#i got that certified by two tv show casting judges
stormxpadme · 2 years
Alright, I looked through the online songlist of the karaoke bar that my dear siana, busy, LOTR bestie and me will be raiding next Thursday to prepare a list to choose from when the evening comes, depending on how many slots there are, on the audience mood and my voice’s form on the day. And it’s really amusing in some way ... My singing voice lessons in high school, karaoke busy years and TV show castings were between 25 years ago and 18 years ago but I still got my same 3 list of songs for such nights.
- song category 1: Well-trained, nothing can go wrong much, sung dozens of times on castings or karaoke stages OR never did before but really wanna do this evening even if it goes wrong. Roxette, Evanescence, Faith Hill, Meridith Brooks. Joining the club as “I would love to” this time are Sia and Demi Lovato.
- song category 2 aka the longest: Would love to try one day, most of them never sung on a stage, not sure if I have the range. If I’m drunk enough, if the DJ doesn’t like category 1 or my category 1 songs are all taken already, I will have to browse through this list, pick one blindly and hope not to fuck up too badly. Everything from Whitney Houston over P!nk, from Miley Cirus to Green Day.
- song category 3 aka very short: Sung many of those in singing voice lessons or with the whole class in common musical education. You can wake me at 4 a.m. on a bottle of tequila and I’ll sing you the whole thing start to finish. Karaoke audience hates them because they get sung every day at least once. Unless DJ buys me a cocktail, not whipping those out. Beatles, ABBA, Phantom of the Opera and A Chorus line.
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janiedean · 6 years
Anyone who think Kit is a good actor is an idiot. And there's so many of them. That's why the world is getting worse and will be dominated by robots 🤖
oddmy dearest @the-bitter-gremlin hopefully you’ll get the tag because I really wanna make sure you see this reply :’DDDDDD
now, point the first: thanks for calling me an idiot! :D I mean, okay, not that grades mean anything of course but given that I went as far as graduating HS in the top five of my class, that I have two degrees one of which with the highest possible vote in a field that’s technically not too easy and that it’s even certified that I speak at least one language at native-tongue level and I can get by in two others other than mine I think my brain is fine enough, thank you.
I also watched more movies than the average person (no, I did, really, I considered studying cinema instead of going to proper uni for real), my top ten favorite movies is all stuff made before the nineties except for one and all my favorite actors are Certified Good Actors Like For Real and I got called a snob for my movie/actor taste more times than I can count. the only reason I’m doing this long-ass preamble is to inform you that if someone can’t act, I can recognize it and I have absolutely no problem admitting it even if it’s someone I like as a person or whose work I enjoy. for one, I can 100% admit that my favorite italian actor when he was nine back then was pretty atrocious (he got better admittedly but I haven’t followed him in a while, so who cares), and I still enjoyed his movies anyway even if he was terrible and I even knew it, but hey, he was hot, so who cares, right? and I enjoyed a fair amount of horribly acted italian fiction because it was fun, so really, I don’t have anything to lose here.
this was all a long preamble to tell you that yes, my favorite actor is marlon brando not the first idiot passing off the street, and yes, kit is actually good at what he does and no, people are not idiots for thinking that.
now, never mind that idek if you saw him in anything that’s not GOT, but the only movie of his I’ve seen where he was really meh was the spy movie and that was because the entire plot sucked ass and the character was terrible but everything was terrible. for the rest, he certainly pulled a better american accent than half of the british actors I’ve heard (it was brimstone by the way, excellent movie, watch it), he can do comedy (watch seven days in hell :D) and ah, yeah, he’s just making a movie/finishing a movie with xavier dolan who’s like… not someone known for picking bad actors. also, uuuh, he went to school for that actually, but not just anywhere -
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ah, wow, HE WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL WHERE LAURENCE OLIVIER, VANESSA REDGRAVE AND JUDI DENCH WENT but okay, sure, they’d totally take someone talentless according to them? and actually:
In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise the majority of Central’s submission was judged “world leading” or “internationally excellent”. The school has been ranked highly by The Guardian, placing it sixth in its league table of specialist institutions[9]and ninth for Drama and Dance.
now, what is that british acting schools prepare people for? theater.
which means that he’s a theater actor first and foremost, which shows in his damned acting because if you notice he does half of it with his voice, but I guess you were too busy thinking he’s too good-looking to act, right?
except that not counting theater stuff, GOT was the first job he had *and* his first job on tv, which means that of course he wasn’t as good as the others in the beginning, because a) acting for the theater and for tv aren’t the same, b) it was his first job and not everyone is named leonardo dicaprio and can act their way out of a what’s eating gilbert grape at seventeen.
thing is: while at least one of his co-stars hasn’t improved in the role they have (imo but it’s also the writing) and most of the others GOT actors are either seasoned professionals or had acted for the camera before and had less issues adapting to it, he actually got better, and he actually acted a lot better when he was feeding off other people. case in turn:
that’s jon and jaime in s1. admittedly, not kit’s best effort unless you interpret it as jon being so lovestruck by jaime being around him that he’s like 404 page not found, and he had one scene with NCW from then until S7, and they didn’t even interact. NCW is miles better than he is here, obviously, but like, NCW has been in the job since the early 90s and I assure you his first danish movie isn’t his best acting effort either even if it’s not bad. BUT, let’s go to another S1 scene:
jon and sam discuss sex, yey! here he’s with a guy - john bradely - who’s probably (at this point) better than him at reciting on screen, but with whom he’s had a lot more scenes and that is playing his best friend and with whom he presumably hung out a lot and with whom he’s had a lot of time to work with. and even if it’s still S1, if you look at it it’s miles better - he does a lot more of microexpressions, he never looks at the camera (first sign of bad acting btw, he didn’t do it in the previous scene either but there he looked starstruck all the time, here he doesn’t) and like, you can already see that there’s a vast difference in between the two. and it’s the same season, five episodes apart - supposedly they also filmed it later and he’s already more at ease with it. 
now, small pause to remind you that at this point jon doesn’t have too much extra baggage BUT that kit actually read the damned book and you can see it because he makes very precise choices ie in the book after jon burns his hand he flexes the fingers of the hurt one every time he’s nervous or he’s about to lie or something, and he does the exact same thing (link here btw), and fyi, with the exception of partially alfie and gwen, no one in the cast actually went as far as that so HAHAHAHAHA WOW SUCH BAD ACTING, INNIT? anyway, that was season one. I’ll spare you and myself S2/¾ also because if I link you the jon/ygritte scenes I’ll shoot myself in the head. instead, let’s go to season five and 5x02, as in the season where I literally would have quit the fucking show if it wasn’t for jon’s storyline.
if you look at this, he doesn’t even say a fucking word until the ending, and you can see exactly what he’s thinking just looking at his damned face, because if you pay even the slightest bit of attention you notice that he changes expression minutely with every damned word sam and thorne say, you can see his eye movements, then he goes from complete sour to sad to angry to surprised to delighted to worried to happy again in the span of four minutes without even talking once and it’s miles better than anything he did in S1. 
or you could also rewatch the scene where he punches ramsay in S6 where he does a lot of microexpressions that speak for him without even talking, again, in an episode where he did all the stunts on his own same as the rest of the show, and that’s really not little given all the work it goes into being, uh, the main character, who also happens to have to be a seasoned fighter and use swords and so on. (I can’t link but I think I exhausted my limit for linking videos on tumblr so whatever *SHRUG*)
guess what: HE IMPROVED. GREATLY. IT SHOWS. learn to watch the damned thing, it doesn’t take going beyond GOT to realize it. and now, two last things I have to say to you before I finish this because I honestly wasted too much time on you already.
one: he might not be the best actor around - fair enough -, but kit’s definitely good imo. not passable, not decent, not average - he’s good. and he’s learning and he’s improved tremendously in the last eight years and it shows, and he put enough effort into this role to a) read the canon, b) incorporate the canon into it, c) actually changing scenes so that they fit canon more, d) do all his own stunts, e) carry 60% of this whole damned liver-destroying show on his shoulders since at least S5 in which his sl was the only saving grace of the entire thing and he executed it perfectly, so kindly fuck off and don’t go to people calling them idiots because they think an actor is good.
(ps: I
two: going into people’s askboxes and calling them idiots because they enjoy something and insulting what they enjoy is a) rude, b) uncalled for, c) an asshole move.
next time let me/us/whoever enjoy this guys’ acting in peace and keep your fucking opinion to yourself, because honest, if I could spend twenty years out of almost thirty of my life keeping my mouth shout about how much I hate HP to a) my rl friends, b) my internet friends and I could keep myself from informing them that I think it’s really bad under their posts or in their inbox or to their face because I’d be an asshole if I decided to shit on what they like, then you can pay me the same favor (or about anyone else) and not go around dissing stuff people like to their faces when they said openly they like them.
sayonara and call me when you get an emmy nomination :’)
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floggingink · 7 years
Riverdale, “Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls”
good afternoon, this episode made me lose sleep
Jughead doesn’t even have his framing narration voiceover, because he is in too much pain, RETROACTIVELY, to WRITE IT DOWN
this is a great episode, but it’s especially a great episode for Betty’s left eyebrow, Alice’s left eyebrow, and Jughead’s pecs
there’s a very STEALTHY ticking clock sound in the background of Betty and the Black Hood’s phonecall, taken in spirit, I hope, from Hans Zimmer’s Dunkirk soundtrack, where you don’t notice it but the protracted effect makes you feel like you’re going crazy
Jughead is Betty’s “mystery-loving boyfriend”
Alice was fond of Jughead so long as he was on Betty’s newspaper staff and showed Alice compassion when her family life was crumbling, but now that he lives in a different zip code she’s over it
Archie in green is always his best choice
Archie of course walks Betty to school and of course promises not to tell a secret before he hears it
does Betty enlist Archie as her handmaiden because he’s the best choice (will do as she says, will not branch out on his own, will refuse on moral grounds to abandon her) or because she can do so with the least amount of fanfare?
“BETTY, YOU HAVE TO TELL THE POLICE, EVEN IF IT’S NOT HIM.” Archie drops some vintage bon mots today!
The Blossom spawn: it’s incredible that the Black Hood knows where Polly is when it seems like Betty doesn’t even know
Dilton Doiley is a canonically great dancer: Dilton’s stunt got the southside into more trouble, which seems like exactly the amount of power he wants to wield
remember last season when Dilton caved to Jughead’s threat of exposing him as a gun-loving loon? Dilton has purged his life of all semblances of normalcy, out in the open, so no one can do that again
apparently now we can all chill in Hiram’s study with him
Veronica was rich: Hiram’s true crime is gentrification! sounds about right!
Certified pedigree: Veronica perks up and Hermione and Hiram look at each other and agree to the same game plan silently: pimp her out
Sweet Pea is, I think, showing commendable patience towards Jughead, for someone who does not necessarily have to, for still having this particular girlfriend and best friend (“your boy, Andrews”) after day after day of southside-reasons not to. Jughead is like….I know….I don’t control them….
Jughead did not see Veronica shooting a gun coming! poor Jug is so out of the loop!
I guess Fangs earned his stripes? was it by getting an engineering degree?
What damn high school in America: okay wait, I missed before when they explained that “Fogarty’s cousin” is “in the Army” and was “going to build us something.” I can’t believe they actually FUCKING EXPLAIN IT
Sweet Pea did not know who he was talking to when he tried to hit Jughead with “It can’t get any worse.” Jughead is like, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING—
“You can’t be half a Serpent”: it’s FASCINATING TO ME how the actual on-the-ground Serpents deal with Jughead, who is familially a Serpent but not an indoctrinated one, who has been baptised but not confirmed, if you will, who keeps telling them to knock it off with the gang stuff, and yet they’re like, very careful about giving him latitude to move around in their world without having paid his membership fee, you know? I just think it’s amazing how, and I know it’s a TV show and not like a documentary, but I think it’s an interesting choice how Sweet Pea isn’t just like, Get fucked, Jughead. he hears Jughead’s objections. he explains himself
These students are legally children: the grown-up Serpents either ghost-endorse the Serpent kids taking matters into their own hands or have no idea it’s happening. either way, these kids may not have flashy extracurriculars, but they have moxie
Toni calls Sweet Pea an idiot, which is great
Veronica says she and Nicky were the “will-they-or-won’t-they” of her old “jet-set”
admirably, she immediately tells Archie not to worry about him
Betty is barely hanging on to patience for absolutely anything
I want it on the record that Jughead not wearing his fleece jacket is slightly jarring after all this time and that he still looks great in the leather one
Sweet Pea calls him a “northsider” when he walks in, which seems like a callback to a World War II sergeant calling everybody “ladies”
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Jughead is lit from behind by one of the yellow lamps, casting a glow around his hat like a fucking Renaissance painting
Gay?!: SERPENT DADDDDDYYYYY is going to “initiate” Jughead, because Riverdale loves me
Toni is looking at Jughead like she truly regrets his death, which is probably right
Archie, chilling out with Betty in her bedroom, totally without sexual pretence and just there to listen to the phone call on speaker, is GOOD ARCHIE
when Betty parries the Black Hood’s demand with her own, Archie mouths “WHAT ARE YOU DOING,” because he set a game plan
Betty is blue is her best choice
the baby Serpents lined themselves up classically, in descending order from the middle, for Jughead’s aesthetic benefit
is it possible Toni is the only one who knows Jughead’s name is Forsythe?
Archie is pretty okay with Betty building this relationship with the Black Hood, as you will remember Archie is just as obsessed with him. also, Archie is taking it pretty well that it turns out BH is into Betty instead of him. he’s not insulted or anything
he’s SO RIGHT about Alice always ragging on all of them, too! Archie’s sudden flashes of insight are revelatory
the St. Clairs are appropriately fur-covered and smug, and Nicholas St. Clair, AKA ZACH FLORRICK FROM THE GOOD WIFE, is adorable and that actor has looked exactly like that for the past seven years
why didn’t Nicky and Veronica ever sync up? they’re both schemers and that’s a difficult needle to thread? like Blair and Chuck?
I am insulted on Betty’s behalf that Alice would think Betty would write the cipher herself, in that I would hope Alice would know Betty would have more sense than to be so obvious as to use a Nancy Drew code
Jughead is officially Betty’s “Serpent boyfriend”!!!! we have arrived, Alice!
50 Shades of Betty: Betty straight destroys her mother after getting eye-rolled at
Archie does bicep curls on his bed because he’s THAT good-looking
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Toni’s FLANNEL TIGHTS are great
Jughead calls Sweet Pea an idiot too, after Toni opened that gate
OF COURSE Jughead is only joining the Serpents to try and keep the peace, because he finally found a cause to martyr himself to that is as grungy and doomed as possible and with no goshdarn way he can succeed
I’m down with the six rules! but I don’t think the show has told me exactly what being a Serpent entails yet. like what do gangs do? the Serpents aren’t a particularly druggy gang, apparently, like the motorcycle dudes in True Detective (the Ghoulies) or anything. it seems like they mostly exist to get ragged on and take care of their widows, like a very sad union
Jughead is truly scared to stick his hand in that tank and if Kevin were there he would have burst into tears
in fond congratulations, Toni calls him “Juggie,” which set off a synaptic transmission in my amygdala first time around. Jughead does a double take at it and Toni herself looks kind of like, Whoops, but then sort of pleased at her own daring
Betty having her own fucking newspaper makes me so fucking happy. I fucking love Betty goddammit
Betty’s splash of sparkles on her sweater is great too. YOU’RE ALWAYS SO PRETTY BETTY
Hermione made a flan. Hermione kind of cooks! ...unless it was Andre
Nicky’s bullet is kind of cute, in a stupid way
Archie was blindly terrified to drink rum, so I don’t think he’s going to snort cocaine
in the beginning of this episode, in the beginning, Nicky basically IS Veronica. just watch it and pretend Camilla is reading all his lines. he calls Archie “Big Red” and everyone “country mice” and says things like “What a brave new world it is” and thinks it’s hot Veronica is in a band with a sexy name. and Veronica knows this, and it makes her uncomfortable
“Damn good coffee”: the retro “Lollipop” ringtone is psycho by only the second time you hear it. Dilton would love it
“How does it feel, Betty?” FEELS GREAT!
Black Hood out here really believing Veronica is complicit with her father’s crimes??? maybe if it was for getting that girl to drink gutter water
Betty and Jughead haven’t seen each other in 24-48 hours and their meetup kiss is like if Jughead like, immigrated to America and sent money back home FOR YEARS while he worked in THE MINES until he saved enough for Betty to join him and they just met on the pier during a glorious sunset, I didn’t get a lot of sleep!!!!! the kiss is really good. is it the best kiss? it’s because it’s like their first kiss but over the other shoulder. was their best kiss in the trailer park with the God light?
obviously the best kiss was when Jughead tossed her up on his countertop like she was a black truffle salad at the Grill Room and bit her collarbone
Jughead: “I just wanted to make sure you were still alive.” Betty: “KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN.”
Jughead read the Blue & Gold article online and glowed with pride. he showed Sweet Pea: “SEE. SHE writes stuff like THIS.”
aw, they’re both sitting there, holding hands, lying to each other
I love Jughead wanting to literally leave Riverdale. Season One Jughead was obsessed with Riverdale. Season Two Jughead is like FUCK Riverdale
I hate how Jughead is gazing at Betty from across the table when she cries her single tear because it was so beautiful I had to punch through a window like Josh Lyman and it hurt and I retroactively hate Jughead for that
Betty calls them “Romeo and Juliet, but we live happily ever after instead,” because she doesn’t know she’s only eighteen minutes into the episode
Nick’s white cardigan? sure
he gets another Veronica line with “You Pussycats are pearls before the swine of Riverdale.” is this how people in Manhattan talk now?
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: Cheryl gets herself invited to the party by introducing herself, which would not work if this were Jane Austen, unless Nick were Henry Crawford, but Cheryl’s got this like black romper thing going on and posed in the doorway like one of the “Cell Block Tango” girls and at this point is a walking Riverdale legend
“Ten o’clock you said? I’ll be there at eleven.”
Archie crashes gently into someone while he chases Betty, which is a callback to Archie constantly falling over shit in the comics
Veronica probably went to the Gilded Lily after one of those Met Galas she keeps comparing things to
I think Gal Gadot’s last name is more like “Gadought” (not really like that) than like in Waiting for Godot, but whatever Cheryl wants
God bless jingle-jangle: my man hooked him up!!!
Veronica’s layered floral dress is like what my ten-year-old self being dressed by my mom for church wished one day I would be cool enough to wear. I don’t go to church now, but I still hope one day I will be cool enough to wear it
Cheryl’s sheaths: Cheryl’s art deco dress is really good too
Melody is in a GREAT ruffly red jumpsuit
Kevin in like, Don’t mind if I do!
Melody is like DON’T MIND IF I DO
Reggie and Josie are making out when they’re high, because they’re contractually obligated as the two most beautiful people in the room
Betty is miserable, like a teacher chaperoning a dance where the kids are allowed to grind
Cheryl’s hair: Cheryl whips her hair around like Beyoncé in the video for “Baby Boy” and I had to punch another window
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it took me a second to remember that Betty had to alienate Veronica and that that was why she was suddenly talking to her like Drunk Alice and that it wasn’t just Pissed Betty
Betty’s read is pretty good! exactly what Veronica is afraid of: that she has been performing as a good girl this whole time. or that people only think she is performing it. “You’ll always be a bad person.” but Veronica is very measured for someone a little drunk and high! (are you “high” if you’re on jingle-jangle?) she calmly tells Betty to leave. BECAUSE SHE IS A GOOD PERSON
damn this episode is so low-lit. like, Hannibal dark. I can barely fucking see Jughead in this trailer. Toni is half-lit by the mysterious blue trailer park light and is beautiful, so we can see her laced-up jeans
Jughead doubts it: Jughead has a very Jugheadian response to the Gauntlet: “It’s whatever.”
Toni wants to be clear that if Jughead joins this gang, everyone else will abandon him. Jughead is like...This one time...I choose not to believe it...
Summer + Blair = Veronica: Veronica still thinks Betty is her best friend and that something weird just happened that she will investigate later. Veronica is so fucking LEVEL-HEADED
Veronica unfortunately has to engage in the dance of “Mmmm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression…” when Nick just like strokes her thigh, like she isn’t clearly happily with Archie or just a person who may not want a thigh-stroking right this minute
Nick calls Archie a “hayseed yokel”
good slap! GOOD SLAP, ZACH
Betty dragged herself out to this, the world’s most suspect bus stop, in a staging not even Alfred Hitchcock would have dared pitch to Grace Kelly
Lili Reinhart does something shockingly good every episode, but Betty’s breakdown, especially her shudder-shiver breath when her phone rings, is so far beyond what the CW deserves
when BH is like “JUGHEAD,” and Betty is like “[gasp] NO,” and I’m like “I’M OUT OF WINDOWS”
...you know what the greatest trope of all time is?
—no. the greatest trope of all time is Make Him Think You Don’t Love Him. solidly, confidently, signed, sealed, delivered, the greatest, most delicious, stupidly painful thing one character can do to another. it combines SO MUCH lurid goodness: two people who, apparently, shouldn’t be together; desperate heroic measures; lack of communication—for safety reasons!; selflessness; self-torture; “I DON’T UNDERSTAND”; BRUTAL WORDS; hitting him where you know it hurts; the heartbreaker is always a GREAT actor suddenly; turning the corner after going through with it and weeping abjectly; DANGER AVOIDED BUT SOMETHING EVEN WORSE HAPPENING!!! just like—just like in Moulin Rouge! like in Twilight for god’s sake! you loved that part!
I do like how BH has no particular objection to Jughead as his own person but rather just to his father and his circumstances. Jughead’s a good kid, says BH
Archie’s Captain America Henley is back and better than ever
who is Archie calling? endless possibilities, but I hope Veronica
Archie gets EVEN MORE little moments of greatness seeing Betty spiral (is she spiralling?) and being like, Betty, this is not sustainable: “How are you going to put yourself through that?” I know there are like 12 Archies on this show, but this is one of the sweet ones
I don’t even know if it’s totally clear that Betty is telling him to “break up” with Jughead inasmuch as just keep him away from her for a couple days or so. is it possible Betty just wants Archie to be like, “Something’s happening but we have it under control, so stop coming to Pop’s”? how much credit am I giving these two?
Archie > Dawson: Archie has never been wiser than with “You HOPE we can.” and the look he gives her? devastatingly fleeting sagacity. he knows Jughead is Soft Grudge Boy
Betty knows what she’s doing using a sports metaphor on Archie’s conscience
okay what the fuck does “SoDale” mean. South Riverdale?
Best costume bit: Hermione’s white cutout dress and top knot are Academy-worthy
Veronica’s “charm offensive”
ooooh Hal certainly stepped up with Alice gone, did he not?
when Alice strides in in the Outfit, there are some prop-girls at the tent entrance in denim skirts and hard hats, like as pretend construction workers
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: Alice’s, I don’t know what to call it, flowy snakeskin cape-suit is either something she had stashed or something she bought on Amazon Prime that morning. is this what FP meant when he said she didn’t dress like the southside anymore? is this the other option, besides flannel? ...Toni? JUG?
the eyebrow? “Shove it, Hal”? Cheryl walks in too late, if you ask me
is Nick’s bowtie like .5% too big?
Veronica is in the midst of deciding whether or not to say “I DON’T GIVE A SHIT” when she sees her parents talking to Nick’s parents and feels the pull of her father telling her she was a real part of Lodge Industries now
poor fucking lonely Cheryl. Cheryl is ALONE. Cheryl looks good!
ARCHIE TAKES A TURN in this scene from the upcoming Hostel III: My Favorite Characters. was I ready for the greatest moment in the history of television Wednesday night? I was not. nothing else measures up: “The hardest thing to do in this world is to—” —who? “Cruciatus in crucem” what? who shot JR? I don’t even care. Jughead thought Archie was here to save him. don’t talk to me
The female gaze: Jughead’s tank top is back, because on top of everything else he should be physically vulnerable (direct quote from Sweet Pea)
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: Jughead SO GENTLY puts his hands on Archie’s shoulders to try and communicate by Morse code how urgently Archie needs to leave
Archie was going along with Betty’s instructions up until Sweet Pea & the Gang strolled up, and then it turned into him breaking up with Jughead for Betty and breaking up with Jughead for Archie, because Archie explodes when he’s angry and he just got like really angry
“thugs” is a terrible thing to say, when Archie obviously means “like-minded young men who want to protect their clan, as I do my own, like I did that one time”
the wrongness of calling Reggie and Dilton Jughead’s friends is blatant, but implying that Veronica got attacked is either Archie being a garbled storyteller or Archie rounding up to make Jughead’s crime, or whatever, even worse, as if Jughead is being a bad friend. Jughead is practically THE BEST FRIEND ON THIS SHOW
Jughead (I just took my glasses off, for a visual of the unplumbable depths of my emotion) asking Archie if Archie came to warn him that the Serpents are dangerous, because Archie loves him, is so motherfucking sad, it’s sadder than like, like anything else, it’s sadder than the end of Homeward Bound when you’re eight and you think Shadow fucking died in that trainyard (before he comes back; spoilers for Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey)
Archie’s follow-up is that Betty doesn’t want to be with him anymore, and in fact hasn’t wanted to be with him for a while, which, on top of everything else!, is mortifying to a certain kind of person, that someone you enjoy being with has been rolling their eyes at you behind your back
Gay.: okay Sweet Pea looking back at Fangs, who’s like, Mhmmm, when Archie’s doing his thing, is really good
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Sweet Pea is really good throughout! he’s standing there but he doesn’t step in, even at the “dark side” stuff. he’s kind of minding his own business!
Jughead is apparently so wretched about himself that the incongruity of this attack isn��t even a blip on his radar. he’s not like, Archie, respectfully, this is coming out of nowhere. Archie, what? What the hell? instead he’s like, The day has come
Archie’s pornographic cruelty here (which is precisely what Betty told him NOT TO DO) is to include the “agonizing over it” detail, which is a REALLY GOOD detail, and then his AMAZING bluff about “CALL HER.”
Jughead’s internal certainty about Betty’s unimpeachable conduct starts to crack
“She saw where you were headed. We all did.”: it’s not enough that Betty, the creature he loves most in all the world, thinks he’s trash and wants him gone, but it’s all of us, and Jughead buys it because he’s conditioned to expect that everyone will tolerate him up until the point they realize he’s trash and want him gone, as the Powers That Be, like he put it, keep telling him over and over and over (his mother, his father, Reggie, Sheriff Keller, Fred Andrews, the Rockland County school system, Alice, Sweet Pea, Toni, Archie)
Archie knows he might’ve put a toe over the line (obliterated it?) when Jughead looks like he’s about to cry, and Jughead tells him he got it and he just quietly says “Yeah,” and walks away, through the Serpents, who leave him alone
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I honestly don’t know what Sweet Pea was about to say before Jughead cut him off! something bracing? he was definitely AT LEAST going to be neutral. there’s no “I told you so,” which is good otherwise Jughead might’ve Gauntleted himself. he changes the subject!
“I’m choosing to blame Betty’s Britney-esque meltdown.”
Cheryl isn’t fucking around with baby sips
GOD!!!!!!! I hope Lodge Industries razing the entire southside BRINGS BACK how it destroyed Jughead’s drive-in and FINALLY MAKES JUGHEAD AND VERONICA YELL AT EACH OTHER
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: the Pussycats and Veronica looks incredible (the corset-like back of Veronica’s dress?) and perform the only song from Rent that I like!
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Fwoopy hair is the best hair: VALERIE
Riverdale brings back one of their very good things: somebody cheerfully singing over top the visual of something horrible happening
Please protect Betty: Betty unrestrainedly sobbing in her windowsill while Jug cracks his neck (something he does now) in CrossFit mobility training for running the gauntlet is better than anything Alice predicted would happen when they started dating
Archie deserves to sit alone at Pop’s counter for a little while
Josie is so...fit. she’s tiny and she’s all muscle
okay LOVED Jughead’s smoky silhouette before he starts walking, loved
Cheryl’s sparkly boots???
Veronica and Josie take note of Nick leading Cheryl away IMMEDIATELY, because as you recall Veronica is a feminist superhero and senses when sketch is afoot
the gauntlet was good until it was GREAT. YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT:
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Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Sweet Pea probably breaks Jughead’s fucking cheekbone with that. Jughead doesn’t really have cheekbones, but he has cheek bones and it’s probably fucking broken, and it was, IT WAS EXACTLY the kind of sexy, bloody, homoerotic standoff I crave. that lighting? Sweet Pea’s FACE? Jughead standing there with his shoulders back, daring him to go harder? Jughead is not having a good time, but I’m having a great time. I fucking love the Serpents
the real gauntlet looks like it would be lying on the floor while Josie and the Pussycats kick the shit out of you
Sweet Pea and Toni and the Daddy are SO PROUD OF JUGHEAD!!! SO AM I!!!!!
it’s possible Betty seriously no longer cares if she lives or dies, is the only explanation for her going to an “abandoned house on the edge of Fox Forest” by her own damn self
I will say the wallpaper in this house is more or less the same as in Betty’s bedroom, and that is a very Betty mirror
Archie could literally kill someone tonight, so it’s probably for the best he didn’t make the leap the Nick went back to HIS HOTEL ROOM
Josie keeps slightly fixing the warm orange knit over Cheryl’s legs
“It’s not your fault, Veronica.”
Jughead got the tiniest little Serpent tattoo, because he is just a child
I LOVE Toni’s headband wrap
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: is it kind of tacky for Toni to kiss him right now? yes. is it BAD? no. he’s developing another layer of trauma as we speak, but he’s single. somebody wants him!
NEXT WEEK: Cheryl in round sunglasses
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blackkudos · 6 years
Mel B
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Melanie Janine Brown (born 29 May 1975), better known as Mel B or Melanie B, is an English singer, songwriter, presenter, television personality, dancer, actress, author, and model. Brown rose to fame as a member of the girl group the Spice Girls, in which she became known as Scary Spice. Brown is also known for supporting girl power and earlier global tours, which grossed an estimated $500–800 million between 1996 and 2000.
Brown began her solo career when she released "I Want You Back" with Missy Elliott on Virgin Records. The single charted at number one on the UK Singles Chart, followed by the release of her debut album, Hot (2000). The album also saw the release of two top 10 singles "Tell Me" and "Feels So Good". L.A. State of Mind was Brown's second studio album, released in 2005 on the independent label Amber Café, which saw the release of one single, "Today" in June that year. In mid-2012, Brown announced a return to her solo recording career with the release of her third studio album by signing with EMI Music Australia. The scope of the deal with EMI office includes concessions for global partnering with EMI. The first single from the album, "For Once in My Life" was released in September 2013, becoming Brown's first record to be released after eight years.
Since 2000, Brown has concentrated on a variety of non-singing projects. She became the presenter of shows such as This Is My Moment, Top of the Pops, Party in the Park and The All Star Animal Awards. In September 2007, she became a contestant on the fifth season of the American dance competition, Dancing with the Stars; in which she placed runner-up overall partnered with Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Brown returned to television work becoming a judge for the Australian version of The X Factor from 2011 to 2012, replacing Kyle Sandilands and having previously been a celebrity mentor on the show in 2010. In June 2012, she was a guest judge during the Manchester auditions for the ninth series of The X Factor UK, as one of the temporary replacements for Kelly Rowland; before the role eventually went to Nicole Scherzinger. She later joined The X Factor UK for its eleventh series in 2014.
During this time she became the female co-host for Dancing with the Stars Australia, in which she hosted the twelfth season alongside Daniel MacPherson. However, Brown resigned from the show and did not return for the thirteenth season in 2013. In February that year, she officially signed on to become one of the four judges for the variety talent show America's Got Talent, replacing Sharon Osbourne from the eighth season onwards. On 1 February 2014, she was revealed to be a coach on The Voice Kids in Australia, which aired in mid-2014.
Early life
Melanie Janine Brown was born in Harehills, Leeds, and grew up in the Burley area of the city, the daughter of Andrea (née Dixon) and Martin Brown. Her father is from the Caribbean island nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis; while her mother is English. Brown studied performing arts at Intake High School, in Leeds, before entering the entertainment industry. For a time, she worked as a dancer in the holiday resort, Blackpool, Lancashire. After seeing an advertisement for an audition in a newspaper, Brown started her music career in a band known as Touch. The group left the original management team and eventually teamed up with music manager Simon Fuller.
1994–1998: Spice Girls
In 1994, Brown, along with Mel C, Geri Halliwell, and Victoria Beckham responded to an advertisement in The Stage magazine. Around 400 women, who answered the advertisement, attended auditions at Danceworks Studios in Mayfair, London. Halliwell, Chisholm, Beckham and Brown were originally chosen as the members of the group, and then formed a quintet with Emma Bunton. The group felt insecure about the lack of a contract and were frustrated by the direction in which Heart Management was going and broke with them. In 1995, they toured record labels in London and Los Angeles and finally signed a deal with Virgin. Their debut album, Spice was a huge worldwide commercial success and peaked at number one in more than 17 countries across the world, and was certified multi-platinum in 27 countries. Conceptually, the album centred on the idea of Girl Power, and during that time was compared to Beatlemania. In total the album sold 30 million copies worldwide and became the biggest-selling album in music history by a girl group and one of the most successful albums of all time. The first single, "Wannabe" reached number one in 37 countries and all the following singles – "Say You'll Be There", "2 Become 1", "Who Do You Think You Are" and "Mama" – also peaked at number one in United Kingdom.
In 1997, they released their second album, Spiceworld, and their first two singles "Spice Up Your Life" and "Too Much", entered the UK Albums Chart at number one, making it the group's 7th consecutive number one hit single, an all-time record for a musical group. The album was a global best seller, selling 20 million copies worldwide. The group also starred in their own film, Spiceworld: The Movie, which grossed $100 million at the box office worldwide and became the second most watched movie of the year. The next single, "Stop", peaked at two, breaking the sequence of number ones, the only single to not reach the top of the charts. "Viva Forever", another number one, was the last single before Geri Halliwell's departure from the group in May 1998. "Never Give Up on the Good Times" was planned as fifth single, but was canceled after this event. With four members, the group released "Goodbye", before Christmas in 1998 and when it topped the UK Singles Chart it became their third consecutive Christmas number-one – equalling the record previously set by The Beatles. Before the split of the Spice Girls, Brown went on to release music with Virgin Records, the label who she was signed to when a member of the Spice Girls. "I Want You Back" was released as the first official single from the album, which charted at number 1 on the UK Singles Chart and also had success around the globe. The song was recorded for the soundtrack of the film Why Do Fools Fall in Love. The single itself sold 218,000 copies and became the 82nd Bestselling British Single of the year.
1999–04: Hot and acting
In 1999, while recording her album, Brown worked with producers such as Sisqó, Teddy Riley, and Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis (Janet Jackson, Prince), with whom she was also working on the Spice Girls' third album, Forever. After the release of their third album, Forever (UK number 2), which was far less successful than their previous two albums, the Spice Girls stopped recording and the members began their solo careers. Brown's debut album, Hot was released in November 2000, a month before the Spice Girls final album, Forever was released. At the suggestion of her then-husband Jimmy Gulzar, Brown covered Cameo's 1986 hit "Word Up" as her next solo release. The track was already released on the soundtrack to Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. The song charted poorly, peaking at fourteen on the UK Singles Chart making it the lowest-charting Spice Girls-related single of the 90s. Turning to television work, she hosted Pure Naughty, a weekly BBC2 magazine show focusing on black music. She also hosted the MOBO Awards on two occasions, in 1998 with Bill Bellamy and in 1999 with Wyclef Jean, and took part in a BBC-funded short film entitled Fish. From 2000, Brown concentrated on a variety of non-singing projects. She hosted a number of TV shows such as This Is My Moment (a talent show) for ITV1 and shot a documentary called Voodoo Princess for Channel 4. She took part in smaller projects as a presenter such as Top of the Pops, Party in the Park for The Prince's Trust and The All Star Animal Awards.
She has appeared as herself in an advert for the Yorkshire tourist board in a series which included contributions from other Yorkshire-born celebrities, and in the film Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde. The third single from the album, "Tell Me", which debuted at No. 4 in the UK charts, with about 40,000 copies sold in its first week of release. It sold approximately 100,000 copies, making it the 158th "best seller" of 2000. In late 2000, after the first solo work of members, the Spice Girls released their third and final album, Forever, sporting a new edgier R&B sound. "Holler" and "Let Love Lead the Way" was released as singles in 23 October 2000 and the songs reached number one in United Kingdom. The album sold 5 million copies and after the group split. A fourth single was released in February 2001, "Feels So Good" which had peaked at No. 5, followed by a fifth single, "Lullaby", a pop number dedicated to her daughter. It was accompanied by a video shot in Morocco and featured Brown with Phoenix Chi. The media criticised Brown for using her child in the music video and single artwork, labelling her Desperate Spice and insinuating that she was exploiting her child as a marketing tool. The single entered and peaked at No. 13. The album was not a success and garnered mediocre reviews, selling a disappointing 7,419 copies in its first week and charting at a weak No. 28 leading to Virgin dumping Brown from their label. In 2002, Brown released her autobiography, Catch a Fire, which reached No. 7 in the official books chart, and saw her touring the UK to promote it with a run of book signings. In 2003 Brown's first movie role came in the form of a British drama, Burn It. She appeared in a horror film entitled, LD 50 Lethal Dose, which was released directly to DVD in 2005. She acted in a long run of shows as part of the cast for The Vagina Monologues. She was in the movie The Seat Filler, co-produced by Will Smith and starring Destiny's Child star Kelly Rowland. In April 2004, Brown was approached to take part in the musical Rent in the role of Mimi Marquez.
2005–09: L.A. State of Mind and Spice Girls reunion
In 2005, after Rent, Brown became interested in recording new songs. Since her breakup with Virgin in 2001, she remained distant music, not interested in a return. She had a leading role in the thriller Telling Lies, and decided to release them a year later through an independent label, Amber Café. The only single from the album, "Today", saw a UK release in June 2005. "Today" entered the singles chart at No. 41, selling around 1,000 copies in its first week. The album, LA State of Mind, was released on 27 June 2005 in two formats: as a regular CD and as a limited edition with a 30-minute DVD documentary detailing Brown's life in Los Angeles. In a scathing review, AllMusic stated that this album was one of the worst pop albums of the decade. The album was also released with a bonus DVD featuring an in-depth documentary filmed and directed by Mark McConnell. Brown said she did not sign with a major label because the album was a non-commercial project. She also shied away from recording in an R&B or hip hop style again, instead focusing on using adult themes and rhythms such as in acoustic music following an appearance in the film Love Thy Neighbor.
In September 2007, Brown joined the fifth season of the US television dance competition, Dancing with the Stars with her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy. On 27 November 2007, they took second place in the show, losing to Helio Castroneves and his partner, Julianne Hough. That year, the Spice Girls re-grouped and announced plans for an reunion tour, from which they were said to have earned £10 million each (approximately $20 million). The band said that they are still enjoying doing their "own thing". The group decided to release their first compilation album, Greatest Hits, in early November 2007 and the tour began on 2 December 2007. During one Spice Girls performance at London's The O2 Arena, the band's children, including Brown's children accompanied her on stage during "Mama", along with the other Spice Girls' children. During the reformation filmmaker Bob Smeaton directed an official film of the tour entitled Spice Girls: Giving You Everything. As well as their sell-out tour, the Spice Girls were contracted to appear in Tesco advertisements, for which they were paid £1 million each. In April 2009, Brown joined actress and former Dancing with the Stars champion Kelly Monaco as original stars of a Las Vegas revue called Peepshow at the Las Vegas Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino. On 17 August 2009, Brown was announced as a visiting panellist on ITV1's daily lunchtime show Loose Women. She appeared for a week of shows during September 2009.
2010–present: Television projects
In January 2010, Brown was selected to replace Marissa Jaret Winokur as the new host of Oxygen's weight loss show Dance Your Ass Off. In September 2010, her own reality show aired on the Style Network called Mel B: It's a Scary World. In November 2010, Get Fit with Mel B, was released in North America and Europe. Brown served as a celebrity mentor on the second season of the Australian version of The X Factor during week 8 of the live shows in 2010. During the results show, she performed a duet with the remaining five acts singing "Stop" originally by the Spice Girls. In April 2011, it was announced that Brown would replace Kyle Sandilands as a judge for the third series of the Australian version of The X Factor alongside Ronan Keating, Guy Sebastian and fellow new judge Natalie Bassingthwaighte (who replaced Natalie Imbruglia). For her first series on the show, she was given the Under 25 Girls category. In February 2012, Brown was announced to replace Sonia Kruger as co-host on the Australian version of Dancing with the Stars. It was announced on 24 February that Brown was planning on releasing the second season of It's a Scary World in summer 2012. Brown also revealed that the Spice Girls will be having some projects later in the year dealing with the musical. On 31 March, it was announced that Brown signed a global partnership with EMI Music Australia for the release of her third studio album, but then she broke the contract.
Brown returned for the fourth series of The X Factor and mentored the Under 25 Boys category. Her act Jason Owen reached the final, but finished in second place after losing out to Samantha Jade, mentored by Guy Sebastian. In June 2012, it was confirmed that Brown would become a guest judge for the Manchester auditions of the British version of The X Factor alongside Louis Walsh, Gary Barlow and Tulisa Contostavlos. On 20 February 2013, NBC had announced that Brown would be replacing Sharon Osbourne as a judge on America's Got Talent for its eighth season, alongside Howie Mandel, Howard Stern and fellow new judge Heidi Klum. During her time on the program, she should frequently be a guest host for NBC's Today Show. It was confirmed in March 2013 that Brown would judge Australia's Got Talent along with fellow Brit Dawn French. The same month, it was confirmed that Brown would not return as a judge for the fifth season of The X Factor due to her commitments with Australia's Got Talent. Brown was replaced by Dannii Minogue. On 9 April 2013, the Australian Associated Press reported that Brown was off the chain and banned from judging on Australia's Got Talent after Seven, the Australian TV network that airs The X Factor, filed suit to prevent Brown from appearing on any rival networks. The judge ruled that Brown was still under contract with Seven until January 2014, thus preventing her from appearing on a program aired by another network until after that date. The Nine Network confirmed rumours on 29 April that they had hired former fellow Spice Girl Geri Halliwell to replace Brown.
She had a small part in the final episode of the ITV2 drama series Secret Diary of a Call Girl. In 2013, she returned to acting in the Lifetime movie Twelve Trees of Christmas. From August to September 2013, she became a judge on the televised dancing show, Stepping Out, alongside choreographers Wayne Sleep and Jason Gardiner. That month, Brown released her first single in eight years, "For Once in My Life", from her untitled and unreleased third studio album. The single peaked at No.2 on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs charts. In 2014 she appeared on The Big Fat Quiz of the Year , during the taping she had to be told to settle down by producers. Many of the live audience and high-profile celebrities watching felt she marred an otherwise great show, and took to Twitter and social media to express these views. In February 2014, it was announced that she would become a coach on the Australian version of The Voice Kids, alongside singers Joel Madden and Delta Goodrem. In June, she was confirmed as the fourth judge for the eleventh series of the British version of The X Factor, replacing Nicole Scherzinger. Emma Bunton joined her in Cancun, Mexico for the judges' houses stage of The X Factor.
In December 2014, it was announced that Brown would miss The X Factor final due to illness. Brown is currently a daily guest co-host on the Breakfast program on Sydney radio station 2Day FM, alongside Jules Lund, Merrick Watts and Sophie Monk. Brown's and co-hosts replaced top hosts Kyle and Jackie O who moved to KIIS 106.5 taking majority of audience, leaving 2Day FM with the least listened to station in Sydney. On 16 June 2015, it was confirmed that she would not return for the twelfth series of The X Factor and was replaced by Rita Ora. She began presenting Lip Sync Battle UK, the British adaption of Lip Sync Battle, on Channel 5 in January 2016, alongside Professor Green. In 2016, Brown guest judged at The X Factor at the London auditions, standing in for Scherzinger, while she had other commitments. In 2016 she announced that the Spice Girls – except for Victoria Beckham and Melanie C – were working on a 20-year anniversary tour for 2017. She also confirmed to be returning to The X Factor Australia, after a three-year absence. As only three categories were announced, she got a new category, named, Underdogs, where she chose an eliminated act from each of their categories to bring back.
In 2017 she returned to Broadway to star in the musical Chicago as Roxie Hart.
Personal life
From 1996 to 1997, Brown dated Icelandic businessman Fjölnir Thorgeirsson.
In March 1998, while on the Spiceworld Tour, Brown began a relationship with Dutch dancer Jimmy Gulzar. The couple became engaged on 13 May 1998. Melanie became pregnant in June of the same year, and the couple were married in Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, on 13 September 1998. Melanie B changed her stage name to Melanie G while they were married.
Their daughter, Phoenix Chi Gulzar, was born on 19 February 1999. Brown filed for divorce in 2000, and the divorce was finalized later the same year. Brown won custody, and paid an alimony settlement of $2.8m to Gulzar.
Gulzar was prosecuted for threatening Brown and attacking her sister, Danielle, in August 2001. He was found guilty of the assault, but was later cleared by the court.
In 2000 Brown began a relationship with actor Max Beesley; the couple dated for two years.
From 2002 to 2006 Brown was in a relationship with film producer Christine Crokos. Brown and Crokos lived together in Los Angeles, California. Asked about the relationship, Brown said: "People call me lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual, but I know who's in my bed and that's it. I have a huge libido and a great sex life". Brown and Crokos' relationship ended in 2006.
In 2006 Brown became the subject of tabloid stories due to her relationship with Hollywood actor Eddie Murphy, who would eventually acknowledge he was the father of Brown's then unborn second child, a daughter named Angel Iris Murphy Brown, born 3 April 2007. By early December 2006, Brown and Murphy had ended their relationship, and Murphy told a journalist of the Dutch TV show RTL Boulevard at the Dreamgirls film premiere that the parentage of Brown's unborn baby could not be proven until a paternity test was performed. In 22 June 2007, a court-ordered DNA test confirmed that Murphy was the child's father. Murphy admitted paternity and indicated that a paternity settlement of $7 million had been reached.
In February 2007 Brown began dating film producer Stephen Belafonte. Brown and Belafonte secretly married on 6 June 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The couple subsequently renewed their vows in front of their families on 8 November 2008 in Hurghada, Egypt.
On 1 September 2011, Brown gave birth to her third child, daughter Madison Brown Belafonte.
On 18 December 2014, it was revealed Brown had been blinded in one eye after a botched laser eye surgery 15 years prior.
In March 2017, Brown filed for divorce from Stephen Belafonte. The couple separated in December 2016.
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: January 2018
Sunday, December 31
The Parliament House features Peppermint and Bob The Drag Queen live from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 8 and 9. Tickets are $20 in advance and they also have a $75 VIP Meet and Greet option. The Footlight players will be performing at 10p.m. and 12a.m., as well as comedian Julie Goldman in her stand up “Balls Dropped” at 7:30p.m.
Amalie Arena presents Jim Gaffigan in his stand up tour “Contagious. “Jim Gaffigan is a Grammy nominated comedian, New York Times best-selling author, top touring performer, and multi-platinum-selling father of five. He recently wrapped the first season of his semi-fictitious television show, The Jim Gaffigan Show, which TV Land picked up for a second season and premieres this summer. The series, lauded by The Los Angeles Times as “Fun and Funny,” and People Magazine as “One of Summer TV’s bright spots. The Show starts at 7:30p.m. and tickets are: $32, $46 and $66.
Southern Nights Tampa & Southern Nights Orlando invites everyone to ring in the New Year with them as they feature a $15 all you can drink Wells (includes cover) with UPGRADES available for Call and Top Shelf. They will also feature a Balloon Drop, Champagne Toast at Midnight, Drag Shows and Go-Go dancers throughout the Night!
Wena’s Show Bar presents: Chicago The Musical FULL Production with one continuous show starting at 11p.m. featuring the entire cast of Wena’s: Bobbie Lake, Conundrum, Kaotica Divine, Vyn Suazion, Juno Vibranz, Kathryn Nevets, Crystle Chambers, Jakie St. James, Slayter Steele, De Delovely & Alec St. James! They will also feature a Champagne toast at midnight with a buffet too!
CFE Arena presents Kevin Hart in his “The Irresponsible Tour” at 7p.m. with tickets starting at $69.50. The show will feature new material from the comedy superstar! 2017 has been a banner year for Hart; his memoir I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons debuted at number one on the New York Times Bestseller list.  To close 2017, Kevin is appearing in the Sony reboot of the classic film Jumanji alongside Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black.
The Flamingo resort presents “Las Vegas Style Casino” with Black Jack, Roulette, Craps, Texas Hold-Em Poker, Big Wheel, and slot machines from 9p.m. to midnight. They will feature prizes for the top three players of the night. They will also feature a show at 11:30p.m. hosted by Iman and featuring the Blu Theater players, firework displays, DJs all day and male entertainers.
Bradley’s on 7th opens at 2:30p.m, and features a Parade Viewing Party at 4p.m., DJ Bruce Devery from 4-10-p.m., DJ Charles Machado from 10p.m.-3a.m. in the video bar,  DJ Steve Vaughn from 10p.m. to 3a.m. in the dance bar, show times at 11:30p.m, and 1:15a.m. Starring Tiffany Arieagus, Jaeda Fuentes, Hori Stevens and Felicity Lane, a live countdown from Times Square, a Champagne Toast at midnight, party favors, Bradley’s boys all night and no cover!
Tuesday, January 2
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents School of Rock from Jan 2 – 7. School Of Rock is a New York Times Critics’ Pick and “An Inspiring Jolt Of Energy, Joy And mad Skillz!” (Entertainment Weekly). Based on the hit film, this hilarious new musical follows Dewey Finn, a wannabe rock star posing as a substitute teacher who turns a class of straight-A students into a guitar-shredding, bass-slapping, mind-blowing rock band. This high-octane smash features 14 new songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber, all the original songs from the movie and musical theater’s first-ever kids rock band playing their instruments live on stage. Vanity Fair raves, “Fists Of All Ages Shall Be Pumping!” Tickets start at $45.
Southern Nights Orlando presents their Twisted Tuesday Grand Finale, where all of your Twisted Tuesday Final Winners will come back to compete for the Ultimate Prize….. $500 CASH, a Twisted Tuesday Trophy and a Tuesday Cast Position for a Year.  Winner is chosen by Audience Applause and a Panel of Judges. This exciting event features the music of DJ Melvin Sledge, is hosted by Axel Andrews with Kaija-adonis, MrMs Adrian and honors the 2016 Grand Finale Winner Mystree Hugga.  No cover before 11pm 21+ (18+ Welcomed).
Wendesday, January 3
Southern Nights Tampa presents their “So You Think You Can Drag” Semi Finals with a Candy land theme and hosted by Jade Embers & Gia Banks! The night will also feature Season 2 winner Artty.  They invite you to watch all previous winner compete for the $250 cash prize and a booking at Swank Saturdays.  No cover 21+ (18+ Welcomed).
Thursday, January 4
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents comedian Ron “Tater Salad” White who first rose to fame as the cigar-smoking, scotch-drinking funnyman from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour phenomenon, but now as a chart-topping Grammy-nominated comedian and a feature film actor. Ron White has established himself as a star in his own right. White has always been a classic storyteller. His stories relay tales from his real life, ranging from growing up in a small town in Texas to sharing stories of his daily life to becoming one of the most successful comedians in America. All 4 of his comedy albums charted #1 on the Billboard Comedy Charts. He has sold over 14 million albums, and has been nominated for two Grammys. Tickets start at $41.
Friday, January 5
Southern Nights Tampa is celebrating the 6th anniversary of NeiBEARhood Takeover with the theme: “Revenge Of The Sixth” (A Star Wars/Si-Fi Fetish Event) staring DJ JB Burgos. The night will also feature a 1 a.m. costume contest. There is no cover before 10p.m. and this is a 21+ only event!
Saturday, January 6
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder today at 8p.m. and Sunday January 7 at 3 p.m.  Getting away with murder can be so much fun… and there is no better proof than this knock-‘em-dead hit show.  A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder is the winner of the 2014 Tony Award for Best Musical, and tells the uproarious story of Monty Navarro, heir to a family fortune who sets out to jump the line of succession by eliminating the eight pesky relatives who stand in his way. All the while, Monty juggles his mistress (after more than just love), his fiancée (his cousin but who’s keeping track?), and the constant threat of landing behind bars! The Hollywood Reporter raves, “Gentleman’s Guide restores our faith in musical comedy.” Tickets start at $51.
Tuesday, January 9
Orlando’s Amway Center presents Shakira in her El Dorado World Tour at 7:30p.m. with tickets starting at $47.50. Over the course of Shakira’s career, the Colombian singer-songwriter has sold over 60 million records worldwide and has won numerous awards including two Grammys, eight Latin Grammys, and several World Music Awards, American Music Awards and Billboard Music Awards. She is also the only South American artist to have a number one song in the U.S., and has had four of the 20 top-selling hits of the last decade.
Thursday, January 11
Southern Nights Tampa presents their annual “Turnabout,” a benefit for Metro Wellness & Community Centers. Thy invite you to watch as your favorite staff members perform in DRAG! Doors Open at 8pm $5 Suggested Donation (18+ Welcomed) with ShowTime at 9pm hosted by: Jade Embers with Gia Banks.
Friday, January 12
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Forever Plaid from today until March 11 with tickets starting at $42. When four young singers are killed in a car crash, they posthumously take the stage for one final gig in this goofy, 1950’s nostalgia trip. This deliciously fun revue is chock-full of classic barbershop quartet harmonies and pitch-perfect melodies! Singing in close harmony, squabbling boyishly and executing their charmingly outlandish choreography with overzealous precision, the Plaids are a guaranteed smash, with a program of beloved songs that keep audiences rolling in the aisles when they’re not humming along to some of the great nostalgic pop hits of the 1950s.
Saturday, January 13
The Parliament House presents, direct from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9, and making her Orlando debut: AJA. Doors open at 8pm. Shows with the Foolight Players and Aja at 10p.m. & 12a.m. General Admission sold at the door only. VIP/Photo Op tickets are on sale now. 18+ welcome.
Sunday, January 14 The Parliament House presents April Fresh’s Comedy Brunch Buffet featuring a delicious brunch buffet which begins at 12pm with the show beginning at 1pm featuring: April, Sorcha Mercy, and Alexi Leigh. Brunch Buffet- $19.99 (18+); Brunch Buffet with bottomless mimosas – $29.99 (21+).
Wednesday, January 17
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Chita & Tune: Just In Time, which is a unique concert event that pairs two of Broadway’s most celebrated legends. Chita Rivera and Tommy Tune collectively have won 12 Tony Awards and this iconic Broadway coupling is guaranteed to dazzle you! Chita has won two Tony Awards as Best Leading Actress in a Musical and received eight additional Tony nominations. Tommy has been honored with 10 Tony Awards recognizing him as an outstanding performer, choreographer, and director. The stars will showcase the artistry and history that has made them stars of the Great White Way and beyond.  The duo will be accompanied by a trio of superb Broadway musicians.  The show starts at 8p.m. with tickets starting at $26.
Thursday, January 18
Dr. Phillips Center For the Performing Arts in association with AEG presents Jake Owen in The Good Company Tour at 8p.m. Jake Owen has had six No. 1 singles to date – the 2X Platinum anthem “Barefoot Blue Jean Night,” Platinum-certified hits “Beachin’,” “Anywhere with You,” “Alone with You” and “The One That Got Away” plus Gold-certified “American Country Love Song.” The RCA Nashville recording artist recently released his fifth studio album, American Love, which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart and No. 4 on the Billboard 200 chart. The Vero Beach, FL native is well known for his high-energy performances and laid-back style. Tickets: start at $35.
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents…..It’s not a concert…it’s a party!   Spend a nostalgic evening saluting 3 of the world’s most beloved musical groups who were instrumental in creating the Rock & Roll/Doo Wop sound: Cornell Gunter’s Coasters (Charlie Brown, Yakety Yak); The Platters featuring 4 of America’s premier singers performing their greatest hits (Only You, The Great Pretender); and The Drifters, one of Rock & Roll’s founding vocal groups with their 50 year catalog of hits (Under the Boardwalk, This Magic Moment).  This show, which starts at 8p.m. has songs to please every palate, delivered just the way you remember them, when you first heard them on the radio! Tickets start at $26.
Friday, January 19
Riverdance: 20th Anniversary Tour plays both the Straz Center for the performing Arts (Jan 19-21; tickets start at $35.25) and the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (Jan 26-28; tickets start at $34.25). Drawing on Irish traditions, the combined talents of the performers propel Irish dancing and music into the present day, capturing the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures in an innovative and exciting blend of dance, music and song. Of all the performances to emerge from Ireland – in rock, music, theatre and film – nothing has carried the energy, the sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance. Riverdance – The 20th Anniversary World Tour is composed by Bill Whelan, produced by Moya Doherty and directed by John McColgan, and comes directly to North America from a sold out run across Europe and Asia.
Orlando’s Amway Center presents Miranda Lambert in her “Livin’ Like Hippies Tour” at 7p.m. with tickets starting at $39.75. The Livin’ Like Hippies Tour receives its name from the lyrics of Lambert’s aptly titled song “Highway Vagabond” which appears on The Nerve side of Lambert’s 24-song, double album, The Weight Of These Wings.The new album, The Weight Of These Wings, is the Texas native’s sixth studio album and since its release in November 2016 the record has been certified Platinum by the RIAA, spawned two Grammy Award nominations for its lead single “Vice,” been awarded the ACM Album of the Year, and most recently racked up FIVE nominations for Lambert at the upcoming CMA Awards including a coveted Album of the Year nod.
Sunday, January 21
The Flamingo resort presents the Mr. and Miss Flamingo Pageant honoring Kenya Black and Johnny Sparks (Mr. and Miss Flamingo 2017). The pageant starts at 6p.m. with the categories: Presentation, Swimwear, Talent, Formal Wear and Q&A. For contestant info contact [email protected].
Thursday, January 25
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents the iconic Paul Anka. The legendary singer/songwriter, one of the biggest teen idols of the late ‘50’s, is an ever-popular performer at the Van Wezel. With well over 500 songs to his credit, the most memorable being “Put Your Head On My Shoulder,” “My Way” and the famous theme from “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” Paul is the only artist in history to have a song in the Billboard Top 100 during seven separate decades. His concert starts at 8p.m. and tickets start at $81.
Friday, January 26
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Masters of Illusion, America’s largest touring magic show. They return with their “Believe the Impossible” tour! Nothing beats the experience of seeing a magic show in person. You will see grand illusions, levitating women, appearances, vanishes, escapes, comedy, magic, sleight of hand and beautiful dancers all rolled up into one live show! Only the best, most unique, amusing, astounding and amazing performers have been chosen to perform in this huge stage phenomenon. The show starts at 7p.m. with tickets starting at only $21.
Saturday, January 27
Dr. Phillips Center For the Performing Arts added a second show at 10p.m. for Trevor Noah, who was the most successful comedian in Africa and is the host of the Emmy® and Peabody® Award-winning “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. This year “The Daily Show” was nominated for a Writers Guild Award (Comedy/Variety Series). Noah also recently won Best Host at the 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards, as well as a Creative Arts Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Variety Series for his hosting role on “The Daily Show – Between The Scenes.” He joined “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” in 2014 as a contributor. In February 2017 Noah debuted his 9th comedy special “Afraid of the Dark” on Netflix. Tickets start at $39.50.
Monday, January 29
Dr. Phillips Center for the Perfroming Arts in association with Bill Blumenreich presents Vice President Joe Biden: American Promise Tour. Joe Biden has always believed that when given a chance, ordinary people can do extraordinary things. As a scrappy kid from Scranton who rose to the Office of Vice President, he is no exception. During his 45 years of public service, one of Vice President Biden’s greatest strengths has been his ability to bring people together, even in crisis, even across difficult divides, all the while, respecting everybody at the table. Pre-Sale tickets start at: $68 (VIP Package: $325) and includes a copy of Vice President Joe Biden’s new memoir, Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose.
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents the Magic of Adam Trent. Direct from Broadway, Adam Trent, the breakout star of the world’s best-selling magic show The Illusionists, brings his signature brand of magic and illusion to this nonstop spectacle. The Magic of Adam Trent is an immersive entertainment extravaganza of magic, comedy and music perfect for the entire family. Don’t miss the next generation of magic! Tickets start at $45.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/26/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2018/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/12/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2018.html
0 notes
demitgibbs · 7 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: January 2018
Sunday, December 31
The Parliament House features Peppermint and Bob The Drag Queen live from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 8 and 9. Tickets are $20 in advance and they also have a $75 VIP Meet and Greet option. The Footlight players will be performing at 10p.m. and 12a.m., as well as comedian Julie Goldman in her stand up “Balls Dropped” at 7:30p.m.
Amalie Arena presents Jim Gaffigan in his stand up tour “Contagious. “Jim Gaffigan is a Grammy nominated comedian, New York Times best-selling author, top touring performer, and multi-platinum-selling father of five. He recently wrapped the first season of his semi-fictitious television show, The Jim Gaffigan Show, which TV Land picked up for a second season and premieres this summer. The series, lauded by The Los Angeles Times as “Fun and Funny,” and People Magazine as “One of Summer TV’s bright spots. The Show starts at 7:30p.m. and tickets are: $32, $46 and $66.
Southern Nights Tampa & Southern Nights Orlando invites everyone to ring in the New Year with them as they feature a $15 all you can drink Wells (includes cover) with UPGRADES available for Call and Top Shelf. They will also feature a Balloon Drop, Champagne Toast at Midnight, Drag Shows and Go-Go dancers throughout the Night!
Wena’s Show Bar presents: Chicago The Musical FULL Production with one continuous show starting at 11p.m. featuring the entire cast of Wena’s: Bobbie Lake, Conundrum, Kaotica Divine, Vyn Suazion, Juno Vibranz, Kathryn Nevets, Crystle Chambers, Jakie St. James, Slayter Steele, De Delovely & Alec St. James! They will also feature a Champagne toast at midnight with a buffet too!
CFE Arena presents Kevin Hart in his “The Irresponsible Tour” at 7p.m. with tickets starting at $69.50. The show will feature new material from the comedy superstar! 2017 has been a banner year for Hart; his memoir I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons debuted at number one on the New York Times Bestseller list.  To close 2017, Kevin is appearing in the Sony reboot of the classic film Jumanji alongside Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black.
The Flamingo resort presents “Las Vegas Style Casino” with Black Jack, Roulette, Craps, Texas Hold-Em Poker, Big Wheel, and slot machines from 9p.m. to midnight. They will feature prizes for the top three players of the night. They will also feature a show at 11:30p.m. hosted by Iman and featuring the Blu Theater players, firework displays, DJs all day and male entertainers.
Bradley’s on 7th opens at 2:30p.m, and features a Parade Viewing Party at 4p.m., DJ Bruce Devery from 4-10-p.m., DJ Charles Machado from 10p.m.-3a.m. in the video bar,  DJ Steve Vaughn from 10p.m. to 3a.m. in the dance bar, show times at 11:30p.m, and 1:15a.m. Starring Tiffany Arieagus, Jaeda Fuentes, Hori Stevens and Felicity Lane, a live countdown from Times Square, a Champagne Toast at midnight, party favors, Bradley’s boys all night and no cover!
Tuesday, January 2
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents School of Rock from Jan 2 – 7. School Of Rock is a New York Times Critics’ Pick and “An Inspiring Jolt Of Energy, Joy And mad Skillz!” (Entertainment Weekly). Based on the hit film, this hilarious new musical follows Dewey Finn, a wannabe rock star posing as a substitute teacher who turns a class of straight-A students into a guitar-shredding, bass-slapping, mind-blowing rock band. This high-octane smash features 14 new songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber, all the original songs from the movie and musical theater’s first-ever kids rock band playing their instruments live on stage. Vanity Fair raves, “Fists Of All Ages Shall Be Pumping!” Tickets start at $45.
Southern Nights Orlando presents their Twisted Tuesday Grand Finale, where all of your Twisted Tuesday Final Winners will come back to compete for the Ultimate Prize….. $500 CASH, a Twisted Tuesday Trophy and a Tuesday Cast Position for a Year.  Winner is chosen by Audience Applause and a Panel of Judges. This exciting event features the music of DJ Melvin Sledge, is hosted by Axel Andrews with Kaija-adonis, MrMs Adrian and honors the 2016 Grand Finale Winner Mystree Hugga.  No cover before 11pm 21+ (18+ Welcomed).
Wendesday, January 3
Southern Nights Tampa presents their “So You Think You Can Drag” Semi Finals with a Candy land theme and hosted by Jade Embers & Gia Banks! The night will also feature Season 2 winner Artty.  They invite you to watch all previous winner compete for the $250 cash prize and a booking at Swank Saturdays.  No cover 21+ (18+ Welcomed).
Thursday, January 4
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents comedian Ron “Tater Salad” White who first rose to fame as the cigar-smoking, scotch-drinking funnyman from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour phenomenon, but now as a chart-topping Grammy-nominated comedian and a feature film actor. Ron White has established himself as a star in his own right. White has always been a classic storyteller. His stories relay tales from his real life, ranging from growing up in a small town in Texas to sharing stories of his daily life to becoming one of the most successful comedians in America. All 4 of his comedy albums charted #1 on the Billboard Comedy Charts. He has sold over 14 million albums, and has been nominated for two Grammys. Tickets start at $41.
Friday, January 5
Southern Nights Tampa is celebrating the 6th anniversary of NeiBEARhood Takeover with the theme: “Revenge Of The Sixth” (A Star Wars/Si-Fi Fetish Event) staring DJ JB Burgos. The night will also feature a 1 a.m. costume contest. There is no cover before 10p.m. and this is a 21+ only event!
Saturday, January 6
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder today at 8p.m. and Sunday January 7 at 3 p.m.  Getting away with murder can be so much fun… and there is no better proof than this knock-‘em-dead hit show.  A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder is the winner of the 2014 Tony Award for Best Musical, and tells the uproarious story of Monty Navarro, heir to a family fortune who sets out to jump the line of succession by eliminating the eight pesky relatives who stand in his way. All the while, Monty juggles his mistress (after more than just love), his fiancée (his cousin but who’s keeping track?), and the constant threat of landing behind bars! The Hollywood Reporter raves, “Gentleman’s Guide restores our faith in musical comedy.” Tickets start at $51.
Tuesday, January 9
Orlando’s Amway Center presents Shakira in her El Dorado World Tour at 7:30p.m. with tickets starting at $47.50. Over the course of Shakira’s career, the Colombian singer-songwriter has sold over 60 million records worldwide and has won numerous awards including two Grammys, eight Latin Grammys, and several World Music Awards, American Music Awards and Billboard Music Awards. She is also the only South American artist to have a number one song in the U.S., and has had four of the 20 top-selling hits of the last decade.
Thursday, January 11
Southern Nights Tampa presents their annual “Turnabout,” a benefit for Metro Wellness & Community Centers. Thy invite you to watch as your favorite staff members perform in DRAG! Doors Open at 8pm $5 Suggested Donation (18+ Welcomed) with ShowTime at 9pm hosted by: Jade Embers with Gia Banks.
Friday, January 12
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Forever Plaid from today until March 11 with tickets starting at $42. When four young singers are killed in a car crash, they posthumously take the stage for one final gig in this goofy, 1950’s nostalgia trip. This deliciously fun revue is chock-full of classic barbershop quartet harmonies and pitch-perfect melodies! Singing in close harmony, squabbling boyishly and executing their charmingly outlandish choreography with overzealous precision, the Plaids are a guaranteed smash, with a program of beloved songs that keep audiences rolling in the aisles when they’re not humming along to some of the great nostalgic pop hits of the 1950s.
Saturday, January 13
The Parliament House presents, direct from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9, and making her Orlando debut: AJA. Doors open at 8pm. Shows with the Foolight Players and Aja at 10p.m. & 12a.m. General Admission sold at the door only. VIP/Photo Op tickets are on sale now. 18+ welcome.
Sunday, January 14 The Parliament House presents April Fresh’s Comedy Brunch Buffet featuring a delicious brunch buffet which begins at 12pm with the show beginning at 1pm featuring: April, Sorcha Mercy, and Alexi Leigh. Brunch Buffet- $19.99 (18+); Brunch Buffet with bottomless mimosas – $29.99 (21+).
Wednesday, January 17
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Chita & Tune: Just In Time, which is a unique concert event that pairs two of Broadway’s most celebrated legends. Chita Rivera and Tommy Tune collectively have won 12 Tony Awards and this iconic Broadway coupling is guaranteed to dazzle you! Chita has won two Tony Awards as Best Leading Actress in a Musical and received eight additional Tony nominations. Tommy has been honored with 10 Tony Awards recognizing him as an outstanding performer, choreographer, and director. The stars will showcase the artistry and history that has made them stars of the Great White Way and beyond.  The duo will be accompanied by a trio of superb Broadway musicians.  The show starts at 8p.m. with tickets starting at $26.
Thursday, January 18
Dr. Phillips Center For the Performing Arts in association with AEG presents Jake Owen in The Good Company Tour at 8p.m. Jake Owen has had six No. 1 singles to date – the 2X Platinum anthem “Barefoot Blue Jean Night,” Platinum-certified hits “Beachin’,” “Anywhere with You,” “Alone with You” and “The One That Got Away” plus Gold-certified “American Country Love Song.” The RCA Nashville recording artist recently released his fifth studio album, American Love, which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart and No. 4 on the Billboard 200 chart. The Vero Beach, FL native is well known for his high-energy performances and laid-back style. Tickets: start at $35.
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents…..It’s not a concert…it’s a party!   Spend a nostalgic evening saluting 3 of the world’s most beloved musical groups who were instrumental in creating the Rock & Roll/Doo Wop sound: Cornell Gunter’s Coasters (Charlie Brown, Yakety Yak); The Platters featuring 4 of America’s premier singers performing their greatest hits (Only You, The Great Pretender); and The Drifters, one of Rock & Roll’s founding vocal groups with their 50 year catalog of hits (Under the Boardwalk, This Magic Moment).  This show, which starts at 8p.m. has songs to please every palate, delivered just the way you remember them, when you first heard them on the radio! Tickets start at $26.
Friday, January 19
Riverdance: 20th Anniversary Tour plays both the Straz Center for the performing Arts (Jan 19-21; tickets start at $35.25) and the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (Jan 26-28; tickets start at $34.25). Drawing on Irish traditions, the combined talents of the performers propel Irish dancing and music into the present day, capturing the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures in an innovative and exciting blend of dance, music and song. Of all the performances to emerge from Ireland – in rock, music, theatre and film – nothing has carried the energy, the sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance. Riverdance – The 20th Anniversary World Tour is composed by Bill Whelan, produced by Moya Doherty and directed by John McColgan, and comes directly to North America from a sold out run across Europe and Asia.
Orlando’s Amway Center presents Miranda Lambert in her “Livin’ Like Hippies Tour” at 7p.m. with tickets starting at $39.75. The Livin’ Like Hippies Tour receives its name from the lyrics of Lambert’s aptly titled song “Highway Vagabond” which appears on The Nerve side of Lambert’s 24-song, double album, The Weight Of These Wings.The new album, The Weight Of These Wings, is the Texas native’s sixth studio album and since its release in November 2016 the record has been certified Platinum by the RIAA, spawned two Grammy Award nominations for its lead single “Vice,” been awarded the ACM Album of the Year, and most recently racked up FIVE nominations for Lambert at the upcoming CMA Awards including a coveted Album of the Year nod.
Sunday, January 21
The Flamingo resort presents the Mr. and Miss Flamingo Pageant honoring Kenya Black and Johnny Sparks (Mr. and Miss Flamingo 2017). The pageant starts at 6p.m. with the categories: Presentation, Swimwear, Talent, Formal Wear and Q&A. For contestant info contact [email protected].
Thursday, January 25
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents the iconic Paul Anka. The legendary singer/songwriter, one of the biggest teen idols of the late ‘50’s, is an ever-popular performer at the Van Wezel. With well over 500 songs to his credit, the most memorable being “Put Your Head On My Shoulder,” “My Way” and the famous theme from “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” Paul is the only artist in history to have a song in the Billboard Top 100 during seven separate decades. His concert starts at 8p.m. and tickets start at $81.
Friday, January 26
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Masters of Illusion, America’s largest touring magic show. They return with their “Believe the Impossible” tour! Nothing beats the experience of seeing a magic show in person. You will see grand illusions, levitating women, appearances, vanishes, escapes, comedy, magic, sleight of hand and beautiful dancers all rolled up into one live show! Only the best, most unique, amusing, astounding and amazing performers have been chosen to perform in this huge stage phenomenon. The show starts at 7p.m. with tickets starting at only $21.
Saturday, January 27
Dr. Phillips Center For the Performing Arts added a second show at 10p.m. for Trevor Noah, who was the most successful comedian in Africa and is the host of the Emmy® and Peabody® Award-winning “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. This year “The Daily Show” was nominated for a Writers Guild Award (Comedy/Variety Series). Noah also recently won Best Host at the 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards, as well as a Creative Arts Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Variety Series for his hosting role on “The Daily Show – Between The Scenes.” He joined “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” in 2014 as a contributor. In February 2017 Noah debuted his 9th comedy special “Afraid of the Dark” on Netflix. Tickets start at $39.50.
Monday, January 29
Dr. Phillips Center for the Perfroming Arts in association with Bill Blumenreich presents Vice President Joe Biden: American Promise Tour. Joe Biden has always believed that when given a chance, ordinary people can do extraordinary things. As a scrappy kid from Scranton who rose to the Office of Vice President, he is no exception. During his 45 years of public service, one of Vice President Biden’s greatest strengths has been his ability to bring people together, even in crisis, even across difficult divides, all the while, respecting everybody at the table. Pre-Sale tickets start at: $68 (VIP Package: $325) and includes a copy of Vice President Joe Biden’s new memoir, Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose.
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents the Magic of Adam Trent. Direct from Broadway, Adam Trent, the breakout star of the world’s best-selling magic show The Illusionists, brings his signature brand of magic and illusion to this nonstop spectacle. The Magic of Adam Trent is an immersive entertainment extravaganza of magic, comedy and music perfect for the entire family. Don’t miss the next generation of magic! Tickets start at $45.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/26/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2018/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/168964670015
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: January 2018
Sunday, December 31
The Parliament House features Peppermint and Bob The Drag Queen live from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 8 and 9. Tickets are $20 in advance and they also have a $75 VIP Meet and Greet option. The Footlight players will be performing at 10p.m. and 12a.m., as well as comedian Julie Goldman in her stand up “Balls Dropped” at 7:30p.m.
Amalie Arena presents Jim Gaffigan in his stand up tour “Contagious. “Jim Gaffigan is a Grammy nominated comedian, New York Times best-selling author, top touring performer, and multi-platinum-selling father of five. He recently wrapped the first season of his semi-fictitious television show, The Jim Gaffigan Show, which TV Land picked up for a second season and premieres this summer. The series, lauded by The Los Angeles Times as “Fun and Funny,” and People Magazine as “One of Summer TV’s bright spots. The Show starts at 7:30p.m. and tickets are: $32, $46 and $66.
Southern Nights Tampa & Southern Nights Orlando invites everyone to ring in the New Year with them as they feature a $15 all you can drink Wells (includes cover) with UPGRADES available for Call and Top Shelf. They will also feature a Balloon Drop, Champagne Toast at Midnight, Drag Shows and Go-Go dancers throughout the Night!
Wena’s Show Bar presents: Chicago The Musical FULL Production with one continuous show starting at 11p.m. featuring the entire cast of Wena’s: Bobbie Lake, Conundrum, Kaotica Divine, Vyn Suazion, Juno Vibranz, Kathryn Nevets, Crystle Chambers, Jakie St. James, Slayter Steele, De Delovely & Alec St. James! They will also feature a Champagne toast at midnight with a buffet too!
CFE Arena presents Kevin Hart in his “The Irresponsible Tour” at 7p.m. with tickets starting at $69.50. The show will feature new material from the comedy superstar! 2017 has been a banner year for Hart; his memoir I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons debuted at number one on the New York Times Bestseller list.  To close 2017, Kevin is appearing in the Sony reboot of the classic film Jumanji alongside Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black.
The Flamingo resort presents “Las Vegas Style Casino” with Black Jack, Roulette, Craps, Texas Hold-Em Poker, Big Wheel, and slot machines from 9p.m. to midnight. They will feature prizes for the top three players of the night. They will also feature a show at 11:30p.m. hosted by Iman and featuring the Blu Theater players, firework displays, DJs all day and male entertainers.
Bradley’s on 7th opens at 2:30p.m, and features a Parade Viewing Party at 4p.m., DJ Bruce Devery from 4-10-p.m., DJ Charles Machado from 10p.m.-3a.m. in the video bar,  DJ Steve Vaughn from 10p.m. to 3a.m. in the dance bar, show times at 11:30p.m, and 1:15a.m. Starring Tiffany Arieagus, Jaeda Fuentes, Hori Stevens and Felicity Lane, a live countdown from Times Square, a Champagne Toast at midnight, party favors, Bradley’s boys all night and no cover!
Tuesday, January 2
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents School of Rock from Jan 2 – 7. School Of Rock is a New York Times Critics’ Pick and “An Inspiring Jolt Of Energy, Joy And mad Skillz!” (Entertainment Weekly). Based on the hit film, this hilarious new musical follows Dewey Finn, a wannabe rock star posing as a substitute teacher who turns a class of straight-A students into a guitar-shredding, bass-slapping, mind-blowing rock band. This high-octane smash features 14 new songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber, all the original songs from the movie and musical theater’s first-ever kids rock band playing their instruments live on stage. Vanity Fair raves, “Fists Of All Ages Shall Be Pumping!” Tickets start at $45.
Southern Nights Orlando presents their Twisted Tuesday Grand Finale, where all of your Twisted Tuesday Final Winners will come back to compete for the Ultimate Prize….. $500 CASH, a Twisted Tuesday Trophy and a Tuesday Cast Position for a Year.  Winner is chosen by Audience Applause and a Panel of Judges. This exciting event features the music of DJ Melvin Sledge, is hosted by Axel Andrews with Kaija-adonis, MrMs Adrian and honors the 2016 Grand Finale Winner Mystree Hugga.  No cover before 11pm 21+ (18+ Welcomed).
Wendesday, January 3
Southern Nights Tampa presents their “So You Think You Can Drag” Semi Finals with a Candy land theme and hosted by Jade Embers & Gia Banks! The night will also feature Season 2 winner Artty.  They invite you to watch all previous winner compete for the $250 cash prize and a booking at Swank Saturdays.  No cover 21+ (18+ Welcomed).
Thursday, January 4
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents comedian Ron “Tater Salad” White who first rose to fame as the cigar-smoking, scotch-drinking funnyman from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour phenomenon, but now as a chart-topping Grammy-nominated comedian and a feature film actor. Ron White has established himself as a star in his own right. White has always been a classic storyteller. His stories relay tales from his real life, ranging from growing up in a small town in Texas to sharing stories of his daily life to becoming one of the most successful comedians in America. All 4 of his comedy albums charted #1 on the Billboard Comedy Charts. He has sold over 14 million albums, and has been nominated for two Grammys. Tickets start at $41.
Friday, January 5
Southern Nights Tampa is celebrating the 6th anniversary of NeiBEARhood Takeover with the theme: “Revenge Of The Sixth” (A Star Wars/Si-Fi Fetish Event) staring DJ JB Burgos. The night will also feature a 1 a.m. costume contest. There is no cover before 10p.m. and this is a 21+ only event!
Saturday, January 6
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder today at 8p.m. and Sunday January 7 at 3 p.m.  Getting away with murder can be so much fun… and there is no better proof than this knock-‘em-dead hit show.  A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder is the winner of the 2014 Tony Award for Best Musical, and tells the uproarious story of Monty Navarro, heir to a family fortune who sets out to jump the line of succession by eliminating the eight pesky relatives who stand in his way. All the while, Monty juggles his mistress (after more than just love), his fiancée (his cousin but who’s keeping track?), and the constant threat of landing behind bars! The Hollywood Reporter raves, “Gentleman’s Guide restores our faith in musical comedy.” Tickets start at $51.
Tuesday, January 9
Orlando’s Amway Center presents Shakira in her El Dorado World Tour at 7:30p.m. with tickets starting at $47.50. Over the course of Shakira’s career, the Colombian singer-songwriter has sold over 60 million records worldwide and has won numerous awards including two Grammys, eight Latin Grammys, and several World Music Awards, American Music Awards and Billboard Music Awards. She is also the only South American artist to have a number one song in the U.S., and has had four of the 20 top-selling hits of the last decade.
Thursday, January 11
Southern Nights Tampa presents their annual “Turnabout,” a benefit for Metro Wellness & Community Centers. Thy invite you to watch as your favorite staff members perform in DRAG! Doors Open at 8pm $5 Suggested Donation (18+ Welcomed) with ShowTime at 9pm hosted by: Jade Embers with Gia Banks.
Friday, January 12
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents Forever Plaid from today until March 11 with tickets starting at $42. When four young singers are killed in a car crash, they posthumously take the stage for one final gig in this goofy, 1950’s nostalgia trip. This deliciously fun revue is chock-full of classic barbershop quartet harmonies and pitch-perfect melodies! Singing in close harmony, squabbling boyishly and executing their charmingly outlandish choreography with overzealous precision, the Plaids are a guaranteed smash, with a program of beloved songs that keep audiences rolling in the aisles when they’re not humming along to some of the great nostalgic pop hits of the 1950s.
Saturday, January 13
The Parliament House presents, direct from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9, and making her Orlando debut: AJA. Doors open at 8pm. Shows with the Foolight Players and Aja at 10p.m. & 12a.m. General Admission sold at the door only. VIP/Photo Op tickets are on sale now. 18+ welcome.
Sunday, January 14 The Parliament House presents April Fresh’s Comedy Brunch Buffet featuring a delicious brunch buffet which begins at 12pm with the show beginning at 1pm featuring: April, Sorcha Mercy, and Alexi Leigh. Brunch Buffet- $19.99 (18+); Brunch Buffet with bottomless mimosas – $29.99 (21+).
Wednesday, January 17
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Chita & Tune: Just In Time, which is a unique concert event that pairs two of Broadway’s most celebrated legends. Chita Rivera and Tommy Tune collectively have won 12 Tony Awards and this iconic Broadway coupling is guaranteed to dazzle you! Chita has won two Tony Awards as Best Leading Actress in a Musical and received eight additional Tony nominations. Tommy has been honored with 10 Tony Awards recognizing him as an outstanding performer, choreographer, and director. The stars will showcase the artistry and history that has made them stars of the Great White Way and beyond.  The duo will be accompanied by a trio of superb Broadway musicians.  The show starts at 8p.m. with tickets starting at $26.
Thursday, January 18
Dr. Phillips Center For the Performing Arts in association with AEG presents Jake Owen in The Good Company Tour at 8p.m. Jake Owen has had six No. 1 singles to date – the 2X Platinum anthem “Barefoot Blue Jean Night,” Platinum-certified hits “Beachin’,” “Anywhere with You,” “Alone with You” and “The One That Got Away” plus Gold-certified “American Country Love Song.” The RCA Nashville recording artist recently released his fifth studio album, American Love, which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart and No. 4 on the Billboard 200 chart. The Vero Beach, FL native is well known for his high-energy performances and laid-back style. Tickets: start at $35.
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents…..It’s not a concert…it’s a party!   Spend a nostalgic evening saluting 3 of the world’s most beloved musical groups who were instrumental in creating the Rock & Roll/Doo Wop sound: Cornell Gunter’s Coasters (Charlie Brown, Yakety Yak); The Platters featuring 4 of America’s premier singers performing their greatest hits (Only You, The Great Pretender); and The Drifters, one of Rock & Roll’s founding vocal groups with their 50 year catalog of hits (Under the Boardwalk, This Magic Moment).  This show, which starts at 8p.m. has songs to please every palate, delivered just the way you remember them, when you first heard them on the radio! Tickets start at $26.
Friday, January 19
Riverdance: 20th Anniversary Tour plays both the Straz Center for the performing Arts (Jan 19-21; tickets start at $35.25) and the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (Jan 26-28; tickets start at $34.25). Drawing on Irish traditions, the combined talents of the performers propel Irish dancing and music into the present day, capturing the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures in an innovative and exciting blend of dance, music and song. Of all the performances to emerge from Ireland – in rock, music, theatre and film – nothing has carried the energy, the sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance. Riverdance – The 20th Anniversary World Tour is composed by Bill Whelan, produced by Moya Doherty and directed by John McColgan, and comes directly to North America from a sold out run across Europe and Asia.
Orlando’s Amway Center presents Miranda Lambert in her “Livin’ Like Hippies Tour” at 7p.m. with tickets starting at $39.75. The Livin’ Like Hippies Tour receives its name from the lyrics of Lambert’s aptly titled song “Highway Vagabond” which appears on The Nerve side of Lambert’s 24-song, double album, The Weight Of These Wings.The new album, The Weight Of These Wings, is the Texas native’s sixth studio album and since its release in November 2016 the record has been certified Platinum by the RIAA, spawned two Grammy Award nominations for its lead single “Vice,” been awarded the ACM Album of the Year, and most recently racked up FIVE nominations for Lambert at the upcoming CMA Awards including a coveted Album of the Year nod.
Sunday, January 21
The Flamingo resort presents the Mr. and Miss Flamingo Pageant honoring Kenya Black and Johnny Sparks (Mr. and Miss Flamingo 2017). The pageant starts at 6p.m. with the categories: Presentation, Swimwear, Talent, Formal Wear and Q&A. For contestant info contact [email protected].
Thursday, January 25
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents the iconic Paul Anka. The legendary singer/songwriter, one of the biggest teen idols of the late ‘50’s, is an ever-popular performer at the Van Wezel. With well over 500 songs to his credit, the most memorable being “Put Your Head On My Shoulder,” “My Way” and the famous theme from “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” Paul is the only artist in history to have a song in the Billboard Top 100 during seven separate decades. His concert starts at 8p.m. and tickets start at $81.
Friday, January 26
The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall presents Masters of Illusion, America’s largest touring magic show. They return with their “Believe the Impossible” tour! Nothing beats the experience of seeing a magic show in person. You will see grand illusions, levitating women, appearances, vanishes, escapes, comedy, magic, sleight of hand and beautiful dancers all rolled up into one live show! Only the best, most unique, amusing, astounding and amazing performers have been chosen to perform in this huge stage phenomenon. The show starts at 7p.m. with tickets starting at only $21.
Saturday, January 27
Dr. Phillips Center For the Performing Arts added a second show at 10p.m. for Trevor Noah, who was the most successful comedian in Africa and is the host of the Emmy® and Peabody® Award-winning “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. This year “The Daily Show” was nominated for a Writers Guild Award (Comedy/Variety Series). Noah also recently won Best Host at the 2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards, as well as a Creative Arts Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Variety Series for his hosting role on “The Daily Show – Between The Scenes.” He joined “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” in 2014 as a contributor. In February 2017 Noah debuted his 9th comedy special “Afraid of the Dark” on Netflix. Tickets start at $39.50.
Monday, January 29
Dr. Phillips Center for the Perfroming Arts in association with Bill Blumenreich presents Vice President Joe Biden: American Promise Tour. Joe Biden has always believed that when given a chance, ordinary people can do extraordinary things. As a scrappy kid from Scranton who rose to the Office of Vice President, he is no exception. During his 45 years of public service, one of Vice President Biden’s greatest strengths has been his ability to bring people together, even in crisis, even across difficult divides, all the while, respecting everybody at the table. Pre-Sale tickets start at: $68 (VIP Package: $325) and includes a copy of Vice President Joe Biden’s new memoir, Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose.
The Straz Center for the Performing Arts presents the Magic of Adam Trent. Direct from Broadway, Adam Trent, the breakout star of the world’s best-selling magic show The Illusionists, brings his signature brand of magic and illusion to this nonstop spectacle. The Magic of Adam Trent is an immersive entertainment extravaganza of magic, comedy and music perfect for the entire family. Don’t miss the next generation of magic! Tickets start at $45.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/26/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2018/
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