#i guess i FORGOT that the reason i resolved to leave korea IN THE FIRST PLACE was BECAUSE of hagwons
foxcassius · 1 year
and katie is like "just go to the er, dont ask permission Just Go" and while i agree with the sentiment i have so much work to do!!!!!! i cant just do fuck all about all the books and tests i have to check!!!!! I HATE BEING A TEACHER!!!!!
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Stupid For You, Chapter 4 (Crygi, Jankie, Jaida x Nicky) - Metaluna
summary: Jackie has to address her actions from the party, while Gigi has to process feelings she’d rather not. Also, if you aren’t familiar with speaking on radios, 10-4 means affirmative.
Gigi spent the rest of the day in bed. After crying until her eyes were red and puffy, she sat in bed trying to process everything. Crystal had a boyfriend. A boyfriend. When she shut her eyes, all she could see was the blonde boy and Crystal kissing. All Gigi could do was think about their relationship. How did they meet? Who asked who out? Have they slept together? Were they in love? Was it serious? She then pictured them doing gross romantic couple things. The thought of Crystal and that boy going to a pumpkin patch and picking out a pumpkin while sharing hot apple cider made her heart sink. Gigi pictured the two of them at prom, his tux matching her dress, dancing the night away. After breaking her heart with more scenarios, she forced herself to stop thinking so hard about it.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about the night before. Gigi thought about how beautiful and carefree Crystal looked… She thought about the way her face lit up when she won beer pong. She started thinking about the two of them dancing… The way Crystal’s hips swayed against her… Gigi’s mind wandered to when Crystal changed in front of her.
Never had Gigi Goode seen anyone’s bare chest but her own. She bit her lip as she pictured Crystal topless, while stroking her own breast, while her other hand trailed downward… She knew it was a bad idea, so she forced herself to stop. Gigi sat up in bed, trying desperately to clear her head.
Her next thoughts were about Crystal’s sexuality. Was she straight? With the way that she acted around her, Gigi was almost certain that she wasn’t. There was no way. But what if she was? What if she was reaching, and everything Crystal did was completely reasonable for a friend to do?
Back when Nora lived at home, Gigi watched her older sister get her heartbroken many times. Nora, much like Jaida, got extremely invested extremely quickly. One time when she was fourteen and Nora was eighteen, Gigi watched her big sister cry over some boy on the debate team. It had been the second time that month. Gigi, who had finally had enough told her sister to stop being so stupid for him.
Now she was trying to tell herself to stop being so stupid for Crystal. Four years later, Gigi understood that her words were much easier said than done.
Gigi just hoped to God that she would be able to keep it together the next morning.
“Hello, my love!” Crystal said cheerfully handing an extremely unenthused Gigi a coffee mug.
Gigi forced herself to snap out of it. It’s not like Crystal was shattering her heart into a million pieces and then torching them on purpose.
Crystal looked at Gigi. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m just tired.”
“Gotcha. I feel you. Me and Ryan went hiking yesterday. Hiking isn’t fun hungover. It’s not very much fun to begin with, but especially not when you’re hungover, but I promised him I’d go.”
This was her chance. “I didn’t know you even had a boyfriend.”
“Yeah! We’ve been together since freshman year of high school. I guess I’m just not the type of person to gush about her boyfriend.”
“That’s so… sweet,” Gigi managed through gritted teeth.
“I really love him. This is so lame, but we won homecoming king and queen.”
“Awe, cute.” Gigi could hear her the insincerity dripping from her voice. Thankfully Crystal couldn’t.
“He’s really the best. I think you guys would get along really well.”
Yeah, right.
Gigi hesitated. “Why don’t you ever post pictures with him?” Because of the many nights spent stalking Crystal’s social media, if there was any mention of a boyfriend, she would have known.
“Honestly?” Crystal began. “He doesn’t really like to take pictures. He’s very anti-social media. Ryan is low key a conspiracy theorist. Almost every day he tells me to delete my social media because now North Korea has my information or something.”
“That’s so… interesting.”
 What about you, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Did you just not want one or…”
Gigi trusted Crystal, but didn’t trust her enough to tell her everything about her. Not yet. “I think that I’m afraid to let people in.”
She sighed. “Ever since my dad, I’ve had a hard time trusting anyone. Abandonment issues and shit.”
“I am so sorry.”
“I guess I just look at as what’s the point of dating if they’re just going to leave anyway?”
Crystal held her hand on top of Gigi’s and looked at her with a face full of sincerity. “I’ll never leave you.”
“Thank you,” Gigi managed in just above a whisper.
“You know too much about me. I like you, and really don’t want to have to kill you.”
Jackie was one to always be on time. However, she was not one to be an extra half an hour early. But, she knew that Jan was opening, and aimed to avoid the blonde at all costs. Unfortunately for Jackie, when opening her locker, she saw blonde hair and a purple backpack out of the corner of her eye. As much as she hoped she wouldn’t, Jan made her way over.
“Jackie, hi. Do you want to talk about… it?”
“I’d prefer to not if that’s okay,” Jackie said shoving her bag inside of her locker.
“Jackie, don’t shut me out. I know that it probably isn’t like you to do something like that, but it happened. It happened, and you can’t take it back. I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but I really value and respect you as a person. I don’t know why you freaked out, especially because kissed me first. I’ll give you space if you want space, but please. Talk to me when you’re ready.” She walked away without waiting for a response.
For the rest of the day, Jackie couldn’t focus. She was team lead that day, and almost forgot to send Nicky on her break. While in tower, all Jackie could think about was Jan. She had no idea why she couldn’t shake the blonde from her head. Even though she dated boys all through school, she never felt strongly toward any of them. She slept with her boyfriend in junior year, but broke up with him right after, because she felt nothing toward him. There was something different about Jan. Jackie felt things toward Jan that she thought she was supposed to feel to her boyfriends. The keyword being boyfriend. Being gay was out of the question for Jackie. Her entire life, both of her parents that being gay was immoral and disgusting, something Jackie never understood. It was up until she met Jaida her first summer at Paradise Isle before she even met a gay person. As Jackie looked at the monitors from tower, she tried to reassure herself that she definitely wasn’t gay, and that Jan was just pretty. Even if she knew it wasn’t true.
Finally, it was time for her break. Jackie looked around, making sure that Jan wasn’t also on her break. Thankfully, she was in the clear. Jaida was sitting at a table by herself eating a salad.
“Hey, girl,” Jaida said as Jackie sat across from her.
“Jaida. I have a problem.”
“Is that problem a pretty blonde girl named Jan?”
“How did you know?”
“What do you remember about the party?”
“I kissed Jan. Like. I initiated it, apparently. But it was just one kiss right?”
“Ooh, chile. No, you guys were making out. For a while. Everyone saw. You were grabbing her ass and everything.”
Jackie buried her head in her hands. “Oh, no.”
“Have you seen her today?“
“Yeah, this morning. She tried to talk to me, but I wouldn’t listen. She agreed to give me space… I can’t hold this off forever, Jaida.”
“No. You can’t. You know what y’all need?” Jaida questioned.
“You know what.”
“I’m not taking Jan onto the Ferris wheel.”
Because Paradise Isle was mostly ran by people who were all around the same age, there were plenty of relationships, flings, and conflicts. When any problems arose, it was customary to go into the Ferris wheel to resolve any issues. The parties in question would ride until they either they resolved their issues, stormed off angrily, or ran away crying. It wasn’t something management allowed, but the supervisors knew how much conflict it resolved, so they let it slide. Jackie had never had to take any rides in the Ferris wheel. Jaida, however, took at least one a summer. Her second summer she took three.
“If you don’t take her, I’m going to shove your skinny Persian ass into that ride. I’ll drag Jan by the hair if I have to. You are going to talk this out. Okay?”
Jackie grumbled. “I guess.”
“Tell Jan to meet you at the Ferris wheel. The Genie closes early tonight for maintenance, right?”
Jackie nodded.  Once a month, The Genie closed a half an hour early for maintenance, which made it the perfect night.
“Okay, perfect. Jan’s stocking tonight, so it’ll be easy for her to slip away.”
Jackie’s heart beat fast as she tried to come up with what to text Jan. She reread it twice and made Jaida read it, too before she sent it.
Hey. I’m really sorry. Can we talk? I’ll be at the Ferris wheel at close.
Jan responded almost immediately.
ill see you then
“How did she respond so fast?” Jackie questioned.
“Stockers do whatever they want. Anyway. My break’s over. Let me know how it goes.”
“Will do.”
Gigi couldn’t stop thinking about Crystal. It didn’t help that she was in the slowest store, at the slowest time of the night, all by herself. Nobody wanted to buy overpriced, blurry photos of themselves on rides. She debated calling Jan because she was bored, but decided against it, since Jan was going to be by soon to close the store.
“Hey, gorg,” Jan said as she made her way inside.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“’Hey.’” Jan mocked Gigi’s depressed tone as she started shutting down photo monitors.
“Promise you won’t tell?” Gigi felt like she was in middle school saying that sentence.
“Pinky promise.”
Gigi linked pinkies with Jan while emptying the register. “So me and Crystal got super close super quickly, I’m sure you saw.”
“Yeah, of course. She’s a sweetheart.”
 “Yeah she is. Anyway. I started feeling…. Feelings toward her. Do you follow?” Jan nodded. “And honestly, I thought she felt the same way… She spent the night at my house after the party and literally cuddled with me.”
“Oh wow, really?”
“Yeah. So here I was, thinking that she felt the same way. Turns out I was completely wrong. Get this, she gets picked up from my house by her boyfriend.”
“Oof, indeed.”
“Well,” Jan said. “Have you thought about telling her?”
“Absolutely not.” Gigi finished putting the rest of the money in the locked bag. The two girls headed out of the store.
“Why not?”
“What good is it going to do?”
Jan slammed the gate in front of the store shut as they left.
“Would it give you any sort of peace of mind?”
“I mean, maybe. But what if it ruins everything? It’s not like she’s gonna break up with him on the spot to date me. Why would–”
They were interrupted on their way to the money room by an older woman.
“I’m supposed to meet my family at The Landing. How do I get there?”
Jan smiled kindly. “Ma’am you’re on The Landing right now.”
“I am? Where’s my family?”
“Can’t help you with that ma’am, hope you find them!” Jan walked away before the woman could continue.
Gigi rolled her eyes at the woman. “Why would I risk the friendship? I’d rather have her in my life as my friend than not at all.”
They reached the money room, where they were greeted by Nina. After handing her the locked money bag, they made their way to Isle Mercantile’s stockroom to help close.
“At the end of the day, it’s up to you. I can’t tell you what to do. It’s not an easy situation, and it doesn’t have a clear answer. I’m sorry Gigi.” Jan hugged Gigi.
“Thanks, Jan.”
Jan. “Oh shit. I’m late.”
“Late for what?”
“Jackie wants to talk about… things.”
“Good luck.”
The rest of Jackie’s workday went by disgustingly slow. At least she spent the rest of her shift at Load 1, which meant that she ran back and forth checking lapbars, and then engaging her console. It kept her busy and kept her mind off of Jan, at least for a while.
Once her shift ended, Jackie changed into the clothes that she had in her bag, old jean shorts, and a t-shirt with her university’s logo, desperately wishing that she kept cuter spare clothes. Close to closing, all attractions on The Boardwalk had a short wait. When she got there, a slightly unusual girl named Yvie was operating the ride. Jackie didn’t know Yvie well, but remembered that the year prior, Yvie had to ride the wheel with a girl named Scarlet.
It was five minutes after close. All Jackie could do was think about what a big mistake she made until she saw Jan running full force down The Boardwalk. “I’m so sorry! I was mending a broken heart.”
“Good luck,” Yvie said as they went up.
Jackie and Jan didn’t say anything at first.
Finally, Jan broke the silence. “Do you regret it?”
“Do you regret kissing me?”
Jackie sat, methodically constructing her answer. “No. No, I don’t.”
“Well why did you freak out then? I hope you know that you really fucking hurt me, Jackie.”
This made Jackie’s heart break. Knowing that she caused such a kind soul hurt killed her. “Jan, I am so, so sorry. That is the last thing I wanted to do. I just need you to know one thing.”
“It had absolutely nothing to do with you… Honestly my entire life my parents told me being gay was bad, and I didn’t think I believed them, but maybe part of my subconscious did. Not that at all is an excuse for my behavior. The thought of liking a girl the way I was told I was supposed to like boys freaked me the fuck out.” 
They reached the platform.
“Again?” Yvie asked.
Jackie nodded.
“I never even considered the fact that I could be gay. And then I met you, and you’re so confident in who you are.”
“Confident in who I am? Jackie, I’ve never labelled my sexuality. I dated a couple boys in my time, but also hooked up with a girl on my soccer team. I just know that if I like someone, I like them. I don’t really think anything beyond that matters, not that I haven’t had late nights where I couldn’t stop thinking about how confused I was.”
Jackie was surprised. Jan seemed so sure of herself, so it was unusual to imagine her being unsure about anything. “Really? You seem so confident about literally everything.”
“Do you wanna know a secret? Most of it’s fake. My mom used to always tell me ‘fake it til you make it,’ and I guess it stuck.”
They reached the bottom again. Yvie looked at them and Jackie nodded.
They started rising again.
Jackie exhaled. Her heart was pounding. It was now or never. “I’ve dated boys all throughout school. I slept with one of them. And honestly, Jan? I felt more when I kissed you the other night than I ever did when I was with any of them, and I was drunk… Jan, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the party. I think about how you light up every room you go into. I think about how pretty you are when you smile. I keep thinking about kissing you again.”
“And I’m sorry if that’s strong, but I just need to tell let that off my chest and I understand if–”
Jan didn’t let Jackie finish. Instead, she grabbed her shirt and kissed her. If Jackie thought kissing Jan drunk was nice, kissing her sober was incredible. Their lips moved in perfect synchronization. Jackie was used to boys who led with the tongue. Instead, Jan’s kisses were gentle, yet powerful. Jackie unconsciously moved her hand through Jan’s soft hair. Eventually, Jan broke the kiss.
“Is that okay that I did that?”
Instead of answering, Jackie pulled her into another kiss. At this point, they reached the top.
“I really like you, Jan. I don’t really know how to process that information, but I know that I like kissing you.”
“I like kissing you, too. We can take it as slowly as you want. I want to see where this goes. I think we have something good here.”
“I think so, too.”
Jan rested her head on Jackie’s shoulder the rest of the way down.
Yvie looked in at them.  “You guys good?”
Jan smiled. “Never better.”
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kmindset · 6 years
The Monsters In All of Us: Two (M)
Tumblr media
Member: Vampire! Jungkook AU
Summary: Shh! Just read it
Word Count: 2119
Warnings: Mature content, Slightly NSFW, slightly graphic
A/N: Don’t forget, I post this story on AO3 now as well I recommend reading it ter because this got posted a few days ago and I just forgot to post the whole thing here. Username: kmindset Anyway, enjoy!
“The hunt has to be worth it tonight, Kook. I’m not stalking around in five-inch heels for another high cholesterol half-wit.” Moisturizing your face was the easiest part of the night so you rubbed it in like a light massage.
“It will. It’s opening night at that vegan bar and grill.” He bent down to rest his chin on your head. “Most of them are pretty pretentious but worth it.”
You chuckled. Tonight you and Jungkook were doing one of your favorite things Poly Baiting. Scouring night spots for vulnerable humans looking for a fun time with the both of you was horrible, very much so, but you are vampires. You have to eat too and sometimes animal blood from the butcher shop isn’t satisfying enough.
“Why are you even bothering with that? You look as youthful as the day I spotted you through your Sseugae chima.”
“Because it smells goods and what kind of youthful looking woman am I without skin care products?”
“Hm, true.” He leans down to wrap both arms around your shoulders from behind. “Even if you looked as old as you are you would be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
You chuckled. “One, “thing”? How specist of you. Two, if I looked as old as I am I would be bones, skin, and hopefully some hair.” You turned your head to look in his eyes. His carmine pupils drawing out a fresh wave of lust. Your hand stroked his cheek sweetly. “Thank you, sweetie.”
By the time you get there the place is packed.
There are people in trendy outfits on the dance floor at one end and other people enjoying their meals at the opposite end.
“The irony is so strong I can taste it.” You snicker.
He holds your hand, walking first. “I don’t taste anything, so let’s hurry this up.”
The music sets a fun vibe in the building making even you want to dance but Jungkook is focused on one thing. Razor sharp senses refocus. Many of those around you seem to be a good enough crowd. Some older yet trendy with a contrasting group of confused looking men sat next to a rather happy looking man. ‘Hmm, poor dears got dragged here.” you think. For a moment you contemplate setting your fangs on them but by their disgust, at the appetizer, their friend is tearing into you suspect they’re suffering enough.
“Hello!” A cheerful young man with light hair and a button with the logo greets you and shows you to an open area with a few couches. There are people lounging around and deep in their food or their own conversations.
“Hi!” A woman with two ponytails immediately greets you.
“How long have you been vegan?”
Years of lying for food and general survival having you speaking a lie in no time flat. “Ah, I’m actually vegetarian looking to go vegan and my fiancee’ here is-”
“Disgruntled and hungry for anything.” He interrupts with a mocking smile. However, the woman doesn't even pick up on his ridicule as she continues smiling. A naive one and a vegan. Jackpot!
“From the reviews of the original building in Incheon, it’ll turn you vegan for sure!” She rambles on about her 6 years as a vegan and the struggle of being vegan in Korea. You’re barely paying attention when you feel Jungkook tense beside you. He seems off-put by something but you don’t smell anything. You choose to ignore him and continue chatting up the girl whose name you’ve already forgotten. Jungkook’s clairvoyance usually doesn't tense him up unless there is something unusual or bad going on and by the grip he has on your shoulder, it can’t be good. Luckily, the chatty woman excuses herself to the restroom.
Before you could even turn to him he whispers. “Something’s not right here.”
“Is it little Miss “Vegan is Better”? Because she won’t be a problem for much longer.”
He shakes his head with a deep frown. “It’s something else. I feel another in pain.”
Jungkook’s senses are so strong he can sense the pain of family and nearby vampires. A handy power for avoiding hunters and aiding your kind.
“Hunters possibly?”
He nods slowly. “We should leave.” He takes your hand to guide you out. Near the exit, the chatty woman blocks your path.
“Hey, you guys! This is my boyfriend, Rod.” She finally takes notice of your path. “Leaving already?”
“Yes. Really sorry, bit of an emergency.” You swipe her phone from her hand, quickly typing out your number in her notes with ‘Y/N: aspiring vegan’ next to it.
“We should meet up sometime and you can help me go vegan.”
Jungkook discreetly tugs on the back of your jacket in quiet urgenance. You guess the sense has gotten stronger.
She nods with an excited smile and waves you goodbye.
Once you are out the door Jungkook says. “It was him.”
You turn back in confusion of who ‘him’ is and meet the eyes of Vegan girl’s boyfriend.
He was staring back at you with a pointed glare.
“How could he be a hunter? I couldn’t smell him!”
“I don’t know! I’m freaked out as well!” Your husband is sat on the couch with head in his hands. It had been decades since you had seen him this worried. You were stood over him, stroking his hair gently. “It wasn’t a strong smell but I felt something else before the whiff. It was as if he was somehow blocking his scent. But barely.”
Jungkook’s state of distress was something you rarely saw. The scariest of times being when you were pregnant with Harley and hunters were hot on your trail from your increased bloodlust.
For a while, you thought about assimilating just to make it easier on Jungkook. Two of your sisters still lived in London from the days of King Henry VIII. They choose to stay for the better acceptance of your kind. In fact, your mother moved there with your father after her second husband was staked in Vegas and remarried your father.
“Should we report this back to Feratuan?” you ask.
He thinks for a moment. “Not yet. No need to alarm anyone for no reason.”
“No reason!? A hunter concealed his scent Jungkook! And by the way, he was looking at me you would have thought I was the one with the smell! And I guarantee you all that fucker should have been smelling is Light Blue by Dolce and fucking Gabbana!”
“Lily is here.” He announces calmy before you heard a light knock. A sign passes your lips as you cross your arms in annoyance.
“Come in.”
“Hey.” She comes in with a solemn look. Obviously, her paternally inherited clairvoyance picked up on something.“What’s going on?”
You looked to Jungkook to answer.
Her worried father sighs heavily. “We don’t know. We think a hunter was concealing his scent and that somehow he knew what we are.”
Your daughter’s eyes widened in fear. “Oh my god! Seohyun said that happened to her the other day!”
“Who?” Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed identically to yours, both confused and alarmed.
“My friend! She’s a first gen. Only on her 2nd lifetime. She was attacked a few weeks ago!” Your mouth hung open. “It happened outside the library in Hongdae. She said she was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up but she was attacked from behind. When her father asked why she didn’t hide or prepare herself she told him she didn’t smell them coming. It wasn’t until they were way too close that she could faintly smell them.”
“Oh my goodness! How did she escape if it was multiple?” Jungkook questioned.
“Luckily her boyfriend showed up. He’s a first gen too but on his 10th lifetime.”
“10? After 9 is when I lost count,” you mumble, momentarily distracted from the matter at hand.
Jungkook nods at his daughter’s words in understanding. Generally, vampires on a higher lifetime have had enough experience to ward of multiple hunters but an attack could still lead to death. “While you’re here, alone, we need to speak to you.”
She nods slowly and lowers to the adjacent couch.
“Your mother and I noticed Daniel’s marks. Every time we see him he seems to have a new injury. He seems fine with it yet when we ask how it happened the boy can’t seem to remember.” He explains in his best and seldom sed ‘authoritative father’ voice.”I’m not going to bullshit, Se Yeon, you know good and well what I’m leading to.”
The barely matured vampire purses her lips. She straightens up in hopes of seeming confident but you know better. More than one hundred and fifty years of motherhood and a maternal and vampiric need to protect your children has made you more than knowledgeable about all of your children. Currently, your daughter’s body language was telling you that she was trying to seem unafraid of her father’s intense gaze but inside was rather frightened and a little ashamed of the evident disappointment that he was not making an effort to hide.
“Se Yeon,” you spoke carefully, not too gentle yet still stern. “We aren’t angry. We just want to know if what we’re suspecting is true.”
If any of your hearts naturally beat there would have been many between when your heart actually did and when she spoke. “It didn’t start out so carelessly. I hadn’t fed in a few days, I am not sure if it was sheer laziness or a distaste for the crowd the weather brought, but I was stagnant.Daniel stopped by and noticed my color. He assumed I was sick and insisted on “caring for me”. I tried to tell him to leave after he brought me some horrendously made chicken soup and useless medicine. Finally, he resolved to cuddle with me. “Cuddles are the most effective meds my darling.” She mocked his words but you saw the smile she held for a brief moment. “In my carelessness and intense need for him to shut the hell up, I allowed him to lay his head on my chest.”
Jungkook was still listening intently and rather impatiently, for the point but you already had your hand over your face. “He didn’t hear a heartbeat.” you finished for her.
She nodded. “It took a moment but right when I thought he was falling asleep he sat up! It caught me off guard, my fangs nearly released. He started freaking out about how this was really bad and I needed to go to the hospital quick! There was no way to calm him and I could only think of one thing to do. So, I played along and acted as if I was afraid. I asked him to hold me. That brought him down enough to stop yelling. He pulled me in to hug me and I buried my face in his neck and…” she gestured outwardly and the two of you nodded for her to continue. “I took just enough to put him out, licked it to heal, and when he woke up he was back on my chest and I had a heartbeat.”
“Courtesy of him.” Jungkook quipped. You nudged him to be quiet.
“It was enough for him though. I asked if everything was alright and she told me about his crazy dream that I didn’t have a heartbeat. I told him everything was fine and let him hear my heartbeat. I was so scared though I told him I wanted to be alone. It was too close a call.”
Jungkook stood and rubbed his neck before ruffling his hair, a frustrated habit. “That doesn’t explain the multiple other marks, Se Yeon.”
Her eyes drifted to the floor. You moved to sit by her and held her hand in gentle encouragement. “It was addicting. S-Something about it was delectable and...familiar? I honestly don’t even know why the urge to drink from him is so strong but it’s as if-” she paused, her head shook as if she wasn’t even comprehending her actions or the taste. “It’s as if I don’t want anything else.”
Her eyes stayed on the floor as if searching for some type of answer but your worried ones drifted up to your husband’s. He was focused on her. His eyes held so many things and you knew he would never admit any of those things to his children, especially Lily, but this went far beyond the problems of your subspecies. This was a father’s worry.
He was willing to do anything and everything for them and for you. But he wasn’t sure what yet.
Additional author’s note: Sorry I forgot to add that in addition to new chapters of the story I’ve also posted the dictionary for this story to help you all understand certain words I use for this fic as well as a side story that is just Jungkook and Y/N with lots of fluff, angst, and SMUUUUUUUUT that I won’t be posting here. Pleeeeeease, go check it out. AO3 username: kmindset
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