#i had this scheduled but then donut said that thing about brooks and--
hired-help · 1 year
charon-mod is equipped with Charon's Shotgun, which is a ported version of his fallout 3 one (with the stat tweaks, i mean), but i've given the player a useable version called Rita found in his footlocker
well, because i saw the poster in new vegas - the one where there's a ginger woman and it says something about herpes sinking ships idk i'm not into war posters - and i thought, wow, that looks like Rita Hayworth. wait a sec, Rita Hayworth is era correct if we're using 50s stuff here. that could really be inspired by her.
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then i got caught up on the idea that Rita Hayworth exists in the fallout universe, and also the connection between Charon being non-physically imprisoned and the existence of the short story Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption so anyway yeah i decided Charon called it Rita and she's fuckin Loaded alright test her on it i dare you--
whatever it's called, it's a replica of his shotgun just for you :)
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Welcome to Oblivion--Ch. 3
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Chapter 3
           I woke up the first day of classes to Sonya doing sit-ups in the middle of the floor. Every time she made her chest touch her knees, she let out a grunted number and huffed a breath. When she saw that I was awake, she grinned.
           “Breakfast donuts are on my desk. Get going, girlie. You don’t want to have to wait on Dana and Ember for that shower.”
           With a grunted acknowledgement, I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I slipped into the shower stall and gave myself a few moments to wake up. Once I heard others bustling around at the sinks, I got to it. It only took three or four minutes for me to finish up and step out with a towel wrapped around my hair and another around my body.
           I hoped I could tip toe over to one of the toilet stalls without being seen so I could dry off and get changed, but no such luck. Two girls stood at the sinks—one white with platinum blond hair that was streaked with neon pink and green and one black with long hair cut through with bright red and orange. They leaned over, brushing their teeth in almost synchronous timing. The blond girl saw me as I tried to sneak behind them.
           “Morning,” she mumbled, toothbrush sticking out of the corner of her mouth. “Name’s Dana. That’s Ember.”
           “Morning,” I said quietly, trying to work my way out of their line of sight. “I’ll just…”
           Ember looked up, catching my attention with bright amber eyes. “We’ll be out of the way in a few minutes. You can use my dryer if you want.” She gestured to a bright purple blow dryer sitting on the counter. “I’d offer my flat iron, but you know… that’s kinda gross.”
           I grinned—just with one corner of my mouth, but still. “Thanks, Ember. I’ve got my own flat iron anyway.”
           “Stop flirting and get dressed!” Sonya shouted from our room. “The donuts are getting cold and I’m not going to deal with ‘Good morning, girls’ Charlotte this morning.”
           My roommate slipped into the bathroom and nearly launched herself into the shower, much to Dana’s annoyance. When the blond girl started giving her hell, Sonya simply poked her head around the curtain, stuck out her tongue, and said, “Suck it up and have a donut, Brooke.”
           The last thing I heard before I shut the door to the bathroom was Dana huffing, “But I just brushed my teeth!”
           I stuffed my laptop, a notebook, and my class schedule in my backpack along with my wallet and keys. Snatching up a donut, I waved at Sonya as I headed out the door. The hallway had a faint buzz of energy to it as people trickled from their rooms to their early morning classes. I had a nine o’clock world history and then an eleven o’clock astronomy class. It was barely eight, so I had time to actually go by the student union and grab breakfast. Sonya’s donuts were great, but I wasn’t about to rely on the sugar high to get me through my first day of college.
           The door at the end of the hall banged open as someone came down the stairs. I smiled when I saw a familiar face. Drew was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt, a messenger bag strapped across his chest. One of the twins was walking at his side, talking animatedly.
           “Morning,” I said lightly as they got closer.
           Drew glanced over, grinned. “Morning, Addy. Breakfast?”
           I nodded, then gestured to the sweet in my hand. “I’m going to be in a sugar coma if I just eat this.”
           He laughed, a deep rumbling sound that seemed to vibrate through the entire room. I couldn’t help but grin back at him. “Yeah. You can join us if you want.”
           “Sure. Thanks.”
           He introduced me to the guy at his side. This one was Jimmy.
           “You’re Roman’s cousin.”
           Jimmy nodded. “We’ll probably run into my brother in the café. It’s cool if you can’t tell us apart. Most people can’t.”
           “I bet you ten bucks I can tell the two of you apart by the end of the week,” I said, munching on my donut. The sky was bright blue as we walked toward the student union. People filed by, making tracks through the well-manicured lawns and avoiding the steps by hiking up the slope leading to the academic side of campus.
           “You’re on, teine,” he said with a grin. I glanced around Drew’s bulk, brow lifted in question. Jimmy waved his hands in the air, gesticulating wildly. “It means girl. You know? It’s Samoan.”
           I nodded, not quite sure what else to say.
           Drew’s elbow brushed my shoulder as we stepped out of the way of a crowd of people heading back to the dormitories. To the last of them, they were dressed in pajamas. I swear I saw one of them with unicorn slippers.
           “Hey, Woods,” Jimmy called, turning so he could walk backwards. One of the guys in the crowd that just passed stopped and looked up. “Imma kick your ass in Halo tonight.”
           “You ain’t gonna beat your boy, Uso. Keep dreamin’!” He flipped Jimmy off and grinned, a wide and mischievous smile. “My room at ten, bitch.”
           Drew let his large hand hover just over the small of my back, leading me away from the still gaping Jimmy. “They’re always like that,” he said, his voice lilting in a calming sort of way.
           “Is everyone here already friends?” I asked, suddenly feeling very much the outsider. The more I thought about it, the more I realized there seemed to be established groups and hierarchies, patterns and expectations. And I had no clue about any of them.
           He chuckled. “You just happened to get dropped into a dorm with a lot of people who aren’t freshmen.”
           Nodding, I blushed a little as he held open the door of the student union. Once inside, he led the way up the stairs to the second floor. The scent of bacon and sausage and maple syrup nearly made my mouth water. Once we’d passed the lady who scanned our ID cards, I nearly ran off toward the food.
           I could hear the Scotsman chuckling over the clatter of plates and flatware as I started loaded up a plate.
           History was in Garcia Hall, in a huge auditorium that fit at least two hundred people. There were people spread out all over, the largest number of them in the back of the room. I bopped down to a row about halfway and dropped into an empty seat.
           An hour later—and in desperate need of something to wake me up—I trudged back over to the student union to hit up the coffee shop and to pick up a textbook that hadn’t been on the online list. I passed Ember as she thumped a heavy stack of books on the counter, apparently having waited until the last minute to pick up her stuff.
           When it was time for astronomy, I didn’t have to look too hard to find the right building. Helmsley Hall had an observatory bubble on top. The room listed on my schedule was just barely smaller than the auditorium from my history class. But this time, empty seats were a little harder to find. I stood at the top of the room, scanning from one side of the other to find a seat that wasn’t squished between two strangers.
           “Hey, Call me Addy!”
           It took a moment for my brain to register that it was Roman’s voice. I scanned the room again, found him standing up in a row about two-thirds of the way down. His hair was slicked back and tied in a knot and he wore a well-fitted black t-shirt and jeans.  He waved me down, clearing his bag out of the empty seat beside him.
           I apologized profusely as I climbed over people to get to where Roman stood. He grinned and wrapped me in a warm hug.
           “How’s it been so far?” he asked, tucking his bag under his seat.
           “Only one other class. World History. I have the feeling it’s going to make me want to cry.”
           “That bad?” Roman turned toward me, one arm draping over the back of the seat.
           I shrugged. “That boring.”
           He grinned. “Well, I hear this class is pretty good. Jey took it last semester, and I’ve never seen him excited about school before.”
           “Ah ha,” I replied, grinning back at him. “So there’s a lab for this, isn’t there?”
           Roman nodded just as a door off to the left at the bottom of the room creaked open. A man with wild hair and a cup of coffee made his way to the podium at the center of the stage. He looked to be in his mid-thirties with a kind smile and an aura of energy.
           “I’ve got dibs on you as a lab partner, then,” I said, just before the professor started to speak.
           I couldn’t help but realize that he never moved his arm from across the back of my seat.
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woohooligancomics · 7 years
Artist Spotlight: John Wilker, donut novelist to the stars
Welcome to the Laugh It Forward Kickstarter Artist Spotlight! Every day you'll meet new cool artists doing amazing things, so check them out!
Today I'd like to introduce you to John Wilker!
John Wilker is the author of science fiction novel series Space Rogues. The second book in the series is scheduled for release in early Spring. He took the plunge into self-publishing after years of writing lead to winning NaNoWriMo in 2016 (for my English-speaking readers, that's National Novel Writing Month).
While he's not yet cast of the shackles of corporate life, he works a second job running a conference and events company (which to be fair, he thoroughly enjoys). In a previous job he has the distinction of operating a mailing list which served the practical function of announcing donuts, but for which most subscribers came instead for a short story about the donuts. Sadly, donut story emails are lost to antiquity.
Sam: I used to make the mistake most artists make when asked about my work, and get into the details like characters, plot and story elements. Those are important in telling stories, but I learned they don't really draw people in. So I'm going to ask you to tell us a short story about the more important question:
why do you create your art?
John: I've always been drawn to sci-fi. Spaceships, robots, other worlds, are all so exciting to think about, especially when life on earth is currently less exciting (that's the polite way of putting it). I've always been an optimistic dreamer, looking at the night sky and thinking about the worlds that are orbiting each star I can see.
Sam: I don't know... there are a lot of problems right now, certainly but I think it's still exciting. It's just not exciting the way you generally want your excitement. Like, spear-catching is probably quite exciting! :P
My second question is who or what has most inspired your work? If I compared you to someone, what names would you be most flattered to hear?
John: For a long time, I wasn't a reader. I read for book reports, etc. but never for pleasure. My parents even had to bribe me with GI Joes to read a book and write a report.
That changed in high school when a friend loaned me a copy of "The Elfstones of Shannara." That book changed the course of my life. I read it over the course of a weekend. I rushed out and bought my own copy that I still own 20 odd years later and have re-read many times. Terry Brooks showed me how amazing a world other than our own could be.
Jumping ahead a bit, I LOVED the Wild Card series, because it was such a clever mix of the spaceships, robots, etc. thing, with more realistic settings. Just stoked my imagination like no one's business. I think that's what got me interested in writing, seeing that the stories didn't have to be so fantastical and over the top. Just a good story with characters people like.
Sam: Wait... didn't G.I. Joe tell you reading was half the battle? You didn't take advice from Joe?!
I think I'm thinking of a different Wild Cards -- an anthology series of superhero novels edited by George R.R. Martin. You know, before he was a hack.
But you did remind me of the first novel I managed to finish... not my favorite by a long shot, but I still remember, Ties of Blood and Silver, a sci-fi by Joel Rosenberg. I never did get around to reading Guardians of the Flame or the Prisoner of Zenda. I think I wanted to read, but when I was young it was really difficult for me -- it took me a while to train my eyes to do it with any competence, so I read slowly. Thankfully my reading speed is a lot better now in my early 40s. ;)
Last question. What have you learned from your work, and what's your advice for younger creators?
John: That it's a business. I knew it was to a degree, but it is mostly business, with creating mixed in. I'd love to spend every free minute I have writing (and I try to), but there's so much that goes into it, that isn't writing; at least if you want actually to make any money at all. I've met a few writers who write, to write. They don't sell, but they seem happy. As much as I love writing, I want people to enjoy my labors, so I spend a lot of time trying to let people know I've made a thing.
That said though; it's worth it. Seeing someone write a review, or reply to a newsletter email and comment on how much they enjoyed the writing, makes my day every time.
Sam: Yeah, marketing is definitely something that most of us artists struggle to learn... and I don't think we're alone in that at all, I think it's a challenging thing to learn in general. Part of that is because most marketing books or blogs are so horrible, you have to wade through a lot of useless crap to find the advice that's useful. But that's also part of why I'm publishing these artist spotlights, because I want to help people with that.
And you're right, it is very worthwhile when you get your message out and people enjoy it or are helped by it. :D
Any final thoughts?
John: Support creators. Buy their stuff, support them on Patreon, whatever you can afford to do. We need more makers in the world, especially now.
Sam: Thanks for taking the time for this interview, John, it's been a pleasure.
To see more of John's awesome work, check out his website. You can also find him on Facebook, Twitter, and most importantly, if you enjoy his work, share this interview, and sign-up for his email newsletter!
p.s. If you are also an artist and are planning a Kickstarter, you might find my Six Tips to Kickstarter Success helpful, plus links to other helpful resources. Also thanks to Andrea Demonakos who's handling the bulk of our rewards fulfillment to help our Laugh It Forward project go smoothly!
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actidermmel · 6 years
How to lose weight
A 7 Day Shred Review
Check out the 7 Day Shred
  There are 3 questions that I ALWAYS get asked by people who are looking to lose weight.
Does the 7 Day Shred REALLY work?
Is it worth sticking to?
Will I actually lose weight if I complete the 7 Day Shred?
  When it comes to dieting, it’s such a controversial subject as to what actually works as everyone is so different. So even though I have completed the 7 Day Shred several times with amazing results, I decided to Shred again (I was probably overdue one anyway) and give you some more information about it!
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  Preparation for my Shred
I remembered from my last shreds that Skinny Juice was my saviour so I made sure to purchase a box when I ordered my shred. I also added a pack of Pancakes and a box Chocolate Lava Cakes because …… well just because if you can diet with pancakes and cakes, you do it!! Right? I then planned 7 evening meals that were below 500 calories. I had chicken salad, chickpea curry, steak with sweet potato and I’ve forgotten the rest but you get the jist! I then completed by food shop online and that was it…..I was ready to Shred on Monday morning!
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Monday Morning
I started the first morning of my diet with Pancakes, and a cup of strip tea.  Not a bad morning right? I had the blueberry flavour and I was surprised how much they actually tasted of blueberries! They were really good!   Granted, they would have been even better smothered in Golden Syrup but hey…..they’re diet pancakes which are actually really good for you too! Anyway, my morning went without a hitch. Made up my HydraSlim and I headed out feeling very satisfied. Lunch was super easy. I had a shake which I made up while I was on the go in a shaker sipper.  I had a vanilla shake, and followed it up with lots of water!
Around 3pm is always torture time for me. My blood sugars dip and I want chocolate, cakes, cans of coke and anything else that’s going to give me a sugar boost!! Remember I said Skinny Juice was my saviour last time I shredded?  Well this is why! I whizzed it up in a glass with some water and downed the entire thing. I’m not going to lie and say it was as satisfying as a chocolate covered donut would have been but it did almost instantly take my hunger pangs away. It definitely helps me get through to dinner time.
It’s the evening and I am drooling at the thought of my dinner. If you’re careful with what foods you pick and how you cook it, you really can have a good plate full for your 500 calories. I made it…..I devoured it!!
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Evenings aren’t usually too much of a problem for me. If I start to feel like I want something sweet, I make myself a cup of raspberry tea. I like the sweetness it gives me with virtually zero calories.
I’m not going to bore you with every day of my shred as the rest were the same. It definitely gets easier by day 3…….until the weekend hits!!
My top tip for surviving a weekend whilst dieting is to save your calories for as long as you can because if your family is like mine, something will come up and you will go somewhere and food WILL be involved. My food schedule just goes out of the window and I’m counting every calorie as if it was my last! This is also when I take full advantage of the Chocolate Lava Cakes!! Whilst my family is tucking into a tub of Ben & Jerry’s, I don’t feel so left out stuffing a gooey cake down my throat! It really does feel like a naughty cheat and again….. it’s actually good for me!! #WinningAtDieting
Monday morning quickly came around again and I’d done it!! 7lbs loss and my body feels like it loves me again!
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A couple more tips I’d like to share to help make your diet a success;
Make sure you constantly have water to drink (you need it but also it helps to keep you feeling satisfied)
Don’t forget that the 7 Day Shred is also a detox so it is normal to experience light headaches on days 2 and 3. Drink more water and you should see them pass pretty quick.
That’s all from me….hope this helps 
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How to lose weight - a 7 day shred review How to lose weight A 7 Day Shred Review Check out the 7 Day Shred There are 3 questions that I ALWAYS get asked by people who are looking to lose weight.
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