#i got really lazy on mao sorry lol
azuuuurin · 4 years
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maousami · 5 years
73 Questions Challenge Inspired by Vogue
So I just finished reading Vogue’s 73 Questions with Kim K and my delusional ass wants to do this shit too.
I got this from   Nataliia Totka ’s blog and said sure why tf not lols
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here we go
1. What are you most excited about these days?
I guess spending time together with my favorite human in the world 
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2. What’s your favorite holiday?
3. Favorite season?
The Philippines doesn’t really have that many seasons (rainy and summer only lols) so maybe the Rainy Season?
4. Where does one go on a perfect road trip?
ANYWHERE WITH A BEACH <3 I fucking love beaches
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5. What is the best activity when home on a rainy day?
Sleeping or Cuddling <3 sharing a movie with my S.O. <3
6. If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
maybe my teacher Sir Steve. finally get him the girl he’s been crushing on since he was still studying architecture.
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 7. What is the best thing that happened this year?
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8. What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Finish my thesis. lols <3 I am fucking done ahahhaha
9. What’s your favorite exercise?
10. Best way to decompress?
Painting and just spending the day with my big doofus of a boyfriend.
11. What’s your favorite country to visit?
KOREA. 10/10. might change when I finally get to visit Japan though!
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12. Last country you visited?
Korea hahahaha
13. Country you wish to visit?
JAPAN OFC. Also Israel ^^
14. What’s your favorite ice-cream?
15. What makes you smile the most?
Being praised for something I don’t notice in myself
16. What’s the coolest thing in the world?
hmm... Vivid cosmic dreams.
 17. What is the cutest thing in the world?
FOXES def foxes.
18. How do you know if you’re in love?
I guess it differs by person to person. Me personally, I know when I constantly have this need to spoil that person and help them in anyway I can through heart to heart talks or maybe a school project. I don’t usually go out of my way for happy crushes but you know shit’s serious when I’ve tried to replace them with another one, only to fail and drag my ass back to them. I am such a hoe hahahha
19. If you could go to any concert past or present, what would it be?
I have been dreaming of attending a Hatsune Miku concert ever since I was a first year in highschool. I need to go to one before I die.
20. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
I’m not the kind of person who’s the type to recieve. I’m more of a gift-giver so maybe the gift of people I guess?
21. Favorite fashion trend of all time?
The lazy Japanese unisex type. or maybe the tumblr girl who wears yellow dresses trend?
22. What’s your favorite movie of all time?
This is fucking hard. Clueless
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23. What was the movie that made you cry?
24. If you could make a documentary, what would it be about?
The mysterious life of Mao Usami
25. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Being able to manipulate people under my will
26. What is the skill still unmastered?
Architectural manual drawing
27. What is the best thing that happened to you today?
Being able to wake up to this
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28. Do you like surprises?
Yes uwu it makes me feel special hehe
29. If you could do a flash mob where would it be?
At SM department store hahahahhah might be funny
30. Do you like cupcakes?
sometimes ^^ muffins tho? mmmmm
31. Do you usually bake cupcakes?
I used to bake ALOT back in highschool. I was the kween of baked goods.
32. What’s your favorite desert?
Any Icecream cake. <3 would kill for a slice rn
33. Is there a desert you don’t like?
Anything with Peanut butter and Caramel. ew
34. What’s your favorite bakery?
Sofia’s atm
35. What’s your favorite food?
Anything pasta and OFC CHORIZO AAAAA <3
36. It’s brunch, what do you eat?
Pancakes, maybe a banana or maybe Tapa with warm white rice. mmmmm~
37. You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
CHOfuckingRIZO cant stress this enough
38. Favorite color?
YELLOW and baby pink<3
39. Favorite superhero?
not really a superhero but, Deadpool hahahhaha
40. What do you usually order in Starbucks? (or in your favorite café)
A Venti Iced Mocha without the whipped cream. also an Expresso Frappuchino is nice on a fucking hot day too. Iced Hazelnut Vanilla from Little Farmers is my go-to everyday coffee shot
41. Who is the last person you texted?
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42. What’s your favorite activity to do in your hometown?
Having a great run around the neighborhood. Funruns are fun
43. What’s the next book you plan on reading?
I don’t have a new book in mind. maybe another YA novel?
44. What do you love in your pizza?
45. Favorite drink?
Iced Hazelnut Vanilla by Little Farmers Coffee Brim
46. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk Chocolate ^^
47. What’s your favorite band?
kind of Mainstream but IV of Spades <3
48. Favorite solo artist?
49. Favorite lyrics?
Talk to me - Cavetown
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50. If your life was a song what would the title be?
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51. If you could master one instrument what would it be?
The Piano. real basic but I get really emotional with a few piano pieces. I’d like to play one of them someday
52. If you had a tattoo where would it be?
On my left forearm ^^
53. To be or not to be?
To be. hahahaahah
54. Dolphins or koalas?
Dolphins. definitely
55. How do you like your coffee?
White and Creamy  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
56. What’s your favorite curse word?
57. What color of dress did you wear to prom?
My school didn’t have a prom, but I did get to attend one with my cousin’s friend. It was pink ^^
58. Diamonds or pearls?
Pearls. they look classy and very Filipino
59. Cheap shampoo or expensive?
Expensive. I have frizzy thick hair. I don’t get too cheap with shampoo.
60. Blow dry or air dry?
Blow dry. hahahha blow
61. Heels or flats?
Heels. I look sexier ;)
62. Pilates or yoga?
Pilates every time baby
63. Jogging or swimming?
64. One thing you can’t live without?
My sunglasses. 
65. What’s one cause that’s dear to your heart?
helping street animals
66. Who would you want to shoot a love scene with?
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67. What’s your favorite sport?
I don’t do any sports but I usually love watching Figure Skating competitions and will def force my child into the sport. im sorry future kid!
68. Do you have a morning beauty ritual?
69. What’s your favorite thing to wear?
I have this short mini dress I love to wear in bed <3 so comfyyy
70. What’s the priciest thing you’ve ever splurged on?
71. Do you play any musical instruments?
lol nope
72. What is your favorite book of all time?
Falling Leaves by Adeline Yen Mah. Reread it a million times.
73. What is something you always travel with?
My Year Planner. ^^
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