#i had rice and a can of cornbeef hash
sningo-prompts · 2 years
Ok but what if Ingo accidentally ate something his particular breed of Sneasel can’t. Like maybe for the regular breed it’s fine and Emmet didn’t think anything of it but… Hisuian Sneasels don’t share the same immunities as Johtoian Sneasels, they are quite literally an extinct breed of sneasel for a reason and probably didn’t adapt a tolerance for things a normal sneasel would have, like certain types of food that are poisonous or unhealthy to certain breeds of dogs that others that have developed a tolerance for.
I couldnt think of what he could have a reaction to so im just gonna not fill that in (if i had to pick something i was gonna pick raisins they casue kidney failure in dogs but i dont want to make it too serious sooooo)
Ok so hi writing liz here. I spent like so long on writing the set up. Its 3:22am and im still writing the set up. Ok i had a thought of taking the whole thing out and just writing the key points here then making a full post for what i have. Yea im gonna do that but im gonna leave this note here.
Another note. Its 4:05 and i just realised i wrote this whole thing for food poisoning instead of allergy. Sorry im having a spout of food poisoning myself at the moment so its just on the brain. Damn you local dominos.
Ok so key points only LETS GOO
Ingo tried to hide it from Emmet. Emmet does a lot for Ingo now and Ingo feels bad about it. He used to take care of Emmet.
I headcanon Ingo cooked for them and Emmet sucks at it.
Emmet knows Ingo feels bad about not being able to take care of Emmet, let alone himself, so Emmet has to keep a closer eye on Ingo since he wont tell him if something is wrong. So you just get Ingo poorly hiding his pain/sickness and Emmet hyper aware of Ingos state.
Im gonna say it gets pretty bad. Like Ingo is awake halfway throught the night stubbornly trying to tuff it out when hes just like “yea no something is very wrong i need help” so he goes to wake up Emmet, who is totally awake and totally wasnt about to drag Ingo to a pokemon center in the next five minutes. Emmet rushes him down and finds out its food poisoning. Which Emmet is completely surprised about because he researched everything Sneasels can and cant eat. He picked that food because it was supposed to be safe damn it. The nurse suggested maybe its because his typing is different.
Oh side note Emmet pretending Ingo is just his pokemon drives him up the wall. He hates making his brother feel like a lesser being.
Anyway Ingo has a good three days of recovery ahead of him. Hes tired. Hes in pain. Hes dehydrated. Hes shaky. And he cant keep anything in his stomach.
Now i have given myself food poisoning many many times (im banned from cooking chicken at 3am now) so i know it just sucks. No you arent leaving the house dont bother. You ate too weak to try probably. Drinking lots and lots of water feels like its doing nothing but doctors say it helps so *shrug* do it. It hardly matters what you eat it isnt staying long. Vomiting is the worst. Though tbh my stomach has serious acid lvl problems soooo idk i might be a bad example for how bad vomits should burn. Dehydration adds a lot of the symptoms tbh. If you share a bathroom with someone rip them, because you live in there now. Ok again im a bad example because i pretty much live in the bathroom as is. I shower when im sick. Like a lot. If im sick then i spends hours in there. At least if i have to vom im in the shower ya know. Idk. I should when i write these posts mostly.
So Emmet is going to take his normal levels of peotection of Ingo and dial them up to 11. He feels at fault for this after all. Ingo is too weak to shove his brother off right now. Emmet isnt going to work at all till Ingo is in full health again thats for sure. Queue sofa living. Emmet only left the house to go to the store to buy sports drinks and oatmeal. Maybe banana or two as well. You may think these are weird choices but trust me fam you dont want anything else. The sports drink gonna help with the dehydration and the oatmeal/bananas help keep your stomach in less of a mess. That is once you get to eat. When going through the main symptoms Ingo cant reslly eat or drink anything without making himself worse. Emmet hates it. I mean so does Ingo but duh. Seeing his brother in pain again is something Emmet never wanted to do. But its worse this time. He blames himself for his mistake. Even though there was literally no way for him to know, wel talking it over with Ingo but he thought he had it covered. Queue Ingo trying to comfort Emmet while sick making Emmet feel worse. I saw a headcanon that Emmet stress cleans so the whole time hes not by Ingos side hes cleaning something.
Once Ingo finds out what had been going on he can help keep his diet in order. He knows what hisuin sneasels can and cant eat after all. But thats not till everything is said and done.
Ok its 4:21am im done i got nothin else for this one. I do have like the other post in the works but my phone is at 4% so its gonna have to wait. Sorry i missed the allergy thingy. I dont have many food related ones. I assume Emmet gets worse off for stress because food allergies are crazy bad news. Your throat swells. You cant breathe. Oh Ingo could have died. Yea Emmet isnt good
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