#i hate being on a plane but im doing it all to see dan and phil so its worth it for me.
neonvqmpire · 1 month
im seeing blink tomorrow and the day after??? i have such massive fomo i feel like i missed so much on blinkblr the last month because i was too busy/sick to keep up with everything. all i know is that they polycule truthed on stage last night and seemingly brought a very *interesting* energy to europe. ((if theres anything that happend that i should know would be cool if anyone can fill me in lol)).
i'll try my best to record the banter and some songs (dont think i can stream while im there because i'll need mobile data for when i go to denmark next week). be warned i have shit seats both nights but they were all i could find. the venue has week wifi so i might pop on tumblr every now and then to give updates. <33
ready to see those old men
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celestialsqyd · 5 months
Hii just found your blog and wanted to drop by to tell you that you have all my love and support, I also wanted to ask about your OCs 💜
Anyway, have a good day !! 💜😙
omg hiiii!
okay so, i was gonna pop off about one of them specifically, but that deserves its own post, so instead im just gonna list my ocs and a BRIEF description.
in order of creation (to the best of my memory):
Dad - Arcane Trickster Half Elf, runs with a guild of thieves disguising themselves as a Carnival. currently is dead, due to a... falling out. will be/has been revived, but came back wrong. remembers almost nothing of his previous life as a rogue, believes himself to be a wizard. fell back in to scamming people, though its unclear if he realizes it or not as he sells fake magic items that have just been minor illusioned and prestidigitized to appear to function as described. goes by Dangerous Dan in his reanimated state.
Randall Smith - Warlock, Human, his patron deity is his future self that has been through many iterations, believes himself to be the One True God. based on Randall Smith from the flash game Second Wind. manipulates time space to make himself seem invulnerable.
Murphy McSwillian - retired Pirate, Merfolk, Murphy is an old sailor man who claims to have sailed every sea in every plane. These days he runs a tavern, and mostly spends his time being a grumpy old man. He despises magic in the same way old people despise technology, he doesnt understand it, and all these kids keep running around casting minor spells in the tavern and causing havoc. Much to Murphy's irritation, his tavern seems to have quite a bit more magical tomfoolery tied into it than he couldve imagined.
Toive - Divination Wizard, Rune Knight Fighter, Moonfolk. Toive and her sister Ilona are the last two moonfolk of their tribe, which was wiped out when a group of humans tricked Ilona into leading them to their home at the peak of the mountain. Toive doesnt know what Ilona did, and believes herself to be the only Moonfolk left. She lives on her own in a cave on the mountainside, near a tribe of giants. She learned to fight by watching giant children learn and would sometimes spar with them. Toive smiths all her own weapons and armor, and has given up on the divinatory arts, as they did not help her people avoid death. Reunited with her sister after many years ina tearful reunion, Toive has vowed to never let Ilona out of her sight again, and also will ALWAYS check for a dead body. They are not dead until you see the body. She hates humans with a burning rage and will fight to kill at the slightest provocation.
Tim Togo - Halfling Speedster, Tim is very punctual and cannot stand tardiness. He moves so fast while filing paperwork and doing his other civic duties that it appears as if he isnt moving at all as he sits at his desk writing notes. Before he retired from adventuring, Tim was an outcast noble. As a young boy he encountered a mighty dragon, which bestowed upon him and Abberant Dragonmark, which came to be seen as an ill omen by the rest of his family, which was known for its deep rooted magical abilities, none of which seemed present in Tim. but the magic was there, it just manifested bound to his muscles, resulting in his extraordinary speed.
Brugmansia Honey Lotus - Plant Harpy, class unknown, Brugmansia (her "friends" call her Honey) is the Lady of the Fen, counterpart to the Witch of the Bog, two great beings who keep balance of the ebb and flow of the tides of life. Honey appears very kind and sweet, almost angelic, with a long flowing dress like the Brugmansia (Angels Trumpet) plant, and seemingly feathered wings made of Honey Lotus branches, covered in sharp thorns hidden by golden feathery leaves. She, like the Fen, takes the nutrients from the soil and waterways around her, using those nutrients to bloom beautifully. However, she seeks more nutrients than are available, so she lures people into the Fen to steal their life force, while intoxicating them with a powerful slumbering poison. She is always at odds with the Witch of the Bog, whos job it is to break down what is living into its individual nutrients, to feed back into the soil and streams.
and... i think thats all of them, for now. there are a few more, much less fleshed out, like Sunny, Firbolg Ranger, and 8-Ball Jim of Dubious Divinations, but.. there you have it! thats the Pantheon! thank you for reaching out and i hope this wasnt too overwhelming!
i would be more than happy to answer any follow up questions on specific characters, either in an ask or in a dm. i plan on making individual posts for all of my characters at some point soon. thank you for your interest!
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jemej3m · 5 years
because im now a law/crim student, this is all im gonna fuckin write about 
anyway here’s andrew as neil’s defence attorney (totally inspired by @aymmidumps‘ amazing andrew here)
gruesome crime descriptions but neil’s not a butcher in this one
“Wesninki’s applying for an appeal,” was all Andrew heard from the minute he’d stepped into the office. It was all anyone could - and would - talk about. 
Reasonably so, Andrew presumed. Nathaniel Wesninski had been locked up since his nineteenth birthday, when he slit his father’s throat. Andrew reckons he should’ve never been charged with murder, especially when considering his father was the Butcher of Baltimore, but Andrew had been just an undergraduate student at the time. There was nothing he could’ve done. 
Now, though. 
Now Andrew was just over thirty and steadily climbing the ranks. He hadn’t intended on becoming a defense attorney, but it just so happened that he was damn good at keep kids out of jail. The juvenile detention system was just a cog in the wheel of dysfunction, after all: he knew that first hand. 
Survivors of violent assault who had killed their attackers were also common clients of Andrew’s. Those with mental illnesses and drug addictions found their way into his stack of case files, too. He’d always thought he’d be on the right side of the law, throwing shitty people in jail and fixing the system one day at a time. 
This was alright too, he supposed. 
“Hey, Minyard,” Boyd leaned against the door-frame of Andrew’s office. He had his own private space, unlike the others, who often shared offices with two or three of their colleagues. Andrew was just lucky. Or favoured. 
“Let me guess,” Andrew said, without looking up from his file on a thirteen-year-old being charged with battery and theft. “Dan’s pissy because I didn’t turn up to dinner on Friday, there’s free coffee in the break room, Wesninski’s applying for appeal and Wymack wants me?” 
“Uh,” Matt squinted. “Yes? How the hell did you guess?” 
Andrew gave Matt a bored look. “You talk too loud. The walls are thin, you know.” 
The man huffed, conflicted between being impressed and disgruntled at Andrew’s usual bitchiness. He simply threw his hands up and vanished from Andrew’s doorway, most likely to groan to his wife about how incorrigible Andrew seemed to be. 
He threw his file onto his desk, locked his office door behind him and swung past the break room to dump three packets of sugar into a free latte. By the time he arrived at Wymack’s door, the man was already stood up, most definitely unimpressed by Andrew’s tardiness. And his lack of tie. 
He did wear a tie to court. Most of the time. 
“Nice of you to finally show up,” the old man grunted, tugging on the cuffs of his casual blazer. Andrew fucking hated blazers. They were always too tight around his shoulders. “I suppose you already know what this is all about?” 
“Seeing as Allison, Robin and Renee have all tried to talk my ear off about it, yes. I’m aware Wesninski is trying for appeal.” 
Wymack wasn’t impressed. “What you don’t know is that he’s come to us to represent him.” 
Andrew paused. Now that was interesting. Nathaniel Wesninski was halfway between New York and Baltimore. Why the fuck would he recruit from seedy South Carolina? There was no viable reason, unless - 
“Kevin,” he deduced. “How do they know each other?”
“Moriyamas and Wesninskis ran in the same circles, before it all got shut down.” Wymack arched a brow. “Wesninski figures that Kevin is the only person he can trust.” 
“Kevin won’t do it,” Andrew shook his head. “He doesn’t touch anything Moriyama related with a ten-foot pole.”
“Wesninski knows that. Which is why he’s asked for you: Kevin passed him on.” 
Andrew closed his eyes, very, very briefly, as he cocked his head at his boss. “You want me to get the most notorious gangster’s son out of jail.” 
“At least have him commuted to manslaughter,” Wymack suggested. 
At least, Andrew thought. He remembered looking over the Wesninski case in his third year. Nathaniel Wesninski had laughed, incredulous, as the FBI lead him away in handcuffs, nearly losing his fingers in an effort to cling onto the knife that he’d used to end Nathan Wesninski’s life. 
That wasn’t manslaughter. That was homicide of the first degree, plastered over the front page of every newspaper the next day. 
"You’ll owe me,” Andrew warned. 
“I’ll cover your bar tab at the Foxhole for the rest of the year,” Wymack conceded. 
Andrew huffed. “It’s February.” 
Wymack arched an eyebrow. 
Andrew had a feeling he’d regret this. He hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his slacks and rocked back on his heels, looking to the ceiling. “Fine.”
“It was an order, not a request,” Wymack grunted. “Get out of my office and get a visitation permit.” 
Andrew, already fed up with a case he’d only just been assigned, turned on his heel and dutifully marched off. 
The drive was nine and a half hours. Andrew could’ve made it a single-day round trip on a plane, but he refused to fly somewhere he could drive instead. He booked a half-hour slot with Wesninski on Saturday afternoon: if he found the man interesting enough, he’d bribe a guard to let him back in Sunday morning. Then he’d drive home, midday Sunday. 
At least Wymack was letting him stay in a nice hotel in Philadelphia. It almost made the journey worth it, but he wouldn’t jump the gun. It would only be a worthwhile trip if he figured that Wesninski wasn’t hopeless. The man was just 29. It was nearly 10 years since he’d been locked up. Andrew’s chances were - practically slim to none. 
Half-way through the drive Nicky called. 
“Heard you’re going to see Wesninski,” he said, the phone somewhat masking Nicky’s obvious curiosity.
Andrew sighed. “Aaron needs to shut his mouth.” 
“Aaron comes to family dinners,” Nicky objected. “He has every right to tell me whatever he wants. Speaking of - if I promise you a whole loaf of garlic bread, will you come to the next one?” 
Andrew huffed. “I’m busy.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you hate socialising, you’ll tolerate dealing with Aaron at work but nowhere else, blah blah. What about me? Your dear, old cousin?” 
“Fine,” Andrew grunted. “Now, leave me alone.” 
“Yes!” Nicky crowed, but whatever response he had after that was cut off. Andrew dropped his phone back in the passenger seat, turning the radio back up and relaxing into his chair. 
It was a further five hours after that disturbance till his arrival at SCI Phoenix, Philadelphia. Andrew would always despise how depressing prison complexes looked. Chain link fences and brick boxes, splayed out like a progression of architectural failures. The parking lot was enormous and empty. Andrew parked far enough away that his nice car wasn’t in direct sight from the prison’s visiting entrance, fixing up his suit and tie and slinging the strap of his briefcase over his shoulder. 
The guard by the door snapped his fingers for identification. Andrew flicked his license towards him, gaze deadened by boredom. The guard almost winced when Andrew sighed, looking to the clock. Once he was finally granted access, he took the lanyard and shoved his way through the doors. 
Visitation was close to shutting up when Andrew arrived, miserable loved ones reaching for final hugs and brief kisses. Andrew was lead by the duty guard to a private room, waiting by the barred door. 
Wesninski was already waiting for him inside. His hands were cuffed to the table, fiddling with a blunt key. His red curls were overgrown and messy, the grey jumpsuit hanging off his small frame. 
When the door clanged shut, Wesninski looked up. His eyes were the most spectacular blue Andrew had ever seen, his face marred by horrific scars and the stitches used to hold him together. He looked ridiculously unimpressed. Andrew, meanwhile, smothered any flickers of emotion as intrigue sparked in his chest. 
Damn, he thought.
“Unlock him,” Andrew said, to the guard. 
The guard arched an eyebrow. “You sure?” 
“Obviously,” Andrew said, rolling his eyes. He didn’t have knives on his person - they’d set off the metal detector - but he was never vulnerable. He made a promise that he’d never be taken advantage of again. 
Wesninski flexed his wrists when the guard unlocked them, giving Andrew a thinly veiled look of appraisal. The guard immediately skittered off to stand outside the door, holding the interrogation room’s keys in tightly clenched fists. 
“So,” Wesninski said, holding out a hand. “You’re the famous Andrew Minyard.” 
"And you are the infamous Nathaniel Wesninski,” Andrew returned, ignoring the warmth of his skin as they shook hands. He sat down: the shitty metal chair creaked. “We both seem to have names and reputations that precede us.” 
Nathaniel’s eye twitched slightly. “I prefer Neil.”
Andrew leant back in his chair, leg crossed at the ankle. “You seriously think they’re going to let you out?” 
“Well,” Neil admitted. “Probably not. But I figured I’d give it a shot. It should be safer out there now.”
“You’ve been hiding in here? Who from, your father’s ghost?” 
Neil was not impressed. “His bosses, actually. But since Kengo’s second son was shot between the eyes and his first son locked up for it, I should be fine.”
“Riko and Ichirou,” Andrew deduced. “Kevin’s mentioned them once or twice.”
Neil just glared. “I can’t believe that coward won’t help me.” 
Andrew narrowed his eyes. “He owes you, does he? What for? Helping him escape the Moriyamas? Wait - that was me. What about coping with his trauma and reestablishing his career? Nevermind - that was me, too. Goodness, you haven’t been around much, have you? Right, right,” Andrew leaned over the table, resting his chin on his laced fingers. “You’ve been in jail for ten years.”
“You are not funny,” Neil snapped, gripping onto his blunt key.
“I don’t know if it’s worth my time, Mr Wesninski,” Neil flinched again. “Convince me.” 
“Other than it’s what is just?” Andrew arched an eyebrow. Neil huffed. “Fine. I’ll pay you. Double your normal fee.” 
“Prison pays well, does it?” 
“Blood money,” Neil had the audacity to wink. Dammit, Andrew thought again. “I already know you’re quite happy to spend dirty cash, Minyard. A G6, right? Bit of an upgrade from your mother’s car.” 
He should not know that. “You’re not exactly winning me over, here.” 
Neil leaned back in his chair, fiddling with the stupid little key. He must have spent the last decade tracing it down to its current blunt status. Andrew wondered what it used to unlock. 
Okay - he was intrigued by Neil. And yes, his narrative fit Andrew’s bill. And some spare cash wouldn’t hurt: he could sent Nicky and Erik over to Christmas for the summer. 
“What’s something you’ve never given anyone?” Andrew inquired. 
Neil looked up from under his ruby-tinted lashes. “What?” 
“I want something that no one else has.” Andrew leaned further forward, leaning in close. “What do you have to offer me, Wesninski?”
For a moment, Neil simply stared. His fingers stilled. He definitely had a few tattoos and scars, from what Andrew could glean at the little slice of a sharp collarbone, exposed by the jumpsuit. 
It was silent - almost electric. Andrew watched as something behind Neil’s eyes crumbled, the exhaustion settling in, the loneliness of a man who had known nothing but pain and suffering and isolation. 
“Everyone knows Nathaniel Wesninski,” Neil said. “No one knows Neil.” 
Andrew felt the remnants of a smirk tug at the corner of his lips. 
“I’ll tell you the truth,” Neil offered, glaring at the table like it offended him. “I’ve never told the truth before.” 
Andrew stood up, offering his hand. Neil followed suit, grip hesitant where he clasped Andrew’s hand.
“I’ll get you out of here,” Andrew said. 
“You’ll try,” Neil corrected him. 
“Here’s something you should know about me, Neil,” Andrew tugged on his suit jacket, fixing his cuffs. “I never fail a promise.” 
Andrew felt Neil’s gaze, watching him as he left. As Andrew filtered past the guard, he snuck a two hundred into the guard’s pocket. 
“Nine o’clock, tomorrow morning,” he said. “Bring him here.” 
The guard, moon-eyed, just nodded. 
Andrew glanced over his shoulder for one last assessment of his newest client. Neil was leant against the table they had spoken at, arms crossed as he glared in Andrew’s direction. His hair flopped forward, masking one eye. Like this, with his tattooed forearms and shoulders and hell-fire hair, he looked dangerous. 
In his right hand, he played with his key. 
Andrew spun on his heel and left. He knew he’d made the right decision. 
Neil Wesninski would get out of jail, if it was the last thing Andrew did. 
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shadowturtlesstuff · 4 years
again but better thoughts while reading
 so my spelling is terrible in this but you know i was more focused on the book than how to spell. 
Chapter 1) good intro and good starting tone. The lady next to her sucks. Good small establishment of shane.
chapter2)shane characterisation is still consistent. I like her two new roommates (will be best friends) . My guess is the boy in the kitchen will be pilot. Family means but not intentional. Has no confidence. I was right about the boy
Chapter 3) intro of pilot properly. He's good. I love the inner monologue of shane. Trying to keep eye contact, the surprise of having a normal conversation. It sets her character well. Intro to her blog which i would love to actually read (i hope there's at least one entry we can read) pilot is a musician but not. Business major. What crap. 
Chapter 4) i really feel like shane, she is just typical fangirl/ dork and i love it. Its weird being english and reading about the things that shock them like pasta in bags.i understand the watermelon.we do get to read ‘shanes writing’ but its her personal jornal not her blog.
Chapter 5) fun chapter. Intro to rome. Love the idea that shane is heavy handed and violent. Short, not alot happened other than small character establishment.
Chapter 6)intro to creative writing class which i want/need in my life.more beatles. Woman on plane works at starbucks, will she make more appearances? 
Chapter 7) the drama???or at least wht will be the drama. Pilot has a gf, called amy (wish it was me) (wait no, bc i know that plot doesnt actually like amy anymore bc he obviously likes shane. So i take it back. I want to be shane, i mean i basically am like her but oh well.)
Chapter 8) parents. Overprotective, think they know best. Urgh. guarantee one of shanes new friends fight back to her parents to support her life choices, that do not include doctor.
Chapter 9)gets an internship at travel mag company. Thats it…..
Chapter 10)rome. Looses purse. Pilot to the anxiety riddled rescue by telling his own life story about his wallet to help calm her nerves.distracts her. Basially he would do anything for shane already.re count of rome trip from her jornal again which is a good touch to further the plot. This is making me want to read dan brown (ish) all of two books i own of him
Chapter 11) the postcards are a nice touch that i hope someone reads???? Travel buddies..just saying.chad..hmmm,im like shane,well see if he is good enough for babe. Her GODDAM stupdi mean cousins being mean on her facebook, and babe seeing (best friend moment) about pilot and the whole teasing about having a boyfriend.
Chapter 12) he didnt see (but i think he did but istn sayin anything) paris i shappening. Babe is bff confirmed and i want her as my friend 
Chapter 13)angry birds addiction starts. Level three, weak, shoulder touching it romance confirmed.awwww pilot 100% waited to sleep so he could see shane safe in bed
Chapter 14) pilot with a french accent, enough  said. The flirtinggggg.  The plane woman  is back??in paris with them????
Chapter 15)pilots choices of the back in time thing are both wit shane. Its so obvious and i love it. Pilot as a fake fangirl about the eiffel tower. More flirting,kind of. Oh god chad no.he did it. Goddammit.nooo he wull run babe and shanes friendship and maybe her and pilot. ‘Assbucket’ indeed. Her an pilot are fine and i really believe her and babe will be because when she nearly gets robbed babe giver her a sympathetic smile. Not much to go on but i have hope.
Chapter 16)okay so, fav chapter, she finally spills her guts that she has anxiety basically, that she is premed with strict parents and this is scary whilst pilots lies in bed with her to relax her bc he heard her crying. He only ecoureges her slightly before going back to his bed and sleeping. My heart, i swear, soon the roles reverse and pilot will say why he is in london and all that.
Chapter 17)babe and shane bffs confired. Chad is the worst confirmed. Of course it wasnt  break up call. Of course she wants to vist. Of course pilot is to cowardly to break up and just accepts them going to paris together. Of freaking course.
Chapter 18) do not get over pilot, it wont work. Rugby guy nooooo!im team pilot how dare you kiss shane! Wow, city of glass mention. I want to make a list of every bookmentioned.
Chapter 19) pilot is not himself (obviouls) shane is worried. She is still lying to her parents an feeling bad about. Rugby guy is thankfully a no go. Pilot finds out about the kiss and guy and is clearly silently jealous. 
Chapter 20)aww shane! Im sorry pilot sucks currently. And a stupid guys trip with flat four. No. and devil chairs. 
Chapter 21)1)love the book talk.  The loneliness is kicking in, pilot man up for gods sake
Chapter 22)this red-head plain weirdo is back and going through her list like some sort of mentore. Omg!!! No. amy is here, i dont hatte her but can she not. Also, her dad…. No! (this is the stand up moment i was on about, i hope)
Chapter 23) i do not like her dad. At all. Nooo shane...no. they found out. And acted like assholes.
Chapter 24) n1!ahhhh no! Amy has her notebook. The end is nigh.im going to cry i feel like shane. 
Chapter 25) the family dinner-family outing. Niether of them manuped and shane is depressed
Chapter 26)back in america. Still hasn’t told pilot but you know it is a slow burn
Chapter 27) I, wait? Marry, some guy? Like no. I know it’s been what six years but no. I refuse.i don’t like this so called Melvin. It’s okay she doesn’t want to marry him. She goes to see pilot and finally mans up and tells him and asks if she made it and and pilot finally man’s up and tells her no she didn’t. They get stuck in an elevator
Chapter 28) the elevators doing something. Shane wants to re do London cuz she hates life
Chapter 1?) they are both back in London? Both having the same what ever is happening? 
  Chapter 2) omg. Plane lady took them back to staRt over and pilots mad about it (obv)
Chapter 3)so… they got mad but started over and I’m excited. 100%they won’t press the restart button. I’m calling it now. Cuz pilot knows he now has a chance to do the what if’s/
Chapter 4) they keep there distance but we all know it won’t last
Chapter 5) tipsy Shane? Shawarma
Chapter 6) babe thinksthere is something going on with them( again)
Chapter7)the story about fake pilot, and the kiss. Ahhhhhhg
Chapter 8)they found the button. Shane doesn’t want to go back. I do t want them to go back. They don’t go back thank god
Chapter 9) da Vinci code flirting somehow.. Shane tells him it won’t happen u less he breaks up with last Amy.
 Chapter 10) he will break up with Amy and laris is gonna happen. 
Chapter 11) so Shane is happy again, pilot broke up with amy. Shane tried to make peace with the devil chair.
Chapter 11) they are so adorable. Aswwwwewhwhehruysnwjw
 Chapter 12) Uwuwnfhueia we get more Shane and pilot flirting, 
Chapter 13) the opposite game is adorable. I like that they get to be themselves together without the awkwardness. The start of the move game. Thats my fav. 
Chapter 14) they still have the angry birds obssesion but unlike me and supercard they know when to stop.the dance ‘move’ ahh i love. The line ‘but you do.’ just shows how much they know each other and how pilot would do anything to make her smile. And the lost move (not really a move but totally a move.) once again proves their love. Also we had that plot moment where he talks about why h chose to go to london. I adore shanes rant (?) about the things she loves. And then pilot doing the same thing. Shane vs chair is my life, like i battle chairs too. 
Chapter 15) what is tfios? Ooohhh. Fault in our stars. (i googled it)i probably shouldve known by the whole always part. The dance move came back to bite pilot in the ass and now they are dancing together. Ew chad. Yes shane! That is what chad deserves. 
Chapter 16) they get intimate and gigly and happy and aaaawwwhww
Chapter 17) im glad shane still rememebers to be friends with babe and not forget her in her lovestick state currently.
Chapter 18) her postcard….the questions that haunt her so much. Sort of accepting them herself too. She finally got to do wrecking ball, they miss internship , oh no…. Start if a downall?? 
Chapter 19) shane and pilot have fallen HARD
Chapter 20) the article is off the table. Amy is there. What the hell. No. omg pilot no, you moron. THEY BROKE UP!!! Which is fair, a break is needed. They both get back on track and then try and find a balance. Hopefully. Oh her laptop….shit...the feels when all your work is just gone. Tries to reset bc she is so depressed bc she thinks she failed again. 
Chapter 21) she cant go back (thankfully) a bookstore is always a good haven to go to when your breaking down.
Chapter 22)the redemtion (?) time to try and fix everything and get back on track.the determination and the readiness to try and make everything better for herswelf, herself, and no one else is good. She makes friends with the people in her office and works harder than befire, try to get herself out of her comfort zone and experience things
Chapter 23) the confrontation with her parents. Oh god. I hope this goes well. Its going as well as it can go. Im happy shane is sticking up for her dream so she can be happy, uugh the whole dad speech of ‘i do everything for you, i know best because im older,’ i hate it. Ooohh she is making up with leo, talking ot him this time. Im happy. Leo is gay. Cool. i hate how he got broken up with becuase of his stupid family, it sucks. ‘There is no normal.’ perfect words. 
Chapter 24) her thing is in the thing!!!( also good job me with words.) her article got published (there we go)this is where she learns she can be with pilot and be successful because tracy is with a famous author and they make it work with harder schedules. Trys to talk to her parents. This time she will make there relationship work.
Chapter 25)urgh ‘you live under my roof,on my dime…’ blah blah blah. We hate controlling parents that dont see that overprotecting and controlling their childs life does more damage than good. Babe suggest self discovery trip. Babe is a grat friends. 
Chapter 26)the button thing will work…’im mad at pilot. Or am i mad at me.’ she cracked the code. She loathed herself because of her fear of failing, but because this time she worked on herself to make herself happy she no longer hates herself. Yet she still feels the same (ish) feeling that even though she worked harder and got further that she has no summer job when she gets back to the states, her parents still wont allow her choice of work.PILOTS BACK!!!!!!! She was about to press the button and he swooped in with his music.
Chapter 27) he still follows her blog and got help from babe. His speech, finished with lamppost. Where can i get a pilot?he uploaded their song. Working through the divorce thing again but it will be better because he has shane to talk to about it. Ahhh she got a job!!! Happy ending!!! My heart!!!eeeee…
epilogoue) she becomes a successful author. Her parents have accepted her and support her. Pilots a musician. He takes her to the weird plane lady and they gobe the locket back, then he makes the ultimate move. With pictures of where they fell in love he uses the beatles russain doll things to hide a ring and when she finds it she obviously says yes. And that its unfair cuz she cant top that move. 
sooo...thats it.
i really enjoyed this book. i cannot wait for her next book. this post is longwinded i apologize but oh well? again i will link my website and review as soon as its done. so far in about five hours all i have is a paragraph so it may not be as soon as i want it to be
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bythieves-a · 4 years
SNAPSHOTS OF MODERN VIC. ( based on the story im writing about him ! many of the usual tw’s apply. )
you’re only thirteen the first time things become too much. a shadow in your school, no one there would even know you exist, if it weren’t for the smell of stolen cigarettes that follows you around. a short thing, with your mother-ruffled hair, the sleeves of an old, tattered, black coat stop just before your fingertips; and all your shirts are hand-me-downs——you think they were your dads. you wouldn’t really know. but your mother puts a ‘lucky flower’ in your coat pocket, every day, and that makes each school day bearable.
the baggy clothes make it easier to steal snacks after school, the darker make it easier to disappear. you hardly even go to class; the teachers don’t notice you, anyways. until they do——the children that do see you love to remark on what you lack; on money, on fathers, on new clothes, on lunch. one comment becomes too many and you’re in the office; don’t call my mum, you plead, you practically beg, she’s working. i can’t take her away from work. but they do. there’s no one else to call. it feels like robbing your mother of money. the embarrassment of taking her away.
when you’re home, you hit your lowest; lock yourself in your room and cry until morning. your chest is so heavy. such a mild dilemma, not the worst thing you’ll face, yet you find you can’t breathe because of it. why does everything hurt so much?
sixteen years old and your favorite spot has become a bridge; you sit with your legs swinging through the rail, watching the water flow below you, sound of cars rushing behind you--------the honking horns make you jump. you reek of cigarettes and fireball, when you come here, concealed bottle half-empty and hidden between your legs. arms and chin lean on the railing, tears flowing yet often concealed by a rainstorm you never bother to notice. 
she’s so convinced he’ll come back. you hate yelling at her, but it hurts, to live sixteen years without someone, and watch your mother continue to set a place at the table for him each night. maybe tonight. its never tonight. and its your fault, you know that--------your mother would be happier without you, her drunken, drop-out, thieving son; she’d still have walter. she’d still have money. you don’t realize you’re her only joy. 
the jacket you wear over a torn prince t-shirt is black denim, finally your size, the cuffs and collar lined with a fake-feeling, puffy sort of fur. its your favorite jacket, it keeps you warm--------but you find a picture of your parents together, and note your father wearing one of the same style. you never wear that jacket again.
you’re not sure why you cry on the plane to america, but you do. perhaps its homesickness. the change, the sudden wave of how different everything will be. its overwhelming. amos scoffed when he saw you, in your sweatpants and band shirts---------what? you’d asked. its just a plane ride. sat between him and your anxious mother, you hold her hand and wonder if he might do the same; its better not to try, you decide. he might just think you’re strange.
does he have weapons? he must. amos always has a knife, somehow. but how would he bring it here? maybe he’ll teach you that, someday. you’d like him to. he’d like you to stop crying.
smiling boy leaning against the counter of your pawn shop; everything feels better, now. amos has made you a partner in crime, his right hand man--------this cover-up is yours as much as it is his, and sometimes you wonder if you make him proud. you’ve grown into yourself; dark hair tickles at the tips of your ears when you let it get too long, you don white button-ups with two buttons always undone, and a long tan trenchcoat is the one thing you’re never seen without--------though, when you’re home you dress the way you always have; a steely dan tshirt has become your favorite, and it never takes you long to break out sweatpants after a days work. you lay on the floor like that and play guitar; mother likes to stand in the doorway and listen, sometimes.
there are knives on you, everywhere. they rattle against the phone in your pocket when it buzzes; you have two friends now who send you pictures of their cat, and they’re so normal, far different from the thief tommy you occupy your nights with---------but you enjoy them. they’re a taste of the life you wanted, as a child. but you think now that life might bore you, if you tried it. its not like you’re good at anything else, anyways. you and amos both know that.
your memory is coming in flashes, in blinks of light and sound tearing through the gaps of nothing, the times where you don’t know where you are, what you’re doing-------what time is it? have i eaten today? where’s mama? 
the last thing you remember is the funeral. you tried to cry into amos’ arms, but he pushed you away; knocked you to the ground. get it together. m’not yer dad, kid. he left you crying on your knees before her grave--------but now, suddenly, you’re walking into your friend’s apartment. they’re each holding one of your arms; adrien looks worried, like he’s been crying. ray says something to you, but you don’t understand. you say okay, anyways. 
then you’re on the couch with tea in your hand; you look at your phone and start crying. you haven’t been home in hours. mum would have texted you, by now. your chest is heavy again. you’re dizzy. adrien takes your phone and sets it away. you think he might have kissed your forehead, too.
the bottle of mum’s pain killers is empty, now. you don’t remember waking up. something burns. you’re screaming at your father in your doorway, but you don’t remember him knocking. ray looks mortified. she’s leaving today. wheres she going? italy? germany? please take care of yourself, she mutters into a tightened hug. wheres your father gone? she mentions him--------he must have been real. 
you don’t remember the party, you don’t remember coming home, but you remember being warm. it felt like mama was back. you want to feel like that again. 
adrien tries to take you out for christmas, but he has to bring you home. all the children were outside playing in the snow with their parents. mama liked to take christmas walks to look at all the lights. you can’t breathe again, so he holds you for the rest of the day, he pets your hair, kisses your head. its almost feels ok. 
you watch the new year’s ball drop from the discomfort of a hospital bed. you still don’t remember much, but you remember screaming. you remember amos sitting nearby-----was that two days ago? he threatened you. walt was here, too. you threw a flower vase at him. the nurses won’t let you have flowers in the room, anymore. they’re watching you like hawks; better act like you’re alright, so they’ll let you out of here.
you check yourself out early. there’s no reason for you to be there. amos will get mad if you’re gone any longer. your father yells at you when you get home. why is he there? leave me alone. 
the park bench is cold. you don’t remember running here, but you know amos was yelling at you. you haven’t brushed your hair in days. your tears feel like they’re freezing to your cheeks. distant police sirens. are they for you? your chest tightens------but they breeze past the park. you can’t stop shaking. your head hurts. 
walts with you, suddenly, sitting on the bench beside you. he’s put your head in his lap, he’s been muttering things to you the whole time. how long has he been here? please, he says, the first thing you’re able to make out; let me get you home, i know you hate me, but let me be your dad for ten fucking minutes. you’re a mess, kid. 
you’ve never spoken to him without screaming, before, but this time you let him. he helps you up, puts his coat around your shoulders. its the same one as in the photos, but older, it has holes in it. he keeps an arm around you the whole way home, lies you down on your couch, drapes mum’s couch blanket over you. he makes you a grilled cheese, complains about the spoiled groceries in your fridge. it feels nice. he should have been here to do this twenty three years ago.
for the first time since you’ve known him, you think amos is going to kill you. he’d never do that, you’ve always been so sure; but this time there’s rage in his eyes, they look hollow and dead---------you’ve seen this look before, its always followed by the snapping of bones. you can’t get that sound out of your head. you saved tommy from this look, once, but he’s not here to do the same. it hurts. you’re supposed to be partners, you trusted him with your life, but he’s going to kill you. oh, god, he’s going to kill me.
but he doesn’t get the chance. bent over from a kick to the ribs, the second you’re out of line with his head you hear a shot--------suddenly you’re covered in blood, but its not your own, and amos has a hole in his head. when he drops, you’re faced with your father stood nearby; shaking, out of breath, mortified-------holding a gun. jesus christ, he whispers.
dad? you sound helpless. you’ve never called him that, before. 
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kae-karo · 6 years
knlalla’s fics of 2018
hello dears! now that the year’s coming to a close, i wanted to round up a quick post of all my fics from this year, please enjoy! i’ve highlighted my personal faves/the ones i’m most proud of :’) it’s been a wild year, so thanks so much to everyone for all your kind support!
Phancakes (x) 1k (g) - the bois being domestic on pancake day (look okay we don’t have pancake day in america i have to live vicariously through dnp), insp by this tweet and the iconic vid no tw! just domestic fluff
did you make me a video for valentine’s day? (x) 1k (g) - Dan has a tradition, every year on Valentine's day he asks Phil the same question... no tw, minor angst
my talents include... (x) 1k (g) - Dan's whiny because Phil won't pay him any attention, so he sends out a passive-aggressive tweet. shoutout to @daliensgrandads​ on tumblr for bugging me to write this (instead of my current wip whoops) no tw, unless whiny!dan counts
Days like this (Security) (x) 800 (g) - Some days just aren’t good ones. tw depression
Balance (x) 1k (t) - Phil wants to post the bunk bed insta story, but Dan just wants to sleep. no tw
i missed you (x) 1k (g) - basically their history as told by dan no tw
the way you look tonight (x) 1k (g) - dan has a vid to edit. phil has other ideas. you have to listen to the way you look tonight by frank sinatra (youtube, spotify) whilst listening to this okay no tw
Chan (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "demon hc: phil just chuckling fondly at dan thirsting over chan, while chan searches the bus and they’re both stood outside in pyjamas on the canadian border. idk, it’s just the kinda fond, secure bde that phil exudes these days" no tw
morning coffee (x) 1k (t) - inspired by the lovely anon who sent me "I dreamed Dan posted an insta story of Phil drinking coffee in bed and he was laying on his shoulder and I kept trying to show people how cute it was but no one cared, and when I woke up I remembered that you would care, and I realized it was a dream and now I’m a tad disappointed in my subconscious for trolling me." no tw
doing nothing often leads to the very best of something (x) 2k (g) - based on this (x) and a lil imagine i wrote (x) and expanded on so thanks to the lovely anon who originally sent "that pic phil posted of dan for his bday i think where dan is making a funny face and theres a nearly empty wine bottle in the background hhhhh that makes my demon heart drop" and to the lovely anon who asked for more! no tw
The House at Pooh Corner (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "Full demon mode: Im just finishing up the Undertale series for the first time and all I can think about as Dan and Phil talk back in forth in their different character voices is how #blessed any future child of theirs is. Just imagine them snuggled up with a kid on each of their laps, reading Winnie the Pooh and doing voices for all the characters. RIP my heart." and the anon that sent "I've been having a really bad day. And something that I find really cute is imagining what Dan and Phil would be like as parents. (noting that you don't have to have kids ever to be a fulfilled human, just that people being good parents warms my heart). Hypothetically, what do you think it'd be like? I bet Dan would surprise himself by being a good dad. b/c he'd want his kid to feel free to be themselves and we all know he can be very protective when he needs to be." no tw, parent!phan
waffles (x) 2k (g) - phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao) no tw, meet cute
it’s not living if it’s not with you (x) 800 (g) - dan and phil in bed at phil's parents' home, briefly reminiscing no tw
if we stopped shipping phan (x) 8k (g) - what would happen if the entire phandom just...stopped shipping phan? insp by this post about not shipping phan for a month cause they'd freak out. Happy Valentine's day, @phantasizeit​! no tw, friends to lovers
sleepover in the moon room (x) 6k (g) - It's a tradition they've had for years (Note: this was written with the intent that it can be read completely platonically or non-platonically, whichever you prefer. It's not written to imply one way or another.) a platonic fic sorta lmao
printer error (x) 16k (m) - Dan's a fanfic writer who's desperate to meet the AmazingPhil, but one printing mishap could bring him closer to his idol than he ever anticipated. no tw, strangers to lovers with a bit of fic commentary
everyone knows that (x) 5.5k (g) - They fight more often than they don’t, but that’s just how relationships are. Everyone knows that. Phil bakes when he’s worried, especially when he's worried about Dan. And Phil bakes quite a lot. Dan hates that he's the cause of Phil's nervous baking, that Phil's always so stressed because of him, but Dan has a hard time feeling too bad when the outcome is a plate of warm cookies. no tw just some angst
The Seven Deadly Insta Stories (x) 7k (e) - A collection of seven short fics based on the seven deadly sins, as told in the form of insta stories dnp didn’t post. as a prompt from @phanfichallenge to post a fic every day this week, have my tour fic twist on the seven deadly sins!! no tw, tour fic(s)
i’d do anything to not be alone (x) 16k (t) - I don’t know why I bother waking up. It’s one of those nonessential activities, like eating or drinking or breathing. But I do it, because if I don’t, then nobody would water the plants. Phil left and Dan doesn't know why. But he has to take care of the plants, because Phil would be so disappointed if he came back and his plants had died. no tw, just lots of sadness n a bit of angst but it does, as always, end happily i promise
dark purple sky (darkness comes out to play) (x) 4k (e) - It’s not that he hates parties, it’s just that- well, no, he hates parties. And costumes. And showing up to parties in costumes, and showing up to parties decidedly not wearing costumes, and all the mumbled judgements that come along with doing so. And he hates sweets - really, the only things he does like about Halloween are the autumnal vibes and the cool weather, and experiencing those certainly did not require his friends dragging him out to some abandoned castle grounds for a half-assed late-night party. Or the one where Dan gets a blowjob from a complete stranger in the middle of the forest on Halloween. no tw really, strangers to lovers?, mostly just pwp
Properly (x) 10k (e) - Dan's been trying to take advantage of the all-hours pool for a late night swim, but some guy always shows up before him. no tw just pwp and some strangers to lovers
Demons and Diners (x) 65k (m) - A broke Dan, on the run from his previous life, finds temporary shelter in an abandoned diner...for the night? tw depression, some blood mentions, but happy ending as always!
What day is it? (x) 32k (t) - It's the first day of the semester, and it's already gone to shit: Dan's late to his first class, finds out his mortal enemy, Phil Lester, is the TA, and gets rejected by the girl of his dreams, but at least tomorrow's a new day...right? Aka the one where Dan and Phil are stuck reliving the same day over and over and can't figure out why. no tw except some major angst, uni au, enemies to lovers
Axiom (x) 31k (t) - Axiom: a proposition that is not actually proved or demonstrated, but is considered to be self-evident and universally accepted. Dan's out for the umpteenth time at the bar for its weekly speed-dating night (not that they'd actually call it that). tw depression and a really cliche plot twist whoops but a happy ending, always
one second (x) 41k (e) - When you spend your life getting glimpses of a myriad of possible futures every time you get a little emotional, you tend to lose sight of reality, of the present; a bad day turns into a bad week because all you see are the worst-case futures. You get a little excited about something, things start to go your way, but then all you can see are the realities where things are even better. Life tends not to measure up. Or the one where Dan meets Phil on a plane, and maybe reality starts to become better than even Dan could predict. no tw really, strangers to lovers
slow-closing doors (x) 44k (t) - SECRETS, DRAMA, BETRAYAL (okay no betrayal dw). Phil's agreed to be an RA for his floor this year at uni, and he's determined to be the best RA ever - after all, this is these students' first year, he wants them to have the best year ever. Loosely inspired by Freeze Tag by Caroline B Cooney. tw minor violence nothing graphic just a lil scary, uni au strangers to lovers
Peter Phan (x) 37k (m) - Phil's woken in the middle of the night by a mysterious guy at his window who's intent on dragging him off on an adventure, and for some inexplicable reason, he agrees. Dan's stuck - quite literally - in his own head, and he's desperate for anyone to help him escape. Maybe, if he's lucky, that person could be Phil. He hopes it is. tw depression and suicide attempt, implied/referenced non-con, lots of angst, but definitely a happy ending, strangers to lovers
angel boy (x) 22k+ (e) - for the anon that sent "Oh fuck, now I need a smutty fanfic with twink!Dan taking it from behind with his angel wing tattoo (or real ones for that matter... actually, yes please, real ones. And Phil has a kink for being a bit rough with them... maybe Phil's a demon... fuuuck, someone write this for me?)" Aka the one where angel!Dan goes into a demon club looking for a bit of entertainment. no tw, my attempt at pwp turned into porn with a plot lmao
Sea Glass (x) 58k (t) - Phil arrives on the Isle of Man to house-sit at his family's cabin while it's repaired and sold. Except the cabin's in far worse shape than expected, and Phil's got to find somewhere else to stay no tw really but like i updated this a few times this year so i’m counting it
Exile (x) 172k (e) - Exile's a fucking bitch. Dan finds himself kicked out of town and searching for literally anywhere out of the rain - somehow, he must have just enough luck, as he stumbles upon a seemingly abandoned house in the middle of the forest. Except it isn't abandoned, and the resident isn't exactly...normal...
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edgeofmyniall · 6 years
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this isn’t edited bc i have a migraine and i only just finished this. so im sorry my bad dawg, but let me know what you think.
I spent the entire day scrolling through social media instead of talking to Niall. Occasionally, he would make a comment, but mostly we rode while listening to the radio. There were no singing outbursts or talking to get to know each other- just us not talking so we wouldn’t talk about our “almost kiss”. Something I dreamt about last night.
It replayed in my mind over and over until I woke for the day. Our lips almost touching, almost knowing how they feel against each other. Our skin shivering and our chests rising and falling as we try to catch a breath. The way his fingers felt against my wet skin, his nails digging into my back as if he was begging me to become closer to him. Like he actually wanted me.
We had a moment. One speck of time that was ours that no one can share or take away. Something I can’t get back. Something deep down I know that Niall regrets.
We pass through towns that I won’t remember, but our moment- that wrinkle in time will be etched in my brain under my Niall folder. We stop around lunch at a local diner, but we hardly say a word to each other. I catch Niall looking over his menu at me, but he quickly looks away. His lips are pressed into a hard line, like he’s forcing himself not to talk. Almost as if him not mentioning what happened between us is killing him on the inside. The waitress takes our order and I, for the life of me, can’t figure out why Niall keeps looking at me like he’s trying to figure what he’s looking at.
“Can you take a picture already? It’ll last longer.” I jolt, my voice cuts through the air, sharp and unjaded like a sword. His mouth hangs open a little. That was all that was said between us until we stopped at the family Bed-N-Breakfast in the cold town of Bend, Oregon.
It was cold, wet, and raining. Very cold. One could probably be used to this weather if they were accustomed to it, but I’m not. I like the hot, humid weather with the sun shining down on me. I hated the cold. I hated how you could never get warm, but in Bend, I never thought I would I learn to love the cold.
The older lady, maybe in her late fifties, greeted us as Niall opened the door. Her bright and cheery smile warmed up my cheeks which were now rosy due to the wind chill. I tucked my hair behind my ear and settled for a small smile. Niall looks at the lady and says we have rooms here for the night. I pay no mind to him as I notice the pictures of children and families posing for the camera lined along the walls. Each family was quite different from the other. Some had two parents and children, some had one parent, others had only a couple.
“What’s with the pictures?” I ask as the lady hands Niall the room keys.
“Well, dear, I’m glad you asked,” her voice flows through the air. She’s so soft and welcoming. “Everyone who stays with us gets to go on the wall. You may never remember staying here, but we want to cherish each person who has come into our lives. So we’ll get your picture tomorrow morning.” She smiles as Niall hands me the key. Our rooms are right beside each other. I wanted to as far away from Niall as I could. The farther apart I am, the better off I’ll be. The less of a mess I am, the better the song will be. Because deep down, I know that once we finish the song, it’ll be over. I’ll be just another girl to him. Just another one of the desperates that he only texts for a night in.
But it’s like the universe wants us to be together. And I don’t know why. First the motel, and now this.
As I turn the key inside the door, I feel Niall’s hand drag along the curve of my back. I look up and it seems like he doesn’t know what he just did. That he doesn’t know a million bolts of electricity are jumping through my body or that my stomach is in knots. That my head is spinning and I feel like I’m floating through air when I’m around him. That he doesn’t make me feel like a rock. I feel alive. I feel confident. I feel wanted.
I'm seeing stars as I open up the door. I quickly close the only barrier between me and Niall. The only thing stopping me from kissing him is the metal lock on the door. I run my hands through my hair and close my eyes. I still see Niall’s plump lips pouting for me. My dripping wet hair tangled onto his bare chest- the way my legs wrapped around his waist so easily in the pool water. Our shivering bodies trying to stay warm.
This all has to be a dream. No one in their right mind could want me like that.
If he only knew.
I lay across the foot of the bed when I feel the slight buzz come from my back pocket. I pull my phone out and there is a text from Sylvia.
“Thought you might want to get a leg up on this.”
I click the link and it brings up an article from The Sun. There in all of our “after morning almost kiss” glory was a picture of Niall and I standing by his car outside the motel this morning. The picture is fuzzy but you can’t deny who is in the capture. I read through the article- I’m numb to every word that is used against me. I’ve been hearing it since my childhood, but this...this time it’s different. Each word cuts me like a knife opening a wound.
Seems like ex-boyband member has found a new love interest. The plus size daughter of Ashley Diana was seen leaving Sacramento Inn with Niall Horan this morning. Could it be a new fling, or has Niall finally gave Townes the attention she wants? Sources claim that the couple spent the night in one room together, but were caught practically making out in the pool. Must be the cold air that has given Townes the chills.
There in all of my wet glory was a picture of me waiting for Niall to open the door last night. The Sun had blurred out my nipples, thank God, but I can’t help but feel so embarrassed.
Maybe Niall is finally figuring out that bigger girls are better. Another source claims that they are working on a new single for Townes’ up and coming sequel album that we hope will do better than her last, Escape. Do you all remember that one? Neither do we!
I shouldn’t, but I read the comments.
She could have killed Niall being on top of him like that.
She should know better than this!
Get off Niall, you fat whale.
I exit out of the article. I try to stop the tears, but there’s no use fighting them. I’ve been called a lot of things, but this is a first of being a fat whale. I text Sylvia thanks and I tell her to have a plane ticket ready. I look at the time and it’s nearing 10 p.m. and I feel the sudden exhaustion from riding all day. How can one be so tired from doing nothing all day?
I did do something. I tried forgetting the way Niall makes me feel. How his touch sends fire through my body. How my skin burns for his lips. I tried fighting against myself, and I failed. If there is one thing I have learned from this trip is that Niall makes me feel alive.
I quickly dress myself in my pajama shorts and an old tshirt from my high school. The faint scent of him catches my attention. It must be a daydream because no one is here. This shirt has been washed too many times for his cologne to still linger. I refuse to let that part of me in.
I climb into bed, feeling the warmth of the blanket on top of me when I hear a soft knock on the door.
In my heart, I know who it is, and for once I wish I’m right.
I am.
The door slowly creaks when I open it and there are the pair of sea blue eyes I couldn’t get out of my head staring back at me. He smiles sweetly and for a moment, I don’t feel upset.
“Ya okay? Read the article.” I nod my head.I’m anything but okay. “Don’t seem okay. Can I come in?”
Niall coming in could be a lot of things. He could come in and we talk. Talk about us, the article, what almost happened between us, about the trip, or hell we could talk about anything but us. It could lead to us calling off the trip. It could end up with the both of our naked bodies tangled in my bed for the night. It could end up with me finally opening up to someone about my past. Letting him in could do a lot more damage than I want, and in all certainty I’m not sure that’s what I want.
But I do. I let him in. I open the door just enough to let his body slide past mine. He’s in nothing but his boxer briefs when the moonlight from the window hits him. He sits himself down on the spot where I body was previously occupying, and he taps his hand on the spot of the bend next to him. I lock the door and I feel my thighs jiggle as I take every step. My stomach bounces and I can all but keep myself from crying. He doesn’t want me.
“How ya feeling? Dan Wooten is dick. Pretty sure he jacks it off to his mom,” Niall’s trying to make me feel better, but all I want to do is crawl under the covers and forget the world exists.
“I’m used to it,” I say my voice is cold like the air in the room. I shiver from the lack of clothes I’m wearing. I cross my arms across my chest to help cover my nipples which are poking out at the moment. “Been called a lot worse before.”
Silence fell between us like a blanketed curtain covering up the truth. It wasn’t awkward or weird, just forced like every time I have to interview with someone. But it’s too much for Niall to handle.
“Don’t think yer a fat whale. If ya were a whale, ya be a blue whale. They’re the biggest whale-oh fuck!Not-Not saying that you’re big or too big for me. Um they’re quite beautiful actually. They’re very graceful despite being so large. Uh shit, what was the other one? Oh yeah, they always move even when they’re asleep. Quite cool. Not that I just looked them up or anyting. For fuck’s sake, I was tryin’ to make ya feel better, and I called ya a whale. Way to go Horan.” Niall’s attempt to make me feel better is awkward, and charming. His word vomit sends a warm, fuzzy feeling that begins to burn in my stomach.
“You looked them up right after the article, didn’t you?” I nudge him with my elbow. A smile spreads across my face like a sickness. And Niall is the virus.
“Yeah, I did.” He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck with his hand after I exposed his secret. He half laughs as he nudges back, but unlike me, he rests his hand on my thigh. His fingertips pulsate against my skin and I feel like all but setting myself on fire. I can’t stop looking at his hand, the way it smoothly lays across my thigh that is much too big for him. It’s like my thigh is the Pacific ocean and his hand is a lone sailboat. I sigh, remembering how I felt last night when Niall almost kissed me. It felt like a dream.
But it wasn’t. It was reality. For a sheer moment, Niall wanted me, even if he didn’t mean for it to happen. It was real for me.
Niall rests his forehead against my ear. His breath send shivers down my spine and goosebumps along my skin. My breathing hitches as I try to find air. Niall has knocked the wind out of me by a single touch.
“I think yer beautiful just the way ya are.” Niall whispers, and my head spins. Everything I’ve done, fighting myself and fighting off Niall has been for nothing. I’ve done myself no good pushing him off when all I want is him pulling me in. “Yer me whale.”
I turn my head in, resting my forehead on his.His blue eyes lock into my brown ones I hate how addicted I’ve become to Niall. He has consumed my thoughts and all he’s done is make me feel like I’m an actual person. For a moment, I forget why Niall even came in my room in the first place. I forget that I’m not what people think I am. The only thing on my mind is that Niall is next to me and he just called me his whale.
I shake from the cold, at least that’s what I’m assuming. Niall’s hands wrap around my body and pull me on top of him. He throws the covers over our bodies and I feel the warmth of Niall’s body escape to mine. I fall off Niall and lay my head in the crook of his arm. He must have only taken a shower before he read the article because he smells of fresh aftershave. Niall tucks my hair behind my ear and I look up to him. He sits up on his elbow, making my head slide down his arm. This is the moment I’ve been dreaming of over and over. He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead before peppering me with kisses down my nose. My lips part as I kiss his chin, feeling the rough patch of his beard on my nose. His lips met mine and I feel the warm slick of his mouth as he opens mine with his tongue. He begs for entrance, and I let him in. He cups around my cheek, setting my skin on fire as his tongue rolls over mine. He drags my lower lip with his teeth as he pulls up for air. I reach up and push the tendrils of hair out of his face. He kisses my wrist gently, and smiles.
We lay in bed half the night kissing each other until our lips are raw. When I fall asleep, I thank God for cold weather.
I wake to find my bed empty except for a breakfast tray of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of peanut butter. I reach for my phone and I see a text from Niall.
“Gone to get some coffee. Be back soon.”
I smile as I begin to paste the spread over the pancakes. With each bite, I fill up with the thoughts of last night consuming me. It isn’t until I finish showering that Niall returns.
He walks into the room bearing two cups of hot coffee and I’m standing there in my bra and underwear. His eyes go wide as I stand frozen in the room. He can see me and all my flaws, all of my stretch marks, lumps, and handles. He sees it all, and he’s taking it in for whatever it’s worth. Niall quickly pulls the two cups of coffee up to his eyes as I scramble around for the cream sweater I layed out. I pull the turtleneck over my head and quickly tug at my jeans. Once dressed, I take the cup of coffee from Niall.
“Thank you,” I say for both the coffee and for hiding his eyes.
“Shoulda knocked. How was breakfast?” He’s looking everywhere but me.
“Good. Think we should get going. Don’t want the lady to think we’re makin’ babies or anything.” OH MY GOD. I did not just say that. I pull my hair into a ponytail and grab my bags, not pay any attention to Niall. We make our way to the lobby and the lady insists on taking a picture. Niall and I set our bags down and stand beside each other, our arms intertwined at our backs. The lady pulls out an old polaroid camera and as I smile, she clicks the button to make the flash appear.
“Let’s get another one. This one is best for you two.” She smiles as she begins to wave the picture through the air. I hold on to the white plastic and smile again-Niall’s grip tightens.
It isn’t until Niall packs our luggage into the trunk when I see the picture. Niall is looking down at me as he smiles. Like he’s enjoying my presence. Like he actually might like me. No wonder the lady said we were better off with this one. I place the picture on the dash, right under the gas gage.
When Niall climbs in, he smiles and grabs my hand after he turns out of the driveway. The rain still patters against the windshield, and for once I am thankful for the rain.
“Off to the cabins.” And I never felt more alive.
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ohmcrvel · 6 years
Good Luck With Her
Good Luck With Her  Pt 1 Pt 2
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Hello Loves 💖! IM BACK OMG ! So I’ve been trying to get rid of my writing block for months now and apparently my writing block has come out of tumblr and is now on wattpad so I’ll probably not be updating on there for a while ( sorry neve)! I hope you enjoy this story and if possible please go check out my wattpad @wckdseb and give my stories some love ! Love you guys eternally! Also happy birthday to the love of my life Sebastian, you’ve helped me through the days I thought I should give up so I thank you more than I can ever explain.
-L ☕️
Summary : people say long distance relationships are hard, you would definitely agree, and after your boyfriend of 10 years cheats on you, you are left wondering if that crush on your team member Bucky was actually just your subconscious telling you where your heart actually belongs.
Note: This is a product of months of writing block, my ex cheating on me, and the amazing song Cardi b Thru your Phone
Pairings: Bucky x Reader, avengers x reader
Warnings: I haven’t written in ages this is shit! angst, a lottttt of swearing, cheating ass dicks, fluff, mentions of sex/sexual activities
people say long distance relationships are hard, you would definitely agree. You have been with you boyfriend Daniel, ‘Dan’, ever since you were both just silly seventeen-year-olds begging to leave high school together as soon as possible so your adventures could begin but now, that adventure was coming to an abrupt end.
Throughout your nearly 10 year on and off relationship you’ve both been told “your not experiencing the world”, “how do you know you truly love each other” and “ she’ll/he’ll cheat on you when you’re not around.” And many more horrible things but you two didn’t let that stop your love.
That didn’t mean you two didn’t end it sometimes , their was that 3 year break for uni (minus the drunken hookups) so you too could discover yourself, their was the 2 years you did work experience at a marine biology research lab, where he ended up becoming a security guard without even knowing you worked there and that was where you gained your powers and were being helped by you boss so you couldn’t just leave. Don’t forget their was all the blind dates you were set up on which every time turned out to be him, so it just felt like you could never escape each other so the relationship carried on, but now, 4 years later, it’s even more complicated.
After a freak accident in you lab one night you were ‘blessed’ with the ability to control the element of water, that wasn’t in the description of your marine biology degree though, your boss whose wife was born with a similar gift offered to help you and later was the one who introduced you to the one and only nick fury after your powers needed a more professional approach.
So here you are now, 10 years later from once being seventeen, sat around a marble table surrounded by a team of superhero’s eating spaghetti like six-year-olds and everything seemed good, but not for long.
Last week was your high school best friend Jenny’s birthday party but sadly you were too busy with a mission to go, so instead of the 15 hours plane ride straight after a 3 day mission in Russia your other best friend Neveah sent videos and photos of parts of the night so you could see what you were missing. As everyone talked and laughed you placed your phone in you hand with a on EarPod in one ear smiling at all you high school friends dancing and smiling at the camera saying stupid jokes about you throughout, your laughs soon caught the attention of the team who ended up watching your drunk friends with you laughing along, but the laughter was soon cut short by Sam yelling,
“what the fuck is he doing!” He screams angrily as he grabs your phone pausing the video and zooming in, Bucky and Wanda had gone over to look at what he was yelling at and soon Wandas eyes turned ruby red and Buckys fists clenched
“I’m going to fucking kill him.” His voice turned cold and his eyes swirling with rage.
While everyone was trying to calm the three down you managed to get your phone back and your eyes raced across the screen only to be greeted by your boyfriend making out with Jenny, your best friend. Suddenly everything in your life went silent and you lost all ability to function, your body fell back into your chair and the glass of water in your other hand smashed against the tiled floor, you hastily scurried up to your feet and pushed your way through the teams bodies, you began hurrying into the corridor to your bedroom, faint shouts of your name were blocked out by what you think were your tears as your wooden door slammed shut and your body slid down it .
“Miss (y/l/n), you’re in distress, shall I get help.” F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice broke the tear-filled air.
“No...no F.R.I.D.A.Y don’t le- don’t let anybody in, please.” Your voice no longer cheerful but now breaking and blocked by tears and as you hand shook your now tear stained cheeks glowed in the screen light and your weak fingers scrolled through your contacts to find that dicks name.
You lifted yourself of the ground and placed yourself on the bed as your phone dialled, your friends waited outside the door, Bucky angrily pacing down the corridor as his anger boiled up inside, while everyone just waited to hear him pick up, and well, he did.
“Hey (y/n) ! I just got back from a shift you alri-“Dan’s cheerful voice was soon cut off by a loud sob.
“Ho- how could you.” Pain and hurt was all Bucky and everyone else could hear in your voice as they sat in the corridor snooping into the conversation like teens, wanting to make sure that asshole didn’t hurt you even more.
“Babe wha-“ Bucky scoffed at his nickname, you always hated being called that but you put up with it for him.
“Don’t fucking call me that.” You snapped back at him.
“Okay okay, (y/n) I just need you to calm down I think you having another anxiety attack.” He pleaded with innocence, nearly causing Nat to jump on a plane to snap his neck.
“I’m not having an anxiety attack you dickshit! This is just the effects of finding out your boyfriend of TEN FUCKING YEARS HAS BEEN NECKING ON WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND” you screamed down the phone as the speaker button flickered white in the darkness, all the pain in your heart begin pouring out like a waterfall.
“Babe...I um...I” Lost for words was all anybody would describe what was happening right and it wasn’t good.
“So now you’re lost for words? Bet you’ve been saying a lot of nice shit to Jenny haven’t you? Oh wait your tongue has been too busy down her fucking throat.” Tony couldn’t help silently chuckle at his gals response, he’d taught her well when it comes to dealing with assholes.
“It’s not like that, you don’t understand.” He pleaded, wanting her just to breathe and let him explain.
“Then fucking explain it to me Daniel! Enlighten me with your amazing knowledge.” Sarcasm dripping towards the end of your sentence as you began sorting through your wardrobe and throwing all his hoodies and gifts he gave you onto the floor so that every trace of him was no longer in your life.
“ i know I know I just don’t know where to begin.” Dans head was full of confusion on how you found out but that wasn’t a good enough reason.
“Where to begin ? Maybe begin by telling me if this was a one time thing or have you been fucking my best friend since we were seventeen.” Your heart was rapidly beating with fear and anxiety as you wondered if your whole relationship had been one massive coverup and lie, you wanted to sound scary and intimidating but every time you spoke your voice just turned into a sob of tears.
“It’s been going on for nearly 4 years” and that’s when your heart fully broke and the team sat out side all look at each other in shock at disgust.
“4 years, 4 bloody years.” You whispered as you hastily grabbed and sat in your chair, looking out at the New York skyline as the room began to spin.
“So you’re telling me that you, Daniel River Fucking Brown was cheating on me with my best friend when I was kidnapped by FUCKING HYDRA!” You voice was more filled with sadness than anything as you hand slammed into your table knocking over the picture frame of you too at prom, the whole team heard the shatter of glass and Bucky was so tempted to go in there and wrap in his arms until this nightmare ended.
The memories of the beginning of those four years hurt more then anything due to the fact after the first couple months you joined the avengers your powers had increased beyond belief, you could now control all the elements and were commonly known by the world as Gardien du Ciel or Sky Guardian and it caused you to became a high priority for hydra, and soon you became their prisoner for nearly a year after they took you while you were on your way to visit Dan for your anniversary.
“Yes, yes I am.” His voice was soft and quite now, like he was embarrassed or something.
“After you were taken I was messed up, I was already struggling without you by my side while you were in New York but now you could never come back due to Hydra And i was struggling to live” the whole team brewed with anger as he tried to play victim without even knowing that they already knew the whole truth.
“One night a couple of months after you were taken I got into really bad place, and Jenny came round when she thought something was wrong because I missed work. We ended up talking for hours everyday for weeks and one night one thing lead to another and it’s been happening ever since, she just wanted to comfort me.” He hastily finished explaining like he just wanted this conversation to be over because he couldn’t be bother to keep lying.
“Bullshit.” Was all you responded with
“What.” He questioned with slight anger
“It’s a bullshit excuse, that’s what that is, the whole time i was taken I know you did jack shit, you never called my team when I missed are anniversary dinner, Tony had to call you to tell you I was missing and he was on the other side of the world! My friends told me how you went partying every Saturday like usual, they told me you never came to the searches and light ceremonies they held, you did fucking nothing Daniel! The people I was captured by showed me the news reports and you were never there Daniel! You never were, and I’m tired of pretending like it didn’t hurt!” You could hear your heart breaking through every word as the flashbacks of those 11 months tortured your brain.
“I just couldn’t deal with it.” Was all he responded with
“And you think I could ? You think I was doing just fine getting tortured and abused? Because I wasn’t !” This whole event finally made you realise that you haven’t even been in love with this asshole these pass 4 years and you were tired of faking it.
“I know (y/n) I know !” His voice full of anger now like you were the one in the wrong
“How the fuck would you know? You didn’t even see me in hospital after I was rescued? Bucky was the first one there and was by my side every night through the coma and after while you where partying and fucking Jenny!” Your heart flutter at the memories of hearing his voice everyday until you woke up from that coma and he smiled at the fact you remembered he was even there.
“Oh god don’t bring Bucky Into this.” He groaned with disrespect
“What on earth is that suppose to mean.” You snapped back with disgust
“You know what I mean (y/n), the whole time you’ve been at that tower I’ve seen and heard the way you felt about him” Dans voice was laced in hate with every word he spoke while the team all seemed to look a Bucky with “we all already knew” looks while his face was full of shock.
“Daniel we talked about this last time I was in London, I told you about me feelings for bucky because I wanted their to be trust in are relationship, but I guess you don’t know what trust is, and i think these past 4 years of me growing to love that man was my heart and subconscious telling me that I don’t love your stupid ass at all and I just need my best friend and the man I’m Truly in love with as the guy by my side not the guy who I fucked at prom and only lasted five fucking seconds.” And with that final comment your hung up, falling back into the bed you just cried yourself asleep, not knowing that your team had just heard the whole thing, including Bucky hearing your confession of liking him.
Pt 2 coming tomorrow 💞💞
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beccaboosthings · 6 years
1-65 for the odd asks💛
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Idk if I’m just tired or what, but idk what this means lol
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Maybe like a 2?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
Idk about it being my favorite but my cousin reminded me that flabbergasted was a word today, so theres that
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“wow I look like shit”
7. What shirt are you wearing?
A 2016 Homecoming shirt my mom had to wear because she works at a school
8. What do you label yourself as?
Some weird Bi girl who knows more about fictional worlds then the real one
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching Netflix wile and trying not to wake up my bff
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I’m going to have to say maybe age 7? Life was just so much easier
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My gf :)
13. Your worst enemy?
Some bitch I used to be best friends with. I cant stand them
14. What is your current desktop picture?
15. Do you like someone?
6. The last song you listened to?
High Hopes by P!ATD
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Idk lol
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The person I hate
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I dont like the concept as an actual “slave” but ya know when you are little and you make your sibling do stuff for you, I would want that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My hair. People always complain if their hair is strait or if its curly and they like the other, but my hair does both depending on what i do with it after I wash it
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would look like Dan Howell probably, and idk what I would do haha.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I dont think I have any
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Being buried alive
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Idk, I dont really eat sandwiches, I guess just pb&j, because childhood, ya know?
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Right now? probably christmas presents 
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I have no clue haha. Sorry Im boring, I also might be like half asleep right now but shhh
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Acceptance for all, no matter race, gender, sexuality, ect, everyone is welcome and anyone who disagrees can get the fuck out
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone. It has all of my pictures on it and what not
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Family drama shit
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I would move to london, or maybe paris lol
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
As long as she would be 100% healthy, My sister.
34. What was your last dream about?
I’m pretty sure it was my gf
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Idk what to put lol
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes? I think? 
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
I did the other day. It was just a small one but it still counts
38. What is the color of your socks?
White and teal
39. What type of music do you like?
Pop, Pop punk, Rock, basically anything but rap and country
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
I dont really like milkshakes lol
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I dont pay any attention to sports lol
43. Do you have any scars?
Yes, I have more then I can count, i scar EXTREMELY easily 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
Idk. I want to do something that ha to do with art
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My mental health
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
does it get better?
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a bird and a fish. does it have to be in the water? does it fly? who tf knows
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Me and my dad once had the conversation of would different dog breeds taste different if you were to eat them?
51. Are you a good liar?
Sometimes. If i am strait up lying, not really, but if i am bull shitting my way through i could do it for hours
52. How long could you go without talking?
a few hours maybe. I mean i dont speak when I sleep so maybe 12?
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
I dont think i have had any bad ones
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
I do all the time
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
I can do a british one pretty decently 
56. What do you like on your toast?
either butter or peanut butter
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
58. What would be you dream car?
I like punch buggies so i can go around and see people wack each other haha
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I just think way too much when i shower, thats why they take me like an hour haha
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
I have never thought about this before haha. May be A? Idk lol
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
They are cute as long as they arent crying and i dont have to deal with them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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tazchat: our god is an awesome god she reigns down and doesn’t really do anything much
The Adventure Zone: Balance (MaxFun) and LOST (ABC) are the exact same show.
—“oh yeah gimme 15 minutes” / “NO NO NO ABSOLUTELY NOT” —“griffin did you roll to see if hitting his head kills him” —GARYL: don’t talk to me —magnus confirmed big spoon but also. is he though. —“let this be a lesson, dad, if you don’t use your character voice, people DIE.” —CARPENTRY CHECK —am genuinely interested in the similarities in descriptions of istus and lucretia (and both of em have like weird shit vis-a-vis physical age) and i Just Think It’s Neat —merle highchurch pull god says “how you doin” to a literal actual goddess —I GOT RUSTIC HOSPITALITY RUNNING OUT OF MY ASS —“magnus is not religious but he’s very spiritual” / “taako’s unimpressed. gods can do magic, he can do magic, whatever.” —“allowing you to remember the loops” fuck off griffin mcelroy —TAAKO: UNCUT —“the three of you are only three of you that there are!” bitch... “all of it! the world, the plane, the planar system, the universe!” —“you’ve been serving as my agents for longer than you can even remember.” —ALMOST YOUR ENTIRE LIVES STOPPING POWERS THAT SHOULDN’T BE—this is some goddamn lost season six shit but i am. actually liking it here. it’s almost as if sometimes shows that don’t take themselves seriously are better —ok pause. re: lost, like, see, the thing is: istus’ role makes sense. jacob’s doesn’t. istus’ influence on the heroes is a retcon, yes, but it narratively makes sense. whereas jacob just like. picking these fuckers and not really doing anything with them. and there is a moral ambiguity to both of them! if istus has guided the birds, why did she let lucretia do what she did? why did she let lup run? why did she let raven’s roost burn, let barry and lucretia be alone for twelve years, let davenport... happen? istus isn’t a good person, she does her job. jacob is a man who we are supposed to believe is a good person, who abuses everyone around him.  —anyway tl;dr tazbal actually makes this plot impactful--both in the moment and especially in hindsight--whereas in lost, it seemed scribbled together to satisfy shithead bros on forums. —“really shitty things have happened to all—all three of us!” magnus. —RESHAPE CREATION IN THEIR IMAGE. i am walking over to austin and physically confronting him —“oh pan? i call him dan!” —MAGNUS HIGH FIVING ISTUS AS A RECURRING JOKE??? —“you know what it is [that you have to do]!” IM GONNA DIE —nine second orb :’) —Joaquin Bag —ISTUS: you technically made this bubble you better pop it —NAT20 SWAG ROLL —“you’re going to be amazing.”  the voice break sounds so fucking genuine too. i hate this show and i hate my emotions —“is there anything else you can edit? in our pasts?” i’m dying —Chance Lance —“if somebody [hypothetically] puts a big magical protective bubble [HYPOTHETICALLY] around themself you [H Y P O T H E T I C A L L Y] can’t pop that.” i’m already in austin —“i’ll climb down and pop the michael bublé” —lil popping noise :’) —oh wow a tmbg ref! i don’t think taz has too many of em weirdly? anyway. they call me dr worm —“may as well come on in.” —“only LOSERS smoke, isaak.” —“i know how the types of men you are. murderers, liars, bullies, robbers—“ / “i’m also a carpenter? i bake?” —“i never met the visitor personally.” / “he and we—we share a similar purpose,” bitch the visitor IS you. —“cut the bullshit and do good recklessly.” —“WEEEELL PARDNER WE’RE THAT UNDERCOVER KANSAS CITY LAW. PARDNER.” —“bUckaRooo.” —a wave of white light—not like a flashlight, a physical sense of light—comes pouring of the cup. —FLASHBACK 🏼 TIME 🏼 —i’m gonna be sick @ the flashback episode lol —“i’m the cup. i’m the temporal chalice, i guess, is what you call me?” lucretia renamed the chalice theory confirmed —i don’t remember being made. —before i was torn into seven parts—i was something incredible. —i do love that it’s the one non-mage of the birds who made the relic that fucked up the boys the most. and that it has the most personality, of all of the relics (i mean we can’t say shit about the staff but lbr)? bc the bell acted a lot like the stone. and just. huh. because griffin knew who made each of the relics at this point, i really just wanna learn the chalice lore!!! damn!!! if prompted i will literally just blabber on about the relics as they correspond to their creators like. Ask Me About My Magnus Divination Theories
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marthadanielle · 7 years
so back in August or September my friend was like ‘do you want to go to Arizona?’ the weather where we live was still 99° so i said ‘nah i hate our weather and its like 105° over there' and she was like ‘the trip wont be till January with my family and my mom wants to stop to see the grand canyon’ and i was like ‘oh thats cool’ but in my head i was like ‘i dont give a damn about going to see the grand canyon’ and then she confessed the real reason she wanted to go to Arizona in January was because there was going to be a comiccon with Seb Stan the actor who she is a bit obsessed with - kinda like how i was with Chris Evans but i’ve calmed down about it now and that’s probably why we’re good friends cause we understand that fan girl life - so i told her going to a comiccon in another city in another state sounds fun so i would think about it but then she got excited like she remembered something else to tell me then she told me Chris Evans was going to be there and that’s when i lost my shit and i was like heck yeah let’s freakin go to Arizona she should have just told me that fact first but i didnt want to get my hopes up so all this time i didnt think it would pan out and something would surely come up. first one of the people we invited to go with us to share the cost of the trip backed out cause they had other adult responsibilities which i kinda sensed was going to happen. we wanted to take a plane but my friend changed her mind because it was too expensive. then i had to step in to help drive there which had me stressing cause i dont get on high ways but then it turned out its a very easy road to drive there so it wouldnt be so bad for me after all but then she has to get all four tires on her car replaced and the alignment which is expensive and she couldnt afford that and our trip right now until maybe when she got her school refund check so then we were looking at getting a rental car but they are all ageist and want to charge us extra for being under 25 and they’re almost as expensive as just getting the car tires. so then today she suggested plane tickets again which had me nervous because they’re expensive and i feel like there are all these hidden cost like paying for the bags you take and i couldnt estimate how much exactly it was going to cost me with my budget then her mom just convinced us we should take the greyhound bus there because we for sure knew what we were going to pay unlike the plane or rental car. And then the other thing is i told my family about the trip a long time ago when i still thought we were going with my friend’s family but the plans have changed so many times since then and my family is still under the impression im going on my friend’s family trip to see the grand canyon. i had mentioned we are also going to an event to see chris evans but for some reason they have forgotten that part and im too embarrassed to admit the only reason we’re both trying to go to Arizona is because we are big fans and this is a once in a lifetime chance to go see them. so im not telling them everything and i feel selfish for leaving m family from friday to monday especially because they have had some health issues in the past and recently last year and im paranoid what if they get real sick all of a sudden while im gone or something. my uncle said he’ll check up on them tho.  Then finally today we bought the bus tickets and i got my ace comiccon and photo op ticket to see Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell!!! I can’t believe this is real life! Im real anxious about what if something goes wrong and interrupts our trip but if everything goes according to plan then this year I will get to see Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell, and Dan & Phil! 2018 is the year i get to meet all my favorites like what a freaking dream come true and i would never have thought this could happen. i am shook af. 
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 13 – The Birth of Responsible Neil Josten
In which our favourite angsty runaway finally starts being useful, Andreil engage in some hot ab-touching, Wymack Knows™ things and I sense yet more Hufflepuffs dawning on the horizon.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
The enw chapter starts and already we have to witness shit that I am decidedly not liking:
Nicky being super fucking miserable.
           “We shouldn’t have come here,” Nicky said, sounding as wretched as he looked. (…) “What have I done?”
On the long, long list of why I fucking hate Drake’s guts, “He made Nicky sad” is one point I am especially angry about having to add.
You know, apart from all the obvious fuckery.
Thankfully, I can trust my man Josten to stop Nicky from sinking down further into the Guilt Depression Pit:
           “You didn’t do anything,” Neil said. (…) “You didn’t know this was going to happen. None of us did. If we’d known, we wouldn’t have come.”
That’s what I was bloody saying. Thank you, Sir Runaway Angst Lord, for finally agreeing with me on something.
Also where’s this sudden rush of being the voice of reason coming from?
           “It doesn’t make sense that Drake would come here. Higgins was here a month ago. Why wait so long, and why risk it? The police can track a cross-country plane ticket easily.”
That’s……. actually a very good point I had not considered before.
Why was Drake there? To “””make amends””” with his “””little brother””” (my toenails are rolling just typing that word), sure – but why now?
There’s more to this. WHAT IS IT.
No time to deal with this now – for now, we are dealing with Andrew getting sent on a nice lil vacation to Fun Anti-Mania Rehab.
           Kevin fixed Betsy with a stunned look. “It’s too early. What do you think you’re doing?”
           “The right thing,” Betsy said.
Bless Betsy Dobson for turning cliché action movie lines into lines that make me actually emotional.
           “Who will take care of Kevin if I’m gone? I can’t trust him wandering around here by himself, and Coach can’t be with him all the time. Kevin’s kind of a full-time job.” (…)
           “I’ll watch him,” Neil said.
           “What do you think you are saying? What are you trying to do?”
           “Take responsibility,” Neil said in German.
I did not know you vocabulary even included that word.
Our boy??? Is finally starting to be responsible, adult and useful??? WHAT IS THIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I AM WITNESSING.
           “If I was going to leave I would have done so at the banquet when Riko called me by my name,” Neil said. “I won’t lie and say I didn’t think about it, but I decided to stay. I trusted you more than I was scared of him. So trust me now if you can. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll take care of Kevin until you return.”
Cause of death: This.
Responsible Neil, where did you suddenly come from?? And most importantly, how can we make sure you don’t transform back into Angsty and Dramatic Neil??
           “You lie, and lie, and lie, and you think I’ll trust you with his life?”
           “Then don’t tust ‘Neil’”, Neil said. “Trust me.”
           “Oh, but who are you? Do you have a name?”
           “If you need one, call me Abram.”
Oh my goooood.
Neil giving out his birth name (or parts of it) to Andrew just adds a whole ‘nother level of intimacy, rawness and seriousness to this exchange.
It also adds another level of I can’t fucking deal with this.
           With so many people watching them Neil couldn’t life his shirt. He did the next best thing and dragged one of Andrew’s hands under the hem. He pressed Andrew’s palm to the ugly scarring across his abdomen.
Touching!!!!!!!!! On his scars!!!!! Which no one has ever even seen!!!!! And Andrew gets to motherfucking touch them!!!! TOUCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Andreil heart is having a fucking rave, you guys.
           “Do you understand?” Neil asked. “Nothing Riko does will make me leave him. We will both be here when you get back.”
IM FUCKNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember when I had huge Kevandreil feels way back in the beginning/middle of the first book? Remember that?? REMEMBER????
I’m still not set on whether I ship it romantically, sexually or just hardcore-platonically (although I’m leaning to the latter), but just – THE DYNAMICS, YOU GUYS.
You can always sign me the fuck up for a good triumvirate.
And of course, not even Andrew can say no to an offer when it comes in the form of some good ab-touching, and just like that, he leaves for rehab.
Godspeed, my manic murder kitten – please come back happier, healthier, yet hopefully just as full of sass. <3
There’s a little thing at the end of this exchange, though, that is quickly glossed over but that caught my attention, and that is Wymack being a perceptive bastard:
           “Hopefully hearing about all of this (…) will get [Aaron] moving, but who knows when it comes to those two? Speaking of unpredictable assholes, when did that happen?”
           “When did what?” Neil asked.
           Wymack eyes him. “Forget it.”
Is he……….. already hinting at Neil and Andrew having A Thing………….. Wymack Knows™.
Did I mention I love that guy recently? #dicksoutforperceptivebastards
           “What about the season?” Kevin asked. “What about Riko?”
           “What about Andrew? Attempt to think about someone and something else for just a moment there.”
DID I MENTION I LOVE THAT GUY RECENTLY. #dicksoutforcaringaboutandrew
           “Look,” Wymack said. “I know I’ve always told you all to take your personal problems up with Betsy or Abby. I’ve said it’s not my place to get into anything outside the court. I hope you’ve figured out by now that I’m just blowing hot air.”
Grumpy Fox Dad ily <33
Guess who’s back now – Aaron, fresh outta custody.
Guess who’s really emo and angry about the Andrew Situation – Aaron, back to being bitter and broody as per usual.
Guess who’s finally done taking his shit and starts dishing out some reason and sensibility in this mess – RESPONSIBLE NEIL FUCKING JOSTEN.
           “Are you at all sorry?” Neil asked. “You took his family away from him. (…) Do you think Cass will ever forgive Andrew?”
Fair point – I’m all for Drake being Not A Thing anymore, of course (although imo prison would have done the job better than, you know, murder), but there is no denying that Aaron made sure the only woman that ever came close to a mum for Andrew now hates him till forever, probably.
           “I don’t care about Cass or Drake or anyone. What Drake did – no. If I could bring him back from the dead and kill him again I would.”
           “Good,” Neil said quietly. “So now you understand why Andrew killed your mother.”
Holy shit he’s fucking RIGHT oh my god. I did not see this coming at all (and neither did Aaron) and I am SHITTING MYSELF.
           “You don’t know anything,” Aaron said.
           “I know you’ve got a couple weeks to think about it,” Neil said. “When Andrew comes back sober you’ll have to talk about this. You won’t get anywhere if you start with Drake, so you might as well start with your mother.”
Neil, I am just honestly so, so impressed with you right now.
Just – this. This exchange right there so, so fucking important. I can already see that this will help the twins greatly in finally becoming real siblings, and Neil was the one who made that happen.
It’s been said time and time again how Neil will be the one bringing the Foxes together, and every time I see it actually happening now I leap out of my skin in happiness.
And the key to all of that happening is the birth of Responsible Neil we are witnessing right now.
I want you guys to really, really get how amazing I find this new development. One thing that, in hindsight, really annoyed me about Neil in the first book was how fucking Dramatic, Angsty and Extra™ he was – and I know this made for some good jokes, but it honestly also annoyed me a lot. He was just so whiny. And I know it’s for good reason, but still – I just kept hoping he would one day pull his head out of his ass.
Breaking news: Our boy Neil’s head has now left his ass.
This scene, all these scenes are so amazing because: TFC-Neil wouldn’t have done this. TFC-Neil would have stood there uncomfortably, saying nothing and staring, dramatically contemplating his own angst and his own trauma and why he should run away now and how oh so fucking tragic his own life is.
TRK-Neil does not. TRK-Neil deals with problems other than his own, starts taking responsibility and gets out of his own fucking head for once.
The monsters (minus one) and the Fox Parents get back to Palmetto, where they’re all reunited with the rest of the team – which is not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be, since apparently the story is all over the news and no dramatic retellings are in order.
Also, apparently Matt’s mom bailed Aaron out of jail, as a ‘thank you’ for him helping Matt get clean. Neat!
           “We’re all Foxes. We are a team. What happens to one of us happens to all of us, and we’re going to get each other through this.” (…)
           If it wasn’t so terrible, it’d be brilliant. This was what Dan and Matt had been waiting for all semester: a catalyst to finally unite the team.
Have I mentioned how much I’m feels-nutting every time the Foxy Team Spirit gains some bonus points? Have I?? HAVE I????????
However, it’s not all fun and games (not that it ever was fun and games), as there is Serious Exy Trouble resulting from Andrew being gone:
           “If the ERC decides Andrew isn’t part of our line-up anymore, we’re beneath size regulations. They’ll strike us from the roster and our year is over. (…) Kevin is afraid.”
Dun dun dun duuuuuuuun. That’s a pretty shit situation you got there, mate.
           Neil fixed Kevin with a stony look. “Maybe if you’d stuck around a moment longer you’d understand why I don’t care anymore. When you came upstairs, did you hear mim laughing, Kevin? (…) So yes, even I would give up on this season. And after everything he’s done and every risk he’s taken for you, you’d better feel the same.”
With Neil gone, Kevin currently takes the top spot on the List of People Who Need To get Their Heads Out Of Their Own Angsty Ass.
           “Rhemann has taken our side. He offered to speak on our behalf if need be, and he’s helped reach out to the others.”
James Rhemann, apparently, is the coach for the USC Trojans – a team that is so fair and kind they never, ever got a single red card in their entire existence.
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I am DELIGHTED. When do we meet those USC cinnamon puffs, give them to me NOW.
           “As of this morning, the vote across the Class I teams is almost unanimous,” Wymack said. “They want us to finish the season.”
           “I want one lap for every time you’ve ever said the NCAA’s never had your back.”
           “Oh, Jesus,” Nicky said. “We’ll be running all day.”
BAHAHAHAHA. I actually had to laugh so hard at that. Possibly because it’s the first time there is a reason for laughter in, like, three chapters.
But also possibly because it’s just unexpectedly really funny.
In summary: The Foxes get to play on, Andrew finally gets the help he needs and deserves, and Neil’s head gets a serious applause from me for being finally free of his ass.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3 
 One last note: New update will be out on Monday instead of Sunday because I’m gone all weekend – I’ll be at a cheerleading event with my friends! I can already hear myself going “That’s Katelyn” at every single cheerleader wearing orange. Wheee!
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demonphannie · 7 years
dan and phil - april 2017
tldr: *muffled screaming and happiness*
first week (1-7): april fools! new crafts video: DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Potato Prints. they appeared in asdfmovie 10. phil is glad attack on titan is back what a nerd. in a louise vlog: The Big Boss Of YouTube! | The Weekly #13. dan’s old teacher is concerned for his mental health after the crafts video. new gaming video: Dan and Phil play CLUB PENGUIN! (RIP). dan and phil as hedgehogs #content. new danisnotonfire video: Dan Takes Quizzes About Himself. phil tells us dan wants a weasel to nibble his finger? dan liveshow! (NOT ON HIS COMPUTER AND HIS WIRROW PAINTING ISN’T THERE AND HIS BEDSIDE TABLE STUFF ISN’T THERE IT IS A WARNING, dan does not hate us, philisnotrude, end of danandphilcrafts, shirtless phil ya ya, he has a daddies list, relocating his wirrow painting : ), wow wearing phil’s coat in public for twenty minutes why is dan more excited about this than us, wants to change his video background *cough* moving, assaches, phil and i discourse, dan is having a long puberty, he used to rp sonic). dan’s life is a long tuba note. phil thinks a drunk man is an owl. no liveshows for three weeks even though they are only in australia for two weeks? interesting. new amazingphil video: 5 Things I Regret Buying - SILVER HAIR DYE. silver hair selfie. phil is a danger to himself. new lessamazingphil video: PRANKING DAN WITH CHILLI GUMMY BEARS (iconic amazing award worthy and also the reason dan has trust issues). 
second week (8-14): dan literally put his head in someone’s ass im screaming. new gaming video: DIL'S MIND CONTROL STRIPPING - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #38. phil doesn’t know what elbows (arm hinges) are. miiicroowaaaves are good for phil. dan and phil go to singapore!!!! some ppl see them at the mall and a sky bar (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen). phil posts a cute selfie of them in singapore. some people see dan and phil at an aquarium?? couple goals. merlion pics from dan and phil. dan sets the goal of being a disappointment to make himself feel better. new gaming video: TWO SANDY BALLS - Dan and Phil Play: Golf With Friends #2. dan pretends to be fake deep but it’s really just a pretty pic at the aquarium that phil took of dan. phil posts a lot from the aquarium (mmm yes dad feed me the aesthetically pleasing pics of you and dan). dan posts boomerangs of the cool jellyfish. finally in australia again! phil’s a pale person on a pretty beach. dan threatens us with a stingray. dan flirts with anthony padilla. new amazingphil video: Easter Baking - PASTEL LEMON MERINGUES (also the kitchen is very empty it’s like they are moving or something). dan and phil #spotted in sydney (one, two, three). cocktail pictures with phil! the baking video is either blessed or cursed. dan needs to stop worrying about things (almost as if he is moving soon i don’t know!). 
third week (15-21): HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE BEST SELFIE IN THE WORLD THANKS DAN HOWELL FOR MY LIFE. first cool for summer meet and greet (some especially good pics because i don’t want to link all of them: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen). videos of the stage event in sydney (one, two, three). special amplify shirts. professional sydney amplify pics. dan is a v v S O F T boye <3 (glittery nail polish and sexual fantasies shirt yes plz). people met dan and phil at the airport and there was some #drama over it but like,, please don’t actively search for dan and phil at the airport (pics: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty). phil has a stalker and his name is dan please help him. second meet and greet (highlights: dan messages mums, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten). melbourne stage event videos (one and two). dan is appreciative of m+g selfies with filters. phil is an L kinda guy. sixty five floors of nope. new gaming video: ARE WE EVIL OR WHAT - Dan and Phil play: What Would You Do If.. (dan’s the monkey and is into friendly kisses). dan gets laughed at by an immigration officer for being an emo fuck. dan and phil #spotted at a botanical garden (pic with some fans) and pretty pics of phil from dan (one and two). phil wants the unicorn frappes. dan finds a very phallic cocktus. dan and phil go to the science and art museum! (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen). aesthetic instagram posts of sparkly rooms and matching captions (dan and phil). new gaming video: THE YASUHATI SINGING CHALLENGE (ouchie v v loud boyes almost as if they are moving and don’t give a crap about noise complaints! also toxic covers more of those please). the roar door from phil (and extra aesthetic pic). dan’s an aesthetic bae amirite. dan thinks he has to post cute selfies with an ironic caption to justify them but really he should just post his shamelessly cute selfies all over the shop.
fourth week (22-30): phil and sad movies on a plane. phil does not like olives (what a weirdo). phil’s about to eat a cookie (cockie) bigger than his face so this week is off to a good start (also wowie it was a good week). dan shows up on bryony’s insta story. phil has a laminated hit list. dan’s a wavey dude and i love him :(. dan tweets a warning before the shitshow and i am crying as i type this. new amazingphil video: We're Moving Out (OKAY I CAN LITERALLY DIE NOW THERE IS NOTHING TO LIVE FOR THANK YOU DAN AND PHIL FOR MY LIFE AND IMMINENT DEATH I CAN’T EVEN BREATHE). dan enjoys ripping the metaphorical carpet from out under our feet good to know. so many boxes (queue many domestic tweets). the creepshot war continues (as does the increasing amount of pictures phil takes of dan). first joint liveshow in the new house! (highlights: uh phil only uploaded 40 mins of it because the rest was extremely laggy, new house is a duplex, no dog because they are still renting #killphan, a dog will be adopted when a house is bought, glass wall, phil is keeping his room basically the same and dans room apparently looks like the moon, no apartment tour #killphan, new gaming room looks about the same, dan and phil airplane adventures include rude people and dan not playing eye spy, dan loves museums and zoos and phil says they always have to see every single thing, two lounges in the house?, phil wants a fish, lester holiday after playlist, no more one direction poster #killphan, phil really likes harry styles’ new music and i have ascended, cheeky dan video from the old apartment coming soon, the new place is not a forever home, dan’s hair is soft to phil, dan is trying to peer pressure phil into painting his nails). they bought a giant floof. new dan and phil merch (mostly just japhan remakes but also aesthetically pleasing hats). first gaming video in the new house: If Dan and Phil were Girls?! - FACE APP. dan’s hands and phil’s elbows #spotted on bryony’s insta story. first interaction with the neighbors was them asking phil to not feed pigeons on the balcony (THEY HAVE A BALCONY?!).
april ripped my thrussy.
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tagged by @dunmerhealer​ i lov u but this is so long
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
Chupa, Chupacabra, fancy Lancey!
2. What is your zodiac sign?
3. What is your favorite book series?
the harry potter books. i’m questioning ron as well
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes!! absolutely!! i 100% believe in both. 
5. Who is your favorite author?
i used to really be into jerry spinelli, especially the book smiles to go. 
6. What is your current favorite song?
lowlife by poppy omg
7. What is your favorite word?
lonely, bismuth, charismatic are my favorite words. 
8. What was the last song you listened to?
bliss by muse!
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
pretty little liars and izombie!! both are incredible. 
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
ummmm deadpool omg
11. Do you play video games?
yeah!! skyrim is a big special interest for me!!
12. What is your biggest fear?
suffocation and people i care about being disappointed in me. 
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
i’m always willing to try my best and i’m passionate!
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
ummm i’m too hard on myself all the time and i give up easily. 
15. What is your favorite season?
16. Are you in a relationship?
nope!! but i am crushing on someone.
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
my parents not hating me lmao
18. Who is your best friend?
um probably sage, miles, scout, or my friend tj! i hope the people i mention consider me their close friends too ;;; 
19. What is your eye color?
brown and gold !!
20. What is your hair color?
caramel brown
21. Who is someone you love?
my best friends! see #18. 
22. Who is someone you trust?
my bestest friend in the whole world tj
23. Who is someone you think about often?
see question 18 and also keith kogane
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
voltron season 4 and grand rapids comic con!
25. What is your biggest obsession?
skyrim !!! oh my gosh i love skyrim so much
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
i don’t know... i didn’t watch a ton of tv as a kid.
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
i am terrified to death of ants!
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
either! usually behind but w/e
29. What is your favorite hobby?
uhhh i collect books in skyrim and i enjoy thinking about death
30. What was the last book you read?
the harry potter books!!!
31. What was the last movie you watched?
uhh either deadpool or sleeping beauty
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
uhhh i sing but i can play bass clarinet fairly well
33. What is your favorite animal?
an octopus hands down. or a bulldog idk
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhhh @dunmerhealer​ @gta-v​ @cryptidquill​ @depressionmeal​ and @sayakuro​ are all lovely
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
shape shifting or getting a good nights sleep
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
while playing skyrim, singing
37. What makes you smile?
my friends and my dog!
38. What sports do you play, if any?
i do competitive swimming and avoiding my emotionally abusive parents 
39. What is your favorite drink?
cherry cola or root beer from mug n bun
40. Are you afraid of heights?
eh not really
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
people talking/making a bunch of noise during my tv shows
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a potion maker!!!
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
tamriel or w/e universe the sims takes place in 
45. What is something you worry about?
besides literally everything? whether people hate me or not
46. Are you scared of the dark?
depends, it scares me at times
47. Do you like to sing?
yes yes yes i love to sing
48. Have you ever skipped school?
yeah, a couple times;;; 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
my bed. 
50. Where would you like to live?
ideally? the arctic circle bc it’s cold and dry without mosquitoes but probably somewhere like canada or something where im not gonna be a victim of a hate crime
51. Do you have any pets?
uhhhh yeah! i have a dog and a cat and one fish!
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl, definitely. 
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
uhhh sunrise when i’m awake for them
54. Do you know how to drive?
yeah but i don’t like it...
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
earbuds are easier for me but either way idc
56. Have you ever had braces?
nope! my teeth are the only straight thing about me
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
i like everything except reggae and country, but i usually listen to rap, pop, and alt rock/pop
58. Who is your hero?
ummmm maybe marsha p. johnson...
59. Do you read comic books?
sometimes, i prefer graphic novels. 
60. What makes you the most angry?
a lot of things but mostly people who are mean to ppl in the service industry (servers, customer service ppl, etc)
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
it totally depends on what i’m reading.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
history probably. i love ancient history. 
63. Do you have any siblings?
just one. but.... i don’t like him much. 
64. What was the last thing you bought?
scab blood and liquid latex. 
65. How tall are you?
5′6 i think?
66. Can you cook?
yeah! i love to cook!!! :3
67. What are three things that you love?
tes (especially skyrim), my friends, and my dog
68. What are three things that you hate?
people talking during my shows, clusters of bugs, and the bubbling thing pancakes do
69. What is your sexual orientation?
im a gay ol boy
70. Where do you currently live?
71. Who was the last person you texted?
ummm tj
72. When was the last time you cried?
like yesterday oh my god
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
i like dan and phil, and i like buzzfeed for buzzfeed unsolved.
74. Do you like to take selfies?
... yeah
75. What is your favorite app?
when i had a smartphone, i loved snapchat
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
..... no comment. 
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
i don’t have one....
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
petra in jordan!!
79. What is your favorite number?
420 ayyyyyyy
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
deep ocean but i’m scared of both bc i’m scared of wide open spaces
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
at best an adrenaline junkie? 
82. Are you allergic to anything?
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
yeah! i taught myself how. 
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
not often. blame it on the fact that im a taurus
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
the forest. i’m not a fan of the beach...
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
that i need to figure out other people’s love language to have better relationships with people
87. Are you a good liar?
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
im hufflepuff as huffle-fuck
89. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah, or i talk to teeny. teeny is a voice in my head ig?
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
im actually really extroverted!
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
no. i’m not very good at keeping up with one
92. Do you believe in second chances?
no, but i give them to people anyways
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
not really.
94. Are you ticklish?
not if anyone asks!
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
yeah! i love flying on planes actually!
96. Do you have any piercings?
yeah i used to but all ear piercings get infected.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
shiro. i think.... i think he would be proud of all i’ve done...
98. Do you have any tattoos?
yeah! i have a moon on my inner arm near my elbow, harry potter tattoos on my inner ankles, and a bee on my outer left ankle. all small, all stick and poke
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
coming out as trans ig?
100. Do you believe in karma?
yeah, kinda. i more believe “talk shit, get hit”
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
102. Do you want children?
not really...
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
i don’t know. 
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? (EMETO WARNING FOR THIS ONE)
chugging a 20oz mountain dew in choir and then puking it up less than 10 minutes later
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
106. What color are most of your clothes?
i have a variety of colors but a lot of black and blue
107. Do you like adventures?
108. Have you ever been on TV?
no, i don’t think so!
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
We never taste perfect joy; our happiest successes are mixed with sadness. - Pierre Corneille
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
i like both, but i love sweet
112. Have your friends ever badly disappointed you?
113. What is your favorite scent?
rain, lemonade, fresh washed strawberries, green apple shampoo
114. Random fact you know?
uhhhhhhhhh im gay? 
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
i am in a lot of them bc im ugly irl
alright!!! i’m not tagging anyone bc i don’t want anyone else to be like me and spend over 45 minutes doing this
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