#i get the vibes from howdy that hes confident enough to admit when hes wrong?
So like, i had a thought about 3-14 while re listening and like do you think that howdy might've just grabbed the wrong box on accident and instead of admitting he was wrong, just kept selling it as potatoes. Bc he seemed a bit surprised when she read the label too lol also he obviously knows the difference which can be noted but either Sally doesn't or she just went along bc she also didnt want to admit she could possibly be wrong you know, bc she did notice that the name was weird but when howdy kept on selling she was just like 'oh of course!' Lol i feel like it fits both of their characters you know, also i feel like i remember clown saying something before about how sally will pretend she knows something even if she doesn't, the other things he gave her could be explained like that too except the woodchip cereal bc why would woodchips and sawdust be in a box the same way cereal is? Anyway ultimate salesman capitalism brain rot meets of course its just weird i could never be wrong ever, you know lol
that is Definitely a likely possibility! personally im still sticking to the theory of "Howdy is aware that they can consume non-food items / barely any of the food items are real" since he goes on to be like "sponge" "woodchips n sawdust", and tbh i can't read his tone as anything other than Called Out But Trying To Play It Off And Sell The Damn Thing
plus i mean... woodchips n sawdust would be a Perfect cereal box prop-filler, wouldn't it? i imagine if you fill a box with the stuff and shake it, it'd sound convincingly like cereal. plus i bet you could make sponge look similarly enough to bread to use as a background prop. a shelf filler.
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