#i guess she has regular mail though. ok nevermind
divorcedwife · 4 months
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should I believe that I've been stricken?
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taconacho · 4 years
Just need to vent...
This year is really rough man...
Things feel like a mess lately; I guess that’s like “normal” now but I’m feeling it more and more lately... 
I don’t think I’ve ever been so stressed and frustrated in my life when it comes to money. Before COVID happened, I was just getting back from sick leave and was working only a few hours a week to get me back on track. Like my Dr and I agreed it would be best if I asked to be accommodated with a reduced schedule and progressively work my way up again. Anyway because of that I wasn’t making much money but I had a bit of EI from my sick leave to help ( not much but better than nothing ). 
When things were finally starting to get “back to normal” for me at work and I felt like I could finally get my finances back on track in time for my big move, well quarantine hit. My work closed down ( and is still closed indefinitely ) and because I’m high risk, I chose not to work at other stores in the meantime. I was still getting a bit of EI by then and felt I should be more or less ok to survive a few months on reduced income. I wasn’t eligible for CERB because of my existing EI claim from my sick leave so that 2k a month wouldve been nice but I was really getting more like 700$ a month. Shitty but manageable. 
Anyway, because my work decided they’d be paying everyone who stayed home a small portion of our regular wages; that messed stuff up with my EI claim. So because I get 60$ a week from my work, the EI agents have to get more information from my work and decide whether that money should count as income or not. Ok I guess whatever that makes sense. 
Wellp, because my work has been closed the past few months and my boss is helping out at other stores and being stretched thin, the EI folk havent been able to move my claim along at all. So I haven’t received any kind of money since late May now. I had some savings and money saved up mostly for school but that’s dried up pretty quick because I have to pay for my rent and groceries... 
So school is starting soon and I was really hoping that my student loans and possibly bursaries would help me stay afloat but just my luck that’s also being messed up. Because Quebec is ridiculous and somehow expect my parents to still pay for my studies even though I’m 26, they have to check their income to assess how much loans am I entitled to. Both my parents just retired so their income isn’t regular anymore and I need to send so much proof on their behalf ( because my mother is lazy ) to the student loan folks to show that they aren’t making a ton of money like they used to.
As of right now, their assessment still calculates my parents old income so my student loan is only 1500$ for this term which is awful. My tuition alone costs 2200$, nevermind paying for all my school material and life expenses! I was already in the negatives because I haven’t been able to work or receive money all summer so that didn’t help. 
I’d probably have a decent ish loan and possibly bursary if they assessed my parents current income but for that I need my mom to just send me a goddamn paystub copy so I can show the student loan folks but somehow thats “super complicated”. Ive had to ask my little sister to dig through a bunch of papers and mail at my parents house to try and find -anything- that might be helpful. Shes busy too though and kinda forgetful so I’m probably going to wait a long time for those papers IF she finds any.
Anyway, the cherry on top of all of this is that I had a school meeting today that was super last minute and ridiculous. I’d asked my teachers about how zbrush, photoshop and such licenses would work for us since well be working from home and they told me they’d let us know ASAP... WELL they just told us today that the school will finally pay for a year of each software for each student. thank freaking god right? But nahhh, turns out they only got Microsoft licenses :))))) . I remember asking way back in first term if it was ok for me to do the whole program with my mac and they said itd be no problem. I’ve used my mac almost every day at school and -now- it’s a problem. So now with less than a week until school starts, I have to figure out wtf I’m going to do about that. I either gotta buy a freaking PC that can run 3D, buy my own licenses for my mac or buy an SSD and windows license to partition my mac but any of those options is still expensive and taking money that I just do not have :)))
I swear to god this year just wants to beat me into the ground. I feel like at this rate ill have no choice but to risk my health/life if I want to get money to pay my bills... 
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