#i had a lot of fairytale cassettes as a kid
Im so sad that most of yall didnt grow up with our stellar fairytales only that disney stuff... you guys dont even know Das tapfere Schneiderlein
You dont even know this bad bitch
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Imagine one day this tailor kills 7 flies with one swat and decides thats such an awesome feat that now he tells everyone "i killed 7 at once" and everyone thinks hes an actually a skilled fighter who killed 7 people so he keeps getting roped into doing extremely dangerous stuff. Hes going up against giants, a big boar and even a unicorn and always wins with his witts.
Cool guy, i always liked the part where he goes up against a giant in a copetition of strength and the giant is like "i am going to milk rocks" and starts pressing those rocks so hard that water drips out. And this guy is just like ah yes imma do the same and takes out the soft cheese he had in his pocket for lunch, acting as if its just a weird looking rock and pressing moisture out of it
Guys a legend
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concerningwolves · 2 years
Hi hi!! For the folklore ask game 1, 2, 4 and 6 pls!!
(Fairytales and Folklore ask game)
1 Did you grow up with any fun folk beliefs/customs/superstitions?
Hm. I'm not sure how far this counts, or how universal this is, but when I was a kid and we went on family walks my parents were always adamant on getting a kiss on the cheek when going through kissing gates. These gates, which are designed so only people can go through them (not livestock), and usually you can only fit through single file. Mum or Dad would go through first, then stop us from pushing the gate and say that we had to have a kiss before we went through or it'd be back luck.
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From what I've read, it's less an old folk belief and more a game that people would play, where they'd hold the gate shut unless the other person gave them a kiss. But still, it's fun and it's something I grew up with. The other folk beliefs all came from my dad, whose mum and grandparents were all old Hertfordshire stock and brimming with lots of plant-related lore.
2. What is one of your favourite romantic fairy tales?
My brain has just gone blank D: I've currently got a vague answer swimming in my head that is something to do with uhhhhhhhh. A castle? And a raven? And a dog licking someone? I know it was one of my favourites when I was little. I had it on a series of audio tape cassettes but the name escapes me right now.
My second favourite was the Lady of the Lake, also from that collection. It's connected to Llyn y Fan Fach, a lake where a shepherd won a fairy bride, but he could only keep her so long as he never struck her three times (the "strikes" were, as I remember, all non-violent and accidental, and she went back to the lake). The variant I first heard from that collection though was different. It said that the condition for the Lady staying with him was that she never touched iron, so the husband made everything in the house from other metals, which was a little detail I always really liked. Sadly, one day she had to take up her husband's iron sword to defend the house and herself from robbers, and had to flee straight back to the lake.
4. Did you grow up hearing or reading folktales?
Yes and no. My dad liked Greek mythology and, to a much lesser extent, Norse myths. I also had the aforementioned collection of cassette tapes, which had myths and legends from lots of different places and were a gift from some family friends. As I got older, my interest in them stuck. But folktales specifically weren't a big part of my upbringing—or, I guess it's fairer to say that as someone growing up in an urban area to fairly sceptical parents, folklore and folktales didn't have a cultural presence in my life. (Except for the plant lore, like I said).
6. Do you have a favourite book with folklore or folk/fairy tales?
I've said in another ask from this game that More English Fairytales by Joseph Jacobs was my gateway into this special interest, and I really do love it. My copy fell to pieces and dad brought me a new one for Christmas last year, and it brings me such delight. The illustrations are lovely alone, but all the stories have a special nostalgia place in my heart.
Thank you for asking <3
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
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“Ladies, Gentlemen, Enbies...HER--I mean Him? Or them?-- whatever, anyways here's the first part of my daydream paracosm, Humble Pie. I was really happy I was able to come up with the first part in a somewhat cohort manner. Part 2 is also going to follow this sometime soon, but after that its probably just gonna be short shorts, text exchanges, and or drabbles, but that first part’s finally a thing! And that’s cool”
“Also just reminder that this paracosm is set in a mix timeline, like people have flip phones, cassette tapes, but still also have stuff like gamer chairs, and slang like sus/lit exist, so I hope that doesn’t bother you..oof”
“Also I wrote this from my Remarkable, then convert it to text, and did some proof reading, but my handwriting is still can only be read by chickens and my dyslexia ninja has sneak 100 accuracy so..yeah
Word count: 6,115
TW: mention of Bullying, DeadBeat dad, Smoking, Drinking, Swearing (only for comedy’s sake tho’), Dissociation, Guilt (but don’t worry there’s still A LOT of fluff in this piece, tho)
Link to Alternate version on my off-site daydream blog: Humble pie part 1
"Okay, here we go" Beau said, taking one last drag of his cigarette, and taking in one last look at the panoramic view of the town below, Newbury, his hometown, he was away for a year because of college which he dropped out of. Well, "dropout" made it seemed like he had a choice, more like he flunked out, there were' 'reasons that 'made college impossible for Beau, reasons that he couldn't get into or more like reasons he didn't want to get into, these were the some reasons that turned what was suppose to be a 5 hour drive into an 8 hour one, making him stop ever so often to the nearest park, overlook, or clearing to get out, smoke and or take a short walk. These stops were so frequent by the time he reached his hometown’s overlook he was on his last stick, hard to believe he started the trip w/ a full box.
He dropped the last of the remains of the cig on the ground and stomped out the glow ember with his dark brown rounded toed boot, watching the embers glow go out made him feel similar in a way.
Beau took one more last look at the small town below blanketed by the dark, light sky. He looked around. the overlook, bring back memories of. late night make outs, sneak outs and general teenaged shenanigans.
Beau remembers once on a night he was really buzzed, a rare event for him, drinking with his buddies, rather it was the buzz from the beer, or he was just 'riding the 'high off scoring the winning goal for the team, or general teen hormones. He felt invincible, so invincible he stood up on the ledge and proclaimed himself as king of the world
A moment Beau looks back at and shakes his head as if to try to erase the memory from his mind like an etch n’ sketch, suddenly he got a bad taste in his mouth or maybe that's just the cigarettes "King of world….yeah, right" Beau said pulling up the collar of his jacket and shrugging his hands into his pockets, and headed back into the car.
It was getting late and there was no use in stalling any longer, might as well continue to the inevitable. Stalling may be that’s the feeling that's been following him the whole time, stalling the fact that he would have to return to his hometown a failure after being touted and praised for being a star athlete , and getting into a ivy league school, a feat his mom was really proud since she herself couldn't go to college because of having Beau at such a young age, and having to deal with a bunch of other “BS” as Beau would put it.
Beau really wanted to make her proud by becoming a famous football player and make tons of money so she wouldn't ever have to worry about bills n 'stuff and live in the malibu dream house she dreamed of living in since she was a kid, a dream she would talk about to her children like it was fairytale during when time got real tough.Even though she sounded upbeat over the phone about the news, Beau knew his mom was an expert when it came to masking her disappointment and skill that was pretty integral with dealing Beau's birth father. He just hopes she's not too disappointed
As the twilight sky grew more dark the street lights flickered on. Familiar and nostalgic landmarks and structures rolled by as Beau drove by with one hand gripping the wheel while the other hand hung casually out of the rolled down window. the nighttime breeze gentle, tossing his cart dirty blond hair mullet. The 'murmur of punk music lighty playing from the car's speaker, that was playing louder earlier but the volume's quickly depleted because blasting punk 'music at night in a small town is pretty serious offensive a risk, a younger Beau would play around with, but now being older he knows better.
Driving into his old neighborhood, seemingly not much has changed, but what do you expect from a small town? The old neighborhood consisted of typical signatures of most middle upper class .. neighborhoods, Christmas ' decorations long over due to be taken down, manicured lawns, next to slightly less manicured lawns. Some lawns adored w/ gnomes and flamingos, a step up from the lawns of homes in his childhood neighborhood whose homes had what one could consider a lawn but just barely, Beau and his brother were lucky enough to have a sizable back yard and a tree house.
His family's lawn had a bunch of outdoor toys laid about on their lawn: a nerf gun, a pink tricycle, a tiled dyed color bouncy ball and an empty container of mega bubble wand. Beau drove up in the driveway being careful to not accidentally run over any of the toys in the yard.
He eject the mixtape from the player and put it into his jacket chest pocket. Beau leaned over and rummaged through the glove compartment fishing out a small travel can of axe's body spray and another small spray can of mouthwash, he used both to cover the scent of cigarette smoke, a smell his mother was highly sensitive to. He popped in a stick of spearmint for extra measure before getting out of the car and going to the trunk to retrieve his suitcase. Beau only had one suitcase since all the stuff really needed and cared about conveniently fitted in one suitcase.
Beau propped up his suitcase as he closed the trunk, the car beeped and blinked as he pressed the lock button. He headed up the pathway to the front door, his heart beating louder and louder with each step leading up to the front door.
Beau took a deep breath, Pulling himself together. "Okay" He said under his breath as his hand slowly reach for the knob but before he could even get a good grip, the door swung open, Beau's eyes raced up to see the thinning hair of a middle aged man, Beau eyes lowered a bit more to see the mustached clad face of the man the hair belonged to. "Hey, Big Boss! '' the mustache man said with a grin. The man was Beau's stepfather, David.
"Hello, David, I-I mean Dad." Beau awkwardly greeted his stepdad, trying his best not to show discomfort at his step dad's “nickname" for him.
"Ha, ha that's okay, son!”David laughed, giving Beau a hefty pat on the back.
"Here, let me get your bags." David said, reaching for Beau's suitcase, looking behind Beau expecting more bags
“You only brought one bag?" he questioned, looking curiously.
'--I like to be efficient" Beau muttered with a shrug and a side glance. "HAHA you and me both, Big B" David chuckled playful elbowing Beau, who gave a half-smile and a small chuckle--well, more like a slight nose huff
"Hey, honey Big B is home!" David shouted as Beau closed the front door.
His mother came rushing from the bedroom in her rose pink robe w/a barbie in insignia on the front with matching fuzzy slippers, her sandy blond hair still damp from the shower.
"My little boy, oh!" she said, warping Beau in a tight motherly embrace. "Welcome home!" Beau's mother pulled back for a second, cupping her son's face in her hands “you’re still so handsome"
"Wait..." Beau gently removed his mom's hands from his face "Are you okay, mom?" He asked his considerate brown eyes searching his mother's teal eyes for any sign of distress.
"Of course, sweetie," his mom beamed. "I have all of my loved ones under one roof. What's more to ask?"
it's just that I didn't- Y-you know." Beau said with downcast eyes
"Oh, that" his mom said wide eyes and then shaking her head in dismissed
"Don't worry about not finishing college, I mean just look at me"
“But You just seemed so proud that I got in, I just didn't want to let you down"
“Sweetie, it's fine," his mom said, gently guiding his head up with her hand to look at him "I was not proud that-You were becoming the smart, sweet kind young man, I always knew you were, but now. I'm just happy that you’re here and I get to see you go. on the journey myself!" Beau chuckled tightly and blushed at his mom's admiration.
"Plus, Your mom's not the only one who is happy to have You home!” David said, gesturing towards the hallway. Beau looked to see a small figure peeking from the corner, the figure quickly disappeared followed by an overflow of giggles.
A smile slowly creeped across Beau's face, he slowly kneeled down. " "Gasp * Is that my little care bear?"
From the shadows totted out, a little girl dressed in a blue care bear patterned nightgown, her blonde hair tied up in pigtails, she grasped a love-a-lot bear in one arm while her other arm was open as she raced towards Beau, also with arms wide open for a hug "Bo-Bo"
"Hey, care bear!" Beau cooed as he picked up his little sister "Wow, You've gotten so big since the last time I saw you!
"Carrie's been asking when you were coming since you told us you were coming home "David stated
"Yep!'' Carrie nodded proudly "You still have the love-a lot bear I won at grad night". Beau vividly remembers winning Love A Lot and his friends making fun of him, but Carrie really appreciated it more than he thought.
"Yeah, she takes it with her everywhere!" mom emphasized “Thank god, the kindergarten has a security blanket policy!
"Aww..." Beau said fondly looking at Carrie, who had her head resting on his shoulder, still grasping love a lot.
Beau thought for a moment and looked around "wait, where Dev?"
"Oh" mom said putting her hand on her head with a semi sigh "He's been going through... things"
"Teenager things: David specified "He's the big one three now.. "
“Don't worry, I can talk to him!”Beau said, confidently, slowly nodding his head
. Carrie lets out a small yawn "Aw, you sleepy, care bear?" Beau asked as Carrie rubbed her eyes
"It's past her bedtime, but she really wanted to see you," Mom said, stroking Carrie's hair. "Is someone ready for the sleep shuttle'?" Beau asked Carrie, looking at her in her sleepy hazel eyes, she nodded in response
"Alright, Here we go!" Beau held Carrie in both hands placing his arms out in front of him, he kneeled down and started counting down. "3…..2...1. Blast off!"
Beau shot Carrie in the as he stood back up. As he moved towards Carrie's bedroom, he moved all around side to side, up and down while making spaceship sounds, Carrie was giggling all the way through.
"Incoming! "Beau shouted as he swooshed Carrie round a few more times before landing her swiftly on the bed.
"Huston, the eagle. has landed!." Beau said, holding his ear as if he had an earpiece "Not eagle! Bear!" Carrie stated holding up her care bear "correction, the "BEAR" has landed!" Beau correcting himself, bringing a huge smile to her face as she nuzzled her care bear
"Okay, night, right, care bear" Beau said patting carries head
"Wait!" Carrie said holding on to her brother's arm "Is Bo-Bo still gonna be here in the Morning?""Of course, I'm not going anywhere at least for a while.." "Beau said, kneeling down to Carrie's eye level.
"Okay, I like having Bo-Bo around:'' Carrie said "and I like being around" Beau said, "see you in the morning, care bear" Beau gives Carrie a good night kiss on the forehead.
She settles into bed as Beau closes the door. Beau grinned to himself, feeling lucky to have such a cute sister. He remembers when Devin was that little, speaking of Dev. Beau apphoraced Dev's bedroom door. The door was caution tape, Don't enter signs, with a please knock before entering sign.
At first Beau did think about knocking but then thought "I could be a respectful older brother respect the sign or I could have fun and be a little shit. He pondered about it for a minute then-"yeah, I'm gonna be a little shit.”
Beau took a card out his wallet and wedged it in between the door to jimmied the lock. He peeked through the door to see Dev playing a video game on the tv. "you little..." Beau said under his breath, before bombastically opening the door "Hey there, squirt!" Beau said, shoving the door open
"Didn't you read the sign?!" Dev said as he turned around in his gamer chair in both shock-and annoyance
"Wow, that's a pretty warm welcome to give your older brother you haven't seen in a year!" Beau snarked, pretending to look hurt'' "Nice to see you too!"
"Oh my god!" Dev said, rolling his eyes and turning his chair back to tv, bringing his attention back to the game.
"and here I thought you were working on a project or homework or some school shit!" Beau continued "but no, you're just sitting here playing one of your little nerd games"
"Oh my god, can't you just leave!" Dev groaned as he hunching closer to the tv.
"You couldn't at least say "Hi" " Beau said now standing right behind Dev gamer chair
Dev raised and waved his hand half-heartedly and flatly said "hi"
"Well, damn I feel loved," Beau said sarcastically. "aren't you at least gonna look at me?" shaking the gaming chair a bit to gain an ounce of his little brother’s attention.
“ I saw you "Kool aid man" into my room. Is that enough?" Dev said still focusing on the game Beau sighed, then got an idea "Dev! Dev! I think there's something wrong with my heart I think I gonna-ugh!" He said staggering forward a bit before falling in Dev's lap, knocking out the game controller out of Dev's hands.
"Come on! I was in the middle of battle!" Dev whined looking at his brother playing dead
"Get off of me!" Dev go armed as he tried to push beau off with no luck
"Come on, Beau!" He gored in frustration “I know you're not dead! I can still feel your heartbeat..."
Get up!" Beau remained still, Dev rolled his eyes; he knew the exact words to get his brother off his back or in this case lap.
"Big brother, can you please get off of me n Dev utter begrudgingly "Aw, you haven't call me ‘Big brother’ in years" Beau chimed with a smile, finally getting up "I'm still kind of hurt, that you cared about your gaming progress than the well being for your one and only big brother"
"You were still breathing, I could literally see you inhaling and exhaling." Dev clarified rubbing his forehead
"Touche, I guess" Beau said he then directed Dev's chair in front his bed," now that I have your attention"
"Okay, I guess I should say sorry since you couldn't and say "hi" to me because you were too busy saving some elf princess, or some anime chick with huge melons"
"I-H-Hey I don't even play those types of games!" Dev argued blushing
" .-sure you "don't'." Beau taunted with a wink, Dev goanned "Anyways, Anyways you don't have to say "hi",; but you could at least not talk to me"
Beau suggested, shrugging. "I guess" Dev mumbled kind of sinking into his chair "cool, so how's life?" Beau started, trying to start a diagoul "okay"
"How's school?"
"How’re your friends?"
"Got a girlfriend?"'
"Got a boyfriend?"
"Got any crushes"
"joined any clubs or any other after school junk?"
" ..... NO..."
"Are you just gonna answer all my questions in one word?"
Dev fell quiet, and shifted his gaze from his brother
“Okay, that's it!" Beau huffed, he picked up Dev and hoasted him over his shoulder "Hey! put me down!" Dev-shouted , beating his fists on Beau's back "Not until you talk to me like an actual person, and one worded answers aren't gonna cut it, squirt!"
"MOM! Dad!"
"Mom and Dav-Dad are fast asleep, and you know they both sleep like rocks!" Beau stated'' the only person you'll wake up is Carrie, and You don't want to wake little care bear, now do YOU?"
Dev fell Quiet again, "You know I can hold you like this for hours, you aren't really that heavy, or you can just end this and talk to me" Beau suggested ending the suggestion with a sigh and started to stomp his foot impatiently..
Dev continued the silent treatment for a bit until letting out a meek "Okay...I'll try" .
Hey, three words, that's a start!" Beau cheekly commented,He sat Dev back down in his green gamer chair.
"Okay, do over!" Beau said casually sitting across from Dev and his bed. "so, how's school going?" "F-fine” Beau gave Dev a intense look, reminding Dev of his word count “N-no, I mean it's just weird" Dev stuttered choosing his words carefully, Dev fiddled with his hoodie sleeves.
"and it's weird because..." Beau initiated, gesturing his hand toward encouraging Dev to continue "It's weird because.... I don't know, Middle school is way different than 'elementary school, I mean I knew that from tv, but middle school isn't like tv."
"It's okay, nothing like tv, that thing lies” Beau softly chuckled to himself and continued “I remember thinking Pogo sticks were the SHIT-cuz 'of people and cartoons on tv made it look so easy"
"I finally got enough money for one-- you were like little you probably don’t remember this-- but I was SO HYPED, I wanted mom to watch me. I took one hop, fell on my ass, and never hopped on that bitch again. I was pissed, I think mom was trying to her best not to laugh but I was so pissed I think I didn’t notice until now. I chucked the pogo stick in the garage, and I never looked at that bitch again”
Dev let out a stiff laugh, the defensive wall Dev put was slowly breaking
"Oh WAIT WAIT!” Beau said taking a moment to correct himself “ That WASN’T the last time the last time I looked that bitch, I fished it out of garage years later, only cuz’ I need some money for Madden. So, I did look at that bitch one more time, but only to sell that bitch.”
Dev let out a more audible laugh, but quickly caught himself and recollected, returned to his disillusioned teenage state.
"Anyway, The teacher's are kind of weird, like a lot of them hate my guts already, except for the coaches who are super nice to me." Dev explained, kind of looking away from his brother
"Weird, why do you think that is?" Beau asked whole hearty
"Because I'm related to you, Numb skull!" Dev blunted , groaning putting his hand on his forehead
"Oh damn, I guess that's my fault." Beau realized, rubbing the back of his neck "My bad. that my awesomeness is just lengardy"
Dev shook his head and rolled his eyes "It's not awesome to live in YOUR shadow!" Dev sulked, sinking back into his chair, his hands covering his face.
"You don't have to follow in my awesomeness, I know I'm a hard act to follow." Beau boasted teastingly so"You just gotta make your own awesomeness."
"What does that even mean?" Dev questioned, moving his hands down, allowing his eyes to peek through his fingers, trying not to given the urge to roll his eyes
"It's like my awesomeness comes from my boyish charm and good looks..." Beau claimed, striking an award winning smile, The urge not to roll his eyes was becoming even hard for Dev, but he still had to try and respect Beau "But your awesomeness could come from being good at games, or computers shit or math or robots or something--I don't know something real nerdy"
"I guess, you're right" Dev mumbled and shrugged,lifting himself up back into a sitting position rather than almost spilling out of his chair.
"Its not a guess, its science!" Beau declared proudly, tapping his temple with his index finger
"No,that's not science!" Dev arguing his brother's stupidity, flatly shaking his head in disagreement
"See, there you go using your nerd awesomeness" Beau pointed out with a wink "Keep that up and you'll go from Beau's lil bro, to just ‘Dev’ in no time." Beau playful tousled Devs mop dirty blonde hair
"I mean.." Dev continued batting his brother's hand away, "I was also thinking of joining the video game club or the robotics club at school."
"There you go another nerdy thing that to add to your own awesomeness" Beau said
"Yeah...." Dev continued ignoring his brother's comment' “Some of my friends are thinking about joining, and it would be a nice place to go away from mom and dad."
"I had sick memories of hanging out with the team, we got into some wild shit." Beau said laughing to himself, fondly reminiscing "But I'm sure you and you geek squad could have "wild" times too, like making an anime robot 'weify." or whatever those called or finding a new math formula or something"
Dev fell quiet for another moment, Beau always seems like he’s in between being supportive and subtly roasting him, Dev then uttered "um... I think I kind of have a crush... on a girl..."
"AYE, let's go! "Beau exclaimed, clapping and shaking Dev's chair for a bit before bouncing back on the bed'' Come on, don't leave me hanging, what's her name? "Have you talked to her vet? Have you asked her out? Have-"
"Calm down!" Dev demanded "I said I had a crush, I didn't say we’re going out.'"
"Oh, so you haven’t talked to her, huh?”
"No, I-I don't even know her name" Dev huffed, he let his arms slip into his oversize sleeves and covered his sleeves with his face in frustration.
"You know you could just ask, not the chick, like just ask around"
"I can't do that because if I do, people will find out I like her and if she finds out, I would just have to stop going to school!”
"Okay, let’s just pretend you DO have the balls to talk to this girl, what's the worst that could happen?" Beau suggested
"She finds out that I like her, thinks I'm weird and never wants to talk to me again or even look at me!” Dev muffled through his sleeved covered face
"You really think she can sus that out all in one go!" Beau said "I mean she is a middle Schooler unless she's like a young nancy drew, she is not going to chew you up and spit out like that." Beau explained "speaking of which''
Beau paused for a moment to spit out his gum into the trash can "Score!"
"Anyways, have you done anything weird to her or around her?"
"No, I mean I look at her in the hallways before and in between class, but I don't like-- stalk her or anything too weird." Dev mumbled, moving his sleeves from his face, but his head was still targeted down at his fingers fiddling with a tag on his black shorts
"So, then what's the fear?" Beau inquired, resting his chin on the heel of his palm
Dev thought for a moment, his eyes shifting looking for an answer." I-I guess I just don't know how to talk to her."
"Well, fuck, that's easy" Beau chuckled “Just talk about school shit, or just say "hi"
"Is it really that easy?"
"Yeah, if you have the balls for it" Beau reiterated "Think about it like this, the dudes you play in your little nerd games have to fight a dragon, a demon or some anime witch with huge melons to talk to the girl they like and they er brave enough to do all of that wacky shit. But you’re lucky, you don't have a dragon for real in your way to keep you talking from your crush. The dragon's just in your head! If those hero dudes can fight dragons they actually can see, doesn't that mean you can fight a dragon you don't even see."
"That was a really lame and kind of confusing metaphor" Dev sassed " But I guess understand what your trying to say"
"Exactly" Beau said nodding confidentiality
"Can we talk about mom and dad?" Dev asked sheepishly, looking up at his brother, (well as much as he could with his shaggy bangs in the way), his fingers now toying with his hoodie strings
"Did something happen?"
"No, I mean yeah, I mean it's just weird" Dev said "Mom and dad are starting to get more annoying but I don't know if they were always like that or they like charged"
"No, parents don't really change-usually” Beau explained “It's just that being a teenager makes you hypersensitive to a bunch of shit and makes you wanna be alone more. Parents, the good ones like spending time with their kids and they actually want quality time n' shit and that's where they start to get annoying".
“"Oh okay,” Dev nodded.'' It's just weird because sometimes I feel like I hate them, but I don't want to. I think I just really want to be alone more like you said but I don't want to shut them out, I just want them to get that." Dev-fiddles with the strings of his green hoodie
"Yeah, I think they do in a weird old people kind of way. Believe it or not they were teenagers to even if that was back in the stone age n' shit" Beau joke"
Dev let out an actual laugh, a sign to Beau that he's little bro was being less of a moody teenager
"Anyway, even with that said mom and david-I mean dad aren't mind readers, it would be cool if you give them a heads up, you don't have to tell them all about what's going on in your little teen nerd brain but at least something simple like something weird or funny that happened at school, or asking for help on homework or a project for class or some shit like that, I'm pretty sure Dav-dad would love that.."
"I guess I could try". Dev said slightly nodding his head "But Carrie is kind of weird too!
"How can Carrie be weird, she's 5.” Beau scoffed "she doesn't do anything weird really"
Dev added" it's just sometimes she's regular cute and other times she's annoyingly cute if that makes sense"
"I mean like kind of get what you're saying but "Beau shrugged gesturing his hand toward prompting Dev to continue
"Like I still look out for her because she little, but because she's little that means I have to do dumb stuff like look for monsters under her bed or do that sleep shuttle thing you do, but I can't really do it because my arms give out halfway through and she's heavier than she looks."
"Well, little brothers and sisters are annoying, it's kind of their job, trust me I know from experience" Beau: put his hand on Dev's knee, Dev tried to Swat at it but Beau quickly put his hand back with a smirk.
"But like with mom and da-David just cuz she's annoying doesn't mean You can’t look out for her n stuff"
"I guess, its because lately, it seems like'' Dev paused 'for a beat, his hands hard gripping the strings of his hoodie, before continuing" I don't know mom and dad have been paying more attention to her than me"
A mischievous smile creeps across his face. "AW does someone miss being the baby?"'
"Oh, fuck! I knew you 'er gonna say that!" Dev blurted out, feeling really exposed, he pulled his hoodie strings allowing his head to be consumed by his hoodie, all but his nose.
"Hey! language,” Beau said, surprised at his little brother's reaction those harsh words coming out of the mouth of small boy sporting a Yoshi hoodie
"You cuss' all the time!" Dev huffed pulling his hoodie back down, then crossing his arm definitely
"Yeah, but I'm older than you, and if mom and David--DAD hear you curse they’er gonna know you got it from me and won't get off my ass about it!"
Dev stared at his brother, simmering in frustration in failing to coming up w/a good come back or a flaw in his brother's logic, He let out a heavy sigh and resumed "Anyways, it's NOT like I miss being the baby, I just miss being able to hold their attention without Carrie coming in and stealing them anyway, I don't know its weird"
"Wait, did you just say that you wanted to be alone and away from mom and David-fuck. I'm not even gonna try more-he's asleep anyways." giving up any attempt to make the word "Dad" same with the name "David"
"Yeah, I know that's what makes it weird!" Dev admitted, he sulked back deeper into his chair and let out a groan.
"You know Carrie's not awake all the time, maybe you can talk to mom and David, when she goes down for her nap, hell, I could just take her to the park for a day." Beau offered
"You'd really do that for me?" Dev peeped, quickly lifting himself up in a sitting position, surprised at his brother kind offer
"Yeah, anything to make you less of a weird angsty shut in, with a bunch of cringy keep out signs and keep out tape!" Beau gestured towards the door
"Actually, I got that caution tape from a real crime scene" Dev clarified, with a smug smile
"Really?" Beau taking a longer closer look at the door
"No, thick head, I found it in a dumpster next to party city!"
"You go dumpster diving?" Beau said, raising an eyebrow
"I have a life outside of YOU!" Dev stated proudly
"Okay, and on that... Weird garbage goblin flex, sibling bonding time is over." Beau said getting up from the bed and heading for the door
"Actually, one more thing..." Beau said quickly, turning around, rushing towards Dev, putting him into a headlock.
"Did ya miss me? Come on, tell me that you missed me!" Beau taunted as he gave his brother a long and through noogie "Ouch, Ow, Ow, Okay, okay, I missed You. Geez:" Dev pleaded trying to struggle out of his brother's grip
"That's what I wanted to hear!" Beau said with a smirk, letting 'Dev go.
"Ugh! my hair" Dev fumed , gawking at his even more messy mop of hair.
"Like you care about appearances" Beau chuckled" mop top nerd!"
"Mullet-hair metal meathead!"
"Ouch, that was pretty good" Beau teased pretending to look hurt "Garbage Goblin"
"You already-"Dev started but was cut off by Beau closing the door
"Too late, the door is closed, I can't hear you, which means I win!" Beau said through the door, laughing at his brother's muffled fury of frustration.
Beau grinned relishing in the absolute confusion of his younger brother, but that good vibe quickly faded once he arrived at the door to his old bedroom. He just stood there and stared at the door for a bit, he could feel the icky stew of the emotions from bubbling back up again.
He flexed his hand a few times as if this was the first time he's ever pored a door, Beau's hand reached for the door handle before retracted as if the knob was red hot.
Beau sheepishly looked around as if somebody was watching him, no one was but it sure did feel like it. He considered sleeping on the couch, but that would be weird, since it seemed like his step dad put his luggage in his room. so, eventually he would have to go into his room anyway.
Beau took a deep breath. "Come on, it's just a door, dude!" He told himself Beau's hand rested on the door knob, he took another deep, his hand gained a stronger grip, and he slowly pushed the door open, Beau carefully entered the room as he closed the door behind him. Looking around the room was plaster with posters of football players and a few pinups of doe-eye, sensual women in swimsuits and other scantily clad outfits.
Athletic medals, trophies and awards displayed proudly on his bookshelf that lacked any actual books, those trophies stood next to pictures of Beau with his teammates, all illuminated by the moon's dull pale blue light. These relics of what felt like a bygone era used to fill Beau with so much pride and joy but looking at them now just leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
He could barely even recognize himself in those photos. This whole room felt like a shrine or more like a tomb to someone who no longer exists.
Looking at all this stuff just made the icky feelings from before rise up to the back of his throat making the bad taste linger even longer.
Beau couldn't really pin what-these feelings were, so he shifted his focus on just getting some sleep
As he thought, Beau's step dad put his luggage on his bed. He opened his bag and quickly changed into a white tank top and some grey sweatpants. He fished out the mix tape from his jean jacket and put into the gray clucky music player on his nightstand. Beau turns the music up loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for disturb anyone else. Heavy metal music (ironally) helped him sleep on hard nights.
Beau laid in bed focusing on the one spot in his room that wasn't decorated with high school memorabilia. Focusing on that spot was way better than focusing on the icky feelings from earlier. All he needed to was focus on sleep just sleep, Beau closed his eyes and tried to focus on just sleep.
The next time Beau opened his eyes, he was back in the hallway of his highschool. Beau looked around confused why he was back here but before he could really sus out the situation, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud. He followed the sound of the thud that led to a scene of a bespectacled student being shoved up against the lockers. The student's face contorted by fear.
"P-please, d-don't hurt me. "the student uttered, the words quivering as it left his lips.
"Aww, look at him, guys." a familiar voice said, Beau couldn't see whom the voice belonged to. There was a strange mist in the hallway that obscured the person's face.-
"He's scared." the voice said mockly, the person nodded towards a group of people whose faces were also obscured by the mist, they laughed in response
“Don't worry, little buddy, I'm not gonna hurt ya:" the person taunted as he tightened his grip on the student and shoved his body up against the failing student. "As long as you don't squeal" .
"You squeal, and I'll fry you like the pig you are, got it. Swine?"
"I-I p-promise I W-won't. J-just please let me go!" the student begged
Beau was disturbed by scene happening before him, but along with the feel of disgust came a feeling of familiarity, like he's been there before
Just then the fog lift to reveal the face of a younger version of Beau dawned in his red “New Burny High school” letterman jacket. He was smirking relish in the fear he was inflicting on the poor student.
Older Beau slowly back up, almost stumbling as he was coming to the realization of the origin of all those icky feelings from before
"I don't know, do we trust him, guys?" Younger beau asked cocking his head back to his teammates, who shook their head in disagreement "The Boys and I don't seem very sure of that, I think I'm gonna have to test your loyalty !" Younger Beau winded up his arm for a punch, But before his fist could make an impact.
Beau found himself back in his room in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as quickly rose from his bed. His room, still illuminated by the moonlight, with the metal mix tape softly playing in the background. He looked at his hand as if they were lethal weapons. How could I do such a thing?
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alexandralyman · 5 years
Could you write a one shot where Ethier killian or emma has to sing to one another because they have a nightmare? I have been trying to find a fic like this but I cant😞 Just a suggestion :)
Hey @liftinglovley - you sent me this a while ago and I finally sat down and wrote it out. I knew the song I wanted to use - a personal Disney fave that I think is underrated compared to the more famous ones but it perfect as a CS song - it just took some time to figure out the rest. What I came up with was this, 3,900 words, mostly of canon compliant, domestic CS.
Set at some point after 7x02 and before the finale, rated PG
Also posted on ff.net here as part of my Every Page series of one-shots
                                          candle on the water
Minnesota, 1991Children’s Group Home
“She’s faking it.”
Emma looked over Mrs. Cooper’s shoulder at Kayla, leaning against the doorway with her a sour look on her face. The thermometer jammed uncomfortably in Emma’s mouth kept her from sticking her tongue out at the other girl, Kayla had been nothing but a bitch since Emma had arrived at the group home and here she was again, sticking her nose in where it didn’t belong.
“Kayla, you’re going to miss the bus,” Mrs. Cooper said without turning around, one hand pressed to Emma’s forehead. She took the thermometer and squinted at it, while Kayla craned her neck and tried to get a look at the number on the little screen. Emma hunched forward, the scratchy, donated pajamas were making her back itch again and felt damp and gross after a night of tossing and turning and barely making it to the bathroom down the hall before she threw up that morning.
“You’ve got a bit of a fever honey, it’s probably best if you stay home from school today.”
“What?” Kayle screeched, dropping her faux-fur backpack on the floor with a thump. “No way! If she’s sick then so am I, she probably gave it to me and I should get to stay home from school too!”
“That’s enough!” Mrs. Cooper snapped, getting up off of Emma’s bed and turning around to shoo Kayle out of the room. “You already skipped twice last week and now I’ve got to set up another meeting with your principal and your social worker to discuss your attendance issues, you are not sick and you are going to school today, young lady!”
Emma felt too crappy to tell Mrs. Cooper that Kayla had actually skipped school three times last week, not two, and had gone to the mall with two older boys to shoplift cassettes from the music store and had hidden them under her mattress. Besides, Emma wasn’t a snitch, even if Kayla deserved to be hauled off to juvie, snitches got their ass beat and their stuff messed with. Still, she smiled as Kayla angrily snatched up her backpack and went stomping down the stairs, followed a minute later by the loud slam of the front door. Mrs. Cooper sighed at the sound, shaking her head. Emma almost felt sorry for her, but she knew by now that the woman would probably be gone in a few months anyway and a new housemother would come in and change all the rules again, no one ever stayed for long working at the group home and there was no point in feeling bad for any of them. Even the nice ones.
Especially the nice ones, cause it always hurt the most when they left.
Mrs. Cooper was one of the okay ones. She told Emma that she had a lot of work to do and would be in her office most of the day, but Emma could watch TV if she wanted instead of having to stay in bed, as long as she didn’t make too much noise. Emma dug out her baby blanket from her own hiding place and brought it down with her to the TV room, since she knew it would be safe with all of the other kids at school until three. The older kids usually hogged the remote and never let anyone else pick what show to watch, so Emma didn’t even care that the saltines Mrs. Cooper brought from the locked pantry to help settle her stomach were the lame store-brand kind that always broke when you tried to take them out of the package and tasted like cardboard. She clutched the remote tight on her lap all through The Price is Right and when it was over and some dumb soap opera started she started flicking through all the channels, careful to keep the volume down so that Mrs. Cooper wouldn’t get all mad and make her go back to bed. Boring news shows, and even more boring M*A*S*H rerun, that was playing on two different channels for some reason, an infomercial for a cooking thing that could make breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert, and she changed channels again because the grilled cheese sandwich the lady was making in it looked good and was making her hungry. She wished the VCR wasn’t broken again or that they got one of the cool channels like MTV, burrowing a bit more into her blanket.
“And now back to the KSTP afternoon movie, Pete’s Dragon.”
Emma watched as the TV screen was filled with a little, old-fashioned looking town next to the ocean. She sort of knew this movie, it was one of those old Disney ones that had real people and cartoons all mixed together, like Mary Poppins. The older kids would call it a baby movie, especially Kayla, who hid makeup she wasn’t supposed to be wearing in her backpack, but the older kids and Kayla were all at school and Emma could watch whatever she wanted to without anyone making fun of her.
She leaned her head against one of the cushions as the movie played on. Pete was a boy, an orphan about the same age as her, but he had a dragon named Elliott who helped him escape from the bad people who’d bought him and together they made their way to the small town by the ocean. They met a lady named Nora, whose boyfriend died in a shipwreck, and her dad the lighthouse-keeper, and all the other townspeople, living happily with them until the bad people showed up and tried to capture Elliott. He got away, and used his breath to relight the fire at the top of the lighthouse after it went out, saving the life of Nora’s boyfriend, who wasn’t dead, he just had amnesia and forgot her until he got better and had come back on another ship. They invited Pete to stay and join their family, and he said goodbye Elliott, who flew away to look for another kid like Pete to help.
There was also a *lot* of singing. Emma didn’t like to sing, not anymore.
It was kind of a baby movie. Orphans like Pete didn’t just find new families like that. They ended up in foster care and their chances of adoption went down the older they got. The social workers called it statistics, Emma knew it meant that there wasn’t a happy, ready-made family out there waiting for her, or Kayla, or any of the other older kids. In real life Nora and her boyfriend would just have their own baby. And dragons definitely weren’t real.
The songs were okay though, and her favourite was the one Nora sang while looking out over the ocean from the lighthouse balcony when she was missing her boyfriend, even though it was the slow one.
“I’ll be your candle on the water,My love for you will always burn.I know you’re lost, and drifting,But the clouds are lifting.
Don’t give up, you have somewhere to turn.”
Some Years LaterStorybrooke, Maine.
“How’s the morning sickness today, sweetheart?”
Emma held the phone to her ear with her shoulder, reaching up for the box of saltines in the cupboard.
“More like Killian-tired-to-bring-fresh-mackerel-in-the-house-sickness today,” she said to her mother with a wince. “The smell was just….ugh.”
Snow laughed softly. “Oh, I remember that. I had to bolt from a ball once when I was pregnant with you and they were passing around caviar hor d'oeuvres, your poor father found me throwing up in a decorative urn out on the balcony.”
“Yeah, pregnancy and fish just don’t seem to mix. Which is a little awkward when you’re married to a man who views it as an essential food group.”
“Guess it runs in the family,” Snow said, and Emma could practically see her mother’s smile even over the phone. “You do kind of have my chin.”
She started to nibble on one of the saltines while Snow chatted on, hoping Killian would be back soon with the ginger ale he’d gone out to get after discovering they were all out while she was puking her guts up in the bathroom. He felt terrible about the whole mackerel incident, quickly apologizing to both her and the baby for upsetting them before slamming the lid back on the cooler and taking it out onto the porch. Emma loved that he was teaching her little brother how to fish, but maybe the rather pungent fruits of their labour could stay on the Jolly Roger and out of her kitchen for right now.
“Oh! Before I forget, I got a letter from Ruby, after the baby shower she and Dorothy are going to finally take that road trip out to Kansas that they keep talking about before they go back to Oz.”
It was a little odd that the guest list for Emma’s upcoming baby shower included both the actual Wicked Witch of the West and Dorothy, but such was life in the small town of Storybrooke Maine, where almost everyone was a fairytale character, including Emma’s own husband and the father of her unborn child, the fearsome Captain Hook himself.
A very sheepish Captain Hook, when he returned home from the grocery store toting a reusable shopping bag stuffed with ginger ale, another box of saltines, the good kind and not the lame store brand that always broke as soon you tried to take one out of the sleeve and tasted like cardboard, a bouquet of roses and a scented candle.
Two scented candles.
Three scented candles.
Candles kept appearing from the bag until over half a dozen jars were crowded together on the kitchen table, cinnamon stick, eucalyptus, bayberry, fresh linen. Emma rested a hand on the swell of her stomach and raised an eyebrow at Killian, noting how the tips of his ears had gone red.
“I thought a candle might help if there was any lingering odor from the mackerel, but I wasn’t sure if there were any other scents you and the bean were particularly sensitive to right now so I thought I should get a backup, just in case, but then what if you didn’t like that one either so I procured a backup for the backup, and then-”
“A backup for that one too?” Emma finished, trying not to laugh.
“Aye, well. It seemed like a good idea at the market.”
She’d used Febreeze and a bit of magic to get rid of the icky fish smell once she’d come out of the bathroom, but she appreciated the effort nonetheless and she shuffled forward to wrap her arms around his neck while he shifted his hips to make room for the baby between them. Pregnancy was hard, and exhausting, she wasn’t seventeen this time around and morning sickness had teamed up with midnight heartburn to seriously kick her ass, but she had Killian and her parents and half the town on speed dial, ready to drop everything and come to the Saviour’s aid.
It had taken her years to find the home Neal had once talked about, and almost as long to accept that Storybrooke was, in fact, that place, but now that she had it was like a cloud had lifted and while her life would never be simple, she wasn’t living it alone.
They had takeout from Granny’s for dinner instead of fresh-caught mackerel - grilled cheese, with a side of sauerkraut, because Emma had a craving for it and Killian knew better than to ask why the smell of fish made her throw up but fermented cabbage was OK - and finished the movie she’d fallen asleep halfway through the night before. After their wedding, once things had finally quieted down in Storybrooke (not that they were ever completely calm in a town where Moby Dick might surface in the harbour on a random Sunday and a pair of actual dragons lived in a house down the street and threw weekly barbecues that had a tendency to set neighbouring cars on fire) they’d finally had time for what Henry dubbed Operation Pop Culture, a.k.a getting Killian more familiar with The Land Without Magic. Specifically, the movies, TV shows, books and music that everyone with curse memories was already aware of and even though Henry was off on his own adventure now, they still made time at least once a week to keep the operation going in his honour.
Star Wars. Back to the Future. Indiana Jones. Harry Potter. They made their way through several TV shows on Netflix and watched the animated Disney classics. Which was…interesting, to actually sit down and rewatch them all now that she knew the real stories behind the catchy songs and all the happily ever afters. They’d taken a bit of a break after Peter Pan, for obvious reasons, and Emma was sure watching it had been a huge mistake, but Killian said he wanted to see her frame of reference for all the people that now made up their family and friends, to understand why she had such a hard time reconciling that Mary Margaret and David really were Snow White and Prince Charming at first, or that magic was actually real.
It had been more difficult for the both of them than she’d expected, but just like letting her son follow his own path, sometimes difficult was necessary.
Now they were in the midst of what Emma described to Henry during their enchanted mirror Skype sessions as, “Disney Movies Starring People We Don’t Know and Aren’t Related To (We Think)” that had started after a bout of magic gone wrong had resulted in Killian and David switching bodies, literally on a Friday too, so naturally they had to watch Freaky Friday once the spell was undone and everyone was thankfully back where they belonged, which wasn’t Killian-in-David’s-body sleeping on their couch and David-in-Killian’s accidentally scratching the shit out of everything in the farmhouse with the hook until Snow finally took it away in exasperation.
Mary Poppins. Honey I Shrunk the Kids. The Parent Trap and Herbie the Love Bug (like with Freaky Friday, the originals only, not the Lindsay Lohan remakes) Pete’s Dragon. Escape to Witch Mountain. Emma had seen some of them before, some were new to her, and the easy, family-friendly movies with simple plots and happy endings were just the thing to relax with in the evenings, especially with their own family expanding literally day by day.
By the time David Freeman made it back to 1978 and his parents and brother after travelling through time in Flight of the Navigator, Emma was stifling her yawns, her head pillowed on Killian’s chest and his fingers playing gently with her hair. She was already in her pajamas, or more accurately, his, since the waistband on the flannel pants was still stretchy enough for her stomach and his T-shirts fit much better than hers right now, plus they were all soft and comfy. The baby was already asleep and Emma wasn’t that far behind, Killian took care of locking up and turning off the lights while she made her way upstairs and drowsily brushed her teeth.
“Goodnight, my love,” he said once they were settled in bed, spooned up behind her with his strong thighs warm against the backs of hers, bracing her against any possible storm brewing on the horizon, even if it was just midnight heartburn again. His hand drifted down to her stomach, as it did every night. “Goodnight, little bean.”
Ever since the pregnancy tracking app on her phone had compared the size of their then eight week old embryo to a jelly bean, Killian had called the baby their own magic bean and even though he or she (they were keeping it a surprise) was now supposedly the size of a papaya according to that same app, the “little bean” nickname had stuck.
“Night, Killian. Love you too.”
She was up again around two, thankfully not because of heartburn, but she needed to pee and she was hungry. Emma went downstairs after she’d used the bathroom, leaving Killian to sleep while she rooted around for something to nosh on. The house was dark, shadowed, the half-finished nursery stacked with boxes and Henry’s old room still had comic books on the shelves and photos tacked around the mirror.
Her children, both were with her in some ways, and absent in others.
The overhead light was too bright to deal with in the middle of the night so she flicked her fingers absently at one of the candles and it flared to life in an echo of the magic flaring under her skin. It illuminated just enough so she didn’t trip over the rolled-up bottoms of Killian’s pj pants or stub her toe on any of the kitchen chairs. She wasn’t sure which one it was exactly, but the smell was nice.
Emma started humming under her breath while she debated between what was left of the sauerkraut or throwing some poptarts in the toaster when a noise from upstairs made her freeze. A faint thump, and then another, and then a loud cry that had magic bursting alongside the adrenaline that flooded her when she heard her husband scream. Without thinking about it she teleported herself upstairs and as the smoke cleared she saw he was sitting up in bed, pillows thrown to the floor and the hook clutched in his hand. He had a more modern brace to attach it to now instead of the old contraption of leather straps and buckles, but he didn’t sleep with it on and it was usually left on the nightstand next to the phone charger. His phone was providing the bit of light in the room, Emma could see the picture of herself that he had set as his lockscreen smiling at her and then it turned off and the room was plunged into darkness, but not before she caught a glimpse of Killian’s face, eyes wide and terrified.
His voice wavered and cracked while she climbed onto the bed, a bit awkwardly thanks to the extra weight she was carrying, plucking the hook from his unresisting fingers and setting it aside. He curled into her helplessly and she felt that his skin was damp, clammy, as if he’d just had a fever, but of course that wasn’t what it was.
A shaky nod that she felt rather than saw, and a wave of her hand and a wish for light brought up the candle from the kitchen, it appeared on her dresser still lit and filled the room with a soft glow. It wasn’t the first time that one of them had had a bad dream, leaving the past and all its scars was still a bit of an ongoing project that, like the nursery, they were working on together.
“What was it this time?” Emma asked, although she had a good idea when his hand instantly found her stomach. After a beat Killian confirmed her suspicion with a single word, “Pan.”
Sometimes it was the Underworld, sometimes it was being the Dark One, sometimes it was something older, like his brother, or his father, but ever since the pregnancy test had turned positive Killian’s nightmares tended to revolve around Peter Pan.
“He came for our little bean through the window…and I couldn’t…Emma, I couldn’t stop him.”
Emma saw that the window had been left open a crack and the curtains were fluttering in the breeze, a small, simple thing, unless you were Captain Hook and your wife was pregnant with your child.
Killian Jones sagged into her side, his arms around her waist and his head on her chest. Peter Pan was dead, the Lost Boys had all grown up and that story was over. Emma dreamed about him too, sometimes, just like she also dreamed about the Underworld and her time as the Dark One as Killian did, and like him she also had her own old traumas making a reappearance. Getting arrested for something and having to give birth in shackles again, or having to leave Killian behind as she and their little bean were forced to leave Storybrooke and forgetting him as soon as she crossed the town line.
Weekly sessions with Archie helped, but in the middle of the night when it was just the two of them they didn’t talk much about the dreams themselves, they just held each other and found other ways to take shelter from storms made of memories and regrets.
She held Killian and hummed to him under her breath, softly at first, the same tune she’d once hummed into a cassette recorder as a forgotten child living in a shitty group home in Minnesota. The song was still in her heart and she drew on it again, but it wasn’t for herself this time, it was for her sailor, lost at sea and seeking his way back home.
“I’ll be your candle on the waterMy love for you will always burnI know you’re lost and driftingBut the clouds are lifting
Don’t give up, you have somewhere to turn.”
The flame flickered and bounced, light spilling across the bed as Killian’s shoulders started to relax and the lingering tension from his nightmare drained away while Emma sang a song she hadn’t quite remembered and never really forgotten.
“A cold and friendless tide has found you,Don’t let the stormy darkness pull you down.I’ll paint a ray of hope around you,Circling in the air, lighted by a prayer.
“I’ll be your candle on the water,This flame inside of me will grow.Keep holding on, you’ll make it,Here’s my hand, so take it.
Look for me reaching out to show,As sure as rivers flow,
Killian joined in on the final verse, his forehead resting against hers as the magic that bound them let them share the song and their voices mixed together in a promise to each other and to their little bean, held between them and loved, so loved already.
I’ll never let you go,I’ll never let you go,ll never let you go.”
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Disney Questions
So uh @fashionducky1812​  wanted me to answer them all. So you can all laugh like you want, but I do love Disney. I would still be happy if Sam will never know about this!
Some character just have the best outfits, which Disney character would your muse like to swap wardrobes with? Oh. I just saw that Castiel would go for Prince Eric’s clothes and I’m a bit speechless. But I would probably go for Sheriff Woody, cause you know: Cowboys. But if Cas wants me to be a prince, I’d go for uh Prince Naveen of Maldonia.
Sometimes you just gotta ask…’how do they get their hair to look like that?’ Which Disney character’s hair/style would your muse love to have?
Hmm. This question is hard, because I do like my hair the way it is. (Cas looks like Aladdin or Eric right?? :D That actually explains my childhood crushes) But I think Prince Phillip looks awesome, so I’d take his hairsytle.
Among the long roster of characters which Disney character do you think your muse is most like?
Probably Flynn Rider? Cause I’m an idiot.
Not every character will be a hit with everyone, which Disney character does your muse not like? (Not necessarily hate but just care for the least)
The guy who shot Bambi. I will never get over this. Just watched that movie once and couldn’t sleep at all that night.
From a tiny chameleon to a Bengal tiger, which Disney animal sidekick would your muse most like to have for their own?
Flounder, cause he is so loyal or Mushu, cause he is funny.
Sometimes we all wanna just get away from our own lives for a while, if your muse could be a Disney character for the day who would they most like to be?
Peter Pan. Yeah I know kinda silly, but I’d like to fly around without being afraid for once. Just being a child and having fun. Sounds like a dream.
Everyone loves a happily ever after, usually. Which story’s happily ever after is your muses’ favorite? If they could have one of their own which one would it be like?
I really like the ending of Ariel? Like they are two people from completely different worlds, but they find each other at the end. My own happy end? I feel like I’m having it right now and it’s similar to Ariel’s. I still have my family, but I also got my own Prince from a different world, who is actually seeing me and... loving me.
Singing a jolly tune from time to time can be fun! What is your muses’ favorite overall Disney tune to jam out to every time without fail? What about favorite villain song? Love song? Sidekick song?
Ohhh. Well I have a hidden cassette with Disney songs in my room. I really like “I’ll make a man out of you”. Best villian song is: “Gaston”. Best love song is: “Can you feel the love tonight?” and best sidekick song is: “Kiss the Girl” or “Be our Guest.”
There’s usually always someone who makes our hearts skip a beat or two, who’s your muses’ Disney crush?
Oh well like I said I had always a thing for Aladdin or Prince Eric. Uh the...the dark hair and Eric’s blue eyes... But I also wanted Peter Pan to free me and take me with him.
Everyone has their favorites, what about your muse? Who’s their top 5 favorite Disney characters overall? (Feel free to also get more specific! Such as Top 5 Princesses, Top 5 Villains, Top 5 Animals, etc.)
Top 5 Princesses: Ariel, Tiana, Mulan, Jasmine and Belle.
Top 5 Princes: Eric, Aladdin, Peter Pan, Prince Charming, Flynn Rider
Top 5 Animals: Mushu, Flounder, Abu, Stitch and the crocodile from Peter Pan
Top 5 Villains: Cruella de Vil, Scar, Captain Hook, Yzma, Hades and Ursula ( I don’t care that I named 6)
Take a magic carpet ride across the world and tell us which Disney place your muse would most like to live!
Oh. This will probably suprise everyone but I’m happy to live in the bunker. Or at least in the near of it. But! I’d really like to visit the beach for a holiday, so he could take me there.
Disney has always told many stories with lessons that we all need to learn, which one has your muse most taken to heart?
Oh the lesson from the Princess and the frog is pretty awesome? Like it’s okay to wish for something, but you also have to work hard for your dream to come true.
With a long list to choose from what is your muses’ favorite Disney movie of all time?
Ariel and Peter pan.
Magic is a strong force within the Disney universe, which magical being would your muse most like to have by their side?
Every story needs a memorable detail, Which iconic Disney symbol is your muses’ favorite? (i.e. Mickey’s ears, Cinderella’s glass slipper, or Rapunzel’s sun)
Mickey’s ears to be honest.
Disney has been known to tug on our hearts and make us feel so many emotions, what scene makes you muse cry every time? Which scene makes them happiest? How about laugh the most? Most inspired?
Cry every time: When Simba sees how his father dies, when Ariel sees how Prince Eric kisses someone else, when Belle leaves and the Beast thinks she doesn’t like him back.
Laugh the most: The mushu dishonor rant and probably every scene with Timon and Pumba or the entire movie: The Emperor's New Groove
The happiest: Every happy ending to be honest.
Most inspired: When Mulan fights for her country even though she knew the risks.
Sometimes there are moments so powerful they stick with us for a long time. What does your muse consider to be the most iconic moment of any Disney move?
Hmmm. This is a hard one. Maybe when Simba came back and faught Scar.
A dream is a wish your heart makes, or so the song goes and they say that if you dream something more then once it’s sure to come true! What is a dream your muse has that they wish would come true?
Lately I dream a lot about good things and that is still kinda new to me. I dream about having a real family. Not that my family isn’t real or any less perfect. But I’d like some kids that wake me up in the morning and all that crap.
Disney has had it fair share of live-action movies to go along side their animated roster, what is one live-action Disney movie your muse loves?
Beauty and the Beast, but also Cinderella. Both made me cry.
Not every Disney movie makes it sadly for one reason or another, what is one movie that your muse loves that they consider to be highly underappreciated?
The Fox and the Hound.
Many of Disney’s works have been put onto the grand stages of Broadway, does you muse have a favorite? Is there one they most want to see?
Lion King!
Disney has retold many famous fairytales over the years, what is one fairytale your muse would love to see adapted by the house of mouse?
Eh... I have no idea to be honest. I love the house of mouse, but I have no idea which fairytale wasn’t already there.
Sometimes we forget that not every animated movie was created by Disney now matter how it may seem. What’s one movie your muse often forgets isn’t part of the magical world?
Anastasia and Bartok! That is such a great movie.
Seeing the parks decked out for the holidays can be some of the most beautiful sights, so long as you don’t mind the crowds too much. What holiday does your muse love going to the parks for?
I’ve never been there, but Christmas must be pretty awesome. Or Halloween too.
It’s every Disney lovers dream to meet their favorite characters and at the parks that dream can become a reality! Which characters do they love meeting with at the parks? Is there one who isn’t around anymore that they wish would return?
I’d like to meet. uh... Ariel and Prince Eric. And maybe even Winnie the pooh and tigger?
It’s hard not to spend a lot on merch when at a Disney park, does you muse manage to control themselves well enough or do they tend to come back with more merch then they know what to do with?
I probably wouldn’t buy anything. Too embarrassed anyway, but regret it.
A popular thing within the Disney parks is pin trading! Does your muse collect them? Do they have any particular collections they are trying to complete or have completed?
Nah not really.
The Disney parks were created with children and the child at heart in mind, which theme park ride dose your muse have to go on every visit?
Honestly? I’d like to do the Merry Go Round at the big castle. It’s really embarrassing, but I bet it would be... fun. I’m too scared of the rollercoasters.
Walking around the enormous Disney parks all day can make you pretty hungry, what snacks does your muse pick up to remedy that?
I need to try EVERYTHING. Bet they have some awesome pie there.
The Disney parks have a variety of shows and events for people to enjoy, what are some of you muses’ favorite? Which one do they have to see every time?
The parade at the end of the day. I’d like to see that one day.
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nadiaszegecsmusic · 6 years
The Guitar Story of Roberto Faria aka Roberto Supertramp
On my previous post I mentioned I met Roberto in Japan, here is a little about the scorpio ♏️ guitarist that played on a few songs of my debut album. ♪ 1. What is your story with the guitar? R: My story with music started very early. Since I was little there was a lot of music around the house and someone playing an instrument. I was lucky to have a father that listened to a lot of classical music and Brazilian music. My mum would always put some ABBA, Simon & Garfunkel and The Beatles cassette tapes on. So, I never separated/segregated music by style much and for some reason, I always wanted to play instruments, I would be drawn to anything that made a sound. 🎼
At the age of 9, I got a keyboard that I played every single day, without even having lessons for, I would be finding the melodies for the songs that I liked, and something else that I didn't understand much but also my favourite was to create my own songs, without even knowing I would be on the keys all day. 🎹  
👾 However, soon after, I got a console video game and thought that was the best thing in the world and so slowly I withdrew from the keyboard, but luckily I lived in a town where MTV was on open TV, and without even wanting I was exposed to many bands that have left their mark in some way. I remember like it was today, the music videos of bands like Metallica, Guns N Roses, Skid Row, Tears for Fears (that have become some of my favourite bands).
When I was 13, I met a kid in school that had a super nintendo 🎮, after we became friends I would go to his place to play video games... but was completely unaware that he played guitar. One day he said he wanted to test something with me and taught me one chord on the acoustic guitar which I played repeatedly while he soloed over it. I didn't want to do that, I wanted to play video games, but slowly I abandoned the games when I realised that I was totally focused on the acoustic guitar. 🎸
Since then, I haven't stopped playing... It's been 24 years. I still love all kinds of music and all kinds of different instruments that I can get my hands on. I love music. ️❤️🎶
♪ 2. What is your favourite song that you played in the album? R: I always really liked FairyTales and Stone Baby, I don't remember the equipment I used to record but I think I used a few different guitars on all the songs I played. 💿
♪ 3. How was the distant recording process for you? R: There is a good and bad side in distant recording; 👍 The good is that it was possible to record the songs even living in different countries. 👎 But the bad side I think is the low productivity. I believe if we had the chance to develop the parts together in the same room could've been better. I find it very easy to work through the ideas with another person and I like to try various concepts & ideas... So, if I could choose the creative process, I would prefer to go through it together in person. * * * * *
Hope you enjoyed this post! Roberto also loves film, follow him on instagram @robertosupertramp Check out my album at: nadiasilverstone.bandcamp.com soundcloud.com/nadiasilverstone spotify. nadiasilverstone  or all other major platforms.
Much love, ✌️ NS.x
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datmerrywanderertho · 8 years
i was tagged by: @caitlinvsshark 
Jane Austen: Who was your first love?  your mom 
Ray Bradbury: What is your favorite book?  Lenny Bruce is Dead maybe 
Charles Darwin: What is your favorite animal? Owls probably, even when they sit on the ground and look away so I'll think they're a weird cat. 
 Alice Walker: What is your favorite color? Greens and browns 
Kurt Vonnegut: What is your favorite breakfast cereal? Pb Capn Crunch 
J.D. Salinger: What was your favorite subject in school? Latin etymology, architectural drawing (even though the class itself was shit), and Accounting 
J.K. Rowling: What is your favorite magical creature? Dryads rn 
Neil Gaiman: What religion are you? My folks tried to put me on as Presbyterian, but their autopilot parenting made me figure life out all on my own, so I'm an atheist 
Oscar Wilde: What is your vice? Apathy and dissociation 
Julia Child: What is the best meal you’ve ever eaten? The vegan mac and cheez with onion and spinach I made. 
Stephen King: What was your last Halloween costume? Puck, pissed and tired 
Harper Lee: Who was your childhood best friend? Zac from age 5-8, Jon from 8-9. Then a whole lot of nothing 
Brothers Grimm: What is your favorite fairytale? Is Rocky And Bullwinkle a fairy tale? 
F. Scott Fitzgerald: What is the best party you ever attended? I want to be an ass and say a funeral or something, because I've never been to a party and felt comfortable enough to feel good about it. Just pieces of different parties. That First Friday sometime back in probably '06 when my bro took me to a party in a basement of an art studio that we had to get into through a window, and I ended up walking around the empty streets enjoying the night. Or prom when I was a sophomore, when we all went and shot pool afterwards. 
 George R. R. Martin: Summer or winter? Both, but only at night. 
Mark Twain: What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Sit alone in my room and get my Lego action on while listening to The Wall on cassette on a loop because I didn't feel like swapping it out for R.E.M. or Toad The Wet Sprocket or whatever else I snuck from my brother's hoard. 
 Edgar Allan Poe: What scares you the most? Getting Keyser Söze-ed, like real hard
Herman Melville: Beach or mountains? Woods 
 Ronald Dahl: What is your favorite candy? Dark choc
Jack Kerouac: Where do you want to travel? Anywhere that my friends happen to be.
Imma tag @alwaysbeenstaged @acemetrics @l0ngbottom-leaf @letourfriendshipbeacaprice @petrovyelyenaandme
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blockheadbrands · 5 years
Eric Wilson Does It For The Love of Music
Stephen Laddin of High Times Reports:
Jurassic Park. That was my initial thought sitting down with Eric Wilson in his massive backyard. It’s an expansive landscape of mountain rocks, avocado trees and bronze dinosaur statues. A padded chair sits empty across from a wooden bench, on which Eric sits with Melvin, his playful Rottweiler.
Eric is in fantastic spirits, not at all appearing like the man who almost died days earlier in an ATV accident. His deep side bruise and fractured right arm are at complete odds with his sunny disposition. I ask him what happened with the accident and a wide smile crests his face.
“Well, when I was born, I fell out the wrong way. [Laughs] I was up on the walking bridge with my Mechanical Mule. It lost traction and I went down with it. It was pretty violent.”
Whether he’s grateful just to be alive or simply enjoying time away from the road, Eric Wilson is a happy man. And with good reason. Sublime With Rome is releasing their third studio album this month and will embark on a monster summer tour in June. 
We wait 20 minutes for the sun to tuck itself behind the trees, when our seating area slowly illuminates with a warm golden glow. It’s at this precise moment Eric wants us to begin.
What role did smoking pot play in the early development of Sublime’s music?
The guy who introduced me to Brad – Dave D – our relationship was smoking pot. He took me over to Brad’s house and was like, “I think you guys are gonna hit it off pretty good.” And by god, he was right.
When you sing about weed, you might get sweated by the local police or whatever. We weren’t afraid to sing about it. We were punk rockers. We were always out to say “fuck you.” It’s something we believed in. We weren’t out there saying “smoke crack,” you know? It’s something a grandma and a granddaughter can do together and it’s not bad. It’s a good bonding thing and it always will be.
Did it help bring the band together?
Oh yeah. During that time, I couldn’t afford to buy weed. I used to go over to this pot dealer, this guy Dirty Al’s, and would wash his dishes for roaches. I’d do all his dishes and he’d give me a bag of roaches and then smoke one out back with me. Brad on the other hand, as long as he went to school and got good grades…his dad had a jacket in the closet with this one pocket you could reach into at any time. His dad’s house was right near me, and one day his mom sent him to live over there. And that’s how we hit it off. I just showed up with a guitar and a joint one day. He was better on guitar than me, so the next day I came back with a bass and it stuck.
Had you played bass prior?
Yeah. But most people wanna try and play guitar. It’s more glamorous looking or whatever. But I found once I started playing bass, I knew my role. I knew it was for me. I started to understand what the bass was all about, how it holds everything down. If you’re familiar with Sublime music, it’s based on bass. A lot of it, anyway. The reggae bassline has a lot of melody to it. It’s not like regular rock and roll bass, which pretty much follows the kick drum of the drummer. The reggae bass is totally opposite. You’re playing the melody of the singer.
How did you know music was your thing?
As soon as I met Brad, I knew playing music was the thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But I personally believe music is hereditary. I come from a really strong lineage of musicians. My dad was a drummer, his dad was a fiddle player, and my son plays everything. It’s in your blood. And I was a “natural.” A “natural” can easily figure out an instrument. Someone who’s not a natural can still learn how to play, but they’re gonna work their ass off just to get half as good as you. I was born with it. And I thank my family genes for that.
My dad was a music teacher and he would have this test to see if you’re a natural. Basically to see if you had timing. He’d have a stopwatch and whenever you were ready you’d say “go” and when you thought a minute was up, he’d stop it. Obviously you couldn’t look at a clock. If you were within a second or two of a minute, a second ahead or a second behind, you were a natural. And he was right. Anybody he ever taught got it down.
The last person I did the test with was Paul Leary of the Butthole Surfers. He set up a stopwatch and we just had a conversation. When I thought a minute was up, I said “minute.” We looked at the time and it was spot on. Ask him, he was blown away.
You were quoted as saying “I’m able to play music for the love of music, just like I did back then. I am so fortunate to still be able to do it.” Which to me says, you’ve been following your calling since day one.
A lot of people who get into music, they burn out on it. Especially people who do it for a living. It becomes like clocking-in. You can see it in their eyes. When I go on the road, I bring a little dressing room box that has a drum set and everything. We have all day long to do nothing and all these empty dressing rooms to do whatever we want. Why not be kids again and jam out? So yeah, I do it for the love of music still. I always tell people, I play for free but charge for travel and downtime. There’s a million bass players who are better than I am. I just won the lottery.
Where did the inspiration for Sublime’s early songs come from?
All of that was created because of Brad’s early encounter with reggae music. He went on vacation with his dad and discovered Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. And then when he came back to Long Beach and I met him, we got into local stuff like Fishbone. We went to our first show together at Reseda Country Club, and when we came back, our lives were changed. We wanted to be like the Bad Brains.
We’d cover songs from our favorite bands before we had songs of our own. And that’s when we wrote “Date Rape.” Brad would write fictional stuff. Like, that song was totally fictional. He just made it up. “Date Rape” was a big deal on the news during that time and he just put it together quick. We put the music together and he came up with the words just as fast. When you find someone you can write with like that, it’s easy. So much fun, you know? It’s a blast.
The effortless creative process.
A lot of people never get a chance to feel that in their lifetime. [Brad’s] dad had a liquor cabinet downstairs and he was always over at his girlfriend’s house. So we would spend five hours a day drinking scotch liquor and writing songs. We had a drum machine for a while before we got a real drummer. It was cool. It was really cool when you didn’t know the business side of things. We just thought we were supposed to be on the radio all of a sudden. We didn’t think about how you get there.
We had two bands before Sublime where we’d play for beer and gas money for the next show. And we’d play a bunch of our favorite songs from The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Clash, The Cure. And then we started getting more hip into The Specials, Untouchables, the reggae shit, Minor Threat. [Laughs] We’d be smoking joints singing songs about being sober. I’m not sure if Brad had some master plan ‘cause he never told me. It was just a party. Those were the best days of my life.
At what point did you start to think, “hey, maybe this is more than just a party?”
When Brad went away to college in Santa Cruz, I returned to my old punk rock band, The Juice Bros. [Brad’s departure] didn’t make much of an impact ‘cause I was kind of a loser kid, not going in the right direction anyways. If beer and pot were involved, I was there.Thank God for Brad, because if I’d stayed in that band, I’d probably still be living out of my mom’s house.
Anyway, Brad got turned onto dance hall reggae up in Santa Cruz and he recorded a bunch of tracks on a cassette. When he came back for vacation, he played it for me and initially, I didn’t get it. It took me a while to catch on. For a minute he was forcing me to play some reggae songs. But then it just clicked with me one day that I love this music. Bud [Gaugh] lived across the alley from me and we’d jammed in garage bands together and stuff. So I got ahold of Brad to figure out where we could practice. Bud’s mom let us, so Brad picked me up and drove me over there and the first time we practiced we knew we had something going. Brad transferred back to Long Beach for college and that’s when we first got serious about music.
1996. How did it feel to reach the pinnacle of your success as a band but without your lead singer?
It was just like any fairytale. Everything was going my way and it just screeched to a halt. We went to accept the MTV Video Music Award and just wasn’t there. It just goes to show you how fast things can change for anybody at any time. That’s what happened for us. 
I didn’t play music for a little bit. Then me and Bud started playing again. I played bass in a drag racing band. But everybody who came to our shows wanted to hear Sublime-type music. And I loved it anyway, so I figured what the hell. We started Long Beach Dub Allstars. I finally figured out I could still write songs and still have fun, even without Brad. But there was nothing like him. With him, I had the best times of my life, like I said. Playing in backyard parties…we just thought we were the shit. We were, I guess. Play for 10-15 minutes then a helicopter comes. Party’s over. But those 15 minutes were so untouchable.
2009. What’s the impetus to start Sublime With Rome?
All my best friends were in Dub Allstars. And because of the business aspect of things and being in a band with that many people, it screwed up my friendships with everyone. So we all went our separate ways. I went to play drums in a Huntington Beach psychedelic band with Jason Robbins, Phil Seville and this guy Lou who did sound and ran 17th Street Studios.
We were recording there when Rome [Ramirez] came in with his girlfriend at the time. He was a big Sublime fan and was just hanging out while she was doing an album, so we’d jam out when we’d see each other. My current manager [Cheez] was developing Dirty Heads in another room and heard how good we sounded together. I heard it too, but didn’t really put it together like “oh, let’s start Sublime again.” Because Cheez has a mind for that kinda shit, he took me aside and said “hey, how’d you like to start Sublime again?” And I was like, “yeah that would be awesome.” Things have a way of working themselves out.
It’s now been 10 years since the formation of Sublime With Rome. What are some of the highs and lows of that journey?
Right from the gate, Bud started playing with us, which was great. But he’s never traveled very well. He’s not into travelling and he didn’t last long. So we brought on Josh Freese and it was a real blessing to have him come on and save the day when Bud didn’t want to do the touring anymore. Then Josh started getting all these opportunities, and he’s used to playing in a bunch of different bands at the same time. He’s got a wild life. When when he took off, Carlos Verdugo came in and he’s our drummer now. He was in a band we toured with a few summers ago called Tribal Seeds. I remember watching him with Josh and Josh was like “man, that guy can play.”
LD, our DJ…what a great soul, man. He used to play drums in a band in Long Beach and their singer got a turntable to try and work it into their scene. Well, the guy couldn’t figure it out so LD took it home and made a career working with all the big hip hop artists. I guess he met Rome somehow and he’s been part of our family for a long time now, too. A couple years ago, we got Gabe the trombone player from No Doubt. We used to play shows together when Brad was around. He’s so amazing. Anytime I meet a trombone player I ask, “can you play the solo on ‘Wrong Way’?” And they never can ‘cause it’s a really tough part. But Gabe nailed it, of course.
The lineup we have right now is the best we can possibly be without being the original lineup. I’m totally happy with it. We all have our different walks of life but we’ve learned to respect each other and love each other. I plan on doing this for as long as I keep breathing.
How much has your musical career influenced cannabis culture and how much has cannabis culture influenced your musical career?
Probably the same percentage on each side. It goes hand in hand. We always get the latest gizmos and whatnot. And for as much stuff as I forget, it helps me be creative. I think anybody else in the band would say the same thing. It takes you to that place we were at when we were kids in the garage, playing music for ourselves. For the love of music, you know? Marijuana was our buddy, right there sitting next to us. I can’t imagine it not being there.
What makes your upcoming album different from the previous Sublime With Rome records?
I think Rome and I had a harder time working together in the studio on previous albums. I think we both learned how to work with each other a lot better on this one. I’ve always thought he was a really good songwriter but he tended, in the past, to be overwhelming. I always had a certain way of recording with Brad and other people, so for a while I would just fart out some bass lines because I didn’t feel part of the creative element. It’s changed since then, since the last album. So thanks, Rome. He’s such a great songwriter and it’s honor to record with him.
We had a few talks on the road for this album. A couple heart to hearts that gave more headroom for both of us to collaborate. Whereas before, it was a little more one-sided. For this album, the process was more like what I’m used to doing. Playing for the love of music and having a great time doing it.
Sublime With Rome’s third full length album “Blessings” is available May 31st.
Follow @sublimewithrome and check out http://www.sublimewithrome.com/ for tickets and tour dates
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