#i got her kitten food (as recommended by her vet) both kibble and wet food plus those crunchy and toothepasty ones
ice-devourer · 1 month
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cutecats2017 · 7 years
Prissy is 10 months old. Her vet said the other day that she has a little gingivitis, which at her age means she's probably gonna have bad teeth unless I keep up with full maintenance. She has no tartar, I'm looking to reduce plaque that's causing gum irritation.Her and her Lil sister are on a kitten food with chicken and rice. When they're old enough I'll be switching them to something grain free. I'm gonna try teeth brushing with them. Priss doesn't like being touched so that's gonna be tough. She is also not food motivated. She refuses to eat wet food, and likes crunchy kibble. Treats she will take or leave.My vet recommended I look into plaque reducing products. She said the VOHC has approved some. Looks like it's mainly 1 company: healthymouth. They make a water additive that's supposed to act as a preventative. It's got all natural shit in it like yucca plant and cinnamon which sounds revolting for a cat. Amazon have a bunch of stuff that all tout being clinically proven. The two I've been looking at are Proden Plaque off, because people actually upload before and after pics of it working, and dental fresh because my cat is super fussy about what and when she eats, a water additive sounds like it would help. Both seem to have many great reviews, but it's tough to figure out who is a shill and who is genuine.So I figured I'd ask you crazy cat people. Do you have any recommendations (aside from daily teeth brushing) that will help my babies keep healthy teeth and gums? via /r/cats
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