#i had like 3 more parts planned for this but it's 1:30 am and i have school tomorrow
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truelovepolinator · 2 months ago
Nicola and Luke are ABSOLUTELY TOGETHER and have been all along and here’s how I know
(Friends, I’ve just finished this and it is INSANELY LONG. Like, two looong book chapters long. But I PROMISE it’s worth it. I was gonna cut it into multiple parts to make it more readable, but I’m going to be super busy over the next few days, so I wouldn’t have a chance to post subsequent parts until probably Christmas, so I’ve decided to drop it all now so I don’t delay the final victorious conclusion. Sorry, it’s so long, but I don’t really have time to rethink it and try to tell the story in a more concise way. Again, I think you’ll be glad you stuck with it if you want to feel as thoroughly confident as I am that Nic and Luke are absolutely together.)
So I want to start by saying something I’m sure I’ll repeat. This is, of course, just my opinion and supposition based on the evidence available to me. But I also want to say, I am absolutely, positively sure now in a way I have never been. Genuinely not a doubt in my mind, and I think you’ll agree by the end of this.
It’s also worth noting that this may be nothing new to some of you. I’ve only been on this platform for a week and have barely scratched the surface of the great content here. So this is how *I* came to the final, joyful conclusion that everything is right with the world where lukola is concerned. I had long been sure they belonged together, but was afraid to embrace the theories about them actually being together now for fear of heartbreak, plus all the confusing signals about A & J, etc.
But all that changed a couple nights ago when I finally got the last piece of the puzzle I needed to see the big picture. There were just too many things that didn’t make sense, until they did! I literally couldn’t sleep that night (seriously only got about 2 hours) and then spent next day telling my husband the story for hours (in 20-30 minute increments as he could spare them during his slow, Christmas time work day).
My husband has been a patient, long-suffering skeptic through all of this. He’s put up with my rants and constant videos I just had to share, but he’s been completely convinced from day one that they simply leaned into their friendship to turn on faux relationship vibes for PR. He was absolutely sure it was all just make-believe for the fans. No matter what I showed him, he could not be convinced.
Until yesterday. Yes, I convinced the toughest skeptic in town.
I think it’s important to start with my journey into the Lukola fandom for context. I was a casual Bridgerton watcher until this season, and had never read the books. I liked season 1, I loved season 2, and I was looking forward to watching season 3.
I had planned to wait to watch the first 4 until the second half was about to launch (so I wouldn’t have to wait for more), but I realized after about a week that we needed to watch it immediately before everything was completely spoiled by timeline gifs and clips.
Needless to say, I was beyond hooked. Instantly. Season 3 was another level for all the reasons you all know. Finally I could engage safely with the fandom, but the process from occasional Polin/Lukola content to nonstop immersion took some time. So even following the second half, there was a TON of footage I hadn’t seen.
All of this to say, I basically missed all of the World Tour stuff as it was happening, and it took well into the summer to finally see so many amazing clips and edits that I was absolutely fucking sucked into the lukola wormhole. However, I was well behind many of you on the curve, and even to this day, I’m still catching up on things.
But by late summer, I was all in. I was sailing high on USS Lukola (or I suppose that should be the HMS Lukola!) because I saw exactly what you all saw. This was clearly real, their feelings were indisputable, and everything about their behavior and much of what they said was so far beyond PR, even “faking couplehood” PR.
They were real. Even if he had this dumb girlfriend. (I say that only in the good-natured, abstract sense that I wanted him with Nic, not in a personal “actually about her” sense. In fact, I’ve never said anything hateful about either A or J and I hope I never will.)
I couldn’t resist the mystery.
It drove me absolutely crazy for months trying to understand why they weren’t together. Nothing made sense, but I mentally explored literally every possibility. They’re afraid of ruining their friendship? They’re afraid of disrupting the production if it goes wrong? These possibilities at least made some kind of sense and seemed to be the only explanations I could find. But in my mind, they weren’t good enough reasons to resist what these two so obviously had. Still, I’m not them, so that was easy for me to say. I had nothing to risk in this.
One or both of them is/are secretly gay? Soulmate besties instead of soulmate lovers? I didn’t think this was the case and nothing made me believe this. Yet, I was attempting to allow for every possibility. Still, with Nicola being the super vocal “gay icon” that she is, it was hard to imagine she wouldn’t live out and proud if that was the case. And apparently she lived with an unknown man for two years. Though she does always keep her private (romantic) life super private, so I suppose who knows? And, of course, Luke had two very public past relationships with women, but again, who knows, I suppose? This option doesn’t ring true at all, but it does exist in the universe of possible explanations for this inexplicable situation.
They love each other in a soulmate way, but somehow one of them just isn’t “attracted” to the other? Certainly, if the stories about Antonia were true, that might suggest that Luke might be attracted to an entirely different physical type than Nicola. But that didn’t ring true either because LOOK AT THEM TOGETHER! He can’t take his eyes off of her, let alone his hands. And the same for her. They are magnetized to each other. If that’s not attraction, what is?
One of them has baggage and isn’t ready for a real, serious relationship? This one seemed possible. People can have hang-ups or wounds for all sorts of reasons, and letting someone in – especially someone who might actually be your soulmate – can be terrifying. Self-protection by avoiding relationships and/or distracting yourself with less meaningful relationships is a natural way of coping with baggage. Yes, maybe this one? Neither of them seems obviously wounded, but what would I know? Most people don’t wear their wounds on their sleeves, least of all during a PR tour. Still, the energy flow between them seemed anything but wounded. It seemed like the healthiest, happiest thing in the world.
People kept saying, they’re blind and they don’t see it yet. But I don’t believe anyone can be that blind. Especially after watching all the countless edits and clips of their tour, which we know they did because Nicola is chronically online and sharing with Luke the best of it all (and sneaky Luke is likely lurking also).
So at the end of the day, I had no good explanation. It just kept not making sense.
Then those music festival photos of Nic and Jake (I’ll abbreviate sometimes for ease, but I do say their names) showed up. The fandom erupted into chaos with full reactions across the spectrum including a bizarre, almost immediate burst of (not yet named) jakolas, which felt like a disproportionate response to a few photos.
Admittedly, those photos did look quite friendly, and touchy, and yes, they stood arm-in-arm. But lots of friends stand like that at concerts. And Nic is known to be touchy-feely, so let’s not go overboard, I thought. However, I did acknowledge (in my head, I didn’t weigh in online at all) that it suggested that it COULD be romantic. I opted not to freak out, because either way, Nic’s love life is her own and I want her to be happy.
And it’s worth saying here that both of their private lives are none of my business, none of any of our business, and even writing this is completely at odds with that truth. I acknowledge that. But what I told myself, and actually meant it, was that I was going to stay out of it unless and until NicLuke got together. That was the only place I would invest my energy since they’ve both said they think it’s sweet that fans ship them. If they dated others, good luck to them. Be happy. But when the time comes…
Yes, friends, the time has come!!! But back to my story.
Note that (because again, I was still catching up), I hadn’t yet seen the swimming in Sorrento photos and had missed that piece of the puzzle at that point. Throughout this time, I’d see people refer to things on Twitter like everyone already knew what they were talking about, but hardly anyone ever took the time to explain. So I got lots of glimmers of things that others felt were notable, without actually knowing any details. Those pictures were an example. Another was the Claddagh ring.
I’m very grateful to some amazing deep dive blog entries by @threeacttragedy that explained the ring, “Bless the Telephone,” and other meaty, important history that I’d previously only heard mentioned in passing. In fact, one of her blogs is what first brought me here by referral from Twitter. And if you don’t follow her, you should!
In the past week, as I started reading blogs that broke down past dates and clues, I finally started looking them up one by one and trying to put the pieces together in my head. I’d seen the swimming photos by then, but I revisited them. I dug in to try to understand the references to a “New Year kiss” from the night the friend group (Rory, etc.) posted photos together from a Soho House party. I reviewed Hot Boy Summer, I rewatched the incredibly emotional video of Luke meeting Nicola’s mom, I looked at photos of the Claddagh ring and went to Chupi’s website. I learned about the LA photos from April, both Antonia’s version and the InStyle Polaroids. I reviewed all the photos of Luke and Antonia that I could find. And I reviewed all the photos and videos of Nic and Jake that I could find. Also, I listened to “Bless the Telephone” about one hundred times. Lol.
Regarding Luke and Antonia, I had the same response in this deep dive I’ve had every time. Weird. I mean, if I didn’t feel so strongly that Luke was in love with Nicola, and if I knew nothing about him except he was some hot actor, could I see him dating someone like A? Sure. But the fact that there are almost no pictures of them posing together, alone like a couple, is weird. Even if it’s super casual and she was just his date to some stuff. The fact that Luke looks grumpy in both sets of pap photos (premiere night and swimming in Sorrento), but A is smiling happily in at least one of the premiere night photos is weird. The fact that after the Sorrento pap photos, Luke seems to leave his friend group to come home early, and then stops liking any of his best friend Rory’s photos from there on, weird.
The fact that in the fall, she posts pictures harkening back to a place and time they were apparently together, but without any actual photos together, weird. And the continual drip, drip of Likes from Luke is weird. And then when a photo of Luke in a restaurant in Rome is posted by the restaurant, she immediately follows with a video story of someone making pasta in the same restaurant, weird.
Perhaps weirdest of all, the fact that she pre-posted the LA pictures, and then he gave other versions of the same shots to InStyle. Especially the switching seats thing. If my husband and I were taking pics of each other at a café, I’d take his picture in front of the traffic, and he’d take my picture in front of the restaurant, because that’s where we’d be sitting. Across from each other. So why switch seats to take the photos? It’s not like that street with traffic was such a fantastic backdrop that we’d each need our turn with that shot? And they’re the same, with the same table number, but different. Sure, traffic moves, but weird coincidence that they each had a white truck, but a DIFFERENT white truck. So, like I said, weird. Always implying they were together, but never actually saying/showing it. Weird.
I read all sorts of theories from pragmatic (we just have to accept that they’re dating) to hateful (they’re not together/never were, but she’s obsessed and keeps inserting herself in a pathetic, desperate plea for attention and followers) to seemingly far-fetched (some sort of NDA that means for some reason Luke is obligated to Like her photos). Only the first of these seemed plausible. I maybe didn’t like it (not maybe, I didn’t like it at all), but I thought, “Yes, I guess we just have to accept that they’re probably together until they tell us otherwise.”
(Though I held out a small sliver of “but we don’t know anything for sure until L and/or N tell us themselves” hope, which remains true even as I write this.)
Now, let’s talk about Nic and Jake. First, there were those shots from the concert (discussed above). Then, I believe, were the NYC shots (if I’m not confusing the order). In the NYC shots, they were both there, but they weren’t especially intimate in any interpersonal sense. Then, the pap shots on the street posted on DM, ostensibly catching them walking home together, holding hands and arm-in-arm after a night at the pub. With those photos came an onslaught of fandom fury and gossip site reporting about how “Nicola Coughlan confirms her relationship…” Same story runs across a bunch of trashy sites, all saying the same thing and citing an unnamed source talking about how besotted they were, or whatever the quote was.
Admittedly, I was among the furious fans. Not because of what the pictures showed. Again, I was trying to be serene and Zen about them and their private lives. I believed with all my heart that NicLuke belonged together, but if now wasn’t their time, I’d have to wait. I didn’t love that I’d heard he was only 24, but I was trying to balance my efforts to be a non-judgmental person with my discomfort over that issue and reminding myself that her choices are none of my business (unless she chooses Luke!).
So I did my best to refrain from judgment, even as I saw the fandom erupt into toxic madness about whether it was true, whether he was gay, whether the age gap was wrong, whether DM lied about the date, and if they did (which they did), why? But I figured, unless the photos were very, very old, things weren’t likely to have changed in their relationship over a couple weeks, so I wasn’t overly concerned about the date.
However, I was angry about all these stories (basically the same story across the board) announcing that she’d “CONFIRMED” the relationship. It made me very angry that they said she confirmed something when she’d done nothing of the sort. I wasn’t prepared to argue that she wasn’t dating Jake at that point, but why would they all run this story, with this headline, when what actually happened was a paparazzi photographer snapped shots and sold them, then the media drew conclusions from what they saw?
Nicola never confirmed a damn thing. So why were they running this headline so universally?
I was also angry that the photos existed at all. Photos in her neighborhood could reveal her location and put her safety at risk. Also, how did they happen to be there to take those photos late one specific night? Felt like they must have received a tip. But I moved on and forgot about that part.
Time went on and I saw more and more discussion of Jake’s sexuality. I don’t really want to get into that here because I don’t really feel comfortable speculating about anyone unless they choose to explicitly come out, but I did finally start poking around his page, Douglas’s page, etc. and began to understand why people were saying what they were saying. However, I reminded myself that bi/pan-sexuality exists and I wasn’t willing to partake in bi-erasure, so I held my tongue and kept watching.
Now, at this point, I want to remind us all that Nic has always been extremely private and uttered nary a peep in public about her romantic/sexual life. And fair enough. It’s none of our damn business. Also, she’s talked extensively about how women are not just men’s girlfriends and her feminist take on many things and how it doesn’t feel nice to know that people are more interested in her love life than her work. She’s worked freaking hard to achieve the success she’s now enjoying, and she certainly should not be reduced to a woman in a relationship. No matter who is on the other end of that relationship.
(Again here, I feel the need to acknowledge my hypocrisy in writing this, but I really do genuinely love Nic’s work and spirit and activism, etc. as well.)
So, in light of her position on all of that, we wouldn’t expect her to go public with a new love interest. The fact that she was papped with this guy (if indeed he was a love interest) was just an indication of how much her celebrity and profile have grown. There’s greater interest now and she’s more recognizable now, so it’s to be expected that she’d have a harder time keeping her love life private now than in the past. Not so strange then, that she got caught a couple times in paparazzi photos at this point.
However, would she really then go public with that guy? That would mark a radical change in her behavior just when you’d think she’d want to be the most private because the glare of the spotlight is brighter than ever. Still, she allowed a public photo with him, Camilla, and Evan Ross Katz to go out shortly thereafter. If one believed they were dating, that could certainly be interpreted as a launch. Yet, as I said, would she really do that if she were dating him?
Then he started popping up everywhere. I won’t get the chronology here right because I don’t want to research the dates right now, but there was the Charlie xcx concert, in which she appeared with Jake and Dylan, who is out and proud. The Queer premiere where he was just caught in the background of a fan photo. The simultaneously released photos from the red and gold restaurant (with a mysterious third person taking the photos). There was the apparently brunch-time photo of her with Jake and two others, taken by Dylan. And most recently, Louisa’s photo with Jake and Douglas (who is also openly gay and close friends, if not more, with Jake).
I’m not mentioning all the players in all of these because it’s not critical to the story, and I may be forgetting some photos, but there is a point to all of this. First, there’s potentially a notable shift in what she’s allowing to be shared here. Again, historically, she’s never shared anything about her love life. Suddenly, she’s letting him be photographed everywhere. Also, at most of these events, there were other queer participants and/or queer content (the movie premiere).
And while she’s never allowed her romantic life to be shared, you know what she has often shared? Photos with all of her platonic friends, including her huge friend group of many, many gay men. So this trend in what she’s allowing to be shared suggests that she’s telling a story and clarifying Jake’s role in her life.
But then there’s that one mystery release, the simultaneously timed restaurant photo drops. Clearly coordinated, clearly indicating they were there together. No indication about the third party. Why? Just enough to hint that there might be something going on, and to continue wreaking havoc in the fandom.
Because remember that toxic fandom bickering over all of this? The jakolas swearing they’re in love and soon to be engaged and furious at the lukolas for “being blind and refusing to accept the truth and it’s so disrespectful to Nic ('who you claim to love') by disregarding her feelings and treating the love of her life so badly. They keep showing you they’re in love and you won’t listen!” Etc., etc.
Meanwhile, the lukolas fall into a couple camps. By this point, most have decided Nic and Jake aren’t dating, but some remain circumspect. Some scream back at the jakolas, ostensibly in defense of Jake, saying very similar things about “Jake and his friends are doing everything in their power to show you the truth and you refuse to see it.” And a variety of other responses. Everyone’s mad at everyone.
And all of it, every bit of it, keeps us ALL talking about Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton. Nonstop, every day.
Now, we are nearing the big mic drop of all of this, and I want to say at this point that we need to remember that Nic and Luke are HUMAN BEINGS who have a right to privacy. And they are celebrities living in a world that has an intense interest in their love lives. And sometimes, we might not feel good about the measures they must take to protect their privacy. We might hate those measures. We might feel manipulated, and we are. But if we love and respect them as much as I hope we all do, we can also understand and forgive them for taking such measures.
A quick review of important factors in all of this:
The Galway trip and that very emotional introduction to Nic’s mom, which looked for all the world like a woman meeting her future son-in-law
The Claddagh ring and how she’s been wearing it
The things reporters, cast, and crew have said in passing and/or posted, not to mention recent open shipping from Ryan Wheeler and Shondaland’s IG
Everything we saw with our own eyes on the world tour, not to mention everything we’ve seen in the BTS
Little droplets of NicLuke over the recent months like Bless the Telephone and (not yet mentioned above) the S4 selfie and the photo of them in costume that Nic said she thought she’d shared, but now it’s ours (while she hasn’t posted any Jake)
The absolute consistency of all of this as a story that makes sense
The premiere night pap photos (and though I didn’t mention it earlier, the fact that Nic went home that night so she wasn’t around for A’s attendance)
The friend group photos at Soho House with Luke, A and others
The weird LA InStyle photos
The Sorrento swimming photos
The multiple sets of pap photos of Nic and Jake, including grainy night-time neighborhood photos (with a woman walking a dog in the background)
The way every gossip news outlet ran the same “Nicola confirmed her relationship” story with the same headline and the same anonymous quote
The weirdly devoted, intensely defensive jakolas/Jake stans that seem to care about nothing but Jake/jakola out of nowhere and love screaming at and stirring up shit with lukolas
The chaos and constant discussion of all of this over the past 6+ months
The absolute inconsistency of any of this with anything in the top group
So, this mystery just gets deeper and deeper, and none of it makes sense. Every time I’d try to accept that they were just seeing these other people, something would bump in my head. There were just too many weird things that didn’t quite make sense and the biggest, weirdest one of them all was that NICOLA AND LUKE ARE CLEARLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER.
So while the pieces would always almost fit, the puzzle never quite took shape. Until two nights ago when I stumbled on @lukolafan ’s page after they liked one of my posts. I scrolled down their page and found a link labeled “Lukola PR Strategies and Fake Narratives.” I cannot scream this loudly enough. GO VISIT THAT LINK!!!!! (I’ll add the links myself later if I have time.)
I did and it led to a series of Reddit posts taking an academic approach to teaching us, the general public (and lukola fans) PR Media Literacy. Among the various topics it discussed were things like:
“PR Firms and Entertainment Media: Coordinating “News” Across Gossip, Entertainment, and Official Publications,” which talks about using anonymous sources, more about staged paparazzi, and repeated narratives (“outlets echo identical stories, reinforcing PR-approved messaging, for example, multiple outlets platforms describing a celebrity ‘rising above’ a controversy, quoting the same anonymous insider” – Sound familiar?)
“The Invisible Hand of Celebrity Privacy: How PR Fabricates Narratives and Manipulates Fans,” which includes ways that PR strategies intentionally manipulate fans to fight/debate celebs faking relationships, and more (sound familiar?)
There’s honestly so much meat in all of these (there are a couple others as well) that they are ALL worth reading. There is definitely some repetition, but still, the content is super insightful and revealing and can help us all be more savvy consumers of media.
But I want to focus on two CRITICAL posts, in particular.
“The Role of Staged Paparazzi and Gossip Outlets in Celebrity PR Campaigns”
The first part of this piece talks about the method for staging fake paparazzi photos to create narratives. Two items of particular note (and I’m excerpting directly):
Quality Control of the Image: While professional photographers use high-quality cameras, staged paparazzi photos are intentionally manipulated to appear grainy or blurry. This adds a layer of authenticity to the photo, making it look as though the photographer stumbled upon the celebrity by chance.
Extra Figures in the Background: Another key tactic in staged paparazzi photos involves the use of background extras—people who might be walking with dogs, pushing strollers, or simply in the vicinity.
Think of Nicola’s photos walking home with Jake, a woman walking a dog behind them. Some of them are clear, but some are quite grainy, despite the fact that professional photographers have great equipment and are more than capable of taking a night-time shot.
Another excerpt…
Gossip Outlets: DeuxMoi and the Symbiotic Relationship with PR Firms
With the rise of user-generated content and anonymously submitted tips, gossip websites have become integral to the modern celebrity PR machine. Sites like DeuxMoi thrive on rumors and speculation, providing a platform for fans and anonymous sources to share celebrity gossip. PR teams exploit these platforms to feed their desired narratives without appearing to directly control the flow of information.
How Gossip Sites Like DeuxMoi Work:
Anonymous Tips and Leaks: PR teams often send anonymous tips to gossip outlets, offering details about celebrity activities or sightings. These tips are deliberately vague, leaving room for interpretation and speculation. Once posted on sites like DeuxMoi, the stories tend to snowball as they are shared across social media and republished by larger outlets.
Fueling Speculation: These posts generate buzz and speculation, keeping celebrities in the public eye without any direct confirmation. Gossip sites become a key player in amplifying the narrative, as fans, influencers, and media outlets continue to discuss and spread the information.
Mutual Benefits: While gossip sites operate independently, there is a mutual benefit to the relationship between them and PR teams. Gossip sites thrive on traffic and engagement, while PR teams can ensure their client’s name stays relevant in the public discourse. By subtly feeding stories, PR teams maintain control over how their celebrity’s narrative unfolds.
The piece goes on to give specific examples like Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny, Tomdaya, Gigi Hadad and Zayne Malik, etc. then talks about fake fan interactions and how to spot them.
It offers key questions to ask about the photos you see (like what story is it telling and why and who benefits?) and then it gives this example. If your ears aren’t already fully perked, this will do it:
Example: 37-Year-Old Famous Actress and 24-Year-Old Lesser-Known Celebrity
Narrative of Romance or Distraction: In this case, the 37-year-old actress is likely fueling rumors of a relationship with the 24-year-old to either distract from something else in her personal life (like a real romantic partner) or to refresh her public image. The younger celebrity could be hired to play a temporary love interest or interest figure in the media, leading people to speculate whether they are more than just friends.
Creating a Romance or Mystery: The photo of them walking arm-in-arm, laughing, or holding hands might suggest that a romantic connection exists. This could be used to make the actress seem more relatable, desirable, or single, even if there is no romantic involvement behind the scenes.
Diverting Public Focus: If the actress is privately in a relationship with another celebrity or involved in an ongoing controversy, the staged photo with the younger celebrity helps to deflect attention. By inserting a "mystery romance," the public is more interested in who the new partner is, leaving the actress’s real partner or issues to stay out of the spotlight.
PR Stunt to Revitalize Publicity: The actress might not just be looking for romantic gossip but also fresh exposure. A curated paparazzi shot could serve as a PR tool to keep the actress's name in circulation—be it through romantic rumors, new partnerships, or simply new media content to fuel speculation.
Potential Body Double for Real Partner: If the real partner is shying away from the public eye or trying to avoid the media, the younger celebrity might act as a "body double" or decoy. This helps maintain an image of the actress being in a public relationship, while allowing her to keep the real relationship.
Don’t think I need to explain the relevance of this very specific example. There’s a lot more in the post, but I’ll move on for now to the next key post.
“Breadcrumbing and Coordinated Campaigns”
In this piece, they offer first some key breadcrumbing tactics, many of which sound awfully familiar.
Common Types of Breadcrumbs:
Cryptic Social Media Posts: Celebrities post vague messages or abstract references, sparking fan theories. Example: Harry Styles posts cryptic images or quotes, prompting speculation.
Coordinated Social Media Timing: PR teams synchronize posts to create the illusion of a shared narrative. Example: Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss posted similar content at the same time, fueling relationship rumors.
Accidental Social Media Interactions: Liking posts or commenting on ambiguous tweets creates intimacy and speculation. Example: Kendall Jenner engages with fans on social media, fueling rumors.
Seemingly Innocent Photos: Casual photos subtly hint at a larger narrative. Example: Zendaya and Tom Holland posted photos together, teasing their relationship.
Cryptic? Like Bless the Telephone? Or a mysterious left-handed guy holding a phone in the background while Nic gets ready?
Synchronized like Nic and Jake at that restaurant? Or as far as that goes, like Nic and Luke with the S4 selfie?
Accidental social media interactions? I didn’t go into that here, but we’ve seen lots of odd likes and things, lots of Nic interactions, oh, and those RW and SL likes of late.
Seemingly innocent photos. Like very happy looking S4 pics and the “now it’s yours” BTS photo?
Perhaps most of this could be interpreted as just genuine fan interaction and fan service, which I think it is to some extent. It’s a natural part of the business. But it’s also very often done with intention.
But here’s the more important part of this piece. It gives some case studies (Ben and JLo, Shawn and Camila), then it gives two “abstract” examples.
YOU’LL LOVE THIS. Note that the second example changes to an actor and a musician, but don’t let that fool you. Keep reading for some unmistakable specifics.
Breadcrumbing with a Fake PR Girlfriend: Case Study of Celebrity 007
For Celebrity 007, breadcrumbing is used to create a false narrative about a relationship with a PR girlfriend. This helps maintain fan interest while deflecting attention from the celebrity’s true personal life.
How It Works:
First Breadcrumbs: The PR strategy begins with posts from both the celebrity and the PR girlfriend, hinting at a connection without confirming it. Example: Celebrity 007 posts a picture from a Paris restaurant or cafe in LA and the PR girlfriend shares a similar post from the same location but from a different day with different white trucks in the background (double check the Instyle Stunt images!!!)
Expanding the Narrative: Shared travel posts and indirect interactions continue the illusion of a relationship. Example: Matching geo-tags in posts from Rome suggest they were there together.
Indirect Engagement: Likes, comments, and ambiguous interactions increase intrigue without confirming the relationship. Example: The PR girlfriend comments, “Great to be here with you! 💖,” on Celebrity 007's post.
Paparazzi Shots: Carefully timed candid shots further reinforce the illusion of a relationship. Example: Paparazzi photos of Celebrity 007 and the PR girlfriend walking hand-in-hand, fueling speculation.
Café in LA, same location, different trucks?
Matching tags in Rome?
Likes and ambiguous interactions
Carefully timed (say at a premiere party) candid paparazzi shops w gf walking hand-in-hand
And then there’s the next one. In the interest of length since this is already hella long, I’ve removed some less relevant parts, but I encourage you to read it yourself.
Breadcrumbing to Hide a Real Relationship: Case Study of Celebrity 009
Why Hide the True Relationship?
In celebrity culture, the decision to keep a relationship private—or hidden—can be a strategic move, driven by a mix of personal privacy and professional interests. Some celebrities may choose to share their personal lives openly, but for others, particularly those who value their privacy or wish to control their public image, keeping a relationship private is key. This is especially relevant for two celebrities who are romantically involved but prefer to maintain discretion, despite public curiosity about their relationship.
Whether it’s a high-profile couple like Beyoncé and Jay-Z, or a less conspicuous pairing, the decision to hide the true nature of a romantic relationship often involves balancing personal desires with career strategy. In this scenario, let’s explore why two celebrities might choose to keep their relationship under wraps and the complex PR considerations that lead them to do so.
Media Scrutiny/Escaping Constant Surveillance: Navigating the Spotlight Together (I’ve combined two sections here for length)
When two celebrities become romantically involved, the media will inevitably take notice. The relationship can quickly become the focal point of constant headlines, paparazzi photos, and gossip columns. For celebrities who value their privacy, this level of scrutiny can feel overwhelming, as every public appearance or moment shared can quickly turn into speculation, even if the couple doesn’t wish to attract attention.
Romanticized Expectations: The Pressure of Perfection
Media scrutiny often creates an unrealistic, romanticized version of a celebrity relationship. Fans and the public tend to project their fantasies onto famous couples, imagining them as the perfect, unbreakable pairing. The real complexities of a relationship—differences, compromises, and struggles—often don't fit neatly into the idealized narratives created by the public.
For a couple like Actor A and Musician B, the pressure to live up to these idealized expectations can be exhausting. By choosing to keep their relationship private, they can avoid the constant pressure to fit into a preconceived mold. Hiding the relationship from public view allows them to keep things grounded and avoid being turned into a media spectacle.
Brand Control: Managing the Image of "Singleness" or "Availability"
For many celebrities, their public image is closely tied to their brand, and that brand may depend on their perceived "availability" or their status as desirable, unattached individuals. The way the public perceives a celebrity’s romantic life—whether they are single, dating, or in a long-term relationship—can have a significant impact on their professional success and marketability.
Creating Room for Desire: The Allure of the Single Celebrity
Consider Actor A, a leading man known for portraying romantic heroes on screen. The public’s perception of Actor A as a single, unattainable figure is key to their marketability, both in the media and as a brand. If they were to publicly reveal a relationship with Musician B, it could diminish that aura of unattainability. Similarly, Musician B may want to maintain a flirtatious public persona, which could be undermined if they were publicly involved with someone. By keeping the relationship private, both celebrities retain the allure of being desirable and unattached, feeding into the fantasies of their fans.
Avoiding the "Couple" Brand: Risk of Being Reduced to a Package Deal
When a high-profile couple’s relationship is made public, they may become known less for their individual work and more for their collective identity as a couple. In some cases, the couple's public appearances or shared brand messages may overshadow their individual projects. Think of Beyoncé and Jay-Z, who have an incredibly powerful couple brand that often eclipses their solo endeavors in the media. For celebrities like Actor A and Musician B, the fear of being seen as a "package deal" might drive them to hide their relationship. This allows both to maintain their distinct identities, keeping their projects and brands separate and preventing the public from viewing them solely as a pair.
Respecting Boundaries: The Vulnerability of Celebrity Relationships
Even when two celebrities are involved, the vulnerabilities of a relationship can become the focus of media attention if they go public. Romantic relationships—especially those in the high-pressure world of celebrity—are often fraught with ups and downs. The public might demand to know every detail, fueling rumors of breakups, infidelities, or relationship drama. By keeping their romance under wraps, Actor A and Musician B can avoid becoming the subject of constant gossip and can maintain some semblance of normalcy in their private lives.
Avoiding Disruptive Publicity
Celebrity relationships often attract media scrutiny not only about their romantic lives but also about how their relationship affects their careers. The public and the media often delve into the smallest details, speculating about how the relationship might impact their professional trajectories, previous relationships, or future projects.
Career Disruption: The Challenge of Balancing Love and Work
For celebrities like Musician B, a new relationship can take attention away from their upcoming album release or concert tour. The media’s obsession with their personal life might overshadow the launch of a new professional project. Similarly, if Actor A is in the middle of promoting a film or preparing for a big role, the press could focus more on their relationship than their craft, disrupting the flow of their work.
I won’t bother reviewing the relevance of all of the above. I’m sure you can see it plainly for yourself. The examples are absolutely, positively referencing Nicola and Luke, and the reasons for hiding it are super relevant. Especially boundaries, disruption, pressure to be perfect, and being reduced to a package deal.
Now at this point, it’s worth asking the question, do we trust this source? I don’t actually know who posted this content, so I can’t verify their credentials. Perhaps this is yet another PR person’s tricky efforts to continually confuse us and keep us guessing? That seems unlikely since the entire purpose is to help lift the veil on all the other tricks. If you wanted the other tricks to be effective, you’d hardly be revealing them to your target audiences.
But even setting that very logical assumption aside, the reason I know with every fiber of my being that it’s true is that this is literally the only version of events that makes sense of absolutely everything.
All those mysterious and confusing signals, all those weird photos and changes in behavior, all the inconsistencies between what we all saw with our own eyes (they are IN LOVE) and what we saw subsequently with the adjacents, all the tiny Lukola crumbs keeping us hanging on, and all the fandom bickering, especially from bizarrely rabid jakolas.
Every bit of it makes complete sense if we accept that Nic, Luke, and their PR teams have been using a classic PR handbook to distract us from the very real truth that they are together and in love.
Does it hurt to know we’ve been manipulated? You bet it does! But I quickly accepted that because I was so happy to have the truth verified at last. And because I understand why they would do it.
Relationships are hard enough when lived in private. No relationship, no matter how much people love each other, is without challenge. Even soulmates have issues to navigate. Can you imagine the pressure on them if the whole world was watching?
And their lives have added challenges. Travel and separation. Long work schedules that may often be at odds. Possibly romantic scenes with future co-stars that could stir up uncomfortable feelings. Career ups and downs that may not always synch up. Fans and media watching their every move, dissecting them, judging them, rooting for them, and just putting massive pressure on them. What if they fail? They’re letting down the whole world, not just themselves.
And what about Nic’s longstanding demand for privacy? And her emphasis that no woman is just some dude’s girlfriend. She wants to be known for her own work and achievement and passions, not for who she dates or marries. Even if it is wonderful Luke.
Likewise, Luke is just now achieving a newfound level of success. This is a moment for him to seize and make the most of. Being a hot, sexy, ostensibly single guy is good for his brand right now. Even if we know he loves Nicola, his stans need to be able to fantasize about him, which is easier if his relationship is unconfirmed.
And let’s face it, if they come out as a couple, IT WILL BE LUKOLA all the time. That will be the story. Certainly if they’d come out during the World Tour, every question at every stop would be about them and their personal “friends to lovers story.” It would be irresistible to reporters. Too good a story to ignore. And they’d spend way more time talking about their personal lives than about their work. Does that sound like something either of them would want?
And one last thing. Back to their changes in behavior. Does it make more sense that Nicola, who has always been super private about her love life, would suddenly be willing to be photographed constantly with her new bf Jake? Or that Jake is not her bf and she’s keeping her actual bf (or fiancé or husband) secret?
Meanwhile, Luke, who has always been open about his relationships in the past suddenly decides to tighten up and share absolutely nothing about his private life? Well, that makes complete sense if he’s now in a relationship with a woman who is famously private and shares not one word publicly. Suddenly, literally everything makes sense and is entirely consistent.
So there it is, folks. To me, this is the Holy Grail. There’s not a doubt left in my mind about them. They’re together and everything else – literally everything else – is a decoy and a distraction, and every bit of it comes straight from the PR playbook.
I’d like to maintain a sliver of hope that they’re leaving much of it to their teams and they’re not in on the worst of it, but in any case, I don’t blame them one bit for trying to protect their love. It’s too special to let it be destroyed by public consumption. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Given that I don’t actually know them and haven’t confirmed anything directly, I’ll leave 1.5% room for doubt, and adjust my certainty to 98.5%.
And you may dismiss all of this and draw very different conclusions, which is okay, too. But if I’m being really honest, I’m actually 1,000% sure. And I couldn’t be happier for them.
What do we do now? That’s up to each of us. Personally, I’m going to be blissfully happy for them, not sweat any of the distractions, let them live as quietly as they like, and patiently await the day (whether it’s very soon or far in the future) when they finally go public. I hope you’ll do the same.
And until then, I’m going to keep watching Lukola videos on repeat.
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bananayuyu · 5 months ago
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Cabin Fever [part 2]
Pairing: Yunho x f reader
Genre: fluff and smut
Word count: 9.7k
Summary: The third day of your trip brings a storm, and even more cramps. You try to navigate the day the best you can, but really you just need to be taken care of, in the way it matters most.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, fingering, period sex, use of a condom, reader has really bad cramps again, some mxm (Seonghwa and Hongjoong)
A/n: I have had such a fun time writing this part, thank you all for the response on part 1! I am falling in love with this cozy world and wish I could live in it for real. Thank you so much to the anon who requested a part 2! I hope you all enjoy <3
Taglist: @pautiny27 @kierraperkins3 @yoonjikim @luvbit3z @pancake-freckle
I'm definitely planning on continuing the series for a while so if you want to be tagged for upcoming parts, let me know!
You can read part 3 here!
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You stretch over to find your phone, unhooking it from its charging cable. The light is dim through the window, the room looks almost hazy. Squinting at the screen, you see a missed text from Seonghwa asking if you're doing okay, sent an hour ago.
"It's almost 11:30, we should really get up," you yawn, poking Yunho in the ribs to get his attention. He has once again wrapped himself around you tightly, face buried in your hair, and you're not sure if he's even awake.
"No," he groans, his voice low and gravely. It sends a shudder through you, and all of the feelings from last night surface again. You can already feel the pains starting in your lower abdomen, the muscles cramping. You wish it could be night already and he could be making you feel good again.
"We can't just stay in here all day," you say, much as you sort of want to. But you also don't want to waste a day of your time with all of your other friends. Yunho just groans, not wanting to agree with you but knowing you're right. He's just so asleep still, so in the haze of sleeping next to you. He really just wants to stay like this, forever.
"Okay, well, I really have to pee," you say, giggling, peeling yourself off of him. He lets out a small sound of disappointment but doesn't stop you. You turn around and see his tousled hair, his puffy, sleepy eyes. You lean down and place a quick kiss on his temple before making your way to the bathroom, another pad in hand.
The cramps hit you again when you're sat on the toilet, and you double over, feeling light-headed. It doesn't seem like you're bleeding quite as hard as yesterday but you still feel awful, despite all of the restful sleep you got. You gingerly clean yourself up, holding onto the counter as you stand, pausing for a moment so you don't pass out. You sigh, trying not to feel the frustration. But it's hard not to.
When you open the door you are met with Yunho, his messy hair now covered up by his hoodie, his eyes still very sleepy.
"Sorry for taking so long," you say, assuming he really needed to pee. You aren't paying attention, the cramps overwhelming you.
"Hey, look," he says as you start walking past. When you do finally look back you see that he's brought you pain meds and a glass of water. Your face softens immediately.
"Oh, thank you," you say, taking them immediately.
"Are they bad today?" he asks, a hand on your cheek. You just nod. "Go lay down then."
"I wanna hang out with everyone, though," you pout, looking at the floor.
"Well, go lay in the living room then," he suggests.
"Okay," you mumble, heading that way with your glass of water in hand. He watches you walk away, an obvious discomfort and weakness in your body, and it makes his chest hurt. When you were friends in high school he really only saw you on your good days, when you were feeling okay. It wasn't until living with you that he really saw the worst of everything, the truth of your health issues. You never spoke of them often, never truly explained it to him. Living together had forced you to, and when he showed himself to be genuinely good at caring for you, you'd let him in a bit more. He knew you didn't like the idea of people seeing you at your sickest. He never gave much thought to the idea when he was younger, that some people's bodies are wracked with issues from the start, that they never get to know what it's like to be able to rely on your body to carry you through everything. You were so young; though you were the same age as most of the rest of the friend group, you'd always been seen as the baby. He certainly always thought of you as small, in need of protection. He didn't want to tell you that, because he knew you'd hate the idea. It didn't help that you were smarter than most of them, when it came to the practical and academic aspects of life. You were far more mature in many ways. But they had the healthy bodies; they were the ones who were able to move out at eighteen, to become financially independent. It would take you many more years, and two very supportive friends to live with you, before you could move out.
When you make it to the living room you plop down next to Ari and San, snuggling under a blanket. The cabin was colder than you expected, the sky outside still dark.
"Has it been like that all morning?" you ask Ari, staring out the window.
"It was actually raining for a while earlier, it just stopped maybe thirty minutes ago."
"Oh really? No wonder I slept in so long," you reply, sighing into the warmth of your blanket.
"Are you doing okay?" she asks.
"Yeah, but I still feel like crap," you say, frowning. Sipping your water you try to relax, try to get your mind away from how terrible your lower abdomen feels.
"Do you need any pain meds?" she asks you, her face showing obvious concern. Even San is turned towards you and looking worried.
"No, no, I just took some. Thank you though," you respond, squeezing her hand. "I should probably eat something though, I'm starving."
"I think Seonghwa and Hongjoong are making some lunch, I'll go get you some," San replies, standing up.
"Oh, you don't have to," you start, taken aback by the kindness of this almost total stranger. But he walks that way anyway, not stopping at your words.
"He's so freaking nice, what the hell," you say to Ari.
"I know," she laughs, shaking her head. "I almost can't believe it's real sometimes."
"Men just aren't usually like that," you say, and right then Yunho crosses the room, making brief eye contact with you. He heads towards the kitchen, looking like his mind is set on something.
"The guys in our friend group are," she replies.
"Well, that's true. I guess I should say, straight men aren't usually like that, especially if they aren't romantically interested in you," you clarify. "At least not in my experience in the world, and I barely interact with men or go out in public."
"I know, the amount of horrifying behavior I saw at college is crazy. And even now still at my work. I know so many people tried to warn me to be careful around men when I was growing up, but I did not realize just how scary it would be to be in the adult world and have a uterus," she replies. She looks at you, earnestly; how nice it is to have another girl in your group, who understands what it is to exist in the world in your bodies.
"Uteruses should be banned," you say, placing a hand on your stomach. "This thing needs to get the hell out of my body."
Ari laughs, the bright sound raising your spirits. "I would have taken it out for you myself years ago, if I could," she laughs, resting her head on your shoulder.
"What just, reached up inside and like, pulled it out?" you laugh.
"Girl, your mind goes to the strangest places. Now I can't get that visual out of my head," she laughs, a hand coming to rest over her eyes.
"I wish I could do it myself," you reply, "just like-" you reach your hand down and spread your legs, miming the action; you both break into giggles.
"What was that?" Yunho asks as he sits down next to you, a cup of tea in hand. He holds it out towards you, careful to hand you the handle so you don't burn your hands.
"Y/n just being her usual self," Ari replied, still laughing. Yunho just looked confused, sipping at his own cup of coffee.
"I was showing her how I'd remove my uterus, if I could. I wish someone could just reach up in there and take it out," you clarify.
"You should make Yunho do it, he's got big hands," she says.
"Ari!" you shriek, crumpling into a heap of laughter with her. Yunho's ears go red, and he clears his throat to try to calm himself.
"You two are something else," he says, turning away, looking for anyone else to make conversation with.
"Wait, did Yunho make you that cup of tea?" Ari asked you, and at the mention of his name his attention stayed put.
"Yeah," you reply, not sure why she's interested. "He makes me and Hwa tea and coffee like all the time."
"That's sweet. See, we're so lucky to have these boys. He's the perfect example of a straight man who has no romantic interest in you, but still takes care of you."
You know she means it earnestly, from the way a small smile creeps onto her lips, making her eyes crinkle at the corners. But you and Yunho both stop dead in your tracks, your throats simultaneously going dry.
"Yeah, true," you say, trying to be normal. Like this morning, when Seonghwa found you in bed together. The words come out rough and you try to swallow, but it hurts and your eyes squeeze shut for a moment. You take another sip of your tea, trying to appear calm.
"What, Yunho, did I say something weird?" Ari asks, and you look over to see his stony face, his eyes looking almost distant. Something about it makes your heart drop for a moment, and you don't know why. Something in you begs for him to act normal too, but you realize there's no point. No point in pretending like nothing happened, even if you don't know what it means.
"I need to tell you something," you whisper to Ari, your face just inches from her ear. She leans even closer, clearly excited by your tone. You drop your volume even lower, putting your hand over your mouth to block the sound from going anywhere else. "Last night he like, fingered me."
"What?!" she asks in a whisper, her eyes going wide with excitement.
"Shh, please keep your face normal," you beg her, knowing that isn't possibly going to happen. But you don't want everyone to find out this very second, you'd like it to stay between the two of you. Ari does her best to still her face, knowing you don't want to draw attention. At least it's fairly normal, for the two of you to share secrets. The boys have always respected when you two say something is just for your ears.
"Yeah I was like, hurting last night and he like, made me feel better," you whisper, you both breaking out into giggles.
"Girl," she says, clearly wanting you to continue.
"I'll tell you everything once there's not like twenty people in the room with us," you say, a goofy smile not leaving your face.
"Aww," she says poking your cheek, and you swat her hand away, jokingly rolling your eyes. Ari keeps looking between the two of you, observing the way his body seems drawn towards you even as he sits a bit away, his legs stretching out to meet yours. She has so many questions, seeing as you'd never mentioned having a crush on him. His crush on you had been obvious to her for a while, but she'd never really mentioned it. It always seemed that people in the group had crushes from time to time, due to everyone's closeness. But sometimes they passed, sometimes they came to nothing; sometimes those crushes seemed like little more than someone mistaking their strong love and affection as something more. It was one of the reasons your group of friends had stayed close for so long; no one really forced closeness or forced information out of one another. Everyone let each other be, and let the cards fall where they may. Sometimes she felt like it made you less close than you could be. But she knew it also meant no one felt stepped on or smothered.
After lunch was served the weather had cleared a bit, and Jongho suggested that everyone play a game of basketball out on the small court to the south of the cabin. Not one of you had plans for the day, and with the way the weather was behaving that was definitely a good thing. You and Ari laid on the couch together, barely overhearing the conversation unfolding. You knew even if you wanted to you couldn't go and play, and the warmth of the couch was a lifesaver against the damp coolness in the air. The rain was not unusual for the time of year, but you swore it never had been this cold during your cabin trips.
"Will you stay inside with me?" you asked her.
"Of course. I wouldn't leave you alone in here. Also, I don't really feel like getting hurt today. You know how competitive they all get," she laughs, holding up her arm and showing you a large cut on the underside.
"My god, what's that from?" you ask.
"Wooyoung pushed me when we were playing waterpolo by the falls, and I scraped my arm on one of the rocks."
"Of course it was him," you chuckle, taking a closer look. "Did you wash it out yesterday?"
"It's not really that deep, but yeah. I'm sure it'll heal quick. I just really don't feel like playing basketball on a wet, slick court."
"And it's so cold, I don't know why they feel like going outside."
"It's not that cold," she says, looking at you confused.
"Wait, really?" you ask. She shakes her head. "Ok well for some reason, I'm freezing."
"One sec," she says, getting up and taking a blanket from the other side of the bed. "Y/n is cold," she says to the group, pointing to you all curled up in your one blanket. Everyone grabs their remaining blankets and one by one, layer them on you.
"This is too much," you whine, but you can't deny you like the attention. You really appreciate the way they all joke around with you; it always makes you feel better.
When all of the boys headed out to play, you finally got a chance to tell Ari everything.
"Your periods are still that bad?" Ari asks you when you tell her how you were feeling the previous night. "You hardly ever mention it anymore."
"It's just, so normal at this point. I guess. I don't know, you know it isn't fun to talk about. Plus this one really has been extra bad. I haven't had one this bad in a while," you respond.
"Well I'm glad he was there to comfort you. You know you could have told everyone how you were feeling yesterday. You didn't have to pretend like you were fine at dinner."
"I don't know, Wooyoung's cousins are here and so is San, I don't really know any of them," you say.
"Let me assure you, San would not care. And I doubt Woo's cousins would either, I mean we've been around them before, they seem very kind. He wouldn't bring them around you if he thought they'd be weird about something as simple as that. I know Woo acts like he doesn't give a shit about anything, but he really cares about you. I overheard him asking Seonghwa this morning how you've been doing," she replies. You look at her tenderly, thankful she shared it with you. As much as you wish Wooyoung would just ask you, you know it's not his way. It warms your heart to know he cares.
"So, how long have you liked Yunho then?" she asks you.
"Dude, I literally don't know. I don't even know what I feel right now," you sigh, shaking your head at her. "I mean, he was really just helping ease my cramps, cause I basically begged him too. And I get fucking horny on my period, I don't know." You put your head in your hands. "I don't even know what words were coming out of my mouth last night."
"So is it just a sexual thing then?" she asks.
"I'm assuming that's how he feels, I mean he's never said anything to the contrary."
"No, I mean for you," she clarifies.
"I.. I don't know. I don't hook up with people, and he's like, one of my best friends, I-" you cut yourself off with a groan, head spinning. "I'm gonna develop feeling for him and he's not gonna feel the same and we live together and it's gonna be a fucking mess," you blurt out, your mind racing out of control.
"Y/n, that man loves you," Ari says, squeezing your shoulder.
"I know Ari, I'm not saying he'd be an asshole about it. But it would still be so awkward for me, and if you love someone platonically that doesn't just change overni-"
"No, he's in love with you," she cuts you off.
"He's said those words to you?" you ask her, incredulous.
"No, but it's obvious to anyone with eyes," she says. You squint questioningly in her direction, feeling like she's just saying what she thinks you want to hear. "Dude I'm serious, Seonghwa has told me about it, the way he is around you. If he's not in love with you then I don't know what it could be."
"He's dated like multiple people since we've known him though, that doesn't make sense," you reply.
"Not since moving in with you," she says. "Has he ever brought any girls over to hang out with? Or to hook up?"
"No," you say, head still spinning.
"That's not because of like, a house rule or something, right?"
"No, we talked about it, we're all okay with bringing people over. Hwa brings over guys sometimes. Well he did when we first moved in, not really this past year."
"But Yunho never has?" she asks again.
You shake your head. "That doesn't mean anything, Ari. He's barely even spoken to me this morning, anyway. He doesn't seem like he's in love. Seems like normal Yunho to me."
"He brought you tea," she says, smirking.
"Oh my god, he always does that," you say, rolling your eyes and also smiling. "I- I don't know how to feel."
"Would you do it again?" she asks. You nod. "Do you like, really really want to do it again?" she continues, making you laugh.
"Yeah," you say, hiding your face in your hands.
"Well, at least you know that. Don't stress about it," she says. "It can just be a fun little thing, it doesn't have to be life changing."
You sigh, soaking in her words. You know what she's saying is absolutely right; it's the kind of advice you'd probably be giving her if the tables were turned. But something about your night with Yunho meaning so little doesn't sit right with you.
"Can you please not tell anyone, not even San? For right now, I don't know what Yunho wants to say," you plead.
"Of course, you don't have to worry about that. I don't share things with San just cause he's my boyfriend, I don't think that's fair to my friends," she responds, hugging you.
"I'm so thankful you're here," you say, sighing comfortingly into her embrace.
"Me too. I love them all but they can be a lot," she says, and you both chuckle. Tucked into your layers of blankets you feel warm and cozy, and your chest feels lighter having told someone about your previous night.
Close to 3pm, the storm rolls back in to the area; the winds pick up, the clouds darken, and suddenly rain is pouring down. It sounds like the roof of the cabin is being repeatedly pelted with golfballs, the dull sound surprisingly loud. Suddenly all of the boys are sprinting back inside, their wet shoes squeaking on the tile of the kitchen floor. All of them are thoroughly soaked, their hair sticking to their foreheads, clothes stuck to their bodies. They tumble in one after the other, Wooyoung the last to make it in, and you hear his scream all the way from outside. When they finally get inside they all start undressing, their clothes heavy and cold.
"Didn't realize we were staying at a strip club," Ari says, making you laugh. You know they're just uncomfortable, but you can't help but stare at Yunho as he disrobes, his light blue shirt dripping on him as he heaves it over his head. You don't really see him shirtless like this, even though you live together. He's not one for walking around like that. You'd forgotten how broad he really was, how strong his shoulders are. As he goes to ring out his shirt in the sink you see his tricep flex, and the smooth muscles of his back as well. He's tall and lanky, but you'd forgotten just how muscular he was too.
"You're kind of gawking, just so you know," Ari whispers in your ear, making you jump.
"Oh my god, I'm gross," you groan, burrowing your head in her shoulder.
"No not gross, not gross at all. Fuck, every time San is shirtless I want him to fuck me immediately." You glance over at Ari's boyfriend, already anticipating the muscles you're about to see. You could tell even when he was clothed how built he was.
"How often is at the gym?" you ask.
"Basically every day. He can like, easily pick me up and throw me around. And I'm not exactly the lightest person in the world."
"If that's not everyone's dream," you say, giggling.
"Can't Yunho carry you?" she asks.
"Yeah but I'm basically like a sickly little worm, it's not that hard. Even Hwa can lift me," you laugh,
"Okay, well, he can still lift you. And how big is your height difference?"
You just smile at her question, knowing you are blushing.
"God, if we aren't the most simple of women," she laughs.
"No no, I'll have you know I'm very full of logic and feminism and I do not care about muscles, or height, or anything of the sort. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought about how tall he is in comparison to me and gotten all hot and bothered about it," you joke, your blush having moved to your cheeks too.
"So you have thought about him like that!" she exclaims.
"Keep it down!" you chide, when you see Seonghwa shoot a look over at the two of you.
"Sorry, sorry," she laughs, pouting at you. "What are you looking at?" she says to Seonghwa, who rolls his eyes.
After the boys had changed and dried off, Wooyoung insisted that everyone watched a scary movie. You were all stuck inside, and everyone had already spent the morning talking and catching up.
"'It matches the vibe of the storm," he said. "It'll be so fun," he laughed, smirking in your direction. He knew how you couldn't handle jump scares and didn't like gore. He promised you the movie he'd selected didn't have either.
"It's more like, a psychological thriller, you know? It's really fun. Set in a cabin in the woods too."
"Okay, fine," you replied, hoping he was telling the truth.
He was, in fact, lying. You found that out about twenty minutes later.
The loud bang made you jump, causing you to launch sideways and grab onto the closest thing to you. It happened to be Yunho's arm.
When everyone sat down, Yunho sat himself right next to you, but didn't say a word. Everyone was chatting, the room filled with chaos as they came down from the adrenaline rush the storm had caused. Ari got up to sit with San and help him dry off, and when Yunho saw you sitting alone he was almost thankful. He didn't know why, but everything Ari had said earlier made him feel almost jumpy. He had seen the two of you giggling and whispering to each other, and felt like something was happening that he didn't understand. When he approached you your face looked distant, and he almost worried you didn't want him there, that you would have preferred her. He sat with his arm around the back of the couch behind you. But when you didn't lean into him at all, didn't seem comfortable with it, he pulled it back down to his side.
"Woo, you promised me!" you whisper yelled after you jumped, your grip on Yunho so strong it almost hurt. You felt so embarrassed at how easily scared you were.
"That wasn't even a jump scare, just a loud sound," Yunho said, and the room chuckled. You frowned, pulling yourself away from him. You weren't sure why you were so sensitive, but what he said made you feel small. And not in a good way.
Everyone else's attention was back on the movie in a second, but Yunho couldn't stop looking at you and your sullen face.
"Hey, I'm sorry," he whispered, leaning ever so slightly towards you. "Come here," he said, moving his arm around your shoulders this time, gently pulling you towards him. You stuffed your head into his chest, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. You weren't sure if you even wanted his comfort. You completely tuned out the movie, closing your eyes. You mind raced with thoughts from the day, and you suddenly realized you hadn't had a chance to talk to Seonghwa. You had wanted to assure him of what was happening, because he lived with you both. You didn't want him worried that you and Yunho had been keeping something from him, sneaking around behind his back. But as you peaked around the room to find his face, you didn't see him anywhere. You felt confused, and exhausted, and suddenly realized how cold you were again. You tried to tuck yourself into the blankets more but it just wasn't enough, so finally you decided to go grab Yunho's hoodie from the library. Maybe one more layer would help.
You slowly crawl your way out of the room, careful not to block anyone's view of the TV. When you finally stand up you're at the edge of the very short hallway that leads to the library. As you stand you notice how dark the sky looks. This window faces out towards the fire pit, and sits where the cabin is directly under a few trees and your view is limited. Still, the view is beautiful. The rain has become more gentle now, and the soft sound soothes you as you look out across the land splattered with greenery. The plants, the trees, they're the reason you really like being out here. You hope that today's the last day you'll have to spend inside, nursing your body. Some movement in your periferral vision catches your eye, and you sweep your gaze back towards the fire pit and the ring of trees that surrounds it. Suddenly you realize why you couldn't find Seonghwa earlier.
Outside, on a lounging chair just to the left of the fire pit, Seonghwa and Hongjoong are kissing. They must have snuck out while the rest of you were occupied with the movie, you realize. You aren't sure how you missed them at first, but in the darkness of the storm and shadow of the trees they almost blended into the landscape. Seonghwa is sat against he back of the chair and Hongjoong is over him, a hand on Seonghwa's thigh. You see him move that hand to pull on Seonghwa's silky black hair, the kiss clearly passionate, heated. The rain patters down around them, but in the cover of the trees they don't look soaked. They certainly don't look bothered. You can't tell, really, from this far away. You shouldn't be trying to look that hard, anyway. You try to tell yourself that. But you're mesmerized, stuck to the spot. You feel overcome with how beautiful they both are.
Soon they're tugging at each other's shirts, and you can tell now from the way they take them off that they must pretty damp. In the struggle you see Hongjoong's muscular back and arms; Seonghwa's face is the picture of lust, his hands moving down quickly to reach inside Hongjoong's pants and start stroking him. They're kissing again, Seonghwa's lean chest heaving, Hongjoong grabbing his legs to wrap them around himself. Tangled together they look like a perfectly choreographed ballet, like they both know exactly where the other is headed. You see Hongjoong's hips start to buck, his mouth moving down to Seonghwa's ear, then neck, his iron grip on Seonghwa's thigh leaving a mark you can see all the way from the window. Seeing the red mark brings a heat to your cheeks; the image of your porcelain doll of a friend being marked up by such a muscular man is not something you thought you'd ever witness. Now that you have, you can't help but think they're perfect together. Suddenly Hongjoong is sitting back, his hands pulling on the band of Seonghwa's shorts and throwing them aside, and you see how hard Seonghwa is, his movements showing how obviously needy he is.
Fuck, I really should stop watching them, you think. You'd seen them both naked before, it's not like your friend group was uncomfortable with much. But this was obviously different, and the way your body was feeling while you witnessed it made you feel a confused and a little guilty. Still, you could not pull yourself away, as you saw Hongjoong lean down over Seonghwa and say something, and Seonghwa's lips curl up in a smile, his head turning to the side as he grabbed onto Hongjoong's arm. They looked so, so in love. With Seonghwa's legs spread Hongjoong reached down, his hand moving between his cheeks, moving in a way you could not make out from your distance. Seonghwa's head fell back in obvious pleasure, and his back arched slightly showing off his lean abdomen. Hongjoong moved his head down to suck on one of his nipples, making Hwa's back arch even further and his mouth fall open. He looked so completely content in such a vulnerable state, and it made your heart ache with happiness. In all of the conversations you'd had with him over the years, you knew he always felt so self-conscious in these situations. It was always shocking to you, given just how beautiful he was. He got propositioned out in public more than anyone in your group, and had to continually turn people down given the industry he worked in. But all of that attention felt uncomfortable to him, usually, and you knew that. To see him so unabashedly open with someone was a rare sight.
Hongjoong's hand moves up and then you see, a tiny glint of something metal in his hand. It must have been a plug Seonghwa had inside himself already. When had he put that in? It must have been after the game, so before the movie? When did he even have the time? You can't stop watching the way Hongjoong lines himself up, stroking a hand through Seonghwa's hair again, finally pushing himself in ever so slowly. The plug sits next to them on the lounging chair, and you swear the gem on the end twinkles at you. He starts thrusting slowly, kissing Seonghwa's cheek, the rain starting to pick up again. It all feels so cinematic, like it couldn't have been more perf-
"What are you looking at?" Yunho whispers into your ear, sliding up behind you. You jump, spinning away from the window and covering your eyes, your elbow hitting him in the ribs.
"Oh god, ow," he says, grabbing his side.
"You scared me," you pout, your head feeling full of molasses from all of the feelings you are having.
"I whispered," he replied. "Why are you so jumpy, are you okay? Why did you you leave the couch?"
"I was cold, I was gonna grab your hoodie. But then, the window, you know, it was pretty outside with the storm and stuff," you reply, averting your eyes.
"Seems like my hoodie is in danger of being re-homed," he replies. He's trying to joke around to lighten your mood, which is obviously not good at the moment. Your eyes on the floor make him worried, and you really don't seem yourself. Or rather, you seem like how you are when you aren't feeling well.
"Here, why don't we look out the window together?" he offers, turning you around to face it again, wrapping his arms around you to try to help you feel warm.
"Oh god, Yunho, no," you mumble as he turns you, and you start stepping out of his reach, mortified at what he's about to see. You feel his arms stretch out and his body begin to move with you, but then he halts.
"Oh, that's what you were looking at," he laughs under his breath, making you cringe. You hope he leaves it at that, that he doesn't say anything else. But soon he opens his mouth again. "Oh god, that's crazy," he says, and you look back to see his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. He looks almost horrified, and you wonder for a moment if he's even seeing what you think he's seeing, or if it's something else entirely. With a confused look on your face you scoot towards the window again, to catch a glimpse of whatever has him so shocked.
As soon as your eye line reaches Seonghwa and Hongjoong you too feel a shock, at just how hard Hongjoong is thrusting into him now, his hand on Seonghwa's neck. No longer do the two look like a balletic couple; instead one has clearly submitted to the other. You know from conversations with him that Seonghwa likes being taken like this, or at least has always liked the idea of it. He'd told you many times how he'd never really had any partners he trusted enough to go there with, but that he wished he could. You feel strangely proud of him, as you realize he'd had to have a difficult conversation with Hongjoong to make this happen.
"Yunho, stop," you say, tugging on his arm to pull him into the library with you.
"You saw what I saw, right?" he asks, his voice still low but sounding mildly concerned.
"Yeah, why?" you ask, seeing his hoodie on the corner of the pull out couch and making a bee line for it.
"You just, don't seem concerned," he says.
"Why would I be concerned?" you ask, your eyebrows knitted together. You really don't know why he'd have a problem with the two of them being together, but suddenly you worry there's something about Yunho that you didn't know.
"Hongjoong was being so aggressive with him," he says, voice even softer.
"Oh, Yunho, he-" you cut yourself off, not wanting to overshare. You're so thankful he doesn't have a problem with them for any other reason. "It's not really my place to share but, let's just say I know he likes that. I'm sure he asked for it."
"Well, I guess that makes a lot of sense," he laughs, his relief palpable. You cock your head to the side, looking confused. "Oh you know what I mean," he continues. "Hwa is so professional, pretty, put together all the time. Of course he likes being taken like a whore."
"Yunho, what the fuck," you say, shoving your face in his hoodie to try to cover up your laugh. You can't help finding what he said hilarious, and his read of Seonghwa is completely spot on. But you can't believe the words actually left his lips. "How can you say that about him?"
"You're the one who was standing and watching them for what, five whole minutes? I waited a while to come and check on you," he says, staring you down as you finally put on his hoodie, your hair a mess under the hood.
"God, please don't tell anyone," you groan into your hands. "It's weird, I know, I'm sorry. I just, they seem very compatible, and I'm happy Hwa has found someone like that. I don't know."
"It's not weird, I know you like watching that kind of stuff," he replies.
"I do not, what are you talking about?" you reply, your cheeks feeling warm again.
"Ok I know it's only one example, but remember our school trip senior year? When those people in the hotel across the street were fucking and they left their curtains wide open? You couldn't stop staring."
"I'm never living that down," you sigh.
"There's nothing wrong with doing that, at least I don't think so. If people are fucking in public then they know someone might see. They probably even like the idea," he says, chuckling.
"I'm not a big pervert who reads smut all the time and likes watching people fuck," you pout, hitting him on the arm.
"I know," he murmurs, pulling you into a hug. "I'd still love you if you were, though."
Love. Your heart stops at the word for a moment, and you don't know why. You'd said it to each other thousands, probably tens of thousands of times in the ten years you'd known him. But now it's making you feel like your heart has fallen into your stomach, and you might puke it up. You sag against Yunho, pains wracking through you again. You almost feel relief, at realizing the feeling was just your cramps.
"I don't feel good," you groan into his chest.
"I know, I could tell," he says, rubbing a hand along your back.
"How?" you ask, tensing in anticipation of his answer.
"Cause you're being kind of weird with me today," he sighs out, hugging you even more tightly.
"I'm sorry," you say, having known it would be his answer. It was the thing him and Seonghwa had helped you realize; no matter how much you could hide the physical symptoms of anything, the changes in your personality were always there when you weren't feeling well. And those two, knowing you as well as they did, always picked up on it.
"Do you want to go back out there? Or stay in here?" he asks you.
"I just want to lay in here for a bit, by myself," you say, not wanting to expose him any longer to your sour mood. "I'll come out for dinner, can you let me know when everyone's eating?"
"Of course," he says, lifting you up and placing you on your bed. In the comfort of the library everything feels so intimate, and you tug him down to come lay with you too, for just a second. Wrapped around each other you both sigh, Yunho nuzzling his face into your neck and leaving a gentle kiss. He feels overcome with concern, his heart wanting to stay next to you like this, forever. But you'd said you wanted to lay by yourself. He pulls himself up, tightening the strings of his hoodie slightly and pulling your blanket over your shoulders. As he leaves he walks gently, trying not to make any sound. In the hallway he glances briefly out the window, to see Seonghwa smiling, him and Hongjoong cuddled up together in a gentle embrace.
Dinner passes in a blur, your entire body feeling achey and your head starting to hurt. You'd taken your pills, drank water; there was nothing else you could do. When Yunho came to get you you'd almost declined, almost asked him to bring you food in bed. Your bleeding was definitely slowing down, but your body was feeling weaker today, and your mind was all over the place. Throughout dinner you felt like you might start crying at the smallest thing, and you clung onto Seonghwa to keep yourself from doing so. Everyone could tell you weren't feeling well, Yunho and Seonghwa rubbing your back as you sat cross legged at the large coffee table in the living room, slowly sipping at your soup. When Wooyoung brought you the bowl he had leaned down to hug you, seeing just how out of it you were.
"You don't have to stay out here with us if you don't feel well," Seonghwa said, running his hand through your hair. You leaned against him, slowly blinking to try and calm yourself.
"I don't think I can walk right now," you said, your legs hurting terribly.
"I can carry you," Yunho piped up, downing his last bite of food. "Do you want to go lay down again?"
You nodded your head, the light in the room feeling too bright despite how dim it was. You bring your hands up to cover your eyes.
"Ok, let me clean up our dishes and I'll take you to your bed," he said, standing up with your bowl and his plate in hand. When he returned he gently grabbed your hands, moving them around to the back of his neck, and then moving your legs out in front of you, scooped you up in one fluid motion. You rest your head on his chest, burying your face into his hoodie that you're still wearing.
"Feel better, we love you," Ari said, a twinkle in her eye as she watched Yunho carrying you from the room.
"I love you too," you respond weakly. You feel yourself fading, but suddenly your teeth feel too gross to sleep. "Wait, I need to brush my teeth," you tell Yunho, groaning in frustration.
"Okay, no worries," he says, his voice gentle. He walks you to the bathroom and sets you down on the toilet seat, prepping your toothbrush for you, then helps you stand to spit everything out when you're done. "Wait, I need to pee," you say, holding onto his arm tightly. He helps you sit down again, helps take off your pants and panties. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry you have to help me like this," you say, your words nearly slurring together. You're really sounding out of it, and he feels himself in that space he gets in, when you're so broken down and he's the one there to comfort you.
"Shh, it's okay," he says, brushing a tear that fell down your cheek.
"No it's not, I'm a fucking mess," you continue, more tears starting to fall. "Why can't I figure out my damn body, why does it always catch me so off guard? It must be so weird living with me," you cry, everything tumbling out in waves.
"Y/n, listen to me. Everything is okay, I'm gonna get you to bed and you'll feel better tomorrow, I promise. You are not weird to live with, you're wonderful to live with. Are you hearing me?" he asks, moving your face up to make eye contact with him. "How did I get so lucky to know you?"
His kind words only make you cry harder, and you can't stop even as you get up from the toilet and try to steady yourself. He opens the door and picks you up again, carrying you finally to your bed to lay down. In bed your body feels heavy, like you're made of lead. You haven't felt this tired in a while, and you think sleep might envelop you immediately. But the pain radiating down your thighs and up through your stomach is too bad, and you toss and turn, unable to relax as Yunho readies himself for bed.
"Y/n, what do you need?" he asks, seeing your constant movements and pained expression.
"My legs to stop hurting," you mumble. Without even opening your eyes you raise your arms out to grab at him, even though he isn't right there. Your body is moving desperately again, and something about being with him in this room makes you loose all inhibitions. "Please make them stop hurting Yuyu," you plead.
"What would help, baby?" he asks, his body feeling electric. He moves over so you can grab him; he'll follow any request you have, do anything for you.
"Touch me, again, please," you beg, your thighs and pussy aching. Yunho again grabs a towel for you, gently placing it down on your bed and smoothing it out, lifting your hips to move you onto it. You keep making little sounds of desperation, unable to stop yourself. 'I know, I know, just relax baby,' he whispers to you, watching the way your face softens at the pet name. Soon your lower half is entirely naked, and he's massaging your legs, gently brushing past your cunt a few times, making you mewl from neediness. He wants to make you feel better but he also likes seeing you like this, likes hearing you beg for him. He wasn't prepared last night for what it did to him, and he thinks he's probably already addicted to that feeling.
Finally he slowly pushes a finger in, making you moan and sigh, the relief instant. Your reaching out to pull at his face, pulling him in to kiss him hard, your breath mixing as you open your mouth to slide your tongue across his. You moan at the feeling, his tongue wet and hot, making your clit throb. 'More,' you plead, your body feeling even more opened up than the previous night, even more ready to take everything he can give. He slowly adds a second digit, not wanting to hurt you, but he can tell your desperation is high and you're needing to be well and truly fucked. 'More, more,' you almost cry, your cunt clenching hard onto his long fingers, your hips rocking to match his movements. He inserts another finger, moving slowly again as to not hurt you. Desperately you claw at his back, hands reaching underneath his shirt, leaving marks in their wake. Yunho groans at the feeling, his own cock throbbing at how needy and wet you are. 'Faster, please,' you beg. The little sounds you let out are making him harder and harder; he starts rubbing himself against your leg as he fucks you with his fingers, his cock so hard it's starting to feel like torture.
"More, please Yuyu," you beg again, tears forming in your eyes from how good it all feels.
"More fingers? You feel so tight baby," he asks you, barely able to move his hand with how hard you're clenching down on him.
"No, need you inside me," you babble, feeling how hard he is against your leg. Yunho slows his movements a bit, propping himself up on his elbow to talk to you. He wants nothing more than to fuck you right then, but there's just one problem.
"Baby, I didn't bring any condoms with me," he huffs out, his frustration obvious.
"You should have," you whine, turning your face away from him but still moving your hips against his hand.
"How was I supposed to know this was gonna happen?" he asks, laughing.
You just whine again, eyes even more teary now at the thought that you might not get what you want, and you move your hands up to cover your face. Yunho stops his movements when he sees your disappointed face, sitting himself up to look down at you. He takes his free hand and gently brushes a hair out of your face.
"You really need me to fuck you right now?" he asks, earnestly. You nod your head, looking at him through the gaps between your fingers, your lips in a pout. Yunho groans and throws his head back, your sweet and needy face making him want to do every dirty thing he can think of. "Okay, I'll be right back," he says, slowly pulling out of you. You whine in disappointment, your pussy feeling devastatingly empty. "Just sit tight for a few minutes, I'll be right back," he says, kissing your forehead.
After cleaning off his hand Yunho walks through the cabin, trying hard to go unnoticed as he passes through the living room to the master bedroom. Everyone still seems to be awake except Hongjoong and Seonghwa who lay cuddled on a couch together; Wooyoung and his cousin Yeosang are playing what appears to be a very heated card game of some kind, while the other boys watch or scroll their phones, everyone clearly winding down for the night. He's thankful to not see Ari or San present; they must be in their bedroom as he'd hoped. His heart races from how potentially awkward this interaction could be, but he feels like he's on autopilot and there's no possibility of turning back. Not when you had begged him like that, and looked at him the way you did. There was no way he wouldn't find some sort of solution to his problem.
He knocks on the door gently, hoping he's not disturbing a private moment between the two.
"Yeah?" he hears Ari ask, sounding sleepy.
"It's Yunho, can I come in for just a sec?" he asks, trying to sound casual. He doesn't want to raise any alarm bells for them, or for any of the boys in the living room who might be overhearing. And if it had just been Ari, or one of the other friends he'd known for so long it might not feel too awkward. But there are three new people on the trip this year, and he isn't sure how comfortable they would be.
"Yeah, come in," she responds. Yunho turns the door handle slowly, hoping to avoid making any loud noise. Slowly pushing open the door, he spots San in the chair in the corner, reading over something on his laptop in front of him.
"Hey, sorry this is, well, random. Do you guys happen to have a, uh, condom I could borrow?" he spits it out, not wanting to waste a second.
"Oh, yeah, uh, let me see what I've got," San replies, closing his laptop and setting it on the bed before unzipping a small pocket in his suitcase. "Here just take this box, I brought two with me," he responds.
"Are you sure?" Yunho asks. He's frankly taken aback by how casual San is being about this, and by his generosity on top of it all.
"Yeah, of course. I've got plenty and I'm glad you're asking. It's always better to be safe," he responds, a genuine smile on his face.
"Be careful with her," Ari adds, unable to stop herself. "She's very fragile."
"I'm not going to hurt her, you know that," he replies, looking at her almost coldly. He feels slightly offended at the idea that she thinks it's a possibility, after all of the years she'd known him, seen him taking care of you.
"I know. I just had to say it, she needs all the protecting she can get," she says, remembering the state you were in during dinner. "I'm sorry if that was rude. I'm- I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to ask us," she finishes, hoping she didn't cross some sort of line with him.
"She's very capable of asking for what she needs," Yunho replies, wanting to stick up for you. But his face is soft, he isn't mad.
"Which is, that?" Ari gestures at the box of condoms in his hand, trying to hold back laughter.
"Okay, that's enough," Yunho laughs, looking away from her towards the door. "Thank you both, sorry if I made that weird."
Out the door he makes his way through the living room, trying to hide the box under the hem of his shirt. Mingi is the only one who glances up to see him, registering the shape of the box underneath the fabric. He's pretty sure he knows what it is, and he smirks to himself, too tired to say anything about it. But he's happy his friend is finally getting what he's wanted.
"I'm back," Yunho whispers when he reenters the room, your face and body awash in the gentle white light from the moon. He makes quick work of opening the box, removing one condom and throwing it on the bed. In a second he's on you, peppering your face with kisses, moving his hands underneath your shirt to pull it off.
"I'm so bloated," you say, breathless.
"I need to see you," he responds, not giving you any room to keep talking about yourself that way. You tug on his shirt as well and he reaches up, pulling it off and throwing it on the floor. In the moonlight he looks pale, his long torso perfectly shaped and beautifully lean. You bring a hand up to stroke along his stomach, feeling the strong muscles underneath his skin, brushing across a small happy trail going down from his belly button into his pants. You tug on his pants too, your neediness having only grown in the few minutes he was gone. The idea of laying stark naked in front of anyone, especially in your bloated, sickly state would normally make you shudder, but in this moment you feel free, ready to take anything. He moves down to kiss you again, passionately, his tongue forcing you to open your mouth wide, his hands possessively grabbing you. Him kissing down your neck has you moaning, nearly writhing underneath him. He moves up to whisper to you, biting your earlobe gently and making you moan louder.
"You're so perfect," he whispers, the words cascading down you like a soft warm rain, any worry you had completely melting away. You tug at his pants again, helping him move them down and finally, completely off. Quickly he rolls on the condom; carefully he lines himself up with your entrance, moving his stiff cock up and down your slit, already feeling how warm and wet and ready you are. Finally he presses in, achingly slowly, until he's fully seated inside of you, the muscles of your cunt being deliciously stretched in a way they never have before.
He's big to be sure, clearly just the perfect size, stretching you just the way your body needed. Slowly he pulls out, then soothingly pushes himself back in, his cock hitting every perfect place inside you. Your mouth falls open at the feeling; you've never felt so full, so complete. He moves a hand down to your hip, anchoring himself so he can start a slow rhythm, his head buzzing with how good it all feels.
"Baby, you're so tight, fuck," he says as he tries to find a consistent pace. "Does that feel good?" he asks, eyes not leaving your face.
"Yes, yes, fuck, Yunho," you mumble, not able to form a coherent sentence.
"Relax for me then, you're so tight I can barely move," he says, trying to find the perfect angle to make your body completely give in. Quickly he readjusts himself, moving his knee to lower his angle, adding more strength to his movement. You moan, clearly feeling even better than before, so he knows he needs to lower the angle even more. "Baby, lift your hips for me," he says, grabbing a pillow from beside you to move underneath your lower back. Once you're situated he kisses you again, acutely aware of just how surrendered you are to him, words no longer forming on your lips. Slowly he adjusts his knee again, his hand still on your hip anchoring you, and he begins fucking you again from his new angle.
The immense pleasure is immediate, your back arching and your head rolling back, your moans so loud you're probably being heard throughout the rest of the cabin. But Yunho doesn't care, he's not thinking about that. All he's thinking about is the way he feels your pussy pull him in even more, your hips and thighs finally relaxing some, your whole body reacting to his change in movement.
"Shit, there you go," he praises you, feeling your legs wrap around his back, pulling him in. He's been so careful with you, so focused on not hurting you, but he can tell you need more, so he starts fucking you harder, his face nuzzling in your hair to take in everything he loves about you. He can feel the muscles of your pussy start to clench again, but it's different this time; the flutter against his cock drives him crazy, making him thrust into you even harder. Soon he feels the muscles clenching hard, your moans reaching their peak, your hands a vice grip on his arm and back.
"Good girl, let yourself come," he coos, holding you as close to him as he can, kissing your cheek and nose. It's the most heated moment, he feels himself about to come undone too, but suddenly he's overcome with fondness, a warmth flowing through his chest, making him feel emotional.
"Fuck, I love you." The words tumble out of him without warning and your own chest warms, just as your orgasm starts blooming through you, your legs shaking as Yunho continues to fuck you. You're moaning and mewling, unable to say a single actual word, but you wish you could tell him just how perfect everything is, how you haven't came like that, ever. In the heat of the moment everything felt right, and to hear him say something so sweet just as you reached your climax made it all feel even better. His tight grip on you, the way he's nuzzled into your body, it makes you feel safe and grounded and so fucking horny.
Yunho comes just after you do, his thrusts becoming inconsistent, his body going taught and then absolutely limp on top of you. You both breath deeply, your chests heaving in the quiet coolness of the room. You wish you could bottle this feeling, the way your body is limp and buzzing with pleasure, his weight on top of you making your usually busy brain filled with nothing but the feeling of him. It feels peaceful, almost spiritual. You both rest for a few minutes, not moving a muscle, except when Yunho reaches over finally to kiss you again, making you giggle.
"How are you feeling?' he asks, still not daring to move.
"So good," you slur out, a dopey smile spreading across your face.
"Good," he replies, wrapping himself around you like he loves to do. "Can I pull out of you?" he asks.
"Mhmm," you respond, moving your legs to allow him to move. He cleans you up and helps you redress, stopping every few seconds to kiss you again, tickling you too when he realizes you're in the mood for it. It takes a while for you to come back to yourself, your mind so foggy from everything that had happened. But finally, once he'd gotten you both totally ready for sleep and wrapped himself up behind you, you found you could actually speak.
"I love you too," you whisper, squeezing his hand that rests on your belly. He just cuddles you closer, letting out a huge sigh of relief.
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f1fantasys · 9 months ago
Miami GP
Part 1 - Wish you could stay.
Part 2 link
Lando and Y/N are fwb, so a lot of smut, slight angst, and of course part 2 will be THE WIN, which I'm still not over!! Someone pinch me! If you have any requests for what I should include please leave a comment!
Warmings - smut, unprotected sex, p in v, female/male head, swearing.
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Miami GP. One of the most exciting races of the season. Being an F1 influencer and social media persona, this was once of the races in the year that had so much hype built around it. From the celebrities, to the many events unfolding before the actual race, it wasn't one to miss. This time you'd been invited by Charlotte Tilbury to campaign for the F1 Academy Race, and you couldn't have had a prouder moment - rooting for the girls!
You'd arrived yesterday and went straight into an event with the girls of the F1 Acedemy as well as some of the girlfriends of the drivers.
This morning you were woken up by a message by none other than Lando Norris. You were friendly with a lot of the drivers and their partners, but Lando was special to you. You instantly shared a bond and six months ago, things changed. You became friends with benefits. Of course you were always aware of your lingering crush on Lando, and you often got inclines from him that he felt the same way, but you both were too scared to risk your friendship. So you chose the next best thing - getting close to each other without feelings - or so you thought.
Being in a situation-ship like this with Lando was exhilarating. He was one of the most handsome people you'd known, and he was ever the gentleman, Except for when he fucked you ;) He was fun, and cocky, and boy did he know how to make you feel good. And vise-visa - you made him feel equally as good and there were days when you couldn't go a day without being joined by the hip. You simply couldn't get enough of each other.
One rule though - just sex. No sleeping over. No spending the night. It was down to business and then leave.
That was the part that was becoming harder and harder with each passing day. Watching him get up and leave after giving you the most intoxicating orgasms, and then meeting the next day around friends pretending nothing was going on.
You'd last seen Lando two weeks ago in Monaco - the only thing getting you spending two weeks apart were your regular face-time hookups. Him telling you how down and dirty he would get on you if you were together, and you telling him how you'd get him off.
So - back to today. You read his text :
Lan <3
''Touchdown in Miami baby. When am I seeing you?''
You couldn't help but smile at his message. Your body has been aching for his touch since you last saw him, but at the same time you just missed being around him.
You replied :
''Staying at the same hotel babe. Room 402. Waiting for you''
And you attached a picture of you in bed, clearly naked.
''Fuck me'' was the reply you got.
''Trust me, I plan to'' you smiled to yourself and to replied back.
Not more than 30 minutes later and there was a knock at your door.
You'd just come out of the shower so were still wrapped in just your towel when you went to open the door.
''Fuck Y/N, trying to kill me?'' he smirked, pushing you back inside and then suddenly lifting you up and crashing the pair of you onto your bed.
You clung onto his curls, giggling, and pulled him down to your lips. You honestly could make out with him forever.
It was quickly getting heated. You opened your mouth to let him slide his tongue in when you sucked on it. Teeth were clashing. Bruises surely being left at how rough you both were being.
To Lando - he was distracting you and took this as an opportunity to rid your body of your towel.
The cool air instantly hardened your nipples as Lando took them between his fingers and pinched them, earning a moan from you.
''Missed that pretty sound baby'' he cooed as he now took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked on it.
Your hands found his curls and pulled at them, silently begging him for more.
''Lan, please'' you breathed. ''Need more. Need you in me. Fuck please'' you whined.
He hadn't even touched your cunt yet and you were already begging for more.
''Y/N, we have the whole morning. Let me show you how much I've missed you and you pussy.
''Fuck'' was all you could mutter. Lando's dirty talk always did a number on you and got you dripping with want.
He lowered his body some more, spreading your legs wide open and kissing and licking a trail up your inner thighs.
''Fuck, Lando. Please!'' you all but screamed. You needed to feel him, now!
''Fucking hell'' he muttered. And he dove straight in. His tongue finding your clit, sucking and biting at it, giving you no time to comprehend the fact that he was finally giving you some relief.
''Shit, Y/N, so wet for me already. Can't get enough of tasting your delicious juices.'' he muttered, his tongue not giving you a chance to even think of a reply.
He soon added one, then two finger straight into your cunt. He for sure knew just how to curl them to hit the right spot. The one that had you putty in his arms. Trembling and letting out moans you were sure people over the wall could hear.
You could feel your stomach start to tighten and your walls start to clench around his fingers as he continued his slaughter with his mouth.
''Can tell you're getting close baby, go on'' he barely audibly said as you felt yourself come crashing down. Your orgasm rippling through your body as your warm juices released straight into Lando's mouth.
Your body felt limb, but Lando didn't slow his movements. This time he added a third finger into play, and as much as you loved his fingers, you still were aching to feel his cock fill you up.
''Please Lando, need to feel you in me. Please'' you begging him again.
''Fuck, angel, come here'' he said as he removed his fingered from your cunt, quickly took off his clothes, and sat against the headboard.
''Want you to ride me, please'' he begged you in return.
Lando took his painfully hard dick in his hands and pumped himself a few times, using his hand that was still slick with your juices.
You crawled up to him and sat on your knees, bending over his body. Not that you needed more lube, because you were soaking wet, but you dripped some of your spit directly on his dick. This time he was the one to moan as if his life depended on it.
You climbed onto him and pulled him in for a needy kiss. You could taste yourself as you started grinding yourself on his thigh.
''Y/N, you're incredible. The things you do to me'' he hissed so he lifted you up slightly so you could sink down on him.
As he filled you up with his whole dick, you both stayed still, giving you time to adjust to his length. He was bigger than average, and as much as you loved his cock, the first push always stung.
But soon the pleasure took over the pain, and you stared to move. Up and down. Pulling at his curls as his mouth found your boobs again and began sucking on your nipples.
''Oh my god, Lan, yes, fucking missed riding you like this. Making me feel so good. Shit'' you managed to say between breaths.
''You're so hot on face-time, but fuck me being with you like this is the best feeling ever.'' he groaned while still licking and sucking your nipples.
He started lifting himself up, meeting you half way. Slamming into you so hard you actually were seeing stars. He was reaching all the right places in your cunt and by now both of your moans were so vulgar that if people were walking past your room it must have sounded like a live porno was happening.
''Fuck Lando I'm going to cum'' and before you could even finish your sentence your orgasm came on so violently your whole body was shaking in Lando's arms.
He held you and continued searching for his own release.
''Where do you want me?'' he asked, breathlessly.
''In me, please'' you managed to whisper. Too dazed to put effort into anything you were saying.
Not a second later and Lando emptied his warm liquids in your pussy, filling you up to the brink.
As he slowed his movements he pulled you impossibly closed and hugged you tight, his dick slowly softening in you.
''Please can we just stay like his forever?'' you cooed.
He gave you a giggle and said ''you don't have to ask me twice, fucking hell. I have no words'' he said as he gently kissed you, tongue exploring your mouth as if searching for diamonds.
You don't know how long the pair of you stayed in that position. Could have been 3 minutes, could have been 30. But you needed to clean up.
You really wished that this could be forever. That he wouldn't get up and leave in a few minutes. But reality came crashing down.
As Lando pulled himself out of you you couldn't help but whimper that the loss of contact.
He quickly went to get a warm cloth to wipe you down and started putting his clothes on. While you sat there, shamelessly staring at his toned body which you just wanted to pull back into bed.
There was a sudden shift of energy in the room. Awkward almost.
''See you tonight? Planning a dinner with the guys and whoever is here'' he asked.
''Yeah, sounds good. Send me the details'' you smiled.
He got up after putting his shoes back on and reached over to give you one more quick kiss on your lips before he was out the door.
''Fuck'' you thought to yourself. ''I really am in too deep now.''
The day again was filled with multiple events and lots of food and drinks. Despite the post-sex awkwardness from this morning, Lando still regularly texted you throughout the day. At one point - he was sexting with you too. You couldn't help but flush your cheeks at his forwardness. he was getting you horny all over again.
Lan <3
''Can't wait to fill you up again tonight.'' ''Fuck, can't wait to taste you again.'' ''Can't wait to feel you clench around me again.''
You were done for. You couldn't concentrate on anything now. All you wanted to do was drag Lando back to bed.
''Fuck me Lando, stop teasing. Can't function now. All I can think about is your cock.'' you replied quickly.
''Oh yeah? Want me to fuck you senseless tonight?'' he cheekily replied.
''Yes please, desperate to feel to you fill me up again.''
This was going to be a long afternoon.
Finally as the days' events finished, you had about an hour until meeting Lando and the others for dinner.
You decided on a cotton tight white dress that showed off your ass and boobs perfectly. You knew where the night was going so you didn't wear any underwear - it wouldn't have looked nice anyways.
Just as you were finishing your makeup you phone rang. Of course it was him.
''Lan'' you answered.
''Hey babe, I''m running late, just got back to the hotel so come to my room to chill if you're ready. Leaving the door unlocked.''
Before you could even reply he put the phone down.
''Okay'' you thought to yourself. ''That wasn't weird.''
Anyways, you quickly finished you makeup and 15 minutes later you entered Lando's room.
You immediately knew he was in the shower as you heard the water running. It took everything in you to try to NOT picture him right now. Naked. Beautiful and sexy body on display. Cock spring free and throbbing, hopefully for your cunt.
''Fuck'' you though to yourself.
You tried to keep yourself busy on your phone but it wasn't helping.
Eventually you heard the water turn off and you weren't surprised when he walked out of the bathroom butt-naked.
''Hello'' he smiled innocently at you, walking towards you and pecking your cheek.
It was a few seconds before you greeted him back, too engulfed in his body no, his hard dick dancing around.
You cleared your throat. ''Hey Lan'' you tried to act causal.
''How was your day'' you eventually managed, trying to distract yourself from the dirty thoughts filling your mind.
''Ummmm, started off pretty well'' he winked at you. ''Then was boring as shit, meetings and all.'' he said as he began putting his shirt on. Cock still on display.
You were going to break - you couldn't hold it in anymore.
''Fuck Lando! What are you trying to do to me? Walking around like that. You're driving me fucking crazy and we haven't even been to dinner yet!'' you exclaimed.
''Haha, knew it wouldn't take you long to brake. Come here'' he said pulling you up.
He hugged you as tight as he could before he started leaving open-mouthed kisses along your neck.
''You'll have to suffice my lips right now, and if you behave, you can get my dick after dinner.''
You scoffed at that. ''If I behave? Remind me what you couldn't wait for earlier?'' you smirked at him.
''Whatever'' he said as his cheeks flushed pink.
He distracted you again by kissing you. Deep and hard, as if his life depended on it.
''Let's get this dinner over with so we can get back to business.''
You went down to the lobby of the hotel separately. None of your friends knew about the fact that the two of you wear having sex. The only person who did was Carmen, George's girlfriend. But you both practically threatened her with silly things if she told anyone, even George. There was no way things would be easy if everyone found out. Plus you liked having your own little bubble.
Dinner was not eventful to say the least. It was fun catching up with the girls but you really couldn't wait to be in the taxi going back to the hotel.
At some point during the dinner, Lando found himself next to you, pretending to talk about something important, but really just whispering filth in your ear.
''Please, let's go'' you practically begged him.
After a while he made up the excuse that you weren't feeling well and that he was going to take you back to the hotel.
It was a miracle no one batted an eyelid as you said your goodbyes.
His lips were on yours as soon as you were in the taxi.
No talking the whole ride - just wandering hands and tongue on tongue. Eventually, the taxi driver cleared his throat to alert you that you were back at the hotel.
''Cheers'' Lando told him before practically dragging you to your room.
As soon as the door was closed, Lando took your dress in his hands and ripped it apart.
''LANDO!'' you all but screamed.
''Sorry babe, but I needed it off. I'll buy you a new one. Fuck no underwear?'' he asked with wide eyes, gaping at your boobs and cunt.
''No underwear'' you repeated as you sunk down on your knees before him.
''Fuck, wait let me sit down.''
He guided you to the sofa and undid his belt before you pulled his jeans and boxers down in one go.
His cock sprang out and hit his stomach, pre-cum already dripping from it.
You got on your knees again and took him into your hands.
Pumping him a few times, spreading his pre-cum around.
''Please Y/N'' he begged. ''Been wanting to feel your lip around me all day along.'' he begged again.
Although you wanted to tease him, the ache between your legs was growing impatient.
So you took the tip of him between your lips, and sucked, so hard that his legs started to shake.
'Oh my god, gonna be the end of me, you are'' you said in between moans.
You then took as much of him as you could, as your hands started pumping what you couldn't fit in. You weren't holding back now. Bobbing your head, while Lando's hands found your hair and held it out of your way.
''That's it. Keep going Y/N. Taking my girth so well. Not gonna last long.'' he muttered between breathes.
You were starting to gag now. Tears stinging the corners of your eyes. But you were determined to taste him, so you kept going until he was all but screaming you name full of praises and you felt his warm cum spill to the back of your throat.
''Shit, that mouth of yours. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Best mouth I've ever had.'' he said pulling up to sit on his lap to kiss you again.
You started grinding your ass on his thighs, just as you did this morning, until he scooped you up and carried you to the bed.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, Lando had you on all fours, lining his dick up at your entrance.
He pushed in slowly, allowing you to adjust again.
''Faster, please, go all out'' you begged him.
Finally, he picked up his pace, slamming into you from behind, grunting and praising how good you felt. How your walls clenched around his cock.
''Yeah baby, just like that. Being my whore. Wish you would be my whore forever.''
You both were too blissed out and breathless to even think of what Lando said. All you could think about was how good he was fucking you right now.
''Yes Lan, fuck me harder, please, harder.''
Then suddenly he pulled out and turned you around. He was on top of you this time. Pounding into you, not getting enough.
His lips found homage on your boobs as his hands found yours and intertwined them together.
You could feel the warmth start to build up in your stomach, legs beginning to shake. ''Gonna cum babe?'' he asked as he felt your walls start to clench almost painfully around his dick.
With no warning you came around him. Gushes if warm liquid even spilling out of you.
By now you couldn't form any words so you simply just nodded, and your moans reached new heights.
''Too much Lando, can't take it.'' you groaned.
''Yes you can. Look at me. You can cum again for me, can't you?''
And how could you say no to him when he was looking at you like that?
''Fuck, go on'' you hissed as you felt him quicken his pace again, clearly chasing his own orgasm as well.
Once again both of your moans were so obscene it was brilliant. In seconds he had you cumming all over again.
You could feel his movements getting sloppier by the second. ‘Want to taste you again, please’ you begged him.
Straight away he pulled out of you and shoved his dick in your mouth. Immediately had you gagging and tearing up but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
‘Fuck fuck fuck Y/N yes, oh yes’ he moaned as he emptied his spill to the back of your throat.
His body went limb and so he let his weight fall on you. Curls stuck to his forehead because of the sweat. You held onto him for dear life. Eyes prickling because of the stimulations but also because of your want of more from him.
You pressed your lips to his in a soft and sloppy manner. How you wished you really could stay like this the whole night.
Suddenly it was awkward again. None of you knowing what to say to each other. This was very weird. There was never a moment even in your friendship when things were as awkward as this.
As always, Lando cleaned you up and was walking out of your door within minutes. You wished you could run after him and pull him back in, never let him go. But you couldn’t. That was just a fantasy you longed for.
The next few days passed in a blur. Both of you busy with events and meetings and so on. When you were together with friends, things still felt weird. You couldn’t make out what was wrong. But you still hooked up every night - nothing would stop your two bodies coming together for nights on undeniably passionate sex.
Finally though, it was race day 😈
Authors note - hope you guys enjoyed this. I am still reeling from the win-can’t stop smiling! Who else still feels like this? Also, enjoy these pics, because I couldn’t not bless your tl with them 🧡
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fatkish · 10 months ago
If you're still taking requests.
How would Endeavor and Hawks react to a broody (like when chickens are incubating eggs) phoenix child reader only to find out that the eggs in the nest are fertilized?
I hope that makes sense.
Whose the father? That’s their immediate reaction
After all, you couldn’t have fertilized them yourself
Any time Hawks tries to get near your nest, you immediately start trying to attack him
Enji has to hold you back so you don’t kill him
Hawks is not allowed near you since you attack him
For the sake of this to make sense, let’s just say that Tokoyami is the father. Or at least, he fertilized the eggs.
Hawks and Enji had no idea that you and Tokoyami were so close
You built a nest of blankets, sheets, pillows and clothes. You have two eggs that are fertile
Tokoyami has to bring you food and water since you refuse to move from your eggs.
You shed a lot of your flight feathers and have grown feathers that are slightly more downy and soft. The shed feathers are tucked into your nest
You have a heat lamp in your room that you use to keep the eggs warm when you leave to use the bathroom
You never leave the eggs for more than 30 minutes, ever
Natsuo checks the eggs often to see how they’re developing
Since your instincts are strong, you ‘decide’ to keep the babies. Not like your instincts would let you get rid of them
It takes 7 months in total for the babies to grow and hatch. In that time, Fuyumi and Natsuo are bragging about how their going to be Aunts and Uncles.
Shoto asks questions about the eggs and helps you plan for their future, where their rooms will be, how you plan to raise them, etc
Everyone in the Todoroki family already considers the reader as their sibling so they see themselves as the Aunts and Uncles of the reader’s eggs
Enji is stoked and yet horrified to be a granddad. He knows he was a terrible father to his own kids and he’s terrified that he’s gonna ruin his chances with his grandchildren, if he’s even allowed in their lives
Hawks is stoked and is already bragging about his niece and nephew, assuming the eggs are a boy and girl (you can change the babies’s genders) he’s gotten them so many gifts already and even plans out how to help raise them
Once the fetuses start to move and you feel it, you tell Tokoyami. He’s amazed and is slightly teary eyed. Dark shadow is bawling his eye out and proclaiming that he’ll never leave the eggs’s sides
Shoto just stares with a slightly amazed look and a soft smile when he feels the eggs move. Fuyumi is excited and happily smiles while giggling as tears run down her face. Natsuo just smiles and talks about what you might have to expect and writes down what’s happening for his medical experience and references
When the babies finally hatch it’s at 3:42 am in the morning. The babies are 6 1/2 lbs each
It takes 3 more months of you constantly taking care of them for them to fully absorb their yolk sacs, grow to standard baby weights, start suckling and to start developing feathers
Sorry if it’s short. If you want a part 2 of this or want to hear about the babies growing up, leave a comment please and thank you
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tastesousweet · 1 year ago
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (i)
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grumpy!matt sturniolo x sunshine!fem oc / reader
summary : matt is a grumpy tattoo artist and y/n books him for her first tattoo.
warnings : needles and pain (not very detailed tho)
mickey speaks : i don't have any tattoos so i actually know nothing ab the procedure lmaooo just guessing but i’ll be writing multiple parts for this. also i am very much self indulging bc i headcannon y/n as poc! but obvi anyone can read there's not much exclusivity ab how i write her, i js wanted to note that for any poc readers <3.
“SHITTT,” you draw out the last syllable at the rumble and screech of your car engine as you continue your attempt to start it.
eventually you throw your head backwards in defeat, annoyed by the unbudging car. this is the actual worst timing. you're supposed to be at the tattoo shop (that is a 12 minute drive from your apartment complex) for an appointment in less than twenty minutes.
you truly want to scream and border on throwing a tantrum but decide it would probably be better to find a solution than complain about the agony further.
you quickly find your roommate's contact, raising your phone to your ear and pinching your eyes shut as the vibrating ring hums through your skull.
"y/n? what's up?" andrea answers confused as you had only just walked out of the door five minutes ago.
"hi drea... so i know you have your own plans right now but is there any way you can give me a ride... please?"
you hear shuffling on the line, "mmm, where to?"
“thank you again for driving me,” you smile at andrea and squeeze her hand before reaching for the door.
“yes, of course. you can call me when you’re done and i’ll head over here- m’sorry i can’t stay with you.” she replies and exaggerates a frown.
"i'll be fine, i think- i hope..."
"you will be fine. just don't stress or it'll hurt more."
your arms are crossed tightly over your chest as you make your way into the shop (in its form of an oversized warehouse, fixed up to look stylish and comfortable- something you’d never really seen before). the rickety jingle of a small bell kindly indicates your presence to the rest of the shop.
a few people sitting in a waiting area look up before continuing their conversations (though some continued to stare as you walk by). you see a surprising amount of people crowding in a brightly decorated lounge area, housing many arcade games and a kitchenette.
you reach the receptionist desk and are greeted by a young man dressed casually, humming along to the music playing in the background of the space.
“um, hi. i’m here for my 1:30 appointment.” you state with a smile, you’re suddenly aware of how nervous you truly are.
the brunette looks over to a desktop screen with a soft scrunch of his face, “for y/n, right? huh, that’s crazy…” he rubs his chin, “1:30 was like nine minutes ago,” he looks up at you, almost like he was questioning you; who do you think you are? and why do you think you’re important enough to be late?
as soon as your face begins to morph into fear and embarrassment his own face splits into a large smile as he laughs softly. “i’m sorry- i’m such an ass but i had to- your file said you’re new clientele so i just had to fuck around.”
“you’re sick! i was fully prepared for a fucking lecture on timeliness or something,” you let out a soft laugh.
the boy comes from around the desk holding a paper and clipboard. “yeah, sorry, i’m chris,” he reaches a hand out to which you willingly return and restate your name to him, “‘m not usually up front so you probably talked to asha over the phone when booking.”
you nod and smile at the familiar name, “yeah, she was so helpful over the phone.”
“she’s awesome, i miss her,” he touches each of his shoulders then forehead before kissing his hand and pointing to the sky.
"oh my god? i'm sorry for your loss."
his eyes squint and lips pucker in confusion, "oh, she's not fired she's just on vacation right now."
"so why'd you...?"
chris cuts you off by handing you the clipboard and grabbing a pen from a cluttered mason jar on the desk as he explains, “okay, we’re just gonna have you fill out this quick consultation form; just so you and your artist will be on the same page about things.” you nod in understanding. “keep it brief, matt’s not big on reading large bodies of text,” chris laughs.
“got it,” you smile before turning to find a chair and begin writing. you truly were relieved that chris wasn’t hard on you about being late, for a second you thought you would be lectured and have to carry the guilt of dissapointing someone into a room where you'd be paying to lie in excruciating physical pain. (damn, double homecide)
the sheet had general information to fill before the questions specifically about the tattoo you’d be getting today came.
you go back up to chris once you’re finished.
“cool, follow me we’ll set you up with matt.” he leads the way and your nerves are suddenly back as it's feeling more and more real with each step. you pacify your thoughts by looking around at the many images and messages written in sharpie along the walls of the hallway. there's also plenty of hanging shelves around with vintage trinkets and succulents that compliment the space around.
chris reaches a curtain and dips his head past as if he were checking for something before giving you a chance to see. you notice the small "Matt" embroidered on the black curtain. chris then opens it wide enough for the both of you to walk into the surprisingly large space.
(who you can only assume to be) matt sits comfortably in a wheeled desk chair, legs spread. his elbow rests on the arm of the chair and he holds his head up with two of his fingers, as his middle finger grazes his irritated mouth with a stern look on his face while he scrolls on his phone.
he doesn’t move his position when he looks up at the two of you.
“alright! matt this is y/n,” chris motions between you two. matt hums, placing his phone on the desk and placing his hand out expectantly for the clipboard. chris goes to hand it to him and whispers, “fix your face, jackass,” then turning around to leave you some reassuring words, “good luck y/n, the tat’s gonna look amazing.”
but chris doesn’t see matt exaggerating a large, sarcastic smile from behind him in defense of chris’ words (he immediately drops it though). something that would make you at least giggle if you weren’t so nervous.
“thanks,” your voice is a little hoarse as you haven’t used it in some time. matt watches the boy leave before looking over to you. he rolls the chair closer, reading over your short (as requested) responses.
“you can sit down.” he forms it almost as a question like are you going to sit down or do i have to direct you to do everything?
you sit on the black cushioned bench, lined with a disposable white cloth and begin to fidget with your fingernails as matt goes over your paperwork quietly.
“''kay, so you’re getting a small hello kitty on your lower hip?” he summarizes while checking and signing a few lines on a paper.
“yeah, um, i told asha over the phone that way you could have it sketched already- she told me that’s best and saves time for the both of us.”
his response is a slowed nod and a breathy, “yep,” as he rolls over to his desk and places the clipboard on the surface before opening a drawer and digging through it.
you gaze around the room and wonder if he decorated the space himself or if he wasn’t the type to be bothered enough to add personal things to his work area. almost all the posters are of music artists or tattoos, the most personal things you see are a small picture frame on his desk and a pokémon plushie sat on a chair in the corner of the room. all of which just pose more questions in your working brain.
you notice him switching to a different swivel chair that is lower to the ground and bringing himself (as well as a moving table with already prepared supplies) closer to you.
you’re nervous again. even after your roommate and older brother have both given you advice on first tattoos and the pain expected you’re still finding yourself scared of what to expect. your ear piercings would have nothing on this.
“first tattoo?” matt clarifies, as if he could read your mind. you nod and go to speak but stop when he gestures for you to lay back on the cushion.
you’re sure that he only was searching for a quick confirmation from you and is not too interested in your life or what brings you here but you’ve found that talking relieves your own stress and you absolutely cannot just lay there and only speak when spoken to.
“yeah, i guess m’nervous. i just hope i don’t, like, die from pain or hate the outcome or curse myself in a couple years for the placement- but it's not that i'm doubting that it'd be cute. younger me would be screaming at the fact that i'm even here..." you pause just for a second. "but then again i'm not sure how much forty year old me will appreciate it. so i guess i just don’t know. you know?”
you lean yourself up to get a look at matt, only to realize he has airpods in and simply has not been listening or interested in you (just as you expected). he’s moving his head the smallest amount to the beat as he works on his sketch.
he notices your movement though and takes a headphone out of his ear, “are you okay?” is all he asks.
a pretty broad question. and an anxiety inducing question to ask a girl who's been questioning her decisions as much as you have. you hope you’re okay. will you still be okay when this (mostly) permanent decision is etched into your skin forever? is he okay? will he give you any sense of encouragement or comfort during this process? are tattoo artists typically like this or are you just considered especially needy clientele?
“yeah, i just was- like, curious, i guess.” you mumble a little and internally hate that you feel so insecure in this situation. so out of control.
“was just adjusting my sketch to be a smaller. nothing crazy happening over here.” he shrugs. “you can go ahead and pull your shirt up, though. i’m just gonna clean the area and prep before inking.” he explains to you very straight and to the point.
you fall back into place and obey, inching your shirt up further to expose your lower stomach. you drape your arms over your face to gain composure as you hear matt rip some packaging.
the coolness of the cleaning pad sends your stomach butterflies and you try to not think too hard about the fact that matt’s hands will be on your lower stomach and hip for a good length of time.
eventually matt speaks to you again, “i’m starting so if you’re feeling the need to get the fuck out you gotta do it now or for forever hold your peace.”
you smile a little at his dry joke but when you turn your head to see him fully serious you blink, “no, i’ll be fine. thanks though.”
he just nods his head and goes to put his airpods back in before you’re interrupting again, “wait. whatcha listening to?”
he’s suprised by the question. his clients rarely get too involved in what he’s doing. mostly because he does a great fucking job no matter how few words he may utter over an entire session. there's a mutual understanding there that he's never had to speak up about to anyone. other artists use a strong bond or charisma to secure returning customers but matt finds there’s nothing better to display than his pure talent and passion for his craft. that’s how he keeps clients. they ask and he will always deliver; and that’s how he particularly likes it. no questions and minimal conversation.
the sound of the tattoo gun begins and just for your sake he decides to answer the question without malice, “just some frank ocean instrumental tracks." he places his hands back onto your skin, "don’t start moving.”
you pinch your eyes shut and squeeze your forearms as soon as the initial pain takes over. it’s a feeling you can only describe as a needle poking into you a trillion times at once. which is literally what's happening to you.
you’re not oblivious to matt’s disengagement with your attempts at conversation but you need him to continue to speak to you or else you’ll think too much about the needle actively puncturing you. “oh yeah? i’ve never listened to him before…”
“surprising. he’s pretty big.” matt mumbles slightly, focusing on his work far more than his slight interest in your knowledge of frank ocean.
“mhm. i’ve been meaning to give him a listen. could you share?”
matt’s eyes just move to look up at your face as he tries not to beg you to just be quiet and let him do this so that you both can leave within an hour. “i’m good on that.” he returns to tattooing.
“huh? you can’t share music?”
“i would prefer not to but-” he doesn’t even know why he’s continuing to fuel this anymore.
“what if i add a pretty,” you pause to wince a little as the needle moves lower, “pretty please?”
“i’m almost done,” he mumbles the lie.
he pauses for only a second to glance over to you. he’s met with a face scrunched in pain with an attempted smile that he thinks makes you look more like a doped up hippie than the cute effect you were going for. you plead after his glance, “pretty please?”
he rolls his eyes and sets his tattoo gun down, reluctantly swiveling over to his desk. before you even realize what exactly he’s doing there’s a airy beat of drums and piano playing from a small speaker in the room.
once he's back over to you he can tell you’re smiling even though your face is mostly covered by your arms. “thank you, i needed a distraction or something.”
he mumbles an “mhm” and returns to his work.
there was generally no talking after that. only a few moments you observed (due to your need to cling on to literally anything going on besides the pinching at your lower side) that were any indication of matt's quiet presence. you noticed when matt would softly hum the lyrics to the instrumentals over the speaker and when you began to tap your fingers out of boredom and nerves, to which he simply placed his hand over them to force them flat while muttering a small “stop.”
when matt was completely finished he asked you if he could take a picture to add to his instagram and you agreed eagerly. he then added a strip of tattoo film over a layer of protective ointment. after he helped you to fully stand he explained how to care for it and how important cleaning is because “that shit will get gunky as fuck.” and you told him that you promise to do everything he said. he also gave you a detailed list on a card for you to follow just in case you forget.
you glance down at your tattoo one last time before you begin to leave the room you’d just spent a lengthy hour of your life in. you assume matt doesn’t want much else from you until he calls your name from his desk. you turn and see him still looking at his phone before glancing up, “uh, what’s your insta handle, so i can tag you in this?”
you don’t know why you’re surprised but you are.
you agree to exchange handles with him before deciding to compliment him once more, “my tattoo is perfect, by the way. i love it so much, thank you.” you want to tell him that you hope you didn’t annoy him too much but you don’t know if that will annoy him more. so you take his nod and hint of a smile as his way of showing appreciation, keeping your own smile bright to mask the crushing feeling of someone seeming so indifferent towards you.
after walking past the curtain and through the trinket-filled hallway you’re back to the main area of the warehouse. you see a different collection of people gathered playing pool and some more huddled on a couch looking at a girl’s phone in awe. chris is busy talking with what seems to be a close friend when you walk up to the reception desk.
when his eyes find your bright expression he’s bouncing back with energy, “hey! i’m assuming it went well?" he asks.
"very well. glad it's over though, i can't lie." you laugh while taking your debit card from your purse.
"yeah, definitely not the best feeling. especially when matt's ugly face is that close to you." chris jokes and takes your card to cash you out.
you laugh along with him but assure him that matt's looks weren't an issue. he raises his eyebrows and has a growing smirk that travels to his eyes when he gives you your card back. you try not the blush at the implication, "i didn't mean it like that."
"right," he nods and chuckles softly, "well hopefully you'll be back for another eventually?" he hands you a receipt.
"i mean how could i not with such a sweet receptionist asking me? i'm sure you get everyone to come back," you joke.
chris shrugs with a cocky grin, "somethin' like that."
"oh my god it's fucking adorable, what?!" andrea exclaims with a spoonful of frozen yogurt still in her mouth.
she initally begged to see it as soon as she picked you up but you dramatically told her you had just experienced the worst pain of your life and you'd need a sweet treat if you were planning to not sleep the rest of the day away. so she just rolled her eyes and demanded you show her once you both arrive at your favorite frozen yogurt shop (conveniently down the street from your apartment complex).
"i knowww," you respond and quickly pull the lower part of your shirt down with a smile, taking a seat across from drea.
"how'd it go, though? i'm curious. i've only been to warehouse 79 like once, and it was for an event."
"it was good, they were all generally kind and my guy did exactly what i wanted. i'm pretty happy."
"'my guy,' oh okayy?" she takes a bite and smirks.
"not what i meant! i should have just said matt. like, the guy who did my tattoo-"
"stop.” you smirk, “i mean he was not ugly by any means but he seemed to not care to get to know me at all. which is fine, he's not paid to care about me. but i doubt i'll ever see him again." you shrug taking another bite of frozen yogurt.
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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An Arranged Marriage, part 30
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29
1.7k words
The recent commotion at the hold has Zen on edge and very protective of you. And while you could not blame him for being cautious, it was a little smothering.
(I am feral over my own character, ask box is always open for talking about my writing or just monster fucking in general!)
Even after Ba’tual returned to the hold and let Zen know that the city was clear, Zen still insisted that you stay at the hold with him until he could walk you home. It was interesting to watch him for a bit, to see how he was when working. You could not understand a word he was saying as he spoke orcish, but his demeanor was calm and authoritative, very different that how he was at home.
At lunch time he escorted you home and left a guard at the front door.
“Is that really necessary?” you asked him as he went to leave.
“Just for a little while” he leaned down to nuzzle his forehead against yours, “Just until I know everything is safe again.”
The next morning when you went to leave a different guard was posted at your door. The orc man gave a slight smile and nod when he noticed you. Apparently you would not be going anywhere today.
The guard quickly waved his arms to get your attention before gesturing out towards the city and giving an encouraging nod.
You went about your day as mostly planned, the guard kept a polite distance from you while keeping an eye on you, though it reminded you a bit too much of being back in your kingdom. Always dogged by attendants, chaperoned around and told where you were allowed to go, though at least the guard here did not seem to have any intention of that.
Your day was fairly, if not a bit awkward from being followed around, at least.
“And today too?” you asked Zen has he got home that evening.
“Indulge me, please. Just until we go to visit my family. If everything is safe and quiet until we leave then I will stop with the guards when we get back” he assured you.
You sighed, his heart was in the right place even if being followed by a guard was a bit annoying.
The next day the same guard was there in the morning. He followed you about, through the market and everywhere else you had to go for the day.
On the third day you decided to stay in all day. It was boring being cooped up, but you felt awkward being tailed by someone you could not even talk with.
“You did not leave the house today?” Zen asked when he got home that evening, apparently tipped off by the guard,
“Didn’t feel like it” you shrugged.
He gave you an odd look, “You love exploring the city.”
“And there’s plenty more days to explore.”
“Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m alright, just feels weird being babysat by a guard all day I can’t even talk with.”
“I did not think it would make a difference, I can find a guard who speaks common if that would help” he said as he sat down next to you and started handing you the food from the market that he picked up for dinner.
“It’s alright, you really don’t need to. Even with a language barrier this guy’s been friendly, it’s really not a big deal, just feels a little weird.”
“It was big enough for you to bring up.”
“It’s just a couple for days, I’ll live” you leaned against him and nuzzled against his shoulder.
The next morning you went to leave, figuring that you were making a big deal of nothing. Honestly the guard did not seem to care about being able to chat, and the language barrier was not really even the issue, you just did not like feeling followed. It reminded you of being back in your kingdom too much.
“You always sleep this late, princess?” came a regrettably familiar voice.
Ba’tual. You held his gaze for a moment, an annoying smirk on his face, before going to close the door again.
He was faster than you, quickly reaching out to catch the door so you could not close it.“Wait wait wait! I’m not just standing out here all day doing nothing. You wanted a guard you could talk to, so here I am.”
You looked him up and down, trying to figure out what he was up to. It was true Zen said he would find a guard who spoke common, and Ba’tual was a guard who spoke common, but you trusted him as about as far as you could throw him.
“Why?” you asked him.
“Why what?”
“Why are you actually here?”
“As a favor to Zen, I promise I really have better things to do today besides babysit you all day, but he’s nervous over all this so here I am.”
You gave him another look over. He really did not have a reason to make anything up, and Zen did trust him after all.
“Fine” you said.
“Good. Now I’m starving so if you’re ready let’s get going.”
You followed Ba’tual across town, struggling to keep up with his long strides. It had taken Zen a while to get used to walking slower for you, in the beginning you had to hold his hand to physically remind him to not accident leave you behind, though you sure were not going to do that with Ba’tual. If he wanted to drag you somewhere he could slow down so he did not accidentally loose you.
He lead you down to the port, it was bright and bustling, and mostly trolls. Around the hold and the main market it was mostly orcs with a few minotaur and trolls mixed in, the shrines were the only place you had been where it was all trolls. There were a few orcs going about their day, but all around you were trolls dressed in bright colors and chatting in their language.
Ba’tual ducked into a small shop and began chatting with the troll man behind the counter, he nodded and gestured to you, and you heard Zen’s name in the middle of a string of otherwise un-understandable troll.
“Sit” Ba’tual said and you followed him over to where he he was getting comfortable sitting cross legged on a cushion.
“So, all the way across the city just for breakfast?” you asked,
“A real breakfast, not orcish street food or Zen’s basic cooking. Actual good food like back home.”
Some things you recognized, like the porridge and fruit, but there were new things too. Some sort meat with veggies covered in a heavy sauce, simple dumplings, and what looked like possibly raw fish.
You watched Ba’tual as he grabbed things from the shared serving dishes to add to his porridge, or spooning portions off them and onto his own dish.
“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked as he noticed you just watching.
You started with what you knew, helping yourself to some of the porridge and fruit.
“Zen talks about you a lot, you know” Ba’tual began, “He’s eating better, and looks like he’s actually sleeping again, seems like having you around has really done him a lot of good.”
You could not help but smile. Bira had told you similar things before, it felt good knowing that in one small way your existence was bringing some good into the world.
“Apparently it just took him getting fucked again” he laughed.
Immediately your expression soured, for a moment Ba’tual was being almost pleasant, though apparently it was just a fluke.
“Don’t give me that look” he rolled his eyes at you, “you’re my best friend’s wife, of course I’m going to tease you like how I tease him. And before you even ask: no I have not asked him about you two fucking, he just babbles and freely offers that information. I truly have no interest in his sex life.”
“Do you always have to be so crass?” you had not had many exchanges with Ba’tual, you tried to avoid being around him when possible, but he always seemed intent on making it as obnoxious as possible on top of the vaguely unsettled feeling you always had around him.
He just shrugged, “I would rather speak plainly. And look, I know you don’t really like me, and that’s fine, you don’t have to. But you’re married to my best friend, so we’re going to have to deal with each other from time to time.
“I have no issues with you. You make Zen happy, so I like you. I think you’re good for him” he vaguely gestured around, “I’m sure Bira has told you lots about me too. unflattering things, but probably mostly true, so this is my peace offering so that you can decide how you feel on your own.”
His honesty did make you feel a little better, and he was right. Being Zen’s best friend did mean you would probably have to spend time around him, maybe you should reevaluate how you felt about him.
“How did you meet Zen?” you asked.
“We were raised together, I’ve always known him. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have him.”
“So you two must be very close then.”
“He’s the one person I know I will always been able to count on. It’s always just been me and Zen” he shrugged.
His words gave you pause, “Were you two together?” you asked.
“As in?” he raised an eyebrow at you and looked genuinely confused.
“Like involved, romantically?”
He caught you off guard with how he laughed at your question, “Zen? I love him, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not like that. He’s my other half, but it’s not romantic, he’s just my person, you know? But if you’re worried I’m going to steal your husband you can calm down, it’s definitely not like that.”
You ended up having quite a nice breakfast with Ba’tual in the end. Got to try a few new foods and get to know a little more about both him and Zen. Ba’tual did not have to be your favorite person, but Zen trusted and loved him, so you could at least try to get along with him.
@blushycadaver @mochalyluv @hazyspacefairy @littlelovebug98 @tufflepuff23 @lets-imagineastory @emonatural191 @after-laughter-come-tears @plathsotherib @krayziee @zaqnette @graveblanketgreen @lovingbadguys @nogoatsnoglori @bunnibabylilly @selfindulgenthoe @dij-ology
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scorpioriesling · 10 months ago
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Casual (pt. 1)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairings: Azriel x reader, light Cassian x reader
Warnings: drinking, smut allusions, light foul language
Summary: Usually not one to go out, you decide to try it out one night, knowing the Inner Circle comes to the bar you work at. You’re hoping to maybe see them during the hours you work… what happens if you see them when you’re off the clock?
SR’s Note: This one will most certainly have multiple parts as I tend to get carried away I’m SORRY <3 Heavily inspired by the song Casual by Chappell Roan… I listened while thinking this one up and writing it, if you wanted to listen while reading along!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Your weekly routine was generally the same; you worked behind the bar at Rita’s full-time, and spent most of your afternoons in the library— preferably, the wing that held the maps. Over the last few years, you’d taken an interest in Prythian’s history, and chose to spend extra time studying the geographical documents that had you’d become to intrigued by. Maybe, if you’d be able to learn enough and teach yourself sufficiently, you could get yourself a better job than mixing drinks from 9-5 each day at Rita’s.
It wasn’t all bad; for one, you really liked your coworkers. Your manager was cool, and the security of the bar left you feeling safe, even on the bad nights and weekends when you were asked to work a double or come in for extra hours. It wasn’t necessarily in the “bad part” of Velaris, if you could consider the lovely hidden city to have any “bad parts”— it was just an area that potbelly’s and drunkards liked to hang out until the wee hours of the morning.
Aside from the people you worked with, the customers were generally a good group too. A mixture of all kinds from the Night Court would come in, but what was most exciting was when the Inner Circle would visit — which happened more often than not, you had noticed. They started coming around more on Thursdays and Fridays, so you would casually hang around and chat with coworkers in hopes of possibly seeing the rulers of the court you called home a time or two.
Well, at least it started with that.
Then, you started picking up a couple extra hours on Thursdays. Maybe one or two, here and there. Just to cover rent and have extra spending money.
“How else am I paying for rounds later?” You teased, your closest coworker, Clayre, noticing the uptake in hours you’d started working. She’d only shrugged and shook her head at you.
“Just wondering. It’s unlike you; I figured you’d rather spend your weekends poring over those dusty pages in the library.”
A few extra hours wouldn’t matter, you still had the whole weekend off to yourself to spend studying those maps and working on bettering your knowledge. What would matter was when you changed not only the extra hours, but the lifestyle; not a party girl at heart, you finally started taking your coworkers up on their offers to hang out after hours, thus spending more time at your job and less in the library. This was a surprise to the people you shared eight hours of your every day with, but they were excited to finally get to hang out with you. Clayre seemed to think maybe something else was at play though.
“I’m just surprised you’re sacrificing any time you could have to be looking at those same old maps is all I’m saying,” she says, wiping down the bar one afternoon during a shift she shared with you. It was around 4:30 pm on a Friday, and you had plans to meet up with everyone here later tonight. She wasn’t wrong, by now she knew you well enough and knew you wanted a better life for yourself in your career; but she what she hadn’t caught onto yet was the master plan at play in other aspects of your life, which would involve getting out there more and meeting people. Rita’s was the place to be, the place to meet anyone and everyone, and seeing as it was a summer Friday night, it was a perfect opportunity.
“You’ve only got 30 minutes left; do you want to head out early and start getting ready?” She asks you kindly. Your eyes dart to the ticking clock hanging above the front door, and you suck your bottom lip between your teeth. She tosses the rag she’d been using into the sink behind the counter, and you glance behind her and see a few mixers that are looking a little low. The evening shift will have your asses if they aren’t full when they get there.
You smile at her. “Nah, I’m okay. It’s only 30 minutes. I’ve got a few things to finish up anyways. Do you want to go early today? Maybe pick up some food and meet over at my place?” You ask. She beams, happy that the kind gesture to leave early was returned to her.
“Absolutely!” She pulled the quill from the ink pot behind the bar, noting the time on the timesheet next to her name for the day. “Would you like anything in particular?”
“Surprise me.”
✧・゚: *
“Y/N… that one is the one and you know it!” Clayre squeals and kicks her feet like a schoolgirl on your bed, staring at you from across your room. You stand in front of your closet, a short beige and brown dress hugging your curvy figure in all the places you’d liked. You’ll admit it; you bought this one on purpose, and dipped into your savings a little bit knowing this was the style of clothing that went along with the ambience that Rita’s offered during the summer months. Not quite a sundress, but not a gown either; not leather, but not too tight fitting that you couldn’t move. It was just… perfect. The colors looked gorgeous on you too and it didn’t scream for attention; and you had seen some questionable fashion choices in the past as a bartender. You’d taken a mental note to stay away from those.
“Well… I think you’re right.” You say, turning from side to side in front of your floor length mirror, admiring how the dress clings to the curve of your ass and shows off the body you’re blessed with. Clayre hops off the bed, skipping over to you and fluffing out your hair with her fingers. She drapes a few of your loose curls in front of your shoulders, the tendrils reaching just past the curve of your breast and framing the curve of your face the way you like. She grins.
“You’re getting laid tonight, that’s for sure,” she winks at you through the mirror. You laugh, your shoulders knocking against her as she begins giggling along with you. She steps over to your vanity and pops another sugared strawberry in her mouth, and then tosses the container in the trash.
“I wouldn’t look like this if it wasn’t for your help,” you start, glancing once more in the mirror. You usually opt for light makeup, but Clayre is so good at the dramatic stuff and she really helped you transform tonight. She swatted a hand in your direction, beginning to pick up loose clothing and makeup items from the floor.
“No, seriously. It takes me forever to curl my hair and I can’t do my makeup like this; you’re so good at it.” She smiles to herself and shoves her work uniform in her satchel, and you begin reorganizing your vanity. Peeking outside, you notice the sun setting.
“Hey, I can clean all this up later — we don’t have to do it now,” you say. Clayre props herself on the edge of your bed, pulling on a pair of pointed black heels. She narrows her brows at you.
“Y/N… you don’t want to bring a male back here later and the first thing he sees is your dirty clothes all over the floor, do you?”
✧・゚: *
Rita’s was packed.
Like, line out the door, wrapped around the building, packed.
“Cauldron sacrifice me,” Clayre mutters as you approach the bar. You can hear the music coming from inside, neon lights flashing beyond the glass front door and illuminating the street in front of the entrance. Fae of all kind were in line ahead of you; from what you could see, some bore iridescent skin, some had wings, some with more elegant wear and some wearing plainclothes. That was the beauty of Rita’s; anyone was welcome.
Clayre stood on her tippy toes and peered around the line, trying to see around heads and bodies. You cast her a questioning look.
“I’m trying to see who’s on duty tonight for the front entrance,” she explained. “Maybe we can just walk to the front and walk in, you know, since we’re employees?” she says. You contemplate her words for a moment, and the line moves up by a few feet.
“I mean… ugh I don’t know. People will be mad if we cut right?” She rolls her eyes.
“I’m already hot and there’s like, 50 people ahead of us.” A group gets in line behind you, and you are unsure what to do. You don’t really get time to decide because Clayre is grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of line. You gasp at her.
“Clayre! We’re going to lose our spot-“ You say. As you pass person by person, you’re met with stares and given quizzical looks all the same. Clayre keeps marching ahead, drawing nearer to the entrance.
“Lionel!” She beams when we’re close enough to the security guard for him to register us butting in line instead of not actually being in it. He’s pulled from his 1000 yard stare at the sound of Clayre’s voice and he smiles bright when he sees her, a dramatic gasp coming out when he sees you. You roll your eyes at him and laugh.
“Y/N? Do my eyes beseech me?!” He raises the back of his hand to his head and pretends to faint, causing you and Clayre to chuckle. The group of fae females at the front of the line are staring burning holes into you, and you glance at one in particular, earning a scowl from her. Your cheeks heat a little bit, but you turn your attention back to your coworkers.
“I’ve finally pulled the moth from the depths of the dark library; she’s seen the LIGHT!” Clayre booms dramatically, and you swat her arm. It’s Lionel’s turn to let out a hearty laugh, and you can’t help but giggle. Once he’s taking big dramatic breaths, and calming down, you glance beyond the glass and notice your manager making his way toward the door. Hopefully he will allow someone in soon; you want the eyes still glaring at you to find different prey.
“Well, either way I’m glad you guys came out tonight. You ladies look great!” He says kindly. Clayre curtsys, and he shakes his head at her. Just then, the door swings open and your favorite manager Jeremiah opens the door. He had a clipboard and paper in one hand, not so much as looking up at Lionel as he holds up two fingers. Lionel stares at the two of you.
“I swear on the Cauldron, if you two get me fired-“
Clayre squeals and gives Lionel a quick side hug.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” She says before rushing inside. You stand on the balls of your feet and press a kiss to his cheek before rushing in after her, throwing him one last tiny wave and disappearing inside.
If Clayre thought it was hot outside, the air inside is sweltering. It’s warm and humid, feeling like the air in the jungle after a tropical storm.
That is, if the air also had laser beams shining through it and tendrils of smoke giving it a less than pleasant scent.
Clayre has clearly come here after hours before, as she’s bee-lining for the bar like she’s on a mission. You pass table after table, ones you’re accustomed to wiping down and serving day after day. The dance floor was already growing with bodies, jiving and thrumming with the bass-boosted music blaring from the speakers. One of the booths you pass has a “reserved” sign; which stinks. That one is your favorite, it’s the largest and in the corner, providing a little bit of quiet from the rest of the room. You thought you might snag it, if it was open.
Approaching the bar, you lean over to ask Clayre what she wants when the bartender Aleks saunters over to you both. The sleeves of his button down are rolled up, and you had to admit he was one of the more attractive males you worked with. He offered you a broad smile.
“Y/N! Wow, you look great — hey Clayre, a pleasure as always,” she smiles back at him, and it feels a bit awkward because usually she has some quip and you’re the one not speaking first. You take this time as your opportunity to start the conversation.
“Thank you Aleks,” you begin. He pours the green margarita mix into a glass with a perfectly sugary rum, and Clayre just stares at him while he does it. He takes note of it and smirks, glancing to you. “Be right back.” He says, walking to the other end of the bar to hand the drink to female in waiting. He makes his way back to you, and you look to Clayre. She swallows hard.
“Sorry I can’t chat with you ladies much tonight,” he says. “Unfortunately, I’m the only one on the schedule anddddd…” he gestures to the crowded room behind you. Your eyes widen.
“Damn,” you say. “I didn’t realize. Night are a lot different than days…” He shrugs.
“I mean, once they let everyone in for the night, Jeremiah said he’d be over here to help, but I mean, it’s whatever.” Clayre chews on her lip.
“Can I get a Blueberry Buzz?” she says. Aleks flicks his gaze to her and chuckles. Her cheeks redden, and I honestly don’t know what to think, I’ve never seen her like this.
“Make that two! I’ll have one too.” I say. He smiles and shrugs, the crowd around the bar only growing by the minute.
“Two Blueberry Buzzes,” he says, adding ice to two glasses he holds in one hand. “Do you want anything else while you’re up here? It might be a minute before I can talk to you ladies again.” He’s lightly shouting now, the chatter around us growing louder. Clayre shakes her head, but I decide not to agree with her on this one. I don’t need a slow burn tonight. I need to get fucked up.
“Can we also get two Lemon Wave shots and two shots of Whiskey Tango?” I ask. Clayre side eyes me, and I shrug at her. Alex sets down the glasses filled with the purple drinks, sprinkling edible glitter on top. I watch it swirl into the cocktail, and he slides the glasses across the bar to us.
“Two Blueberry Buzzes — had to make them pretty, for the prettiest girls in here, of course.” Your hand flies to your heart in fake admiration, though you do find the gesture sweet.
“Awwww!” You croon, earning a laugh from Aleks. “You shouldn’t have!” He grabs four shot glasses, working quickly with the two alcohols youd requested.
“And here…” he finishes the shots. “Are two Lemon Wave shots and two Whiskey Tangos.” He carefully hands two to you and two to Clayre, and she smiles shyly at him. He winks at her, and looks at you one final time.
“I can start a tab for you guys?” You nod, and take your beverages from the bar. You’d definitely be back later for more, but for now you needed to find a table.
✧・゚: *
“All I’m saying is that if you just sit your lil butt on top of the bar and,” you can’t help but giggle. “…and tell him to pour it straight into your mouth, he might just bend you over right there, okay! I mean that’s all I’m saying!” You laugh, sending Clayre into a fit of laughter. She covers her mouth with her hands in embarrassment.
“He would literally never do that.” She finishes with a laugh. You’d been hanging out for thirty or forty five minutes, but the effects of the alcohol were already beginning to pulse through your veins. The warm feeling it was giving you was nice; you wondered why you didn’t come do this more often with your friends. This was quite fun; you can see why Clayre liked it so much.
Unfortunately, all the tables had been taken by the time you’d left the bar, so you opted to take the shots first and leave the glasses by the bar, now nursing the last remnants of your cocktail near the outskirts of the dance floor. Clayre tips her head back, draining hers entirely and wiggles the glass in front of you, rattling the ice.
“Catch up, sweets.” You roll your eyes, having mostly glitter water left in your glass. You finish it in one swallow, and you hold out your hand for Clayre to take your glass. She scoffs.
“Why me?” She asks. You grin.
“Because.” You give her a knowing look. You don’t even need to explain before she groans and takes it from you, trudging over to the bar and elbowing her way through people to get to the front. You see her small green dress disappear for only a moment before she’s back, and you’re shaking your head with crossed arms as she approaches. She throws her arms up in the air as she walks towards you.
“Whaaat!” She drawls. “I can’t talk to him now anyways, he’s busy.” She excuses.
“Tsk tsk.” You say, grabbing her hand. You look toward the dance floor, a small patch of flooring clear in your line of sight. “Come on — I wanna go dance.”
It’s not long before you’re back at the bar. And again. And again. To be fair, one of those times, you made Clayre go, but it “didn’t count” because Jeremiah was over there and took her order instead.
The effects of all the drinks you’ve had are in full swing as you’re thriving on the dance floor, arms in the air and swinging your hips. You’ve never felt so confident, never done anything so fun. Your bones feel like they’re made of air, and you’re on cloud nine. You feel light, airy, sexy, and just… good.
You’re feel so good, and so smart for coming up with a brilliant idea when the song you and Clayre are dancing to ends and you shout to her over the people around you. “My mouth is real dry Clayre!” She nods and sticks her tongue out. You laugh at her.
“Nooo Clayre — my mouth.” She’s giggling too, and pulls you close by the wrist.
“IM GONNA NEED MAYBE A DRINK.” She shouts. You smile.
“I need water!” You say back. She nods, then frowns. Then she shakes her head.
“Yeah I want some water but maybe another drink too. I don’t know. Let’s just go together.” She grabs onto your wrist and pulls you toward the bar. You thank the mother that it’s a little less busy now, and notice the clock on the wall reads 11:48. Aleks notices you, and Clayre drops your arm.
“Actually I’m gonna go pee real quick…” she says. You roll your eyes at her, just as Aleks appears in front of you.
“Hey stranger! How’s it going?” He asks. You lean on the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools. He grabs a glass, filling it with ice and dispensing clear water into it. You sigh as he slides it to you.
“Cauldron…” you practically moan and bring it to your lips, chugging half of it and setting it down. He’s chuckling at you, arms crossed over his torso. “Thank you.” He grins.
“You looked like maybe you needed it.” He rests his hands on the lip of the bar, staring at you as his smile grows. You can’t help but smile back and huff a laugh.
“What!” You say. He chuckles again.
“You didn’t answer my question Y/N,” he says, still grinning at you. You’re trying really, really hard to remember what he asked.
“Aleks… I’m going to be so honest with you right now, I do not even remember what you asked me.” He shakes his head, smiling at the ground. You catch sight of Clayre rounding the opposite corner of the bar from the bathroom, and you get yet another brilliant idea.
“Hey um you have to go over there to Clayre because she wanted to get a drink,” you say quickly. Aleks looks at you confused.
“Okay… isn’t she coming over here?”
Yes, Aleks. But if she’s over here with me, I’ll have to do all the talking and she won’t be forced to do any of it.
“No uhhhh….” You’re struggling to come up with an excuse. “She said she wants one at that end of the bar… like all the way down there so you gotta go over there.” You shoo him away, before Clayre draws any closer. Thank the Mother he actually catches her before she gets more than a few inches down the length of the bar, and he begins talking to her. You decide you’re not going to look — she can thank you later.
You’re sipping your water, the effect of all those drinks not lessening with the effort when a large, tan male takes a seat beside you. You’re quick to take him in; well, first of all, he’s huge. Even sitting, he towers over the bar. His shoulder length brown hair is halfway tied back, and he has a light brown stubble on the lower half of his face. His tight black pants are lined with a multitude of emptied bands pockets, for weapons that he must have unsheathed for his night out. He must be Illyrian.
Finally he clears his throat and turns to you, sparing you the action of speaking first. Although it is itching you why he’s sitting so close to you, considering all the other empty barstools up here.
“I don’t really know how to start these kind of things…” his voice comes out rough and gravelly. He keeps looking at the brick wall behind the bar, a hand scratching at his chin. You continue to give him a once over.
“Well. Uh, I guess I should probably introduce myself first, right? I’m Cassian.” He says, finally turning to face you. His soft brown eyes meet yours, and he truly is handsome. You give him a small smile, shifting on the stool so you’re knee-to-knee with the stranger.
“Y/N.” You say. He smiles back.
“Y/N. Alrighty… uh.” He clasps his hands together and you glance behind him. Clayre is finally talking with Aleks. Thank the Cauldron.
Your newfound handsome man seems to be stumbling with his words, so you decide to play it up a little bit. You lean over, bending at the waist and place both of your hands on his knees. In doing this, your elbows push together, exposing yourself in your already semi-revealing dress. Is it a little much? Yes. Is it something you’d ever normally do? No. Are we throwing morals out the window tonight? Absolutely.
You stare up at him innocently as his eyes widen, and you see him fighting to look anywhere but your face. He doesn’t have to; his pants are constricting enough that the bulge under his zipper is already beginning to grow. He swallows thickly, clearing his throat. He almost looks like he’s sweating a little.
“Ohh um… so I’m actually not over here for um. Myself, uh…” he chuckles, and you notice he sneaks a glance. Poor guy. His eyes wander right down the valley you’ve created, which doesn’t help his situation. Both pairs of eyes drift there next, and then you make eye contact again. You smirk.
“Hmm… are you… sure? About that? Because it seems like-“ You begin to draw circles with your pointer finger on his knee, and he’s near panting as he grabs both of your hands in his, cutting you off.
“No. I’m…” He takes a breath. “Really. I came over here just to ask if you have a mate or anything.” You smirk.
“Or… anything.” You drawl. He closes his eyes, almost willing his erection to go away. Touching you was a bad idea, even if it was in an attempt to make his situation better. He sets your hands gently back in your lap, and you continue to stare at him innocently. You lift yourself off the barstool, the back of your thighs starting to stick to the leather. Once you’ve peeled them off, you set yourself back down with a slight bounce, allowing Cassian to notice. You swear you can hear a tiny groan come from him at the sight.
“I will take that as a no.” He runs a hand down his face. “Listen Y/N, really, I started this whole thing off so wrong, okay,” he fumbles. You nod, smirking at him.
“It’s my friend that I’m asking for. He’s been kind of, well… he’s been attracted to you all night,” he finishes with a little laugh. You can’t help but laugh with him.
“Mhm, and this, friend,” you say. “Why hasn’t he just come talk to me himself?” Cassian shrugs, looking out at the dance floor, then back to you.
“Honestly, I don’t know why Azriel does half the things he does. But, what I do know is, he’s probably watching us right now and he’s going to kill me when I walk away from you.” He lets out an exasperated groan, and you raise an eyebrow.
“Sounds… charming.” You taunt. Cassian chuckles, his broad shoulders rising and falling with the action. He shakes his head and moves to stand readjusting slightly as he does.
“Just take my word for it, I suppose.” He says, looking down at you one last time with a grin. “I think you two will get along juuuust fine.” You roll your eyes and he stalks off. Whatever that means. You would’ve been fine going home with Cassian.
Clayre meets your eyes, hers filled with so many expressions. Aleks is nowhere to be found, and she mouths from one end of the bar from another.
“IM GOING HOME WITH ALEKS” she points to herself and the swinging door connecting the bar to the kitchen, presumably where Alex’s disappeared to. You give her a thumbs up and smile, silent clapping.
She makes a motion, outlining a huge mass with her hands and then shrugging and pointing to the barstool next to me.
“HE WAS CUTE” She nods her head slowly, eyes wide. I shake my head no.
“WHY?” She mouths back, just as the door swings open, Aleks walking through with his keys in his hand. The clock above the bar now reads 12:35, and Jeremiah follows him out, speaking happily to him and waving him off. He rounds the bar and offers an arm to Clayre, and she looks at you one last time over her shoulder excitedly before exciting out the back door with him. You look toward the dance floor, hoping to spot Cassian but unfortunately, he’s nowhere to be found. There’s no real point in waiting around without a friend, and you’d be damned waiting for a guy who hadn’t talked to you all night to come talk to you now.
You drain the last few sips of water you had left from the slowly melting ice, making to stand and head out when two large hands appear on either side of you, arms boxing you in. Your eyes widen, a cool presence behind you; shadows tickling your jaw and trailing over your collarbone. The scents of cool mint, sage, and sea salt invade your senses; clean, but dangerous. Soft strands of hair brush against the top of your ear as a low, seductive voice, cool as the ice left in your glass rasps:
“I don’t believe we’ve properly met.”
✧・゚: *
Part 2
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kameyyy · 1 month ago
PASSION; atsumu miya x reader
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CHAPTER 1: red
cw: ooc orobably, cursing, mention of a deceased grandparent, mention of dysfunctional family, lowkey unreliable memories, mention of alcohol use, umber is a color I don't mean amber, sry if I missed some [please refer to the general tags/warnings on the m.list !]
a/n: hi so I hope you'll enjoy !! this is my first ever written chapter in english and after like idk 4 years of writers block, so please be nice about it <3 I'm really excited to write this smau and I apologize for any grammar issues or typos !! I'm writing this at 6:30 am rn and I haven't slept yet lol so please bear with me
songs I violently played on repeat: Girl With One Eye ; Beatutiful Crime ; Claire ; Not
wc: 3.7k
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She didn’t hear the front door of the shop creak open, nor the ring of the old bell attached to the ceiling sounding twice. He let his eyes roam suspiciously over the two steps of stairs in front of the door that led him further into the building, uneven and small, rough edges and splitting paint hidden behind a rug of yale blue that certainly has seen better years.
At first glance, the shop appeared messy. Countless rugs in various colors hung up on walls, spread out on the dark wood floor, or rolled up and stuffed together on shelves or any corners. The wallpaper was yellowed, partially wavy, and loose in places. Between the million rugs laid out underneath his feet, he spotted chipped parts of the wood floor and white dried-up paint smeared over it, seemingly by accident, as he moved over to the redwood counter and the person sitting behind it.
He wondered why his friend chose this specific shop for his rug. It was nothing like him, and not even close to the other stores he frequented. This one was cluttered, messy, and odd. The tips of the aloe vera on top of the counter were rolled tight and colored brown, balancing between life and death. Water and coffee stains adorned the counter top, dust settled in the corners and the jar with pens was tipped over. However, when his eyes landed on the stack of volleyball magazines spread messily next to the woman hunched over the counter, he suddenly understood his friend. He couldn’t make out her face since it was angled too far down, but instead, he clearly saw the video she was watching. A volleyball video. An interview of him. 
This place reeks of a discount.
She doesn’t like the color red. It reminds her of the past she is trying her best to forget, or it announced bad times coming for her. But as much as she learned to hate this color, somehow, she found herself surrounded by all kinds of shades of it every day.
Her childhood bedroom had wallpaper colored in carmine red. Walls that witnessed her silent sobs, her figure slouched over the prickly carpet writing a myriad of essays, all those fights with her mother, and countless nights where the bed stayed untouched and cold. She used to love this specific shade of red, though all it did now was leave a bitter taste in her mouth.
Her school uniform had a tie colored in maroon. The fabric accompanied her to all those classes, where she repeatedly realized just how different she was from everybody else. 
All her peers had their lives planned out already. They knew what to study, what job or company they wanted to work for, and at what age they wanted to get married. One child or two, the age difference no more than three years. A boy, or a boy and a girl. If they didn’t plan their life out this detailed, then they at least had an idea. Everybody had some sort of dream or goal to reach, unlike her. 
She was lost in a maze with no way out, the fog imprisoning her growing denser with every passing year or thought she spent on ways to escape.
The counter was made of redwood and the countless rugs scattered around the shop, either hung or rolled up, were all colored in some shade of red. They watched her fail the attempts of trying to forget the past whenever she lets her gaze wander out the window. Her eyes focused on the building across the street as if she was looking for someone. 
These rugs witnessed on cold fall days how she hung up a certain crimson red scarf on a coat rack behind the counter and sometimes stared at it a little too long, lost in thought. She got it as a gift a year before her high school graduation and never brought it over herself to toss it out of her life. It kept her warm on nights she turned her back to the locked front door of her house. Head hung low, sigh after sigh leaving chapped lips, a shiver from the biting cold of winter running through her body. Though moments later she was greeted happily in a certain house filled with warmth, laughter, and love. Umber eyes lifted unpleasant feelings and worries from her shoulders like a feather caught by a gush of wind. The scarf tagged along when she waited in front of the school gym, or when she laughed with the person that would later show her what passion truly felt like. Even when that passion was fueled by hate.
She was hunched over the countertop next to the cash register, her knuckles pressed against her temples as she kept her head low and eyes trained on the screen laid flat on the wood grain. 
She couldn’t help it.
The wired earphones she wore were broken in and tangled, the sound quality wasn't the best, but it was enough for her 10-minute walk to work. Or, to watch this interview with her eyebrows scrunched while the shop was only filled with her figure and a faint buzzing sound coming from the break room. It went unnoticed — just like the person actually standing in front of her.
She doesn’t know why she keeps watching these stupid volleyball interviews with him in it. She doesn’t know why she googles his name at least once a month, on the lookout for new achievements he made in his life, but not to celebrate. And she doesn’t know why she keeps buying these damn magazines he’s printed on the cover of — or is somehow featured in. 
She doesn’t know why she can’t let him go.
On her screen he stood proudly with a hand on his hip, the other running through his damp blonde hair while he answered the reporter's questions. His team won a match that was seemingly rather important. They talked a little too much about volleyball and teams she had never heard of before, though that was only because she always skipped the magazine pages that weren't about him, so she didn't really focus on what was said.
He carried himself with confidence, success was written all over his face. His hair wasn’t this awful yellow color anymore, it hadn’t been for a while, but rather a natural-looking blonde. He grew bigger, in muscles and size, compared to the last time she saw him in person years ago. He seemed more mature, though he was still the same and carried his signature smirk around, which she so desperately wished to wipe off his face. 
It’s unfair. Life’s unfair. It had only been good to him, for some stupid reason. He had a happy family, confidence and looks like no other, passions and goals he worked hard for to achieve and maintain. On the other hand, life had been treating her like a pacifier lost on the streets. It made her bitter. It filled her with hate. It made her cry at night — because she doesn’t understand why.
He got everything he dreamed of, while she didn’t even get a dream.
“What is your ideal type of woman?” The reporter spoke, and the blonde man paused for a second, raising a hand to his chin in thought, before a sly grin spread over his lips. She found herself biting on the skin of her cheek, a small part of her anticipating his answer a little more than she’d ever admit.
“My type in women?” He blew a lost strand of hair out of his vision, his eyes glimmering in amusement. “Someone who knows what they want in life.”
She scoffed loudly, roughly ripping her earphones out of the shell of her ears, and throwing them on top of the table. 
“What a dick.” She spat, venom rising to the back of her throat, daring to spill over like ink and red wine, staining her for years to come. She threw herself back in the creaking chair, nails roughly digging into the palm of her hand.
“Excuse me?” A voice sounded in offense.
Her eyes snapped up from the screen that still played the interview. In front of the counter, she was met with a broad figure in a burgundy red t-shirt and umber-colored irises. Her mouth went dry — and with it, her heart stopped beating for a second.
“What the fuck.”
Her sudden words of calling him a dick caught him off-guard. His eyebrows were furrowed, and he had his lips parted for more words to come out, offense painted across his face, though they died on his tongue the second she threw her head back to look at him.
A few moments of silence passed between them as they took in one another. 
It was her, to his delight. And it was him, to her misfortune.
He desperately tried to find his voice. He wanted to express all the feelings and questions swirling and burning inside his mind about her, after all those years, since they last saw each other. She pressed her jaw together tightly in an attempt to keep calm, the fight or flight instinct within her triggered. But she was working right now. Punching a customer would likely result in termination, as well as abandoning the shop.
He was the first one to break the silence again, a weak and nervous smirk painting his lips as he spoke.
“You’re a fan?” His eyes flickered to the interview still playing on the screen.
“Quite the opposite.” She scrunched her nose in disgust and quickly turned off the video.
Though, he simply raised his eyebrows, not buying a word she said, and instead nodded towards the stack of magazines next to her. She didn’t need to turn her head to know that the magazine lying on the top of the stack had his face printed all over the cover. She cursed herself silently, the only one without him displayed on the front page, currently stuck under the left leg of her chair to keep it from tilting over.
“We sell those.” She said flatly, trying to seem indifferent about it, but the nervous biting of her lip betrayed her.
The corner of his eyes crinkled in amusement, the smile on his lips grew wide before his features ultimately softened. Umber eyes roamed over her face, taking in everything that changed or had stayed the same. 
Her hairstyle was different, the bags she used to carry under her eyes weren’t as prominent anymore. But she still looked tired, her lips still chapped from her habit to gnaw at them whenever something bothered her. 
He wondered if her troubles were different now. He hoped they were. Otherwise, everything he had given up — which was her — was pointless. Nonetheless, she resembled the same girl from years ago, though he knew she was different now. She looked at him differently, too.
“I didn’t think we’d see each other again.” He muttered, memories of their time spent together played in front of his inner eye.
“I wish it would’ve stayed that way, Miya.”
His name tasted weird and unfamiliar on her tongue. The last time they saw each other — which was years ago — she referred to him by his given name, though not nearly as civilized as she managed now. Ways were parted in hate and anger, insult after insult spat from her mouth like venom as she screamed at him, in hopes of making him hurt as much as she did in that very moment.
He wronged her. He broke the trust he had so patiently built up and did the one thing she begged him not to do, sealed with multiple pinky promises and reassuring smiles. 
But suddenly her life fell apart. All because of him. 
She was left with nothing except this ignited spark of hate, and she never managed to loosen the claw-like grip it had on her throat.
“How have you been?” He cleared his throat awkwardly, dying to know about her life since he lost her. It was the same soft tone and expression he had used on her years ago. On days when she came to him after she had found the front door to her house locked and her hopes for a better life in shambles.
“Don’t act like you care.” She pressed through gritted teeth, her voice trembling from frustration.
She shot a glance behind him at the only functioning clock hanging on the wall, next to many others that were either off by many hours or just stopped working completely. Some were small, some were big, and a few were oddly shaped. Metal, plastic, wood. Brown, gold, red. It was 6:53 pm and her shift for today would end in exactly 2 hours and 7 minutes. 2 hours and 7 minutes too long, stuck in this shop, with a man she never wanted to meet again.
His shoulders fell slightly, and he took a step closer to the redwood counter, placing his calloused hands on the rough edge of chipped wood. The murmur of her name fell from his lips like a low melody. “C’mon, don’t be like that.”
“Don’t be like that?” She scoffed, disdain written all over her face as she jolted up from her chair, the palms of her hands slamming against the counter. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
He winced when her chair hit the floor, avoiding her gaze as he tightened his grip, looking down to her hands sprawled out on the wood grain. Chipped redwood dug uncomfortably against his palms, he squeezed his eyes shut tight for a moment, biting his cheek as if to force himself to make his next move. 
He gulped as he carefully lifted his gaze back to her, silence hanging thick in the air between them. 
Years ago, on a day that began like every other, he messed up and lost her completely. Today was similar, though this time he won’t let her stray far from him again. Their friendship meant a lot to him, even if he never openly admitted it, and he wanted to win her back. Make up for past mistakes and fix things, see her laugh at his stupid jokes or hear her cheer loudly for him during a volleyball match again. 
He missed their late night talks in the quiet of his living room, arms softly brushing against each other and acting as if both didn’t notice their knees touching underneath the thin blanket. Hushed voices conversing from the floor and bottom bunk bed in his childhood bedroom, trying not to disturb his brother who always fell asleep first, and giggles muffled by their hands when his mother returned from a shift way past their bedtime, rushing up the stairs with adrenaline pumping through their veins. 
He was uncharacteristically soft with her, doing small things his brother teased him about, like holding her hand under the pretense that she was walking too slow, or so she wouldn't get lost. Physical contact like this normally made her uncomfortable, but for him, she made an exception.
A wary look was painted on his features and his warm, calloused hand slowly cupped over her own, his thumb softly brushing over her knuckles in a calming manner, voice just as gentle. “Look, I’m sorry for what I’ve done-”
“No, you’re fucking not!” She cut him off with a snarl, swatting his hand away like a nasty fly. “You’re only sorry because your stupid attempt to ‘save me’ failed!”
He opened his mouth to object, his hand pulled close again as if he had burnt himself, though his words died on his tongue and he pressed his lips together tightly, running a hand through blonde hair. 
Never before had she seen him this close to looking remorseful, though, she knew it was just faux feelings. If he hadn’t met her today, after roughly four years, he wouldn’t have spared a single thought on her. She was just a side character in his story, after all.
Atsumu Miya was the type of guy who spoke a lot and couldn’t ever shut up. Even when the situation called for it. 
She only slept 4 hours? Well, he only slept three and has a stomach ache. 
She tries to talk about her life at home? Too bad, suddenly he’s reciting every moment of his life, starting from when he was just a cell in his mother's womb. 
Something was always on his mind. Anything he deemed worth expressing he spoke out loud, and often it was unnecessary, stupid, or left her questioning his common sense. When he didn’t talk over her or made every conversation about himself, he was too busy training and bickering with his brother. 
Emotional, soft, and heart-to-heart conversations were impossible with him. This includes when she first opened up about her situation at home. Her voice was quiet, her hands trembled, and she made him promise a million times not to tell anyone else. 
Opening up to someone filled her with anxiety. Somehow, she even feared his reaction. Would he be indifferent? Dismiss her completely, or tell her to suck it up? Would he get angry at her? Would he tell her mother? Or his brother and mother?
These are things she never had to worry about whenever she emailed her deceased grandmother, emails in which she thoroughly spoke about the things that had happened to her, dumping her thoughts and feelings. She had tried diaries before, but the fear of her mother discovering them or someone else led to her lying about the things she wrote about. But that destroys the purpose she bought the book for, no?
So she stopped, and poured out her heart's content in emails instead that no one had access to anymore. Even though she will never receive an answer, sending those made her feel as if she really talked to someone. Something a piece of paper or the notes app on her phone couldn’t ever do for her. Unlike when she opened up to Atsumu, she felt heard and listened to.
He kept pacing around the room, muttering curse after curse through gritted teeth. She didn’t know if they were directed at her mother, her, or himself. He was ticked off and frustrated about the fact that this had been going on for years at her home, without him knowing anything about it, though they only recently started growing closer. So when could she have told him about it? Not only that, but she used to hate him too. 
Many people her age actually preferred being friends with Osamu, rather than him. They were alike, but the grey-haired brother was rather laid back and kind of calm, more bearable to have a conversation with. But the blonde kept pestering her, walking her to class, eating lunch together and joining her on the swings by the playground at late hours. She eventually came to the realisation that he was only half as bad as originally thought, and that she actually kind of liked him. 
Yet moments like these, where she opened up and made herself vulnerable in front of him, caused her to second guess her choice of friend. There were no hands holding hers, and no softly spoken call of her name to sooth her spiraling thoughts. Nor did they ever truly talk about the things she so slowly and carefully put together in words. He couldn’t comfort her the way she needed, and to a certain degree it seemed like he never truly cared, always swiftly moving to a different topic.
“I was doing okay, I was content. But you made my life sound so much worse than it actually was.” she said, her tone tight, edged with frustration and a hint of wounded disbelief. “I had you and your support, no one else needed to know what was really going on, there was only one year of school left anyway.”
Somehow, she noticed, their roles were reversed now. He grew up and learned to manage and express his emotions better. He was successful in his job and his passion. Everything she prayed to god to was ignored and fell into his lap instead. 
It filled her with hate and bitter jealousy.
They both came from somewhat similar backgrounds. A deadbeat father, a single mother, and issues with making friends. She was an only child, he was a twin. She expected his mother to be exhausted, overwhelmed, and stressed, unable to control her emotions or lash out at them sometimes. It’s what her mother was like already, though she only had to feed one extra mouthful, and not two. Instead, she was met with nothing but love and support in the four walls of his home. Something incredibly foreign to her. 
Now, she directed her frustration and anger at people close to her who deserved it the least. Her emotional control kept slacking off with every passing day. She’s been fired from previous jobs often, goes out drinking instead of attending her classes, and her relationship turned from something that gave her joy and a will to push through, to this never-leaving sense of guilt and exhaustion. 
“I had plans, Atsumu. I knew how to get out, I knew how to help myself. But you robbed me of every opportunity and broke your stupid fucking promise.”
Everything he had dreamed of was just one breath away, while she’d been drowning for years.
They’re two sides of a coin. 
He woke up early with a smile, feeling refreshed and energized. She hadn’t moved an inch the moment she opened her eyes, even though she’d been meaning to get up for the past hour.
He kept in touch with his mother and called her every Sunday. She hadn't heard a word from hers since she moved to Osaka.
He doesn't know who his father is and doesn’t plan on knowing. She was forced to find out about hers.
He was a role model for many children. She never understood the concept.
The blonde stepped back from the redwood counter, hands buried in his pants as he shook his head slowly. “You would have lost yourself.” 
“And I’m not lost right now?”
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©kameyyy all rights reserved. please do not repost my work.
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cripplecharacters · 2 years ago
Writing Intellectually Disabled Characters
[large text: Writing Intellectually Disabled Characters]
Something that very rarely comes up in disability media representation are intellectually disabled characters. There is very little positive representation in media in general (and basically none in media meant specifically for adults or in YA). I hope this post can maybe help someone interested in writing disabled characters understand the topic better and create something nice. This is just a collection of thoughts of only one person with mild ID (me) and I don't claim to speak for the whole community as its just my view. This post is meant to explain how some parts of ID work and make people aware of what ID is.
This post is absolutely not meant for self diagnosis (I promise you would realize before seeing a Tumblr post about it. it's a major disorder that gets most people thrown into special education).
Before: What is (and isn't) intellectual disability?
ID is a single, lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that affects IQ and causes problems with reasoning, problem‑solving, remembering and planning things, abstract thinking and learning. There is often delay or absence of development milestones like walking (and other kinds of movement), language and self care skills (eating, going to the bathroom, washing, getting dressed etc). Different people will struggle with different things to different degrees. I am, for example, still fully unable to do certain movements and had a lot of delay in self-care, but I had significantly less language-related delay than most of people with ID I know. Usually the more severe a person's ID is the more delay they will have.
Intellectual disability is one single condition and it doesn't make sense to call it "intellectual disabilities" (plural) or "an intellectual disability". It would be like saying "they have a Down Syndrome" or "he has autisms". The correct way would be "she has intellectual disability" or "ze is intellectually disabled".
Around 1-3% of people in the world have intellectual disability and most have mild ID (as opposed to moderate, severe, or profound). It can exist on its own without any identifiable condition or it can be a part of syndrome. There is over a thousand (ranging from very common to extremely rare) conditions that can cause ID but some of the most common are;
Down Syndrome,
Fragile X Syndrome,
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,
Edwards Syndrome,
DiGeorge Syndrome,
Not every condition always causes ID and you can have one of the above conditions without having ID as long as it's not necessary diagnostic criteria to be met. For example, around 30% of autistic people have ID, meaning that the remaining 70% doesn't. It just means that it's comorbid often enough to be counted as a major cause but still, autistic ≠ intellectually disabled most of the time.
A lot of things that cause intellectual disability also come with facial differences, epilepsy, mobility-related disabilities, sensory disabilities, and limb differences. A lot of, but not all, intellectually disabled people go to special education schools.
Intellectual disability isn't the same as brain damage. Brain damage can occur at any point of a person's life while ID always starts in or before childhood.
"Can My Character Be [Blank]?"
[large text: "Can my character be [blank]?"]
The difficulty with writing characters with intellectual disability is that unlike some other things you can give your character, ID will very directly impacts how your character thinks and behaves - you can't make the whole character and then just slap the ID label on them.
Intellectually disabled people are extremely diverse in terms of personality, ability, verbality, mobility... And you need to consider those things early because deciding that your character is nonverbal and unable to use AAC might be an issue if you're already in the middle of writing a dialogue scene.
For broader context, a person with ID might be fully verbal - though they could still struggle with grammar, what some words mean, or with general understanding of spoken/written language to some degree. Or they could also be non-verbal. While some non-verbal ID people use AAC, it's not something that works for everyone and some people rely on completely language-less communication only. There is also the middle ground of people who are able to speak, but only in short sentences, or in a way that's not fully understandable to people who don't know them. Some might speak in second or third person.
Depending on the severity of your character's disability they will need help with different tasks. For example, I'm mildly affected and only need help with "complex" tasks like shopping or taxes or appointments, but someone who is profoundly affected will probably need 24/7 care.
It's not infantilization to have your character receive the help that they need. Disabled people who get help with bathing or eating aren't "being treated like children", they just have higher support needs than me or you. In the same vein, your character isn't "mentally two years old" or "essentially a toddler", they are a twenty-, or sixteen-, or fourty five-year old who has intellectual disability. Mental age isn't real. Intellectually disabled people can drink, have sex, smoke, swear, and a bunch of other things. A thirty year old person is an adult, regardless of disability.
An important thing is that a person with ID has generally bad understanding of cause-and-effect and might not make connections between things that people without ID just instinctively understand. For example, someone could see that their coat is in a different place than they left it, but wouldn't be able to deduce that then it means that someone else moved it or it wouldn’t even occur to them as a thing that was caused by something. I think every (or at least most) ID person struggles with this to some extent. The more severe someone's disability is the less they will be able to connect usually (for example someone with profound ID might not be able to understand the connection between the light switch and the light turning off and on).
People with mild intellectual disability have the least severe problems in functioning and a lot are able to live independently, have a job, have kids, stuff like that.
What Tropes Should You Avoid?
[large text: What Tropes Should You Avoid?]
The comic relief/punching bag;
The predator/stalker;
The "you could change this character into a sick dog and there wouldn't be much difference";
...and a lot more, but these are the most prevalent in my experience.
Most ID characters are either grossly villainized (more often if they have also physical disabilities or facial differences) or extremely dehumanized or ridiculed, or all of the above. It's rarely actually mentioned for a character to be intellectually disabled, but negative "representation" usually is very clear that this who they're attempting to portray. The portrayal of a whole group of people as primarily either violent predators, pitiful tragedies, or nothing more than a joke is damaging and you probably shouldn't do that. It's been done before and it hasn't been good once.
When those tropes aren't used the ID character is still usually at the very most a side character to the main (usually abled) character. They don't have hobbies, favorite foods, movies or music they like, love interests, friends or pets of their own, and are very lucky if the author bothered to give them a last name. Of course it's not a requirement to have all of these but when there is no characterization in majority of disabled characters, it shows. They also usually die in some tragic way, often sacrificing themselves for the main character or just disappear in some off-the-screen circumstances. Either way, they aren't really characters, they're more like cardboard cutouts of what a character should be - the audience has no way to care for them because the author has put no care into making the character interesting or likable at all. Usually their whole and only personality and character trait is that they have intellectual disability and it's often based on what the author thinks ID is without actually doing any research.
What Terms to Use and Not Use
[large text: What Terms to Use and Not Use]
Words like: "intellectually disabled" or "with/have intellectual disability" are terms used by people with ID and are generally OK to use. I believe more people use the latter (person first language) for themselves, but i know people who use both. I use the first more often but I don't mind the second. Some people have strong preference with one over the other and that needs to be respected.
Terms like:
"cursed with intellectual disability"
"mentally [R-slur]"
are considered at least derogatory by most people and I don't recommend using it in your writing. The last 6 terms directly come from outdated medical terminology specifically regarding ID and aren't just "rude", they're ableist and historically connected to eugenics in the most direct way they could be. To me personally they're highly offensive and I wouldn't want to read something that referred to its character with ID with those terms, period-accurate historical fiction aside.
(Note: there are, in real life, people with ID that refer to themselves with the above... but this is still just a writing guide. Unless you belong to the group i just mentioned I would advise against writing that, especially if this post is your entire research so far.)
Things I Want to See More of in Characters with Intellectual Disability
[large text: Things I Want to See More of in Characters with Intellectual Disability]
[format borrowed from WWC]
I want to see more characters with intellectual disability that...
aren't white.
aren't men.
are adults (and not just 18-25 either, middle-aged people and seniors with ID exist).
get to have a different role in the story than just "annoying little brother".
are allowed to be angry without being demonized, and sad without being infantilized.
are not described as "mentally X years old".
are respected by others.
aren't "secretly smart" or “emotionally smart”.
are able to live independently with some help.
aren't able to live independently at all, and aren't mocked for that.
are in romantic relationships, have crushes, or are someone else's crush (interabled... or not).
are non-verbal or semi-verbal.
use mobility aids and/or AAC.
have hobbies they enjoy.
have friends and family who actually like and support them.
go on cool adventures.
are in different genres: fantasy, romComs, action, slice of life... all of them.
have their own storylines.
aren't treated as disposable.
aren't there just to be a mascot/motivation for an able-bodied character.
don't die or disappear at the first possible opportunity.
...and I want to see stories that have multiple intellectually disabled characters.
I hope that this list will give someone inspiration to go and make their first OC with intellectual disability. This is just a basic overview to motivate writers to do their own research rather than an “all-knowing post explaining everything regarding ID”. I definitely don't know everything especially about the parts of ID that I just don't experience (or not as much as others). This is only meant to be an introduction for people who don't really know what ID is or where to even start.
Talk to people with intellectual disability (you can send ask here but there are also a lot of other people on Tumblr who have ID and I know at least some have previously answered asks as well if you want someone else's opinion), watch/read interviews with people who have ID (to start - link1, link2, both have captions) and try to rethink what you think about intellectual disability. Because it's really not that rare like a lot of people seem to think. Please listen to us when we speak.
Good luck writing and thank you for reading,
mod Sasza
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years ago
Family grows, it evolves…
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
There was a new exhibit on Ancient Greece at the museum, and as the resident expert Diana was given free range of the exhibit. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, normally the League doesn’t find a clone of one of its founding members and spend a, frankly, ridiculous amount of time deciding how to proceed.
Diana sighed as she looked at the large room filled with artifacts needing to be catalogued before display. She lamented not having the same speed as the flash for but a moment before getting to work. It was 5:00, if she wanted to get any sleep tonight, she needed to get to work.
She steadily made her way through stacks of paperwork, working with the efficiency that was drilled into her since birth. It had been hours since she began her work, and though she tired, she resolved to head home to get changed for the next day. It wasn’t until she made her way from the basement that she realized something was off. Doris was sitting at reception, though she should have left at 8:00, the sun was still high in the sky, not yet ready to make its decent.
“Calling it an early night, Diana?” Doris asked “Big day tomorrow! Finally setting up the new exhibit. I can’t wait to take the kids, they’re so excited to see it.” She said with a wide smile. Diana surveyed the desk, catching a glance the clock. There in bold numbers and as 7:00pm, she smiled as she replied.
“I finished things up sooner than planned, so I thought I’d head out for the night. I need to get dinner started before my guest arrives.” Doris’ face nearly split in two.
“A guest, is he handsome, oh how could you hold out on me Diana!?” She said excitedly “I need all the details!” Diana laughed.
“Nothing like that, my Grandfather decided to pop in for a surprise visit. I haven’t seen him in quite some time, so it’s a lovely surprise.” Doris nodded along.
“You’re a good grandkid. I miss my grandparents everyday, you never know how much time you’ve got.” She said with a sigh. “Have a good night!”
“All the time in the world.” She said to herself, checking her watch and grinning. It read 4:30 am, she yawned as she left, making her way back to her apartment.
Everything thing was silent when she arrived, though that was to be expected at this point. She wade her way to the kitchen passing by the figure on the couch.
“Would you like some tea? Do you drink at all?” She inquired.
“I am perfectly capable, though I rarely indulge.” He replied in a monotone voice, if she had been anyone else she like would not have caught the edge of sadness clinging to his voice. Diana set the kettle on the stove and made her way over to the couch.
“Something troubles you, something big enough to approach me after all these years.” Clockwork smiled “You’re much sharper than your father ever was” the smile dropped.
“You are aware of the multiverse.” He said, Diana nodded. “As the Master of time, I bear witness to each world, each time line. There exists a world where humans built a bridge to the Infinite Realms, creating a being both born and killed by the infinite.” Diana gave him her upmost attention. “Sometime ago I was tasked with the elimination of this creature, this child, to prevent the tragedy he would bring upon that world.” He smiled “I was never one to listen to orders though, and instead I set the boy on a path that would bring about great change… it had unexpected side effects.”
“What kind of side effects?” Diana asked, worried.
“He began to cling to me, seeking me out for advice. I even found him asleep in my clock tower more than once. I have admittedly come to see him as my grandson.” Clockwork have a soft smile “He reminded me so much of you when we first met.” He sighed “I am here to ask a favor, young Danny is approaching a crossroads. There are two possible paths his timeline might take, one where he lives of the rest of his years moving between living in dead, his truth hidden from those who wish him harm. However there is another path, one I fear is becoming more and more likely than the last.” Diana had never seen her grandfather look so old, his entire form shifting to match his tone.
“What is it? What is going to happen?” Clockwork looked at her with sad, tired eyes.
“He will be betrayed, from this betrayal he will suffer such agony that the Realms themselves will retaliate. Then he will sleep eternal, bound to the infinite. His world destroyed.” Diana gasped. She placed a hand over his,
“What do you need me to do?” She asked firmly.
“Should the worst come about, I intend to steal him away from that world. Cutting off its connection to the realms permanently. However he is a being of both life and death, he cannot neglect his human half. What I ask of you is this, that you allow this boy to stay here, with you. There is no one else I would trust with such a task.” Diana hesitated.
She was a warrior, trained for battle from birth. She knew nothing of caring for a child. She thought her grandfather intended for her assist him in battle but this…. She looked at her grandfather, his sad eyes resigned, as though he expected her to refuse.
“Very well, on one condition.”
“Anything my dear.” She smiled.
“You must visit more, when last we met I told you I needed time. You gave me that, now I ask once more for time, time spent together.” She nearly jumped as his form shifted to that of a child.
“Nothing would please me more.”
“And grandfather? Should the worst not pass, I would still like to meet tho cousin of mine.” Clockwork froze, before he practically melted.
“Of course.” His form shifted once more to that of a young adult. Diana smiled pulling her grandfather into a hug.
“Thank you.” He whispered and he was gone. The kettle screamed. Diana got ready for a long nights rest.
A week passed before she heard anything from her grandfather. It was to the night before the opening of her new exhibit and she expected everything to go as planned. Just as she was picking out what she was going to wear to the gala, the sound of cars outside her window stopped.
“What do you think? Red or black?” She asked as she turned around holding the two dresses. Her grandfather stood tall, a stern look on his face. Diana set down the dresses. “It happened, didn’t it?” Clockwork nodded. Making his way towards the living room he stopped by the couch. There, asleep on her couch was a young teen, not much older than some of her teammates protégés. He had pitch black hair and pale skin, with lightning scars crawling up his neck. He chest did not move.
“He’s not breathing!” She turned to her grandfather, but he appeared unbothered. He smiled, watching the boy sleep.
“As I said before, he is a being of both life and death, sometime pieces of one form bleed into the other.” He turned to Diana, “He needs his rest, as for your first question, the blue dress will suit you much better on this occasion.” Diana gave him a soft smile.
“Come, I shall make us some tea while you tell me more about my cousin.” Clockwork nodded, taking a moment to readjust the blanket around the teen, before heading to the kitchen.
When Danny woke, to the sound of people talking he had a horrid migraine. He did his best to ignore the pain as he tried to remember where he was. The last thing he remembered was a dream of his parents yelling and the GIW knocking down their door. He slowly sat up, looking around the room, every wall was covered in pictures. Danny slowly stood and made his way over to the pictures. They all took place over varied times, ranging from, at the earliest, the 1920s all the way to the 2000s. All of the featured the same woman, she remained unchanged even as those around her grew old.
He listen to the voices, one familiar, one not, as he made his way towards the source of the noise. When he opened the door he was greeted by the familiar face of Clockwork. Next to him was the woman from the photos just as unchanged.
“Good afternoon Danny, did you rest well?” Danny did his best to disguise his flinch at the sound, grinning at the old ghost.
“Just fine thanks, what….what exactly happened? Where are we?” Confusion dripping from his voice.
Clockwork looked Danny in the eye, what he said next nearly broke him.
“I’m so sorry, Danny.”
Danny’s legs almost gave out under him. “It happened didn’t it? They tried to turn me in, to the GIW. That wasn’t a dream.” The ancient stayed silent, Danny's eyes went wide. "Is Jazz okay!? She... she was upstairs... if they hurt her!" Clockwork stopped him.
"Your sister is fine, they were only there for you." Danny took a deep breath, trying to process everything.
"So what comes next? Where are we?" Clockwork looked at him with a deep sadness.
"We are in a world separate from your own, connected by the Infinite Realms. I saw the possibility of what was to come and made arrangements. Due to the crimes of your world against you, the Observants and myself decided the best course of action would be to remove you from your world, and cut the living off from the Infinite Realms entirely." Danny looked down, resigned to knowledge of what they planned to do to him. "As you know, as a half-ghost you must tend to both sides of your being." Clockwork turned to the woman, "Danny, this is my granddaughter, Princess Diana of Themascyra. She has agreed to have you stay here, with her." Danny frowned.
"Your granddaughter? But she's...uhh" he paused, not sure how to continue. Diana laughed.
"Alive? Yes, I do believe I am. I'm assuming my grandfather has neglected to explain his past life" Danny nodded "How much do you know of the stories Ancient Greece?"
"More than most I think, there are a lot of constellations named after the myths. That and it's hard to visit Pandora and NOT get an hour lecture on Greece" Diana's eyes went wide.
"You know Lady Pandora? How wonderful, I grew up hearing stories of her bravery!” She smiled “That being said, that will make things a bit easier. My mother is Hippolyta, her desire to have a daughter was so great that she molded me from sand, Zeus, king of the gods, used his power to give me life.” Danny blinked once, then twice.
“So…you’re a Demi-god? I don’t understand how that makes you Clockworks granddaughter.” Diana smiled. “I mean, I know Clockwork probably used to be Chronos, Jazz and I had a whole debate about that, but what does that have to do with Zeus?” Diana smiled patiently.
“Danny, Chronos is the primordial god of time, yes?” Danny nodded “Okay, well he is also the primordial form of Kronos, the father of Zeus, my father.” Danny froze, looking over to Clockwork who merely nodded, as though Danny’s brain was currently trying to shut down. After a moment the dots finally seemed to click.
Clockwork sighed, Diana laughed, Danny had a mental breakdown.
It took close to five minutes for Clockwork to fully explain as Diana grinned in the background drinking her tea. Once he calmed down, Clockwork finished continued expaining.
"As for your ghostly half, I will be providing plenty of ectoplasm for you to eat as well as bringing you to the Infinite realms each week until you learn to create portals of your own." Danny nodded.
"What about school? Or hell, anything really. I don't exist in this world, how exactly do I go about doing anything?" Clockwork smiled.
"I called on the power of the ghost writer for any legal documents and I personally filed them in the proper time period to ensure you have what you need. I have given those to Diana" she nodded "as well as giving her legal custody of you. As far as the law is concerned you are her recently orphaned cousin. Son of her estranged Uncle Haiden and Aunt Penelope, who tragically died a few days ago." Clockwork smiled, rising from his seat.
"I'm afraid I have over stayed my welcome, I think it's best I take my leave and allow the two of you time to acquaint yourselves better." Danny stopped Clockwork, giving him a hug he whispered.
"Thank you." Clockwork gently carded his fingers through his hair before stepping back.
"If either of you need anything, just ask." and he was gone. Suddenly there was an influx of noise coming from outside, just enough to tell them that the world outside was moving once more.
Danny stood awkwardly by the chair their grandfather was occupying.
"You know, I don't bite." Diana said, trying to break the ice.
"I do." Danny replied on reflex, before covering his mouth. He looked at Diana, she looked back before they both burst out in peals of laughter.
"This is so weird, what even is my life?" Diana wiped a tear from her eye.
"Well, considering one of my teammates dresses up as a bat and beats up criminals, while another talks to fish, I think it's safe to say neither of our lives can be considered normal." Danny broke out in another fit of laughter.
"No shit?" he asked. Diana lifted a single brow at the term.
"No shit."
"What kind of team are you on exactly? Extreme cosplaying? Underwater battle royale?" Diana smirked.
"How about we get you some food and I tell you all about it?"
Danny smiled "Sounds like a plan."
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick
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tw1l1te · 11 months ago
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼- 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 1
These are from the FinalPromise!Au. Some will be directly from the og Linked Universe, as I don't envision my story as straying tooooo far from the original. I might add more in the future, but these are the ones that I am thinking of for now! This is part 1/3, which includes Time, Twilight, and Wild! :3
Warnings: mention of scars
Mans in his early 30s in terms of appearance (actual age is unclear)
Speaks Hylian well but writing? Not so much. Growing up in Kokiri Forest doesn't really help in terms of school smarts, so he had Wars and Sky teach him a bit later down the line.
Has a slight Southern accent, way less prominent than Twilight's though. It comes out more when he's tired or being more flirty (Or doing it on purpose to fluster Y/n.)
Him and Malon are exes? It was a situationship, they didn't really put a word on it. She was there after his quest to support him and keep a roof over his head. They're more like family/friends now
Very tall. We're talking over 6 foot here, and he will also use that to tower over Y/n. They're into that
Also pretty muscular. He was more lean muscle when he was a teen/young adult, but he's bulked up especially since donning the armor.
Has rib tattoos, similar to the Deity markings on his face.
Only has his lobes pierced, however he wants to experiment with more piercings like Twilight.
Has some scarring on his stomach from the battle at the Water Temple, its faded over the years but its still noticeable if you look hard enough
Doesn't sleep well, so takes over night watch a lot. Twilight has to stop him from not sleeping for over 48-hours as that gets him into dangerous mental space territory.
I wanna say he's one of the first member of the chain to feel something for Y/n. I see a lot of pics placing him last usually, but I feel like he's one of the first, especially having tons of time to think about it at night and being the eldest.
Although he's one of the earliest to reveal his feelings to Y/n, he's still processing and taking it slow in terms of bringing it up to the rest of the group.
Time's his great great grandfather?? Some great, he's not quite sure
Twilight's in his early/mid 20's
His hair is a brown-gray mix, the grey becoming more prominent ever since his first time shifting into his Wolf form.
Southern drawl, need I say more
Ears are pierced, has double lobe piercings and an upper cartilage piecing
Pretty tall, close to 6 foot, maybe 5' 11"
Other than the Twili markings on his face, he has a small tattoo of a hoof to commemorate for Epona on his ankle
His markings do extend down his spine and upper arms which make a delicious sight when he's training or above Y/n
Some scarring on his legs and arms from his journey, one longer scar on his right ear from a close call with a Twilight creature once.
Senses are like tripled ever since becoming Wolfie, mr. cowboy can smell things like a mile away.
Similar to Time in terms of build, maybe slightly leaner because of his height
However his voice is the deepest of the group. Mans got the range in octaves and that sexy rasp that he will use to his advantage
Like his ancestor, one of the first to have/admit feelings toward Y/n
However, having a Wolf form also speeds up the feelings of protectiveness obsessiveness... and certain other things.
Has such a sweet tooth.
Loves chocolate so much but ever since Wolfie happened, he can barely eat any 'cause he got that dog in him
Protective of Wild too, other than Y/n, he's probably the only other person that knows what he's been through
18-19 years old, his adventure has just recently finished
His hair is longer than in his quest to save the princess, though definitely more choppy and wolf cut-like when not in his ponytail
Definitely more lean muscle in terms of build, and is probably average in height
Has triple pieced lobes and a few cartilage piercings, plans on getting more
Left side of his body is heavily scarred, partially deaf in his left ear. Also tends to lose feeling in his left arm and leg, so he prefers to use his right side
Can actually read and speak Hylian How do you think he read everyone's diaries
As we all know, he's one of the best cooks in Hyrule and can cook almost anything, but his favorite thing to make has got to be meat curry and a simple nut cake.
After you came along and introduced him to your foods??? Oh boy he's never been so excited-
Somehow made your favorite foods better than they already were
Closer with Twilight and Legend
Takes longer to catch feelings for you, as the mere concept of feeling toward another person is still a confusing topic for him since his slumber
One of the last ones to catch feelings for you, partially in denial because his belief of not being good enough for you/being very harsh on himself
Twilight almost immediately catches onto Wild's attraction towards you, Wild's not the best at masking nervousness around you
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ihavethedreamies · 11 months ago
Pool Boy (3) | Soobin [NSFW]
Choi Soobin - TXT
Tumblr media
Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.4k >_>
Pairing: Soobin x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Porn with very little Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Small Age Difference (Unspecified, he calls her Noona), Pet Names (Sweet, Noona, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! and M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Spanking, Big Dick! Soobin, Cockbulge (slightly), Semi-Public Sex (at work but no one else is there), Unprotected Sex (Use a condom! She's on the pill)
Summary: Soobin finds you cleaning the bathroom after everyone leaves the pool at night then utterly destroys you in the best way possible.
Author's Note: This originally was going to be part of a really long series with a lot of plot, but it was taking too long and I was putting too much plot, more than I had initially planned. Because of that, I cut nearly all plot out and it's still four-thousands words of just fucking so…
Also…this was a dream I had…This whole series has been somewhat, but this is the only part that is straight from the dream, the others I got more specific because I don't remember the details as well as this.
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
None of the parts are reliant on the others, there is just a version for each boy.
-> Series Hub <-
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Hueningkai <-
-> Beomgyu <-
Revised (1/30/25)
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! Share, even if its to the other sites! Let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
Tumblr media
"Hey, why don't you come hang out with us?" A girl comes up to Soobin where he sits at the bar. She places her hand on his shoulder, and you notice he stiffens, and you watch closely to see what she’ll do next.
"No, sorry, I'm working." He tries to shrug her hand off, but she just wraps both around his bicep instead.
"You don't have to drink~" You glare at where she’s holding him. You have no right really to be jealous, you two are just friends who flirt…a lot.
"I’d really rather not." He’s being polite, but you can see he’s uncomfortable.
"Please?" She coos, batting her eyelashes and you roll your eyes. She catches it and scoffs.
"You should get that cough checked out." You shoot at her, and Soobin turns his head to cover his smirk. She sneers harder and you can tell she thinks she’s prettier than you just because her tits are nearly popping out of her bikini top, and she has her hair dyed blonde.
"What, you aren't his girlfriend?" The girl mocks, like she’d know that anyway.
"Why do you think that?"
"One of you would’ve said something."
"Well, unfortunately for you, tonight I’m the one getting railed by him and you aren’t.” you whisper to her, and she huffs in disbelief, offended.
"Oh yeah, you really think I believe that?" You aren’t sure if Soobin had heard your comment to her or not.
"She's not my girlfriend, but that's just for now." Soobin gives you a look, much more fire there than you’d seen in his eyes before. This tips her over the edge, and she storms away. You’re left to yourselves that time and you both chuckles.
"I get to rail you, huh?" His voice is confident, and his stare is sharp, it makes your cunt pulse.
"Oh, I uh…" You give him a coquettish look.
"If I get permission..." He smirks and you huff.
You continue to run the drink bar, and Soobin comes around to help at the snack bar and so you aren’t able to continue flirting much. As it’s getting to be time for people to leave, you hear a loud engine coming and see a bus come to pick up the group renting the pool that night.
"Did anyone throw up?" you ask a girl as she slumps into a chair at the bar.
"No, thank the Lord. Do we have to clean?"
"Not really. I'll check stuff over, but the professional cleaners come every Sunday, so they can do it." you tell her, and she sighs in relief. The rest of the workers do some basic cleanup, and you go to check the restrooms. They’re surprisingly clean, and you’re told the boys’ is clean as well. That’s even more shocking, but you’re grateful. The only thing you have noticed is in one of the private solo bathrooms, there’s some blood in the sink. Now that you see it you remember seeing a girl get a nosebleed, so you assume that’s the cause. Heading back into the shelter, you go to the back room to get some cleaner and wave as most of the employees leave for the night. As you’re cleaning, you leave the door propped open and you hear someone in the distance.
"I think she’s cleaning in one of the bathrooms!" They answers another person’s question and then you hear them louder as they pass the door.
"She's in this one!" A guy shouts and then you hear the gate open and close as he leaves. You assume he’s talking to Soobin since he’s the last one to leave. Not paying too much attention as you scrub and disinfect, the door slides all the way open and you hear the wooden door stop scramble across the tiled floor, the door then thumping shut. Out of your peripheral you see Soobin come up behind you in the mirror. You’re curious what he’s going to do. You slow your task down to give him more time and you glance up, eyes meeting through the reflection.
"What can I do?" he asks, and you know he isn’t trying to help clean.
"How about whatever you want, and I'll stop you if I don't agree?" You suggest turning the faucet on so you can rinse out the magic sponge you’re using. Soobin huffs in amusement, "Hope you can keep up. I don't get tired easily…" and you furrows your brow when he slink out of sight behind you.
You catch yourself on the counter in shock when you feel his big hands on your hips, his thumbs hooking into your belt loops.
"This okay?"
"Y-yes." You aren’t sure what he’s planning but you have an idea. Since your shorts are so tight and it’s so hot, you have foregone any underwear today.
"You smell good, noona." He mutters and you yelp when he buries his face into your denim covered cunt. You sigh when his tongue runs over the fabric and you’re sure that despite the thick material, you’re probably soaking through it. You then realize how that might look when he finds out…
"S-Soobin, I uh…" You hear him shuffle on the floor and he kisses your lower back above the hem of your shorts, your top rising up as you lean forward.
"Wearing panties?" He guesses; his tone amused.
"No…just shorts. It's because it's hot and they're tight-!"
"They're coming off." he announces and reaches around to unbutton your jeans, his nose burying back into your cunt. You whimper as he removes your shorts, and he sits back so he can pull them off your legs and you slip your sandals off as well.
"So wet, sweet girl." Soobin coos, his thumb stroking through your folds.
"Soobin~" You cry out, your fingers trying to dig into the hard countertop. You hear him chuckle and his other thumb comes up as well and he spreads your pussy open. Your face heats, embarrassed to be stared at like that. Your hips bump into the counter hard when you jolt forward, his tongue has flicked at your clit. Soobin groans and licks up from your still swollen clit to your quivering entrance and goes to town. His tongue is long like the rest of him, and it goes way farther into your cunt that you thought it would. You whine; his pace doesn’t allow you a second of reprieve.
"Ah!" You yelp, slamming your hand over your mouth when the noise echoes around the restroom. You know that no one else is there, but it was still loud. His arms wrap around your thighs, holding your soaking cunt to his face as he drinks from you. Grateful for his arms, your legs weak and quivering from his actions. Your moans increase in pitch as your orgasm gets closer and you fall over the edge as he fills you with his long finger and sucks hard on your clit.
"Fuck~!" You moan long and high as you cum, and he sucks up every drop that falls from your cunt. When your walls stop clenching his finger, he finally pulls away and you slump onto your arms on the counter, gasping for breath. You watch him in the mirror as he stands, licking your juices from his fingers like it’s ice cream that’s dripped onto his hand.
"You are so fucking delicious." He murmurs low and you gape at him over your shoulder. As you recover, you watch with rapt attention as he removes his gray striped t-shirt and lets it fall to the floor. He’s beautiful. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, long legs. When you get to his red trunks, you see the tent his hard on is setting and you nearly choke. He’s hung like a damn horse, his friends were right, and you still haven't seen his dick out yet. Time slows down, and your mouth waters as you watch him finally remove his last garment.
"Oh, my, god." You moan and he huffs, a smug look on his face.
"Wanna taste?" he asks, and you nod aggressively. He tilts his head, and you scramble off the counter and onto your knees in front of him. Soobin thinks you look like a puppy begging for a treat.
"Well, come here then." He strokes his big hand over his big cock, and you scooch forward on your knees over the cool tile. With a whines, you lick the drop of precum from his tip and you whimper, taking the head in your mouth. He sighs at the feeling and your jaw hurts from the stretch, but fuck is it worth it. As you take him in deeper, he isn’t even halfway in your mouth when he hits the back of your throat. Swallowing a few times, you take him deeper, and his rumbling groan echoes off the tile walls. After his whole cock is buried in your throat, you gag a few times despite your practiced control. He’s going to split you in half. Beginning to move your head, you wrap your hand around the base so you can stroke over the part of him your mouth can’t hold. Every so often, you’ll swallow and let him cut your air off, your nose hitting his pelvis. The feeling of your breathing being restricted makes your head swim for several reasons and as you suck and lick over him, drool splatters on the floor and down your face. You look likes an absolute mess, and it’s driving him nuts. In your head you marvel at the fact that he’s lasting so long. If his stamina is already to this extent, you’re in for a long night. It’s to the point that your arm is getting tired from holding it up and your neck hurts too. You shoot him a look, and he grunts at that, and you feel his cock finally twitch.
"What is it, sweet girl? Want me to takes over?" He strokes your hair, and you nod, his cock still sitting in your mouth.
"Okay, sweet." He straightens up from where he’s leaning back into the wall, and you let your arm fall so you can steady yourself on the floor. Your pussy clenches around nothing, and his long fingers dig into your hair at the top of your braid.
"Hit my leg if you need me to stop. I'll go deep every five thrusts, 'kay?" He informs you and you nod. Was he planning this, thinking over how to do it? Fuck…
Preparing, you inhale deeply through your nose, and he snaps his hips. The fat head hitting the back your throat makes you gag, but your eyes roll back as you close them, reveling in the sensation. True to his word, he fills your throat every five thrusts then keeps going. Your breathing is harsh, not only from trying to take in enough air, but also getting extremely turned on. Your bare cunt is sliding over the puddle you’re leaving on the tile; the cold friction already getting you close.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I'm gonna cum," He whines, and you moan in response, and he makes a choking sound.
"Shit." He gasps, throwing his head back and he presses on your head, so he’s all the way in your mouth and cums. You swallow again and again, gagging slightly, it feels like his cock is a hose with how much hot, sticky cum he’s pumping down your throat. Tears slip down your cheeks, your vision blurring from lack of air, but your pussy is throbbing. Waves of pleasure crash through you as you cum all over the floor. Finally, as you’re getting lightheaded, he finally lets your head go and pulls out, and you suck in air harshly, a trail of drool and cum leaking down your face and onto your shirt. You thought at least his cock would have softened some, but no, he’s still standing proud before you, the same mix on your face dripping off his cock. You swallow one more time to get the rest down and he pants as you take your shirt off, then your bra, finally fully naked.
"You'll have to clean the floor," He smirks, nodding at the puddle you left as you stand up. You wobble some and he reaches forward to steady you and he leads you closer to him and he smiles down at you.
"You did so good, sweet girl." He nuzzles the top of your head, and you take the chance to run your fingers over his bare torso. Soobin's cock presses against your stomach and you both moan softly as you peer up at him with wide eyes.
"Where you wanna fuck me, Binnie?" Your voice wavers, higher than normal and with a slight whine to it. He wonders how far gone you are, how cock drunk, and how much farther you’ll go. He doesn’t particularly want to fuck you in the bathroom, he isn’t sure where to do so though. The thought of doing it on one of the lounge chairs around the pool sounds nice, but risky. The fence surrounding the pool is tall but more or less open for everyone to see through, even at the late hour. There’s the couch in the back office, but that would be hard to clean…Then he gets an idea.
"Come with me." He grabs your hand to lead you, and he peers around the doorway of the bathroom to make sure no one will see as you pass the entrance gate. You both dash into the shelter, and he tells you to stand and wait while he grabs some towels from the shelves. He lays five of them down over each other to make a much softer surface and it’ll make cleaning up easier as well.
"Over here, sweet." He motions you over and he softly pulls you down to him and he sits on the towels letting you sit on his lap, straddling him. Soobin's cock nestles against your ass, your hands on his shoulders, and you’re eye level with him like this. He places a quick kiss on your lips, and you realize he hadn’t kissed you yet. Whining, you bring his lips back to yours and it instantly gets deeper as your tongues meet. Pulling back shortly for air, you both dip back in, and his hands go to your hips to maneuver you. He has you prop yourself up higher, the head of his cock nestles into your dripping folds.
"Ready?" He asks and you nod, your kisses moving from his mouth to his jaw and down his neck. He presses on your waist, and you start to sink down on him, and you gasp. He sure is going to split you in half. You throw your head back at the sensation, despite cumming twice and dripping like a faucet, the stretch burns.
"Breathe." He coaches you, helping you take more even breaths as he fills you. Finally, his cock bumps your cervix, but there’s still nearly an inch of him left. You want him in you completely, to feel his groin touch your clit.
"M-more." You cry out and he grunts, wrapping his arms around you to hold you in place. Your breath hitches each time he pulls out slightly, each thrust getting him deeper just a bit more till he’s completely inside. You quiver, your cunt around his dick and your body in his arms. You yelp, clenching him when his hand goes to and presses on your lower stomach. He smirks and you look down at yourself to see a faint rounded outline under your belly button.
"You take me so well, sweet girl." He whispers in your ear, and you shiver again, his tongue running up the side of your throat and to your ear lobe where he sucks on your earring. In that position, you really don’t have the strength to move, the pleasure too intense for your mind to function too.
"I'll help you, sweet." He assures you and you whimper when he lays down, so his back is on the towels. He has you place your hands on his knees bent up behind you for leverage, then he shuffles some and gives you a look. You nod and his hips jump, thrusting him even deeper and you gasp. He watches in wonder as your head is thrown back, hair dangling down your back, chest heaving. Using his hips and arms to move you, he fucks up into you hard and you feel your orgasm already approaching. If you thought his tongue had wrecked you, his cock is worse. He isn’t rough, but his cock is just that big. What the hell had he been fed? Next time you’ll have to give Soobin his own day, you’re already kind of tired from working, now Soobin is blowing your back out on the floor. It gets to the point where you’re struggling to keep your volume controlled. Your whines and moans are getting louder, too loud. His hips stop and you nearly squeal, but he rolls you both over, so he’s on top, your legs hitched up over his hips. Leaning forward over you, so tall his collarbone is at your nose, he grabs a smaller towel that had fallen when he grabbed the bigger ones. Rolling it up quickly, he gives short thrusts, and has you open your mouth, and he puts the towel in to keep you quiet.
"Next time, we need to go somewhere where you can scream, but not here." He mutters and you whine around the terrycloth, but you agree. You never used to have trouble keeping quiet during sex, but your mind is gone, your self-control gone. After your mouth is handled, his hands press on your thighs to open your legs spread eagle, then he snaps his hips hard, and you cum again. Your cunt clenches him so tight; he has to slow down to maintain his rhythm, helping you ride it out. Your poor clit’s burning from overstimulation, your gummy walls fluttering still around him. Soobin groans, adjusting your legs again to get you into a mating press. His big hands surround your lower thighs, and you’re grateful for your flexibility as he easily forces your knees to your ears. He watches your head flop to the side, your eyes unfocused, mouth clenched on the towel, drool soaking in, tears flowing over your cheeks and sweat down your brow. You’re ruined and he revels in it. Yes, you’ve been railed before, but they hadn't fucked you stupid, not likes he is. There are no thoughts behind your eyes, and you can’t even form your mouth to say his name, let alone anything else.
"You like my cock, huh?" You nod in response.
"Want me to fill you back up? Pump you full?" You let out a long pitchy moan.
"You’re such a little slut for me, sweet. Just for me? Only for me…" He groans low as your pussy clenches him even tighter. His fingers bury into the flesh of your thighs, and you’re worried he’ll leave bruises. Oh well, you own a pair of capris.
"Want it, yeah?" Soobin grunts, his thrusts growing even harsher, but less consistent. If he cums inside of you as much as he did down your throat…
"Fuck!" He grunts and your stomach gets hot, the force of his cum coating your insides knocks you over the edge once again. The towel is a Godsend because you might have bitten your tongue otherwise, your head thrown back, nails digging into the towels.
"Fuck, sweet girl~" He whines, still filling you, drops of white slipping down your ass and onto the towel. You slump, boneless, the towel falling out of your mouth and rolling away till it lays flat. As your mind's haziness starts to fade, your cunt flutters…he’s still half hard.
"What... the fuck?" You gasp to yourself, trying to process the reality of the situation. You blink, trying to find your way back to the current realm of existence, he lets your legs down so they can rest at his sides.
"Noona? You too tired?" His voice is tinted with worry, but he really, really hopes you say no. You shake your head in the negative and he sighs.
"Let me turn over." Your voice is scratchy, but he acquiesces, pulling out. When he does, globs of cum drip out of you, the sensation is weird. To him, the sight is extremely arousing, and his cock is at full mast again. You roll over onto your stomach, letting your ass prop up into the air. Soobin exhales harshly and his giant cock presses to your pussy once again and he slips in easily. You grab the small towel from your side and bite down on it to quiet your own noises, his pace is immediately relentless. Soobin pulls his cock nearly all the way out, only the head being swallowed by your soaking folds before he buries deep again. Even though he’s in your cunt and not your throat, each thrust makes you feel like you can’t breathe and what looks like sparkles dot your vision.
"Ah, fuck!" You spit the towel out when he lands his hand on your ass, the skin erupting like fire. There’s a bright red spot on your cheek in the shape of his hand. The way you pulses around him at this makes him smirk, and he changes his pace to deep but hard thrusts, battering your cervix. His other hand smacks the other side, and you shove the towel back in your mouth so you can scream. How the fuck are you going to get home? You’re probably going to have to call your roommate.
"Oh, you’re so good for me, sweet~" He praises, and this makes you sob with pleasure.
"S-S-Soobin!" You manage to get his name out and he revels in the broken syllables leaving your drool covered lips. Another spank lands on your ass, in a different spot this time, leaving another red welt in its wake. The sound echoes through the shelter and your skin burns after a good six or seven swats.
"Okay, (Y/N), noona, I'm going to come again, 'kay? On your back…" He groans and with a last spank, you cum, and he takes the chance to pull out. After a few strokes, his hot cum splashed over the red skin on your ass, so hot it feels scalding. Your eyes close, tears flowing down and over your nose to land on the towel under your face. Finally, finally, his cock is softening, still covered in a mix of your essences. You’re a mess and he wants you no other way. While Taehyun might have a more dominating personality, Soobin is way more devious. He loves you beneath him, utterly spent. You slip in and out of consciousness as you hear him moving around the shelter. When he comes back to you and lifts you up to kneeling, you whimper, and he shushes you.
"It’s okay, noona, let’s get cleaned up." He holds you like a princess, kissing your forehead. He’s still just as naked, and he enters the back office you had left open and goes into the bathroom there. He lets you down softly, still holding you upright as he turns the shower on. He only makes it warm, you both need to cool down and he helps you rinse his seed off your skin. He coos at the red marks as you lean against the cold tile, still panting. You barely register as he gets you out of the shower and even dressed and you lay down on the couch in the office as he brings you your bag and phone. There’s only one notification on your phone, and he sees the time is nearly 11 pm. He winces, grabbing his own phone, and sending the guys a quick message as you wearily look at your own.
You good, fam?
Your roommate had messaged you and you shoot her a quick positive and debate whether to have her come get you or not. Shifting a bit to try and sit up, your entire body protests and so you cave and call her.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes…I need you to come pick me up." You mumble and you hear some shuffling on the other line.
"Are. You. Okay?"
"YES. I just…can't walk…or sit." You tell her and she laughs so hard you have to pull your phone away from your ear.
"Okay, shit, that's great. I'll get an Uber and drive your car back." She hangs up and your arm flops back down, your cell face down on your stomach.
"Sorry." Soobin mumbles next to you, sitting on the floor next to the couch.
"Don't. That was…" You sigh and he laughs.
"You warned me of your stamina but that was insane." You huff and he laughs again. You begin to drift off, and he reaches up, brushing some stray hairs from your face and stroking your still red cheek with the back of his finger.
"(Y/N)!" A voice he doesn’t recognize calls out and he goes to open the gate for your roommate and lets her into the shelter. She barely glances at him till she sees you lying on the couch, then turns to him. She balks, eyes wide and looks him up and down.
"Shit…" She swears and then goes to you and shakes you.
"You need help out to the car?" she asks, and you grunt a yes. Your roommate turns to Soobin, and he goes to you. You lift your arms up likes a child and he chuckles, lifting you into his arms once again and follows your roommate out to the car. She grabs your bag and his and makes sure the lights are turned off and locked as you leave. She’s worked there with you in the past and so knows what to do. You rest your head on his shoulder as he carries you across the parking lot and helps you sit in the passenger seat. You winces as your sore skin touches the seat and he apologizes. He kisses your forehead, which makes you whimper, and he shuts the door. Your roommate waves to him, and she pulls out before he starts to walk back to campus.
"Holy crap." She mutters and you let out a tired laugh.
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solacescastleglow · 1 month ago
75 Soft, Student + Mental Health Edition
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It's the new year, which means it's time for another 75 day challenge! My 75 Soft version for studying success has two sections - learning and wellbeing. Since this is a more gentle program focussed on consistency rather than perfection, I've added in the ability to skip or mess up one day a week in case life happens. Some of these are specific to me and my needs, so feel free to modify as needed.
• 45 minutes of studying (or other learning)
As a part time online history student, I count studying as watching lectures, doing readings, working on assignments, or going on field trips for research. If you're a full time student or study something with more memorisation involved, you can increase this amount.
• Duolingo + 15 minutes of immersion + 1 story summary a week
My goal is to get one unit of Duolingo done every two days, so that's about 15-30 minutes already, but I don't think I can learn French with Duolingo alone. I'm going to increase the amount of immersion per quarter, but for Q1 it's only 15 minutes, so I've found some French TikTokers and YouTubers to watch. I learned about the story summary method on Pinterest and it's so simple: read a story or article in your target language, then summarise what you read in your target language. I don't have enough stories to do that every day, so I'm going to do it once a week.
• Read 10 pages
Reading allows for more unstructured learning and can help with critical thinking, among so many other things. I like reading classics and non fiction, but it can be any book. Right now, I'm reading The Bell Jar (it's amazing).
• Any amount of outdoor exercise
It's always good to get fresh air! My main fitness goal of this year is to learn how to do pistol squats, and the steps outside my house are perfect for squat touchdowns. I do anywhere from 10-50 on each side per day, and when I get stronger I can aim for two steps down.
• Any amount of indoor exercise
There are some movements I love doing, but they can't/shouldn't be done outside, so I've added indoor exercise to this. Doing my little ballet spins (based on fouettes but definitely not real ones since I haven't learned ballet), at-home pilates with my sibling, or a light arm workout can really boost my mood throughout the day.
• No caffeine until 90 minutes after waking
This is just good advice. I can't remember which hormones exactly but I know it messes with your circadian rhythm to have caffeine first thing in the morning. Most days I'm good with this but every so often a cup of tea gets made too early.
• No binging or restricting food
I'm learning how to listen to my body this year, and for that I need to stop letting my head decide how much I eat. No more emotional binges, and no more guilty restriction. I will eat whenever I'm hungry, and stop when I'm 80% full.
• 2 large meals made with whole foods
This is mostly to help me keep up with my main contribution to the household: planning and cooking all the meals. My breakfast is already pretty healthy, I'd say, and I don't need lunch, so it's only dinner that matters. I love finding new recipes to try, and I love the way my body feels after eating something with lots of vitamins, minerals, and protein.
• 8 hours of sleep
If I don't sleep a full 8 hours, I am contractually obliged to nap. Really, it should be longer than 8 hours for me, but I'm getting way better at staying awake throughout the day so I'm leaving it at that.
• Leave the house alone 4 times a week
My therapist made me do this every day back in August, but I got a bit too comfortable recently and now going out is starting to scare me again. Time to maintain that muscle.
• 3 30 min sessions of ERP a week
I decided this year that I would stop letting my OCD control my life. I had been passively working on it for a couple of years, but it's time to take it seriously. I've learned some ways to respond to intrusive thoughts without doing compulsions, and I'm excited to see them start to work.
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cafecourage · 10 months ago
Speaking of sleepy, caring for sleepy Chain
We worked on this on stream long ago. I also made this also one bed. Part 1 has Time, Twilight, and Warriors
There was a common issue among some of the chain where most all of them have the fatal flaw of not being able to sleep. Some had issues waking up like Sky, Wind, Four and Wild. You quickly found that Legend was among that group but given the incident he went into the latter issue. Which was annoying when dealing with. It was completely opposite problems.
It was always hard to tell if the Old man was tired as he seemed to be always absolutely exhausted. Which was fair enough since he was dubbed the dad friend in the group thus making him the main person to go to for everything. It’s a wonder how he hasn’t just slept for 7 more years yet.
Still the Hero of Time was probably 3 days in without sleep and thats what you observed. Granted you should have stopped him by day 2. But you weren’t sure if he slept on the days you seen him take first shift and wake up with him being on last shift.
The other boy’s notice it too and while they all appreciate the extra sleep it’s unfair for Time. Warriors is typically the only one that speaks up about it since he isn’t phased by the Older Link’s tough exterior. While it would be embarrassing in hindsight you had to drag Warriors aside to push for you and Time to be in the same room. “I have a plan” is what you tell the captain not letting him know that you in fact, dont have a plan.
Truly the plan is fist fight the old man until he actually sleeps, or lecture him whatever you feel like. At least you will be here in town for a few days to gather supplies and information. So you can at least fix Time’s sleep schedule.
You’re plotting came to an extreme halt as you step into a room with one bed. “This can work.” You say out loud as you dropped your stuff in a corner of the room. “We can share the bed.” It’s not even up for debate at this point.
“Can we?” Time asks as he closes the door “wouldn’t that be uncomfortable?”
“Uncomfortable?” That wouldn’t be the word you would use. “Nah. Unless it makes you uncomfortable. Then I can take the floor.”
The hero gives you a look, one to even dare you to say that again. “If you don’t mind, then I don’t see why fight over it.”
“It I am being real.” You stand up and stretched “you do need it more.” It has been decided. You are lecturing him. “When is the last time you slept a full 8 hours? Heck 6 hours I would accept.”
An eyebrow was raised as he heads inside “I have been fine with the sleep I’ve been getting.” He takes his armor off putting each piece down carefully before finally sitting on the bed. He pats the spot next to him.
You follow his lead as you prepare a long argument. “Ah, yes the zero hou- Ack!” What you didn’t expect was Time to drag you into his lap and lay down.
Your face exploded in a blush as you were now basically his teddy bear. “Don’t you think I haven’t noticed you also have trouble sleeping.” He whispered as he was already in the process of wrapping the both of you in the blankets. “Let’s take a nap for now…”
Well… This backfired successfully.
Twilight was one of these Links which, made sense but also didn’t when you found this out. He tries to older brother everyone, he makes sure everyone is asleep before he does. Which takes forever to do and your patience for this man is thinning.
After stopping in a town from a long trek. The group decides to go to the Inn to set up shop. You were already on Twilight to take a nap before dinner. “No. We are going to eat in like 30 minutes.”
He isn’t getting out of this and you don’t care you’re in the middle of the lobby. There was something that the chain has yet to learn about you.
You might be short.
But you are strong.
So you marched up to Twilight and despite his struggling you throw the hero over your shoulder and went directly to the room angrily. “Let me down!” Twilight demands of you. However you couldn’t care about it as you open the door kick it close and threw him on the bed. “That was unnecessary.” He said getting up.
“It was very necessary!” You argued back crossing your arms. “When is the last time you properly slept?”
Twilight stays quiet and looks away. He looked like a kicked puppy. “I get enough.”
“According to who? Because everyone else can make an argument that you’re barely getting any to function.” You let out a huff as you should probably be more lenient with him because it’s not really like he is doing something bad. You know from experience that the body could function with little sleep if it’s used to it but it’s not healthy! You didn’t go through classes with a clear mind but you should have! “We are just worried about you.”
The Hero stays quiet but sighs “ok. I understand.” He seems to give up at this point. But he reaches out to take your hand finally letting himself looked exhausted “but… can you stay with me?”
Your eyes soften as he seemed to be more tired than you thought. “Of course I will. Someone has to make sure you stay put.” He teases you.
After a long day of traveling an inn was a welcoming sight. Since there were ten of you now each room had to have 2 people. Which was sometimes unfortunate for some, but for you in this current moment?
You couldn’t ask for a better opportunity since you (forcably) asked to be Warrior’s pair, only to have there only be one bed. 
It was instant that you had grabbed Warriors tunic and almost thrown him on to the bed. “Didn’t know you wanted me on the bed that badly, doll.” He was laughing. This man was laughing and he looked like hell. Probably felt like it too as the ever polished captain was showing dark circles under his eyes. His smile was sluggish and his eyes weren’t as sharp as they normally were.
“Very funny.” You rolled your eyes as you headed towards him again to help him out of his armor. “You should take better care of yourself. 3 days of barely any sleep? What were you thinking?!”
“That the other boys need some sleep.” There was no hesitation as the stubborn man is proud of himself for killing his sleep schedule. “It’s fine.” “It is not fine.” You didn’t mean to throw his shoulder plate on the carpet. “You better take your chainmail off before I do it for you.”
“What if I rather you do it for me?” The captain fire back without missing a beat. Instantly his face paled “wait-“
“Nope to late come here.” You take his tunic and just… thew it off of him. “Do you want to continue?” This was a threat.
“no…” Warriors voice was silent as he finally got out of what armor he had left. “I should sleep on the floo-“ that suggestion was instantly silent as you glared at him.
Finally when both of you were ready for bed you had put your self on top of him. Cuddling but also if he was going to escape he will have to wake you up first. “this is so you don’t escape.” You said.
“I wont. I wont.” Warriors was a bit hesitant to wrap his arms around you “Thank you.” He whispered as he finally started to relaxed.
“Don’t rely on me to fix your sleep habits.” You said poking his cheek “good night Captain.”
“Good Night Sweetheart.”
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robinhobiii · 7 months ago
the truth untold | ceo! y. jh
summery : y/n’s son goes missing and there’s only 13 suspects that last seen her son. One of them happens to be her husband, Jeonghan.
bad clue inspired
part i
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She finally decides it’s time to slowly interrogate each one of them. Starting with one of the more easier candidates.
Lee Seokmin.
He’s very soft hearted and often wears his heart on his sleeves. Well, that’s what her intel tells her.
She needs a smart way to approach this. Not to startle him and for him to shut down. She watched his every move for the last four weeks. He’s been pretty consistent with his schedule.
Monday to Friday - arrival to the music academy at 8:30 am. Teach kids until 5:30 pm.
Friday - after 5:30, go out drinking with coworkers or friends.
Saturday - go to student recitals
Sunday- rest day
His schedule has been pretty consistent even before the disappearance of Jeongmin. However, she can’t just rely on her intel for that. He did spend a lot planning projects. She’ll have to grab him off guard for questioning.
. . .
It was Sunday morning and Seokmin was talking into the a cafe. He was going to sit in the solo booth on the right hand side of the cafe like usual. He’s going to get an iced americano with a chocolate croissant and an egg sandwich. He’s going to pull out his laptop and music sheets to go over next week’s lessons. However, y/n is going to intervene.
“Mr. Lee, you come here too?” She says softly.
He looks up very surprised and speaks out, “Mrs. Yoon?”
He snaps out of it and smiles up at her. “Here, come sit with me for a bit.”
He then orders a hot chocolate, remembering her dislike for coffee. It was silent for a moment before he slowly says, “How have you been?”
“How do you think I’ve been?”
“I’ve heard that they found his backpack last week. I’m glad that there’s progress. Did they give any other information?”
“Hmm? Unfortunately they didn’t. . . wait, how would you know anything, Mr. Lee?” She says suspiciously.
Seokmin was immediately flustered as he stuttered outs, “O-oh, it’s just the talk at the teachers break room, I-I of course don’t know anything officially.”
She knew it!
“Really? My son is the topic of your gossip?” She says to fluster him more.
“Mrs. Yoon, I-i would never do that-“
“Then how is it that you know about his back pack? Only my husband and I know”
He remained silent. He was thinking of an excuse. His knee moving up and down from nervousness. He looked anywhere but her.
Mr. Lee is definitely who not who he seems to be.
Oh, Lee Seokmin, she’s got you now.
. . .
Seokjin was watching this unfold from three tables away. He silently chuckles at the scene. Oh, sweet naive Y/n. She’ll never learn anything if she comes off too strong. He slips his sunglasses on and pretends to make a phone call. He counts to three.
“How many times have I told you?! Get it through your goddamn head!” He says loudly, catching the eyes of everyone, including Seokmin and Y/n.
Y/n looks at him dumbfounded.
“I told you keep your emotions in check! That won’t get you anywhere! I thought we discussed this!” He says obnoxiously into his phone.
Y/n gets the hint and straightens up and bit as Seokmin was still focused on the Jin.
“Goodness, I have to do everything myself!” He huffs out and hangs up the phone. He put the phone down and looks at the onlookers.
“I apologize, my colleague was being an idiot. I had to fix a quick problem”
She mentally scoffs at him. Way to toot your own horn, Seokjin.
. . .
“Mr. Lee, please tell me.” She says more calmly
He remained silent for a moment and finally sighs.
“Mr. Yoon told me”
He nodded. “Mr. Yoon came by the other day and let it slip I guess.”
“Jeonghan came to the music academy?”
“Yes, he comes quite often.”
She was confused but her face didn’t show it much.
“Did he say anything else?”
“No, just formalities. He came to talk to Seungkwan about the upcoming musical projects”
She was baffled. Her husband? The man that was behind serious and didn’t take their son’s love for music seriously? The man that only cared about money and connections, was concerned about a musical project?
“When was the last time he came beside the other day?”
“Hmm, maybe two months ago”
She needs to dig deep. She has more questions than answers now.
“Oh, I see. I apologize for flipping out on you. My son is a sensitive topic for me”
He softly laughs and shook his head no.
“I totally get it. I don’t blame you at all. It’s a heavy topic.”
She stands up after she places down money for her part of food on the table.
“I’ll get going. Thank you for your time.”
“No problem, stay safe and I wish you luck on everything”
She walks to her car and sits. Approximately, four minutes later, Jin walks into her car.
“That was sure an interesting outcome” he says as he eats his sandwich.
“Jeonghan goes to the music academy. He never told me that. In fact the only time he did tell me was when we first enrolled Jeongmin there.”
“Perhaps he was inquiring the last whereabouts of Jeongmin from the teachers”
“True, but he didn’t tell me anything”
“Probably for you not to go insane”
She glares at him. He only laughs at her.
“Then we should definitely question this Seungkwan fellow as to why Jeonghan was there” Jin says more seriously.
“We should. His schedule for today won’t work for us. Let’s go tomorrow.”
He nodded, “don’t forget to keep your cool. You almost blew your cover”
“I know. But seriously Jin, “my colleague was being an idiot?” Couldn’t think of anything better?”
“Hey, just had to keep you straight”
“You’re lucky I need your help”
He laughs out loud, “that is true, detective. You can’t get rid of me.”
. . .
“Here are the files you requested” Joshua says as he places down the said files on his desk. Jeonghan looks up at him and half smiled.
“Thanks Joshuji”
“You look down sir”
Jeonghan remained silent for a moment. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes.
“Is it about madam Yoon?” Joshua inquires lightly to not set Jeonghan off.
He sighs before looking out the window. The beautiful city view doesn’t give him that comfort like usual.
“She changed”
“Sir, both of you recently lost your son. He’s missing. Respectfully, she’ll be distant to cope with herself”
Jeonghan’s face sours at the obvious statement.
“I know that. Don’t need to remind me that my son is missing. But people normally get closer when something traumatic happens. She’s pushing herself away from me”
Joshua only furrows his eyebrows. “Maybe that’s madam’s coping mechanism”
He frowns at that. “She doesn’t kiss me as much. She doesn’t cuddle into me. She doesn’t even give me a welcome home kiss anymore”
He stand up and walks closer to the window. “She’s changed a lot. She leaves home before I wake up in the morning. Some nights she comes home at midnight. She glued to her phone too”
Joshua looks at him. “What are you implying, sir?”
Jeonghan touches the cool window. His hot hand creates an aura of fog around his hand.
“I don’t know. But I know she’s definitely hiding something and whatever it is, I’m going to get to the bottom of it.”
. . .
sorry for the ridiculously long wait for the update. Life and school got in the way. I’m seriously over university. But I’m free now! I hope to do more frequent updates now. Enjoy! ♡
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nicromancytarot · 10 months ago
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what would happen if you were to change your current career path, pick a pile and see what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
You guys seem to be in a current job which you’re not feeling all that fulfilled in, this is either to do with the community that surround this job, the work that you are given, or possibly the work that this job requires. For some of you, you may feel outcasted from a larger group of individuals, some of you may even go through “bullying” stages, or harassment in the workplace. Others of you are overwhelmed with the amount of work that you are being given, and possible over exaggerated standards that you are expected to meet in the workplace. For the rest of you it’s to do with the actual work itself, you may not be feeling very happy in this field, perhaps you gave up a hobby or passion project to take part in this workplace.
The reason I say this is because I notice that the pay isn’t necessarily the issue for a lot of you, the job you’re currently in does seem to be paying you well, and gives you a good amount of leadership and possible creative freedom. Changing your career path would be a very big difference, it’s not something that you are used to, and it’s not the same as your current job.
For a lot of you I am feeling that this is some type of business that you want to begin building and working on, perhaps something that you have been dreaming about for a few years. A lot of you are stressed about the time and energy this project would take to perfect, and are mainly failed about the possibility of it failing and you being left jobless.
Those of you who are not planning on starting a business, this links into some job that is more creatively freeing and fun for you, perhaps you’re going from a classic barista job, and changing into a graphic design field instead, there’s definitely a large amount of change and difference for all of you however.
Whatever you are choosing to do and how you are deciding to change this, you’re all very stressed out about the possibility of failure and being unsuccessful. Of course you could fail, but that’s a given is it not? With trying this, you could literally become a millionaire lmao, with so much perseverance and resilience, you can take this wherever you please.
For business people, makeup? Gloss?
A lot of you are scared of reaching out to people, whether it be making new friends at your new workplace, or finding yourself a trusted team to help you with your passion project. (I’m getting heavy passion project honestly)
Doing this will get you taken more seriously, it will take a while to nurture this decision and create the career path that you want for yourself, but with bravery and strength, you have the potential to create whatever dreams you have and bring them to life.
I feel like a lot of you are in a job that doesn’t pay you enough to sustain your living situation, almost like you’re a corporate slave? I’m getting the feeling of living in New York and struggling to pay your bills, or living somewhere which is below the bare minimum and making you feel like shit. Some of you could really be struggling with housing at the moment, possibly bug or rat infestations, a lot is going wrong, peeling paint, mould, it’s certainly not ideal.
Some of you are in a relationship with someone who would help you pay for your rent, or whatever you needed during your time of discovering your plans for your career in the future, even if this isn’t a romantic partner, it could be friends or family who are more than willing to lend a hand, masculines are very prominent for this pile.
I feel like leaving this job will give you some time to think about what you need to do next, what are the steps to take and how can you better your life?
I’m not getting business, however I am getting something that takes a lot to make work, perhaps you’ll be working alongside a friend, becoming an influencer, stepping into fame.
It’s giving very much “trust me” energy.
There are some people around you who won’t trust this or have much hope for it, you’ll have a good amount of individuals telling you to find a “proper job” or just go back to your old one.
You’re very sure about what you want after taking this small break away from everything, I see someone who knows what they have to do to make something work, as if they have it all planned, some of you might literally have a board like a detective, with strings pointing to certain opportunities or ideas.
You’ll get into this new thing very quickly, you’ll waste no time and give it your all, for those of you who are influencing or dipping your toe into the life of fame, you’ll be very good with handling criticism and hate, you’ll be very quick to brush it off and ignore those trolls, as you know that they are only jealous of you.
Your main motivator is your living situation.
The rest of you who are doing something else not relating to fame, you will be very defensive to the people around you who doubt your innovation and creativity to do what you want as a job.
Verrrrry quickly, this opportunity brings in those bags of money, I’m seeing someone doing the absolute least and then getting paid a ton for it.
How you will feel after this change will have something to do with your home, I’m seeing someone buying a much larger and stabler house, somewhere that they feel happy to bring their friends and family around to, I do see a lot of your money going into your housing situation.
Bro, are you guys sleeping with your boss or something??? There’s a heavy energy on workplace affairs, something to do with temptation, selfishness and love. This person that you are sleeping with, IS MARRIED!!!! Don’t go there, for the love of God.
Some of you could honestly be the work wife/husband, rather than an actual affair, however this person is down bad, but they only want you to have you, not to keep you.
This is a VERY specific message, only a few of you will relate to this, if it’s not your message, feel free to find another pile lmao, this one is insane.
For those of you who have been sleeping with or fawning over some person in your workplace, what are you doing?! Listen, I do not condone cheating, some of you are also cheating on your partner, oh my days.
This person has you in a metaphorical chokehold, they’ve got you in their arms, their spouse in their mind and their past rendezvous on speed dial. You’re getting ready to make a decision, you’re telling them about leaving the workplace and they are threatening you with telling everyone the truth. Their spouse already knows, I’m feeling like they are aware and just want you gone, they may even offer you some money to get you the hell out of their husband/wives life, they are not coming to play.
I’m seeing someone who will keep their money and reputation, meanwhile the other will only keep money, and say goodbye to their reputation. If people find out about the affair, they will turn on either one or you, however I’m feeling it point more towards you.
Fear not, create something new, spend the time working on it, and everyone will forget. It’s only one big scandal of the workplace, and they’re sure to do it with another, so you will soon be long forgotten.
For those of you who have romantic intentions or feelings for this person, they could be telling you that they’ll leave their spouse. Run. Run and do not look back, they are lying.
Working on something new, whether it be your own creation, or just something better paying and worthwhile in the long run, will help you achieve all you dream or achieving. I’m seeing someone who realised that they dodged a bullet, and now is possibly even their own boss, or married to their new one (slay)
I also see that you will “repent for your sins” the rest of your life (lmao, that’s so dramatic), but you will beg the universe for forgiveness for a while.
Also, for those of you who are cheating on your partner, you can work through it, they will forgive you, however I would recommend setting them free.
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