#i had to explain ex-aid to my old white man prof because of this poem
mahounostairs · 11 months
The first of two poems that I like, wrote from Kuroto's POV about Emu for a poetry class I'm being forced to take for my major
You are so many things to me all at once.
I long for you, I detest you so,
You are the reason I am like this,
I am the one who molded who you are.
You wish for my true smile, I thrive from your despair
My Adam, my Virgin Mother Mary.
How I still desire your crystal; your heart
To take it into my bare hands and
crush it into dust, shatter you so that
you can never be the pure “you” you once were.
Although, I cannot determine how to do so.
How do I want to see that light fade from your eyes?
Do I want your blood on my hands?
Do I want you entangled in my sheets?
The more I question it, the more the lines blur.
No matter what, it will make you truly “mine.”
A nemesis, an ally; never a friend.
You cried for me the first time I died.
Despite everything I had done to you.
I know you don’t forgive me, nor am I asking for such.
The snake shall continue to swallow its own tail.
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