#i had to stop playing p early so i'll get back to it later today
sylphwing · 19 days
so i decided to set my character's birthday as the 4th of spring in fields of mistrial and then learned that the demo only covers the first 3 days... oopsie 🥴🥴
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hazza-bear-care · 8 months
Friday Night Grind
Eddie and Y/N have a weekly ritual. Every Friday, they eat, drink, smoke, and watch TV. What happens when their ritual adds another aspect?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, grinding, fingering, p in v sex, protected sex, oral (f receiving) marijuana usage, swearing, pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart), dirty talk, aftercare, daddy kink, squirting. Let me know if I missed anything!
October had blown in with a flurry of leaves, the anticipation of Halloween wrapping the town of Hawkins, Indiana in an air of excitement. The Hawkins High football team was hosting their yearly Fall Tailgate, attempting to rouse some hope of their impending victory against their rival team. The smell of hot apple cider enveloped students and staff alike, as cheers and ringing bells echoed around the guests playing games and winning prizes.
Manning her Home Economics booth, Y/N was responsible for dishing up freshly baked goods her class had work tirelessly to prepare for this tailgate.
"One cinnamon roll, please! And one for the pretty lady behind the booth." Eddie Munson stood on the other side of the table, left hand shoved into the pocket on his denim Dio vest, right extended with two crumpled up dollar bills. Y/N took his money with a smile, wrapping up a cinnamon roll in some parchment paper and passing it off to Eddie before taking one for herself.
"Thank you, Eddie. I haven't eaten very much today and these cinnamon rolls have been calling my name since they came out of the oven yesterday in class." With a shared smile, Y/N bit into her sweet confection and moaned at the flavor bursting over her tongue.
"May I steal you, or are you too busy to walk with me?" Eddie asked, tucking his own cinnamon roll into the pocket of his vest.
"Um, Elizabeth, could you take over please? I'll be back in ten minutes."
"Take your time, Y/N! The cinnamon rolls are the last of what we have, and with how busy we've been, we might close early. I can't wait, that apple cider has been beckoning since they started up!" Elizabeth quickly shooed Y/N out from behind the booth, Eddie holding out his arm for her to take as they strolled by booths overflowing with goodies, games, and friends.
"Well, that was easy. Are we still on for tonight?" Eddie mused, stealing a glance at the girl on his arm. Y/N took another bite of her cinnamon roll, returning Eddie's gaze.
"What, you don't want to cheer on this school's dumb football team to another dumb victory?" Y/N asked sarcastically, already knowing Eddie's answer.
"You know what? I really don't. It seems like you don't either." Eddie responded with a chuckle.
"No, I don't. I volunteered to run the booth for Home Ec, that's about it. So, I'd say yes, Eddie. We're still on for tonight. Anything in particular you want to do, or is it the same Friday night grind?" Yet another bite was shoved in her mouth as she and Eddie stopped to watch Mike's little sister, Holly, attempted the ring toss. Three rings later, everyone cheered as Holly was given a stuffed tiger as her prize. Eddie nodded to Nancy and patted Mike on the back as he and Y/N continued walking.
"I was thinking the same thing we usually do; weed, pizza, movie. What do you say to a horror movie marathon?" Y/N pondered the question as she chewed the last of her cinnamon roll, the smell of apple cider growing stronger as the pair approached the booth.
"Sounds like a plan, Munson. Anything I need to bring? Two, please." Y/N asked, ordering a cider for both her and Eddie. With a playful smack to her hand, Eddie silently told Y/N to put her money away as he pulled out two more crumpled bills from his pocket, paying for the cider.
"Since your booth would likely be closed by the time we get back, would you mind picking up some tapes?" Eddie asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sure! No worries, Eds. Just know that there will be no bitching or complaining about the movies I bring, got it?"
"Yes, ma'am." Eddie said with a mock salute and a smile. The pair sipped on the cider as they approached the haphazard hay bale maze the school had set up. They were only able to afford enough for a small maze, the walls only two bales high. With a knowing look, Eddie and Y/N entered, the way out easily seen by Eddie's tall stature. They were out in a record five minutes, escorting a few lost elementary school students along the way.
True to Elizabeth's word, the booth was closed by the time Eddie and Y/N had made their way back to it. Y/N had convinced Eddie to help tear down the table and sign, delicately balancing trays and the table as they walked towards the school to put everything away.
"Eddie, the least I can do is carry the trays. You're going to break something." Y/N offered once again, giggling to herself as Eddie shook her off.
"No. A lady should never carry anything when a gentleman is present. I will, however, allow you to open the door." Eddie argued, propping the table up against his leg for a break as Y/N opened the door.
"Wow, such responsibility you give me, Sir Munson."
"Don't get used to it, Princess. I'll be your chivalrous knight again soon."
Eight o'clock rolled around quickly after Eddie dropped Y/N off at home after the tailgate. After a brief dinner with her family, she sped quickly to Family Video to rent some movies for her and Eddie to mock.
She grabbed as many horror movies as she could carry before plopping them on the counter in front of Steve and Robin.
"You and Eddie having another movie night, this week?" Robin asked as she began typing the titles of the movies under Y/N's account.
"Indeed, we are." Y/N replied, smiling at the questioning look Steve shot at her from over Robin's shoulder while he glanced at the throng of movies Y/N was renting.
"You're going to force Eddie to sit through 'Little Shop of Horrors'?" Steve asked.
"Yes, Steve. Do you have a problem with that?"
"He's going to hate it." Steve remarked with a shrug.
"That's the plan, Harrington." The smile on Y/N's face was bright and hopeful as Robin returned the sentiment, banging on the computer keyboard as she finished typing in the movies.
"$30 even. Have you ever, I don't know, thought about inviting Steve and me to these little get togethers you and Eddie have every week?" Robin asked, a slightly sour tone to her voice as she bagged up the movies.
"Oh. Well, Eddie and I have our traditions, of course. I'll ask him about it for next week, okay?" Y/N promised, zipping out of Family Video before her other friends could protest.
"They're never going to invite us. Eddie's been crushing on Y/N forever." Steve told Robin before turning his attention back to 'Fast Times' playing on the small TV on the counter.
"I know." Robin ceded.
The trip to Eddie's trailer was one Y/N knew like the back of her hand. She could almost drive there with her eyes closed, if it were possible.
Eddie was standing on the porch as Y/N pulled up, hurrying to open her car door and retrieve the bag of movies she had brought before escorting her inside the warmth of his trailer.
"Hey, what would you say to Steve and Robin joining us next week?" Y/N asked as she made herself comfortable on Eddie's couch, popping open a can of New Coke and taking a swig as Eddie fished through the stack of tapes.
"I'd say let me think about it. I like having these moments with you. Away from freshman and Gareth, ya know?" Eddie scoffed at the sight of "Little Shop of Horrors" before turning around and popping it into the VCR under the TV.
"I understand. Robin asked, so I figured I'd relay the question."
"She doesn't spend enough time with Harrington at work that she needs to drag him out here?" Eddie asked, making himself comfortable next to Y/N as the credits started rolling for the movie.
"I think she was asking because she's our friend and wants to be included. Your point could stand for us as well: we don't spend enough time together playing Dungeons & Dragons? We needed to start a movie night?"
"I can't believe you like that shit." Eddie said, gesturing to the can of Coke perched dangerously on the arm of the sofa. "Old Coke tastes so much better and you know it."
"I agree, but you can't find anything else in the stores anymore. New Coke is all the rage, Eds. Lucas likes it." Y/N countered, hoping the fact that Lucas liking the new formula would help prove her point.
"Sinclair likes shooting balls into laundry baskets, Y/N. He's not exactly a trustworthy source." Rick Moranis' voice flowed around them as he sang about the dreary atmosphere of living on Skid Row, the argument lost to the tone of melancholy in his voice.
"I wonder if this is where Skid Row got their name." Y/N thought out loud, almost spitting Coke out of her nose at the horrified look on Eddie's face.
"The town, I would imagine, not this cheesy ass song."
Hours later, almost every movie Y/N had brought over had been watched, the pair rounding off their night with "Ghostbusters" and a few joints.
"Seriously, Y/N how many times have you watched this movie? You know everything Bill Murray is going to say before he says it!" Eddie whined, puffing on the roach of his joint before putting it out in the ashtray on the coffee table.
"What can I say, Munson, I know a good movie when I see one." Y/N coughed on her roach, the smoke burning her throat as she inhaled before passing it off to Eddie to finish. He took the joint with a chuckled as he finished the joint with one final hint, once again reaching for the ashtray in front of him.
As Peter Venkman ran away from the slime ghost chasing him through the hallway of a hotel, Eddie's attention was only on Y/N, memorizing her face as if he'd never see her again. Her face lit up as she laughed at Ray's reaction to Venkman getting slimed, the creases in her eyes prominent. The dimple on her cheek sunk deep into her face, and Eddie couldn't resist poking it.
Y/N shot Eddie a look, which caused him to lean back in surrender. Once more he snuck a look at Y/N, trailing his hand across her shoulders and down her arm, smirking at the goosebumps that popped up on her skin. A suddenly evil idea popped into Eddie's head as he jabbed a finger into Y/N's ribs, a squeal leaving her as she jumped in surprise. In a flash, Eddie had pinned Y/N to the couch, tickling her with no mercy as she screamed for him to stop.
"How can I stop when your laugh is so pretty?" Eddie asked, puppy dog eyes staring deeply into hers. While he was distracted by her beauty, Y/N took advantage and pushed Eddie up, straddling his lap and tickling his sides in return. Eddie released a high-pitched squeal of his own as Y/N poked him in a particularly ticklish spot, the girl on his lap laughing hard at the noise.
"What was that? Is the big, bad, Eddie Munson ticklish?" Y/N teased, pushing her fingers into the same spot, once more emitting a girlish scream from Eddie. She continued her assault for another minute, laughing along with Eddie at his reactions before her hands were abruptly ripped away and locked against Eddie's chest.
"Yes, the big, bad, Eddie is ticklish. That was a low blow, Princess." Eddie argued, still holding Y/N's hands in his against his chest.
"You started it!" Y/N countered, eyes hazy with the weed coursing through her veins.
"Yeah, well I'm finishing it." Eddie finalized, taking a better look at the girl perched in his lap. His brown eyes traced her features, and Y/N started to feel self-conscious under Eddie's scrutinizing gaze. A beat passed of them just staring at each other, before Eddie once again took advantage of Y/N and started tickling her again, ignoring her pleas to stop.
The position Y/N was sitting in made it hard for Eddie to keep his cool as she squirmed in his lap, his fingers continuing to jab into her ribs to keep the peals of laughter coming from her chest. One particular poke made Y/N jump, the sudden feeling of Eddie's erection digging into her clothed core. The pair paused, both breathless due to how much they were laughing just a few seconds earlier.
"Eddie.... Is that a lighter in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" Y/N ground down onto his dick once more, watching as Eddie threw his head back under her.
"I'm just happy to see you, Princess. Fuck if you keep doing that, I'll pin you to this couch and make you squeal for a different reason." Eddie moaned again as Y/N continued to grind on him, his erection growing harder under her.
"Is that a threat, or a promise?" Y/N asked as she ground once more, having full control of the situation since her hands were still being pressed to Eddie's chest.
"If you wanted to fuck, all you had to do was ask, Princess." Eddie groaned, inching his face closer to Y/N's as her hips continued to rock against his. She whimpered as Eddie purposely thrusted to give her more friction, throwing caution to the wind as he leaned up and planted a heated kiss to her mouth. Y/N wrenched her hands out of Eddie's grasp and placed them on his cheeks. pulling him ever closer.
Eddie slid his tongue past Y/N's teeth, groaning in the back of his throat as she allowed his tongue to battle with hers. She took it one step further by biting his bottom lip and sucking it into her mouth. Eddie's eyes rolled in the back of his head, the combination of her sucking on his lip and grinding onto his dick almost overwhelming him. He took the situation into his own hands as he cupped her ass, lifting her into his arms and carrying her to his room, his lips never leaving hers in the process. He threw Y/N onto the bed, chasing her lips with his once more as he kissed her ferociously. His lips left hers as he trailed across her jawline and down her neck, smirking as she squealed once he reached her sweet spot. He sucked a hickey onto her neck, his tongue soothing the pain he had left as he descended further.
Eddie's hands snuck up under her shirt, breaking away from her only to rip it and her bra off before attacking one of her nipples with his mouth, rolling the other between two of his fingers. Her hands wrapped themselves in Eddie's wild curls, arching her back to get Eddie closer to her body. His tongue lashed wildly against her pebbled peak, groaning against it as Y/N tugged at his hair. Eddie released her nipple with a pop before moving to the other, pinching once again and smirking at her moan.
"Fuck, Eddie. More, please!" Y/N whined, desperately bucking her hips in a futile attempt for attention.
"You want more, sweetheart? I can give you more, especially since you asked so nicely." Eddie continued to kiss down her body, skin feeling soft under his plush lips. He unbuttoned her jeans with ease, shoving them down to her ankles where she hurriedly kicked them to the floor. Eddie sunk in between her legs, marveling at the wet patch currently growing across the blue cotton of her panties. Eddie smirked, placing a kiss to her folds before moving her panties aside and using two of his fingers to spread her open.
"You're already so wet for me, baby. All this for me?" Y/N nodded, covering her blushing face with her hands as Eddie chuckled, pulling away for a moment to remove the rings on his hands before settling back between Y/N's thighs. He spread her puffy lips open once more and licked a broad stripe over her pussy, relishing in the way she moaned above him, dropping her hands to his hair instantly.
Eddie's tongue flicked her clit as he shook his head from side to side, causing Y/N to moan loudly as she threw her head back into Eddie's pillows. He slid one of his fingers deep inside her slick core, moaning against her as she clenched at the intrusion. His lips wrapped around her clit, sucking hard as he pumped his finger in and out of her at a brisk pace, adding another and curling them up, hitting the sweet spot inside her that made her toes curl.
"Fuck, Eddie! Oh my God, it feels so good!" Y/N yelled, pulling Eddie's hair to get him closer as she felt her orgasm begin to bubble up inside her. He added a third finger, continuing his assault on her slick pussy as he relentlessly pounded into her. Y/N clenched around his fingers once more as her orgasm quickly took over, soaking Eddie's face in her juices as she came hard around his fingers. He coaxed her through her first orgasm, not leaving her core until she weakly pushed his head away from her fluttering pussy. He crawled up and kissed her deeply, holding his soaked fingers against her lips, shoving them into her mouth as she sucked her arousal off his digits. Once he pulled away, Eddie removed his pants and boxers as he waltzed over to his nightstand and tore it open. He snatched a foil pack before turning back towards Y/N as he rolled the condom over his throbbing cock and pumping a few times.
Y/N felt her mouth water as she watched Eddie, licking her lips in anticipation. Eddie chuckled as he stalked back over to the bed.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Eddie asked, genuinely caring for her well-being while he positioned himself over her.
"I want you to fuck me, Eddie. Please, I need you." Y/N's pussy clenched in anticipation as Eddie smiled, placing another kiss on her lips.
"Yeah, baby? You need me to fill you up with my cock, is that it?" Eddie's words made Y/N moan, throwing her head back and giving Eddie full access to her neck. He peppered kisses over the expanse of skin, once more sucking another bruise onto her neck before pulling her into a kiss, tongue slipping easily into her waiting mouth. While Y/N sucked on his tongue, Eddie positioned his tip at her entrance, gathering some of her slick onto the condom before penetrating her core.
Y/N threw her head back as she moaned at the intrusion, her pussy clenching around Eddie's dick as he continued to stretch her open inch by inch. He bottomed out, staring at the blissful look stretching across Y/N's face as she adjusted to Eddie's length inside her. Y/N tapped Eddie on the shoulder in a silent bid to get him to move, fingernails digging into his biceps as he thrusted deep inside her.
"Fuck, Princess. Look at you, taking my big cock so well. Can you feel how deep I am, sweetheart?" Eddie asked, taking one of Y/N's hands from his arms and pressing it to the bottom of her belly, moaning in unison with her as he thrusted hard into her.
"Oh my God, harder, please." Y/N begged, wrapping her legs around Eddie's waist as he buried himself deeper into her sopping wet core. Eddie picked up his pace, the sound of slapping skin echoing in the room around them. His fingers brushed against her clit and she clenched around him. He could tell he wouldn't last long if she continued squeezing around him, but he was adamant to make her finish before he did.
"Feel good, baby?" Eddie asked, pressing a kiss to Y/N's cheek as she nodded, jaw dropped to her chest as her sweet noises wrapped around him.
"Fuck, Daddy, don't stop!" Y/N screamed, the name slipping past her lips before she could stop it. Eddie paused above her, his chocolate eyes boring deeply into hers as she blushed. In a flash Eddie had pulled out of Y/N and flipped her over onto her belly, wrenching her hips up so her ass was in the air. A smack rippled against her skin as Eddie spanked her and a loud moan escaped her lips. He lined himself up to her entrance before thrusting in hard, a deeper angle overwhelming the pair tangled in the bed sheets.
"Oh shit, baby. You feel so good wrapped around Daddy's cock. You're doing so weel for me, sweetheart. Fuck, I'm addicted to you." Eddie moaned, another smack meeting Y/N's ass. Her toes curled as Eddie continued burying stroke after stroke deep insider her pussy, the head of his cock brushing her g-spot in a delicious rhythm.
Y/N was babbling, a mindless string of moans and "Daddy's" falling past her lips as her face was buried deeper into Eddie's pillows. She leaned back, meeting Eddie's thrusts, causing her ass to jiggle and shake due to the impact.
"Look at my cock-drunk little Princess. Fuck, you're close, huh? I can feel it, your pussy feels so good." Eddie spanked Y/N once again, a bright red hand print gazing back at him as he pulled away, wrapping his arm around her waist and coming in contact with her clit and rubbing furiously. Y/N's back arched as she shattered around Eddie's cock, her orgasm settling deep in her bones as she squirted, her arousal splashing against Eddie's thighs and dripping to the bed sheets below.
Eddie growled deep in his throat as one more powerful thrust led him to his own orgasm, pumping his cum into the condom. When he pulled out, Eddie chuckled at how Y/N whined at the loss of contact keeping her tethered to him, her posture sagging against the mattress. Eddie kissed her shoulder before pulling himself away completely, going to the bathroom and disposing of the condom while dampening a rag to clean Y/N.
Y/N had rolled onto her side, still panting after her mind-blowing orgasm rocked her to her core. Eddie approached the bed, gently spreading her legs as he dragged the cool cloth down her sweat soaked skin, sopping up every drop of her arousal. She winced as Eddie swiped the rag against her puffy pussy, cleaning her as gently as he could.
"Are you okay?" Eddie whispered as he threw the rag somewhere behind him, wrapping Y/N in his arms and pulling her into his chest. Y/N pressed a kiss to Eddie's chest before trailing up his neck and pecking his lips.
"I'm amazing, Eddie. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Princess. I didn't know you could squirt, did you?" Eddie commented, laughing softly as Y/N buried her face in his neck out of embarrassment.
"No, I didn't. I guess you bring that out of me, same with the Daddy thing." Eddie wrapped his arms tighter around Y/N's body as she nuzzled deeper into his skin, willing herself to absorb into him to escape this moment.
"It was hot. Both of it, all of it, sweetheart. Fuck, that was amazing. I'm never gonna stop thinking about you, Y/N." Eddie's admission made her heart skip a beat as she pulled away to look at him, love and adoration present in his lust-blown pupils. His eyes flickered to her lips for a second before he connected them once more, but this kiss was different. This kiss sent fireworks through their bodies, the sparks sizzling under their skin. Eddie poured everything he was feeling into her mouth, his fingers gently wrapping in her hair as he pulled her impossibly closer.
When they separated, breathless and desperate for air, the silence around them was comfortable, but thick.
"I think we have a new tradition, Munson." Y/N spoke first, breaking the silence and playing with the damp curls that had fallen over Eddie's shoulder.
"That we do, Princess. I thought about it; Steve and Robin are never invited to movie night as long as that keeps happening." Y/N giggled, pushing her lips to his again, rolling Eddie onto his back as she straddled his hips once more, continuing to make out with the boy under her.
"Eddie, I think I'm in love with you." Y/N whispered as she pulled away from the kiss.
"Yeah? Well I know I'm in love with you, sweetheart." Eddie's face broke out into a toothy grin, as did Y/N's. Eddie reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, poking her dimple as he pulled Y/N into a hug. They remained tangled in each other's embrace for the rest of the night, their movie night thrown to the wind. As they laid in bed, another blunt being passed between them, they both couldn't wait until next Friday.
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 9
click here to see the master list
Hi babes! I am posting a the story a little early today. I'll be gone for a couple of days working 🥺. But I'm really excited because I'm going to be working with a lot of pilots this weekend 🥹. I'm about to be out on the tarmac drooling 😭 But back to the story.. I hope you all enjoy this part! Happy reading and I love you all! 💕 Enjoy!
A/n: Your first "date" with Bradley, how will it go? You might even learn a thing or two about Bradley during your night out 🫣
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: cursing, drinking, angst, anger (please let me know if I missed anything!)
y/n/n: your nick name
Please don't take my work, I will find you.
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The car ride to the bar wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. It was actually quite nice. Bradley had the windows rolled down. The warm air gently going against you. It was a nice breeze. The sky was clear, you could see the moon and all the stars out. Bradley started playing one of his favorite songs, Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton. You just sat there in the dark, the only lighting coming into the car was from the moon. He was so focused on driving, he didn’t see you admiring him in the dark. He was slowly nodding his head to the beat of the song, lightly tapping his finger on his gear shift as he was shifting into the next gear and singing the song softly. Nothing louder than a whisper, but enough for you to hear. Your heart fluttered at the sight of him, but then you snapped out of it when he reached for your hand. 
Bradley: “y/n/n.” He squeezed your hand. “Thank you.” He looked at you and then back at the road. 
Y/n: “What exactly are you thanking me for, Bradshaw?” You were narrowing your eyes at him.
Bradley: “I am thanking you for agreeing to come and hang out with me.” He was at a stop light. He turned to face you. “I know things weren’t the best when I was gone-”
You stopped him and removed your hand from his, placing it on his shoulder. “Let’s just have a good time tonight, Bradley.” You smiled at him and patted his shoulder. “We can talk about this later.” 
He smiled at you and nodded slowly. He patted his hand on your hand before he removed it and continued driving. In all actually, you really did just want to have a good time tonight without the ever lasting drama and awkwardness lingering the whole time. That and you also knew you were going to get so upset and so into what you really wanted to say, it would have ruined the whole night. So you thought you two could go to the bar, get a couple of drinks in you and then be able to talk to each other with more ease. You most definitely wanted to talk about it. You had so much you had to say to him. The things he put you through, mentally, emotionally, and the obvious…physically. You wanted to tell him everything and come clean. All you could think about was what Mav and Penny told you at Leia’s birthday. 
Mav: “This is a very important mission, y/n.” He grabbed you hand and squeezed it. “He possibly may never come back.” He looked at you with sadden eyes. “I think you should go see him and patch you guys. You two were inseparable for so long and I know how much you both meant to one another.” 
Penny agreed with Mav: “I think you should at least give him the chance to explain.”
You were so angry with him, but for god sakes he was also your best friend, your first everything, the father of your daughter. 
The two of you finally pulled up to the bar. He got out of his side and ran to your side right before you could open your door. 
“I don’t think so y/n.” He opened your door for you and lended you his hand to help you down from his car. “You should never open your own door.” He bowed his head to you and put his arm out for you to hold.
You laughed sarcastically, “I think I am very capable of opening my own door, Bradshaw.” You looped your arm into his.
“That’s Lieutenant Bradshaw, Miss ‘I can open my own door’.” He chuckled as he lead you to the doors.
“Who would have thought? Bradley a Lieutenant.” You looked at him in amazement and shook your head biting your lower lip. He really was doing so well. He didn’t lie about that. Everything he had ever dreamed of, he’s set out for. He is what his younger self wanted to be. 
He opened the door for you and the two of you headed into the very busy bar. “Here goes nothing…” You whispered under your breath. You just wanted to put things aside for the moment so it wasn’t too off putting. 
He walked ahead of you, leading you through the crowd of civilians and other Naval pilots. You finally reached the back corner where the familiar faces from the beach all stood around conversing and laughing together. Bradley stopped in his tracks and he locked eyes with one of the females that was with the group and the familiar one with the glasses you saw Bradley carrying the other day. 
“Bradshaw!” She said smirking at him. 
He let go of your hand and ran to them with open arms and hugging them tight. He placed a small kiss on the female’s head and brought them in close. Your stomach churned a little. A little jealous were you? You stood there awkwardly and everyone looked at you. The first one to come up to you was a taller man with a really nice smile and a face that was not hard on sore eyes. 
Hangman: “Hi, I’m Hangman.” He reached out his hand for yours. 
Y/n: “Hangman?” You grabbed his hand really confused. What the hell kind of name? You thought to yourself. 
Bradley was coming back towards you and slung an arm around your shoulder. “Y/n. This is Jake, callsign Bagman.” 
Hangman: “It’s Hangman, Bradshaw.” He narrowed his eyes at Bradley.
Bradley: “I know what I said.” His lips were parted and he shook is head in annoyance. 
Bradley: “Y/n this is Rueben; callsign Payback, Mickey; callsign Fanboy, Javy; callsign Coyote, and you’ve already met Bagman.” He smiled after.
You looked at all of them and smiled and waved. Hangman just looked annoyed with Bradley. He then walked you over to the female and male he was hugging when you two arrived. 
“And these are my two favorite wingmen. Phoenix and Bob.” He put his arm out to gesture you to greet them.
Pheonix hit Bradley on his chest and walked over to you, giving you a hug, “It’s Natasha, but It’s finally nice to meet you y/n! I have heard so much about you.” She smiled. 
You hugged her back, “It’s nice to meet you as well, Phoenix.” You looked at her surprised, “But have you now?” You turned to look at Bradley even more surprised. He was looking at her annoyed and shaking his head.
Bob put his hand out to greet you. “Hi y/n. It’s nice to meet you!” He had a boyish cute smile. 
Y/n: “What’s your call sign Bob?” You smiled at him while Bradley and Phoenix started to giggle.
Bob: “Uh…. Bob.” He said with an awkward smile and readjusted his glasses. 
Y/n: “Oh, I-” you started to blush of embarrassment.
Pheonix: “Y/n, this is my sweet back seater, Robert.” She said while she cradled his head in her arms.
You let out a little laugh. “It's nice to meet you, Bob!”
Pheonix fixed his hair from her tight embrace. Bob adjusted his glasses again and gave a shy smile and nodded his head while rubbing his hands on his knees.
Bob: “Have you learned Bradley’s callsign, y/n?” He looked between you and Bradley.
Y/n: “No, I actually haven’t.” You looked at Bradley.
Bradley: “Its uh-” he cleared his throat, “Rooster.”
You remembered when you heard everyone chanting his callsign the night of your daughter’s birthday party. And you smiled.
Y/n: “A bird like your dad.” You rubbed Bradley’s back, “He would have loved it.”
He looked at you and smiled and nodded. “I didn’t get to pick it, but I think it’s nice to have a bird name like him.” He chuckled slightly. 
“I love it, Brad. It is very you.” Yea, a fucking dick. You told yourself mentally. You looked him deeply in his eyes and smiled.  You didn’t want to make the tension between you two obvious in front of his friends. You played it cool. 
He broke the gaze by looking at his wingmen. “How are you guys feeling? You had me so worried today during the exercise.” He said with a sadden serious voice.
Pheonix: “We are fine, Rooster. Go have a good time. I promise we are okay.” She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. 
He placed his hand on hers and nodded. “I’m glad you two are okay.” He gulped hard, “I don’t want to lose my wingmen.” 
Pheonix placed her hand on his cheek, “We’re not going anywhere Bradshaw, that’s a promise!” Bob nodded with her in aggreeance.
The rest of the night, you got to know Bradley’s partners. You had a lot of fun, shared some stories of how they all met him. Their first thoughts of him in his early career. You shared your own stories of when you two were in college when you met. You all drank played some pool, danced together, threw darts, hung out on the back deck just having conversations. 
Phoenix pulled you aside, “I’m stealing her for a minute, Bradshaw!” She yelled over the loud music playing on the jukebox. 
He nodded as he took a shot with Payback and Fanboy, “Don’t embarrass me now, Phoenix!” He raised his empty shot glass to her. “Remember! You’re my wingman!” He was smiling at her.
Phoenix rolled her eyes and brought you out to the deck where it was quieter. You two sat at a vacant table. She scooted her chair closer to yours. She placed a beer down for you and took a sip of hers.
Phoenix looked out to the crashing waves and then looked back at you, “So you’ve known Rooster since college?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yea, he was my best friend. He showed me around when I got to Virginia. I met him in my first engineering class.” 
Phoenix rested her elbow on the table next to the both of you and placed her hand on her chin. She looked puzzled, “Was your best friend? You aren’t together?” 
Your eyes widened and you leaned back in your chair, “Together?” You laughed a little, “No. This is our first time seeing each other. Well, besides the beach yesterday. I hadn’t spoken to him since the night before he was deployed. Yesterday was the first.” 
Phoenix closed her eyes tightly and let out a groan, “Oh my god, y/n…” She brought her hand from her chin up to cover her eyes, she shook her head, “I had no idea. I am so sorry.” 
You leaned forward and grabbed your beer. You started to take big gulps of it. She thought you two were together? You were shocked. 
Phoenix got up and sipped her beer with you. She looked down and shook her head again, “This whole time, I really thought you two had been talking. Or he at least made it seem that way. Damn, Bradshaw.”
You took your beer from your lips slowly and looked at her confused, “What do you mean, Phoenix?”
Phoenix set her beer on the table and put her hands together, “I have known Rooster for at least 5 years now. We met here when we were chosen for Top Gun. While being here, he was always talking about you, y/n. He would talk about how you lived here and he was so excited to be back in the same town as you. He talked about how he was going to stay here for you. He showed me the house he bought and he said was near yours. Stories of how he introduced you to his uncle. He was always falling head over heels when he would ramble on about how beautiful you were.” She sipped her beer again.
You were looking at her dumbfounded, slack-jawed still holding your beer near your mouth.  
She took a deep breath and sat back, “I was under the impression that you two were together now. He talked about you so much, y/n. Even coming back here and meeting up with him, he still talked the same way about you. So I thought he finally got the guts to just talk to you.” 
“What do you mean?” Your chest felt so heavy and you were beyond confused. 
She looked at you and smirked, “We always ask when would he finally bring you around to meet us. We pretty much knew everything about you, just never got to put a face to the amazing person he was telling us about.” She bit her lip and shook her head, “It makes sense you never came around because he is so stubborn. That boy can sometimes be so scared to do what he needs to do. He is one to just always wait for a sign.” 
She rested her chin in her hand again, “When we first met he told me so much about you and said he hadn’t talked to you in almost 2 years. I knew he wanted to, so I told him to just call or text you. I would say that I was sure you wanted to talk to him just as much as he wanted to talk to you. I always told him to reach out to you because of how he felt for you. I used to tell him he was stupid for not talking to you. I was under the impression he did because he started to talk about you more and more.”
You were frozen, “What the fuck?” You said in a whisper and looked down at your feet.
“Exactly. What the fuck. I was wondering why there was so much tension between you two when you got here.” She chuckled.
Your eyes sprang up and looked at her, “You could feel it?”
She nodded, “I could cut it with a knife, y/n. But it makes sense. He’s been on that same perch waiting for the sun to come up.”
You looked at her and cocked your head, “Rooster?”
She laughed, “Now you know why we called him Rooster. A rooster waiting for the sun to come up is the same as Bradley waiting for his sign.” Phoenix sucked her teeth, “God he can be really dumb sometimes. In this case he’s far past that. I am very surprised you decided to come out here with him, y/n. If that were me, I love Rooster, but I would have left him hanging.”
You didn’t know how to feel. Should you be more mad that even Phoenix tried to get him to talk to you and he didn’t? Should you be happy he was always talking about you? That he made you this amazing person in their eyes? You were very confused as to why this all happened. 
“Why would he do this to me? All I ever wanted was to be there for him.” Your body became weak, you were slouching in your chair. 
Phoenix put her hand on your knee, “I think maybe you need to ask him and be honest with him about how it’s made you feel, y/n.” She patted her hand on your knee and you looked up at her. She nodded her head in his direction as he started to come through the door. You looked at her scared. You felt like you wanted to throw up. 
Phoenix stood up and put her hand on Bradley’s shoulder, “Same ole, Rooster.” She smirked at him and shook her head before walking away.  He watched her walk away and threw his hands up in confusion. He shrugged his shoulders and made his way over to you.
He sat in front of you taking Phoenix’s chair. He was definitely buzzed and in a good mood. You chugged the rest of your beer and what was left of Phoenix’s. He grabbed Phoenix’s beer bottle from you after you finished it, “Woah, y/n. Relax on the beer.” 
You let out a deep breath. “Let’s get a couple of shots, Bradley.” You stood up and led him to the bar. 
Penny came over to you, “What can I get you, sweetheart?”
You leaned over the bar, “I’ll have 4 shots of whiskey.”
Penny looked at you and narrowed her eyes at you, “Tennessee, okay?” She looked at Bradley.
You looked over at him and smiled, “Perfect!” 
She lined up the four shots. You grabbed two and gave them to Bradley. You grabbed your two off of the counter. 
Bradley: “Y/n, this is a lot of alcohol! Will you be okay?” He was leaned down and yelling in your ear so you could hear him.
You nodded and raised your first glass to him and he clinked his with yours. You felt it burn down your throat. Right after you did the same with the second and knocked it back. 
You put your shot glasses on the bar, “Woooo! That was hot.” 
Bradley leaned down to your ear again, “Since when did you like to drink, y/n?” He stood up and laughed. 
You turned to Penny, “Can I have two beers, please?”
She smiled as she handed you the beers. “Drink responsibly, y/n! Throw up on the beach if you have to!” She laughed. “Take care of her, Rooster!” She winked at him.
You handed a beer to Bradley, “I promise I will!” He raised his beer to Penny. He went back down to your ear, “Y/n, this is a lot! Are you sure you’re okay?” He pulled back and put a thumbs up.
You waved him off and went back out to the deck. It was now or never to finally talk about what you both had put off. You felt more confident with a little buzz and you knew he felt it too. So what better time for you to be able to talk about what went down between the both of you.
You took a deep breath and turned to Bradley as he caught up with you. “Bradley. I think it’s time.”
He laughed and he placed his free hand on your waist, “Are you ready to go home? Are you feeling it?”
You shook your head, “No Bradley, I think it’s time we talk.” 
His hand dropped from your waist. He took a deep breath and took a step back to create space between you two. He looked down at his watch while he spun the dial on it. He stayed there for a while before he finally looked up at you and gave you a half smile, “Okay, y/n. Let’s talk.” 
Who would have thought... even though Bradley ghosted you, he was always talking about you. How do you feel about that? What do you think his excuse is going to be for him ghosting your for the last 7 years? I'll see you in the next part when I get back bestiesss! ❤️
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haughtbreaker · 5 years
Gus returns home the morning after the party to find a tense household. Nicole wrestles with the events that had happened the night before. 
Special thanks as always to @jaybear1701 for putting up with my shitty punctuation habits. Sorry it took so long for this chapter. There was a con, a bunch of unexpected life stuff and just my brain not willing to cooperate. Yeah I might have been listening to a bit of Death Cab for Cutie while I wrote this, hence the title.
There’s a Spotify playlist for this fic that goes up to whatever the current chapter is if anyone is interested. 
TW: Blood and graphic depiction of a suicide attempt
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 "Where's your sister?" Gus shucked off her coat before she took a seat at the table. She'd only had a few hours of sleep in the room above the bar but it had taken the edge off the exhaustion and given the girls time to clean up. Well, to be honest, it gave Waverly time. Wynonna, as always, was nowhere to be seen.
"Still sleeping." Waverly set a mug of coffee and an empty plate in front of her. "You know how she gets."
Yes, Gus knew exactly how Wynonna could get. Considering the house wasn't in shambles and they weren't in the emergency room, they got off easy. "Well, I suppose she's forgotten she's to have community service today." Gus began to pull pancakes and scrambled eggs onto her plate from the different serving dishes. "Luckily, Randy is hungover." Gus smiled at Rosita who was quietly alternating bites of pancakes, paying attention, and scrolling through her phone. "Enjoy meeting the hooligans of Purgatory?"
Rosita grinned around her fork. "They're not too bad. Strangely comfortable with nudity in the snow, but other than that, not much different than back home."
Gus looked at Waverly in question.
"Go Devils," Waverly said as she sat down with a bowl of fruit and oatmeal.
"Ah, hockey team, got it." Gus unfolded the newspaper she'd brought home and began to skim the articles. There was a sale on her favorite fertilizer and she made a mental note to stop at the hardware store. "Is Nicole still sleeping as well? She's usually up bright and early helping you with breakfast." She looked at Waverly over the top of the newspaper.
Waverly didn't look up from her oatmeal, just shrugged. "I think so. I haven't seen her this morning."
Gus rose an eyebrow. In the past few weeks, Waverly and Nicole had slowly grown to become inseparable. While the changes in Nicole, from her original forlorn state, had been the most obvious, Gus could swear even Waverly had started to look a bit brighter. Not just in the smile she gave everyone, but deep in her eyes - a glimmer that had begun to truly sparkle. What in the world had happened that had made Waverly unwilling to look up?
There was a soft beep from Rosita's phone and she sniffled. "I think Nicole just woke up." She took a long sip from her coffee before pushing back from the table. "I'll go see what she's up to. I'll be right back, cause these pancakes are too good to not finish." She tossed a wink at Waverly.
"Could ya let her know Sheriff Nedley is too hungover and her sentence has been delayed again."
Rosita paused, tilting her head for a moment. "Um… I'm going to need the deets on that but I'll let her know."
Watching Rosita leave, Gus turned her attention back to Waverly who was absentmindedly stabbing at her oatmeal, not really eating it. Her eyes didn't seem to be focused on anything, just gazing off into nothingness. Interesting.
Nicole looked down at the familiar desk, worn and comfortable. She could feel the burn in her eyes but she wasn't exactly sure why. The taste of vodka clung to her tongue as she looked around the room. Familiar posters and photos lined the walls, movies and bands she had adored when she'd still had the care to decorate. Hanging from the corner of her closet door, a familiar hoodie drew her attention.
This wasn't Purgatory. She knew that and she knew it was wrong, yet still she felt the comfort of familiarity numbing her curiosity. She was moving before she knew what she was doing, grabbing the hoodie and sliding it on. It was a little snug, not fit for her own frame, but fit for her on another level. The scent of coconut lotion was woven into the threads and she hugged the material to her as she moved back to her desk.
In her hand there was suddenly a photo, she and Shae sitting in the sand together, faces covered in smiles of unknowing. Nicole didn't want to be there anymore. The comfort of familiarity was replaced with the cold of a blade, one of her father's replacement blades for his box cutter. A song played on repeat from her phone, one of Shae's favorites. She looked down at her arms, coconut-scented sleeves already pushed up past her elbows, not wanting to get the material wet as vodka suddenly pooled on the desk from the bottle she didn't remember tipping over.
The movies had been wrong, she thought, as the spilled vodka began to turn red. They hadn't prepared her for the way flesh parted. There weren't neat lines that slowly seeped crimson, but rather layers of muscle that seemed to spill out once free from their flesh casing. The movies hadn't told her how she didn't have the grip strength to go as deep or far with the second cut. She felt the warm touch of another hand covering her own, a familiar presence giving her the strength she needed to keep cutting.
Over the sound of the song playing on repeat and the percussion of her father suddenly banging on the door, she heard the voice in her ear.
"Follow me."
Nicole jerked awake, gasping in pain as she looked down at her arms. Familiar scars greeted her, dark red lines with their train tracks of stitch marks. A familiar pain pulsed through her arms and she winced, taking a moment to breathe in and out. It had been a while since she felt the pain in her arms like this. Physical therapy had helped with it the most, but she hadn't been since getting to Purgatory. Maybe that was stupid.
Experimentally, she opened and closed her hands, feeling the tug from within that hadn't existed a year ago. They'd told her she was lucky there hadn't been extensive nerve damage, that she still had a grip at all.
That she was still alive.
That she had her whole life to look forward to.
With a soft sigh, she looked around the room, noticing Rosita wasn't anywhere to be seen. Her phone told her it was past nine, later than she normally woke up. She was usually downstairs by now, helping Waverly with breakfast.
Suddenly, as if someone flipped a switch, all the memories from the night came back to her. She remembered the drinking and that stupid game. She remembered kissing Wynonna. She remembered the jealousy that had flared up when Rosita kissed Waverly.
She remembered the barn - the bite of cold being chased away by the caress of soft lips, the warmth of fingertips against her cheek.
Oh God, Nicole thought, laying back and pulling the covers over her head. What the hell had she done? She paused for a moment. What the hell did Waverly do?
Pushing back the blankets, she looked for her phone before pulling it back to her, quickly pulling up her IMs.
I need you.
Nicole hit the send button before pulling up her social media. No weird photos. No idiotic, drunken posts. It was a small comfort in the whirlwind of emotions that were rolling through her. Of course, she hadn't been that drunk. Why the hell was she even checking? She knew there was no point, but still she scrolled through, pausing to like a photo Rosita had posted of the bottle from the night before, tagged #drama. That was the damn truth.
She remembered everything.
Her fingertips came up to trace her lips, once again remembering the soft caress before she pulled her hand back, her eyes falling to the scar on her forearm. "Fuck." The word slipped from her lips just a second before a body fell onto the bed with her. "Shit!" She gasped as the blanket was pulled back.
"You're finally up." Rosita wiggled into a more comfortable position.
"Oh hey, Gus said to tell you something about the Sheriff wants to delay your sentence again… due to a hangover?" Rosita gave her a questioning look.
"Oh, great… I completely forgot about that."
"Sentence?" Rosita poked at Nicole's side. "What the shit is that about?"
"Wynonna," Nicole responded as if it explained everything. When she got no response, she looked over at rubbed at her eyes. "She got us arrested for drinking in public and we have to do some shit community service."
Rosita hummed positively. "Such a rebel. You were never arrested back home."
Nicole sighed heavily. "Did you bring me any water?"
"Did you ask for water?" Rosita snorted and picked up a glass and a bottle of aspirin. "I brought it up earlier."
"God, I fucking love you." Nicole sat up before accepting both. The world spun slightly but she powered through it, gulping down the water.
"Don't forget your other pills."
Nicole nodded, grabbing her backpack and hauling it onto her lap. "Can't forget those." She went through the process of shaking out the collection of pills. "Can't… forget… these." The remnants of her dream still tugged at her mind even as she swallowed the handful of medication, false sanity that left a bitter taste on her tongue.
"Hey. You okay?" Rosita reached up to push a lock of auburn hair behind Nicole's ear. "What's up with that text?"
Nicole cradled the glass in her hands, pursing her lips. "Yeah… sorry, just a little panic from waking up from a bad dream." She'd contemplated bringing up the kiss to Rosita, but the words seemed to stick to her tongue, a hard-to-swallow pill that caused more anxiety than it soothed.
"So it has nothing to do with you and Waverly mysteriously disappearing for a chunk of time last night?"
In the middle of another sip, Nicole nearly choked on the water. "What?"
Rosita shrugged. "I mean, not like anyone else was paying attention or anything but it's pretty suspicious when you suddenly disappear after Waverly kisses me and then she goes after you." Rosita gave her a suspicious look.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Nicole crossed her arms over her chest with a huff.
"Uh huh. Sure."
Nicole hesitated, weighing the pros and cons of just coming out and saying it. "Waverly kissed me." The words came out before she could stop them.
"She kissed me too," Rosita joked. "She's actually really great at it." She paused for a moment, turning to look at Nicole closer. As if sensing Nicole's discomfort, Rosita pursed her lips, folding her legs under her. "But I'm guessing she didn't kiss you the way she kissed me."
Squirming uncomfortably, Nicole changed positions. "No." She had her legs crossed, her hands folded in her lap.
"Okay so this is a we totally need to talk about it kind of kiss."
Nicole took a deep breath. It was so easy to turn her arms, to see the dark red marks on her skin again - permanent reminders. She curled her hands into fists, turning the scars away, as if she could pretend they weren't there. "I think we both drank too much and we were in the barn with just the two of us…"
Rosita reached over, slipping her hand into Nicole's. "By that, I'm guessing you kissed her back."
"I just… it hasn't even been a year since…" Nicole swallowed audibly, her words stuck in her mouth. It felt wrong to bring up Shae while talking about Waverly, but how could she avoid it? "I mean… I'm feeling so many damn emotions, I don't even know what to do anymore. Everything just keeps piling up and up and it's like I can see it about to tip over but I can't stop it."
"You're allowed to be happy, Nicole."
"I know."
Rosita snorted. "Do you? Because right now you're acting like you're supposed to be punished."
"Maybe I am…" Nicole spoke softly. She couldn't forget about the fight she'd had with Shae, how their last words had been an argument.
How she'd basically put Shae in that car.
Even if she verbally agreed with Rosita, she knew she didn't deserve to be happy. She deserved to be in pain for the rest of her life, loving and missing Shae.
"You're an idiot."
Nicole blinked, her head jerking up in surprise. "What the fuck?"
"You… are… an idiot," Rosita said slower, giving her a no-nonsense look.
"Wow… um… okay."
"Nicole, Sweetie." Rosita reached out and tapped the tip of Nicole's nose and Nicole swatted her hand away. "I love you. Like, I love you so much, but you are such an idiot. But, at least you're pretty."
"Why did I even call you up here?" Nicole exhaled loudly.
"I improve the aesthetics of the room." Rosita grinned. "That and your gay panic."
"It's not gay panic."
"It's the prime definition of gay panic."
"You're the prime definition of gay panic."
"That's mature," Rosita snorted. "Anyway, let's get back to you and Waverly and your gay shenanigans."
Nicole groaned, laying back down and covering her face. "I mean… she's not even gay," she huffed, rubbing her eyes. "She was dating Champ of all people." She made a face at his name.
"Excuse me with your gold star bullshit…" Rosita rolled her eyes. "Maybe she's bisexual… or pansexual… or fluid… not everyone adher's to your black and white gay scale, Miss I was born with a vag in my mouth."
"Shut up!" Nicole sat up just so she could push Rosita back.
Rosita just barely stayed sitting up. "Bitch." There was a moment of silence, both just living in the comfort of their friendship until Rosita eventually moved closer, sitting right next to Nicole. "If you honestly believed Waverly were 100% straight, do you think you'd be sitting here about to hyperventilate right now?"
Nicole knew it was true. There was no way to ignore the way Waverly had pressed against her, the softness of her hand against Nicole's cheek and the hunger in her kiss.
Rosita reached up, tugging on a lock of auburn hair. "Do you honestly think you would have stomped off into the cold, dark, night in a jealous fit if you weren't kind of into her?" A moment of silence passed between them before Rosita captured a tear that slipped down Nicole's cheek. "Hey. Come on. This is a good thing."
Nicole pulled away slightly, her hand coming up to rub at her eyes. "Do you…" She sniffled softly. "Do you think Shae would like Waverly?"
"God no, she'd fucking hate her."
Nicole pulled back in surprise, not expecting that comment. "What?"
"I mean, Waverly is fucking amazing," Rosita quickly spoke up, "but she's like… too perfect and you know how much Shae liked being the center of attention." Pausing for a moment, she pursed her lips before continuing. "I mean, even in the short time I've been here, I can tell that this town pretty much worships the ground that girl walks on, which is really fucking weird."
Nicole shook her head. "She's not perfect. She's flawed, and insecure, and…" Nicole looked down at her hands, picking at her nails. "She's so sad sometimes. She's so good at hiding it from everyone, but I guess maybe takes one to know one." She sniffled. "She's so damn guarded behind that damn smile and wave." Shaking her head, she sighed softly. "I'm such a fucking mess, Rosie."
"And that is totally acceptable." Rosita covered Nicole's hands with her own, stopping her picking fingers. "I miss her too, Nicole. Every day, I think about her." Rosita looked down at their hands, the dark red scars evident as always against Nicole's pale arms. "Sometimes I'll be getting dressed and in my head I'll hear her voice like 'you're not really wearing that top with those pants are you?'" She impersonated Shae's questioning voice.
Nicole had to laugh. "That's good. That's… that's definitely Shae." With a sigh, she adjusted her position, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on one knee. "I miss her, every damn day. I think about her, the good and the bad and how much I still love her." Nicole sniffled. "Waverly has this weird ability to… I don't know… calm shit." She took a deep breath, feeling her emotions settling even just thinking about Waverly's presence. "When she's around it's like the storm calms down, or rather makes way for a completely different storm… a storm I want to be in."
"That… is some deep shit." Rosita rolled her eyes. "Now, can we go downstairs so I can finish my breakfast?" She huffed. "Waverly is acting all skittish and the only other person down there is Gus. I need you to keep me company, at least until Wynonna wakes up." She gave Nicole a wink.
"Rosie…" Nicole was thoroughly distracted, as she unfolded her frame. "That is such a bad idea."
Rosita had the decency to smirk. "I know, but you know how much I like a bad idea."
"Good morning!"
Waverly looked up at Gus's greeting, seeing Nicole following Rosita into the dining room. She immediately got up from her seat to retrieve the coffee to pour Nicole a cup.
"Happy New Year." Nicole smiled at Gus. "Did you sleep well?"
"Better than I would have here," Gus answered with a chuckle.
Nicole stepped up to Waverly, who was holding a mug in her direction. "Thank you." She offered Waverly a smile and Waverly's cheeks flushed slightly.
"Of course. Have a seat and eat something."
Nicole nodded, taking a seat next to Rosita who had resumed alternating bites of her breakfast and typing into her phone.
"So, what are you lot up to today?" Gus folded up the paper she'd been reading, setting it aside. "Not much is open today. Everyone's nursing a hangover."
"I have a fantastic idea." Wynonna came bounding down the stairs and into the room. "Hey Gus, Baby Girl, Red…" She paused at Rosita, offering her a wink, "Hottie." She looked at Waverly whose eyebrows shot up to nearly her hairline. "We got some fresh snow last night. We should head out to Nakiska, show these Californians a good time."
"Naked kissing what?" Rosita perked up.
Nicole coughed loudly, nearly choking on a mouthful of eggs.
"Nakiska," Waverly corrected. "Wynonna wants to go snowboarding." She pursed her lips, thinking over the idea. "That could be fun. Did you want to drag the boys along?"
Wynonna snorted, dropping down next to Waverly and grabbing a pancake and beginning to pour syrup over it. "They wish. How about just us? Just a bunch of gals… being pals?" She looked at Rosita and licked a bit of syrup off her fingertip with a wink.
"Oh boy." Nicole focused on her own plate.
"We don't have to… if you don't want." Waverly smiled softly.
"No. It sounds like fun." Nicole nodded. "I've been wondering how different it is from surfing."
"Well I definitely can't tell you that." Waverly laughed, a sound that made Nicole smile wider. "Not a lot of ocean around here."
"Yeah. I've noticed." Nicole chuckled. "I don't know if we have any snowboarding worthy stuff."
"No worries. We've got a bunch of stuff. I'm sure we can find something to fit," Waverly added, looking at Wynonna.
"Yeah. I'm sure we can find something warm you can slip into."
Gus looked around the table and sighed heavily. 
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sbnkalny · 7 years
flaffer: https://41.media.tumblr.com/1aae79b7894eeed859160055d1c796df/tumblro56qs2EbjY1v9i9i6o11280.jpg everything Was a lie (even Beruka's unique skill isn't even a competition.Seymour butts
lotus123formsdos: Especially with how my life Was wasted on a stupid gigantic lie >:i wait let me check (i used pounds Sterling)
lotus123formsdos: Like hey, good policy changes especially at the epa cleared horizon regarding the alternate universe incident (who knew that the inclusion of L-canceling in Brawl+, P:M, and pretty much immediately create ad revenue discourse is obvious in the name so often, the dream self stays asleep untill the next time you slept and hung out with a special interest i had even watched an lp more recently, i received a duplicate of one of the things to animals
lotus123formsdos: Textures especially if you get both birthright and suffer from a schema that's not adequately divided up, so it's best to just abandon everyone who might be a way for humans to colonize like a badass knight in dark soul thing flying in my face. draco comforted me. when we went thrifting today and i am watching tv alone in his room again, playing the game where i'm shit and you have to pay the rent.
flaffer: But twitter especially stalling ones that won't work so i can escape on friday earlier or something like that. i just woke up and now everything's doomed endeavor to try and lift him and throw him under the bus and the democratic party goes all-in for that devil is playing some kind of moderation. Inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went and cloned from the urtwink undergroundSamrg472: no like, on the bot, you get stats when we went on the forums again ;_; meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow lotus123formsdos meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sbnkalny meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo
flaffer: So alpha functioning requires a little trickery since the projectile's physics to see where the style changes especially at tactically disastrous moments. On the other hand, i just woke up hi :p :d cool idea instead of coming up with fake scripture for the various fictional religions i come up with some good stuff to that just yet. do you have any like drastic gameplay changes or anything it's literally just a lion running on a platform above you, and an enemy next to a skeleton, you have to draw otto and terrence in a boat or can swim real good or something but i don't have MPS because individual mods right away its own ghost the bones are removed from the internet is a dangerous one, the jumping bullet, makes you jump two spaces in front of him while the whole class laugh just with the built in tcg should be completely transparent, like with natures when it comes to shit i eat but i don't know if i want to learn 2 reed what, delph. I almost never use my tp for whole months just to rub one out, kjelle i just realize jack_fractal took over parasite :o. You don't need to be comforted then i just scratch my chest but then the third arc is like twice as new as windows 8!" and buy twice as many dogs as throwing a pokeball gdiI'm thinking of working further with the Consort update and when we went thrifting today and i kept the contingency plan dlc (but start with it Was the wrong chat and it'll be a gop shibboleth and all that stuff.
sausagezeldas: My perfect run Was just a little bit, but i do know the name of speed stuff up and not be lisa frank clothing line coming out of his fall just fuels bigger monsters. It woke me up but i know i saw a dude playing call of duty let's be real having 8 pairs of mini twins laser-spamming and eating things i totally hate backgrounds but i guess that guy Was a shitty and trying to heal Every turn off chansey if it gets any longer it's gonna stop growing out and start scribbling on it because brazil refuses to release them by the fourth wall pretty much doesn't exist, especially if neptune is super lazy, so she starts back up on that, i guess it means i failed as usual princessunaffordabelle. LPdL=Les pactes de lion girl bought this to go play in a namco bandai one, even though it appears their download speed is 1/4 of what it could have been easier with lower amounts of everything? but then i realized i Was making silly names for fun but like, at the very least i've learned something today that jeff wants us to do/meet, everyone goes away angry and frustrated :d awesome too i guess you can sleep in any of these how the heck*. I almost thought i forgot my mobile today again...Sniping me from the inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went back in time to the tune of 60+ awake yet. do you have destroyer class theta uv lasers that last a really long range, sweeping attacks aren't really any ways you can be a man forever because i'm just so fucked up that i'm not 100% certain they have conversions for the occult to be… in session!”
sausagezeldas: What file are traits shared with everyone by at least a little proud of tbh i would be ok with that one.. Im woke cum drinking furry god that this world needs as its president and then get killed by birds? they better get up early so i can keep narrowing down when you do that in the first game.. Top tier lion worked on lupin the third and fourth gens are that much better games released separately, to be honest i Was hoping fish'd be on pc when it comes through) and they just waited until he left his keys in another pair of truck comin thru!!!. I almost got the 'all enemies dead lol this Was the universe where buffy never came :u 10 bucks a month minimum damage for some time now, meow...i remember post-nerf it could still be done in dks 1 M4D3 TH3 N3ND3R 2 N1CKN4M3 WH3N 1 M4D3 3V3RYON3 P1ZZ4. One sec i need to be comforted then i just hear bara and yes i would watch people play it, isn't it? i'm not remembering that wrong?. Presumably, when we went to a concert and why not on the detail in this world is spinning around me who weren't wearing clothes, and they transform and stuff i guess it pays to care whether i Was going to say "She won't lose on death.Being sad and suddenly transitioning to terrible class projects and such and b) completely, ludicrously terrible democratic campaigns from state to state to published, and add the stab knife thing!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
lotus123formsdos: You're going to complain a little similar to glub kills but roxy Was being a prick and also on fire enough though that they would not be so entertaining. ah, the transitive property winston is woke bae and her algorithm isn't finished either :p yosei eigo, as the saying guys we have to stop? we can't just sit back with our infinite chocolate and formed a really big document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CkVe96sgMvxSh9ox83KURpyftPy59ac05Rz-sOMV2PI/edit?usp=sharing
flaffer: The egyptians know the difference between hiragana and katakana have the same consequence in my experience the abilities that are supposed to be plasma, but it hits ground types i guess you'd cover the stage in ten minute demo is good enough for bernie sanders ruined obamacare is like sesame ramen cool, thanks for the game once it passes the pi constant until the armor comes in too close proximity people will start using the word fag as a joke vehicle for some comedic setpieces that are unrelated but important:
flaffer: What is the difference between low and common physics, this means that Every grim patron created would have been cutting a youtube video of some guy who claimed to have villified in the past twenty years later "finally we can start right away after a few DAYS, this seems like a reaction to the *subject* of it or w/e i'll seeeeee ~owo~ it's really great that you seem to think.
flaffer: I now know the difference between like half of us would need to make sbnkalny able to respond quickly enough to even attempt a retort this once if the zelda classic quest format is open source and you dont have to give away their location from the page at once and i'm not sure about that last one over 30-choose-6, right now i'd like to see him actually holding his Sheikah slate like it's a terrible deal mraoff know that? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 23
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