kiss that was more collisions of lips and tongue, and you could barely keep up. You were so focused on the way it felt to be utterly surrounded by every inch of him that you didn’t feel him move until the barrier of fabric was gone, tearing meeting your ears and then there was nothing between you both, a calloused finger gathering the wetness you’d built up, slick on his finger, and your breath hitched as the tip of that same warm digit traced your entrance.
Anticipation, anxiety, and slight fear washed over you, and he seemed to sense it, from the way that you tensed up, before he was pushing you back down to lay in the bedding, body pressed to your own. You were tugging at the shirt on his shoulders, whining a little, before he let you pull it up, holding himself up long enough for you to strip it away.
“Let me open you up, okay? Get you ready, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Stealing a final kiss, he distracted you, the way a finger slipped inside was something entirely new, your closed eyes snapping open again, and he let out a long and deep sound into your mouth, feeling every inch of your walls clamp up around his intruding finger, wet and velvet and enticing. He pumped it slowly, a wince on your face at the pull at your entrance, before you forced yourself to take a deep breath, focusing instead on the way his lips felt on your skin, and the way it felt when your bare flesh was gliding over his.
Erotic, sweat built up that made your skin stick against his in the most arousing way, the dips between his muscles shining, making everything about him stand out even more prominently, and you had never allowed yourself to consider a man as particularly attractive before, but now you were seeing through a whole new gaze, you were certain it couldn't get much better than him. Sharp jaw, pretty features, broad shoulders and a mouth to give up all innocence for, you couldn't even blame yourself for giving everything up to him.
There was a curling of his finger, the blunt nail dragging over your walls, and a shudder ran along your entire body as he did, a cry of his name leaving your lips, and suddenly, the final puzzle seemed to click into place. There was something romantic about offering yourself up to someone like this, something incredibly intimate about the way it felt to let yours be this vulnerable under someone else’s gaze, and you had never felt anything like this in your entire life.
A twisting in your lower belly, muscles clenching, and then another sting, a second finger sliding into you with ease as you all but dripped for him, the pain far more tolerable and even a little bit pleasurable this time around, before you were stretched around two thick fingers, barely processing the words he was offering to you, because your vision was going fuzzy and you felt like you’d left all forms of reality that you’d ever known.
Hands clenched in the sheets, tugging them roughly as you stiffened, and a soothingly cold hand pressed down on your chest, you hadn't realised your heart was racing and you were dragging in desperate breaths until the weight of the limb forced you to calm down. Bringing a hand up, you clung to him, frantic for some kind of grounding connection as you felt the rest of your inhibitions slip away. It felt like you were breaking down that final gate, like you were bursting from a cage, freedom and liberation and a feeling you’d never had before but were already addicted to the taste of.
Your throat stung, eyes burning from unshed tears, before he was pulling those fingers from you, an obscene slurping finding your ears, and you weren’t sure when your eyes had rolled back, or when your body had left the bedding, but when you collapsed back down into the soft cushions, with deep and raspy breaths, and forced your eyes open, he was licking crudely at his fingers, watching you carefully, something between caring and cocky stitched into his features.
“What just happened?”
“You just had your first orgasm, baby. How’d it feel?” He wiggled his brows, a smile that made you laugh, and you were still trembling, forcing yourself to relax as you melted into the blankets and untangled your fingers, surprised you hadn't ripped them entirely.
“I loved it.”
“Good.” The tip of his nose bumped against your own, and yet he never granted you a kiss, swerving away just long enough to settle himself between your thighs. “So much I want to do to you, so little time.”
He tutted to himself, and the denim of his jeans brushed over your sensitive centre as he dipped his head down. You weren’t sure where to focus, whether you were meant to fix your attention on the way his lips seal around one perky bud of a nipple, or the way you were meeting him roll for roll as you ruined the front of his jeans, material growing damp with your juices as you pleasured yourself, broken noises let out into the air as he abused your chest, switching between your breasts until he was satisfied with the way he’d left your skin spit-slick and shining.
A hand in his hair, you dared to take control, sick of waiting, and just wanting to get to the main event, what you did now know, and you needed it more than you’d ever needed anything in your entire life. You hadn't felt truly alive, or comfortable in your own body, until this moment, as he brought you to life and made you see stars, gave you things you’d never even known existed.
“Bucky, please. I can’t take waiting any longer.”
“Okay, angel. I got you, I know what you need.” He managed to peel himself away, a cool breeze sweeping in where he’d once been before he was stripping himself down of the remaining garments covering his body, and you felt your mouth go dry as he was finally revealed to you. He may have been crafted in hell, the epitome of sin and debauchery, and you weren’t surprised that so many people gave up on their purity to give in to lust, because you were just as weak as the rest of them as you looked at him.
Toned and tanned flesh, tapering down from broad shoulders to a narrow waist, defined muscles, sinewy skin and prominent veins, before a hard and leaking cock as bobbing in the air before you. He seemed to know you were admiring him, taking in every detail and committing it to memory, because he flexed a little, a look on his face that you were oh-so-familiar with, before you were reaching out to him.
He was happy to crawl into your arms, lifting your legs onto his waist, sticky pre-cum smearing across your thigh, before he was dipping into your wetness, gathering it up as he rocked his length against your folds, shared breath turning to pants as his forehead rested to your own. “Before we do this, I just wanted to say something.”
“Hm, don’t tell me you secretly have a tail that only comes out when you cum.”
He shook, his entire body wracked by the laugh that he let out, and he pulled back far enough that you could see the sparkle in his eyes, before he was shaking his head, a series of pecks pressed to your lips between muffled giggled from the pair of you, until you managed to calm down. “No, sorry to ruin another one of your predetermined opinions on demons.”
“I’ll get over it.”
He delivered a particularly sharp thrust, the tip of his cock bumping your clit, making your jerk in his hold, and you encouraged him on quickly, the scrape of your nails along his back making him hiss out. “I wanted to say that I haven’t felt like this in centuries, you’ve flipped your whole world upside down in just twenty-four hours. I wanted you to know that this is special, between me and you, just so you don’t regret it in a few days, when you think about us, when you're back home in your fancy apartment and living your normal life.”
“I’ve never felt more alive than when I’m with you.”
He took the compliment, not bothering to reply, but leaning in to take your lips with his own in a passionate kiss, as another hand slipped between your bodies to line himself up, before he was inching into you, taking his time and making sure not to hurt you. When he saw your face screw up, his hand caught yours, fingers weaving together and pressing back into the mattress, confirming that he was with you, an apology for the pain and a promise that it would go away without him even having to speak.
As his hips finally came to press to your own, you were holding back a sob, the wide girth and length he had were far more than his fingers had been, and while you’d stretched to accommodate him, it was still a new struggle, and you let out a low breath, feeling the soft presses of pecks along your cheeks and jaw, as he waited patiently. There was tension in his body, from top to bottom, feeling his muscles clench under your hands, and you rolled your hips experimentally.
A shot of pain, a whimper from your lips, but you weren't sure if that sound came from the sharp pain or the heated pleasure, a burst of it from within you, and your jaw dropped, and he let out a ragged sound, face pressed into your neck. “Holy shit, angel, you’re squeezin’ me like a fucking vice, tightest damn pussy I’ve ever known. Perfect, just like the rest of you.”
You grinned, hating the way that his filthy words could slide right into something endearingly sweet that had your stomach flipping and your heart skipping beats, all within in a split-second. “You can move now, it’s okay.”
He only gave a short nod, before he was doing as you offered, pulling back just enough to press back into you, a shallow thrust that didn’t offer much, drawn-out and delicate, but then there was another, stronger and faster, and he moved slowly, inch by inch each time, until he was pulling himself from you almost completely, and sinking back into your sodden heat.
“Oh, fuck.”
He bit down on your shoulder as you swore, cursing himself under his breath, tongue lapping over the spot. When he raised his head, there were wisps of brown hair plastered to his forehead, messy and tangled and you thought he looked stunning this way. Pink flushed cheeks, wide eyes, glistening skin, it was almost angelic, and there were certainly bits of him that made you question his allegiance, but then again, in the span of just one day, he’d made you question absolutely everything you ever knew.
Deep and fast thrusts, and you could feel every throb, every drag of him within you, each time he pulled away just to sheath himself within you once again, and you could feel your own throat stinging with the continuous loops of noises that you were letting out for him. He shifted, slowing for just a second, before one of your legs was being hiked up from his waist to his shoulder, and then, it was getting even better.
You thought he’d shown you the height of pleasure, that the feeling of being connected with him in such a way was all that it could be, but then he was reaching all new depth that made you scream. You couldn't take it, the continuous pounding on that little patch that made everything go blank. Stars in your eyes, white noise that barely let through the sounds of his loud moans and sobs of pleasure, but you could feel him coming undone atop of you, the way his pace faltered and his arm gave way, pressing you into the bed as he lost all semblance of self-control.
He was fucking into you without mercy, and you knew you’d be sore in the morning but right now you needed more. Your heel was digging into his lower back as you came unravelled once again, a peak crashing over you that was ten times stronger than the first had been and you were clinging to him like he was your only lifeline. Fingertips were digging into his flesh, nails raking red welts into his skin and he was growling and grunting, before gripping you with a hold so tight it was bruising, and a whole new kind of warmth washed over you.
His heavy-weight collapsing onto you was enough to warm you from the outside, but then he was spilling deep within you, a broken sound that tailed off at the end as his voice cracked, and you decided that in that exact moment, if you never got to experience anything this good ever again, you’d always cherish exactly how it felt to be marked and claimed as his, to know that no matter what, a little piece of your heart and soul would always belong to him, and him to you.
When he finally stopped moving, he didn’t pull out, but instead, rolled the two of you over until you were cushioned against his chest, and cheek pressed over the racing heart under his chest, and you grinned to yourself at knowing that you could make his heart do that, the organ he hadn't felt used in so long was now in overdrive under his ribs, and it was all for you. It wasn’t love, it couldn't be, it had only been a day; infatuation, curiosity, adoration, a range of emotions flooded through you but it was the possibility of something entirely new, and you thought it was perfect.
Clearly, he was feeling it too, because when you finally moved away from him, his eyes opened again, a weak sound of protest coming from him as you removed yourself from his body, laying down beside him, and sitting up a little, offering him a smile as he watched you. “Don’t leave yet. Stay with me a few more minutes.”
“I’m not going anywhere just yet, don’t you worry.” He was put at ease by that, you could see it from the way his shoulders slumped, and the breath he let out, before his arms were circling your waist and he was collapsing down against you.
You may never get into the version of ‘Heaven’ you’d always believed you were destined for, but this was more than that, it was everything you never knew you needed. Bringing a hand up to his hair, you wove your fingers into the damp strands, and he rumbled blissfully at the feeling, nuzzling further into your body as he did.
The rough stubble on his cheeks tickled you, made you want to shove him away and laugh out loud, but you wanted to hold him and comfort him more, the man overwhelmingly clingy after being intimate, and you treasured it. You had no experience to compare anything to, he was the master here, and you were learning everything, and you were sure to him that was like learning to walk while he was running marathons and doing hurdles, but he was patient and kind, and it was just another thing you’d assumed wrong about him.
Twenty-four hours ago you were someone completely different. Pure, and innocent, and completely unaware of the world you were a part of, and now, you never wanted to go back. He’d made you a promise that everything could be forgotten by midnight if you didn’t like it, but you wanted these memories and these moments burned into your mind forever, never to be taken away from you, so you’d always live in the time that your life changed for the better.
“So, I get it now.”
“Get what, sweetheart?” His words were given to you in a whisper, from where his cheek was pressed to your stomach, and you continued his hair, enjoying the happy rumble he let out as you did. The watch on your wrist showed the time, and you watched as he checked it, letting out a disgruntled little huff, before he was squeezing you a little tighter once again.
“Lust. Why so many people give in to it. That was incredible.”
“It only gets better. Didn’t want to break you on your first time, though.” He pressed a kiss to your skin, snickering as you scoffed at his words, and then he was pulling away far enough to sit up. You could see the scarring along his left shoulder so much clearer now, metal meeting flesh, bound with red scarring that marred beautiful golden skin, and yet his imperfections only made him seem even more perfect to you. “Maybe next year we’ll explore some more.”
“Next year?”
“Halloween is almost over, sweetheart.” You let him crawl further up your body, searching for your lips with his own until he wound his way home, and you flopped back into the pillows, taking him with you, breathless laughs expelled into both mouths until he was pulling away. “Mhm, no. When you kiss me like that, we get carried away.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Well, I like to think I can hold out, and I don’t think we could get everything I want to do to you done within six minutes.” He sighed dramatically, before rolling off of you and onto the bed beside you.
“What if we had more than six minutes?” He twisted his head studying you for a minute, before his lips were parting, and he was pulling your hands from where you were picking at the loose threads on the bedsheets, and he was bringing your knuckles to his mouth, gentle kisses pressed to them.
“Don’t speak in riddles, we don’t have the time for that.”
“What if I stayed?”
He sat up a little more, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “You know if you stay, this is the only place you’ll ever end up. Even if you left next year, even if you decided not to be here anymore, while you still have your life. You’ll never get into Heaven. You only have three minutes to make a decision that’ll decide the rest of your life.”
“I think I’ve already made it.” Something eerily similar to hope flickering between your eyes, and you only gave him a sweet grin, before his face was cracking open in a wide beam, and he was lunging at you again. “What did Heaven ever do for me anyway? I think I’d much rather stay and be a sinner here with you.”
He bumped the tip of his nose against yours, before moving down to press a sweet kiss to your lips, pausing for long enough to speak; “Maybe, but you’ll always be my angel.”
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I’m human, can’t you see? I made, I made a mistake. please just look me in my face, tell me everything’s okay. cause I got it, I’ll never be like you.”
 ☆ previous imagine: ♡ ☆ masterlist: ♡
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“Enji, the baby is yours,” you whispered grabbing your now small bump, “and you’re walking away from it?” Enji scoffed, wiping his wet fingers that he was previously biting on. 
“you’re not a worthy wife. you’re nothing.”
your mouth dropped at the bluntness. the two of you weren’t official, not by far, but when you found out that you were holding his child, you thought that he was going to stick around. 
“so you’re leaving me with the child?” he nodded, “and you want nothing to do with me? what if he has your quirk? or your hair? it’s going to be very noticable that it’s your child.”
Enji shrugged, not bothering to reply to your warnings. your eyes pricked with tears, not knowing what you were going to do. you were going to keep the baby but the thought that Enji wanted no part in his life broke your heart. 
your sighed wavered as you walked away from the red haired boy. you were only eighteen. you didn’t know if you could deal with a child on your own. of course your family had already offered to help take care of the baby but the thought that you were going to be a single mother because of Enji’s selfish mindset made you want to turn around and kick him 
you looked down to your baby bump and rubbed it. 
“don’t ever think that you’re not loved. one day, we’ll find someone who is worth our time. someone who loves you as much as I do.”
U.A. had been nice enough to allow you to do homeschool to finish off your third year and have the credentials of graduating from such a luxury school. 
your baby had been born at the tail end of your third year so he was able to witness your graduation. your mother had made him a small graduation cap and gown as a surprise the day you were going to walk the stage. 
at first, you didn’t want to even bare to even step back onto U.A. grounds and the thought of it made you want to gag but when your sibling had told that Enji being there shouldn’t stop you from grabbing that diploma from the principal and calling yourself a U.A. graduate.
you made sure that you didn’t focus on Enji when his name was called. you drowned it out and payed attention to the sleeping baby in your arms. you were planning on walking across the stage with your son and made sure to show Enji that he was missing out on the best thing to ever happen to you. 
you lined up with the rest of the business department with your one month old child finally waking up from his nap. you knew he had to be fed soon but as soon as you heard your name be called, you positioned him so the camera could catch a glimpse of him. 
( your name ), graduating second in her class, and has three internships lined up at agencies in Tokyo, Osaka, and Hokkaido.” 
you waved the baby’s hand at the camera, gaining aww’s from the crowd as you grabbed the diploma from the principal and took the picture with the entire U.A. faculty. 
once the graduation ceremony was over and your family was finished taking photos with you, a few of your friends were generous enough to invite you out for a night in the town. your family more than willingly took the baby of your hands so you could enjoy at least tonight. 
as you were getting ready to leave the campus, you saw Enji staring at you with eyes that you were sure if they could kill, you would be dead where you stood. 
“you had the audacity to bring that child to graduation? are you stupid?” he asked a bit flustered, “why? you scared everyone would find out that Enji Todoroki has a baby that he doesn’t want to claim? cry me a river, Todoroki. I’m done trying to have you care for our child. to you, he’s a mistake but to me, he’s everything. next time you want to put your dick in someone, make sure to warn that poor son of a bitch.”
Enji stared at you in surprise. he would have never though you would ever raise your voice at him but the way you held onto his baby and walked away made him think that maybe he should’ve put more thought into his decision. 
he knew the baby was his. the small red hair poking out of his head just assured him that your son was a Todoroki. 
the night came when your friends beeped at you from the street. you kissed your baby goodnight as your mom reassured you that it was okay to enjoy your night out. the mom guilt was crawling up and your mom was able to see that a part of you didn’t want to leave your son but nevertheless, you kissed your son once more before grabbing your bag and leaving. 
all of your friends decided on a 18+ club for the night. you knew since none of you were old enough to drink, you would be getting home safe and all together. 
“do any of you want a soda? I’ll purchase the first person who raises their hand,” your friend Rei’s hand instantly shot up as she asked for a Bubly instead. 
you walked to the bar and ordered the sparkling water and soda as you went to the other side to wait for it. as you sat on the stool, you felt a weight next to you and looked at who sat down.
it was a boy, maybe only one or two years older than you. he had the blondest hair you had ever seen and blue eyes you could get lost in. he gave you a wide smile earning your shy one in return. 
“hey, I’m Toshinori,” he screamed through the music. you shook his hand in response, “I’m ( your name ), nice to meet you!” you yelled back. 
you woke up next to Toshi and smiled at his. ever since he became the symbol of peace and offered to move back to Japan to focus on his hero work here, the time you spent with him was more prevalent.
your son was now five. he had fiery red hair and developed a combination of your quirk and Enji’s. 
it took a while for you to trust another man after your situation with Enji but Toshi understood you completely. he was more than happy to take Enji’s place and become your sons new father. not only that but you were now carrying his brother. 
although you and Toshi weren’t married, he had gotten you pregnant and you didn’t necessarily hate the idea of making your son a brother. Toshi promised he would take at least two months off to make sure you and the baby were well taken care off while making sure your son didn’t feel too left out. 
when he found out his rival was your sons father, there’s a point a few times in the relationship that had you holding Toshi back from wanting to basically obliterate Enji into the ground.
the fact that Enji thought of you as scum made him gag and once you told him the comments he made about your son, he knew that if he ever came face to face with the fire hero, he would probably get arrested for assault
you struggled to get out of bed but knew you had to make a run to the store to get some food you had been craving since last night. 
as you made the trudge to your sons room, you noticed Toshi already in there, silently trying to wake him up. you knew that if neither of you did, he would be asleep till at least noon. 
your son stirred awake and hugged Toshi for the morning comfort as you made your way into the bathroom to get ready. your son had known of his situation with his dad and Toshi. he never really pressed you for more information but all he knew is that Toshi was his dad and his biological dad was no longer in the picture. 
“are you ready to go to the store?” Toshi asked as he placed a few small kisses on your bare shoulder after your shower. you hummed in response, “ ( your sons name ) is eating breakfast so we can stop for your coffee on the way to the store.” 
you gave Toshi a kiss before quickly finishing getting ready and waddling your way downstairs. your son and Toshi were talking amongst each other while Toshi swung the keys around his finger. 
“ready!” you exclaimed as your son hugged your shoulder, “lets make the trip quick. I don’t want people seeing you in public for a long time,” Toshi murmured in your ear as you rolled your eyes jokingly. 
since Toshi found out that you were pregnant, he trapped you inside of the house. he hated the media talking about him so when they spoke about you in a negative way, he was ready to fight anyone and everyone. Toshi even punched a slimy reporter who was saying comments about you and your son. 
the drive to the grocery store was filled with your son talking gibberish with you and Toshi. he had your personality because Enji was hardly talkative when you knew him. 
you three arrived to the store as Toshi and your son went in the opposite direction of you. you grabbed the shopping cart from the stack and made your way to the frozen food section. 
you had to get a weeks worth of dinner plans and a few snacks for yourself. you struggled to grab the green peas from the top of the shelf when you saw a hand reach for them and bring them down for you. 
you looked up to see the last person you expect. Enji was towering over you as shock was written all across of his face. the two of you stayed quiet, not knowing what to say or do. 
“mommy! mommy! look! dad bought me a new hero coloring book,” you heard your son exclaim. you eyes widen as he stood next to you as Toshi immediately recognized what was happening, “mommy? is everything okay?” your son asked.
“yeah, everything is okay,” you whispered as Enji and Toshi unknowingly sized up with each other, “hey, c’mon, we need to hit the vitamin aisle. ( your sons name ) needs his vitamins and I’m running out of pre-natals,” you mentioned.
Enji stared at you again, “you’re pregnant to him?” he asked as you nodded slowly, “of course she is. it’s a family trip,” Toshi emphasized the word family as he looked down to his son. 
Enji eye’s widened as he stared at his first born. he had the Todoroki red hair and couldn’t help but wonder if he had his quirk or yours. Enji was able to tell that his son was terrified of the situation. 
“come on, let’s go,” you whispered to both your son. you were nothing short of a petty bitch. you gave Toshi a kiss on the lips, making sure it was as dramatic as possible before retracting. your son started to gag dramatically as you made sure your lipstick stain stayed on Toshi’s face making him chuckle, knowing exactly what you were doing. 
Toshi and Enji stared at each other, not saying a word for what felt like a century. 
“are you taking care of her? does he have my quirk?” Enji muttered making Toshi laugh, “of course I am. I’m not you. I take care of what is mine,” Toshi retorted with a chuckle at the end, “but he does but he also has her quirk so it’s not like you’re anything too special. he uses ( your name )’s quirk more anyway.” 
Enji growled at the fact that Toshi was getting amusement at Enji’s misfortune. Tosh gave one final laugh before leaning into Enji’s ear. 
“looks like I won again.” 
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