#i guess this is like un petit epilogue?
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caelysiiium · 6 years ago
ma lumière
Eliott sat across from Lucas as he tried in vain to finish the last remainder of his assignment. The former must’ve noticed his restlessness because he fucking smiled, igniting a fire in Lucas’ heart even as he glared up at Eliott. “You’re distracting me.”
Eliott leaned closer, that fucking smile still on his ridiculously beautiful face. “Am I?”
Lucas scowled, blushing. He reached out to push his face away but Eliott caught his hand in his, intertwining their fingers and pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. “You’re adorable,” he said.
Rolling his eyes, Lucas closed his textbook, knowing he wouldn’t be able to get anything done right now. Without letting go, he stood and walked to Eliott’s side of the bench. Eliott swung his legs around, facing Lucas and pulling him closer until he could wrap his arms around his waist. “Isn’t this a much better alternative than studying?” he murmured, tilting his head back to look at Lucas.
Instead of answering, Lucas brought his hands up to Eliott’s head, combing back his unruly hair. He cupped his hands behind Eliott’s neck and leaned in to kiss him. And just like the first time, the moment their lips met made his whole body sing.
“Oh my God, stop it.” Arthur sat down in Lucas’ former position on the other side of the bench, Basile and Yann plopping down on either side of him. “You guys are so disgustingly in love it’s annoying.”
Eliott twisted his head around to give them a bashful grin as Lucas flipped his friends off. He dropped down next to Eliott, who slung an arm around his shoulder to keep him close.
Basile began recounting, in excruciating detail, what happened last night with him and a girl. Eliott, ever kind, listened attentively even as Lucas gave Yann and Arthur an exasperated look.
Basile still wasn’t finished when the bell rang, calling them back to class. He leaped up from his seat to follow Arthur and Yann into the washroom, hands flailing in excitement. As their voices faded, Eliott waited patiently for Lucas to gather his things and took his hand when he was finished. They walked towards the S building, chatting quietly about nothing and everything. When they reached the doors, neither of them wanted to part.
Eliott trailed his fingers up Lucas’ arm to rest on his shoulders. “Dinner at my place tonight, yeah?”
Lucas looked up at him and nodded. Eliott searched his face and tentatively asked, “Will your mom be joining us? My parents are dying to meet her.”
��I think so. She’s been looking forward to this,” Lucas said.
Eliott’s grin was happy and wild; Lucas’ breath caught in his throat. The past few weeks have been so harrowing for both of them, it was euphoric to see how well Eliott was doing. He knew there were going to be good days and bad days—but they would take them as they come, knowing that every storm will pass and they will emerge stronger because of them. Today, however, was a good day, and Lucas was cherishing every single moment of it.
So he linked his arms around the taller boy’s shoulders and pulled him down to kiss him. Eliott’s hands tenderly cupped his face and they backed into a column, mouths opening sweetly and eyes shutting in bliss. Lucas wanted to skip the last half of the day so fucking badly, but with the BAC coming up fast he knew Eliott’s absence from his classes would cost him. He pulled away, leaning their foreheads together as they caught their breath.
“You finish at four-thirty today, right?” Eliott nodded. “I’ll wait for you at the L building, then.”
Lucas heart warmed at the way his boyfriend’s eyes lit up in excitement. He rose on his toes to give him a final lingering kiss before heading into the building. They kept their gazes locked on each other, mouths barely holding back smiles as their intertwined fingers held as far as they could between them. Just before letting go, Lucas said, “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“See you, ma lumière.”
Whatever Lucas had been thinking flew out of his head as he blushed, hands dropping down to his side. Eliott winked at him and turned, striding away with his hands in his pockets.
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lbpoire · 5 years ago
Autrement - epilogue
Heyyy guys I just started writing something that looks like a FC5 fanfiction. I thought about it a long time ago and I guess I’ll give it a shot.
I’m too bad to write in english... it’ll be in french, sorry :(( here’s the epilogue. I’ll publish my story here and on Fanfiction.net, maybe AO3 later.
Hope you’ll enjoy the first chapters
Summary: Il y deux types de personnes à Hope County : les gens qui ont le choix, et les gens qui le provoquent. L'officier Harvey ne sait pas encore où se situer, mais son objectif est de sauver le plus de gens possible. C'est elle qui décidera qui elle voudra sauver. AU : sauvons tout le monde.
Pairings : F!Dep x Sharky Boshaw | F!Dep x John Seed | F!Dep x Jacob Seed
TW : M
Qui aurait cru qu’une arrestation prenne des proportions aussi déplorables ? ce n’est qu’en s’enfuyant de l’hélicoptère – trébuchante et déboussolée – que Julie-Ann comprit l’étendue de l’aventure qui l’attendait.
Adossée à un mur, la jambe tremblante de douleur, elle attendit dans l’ombre pour assommer un des assaillants.
« Où te caches-tu ma jolie ? l’heure de la récolte a sonné !��» s’écria une voix lointaine, étouffée derrière des masses de feuillages et conifères.
Les bruits de pas surgissent à ses côtés et Julie-Ann trouva la force de mettre à terre un des nombreux barbus qui la poursuivaient. Elle récupéra la pelle qu’il portait avec lui et se dépêcha de changer sa position. Son genou lui faisait mal alors qu’elle piétinait dans les buissons, alerte. Un autre membre du culte rôdait devant elle, les poings serrés et la mine meurtrière.
« On a eu tes petits amis, on n’aura pas de problème à t’avoir aussi » rugit-il en lui tournant progressivement le dos, le regard fixé aux alentours.
Julie-Ann prit la pelle des deux mains, réfléchissant à son prochain mouvement. Si elle le voyait se rapprocher de son ancienne position, il remarquerait le corps sans vie de son partenaire.
Elle détestait l’admettre, mais le sort qui lui était réservait était le même que son compagnon allongé dans la terre.
Elle tendit le bras et visa la tête : la pelle vola d’entre les buissons et l’homme s’effondra sans demander son reste.
Au même moment, la radio de la jeune officier grésilla et prit vie. Julie-Ann écarquilla les yeux à l’instant où elle reconnut la voix : le Marshall Burke était lui aussi en fuite. Ramassant la pelle tout en trottinant, elle prit les coordonnées données par son collègue et se dirigea vers la direction.
A partir de ce moment-là, tout devint flou, rapide, dur. Le moteur qui vrombissait sous son poids, les grognements criards du Marshall, les balles filantes tout autour du véhicule… seuls les sons et sensations résidaient dans l’esprit de l’officier. L’avion noir planant au-dessus d’eux, résolus à les canarder, les explosions sourdes des bâtons de dynamites, les secousses de la course.
La chute interminable dans la rivière.
Julie-Ann avait l’impression de n’avoir aucune once d’air dans ses poumons quand elle réalisa qu’elle devait à tout prix sortir de la voiture. Elle voulut cligner des yeux pour rétablir sa vision et chasser le flou, mais ses paupières ne s’ouvrirent plus.
La peur de se noyer dans Henbane River empara soudainement son esprit.
Et elle ne pouvait rien y faire.
Comment l’arrestation d’un homme pouvait virer à un tel cauchemar ? ils auraient dû se retourner et partir dès qu’ils avaient l’occasion. Elle avait été préparée à protéger des civils, à utiliser des moyens pour stopper momentanément quelqu’un, à rétablir l’ordre quand celui-ci était partiellement menacé.
Mais l’officier n’était pas briefée pour tuer délibérément et se battre contre autrui.
Le choix de partir, elle aurait dû le saisir. Et c’était désormais trop tard.
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