#i got to talk about why mcu spiderman is a fraud and not in the spirit of spiderman
About two weeks ago, one of my dearest friends that I also have a crush on, said "My soul hurts. It's because I only have 7/8 of a soul, because my grandfather got in a blood feud with a witch and she stole part of his soul," and she said it completely seriously, and at this time I hadn't known her in person long (just a year of texting friendship) so I didn't really know her sense of humor or her delivery style. So I fully believed that she believed she only had 7/8 of a soul, and I was concerned. But I didn't ask any further, because I thought it was a thing and I didn't know how to bring it up. But today we hung out and talked for like four hours and finally I got up the courage to ask "Hey, was that thing you said a few weeks ago serious, or a bit?" Because for the past few weeks I've been debating whether that's too much of a red flag, whether I should be concerned, because I fully believed that she believed she only had 7/8 of a soul. But the second I asked she fucking burst into laughter and told me that it was a bit!! I've been haunted by this knowledge, haunted by this question, and she nearly forgot about it because it was just a weird bit she did a couple weeks ago. She laughed her fucking ass off at me and said she was happy her acting skills were so good that she had convinced me. I will never live this down.
#truly it was a terrible moment lol#we reached a lull in the conversation and i said#'hey i have an unrelated question that may make me seem really fucking stupid' and i asked#she burst into laughter and i nearly died. i walked out onto the porch and considered walking into the woods#i asked for three seconds and went into my room to scream. and then we laughed about it together#because it is a really funny situation#imagine you say a quick bit that you dont think about again because it matches your sense of humor and youre feeling silly#then three weeks later your friend concernedly asks if the bit was serious and says that its haunted them since they heard it#amazing. iconic. no notes#she and i talked for like 4.5 hours today it was amazing. she told me about marvel. idk anything about marvel but shes passionate#i got to talk about why mcu spiderman is a fraud and not in the spirit of spiderman#i braided her hair really quickly which meant i got to see her hair down (normally its a ponytail cuz she works climbing wall)#and her hair is so pretty. i was selfish i asked to braid her hair so i could see it down and also do a close thing with her#i like her so much and every time im around her i want to tell her but i dont want to upset her or stress her out#and im not sure if she likes me so i really don't want to risk that. maybe eventually. maybe eventually#shes so funny. so fucking funny and creative and smart. i miss her and its only been four hours since ive seen her#also had a weird night because im friends with my ex again. we were together for three years#and then had a messy breakup but now we're chill again. i hung out with her at a bar and we like hugged and held hands and such#just bcuz we're both physically affectionate people but it felt like back when we were dating which was weird. i dont want to date her again#i truly dont. its just nice to be her friend again. i missed having her in my life. but it felt strange to be doing shit we used to#in a place we used to frequent. while we were open about new people that we like. idk it was at a bar. she was drunk. i wasnt#idk im just tired and sick and feeling a looot of shit rn
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