#i got reminded of sarah and ethan and im like
agaypanic · 1 year
OMG CAN I REQUEST Soemthing?! so imagine rory keaner x reader but reader is friends or related to benny in some way and she also practices magic like benny does and she thinks rory being a vampire is so cool but he thinks her being a wizard is so cool and its just 2 dorks silently in love but maybe reader is accidentally a little cold to rory so theres a miscommunication of sorts? sorry if I worded this weird
Rory Keaner With Benny's Spellcaster Sister Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: i was planning to do an actual fic but i had no idea how to start it so im doing headcanons instead, hope that’s ok
Being Benny’s little sister, you’ve known Rory as long as Benny has
You had always been the little sister that had a crush on her brother’s best friend
As you’ve all grown up, you learned how to hide the big crush you had on the blonde boy
You lay in bed, trying to shake all the exhaustion from school off when there was a knock on the door. You groaned before grumbling that the person could come in and rolling over to see who it was.
“Hey, the guys are gonna come over in like an hour.” Your brother Benny said, leaning on the door frame.
“Okay.” You rolled back over, expecting him to leave. Not hearing the door close, you were ready to yell at Benny for not closing it when he left, just to find that he was still in your room. Begrudgingly, you sat up and looked up at him. “Anything else, Benny?”
“Yeah, could you maybe…” Benny sighed, taking a seat on the side of your bed. “Could you maybe not be so weird around Rory?”
You laughed, hoping that the heat rising to your cheeks from the mention of him wasn’t evident.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Y/n.” Benny rolled his eyes. “You know what I’m talking about. Every time you see him, you practically avoid him like he’s the plague.”
“Nuh-uh.” He raised his brow, looking at you with a look that said he wasn’t buying it. You sighed, leaning back on your headboard. “I don’t really see why it’s any of your business.”
“Because I don’t know why, but he gets sad whenever he sees you leave. He probably thinks you hate him or something.”
“I don’t hate Rory, Benny.”
“Yeah, I know that. Believe me, I know that.” Benny got up and went to leave. You yelled at him to come back to close your door, but he didn’t answer or sound like he was coming back. Grumbling about what a brat he was, you finally got out of bed. But before you could close the door, Benny’s face popped out from behind it. “But I don’t think Rory knows.”
Yea, maybe avoiding Rory wasn’t the best idea, especially since he was always around
When Rory became a vampire and you and Benny found out you can do magic, things changed
He just became even more attractive to you; you didn’t think that was possible
“It’s honestly messed up that vampire venom makes you good-looking.” You muttered to Erica and Sarah while you grabbed some books from your locker, looking down the hall. “He already had that cute dorky look, and now he’s a hot dork.”
“Can I pretend we’re talking about someone who’s not Rory?” Erica asked. “Someone who’s actually hot.” You ignored her, still focusing on Rory, who was talking enthusiastically to Benny and Ethan.
“When he smiles, he doesn’t even try to hide his fangs. It’s so cool.”
“And dangerous.” Sarah reminded. “If people find out what he or we are, there’s no telling what they’ll do to us.”
“He’s so pretty when he smiles.” You shut your locker and leaned against it, still watching it. “What do you think they’re talking about?”
“Probably having a dork-off,” Erica responded before walking away.
Unbeknownst to you, Rory thought the same thing about you and your magic
It made Benny sick, the way Rory always talked about you
“She’s so cool, guys! She’s, like, so good at magic.”
“I’m better.” Benny sneered, but Rory just brushed him off.
“And she’s pretty. I mean, Y/n was always pretty. But there’s something about her taking down a demon or something with some magic that makes her even prettier!” Rory looked down the hall at you, watching you talk to Erica and Sarah with a dreamy smile. “It’s like she cast a spell on me, man.”
“Rory, you’ve gotta shut up about my sister.”
“Aw, come on, Benny. They’re in love.” Ethan teased, making Benny groan and Rory widen his grin.
“Yeah, Benny. Who can deny the Ror-ster?”
“For the good of my sanity, hopefully Y/n.”
As if you could ever deny Rory of anything
Sometimes you still avoided him because you were scared of embarrassing yourself or something
You did it way less than you did when you were younger, but Rory still noticed every time you did
Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore
Ethan had everyone over at his house to play some games, a usual occurrence. Especially when his parents were out for the night. On the agenda for tonight was pizza, popcorn, and Clue.
“I call Plum!” Rory yelled from the kitchen while his popcorn cooked. You took the purple piece out, setting it on the table close to where he usually sat. 
“As if you could be a professor.” Erica joked, grabbing the red piece to be Ms. Scarlet.
“To be fair, it’s an alias.” Ethan reminded, taking a bite of his pizza before shuffling the cards.
“Yeah, but we all saw the movie,” Rory said, returning to the living room with a fresh bowl of popcorn. “He was a therapist or something. That’s close to a professor, right?”
“Not really, Rory.” For some reason, instead of sitting in his regular spot, Rory made his way to you and sat next to you on the couch. Almost instantly, you stood up, deciding to go to the kitchen to get food so you wouldn’t just be standing for no reason. You glanced behind you and saw Rory’s eyes following your movements, looking a bit dejected. When you came back, you dropped your plate of food on the table. “I, uh, I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick.” Then you sped out of the room and up the stairs.
Sitting on the side of the bathtub, you could’ve hit yourself. You probably just made everything so awkward, running off just because your crush was sitting next to you. And Rory looked so sad; it made you feel horrible. But it’s not like you could explain why sometimes you still ran off when he got close to you.
“It’s fine. It’ll be fine.” You muttered to yourself. “By the time I come back, he’s not gonna care. I’ll go back down, and we’ll have fun, and then me running off won’t even matter.” The pep talk ended with you getting up and leaving the bathroom. Walking down the hall, you were startled by someone popping up on the stairs. “Oh! Hey, Rory.”
“Watcha doing?” You couldn’t just leave; he was blocking you from going too far down the staircase by standing in the middle. 
“Waiting for you,” Rory answered somewhat shyly. “I wanted to ask you about something.” You became nervous, having an idea about what he wanted to know.
It took him a while to muster the courage to ask you his question. 
“Do you not like me or something?” You knew it was coming, but that didn’t take away any of the guilt you felt from hearing his question. The look of confusion and sadness on Rory’s face didn’t help.
“Of course, I like you, Rory.” You laughed nervously, taking a few steps down the stairs. “Why would you think I didn’t?”
“Well, I mean, maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think you keep avoiding me or something. Like, just now, I sat down next to you, and you immediately got up and left.”
“I wanted food.”
“Yeah, but it was like you were repulsed by me, Y/n.”
“Rory, it’s not like that at all.”
“Then what’s it like?”
“I like you, okay!” You slapped your hand over your mouth after you revealed the truth. Luckily, it sounded like the rest of your friends were still talking amongst themselves. Rory stared blankly at you, and you realized it would probably be best to explain further so he’d stopped having that cute, confused look. “God, I think I’ve liked you since we met. But I didn’t know how to handle being around you without overthinking, so I’d avoid you. And then, when we all got our powers or whatever, I liked you even more, but I knew I couldn’t keep avoiding you. I guess that old habits die hard, though.”
Rory still stared, trying to register your words, and you felt like throwing up. You ruined everything more than you thought you could have. You should’ve just lied, saying it was something else keeping you away from Rory and not the fact that you had the biggest crush on him. You’d never recover from this. You’d have to run away from Whitechapel and start a new life.
But then Rory started to smile up at you. That pretty smile with those pearly white fangs.
“You like me?” He asked in a quiet but elated voice. You nodded, and he laughed in relief. “Dude, I’ve had a crush on you for years! It made me, like, miserable whenever you’d run away or not talk to me.”
“I’m so sorry, Rory.” You said, stepping down until you were standing on the step above him, now matching heights. Rory touched your waist, suddenly feeling much closer than a second ago.
“Well, at least you’re not running away now.” He grinned, and you mirrored his expression before leaning into him. His smile faded away so he could kiss you properly. His arms wrapped around you while yours went around his neck, bringing each other closer. “You’re my favorite spellcaster,” Rory whispered against your lips.
“You’re my favorite vampire.” You whispered back before kissing him again.
“And you two are my least favorite people right now.” Benny startled you, clearly disgusted by the sight in front of him. The rest of your friends followed behind him, stopping to look at you with faces that ranged from disgusted to amused.
“Looks like it’s Professor Plum and Mrs. Peacock making out on the staircase.” Sarah laughed lightly, then harder at Ethan and Benny’s expressions. They were both disturbed and grossed out: Benny for watching his little sister kiss one of his best friends and Ethan for having to see two of his friends make out on his staircase.
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greatgooshy · 3 years
oh my god someone make the parallels of Sarah saving Ethan and Edward saving Bella
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