#i had to lay on the floor for like ten minutes lmao
missusruin · 2 years
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sharkorok · 10 months
“did you drink water?” (enha)
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or where enhypen reacts to their idol!s/o passing out
cw/genre: fainting, mostly fluff but reader is hard on themself
requested: yassss :D
a/n: why does it feel like a year since I last posted lolol srry but papa sharkie’s home now
-ok so it happened at a music festival you both were attending, n after his performances were done he decided to visit you !!
-you looked pale and he was worried but he understood how both of your careers work, until you missed a step and fell down, slumping on the floor
-he had to fight every single nerve in his body, he wanted to run to you and check on you, he was so nervous :(
-the second you were backstage and no cameras were around he was all over you, he got you water and some snacks from food vendors, laying you down and playing with your hair while some medical staff made sure you’re alright
-kisses you all over and takes ur phone so you can’t look at twitter so you don’t see any posts being mean or u get embarrassed
-he’s so so so comforting and he refuses to leave ur side until staff pries him off
-expect him to visit your hotel and hold you until you fall asleep, esp if u were nauseous !
-ur members gush that he stayed with u the whole night until his manager found him
-awards show rehearsals and stage prep, groups were mingling around the venue, while your’s was getting their mics checked and stuff
-you want to put your full effort in, even if it was just rehearsals and mic checks, especially to impress ur boyfie lol <3
-but you served too hard and you stumbled, falling over as your members rushed to catch you, Jay practically jumping from where he was sitting
-he runs backstage and he’s taking care of u, chilled water bottle and a cold towel around your neck, making sure staff is checking on you and asking every few seconds about what happened exactly
-and if u try to say something? “shhh baby, don’t talk right now.”
-gets so >:[ if you even try to suggest you continuing to perform!
-“jay, I feel better, I can take a ten minute stage.” “nuh-uh.” and ur just like omfg this boy
-so begrudgingly you stay behind during the live performance, and jay promises you that you didn’t let anyone down, your health is the top priority
-nearly exposes your relationship with his reaction (I’m gonna be honest I’m out of scenarios so sorry)
-he practically jumps out of his seat the second you collapse on stage, jay grabbing his wrist and gesturing towards the cameras focused on them
-“I can’t just not see them!” “I know, but staff will take care of y/n. Let’s just wait for attendees to leave.” jay reassured, but jake still wasn’t happy
-he was gripping the seats trying not to run to you immediately
-and the second he can see you again?? he makes sure to ask staff what he can do to help you, and if you’re alright and he’s constantly kissing the back of your hand
-“no baby, don’t get up just yet, wait until we get the clear from staff ok?”
-you’re so EMBARRASSED!! so ur like hiding in his shoulder, trying not to cry
-he’s hyping you up tho and trying to bring some light to the situation like, “wow you performed so well that even ur own body couldn’t handle it babe”
-sneaks into ur company van so he can make sure ur okay on the way home LMAO
-there’s a fancam out there of his reaction to you fainting on stage where you can clearly see him saying “oh shit”
-nervously looking at his members w an evident side eye as if he’s asking if he should pull a k drama moment and run up there to hold you or if he should keep his job
-so so so nervous that it might be something more serious, or you could’ve fallen in a way that got you a head injury, or maybe it just so embarrassed that you’ll faint again once u wake up who knows
-my king of overthinking
-but doesn’t want to worry you or make it a big deal because he understands how that can make someone feel worse LMAO
-“omg y/n you fainted?? I didn’t even notice ong you’re so professional babe 😍😍”
-doesn’t really know how to help you so he’s awkwardly standing around staff while offering the occasional “whooo you can do it y/n!!” tryna be supportive 💀
-once ur better he feels more comfortable taking you out for some comfort food and supplies a ton of kisses
-ok this has been on my mind the entire time while I was writing this but he’d def argue w people online if “lazy” or “unprofessional” accusations started popping up
-he probably already has a fan acc he uses to stalk posts pertaining him or you, n he’s pressed when he sees a tabloid accusing you of being lazy
-you come home after a quick check up to see him furiously typing on the couch b4 he looks up to you and gets all smiley again
-so so so supportive and also distracts you from the situation so you don’t have to think about it :>
-“shhh don’t look at Twitter let’s just watch this cute little show together ok? :)”
-keeps an extra close eye on ur Twitter feed for the next few days
-and an even closer eye on ur health! switches out any dietary supplements u take for multivitamins n fights w staff if they try to continue a restrictive diet on you
-ensures you’ll never faint again to the best of his ability
-literally the second u woke up it was “did you drink enough water today??”
-you thought u died and ascended to heaven and you were looking at an angel but it was just jungwon worriedly staring at you
-doesn’t want to seem immature by hounding staff to ask questions, but truthfully, he wants to grab them by the shoulders and freak out
-but he wants to be strong for u!! and so he grabs you the best water bottle, some snacks for your blood sugar, and a fan in order to help you recover
-is so comforting about it, reassures you that this is going to happen to basically every idol, he’s so sweet I’m going to cry.
-sends a bouquet to the dorms later on with a “hope you feel better!” card T^T
-he’s so worried about you but he could tell with the recent dating rumors between you two he has to stay as calm as possible, in case fans were trying to film his reaction
-another idol tried to invite him to the after party but he’s nowhere to be found, practically sprinting backstage to check on you
-“babe omg u literally fell for me…” <- the first thing he says upon seeing you -_- lolol
-doesn’t really know how to act in front of management and staff, so once you two are in a more private space he’s all over you
-checking your temp, elevating your head, googling how to help someone recovery from fainting LMAO
-“trust I’ll report every single fancam I see” <- him if u say ur embarrassed about passing out on stage
-sweet boy flies off of the couch you’re laying on the second ur manager comes in tho lol, expect him to visit later tonight to properly make sure ur ok! <3
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gingerlee-holds · 3 months
Ok ok so and idea for a fic: Alastor broadcasts one of his frequent tikl attacks on Vox so everyone in hell knows about his weakness (any length is fine)
oh!!! thank you for the idea and request anon/lovebug!! i hope you enjoy this!! its not directly related to the series im currently writing about ler!alastor, but its related, so maybe its on the same storyline just in the future- enjoy!!
aaaa i absolutely did not proofread this so ignore the terribleness xD
Tune On In
Words: 2228 Warnings: not proofread lmao- also mentions of alastor's violent tendencies but its offhanded
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Pentagram City, among the only metropolitan areas in Hell, was bustling. Cars honked in endless traffic, clubs blared out noisy music, guns were fired, and demons screamed in agony or ecstasy, often both. There were a few moments when the city was blissfully serene, though these were rare occurrences accompanied by tragedy. For instance, after the formerly annual Exterminations, the entire city held its breath for the toll of the clock tower to signal that they were spared. These minutes of agonizing silence were rarely enjoyed, though.
There was only one other time when Pentagram City was so quiet: when the Radio Demon made a broadcast. Each radio and speaker in the city played the single, agonizing transmission. The hair on the neck of every sinner rose in fear, and every overlord held their breath. The terror and respect Alastor garnered by broadcasting the suffering of his victims made him the second most feared being in Hell, second only to Adam. Now, though, the commander of the Exorcists had been disposed of, meaning Alastor now had the top spot. And when the speakers across Pentagram City suddenly became overwhelmed by static, the Radio Demon smiled to himself, knowing he had the rapt attention of every demon in the Pride ring. 
"Testing, testing~! Is this thing on?" Alastor's voice echoed through the now-silent streets. “Salutations, sinners! Thank you all for joining me on this lovely morning! The temperature today is a downright balmy eighty-six degrees, and we're getting reports of a chance of acid rain in the southside around ten o'clock, so keep those umbrellas ready, folks! Now, I'm sure you're all wondering who I have with me as today's special guest on the program, and I'm thrilled to introduce him~!" 
Alastor spun around in his chair, grinning with delight at his victim, who lay on the floor of his recording studio, bound by magic tendrils. The businessman glared up at him, mouthing, "Don't you fucking dare," to no avail.
"Yes, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome everyone's favorite wannabe, the overrated picture box himself~! Everyone give a hand to Vox, CEO of VoxTek Enterprises and peddler of the same useless trinkets and gizmos corrupting today's youth! Yes, a big hand for the pixellated prince!" Alastor pressed a button on his soundboard to play a recording of raucous applause. 
Velvette looked up from her phone, blinking with realization. She cringed and looked over at Valentino, who looked like he was about to throw another tantrum. "How was he stupid enough to get himself captured?" she mumbled as she ran to the security cameras. Alastor continued his monologuing as Velvette watched, dumbfounded, the recording of Vox reading a letter before storming into a power outlet. She looked behind her as Val grabbed the letter from the table and began to read it silently, fuming.
Alastor wanted to prolong this as much as possible. "How have your stocks been doing, old pal?" he asked innocently, extending his microphone staff for his guest. 
"Just fine." The mic was sensitive enough to pick up Vox's angry sparks and glitched voice as he spoke, struggling to seem level-headed now that he was being recorded. 
The Radio Demon giggled. "Any new products you'd like to promote?"
"Ah, but enough of business. Let's get on to business!" Alastor laughed at his pun, standing up to walk around his victim. "You're very nervous, chum!"
"Get real. This has got to be the trashiest- ACK-" Vox froze mid-sentence as Alastor pressed the tip of his cane on one of his antennae. 
"Careful. Don't forget whose guest you are~!"
Vox growled in annoyance and squirmed a bit in Alastor's magic. He hadn't even bothered to wear his suit before running over, which he regretted as he lay on the floor in a button-up shirt and slacks. Looking down, his heart sank further: he was still wearing his slippers. 
Alastor removed his cane, walking towards those slippers. "Still pissed I almost beat you that time~?" 
"Uh… fuck you!" Vox snapped. 
"Just saying~!" Alastor grinned. 
Val looked up from the letter. "He stole my line. That bitch! He stole my goddamned line! I swear, I'm gonna-" he growled before storming off, leaving the paper on the table. 
Velvette quickly ran over and skimmed, murmuring to herself. "'To whom it may concern,' blah blah, 'scheduled for a meeting,' yada yada, 'meet an associate at 6 to…'" She stopped and squinted at the page. "Hell does 'vouchsafe' mean?" Her brows furrowed as she connected the dots. Alastor must have sent this letter to lure Vox out, and Vox, thinking he was late for a meeting, ran from the tower without telling anyone. "That idiot!" she yelled, punctuated by Val throwing a wine glass against a wall two rooms down. 
Alastor let a sinister chuckle escape his lips. "I think you have some things you should share with our dear audience! For instance, what exactly did you suggest I do seven years ago?" He waited patiently for the question to sink in.
"I- what?" Vox raised an eyebrow, not seeming to understand.
"Seven years ago, you came to me with a proposition. What exactly was it?"
The question finally clicked for Vox, but he scowled at the Radio Demon. He'd die before he gave that prick the satisfaction. He stayed silent, sparks shooting around his body. 
"Suddenly, the chatter-box is quiet~! Such strange times we live in. Don't worry, folks, I know how to make our guests talkative~!" Alastor quickly used his cane to flick away Vox's slippers. 
Demons looked away from their radios, wincing preemptively at the agony they were about to hear. Overlords felt beads of sweat rolling down their faces. Velvette leaned closer to the radio, pursing her lips, nervously fiddling with the pens on the table. Vox squeezed his eyes tightly shut, expecting Alastor to break his toes any moment now.
The moment stretched on. Vox tried to hold his breath, but when he couldn't, he finally exhaled slowly, and when he did, the Radio Demon struck.
“H-heehee- n-nohow wahahait, hohOld oHon a sehhec-!” Vox shot upward, looking down to see Alastor lying on his stomach, his legs swinging behind him as he gently traced one claw up and down Vox's sock. “T-theheere’s n-noho wahahy youhuhu're- c-cuhuhut ihihit ohuhut!”
"Hm, feeling a bit bubblier, are we~?" Alastor grinned impishly, slowly adding the rest of his fingers to scribble over Vox's feet. Now realizing what the Radio Demon had in store for him, Vox clamped his mouth shut, every muscle in his body straining to contain his laughter. An electric current had formed between his two antennae with the effort he was using.
Suddenly, Alastor's voice appeared next to his ear. "Go on, you little gigglebug, let it all out~!" Vox shot a glance sideways to see Alastor's shadow whispering to him. "Besides, we both know you're far too ticklish to resist~!"
"F-FuhUhuhUCK! YoUhuHUHU oHohOLD-TihIhIMEy PRiHihiHICK!!!” Vox snorted and arched his back as much as he could. Teasing was just too much!
Velvette's shoulders relaxed a bit. It didn't seem like Vox was in trouble… However, when she double-checked her phone, she saw that social media was blowing up about the CEO of VoxTek being tickled, which had unfortunate results on the company's stocks. At least she could rest a bit easier knowing that her friend- no, business associate was in no real danger. She was shaken out of her thoughts by another staticky shriek.
"Come now, I know you wanna tell all our lovely viewers about how you-"
"NoHoHOHO!" Vox shook his head, but his eyes bugged out when he felt tendrils squeezing at his hips. 
"And now~? Let's change that channel~!"
"OKAHAHAY!! OKAhAhahAHAY! FuhUhuhUCK!!" Alastor slowed down but didn't stop the gentle tickles to keep Vox in a giggly state of embarrassment. 
"Go on~! What did you propose to me all those years ago~?"
“T-thahat… thahahat youhuhu chahahange youhuhur nahahame tohoho Vahalahastor-!” Vox’s screen turned red as he remembered the thought.
Alastor cued the laugh track again. "That's right! Since you wanted me to become a member of your polycule so much-!"
“IT’S NOT A POL- EEHEHEHEEEK!” Vox's indignant shout was cut off by a squeal he couldn't contain when he felt Alastor's claws scribbling against his shoulder blades. 
"Now, next question!" Alastor pretended not to hear the squealing mess on his recording studio floor. "When we fought those years ago, who won~?"
"NEhehHITHER!!" Vox desperately tried to weasel his way out of the question and his tickles, but with both, Alastor kept him pinned. 
"Technicalities!" Alastor smirked and added shadowy tendrils to the back of Vox's knees as punishment for his insolence. "Nobody technically won, but only because…?"
“THEHEHE VEEHEEHEES!!!” Vox bluescreened as electric shocks flew off in every direction, making Alastor step back a bit and slow down again. “Theehehe Veeheehees cahahame in ahahand sahahahved meehehehe!” 
"Right, since I was about to win~!" 
Vox growled in frustration, trying to get his composure back. "Yeah, but how about that fight with Adam? Talk about- ACK-!" Vox was again cut off by the cane on his antennae, and he looked up into the face of the radio demon, with eyes in the shape of dials and horns extended. A radio hiss filled the studio, echoing out across the city. 
Alastor waited a few moments before responding. "Many nasty rumors are going around about me, Vox, mostly thanks to you. Only one is completely and wholly true, and it's this." He bent down close to Vox's face, making him flinch away. "I do have a special appetite for the flesh of other demons. Vox, my good old friend, I need you to know I am famished at the moment."
"Y-yeah-? W-well-" Vox tried to think of something clever but came up short. "Y-you're not going to eat me, Al! I'm all wires. Wouldn't taste good!" 
Alastor hummed in thought. "Perhaps you're right. I have a refined palette, and junk food would just ruin my mood." He smirked at the insulted stammering Vox let out before continuing. "However, I just can't resist a little taste~!"
"What? WaitwaitAlasTOHOHOHOR!!!!” Of all the things Vox expected from his worst nemesis, nothing could have prepared him for when Alastor bent down and began gently nibbling his teeth over Vox's ribs through his shirt. Oh, he would never hear the end of this from anyone. 
"Final question," Alastor chuckled. "What is your biggest weakness~?"
'Oh, fuck, no, please don't make me say it!' Vox's mind raced. Was Alastor seriously going to- 
The Radio Demon let out a raspberry on the middle of his ribcage, sending him into silent hysterics. Yep, Alastor was going for the kill… metaphorically. 
"IHIHIHI'M!! IHIHIHIHIEAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAL!!!" Vox tried getting the words out, the words he knew would spare him from this hellish tickling. Alastor, mercifully, stopped and let Vox catch his breath, pointing the microphone on his staff to Vox's face. Vox sighed, feeling the built-in fans on his head whirring crazily to cool him down. He whimpered softly, defeated and made into a giggly mess, so he mumbled pathetically, "I'm deathly t-tihihicklish…"
"Yes, indeed he is, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you so much for joining us today. I hope it was as enjoyable for you as it was for me! Although, I know Vox appreciated it the most~! Tune in next time for another exclusive interview~! Vox, will you be coming back on the show?"
"N-nohohoho…" Vox tried to hide his face in the tendrils but wasn't very successful. 
"What a shame! We have so many more laughs to share, don't you think~? I'm sure we'll all hear from you again soon~!" With that, Alastor flipped a switch, and the studio's large 'ON AIR' sign turned off. Across the city, speakers began playing their regular music again, and the city's noise returned in all its chaotic, messy beauty once more. 
The radio demon released his tendrils, and the businessman slowly and wearily rose to his feet. Every muscle shook, and he leaned against the wall for support. "This… This isn't over. You won't get away with this." He turned back and glared daggers at Alastor, sparks shooting off his hands.
"I have! Now, don't dawdle! You need to address the media~!" Alastor pointed out the window, and Vox turned to see a gathering crowd of reporters and camera crews assembling around the front of the hotel. 
"Off you go~!" With a gentle push, Alastor sent Vox on the most embarrassing walk of his life as he stumbled through the hotel, his slippers in hand. 
Charlie, face glued to the front window nervously, whirled around when she heard footsteps. "Oh! Please, come again soon!" She smiled and waved at the demon, who simply huffed.
"I won't," he said under his breath, pushing open the doors to be greeted by reporters shouting and snapping pictures. What a mess. 
When he finally got back to V Tower, he got quite the earful from both Velvette and Valentino. However, when they were alone together, Velvette grinned and scribbled a hand over Vox's ribs to make her friend giggle. It was cute, and goodness knows she needed a stress reliever now and then. Maybe she had to thank Alastor sometime for unintentionally gifting her such precious information. At least Vox didn't lose a limb in there: only every last shred of his dignity.
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2023 bill × pregnant reader
Ok so imagine they are doing those ig lives bill and Tom are in the living room while reader is also on the live but in her room and let's say reader is on those bouncy ball just rocking it and the ball pops and she falls on camera LMAO bill's and the rest of the bands reaction
(I love this sm so I hope you enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz
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He was leaving you to your own devices for ten goddamn minutes
It was so normal and he and you were answering fans until he just heard a pop
He looked into the camera and off to Tom so confused before he saw you literally disappeared
"Schatz? Where did you go?"
He just sees Georg dying and Gustav trying to explain through his giggles
Gustav finally got out you fell but he made it sound so much worse than it actually was
Bill got up so fast it was like he got whiplash and he left his phone
Tom actually saw the ball pop and you slowly going to the floor so he was also laughing
He followed Bill with his camera to find you on the floor
Bill was so concerned and helped you up
He was making sure you and the kid were okay while asking questions on how you fell
It wasn't so bad but you scared him
Tom Kaulitz
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He's your best friend so obviously he's laughing
He was just messing with filters and answering questions on the live
A question finally turned to you and Tom was making fun of you and suddenly he heard a pop
You slowly went to the floor and Tom just saw you leaving the camera view as the ball lost its air
"(Name)? I didn't hurt your feelings that bad, get back here."
He's so confused as you never come back before he finally realized you feel when Gustav said so
He's laughing his ass off and following Bill with his camera on
He finds you on your back and is just recording the whole time and answering comments
He puts a filter on you
No doubt about it as he's smiling behind the camera
"She still can't keep her balance, you would think falling off stage would have her learn but no-"
Throw something at him
Georg Listing
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He is one to just stare at you for a minute when you fell
He can't do anything just watch as you're falling to the floor on the live
I mean he's not there so he thought to tell Bill but the look on your face when it popped
He laughed so hard he couldn't breath
He didn't want to be mean but he just had to
It reminded him of when you fell off stage when you guys bumped into each other
You had the same exact look even years later
He's concerned obviously and trying to tell Bill through his laughs
He just can't until Gustav finally gets it out
He laughs even more when they find you just laying there on your back like you're contemplating life
He can't stand it even when Tom puts a unflattering filter on you
Once he recovered he is asking if you're okay
He's never letting you live it down
Gustav Schäfer
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He is also concerned
Especially because you're pregnant so he'd asking if the babies okay
He keeps asking over and over until he gets confirmation
Suggests a check up to make sure to ease his own nerves but ultimately nodded as you're okay
He did laugh though
Not as hard as Georg though just little laughs
He doesn't want you to think he's cruel
He's making small jokes but cant help it
Especially when it's compared to when you fell off stage a while ago
He acts like a kid who can't help but giggle at the jokes
Especially when Tom puts a filter on you
"You're such an asshole."
That's his words as he is covering his mouth and giggling
He called you later on to actually ask if you're okay and if you're hurt
He's more concerned as time goes on and just wants to make sure you're okay
But expect little jokes though
It's been his nature
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Please, Say My Name
Virgin!Eddie x Experienced!Fem!Reader
Description: Eddie's obsessed with his older neighbour. When a black out happens, he feels the need to check on her, and finds out his obsession may not be one sided.
A/N: I may or may not be projecting here, 30s reader and all. This was a challenge for me, writing from Eddie's POV (I've never experienced a male orgasm, I'm just guessing haha,) I love a cocky Eddie but cannon I think Eddie is a virgin, so I feel this is the partner he had to make him like he is in all these fan fics lol (maybe why he has so many pet names for girls?) Excuse my British ass for any American idioms that are wrong. Also I feel like reader's slightly southern?
Warnings: sexual tension, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader in her 30s, reference to curves not size, all manner of pet names (sweetheart to reader, all sorts to Eddie, tiger, champ, hot shot, sugar, honey lmao) NSFW, Minors DNI, I will feed you to the wolves, M! Masturbation, voyeurism, perv! Eddie, M! Oral receiving, nipple play, F! Fingering, protected sex (wrap it boys and gals)
5.2k words
Jesus H. Christ she's gonna kill me.
Tiny shorts riding up your ass, sporting a bikini top and bare feet. Bending down, he watches you reaching into the laundry basket. Shorts so tight he can nearly see the outline of your cunt. Standing upright, tits threatening to spill out of your top, the shape of your nipples peeking through the fabric. Stretching up, hanging clothes on the line. Bending again.
Eddie's been staring out the window of his trailer, spying through the makeshift curtains into your yard for the past twenty minutes, utterly transfixed by you, fisting his cock lazily. A bead of pre cum dribbles from the tip of his dick down to his fingers. It mingles with the spit already in his palm. He knows he shouldn't but he can't help it, your more mature frame burned into his eyelids. It has been for a while now.
He knows you're in your thirties, at least ten years older than him, but he can't help it. Every movement you make is sensual. He watches your hips rock every time you move to hang your clothes.
When you moved in a couple of months ago, Eddie was laying smoking pot in his room when Wayne had knocked on his door.
"Boy, a new neighbour's moving in next door. You best offer to help her."
Knowing his uncle meant business whenever he called him 'boy', he wandered over to offer his help, and was faced with you. You were wearing some skin tight leggings and a crop top, curves on full display, wrestling with a TV, trying to manoeuvre it into your trailer.
"Hey, need a hand?"
You had jumped at the sudden offer, turned round and saw this sweet looking, messy haired young boy staring at you.
"Well thanks champ, real kind of you." You smiled at him, placing the TV on the floor. He had eyeballed you from top to toe smirking, then grabbed the TV and lifted it like it was nothing.
"In the living room, tiger," you had said at his back, watching his shoulder muscles.
Placing the tv with a small thud, he held his palm out to you.
"I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You placed your manicured hand in his and shook it.
"Well I'm y/n y/l/n, pleasure to meet you sugar." Your voice all honey and cinnamon, you winked at him. Eddie's throat almost shrivelled up at that wink, mouth suddenly dry.
Eddie had moved most of your furniture that day. Not because you were unable, but because he had insisted. You were perfectly happy to allow him, watching that slender frame start to sweat, straining to move some of the heavier items. He was certainly good to look at. Eddie stole glances at you all day, mesmerised by the way you move.
Since then, Eddie had helped you a few times. Needed something from the store? Eddie would jump at the chance. TV aerial playing up again? Eddie was around in a heartbeat fixing it for you. Shitty car broken down? Eddie's sprinting over, offering you a ride.
When he found out you were working as a waitress at the nearby diner he'd make any excuse to visit. He would sit there, attempting to write notes on his next D&D campaign, drinking coffee he didn't enjoy as he thought you wouldn't take him seriously if he bought a milkshake. You would laugh at his little jokes, touch him on his arm, and call him all manner of pet names. He was smitten.
Now, you were a waitress. You flirted with everyone. Hell, your living is mostly based off of tips, Eddie understood that. But it felt like something extra when you flirted with him. Sometimes your hand would linger a little longer on his. He's sure he's never seen you winking at anyone else. When you reached over to refill his cup once and practically paraded your cleavage in front of his face Eddie thought he would spontaneously combust.
As you finish hanging up the washing, you take a moment to stretch your arms, then walk inside. Eddie's shoulders visibly deflate, wanting to finish what he had started.
After a minute you return with something in your hand, making your way over to your lawn chair. You slip your shorts off exposing your skimpy bikini bottoms and Eddie groans loudly, picking up the pace of his languid strokes. Running your fingers under the tie sides you pulled them further up your hips, the material gathering slightly at your ass. Eddie is sweating, watching your every move, tightening his grip on his cock.
Laying down, you open your palm; it was sun lotion that you had carried from inside. When you shake some out of the bottle and proceed to rub it casually onto the tops of your breasts Eddie chokes on a cry, fucking his fist faster, spraying his cum all over his hand.
He knows he shouldn't have, and he knows he should clean himself up and snap out of it, but you're still rubbing lotion in your skin, manicured hands stroking all over your body, he's utterly enthralled, and he's already getting hard again. Fuck.
A couple of weeks later Eddie's getting ready for a blind date that Gareth twisted his arm into attending. He truly hates set ups, but he made a promise and that's that. Fussing with his hair, he slings on a burgundy button down shirt, paired with his usual black jeans and combat boots. Deciding to do without his jacket since it's been hot as hell these last few weeks, he stuffs his cigarettes into his pocket and makes his way outside.
Hearing a wolf whistle he turns around, confused. You're sitting in your lawn chair, smoking a cigarette, enjoying the balmy air, wearing nothing but sleep shorts and a tank top.
"Well hey handsome, where you off to?" You call over. Eddie steps closer, drawn to you, hands in his back pockets.
"Just some blind date, nothin' special." He shrugs.
"A date huh? Well come here, let me take a proper look at you."
Eddie swallows and hesitantly steps forward.
"Turn around." He's obeying before he even knows what's happening, turning on the spot, arms open.
"Hmmm," you say, standing up directly in front of him, impossibly close. Eddie can smell your musky, sweet perfume, and is desperately trying to control the blush that he knows is begging to crawl over his cheeks.
You reach out with your painted fingernails and touch his chest. Eddie's sure his heart stops beating for a second. Staring at his chest, you pop open one of his shirt buttons, and then another, exposing his guitar pick necklace. Eddie's stopped breathing, mouth hanging open. The bulge in his jeans is starting to become noticeable.
You look up and smile.
"There, that's better." You pat his chest, hand lingering for a moment.
"B-better?" Eddie stammers out.
"Yeah, a real stud." You lean towards him, tilting your head upwards to whisper in his ear. "I mean, I would."
Eddie can feel his blood rushing all the way to the roots of his hair. He's speechless.
You turn away from him, putting your cigarette out. Walking towards your trailer you call over your shoulder. "Go get 'em, tiger."
Flabbergasted, Eddie can only stare at you, eyes never leaving your back until your door closes.
Well, that was a complete waste of my time.
Eddie's pissed. He had waited for over an hour but his date never showed. Driving back to the trailer park in his van, metal blasting from the speakers despite the late hour, he pulled up outside his home. Wayne's car was gone, he must have left for work already.
Storming into the trailer, he was angry, not just at the date but at himself. What if she did turn up, took one look at him and left? He really didn't need some mystery girl making him feel inadequate, he did that well enough himself.
Sighing, he threw his van keys haphazardly on the table and turned on the light switch. Nothing happened. He tried again. Then he tried the TV. Nothing.
"Well, shit." He said to the darkness.
Stepping back out the front door he looked around the trailer park. Pitch black. In his anger he hadn't even noticed. His eyes were inexplicably pulled to your trailer. He thought he could see a dim flickering light through the blinds.
He could knock. A concerned neighbour, just checking in on her because of the black out.
I wonder if she's still wearing those little shorts.
He took a deep breath and strode over, climbing the steps to your front door. Fuck, what do I say?
Too late, his hand was already rapping on the door. Silence for a moment.
"Who is it?" Your voice rang out.
"It's Eddie, just checking on you" when the fuck did my voice get so squeaky, Jesus.
He heard the sound of security chains clanking and the latch clicking softly. Then there you were in your tiny pyjamas, bathed in candlelight, your hair loose around your shoulders. Eddie thought you looked like you had wandered in from a story, a dream.
"Well hey you. You're back early. How'd the date go?" You tilted your head at him, eyes shining.
"It er, didn't. She blew me off."
"Well, she don't know what's she's missing. Wanna come in?" You gesture to the old chintz couch that he had helped you move in months before. A coffee table he doesn't recognise sits in front of it with three fat lit candles. Eddie nods eagerly and moves inside whilst you lock the door again.
You move over to an old wooden sideboard, a further collection of candles sitting there, and pour yourself a bourbon.
"You want one?"
"Yeah sure."
You pour another, grabbing some ice from the ice box and put a couple of cubes in each glass. You go to hand one to him. When he reaches out to grab it you pull it back suddenly.
"Hang on a minute big guy, how old are you?" You screw your eyebrows, examining his face.
"I turn 21 in like 3 weeks!" Eddie protested.
"Ah, another way to say your 20. Hmmm. Well you're lucky I already poured it, hot shot. Here you go. One drink mind. Don't wanna get you into trouble." You giggle, face slightly flushed. Eddie definitely believes this isn't your first drink of evening.
Sitting on the couch you cross your legs, shorts riding high up your thigh. You look into Eddie's eyes, smiling at him from the corner of your mouth.
"So, came to check on lil old me?"
"Well yeah, wanted to make sure you were ok."
"You're always checking on me ain't ya sugar. Always." You reach over and squeeze his knee.
Eddie nearly chokes taking a sip of the bourbon but tries to disguise it as a cough. The touch of your hand on his leg is all consuming.
"Well, yeah, I mean you're on your own over here. I just wanted to make sure you're safe."
"Well ain't you a slice of cutie pie." You stand up, "I'm just gonna powder my nose honey." Walking off you make your way to the bathroom, hips swaying.
Eddie takes the opportunity to look around the room, perusing the photos on the walls as best he can in the dim light. A framed picture over the sideboard stops him in his tracks. He stares at it in disbelief.
You return, taking your drink off the side board and having a sip.
"You- do you know Deep Purple??" Eddie exclaims, pointing at the photo.
"Ha, yeah a little. I mean, I knew a lot of bands back in the day. Only groupie to end up with a roadie I swear." You chuckle to yourself, making your way to the couch.
"Oh, I didn't know you were seeing anyone." Eddie shrinks down, perching on the edge of the couch.
"Not any more. Why do you think I ended up here? Half my stuff is still with that moron. I swear I have better taste in furniture than this junk" You shrug, tipping back your drink.
"Oh. I'm sorry sweetheart." Eddie moves on instinct, reaching out to stroke your hand in comfort.
"You don't have a single thing to be sorry for kid, don't worry about it."
Eddie feels a sudden spark of bravery. He's never gotten you to open up before about your own life.
"You know, I'm in a band." He sips his drink, trying not to cough.
"Oh really, I'm not surprised. You look like a musician." Running your hand up and down his thigh. Fuck, is she for real? Eddie can't help trembling slightly. "too nice to be one though."
"Hey, I can be a gentleman and a guitarist. Why not?" Eddie puffs out his chest and daringly reaches to touch you on the cheek. You grab his hand before it can even make contact.
"Look, you're a nice boy. I'm not gonna lie, you're hot as sin, but I'm not sure I wanna be the one to mess with that 'knight in shining armor' shit you've got going on, okay champ?" You pull his hand from your face, but you don't let go. Slender fingers tracing patterns on his rings.
She thinks you're hot as sin.
"Do you think I'm too young for you?" Eddie's voice quavers, but he's dragging your hands to his mouth, settling kisses to your fingers, lapping at the tips of your manicured fingers with his tongue.
"Fuck," distracted for a moment, "I never said that, I just, don't think I should be the one to mess with you first is all."
Eddie's cheeks burn red.
"Is it that obvious?" He looks down, releasing your hands, unable to meet your gaze. Humiliation weighs on his chest.
"Oh honey, don't feel bad, I read people for a living." You smile softly at him.
"Maybe I," Eddie begins, brown doe eyes seeking yours, "maybe I want you to be first. I mean, I might not know what I'm doing," Eddie half hides behind his hair at that, "but I want to. Maybe you could, teach me, you know?"
You laugh, the throaty sound reverberating through the trailer.
"Oh darlin', you don't know what you're asking."
"Oh I think I do. And I think you want it too. I've seen you looking at me." Cockiness edges his voice, sounding braver than he felt.
You scoot nearer to him, closing the gap between you, hot bodies making contact. Your knee rests on his leg, hand stroking up the exposed skin on his chest. Heat pours from the both of you. The heady scent of your perfume invades Eddie's senses, making it difficult to focus when you are so near. He can feel his cock stiffening.
"Oh, and you think I don't notice you too? Your eyes on me whenever I bend over? Eyeballin' my tits when I'm tryin' to do my job?" 
Eddie's breath is unsteady, shaking, heaving at his chest. Your touch is setting him ablaze. The heat in the trailer is stifling.
"Well, I'm sorry but," he takes a deep breath, trying to will his usual confidence to kick in. "You're so fucking hot, I don't know what to do with myself." He turns his head towards you, eyeing your lips in the flickering candlelight.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." You smirk at him.
Go on, grow a pair, kiss her.
Eddie sneaks his hand to the back of your head warily, eyes darting to your mouth. You make no move to stop him, gazing at him with half lidded eyes. Gulping, he closes the gap, pressing a kiss to your full lips. You grab his shirt in your fist and pull him closer. Eddie takes that as the best sign he can get right now, opening his mouth and deepening the kiss. You taste of bourbon, cigarettes and something sweet he can't place. His tongue pushes into you almost greedily, mapping out every inch of your mouth. It's sloppy and eager, but passionate. You run your hand up Eddie's lap, inching towards his crotch. Eddie thinks this must be some sort of fever dream as you palm him through his jeans, it takes everything he has not to cum on the spot.
Allowing his hand to drop from cradling your head, it drifts downward, cupping your breast. When his rough fingers brush your nipple over your thin top you break the kiss to allow a moan to escape your mouth.
Eddie mouths at your neck, leaving a succession of wet kisses. Clambering into his lap you straddle him and push him off your neck and back into the couch.
"You are making it real hard to say no honey." You smile from your new seat, fingers flirting down Eddie's chest.
Its Eddie's turn to grin at you smugly. He runs his palms firmly up your thighs.
"Sweetheart, you never said no."
"Well, you may have a point there sugar." And you lift your tank top over your head, revealing your bare chest.
"Holy Shit." Eddie's now convinced, this can't possibly be real. There's no way this goddess of a woman is straddling him topless right now. He knows he's blushing but he doesn't care. He's not even sure he can move right now. Far too scared to speak in case it comes out in a high pitched squeak and then you'll never show them to him again.
"Honey, you can touch them. Jesus have you never seen a pair of tits before?" You giggle, then your eyes widen. "Shit, you haven't have you?"
Eddie just barely manages to tear his eyes away and look you in the face.
"I mean, girls aren't exactly lining up at the door for Eddie 'The Freak' Munson." He scoffs.
You lean forward, slowly unbuttoning the remainder of his shirt.
"Aw, poor baby." Flipping open his shirt you rake your nails down his chest, giving him goose bumps. Eddie's breath catches in his throat.
"You just need someone to take care of you, don't cha?" Grinding into his lap.
Eddie's eyes roll back, his whole body feeling like a raw, exposed nerve. Electricity bolting through him with every roll of your hips.
You bring his hands up to your nipples, encouraging him. Eddie's fingertips brush them softly, feeling them harden to his ministrations. Your reaction to his touch emboldens him; leaning forward he presses soft lips to your breast. Once, twice, three times, and then he takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks gently.
"Oh fuck, Eddie."
You'd never said his name before yet you purr it now. That breathy, impassioned sound sends a shiver throughout his body. If he could just hear one thing for the rest of his life, from now until eternity, it would be you saying his name. He wants to see if he can make you scream it.
He whips his tongue around your nipple, trying to find what makes you make the loudest noises, gripping onto your hips tightly. You rock in his lap, moaning in encouragement.
Climbing off his lap, you settle between his legs on your knees. Eddie's fit to burst, watching you rake those painted nails of yours up the inside of his thighs.
"You still want this sugar?" Fingertips creeping to Eddie's belt, biting your lip.
"Hell yeah!" Lightning fast he pops his belt undone, along with the button and zip on his jeans, and pulls them down unceremoniously along with his boxers. His member springs out, thwapping against his stomach.
"Well big guy, if the girls knew about this they'd be lining up 'round the block." Your smile looks dipped in wickedness.
"R-really?" Eddie stammers, shuddering as you take his length into your palm, strokes firm but painfully slow.
"Hmmm" bending down you take the tip into your mouth, stroking with the flat of your tongue.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Eddie scrunched his eyes shut, "sweetheart, please."
"What's wrong honey?" You lick up and down his length, fisting his cock covered in your spit.
"If you, fuck, if you carry on I'm gonna cum."
You look at him with a mischievous glint in your eye, and take his cock fully into your throat, hollowing your cheeks. Eddie physically convulses, groaning loudly. He can't possibly look at you, if he does he won't be able to hold it in.
Letting go with a lewd wet dribble, you stand up, and go to remove your shorts. Eddie's hands shoot out to stop you. Looking at him with the question in your mind, he flashes you a toothy grin.
"Let me." Dark lustful eyes fixed on your waistband. You allow him the pleasure. He runs his fingers along your shorts, inching them down slowly, kissing the uncovered skin. The shorts stick slightly between your legs, causing Eddie to have to peel them down. He cannot help but see how wet they are. He can smell you. It's faint but musky, and sweet, almost like your perfume. He's obsessed. His hand hovers near your heat, looking up for confirmation.
Collecting his fingers in yours, you pull two to your mouth and suck them, gathering saliva. Eddie watches you, mouth open, enraptured. You guide his fingers down, down, to the front of your folds. When his fingers graze your swollen nub you sigh audibly.
"That there honey, you feel that? That's my clit." Eddie nods emphatically, not exactly in a position to form words right now. He runs sloppy circles over it, slipping with the mix of slick and spit, watching your face with wide open eyes, watching how you throw your head back a little, how your mouth parts slightly, how you tremble. He presses down and you cry out, knees buckling.
"Fuck, Eddie!" You grab his shoulders, "why don't you lie back so I can take care of you?"
Brows furrowing, Eddie says "Can- can I try and, er, take care of you? I mean, I'm 'bout to explode and I really want to make you feel good." Eddie begs with his eyes. If he can make you come undone beneath him he can die a happy man.
"Sure baby. Always wanna take care of me huh?" You lie back on the sofa, opening your legs to him.
"Holy Shit." Eddie scrambles over to you, forgetting he still has his pants round his ankles and nearly falls. You giggle at his antics. Untangling himself, he throws his shirt off that's still hanging on him unbuttoned.
Eager fingers make their way back to your pussy, rubbing on your clit, eliciting a little moan from you.
"Do you wanna stick your fingers in me honey?"
Yes, Eddie would like that very much.
Eddie's fingers are guided to your entrance. You wrap your hand around his middle and ring fingers, and line them up. Eddie understands, probing at you hesitantly at first, rubbing, gathering your wetness on his fingers, then pushes them all the way in. He's rewarded with a low whine from you, back arching off the couch.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, sitting up on his knees, watching your face, how your tits move, and his fingers disappearing inside your cunt.
Eddie is determined to see you cum on his fingers. He needs to see you unravel. What if he never gets this opportunity again? He needs to commit to memory every sigh, every twitch, every time you say his name. God, especially the times you say his name.
He's trying different things, how he moves, the speed of it, feeling your impossibly tight wet pussy around him when all of a sudden he curls his fingers up and...
Your reaction is visceral and immediate. Eddie keeps curling his fingers up. His hand is cramping; it hurts but he doesn't give a shit. Not when Aphrodite incarnate is laying below him, bathed in candlelight, moaning in ecstasy.
"Oh Eddie, oh my God, just like that, fuck."
You're writhing beneath him, moaning, your glistening body shining in the dim light. Eddie speeds up his motions, biting his lip. He's never been so hard in all his life. Suddenly you're clenching so hard around his fingers he can barely move, bucking against his hand.
'Oh Eddie!"
That fractured, high pitched scream of his name is the best thing he's ever heard. Back arched, your hands flying to his arm to still his movements, face in shock.
Breathlessly you manage to say "I thought you'd never done this before?"
Eddie's grin is smug and mischievous. "You think I would lie about that?"
He removes his fingers from inside of you, pleased as can be when you whine and frown a little at the loss.
"Do you have a condom sugar?"
Eddie looks wildly around the room, eyes settling on his discarded clothes. Finding his wallet he pulls one out with a flourish and a flash of teeth.
"You always walk around with that?" You smile at him.
"What can I say, I live in hope!" You giggle and Eddie thinks it's the second best thing he's heard from your mouth.
Now, I think I know how to do this...
The worry must be evident in his face as you hold your hand out and Eddie puts the condom in it with relief. You rip the wrapper with your teeth and roll the condom down his length, spitting in your hand and stroking him a few times. Eddie looks anywhere else he can, he can't possibly look at you handling his dick. He doesn't want this to be over yet.
You lie back and Eddie moves on top of you. Holding his length you line him up and he starts pushing into you devastatingly deep.
"Jesus, baby, you're so big."
Eddie can't think of those words slipping from your beautiful lips. All he can think of is the tight, impossible warmth he's sinking into. Your cunt is squeezing him like a vice, like  nothing he's ever felt before.
"Darlin, look at me." Eddie's eyes are scrunched up, holding himself up by his outstretched arms. He opens his eyes.
"Fuck you're beautiful." He strokes the side of your face, moving a couple of loose hairs that had stuck to you.
"You're very sweet. You can move now honey."
"Say my name." He stares into your eyes, pupils blown black with lust.
You look slightly taken quick by the dominance but recover quickly, flashing him an easy smile, batting your eyelashes at him.
"Please fuck me Eddie."
I've gone insane. How else could this be happening? I've lost my mind, made it up.
He'd believe that if he couldn't feel how amazing it felt being sheathed inside of you. He pulled slowly out, feeling the drag of your walls around his cock, then pushed back in.
Jesus Christ.
Eddie's a little unsure, trying to set a pace, trying to judge it on the noises you make, but he knows he's absolutely not going to last. The feelings too intense, rocking into you, watching that gorgeous face looked so fucked beneath him, it's everything he's wanted and more.
Shifting a bit, he gets up on his knees and pulls your legs around his waist, holding your knees, and thrusts into you.
"Oh Eddie, yes!" Your eyes are rolling back, closing, a continuous stream of moans escaping your mouth.
This is better. This is deeper. Eddie can feel everything, from the tips of his fingers to the tip of his cock to the tips of his toes. He thrusts harder, deeper, pulling you bodily into him, fingers pressing hard into your flesh. He can feel you clenching around his length and fucks into you with everything he has, sweat dripping down his back. His orgasm goes off like a gunshot, pumping his seed into the condom. You tighten even further, cumming with a mantra, a prayer, a plea of his name, over and over and over.
Eddie falls into you, feeling the sweaty sheen of his skin and yours intermingling, the heave of your breasts against his chest. You pant in unison, coming down.
Just about managing to lift his head, he looks at you and smiles, you look right back, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers with his. Eddie can't help it. He chuckles, the laughter coming from deep in his chest, shaking his body. You giggle back, post orgasm haze sprinkled over the whole room.
Eddie plants a kiss to your soft lips.
"Was that, erm, okay?" Eddie knows he sounds like a kid in this moment, but he had to know. He has to hear it from you.
"Eddie, you're a fuckin' natural." You smile, planting a kiss on the tip of his nose.
He grins wolfishly at that. Peeling your flesh from his in the sticky heat he sits up and pulls the condom off. You gesture to a waste paper basket and he chucks the rubber in there.
Eddie leans back on you, arms encasing your head, nose to nose.
"Good enough to do again?" His grin is arrogant but his eyes are sincere.
"You're a cocky son of a bitch, you know that?"
"Sweetheart, you never said no."
You laugh loudly at that, pulling him in for a slow kiss. Bodies pressed against each other in the flickering light, heat of sex and summer radiating off the pair of you, utterly lost in the moment.
The heat wave showed no sign of stopping, though thankfully the blackout only lasted until morning. Eddie had snuck back next door in the early hours, unable to wipe the grin off his face.
It was early afternoon, and Eddie was standing outside, having a smoke and trying to catch a hint of breeze.
Uncle Wayne had stepped outside too, sparking a cigarette.
"What you smiling about son?" Wayne looks out the corner of his eye at Eddie.
"Nothin' Sir, just happy."
You exit your trailer, fanning yourself in the heat, ready for your shift. You look over and see your neighbours.
Waving at them, you walk closer.
Eyes on Wayne, you wave, "hey sugar how you doin'?"
"I'm good miss, workin' hard."
"Well, don't you work too hard honey." You smile, swaying your hips. 
Looking over at Eddie, he flashes you the cheekiest look, smile crinkling his eyes. You flush in response.
"Hey Eddie."
An uncontrollable smirk is on your face as you open your car, looking bashful for once.
Wayne looks at Eddie's face, then at your blushing cheeks, and back to Eddie.
"What?" Eddie shrugs his shoulders at his uncle, unable to control the beaming smile that's plastered on his face.
Wayne shakes his head. He sees your car drive off and goes to walk past Eddie back to the trailer, putting his cigarette out on the ground.
At the last minute, Wayne holds his hand up, palm flat, fingers splayed. Eddie gives his uncle a high five. Wayne continues to shake his head, walking back inside. 
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agaypanic · 1 year
Stanley barber x reader where he’s very handsy and just can’t be away from reader for more then 5 minutes. doesn’t have to be smut maybe just a heated make out session or smth idk (sorry if this is to vague)
Handsy (Stanley Barber X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Stanley Barber just can’t get enough of his girlfriend.
A/N: this is pretty short and honestly not that good bc idk how to write steamy scenes lmao
It wasn’t unusual to find Stanley’s hands on you in some way. Even before you two started dating, you’d hold hands and be cuddly all the time. But now, there would also be kisses wherever he could reach, and an ass or boob grab every now and then. Of course, a lot of that would be saved for in private.
Sometimes, Stanley couldn’t help himself around you. It would get to the point where you were very thankful his dad was rarely home, and your parents didn’t seem to care about your whereabouts.
“Oh, Stanley.” You moaned as he sucked on your neck from his place beneath you. You don’t really know how you ended up like this. One minute you were writing an essay while your boyfriend danced around his room to his Bloodwitch record; the next, you were straddling him on his couch while he seemed to try to suck the life out of you. He groaned as you yanked him away from your neck by his curls and put your mouth on his.
“Baby, please.” He pleaded against your lips. He didn’t really know what he was asking for; he just knew he wanted more. He wanted whatever you were willing to give him.
“My paper’s due tomorrow.” You murmured. “I’ve barely even started it.” Yet you were doing nothing to stop this.
“Just five minutes, Baby, that’s all I need.” You smiled, pulling away despite his protests.
“You’re such a horndog.” With all your willpower, you slipped off his lap and ignored his pouting to go back to your paper.
“And you’re mean,” Stanley whined, moving your laptop to lay himself across your lap. Shaking your head, you rested the computer on his upper back, ignoring his hand that started rubbing your knee.
“Yes, I’m so evil, Stanny.” You laughed when he agreed and went back to writing. He was silent for a while, the only noise in the room being typing and Bloodwitch. When the record had finished, you let him get up to change it. He came back to stand before you, some obscure artist you didn’t recognize playing behind him.
“Y/n?” He sounded like a shy child, a stark contrast to how he sounded ten minutes ago.
“Yes, Stanley?” You asked, giving him a quick glance before looking back down at your computer.
“Can I…” He sighed, annoyed that you weren’t paying him any attention. “Can I just lay on your boobs?” That caught your attention.
“No funny business, I promise. Please, Y/n.” You sighed. The look he gave you was so endearing you wouldn’t have guessed that he was asking to use your boobs as a pillow. You got up, moved to Stanley’s bed, set your computer to the side, and waited for him. He eagerly followed you, climbing on top of your body. You didn’t expect him to put his head under your shirt to rest his head on you, but you weren’t opposed to it.
You set the computer back on your boyfriend and resumed your promise. Every now and then, you take a pause to stroke your fingers along Stanley’s spine.
“Watcha doin’?” You asked as you started planning out your conclusion. You felt kisses against your chest, and it seemed like Stanley was losing his resolve to keep his promise of no funny business.
“Nothing.” He muttered before giving you a few more kisses. “Just focus on your paper.” You nodded, ready to do just that, when one of the hands that was wrapped around your torso slid down to your thigh, giving it a tight squeeze. You sighed, trying to ignore it. But the more you resisted him, the more intoxicating Stanley became.
You closed your laptop and put it on the floor beside the bed. Lifting your shirt enough to pull Stanley off of your chest, you flipped the two of you over so he was on his back. You pulled your shirt off and grabbed his face, bringing his lips to yours.
“Five minutes.”
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bropunzeling · 5 months
For the director’s cut, literally any part of keep a close eye. Because Sasha 😍
ooh ty :) i'll do a bit from near the beginning:
Sasha’s already had to be in too many rooms this year. Five in ten games, and two to start the season at that. It isn’t the kind of tally he wants to be keeping. [it's always interesting to write a fic set early in a season then see how everyone is doing now haha like, oh they're fine] Technically an A could stand in for him, take his place, but Aaron is out, and Matthew—
Sasha can do it. Matthew does so much for them on the ice. Sasha can watch out for the boys in here. He won’t lay this at Matthew’s feet. [something that i did not have space to fully unpack but loved to hint at was like, in this premise where someone has to observe the winner's room, sasha has been doing this by himself for basically a whole season? i think initially it's like, you know, aaron was out for a while, hornquist was out for the year relatively fast, and it would take a while to trust the new guy with This (even if like. they were kind of in love from the start lmao). so sasha's seen a lot of weird handjobs and blowjobs! it would wear on a person! and also, even now that he does trust matthew, he still doesn't want to put this on matthew, for reasons of the heart :)]
Five times in ten games, and this is the first time that Matthew’s been tapped this season. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes guys have arrangements; sometimes they pick based on who played the best on a losing team; sometimes it’s spite. [one of the fun things about writing a winner's room fic for a same-team-pairing is thinking of all the reasons people who have played the concept a little more straight have thrown guys together] This time—who knows. Seems unlikely it’ll be a grudge. Wrong conference, and everyone kicked Chicago’s ass last year. [rip chicago! sucks to suck!]
Sasha forgot how it felt, though, being in here with Matthew. The way Matthew rubs his hands together as he scans the room, getting out that last bit of energy. [fidgety boy!] The way he goes to sit on the bed pushed up against the wall, rather than stand around in the middle of the room. How his knee bounces as he waits. [this whole fic is obviously themed around observation and what people see versus are not yet ready to see, but i really like this part as a like -- sasha already knows what matthew is like in here. they've had a year of experience, they're really familiar, it's a kind of comfort in a very uncomfortable situation]
For his part, Sasha takes up his habitual spot on the opposite side of the room, where he can lean against the cold, white cinder block wall and have as much of a view as he needs. [again, reinforcing sasha's discomfort and his responsibility to watch through the environment! or at least that's what i was aiming for haha]
Meghan nods at them both, then closes the door.
They wait for a minute, two. Sasha spends those minutes looking around the room, not that he needs to. All winner’s rooms look the same. Same walls, same mats for floors. A bed, a sink and mirror, a small cabinet with CBA-mandated condoms and lube, in case anyone wants to push the time limit and get more creative than a hand or a mouth. A digital clock above the door. [in my beloved pal maggie hopetorun's great great matthew/leon winner's room fic she did an incredible job of describing the physical spaces of the rooms and what would have to be in there; i was probably subliminally influenced by her here lol. but i thought a lot about having a contract mandate how many unexpired condoms you gotta keep on hand.]
There’s never a chair for the captain. Sasha can watch, but he can’t get comfortable. After all, he lost, too. [this just feels like the kind of petty thing this league would do asdkfl]
Now it’s been more than five minutes; getting closer to ten. Longer than usual. Matthew jiggles his knee; folds his hands in his lap; unfolds them and drops them to grab at the cheap, thin sheets that cover a cheap, thin mattress. [again: fidgety boy! but also i just like the repetition of "cheap, thin" here] The bed makes crinkling plastic sounds as Matthew shifts; the mattress protector is cheap, too. The only thing not making noise is Matthew’s mouth. Matthew talks a lot, but it’s different when they’re in here. No point in rehashing the game, no point in strategizing about what they’ll do when they play Columbus, no point in cracking jokes or making easy conversation. [one of the interesting points of like, winner's room fic generally and matthew characterization specifically is like, how would you feel during the anticipatory moments, you know? and it's like (a) matthew doesn't want to talk before the weird sex ritual but also (b) he's comfortable enough with sasha that he doesn't have to chatter away his mild nerves (i'd imagine that you'd never really get over having to do the weird sex ritual no matter how long you've been doing it, if im honest!)]
No point in Sasha saying anything, either. Matthew doesn’t need any reassurances, and Sasha doesn’t know if he would want them. [i mean, he doesn't need them, but he would probably appreciate them coming from you, my guy!]
At eight minutes of waiting, Matthew shifts again. The noise draws Sasha’s eye, and he finds himself making eye contact. Watching as Matthew swallows; as his mouth opens, like he’s going to say something. [i like this moment to serve as reinforcement: matthew fidgeting, sasha watching him, and then the way it functions as a mirror to the eye contact at the end of this particular sex scene -- here, the glance is more like, casually observational and not so fraught, whereas by the end of the scene it packs an emotional punch] [related, but one of the things im proudest of with this fic is like, having such a charged moment (sexually, emotionally) where the two people who are into each other aren't touching each other -- and the vibe is different than, say, a "make someone jealous" premise where presumably the other party is into it, you know? anyway, that was just a really fun thing to play with!]
There’s the noise of someone else punching in the code, of the door swinging open. But Sasha isn’t watching the door, even though he should. [writing sasha for the first time was a little intimidating. i think i landed on a lot of like, sasha having an idea of what he should do (as a captain, leader, friend, guy meant to keep matthew safe in a weird situation, etc.) and the ways in which matthew makes it hard for him to stick to the known contours of his life] Sasha’s watching Matthew, and—
He’s never been sure how to describe it, the change in Matthew’s face. It’s like Matthew slides into someone else, putting on an expression that’s been kept in a box, only to be worn in the room. [i looooove this lil beat. matthew tkachuk man of many faces! one of my most consistent characterization notes for him, because i find it really really fascinating how he plays with image and posturing! especially in the weird sex ritual context. and, of course, sasha noticing all of those different faces, because sasha watches matthew all of the time :)]
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watery-melon-baller · 2 years
3, 7, and 40 for weekend and belos'
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
ooooh theres so many i would never touch. the first one that comes to mind is accidental pregnancy which like. i dont even write romance much. also hate student/teacher. uhh nonromance id go with. uh. i cannot think of anything rn lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
ooooh id have to go with a snippet from a shera fic i did a while back. torn between two but ill go with the shorter one just because. not sure what counts as a snippet oops.
"Adora rolls her eyes, but stands up to join them. As she runs over, she knows that she’ll trip over her dress several times, and their clothes will all be covered in grass stains that will take forever to wash out. But Adora is here, in a future where there is no war to fight, where they can laugh freely and love and she doesn't feel selfish anymore for wanting a happy ending."
bad at explaining myself but like. its the potential of a happy ending, of not everything being perfect but it good, and thats worth living for. its a whole metaphor about feminity and wartime and accepting yourself. that its okay to be safe now, its okay to be soft and vulnerable and to start healing. apologies for being incoherent
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
ohohohohhohho you know whats funny. i actually did have an alternate ending planned where hunter just. slept through the rebelllion and just woke up after it was over and was like "what the fuck." anyways i sat down and wrote this in a night (ive been saving the ask until it was finished so thats why im answering it late sorry!) so enjoy 2k words of that under the cut. apologies for typos i tried my best to read this over lmao. you can also read this on ao3 now yipee
Hunter stared at his clock, and scowled. Shit. He had 20 minutes until the coven head meeting!
He stood up, quickly scrambling for his notes.  He wanted to try and get there early, so he could figure out somewhat of a plan.
Flapjack lifted their head up, disrupted from their slumber. What is boy doing?
His foot slipped on a piece of paper, and he barely managed to catch himself on the edge of his desk. “I have a meeting! I need to go talk to the other coven heads, and-”
Have time! Should rest!
He scowled. “Flapjack, I don’t have time to rest! I need to prepare my notes! I still haven’t figure out what I’m going to say to Terra, or Adrian, or how to deal with the recent riots-”
Nap time! Boy too tired to think!
“You always say it’s nap time.”
Because boy is always tired!
He sighed, flopping back on his bed and letting the stack of papers in his arms scatter onto the floor. Flapjack did have a bit of a point. He had been staying up later and later, getting less sleep in favor of trying to take care of… well, everything.
He could get ready in ten minutes. It wouldn’t take long to teleport. Just closing his eyes for a few minutes surely wouldn’t hurt. And he wouldn’t actually fall asleep. He would just lay here!
“Just ten minutes. Then I have to go.”
Flapjack chirped. Nap! Nap!
“Not a nap, Flap,” He mumbled. “M just resting my eyes.”
He didn’t even realize he was falling asleep.
He woke up to the smell of smoke.
He shot up out of bed, head swiveling as he took stock of the room. Everything seemed to be in order, except-
The bird had at some point moved inside his shirt. They peeked their head out, looking adorable as always, but Hunter wasn’t fooled.
He glared at them. “I said ten minutes.”
Boy needed nap!
He pointed at the window. “IT’S DARK OUTSIDE NOW! IT’S NIGHTTIME!”
Not that late. Sun just set. More like evening!
He dragged a hand down his face and groaned. “Flapjack. I missed the coven head meeting. The one thing I cannot, under any circumstances, miss.”
Flapjack did not look even remotely apologetic.
Hunter sighed, standing up and brushing back his hair. The smell of smoke was still lingering in the air, and he poked his head out the window, following the smell.
Ah. That might be a problem.
The area of the castle where Terra and Adrian had been fighting the other day looked even worse than before, mainly because it was on fire. Several scouts were running around in a panic, and if he listened closely, he could hear the faint sound of screaming.
Flapjack had moved to sit on his desk, and he slowly turned to glare at them. “Flapjack.”
They chirped.
“This is why we don’t skip coven head meetings! Look at what happened while I was asleep. The castle is on fire!” He sighed. 
Could be worse!
He flung his arms out, staring the bird down in frustration. “How could this be worse?!”
The Titan must have thought that was funny, because at that moment his door was slammed open with a war cry.
Something (someone?) charged through his door, and he screeched, barely avoiding their tackle. Whoever it was slammed into his wall, sending feathers flying everywhere. Why there were feathers, he didn’t know. Maybe they were because of the large wings that were almost smacking him in the face. 
Flapjack screeched, dive bombing the intruder, and Hunter quickly scrambled back, grabbing a heavy textbook detailing the criminal justice system and hurling it at their face. They shouted in pain, falling back onto the floor, and Hunter decided that was his cue to go.
He skidded out into the hallway, his slippers barely staying on his feet, while Flapjack circled nervously around his head. Behind him, he could hear the sound of the mystery attacker getting up, and he risked a glimpse behind him as Flapjack transformed into a staff.
“Golden Guard, kid, wait a second-”
Their voice sounded somewhat familiar, but he was too busy grabbing his staff. The last thing he saw before teleporting away into a haze of golden light was what looked to be some kind of harpy woman, heading straight for him.
He bounced across the castle, not having much of a destination in mind besides something that was away from the harpy lady. He materialized in a small room with dim lighting, and as he leaned against the brick walls he realized he was in the break room.
There were technically several break rooms scattered around the castle, but those were all empty storage closets scouts had converted into a break room in their free time with their own money. (Hunter may or may not have contributed to them with money from the castle treasury). This, however, was the official break room, the one all the coven heads used, and the one that the Emperor made somewhat of an attempt to maintain.
He hadn’t been here in a couple weeks, with the whole “accidentally killed my Uncle and now running the government from my bedroom” issue. Not much had changed since the last time he was here. The table was still stained, one of the chairs still had a wobbly leg, the sink was still dripping water because no one knew how to fix the leak, there were still a few spare coven cloaks lying in a pile on the floor, and the fridge still had several post-its about labeling your food properly and not letting it sit in the fridge for months and stink up the room.
The bulletin board, however, had a few changes. The ‘days since Kikimora tried to assassinate someone’ board had been reduced back to zero (last time he saw it it was at 11, which was a new record), and there were several notes stating that due to being understaffed, everyone would be getting extra shifts. Which was weird, because Hunter thought he was in charge of scheduling guard shifts, but he had handed off so many of his duties to Kikimora and random coven captains that he wasn’t sure anymore. Also, why had no one told him they were understaffed?
Someone had also brought in cookies, and there were still a few left. Yay! He grabbed one from the box, biting into it. 
“Want a piece? Its chocolate cricket flavor.” He broke off a small chunk, offering it to the palisman, who began gleefully pecking it. He finished eating the rest of the cookie, wandering over to the sink.
He smacked the faucet, hoping that maybe this time it would stop the leaking, but it did nothing. Like it did every time. He sighed, and turned towards the clawfee machine, turning it on. Next to the sink was a small collection of drying dishes, one of which included a mug that said ‘world’s best nephew’ in hot pink script.
“Hey Flapjack, I found my favorite mug!” He picked it up, thankfully finding it clean. He had been searching for that mug for weeks! Although, it seemed a bit inaccurate, with the whole ‘killed my uncle’ and ‘being a grimwalker of his brother’ thing. Nope, that was a problem for another time.
He shrugged, watching as the clawfee pot came to a boil. Flapjack was hopping around the table, pecking the various crumbs that had been left behind. Hunter should probably be stopping them, but he figured if Flapjack had survived this long with such little self preservation, they would probably be fine.
He poured the clawfee into his mug, and moved to sit down in a chair. The good chair, not the one with the wobbly leg that made you rock back and forth every time you moved the slightest inch. 
He sighed, leaned back in his chair, and stared vacantly at the wall. “So,” he said calmly. “I think there might be a rebellion going on right now.”
Flapjack chirped anxiously. Hunter stared at the bird. “You know, this is why we don’t skip coven head meetings.”
He sipped on his clawfee, savoring the bitter taste. Oh, sweet caffeine, how he missed it. Having energy was fantastic.
“I should probably go out there and deal with that.”
Or don’t! Don’t risk yourself!
“Flapjack, I don’t think that's an option.”
Run away to woods! Can hunt for worms!
“I can’t eat worms! You can hunt all you want, I’ll forage for berries.”
Good plan!
Hunter groaned. “Terrible plan.” It wasn't like he had any ideas. He had been slowly preparing a runaway bag, but he had hoped he would have a few more weeks before he had to use it. This was his punishment for procrastinating. 
He stood up, taking a long swig of the coffee. “Okay, my stuff is in my room. Let’s see if we can try to sneak back there, and if anyone is still alive.” He looked down at himself, grimacing at his lack of armor. He was still in his PJS! 
Hesitantly, he lifted one of the coven scout cloaks from the pile on the floor, checking it over. There didn’t appear to be any visible stains, so he shrugged, putting it on.
Flapjack chirped, and fluttered on top of his head. Hunter sighed, but said nothing, pulling up his hood to cover the bird. He opened the door and hesitantly peeked his head out. There didn’t seem to be anyone, so he stepped out into the hallway, letting the door shut behind him.
Picking a random direction, he began walking, the only sound being his bunny slippers slapping against the tile. He nervously clutched his cloak, suddenly beginning to regret every decision he had ever made that had led him to this situation.
He rounded a corner to see a hallway that looked very much destroyed. A section of the ceiling had collapsed, and plants and abomination goo was everywhere. Several coven scouts were lying unconscious on the floor.
Hunter bit his lip, and with a start realized he was still holding his mug. There was still a little bit of clawfee in it, so he could throw it at someone and run if he needed to. The perfect weapon. What a plan.
He froze at the sound of footsteps, frantically looking for a place to hide. He slid behind a pile of rubble, hoping that he would just be mistaken for an unconscious scout.
The sound of footsteps grew closer, and then stopped. “I could have sworn I heard something over here,” a familiar voice muttered. Oh shit.
Hunter involuntarily flinched, shifting the rubble he was hiding behind with his movement.
“Over there!” Oh, he recognized that voice too, although it was only marginally better than the first one. Maybe if he stayed very very still, they wouldn’t notice him?
He yelped as abomination goo wrapped around his legs, dragging him out into the open and pinning his arms to his side. He scowled at the awkward angle his arm was held at, the clawfee slowly dripping out of his mug and onto the floor.
Darius crossed his arms, lifting an eyebrow at Hunter. “Ah, Little prince. You’re looking… unwell.”
Hunter, very maturely, stuck out his tongue, something that only caused Darius’s scowl to deepen.
Behind Darius, Luz cheerfully waved at him. “Hi Hunter! You kind of caught us at a bad time.” She turned down the hallway, cupping a hand to her mouth. “HEY GUYS, WE FOUND HUNTER! OVER HERE!” 
Darius winced at her yelling, rubbing his ears. Hunter wished he could do the same, because wow Luz could shout loud.
The two of them turned back to face him and he grimaced. “Uh, hi?” He said awkwardly. Maybe they would be nice and just kill him right away. Luz could probably convince them not to hurt Flapjack.
Luz shoved her hands in her pockets, grinning casually. “Hunter, my man! I’ve been looking for you! Sorry about the whole, uh, overthrowing the government thing.”
‘It’s fine,” He said, even though it was very much not fine. “It was already falling apart anyways.”
Darius stepped towards him, frowning. “About that, actually. We have quite a few questions to ask you, Golden Guard.”
Luz’s grin became just a bit more shaky. “Not bad questions! Just, uh, questions. It’ll be great!” She did not sound convinced of her own words. “It’s fine.”
Hunter sighed. He should have just stayed in bed. This was all Flapjack’s fault. He was never trusting that adorable little bird again, no matter how cute they were.
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envieluvvicixe · 2 years
Such a wild thing to me as a person with ADHD is how easily i forget my own limits and cross them again and again untill i physical know i can't keep doing it?
Like if I'm in the fuckjng mood and have so much energy that the only way it can be relieved is through banging a mf six inches of cut pool noodle on a kicking pads (or those sturdy pads that are used in karate, judo etc to practice kicks ) I'll ducking keep doing it without realizing how stimulating that shit is lmao !
You see we were basically having boffer weapon practise in gym class. Y'know those fake swords and weapons + shields that are used in LARPing in general. I went completely ham since I'm pretty aggressive when it comes to the fights(take it with me being 5'1 and a small individual with lots and lots of energy and slight anger problems), got really light headed after a while knew it wasn't about me having to have a drink and knew something was so internally wrong that i had to lay down and have some floor time bc that relieved the shit like a magic on the last break.
Then for the last ten minutes i felt a possible meltdown coming and removed myself from the class to calm down without saying anything. And i ended up staying in the bathroom till the class was over just calming myself down as i cried for being so overstimulated and realising i fucked up this time and didn't even regret it afterwards since i could calm myself down enough to not have a full blown meltdown. The last thing i wanna do is worry my classmates and make myself look really stupid for crying over such a thing.
Same thing last week where i actually ended up having a meltdown due to overstimulation bc we had led-light vests and that shits bright afff and getting overstimulated in a matter of thirty minutes by mere lights flashing around when we run in complete darkness. Also i think my teacher does not in fact know what overstimulation means and just thought I was being ass about the lights. Like kinda, but even if I'm photophobic by eyes i can actually be there and play bc i don't mind having a migraine as much as the fucking headaches that comes with me crying excessively or/and being mad bc now I'm overstimulated and really really confused for the bursts of anger i have been having due to having a meltdown.
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freezi-drink · 9 months
Rant about medical issues under the cut (it's honestly tmi, and a very long post, feel free to scroll)
A couple Fridays ago (the 8th?) I went to the ER at like 7 in the morning for lower abdominal pain that I just assumed was from PCOS but it was bad enough to need ER grade painkillers, so I went and they gave me painkillers (which didn't do jack shit), and gave me an IV*, and did a blood test and a vaginal ultrasound, and they wanted to do a urine test too but with tummy pain obvs my first thought is to go to the bathroom just to rule things out so I couldn't give a sample when I was there and they Wouldn't Let Me Drink Water (ik this is probs what they Have To Do, but still annoying), so the Dr ended up canceling it and saying it was probs just the PCOS anyway. So he sends me home with a couple prescriptions and I'm like yeah ok whatever. I get home, the hospital calls, said I left my favorite flannel, my dad and I head out to get that, grab my prescriptions, and a smoothie to hopefully get some calories in me. Before he could even leave the smoothie king I made him pull over so I could throw up. Well I'm still laying on the bedroom floor in pain for several hours, even with my dad giving me the prescription painkillers as often as the pharmacist said he could, but I vomit from pain Twice (the first time losing my smoothie so I have No food in me)(also, the best way i found to sit to minimize pain was on my knees with my forehead on the floor, which was NOT helping the nausea lmao) and when I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom bc I was nauseous a fourth time and didn't really feel like throwing up on the bedroom floor, we decided to just cave and go back to the ER. So we go, it's super busy so I sit in the waiting room for probably 20 minutes, they put me in a hallway with reclining chairs and curtains (they had enough space to give me a room that morning) and by this point I am loudly sobbing in pain. I will myself into sitting still so the nice nurse man can give me a new IV in the other arm**, and they order me a urine sample and a CT scan with contrast. Luckily, though, the nurse I got was a saint and made sure I got my morphine shot before they took me for the CT. Anyway, I'm waiting, the morphine isn't working great, but it's there, but then, out of nowhere, the morphine STOOS WORKING so im back to Very Loud Sobbing, and this nurse, wonderful man he is, comes over and says "so I put your pain at a ten, cool?" And it's funny but I'm still dying so they give me toroidal (which helped A LOT btw, i was sleepy and giggling for a While) and once it had kicked in he wheeled me over to the restroom for the urine sample, which was all fine and good, we passed a girl in the hall that I went to highschool with, he even paused the wheelchair so I could say hi, and when they eventually finished their testing, they essentially said "our bad man, 👎it's actually kidney stones :/" and told me that I had already passed some, but that there were some still there that could pass anytime between that night and a year from now. So they give me a whole slew of drugs - antibiotics, prostate relaxer (for the bladder? idk), nausea pills, two different pain meds (one lighter, one heavier) and sent me home. Cut to now, it appears that the time has come for at least one to pass, and it FUCKING HURTS and i'm ON MY PERIOD***, screaming swears into the ceiling, and generally having a bad time, so basically my life sucks lmao
*I have been to the ER many, many times, and had many, many IVs before, but Not Once has it ever hurt, and this shit HURT. As soon as I took off the bandage, there was a massive bruise that has lasted over a week. :|
**this IV was wonderful, and didn't even leave a little baby bruise, barely even a mark, ily nurse that was assigned to me mwah
***also its not just period pain, I do in fact know the difference now :|
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querxes · 4 years
I really need to stop waiting until I’m dizzy to take my iron supplements
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gingerlee-holds · 1 month
okay so uhm- i know nobody was really asking for this heh- but idk i hate feeling like this story is unfinished so- remember the Fernsby Journals? ,,,yeah so i wrote the final piece to that lmao- im sorry gang this is purely for my enjoyment alone and i just wanted to get this silly story finished lmao so here enjoy xD
to those unfamiliar, The Fernsby Journals is a world of my own creation, it was made as an afterthought a year ago but it turned into a story and idk heres the ending lol
March 23rd, 1745.
Read the first one here! Read the previous one here!
Words: 1766 Pairing: Ler!Clara, Lee!Eren Warnings: None! Lots of fluff though (literally hahahahahahaha-)
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"Are... are you sure this is the way?" I asked over my shoulder.
"Absolutely, Eren!" She poked the middle of my spine, making me jump. For the past ten days, it seemed she couldn't get enough of my pathetic reactions to her poking and squeezing, and I had had just about enough of her... unprofessional behavior!
"Mr. Fernsby! Please, Clara, I have a degree." I rubbed my back, glaring over my shoulder the best I could.
"This is a fact of which I'm well aware, Eren! If you'll remember, I was with you as well! I have the same degree you do." Clara hummed a tune she heard a week prior. 
We had been walking for perhaps a quarter-hour by this point, and needless to say, I was a tad winded. We approached the base of a large hill covered in bright green grass, and I sat on the gentle slope to regain my breath. Clara opted to continue walking for a bit, just to peer over the crest, and then she came back down to sit by my side.
I sighed and got back on the subject. "Now, if you knew where the featherflakes were, why did it take you so thunderingly long to take me here? It's not like we spent the time productively!" 
"Ah! But don't you remember, we had that study session, Eren!" Clara wiggled a finger in my ear, causing me to jump up with a squeak. I straightened my coat and huffed.
"When we were supposed to be looking for historical sources, I seem to recall you first eating all the biscuits I had prepared for us and then spending the rest of the hour tick- ahem... distracting me from the task at hand!" I turned to walk up the hill, wanting nothing more than to be finished with this nonsense.
"It was tickly tea time! I told you!" She sent another poke to my back, and I jumped again.
I whirled around and jabbed an accosting finger into her breastbone. "Listen here, you-!" However, I could not finish my statement as Clara took me by both shoulders with an affectionate smirk and gave me a gentle push. With a yelp, I began tumbling down the other side of the hill, yelling expletives the entire descent. 
When I finally rolled to a stop, I lay on the floor of the valley for a minute, groaning as the dizzy feeling wore away. "Are you alright, Eren?" I heard Clara call down from the hill.
I extended a shaky hand to begin pushing myself up. "Yes, I'm- f-fihihihine-!" I gasped with shock as I felt a tingling feeling in my palm. My head shot up to look around me, and I beheld a vast white plain extending for kilometers out of sight. I slowly reached my knees to gaze over this veritable sea of featherflakes.
"Welcome," Clara called from behind me, "to the Field of Feathers!" She laughed at my face when I turned to her, seeing her slowly walk down the hill toward me. "First recorded in 486 when the Romans occupied this part of Britain, the native tribes used this to their great advantage, turning out an entire legion of soldiers into squealing schoolchildren!" 
"How did-?" I started to ask, but she paid me no mind as she continued teaching me about this place. 
"Then, of course, when the Normans invaded in 1066, this field was the site of what was to be the greatest battle these isles had seen until then. Neither side knew this place existed, so both armies had to call a hasty - and giggly - retreat!"
I rubbed my head, stunned. How had all of this information eluded me? "I don't-"
"You certainly must know of the War of the Roses, Eren! Studied your history at university, I know. It was here, at the Field of Feathers, where the Lancasters forced a surrender from the House of York by so shrewdly pushing their enemy back into this field, where they were quickly tickle-tickle-tickled into submission!" Clara sat on the slope in front of me, smiling at me all the while. A blush darkened my face, and I looked down to avoid her gaze. "Then, a few centuries later, an adorable little scholar named Eren Fernsby became so enraptured by the idea of being tickled by the Field of Feathers that he somehow avoided all history of them in his textbooks. His library was filled with historical mentions of this place, but it seemed like he pretended not to see all these, to give him an excuse to visit the field for himself."
My head shot up, pale as a sheet. "I- You-"
She extended her hand, keeping her pointer finger out to keep my chin up toward her. "Many things you are, Eren. A scholar, a pedant, a stubborn little boy. Regardless, you have never been an actor."
I could feel my face heat up, red like a Lancaster rose. Whining softly, I felt my body relax into the grass beneath me. She had me all figured out.
"Now, Eren, if you please," she chuckled, reaching up to grip the back of my collar and turning me around to face the Field of Feathers. I felt my coat loosen as she undid my buttons, leaving me only my undershirt to defend myself with.
"Wait, wait, Clara, hold on," I pleaded, wriggling in her grasp a bit. 
Clara leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Study to your heart's content, little scholar~!" With that, I was unceremoniously heaved forward into the field, my disturbance causing the field to erupt in featherflakes. I didn't even get the chance to gain my composure before it was swiftly broken again, as I felt swarms of featherflakes rushing into my clothing. 
"N-NohoHoHOHOHO! CLAHAHAHARAAHAHA!!" I laughed, rolling around to stop the invading fiends, only succeeding in disrupting more featherflakes to join their companions. "MEHEHEHERCYHYHYHY!"
"Mercy?" Clara rested her chin on her palm as she watched me writhe on the grass before her. "Why are you asking me for mercy, you silly boy? I'm not doing anything to you~! You should be begging those featherflakes for mercy, and you will have to beg because you've so inconsiderately disturbed their peaceful spring day~!"
"DAHAHAHAHAHAMN YOUHUHUHUHU!" I squealed, unable to bring myself to my feet. The more I thrashed about, the more flakes I turned into the air, which only made me thrash harder! Somehow, I hadn't felt my shoes being tugged off my feet, and when I felt a few flakes finding their way into my socks, I well and truly shrieked to the heavens above. 
"Sohoho dramatic~!" Clara giggled, standing up. She cautiously approached the edge of the field, reaching her hand out for me to grab. "C'mere, cutie."
I rolled onto my stomach and began to crawl towards her, trying with every fiber of my being to ignore the hundreds of flakes filling the inside of my shirt. "IHIHI- IHIHI CAHAHAN'T REHEHEHEACH!! IT'S TOOHOOHOO MUHUHUHUHUCH!!" I cackled.
Clara rolled her eyes affectionately. "My goodness, you're ticklish. Whatever would have become of you if I weren't here to save you? Laughed yourself to death, I reckon." She reached out further. "C'mon, I'm right here. Take my hand."
I raised my hand to take hers before squealing in surprise at the feeling of featherflakes flying down my sleeve into my underarm. I shrieked and curled in on myself. "THIHIHIHIS-! IHIHIS HEHEHELLISH!" 
"Hm, then why are you enjoying yourself so much? Nobody can have a bad time when they have a big adorable smile plastered over their face~!" 
Looking up, I saw her hand, closer, within reach. I reached up to take it with a monumental effort, yet I missed it. Through my mirthful tears, I couldn't see her smile or that she had moved her hand back at the last second. "CLOHOHOHOHOSHEHEHEHERRR!!!!" I squealed.
"I'm as close as I can get, Eren! Come on, you can grab, lovebug~!" She called to me, and I tried grabbing her hand again, only to miss and end up with more flakes in my sleeve. I collapsed onto the grass and rolled onto my back, holding myself around my stomach.
"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHEEEE!!!" I cackled at the clouds above.
I heard a fond sigh. "You really are helpless when you're being tickled. Guess I gotta do everything around here~," Clara purred. Suddenly, I felt her hand grabbing the back of my collar again, and with a single tug, I was safely back on the slope. "There, you baby, you're safe."
"BuHuhuhUhuut-!!" The feeling of the flakes hadn't gone away. The villains were still trapped in my clothing! 
"Ah, I see the problem. Here, let me help you out there~!" With that, I felt her hands diving into my shirt, picking around for flakes... and scribbling!
"NOHOHO!! CLAHAHARAAHAHAA!!!" I threw my head back onto the grass, kicking my legs as her strong arms worked around in my shirt. 
"What~? I'm helping you, Eren! Stay still. You're only going to make the tickly-tickly-tickles worse for you~!" She giggled beside me, throwing away all pretense of helpfulness as she scribbled over my belly button.
My eyes bulged out of my face, and I lunged upward. "NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! PLEHEHEHEHEASEE, CLAHAHAHHAARAHAHA!!!" 
"Oh, good heavens, you're a mess!" Clara tittered. Her scribbling slowed to gently rubbing with one hand, using her other to pick around to get the flakes out. "Just a bit of tickling, and you're absolutely helpless. Tsk, tsk..." 
I whined as she gently took all the flakes out, continuing to rub my stomach. My laughter slowly wound down to giggling and then to a ragged breathing. I was sprawled out on the slope of the hill, and Clara beside me lay down, not stopping her belly rubs. Before us, the flakes settled back down to the valley floor, and the sunset in the distance painted the Field of Feathers in a cheery, dare I say, tickle-me-pink. The warmth was getting to me.
"You look tired, dear~," she whispered. I didn't have the energy to reply as my eyelids drooped. "I suppose I'll have to carry you back home after this..." 
She said something else, but I didn't get a chance to hear it. For the life of me, I swear it sounded something like 'I love you,' but perhaps it was simply my weary delusions. I awoke the following day in bed, spooned by my sweet Clara. I didn't mind it as much. Writing down my observations could wait. I went back to sleep, a little closer to her this time. 
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vneuns · 3 years
▸period comfort | feral boys + wilbur ֙⋆ ་ .ᐟ
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#ʚĭɞ warnings this is cc! x afab!reader ( female born at birth ), not too much tbh enjoy <3
ʚĭɞ# author's note(s) quakckity lore stream has me in tears rn. shoutout to @echoteaa for editing <3
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dream would probably have a breakdown the first time you have your period while your dating
you’re just laying down clutching your stomach and he’s running around like a chicken that just lost its head
it takes a while to get him to calm down but when he finally does you instruct him what to do
telling him to go to cvs and pick up some pads, a heating pad, dark chocolate and gatorade
it only takes him ten minutes even though the store is fifteen away before he’s back making sure you’re okay (you don’t ask)
he gives you one of his large hoodies and makes you some warm soup before putting on your favorite movie
lots and lots of cuddles
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he’s been preparing for this
the second you tell him you’re having cramps he’s giving you a nice heating pad and running to the kitchen to make you some peppermint tea
when he comes back you’ve left your clothes and now are wearing one of his grey sweatpants and hoodie with the hood up
he smiles at you pressing a kiss to your nose before laying behind you and allowing you to choose the movie you’d like
during the movie his hands are kneading your stomach carefully making you feel more relaxed as you fall asleep before the movie ends
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can we all agree he’d call you from the store asking you what size you are? like 😭
he’s standing in front of the multiple brands of pads looking at them like a deer in headlights before he decides to calls
“babe this is impossible.”
“no it’s not pick one and get your ass home,”
“I don’t want to get the wrong one though.” he’d whine looking at all the different colors and packages
huffing you get up out of your comfortable, shared bed sending him a picture of the empty bag your last pack of pads came in
“what are tampons?”
and with that you hung up going to cuddle your body pillow
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all jokes aside he becomes serious as he helps you through this very tough time (i’m so dramatic lmao)
he runs you a bath a little after your mid afternoon nap
and lights candles as well as puts some epsom salt in there as well
your eyes water at the emotional sentiment
quickly alex is washing you up and wiping your tears as he helps you get in the bath
once your comfortable he sits on the toilet seat scrolling through restaurants on door dash
after a bit of talk he orders from your favorite seafood place before moving to the floor and resting his head on the edge of the tub looking at your relaxed figure
“When I get my period I expect you to do the same,” he jokes causing you to flip him off
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he’s running around making sure you don’t have to move a muscle
not even to turn on the tv.
and the stubborness in you isn’t having it
when he tries to predict what you’re about to do as you get out of the bed he’s immediately up
you glare at him heading towards the bathroom
“Karl Jacobs calm down, i’m not dying.”
you hear him huff before he plops on your bed and groans into the comforter
“you know I hate it when you’re uncomfortable.”
after washing your hands you come out and go to sit next to him scratching the back of his head as one of his eyes peaks out to look at you
“that’s why I love you so much.”
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you were expecting your boyfriend to be disgusted like your past ones had when you told him you were on your period
but he was anything but
he just pressed a kiss to your lips and messaged your stomach with his thumbs on either sides
“you’re not gonna runway like I have cooties or something?” you asked your face pushed into his shirt loving how much relief he was giving you
“it’s normal, why would i run away?” he chuckled into your hair rocking the two of you back and forth
you smiled into his shirt allowing him to put the hoodie he was wearing onto you before helping you lay down
“want a heating pad?”
you shook your head no and felt butterflies and he spooned you his hands going back to their previous position
“would you like chocolate?”
no longer adding anyone to taglist ( follow @honeynutcherios and turn on notis )
@inniterhq @basilly @yamturds @dysfunctionalcrab @tinyegg@ttakinou @charnease @i-mmunity @b3l0v3ds @alice-blue-skies @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @mitzimania @joyfullymulti @dreamzluvrr @multifandomgirl-us @sufloerfs @sunniewrites @gray-moon2 @victory-is-here @nightmarefox15 @ninkieminjaj @trashland-llamas @echoteaa
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
Hoody Trouble
i literally started writing this two months ago so excuse the xmas talk lmao
Summary: Dream tries to put on a hoody and fails. George tickles him while he’s wrapped up in the evil evil fabric. MASSIVELY PLATONIC
Warnings: tickling
Word Count: 1850
Hope you enjoy 😄
George had stumbled out into an unusually hyper atmosphere that morning, his eyes still stinging with sleep as he attempted to comprehend Dream’s excited babbling. The blonde had practically cornered him in the kitchen, rambling on about some delivery that had arrived only an hour prior, as George groggily poured out his cereal. He had only given a strict ten minutes to consume the entire bowl however, before Dream’s patience had run thin and George was basically herded into the living room, being met by a large brown box that lay awaiting on the living room sofa.
Dream Team Christmas Merch.
It had been so long awaited that George had failed to guess the contents of the large mysterious box three times. However once Dream finally opened it up, and the first glimpse of Christmas themed Dream packaging met George’s eyes, he couldn’t help but join his friend in his excitement.
“Wait! Oh my god I’m going to be the first to try them on!” He exclaimed, the novelty of being in the same country as the merch prototypes urging him to tear through the first layer of packaging. Dream laughed at his eagerness.
“No we have to do it together! We have to do it together.” He urged. Though his request went unnoticed as George began digging through the Christmas themed hoodies.
“Where’s a large!! Come on there’s so many mediums!!” He complained, tossing aside any sizes that weren’t his own. He giggled when Dream began digging through too, both boys feeding off one another’s competitiveness as they raced to be the first one to try on the limited addition merch.
“YES!!” Dream finally yelled, yanking out a hoody and quickly ripping off the one he was already wearing. George let out a screech in dismay, desperately flicking through Dream’s side of the box in hopes of at least beating the blonde in getting the hoody fully on. However as he searched through, he only managed to find small sizes. A pouty frown formed on his brow, though a muffled grunt from Dream was quick to clear up his confusion.
One look over to the blonde and George was immediately thrown into explosive cackles, collapsing to the floor as he watched Dream stumble around, arms stuck in the air, trapped in a hoody that was quite clearly several sizes too small.
“Geohohorge help mehe!!” Dream laughed, attempting to reach for the hood of his fabric bounds. George only laughed harder.
“Dihihihid yohuhu- dihid you gehet a small??” He asked, propping himself on the edge of the couch as giggles still tumbled from his mouth. He watched as Dream hopelessly clawed for his hood, before being sent into another wave of cackles as he realised that the hoody was not only far too small, but it was also on back to front. “OHOH MIHIHY GOHOD!! Dreheheam!!”
“GeORGE!! Hehelp me!!”
“Ihihit’s on backwards!!” George cackled, clinging onto the couch cushions to prevent himself from collapsing into the floor again. Dream’s muffled giggles could be heard from inside his hoody, him shaking around like an inflatable tube man as he tried to free himself.
“Ihihi’m stuhuhuck!!” He giggled, falling back into the couch as his heel clipped the side of it. “Geohohorge hEHeLp mehe!!”
The ravenette’s cackles only continued, him sucking in deep breathes of air in attempt to compose himself, before chancing a look over to his friend’s situation.
Dream was flopped on the couch, legs draping out across the carpeted floor, and arms stuck well and truly above his head, resting over the back of the couch. George had to look away again as another wave of cackles threatened him, but a mischievous idea provided him with the strength to join his friend on the couch, pushing aside the new merch to allow space for himself.
“Dreeeeaamm~” George’s teasy voice coaxed more giddy giggles out of the blonde. He instinctively backed himself into the corner of the couch cushions.
“Geohohorge plehease I neheed hehehelp!!”
“‘Naww did you get yourself a bit stuck?” George teased, voice high pitched and croon-like. He gave a few pokes to Dream’s torso, giggling to himself at the strangled yelps it produced.
“Nohoho DOHn’t!! HEhehelp mE!!” Dream pleaded, twisting away from the ravenette’s fingers, only with the hood covering his face, ‘away’ was rather difficult to find, and George easily followed.
“Don’t help you??”
“You told me not to help you??”
“Nohoho Ihihi dIHiHidn’t!!” The blonde giggled, shaking his head and tugging at his hoody-bound arms. He shrieked when George’s pokes settled over his ribcage, sliding down the couch cushions in attempt to escape the onslaught.
“What’s going on in there Dream? Is it a bit tickly?” George asked, more giggles escaping him as the younger’s laughter began to pepper with squeaks.
“Have you got a little tickle monster in there with you??”
“nOhOHoHo!! Georhorge!!”
“Silly little Dreamie, he stole a hoody from George only to find that it has a tickle monster inside it!!” Dream shook his head, his cheeks warming beneath his hood at his friend’s eloquent tone.
“StaHAhAP youhuhu idihihiot ihit dohohoesn’t!!” He cackled, fists clenching from far above his head. He let out a wheeze when George zeroed in on two of his ribs, attempting to twist himself further into the couch cushions, but kicking out his legs when the ravenette’s attack refused to falter.
“GEOHOHORGE GEHEt mEheHe oUhuhut!!”
“Ohh, so you want my help now?”
Dream whined, shaking his head again and stamping his feet into the carpet. “yEheHESs!!”
“Dream needs George’s help??”
“Fine! Fine. I’ll get you out.” George sighed, lifting his hands up from his friend’s ribs, allowing him to gasp in a few grateful breaths.
Dream sighed, gratefully sinking back into the couch. However his moment of grace only last for a few short moments before George’s fingers returned, only this time to his armpits. A surprised shriek tore through his throat, his body sliding further down the back of the couch, and his stamping feet upping their pace.
“GEOHOHOHORGE!!! NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!!!” Dream screamed, curling up as much as his hoody would allow, though even then his armpits remained unprotected. George let out a playful giggle, but quickly dove into a facade of innocence, kneading circles into Dream’s exposed hollows.
“I’m helping!! What do you mean?!” He defended, a mock-tone of alarm assisting his act.
“NoHOho youHuHu’Re NoHoT youhu’re TIHiHihiHickling mEHeHe!!!” Dream whined, his accusation only just coherent through his cackles.
“Tickling you?!!?” George gasped, holding back his giggles as bubbly laughter spluttered out of his friend. “Oh my god you do have a tickle monster in there!! We need to get you out!!” He announced, pinching his fingers down Dream’s upper ribs and sides. “Dream where are you? How do I get in!?!?”
“GEOHORGE StAhaHap!!!!”
“It’s like an entire ocean worth of hoody how I supposed to find you all wrapped up in there!! Maybe I can get in through your armpits!” Dream’s eyes widened, a panicked gasp leaping from his throat as he attempted to twist away again.
“NAHAH GEHorge dOHOhon’T!!” He pleaded. He squeaked when a the older suddenly gasped from above.
“Oh! Oh would you you look at that!!” George’s voice was full of mischief. Dream found himself only being able to giggle in anticipation, unable to determine what had grasped his interest. Until of course he felt a few fingers scratch over his stomach.
“Ohoh NOHO WAHihiht GEOhOHoRge!!” Dream cried, suddenly realising the fate that he had sealed for himself.
“Oohh yes Dream~ I’ve found an opening~ And look! Someone’s left their belly here?! I wonder who it belongs to~?” George sang, spidering across the exposed skin that had been revealed in Dream’s struggling, his hoody having ridden up to just below his ribs.
“sTAHahAhp!! GeoHoHorGE nOhOht thihihihis!!” Dream whined, his face warming behind his hood as George’s nails grazed delicately over his bare belly. He attempted to curl his legs up to his chest, but the defence was easily batted away.
“Oh wait? Was that a Dream giggle??”George teased, laughing as his question only evoked more bubbly giggles to tumble out of his friend, followed by another flustered whine. “Oh my god it was!! Oh my god this belly must belong to Dream!”
“Geohohorge youhuhu ihidiot STAHAP!!”
“Wait hang on, what was that Mr Belly??” A startled squeal erupted around the living room as George leant down to pretend to listen to Dream’s tummy. “Ohh… You’re saying that Dream’s stuck behind his hood, because he’s an idiot and can’t put on a hoody properly?”
Dream’s laugh raised in pitch, his legs kicking out wildly and head shaking rapidly. George couldn’t help but get lost in his own giggles for a moment as his head was bounced along with the laughter, the blonde’s stomach muscles tensing fruitlessly as he attempted to sit up.
“G-geohorge plehehease Ihihihi cahahan’t!!” Dream cackled, writhing back into the sofa in defeat. George only giggled more, though he managed to pull himself together enough to lift himself from Dream’s belly, and yank down the pesky hood over his friend’s face.
“Dreamie?!?!?” He yelled playfully, cackling at the sight of Dream’s teary-eyes and surprised, blushing face beneath, his hair standing up in all directions possible. “Dreamie what happened to you in the hoody?? You’re all embarrassed!!” George jested, poking at the brilliant red over the blonde’s cheeks.
“stAHhAHP!!” Dream whined, squirming and twisting away as he attempted to bury his ever warming cheeks beneath his arms. He couldn’t help but smile along with George’s playful giggles however.
“Wahahit ok ok, just wait here I just need to thank Mr Belly.” George announced through his giggles. Dream barely had time to comprehend the statement, before he felt George’s hands over his sides again, keeping him steady as he blew a massive raspberry into the centre of his stomach.
“NAHAHAHAHA GEOHOHORGE STAHAHAHAP!!!” Dream cried, thrashing his body to the best of his ability in attempt to throw the older off. However his efforts were ultimately lost to a wave of uncontrollable, wheezing cackles, as George blew several smaller raspberries into his lower belly, each one leaving behind a fizzling shock for his nervous system.
George giggled cheekily, planting a few more tiny raspberries up Dream’s side, but then pulling away once his friend’s laughter disappeared into a wheeze entirely. He rubbed a hand over Dream’s stomach, soothing away the residual tingles, and admiring the glowing blush over his cheeks.
“I hahahate youhuhuhu…” Dream huffed out eventually, his body heaving as it collected up its much needed air, and a loopy smile still taking up residence over the bottom half of his face.
“I’m sure.” George scoffed, a stubborn smile still remaining over his lips as well, as he helped his friend out of his Christmas merchandise bounds.
Though once the hoody was finally pulled over Dream’s head, George was met with not the teary, giddy eyes that were there before, but green eyes filled to the brim with the challenge of revenge.
If George had had any ideas about escaping without facing the consequence of his behaviour, then he would have been gravely mistaken.
i have so many drafts omg. i literally tried writing 4 other fics before this one and i am so happy that this one worked out omg
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runin-reads · 4 years
Sashisu hcs (Gojo, Geto, Shoko)
* Satosugu LOVE the height difference between them and Shoko. Gojo rests his chin on her head and Geto secretly enjoys towering over her
“You’re tiny, Shoko,” Gojo says, laying his chin on her head. “I could fit you in my pocket.”
“We’re just tall, Satoru.” Geto places a hand on Gojo’s shoulder. He too wears a small smile as he looks down at her.
Shoko slams her heel into Gojo’s shin and yanks Geto’s collar. Now both of them were at her height level.
“Now we’re even,” She says.
* They like laying their heads on her lap and stomach because it’s soft comfy. (The boys are too bony/muscly lol)
* Gojo acts like a massive cat that constantly needs attention. He knocks things over to distract them 
* Gojo is ticklish / has very sensitive skin. Shoko and Geto use this to their advantage by tickling him or tracing his skin to shut Gojo up
* If a guy tries flirting with Shoko and she gets uncomfortable, Satosugu will glare and throw an arm around her shoulder. they’ll walk away with her in the middle
* Gojo uses Shoko as a shield when Geto is annoyed at him
* They use cigarettes to bribe Shoko to join their shenanigans and help them hide from Yaga
* The trio lit Yaga’s car on fire for “a laugh”
“Hey,” Shoko says. “Wanna help me test these chemicals I put together in the infirmary?”
Ten minutes later, a huge bonfire, envelops the car park with an orange-red glow.
Yaga nearly pops a vein at the sight. “BOYS! What’s the meaning of this?!”
* They make fun of Gojo for having a low alcohol tolerance
* They definitely have a protocol for when Gojo’s has low sugar levels. Geto gives him candy from his pocket and Shoko pokes his head to keep him awake
* Satosugu call Utahime “Shoko’s 3rd favourite”
* Gojo braids their hair when he’s bored. He probably sketches portraits of them during class (mostly Geto)
* Geto and Shoko definitely blame Gojo for all their problems, even if it’s not his fault
Yaga: okay, who painted the windows with black nail polish?
* They do a lot of “childish” activities together. Gojo insists on colouring pictures together, watching cartoons (sailor moon, pokemon etc), and making blanket & pillow forts
* Gojo stayed up ALL NIGHT on their first sleepover as a trio. Sugar and excitement kept him awake. He never had sleepovers as a kid
* Geto is the best cook and Shoko is good at baking
* Shoko’s legs get cold in the winter because of her skirt so Geto puts his jacket on her lap
* satosugu saw Shoko’s skills with a scalpel and throwing knives, and they vowed not to piss her off too much
* Gojo didn’t know about periods until Shoko told him
* they’ve tried many times to fit into One Bed but it always ends up with someone on the floor
* they had to rescue a child from a cursed spirit and Geto was the only one that could talk to them without making them cry. Shoko’s too apathetic and Gojo’s just Weird.
* Gojo has definitely stolen her dresses and heels. He bangs his head against the door way and he never wears heels again
* Satosugu to Shoko: dress slutty. We can fight
* Gojo and Geto don’t care if girls flirt with them but if it happens with Shoko they become overprotective
* girls have definitely mistaken Shoko as their girlfriend with annoys her so much lmao. She will do anything to prove that she hates those losers (her losers)
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wasabito · 4 years
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➽ corruption collab masterlist — hosted by @ultimate-astridwriting and @bummie ♥️
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➽ note: definitely gonna come back and edit this a bit more because threesomes are hard as fuck, no pun intended lmao happy v-day everyone!
➽ word count: 3.2k
➽ cw/tags: polyamory + body worship + threesome + praise kink + public sex + choking + handjobs/fingering + vaginal sex + squirting + established relationship
➽ pairing: akaashi x fem!reader x bokuto
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💿 1. nasty — ariana grande || 2. come on — jhene aiko
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With Valentine's Day fast approaching, it becomes rather apparent that love and romance are in the air. Storefronts are decorated in bubblegum pinks and reds. Flower shops promote their special bouquet arrangements at discounted prices. Even your favorite hole in the wall coffee shop has fallen prey to the spirit of cupid as they announce their new strawberry shortcake dessert and heart-shaped scones.
In lieu of staying home for the third night this week, your boyfriends escort you to dinner at an upscale restaurant in the city. They treat you to a five-course meal and a bottle of wine even pricier than the dinner itself. One would think, after three years of dating, you would no longer be caught unawares by their spontaneity. And yet, here they are, once again pulling the rug from underneath your four-inch heels.
Your gaze flickers from Akaashi's tranquil smile to Bokuto's wide grin.
Adjusting the napkin in your lap, you open your mouth to speak, then pause as the right words fail it come. Brain short-circuiting instead, you let out a confused, "Huh?!"
"We're taking you to Italy!" Bokuto repeats, about ready to hop out of his seat with excitement. He looks to Akaashi, "Three nights in Venice, right 'Kaashi?"
"Yes, we decided on Venice after you told us you'd always wanted to visit. Remember Koutarou's birthday last year?"
"But that was like months ago! Did you two honestly hold onto that drunk little confession this entire time?"
"Of course."
It's in moments like these when you are reminded of their history together, first as teammates playing volleyball, and eventually close friends. Not much longer after that, you'd met and fallen for Akaashi, then Bokuto, and thus began the relationship of today. While you find it a little ridiculous, it seems neither of them has any qualms about this trip.
After all, you are their lovely girlfriend. Why wouldn't they want to make your wishes come true?
Bokuto claps his hands, eyes sparkling. "Everything's already planned out, babe, so don't worry your pretty little head, okay?"
You can't argue with that. Reaching over, you take Bokuto's hand in your right and Akaashi's in your left. "Alright, since you two went to all this trouble for me, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy it."
Venice is just as beautiful as you imagined.
It looks as if it's floating upon blue-green waters with lots of sunshine, beautiful architecture, and a vibrancy that makes it feel like the city has a life of its own. You are grateful you didn't come by yourself. There is no way you would've enjoyed it without Akaashi and Bokuto at your side.
"We're about a ten-minute walk from Piazza San Marco," Akaashi says as he taps his glasses. His sharp gaze is locked on the map in his hands, likely committing most landmarks and details to memory. "Would you like to check it out?"
"Yeah! Let's do it."
"Off we go, go, go!"
Thus, a majority of your first day in Venice is spent sightseeing.
The three of you take a gondola ride through Canale Grande, then have a peek into the Gallerie Dell'Accademia at Akaashi's insistence, though naturally, you wouldn't have come all the way to Italy and not visited at least one art museum. Afterward, the three of you go to the Le Mercerie shopping district and buy gifts for your friends before finally taking a pit stop for the most delicious gelato in the city.
The sunsets sooner than expected, casting the entire block in deep red hues. Bokuto's mood is greatly influenced by it, and the jetlag certainly doesn't help. He props himself against you, nuzzling you in a way that says he's itching for a kiss.
"Tired, Kou?"
Bokuto hums. "A little... More hungry than anything."
He leans in and pecks your lips with a sated smile. "Maybe I should eat you. I mean, how is it my girl's so damn cute? Not fair, I can't resist."
You snort at Bo's silliness but can't help shivering a little at the tiny implication of his words. He always did like to lay his head on your thighs, leaving a trail of kisses and love bites where he could.
So, the thought of him eating you out made you squeeze your thighs together.
Akaashi approaches with your frozen treats held between his long fingers; having overheard Bokuto earlier, he tucks his wallet back into his pocket.
"We'll get some dinner after we drop off these shopping bags. How does that sound?"
You eagerly take your gelato from him with a smile.
"Sounds like a plan."
Akaashi nods, standing at your other side, close enough to brush elbows though not as close as Bokuto, who was nearly hovering.
The three of you are in one of the narrow, maze-like streetways, basking in the warm, early evening glow. The sweet taste of fruit and cream on your tongue fills you with so much contentment, especially while being with your favorite people. You aren't sure if anything could top the way you currently felt, and the trip has just barely started.
Upon arriving at your temporary place of residence, a quaint little villa on the waterfront just along the shore of Punta Sabbioni Beach, Bokuto immediately kicks off his sandals, dumps the bags, and promptly falls asleep on the couch.
"It's so weird seeing Kou like this." You remark. "On any normal day, he's brimming with almost too much energy, but now he's all tired."
"Well, he did stay up an entire twelve hours on the plane. It was only a matter of time before fatigue caught up to him." Akaashi picks up Bokuto's shoes with practiced ease and places them by the others.
There is a fond smile running along the edges of his mouth as he tucks a throw around the man's larger frame. You help him adjust a spare pillow under Bo's head and then set off to explore the rest of the area.
It seemed like everything about Venice was taken straight out of a romance film, with its cobblestone paths, gothic cathedral architecture, crisp ocean waters, and authentic Italian cuisine. It is no wonder the city's known to draw hapless souls together in romance. Even you fell subject to it, and by each passing moment, you crave to be with your boyfriends.
You are standing at the balcony overlooking the beach, satisfied with your inspection of the villa when Akaashi comes to stand behind you. He holds onto the railings, caging you in his arms, and rests his chin on your shoulder.
"He was right, you know." He murmurs. "You do look good enough to eat."
Blunt as ever. Apparently, something's never change.
Though one might say that Akaashi is as he's always been after high school and college, there is no denying his boost in confidence. After all, he had landed not one but two rather attractive partners.
He kisses your cheek, then your jaw, before latching onto your neck.
The sun's scenic view on the horizon, reflecting upon the beach sands of gold and shimmering orange waves, makes for an excellent backdrop.
You turn to face Akaashi and pull him into a heated kiss. His lips convey a sense of devotion to you, and with each press of them against yours, you can feel just how bad he's yearning for more.
"Kei," you whisper. "Let's go inside."
In a moment, Akaashi whisks you off your feet quite similar to how Bokuto would, though you both don't even make it to the bedroom.
Your other partner had sat up on the sofa, hair flat on one side, scrubbing his eyelids.
"Guys, I'm freaking starving!" Bokuto groans. "Let's get some food or something."
He doesn't even notice how you and Akaashi are breathing heavy or how your clothes are sporting wrinkles that were not previously there. Regardless, Akaashi has food delivered while you went ahead to shower the day's journey away. There are still two days left. You'd get your chance with them at some point.
Sadly, the entirety of day two is spent indoors. Heavy sheets of rain continue to fall, muddying the shoreline. The three of you huddle on the sofa wrapped in blankets with subtitled movies playing in the background.
Even though you would've much rather been out exploring in the city, just sharing in your boyfriend's warmth would suffice for now. Akaashi hands you a steaming cup of something rich in both color and smell.
"What's this?"
"Just espresso." He takes the empty seat beside you.
You savor the taste while leaning against his shoulder. "Mm, nice."
Bokuto keeps his head on your lap, loving how you thread your fingers into his hair.
It is a tranquil kind of peace that soon lulls you to sleep.
Later, when you finally wake up, it's dark, and you're alone. A blanket had been tucked around your shoulders to shield you from the sudden chill. At some point, the television had been shut off along with every light in the room. You might've been a little scared if not for the voices coming from the second floor. Slowly, you creep up the winding staircase, dragging along the blanket around your shoulders.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto chuckles. "You're finally up!"
His hair is down, wet from his shower, and he holds a thin towel together around his waist. In his hand is a cellphone, and he doesn't hesitate to shove the screen into your face. "Say hi, Tetsu!"
"Hi Y/N, how's it going?"
You blink slowly, still trying to wake yourself up.
"Kuroo, hey… I'm well. How are you?"
"Great, just about to head out for a late lunch. I hear it's almost ten pm over there."
"Yeah, it's an eight-hour time difference."
You and Kuroo continue to chat while Bokuto towels off his hair and puts on clothes. Afterward, you let Bokuto resume his conversation and join Akaashi on the bed. The man had gone full editor-mode with his glasses propped up in his hair as he read through some work documents.
When you approach, he greets you with a kiss on the cheek. "You look well-rested."
"Is that your way of telling me I have drool on my cheek, Keiji?"
He cracks a tiny smile, eyes taking in your features, then he pokes your cheek with his index finger. "Perhaps."
You scrub the corners of your mouth with your sleeve and drape yourself over Akaashi, work be damned. This was supposed to be a special weekend for relaxing.
"I really wanted to go to the beach today." You pout.
Akaashi interlocks his fingers with yours. "Maybe we still can. It stopped raining a few hours ago."
You hop off the bed and head for the window. He's right, the rain had long stopped, and the beach lay bare, lit by only the moonlight.
Maybe a short walk to the beach would do you some good.
The grains of sand feel cold against your feet without the sun to beat down on them, but you don't complain. The air is humid enough on its own that you forgo wearing actual clothes and instead wear a swimsuit along with Bokuto's old Fukurōdani windbreaker.
You walk along the shore, toes digging into the sand, letting the ocean waves lap at your feet to wash them clean again.
At first, it's so eerily quiet without a soul around except you, but even that doesn't last long. You hear Bokuto's voice bellow into the night as he jogs towards you in nothing but swim trunks. Behind him, Akaashi trails slowly after with a blanket in hand.
"We thought you might want some company." He says and spreads the cover on the sand several feet away from the water, content with just watching.
Bokuto grabs your hand and you go running to the water with him, but a second later, you both come sprinting back.
"It's freezing!"
"S-So co-co-cold!"
You collapse on top of him, fingers splayed across his bare chest. However, when you try to sit up, Bokuto has other plans. He keeps you pressed to his chest with both arms around your waist.
"Let me keep you warm, baby!"
You know he meant it in the most innocent way, but you can't help but think other thoughts. Your nerves fray at the image that blooms in your head and spreads like wildfire.
And as Akaashi strokes your back, you know he's probably read your mind.
It's the way your eyes seem to glitter with want that gives it away. Akaashi has always been rather observant, and so your silent cues are something he's always been privy to.
His nimble fingers curve around the nape of your neck, and he tilts his head to capture your lips in a kiss. This one is unlike the one from yesterday. There is no rush, no desire to quicken his haste; instead, he savors the taste of you like it's something to be thoroughly enjoyed.
Underneath you, Bokuto stirs, growing aroused at the sight of his two lovers' kiss. He can't decide whether he wants to join in or sit back and watch. But his large hand comes down to stroke your ass, resulting in a moan you breathe directly into Akaashi's mouth.
"You're not usually so forthcoming, Keiji," you whisper against his lips. "Eager, are we?"
Akaashi pulls away just enough to pepper your face in feathery kisses. "Can you blame me? When I have such a lovely girlfriend here."
As if confirming his words, he slips a hand under your jacket and cups your breast. The pads of his thumb brush along the seams of your bathing suit, caressing your nipple.
"Kou, let's show Y/N just how much we love her, yes?"
Bokuto didn't need to be told twice. He had been in entranced by you and Akaashi, completely taken by the way your lips danced upon one another. But now, he wanted more than anything to touch you, kiss you, hold you.
Bokuto cradles you in his lap, propping your legs open with his knees so Akaashi can kneel in front of you. It didn't take much for him to relieve you of your clothing, namely your swimming bottoms. But the second the air hits your bare cunt, you feel tense.
You aren't sure what it was, but the atmosphere is different. Both Akaashi and Bokuto are so focused on you, it feels like you're under a spotlight.
"You're so pretty, so beautiful," Bokuto says while squeezing your thighs. His warm breath tickles your ear as he presses his nose into your neck. Next, his lips follow suit. "Wanna fuck you, so bad baby. You'd like that, right?"
His words earn him a chuckle from Akaashi, who merely licks two of his fingers, wetting them and sliding into you. Your mouth parts, shaky breaths barely expelled from your lungs. You're hyper-aware of the fact that you're literally being fingered on a beach in the middle of the night, and you can't bring yourself to care. It feels good to be pampered by the two men you love.
For every moan, Akaashi gives you double for your efforts, thrusting his fingers just right, curving them in such a way that has your back arching off Bokuto, who has also taken to fondling your nipples. With every roll of his hips, you feel his cock against your ass, and it pushes you further into Akaashi's fingers.
Your impending orgasm sweeps by so close and yet so far away. All you can do is rock yourself faster.
"Please," you whimper. "W-Wanna come."
Akaashi crooks his fingers, pressing into the perfect spot that sends you hurtling over the edge. Your cunt spasms around his fingers, clenching in intervals you have no control over until his hand is coated with your wet, slick juices that keep coming the more you squirt all over him.
"She's so wet 'Kaashi. Look at our pretty girl."
Akaashi places a chaste kiss on your forehead with a smile.
"She's doing well, so far. Let's see if she can keep going."
Bokuto shimmies his shorts off enough to free his hard cock. He had been uncharacteristically patient until now, but that was soon to change as he lines himself up with your cunt, teasing you with just the tip.
Your whining is unintelligible, but both men understand you more or less.
"Give the pretty girl what she wants," Akaashi says. He strokes his own hard-on at the sight of Bokuto's pushing past your wet folds. "I know she can take more than that."
Bokuto has always been girthy, and it takes you more than a few seconds to adjust to his size, but when you finally do, it feels like heaven.
The position you're in gives Bokuto all the power to thrust into you like a ragdoll. But it's only when you make eye contact with Akaashi that you realize that it's, in fact, the other way around for him in particular. From where he sits, stroking his cock with flushed cheeks and choked moans, you see just how much control you have over him.
"Kiss me." You moan.
Akaashi doesn't let you repeat yourself. He kisses you long and hard even as you grip his throat with one hand and his hair with the other. He kisses you until his lips are red and bruised.
"Good boy. Both of y-you."
Bokuto groans loudly. "Say it again. Keep saying it!"
"Y-You're both so good. I-" your hips stutter against Akaashi's fingers that are rubbing circles into your clit. "Good, so good-"
That's all it takes to take Bokuto over the edge, blowing his load. "Perfect, so fucking perfect."
You can feel another orgasm swelling up inside your belly. You try to tell them but can't, too overcome by the feeling of your body tingling with desire. It's too much, overwhelmingly so; your vision blurs with unshed tears as Bokuto continues to pound into sopping pussy. Pleasure floods every fiber of your being until you're limp and every nerve in your body is set alight.
Bokuto slips out of you easily, a string of his semen following.
You can only look on in a drowsy haze as Bokuto leans over and kisses you and then Akaashi, working him over with a tight fist.
The following morning, you’re the first to wake, but only because there’s a limb jammed into your back and a heavy weight on your chest. It takes you a moment to realize, but it’s Bokuto’s elbow poking you and Akaashi’s head resting on you.
All three of you are a tangle of limbs in bed, but you aren’t sure how you’d gotten there.
“G’mornin’” Bokuto breathes. His lips caress the column of your neck.
You shift into a more comfortable position. Though doing so presses Akaashi’s morning wood against your thigh.
“Keiji, you awake yet?”
“Mmm barely.” Akaashi looks up at you through his lashes, then smiles and nuzzles closer into your chest.
Bokuto, content with being your big spoon, reaches over to touch Akaashi, hands cupping his cheek. “It’s Valentine’s Day!”
“That’s true, should we do something special.”
Thinking about the previous night, you feel desire stirring in your gut. “Could we just... do it again?”
Both men look to each other then back at you, sporting matching smiles.
“Why not?”
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