#i had to make ymyself stop when i hit 300 words
minarcana · 1 year
@thancrxdwatxrs threatening me with a good time?
He had not realized that Thancred was waiting for him. Such a thing seems ridiculous even now, knowing it was just said. He thought it was apparent. Or that such a thing would have been guessed without having to say-- but as much as he is always in doubt of if he can possibly measure up to Thancred and what the other deserves from a partner, it seems Thancred too can be victim of uncertainty. “I apologize then, that my first announcement should be so lacking.” It simply entered his head, the thought that he loves Thancred, and perhaps failed to say it in so many words.
He stands before Thancred, raising a hand to gently cup the other's face. “Then I should say it again, to make up for the loss. For I think it frequently and often, that I love thee, before even I knew love was the word for the feeling. I love thee, I have sought long to be at your side, and now that I am here I findeth myself happier than ever I have been, assured completely that I standeth where I should. Thou shalt not lose me, for I will ne'er allow the person I love to feel I hath failed them.”
He lifts Thancred's face, brushes aside what tear has fallen, and kisses him gently. “Since thou hath doubts, should I tell thee further, that they may be buried in certainty?” That much is easy, the listing of compliments and reasons that are so much easier to articulate with specificity than exact feelings. 'Love' is such an indistinct word, it applies to so much (for he feels it in volume), but the opportunity to dive into minutiae is never one Urianger will pass.
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