#i had a pack of pokemon cards you sent me i hadn’t opened yet that i opened on my birthday
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deep sigh & scalding hot shower save me
#i know it’s silly and i shouldn’t let it upset me but i’m still. so fucked up abt the radio silence on my birthday#and even though i expected it its just still so devastating to be stonewalled iced out and ignored#by someone who’s love used to make me feel like i was king of the world & life’s greatest treasure.#we were best friends for three years#i had a pack of pokemon cards you sent me i hadn’t opened yet that i opened on my birthday#so it’s almost like you got me a present#(god that feels so pathetic of me)#i just. so desperately wanted to be worth receiving the love and effort and consideration i give so freely to others.#and we had that. but then you just. stopped.#if anyone’s read this far in my tags: please send nice anons or smth please because i am Struggling#i don’t understand why the love had to go away still.#i don’t understand what i did wrong
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Hello, it waas my birthday recently and it gave me an idea so may I have bede taking his S/O out for their birthday?
Happy belated birthday anon! Hope it was awesome! This will be my first time writing Bede and it is post game when he is becoming a better person. GN reader as well.
Life had become extremely busy for Bede since the championship and everything with Rose had come to a conclusion. His training with Opal and learning about the gym had ramped up that he was surprised to have time for any interaction other than Opal or pokemon so to find himself with someone he was coming to care about so dearly as Y/n. It had been during a practice match at the gym that you two had met, something that had been open to more thank just the usual gym trainers as he needed to practice against other types of pokemon.
Of course he had made some snarky comments, nothing like he used to make, but new banter to keep an opponent determined. It was difficult and he had slipped up, you calling him out on it and that just seemed to be how you hit it off. So when he would come to learn that your birthday was coming up he would be going to Opal and politely requesting the day off, though implied even if she said no he would just not show up that day. She would agree though as soon as he said why he wanted the day off, teasing about the two of you as she was that sassy grandma type and by the time Bede could excuse himself he was quite pink in the face.
At least step one was complete, but now would come for the more difficult part. What did one do for someones birthday? His own had never really been celebrated that much, maybe a cupcake at the orphanage and a gift card from Rose so he was at a bit of a loss. He knew some things that you liked of course and he really did not want to have to ask for help so he would think on it, denying there was anything on his mind when you would spend time in the evenings together. You were skeptical, but knew better then to push him too much, so you would be patient for now. If it went on too much longer, though, then you would be a bit more firm in your asking.
As the day of your birthday came up Bede still wasn’t fully certain on what he had come up with, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He had finally decided to go with simple, just spending the afternoon in Glimwood Tangle, it was a pretty place and maybe you would find an interesting pokemon. He had also made sure to pack a lunch for the both of you, some of your favorite snacks included of course and dressed in his casual wear, minus the poofy coat, he would come to find you. He was nervous that you wouldn’t like it, but he would try to keep those down as he saw your surprise when you opened your door.
“Bede? Is everything ok at the gym?” you would ask him first off as you were certain he had training that day as usual, making sure to keep up his schedule. You would not miss the light pink coming to his cheeks, noticing he had his bag with him as well, “I would be a pretty bad boyfriend if I missed your birthday, wouldn’t I?” he huff, looking to the side as he had a quick thought of what if you already had plans?! “I thought we could explore the mushroom grove some, if you wanted”
Surprised you would blink at him for half a moment before a smile was creeping its way onto your face. You had not made a big deal about your birthday, no matter how much you wanted to spend it with him, because knowing how his past had been. The fact he was here now wanting to spend it with you just had your heart thumping happily and you were quick to press a kiss to his cheek, “Just let me grab my shoes and my bag” you assure him, doing so quickly and telling anyone in the house where you were off too. Stepping outside your hand would find one of his own, fingers lacing together and you felt him tense for a moment before giving a squeeze.
Affection in general he was still getting fully used to, but every little thing was helping and he did not pull away. Giving him a smile you would let him take the lead, eyes casting about as you head outside the town and becoming mindful of potential wild pokemon about. You weren’t nervous, you and Bede were both strong trainers, but it was best to keep on your toes. Falling into casual conversation as you continued to walk you would get caught up how his training was going and what you had been up to, the calm feeling of just being together washing over you.
Eventually you would step through a small opening and your eyes would widen in surprise and awe. It was just a clearing, but there was nearly a wall of mushrooms surrounding it giving a bright yet soothing glow. You could see some Morelull and Shinotic along the edges, but they seemed calm and you could just feel your smile not wavering. As Bede pulled his hand away then you would look to see him starting to set up a blanket and a few containers, blinking a bit before coming to help.
A picnic in a lovely spot as this was not what you had expected, though you hadn’t expected anything, so you were more then happy to settle down with him, leaning your shoulder to his own as you both dug in. It amazed you how he remembered the little details of what you liked, but at the same time it made you feel loved. Finishing up your sandwiches you would take a drink before you noticed he was a little tense and it had you softening a bit, “Bede I am having a great time” you assure him as your hand found one of his once more, giving a squeeze.
It was a simple gesture, but you would feel him relaxing again after a moment before leaning in to press his forehead to your own, “I’m glad, I wasn’t sure if this would be ok” he admit and you smile, taking the closeness as an opportunity to press a soft kiss to his lips. “It is more than ok, I love when we can spend time just the two of us” you assure before an idea would come to you, “I have been wanting to add a fairy type to my team, maybe you can help me catch one?”
It was something that you both knew well and it was more in his comfort zone as your kiss had sent his cheeks pink once more. Nodding he would get up and offer you a hand, “Well, that was going to be my gift to you” he smirk, but it was a softer one as he added, “Happy birthday”
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Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.
Fulton Oursler
Mending and Bending: A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Requested by: @marvelfanlife
Featuring: Jennifer Jareau x Female Reader
Setting: Season 10 (Little AU backstory: Will left JJ after she never told him about her miscarriage overseas. So there is no baby Michael, sorry!)
Rating: Mature Warnings: Out of the blue, tiny bit of smut
A/N: This is my second requested piece, thank you so much for thinking of me! I really hope you like it, she gave me a lot to work with! I added some dimension to the reader’s kids: Jonah (OC) and Lucy (OC). Also, as a mom, this was super emotional for me. I hope I hit some feels for you too! xoxo Stu
I do not own the characters from the show, images or quotes.
Your name: submit What is this?
It was ironic, the days she wasn’t working a case were the hard ones now. When she was able to pick Henry up from school, you would see her. As you picked up your own kids, Lucy and Jonah from the same school, her bright eyes and eager smile dazzling from across the playground. There was a time when these were the best days, when she was home safely. Now the days had reversed and life was more surreal than storybook.
Jonah had noticed you watching JJ, but you just gave him a small smile and rubbed his buzzed head. “So, kiddo, how was gym class today?”
“Mama! No fair! I wasn’t going to bring it up.” He groaned. You sighed, letting it go. He hated gym class because his gym teacher couldn’t remember or wouldn’t try to use his male name. The rest of the school had been very receptive since Joni became Jonah officially, at the beginning of the school year. But since the gym teacher had taught him since kindergarten as Joni; it was still a slow process.
Where was Lucy? You scanned the jungle gym, the basketball court, the double doors that released the kids each day; she wasn’t there. Your search became more frantic, until you saw her little head running after Henry Lamontagne. ‘Oh, Lucy, not today sweetie, please? Mama wants to hide and avoid her,’ you thought. Suddenly your little girl was down, tripped over an untied shoe; the tears were eminent. You rush to her just as her ragged voice screeched, “Mama! Mama! I, <sob> I, <sob> fell!” She came limping to you.
You hug her tear spattered face to your abdomen, rubbing the back of her head. Henry came running back, grabbing your legs and Lucy into a tight squeeze. “Lucy, don’t cry,” He begged, “You can catch me tomorrow!” You smiled down at Henry’s blonde head.
“Thanks, Henry, that was one sweet hug, little man,” You whispered. You felt her blue eyes on your group hug, guilt mixed with regret and longing flushed your cheeks. You sighed, “We’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?” Henry nodded, rubbing Lucy on the back once more. You sucked up your pride and nodded at J.J. as Henry crossed the pavement. She respectfully inclined her head, the slightest smile on her usually cheery lips.
“Y/N, that is ridiculous!” JJ snapped at you, her nostrils flaring.
“No, you think it is ridiculous, because you don’t watch him watch you,” You explained, trying to remain calm. “J.J., he still has feelings for you, you need to let him down gently, poor kid.”
She just shook her head at you, “I will say nothing of the sort. Spence doesn’t love me like that, Y/N. We’re family, not romantic, why can’t you see that?”
You sighed, the jealousy burning through you. Not only did the team get her at work, they were emotionally still with her at home too. You were sick of the denial, especially since she wasn’t sharing you with them. Six months together and she wouldn’t admit she had a girlfriend and you were the one being ridiculous?!
This was the fight that had made you wake up to how rapidly things had gotten unhealthy with her. This was the fight that was etched into your mind when your body yearned for her tiny waist and elegant features. It was the memory that grounded you, kept you from missing her too badly. That, and wine.
You were swamped, you had two revisions due back to the authors by the end of the week, your usual sitter had bailed because of tonsillitis and your mom wanted your help planning your dad’s retirement party. Luckily, it was raining, so soccer practice had been cancelled. You sat in your Subaru, idling in the pick up lane, checking your email as you waited for the bell to sound, returning your babies to you.
Your phone buzzed with an incoming text, but you swiped it ignored as you finished a quick reply email. Then there were a collective pounding of little hands along the passenger side of your car. You unlocked the door, noting a pale face climbed in out of the rain with your littles.
“Henry is coming to our house!” Lucy proclaimed proudly. Jonah was the last one in, closing your family away from the noise and moisture outdoors.
“Hey Henry? Did you talk to your sitter before following Jonah and Luce?”
“Nope, Y/N,” Henry grinned, ��I asked my mom, duh!” Jonah laughed, “Yeah, Mama, JJ says it’s okay! She messaged you.”
“Hooray, Henry is coming over,” Lucy sing-songed. “It has been for-ev-er!”
You scrolled to your messages, sure enough JJ had sent it before, you realized. ‘Your kids’ cuteness wins again. Pick him up after dinner?” Your cheeks felt oddly tingly, you realized you were grinning like a fool. Your smile muscles strained from lack of use. You quickly replied: ‘Sounds like a plan! See you around 7?’
She sent back her signature thumbs up emoji in confirmation. You held your phone to your heart, allowing yourself a moment before pulling into after school traffic.
Having Henry over lessened the gap your family felt during this transition. The happy life with JJ and Henry to the happy life after JJ and Henry, you had all been swimming in that gap between. Lucy wouldn’t leave his side the whole afternoon. Even while he used the bathroom, she waited outside the door. She kept talking to him, in her own way ensuring he hadn’t left yet.
Jonah and Henry had lots of Pokemon battles to make up for the nearly two months apart. Jonah had more legendaries, but Henry had strategy on his side.
“Uncle Spencer says using the right trainers at the right time is just as important as using good Pokemon.” Henry explained to Jonah. You rolled your eyes, of course the genius godfather had an expert opinion in the card game.
“How is Uncle Spencer?” You asked Henry offhandedly, grateful that little kids have few social reservations.
“He’s fine.” Henry answered. “He comes over to play when Mommy is sad.” This little tidbit was alarming. Did that mean he was there to take care of Henry? Or was he playing at something more? Why were you still jealous of the guy; you had already lost her? Your brain needed to stop. Was J.J. struggling? More importantly was she struggling like you were? You exhaled, returning to the dining room table and the boys’ match up.
“How is your mom, buddy?”
“Fine, Y/N.” Henry brushed off your interest as he reshuffled his cards. Jonah looked up from his cards, shaking his head at your blatant curiosity and boundary pressing. Why did your kid always have to be the perceptive one?
She was early, as usual. She knocked on the door to your rental house, as you were convincing Lucy that dessert wasn’t an option EVERY night of the week. Her pouting face melting away as she realized who was behind the front door.
“JJ?!” Lucy squealed as she ran to the front hall. You were hot on her bare heels, your heart doing its own form of tap dance. Lucy whipped the door open wide and jumped out at JJ, with the unique fearlessness of a five year old. JJ’s impeccable reflexes and mother’s gentleness caught and gathered your girl into her embrace. As much as this hurt to witness, it felt so easily normal. Lucy adored JJ and JJ her.
“Hi!” You greeted your ex, as awkwardly as you felt. You waved her inside, “Henry is just packing up his binder in the living room.”
JJ glanced around, noticing the subtle changes from the couple months of not being there everyday. You had rearranged some furniture. The Y/L/N house had undergone a Feng Shui attempt to clear out the negative energy or something along those lines.
“Looks great in here, Y/N.” She kindly admitted. You smile, appreciating her obvious nervousness at being here, with you.
“The kids really miss Henry. Thanks for letting him come over today.” You added after a few minutes watching the kids distract each other from cleaning up.
“Y/N,” JJ started, her eyes darting between your collective pack of kids, “Henry, really misses Jonah and Lucy Goose too.” Her eyes were saying more. They were, right? In her eyes, you lost all space and time. Suddenly Henry was tugging on JJ’s arm.
“Mom, we should go to the park this weekend. There’s going to be a boat race, Jonah saw a flier.” JJ ruffled Henry’s straight locks.
“We’ll see, buddy” Her usual default response.
“If you’re in town, perhaps we’ll see you there?” You mentioned, off the cuff, leading them out the doorway. “Or if Will doesn’t have H this weekend, I could take him?” You were trying to keep the desperation out of your voice. This was how any other mom-friend would suggest things, right? She smiled gently at you.
“I’ll, uh, let you know. Thanks again.” She waved over her shoulder, her profiler eyes catching all the relief you felt as it passed over your face.
JJ’s hands were gripping your Trapezius muscles, her fingernails digging in. Your coated lips were blowing on her sweet spot as you rocked the little vibrator against it. You looked up into her scrunched face, knowing that she was too overwhelmed to look back at you. Her toned legs were spread out before you. You sighed, even her orgasm face was gorgeous. She panted as your fingers worked her core, which was quickly tightening with her climax. “Shit, Y/N, thatsss, uh, mmmmm!” Her voice cut through the quiet night.
You sat up, alone in bed. Her taste a welcome memory lingering from your dream. You unconsciously rubbed your neck, remembering how the little half moons had speckled your skin for a week after that night. You went to grab some water to clear your throat. Was this going to happen each time you saw her? Perhaps it wasn’t smart to make plans with JJ and the kids so soon. You returned to bed and turned on the television for some distraction to send you back to sleep.

“But, Mama!” Lucy whined, “Jonah says that the race starts at ten. Is he right or what?” You shake your head, pulling the brush through her tangles. You settled on little pony tail puffs because patience was not in your vocabulary yet at eight o’clock in the morning.
“Um, I’m not sure if he is right, but we can check again,” You explained, “AFTER you brush your teeth.
The morning bustle to get out of the door quickly on a weekend, kept you from overthinking your dream/memory. You were working down a list in your mind: 1. Dressed 2. Coffee 3. Breakfast 4. Kids dressed. 5. Everything else to get ready. 6. Get in the car, people!
Driving to the park took about ten minutes, parking was another ten, this mini boat race was some deal after all. You caught Jonah’s shining smile in the rear view mirror, it was a perfect contrast with his dark skin. “Ready, buddy?” You asked as he nodded enthusiastically. He was out of his seat and unbuckling Lucy as you got the bulky park essentials bag from the hatch. You let the man of the house lead the way today, since he was the one who had memorized the informational flier in the first place.
The playground was crawling with kids and clusters of parents conversing or pretending to as they scanned their phones. You brought one of the manuscripts with you and a plethora of pens to keep you occupied before the race started in a little under an hour.
“And I thought I worked too much,” JJ’s teasing voice called you out of your editing trance. You shielded your eyes to look up to her haloed outline. “Well, actually I know I do.” She admitted, sitting beside you on your tie blanket. You glanced at her, being all casual with you. What were you supposed to do with the utter friendliness?
“You seem to be doing alright balancing it all this week,” You complimented, keeping your eyes on the playground to keep actual thoughts and words forming in your head.
“Hotch gave us a week off, rough case and he has some family stuff he is working on.” JJ admitted. Some things never change, you thought ruefully. “So,” She added with purpose,”Henry said that you wanted to talk to me?”
Oh crap. Here it was, the karma for being too nosy the other day. Oh crap, what were you supposed to say to that? Your face was warm and you bit your bottom lip. “Um?” You mumbled, finally turning to actually look her in her curious face. You shook your head at her as the confusion you felt became obvious.
“Oh, man, did they try to parent trap us?” JJ asked, laughing nervously. She had a great laugh, even when she was forcing it.
You patted her hand in consolation, “It sounds like they got us, the stinkers.” Gently, she flipped her hand over, holding your smooth one in her rougher, stronger one. You caught your breath. Was this really happening? Her hands were always so warm, it felt so right around yours.
You were shaking, but held fast to her hand like the lifeline it was. “Y/N, I was stubborn, I never should have let you leave.” She leaned closer, sitting criss-cross apple sauce now. Her cerulean eyes honest and stormy. “I know we can’t fix everything overnight and that we need to be sure since the kids are involved. But I would really like to give this another shot, I’m not ready to give up on us.”
You were now crying, her confession and declaration felt like a fairy tale. “JJ, I’m am so sorry. I was so self conscious that I let my jealousy push us apart.” You held both of her hands now, fingers intertwining in nervous energy. “But I need to know that I am part of your life, the team needs to know about your whole family, babe. Not just Henry, Luce and Jonah too.”
She was letting the tears stream down her cheeks, listening to your conditions and nodding. She was agreeing! “They will, I can’t keep hiding my two worlds from each other. It has been so exhausting,” JJ exhaled, clearing her throat. “God, Y/N, I have missed you!” And she was kissing you, right there in the shade at the park. The salt from both your raw hearts flavored your needy mouths. Her soft pink lips pecking and nibbling yours.
“Eh, Gross!” An approaching voice called to you. You broke apart, self consciously, people were still not very gracious with women kissing in public. But it was just Jonah, being a nine year old boy, “Geez, Mama, save that for later!” His toothy grin flashed and he was off again, chasing Henry up a slide.
Five weeks later:
“Spencer,” You interrupted, “My publishing house covers some of the best Whovian novelizations on the market. Of course, I know who the Silurians are.”
The doctors’ brown eyes popped as Garcia cut in, “Seriously, Reid, don’t push her, she will surprise you!” Everybody laughed. JJ had her hand on your thigh below the table, the BAU finally meeting the mystery love that JJ had been hiding for so long.
“Guys, “ JJ stood, raising her glass, “I just wanted to thank you all for being so understanding with Y/N and I. I know I think I can keep things from you, but why bother anymore, right?”
“Here, here!” Morgan trumpeted.
“To the best team, an FBI agent could ask for, “JJ toasted, “ And most importantly: the strongest partner a woman could dream of!” She said as she turned and looked at your sparkling eyes. You stood and kissed her fiercely, finally a part of all that was important to her. The team cat called and whistled, but you didn’t hear a thing.
@ssajenniferjareau @criminalwriting @cherry-loves-fanfic @imagicana@wrecklessimagine @criminalmindsmanic @emilyfuckingprentiss @milkandcookies528
#Criminal Minds#jj x reader#ssa jennifer jareau#light smut#fluff#angst#criminal minds fanfictions#jj is so pretty#ugh why can't i write short fics?#aj cook#tumblrpride#jj imagine#jj fanfiction#mamas and babies#so love jj
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