#i had to keep his wings mostly visible. metals bee is SO WONDERFUL
felixitous-rising · 3 months
Look At Him
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because i sure am. i happened to open up a saved search for a mate for another dragon i've had for years at EXACTLY the right time, snagged him for super cheap, and i am in LOVE WITH HIM
so he's just open in a tab for me to look at and smile (:
if you wanna love on him a little, he's here!
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #256
“Celine Goes wild, Rescuing Ohana”
[Doc] Sneaks up Lie's front steps and sets something against the door before rapping on it and retreating behind Notch's house
[CP] Grumbles as he opens the door and accidentally kicks the package down the steps- The fuck?
-As it hits the ground there's a hard metallic thunk-
[CP] Curious, he picks it up and turns it over in his hands-
-The object is wrapped in a long cloth and tied with a bit of spider string. It's obviously a tool.
[CP] Pulls off the wrapping-
-The bundle was concealing an obsidian shovel that perfectly matches his special tools. The sun catches nicely on the edges of the slightly raised and incised designs.
[CP] Scowls and is tempted to just throw it in some lava-
[Doc] Accidently lets out a tiny sneeze -
[CP] Head snaps towards the noise- Dooooooc...
[Doc] Shit. - Starts to sneak away-
[CP] Darts around the side of the house- There you are
[Doc] Jumps a bit - YIKES!
[CP] - The fuck is this!?
[Doc] A present?
[CP] - Why?
[Doc] Why not? It's actually a copy. I was in town and stopped by to talk to Tungsten.
[CP] Growls- Oh now what!?
[Doc] Nothing! Just catching up on gossip. Apparently Escar had really good luck growing some of the corn I brought in from irl. Um, Zile's new book is out. And Flickr's been at home for days with a couple of sick creepers.
[CP] - And that has to do with this shovel how?
[Doc] It doesn't. You asked me what I was doing there.
[CP] Growls, his temper growing shorter-
[Doc] Why so mad?
[CP] - Explain the shovel, now
[Doc] There's nothing to explain!
[CP] Huffs and starts storming off-
[Doc] Follows - Where's Lie at anyway?
[CP] - The green house
[Doc] Okay! - Trots past him at a brisk walk.
[CP] Glares as Doc passes-
[Doc] Taps on the doorframe of the greenhouse and looks inside.
[Lie] Her head pops up farther back- Oh, hey Doc
[Doc] Hey Lie! Nice to see you getting back in the groove of all the green things. I bring you a little tribute from the village-  Holds out several of the most beautiful ears of rainbow corn she's ever seen.
[Lie] - Oh Doc, it's beautiful!
[Doc] Escar and Godot put some in their garden and it's been growing like crazy.
[Lie] - Well I'm glad their doing well.  Any other news from the village?
[Doc] Not too much. The usual little quibbles. Flickr is having some issues with a bug amongst her creepers so she hasn't been getting out much. Eggg and Basquet are building a new cafe more geared towards the village children... Um... the little group we rescued are settling in nicely too. I don't think they'll ever want to go back. Beanz is full of complaints, mostly weather and joint related. And Milk says 'Hi'.
[Lie] - Well at least everything seems to be going okay.  Let Flickr know that if she needs some good dirt for the sick ones I can provide
[Doc] That  would be very nice of you. I'll pass it along. I also gave Cp a new shovel but you know how giving him things usually goes.
[Lie] Sighs- Yeah...
[CP] Flips Doc off behind their back-
[Lie] - So how did things with Pinwheel go?
[Doc] Eh. She's stubborn like always. But nobody got hurt.
[Lie] - Thank goodness
[Mb] Is stalking along and throws a cobble block at Cp.
[Celine] Bounces in front of him and headbuts Mb's legs - BAD!
[CP] Turns towards MB with a growl-
[Mb] Spawns a sword
[Celine] Leaps onto Mbs face and bats his head with her wings - NO! NO! NO!
[Mb] Cut it out!
[CP] - The fuck do you want?
[Mb] To fight!
[Celine] Practically howls - NOOOOOO
[CP] - I think somebody is opposed to that, not that I am
[Mb] Sticks his sword in the ground and tries to pry Celine off his face-
[Celine] Is tenacious-
[CP] Is snickering-
[Celine] Is removed and flaps wildly around in a small circle - NO! NO!  NO!
[Mb] -Facepalm-
[CP] - Still wanna go at it?
[Mb] YES. - Grabs his sword again and strides forward.
[Celine] Grabs his feet making him trip and faceplant-
-an unkown caller is ringing doc's carrot-
[CP] Just laughs-
[Doc] Pulls out the buzzing item and looks at hir email-
[Buff] Comes jogging up and slows down to look. - Hi neighbors!
-the message is someone requesting to be saved from a NOTCH who is keeping them in a cell made of bedrock the server address is attached to the message-
[Buff] That's not nice.
[Doc] Fucking hell....
[CP] - You should help him
[Buff] Picks up Mb with Celine clinging to him - Are you okay?
[Mb] Punches Buff's jaw and lets out a yelp of pain- WHAT THE FUCK?!
[Doc] Hey uh, guys, I think you should hear this- Reads the email aloud.
[Lie] - Somebody needs our help again
[CP] - Fuck no!
[Doc] Aw come on Cp. This guys is probably a creampuff compared to yours. Surely you can sympathise.
[CP] Glares-
[Doc] Should I just go ask one of the other creepypastas?
[CP] - Doubtful they'd be of any use
[Buff] Puts Mb down again and walks away as he sputters and cusses- Someone needs help?
[Lie] - Well, I'm willing to go, I still have CP's armor
[CP] - You're not going anywhere there's a NOTCH
[Buff] Too loud- I'LL HELP!
[Doc] Cleans hir ear from the volume. - Thank you for your support
[Lie] - CP this is my choice, if you really want to make sure I'm okay, then come with
[Mb] Punches Buff square in the back with his other hand and howls in pain- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MADE OF?
[Buff] Hmm? - turns around- I work out. That's all.
[Doc] I'm in either way. I'm not leaving a brother rotting in a cell someplace. Who else is going?
[Buff] ME!
[Lie] - I'll go
[CP] Hurls the obsidian shovel at MB's head-
[Mb] Isn't watching Cp and gets knocked over- YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!
[Celine] Picks up the shovel and goes running around the yard with it, knocking out dirtblocks-
[Lie] Smiles at Celine-
[Celine] Accidently knocks out a wood block from the side of the barn and takes off towards the sheep pen-
[Lie] - Oh jeez!- Chases after Celine- Careful!
[Celine] Panics because Lie is chasing her and knocks out a fencepost-
[Lie] Uses some plants to fill the gap- Celine stop!
[Celine] Runs a bit faster and knocks out part of the fence around the honesty blossoms- also cutting the chain chomp loose.
[Chomp] Joins in the chase-
[Celine] Knocks out a corner of the koi pond, spilling some of the water and breaks Notch's front window-
[Notch] Peeks outside- What the heck?
[Lie] Finally uses some vines to catch Celine-
[Notch] Did I miss something?
[Doc] Is laughing fit to die-
[Celine] Thrashes wildly, dropping the shovel and opens her small jaws to expell a really smelly cloud of green gas-
[Notch] Starts coughing- UGH!
[Lie] - Just baby dragon antics
[Mb] Huffs up and takes out his sword to cut the vines-
[Notch] Still coughing-
[Lie] Sets about fixing the pond-
[Mb] Cuts Celine loose and cradles her gently, not minding the stink. He picks up the shovel and lobs it back at Cp before leaving quickly.
[CP] Catches the shovel and tosses it in the green house-
[Doc] Are we ready to go now?
[Chomp] Races into the green house and grabs the shovel, bringing it back to CP-
[Doc] Pats the chomp- Good boy!
[Chomp] Happy noises-
[Lie] - Yeah, let's go
[Doc] Opens the wall to let them all out and closes it behind them after.
[Buff] Man it's cold out here. And dark...
[Lie] - This is the space between games
[Buff] Creepy...
[Doc] Is tracking the code with some apparent difficulty-
[CP] Followed them out- Having difficulty?
[Doc] Just the usual. - Corrects hir course and then again by small degrees.
[Lie] Falls back towards CP and stays close to him-
[Buff] So how are we doing this?
[Doc] Force our way in, wreck the joint and escape preferably-
[Buff] Got it.
[CP] - Destruction is always fun
[Buff] Takes out a couple of apples and some wheat and starts mushing them together. There's visible interference around what he's doing.
[Lie] Watches curiously-
[Buff] Has compressed the mass into a brown bar that looks like an iron ingot, and takes a crumbly bite out of it.
[Doc] Finally finds the server-
[CP] Summons his weapons and urges Honedge to stick with Lie-
[Doc] Opens a way into the server and looks into the hole before going through.
-inside there is a tundra with a large village in and hills in the center you can just barely make out the bedrock roof of the cage in the middles of the hill the notch can't be seen but is most likely walking amongst the village-
[Lie] Shivers-
[Doc] Leans forward and shifts nervously. Xe stays in a low hunker to the ground- I bet he already knows we're here... - There's a small rumble from the dragons belly as they sniff around-
[Buff] Just shrugs, woofing down the rest of the bar and cracking his neck-
[CP] Digs through his inventory, keeping a basic supply of things his wife might need and pulls out her cloak made from his cat fur-
[Lie] Smiles and pulls it on-
[Doc] Phases partly into the ground and slides forward. - I wonder if the Testificates are in on it?
[CP] - Judging by where the cage is?  Yeah
[Doc] Growls. - Maybe I should try and scare them away?
[Lie] - Don't you think it would be smarter to try a stealth approach first?
[cruelNOTCH] -hasn't noticed there arrival but can bee seen walking in the shops-
[Doc] A stealth approach would be me going through the ground and busting that cage from beneath.
[Buff] I could go talk to him? NOTCH to NOTCH?
[CP] - Can't I just set everything on fire?
[Doc] I'm considering it...
[Lie] - Well bedrock doesn't burn...
[Buff] I'm gonna go talk to him! - Walks off quickly towards the village-
[Doc] Buff! Dammit.
[cruelNOTCH] -sees the other notch approaching but has yet to see the other brines- who are you and what do you want?
[Buff] Hello! I'm Buff. Just a neighbor.
[cruelNOTCH] and what do you want?
[Buff] Leans to one side to see the caged brine- Well I was just going to do some trading but it looks like you had some trouble recently.
[cruelNOTCH] there is no trouble this place is fine just the way it is. just the way I want it.
[Buff] So what did he do anyway?
[cruelNOTCH] i am keeping him safe from the world it is for his own good
[Buff] Well that's not much fun. Herobrine's are much healthier if you let them run around.
[cruelNOTCH] he is fine where he is he will stay there
[Buff] But then you miss out too! Brines are really interesting. Mine's part dragon. What's yours like?
[cruelNOTCH] he is quiet like I tell him to be
[Buff] Aww. Doesn't he have any powers?
[cruelNOTCH] I don't know and I don't care
[Buff] What about you? You're kind of a scrawny NOTCH.
[cruelNOTCH] i don't need to be strong because i have creative
[Buff] Flexes a little and his shirt strains to contain his rippling muscles- Creative isn't everything. So.... how's about you give me your Herobrine. Since you don't seem to know how to treat one. And I'll leave peaceful-like. Pipsqueak.
[cruelNOTCH] i am not scared of your threats and he will stay there because he is safe
[Doc] Quietly phases partway through the ground and runs a paw over the surface of the cage, melting it away-
[CP] Having grown very impatient he flies in and decks the cruelNOTCH-
[Buff] Blinks at Cp and then tries to kick the other NOTCH-
[???brine] -the melting floor spooks them and they run up the stairs-
[CP] Draws his sword and goes for the stabbing-
[Doc] Chases after the fleeing brine and tries to grab them in hir paws-
[cruelNOTCH] -rolls away from the sword and quickly surrounds cp in bedrock-
[Buff] Grabs at the other NOTCH-
[CP] Teleports out-
[Lie] Hides around a corner and summons a few offensive pods-
[???brine] -doc missed them but they didn't go far they are hideing under the blanket on his bed-
[cruelNOTCH] -flies up to avoid the pods-
[Lie] Tries to stay out of sight-
[Buff] Throws cobble blocks at the other NOTCH-
[CP] Flies up to join the cruelNOTCH-
[Doc] Pulls up the blanket like a bag and clamps the top in hir teeth before bolting-
[cruelNOTCH] -take out two enchanted diamond swords and tries to stab cp but is not use to fighting leaing them mostly open-
[CP] Attacks with a well practiced fury-
[Doc] Runs out of town. Xe shakes hir tail wildly like a signal flag for the others to see xe's got the prize already-
[cruelNOTCH] -loses all his hearts and dies-
[CP] Swoops down and grabs Lie before flying off with her-
[Buff] Jogs back out of town-
[Doc] Makes a hole back out into the void and rushes out -
[Buff] Follows-
[CP] Carries Lie through-
[Doc] Makes a beeline back to their home server and races inside-
[Buff] That was invigorating!
[CP] Puts Lie down once inside-
[Lie] - It went much better than our last encounter with a NOTCH
[Doc] Gently lowers the blanket bag to the ground and lets go of the corners - You're safe, you can come out now.
[???brine] -his in a ball his has lots of scars and his hair is a long matted mess-
[Buff] Sits down on  the ground - Hi there.
[Doc] Loafs - Are you injured?
[???brine] -looks up and shakes his head no-
[Lie] Spawns some calming flowers-
[Doc] What's your name brother?
[???brine] -he clams down enough to talk- ohana
[CP] Scoffs and mutters under his breath- A stupid name
[Doc] Ohana, I'm Doc and this is my NOTCH; Buff.
[ohana] -waves hello-
[Lie] - My name is Lie
[Doc] And the big grump over here is Cp.
[ohana] where are we?
[Doc] On a private server. I set up this place to be a sanctuary for Herobrines.
[ohana] does that mean I am safe?
[Doc] Mostly...
[ohana] why mostly?
[Doc] Well, the mobs are untamed. Some of them might take a poke at you. And a few of our Herobrines like to fight - side eyes Cp-
[Lie] - Don't let that stress you though, this really is a safe place
[ohana] If you are sure I am safe I will be ok
[Doc] Most of us get along.
[Buff] Your NOTCH seemed pretty rough. Something happen between you two?
[ohana] he kept me in that cage for years every time I didn't do exactly what he said he would hurt me and he sometimes forgot to feed me
[Doc] Growls - Well he won't be able to hurt you anymore.
[Buff] Huge frown - That's not right
[ohana] is there a place I need to stay here?
[Doc] Need too? Not specifically. But you can stay with me if you want. At least until you pick out an area and start on a house.
[Buff] Thumbs at Doc- Hir place is HUGE.
[Lie] - Doc's place has plenty of space
[ohana] I am able to go anywhere?
[Doc] Tossed hir mane a bit pridefully at the compliments- Yes. You can go exploring if you want.
[Buff] There's several neat villages around. The Testificates are super nice.
[ohana] I have never been able to go exploring before I would like to see places around
[Lie] - If you get lost while exploring or just need help, just say something over chat and somebody will be able to help you
[ohana] -stands up- thank you -starts going off to explore-
[Doc] Wait!
[ohana] -stops- yes?
[Doc] Rustles around in the creative and pulls out a diamond pick and a compass, holding them out in one paw - Here. Just in case-
[CP] Is just waiting for his wife to be done so they can leave-
[ohana] -takes them- thank you so much -heads off again-
[Buff] Have fun! - Puts his hands on his hips- That was nice.
[Doc] I wish it wasn't nessesary.
[Lie] - It's okay Doc, at least we were able to help him
[CP] - Can we go now?
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