#i go back to reread your reply and my chest feels impossibly tight LIKE DAMN i am DEAD AT THEIR FEET
mythvoiced · 3 months
@xinxiins | ♥
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Wénzhé's knuckles are almost white. His fingers are wrapped around the edge of the bench they're sitting on. There's no reason to be this tense, right? But Wénzhé is exactly the kind of person who needs to hold on when things are calmest.
There aren't many moments in his life these days where he feels like he's holding onto one important enough to make his grip that tight. It'd been easier for weeks and then months and now nearly a year to simply loosen his grip around everything that had ever mattered enough in his life to mold its shape into his palm.
He'd let go at the worst of times and cost someone's life, so he might as well stop holding everything else, too, right? Clearly his grip wasn't meant to hold safe and secure, kindly and cherished.
Enter him.
Lí Chényǔ is a man unlike... where should he even start? He doesn't think the English language was invented with the foresight of Wénzhé one day needing it to describe Lí Chényǔ and his heart in relation to him, or it would have tried harder to be half as, a tenth as beautiful as Lí Chényǔ himself.
It's not so much his appearance, though there's nothing to complain about there - if he took his hand, would his fingers wrap around his wrist in one go and easily because Wénzhé's fingers are lithe and long, or because Lí Chényǔ is malnourished enough to allow encompassing in a way Wénzhé doesn't want?
There's a reason he doesn't turn to meet his eyes a lot. Wénzhé has never been particularly good at any kind of sport. Team or solo as they may be, he can hold his own in those that require height, because the kids used to drag him
and her
into their games solely for that advantage, and what you do a lot you inadvertently end up learning a little off. Sure, a basketball net or the one tugged across a volleyball field, he can maybe navigate around it well enough. But if he imagines Lí Chényǔ to stand there and were to turn and meet his eyes, he'd fall flat on his ass.
If he were a figure skater, he'd slip and slice his own hands.
If he played tennis he'd get every ace directly in his gut, and would use it to pretend he can't breathe because the ball impedes him, and not because every time he turns he wants to brush those strands out of Lí Chényǔ's eyes and lean in until he can breathe the rest of him in.
That's why the white knuckles, that's why the grip, that's why he can't sound confident enough to his own ears even though he doesn't stutter as bad as he'd figured he would, that's why he looks away almost instantly, pretending the joy erupting out of Michael and Wendy's throats had suddenly caught his attention again.
There's a lot of something ugly buried in his chest as well, makes his stomach coil and turn on itself uncomfortably, because how can someone like him be deserving of wanting to hold onto someone like Lí Chényǔ?
That's why he tries.
Something twists painfully in his neck when his head whips around at the tightness suddenly in Lí Chényǔ's voice, the sniffling, and he instantly slams his hand against the spot, as if that would ease the uncomfortable pain shooting through his skull.
"What-? Fuck, sorry, did I-" he falters and bites his tongue, lips uselessly parted on apologies he doesn't know how to word because he doesn't know which part of his statement he should apologize for, and then the attempt dies anyway.
He hates interrupting Lí Chényǔ when he's trying to put something into words, but he gets the urge to do it here anyway. It's ugly, too, he doesn't want to hear it almost because certainly, surely, in a way, there's no way-
Lí Chényǔ bumps his knee against his own and Wénzhé scrunches his nose to not start crying, too.
"I don't know what that means," he says pathetically, as if Lí Chényǔ doesn't know that. It doesn't matter, though, does it? Whatever he said, it most likely matches the English that had preceded it, and sometimes wonders if Lí Chényǔ resorts to Mandarin for the part of his words that would cradle Wénzhé's heart a little too lovingly out of a sense of mercy for Wénzhé.
"Don't say that, gosh," he runs his other hand across his features. Thanks whatever higher power had put his head back on properly on his shoulders enough to push him into Lí Chényǔ's life.
"You're gonna fill concert halls in this life," he points at the ground in emphasis, suddenly fierce, suddenly desperate. He leans closer. "Not in a few centuries. Okay? I'm your first fan. Not your only."
His fingers tingle.
Would it be all right to touch?
His thumb shakes as he brushes it along something glistening suspiciously at the corner of one of Lí Chényǔ's eyes. His hands shake when he pulls away again. "Sorry, uhm," he gulps, rubbing his palms together to get rid of the tremors. "You hungry?"
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flareish · 3 years
kuroo x reader
summary: With so many deadlines coming up the reader is overwhelm and buried in work and can’t help but to lash out. However, Kuroo is always there to pull her back
genre: college AU, fluff, pinch of angst
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none I think
a/n: I have been trying to make all of my requests gender neutral but sometimes I slip up and throw in she/her pronouns so tell me if you notice any that I didn’t catch. Enjoy!
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The teachers were out to get you, you were sure of it. You push yourself every day to be the best, to be ahead of everything, all the assignments, all of your classmates just so you could possibly enjoy college as well as have good grades. But what did that get you? Impossibly high expectations. Suddenly everyone around you expected you to ace every test you did and just pull perfect essays out of nowhere. Which is exactly what just happened. You had been working on an essay all night. It hadn’t been your best work but your brain just couldn’t make anything better. That was all you had. You were almost at your limit with no end in sight. Then, despite all your hard work, your teacher handed it back to you saying that “this wasn’t the best I could do and that I shouldn’t start slacking off now”. She thought she was being helpful but right now you wanted to do was strangle her. Sure you could do better. If you didn’t have eight more assignments to do after this. Each one more mentally taxing than the next. But it’s fine, let me just rewrite this essay.
Why couldn’t you just be the kind of person who didn’t care? Or rather had given up caring. They probably learned their lesson that when you try you don’t get the reward you get more work. Why couldn’t you just not care too?
Deciding to jump back into your workload, you sit down at your desk in your dorm and begin to type. Words were kind of flowing. They weren’t exactly coherent thoughts but at least it was something to work with. As if your day couldn’t get any worse, your roommate comes barging in with three of their friends. 
“Oh oops didn’t realize you were studying in here Y/N.” Your roommate said, not actually making an effort to be any quieter though. Shooting back a quick tight smile, not wanting to be rude but also just wanting them to leave. You were hoping they were just grabbing something and then would leave but they went and sat on the bed and turned the TV on. 
You made a show of checking the time before loudly announcing that you were suppose to meet someone at the library. As much as you wanted to be petty and make them feel guilty for interrupting your study time, it was just easier to just leave. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen them do anything except study. Talk about too school for cool.” You heard one of them joke as you left.
“Ugh tell me about it. You wouldn’t believe what time they goes to bed.” Your roommate adds. You roll your eyes and trying to ignore the comments. Is it really that crazy that you’re actually trying to learn at a place where you pay crazy amounts to be taught? You were just so done.
Luckily the library was fairly quiet since it had gotten quite late. You settled into your favorite spot and got to working. Although no matter how hard you tried nothing came to you. There was one sad paragraph on your screen, you must have reread it a million times hoping to spark some kind of inspiration from it. Nothing. Your brain kept drifting off on you and you would end up staring across the library without a single thought in your head. The time just kept slipping by. The more that went the more panicky you got. This was a time that you should be working but you just couldn’t. And of course the more desperate you got for inspiration, the more it avoided you. 
You just let your head drop and hit the table. You were so done. You just wanted to scream. There was no one you could talk to either. Recently anyone that talked to you got snapped at. They were just all so calm and relaxed despite all of the work that has been coming in lately. Here you were, drowning in it, and they were happily swimming. Just the other day you and Kuroo had an argument over homework. He’s taking one of the hardest chemistry classes and he was there telling you it was going to be okay?! It just felt insulting. You knew he didn’t mean it like that but couldn’t he at least pretend to struggle? Damn you boyfriend for being so smart.
You really wanted Kuroo right now. 
As if summoned by your thoughts, you felt hands slide onto your shoulders. You tense up kinda freaked out at who is touching you until you see that it’s him. Kuroo. For a moment you wanted to just throw yourself at him and forget about your homework. But then you remember your argument and how you’ve been a monster lately and resist. He’s having none of that though and keeps his hands on you.
“How long have you been here.” He asks gently. You glance at your computer and notice that it’s almost 3 am.
“What are you doing here?! It’s 3 am.” You say startled at the fact it had gotten that late and that he was also up that late. Usually, he is asleep by ten.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He replies as he straightens and starts packing up your things.
“Uh- Hey! Wait no- give me that! I’m not done yet.” You try and snatch back your stuff but he gives you a stern look and you sink back into your seat. You suddenly realize how tired you are and surrender. He’s finished putting everything away and throws the strap of your back over his shoulder. Prepared to carry your bag for you. Now you feel drained. Your limbs all feel heavy that it’s exhausting to even think about getting up.
“Come on let’s get you back to your dorm.” He mumbles pulling you up by your hand. You let him, flying up from your seat and onto your feet. You land right in his chest and you don’t want to go anywhere but here. For the first time in weeks, you feel calm and secure.
“Can I just stay here for a minute,” Your voice cracks as tears slip down your face. He didn’t say anything, he just wrapped his arms around you and hugged you close to his body. In this moment you felt nothing but love. The relief and comfort you felt was enough to make you cry harder. You don’t know how long you were stood there but no matter how long it was Kuroo never once rushed you. He just let you let it out. Once he saw that you had calmed down he gently pull back, bringing a hand to your cheek to wipe away any stray tears.
“You ready to head back now?” He asked again, planning on walking you back to your dorm.
“I don’t wanna,” You pout, “There’s a ton of people in there and I don’t wanna see any of them.” You are still salty at your roommate and their rude friends.
“Do you want to come to my dorm?” He asks, “Kenma was passed out when I left so it should be quiet.” You nod. You feel him put your backpack on you and you’re confused. You were kind of hoping he would take your backpack for you. You know be a gentleman and all. Then he squats down in front of you. 
“Hop on.” This was pretty normal for the two of you so despite your sleepiness you bounce up onto his back. He adjusts you higher on his back before leaving the library. Waving to library worker on the late shift who giggled at the two of you. 
You snuggled your face into his neck and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. His footsteps seemed to lull you like a lullaby. You fell into a weird state as your body sleeping but your mind was awake. Hearing everything clear as day but the thought of opening your eyes or moving a muscle seeming impossible. 
You start waking up more when you realize that you have made it to his dorm, letting him toss you down on the bed. You throw your backpack off to the side and head straight for under the covers.
“Ah ah! You’re in dirty clothes,” he gently complains, no real bite behind it. You grumble but let him pull you over to the edge of the bed. You had been so close to sleep. He slides your shirt over your head and replaces it with one of his hoodies. Only then once you’re in his clean clothes does he let you snuggle back into his bed. This time with him in there as well. 
“Goodnight my love.” You finally slip into a peaceful state. You still had a lot of work to do but at least for tonight you will rest without worry. Tomorrow you know you need to make up with Kuroo but you know he could never stay mad at you. Come the morning you know Kuroo will help you with everything. He’s finished giving you space, now you’re stuck with him.
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hcrringtonshair · 4 years
Sweet as sugar
Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: Sarah Wilson is your best friend and she’s inviting you for dinner.
Word Count: 2048
Warnings: a few swearing words, alcohol consumption and fluff
A/n: Thank you sm for requesting this @buckybarnes101 !! I had so much fun writing this and I kinda got lost in it so it’s pretty long but I couldn’t stop myself 😁 Anyways, I really hope you like it!
Sorry for any grammatical errors, I don’t have a beta reader and I’m not a native english speaker.
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(Gif credit goes to @emraanhashmi)
Dinner tonight at my place? The boys are asking for you like every 5 minutes and I want to see my best friend
With a big grin you looked at your phone reading the message from your best friend Sarah.
You checked the time, 4 pm.
Sure! Can’t wait to see you all again 😍 I’ll be there at 7? Oh and is Sam back home?
Your hand landed with a clap on your forehead, why did you ask this? But it was too late to delete it because Sarah already saw it.
You were best friends since college, and she knew about your secret crush on Sam all over the years.
But since he was off to be an avenger and safe the world you had given up any hopes and went into dating again. Not that successful but at least you tried.
We can’t wait either ☺️ Fine I’ll prepare dinner soon and yes Sam is here!
A tickle went through your stomach, and you couldn’t help but to smile, rereading the message before you jumped off your seat.
One of your colleagues looked up from the other side of the desk.
“You’re leaving?”
“Yes. Uh.. Important stuff.”
You waved with the phone, grabbing your bag and jacket.
“I worked last Tuesday 3 hours longer. So leaving one hour earlier today will be no problem. Bye!”
After you rushed home, you realized you had no plan what to wear. Normally you showed up at Sarah’s in comfy clothes but today was different. Full of excitement you started to empty the wardrobe, looking for something special.
6:13 pm. Shit you would be there too late… As always.
You nearly stomped over a bunch of clothing that laid on the floor by heading to the door.
Only 10 minutes too late you arrived at the house, Sarah waved from the kitchen window as the door opened and two boys ran to you.
“Aunt y/n”
The two hugged you when you barely left the car, making one step back because of them rushing onto you.
“Hey boys.”
Smiling you put your arms around both of them.
“C’mon we have to show you our new video game!”
They both start running towards the house as you follow them slowly.
“They’re even louder than I remember.”
You laughed as you entered the kitchen, greeting Sarah with a hug, giving her a bottle of wine you bought in the city before.
“That’s because they have an uncle who encourages them, isn’t it like that Sam?”
For a moment you froze before turning around, following the view of Sarah to look at her brother who leans at the door frame.
Arms crossed on his chest, the tight sweater showing off every muscle on his broad arms.
His eyes wander down your body for a moment before they locked with yours again and a little smirk appeared on his lips.
The smirk that you loved so much and makes your heartbeat racing up.
“That’s absolutely right.”
He pushed himself off the frame, making his way to you.
“Long time no see sugar.”
You frown by him calling you sugar, not able to reply directly.
“World’s safe then I guess.”
When his arms wrapped around your body for a moment you held your breath.
You smelled his cologne, a mix of vanilla and cedar wood.
“Safer than ever.”
Before you could react he stepped back, noticing his hands brushing over your hips while letting go.
Automatically a bright smile showed up on your face, you looked at each other, and you didn’t notice the silence in the room before Sarah coughed giggling behind you.
“Sam would you mind to go and tell the boys they have to quit playing. Mr Liu is going to pick them up in 5 minutes.”
Not without winking at you Sam left the kitchen, you hear him laughing in the living room as you turn around.
“So what was that?”
Sarah handed you a glass of wine grinning knowingly, you both toasted.
Making an innocent face after taking a few sips of the alcohol.
“This between you and him. I could literally feel the tension. And don’t lie to me, I know that you have a crush on him ever since I introduced you to each other.”
With every word you recognize your cheeks heat up and panic builds up in your stomach as you heard footsteps in your direction while she was speaking.
“Mr Liu is here.”
Sam’s face looked into the room, the boys rushing in to give their mother and you a short hug before leaving again followed by Sam.
When the door closed you breathed out heavy.
“There was no tension. We just haven't seen each other for a long time.”
You shrugged and saw through the window how Sam was saying goodbye to his nephews.
“Of course y/n. Next time tell me something I really could believe.”
Playfully you slapped Sarah’s shoulder and you both started laughing.
“Dinner is ready soon. C’mon let’s sit down outside.”
“Wow I nearly forgot how beautiful it is here.”
Astonished by the view of the last sun shining glittering on the calm water and the trees slowly waving in the warm breeze you made yourself comfortable on the bench on the veranda.
“If you would visit us more often you wouldn’t say that.”
Sam companies the two of you by sitting down next to you.
From the corner of your eyes you saw him casually resting his arm behind you.
You gave Sarah a haunting look which she answered with a giggle.
Her eyes switched from you to her brother and for a moment she stayed on him.
Since Sam sat down, your body had cramped, and you concentrated to act normal by emptying the glass of wine in one.
“Wow, slow it down, sugar. We don’t want you to be drunk before dessert.”
His giggling sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn’t help but to let out a nervous laughter.
“I’m honored that you care but don’t worry. I still have to drive home.”
You hadn’t noticed that Sarah left while you had spoken to Sam, so you turn around a bit, casually crossing your legs and resting hands folded on the upper thigh.
“Then I’ll give you more wine.”
His arm shoots around you to the table on your left to grab the bottle of wine, “More wine, less leaving.”
“Oh shit. Sorry guys, I forgot about Mrs Benoit’s Gutter. I promised her to fix it today.”
Sarah rushed out of the house down the staircase and you both flinched by the sudden interruption.
“But I already fixed it earlier this morning!”
Sam shouted at her when she headed to the car.
She waved with her hand, “She said it’s broken again! Dinner is ready, start eating without me, I’ll be back asap.”
Speechless you stared at your best friend, who was giving you a wink through the car window before driving away.
Seconds of silence let you inspect the fine fabric of your blouse.
“So then. Let’s go eating.”
You looked up, watching Sam going back on his feet reaching out for your hand.
For a brief moment you stare at his hand, feeling again your cheeks heating up before taking it timidly.
Your heartbeat was loud in your ears, it pounded so fast that you thought it would spring out of your rib cage every second.
The fact that Sarah already prepared the table with only two plates didn’t help.
“Damn it Sarah.”
You murmured as you sat down, Sam on the opposite laughed, his eyes shining in the dimmed light.
“I’m pretty sure that the gutter is fixed.”
“So am I. And I’m convinced that she will not be back soon.”
He opens up a beer and silently you both put some food on your plates.
“She was also bold enough to light candles. Didn’t know her romantic side until then.”
Sam laughed again at your words, nearly knocking over his beer can.
“She can be. Did you know how much she loved Dirty Dancing when we were younger? Or Titanic, god how many handkerchiefs were necessary for her tears.”
“Sounds familiar.”
Without looking at him you began to eat, grinning at the thought of a younger Sam who helps Sarah calm down after the death of Jack.
“Wait, don’t tell me that your most favorite movie of all time is Titanic.”
His eyes showed surprise and a bit of shock and you laughed again when his left hand wandered up to his chest, resting it where the heart is.
“No way! But I won’t lie when I say that I’ve cried when Rose realized that Jack is dead. It is an emotional scene and I will never not cry while watching this.”
You paused for taking the wine glass up to your lips, noticing that Sam was following your movements with his eyes.
You giggled into the glass, raising eyebrows which leads him to speak.
“I forgot how good you’re looking. No let me speak out.”
He raised one hand to stop you from speaking up.
“You’re really beautiful y/n. Sweet as sugar.”
He gave you a wink, his hand randomly brushing over yours as you both wanted to grab a spoon.
“Thank you.”
In your head you slapped yourself for that dumb answer, but it was impossible to make one right thought in your head since Sarah had left.
After dinner and three more glasses of wine you’d become more confident and put all your thoughts aside.
“So what next? I’m not ready to leave.”
“Maybe we should use the time, even though I don’t think that my sister will be here soon.”
He made a gesture to show you to follow him.
“We could watch a movie.”
He looked at a small shelf, left to the TV and you accompanied him, your eyes flying over the titles on the DVD boxes.
“What about that?”
You groan as he held Titanic in his hands, grinning down at you and wiggling with his eyebrows.
“No way unless you want to make me cry.”
“Maybe it’s just an excuse to hold you.”
The innocent glare he gave you before inspecting the cover of the box let your hands shake.
“You don’t need an excuse for that.”
Mumbling you choose another box holding it up so that he could read it.
“Sounds like an offer. Go make yourself comfortable, I’ll handle this.”
He took the box, and you made your way to the couch in front of the TV.
It wasn’t possible to concentrate yourself on Bad Boys II.
Soon as he sat down beside you, he had wrapped one arm around your shoulders and pushed you against his chest.
Immediately you had lied down your head on it which caused him to giggle lightly.
The alcohol had made your head go dizzy, and soon you felt how your eyelids become heavy.
“You’re sure you want to drive home? You can stay here, or I can bring you.”
His voice was close to your ear, and you flinched, you must have been asleep for a short moment.
“Oh no you don’t have to. I’m fine and besides, how will you come home then?”
“Then we’ll take my car, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow. But you can just stay here. We have a free room.”
With a big yawn you sit up, stretching out your arms before falling back against him.
“You know what. I’ll stay here. But you can pick me up from work tomorrow anyways.”
The blood shoots into your face as you heard yourself speaking, embarrassed you looked up to see him smile.
You stayed like this for a couple of seconds, his hands wandering up and down your back.
“You know what I can also do?”
“You could kiss me.”
You had spoken out loud your thoughts before you had really thought about it.
And he did, pressing down his lips onto yours and caused you to hold your breath for a moment.
The kiss was slow, his smooth lips moved perfectly against yours, and you couldn’t help but to grab his shoulders and push yourself closer to him.
“Sarah should leave us alone more often then.”
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fanfic-collection · 7 years
The Pleasure Slave - Pt 3
Much more pleased with how this turned out *doesn’t reread it just in case*
The next day passed the same as the others: getting cleaned and beautified for the night to be spent with Loki. Only this time you had a roaring hang over.
Loki laughed when you saw him that night and complained, once more back in his regular room.
It became a ritual for the two of you, talking late into the evening and falling asleep in the other's arms. The two of you grew quite close and in any other situation, you might say you loved him, even after such a short period of time. Was this a form of Stockholm Syndrome you wondered.
That night, you walked at a brisk pace to keep up with your slaver, actually looking forward to seeing Loki and mind resolved.
The slaver knocked on the door and opened it.
“You're early.” Loki gasped, hair wet and towel wrapped around his waist.
Your eyes widened at the large scar on his chest and you quickly looked to your feet. Try as you might, your eyes couldn't avoid his girth, covered barely by the small towel.
The slaver shoved you into Loki and he stumbled back, trying to catch you and hold up his towel, barely managing either. Grunting, the slaver slammed the door shut and left.
Loki stumbled back and fell to the floor, you landed on top of him as he propped himself up on his elbows.
Quickly pushing you off him, Loki pulled away with a grunt, grabbing his towel tighter and turning his back to you angrily.
“What's wrong Loki?” You couldn't get the stark image of his manhood barely covered by his towel out of your eyes. And now, with his back to you and a matching scar on his chest; his back, smooth and toned, muscular but lean and so pale. You could see the defined muscles rippling under the skin as he breathed heavily. “Do you have...” you trailed off, unfamiliar with the word, then lowering your voice, you asked, “an erection?”
“Yes, yes I do.” Loki growled, turning back to you and holding his towel in such a way that it wasn't quite as noticeable. “Normally I tend to it before you get here but tonight it seems you're early.”
Your mouth fell open in a small o. “What's wrong?” You asked after a solid minute.
Loki grit his teeth and looked away, “Nothing.” He snapped, the anger evident in his stiffened shoulders.
“It's not because of me, is it?”
“Of course it's because of you.” Loki snapped again, more irritably. “I will not take advantage of you but damn is it hard.” His voice was a deep growl.
You watched as he raised his hand to magic his regular clothes on but you rushed forward, “Wait! What if, what if I help you?”
Loki's hand lowered and he blinked at you, “I, what?” Then he shook his head, “No, I am in a position of power over you and it would be wrong. You are a slave to me, I will not take advantage of that.”
“But I want to.” You insisted.
Loki bit his lip, thinking of his aching cock, demanding attention. “Were that my resolve could be stronger...” Loki trailed off, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. Slowly he reopened them, “I can be gentle.” He started slowly, speaking more to himself than to you, you figured.
You nodded quickly, “Not the chains, not yet anyways.”
Loki nodded slowly as though still convincing himself. “Very well. Perhaps another time.” He flashed you a grin, “And now it will get the Grandmaster from bothering me.”
You shuddered at the mention of your kidnapper. Neither of you were free, not really.
Loki inhaled deeply and moved towards you, gripping your face with his hands and kissed you deeply. Your own hands came up to cup his hands, cradling them gently as your mouths moved together. Loki kept his mouth open, kissing and nipping at your mouth before pulling away and delving back in. It was gentle yet dominating, he guided you with his mouth before slowly taking your lower lip in his teeth and nibbling on it. You sighed gently, your mouth opening slightly before his tongue darted in.
The two of you continued to kiss, your hands sliding over each other's bodies, grabbing and squeezing, clutching and holding. Sometime during the kiss, Loki's towel fell to the floor, you could feel his hardness rubbing against your leg as your hands slid down his body to grab at his ass.
“Next part,” Loki purred, pulling away from you. He crouched down and grabbed at your shift, slowly straightening up and pushing it over your head. The slavers had not equipped you with a bra and only a revealing pair of panties. You were glad the shift wasn't that see through, being marched through the halls, but now, you almost wished it were.
Loki's hands slid along your skin, kneading your breasts, cupping them and feeling their weight in his hands. He bowed his head, tongue darting out as it slid over the nipple and you gasped sharply, head thrown back as his silver tongue went to work.
“Tonight, I will take care over you.” Loki growled quietly. His hands moved away from your breasts, back down your bare torso and cupped the back of your thighs, lifting you up into the air. Instinctively your legs wrapped around his waist and he carried you over to the bed, setting you down gently and crawled over you. You scoot yourself up the bed so your head rested on the pillows, staring down at Loki curious of what he had planned next.
Loki loomed over you, arms on either side of yours as he kissed you once more, seeming to have troubles making the decisions himself. “I've wanted to fuck you for so long.” Loki growled, pulling away from your mouth and tracing kisses down your throat and jaw, then accenting each word with a kiss as he trailed down your chest, past your breasts, to your stomach, his tongue sliding over your lower stomach and coming to your womanhood.
“I've thought and thought of how it would go, but now that I'm finally here.” Loki inhaled gently, breathing in your womanhood as his tongue darted out and slid over your clit, twirling around it and pulling away just as quickly. “I must be gentle.” He groaned, eyes shutting as he angled his head towards the ceiling, the lament was obvious in his voice.
“You don't have to be.” You replied timidly.
Loki shook his head, “I would break you, pet, no, tonight we will be gentle, there will be time for what I want later, but tonight.” Loki gripped your thighs and stretched them as wide as they would go, his tongue flicking into your depths, curling around and searching for the spot that had you keening, that sent stars across your vision. And how he found it. You moaned loudly, arching your back up, toes curling as his fingers moved from your thigh and rubbed vigorously at your clit.
You cried out, body shuddering as your orgasm hit you, far faster than any you had brought yourself. Your body was abuzz, electric sensitive with every touch of Loki's magical fingers. Everything tingled as your high slowly came down.
“How was that, pet?” Loki asked, lining himself up at your entrance.
“Wonderful,” you responded, body weak and head lolling to the side.
“My turn.” Loki rubbed at your entrance with his fingers, stroking and encouraging you, a come hither with two fingers as you groaned at the stretch. “You'll notice I'm larger than two fingers, pet.”
You nodded slowly, eyes scrunched shut as Loki pulled his fingers away and licked them clean. He gripped your thigh with one hand, the other lining his cock at your entrance. His erection was massive and it frightened you but he had promised to be gentle. Even though you had hopes of being fucked raw, you appreciated that he was going slowly, terrified over the pain you had been warned of.
Loki slowly pressed himself into your entrance, “Breathe, pet, relax.” He groaned as he continued to press into you.
You nodded your head quickly, breath coming in short gasps as you tried to relax around his massive girth. He was long and large and you wondered how anyone could be so endowed.
“Grab my shoulders pet, focus on relaxing.” Loki's words cut through your thoughts and you gripped his shoulders as tight as you could, crescent moons digging into the pale skin.
You continued to breathe slow deep breaths, focusing on relaxing your walls as Loki pressed impossibly further into you.
He moaned, body twitching as he struggled to move so achingly slow for you. You needed it but you could tell his body wanted more.
Finally he stopped, reaching his desired depth and stayed, his cock twitching slightly, desperate to move. Tears pricked at your eyes.
“Keep breathing pet,” Loki murmured, gently rubbing your clit, while he pressed soft nips and kisses to your breasts. “We'll get you through this.” He shifted his hips slightly and you groaned loud and low, tossing your head back, digging your nails somehow even tighter into his skin.
“I think I'm ready.” You whispered.
“Are you sure?” Loki asked, you could see the strain in his eyes. “You're so tight.” He glanced down.
You breathed out heavily and managed another quick nod, “Yes, move.”
Loki complied, slowly pulling out and thrusting back in. You cried out, more tears pricking at your eyes but as he began to move and thrust, hips pounding against yours, the pain began to diminish, soon a pleasurable sensation began to build within you, the tightening of your muscles, the coiling of your bodies like a knot in a rope. Loki set a fast pace, still mindful of how tender you were.
You lifted your legs up, wrapping them around his waist and allowed him to dig in at a newer deeper angle, his cock hitting you in all the right places. Loki's pubic bone rubbed against your clit as his hands massaged and kneaded your breasts. You could feel your climax building again, barely registering the erratic pace Loki was now setting as his own release neared.
“Come for me pet,” Loki growled, moving his thumb to rub your clit viciously.
You screamed body coming undone beneath Loki as your orgasm crashed through you in waves. Loki's orgasm came soon after, his cock throbbing and spilling deep in your core. He continued to thrust against you, the two of you rocking your hips together until at long last, Loki pulled out.
He groaned weakly, cock now flaccid. You winced as he pulled out, feeling the first signs of bruises on your hips. Your vagina ached, so thoroughly stretched by Loki and you whimpered gently.
Loki collapsed next to you, pulling you into his arms and began to stroke your skin in soft gentle circles. He pulled the blankets over the two of you, his chilly fingers soothing your pain.
“I... I hurt.” You whispered fearfully.
Loki nodded weakly, “That is to be expected for your first time.” He kissed your temple gently and stroked your shoulder. “Actually I have a better idea, love.” He scooped you into his arms and carried you to a tub you only now noticed. Steam clouds billowed from it but when you touched it, it was merely the perfect temperature. Loki carried you in and sank into the water, still holding you in his arms.
“Let's get you cleaned off.” He ran his fingers along your thighs, stroking the skin gently before moving to your sex. You giggled at his touch, still sensitive. “You are an eager little one, aren't you?”
“It's not so bad.” You decided, turning around in his arms so you straddled his hips and faced him. You nuzzled your face in his neck and sighed, “You're not so bad.”
“Not so bad?” Loki repeated, eyebrow raised.
“I wouldn't know.”
“Even if you did, you haven't been fucked until you've been fucked by me.” Loki smirked.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around him.
Loki gently stroked his fingers along your spine, sighing heavily as he held you. “I will make sure the Grandmaster lets me buy you, then your freedom you shall have.”
“As long as that freedom is with you.”
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