#i hate dolly and yandhi
What is Illworth and the Pussy Pirates / Illworth and Deisy?
Illworth and the Pussy Pirates is a concept of collaboration between me ( @arachnidzero ) and my partner. I am wanting to create this story into a comic when i am older, having animated shorts for self contained stories too. The characters and story as a whole is very reflective of my own life and trauma, as well as friends and foes.
The story revolves around Illworth, who overcomes her trauma and getting her and her crew caught up in a harsh battle between the Government and Dragon-turned-Humans, and uncovering the secrets of the corruption of the worlds leaders.
Illworth is the captain of the Pussy Pirates. She is engaged with the second in command, her right hand girl, Deisy - a mage who has the power to talk to a God. There is also their adopted son, Albert, a strange young boy who never seems to grow, and has strange Kelp growing out of him.
Alongside the Pussy Pirates, there are Albert's Older Siblings - Mason, another pirate captain of his own crew of thousands, and has the 6th highest bounty in the land. As well, there is Ares, a quiet woman and the only girl in their family. she travels the world, becoming queen of the monkey island for a few years, as well as joining a rock band full of technology.
There are also the pussy pirates allies, like The Seller - a small travelling man who carries a large bag and seemingly knows everyone, yet not much is known about him, apart from the fact he is linked with underground people. He is Illworth's best friend, and assisted her in her situation with a woman called Dolly.
Dolly was a one night stand of Illworths, who quickly become obsessed and attacked her in the night, stabbing Illworths eye out, and dying in the process. The Seller took the blame for the death, and went into hiding, as Dolly is the daughter of a high ranking Government Official, an enemy of the Sellers.
But what is Illworth and Deisy? Whats the difference between that and Illworth and the Pussy Pirates?
Illworth and Deisy is a 'human' alternative universe of the two women, set in the early 2000's and when they are in their 20s. They live in a shared apartment with another roommate, Yandhi, and arent dating when the story takes place. I would like to have this be the point of view of Deisy.
Illworth is a greasy loser. with no job, she spends her day eating food and gaming on the couch, watching anime and drawing up concepts for her dream concept 'Illworth and the Pussy Pirates', where her and her crush, Deisy, live their lives as epic pirates. She also goes out often to visit her friend, The Seller, who works at Block Buster.
Deisy is Illworths roommate, they went to school together but only actually spoke when they were 19. She has a job at a coffee shop, and pays the bills for her and Illworth, who keeps promising to pay her back. Her life is slightly stressful, especially with the strong presence of their roommate, Yandhi, who constantly fights with Illworth.
Yandhi is the older sister of a large family, moving in as an escape from all of them. She takes interest in Deisy, creating a slow but intense toxic relationship with the two., which finally ends after Illworth and hers tension heightens and a physical fight breaks out, resulting in the two tumbling out a window.
the rest is Deisy growing from the experience, she grows closer with Illworth as she realises what Yandhi put her through, growing confident to kick Yandhi out and cut her out of her life.
This is the currently concept we have come up with, but we have also created humorous one shots in this AU. It puts more emphasis on Deisy and the two growing from that, but we havent finished and arent confident on this is what we want this AU to be.
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