#i guess i'm only saying this now because im too busy with the actual studio job to work on the side pet art stuff hmm
crimson-eyes · 7 years
hmmmmm im tempted to just,,,,,,,, leave this other smallish job but also hmmm it’s kinda fun hmmmmm
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blackaquokat · 6 years
Prompt: "I'm going to keep you safe" ActingAttorney. Maybe after WKM? And actor mark is taking care of a reincarnated DA(Van vlog y/n) who doesn't remember the events of WKM. Sorry if this is too complicated
Yay, my second everActing Attorney prompt! I’ve actually wanted to write this specific scene for along time now, so thank you, friend! It’s not too complicated at all! I’m not completely satisfied (pun intended) with this final product, but I always end up coming back to these if they turn out canon for my series. But yeah, this could be considered a future installment to my Acting Attorney story MayYou Always be Satisfied (currently at 4 parts) if you like.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
44. “I’m going tokeep you safe.”
A century is a long time to live with the agonizing guilt ofpast actions. An awful long time because the average human should not live forthat long.
But Mark hasn’t been an average human since the events athis old home so long ago.
He’s had time to move on, physically at least. Starting his channel, playing games, raising money for charities…it’s all good, thekind of public performances he always wanted to do, but on a smaller, lesscorruptive scale.
The guilt still runs strong. Whether Mark was influenced bythat darker entity or not, he would always be responsible for all the death anddestruction that took place that day.
His thoughts are spiraling into reflections of that time, ashe sits in front of his computer to edit his latest video. Questioning how hecould have ever considered doing the things he did, reaming himself for beingsuch a heartbroken idiot…
…missing his friends…
Life is for the living. But your friends are dead, and you’re close enough.
Mark shakes his head and returns to the tedious void ofediting. It’s hard to remind himself not to dwell on the past, but lately, he’sbeen doing better about it. It helps to keep busy.
He’s startled out of his momentum by a pounding at the door.He goes to open it and sees Benja—Tyler onthe other side, hands on his knees, panting like he’s run thirty miles.
“Why the hell aren’tyou answering your phone?!” Tyler demands, holding his own cellular device asproof of trying.
“My battery’s dead, are you okay?” Mark asks. “I thought youwere just going to get McDonald’s—”
“I’d be fine ifyou actually charged your phone more than once a day, but that’s not the point,you gotta come with me, right now!”
“Wait, why—”
But Tyler just grabs Mark’s hand and tugs him out of thehouse and into the car. As the vehicle speeds down the road, Mark suddenlywonders if his only surviving friend has finally lost it.
“Tyler, what is going on?”
“It’s better that you just wait and see—”
“You can’t just break down my studio door and not expectquestions—”
“Just shut up and wait!” Tyler shakes his head. “Look, I’msorry, but really, you wouldn’t believe me unless you saw yourself.”
Mark settles into the hot leather of his seat, arms crossed.He feels highly uneasy about this, but he can’t put a finger on why. Aside fromTyler definitely speeding to whereverthe hell they’re going.
“Slow down! You keep going this fast, you’ll get us killed!”
“Oh, you came back just fine last time.”
This is really notthe time to make petty jokes about that. “I think the circumstances would begto diff—”
Mark lurches into his seat belt hard enough to hurt as Tylerslams the car to a halt and leaps out to the street.
Mark hesitates when he sees the suspicious alleyway Tyler’sparked in front of. “Um…Tyler, if I’ve done anything to offend you—”
“Okay, okay, keep your pants on!”
Mark follows Tyler into the alley.
“No, no, no, no,”Tyler mutters, as his gaze rakes up and down the alley. He finds a vacantcardboard box big enough for a person and gestures wildly to it. “They wereright here, I swear to God, they wereright here!”
“Tyler, who are you talkingabout? What’s going on here?”
Tyler’s hand runs through his hair. The look in his eyes isalmost manic. “They should be here, I told them to stay—”
A hoarse voice cuts through Tyler’s frustration. Markswitches his attention from his friend to the newcomer standing a littlefurther into the alley, half behind a dumpster—
Mark does a double-take.
No, it’s impossible.
The person is obviously homeless, in a heavily stainedoversized hoodie and jeans so tattered Mark can’t believe they’re holding up.The shoes are in a similar condition to the jeans. Their face is gaunt andsickly, eyes nearly popping out of their head.
But those eyes, century-old eyes…
In another life, those eyes broke his heart.
The District Attorney shuffles forward, a limp in theirstep. They’re looking at Tyler. “I…I didn’t think you were actually coming back…”Their hands are stuffed into the pockets of the hoodie. “Thanks for the burger…”
Wait…why aren’t they speaking to him? They looked right at him—
“No problem,” Tyler dismisses. He grabs Mark by theshoulder. His grip is tight, a silent message to play it cool.
(What does Mark even look like right now? Hopeful? Indenial? Heartbroken? What’s he supposed to say? Why don’t they recognize him?)
“This is Mark, the friend I told you about,” Tyler introduces. “Theone who’d like to help you, I mean.”
Their eyebrow lifts, and the shy bemusement, so achingly familiar,nearly sends Mark to his knees. “The one who wasn’t answering his phone?” Theysound like they haven’t spoken in years, a voice like a scratched record.
“Yeah, he’s bad at battery management,” Tyler jokes. Hepulls Mark back and gives him a very purposeful look. “Our friend here,” Tylershifts his head in the DA’s direction, “is a little lost. Has been for a longtime.” Tyler turns back to them. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yeah…I guess…” They shake their head. “My head is a little…blank,I guess would be the right word.” They pull their hands out of their pockets,thin and bony like a skeleton, and hug their arms around their body. “I sawTyler on the street, and…I swear he looked…and you look…so familiar.” Theyswallow, the action rather frightening in light of their veiny neck. “I’msorry, I sound crazy—”
“No!” Mark interrupts, the first thing he’s said sincelaying eyes on them. He pulls out of Tyler’s grip and steps closer to them. “No,you—you’re not crazy, you don’t sound crazy.”
Shit, he’s acting weird, he needs to back off.
My head is a littleblank.
No clear recognition in their eyes.
They’re alive, somehow.
They don’t rememberhim.
And at his word, they finally make direct eye contact withMark. His breath catches at how hesitant they look, the fragile hope anddespair in their face.
“You…” They clear their throat. “Tyler said you could helpme…but I’m a stranger, I’m sorry, this is weird, if it’s too much to ask—”
Mark reaches his hands out and grips their upper arms. Whenthey immediately flinch, he draws back.
Shit. This is…this isn’tgood, how are they here, they’re alive, they’re alive, but…they look so dead. What the hell happened to them?
Mark straightens, a new resolve coming over him.
“Yes, I’m going to help you.” Mark glances over his shoulderto see Tyler watching them both carefully. It all makes sense now. He looksback to the DA. “You’re going to come with us, you’re going to have a home,food, and maybe even a job, if we play our cards right.” Mark takes a chanceand steps a little closer to them. “I’m going to keep you safe. I promise.”
He’ll never let them get hurt again. He’ll never hurt themagain, he swears on his life.
A rash promise, perhaps, but seeing a brighter hope light upthose dim eyes makes it all worth it.
 Sendme a prompt for Mayor Attorney, DAtective, or Acting Attorney! NO NSFW PLEASE!!
@creamdream0426 , @cosmic–frappucino , @beereblogsstuff , @musical-jim , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods , @intemperantiae , @im-also-dead-inside , @timelords13 , @determinedrevolutionary , @ur-fairy-god-dragon , @conceitedink , @unknown-maned-wolf
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