#i had the whole thing drawn in my sketchbook but i was waffling on the background color for a bit too long rip
wormonastringtime · 2 years
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she just wanted to thank that kind stranger for saving her
(Oc-tober Day 4: Hidden. prompt list by @oc-tober2022 )
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Amusement Park
Part 11 of the Guardian fanfic (and we’re almost to the end)! If you would like to read this in chronological order and don’t feel like tag surfing, this is also available on AO3.
Not everything my humans do ends in tragedy. Occasionally, they have something resembling fun.
Digging in the Archives led them to one of those traveling amusement parks that sometimes took over parking lots for a week. I'd seen it at a distance but frankly, the screaming and the smell of cotton candy hadn’t instilled much confidence.
You'll hate it, the house informed me. It had given me a pendant through which it talked, sometimes. I was still getting used to the mansion’s constant presence.
For once, the entity was uncharacteristically wrong. I didn't totally hate the amusement park.  The place was loud and there were far too many people, plus it all smelled vaguely of vomit. But my humans had a good time, and that somehow made up for the rest of it.
Arada and Overse held hands and bought themselves giant hot dogs. Baradwahj kept stopping to doodle in her sketchbook. Even Gurathin, who as far as I knew didn't like anything that entailed having fun, was having a good time as he argued air resistance and thermodynamics with Volsecu.
I was walking alongside Dr. Mensah, on two legs at that.
"Have you ever been on a Ferris wheel?" she asked.
I shook my head. If wolves had been intended to leave the ground, we'd have wings. And seeing as how we didn't, I didn't want to chance it. It must've shown on my face because Mensah laughed and touched my shoulder.
"You look like I suggested an execution."
"Yeah, maybe."
"It's perfectly safe."
"It doesn't look safe." How was I supposed to protect my clients if they were going to get on something that rickety?
The house offered unhelpful information, starting with when Ferris wheels were invented and the statistics of accidents and injuries.
Mensah shook her head, clearly amused at the whole thing, and stopped in front of a food vendor. Money exchanged hands, and suddenly she had this puffy ball of sugar on a stick. It was a hideous shade of pink.
"Want to try a bite?" she asked.
"Hell no!"
She snorted. "You could use more meat on your bones, you know."
"That... thing isn't food."
The rest of the group was up ahead, stopped in front of a small building that read "Fun House of Mirrors." These words didn't look right together, but fuck it, I don't understand humans and I couldn't care less what they considered fun.
"Over here!" Arada yelled, waving her hands.
Mensah waved back and started walking again. Normally, I do at most a half-assed version of my job. A decade in, I've come to the conclusion that humans are somehow drawn to danger, and frankly, stopping them is a waste of breath. But these humans... I didn't want anything to happen to them, so I'd been paying attention.
So, when a clown walked between me and them, I growled at the weirdly-dressed human. Except, it didn't smell human at all. It smelled... like me, like another were-creature. I didn't see a collar, so it wasn't a guardian. Just a free were-creature, one that hadn’t been caught by the department.
We’re supposed to report unregistered users of dark magic to the department. But, my binding almost never picked up when such a creature was around—it certainly wasn’t reacting now—and I had no plans of telling the department a damn thing.
The clown planted itself in front of me. "Oh wow," it—correction, she—said, suddenly excited. "Oh my god, you're like the only other shapeshifter I've met. Shit! This is awesome. Oh, god, can I...uh, take a picture?"
The team noticed my absence and came over, and then, there was nowhere to run. I stood around awkwardly while they chatted with the other were-creature, whose name was Tasha and who turned into a bear but had started as a human. And then they exchanged phone numbers. And I was just standing there, trying not to look as uncomfortable as I felt.
"You OK?" Tasha wanted to know all of a sudden.
"You look about a mile down the road from fine," she pointed out. "I can practically see you trying to crawl out of your skin."
"So, you need to relax a little," she told me, oblivious.
Mensah carefully explained that I was currently working. Tasha patted my shoulder, and I almost jumped backward. It took effort to stay still and not bite the were-bear's hand off.
"Stop that," I growled.
Tasha handed me a balloon, one of the many she was holding and giving out to kids. I just stood there, string in hand, and tried to puzzle out what the fuck I was supposed to do with it. You can't really kill anyone with a balloon, and you can't eat it.
Ratthi said, "It's very purple."
I looked up at the floating ball. "What do you do with it?"
"Hold it for a while and then let it go and watch it fly away."
"What for?"
Humans often engage in rituals that bring them joy. It doesn’t always have meaning, the entity told me like I didn’t know. I wished I could glare but there was no one to glare at.
"Fun." Tasha was in my face. "The whole purpose of this place is to have some fun. It makes living a little easier, a little lighter."
I looked at Dr. Mensah like I needed rescuing all of a sudden.
"Come on," she said quietly. "Let's go see if we can find you something that's actual food." She smiled at the were-bear. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Tasha. Feel free to reach out to us anytime."
After lunch, we entered the funhouse.
I know humans are supposed to be delighted in things that bend the mind, but the house of mirrors gave me the creeps. I felt sufficiently unnerved to switch back into my wolf form. On the off chance that we got attacked three steps past the front door, I was ready.
I walked ahead of the rest of the investigative team, using my superior senses to seek out our target. But, frankly, I doubted the sanity of any creature that would make its home in this horrible place.
I stopped in front of a set of mirrors that distorted human proportions. Standing on four feet and only half as tall as the floor-to-ceiling mirror, I could still mostly identify what I was looking at. Trust humans to enjoy something as convoluted and mind-bending as this place.
And then a shadow walked straight out of the mirror and past me toward the investigators. It was a silhouette of a person, outlined in gray and green sparks of light. It sang as it moved, each word visible in the fog-shrouded room.
The words were literally spilling out of its mouth like confetti and falling on the ground.
I decided that this monster had bigger problems than a group of curious investigators to deal with.
"Indeed," said the strange spirit and the word plopped on the ground like a meatball. "This is what you might call a curse."
I yipped at it softly. "What kind of curse?"
It, of course, had no idea what I was saying. The mansion helped translate, somehow able to communicate with the creature just because of the pendant's proximity to the monster.
"The kind born of ill intentions," the spirit answered just as the humans caught up.
I placed myself squarely between them and the spirit, moving so that, if it tried anything, it would have to go through me.
Mensah put a hand on my back, between my shoulder blades, as a heads-up that she was standing beside me. I shivered at the unsolicited touch. Baradwahj was taking notes, and in the brief silence I could easily make out the sound of her pencil scraping against paper.
"I wondered why so many beings of light were suddenly in my domain," the creature said, and the words floated away, carried by an unseen breeze. "But now, I understand. The humans beyond these walls never cease to surprise me."
Overse, whose magic also had a connection to words and writing, stepped forward. "Who are you?"
"A difficult question, human." The cursed being rose above the floor on bare feet and twirled before us. "Once, perhaps I was human. But then I was cursed, for speaking the words that needed to be said. And the curse is renewed with each passing moon. For fifty years now, unceasing and unfailing."
"Can you tell us who cursed you?"
"I never knew her name. But she was... beautiful. Like the light of a new moon falling on a still, silent lake."
I heard whispers among the group. Finally, Overse said, "If we could find the one who cursed you, perhaps we could convince her to lift it."
The spirit flittered past me and between the humans. It passed through them untouched and didn't appear to cause them any harm. Sparks of green light landed in her wake.
I knew the humans wouldn't leave this alone, so I shapeshifted and became human. The spirit turned to face me now that there were eight people between us, haphazardly arranged and staring.
"So you're more than a wolf."
"And you're more than a prisoner," I countered.
"A curse is a curse." The creature shrugged.
"Not every curse is the same. Why the mirrors?"
"So that I might remember the importance of the human shape, the wonder of what it means to be born a human being." She spit the words out.
I had a sudden, inexplicable moment of clarity. "The head of the department did this, didn't she?"
"You're a smart one, little wolf."
No, not smart. Just good at remembering terrible things at inappropriate times. Mensah did this complicated thing where she got a little closer but didn't touch, like just existing would somehow prop me up. I don't know why. It's not like I cared what happened to this spirit or the uptight asshole of a human who chaired the department.
Overse and Arada grasped hands. Ratthi looked so very, utterly sad.
Mensah made a decision. I like how she thinks hard about her choices but once she's chosen, it's full steam ahead. I hate humans who waffle about things.
"We're leaving," she told the team. "There's nothing more we can do here. The Archives got it wrong this time. Guardian, we have some things we need to do tomorrow. So you have the day off."
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mizuri-chan · 7 years
AAAH I’VE FINALLY GOT SOME TIME TO ANSWER THESE!! I’ve wanted to answer so many of tag memes but then they’d be burried in my notes and I can’t find them anymore ;v;
So here goes!!
Tagged by sweet @nostalme!! ♥
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag
A sketchbook
My pencil case
My 3DS and my 3DS games hahaha
Phone charger
Sometimes my agenda
Five Things In My Bedroom:
Lots of sketchbooks
A lot of Zelda merch
Very often, a cat haha
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
Travel a lot
Learn lots of languages
Own a rat
Uhhh...Travel with my cats fhdghdfhgdsk
Dye my hair lilac
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
The series i’m currently into
Ja’far fdgsgfd
My cats
My friends
Five Things On My To-Do List:
Going to japan
Surviving university and getting through it without giving up
Going to New-Zealand
Meet a sloth, hug it and kiss it
Get a tattoo!!
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
uuuuh... I can’t be directly mean to someone who never did something to me???
It’s pretty safe to say I was literally one of the worst kid in maths in the whole school in highschool (and i’m not even kidding I had to redo the final exam 4 times before getting it somewhat right)
When I was in elementary school I had half a year of intensive english class (like we only had english, everyday) and this is how I became a little better after
I’m actually a sucker for very cliché romance, like waltzes and stuff
I don’t know how to properly study, I have never really learned how
Name?: Élodie
Nicknames?: Well irl it’s basically just Élo hahaha and Mizu on the internet :3
Zodiac?: Pisces
Sexual Orientation?: Asexual
Ethnicity?: uhh French Canadian
Favorite Fruit?: Watermelon
Favorite Season?: Summer
Favorite Flower?: aaaaaaaaa well i love hortensias a lot!!!
Favorite Scent?: You know, the smell when it’s spring and you open your window and then it smells so so so nice in your room?? This
Favorite Animal?: Cats and sloths!!
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Hot choclety
Cat or dog?: Both!!
Dream Trip?: Japan or New-Zealand
Number of Followers?: 1257.......i still don’t know how ;v; i love you guys so much
What do I post about?: Fandom stuff mainly (Magi, hxh, Steven universe, zelda...)
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: Not really
Favorite Band?: Gorillaz and Coldplay
Aesthetic?: Anything with flowers
Fictional Character I’d Date?: I love fictional characters as if they were my own children. i cannot imagine dating one of them
Hogwarts House?: I really can’t remember but that would probably be hufflepuff
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo (ONE DAY)
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument (i used to play a bit of violin)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well 
I have a good memory (I have the worse memory)
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week (thanks to my pe class only hahaha)
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (Kass’ theme from BOTW)
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
Thanks for the tag ♥♥
Tagged by lovely @lheonce ♥♥
10 favs from 10 fandom
1. Ja’far - Magi my absolute and ultimate dear son... 2. Pearl - Steven Universe 3. Killua Zoldyck - HunterxHunter but also every character in hxh lol 4. Green Oak - Pokémon 5. Oikawa Tooru - Haikyuu!! 6. Marceline Abadeer - Adventure Time 7. Every Zora Ever In Every Zelda Game tm 8. Chat Noir - Miraculous Ladybug 9. Hinata Hyuuga - Naruto 10. Len Kagamine - Vocaloid
Thanks for the tag!!! ♥ (it was rlly fun but for the last one i had to think a lot and then i remembered the soft banana boy)
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hedaswolf · 8 years
Ooh, ooh, can we get a sleepover chapter? Either El going to a friend's OR, a friend comes to stay at their house, or both.
part 20 of the clexa eleven au !
“Plaid pajama set or pink nightgown?” Clarke asks from her spot on your bedroom floor. She holds up both options as if you wouldn’t be able to make the decision without visual aids.
You smile, glad it goes without saying that you want to keep your Grounders tee safe at home. “Plaid.” She tosses them to you and you take your time folding the top and bottoms before placing them in your backpack.
The last time you and Clarke packed a bag together she was “anx-cited” about going to California to meet with one of her graphic design clients. This time you’re the one who’s anx-cited -- and the one who’s leaving.
“So,” Clarke says, “you gonna miss us?”
You shrug one shoulder and focus on smoothing out a crease in the plaid fabric in your lap. “It’s not far.”
“Mmmmhm.” Clarke arches an eyebrow and presses her lips together. “Well we’re gonna miss you, I’ll tell ya that.”
You roll your eyes and the two of you laugh and you try to sink into the comforting familiarity of the moment. But the truth is you will miss them, more than you’d like to admit.
Lexa walks you to Lily’s house. It’s kinda silly, because it’s just around the corner and you’ve walked there on your own plenty of times, but when Lexa offered you quickly agreed.
The plan has been in the works ever since you told Lily that your moms want to adopt you. You were standing in the schoolyard during recess, bouncing on your toes to keep warm. After Lily freed you from an extra-suffocating hug she told you, eyes shining with tears, that you have to tell her absolutely everything, but away from the busybodies at school. The only solution, of course, was a sleepover.
So Lily set to work concocting a detailed strategy to get her parents on-board and a few days later, when she gave you the all-clear, you simply asked your moms, who said ‘yes’ practically before you got the question out.
Lexa squeezes your hand as Lily’s house comes into view and you wonder if she can feel the quickening thrum of your pulse. You squeeze back and try to snap yourself out of it.
You’re a child of the system who’s slept in countless lumpy beds in homes run by some unsavory people. But Lily’s queen-sized bed is made of this magical material called “memory foam” and her parents are warm and cheerful, like their daughter, so you can’t fathom why the thought of sleeping over makes you feel a bit queasy inside. It bugs you.
When you reach the doorstep Lexa turns to you before ringing the bell. She cups your chin and waits for you to meet her eyes.
“You’re going to have a great time,” she says, like it’s a fact. “But if you ever want to come home just call. Even if it’s the middle of the night, okay? We won’t mind.”
You want to tell her you’re not a wuss, that you’ve stayed in far worse places without having anyone to call in the middle of the night -- you’ll survive one sleep in Lily’s fancy house. Lexa runs a finger over the crease that’s formed between your brows, and you remember that if anyone understands the kind of nights you once endured, it’s her.
“Okay.” The smile that seemed so far away just seconds ago spreads easily across your face. “I love you, Mum.”
“I love you too, El.” You sink into the warmth of Lexa’s hug, wrapping your arms around her middle. Then it hits you. “Oh no… I forgot! I got distracted by Waffles, and then the phone rang, and then it was time to go...”
You pull away and glance down the street, wondering how long it’ll take you to run back.
“You forgot something?” Lexa places a steadying hand on your shoulder. “What is it? I can go get it.”
You shake your head, that queasy feeling setting back in. “I forgot to tell Ma I love her.”
Just then the front door swings open and Lily’s mom appears behind it.
“I thought I heard voices out here,” she says, smiling at both of you. “Come on in, Eleven. Lily’s anxiously awaiting your arrival in her room.” She cups one hand beside her mouth and switches to a stage whisper. “I believe I heard rumblings about a blanket fort.”
Lexa must read the panic on your face because she pulls you in for another hug.
“Don’t worry,” she murmurs in your ear. “I’ll tell her.”
There are, indeed, the beginnings of a blanket fort in Lily’s spacious bedroom. Your friend sets you to work right away, and with each sheet you secure to a bedpost or light fixture you forget a bit more about your earlier misgivings.
The whole bedroom is practically covered in an intricate network of blankets and pillows by the time Lily’s dad calls you down for dinner. As you sit around the table with the family you can’t help but compare it to meals with your moms.
Lily’s dad made steak, which you don’t often have at home, but it’s tender and delicious. Lily dips her meat in ketchup, which her dad dubs “an outrage,” but he’s smiling when he says it.
Lily’s mom is more proper than either of yours. Throughout dinner she reminds Lily of her manners, instructing her to chew with her mouth closed and keep her elbows off the table. At first it makes you self conscious about your own eating habits, but eventually you catch on that Lily is mostly misbehaving on purpose, and that her mom winks at you each time she scolds her daughter.
All families have their weird little games, you think.
After dinner you head straight back to the blanket fort. Lily is one of the few kids in your class who has a TV in their room, and you purposefully built the fort around it so you can still see the screen from the bed. You lie on your stomachs on top of the covers, heads propped up on elbows, and watch cartoons on a cable channel you don’t get at home.
When Lily’s mom calls up that it’s time to get ready for bed a strange feeling settles in your gut. It makes you think of your first night in the group home -- an unshakeable notion that you don’t belong here.
But that makes no sense. You’ve been over Lily’s a million times. Your brain must be mixed up.
You and Lily change into PJs and take turns brushing your teeth, and something about going through the motions of the routine makes you feel better. Once you’re settled under the covers Lily’s dad comes in to tuck you in. He and Lily do an elaborate handshake that ends with kisses on both cheeks, and you hide a smile behind your hand.
It’s strange to see your bold and brassy friend in such a tender moment. When they’re done you think she might make you swear not to tell anyone what you’ve seen, but all she does is give you a toothy smile before sticking out her tongue. You grin back, happy that you have a friend who has never once doubted that she’s loved.
Lily’s dad leans over his daughter and holds up his hand, palm facing you. “Up top, kiddo.” You giggle as you give him a high-five, trying not to think about how the pet name makes reminds you of your Mama. (You definitely don’t wonder what your moms are doing at this very moment, or worry about where Waffles will sleep tonight. Absolutely not.)
After Lily’s dad leaves and turns off the bedroom light, you hear Lily throw off her covers and start rummaging for something under the bed.
“Ah ha!” she says, and then you’re blinking into a blinding light. “Oh, sorry.” She points the flashlight away from you as she climbs back into bed. “It’s just, I want to hear about your adoption proposal and I obviously need to see your face.”
In your and Lexa’s favorite show -- the one about a pawn shop that buys antiques -- the book expert often wears white gloves when handling priceless texts, to make sure she doesn’t damage them. You really wish you had a pair of those gloves right now as you balance “The Story of Us” on your lap.
Lily clamps a hand over her mouth as she squeals at the sight of it. Once she gets ahold of her excitement she balances the flashlight on a pillow and aims the light at the sketchbook. For a moment you worry she might try to turn the pages herself, but she wraps her arms around herself, like she’s trying to keep from bursting.
“Okay,” she says after taking a deep breath. “I’m ready.”
You take her through the story, letting her read each page before explaining what you were thinking the first time you saw it. At this point you practically have the words memorized, but reading it again through someone else’s eyes is thrilling. It doesn’t hurt that Lily squeaks and sighs at every little thing.
When you get to one of your favorite pages -- the one with “And now it’s time for them to live happily ever after…” -- Lily makes a hiccuping sort of sound. But you keep going, too caught up in your narration to stop.
“By this point my moms were a mess,” you whisper. “They were sitting on either side of me -- I think I mentioned that -- and I couldn’t look at them, but I could tell they were almost crying. My heart was beating so fast, Lil. I didn’t know what was coming next, but deep down I think maybe I did, you know?”
You turn to the page with the family portrait, explaining how you held your breath when it dawned on you that Clarke had drawn a glimpse of the future.
The muffled voices of Lily’s parents coming up the stairs make you realize you’re no longer whispering, and you pause in case they’re coming to tell you to go to sleep. A door somewhere down the hall clicks closed and their voices fade, but you keep quiet. That weird feeling has snuck up on you again and you can’t shake the thought that you’re not supposed to be here.
Lily cuddles in closer, resting her head on your shoulder, and pokes your hand that’s poised to turn the page. You scold yourself for getting too soft before continuing on.
You’ve read this story more times than you can count, but the last page still makes your eyes sting. It’s “the proposal,” as Lily puts it. When they ask if they can keep you forever.
“Well?” Lily’s voice sounds hoarse. “What did you say? What did you do??”
You let out a quiet laugh. “I burst into tears.”
You wait to feel embarrassed by the admission, but it never comes.
Lily’s out like a light the second her head hits the pillow, but you can’t sleep.
This house is too quiet -- it doesn’t have radiators that hiss or a cat whose purr rattles through the night. Your mind, on the other hand, is too loud -- you can’t stop imagining Waffles curled up alone at the foot of your bed, or mute the voice in your head that thinks maybe, just maybe, your moms are happy to have a night without you for once.
You know it’s not true. The evidence is there in the sketchbook tucked safely back in your backpack and in next week’s appointment with an adoption lawyer, written in block letters on the post-it stuck to the fridge. But you know two things can be true at once; your moms can love you and still want time to themselves. That’s what date night is, after all. But what if a whole night child-free -- Eleven-free -- makes your moms realize how much they missed being a family of two?
You squeeze your eyes shut, but all you see is a post-it note falling to the floor.
Dr. Kapoor once told you that when your mind starts going to a bad place you should try focusing on the present, so that’s what you do. You listen to the rhythm of Lily’s breathing, watch the clock on the bedside table turn from 12:27 to 12:28, note the scent of Clarke’s favorite fabric softener on your pajamas.
That last one makes you smile. Your moms got in one of their fake arguments over fabric softener once, before you knew them very well. It was one of the first times the three of you went to the grocery store together and you quickly picked up a pattern. Lexa was in charge of finding the items on her neatly written list, and Clarke was in charge of pushing the shopping cart and Lexa’s buttons.
Every so often, when Lexa was looking through the coupon catalog or scrutinizing a nutrition label, Clarke would wink at you and toss something unnecessary into the cart. When Lexa inevitably noticed the bag of Swedish fish or box of trick birthday candles, she’d roll her eyes and lecture Clarke about the importance of sticking to their budget and not straying from the list. Clarke would sigh and put a hand on her hip, but she gave up pretty easily, having already succeeded in her primary goal of annoying her wife.
It was in the detergent aisle that Clarke stood her ground.
She didn’t even wait for Lexa to become distracted before placing three boxes of Bounce “Outdoor Fresh” fabric softener in the cart. Lexa made a strong case -- they’d never used dryer sheets before and their clothes were soft enough, so there’s no need for the added expense. Clarke listened patiently before explaining her reasoning, which resulted in fabric softener being included on the grocery list from that day forward.
“My dad always used the same fabric softener and to this day when I catch that scent, it reminds me of home,” she said. “I want Eleven to have that, too.”
The clock on the bedside table turns to 12:29 and you yawn. You roll onto your side, hoping you might finally fall asleep, and something kinda sharp presses against the outside of your thigh. You wedge your hand between your body and the mattress and find what seems to be a folded up piece of paper in the pocket of your pajama bottoms.
You unfold it and hold it in front of your face. You can tell there’s something written on it, but it’s too dark to make out. It only takes you a moment to find Lily’s flashlight.
“Sleep tight, kiddo,” the note reads, in Clarke’s handwriting. “Can’t wait to hear all about your sleepover. I love you.” At the bottom she’s drawn a tiny walkie-talkie that looks just like the one you hid in her suitcase all those months ago.
You read the note a few times over, a smile stretching your cheeks, before you turn the flashlight off. At some point you must drift off to sleep, and hours later when you wake up the sun is seeping through the blinds and the note is still in your hand.
It’s one of those early spring days where you can almost feel the sun on your skin. Lily’s mom hugs you goodbye and you and Lily do the handshake her dad helped you create after he made you heaping stacks of pancakes.
Once the door clicks closed behind you, you look down the street toward home, and it’s like no time has passed since the last time you were standing here with Lexa, wondering how long it would take you to run back to Clarke.
And that’s just what you do.
Holding tight to the straps of you backpack, you take off down the street. The fears you had last night are still present at the back of your mind, but in the light of day they’re just phantoms of their former selves. You’re not going to let them slow you down.
When you round the corner and your house comes into view you go into an all-out sprint. Your heart skips when you see that moms are sitting in kitchen chairs on the front porch with a blanket over their laps and steaming mugs in their hands.
“There she is!” Clarke calls when she spots you.
You’re panting and feeling a little silly when you bound up the steps, but your moms are beaming at you, so you don’t care. Clarke puts her coffee down and holds her arms out to you.
She’s warm and smells like sleep and you whisper an hours-late “I love you,” into the fabric of her sweatshirt.
Clarke pulls you into her lap and Lexa angles her chair so that you can rest your legs across her thighs. Then they cover you with the blanket and everything feels right once again.
“Did you have a good time?” Lexa asks.
“Yeah. I did.” You smile, remembering pancakes and blanket forts. “But... sometimes I got this weird feeling.”
“Weird feeling, huh?” Clarke kisses your cheek. “What was it like?”
Now that you’re cuddled up with your moms -- who were waiting for you -- it’s hard to remember, but you try your best.
“I don’t know. It just felt like everything was a little off. I got it when I had to take off my shoes to go inside and when I helped fold linen tablecloths for dinner and when Lily gargled with this bright green mouthwash.”
Lexa squeezes your ankle. “Sounds pretty different from home.”
“Yeah, exactly,” you say. “It was like I liked being there, but I wanted to be home, too.” You shrug and focus on your nails. “But that doesn’t make much sense.”
Clarke loops her arms around your waist and pulls you back until you’re reclining against her, with your head tucked into the crook of her neck.
“It makes sense to me,” she says. “I got that feeling when I was in California, away from you and Lex.”
“You did?”
Since you can’t see Clarke’s face you look to Lexa, who nods. “Sounds like you were homesick, El.”
“Homesick,” you whisper, feeling color fill your cheeks. “Wait... I didn’t get that when we went away for Octavia and Lincoln’s wedding.”
“That’s because we were all together,” Clarke says. “It’s a bit of a misnomer -- a word that doesn’t always mean how it sounds. Sometimes you’re not homesick for a place -- you’re homesick for the people who are your home.”
You think of all the times you got that feeling in the past -- in the group home and old foster homes -- and wonder if it’s possible you were homesick for people you hadn’t even met yet. “Well, we’re happy you had fun with Lily,” Lexa says. “But we’re also glad you missed us, because we really missed you.”
“You have nooo idea,” Clarke says. “We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. And you should’ve seen Waffles -- we had to give him a bunch of extra treats because he was downright depressed.”
You giggle and pull the blanket up to your chin. “We should probably have a family day to make up for lost time.”
Lexa beams. “I like the way you think.”
“Pajamas all day?” Clarke says. “Movie marathon? Ice cream for lunch?”
Lexa sighs and rolls her eyes, but you know this is one of those arguments that Clarke will win.
After a day of pajamas and movies and ice cream and cuddles you’re beyond excited to go to sleep in your own bed. But after your moms tuck you in, you sneak back out.
There are a few blank pages at the end of “The Story of Us” and you tape Clarke’s note to the first one.
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