#i had to trim this for twitter so twitter didnt get to hear him say my actual name but tumblr has to hear it
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corviiids · 1 year ago
my incredible friends got tim downie aka gale baldursgate of waterdeep to read me part of the iliad (tl. stanley lombardo), book 3, the roast of paris
(my eternal gratitude and love and awe and soul to @magusculpa and @argetcross)
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barnesandrogersfanfics · 5 years ago
Baby Love -Part 7
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
A/N - This is kind of a filler Chapter....
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"Hey babe?... didnt you hear me?" Chris asked suddenly appearing in my bedroom doorway, i put my phone on the bed as i quickly wiped my eyes and walked over to my bathroom.
"Sorry, must have spaced"
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"So why are you crying?"
"Pregnancy hormones i guess" i mumbled as i splashed my face with water.
"Nothing to do with this shit on Twitter then?" He asked as i was patting my face dry, i looked up to see him standing there holding up my phone that still had the Twitter page up, i shrugged reaching for the phone but he held it out of my reach.
"Nope, no more of this. You dont need to be reading this shit, look at how upset you are!"
"Their right though, you could do so much better!"
"Please dont start saying that, there is no one better for me. You are it for me, your gonna be the mother of my kid" he said pulling me into his arms and holding me tight.
"Maybe we should just delete all social media accounts, i dont want to be seeing these comments either"
"That will just anger your fans even more, don't worry i'll be okay" i reached up and pressed my lips to his, my hands slipping under his tshirt and stroking his back.
"lets go home, we'll turn our phones off and just go to bed... i think we should stay there for the weekend" he smirked wiggling his eyebrows at me making me laugh.
"Thats the best idea you ever had"
"No, the best idea i ever had was suggesting that i be your sperm doner. This has got to be the second best though right?"
"Your such a dork Evans!" I laughed "come on lets go".
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The weekend was spent in bed as Chris had suggested, watching movies and catching up on TV shows we wanted to see. Both of our phones switched off and no interruptions, It was the most relaxed id felt in ages.
I was currently laying in bed dozing with Dodger curled up next to me as an old rerun of 'Friends' was playing in the background. Arms wrapping around me me woke me up and i smiled as Chris buried his face against my neck.
"Wake up.... dinner will be ready soon"
"Im awake" i mumbled "sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep. I just feel exhausted, i think you've worn me out Evans"
"I didn't hear you complaining" he teased as his hand slipped under my tshirt and cupped my breast. I hissed and pulled away from him "ow!"
"What?! What did i do?" He sat back in shock looking like id slapped him in the face.
"Nothing baby, it wasn't you... my boobs are really sensitive! Ow... maybe keep your hands off the goods for a little while" i pouted "pregnancy sucks! First the sickness, then the sore boobs...."
"Im looking forward to the part when your super horny all the time" he laughed climbing off the bed and holding a hand out to help me up.
"Haha you would!"
Dinner was a simple pasta dish (nothing fancy with this guy i tell ya!) but it was so good!! Yes i went back for seconds don't judge me im eating for two!
"I sorted out the movers while dinner was cooking, their gonna be at your old place Wednesday that gives us the next two days to get you packed up"
"Is that gonna be enough time?? I have loads of crap you know?"
"It'll be fine, a lot of it you can put in storage"
"I'll probably only really need my clothes,  we dont want my crap laying around. We need to have plenty of room for when the baby comes. Besides youve got everything we're gonna need"
"Just remember this is your home too now, you can have whatever you want in here"
"Thank you baby, but i like it as it is"
"I feel like its missing something though, your place was always so cozy..."
"A woman's touch is all it needs"
"It feels better already just having you here".
He was right, it was enough time. I was soon packed up and moved into my new home with Chris and Dodger. We'd been so busy i didn't even have time to think about all the online stuff that was stressing me out before.
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The weeks were flying by so quickly! I was now in my second trimester and it was the best id felt since being pregnant. The sickness was gone and i had been experiencing that horny stage Chris had been looking forward to so much.
I was currently sat on the sofa with Dodger looking through a book of baby names, Chris had been out all morning running errands but we were due at the doctors in a few hours for our 18 week scan.... today was the day we'd find out the sex! It was exciting but i was full of nerves!
"Hey babe!" Chris called as he came through the front door, Dodger looked up but didn't leave my side, he'd become very protective of me lately and was always by my side.
"Still no hello Bud?" I heard Chris say and chuckled to myself "you looking after your mama huh?"
"Protective just like his daddy" i smiled finally looking up from the book, my eyes went wide when i looked at Chris....his hair was shorter and his beard trimmed shorter.
"Does it look okay?"
"Fuck yeah!.... you know i love your hair that bit longer but this is working for you Evans" i wiggled my eyebrows at him.
"Glad you approve, i had to have a tidy up Ive got the Premiere on Monday"
"I know, i haven't forgotten"
"And your still okay coming with me?"
"Yeah, cant hide away forever can we" i said looking him up and down, he was wearing blue jeans and tight fitting white t-shirt and i couldn't help but wanna climb him like a damn tree!
"Stop looking at me like that, i know that look and we don't have time!"
"We can be quick!...."
"Nope, come on! Get your sexy ass off that couch and lets go. I promise i will make it up to you when we get home"
"Fine!" I huffed holding my arms out to him to help me up, he shook his head but smiled as he pulled me off the couch, i quickly reached up and kissed him before he could let me go.
"Thats not fair...."
"Sorry i couldn't help myself, lets go then" i laughed walking away from him and grabbing my purse and oversized sweater to hide my small bump i now had “lets go see our baby”.
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Baby love tags: @jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony
@ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997 @ajosieface
@afuckingshituniverse @chmedic @esoltis280
@southerngracela @bethabear12 @letsdisneythings
@sellulii @patzammit @katiew1973 @princess-evans-addict @deidrahouseofpain @siren-queen03
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