#i giggled so much writing this wwwww these two are such dorks
ferrocyan · 8 months
(a silly ficlet based on a wolqotd about oranges. it's catboy tart here btw)
"back," tart calls out as he enters reeq's suite. reeq waves from the balcony, reluctant to leave the warm spot under the afternoon sun. tart joins him bringing a sack of fruit. "granson's staying over. be back tomorrow," he says.
reeq, laying down on the floor, looks up at tart sitting beside him. "i'll let the others know. what have you got there?"
"oranges. mayor sai said hi."
"that's nice of him. peel one for me, would you?"
reeq shifts his forearm under his head, hums happily. it's a nice day. there's no more work to be done, he's finished cleaning up the place and watering the houseplants, and he has a partner to peel an orange for him to eat. now that's what he calls living-
living like a spoiled brat, his conscience pipes in. reeq jolts awake and grabs tart's hand, holding the orange. "on second thought, allow me!" he exclaims.
reeq shakes his head at himself. he's supposed to have become a better person, someone that tart can depend on! but what's this, now? do not slack on your efforts in self-improvement, lue-reeq!
he holds the fruit with both hands. the skin is tougher than he thought, his fingers unable to find purchase to peel it open. he leans closer, presses it harder, and--
"gah!!" --splits the fruit open with force, its juice spat directly into his eyes. nice shot!
he runs off to wash his face. returns and curls up facing away from his partner.
tart pats his head affectionately, peeling the rest of the skin without effort. "want some?"
"i don't deserve an orange," reeq wails.
tart snickers at him, reaches over and pokes his cheek with an orange segment. "aah," he prompts.
reeq opens his mouth and eats it. the orange is ripe, bursting with juice and pulp. it quickly fills his mouth with--oh. "this is," he gulps, feeling his face involuntarily grimace, "really..."
he looks at his partner. the man is ecstatic, so very amused that he cannot hold his giggles back. his feet kick as he laughs and his tail thumps on the floor, shaking with glee. unable to wait for reeq to finish his sentence, he fills in with an exclamation:
tart only makes himself laugh harder. reeq shakes his head at him. it's so unfair, who allowed the warrior of darkness to be so adorable?
he purses his lips to appear serious. "be honest with me, now. did you pick your name only for a situation like this?"
tart tilts his head and smirks, "what do you think?"
"no, you don't have that kind of foresight."
"hey!" his long tail smacks reeq's back. reeq laughs, then lies down with his head on tart's lap. he looks at his partner and smiles. "want me to find one that's sweet for you?" asks tart.
"no, i'll have the first. i'm sure the taste will grow on me," reeq says lightly, "and you can peel the rest of them for both of us." the request earns him a kiss on the forehead, and reeq considers it his just desserts.
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