#i got inspo from a buzzfeed thing about how to piss off a retail worker
thepalmettofoxes · 5 years
medicated andrew is a retail workers worst nightmare and just a public hazard in general
he’s constantly picking stuff up and putting them back in the wrong place
kevin: why did you pick up the shampoo if you didn’t want it! andrew don’t leave it there we’re in the milk aisle andrew take it out of the fridge-
he leaves all the freezer doors open in his search for the ice cream with the most calories
kevin is having a meltdown because 1) he has to close all the doors and 2) andrew yoUR DiET
he presses all the buttons on the very loud kids toys and just walks away
he also takes the trolley away from nicky when he’s not looking and leaves it in random places around the shop
he’s constantly pulling clothes off hangers and if he does pick them up (which is rare) he just throws them across the rack
don’t even let him near folded clothes because they will NOT be folded when he leaves
he hides between the coats and jumpers
worker: sir what are you doing? please come out of there sir-
andrew: bürrøw
asking workers for weird things that he knows they don’t stock
worker: um sorry sir i don’t understand? you want me to help you find your ‘will to live’?
andrew: yeah can you check in the back
he purposefully pronounces the names of products wrong because he knows it riles aaron up
the liquor aisle is practically empty by the time they leave (mostly because of kevin and with andrew on the sidelines encouraging him to get more)
andrew giving the middle finger to babies in strollers while they’re waiting in the checkout queue
the cashier is concerned by the amount of sweets they’re getting which andrew managed to sneak into the shopping cart
when they’re out and have everything loaded in the car andrew just pushes the trolley away and lets it take its own course in life
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