#i hate her colors sm it is unreal
the-witchs-cafe · 7 months
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Lusamine from Pokemon Sun and Moon/Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon would turn into a witch in Puella Magi Madoka Magica!
Cause of Witchification: The exact events leading up to her losing her marbles differs between the base and ultra versions of the games, but they do stem from one catastrophic incident; the disappearance of her husband, Mohn, as he was transported from an Ultra Wormhole to gods know where. Her patience and sanity were running thin as she continued on with her search for him - leaving behind both Lillie and Gladion, terrified for what is happening to their mother -, until the split between said universes occurred-
In the base game, she encounters and is subsequently infected by UB-01: Symbiont; causing her inhibitions to lower and desire to find her husband and care for vulnerable pokemon to devolve into a fanatical love for the ultra beasts- Nihilego most especially. Now seeing her children as extensions of that very twisted love, she began to manipulate and force them to imitate the very monstrosities that captured her eyes; causing the both of them to run away. That didn't matter, though; no children of hers were as "filthy" as they were. All that mattered was her precious beast...
In the ultra version, however, she had encountered signs of a larger, more terrifying threat; the beast that threatened to devour all of Alola's light, Necrozma. Realizing the threat at hand, she had placed all her resourced, attention, and efforts into collaborating with the Ultra Recon Squad and stopping that monster once and for all; even if it meant that lives would be threatened, especially that of Cosmog's.
Either way, she isn't exactly what we would call "sane"; in both versions of the games, her poisoned idea of love and broken desire to "protect" those beneath her have caused her to go even beyond what is considered "extreme", whether her adoration was directed towards the Ultra Beasts or has devolved into a sense of vigilantism, and what better way to see that than the pokemon she had kept frozen in her own lab? Even if she hadn't witched out, one could make the suggestion that she and Alina Gray would become the best of friends.
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rxgueone · 2 years
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Word count: 4,999
Summary: Austin, who strongly dislikes the oc. Eventually falls for her, and isn’t afraid to admit it.
Warnings: fluff, cursing, enemies to lover trope, arguing, emotional cheating, all I can think of.
Tags: none.
Note: I don’t know what’s been up with Tumblr lately. But this app has been duplicating and deleting paragraphs. So if this story is a bit messed up. I apologize. This is also based off of something that happened to me with the chic I’ve been seeing. We’re about to hit two years so rad. This story is based off of mainly her perspective and to what she’s told me when dealing with her friends who use to constantly judge not only our relationship but as well as me as a person so that’s also rad. But yeah. Story based off of mainly how she sees me and why she loves me etc etc. I love her sm. She’s genuinely perfect. So… I guess you could say this is technically just a super long love letter to my girl. So if she sees this. I love you.
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The blonde sat down in silence. His body hunched over the bench he was sitting, legs crossed, with a pen and sketchbook. He was constantly glancing at the reference photo of Venom that was on his phone. Sketching out some sort of figure of the Marvel Villain.
Behind him was a girl in black pantyhose, a black skirt and black shirt. She had raven colored hair, that was long. However compared to him she was quite little and petite. He hadn’t noticed her presence as he was quietly sketching.
The girl recognized him. He was Austin Butler, the most outspoken guy at the campus. A man who she had hated greatly, and she knew he felt the same way over her. The pair had gotten into several heated debates about controversial topics. He was never afraid to stand up for what he believed in. When she had met him, he was dating a girl named Ana. Who was very short compared to him.
She never understood how Ana could put up with Austin. A brash and blunt man who never seemed to know how to shut up. But, this was the first time he looked at his lonesome. And she watched him draw in his sketchbook.
He never had many friends either. He always looked to be alone ever since he and Ana broke up. He had such a cold expression on his face, he was emotionally unavailable most of the time. And he had changed since the breakup, still outspoken but less or more so.
She cleared her throat, wanting to compliment the drawing. “That’s a nice drawing you got there.”
The pencil stopped moving as he turned to face her. “Oh,” he blankly looked at her. Looking at his drawing again, then at her, “appreciate that. It’s Venom.” He had a simple tone. His voice was raspy, but it had a husky twist to it. Almost seemed unreal how deep someone’s voice really was. She forgot how deep it was in all honesty, even despite of their heated debates.
“Oh… Venom.” She whispered. “Mind if I sit with you to watch?” She asked quietly. She was expecting him to reject the offer, considering their deep dislike towards each other- or, so she thought.
“Yeah, go ahead.” He flicked his head, motioning her to the empty spot. She blinked, taken aback by this. But nonetheless, she had offered, he took it, so she should go through. She sat down at his side, close to him to watch the pencil move against the paper.
She said nothing for some time, not wanting to disturb him. During this time, Austin’s eyes would sometimes wonder off to her face. She was prettier than he remembered. In fact, he never thought she was pretty, purely cause they were typically yelling at each other. He figured he’d spark up a conversation. “You know anything about Marvel?”
“No.” She answered, glancing at his face. “I dunno much about Marvel.”
“Me neither,” he admitted casually, “I just like drawing.” Once the sketch was finished. He began to tighten up the drawing so it could look more of an actual figure instead of just circles and messy squiggles. “More of a Star Wars guy.”
“You like Star Wars?” Her eyes were now focused on his face.
“Yes.” His tone remained monotonous.
“I’ve never watched it.”
“Would you like me to tell you about it?”
“Sure. I’d love to hear about it.” She shrugged. Her brown eyes had remained on him. As he continued to sketch Venom, she listened intently to his words as he talked about the love he had for the series. He sounded passionate, and she couldn’t lie, it was interesting and attractive how someone could talk so passionately about something they felt fondly for.
Her head was slightly tilted the whole time as she listened. She couldn’t believe that she was sitting with Austin, casually talking to him. She thought he’d be mean or hostile towards her. But he seemed so casual and chill, like they had never once argued a day in their life. For some reason, this too charmed her.
She blinked, thinking it’d be awkward to mention it. But she decided to anyways. “I thought you’d be meaner.” She said once he finished his monologue about how great Star Wars was. Austin looked at her with half sleepy eyes. His face was unreadable but she assumed he was confused. “Cause well- y’know, you and I use to go at it.” She chuckled nervously.
“Oh.” He looked away for a moment. “Yeah well,” he started, “I know how to properly loathe people. You were debating with me because that’s the whole point of English Literature. You debate about topics and stupid shit like that. You were only doing it to get the A. I was doing the same. Nothin deep about it.” He shrugged it off. “It was professional, not personal.”
She was surprised by his laid back response. “But I mean— I would ignore you and everything too after that.”
“So?” He smirked. “Don’t matter does it? You’re talkin to me now.” This man was full of surprises. He was laid back. Incredibly so that it seemed unreal. But on his face was a smirk, a smirk that showed friendliness. “We’re still friends. You may not consider me one. But I consider you one. So, I’ll wait for you to talk to me. I’m like a dog.”
“You shouldn’t compare yourself to a dog.” She was taken back from how low he saw himself. Never has she seen someone refer to themself as a dog, and for some reason he didn’t seem too bothered by it. He just looked back at the sketchbook.
“It isn’t an insult to myself.” Beginning to shade in the parts of Venom’s body. “It’s not an insult if it’s true. I’m like a dog. I wait and wait. My ex girlfriend ignored me for a total of six months, and I waited for her.”
“Ana?” Scooting closer to him until their knees were touching. He gave a nod. She looked at what he was wearing. Black jeans, a white shirt underneath his Vans hoodie, with a pair of Vans sneakers. “She ignored you for that long?”
“Like I said Lyra,” he looked at her eyes now. She saw nothing but empty gray orbs. As if he was use to being treated that way. With a blank expression, “I’m a dog.” He returned back to sketching. “You hated me. Your friends hated me too. Most people on this campus hated me. Even my girlfriend ignored me. So… y’know you gotta wait till you’re actually used or some shit.”
“But… nobody should be treated that way.” She spoke softly.
“Oh? When I debated with your whole entire friend group. One of your buddies made a whole post about it on Instagram. Then I got attacked for it.” He scoffed, his tone still showing no range of emotion. He didn’t seemed annoyed, he didn’t seem sad, he didn’t show anything.
“We did that?” Not even being able to recall the event. Austin couldn’t help but chuckle when she answered him. He gave a nod once more, his brows raised in amusement. “Oh- I’m sorry about that. That was incredibly immature of us.”
“Yeah. It was.” He began drawing in the background of the sketch. “But I don’t blame you. It was him. Not you.”
“But I’m friends with him?”
“But, you’re not him.” He put the sketchbook away now. Closing it shut to put it beside him with the pencil on top. “So… I look at you differently. Like I said. I know how to loathe people. I never had the privilege to really loathe someone properly.” Their eyes locked with each other. They were sitting incredibly close.
Maybe she didn’t hate him. Now that she was actually talking to him. He seemed chill, interesting with the way he thought. Yeah, maybe she didn’t hate him. Maybe she believed she did because her other friends hated him, but her? No.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that.” She murmured, realizing that he was much different than she first perceived. He chuckled lowly once more, shaking his head. “Well- I don’t hate you either.” This caught his attention. Their eyes were still locked with each other. He had been listening to her intently, his arm over the bench, leaning back on it. With her hands underneath her thighs, with their bodies turned towards each other.
“You don’t?”
“No.” She shook her head. “I thought I did honestly. But now that I get to know you… you’re super chill.” Her hands pulled out from underneath her thighs, nervously twiddling with her fingers.
“Then I’ll see you here tomorrow, huh?” As if he was suggesting the idea to become actual friends. She had nodded her head in agreement. Not wanting to treat him like a dog, like the way he saw herself.
From that day on. The pair would meet up with each other on that bench every day. He’d probably bring some snickers, for himself mainly cause she didn’t like chocolate. But they had began to grow closer to each other as the days pressed on.
Lyra’s priority was always her friend group, and Austin wasn’t the priority. She cared more about her friend group than she cared about him. But at times, she would often catch herself talking about him.
“What’re you so focused on?” One of her friends asked. Noticing that she had been on her phone more, as if she was expecting a text message.
“Oh- a text from that guy I was talking about earlier.” She revealed to them. They quirked up their brows, surprised by the answers.
“You seem more interested in him.”
“Oh, well y’know he’s cool.” She brushed it off as if they weren’t even there. They had laughed at her new interest in him, going back to talking about whatever they were talking about. She had known that if they found out if she was talking to Austin Butler they would have made fun of him.
But for some reason, she began to prioritize him slowly. Slowly he was chipping away at her heart. At times when he would meet with her, they would just sit at the bench at talk. Get to know each other more. With his arm around her shoulder, and her leaning against him.
He was learning more about her. And the more he learned. The more he realized she wasn’t really a good girl like the front she put up for the audience. She wasn’t innocent nor pure like the front she put up. She was mean but she was also kind to him, she would listen to him talk about random things he enjoyed, or would vent to her about how the storage room flooded again at work.
She learned that he was a person filled with anger. He grew up in a culture where he was taught to never show emotion. So he was mostly monotonous with everyone he met. The only time he would actually show emotion was when debating with someone, but that emotion was usually annoyance, nothing more, nothing less. She learned he was impulsive and battled with his demons often. That he needed someone stable there to keep him calm, he needed someone who was patient and understanding. He needed that.
She learned that he was also a handyman. For some reason she found him to be the coolest in the room. He had revealed that he could weld, fix motorcycles, he knew how to cook, he had so many things about him that were surprising. Such as how his favorite color was pastel pink. She found this to be especially shocking due to the fact he was such a burly dude. Tall and blunt with no emotion, who really loved puppies and loved the color pink. When she needed him to help her with something, he was there. Always.
She learned that he would cope with himself by writing. His stories were always different in her eyes. With a world filled with nothing but hate, with a world that is constantly tearing itself apart, writing stories can help put it back together. Making up a poem on the dime for her just like that. She had figured that he’d write about her, about their friendship, about everything.
And so, she had came to the realization that she was slowly falling for him. For a man who was blunt, honest, unemotional, but that was fine for her. Due to the reality of him being an immature sweetheart.
At the time he had been talking to a girl for awhile. He would often vent to Lyra about the girl. About how she would belittle him and tell him how nobody would love him as much as she did, why Ana left him, why people treat him like a dog, etc etc. she would just go on with belittling him.
It was eventually so bad that Austin simply told Lyra. ‘I just want to be a good man.’ He would whisper in such a weak and soft tone, exposing his vulnerability to her.
Never before had a man expressed such a genuine desire to be good. Was he belittled so much that he genuinely saw himself as a bad person? To this. She would simply answer with: You are a good person.
And he was. He wouldn’t hurt a fly if he could. It was if he was afraid of hurting people. With his background, he didn’t want to hurt anymore people. He would always listen to Lyra, and she could be herself around him. Sometimes she would twirl, with his hand holding hers to help. Something she was embarrassed about but loved doing due to the skirts she wore.
He admitted to liking her skirts. He admitted to liking everything about her. Saying that she was kind and patient, which meant she was perfect to him. But she never believed him, however he believed his words with everything he had. He had fallen for her, and promised to protect her while they were friends. He had vowed his loyalty to her even as friends. So she could tell him anything she couldn’t tell her friends.
One day by the park, they had been sitting beside each other. She was eating ice cream that he bought for her. “You alright?” He asked.
“Yep! Vanilla is an awesome flavor!” She smiled up at him. A crack of a smile plastered on his face as he kept watching her eat quietly.
Austin had gotten a hint that maybe Lyra felt the same way he felt for her. He saw her as the most beautiful woman in the world. She wasn’t what he first thought of her. She wasn’t a bitch. She was kind, gentle, and understanding. She was whiney and bratty, but she cared deeply for him, he knew. She would listen to how he felt. She would listen. Which was all that mattered to him. Nobody, not even the girl he was seeing could even do that for him.
To him, Lyra was the most perfect woman in the universe. The way she would skip or sometimes ramble about stuff was what made her so perfect. The fact that she would comfortably lean on his shoulder without judging him. The fact that she wasn’t shy to smile. The fact that she was able to sit down with him. To look at him. It was all he could ever ask for from her. The way she would just wrap him up in all her love, the way she would touch his hair to make sure it was okay and not messy. Sometimes he’d just walk around in ripped up clothes due to how old they were and the fact he couldn’t afford anything, she never judged him for that.
He wanted to show her the world. He wanted to show her how grateful he was. Even with the girl he had been currently talking with, how he felt miserable. But with Lyra she would make him smile. Cupping his face as she spoke, gathering and stealing all his attention. Twirling to show off her skirts. For a short while, he thought he could never love again, not after that girl he had been actively talking to, not after the girl that made him feel miserable. But then Lyra found him that one faithful evening.
In all his misery, her calm and gentle smile, her soothing voice was there to save him. When he felt the most lost. She was there for him. She was his Juliet to his Romeo.
So on that day when he gathered up all his courage. He figured he would shoot his shot. “Do you like anyone?”
“Huh?” She gulped down, licking her lips. “You asked me this already.” Her tone showed genuine confusion. Puzzled why he would ask her this while she was eating ice cream.
“I was just curious. I hear things.” He shrugged. “So…?”
“I got a crush.” Revealing only that to him. “What about you?”
“Yeah I got a crush too.” Blinking his dazed eyes, she perked up a brow. Austin? Liking somebody? When he was seeing a girl? Of course he likes someone. Maybe he just wants to amuse himself.
She chuckled to herself. “Yeah? Is it the girl you’re seeing?” Continuing off the assumption that he wanted some entertainment.
“No.” With a shake of his head, he hunched forward off the bench. With his elbows on his thighs, pushing his lengthy figure up.
“Oh-“ she blinked, now she was curious. If it wasn’t her. Then who. “Alright then who do you like?”
“You.” He reiterated. “I like you.” With eyes staring at hers. She had froze in place. She couldn’t believe how casual he was about this. As if confessing wasn’t nerve wrecking. The bastard even had an arrogant smile on his face. Amusing himself with how shy she had evidently gotten. Her face flushed a light shade of pink, her knees rubbed against each other.
Hurriedly eating the rest of the waffle cone. “Well-“ she gulped down the last of it, wiping her lips with a napkin he gave her, “-I admittedly like you too.”
“I know.” He shrugged. “You don’t do a good job at hiding around me.” Leaning back on the bench. He stared into the sky as if this was an average Tuesday.
“How can you be so casual about this?” Lyra had gotten multiple confessions in her life. All of them were hosted with boys who had their heart pumping in their chest.
Austin shrugged, thinking about it. “I guess… because I’ve accepted that if I get rejected then that’s too bad for me.”
Now that she had known Austin returned those feelings. She wanted him. She wanted him all to herself. But, how could she even admit that. How could she even say she wanted him. Austin had let out a sigh, a disappointed sigh. Which then again caught her attention. Now with his body turned to her. “May I kiss you?”
“What-“ she was still having trouble that the man she use to spite was now a man who liked her, and the fact that she even reciprocated those feelings for him was more surprising.
“May I kiss you.” He didn’t lose his calm tone. Knowing that she was incredibly nervous. “I know you just ate ice cream but my heart is about to explode.” Even with half opened eyes and a relaxed tone, he was nervous.
“Okay.” She nodded, and she watched as his face inched closer to hers. Until she felt their breathing against each other.
“Close your eyes.” He instructed. And she did. He smiled a bit. She’s cute. Tilting his head, their lips now against each other. His arms snaked around her hips to bring her closer. Instinctively, she had her arms around his neck. With her hands going up to his hair. It was soft.
Pulling away from her, he pressed his forehead against hers before finally pulling away enough to get a good look at her. She blinked up at him, and for some reason he was reminded of a doe. He couldn’t help but slightly smile at how cute she had looked. As if she was processing she had just kissed him. “Not bad, huh.”
“Yeah…” she admitted. “Not bad at all.” Seeming breathless by him. A low chuckle that resonated deep within his chest was his only response to how breathless she was.
However with the girl getting in the way, he and Lyra couldn’t be together. Without Austin’s knowledge, she had been seeing another man, and eventually that man confessed to her. To which, she had accepted his feelings. And when he had found out, he grew furious.
“You’re dating him? Darcel?” He had his arms folded across his chest. Standing in front of her, with his eyes narrowed down to her. “That goober?”
“You did not just say goober, Austin.” She was trying to take him serious but with the word Goober. She couldn’t. She saw him as a childish guy. “Austin, I don’t even know why you care so much! You’ve been refusing to date me for the last two weeks!” She was sitting on the couch in the middle of his living room at his apartment.
“Okay who gives a fuck, Lyra! I want you. Be with me!” He shouted out of frustration. She blinked, surprised by how randomly he had just asked her out. “Just- who gives a fuck about her, yeah? Just be with me.”
“Oh well that’s a bit too late now. I’m not gonna leave Darcel for you.” She was calm, her legs crossed, folded arms.
He sat beside her now, staring at her eyes, frustrated. Gulping down his anger, he inhaled deeply to calm down. “Tell me this honestly. Do you love him?”
“Scuse me?”
“It’s a simple question Lyra, do you love the guy or not.”
“That’s rather rude of you.”
“Why can’t you just answer the question?” He scoffed, leaning back against the couch with his body turned to face hers.
“I-…” she trailed off, twiddling with her fingers again.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “So you’re playing him.” He muttered. Watching her hand reach out for his, he allowed her to hold his hand in hers. She looked down at his piano fingers, playing with them.
“Well y’know…” she began, “I just- I dunno. I love you. Not him.”
“So then be with me. Why play a dude.” He seemed to have calmed down now. She looked up at his gray eyes. Like usual, dazed and half awake. Proving it.
“Well, Austin. There won’t be an us. It’s over, between us.” She clarified for him. Wanting to make sure that he understood she wouldn’t leave Darcel for him.
“Well, might be over for you. But not for me.” He grabbed the remote of the TV on the coffee table, switching the TV on. She looked at him up and down. He’s got balls. She thought to herself. Something that she loved about him.
Darcel had seemed to get the idea that Austin had feelings for Lyra. He had spotted Austin standing uncomfortably close to her at a party the three of them had attended. With his head leaned down close to her face, from what Darcel saw. Austin’s eyes were so focused on her face, clearly listening to her words.
He had his hands on her hips to hold her. She seemed to be casually talking to him. Not noticing the gestures. She wasn’t even pushing him away. At one point, Darcel had overheard Austin telling her that he loved her.
“God Lyra, I love you. Y’know that?” His eyes looked her up and down. She was wearing his flannel jacket, underneath was a black shirt that showed a bit of her cleavage, and a pair of jeans. “You look pretty as hell.” He whispered.
“Yes. I love you too. Now hush down before people hear you.” She hissed.
“Darcel ain’t gonna know.” He shrugged casually. His eyes wandered across the party. Locking with Darcel’s who had been standing there was a cup of beer in his hand. His black hair slicked back. Austin had smirked at Darcel, flicking his head before Lyra had grabbed Austin’s face to force him to look at her, missing his attention.
“What’re you even lookin’ at? You’re making me whine again.”
“Sorry princess.” He wouldn’t kiss her. Even though he wanted to.
Eventually, Darcel and Lyra had gotten into an argument. He had yelled at her to cut Austin off. But due to her love for him, she had rejected the offer to cut Austin off. They would bicker multiple times about it.
He had enough of her now. He had dumped her there and then. “You stay away from him you hear!” He snapped, wanting the last word. “He’s in love with you.” Before slamming the door shut.
She stood there for a moment. Rolling her eyes, she had known that Austin was just a phone call away. To which, she took that phone call.
Just as she wanted. He had came over to her place. They were sitting side by side, her arms had been wrapped around his neck. He had smiled against the kiss, and she had finally understood that he was growing more comfortable with her. So comfortable that he had an actual smile on his face. He loved her. He did.
“So he dumped you.” He wanted to clarify. Even in spite of his blunt tone. She could tell it was a question. “Why?”
“Thought you had feelings for me and didn’t trust me because I refused to dump you.” She shrugged.
“Ah, I see.” He nodded understandably. “Well, guess you’re mine for the taking now.” He leaned down again to kiss her once more. Her hands digging into his blonde hair, with his arms tightly wrapped around her hips.
“Yeah, I guess so.” She smiled.
“How you gonna tell your friends that you’re with me?” Austin had known that Lyra’s friends hated him.
She shrugged. “I’ll figure out a way.”
“Rad.” He grumbled, scratching the back of his head. His brows raised as he sighed.
Lyra sat with her friends. All of them surrounded her. The eldest one had glared down at her. “You’re dating Austin Butler? The douche who is opinionated as fuck and doesn’t listen to anybody for shit?”
“You haven’t seen him.” She had a calm tone.
“We all talked with him!”
“Talking isn’t debating.” Not wanting any of this to get to her. She shrugged it off. “You haven’t seen my man.” Looking at them all. “He loves me and I love him, we decided to date. You haven’t seen him. You haven’t seen how he treats me. How he kisses me. How he looks at me.”
She believed that fully. His eyes would always soften when he looked at her. Leaning his head down close, or just leaning in her general direction so he could clearly hear her. The way he’d sometimes crack a smile from something silly she’d do. Or how he would teach her how to dance.
She would step on his Vans, and he’d hold her hand in his, with one hand on her waist. Showing her the steps to a dance.
The way he held her, with his arms propped up on her hips. Sometimes she’d straddle his lap, with her head on his chest. He would keep his arms around her hips, caressing them as he spoke to her in a soft tone. She would lay there, listening to how his heart would race whenever she told him she loved him deeply. But when they laid together. That to her was heavenly.
With her head laid on his chest, her arms around his surprisingly small waist with their legs tangled. She would listen to the beat of his heart, watching as her head would rise then fall in sync with his breathing. How deeply he breathed whenever he was asleep, he had looked like a relaxed baby.
How protective he was over her. How he would always hold the door open for her. Always holding her hand whenever they were out for a stroll around the city. She loved him, and he loved her. He was never afraid to show his love to her, he would sit with her and tell her; I love you, forever and always, with my heart and my soul. You have my heart. I love you Lyra. I love you forever.
None of them had seen her man. None of them had seen him. Seen him for who he truly was. You haven’t seen my man.
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eeunoia · 4 years
An Idol’s Girl | l.ty
Note ⚠⚠⚠ : This will be my first blog so I’m sorry if it’s not good??? I really just can’t help but to write this ehe. Adios.
Summary: Y/N as a trainee and Lee Taeyong as her boyfriend. Kind of sum up everything.
This is so terrible but I can’t stop myself from writing this and posting it so rip to those who will encounter this to their newsfeeds??? hehehe. Don;t hate me tho, I’m like new to all of this so bare with me??
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"To the world, NCT! Annyeonghaseyo NCT-imnida." I smiled as I watched them bow their heads in front of their fans. My eyes stared from the first boy from the left up until to the last one. They sure crowd the whole stage with all of their members.
I can say that SM Entertainment's future will really be bright because of them. With their visual like faces and their unbelievable talents, they will surely be remarkable.
Everyone's eye catching I can say that, but one man surely captured my eyes and my heart.
I smiled when he slightly caught me staring, Lee Taeyong. He was smiling while waving at their fans but when we locked our eyes, his smile disappeared for a while.
I pursed my lips as that hurt me. Why am I even surprised? And why the hell did I went here even though I know he won't be happy with it?
I sighed heavily as I slowly squished myself out of their loud fans. They were screaming and pushing each other but luckily, I made it out alive and a whole piece.
When I was already making my way out of the venue my phone rang so I fished it out from my pocket as I slightly hugged myself because of the cold breeze.
"Where are you right now, Y/n? Did you make it in NCT's showcase?"
I smiled when I heard Jiguem Unnie's voice at the other line. She's a trainee from the Sm Entertainment together with me. We've known each other for years since we started training.
"Neh, but I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Eh? Why?"
Of course she'll wonder why! The showcase is for 4 hours and I've been gone for only 1 hour.
I stayed silent, didn't really find the right words to say. I heard her heavy sigh and I knew she already figured out what happen.
"What did your asshole boyfriend did once again?"
The corner of my lips rose up not because I'm happy. But because of how I find things awful. He's my boyfriend and I'm just trying to support him.
"N-Nothing," i almost hit myself in my imagination because I stuttered.
"You know what? I can't believe why you still endure that relationship of yours with Lee Taeyong when you can just break up with him."
"I love him." that's the sad fact here. I love Taeyong but I'm not sure if he still feel the same way towards me.
We met the first time when our President wants the trainees to perform in one of the company's family concert. We were thrilled when we first heard about it. It will be the time Sm Ent. will introduce their trainees.
So all of us were gathered in one of the meeting halls to discuss about the said event. There is where I met him. I didn't like him at first because I don't like the way he makes me nervous.
With his visual that looks like he's been pulled off from an anime, he surely looks unreal. He have this sharp features that made him look intimidating.
It was hard for me to get close with him when I find it easy with the others. I'm a very friendly person and I get along with other people pretty well so I find it odd for me to feel different around him. That's when I realize I like him.
After a month of knowing each other, Jaehyun told me that Taeyong wanted to be close to me. I didn't believed it at first as I never saw him try. But then he started showing interest at me. He asked me out in coffee dates during our free days. It was fun!
Soon we slowly grew feelings for each other that pretty much led into a relationship. It was great actually. The first three months were just us showing how much we cared for one another. The management even knows about us and didn't really went against. I was close with his co-trainees as well.
We were doing fine until they started getting busy for their debut as NCT U. I was very excited for him and really rooting for his success. I knew how hardworking he is so he deserves this.
But as he slowly approach his dream, thats when we grew apart. We started hanging out less. I understand it of course. We started having big fights that led me to sleepless nights.
Our relationship went from a happy one to a dull commitment. My friends kept on telling me to just let him go because they think it's just not meant to be, but I'm just stubborn. I want to hold on. I don't know why, but I want to.
"Still no text?" I glanced over one of my co-trainee when she asked me that. She probably noticed I've been checking my phone too many times today.
I shook my head slowly and pouted my lips because of unhappy feeling that I've felt.
"Maybe he's just busy, Y/n-ah." Jiguem unnie said trying to lighten up my mood.
"I'm texting Mark, he said they're not busy today." Koeun said frankly.
I sighed heavily as it slowly sink into me. I get it! He's avoiding me. But I just don't know his reason! I can't remember that we argue about something? The last time we talk is me saying good luck for their comeback! I even let him do as he please, I don't confront him for all the days he's been so cold to me. I let that pass since I want him to focus with his comeback.
"Maybe he's cheating behind your back?" My thoughts were interrupted by one of the other trainees. We all looked at her in unison.
"(Trainee name)!" the other trainees called out her name with their warning tone. I saw how she just gave us a shrug.
I'm close to all of them and they're all just worried about me. They don't want Taeyong taking me for granted.
"What? We can't just feed Y/n lies! We have to be honest here. We all know her boyfriend is being an asshole so if he's cheating behind her back won't shock me at all." She said then rolled her eyes.
I understand her. She cares for me that's why she's like that. She doesn't want me to be hurt.
I unconsciously bit my nails as the possibility suddenly kicks in my thought. My heard thump in distress as I silently wish it won't be true. I knew for some reason that he loves me. Not as much as I probably love him but I'm sure he still loves me, right? I mean he won't stay in a relationship with me if he doesn't.
"Just confront him about it. Ask him why he's acting this way." Jiguem unnie suggested that I ended up just agreeing to. I don't have a choice because I also think that will be the best decision to do right now.
I'm here waiting for him outside their apartment building. It's just a couple of blocks away from where we're staying so I just walked myself here. It's already night time so nobody's around. The streets are dead silent and almost scary if it wasn't for the peaceful vibe.
I breath in some fresh air and tried to sit at the corner to wait for him. Jaehyun said that Taeyong usually go in the convenient store during this time to avoid people so he'll be out anytime soon.
I snapped my head over the other side when I heard some noise and there he is. Lee Taeyong wearing his hoody and a sweat pants. He didn't have his hood on so it was easy for me to notice his bright red hair color.
I smiled at the sight of him and felt how I badly I missed him. I was about to walk towards him but my steps halted when I saw him happily talking through his phone. Who is he talking to?
"Taeyong oppa." I called him. He looked at me and his smile slowly fades.
"I'll call you again." He said. He hangs up then looked at me. I wanted to ask who it was but I just want to hug him. I haven't seen him for weeks!
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" There isn't a smiling Taeyong anymore. Now, only a slightly mad with furrowing brows Taeyong is present.
"Jaehyun oppa said you usually go out during this hour so I tried my luck and hoped I'll see you." I said then pout. I saw how he clenched his jaw then sighed heavily.
"Come on, I'll take you back to your dorm." I just gave him a nod before walking behind him.
At least I got to walk with him and spend a couple of minutes together, right?
The girls and I are now sharing a dorm since they're already planning our debut. Finally.
Since it wasn't that far, we arrived fast. I was pouting and a little sad since we haven't really talk even during the walk.
I faced him and bit my lip as I saw him staring at me intently. It wasn't the same way he stares at me but I don't care. I believe that I can still fix this. I can still fix us.
"Taeyong, can we hang out tomorrow?" I asked him smiling. He sighed.
"You know I can't be seen in public, right?"  He sounded a bit sarcastic that made me sad even more. He never been sarcastic to me before just when he wants to tease me.
"I didn't mean we go out in public places. We c-can hang out in the Sm Building like before." I said really trying to spend some time with him.
His eyes were cold while staring at me. Like as if he was staring at someone he doesn't know, someone he doesn't care about. And it hurst me. It hurts me big time.
"I'm busy. Why tomorrow?" he asked carelessly.
I felt my eyes heated up after what he asked and I just tried to pull up a smile so he won't notice it.
"Ah~ Nothing! Nevermind, thank you for walking me here and take care on your way back." I said then bowed my head before hurrying myself inside.
I sighed. A deep one. How come he always forgot our monthsary?
When I entered the dorm, they were all in the living room watching some kdrama. They were laughing but when they saw me, their mood changes up.
"What happened? Why are you back so early?" one of them asked.
"Where is Taeyong? Did you guys talk?"
"Hey, are you okay?" Jiguem unnie asked and it almost made me breakdown right there. But I stopped myself. I put so much trouble in us already. I don't want them getting messed up because of my emotions.
I tried smiling but I didn't know if it went well.
"I'm okay. I'll head to my room first." And I didn't wait for their response. I just walk my ass in my room like a lifeless creature.
When I made it inside the room felt quiet and empty. I hated it. I used to fill this room with laughter and giggles because of him but now it's plain... lifeless. Like me.
I was about to lay down when my phone beeped. I lazily fished it from my pocket and saw that Jaehyun sent me a message.
I think Taeyong is cheating behind your back, Y/n. I'm sorry.
Part 2
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teddyylou · 8 years
Seven Minute Siege (SMS now cause I’m too lazy to write it every time) Pt 3/15
Tanya’s Story
“What was that?” I whipped my head around in Zoe’s direction, dropping the paintbrush that I was cleaning into the sink, searching her facial expression for any sign of panic or even just a hint of what was happening, but her face was blank as she stared back at me in confusion, trying to figure out what on earth we had just heard.
Even worse, we were outside by ourselves. Anything could be happening to anyone right now and no one would be able to help us. Only the people in our class know that we aren’t in it.
Tears brim at my eyes at the thought. I didn’t like to think about this, bad things could be happening to everyone we love. It sounds irrational, but anything is possible.
‘No!’ I think to myself. ‘You have to be optimistic. You always are.’ After reminding myself of that, I turn back to Zoe, however, the reminder was just about useless as the tension thickens and the thoughts return instantly as I do so.
I think Zoe can sense my distress, or at least see the tears fall onto my cheeks, taking some mascara along for the ride, as she quickly snaps out of her confused trance and replies to my question.
“I don’t know Tan, but it didn’t sound good.” She says. “We should probably get back into class in case they lock down. We don’t want to get locked out do we?”
She quickly unties her apron and drops it on the floor at the foot of the stainless sink, she then begins to turn to go back to class when a thought strikes me and I grab her wrist in an attempt to stop her.
“No, they probably already have,” I tell her.
Our teacher was smart; he would lock down straight away after hearing what we did, in fact, he probably got told to by someone who knows what is happening.
“We don’t want to get in there and have whatever or whoever is in there standing feet away with no escape,” I add.
I think of the path we are standing on; it leads from this courtyard,  right around to the front of the school, it’s a bit of a walk and goes past windows, but they will be closed. We could go for help. I decide to suggest that to my friend.
“No, I want to back to class.” She instantly replies.
I can see the anxious look in her eyes and I bite my lip. I know that going back to class would calm her down in this situation but I still try to persuade her to the safer option.
“I really want to go the other way. I think it is safer. Are you sure you want to go back in there?”
She thinks it over for a second before nodding. I can't help then but to launch myself forward to hugged her tightly before she lets go and puts her hand on my shoulder confidently but also comfortingly.
“Godspeed Tanya.” I almost let out a whimper, as I know what’s coming next, but I take in a breath and calm myself.
This is a bad idea but I know that she will never change her mind.
“Godspeed Zoë,” I reply to her, trying to sound as strong and reassuring as I can, and we go our separate ways.
I quickly walk back past the sink and to the corner of the block, I shouldn’t be doing this, I can’t let her go in there by herself, I should be a good friend, no, a good person, and be brave for ONCE in my life and put my foot down. Come on Tanya.
I put my hand on the brick and turn to face Zoë, but she seems quick and sure in her steps and I chicken out.
She obviously knows what she wants and has a plan. Maybe I need to let her. I swiftly turn the corner and the thought is out of my mind.
I step slow, small steps through the grass that has grown over the infrequently used path. I hear the blinds of the many windows facing out this way and along to the front carpark being pulled down, and the windows being slammed shut and then locked; almost like a Mexican wave of windows.
I regret the choice to wear my baby pink ballet flats today as the grass itches my ankles and the longer blades catch my skirt. However, it does motivate me to move slightly faster. It seems eerily quiet as trudge down the side of the school.
I slow to almost a complete stop. Not even the birds were chirping it was so lifeless. What on earth was going on?  What could possibly have caused this?
Then it is as if my thoughts were heard as I was taken by complete surprise when loud bangs echoed the walls, shaking the very pipes, screwed into the brickwork of our school from their hinges.
I am completely frozen as I listen to the noise; not caring about being in the open as I listen. It’s near. But not near enough that I could be endangered.
It’s distant but definitely in the school. All I can think of is the loudspeaker and how the noise must have come from in or very near to the office, and that the art room we were supposed to be in is at the other end of the short hall to it.
At first, I am almost certain that Zoe is dead; but then again, I didn’t get that far, maybe Zoe wasn’t outside of her definitely locked classroom yet either maybe she was still walking on the same path as I to find a door that is unlocked. I hope she can’t find one and decides to leave with me. I hope that she stays safe.
But she did seem a lot less hesitant than I. OH NO! Zoe could be trapped in there banging on the door, and no one is dumb enough to let her in. I  suddenly grab the wall and lean against it, sinking to the ground at the thought, as more tears fall.
This is all so scary, and I hate it. You hear about these things but never expect them to happen to you. As much as I want to keep going and be the hero, I don’t want to anymore. I want to stay here, right where I am, as I know that I can’t do it. I’m not as strong as Zoë is and she most likely is dead.
I sit silently and cry not even realizing that the gunshots had stopped Until the dead silence was ringing in my ears again, creeping over me, sending shivers through my body.
It was all so sudden. They were there and never ending; then they were gone?
It seemed almost strange and wrong but it made me want to go before it started again, so with my newfound confidence I got up and marched on. For Zoë, I guess.
No there has to be a way she is alive, this just doesn’t happen. I have never lost anyone close to me, Zoe is only eighteen, and she is fine. Just keep walking, Okay Tan.
9.50 AM
I half timidly and cautiously and half confidently step down the ‘path’.
It is such an unreasonable and inappropriate thought to have but I feel as though I am part of an action movie. Maybe I’m a spy, or in Australia in ‘Tomorrow When The War Began’. I almost get into character as I take in my surroundings.
So when the bullet goes flying through the window in front of me, just missing my nose so closely that I felt the wind on my face, I was quick to duck to the ground. Unfortunately, the awesome, amazing badass I was playing was short-lived as I squeezed my eyes shut to listen to the noise, which I now know to be gunshots, all over again.
I open my eyes after a short while when the shots have slowed down, to see that the impact of the few bullets that went through the window moments ago had opened up the blinds on the other side of them to the ground.
I jump up from my spot to inspect the smashed glass. I take on step towards it to look at the tiny shards left on the window sill and the spider web like pattern left in the remaining glass a little closer when a light blue color is unceremoniously slammed hard against it.
The window breaks the rest of the way as pieces fall into the grass and the blue color is revealed to be the blood soaked cotton of somebody's shirt before they disappear again on the other side of the wall as the person falls to the ground.
My mouth hangs open as I look up and through the window, taking an actual look at the dark classroom for the first time, to see a man, concealed by shadow all except for his outstretched hand, at the door of the classroom aiming his gun straight at me.
I barely have time to process myself dive to the floor before he fires.
‘Good one Agent Burr.’
I wind myself, accidently and the bullets hit a tree but the thoughts come spilling back.
‘This is real, this is quite real, this is very, VERY real, I saw someone die, I almost DIED, people are dying in that hallway, Jim is in a different part of the school, but Zoe isn’t.’
I crawl on my knees for a few feet so that I am past the window and out of sight of anyone if they were to look out of it; a spot famous amongst students who want to skive a lesson.
9.51 AM
I sit there blankly for a while, just letting the world happen in slow motion around me, as I think over everything.
Admittedly not the best use of my time, but it helps me get my head on straight.
People often say that I zone out a lot, or that I’m always in my own world. I never see this as a bad thing. I need to be calm right now.
“No, no please no!” The sound of a male's voice crying out mere meters away from me brings be back to reality.
I jump as I look up to the source of the voice in distress to instead see a body fall out of the window.
I stare wide eyed in horror before noticing quite a similar figure jump out the window and kneel next to it, holding it… Them.
The second boy looks at me, tearstained and bloodstained, and he calls to me.
“Oh Tanya, Please, help me do SOMETHING PLEASE.” He yells before muttering some more no’s and please’s.
It occurs to me that I know this person, really well, Jack Harries.
Then it occurs to me that the blue cotton clad boy on the ground was no other than his twin brother Finn!
I leap up over to them and kneeled down on the other side of Finn wildly as Jack freaked out over his twins state.
Finn was squeezing his eyes shut and puffing out big gulps of air.
“Please Tanya, help me save him!” He pleased with me. “ We need to save him. I can’t live without him!” He wailed and I nod furiously at him while not even caring to hold the tears any longer.
This whole ordeal was unreal and horrible and I didn’t want it to happen. I couldn’t save everyone, I didn’t think I could ever help anyone, but I can save Jack’s brother. I can do it, I know how. I hope.
“Okay, okay.” I breathed while blinking away tears so that I could see properly.
Jack bit his knuckles while he watched me, reciting to his sibling that everything was going to be okay. I thought we could lift Finn but I couldn’t do it by myself and Jack was in no state to help.
I looked at the source of Finn's pain and noticed he was clutching his stomach, which was also the source of the rapidly oozing liquid, currently dying his shirt a deep maroon.
I thought for a second before pulling off my scarf, thanking it for its convenience and wrapping it around Finn’s torso twice and then tying the ends securely at the side.
I was actually helping him! I think.
Finn eased a little as the pressure relieved slightly and his breaths were better and Jack seemed calmer.
“Okay, do you think we could help him to the front of the school?” I ask Jack promptly while remaining calm.
Jack nods through his distress, looking at his injured brother.
“Okay Finny, we are going to l-lift you now.” He stutters to the lad on the ground hearteningly.
Finn grunts in acknowledgment as he concentrates on his breathing, obviously getting worse again.
“Good Job,” I tell him as if it will help him in any way.
We lift him up and carry him by under his shoulders for a few feet before he lets out a scream and we instantly lower him onto the grass once more.
“Nah, Nah mate, I can’t do it.” Says Finn shaking his head, in a raspy, dyspneic voice.
“No, Finn, you can do it. Please, try.”
“I-I’m sorry Ja-ck.” He says between slow, short breaths. I was beginning to worry that Finn was right.
Jack looks to me for any word of advice or encouragement or some other magic tool to save his brother, but as Finn’s words died so did my confidence.
“Please, Tan? Finn?” he said looking at us.
“Please, Jack.” Finn strangled out, coughing blood up onto his hand. He looked at it before looking back to Jack. Noticing the ferocity of the wound in his stomach.
“I’m... sorry.”
“NO! You have nothing to be sorry for. I love you Finny.”
“I love... you... Jack.” He replied as his eyes drooped.
I felt rude for interrupting this moment that should be private between the two boys, but at the same time, I knew Jack needed someone there.
Finn’s eyes flutter shut, and Jack’s final please return.
“No, no, NO, Finn? FINN!” Jack screams out, trying to reach his voice out to his brother.
He breaks down after this, shaking his brother's shoulders in an attempt to wake him while screaming and crying for his twin. I run to his side and he hugs me. Sobbing into my shoulder.
I begin to sob to as I hear the sound of sirens really close by.
“Come on Jack, we need to go,” I tell him. “We will get the police. They can help Finn.” I sob while trying to pull Jack to his feet.
“NO! NO!” He cries while struggling out of my grip down to his brother.
“Please Jack, we can help him!” I beg while attempting to keep him standing.
His hands fall to his side and he sniffs up a big sob while nodding.
I reach down and pull him back to his feet while practically dragging him to the front of the school.
9.52 AM
Police rush over to us when they see us, separating us and bringing us to different vans. I just cry as a blanket is placed around me and all I can do is mutter Finn's name to them.
No one takes notice before one man with a thick brown mustache and a shiny ‘chief’ badge asks me what happened.
I compose myself before telling him all about Zoë and the loudspeaker. How it sounded like there was more than one person invading the office. He nods before looking at the school and instructs some of his men to take position outside of the glass doors to the office.
“I know it might be hard right now and you may want to rest but is there anything else you know.”
I nod quickly and alert him about Finn’s body as I can see that Jack is still an emotional wreck over at another one of the numerous help vans.
Two official-looking people look between themselves then run in the direction that Jack and I came from and I begin to take in everything around me.
As well as the vans, there are at least a dozen cop cars, more ambulances and even two news trucks.
There are piles of blankets to give out and stations set for water. People are spreading around the perimeter of the block with all of the sieged classrooms in it. It seems that the people have only gotten to this wing.
I hear a man say that there haven’t been any other progressions for the moment so to hold fire.
The hallway appears to be silent from where I was sitting but on the call of the chief the men surrounding the door to the office storm into it as the others wait for activity from inside the actual school.
9.53 AM
They run in and guns go off and that is all that seems to be happening in this world anymore. Then it all goes silent once more and I think that we have lost.
The thought is short lived however as the men reappear through the door in an adrenal rush back onto the front lawn of the school.
At first, I find them to be alone but then two extremely tall boys run out behind them looking frantic and shaken. They get taken to the same van that I was at so I head over to see that they are okay.
“What is your name son?” says the nice chief from before to the brunette as the other boy is hugging tightly into him.
“Uh, this is Phil and I’m Dan.”
“Wait! Dan and Phil?” I say confused before noticing that I had said it out loud, disrupting the conversation.
I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate and I had never really hung out with them much anyway as we were in different friend circles, except for a few people but we sometimes gossiped over Fall Out Boy and Muse in the library together. Not many people know about my music taste and they can’t believe that I know about the bands that I do.
I run to them, wrapping my own blanket around them.
“Tanya!” Phil says, looking up from Dan’s neck.
“Hello.” I laugh and he blushes.
“Where were you guys?” Dan asks.
I decide to spare him the gory sad details about Finn as they just got out of the building. But I tell them of how I left Zoë and found Jack.
“Wow, that must have been so scary.” Exclaims Dan.
“Are you kidding? You two were basically in a hostage situation!” I say as I hug them both before realizing that they probably didn’t want that, but they hug back gleefully.
We separate when I hear someone’s voice. Not just anyone’s voice.
“Tanya? Oh my god you are okay!” Cries Jim!
I run and jump into his arms. We hold each other close.
I can’t begin to describe how happy I am to see him and know that he his safe.
He puts me down and looks pointedly at me.
“Umm, where is Zoë?” he looks around. “Is she not here?” he questions and I burst into tears for the millionth time today.
I recount everything that happened and he stops me with a hug.
“Hey it’s okay, I’m sure she is fine!” he soothed, stroking my hair.
We are forced apart when the doors slam open and about thirty students run past us.
Jim grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the way over to Dan and Phil who are handing out blankets and water already and after a brief hello, we are helping too.
It isn’t until everyone begins to cheer that I notice who the people are.
It’s my art class who escaped and I search frantically before almost having a stroke upon the realization that Zoë isn’t amongst them. She didn’t get back.
9.54 AM
I search for Connor as he is her best friend but he isn’t there either. He must still be in there too.
“Jim we have to go find Zoë!” I call out to him.
“Tan we can’t” the shooting is still going on.” He coaxes as I walk toward the doors.
He grabs my wrist as a policeman opens the door slowly and fires seconds after. I turn to him.
“Now we can.”
I drag him along as we shove past the police officers flooding the scene trying to stop the many other students trying to enter as well. But as more people come from there parts of the school, the police are outnumbered and we slip through.
I’m almost positive that Dan and Phil are on our tail. And we are almost at the end of the hall when a familiar female breaks out of a group of police and lets out a piercing scream.
I almost fall after seeing Zoë alive and well, well actually not well at all as she collapses to the floor feet away from us.
No, no more. Please tell me it has stopped. No more death.
There is the shit show out of the way for now.
Actually to make up for last week I’ll post one more 
the next one will be on Sunday
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