#i get the feeling that prince jin was supposed to have a LOT more storyline tho
lillotte17 · 3 years
The same anon here again! Yeah, how you read the sequence of events def depends a bit on suspension of disbelief. ZZS of course could've just killed everyone on the way to the mountain, but that would've ruined the immortality cultivation plot. I figured that ZZS would've simply killed everyone the hard way if prince Jin had indeed been in the caravan, or if he'd felt himself starting to die too soon. But also, yes, he clearly just enjoyed trolling the Scorpion King.
*pulls up a chair and sits down*
Okay okay okay, so you didn't ask but I'm gonna throw my Fix-its at you anyway.
SO much of the logic squibbliness gets solved if Zhou Zishu's focus had shifted to the Scorpion King! SO. MUCH.
-Prince Jin has already been mostly declawed. He's bedridden, and the Window of Heaven under Pengju is clearly much less of a threat than it was under Zishu, because he's shortsighted, ambitious, and greedy.
-Even if Prince Jin got the armory, he's not really interested in the martial secrets, he wants the 'secret to a prosperous country' which...is not a bad thing, really?? Let him have it, why not?
-Xie Wang was clearly the one in charge of the ghosts who went rogue. Even if Zhao Jing was their boss in technicality, Scorpion was clearly the one keeping them in line and giving them orders.
-WHICH MEANS it is safe to more or less lay a good bit of blame at his feet for what happened to Chenling's family (reason #1 for ZZS to kill him)
-he also attacked Cao Weining's sect using the ghosts, which made his master even more of an a-hole than he already was and -1000% unlikely to ever sign off on Weining marrying Gu Xiang (#2)
-and the anger over that he later manipulated to get Weining's master to attack ghost valley for the key and the glazed armor Scorpion already had. Which led to the death of Cao Weining and Gu Xiang on their wedding day (#3)
-Zhou Zishu has his own guilt over this because he made puppy eyes at Lao Wen to make him open the doors to ghost valley, and so he wants to make it up to him and avenge Ah Xiang because he loved her, too. (#4)
-bitch boy really tried to murder Zhou Zishu's Murder Husband right in front of his salad and that is Illegal (#5)
-For less personal reasons: Scorpion King is definitely NOT someone who should have access to super powerful martial abilities, because he is (unlike Pengju) already pretty terrifying and clever, and lord knows what he would do with that knowledge on hand (#6)
- And if you want to throw in an extra one, he is the person Zishu kills/defeats at the end of the book, too. So, that would be a throw back to the original work, which is always nice.
Unlike Prince Jin, Scorpion King is probably not someone ZZS could just run up on. He might kill him, but he might also get poisoned before he got the glazed armor away from him, and that would be Bad. ZZS did not know that WKX gave him a fake key. He did not even know the WKX had the REAL key. It makes much more sense for Zhou Zishu to approach with caution if his real target is Scorpion King, because he does not know him well, and he is less familiar with his methods. Would he carry the key and the glazed armor with him? Would he trust it to a subordinate? Would he hide it? He's not sure, so he has to wait until they confirm that they have it, and it's where he can see it, and then he can take them down and ensure that even if they don't die, they can never access the armory and its treasures.
Also, even though I pity him and he had a really interesting story arc, I still REALLY wanted someone to stab the Scorpion King. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He set up my purple bby and best boi to die, and I was more than ready to watch him spit blood while the light left his eyes.
So. Yes. Change Zishu's focus to Scorpion King, and also maybe make the explosives something he's carrying so we see him throw them or something, just to make it obvious that he's the one that started the avalanche and this was all part of his Cunning Plan.
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
OK, y’all, I’m back, finally, with Word of Honor Episode 8, and I have … a LOT of notes on this one. I’m trying to figure out how to organize this. Buckle up, I guess, because this is kind of a long one.
First of all, the usual warning: SPOILERS. This is a re-watch, so there are spoilers not only for this episode, but for the entire show. Scroll away and come back later if you want to watch all 36.5 eps unspoiled.
So, this is an ep that’s really good to me, because the found-family dynamic is one of the things that sold me on the show, and a ton of the ensemble work that builds and enriches that dynamic is centered on scenes about food and eating together, on literally nourishing the body(ies) of the family, from A-Xiang’s repeated instances of cooking bread on a stick over a fire, to fish soup with Ye Baiyi, to Wen Kexing’s elaborate New Year’s meal, and all the various and sundry restaurant sit-downs in between. Feeding each other and eating together is how these characters form bonds. Alternately, inability to provide sustenance or rejection of food implies distance. The point at which Zhou Zishu is still denying Chengling’s request to become his disciple, he’s unable to cook a fish properly for the poor kid to eat. Cao Weining falls in love at first sight and immediately buys A-Xiang not one, but two dinners, because the first one gets cold and he’s going to spend the rest of his life providing the best (emotional) nourishment he can for her. Paying for Ye Bayi’s meal earns a favor from him. When A-Xiang is separated from Wen Kexing and Zhang Chengling and Zhou Zishu, she eats up the little corn family she sees as representative of them, as if she can keep them with her by taking the food that represents them into herself. Despite the fact that Zhou Zishu is losing his sense of taste (evidenced by his ability to suck down wine that any and everyone else spits out in disgust), he continues to fully participate in meals, sharing food and both accepting and providing choice bits to Chengling and WKX at Siji Manor, in a scene that is possibly the most heartfelt domestic bit of the show. Rejecting (dramatically so) the table that’s been set for him by Prince Jin is symbolic of Zhou Zishu’s rejection of their relationship. And as we ultimately learn from Ye Baiyi’s storyline, eating is what makes us human, with all of our messy, painful, gorgeous connections to the world, in contrast to the icy seclusion of immortality. Which makes me feel some kind of way about the facts that WKX started out by burning A-Xiang’s mouth on too-hot porridge before he learned how to take care of her and was saved by her in Ghost Valley and that A-Xiang and WKX, who are both trying to find their way back to the human world from the world of ghosts, become the primary physical nourishers in their relationships with Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, and Zhou Zishu. It also makes me feel some kind of other (ambivalent) way that part and parcel of the immortality Ye Baiyi achieves for a time and passes on is predicated on being willing to only eat and drink ice and snow, and the symbolic ways that separates you from the rest of the world and from forming the various connections we see forged through food.
All of which is to say that I’m delighted by this ep, where one of the first scenes is an extremely awkward dinner scene at the restaurant with ZZS, WKX, A-Xiang and Cao Weining, which not only plays into a lot of that, but is also comedy gold, and possibly one of the best scenes of the ep (and I say that knowing we’re eventually going to be getting to Han Ying, My Beloved). It’s hilarious how irritated WKX is by the mere fact of Cao Weining’s existence (JunJun, your little pouty face, it’s amazing). And it is triply hilarious how much of a whole-ass troll ZZS manages to be when he realizes the opportunity this presents. I’m not sure we’ve seen ZZS this cheerful … well, yet, at this point in the show, as when he’s just realized how much WKX clearly disapproves of this character who’s after his baby girl and how much of a chance this provides to fuck with WKX. It’s such an asshole move, but at the same time, it’s so weirdly charming to see him willing to play like this. It gives us a great character grace note right in the middle of the comedy - it’s the sort of teasing we see from him with Jiuxiao over the hairpin in Ep 1, and at the same time, it’s also kind of subtle, I think, in the way it calls back to almost the entire ZZS-WKX relationship up to this point. ZZS has clearly been paying attention – almost everything he says to Cao Weining is him giving up with both hands stuff that WKX has had to pry out of him with a crowbar. And it’s blazingly obvious that it’s deliberate. When he compliments CWN, ZZS comments that “it’s our fate to meet each other,” directly echoing what WKX said to ZZS in Ep 2. He waves off the price of dinner, telling CWN that “money is just a possession” after making WKX beg for his wallet and deploy the Sadness Eyebrows before he was willing to hand it over in the last ep. He immediately volunteers his name (or, at least, the name he’s using, Zhou Xu), and asks CWN’s in return. He waxes eloquent about CWN’s sect and background. WKX’s entire face journey through all of this is a delight to watch. ZZS repeats that it’s their fate to meet, and WKX’s eyes almost roll out of his head. ZZS invites CWN to sit and have a drink together, and WKX’s mouth literally drops open. Finally, when WKX learns that A-Xiang is not going to make this interloper go away because he’s her ticket into Yueyang sect, he orders her to go find his wallet (presumably knowing that CWN will follow her when she leaves). As CWN leaves, ZZS reassures him that making friends is “mostly about resonance,” and the implication I presume, is that there is resonance between ZZS and CWN (and yeah, in more ways than one, as CWN will be the ZZS stand-in as these two relationships grow more and more parallel), in contrast to a supposed lack of resonance between ZZS and WKX. I … am not entirely sure that this is just to fuck with WKX, although it’s definitely part and parcel of that, or if it’s a little bit of ZZS trying to convince himself, particularly given a moment later in the ep, which I’ll get to later. In which case, sure, A-Xu. You keep telling yourself that. You didn’t get off at ALL on him staring at you like you’re the most gorgeous thing on earth. Uh-huh.
Outside, A-Xiang and CWN have a little foodie moment together, and if there ever was a fandom that needed a food-truck AU, it’s this one. I’m SO glad that after A-Xiang and Cao-dage got married, they settled down together and opened that little restaurant just down the mountain from Siji Manor. (Shut. Up.) Meanwhile, ZZS and WKX continue to drink inside, now that they’ve gotten rid of the kids. They discuss Mo Huaiyang (:spits:), with ZZS calling him a “cunning old fox” and wondering what a big rabbit like CWN is doing in his den (owowowoOW). WKX promises to get A-Xiang to check on ZZS’s disciple inside Yueyang Sect – he kind of emphasizes that your disciple bit, like he doesn’t really care at all what happens to Chengling, nuh-uh. OK, my dude, you keep telling yourself that, I guess. There’s yet another discussion about Philanthropist Wen’s real motives, which he claims are to empty out hell, which is metaphorically taken to mean saving the damned, although he probably literally means razing Ghost Valley and maybe the jianghu along with it, as he warns ZZS once again that “the fiercest ghosts tend to disguise themselves as human.” And because everything has a triple meaning in this show, this also, again, is also, again, a warning about himself – that he may look human, but he’s not, really.
Meanwhile, Chengling’s been delivered to Gao Chong at Yueyang Sect, where he’s undergoing the worst kind of family bonding. We learn where ShenShen gets his sparkling way with people, when Gao Chong’s first move is to frown at Chengling, feel his biceps and want to know if he’s sick, because he’s such a weakling. We also see where ShenShen gets the yelling and threats of violence. Both Gao Chong and ShenShen put the press on Chengling for the Glazed Armor, as he continues to insist he doesn’t remember anything about it, while Zhao Jing continues to be the “reasonable” one, tearfully telling Gao Chong to be nicer to the traumatized orphan for the sake of his father, oh, oops, I didn’t mean to remind Da-ge of the estrangement with Mirror Lake that’s mentally torturing him now and make him so emotional that this conversation gets cut short, no really, that was not my intention at all, my bad. Sure, buddy. Anyway, this gives us confirmation that Zhang Yusen hadn’t been interacting with his Five Lakes brothers for a while before Mirror Lake was targeted. But never mind that, you can trust us, Gao Chong tells Chengling, and follows up by asking him: Besides us, who can you trust? Which does not actually sound that trustworthy, my guy, and I begin to suspect that Five Lakes Alliance is running things because you’re the biggest bullies, as not a single one of you seems to know how to be the least bit politic. Except for Awful Yifu, who’s not so much adept at politics as at skullduggery. ANYWAY, when asked who he can trust, we can see Chengling thinking “MY NEW DADS” like it’s lit up in neon over his head. We also see him continue to press or clutch the place on his abdomen where we previously saw his injury, so that’s still bothering him, and I can’t imagine why it might do that any time he has to argue with one of these Five Lakes assholes about the Glazed Armor, amirite? I do also notice, though, that he calls both Gao Chong and Zhao Jing “bobo,” which I think is a more familial term for uncle? as opposed to “shishu” for ShenShen, which is martial, and I’m not sure exactly what distinction he’s driving home by doing so, but there you go. Chengling is sent away to rest, and on leaving the hall he immediately gets bullied by Xie Wuyang, one of Zhao Jing’s undercover Yueyang twinks, before being rescued by Gao Xiaolian, daughter of Gao Chong. She takes him to his new room, which faces right onto the training grounds, because no one’s told him yet how much he needs to build himself up, right? And we get to see a bunch of little Yueyang shits who acted like good boys and promised Xiaolian to her face that they would train with Chengling but who then immediately turn around and start mocking him as soon as she goes away, so WKX’s assessment of how the jianghu is full of assholes continues to look kind of correct. What is Cao Weining doing in this whole hive of scum and villainy?
We get a brief detour here to go with Xiaolian to meet Cao Weining and A-Xiang, and she agrees to let A-Xiang stay with her, before a disciple comes to get her to help set up for taking Chengling to worship at the Five Lakes Alliance memorial. Xiaolian helpfully lets us know that this is weird, because it’s going to be dark soon. A-Xiang sneaks away and informs WKX and ZZS that this is weird, because it’s going to be dark soon. ZZS and WKX also spot some of the Tian Chuang Action Lanterns and surmise that some “feudal lords” seen outside the city are up to no good, so they go and skulk in the bushes along the road to the Five Lakes Alliance monument.
This is getting super-long, so I’m going to get right to the next important part, which is the bit where Han Ying (My Beloved) and his Tian Chuang forces have laid a trap for Gao Chong and Chengling on the way back from the monument, and they try to kidnap Chengling. Han Ying continues to be cold, haughty, and capable at his job right up to the moment when ZZS jumps out of the bushes to foil the kidnapping with his signature Swiftly Moving Steps and a frankly ridiculous bit of gauzy fabric tied around the bottom half of his face as a disguise. Han Ying’s instant change of demeanor is something to behold – he can’t even notice that WKX has him by the throat around the hearts in his eyes as he recognizes ZZS. Which, let’s face it, he ought to, because ZZS spent a decade and a half running around with all of these guys with the bottom half of his face covered, so you’d think more of them would recognize him, but apparently the Cover Girl bangs throw them off. Anyway, WKX grabs Han Ying and they use him as a hostage to get Tian Chuang to release Gao Chong, Chengling and a bunch of Yueyang disciples. Once everyone else is gone, WKX and ZZS drag Han Ying into the bushes, where he hits his knees ten times faster than WKX has yet for ZZS, so maybe it’s WKX’s own fault that he’s left standing around, ignored and vinegary. Han Ying is back to the puppy-dog he was around ZZS in Ep 1, and interestingly, the way Zhang Zhehan is styled here makes ZZS look more severe than he has in a while – he’s got a lot of his hair up in the high pony that looks a bit like the topknot from the front, all the rest of his hair is back behind his shoulders, and his bangs are pushed back out of his face more than usual, making him look more like his Tian Chuang self as he talks to Han Ying. Who he calls Ying’er, and omg, fuck you subtitles, for not including this because HE CALLS HIM YING’ER AND I’M DYING. (Also, oh god, I just realized that the Ying of his name is the same character as “hero.” Which, just, the simple fact of it, of course, but also it was used in the “hero saving the beauty/beauty saving the hero” (overdubbed) lip-read from Ep 6, and now I’m dying on the floor, because that’s kind of a weird little link between Zhen Yan WKX and Han Ying already. It’s likely coincidence, but it’s potentially USEFUL, yes, all my fic writers out there?) Anyway, Han Ying is desperately worried - he knows something’s wrong, because ZZS isn’t bothering to disguise himself with that awful fake face anymore to keep himself safe from Prince Jin’s spies, and also, HOW IS YOUR INJURY, MY LORD? (DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TAKE TENDER CARE OF YOU?) WKX continues to look vaguely uncomfortable about this whole thing that’s going on right in front of his salad. Han Ying swears he’ll do anything for ZZS. WKX clears his throat loudly to draw attention and suggestively asks if he should leave for a while. (I am not shitposting here, this actually, literally happens.) ZSS literally huffs in annoyance and ignores him. He tells Han Ying that he saw signs of Tian Chuang at Yueyang and thought they were after him. We can see Han Ying thinking, “No, if I’d known you were here, you’d have found me on my knees by your bedside waiting patiently like a good boy.” We learn that Duang Pengju (that asshole) has had Han Ying looking for the Glazed Armor since the Mirror Lake massacre, probably to take credit for anything he finds. Han Ying reiterates that he’ll do anything for ZZS, and ZZS tells him to stay out of all this, saying that what Han Ying can do for him is stay alive (well, OW).
After this, we get a scene of ZZS and WKX still hanging around by the side of the road after dark. ZZS sincerely thanks WKX for his help, and says he owes WKX a favor. WKX asks him what’s really going on with ZZS and Chengling. ZZS says that he couldn’t stand around and do nothing while this kid was in danger, likely stirring some Zhen Yan feels in WKX that we don’t officially know about yet, at this point. ZZS asks WKX, again, about his Weird Thing about the Five Lakes Alliance and whether it was a coincidence that WKX was at Mirror Lake for the massacre. WKX goes vaguely Ghost Valley Master wild-eyed and says of course not! before laughing and saying, “I followed you, remember?” He gets friend-zoned and follows up by asking ZZS, “Why don’t you ask what I think of you?” ZZS – pretty unconvincingly, tbqh – says he doesn’t care and stomps off, leaving WKX to stare after him soulfully and call him zhiji. Much like that resonance thing earlier - you keep telling yourself that, A-Xu. The next time we see them, they’re at the marketplace, probably the next day, and you remember that thing I said about bonding via food? We’ve come back full circle to that, too. Zhen Yan WKX is 7 years old again, he wants some reassurance that he is ZZS’s super-special friend, and he works his way through the marketplace making ZZS buy him every sweet thing to eat that he can find. Every time ZZS has to pull out his wallet, he makes this pissy little face, but he keeps paying. ZZS is hopeless at cooking, but if you can’t make your own, store-bought will do, WKX is craving reassurance, and as uncomfortable as ZZS is with how close WKX has gotten at this point, he continues to provide it. I also want to point out another censorship dub here, thanks again to AvenueX on Youtube: As they’re figting over the way WKX is spending ZZS’s money in this scene, when WKX tries to grab ZZS’s hand, and ZZS is all ‘”Don’t touch me,” the voice dubbing has WKX say that repaying ZZS is no big deal, he’ll just let ZZS order him around, with ZZS’s response being to tell him to get lost, then. OTOH, lip-read gives us, from WKX, that it’s no big deal, he’ll sell the rest of his life to ZZS, with ZZS’s response as a threat to sell him to a brothel, then. :hands:
Quick wrap-up from there: They go watch some exotic dancers, only there turns out to be an unexpected pile of heads in the follow-up magician’s act, which turn out to be from the guys who were in the “bridal party” at the Ghost Valley “wedding” a few eps ago, and everyone swears vengeance against the Ghost Valley. WKX and ZZS go to visit Chengling, who is supposedly sick and can’t see them, but they get introduced to Gao Chong. Gao Chong and WKX are weird at each other, and ZZS is increasingly suspicious. He’s got his thinky face on, and we don’t get any literally pokey fingers, but I can’t help but think there are some mental pokey fingers going on, as he turns over all the info he knows in his head. Then some Yueyang disciple comes shrieking in about a dead body, omg, death, destruction, death, and Gao Chong is all, Seriously? In front of guests? before we’re out.
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clementineesotsm · 3 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 15, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
PM Koo teams up with LR. At least that is what PM was thinking. But for LR, slight different. He thinks PM will somehow give advantage for him but ended up disappointed, because PM cannot become a queen, and suspended as a PM. She cant even near a high position now. She cannot get Gon or Kingdom of Corea and that pisses LR off. PM become greedy and put her guard down. He thinks LR wanted a cooperation and inform him that she will take Gon’s flute for her. Which makes LR mad and choke her 🤣🤣 LR asking her to bring him into Gon’s mom mass memorial day and leave her
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Gon is back to kingdom now. He hugs Lady Noh so tight 🥺 he is thankful to her for everything that she have done for him. Apparently Gon indebted to her much. I loved her punchline “i know pyeha / 압니다 폐하” means she understand things that Gon cant even / doesn’t have to explain. I love their relationship
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Gon exiled Prince Buyeong’s son so that he cannot go back to Corea, because he found out that he is LR accomplice on the treason night. Gosh i hate that man!
Apparently Gon took KSJ to Corea to let him see his real mom. This scene was well made! Acting wise, amazing. KSJ lines, amazing. Music, amazing! Poor KSJ. He is also growing up becoming a stoic character 🥺🥺
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Conversation between KSJ and Gon feels a bit heavy. Gon told KSJ about his plan, apparently he dont plan to save himself this time. The target is to get or kill LR. So Gon is planning to go and sacrifice himself for the good 🥺🥺 i loooove Gon’s facial expression here. And his eyes speaks his fear but also trying to accept his fate. Something like “sigh-ing”
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LR was back to Korea to prepare his big plan. But unfortunately he let his guard down, SJH put poison in the food to kill herself basically. And LR minion couldn’t save her because Gon was set to cross the portal at that time so times stops. SJH was finally relief to be able to die, but here i am crying 🥺🥺 and her using LR punchline before while dying was cool thought by the writer! “Did you pray?” !!!
And did you realize? LR face most of the time was always stain with blood. Poor him 😅
Another appreciation was to the editing team, they did a great job in this scene. Especially for the scoring 💯💯💯
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LR took his gun and run outside, then he met Gon!
LR “i even transcends death, but how is it that im unable to avoid you? How did you find me here?”
Gon “it would be good if it was me alone, but im not.”
“Some one sets the time (SJH)
Someone chases after you (i assume this was KSJ/the detectives)
Someone prays for you to get caught (this could be Lady Noh and JTE)
And someone is going to fight you (Gon, JY, KSJ) “
Then LR said that Gon should have wait him at the memorial not confront him here. This kind of storyline was fresh for me too. Because usually story like this always go with “make the doomed happen first then resolve it after” but with TKEM, the main character manage to prevent the doomed before it happened. Which im fine with it because its possible. But i kind agree with LR. Can we get that chaos in the mass memorial first then solve it? That would be epic. But then maybe they dont have enough time to explore that. Maybe in another timeline, reality or universe. But this is also satisfying and well done. If you can prevent it, why not? That is more work in a smart way.
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Gon then took LR to bamboo forest to check on how to use the flute to travel back to 1994. What Gon knew, the flute need to be whole inside to do so. But then how to do it was a bit tricky. It needs both LR and Gon to be inside the space between 0 and 1. Because each of their blood soak into each of the flute. Gon was a bit in dilemma because he need someone to go inside the gate with LR in order for it to happen. What scary was nobody knew whats going to happen with that person if he succeeded or fail. All assuming that person will go inside and dead. Then KSJ volunteered to do so. OMFG! P.S then we also got a glimpse of the portal when the flute was whole. Kind of cool. If fills with so many universe and possible of eternity life !
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SO THE LR INTERROGATION THAT WE SAW IN EP 1 WAS ACTUALLY FROM EPS 15! Wahh im impressed. I did not see that coming! Gon also doing his final honor for SJH and buried / burned her body properly (brb cry 😭) and to prepare if something bad happen he ask secretary Mo to announce that Se Jin (Prince Buyeong granddaughter) will be the first in line to replace Gon if something happen to him 🥺🥺 Secretary Mo and JY looks worried
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Then something weird happened. Suddenly the flower that Gon gave to JTE on eps 10 disappeared. JTE worried that Gon already preparing for the reset and he will be gone forever from her memories 🥺 she comes to see LR and ask where is the flute? LR was pissed here, because he don’t understand why people are not scared and tend to give their lives away to make things right. He doesn’t understand love 🥺🥺 and LR was stays evil to the end because he kills Se Jin and swap PM Koo mother. Which is very scary! KGE, LJJ, LMH, JEC acting in this sequence was out of this world. The director and all team was making this sequence very well too. All the thrilled was there even though it was just a short scene each. I loved them more now but we are left with only 1 episode for the finale 🥺🥺🥺
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In Korea, JTE released Luna. JTE have a planned to go with LR into the space between 1 and 0 because she is afraid if Gon will alone doing his duty 🥺 She basically ready to leave Korea forever because she asked Luna to take her place while she was gone. JTE asking Luna to steal LR to bring him to JTE and JTE come to KSJ to ask for the flute and let her replace him to do the duty. And it was the most heartbreaking conversation between this two friends and one of the most heartbreaking confession i have ever watched. I loved how they shot this scene, the camera seems to be shaking, i think its cool and also the way KSJ holds JTE hand 🥺🥺
Kudos to KGE and KKN here! Damn! Where is your daesang again?!
Finally here we saw that jacket of doomed which we saw on eps 1 and eps 10 worn by Gon. Its his ceremonial outfit that he supposed to wear during his most glorious moments. And him following his destiny to die for the sake of doing right things, teared me up. Before he go back to the past, he visit Lady Noh for a final goodbye, seriously i cried. He told Lady Noh about kim sowol poems, Gon knew that she was coming from Korea. Gon was also conveying his feelings to her “thanks to you, i can read such a beautiful poems”. Gon asked Lady Noh to let him go again and the way she said “if i let you go this time, will you ever comeback?” And cried, teared me up too. Meanwhile JTE also prepared to go with LR inside the portal, she is using the necklace from Gon, the one that has the symbol of Corea 🥺 its for her also her glorious moments. Surprisingly Gon going inside the portal not alone, JY was there to company him. As what he promised, he will be there in any battlefield Gon is about to go through 🥺🥺🥺
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How it made me feel:
What a solid episode! This eps making my eyes swelled. It was full with bittersweet moments, thrilling moments, a lot of goodbyes, a lot of revelation, and it left me anxious for the finale. How can they solved this all? Can we still get a happy ending? Also this episode was so cool because the ending is the beginning. What we saw on eps 1 was actually a flashback! No wonder the screen size was different. Like what they usually used for past events! Cool!
What i also wants to appreciate is Kim Eun Sook writing skill. I have to admit im not a big fan of her, sometimes her script was a bit cheesy, overly dramatic and predictable. But since mr sunshine and especially TKEM she changed that all and turns out to be more mature. And darker? For me TKEM is focusing more on doing the right things, it has values more than just a rich boys/cool boys meets a cool ordinary girls and falls in love premise and finish. But this time its about true value of love, true value of relationship, about responsibility, vulnerability. At some point it reminds me of harry potter. TKEM gave me the same feelings/premise to while i was reading/watching HP. I loved how it turned out so far, its up to the finale. Will it be one of the best series i have ever watched? Or no?
Also, i really loved how KES writes KSJ character, he has so many reason to be bad. But he did not. I loved how she portrays a very good example of stoicism in his characters. Very good 💯
Another appreciation is for the directing and cinematography, guys, you blown me away!
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drivingsideways · 4 years
The Rebel Princess review/ spoilers upto ep 12
Under the cut
At the end of 12 episodes I have to say I’m..underwhelmed. I mean, I knew going into a 68 episode drama that it was going to be really slow for most parts, but it’s still hard going even with low expectations.
I think the first thing that threw me was Zhang Ziyi playing a 15 year old. Don’t get me wrong- I don’t think it’s her looks per se that make it unbelievable-she’s incredibly youthful and beautiful, of course. And I’m well aware of the sexist double standards re: casting, and I’ve generally always hated it when older actors are cast in roles of teenagers or people about two decades younger than they are! It’s just that I don’t think she’s suited to the cutesy/naive A’wu that we meet in the initial episodes. You can see the effort she’s putting into it and that makes it all the more apparent that she isn’t that character. I just didn’t buy into the performance, I think. It’s only in episode 12, in the scene where she learns about her father’s and aunt’s lies re: Xiao Qi that I felt that spark you feel when an actor is totally in sync with their character in a scene. (Her earlier “big scene” after the wedding felt more ho-hum to me, though heaps more engaging than anything that had gone on before then.)  
But Zhang Ziyi’s strained performance is not the only problem I’ve had with this part; it’s that fundamentally I just can’t buy into the idea that A’wu is the person she is when we meet her- seemingly utterly unaware of how the society around her works, or her position in it? She’s reached marriageable age- though not by modern standards of course-  i.e. she’s entered into adulthood, and is presumably not unintelligent or entirely blind, but she seems downright surprised by the fact that she should be expected to marry for reasons other than love, or that other people around her, in her family even, have done so. I can buy that she thought she would be the exception to the rule, because she has been pampered all her life, but she seems actually astonished that the rule exists! Or that other people may be ok with not marrying for love, but have other considerations (See early conversation with Xie Wanru regarding Xiao Qi).  It speaks to a laziness of characterization/ world building for me. We are meant to accept A’wu’s incredible naivete re: marriage as plausible for a woman of her age and  societal position, in the same breath that we have to accept the multiple rape/ threatened rape storylines as historically accurate/ plausible because women were tightly controlled as a class. Watch me roll my eyes so hard that they’re falling off my face. 
But I’m hoping to god that now that we’ve put the “woman-child” part of the story behind us, things will improve! 
The other thing I feel that keeps me..whelmed..is the general pov choices. The story is ostensibly being told by A’wu- she is literally narrating it to the audience. Yet for extended periods we have to leave her pov to get all the plot machinations in place. There’s also a time skip of approximately 6-8 months after her marriage to when we meet her next; in that time, she seems to have made peace with the fact that the great love of her life whom she sacrificed her life for turned out to be a wuss, and also somehow magically “grown up”. The naive A’wu we saw has disappeared and instead we have grown up A’wu who’s quite capable of manipulation and running a household (and from spoilers I’ve seen, become adept at military strategy etc). I mean, it’s GREAT, for the character, but the transition feels sudden, presented like a fait accompli. I wish we’d gotten to see those 6-8 months in Huizhou is what I’m saying, or even earlier hints of her talents and interests. But we were stuck in “I’m a young, pampered princess in love, I have no thoughts beyond getting married” mode for like ten episodes. If they’d laid a little more ground then, and also given us some more of those 6-8 months, I would have enjoyed it. But then, I suppose that requires an entire different kind of story telling focus. This show, despite being titled “The Rebel Princess” doesn’t seem to really be about *her *. That’s probably an expectation mismatch between me and the show (I haven’t read the novel or any of the press/ previews etc), so I’m having to swallow my disappointment a bit! 
As usual, and this is specifically a me thing, I admit, I’m more interested in the “supporting” characters than in the leads. And again, specifically me-thing, I love the awful ones the MOSTEST. 
I LOVE Wang Lin. I love the actor, I love the scheming, and I honestly think he’s literally the only character that makes any kind of sense in this story so far. Am I supposed to be horrified that he’s willing to barter his daughter for retaining the family’s power? On the contrary, I think A’wu needed a solid dose of reality and maybe a little time living her maid’s life so that she could understand just how right her dad is. *shrug hands emoji * . I’m  50 x more interested in Wang Lin and Jin Ruo’s Terrible and Complicated Marriage than in Xiao Qi and A’wu making doe-eyes at each other, sorry, not sorry. 
I also love Xie Wanru; I know she’s probably going to come to a terrible end, after getting her shot at being Supporting Villainess until the Real Main (Male) Villain can fully take over etc. Still, she has done nothing wrong in her life and I fully support her in her quest for revenge. 
Su Jin Er’s story in Ep 11/12 was incredibly poignant and heartbreaking for me; even though I objectively understand that what she did to Zidan was rape. I know she’s also being set up as plot point for Xie Wanru’s villainy to bloom, and idk, will probably die in the next few episodes. Alas. I shall have to write the fic where Su Jin Er survives her punishment and goes on to live happily ever after with a beautiful boy of her choice and lots of money from idk black market trading of grain or something, I accept this and I will do it. 
Surprise entrant for GIRL I AM ROOTING WITH ALL MY HEART FOR is A’wu’s sister in law, who’s fucking the second prince and refusing to produce a Wang clan heir right under the nose of that Incredibly Smart Villain  Daddy Wang Lin;  honestly that reveal was the best second best thing the show has done so far.
The best thing the show has done so far was when a giant bat swooped down and kidnapped A’wu from the marketplace in ep 11...I was HOLLERING. 
Anyways, I am going to keep watching mostly for my queen Zhang Ziyi, spoilers I’ve seen in the tag indicate that the next set of episodes will be actually good? *cross fingers *
9 notes · View notes
onceuponakdrama · 4 years
Was It Love?: KDrama Review 
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Bingo Card For Was It Love? 
Synopsis: Noh Ae Jung [Song Ji Hyo] is a single mother and works as a producer for a movie company. She has not had a boyfriend in the past 14 years, but 4 men appear in front of her. Oh Dae Oh [Son Hojun] is a mysterious best-selling novel writer. Ryu Jin [Song Jongho] is a popular actor. Koo Pa Do [Kim Min Joon] was once a gangster, but he is now the CEO of Nine Capital financial company. Oh Yeon Woo [Koo Jasung] is a PE teacher at a school. 
Overall Main Plot: Rating - 6 out of 10 
I actually really liked the plot idea; at least, in the sense of what it sounded like in the description. I was pulled in because of Song Jihyo, but also because it was about single-motherhood. However, the execution of the actual plot... wow. While the overall concept was a good idea, there were just some misses that they could have hit easily. 
Who’s the Father - this was the main storyline and I kind of liked it, until they kept dragging it out. It was obvious Dae-Oh was the father, considering that he was the only one with a deep history with her. Everyone else’s romances felt rather shallow, so we were able to understand from the get-go who the male lead is and who was most likely the father. 
The Mother-Daughter Relationship - I’ll dive into it later with the characters, but these two had a good-ish relationship. It just felt strained due to all the miscommunication. Their relationship was supposed to be apart of the main plot, considering it centered on the question of: who’s Hani’s father? But the writers didn’t really do that. We got some glimpses of it in the beginning, but then it just centered on Ae-Jeong and Dae-Oh’s romance and it just kind of fell apart. 
All The Miscommunication - this was literally the root of all the problems in the drama and I was just... annoyed. If they had all just talked to one another, there would have been no drama at all. It just felt so more melodramatic than it should have been, when it could have all been easily solved. 
Characters: Rating - 6 out of 10 
↣ Noh Ae-Jeong [played by Song Jihyo] - I actually kind of liked her character the most compared to the other characters. I mentioned in 100 Days, My Prince about how I love seeing strong female leads; single motherhood is hard and watching her try to make things work, without giving up her life, dreams or child was very satisfying. She always put her best effort into what she did and tried not to let people walk over her. However, her character felt kind of weak as the drama progressed because the events that happened around her were not due to her choices. Apparently, the development became: she’s independent and learned to lean on someone; in reality, it should have been about communicating with others to work things out or something. 
↣ Noh Hani [played by Um Chaeyoung] - I don’t know how, but Hani was acting exactly like a 13/14 year old and acted more mature at the same time. She had fights with her mom, she struggled making friends, she makes dumb decisions, etc. I liked that side better because it felt more appropriate; she’s a teenager and she’s going to throw fits and be dumb because that’s what being young is about. I don’t like how the writers made her have this double side. There were also some scenes where I felt concerned for her: meeting up with a whole stranger (Ryu Jin) to adopting a dog that she couldn’t care for. There were just too many holes to her character and I didn’t like that they made her inconsistent, which is due to the writing but still. 
↣ Oh Dae-Oh [played by Son Ho-Jun] - out of the characters, I think Dae-Oh had the most development. A lot of people say that they didn’t like him, but I do appreciate that he became better by the end of the drama, whereas most of them remained the same. In the past and when they first met again, it’s clear he’s arrogant and petty and demanding of her. However, by the end, he’s realized that his actions have consequences and he tries to be more careful and understanding. I think the whole daughter situation made him wake up and he realized the types of sacrifices that Ae-Jeong had to make. That doesn’t exclude him from the stereotypical male lead in dramas tho, so points are docked off. 
↣ Ryu Jin [played by Song Jongho] - I hate him. Okay, hate is kind of strong. I kind of pitied him because of CEO Song and how he got stuck in that relationship with her. However, the whole “I saw her first” and deleting the text was a dick move and I grew to hate him. Like, bruh, how are you still friends with Dae-Oh? I did find him funny because of his wild and dramatic imagination, but there was just so much I didn’t like about him. Even if Hani was his child, he was so hesitant to claim responsibility compared to Dae-Oh. Hani even hated him and I did not blame her. I also hated how he met up with her rather than trying to communicate with Ae-Jeong about what was happening. I did like that he took Hani to see how her biological parents fell in love at the university but, again, too much to dislike about him. 
↣ Oh Yeonwoo [played by Koo Jasung] - okay, I actually hated him though. Unpopular opinion: he was the most annoying possible love interest. Everyone trashed Dae-Oh, but no one said a thing about how toxic Yeonwoo is. I did like that he bonded with Hani and, by the end, he just wanted them to be happy. However, he was the most useless character and he only caused more problems rather than solved them. He’s Hani’s teacher and he chose to live with them; his mom hates Ae-Jeong for “stealing him away” and made Ae-Jeong uncomfortable with his confession and CONTINUED to make her uncomfortable. He always popped up in the most useless times and it was just annoying. Originally, I thought he was cute and then, as time went, he just felt more and more unnecessary to the plot. 
↣ Koo Pado [played by Kim Minjoon] - 10/10 the best character of this drama. I absolutely loved him and his relationship with his son. Originally, I had no idea as to where this sub-plot was going, but I actually kind of liked the way it went (although the whole Chinese mafia made me confused for a bit). Anyways, Pado was precious as time went, especially since he adopted a son who’s not even biologically his. He was super funny too because he didn’t mean to sound so ominous, but his red pen made it look so threatening. I really liked him throughout the drama, even though I knew they weren’t going to end up together. I really wanted more scenes of him and Ae-Jeong being friends that bonded over single-parenthood and lowkey sticking out during the parent meetings. 
Personal Notes: I hated Ahrin [played by Dasom] because she kept going after a guy who was in a relationship and continued to disrespect boundaries throughout the drama. Like, girl, chasing after a romantic relationship with the director of your film? This couldn’t wait until after? I only leaned into her a bit when she stood up for Ryu Jin, but also they’re both assholes who kind of deserve each other. Speaking of Ryu Jin, I still don’t understand how they still are friends after all of that. In the end, they were still friends and I was just so confused because they were so... separated by the end of it and never really got closure? There was just a lot happening and I did not enjoy it. 
Romance: Rating - 5 out of 10 
This romance was kind of mediocre. While I liked the ex to lovers trope going on, there were too many things blocked me from enjoying it. I want to start first from their romance in college. Dae-Oh puked on Ae-Jeong’s shoes to stop her from kissing someone else; while it’s creative, it was still pretty manipulative, but at least he was honest about his intentions? He proceeded to kind of harass her into getting a meal with him and then intentionally ate a clam (something he’s allergic to) to get her to do something for him. I was getting war flashbacks of the Notebook all over again. Although, I do like the moments of when they were dating; it was cute to see Dae-Oh to try and impress Ae-Jeong by stealing that large deli umbrella or when he was trying to make her laugh during a boring class. I understood the fall out, but, again, communication would have solved that easily and they could have lived a much different life. When they reunited, it was entertaining no doubt because he was “getting his revenge” but, by the end of it, he regretted everything. While it was nice to see that change in him and that romance between them blossomed, I think the main thing I couldn’t get pass was the fact that he just left her after things were getting hard. Just when they could have mended their bond and Hani could have a father like she wanted, he just left. Again, I liked the snippets of their romance, but overall... it was kind of half-assed. 
Second Plot/B-Plot and Secondary Characters: Rating - 8 out of 10 
I loved the other characters in the story. Noh Ae-Jeong’s mother is the absolute bomb; while she was a bit nosy, there was that warmth from a mother, especially when she was calling out to all those people that were gossiping about her family and when she showed up to the parent meetings. There was so much I loved about her. I already expressed my love for Pado and Dongchan, so yeah. We love their father-son dynamic and watching them grow and bond is so satisfying. As for the other characters, there wasn’t anyone else I was particularly attached to. I did like Ae-Jeong’s assistant and felt really bad for her too because of all the chaos that unravels. The two points off the ten is because of Ryu Jin and Ahrin; they’re selfish characters and didn’t really learn anything other than pity themselves. By the end, they got together but I didn’t feel anything towards them. I think Ryu Jin was supposed to be likable as a second male, but it just didn’t work for me. There’s also Yeonwoo and we already know how much I don’t like him. Overall, I think the characters portrayed their parts accordingly and contributed to the plot (for the most part), but there were just some that made me frustrated. 
Additional Notes: 
The Last Episode - Yikes. That last episode was a mess. It was clear they threw in a conflict last minute so there could be ANOTHER separation period, even though Dae-Oh was supposed to take responsibility for Hani and I’m just so confused. There was already the 14 years because of the pregnancy and then they just threw in two more for the heck of it? God. On the other hand, I did like the glimpse of Hani and Dongchan’s wedding. It was cute. Other than that, this episode was disastrous. 
This was more melodramatic than romantic or comedic like they implied for it to be. Again, all of the conflicts were due to miscommunication and all the confrontations were so dramatic. Hani gets a free pass because she’s 13/14, but the adults? They needed to get it together, but they were all acting like they were teenagers and... ugh. 
The College Flashbacks - I actually did enjoy these snippets. It was super cute to see how they were like as a couple and I feel like there should have been more time spent on that. I think there would have been more benefit to spend the time with them throughout college and then having their time skip the 14 years and Hani’s born.  
Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10 
↣ Yes: this was a drama with multiple love lines for all sorts of people (exs to lovers, Noona-romance, mafia love line, etc.). It felt like You’re Beautiful, just less painful when the second male lead was rejected. This was also a drama with multiple things happening, so if you want more than just one plot, you kind of get it here. There’s also a lot of focus on family, since it’s about being a working, single mother. There’s also lots of flashbacks, so if you like putting little puzzles of the plotline together, this is for you. There’s also a lot of flawed characters, which makes it easier to connect with them and the choices they made. 
↣ No: there’s a lot happening, but also not much is happening. Either a lot is happening all at once or things are progressing over a long time. As things progress, it also might get frustrating to watch. This is more of a slow burn drama, where the two don’t really get together until near the end. Again, the characters are flawed, so they make some mistakes that might be frustrating for you to watch or it’s hard to understand why they did some of the things they did. I would also say that this has a bit more drama, so if you are looking for a romantic comedy, this isn’t exactly the one for you. 
0 notes
(She’s back… after an unforeseen hiatus).
Good morning, afternoon or evening to those who stumble upon this, like most I would like to find a partner to write long-term. At the moment I don’t have many, and wouldn’t mind at least two to three more. I should probably say a bit about myself, I am twenty-four years old and have been writing about 08 years +. I was a member of Quizilla, where I used to search for partners back in the day. I tend to lurk on other roleplay oriented sites such as RP.Me, and Tumblr from time to time. Below, I will list my rules, current cravings, full roleplay list and some last minute notes. If you see something that catches your eye please do contact me through one of the contact mediums I’ve listed; thank you.
Note: So, as mentioned above I had to take an unforeseen hiatus due to a number of things. (School and health being the two main contributors). However, I am back after a well-needed rest and ready to write again. As of today’s date I have reached out to everyone with whom I was speaking with and sent out replies. If we were speaking a while back (forgive me for disappearing), and you haven’t heard back from me, I’d love to get back in contact with you and begin where we left off. ❤
Types of Roleplay
Basic: Contact me with what fandom(s) you’re interested in, we’ll make a mutual decision on the choice, before exchanging oc information and discussing plots. The format is what we’re all used to: portraying our oc’s, each other’s love interest(s) and side characters.
Doubles: More or less the same as above, except if there is more than one thing you’d like to do  and are up for doing more than roleplay, than we can. I will probably only accept 2-3 per person, due to time management.
Split: The format is similar to the basic formula, we both choose one fandom of our respective sides. Then, exchange oc information, love interests and plots.             
Split 2.5: This is similar to the former, but different than the ones before it. Normally, a split roleplay is done where we choose two separate fandoms; but I can make an exception for a basic format if that is what you wish. Now, here is where it’s different after we choose our respective fandoms, along with our oc information we will include a big or small write up of a plot for our character and their love interest(s). Now, I will give my partner full-rein in regards to what kind of plot they want. Want a storyline filled with drama and mayhem? Go for it. Want a reverse harem storyline with four characters vying for your character’s heart? Fine with me. This is your opportunity to play out any kind of headcanons and storylines you wish. I only ask for nothing that violates my rules or limits, otherwise sky’s the limit. I may accept 2-3 per person. If you need help with a storyline, let me know.
Rules and Regulations
Length: Normally, I will write one to two paragraphs on both sides. However, that is not my limit for I can write anywhere between one to five paragraphs per sides. Length for a single paragraph can range anywhere between 200-500+ words, whereas each individual side usually equates anywhere from 400-800+ words. I like to consider myself a paragraph|multi-paragraph writer, although I know a lot of people are converting to novella writers, I can accommodate to a novella partner just beware that it will take me longer to reply to you as opposed to someone else. This is due to how much time and effort that goes into novella responses. I am the type of person who likes to take the time to construct a quality response, rather than rush and send someone a response for the sake of replying. Which is why I ask, please give me time to write your response.
Format: I can write in either first or third person, despite preferring first because I can connect with my character more; I will do whatever my partner feels more comfortable with and if that’s second so be it. Also, don’t forget that roles between the two of us should follow accordingly; I play my OC, your love interest(s) and additional side characters. While you play your OC, my love interest(s) and additional side characters.
Love Interests, Mary Sues and Spotlight: I’m lenient when it comes to love interests, as I allow more than one suitor for our characters because love triangles make the story more interesting. However, I would ask that if we just so happen to have the same choice(s) for a love interest that we don’t fight about it; instead try to sort things out. I’ve literally had someone threaten me, simply because I liked the same person as them (I’m not kidding). Second, I’m not an extremist when it comes to characters; meaning I won’t knit pick about every little thing. All I ask is no Mary-Sues and no hogging the spotlight; this is a storyline created between the two us. Let’s share it please.
Spelling and Grammar:There are a lot of people who tend to knit pick about this; but rest assured I will not. All I ask is that you have a decent grasp on both spelling and grammar. Do this and we’ll get along fine; this is something that I can and will promise you.
Manners and Etiquette: This should be common knowledge, but all I ask is that during our time writing together that you treat me with respect and courtesy; I will return the gesture as it is only right. I’d like us to get along, I would hate for a disagreement to ensure and there was bad blood between us due to something frivolous.
Patience and Commitment: I am a full-time student, attending college and leave for school early in the morning and return home later in the afternoon; I am usually quite tired when I return home, but I try to reply to my partners as frequent as possible. However there are times, unfortunately when I cannot reply when I’d like due to an abundant amount of assignments, health issues which can lead to me becoming sick or an emergency at home. I try to inform my partners of these occurrences, but if you don’t hear from me in two to three weeks time don’t be afraid to send me a message and ask me about it. What I won’t accept, is being spammed every five seconds with the same message; again and again because I’m not replying like you’d like me to. I do my best to get to you all, roleplay is supposed to be fun and enjoyable; an escape from reality for both of us. It shouldn’t have to feel like a job. I will do the same for you because I understand everyone here has different lives and schedules to attend to; but please don’t ditch me half-way through the roleplay. If you need to take a break or something; then please tell me. I don’t bite- I’ll understand. 
Limits:Tell me your limits when sending a request, as the last thing I’d want is to make you uncomfortable. My limits consist of the following; malexmale/femalexfemale/incest/pedophilia/bestiality. This is where my limits stand, these may or may not change depending on future roleplays; however if you’re unsure about something please don’t hesitate to ask me. Now onto what I will do, I am open to mature themes within the roleplays; I actually encourage them. That includes; cursing, violence, blood, smut, alcohol and lemons. However, I would like to keep the language and lemons to a certain level, meaning no dropping ‘F’ bombs every five seconds and no roleplays dedicated to sexual activities and sexual activities alone. No, there is more to a roleplay than that and I will not engage in such.
Canon, Crossover, AU: I can do strictly canon roleplays or an alternate universe roleplay. Alternate Universes can range from ‘what if’ situations, different settings and scenarios. If you have an idea let me know, or we can brainstorm ideas together; I also have a list of AU prompts so let me know if you’d like to take a look at it. I am also crossover friendly
Location: I can write through email, instant messenger (yahoo, aol, msn), Skype, Kik or Tumblr.
OOC Chit-Chat: I’d like to chat on the sidelines with my partners, as it allows the two of us to get to know each other; thus making things less awkward for the both of us. Plus, I like to make friends with my partners and would enjoy the extra person to converse with.
Once Upon a Time (Enchanted Forest centric, seasons: 1,2,3, 5 or AU)
Marvel: (Avengers, The Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Civil War, AU)
Celebrities (AU’s may be discussed)
Disney | Animated movies (AU’s may be discussed)
Kingdom Hearts (BBS, 358/2 Days or II, canon preferred)
Final Fantasy (  XIII trilogy and XV)
Digimon (Season 2)
★All Plot Candies
Death Note
Anime: L.Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mikami Teru, Mihael Keehl or Matsuda Touta
TV Drama: L.Lawliet, Mikami Teru or Light Yagami
Diabolik Lovers
Reiji Sakamaki, Shū Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki or Ruki Mukami
Season one: Yamato Ishida or Taichi Kamiya
Season two: Ken Ichijoji
Fushigi Yuugi
Nuriko, Hotohori, Tasuki, Nakago, Suboshi or Amiboshi
Miroku, Sesshōmaru, InuYasha, Kōga Bankotsu or Naraku
Magic Knight Rayearth
Lantis, Eagle Vision or Zagato
Sailor Moon (Includes Crystal)
Classic: Nephrite, Kunzite, Jadeite, Mamoru Chiba
R: Rubeus, Prince Diamond or Sapphire
Samurai Champloo
Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura or Marik Ishtar
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke Urameshi, (teen)!Koenma, Toya or Jin
  Television and Movies
Tom Hiddleston,Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornan, Michael Fassbender, Elliot Knight, Richard Madden, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chris Pratt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgård ,Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington, James Franco, Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Raymond-James or Daniel Radcliffe
Disney | Animated Movies
John Smith, Naveen, Flynn Rider, Aladdin, Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015), Diaval (Maleficent), Li Shang, Phoebus, Prince Phillip, Prince Eric, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Dimitri (Anastasia), Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Kristoff or Hans, (open to others)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter,Ronald Weasley Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley,George Weasley, Tom Riddle
Loki Laufeyson, James “Bucky” Barnes, T’Challa, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Sam Wilson, Grant Ward, Peter Parker or Tony Stark
Once Upon a Time
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman, Jefferson/ The Mad Hatter, Neal Cassidy/Baelfire, Merlin/ The Sorcerer, David Nolan/Prince Charming, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Will Scarlet/Knave of Hearts, Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale, Peter Pan, Mr. Hyde,  Hades,  Aladdin or Gideon
*Supernatural (I’m not caught up with the series, but would be interested in roleplaying it, I would rather doing a plot from scratch with my partner)
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester or Castiel
*Twilight ( I will only roleplay this under a few conditions: One, more mature and complex themes than the source material. Two, the vampires will actually behave like vampires meaning no sparkling. Three, you’re free to make your character a supernatural creature outside of a vampire or werewolf but make it believable. Finally, I can write for either the first three books or movies and obviously our story doesn’t have to follow any of these word for word)
Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Riley Biers, Jacob Black or Seth Clearwater
X-Men (Movie Verse)
Peter Maximoff/ Quicksilver, John Allerdyce/Pyro, Bobby Drake/Iceman or Peter Rasputin / Colossus
X-Men First Class: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Alex Summers / Havok or  Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men Days of Future Past: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver or Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men: Apocalypse: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver, Charles Xavier / Professor X, Alex Summers / Havok
Video Games
Catherine:Orlando Haddick, Jonathan Ariga or Vincent Brooks
Final Fantasy (Crossovers accepted)
Final Fantasy IV: Kain Highwind Crisis Core: Genesis Rhapsodos or Zack Fair Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy or Zell Dincht  Final Fantasy X: Tidus Final Fantasy X-2: Shuyin Final Fantasy XIII: Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XIII-2: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Lightning Returns: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XV: Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum or Ravus Nox Fleuret Dissidia (012 included): Kain Highwind, Squall Leonhart, Warrior of Light, Laguna Loire, Tidus, Vaan, Cecil Harvey or Firion
Kingdom Hearts
Birth by Sleep: Terra, *Vanitas or *Ventus (only in the situation of a love triangle)
Kingdom Hearts: Riku, Leon or Sora
358/2 Days: Riku, Roxas, Saix or Axel
Chain of Memories: Marluxia, Axel, Zexion, Riku or Sora
Kingdom Hearts II: Riku, Roxas, Saix, Axel, Sora, Demyx, Leon or Xemnas
Dream Drop Distance: Riku, Sora, Neku or Beat
Red, Blue, Yellow (FireRed and LeafGreen):Red or Blue Gold, Silver, Crystal (HeartGold and SoulSilver):Morty, Silver, Lance, Falkner, Red, Blue or Ethan  Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire): Steven Stone,Wally or Brawly  Black and White (Black2 and White2): N, Cheren, Hugh or Grimsley X and Y: Professor Sycamore, Lysandre or Siebold Sun and Moon: Grimsley, Red, Blue, Gladion, Guzma or Kukui Anime: James, Ash, Gary, Butch or N  Origins: Red or Green (Blue)
Final Notes
★Respect my limits and I’ll respect yours.
★This list will be updated periodically.
★Please acquaint yourself with my rules before messaging me. Failure to comply with them or in the instance of repeat offenses will result in the termination of the roleplay.
★Love interests are written in order of preference. If there is only one listed then that’s the only one and I won’t change it.
★Listed above are the fandoms I would be interested in writing for, with them are characters who I wished played against my OC. In return, I will play a character opposite your own OC. 
★Please try to have at least two choices when contacting me. I will be thrilled if you have more than that.
★Seriously, don’t contact me if you’re going to ditch. I’m tired of having someone contact me, I get excited and then get dropped. It’s even worse when I write a starter or reply that goes unanswered. If you haven’t heard from me in two to three weeks time send a follow-up  message. I cannot stress this enough. Odds are I didn’t receive your message, my own message has gone astray or something simply came up. Either way I will always get replies out to my partners.
★Be prepared to plot.
★Split roleplays are an option
★Double roleplays are an option
★Plot Candies: Fandoms, Canon, Real world meets the Fandom world(aka: Characters from a fandom transported to the real world or vice versa),  Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy,  Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts),Married-Life, Pregnancy, Family, Crossovers, Reverse Harem,
★ Upon contacting me please make sure to do the following. First, I believe that first impressions matter and therefore would appreciate if you could please introduce yourself to me. I find when people contact me with simply “Want to RP” or “RP?” to be very off putting and therefore leave me with no desire to return the message. Second, please include the following information: what you’re interested in writing for, any limits that you may or may not have (this one is important because I know everyone is different) and what type of roleplay you’re interested doing. Lastly, it would be nice if you could include any ideas you may have. If you don’t have any that’s okay, if you do don’t be shy to share. Thanks. ❤
★You may contact through the following mediums:
Skype: x_keyblade.princess_x
Kik: Sailor.Nyx
Tumblr: miss-mischievous-minx.tumblr.com
4 notes · View notes
fyrapartnersearch · 8 years
[ Fandom ] Roleplay Search || 02.10.17
(She’s back… after an unforeseen hiatus).
Good morning, afternoon or evening to those who stumble upon this, like most I would like to find a partner to write long-term. At the moment I don’t have many, and wouldn’t mind at least two to three more. I should probably say a bit about myself, I am twenty-four years old and have been writing about 08 years +. I was a member of Quizilla, where I used to search for partners back in the day. I tend to lurk on other roleplay oriented sites such as RP.Me, and Tumblr from time to time. Below, I will list my rules, current cravings, full roleplay list and some last minute notes. If you see something that catches your eye please do contact me through one of the contact mediums I’ve listed; thank you.
Note: So, as mentioned above I had to take an unforeseen hiatus due to a number of things. (School and health being the two main contributors). However, I am back after a well-needed rest and ready to write again. As of today’s date I have reached out to everyone with whom I was speaking with and sent out replies. If we were speaking a while back (forgive me for disappearing), and you haven’t heard back from me, I’d love to get back in contact with you and begin where we left off. ❤
Types of Roleplay
Basic: Contact me with what fandom(s) you’re interested in, we’ll make a mutual decision on the choice, before exchanging oc information and discussing plots. The format is what we’re all used to: portraying our oc’s, each other’s love interest(s) and side characters.
Doubles: More or less the same as above, except if there is more than one thing you’d like to do  and are up for doing more than roleplay, than we can. I will probably only accept 2-3 per person, due to time management.
Split: The format is similar to the basic formula, we both choose one fandom of our respective sides. Then, exchange oc information, love interests and plots.             
Split 2.5: This is similar to the former, but different than the ones before it. Normally, a split roleplay is done where we choose two separate fandoms; but I can make an exception for a basic format if that is what you wish. Now, here is where it’s different after we choose our respective fandoms, along with our oc information we will include a big or small write up of a plot for our character and their love interest(s). Now, I will give my partner full-rein in regards to what kind of plot they want. Want a storyline filled with drama and mayhem? Go for it. Want a reverse harem storyline with four characters vying for your character’s heart? Fine with me. This is your opportunity to play out any kind of headcanons and storylines you wish. I only ask for nothing that violates my rules or limits, otherwise sky’s the limit. I may accept 2-3 per person. If you need help with a storyline, let me know.
Rules and Regulations
Length: Normally, I will write one to two paragraphs on both sides. However, that is not my limit for I can write anywhere between one to five paragraphs per sides. Length for a single paragraph can range anywhere between 200-500+ words, whereas each individual side usually equates anywhere from 400-800+ words. I like to consider myself a paragraph|multi-paragraph writer, although I know a lot of people are converting to novella writers, I can accommodate to a novella partner just beware that it will take me longer to reply to you as opposed to someone else. This is due to how much time and effort that goes into novella responses. I am the type of person who likes to take the time to construct a quality response, rather than rush and send someone a response for the sake of replying. Which is why I ask, please give me time to write your response.
Format: I can write in either first or third person, despite preferring first because I can connect with my character more; I will do whatever my partner feels more comfortable with and if that’s second so be it. Also, don’t forget that roles between the two of us should follow accordingly; I play my OC, your love interest(s) and additional side characters. While you play your OC, my love interest(s) and additional side characters.
Love Interests, Mary Sues and Spotlight: I’m lenient when it comes to love interests, as I allow more than one suitor for our characters because love triangles make the story more interesting. However, I would ask that if we just so happen to have the same choice(s) for a love interest that we don’t fight about it; instead try to sort things out. I’ve literally had someone threaten me, simply because I liked the same person as them (I’m not kidding). Second, I’m not an extremist when it comes to characters; meaning I won’t knit pick about every little thing. All I ask is no Mary-Sues and no hogging the spotlight; this is a storyline created between the two us. Let’s share it please.
Spelling and Grammar:There are a lot of people who tend to knit pick about this; but rest assured I will not. All I ask is that you have a decent grasp on both spelling and grammar. Do this and we’ll get along fine; this is something that I can and will promise you.
Manners and Etiquette: This should be common knowledge, but all I ask is that during our time writing together that you treat me with respect and courtesy; I will return the gesture as it is only right. I’d like us to get along, I would hate for a disagreement to ensure and there was bad blood between us due to something frivolous.
Patience and Commitment: I am a full-time student, attending college and leave for school early in the morning and return home later in the afternoon; I am usually quite tired when I return home, but I try to reply to my partners as frequent as possible. However there are times, unfortunately when I cannot reply when I’d like due to an abundant amount of assignments, health issues which can lead to me becoming sick or an emergency at home. I try to inform my partners of these occurrences, but if you don’t hear from me in two to three weeks time don’t be afraid to send me a message and ask me about it. What I won’t accept, is being spammed every five seconds with the same message; again and again because I’m not replying like you’d like me to. I do my best to get to you all, roleplay is supposed to be fun and enjoyable; an escape from reality for both of us. It shouldn’t have to feel like a job. I will do the same for you because I understand everyone here has different lives and schedules to attend to; but please don’t ditch me half-way through the roleplay. If you need to take a break or something; then please tell me. I don’t bite- I’ll understand. 
Limits:Tell me your limits when sending a request, as the last thing I’d want is to make you uncomfortable. My limits consist of the following; malexmale/femalexfemale/incest/pedophilia/bestiality. This is where my limits stand, these may or may not change depending on future roleplays; however if you’re unsure about something please don’t hesitate to ask me. Now onto what I will do, I am open to mature themes within the roleplays; I actually encourage them. That includes; cursing, violence, blood, smut, alcohol and lemons. However, I would like to keep the language and lemons to a certain level, meaning no dropping ‘F’ bombs every five seconds and no roleplays dedicated to sexual activities and sexual activities alone. No, there is more to a roleplay than that and I will not engage in such.
Canon, Crossover, AU: I can do strictly canon roleplays or an alternate universe roleplay. Alternate Universes can range from ‘what if’ situations, different settings and scenarios. If you have an idea let me know, or we can brainstorm ideas together; I also have a list of AU prompts so let me know if you’d like to take a look at it. I am also crossover friendly
Location: I can write through email, instant messenger (yahoo, aol, msn), Skype, Kik or Tumblr.
OOC Chit-Chat: I’d like to chat on the sidelines with my partners, as it allows the two of us to get to know each other; thus making things less awkward for the both of us. Plus, I like to make friends with my partners and would enjoy the extra person to converse with.
Once Upon a Time (Enchanted Forest centric, seasons: 1,2,3, 5 or AU)
Marvel: (Avengers, The Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Civil War, AU)
Celebrities (AU’s may be discussed)
Disney | Animated movies (AU’s may be discussed)
Kingdom Hearts (BBS, 358/2 Days or II, canon preferred)
Final Fantasy (  XIII trilogy and XV)
Digimon (Season 2)
★All Plot Candies
Death Note
Anime: L.Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mikami Teru, Mihael Keehl or Matsuda Touta
TV Drama: L.Lawliet, Mikami Teru or Light Yagami
Diabolik Lovers
Reiji Sakamaki, Shū Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki or Ruki Mukami
Season one: Yamato Ishida or Taichi Kamiya
Season two: Ken Ichijoji
Fushigi Yuugi
Nuriko, Hotohori, Tasuki, Nakago, Suboshi or Amiboshi
Miroku, Sesshōmaru, InuYasha, Kōga Bankotsu or Naraku
Magic Knight Rayearth
Lantis, Eagle Vision or Zagato
Sailor Moon (Includes Crystal)
Classic: Nephrite, Kunzite, Jadeite, Mamoru Chiba
R: Rubeus, Prince Diamond or Sapphire
Samurai Champloo
Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura or Marik Ishtar
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke Urameshi, (teen)!Koenma, Toya or Jin
  Television and Movies
Tom Hiddleston,Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornan, Michael Fassbender, Elliot Knight, Richard Madden, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chris Pratt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgård ,Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington, James Franco, Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Raymond-James or Daniel Radcliffe
Disney | Animated Movies
John Smith, Naveen, Flynn Rider, Aladdin, Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015), Diaval (Maleficent), Li Shang, Phoebus, Prince Phillip, Prince Eric, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Dimitri (Anastasia), Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Kristoff or Hans, (open to others)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter,Ronald Weasley Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley,George Weasley, Tom Riddle
Loki Laufeyson, James “Bucky” Barnes, T’Challa, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Sam Wilson, Grant Ward, Peter Parker or Tony Stark
Once Upon a Time
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman, Jefferson/ The Mad Hatter, Neal Cassidy/Baelfire, Merlin/ The Sorcerer, David Nolan/Prince Charming, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Will Scarlet/Knave of Hearts, Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale, Peter Pan, Mr. Hyde,  Hades,  Aladdin or Gideon
*Supernatural (I’m not caught up with the series, but would be interested in roleplaying it, I would rather doing a plot from scratch with my partner)
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester or Castiel
*Twilight ( I will only roleplay this under a few conditions: One, more mature and complex themes than the source material. Two, the vampires will actually behave like vampires meaning no sparkling. Three, you’re free to make your character a supernatural creature outside of a vampire or werewolf but make it believable. Finally, I can write for either the first three books or movies and obviously our story doesn’t have to follow any of these word for word)
Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Riley Biers, Jacob Black or Seth Clearwater
X-Men (Movie Verse)
Peter Maximoff/ Quicksilver, John Allerdyce/Pyro, Bobby Drake/Iceman or Peter Rasputin / Colossus
X-Men First Class: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Alex Summers / Havok or  Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men Days of Future Past: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver or Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men: Apocalypse: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver, Charles Xavier / Professor X, Alex Summers / Havok
Video Games
Catherine:Orlando Haddick, Jonathan Ariga or Vincent Brooks
Final Fantasy (Crossovers accepted)
Final Fantasy IV: Kain Highwind Crisis Core: Genesis Rhapsodos or Zack Fair Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy or Zell Dincht  Final Fantasy X: Tidus Final Fantasy X-2: Shuyin Final Fantasy XIII: Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XIII-2: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Lightning Returns: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XV: Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum or Ravus Nox Fleuret Dissidia (012 included): Kain Highwind, Squall Leonhart, Warrior of Light, Laguna Loire, Tidus, Vaan, Cecil Harvey or Firion
Kingdom Hearts
Birth by Sleep: Terra, *Vanitas or *Ventus (only in the situation of a love triangle)
Kingdom Hearts: Riku, Leon or Sora
358/2 Days: Riku, Roxas, Saix or Axel
Chain of Memories: Marluxia, Axel, Zexion, Riku or Sora
Kingdom Hearts II: Riku, Roxas, Saix, Axel, Sora, Demyx, Leon or Xemnas
Dream Drop Distance: Riku, Sora, Neku or Beat
Red, Blue, Yellow (FireRed and LeafGreen):Red or Blue Gold, Silver, Crystal (HeartGold and SoulSilver):Morty, Silver, Lance, Falkner, Red, Blue or Ethan  Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire): Steven Stone,Wally or Brawly  Black and White (Black2 and White2): N, Cheren, Hugh or Grimsley X and Y: Professor Sycamore, Lysandre or Siebold Sun and Moon: Grimsley, Red, Blue, Gladion, Guzma or Kukui Anime: James, Ash, Gary, Butch or N  Origins: Red or Green (Blue)
Final Notes
★Respect my limits and I’ll respect yours.
★This list will be updated periodically.
★Please acquaint yourself with my rules before messaging me. Failure to comply with them or in the instance of repeat offenses will result in the termination of the roleplay.
★Love interests are written in order of preference. If there is only one listed then that’s the only one and I won’t change it.
★Listed above are the fandoms I would be interested in writing for, with them are characters who I wished played against my OC. In return, I will play a character opposite your own OC. 
★Please try to have at least two choices when contacting me. I will be thrilled if you have more than that.
★Seriously, don’t contact me if you’re going to ditch. I’m tired of having someone contact me, I get excited and then get dropped. It’s even worse when I write a starter or reply that goes unanswered. If you haven’t heard from me in two to three weeks time send a follow-up  message. I cannot stress this enough. Odds are I didn’t receive your message, my own message has gone astray or something simply came up. Either way I will always get replies out to my partners.
★Be prepared to plot.
★Split roleplays are an option
★Double roleplays are an option
★Plot Candies: Fandoms, Canon, Real world meets the Fandom world(aka: Characters from a fandom transported to the real world or vice versa),  Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy,  Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts),Married-Life, Pregnancy, Family, Crossovers, Reverse Harem,
★ Upon contacting me please make sure to do the following. First, I believe that first impressions matter and therefore would appreciate if you could please introduce yourself to me. I find when people contact me with simply “Want to RP” or “RP?” to be very off putting and therefore leave me with no desire to return the message. Second, please include the following information: what you’re interested in writing for, any limits that you may or may not have (this one is important because I know everyone is different) and what type of roleplay you’re interested doing. Lastly, it would be nice if you could include any ideas you may have. If you don’t have any that’s okay, if you do don’t be shy to share. Thanks. ❤
★You may contact through the following mediums:
Skype: x_keyblade.princess_x
Kik: Sailor.Nyx
Tumblr: miss-mischievous-minx.tumblr.com
3 notes · View notes
blackhatclubblog · 8 years
2nd Autumn edition. The Unni was unable to join in this one... KOREAN: First of all, a September drama that I missed because I couldn't find an airdate at the time of my last WWW: ~ Woman with a Suitcase Empress: Something about it intrigues me, but I don't really have time to start it right now. I will probably put it on my list and hope to get to it someday. Ambassador: I want to check this out at some point because it's an interesting plot but mostly for Joo Jin Mo (the fantastic Wang Yoo from Empress Ki) and Lee Joon (great actor in a variety of roles), and a little for Jin Kyung and Jeon Hye Bin. Unni: -- ~ My Wife's Having an Affair This Week Empress: Somehow I've ended up seeing a lot about it online, and the idea of a perfect wife with a loser husband who a) doesn't know how to talk to her, b) believes she is going to have an affair, and c) doesn't know how to stop her just...(the fact that she actually isn't having an affair in the beginning, he is just sure that she will does intrigue me a little bit. XD Not enough to watch a whole drama about it.) Ambassador: Errr, NO.  Sounds like just the kind of romcom melodrama I cannot abide. Unni: -- ~ 1% of Anything Empress: I've heard interesting things about the first drama version of this (http://wiki.d-addicts.com/One_Percent_of_Anything) and the fact that they've made 2 dramas off this novel interests me. (It'd be kind of fun to see the difference in interpretation from 2003 to 2016.) I don't know when I'll have TIME to look into either of them, but... Ambassador: Noooooo.  Obviously there's something about the drama that should be more interesting than this synopsis makes it out to sound but aish, not going to spend time on it. Unni: -- ~ The Man Living In Our House Empress: I was definitely interested when YSH was considering...with the current actors I'm still interested (the storyline just intrigues me XD), though I wish different people were playing different parts, ha. (C'mon, couldn't Lee Soo Hyuk have been lead this time? XD) Ambassador: YESSS because two of the Model Avengers in a drama again: Kim Young Kwang and Lee Soo Hyuk.  LSH as second lead is usually great.  Also Kim Ji Hoon in a tertiary or minor role.  When the casting news for this one came out, I thought 'Guess I'll be watching Monday/Tuesday KBS dramas for the rest of the year.' Unni: -- CHINESE: ~ Princess of Lan Ling (Sequel to Prince of Lan Ling) Empress: I have to watch Ice Fantasy first... :) Ambassador: Sounds fun.  I'll put it on my list to check out after I see Lan Ling Wang (FENG SHAOFENG FTW) but not before then. Unni: -- ~ Dr. Qin Medical Examiner Empress: 'raw and often times gruesome details' turns me off....medical examiner and police detective would be interesting, but if they're going to spend the whole time cutting into dead bodies...no thanks. I don't know what China lets air on that front... Ambassador: Mmm, depending on how high the 'gore' and 'gruesome' components are, this could be fascinating... so I'll put it on the 'keep an eye on' list.  Yes, I have lists for everything.  Don't judge. Unni: -- ~ The Battle at the Dawn Empress: Somewhat intrigued...there's so much Chinese history I don't know...but MY LIST IS SO LONG. Maybe I'll wait to hear how good it is and then decide... :D Ambassador: Sooo, early imperialist era??  Either way, THIS sounds FASCINATING and Liu Shishi.  Yep.  Watching.  Though not as it airs- I have enough of those on my plate right now.  *cough* Unni: -- ~ Memory Lost Empress: XD I always like relationships across the divide...depending on how it turns out...I kind of want to watch this one. Yup. I miiiight stick it on my list. XD Ambassador: Color me quite intrigued- especially with a police force called 'black shield'.  I'm adding it to my list.  Sounds like a kdrama to be honest.  Something like I Miss You... or am I thinking of the wrong name?  Empress, what say you? Empress: Haha, the only similar thing is really a girl gets kidnapped and her boyfriend joins the police as a result - but it was the first thing that came to my mind as I read the description here. :D Unni: -- ~ When a Snail Falls in Love Empress: Detective and criminal profiler...best partners in the force...Angel's Killer... The title cracks me up (When a Snail Falls in Love????), but I'm still kind of interested. XD Ambassador: I'm guessing 'Angel's Killer' is supposed to be a serial killer... this could be interesting.  I'll check it out. Unni: -- ~ Bu Liang Ren Empress: Eh...I feel like I've read similar descriptions so many times...nah.... Ambassador: Mmmm, probably not.  Wuxia is hit and miss for me and this one sounds average enough to miss. Unni: -- TAIWANESE: ~ Oba Empress: O.o I think this would depend entirely on the execution...so it depends on how it turns out whether I'll add it or not. XD Ambassador: This sounds like a Taiwanese version of 'Miss Billy' (same author as 'Pollyanna'- it's a hilarious book)... in which case, I'm definitely watching.  Sounds like this is right up your alley, Unni. Unni: --
0 notes
[Fandom] Roleplay Search || 01.13.2017
Tumblr media
(She’s back… after an unforeseen hiatus).
Good morning, afternoon or evening to those who stumble upon this, like most I would like to find a partner to write long-term. At the moment I don’t have many, and wouldn’t mind at least two to three more. I should probably say a bit about myself, I am twenty-four years old and have been writing about 08 years +. I was a member of Quizilla, where I used to search for partners back in the day. I tend to lurk on other roleplay oriented sites such as RP.Me, and Tumblr from time to time. Below, I will list my rules, current cravings, full roleplay list and some last minute notes. If you see something that catches your eye please do contact me through one of the contact mediums I’ve listed; thank you.
Note: So, as mentioned above I had to take an unforeseen hiatus due to a number of things. (School and health being the two main contributors). However, I am back after a well-needed rest and ready to write again. As of today’s date I have reached out to everyone with whom I was speaking with and sent out replies. If we were speaking a while back (forgive me for disappearing), and you haven’t heard back from me, I’d love to get back in contact with you and begin where we left off. ❤
Types of Roleplay
Basic: Contact me with what fandom(s) you're interested in, we'll make a mutual decision on the choice, before exchanging oc information and discussing plots. The format is what we're all used to: portraying our oc's, each other's love interest(s) and side characters.
Doubles: More or less the same as above, except if there is more than one thing you'd like to do  and are up for doing more than roleplay, than we can. I will probably only accept 2-3 per person, due to time management.
Split: The format is similar to the basic formula, we both choose one fandom of our respective sides. Then, exchange oc information, love interests and plots.             
Split 2.5:  This is similar to the former, but different than the ones before it. Normally, a split roleplay is done where we choose two separate fandoms; but I can make an exception for a basic format if that is what you wish. Now, here is where it's different after we choose our respective fandoms, along with our oc information we will include a big or small write up of a plot for our character and their love interest(s). Now, I will give my partner full-rein in regards to what kind of plot they want. Want a storyline filled with drama and mayhem? Go for it. Want a reverse harem storyline with four characters vying for your character's heart? Fine with me. This is your opportunity to play out any kind of headcanons and storylines you wish. I only ask for nothing that violates my rules or limits, otherwise sky's the limit. I may accept 2-3 per person. If you need help with a storyline, let me know.
Rules and Regulations
『LENGTH 』Normally, I will write one to two paragraphs on both sides. However, that is not my limit for I can write anywhere between one to five paragraphs per sides. Length for a single paragraph can range anywhere between 200-500+ words, whereas each individual side usually equates anywhere from 400-800+ words. I like to consider myself a paragraph|multi-paragraph writer, although I know a lot of people are converting to novella writers, I can accommodate to a novella partner just beware that it will take me longer to reply to you as opposed to someone else. This is due to how much time and effort that goes into novella responses. I am the type of person who likes to take the time to construct a quality response, rather than rush and send someone a response for the sake of replying. Which is why I ask, please give me time to write your response.
『FORMAT 』I can write in either first or third person, despite preferring first because I can connect with my character more; I will do whatever my partner feels more comfortable with and if that’s second so be it. Also, don’t forget that roles between the two of us should follow accordingly; I play my OC, your love interest(s) and additional side characters. While you play your OC, my love interest(s) and additional side characters.
『LOVE INTERESTS, MARY SUES AND SPOTLIGHT』I’m lenient when it comes to love interests, as I allow more than one suitor for our characters because love triangles make the story more interesting. However, I would ask that if we just so happen to have the same choice(s) for a love interest that we don’t fight about it; instead try to sort things out. I’ve literally had someone threaten me, simply because I liked the same person as them (I’m not kidding). Second, I’m not an extremist when it comes to characters; meaning I won’t knit pick about every little thing. All I ask is no Mary-Sues and no hogging the spotlight; this is a storyline created between the two us. Let’s share it please.
『SPELLING AND GRAMMAR』There are a lot of people who tend to knit pick about this; but rest assured I will not. All I ask is that you have a decent grasp on both spelling and grammar. Do this and we’ll get along fine; this is something that I can and will promise you.
『MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE 』This should be common knowledge, but all I ask is that during our time writing together that you treat me with respect and courtesy; I will return the gesture as it is only right. I’d like us to get along, I would hate for a disagreement to ensure and there was bad blood between us due to something frivolous.
『PATIENCE AND COMMITMENT』I am a full-time student, attending college and leave for school early in the morning and return home later in the afternoon; I am usually quite tired when I return home, but I try to reply to my partners as frequent as possible. However there are times, unfortunately when I cannot reply when I’d like due to an abundant amount of assignments, health issues which can lead to me becoming sick or an emergency at home. I try to inform my partners of these occurrences, but if you don’t hear from me in two to three weeks time don’t be afraid to send me a message and ask me about it. What I won’t accept, is being spammed every five seconds with the same message; again and again because I’m not replying like you’d like me to. I do my best to get to you all, roleplay is supposed to be fun and enjoyable; an escape from reality for both of us. It shouldn’t have to feel like a job. I will do the same for you because I understand everyone here has different lives and schedules to attend to; but please don’t ditch me half-way through the roleplay. If you need to take a break or something; then please tell me. I don’t bite- I’ll understand. 
『LIMITS 』Tell me your limits when sending a request, as the last thing I’d want is to make you uncomfortable. My limits consist of the following; malexmale/femalexfemale/incest/pedophilia/bestiality. This is where my limits stand, these may or may not change depending on future roleplays; however if you’re unsure about something please don’t hesitate to ask me. Now onto what I will do, I am open to mature themes within the roleplays; I actually encourage them. That includes; cursing, violence, blood, smut, alcohol and lemons. However, I would like to keep the language and lemons to a certain level, meaning no dropping ‘F’ bombs every five seconds and no roleplays dedicated to sexual activities and sexual activities alone. No, there is more to a roleplay than that and I will not engage in such.
『CANON, CROSSOVER OR AU』I can do strictly canon roleplays or an alternate universe roleplay. Alternate Universes can range from 'what if' situations, different settings and scenarios. If you have an idea let me know, or we can brainstorm ideas together; I also have a list of AU prompts so let me know if you'd like to take a look at it. I am also crossover friendly
『LOCATION』 I can write through email, instant messenger (yahoo, aol, msn), Skype, Kik or Tumblr.
『OCC CHIT CHAT』I'd like to chat on the sidelines with my partners, as it allows the two of us to get to know each other; thus making things less awkward for the both of us. Plus, I like to make friends with my partners and would enjoy the extra person to converse with.
Once Upon a Time (Enchanted Forest centric, seasons: 1,2,3, 5 or AU)
Marvel: (Avengers, The Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Civil War, AU)
Celebrities (AU’s may be discussed)
Disney | Animated movies (AU’s may be discussed)
Kingdom Hearts (BBS, 358/2 Days or II, canon preferred)
Final Fantasy ( X, XIII trilogy, *XV(AU only atm) or Dissidia)
Sailor Moon (Classic, R or Crystal)
Digimon (Season 2)
Any of the older anime listed below
★All Plot Candies
CardCaptor Sakura
Yukito Tsukishiro/Yue, Syaoran Li or Eriol Hiiragizawa
Death Note
Anime: L.Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mikami Teru, Mihael Keehl or Matsuda Touta
TV Drama: L.Lawliet, Mikami Teru or Light Yagami
Diabolik Lovers
Reiji Sakamaki, Shū Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki or Ruki Mukami
Season one: Yamato Ishida or Taichi Kamiya
Season two: Ken Ichijoji
Fushigi Yuugi
Nuriko, Hotohori, Tasuki, Nakago, Suboshi or Amiboshi
Hell Girl
Ren Ichimoku
Miroku, Sesshōmaru, InuYasha, Kōga Bankotsu or Naraku
Kamisama Kiss
Magic Knight Rayearth
Lantis, Eagle Vision or Zagato
Shinichi Okazaki, Nobuo Terashima or Ren Honjo
Peach Girl
Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori
Sailor Moon (Includes Crystal)
Classic: Nephrite, Kunzite, Jadeite, Mamoru Chiba
R: Rubeus, Prince Diamond or Sapphire
Samurai Champloo
Say I love You
Yamato Kurosawa or Kai Takemura
Studio Ghibli(Includes individual movies and crossovers between other Ghibli films and Disney)
To be discussed.
Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura or Marik Ishtar
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke Urameshi, (teen)!Koenma, Toya or Jin
Currently Watching:
(I may be open to discussing one of these anime)
*Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki, Byakuya Kuchiki,  Ukitake Jūshiro, Renji Abarai, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Uryū Ishida, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques,  Ulquiorra Cifer or Sosuke Aizen (Early arcs or an AU for this only)
Brother’s Conflict: Ukyo Asahina, Kaname Asahina, Masaomi Asahina, Iori Asahina, Tsubaki Asahina or Azusa Asahina.
Death Parade: Decim or Ginti
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka  or Kyoya Ootori
*Vampire Knight: Kaname Kuran, Zero Kiryu, Akatsuki Kain, Ichiru Kiryu or Shiki Senri (Early episodes of the anime, early volumes of the manga or an AU for this only)
  Television and Movies
*American Horror Story (Murder House, Asylum or Coven) (Crossovers between seasons is an option)
Tate Langdon (Murder House), Kit Walker (Asylum), Kyle Spencer (Coven)
Tom Hiddleston,Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornan, Michael Fassbender, Elliot Knight, Richard Madden, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chris Pratt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgård ,Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington, James Franco, Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Raymond-James or Daniel Radcliffe
The Covenant
Chase Collins, Caleb Danvers or Reid Garwin
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Sean Cameron, Spinner Mason, Craig Manning, Peter Stone or Jay Hogart (season 01 through 08), Eli Goldsworthy, Declan Coyne, Drew Torres, Jake Martin or Luke Baker (season 09 through 12)
Disney | Animated Movies
John Smith, Naveen, Flynn Rider, Aladdin, Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015), Diaval (Maleficent), Li Shang, Phoebus, Prince Phillip, Prince Eric, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Dimitri (Anastasia), Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Kristoff or Hans, (open to others)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter,Ronald Weasley Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley,George Weasley, Tom Riddle
Loki Laufeyson, James “Bucky” Barnes, T’Challa, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Sam Wilson, Grant Ward, Peter Parker or Tony Stark
Once Upon a Time
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman, Jefferson/ The Mad Hatter, Neal Cassidy/Baelfire, Merlin/ The Sorcerer, David Nolan/Prince Charming, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Will Scarlet/Knave of Hearts, Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale, Peter Pan, Mr. Hyde,  Hades,  Aladdin or Gideon
Original (*note: I haven’t done an original in a while, and it isn’t a big craving for me but I do have several original characters I would like to flesh out. Below, I’ll list some prompts I’m interested in doing, although you can fill free to suggest something as well. This will play out the same as a fandom roleplay, we’ll both be doubling as our OC’s. each other’s love interests and any side characters.Also, any of these prompts can be used as an AU for a fandom roleplay as well.)
Teacher x Student
Host/Hostess x Customer | Host Club setting
Supernatural x Human
Supernatural x Supernatural
God x Goddess
God/Goddess x Magical Being or Creature
God/Goddess x Human
Doctor x Patient
Doctor x Mental Patient
Patient x Patient
Single Parent x Single Non-childless person
Psychiatrist x Patient
Newlyweds or Just Engaged
Online Relationship
*Supernatural (I’m not caught up with the series, but would be interested in roleplaying it, I would rather doing a plot from scratch with my partner)
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester or Castiel
*Twilight ( I will only roleplay this under a few conditions: One, more mature and complex themes than the source material. Two, the vampires will actually behave like vampires meaning no sparkling. Three, you’re free to make your character a supernatural creature outside of a vampire or werewolf but make it believable. Finally, I can write for either the first three books or movies and obviously our story doesn’t have to follow any of these word for word)
Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Riley Biers, Jacob Black or Seth Clearwater
X-Men (Movie Verse)
Peter Maximoff/ Quicksilver, John Allerdyce/Pyro, Bobby Drake/Iceman or Peter Rasputin / Colossus
X-Men First Class: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Alex Summers / Havok or  Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men Days of Future Past: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver or Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men: Apocalypse: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver, Charles Xavier / Professor X, Alex Summers / Havok
  Video Games
Catherine:Orlando Haddick, Jonathan Ariga or Vincent Brooks
Final Fantasy (Crossovers accepted)
Final Fantasy IV: Kain Highwind Crisis Core: Genesis Rhapsodos or Zack Fair Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy or Zell Dincht  Final Fantasy X: Tidus Final Fantasy X-2: Shuyin Final Fantasy XIII: Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XIII-2: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Lightning Returns: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XV: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum or Prompto Argentum Dissidia (012 included): Kain Highwind, Squall Leonhart, Warrior of Light, Laguna Loire, Tidus, Vaan, Cecil Harvey or Firion
Harvest Moon
More Friends of Mineral Town: Doctor
DS Cute: Marlin or Skye
Tale of Two Towns:  Cam, Hiro, Dirk, Mikael
A New Beginning:  Soseki or Allen
Story of Seasons: Klaus, Kamil, Raeger or Nadi
Kingdom Hearts
Birth by Sleep: Terra, *Vanitas or *Ventus (only in the situation of a love triangle)
Kingdom Hearts: Riku, Leon or Sora
358/2 Days: Riku, Roxas, Saix or Axel
Chain of Memories: Marluxia, Axel, Zexion, Riku or Sora
Kingdom Hearts II: Riku, Roxas, Saix, Axel, Sora, Demyx, Leon or Xemnas
Dream Drop Distance: Riku, Sora, Neku or Beat
Persona 3
Akihiko Sanada, Shinjiro Aragaki or Theodore
Red, Blue, Yellow (FireRed and LeafGreen):Red or Blue Gold, Silver, Crystal (HeartGold and SoulSilver):Morty, Silver, Lance, Falkner, Red, Blue or Ethan  Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire): Steven Stone,Wally or Brawly  Black and White (Black2 and White2): N, Cheren, Hugh or Grimsley X and Y: Professor Sycamore, Lysandre or Siebold Sun and Moon: Grimsley, Red, Blue, Gladion, Guzma or Kukui Anime: James, Ash, Gary, Butch or N  Origins: Red or Green (Blue)
Final Notes
★Respect my limits and I'll respect yours.
★This list will be updated periodically.
★Please acquaint yourself with my rules before messaging me. Failure to comply with them or in the instance of repeat offenses will result in the termination of the roleplay.
★Love interests are written in order of preference. If there is only one listed then that's the only one and I won't change it.
★Listed above are the fandoms I would be interested in writing for, with them are characters who I wished played against my OC. In return, I will play a character opposite your own OC. ★Please try to have at least two choices when contacting me. I will be thrilled if you have more than that.
★Seriously, don't contact me if you're going to ditch. I'm tired of having someone contact me, I get excited and then get dropped. It's even worse when I write a starter or reply that goes unanswered. If you haven't heard from me in two to three weeks time send a follow-up  message. I cannot stress this enough. Odds are I didn't receive your message, my own message has gone astray or something simply came up. Either way I will always get replies out to my partners.
★Be prepared to plot.
★Split roleplays are an option
★Double roleplays are an option
★Plot Candies: Fandoms, Canon, Real world meets the Fandom world(aka: Characters from a fandom transported to the real world or vice versa),  Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy,  Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts),Married-Life, Pregnancy, Family, Crossovers, Reverse Harem,
★ Upon contacting me please make sure to do the following. First, I believe that first impressions matter and therefore would appreciate if you could please introduce yourself to me. I find when people contact me with simply “Want to RP” or “RP?” to be very off putting and therefore leave me with no desire to return the message. Second, please include the following information: what you’re interested in writing for, any limits that you may or may not have (this one is important because I know everyone is different) and what type of roleplay you’re interested doing. Lastly, it would be nice if you could include any ideas you may have. If you don't have any that's okay, if you do don't be shy to share. Thanks. ❤
★You may contact through the following mediums:
Skype: x_keyblade.princess_x
Kik: Sailor.Nyx
Tumblr: miss-mischievous-minx.tumblr.com
11 notes · View notes
fyrapartnersearch · 8 years
[Fandom] Roleplay Search || 01.13.2017
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(She’s back… after an unforeseen hiatus).
Good morning, afternoon or evening to those who stumble upon this, like most I would like to find a partner to write long-term. At the moment I don’t have many, and wouldn’t mind at least two to three more. I should probably say a bit about myself, I am twenty-four years old and have been writing about 08 years +. I was a member of Quizilla, where I used to search for partners back in the day. I tend to lurk on other roleplay oriented sites such as RP.Me, and Tumblr from time to time. Below, I will list my rules, current cravings, full roleplay list and some last minute notes. If you see something that catches your eye please do contact me through one of the contact mediums I’ve listed; thank you.
Note: So, as mentioned above I had to take an unforeseen hiatus due to a number of things. (School and health being the two main contributors). However, I am back after a well-needed rest and ready to write again. As of today’s date I have reached out to everyone with whom I was speaking with and sent out replies. If we were speaking a while back (forgive me for disappearing), and you haven’t heard back from me, I’d love to get back in contact with you and begin where we left off. ❤
Types of Roleplay
Basic: Contact me with what fandom(s) you're interested in, we'll make a mutual decision on the choice, before exchanging oc information and discussing plots. The format is what we're all used to: portraying our oc's, each other's love interest(s) and side characters.
Doubles: More or less the same as above, except if there is more than one thing you'd like to do  and are up for doing more than roleplay, than we can. I will probably only accept 2-3 per person, due to time management.
Split: The format is similar to the basic formula, we both choose one fandom of our respective sides. Then, exchange oc information, love interests and plots.             
Split 2.5:  This is similar to the former, but different than the ones before it. Normally, a split roleplay is done where we choose two separate fandoms; but I can make an exception for a basic format if that is what you wish. Now, here is where it's different after we choose our respective fandoms, along with our oc information we will include a big or small write up of a plot for our character and their love interest(s). Now, I will give my partner full-rein in regards to what kind of plot they want. Want a storyline filled with drama and mayhem? Go for it. Want a reverse harem storyline with four characters vying for your character's heart? Fine with me. This is your opportunity to play out any kind of headcanons and storylines you wish. I only ask for nothing that violates my rules or limits, otherwise sky's the limit. I may accept 2-3 per person. If you need help with a storyline, let me know.
Rules and Regulations
『LENGTH 』Normally, I will write one to two paragraphs on both sides. However, that is not my limit for I can write anywhere between one to five paragraphs per sides. Length for a single paragraph can range anywhere between 200-500+ words, whereas each individual side usually equates anywhere from 400-800+ words. I like to consider myself a paragraph|multi-paragraph writer, although I know a lot of people are converting to novella writers, I can accommodate to a novella partner just beware that it will take me longer to reply to you as opposed to someone else. This is due to how much time and effort that goes into novella responses. I am the type of person who likes to take the time to construct a quality response, rather than rush and send someone a response for the sake of replying. Which is why I ask, please give me time to write your response.
『FORMAT 』I can write in either first or third person, despite preferring first because I can connect with my character more; I will do whatever my partner feels more comfortable with and if that’s second so be it. Also, don’t forget that roles between the two of us should follow accordingly; I play my OC, your love interest(s) and additional side characters. While you play your OC, my love interest(s) and additional side characters.
『LOVE INTERESTS, MARY SUES AND SPOTLIGHT』I’m lenient when it comes to love interests, as I allow more than one suitor for our characters because love triangles make the story more interesting. However, I would ask that if we just so happen to have the same choice(s) for a love interest that we don’t fight about it; instead try to sort things out. I’ve literally had someone threaten me, simply because I liked the same person as them (I’m not kidding). Second, I’m not an extremist when it comes to characters; meaning I won’t knit pick about every little thing. All I ask is no Mary-Sues and no hogging the spotlight; this is a storyline created between the two us. Let’s share it please.
『SPELLING AND GRAMMAR』There are a lot of people who tend to knit pick about this; but rest assured I will not. All I ask is that you have a decent grasp on both spelling and grammar. Do this and we’ll get along fine; this is something that I can and will promise you.
『MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE 』This should be common knowledge, but all I ask is that during our time writing together that you treat me with respect and courtesy; I will return the gesture as it is only right. I’d like us to get along, I would hate for a disagreement to ensure and there was bad blood between us due to something frivolous.
『PATIENCE AND COMMITMENT』I am a full-time student, attending college and leave for school early in the morning and return home later in the afternoon; I am usually quite tired when I return home, but I try to reply to my partners as frequent as possible. However there are times, unfortunately when I cannot reply when I’d like due to an abundant amount of assignments, health issues which can lead to me becoming sick or an emergency at home. I try to inform my partners of these occurrences, but if you don’t hear from me in two to three weeks time don’t be afraid to send me a message and ask me about it. What I won’t accept, is being spammed every five seconds with the same message; again and again because I’m not replying like you’d like me to. I do my best to get to you all, roleplay is supposed to be fun and enjoyable; an escape from reality for both of us. It shouldn’t have to feel like a job. I will do the same for you because I understand everyone here has different lives and schedules to attend to; but please don’t ditch me half-way through the roleplay. If you need to take a break or something; then please tell me. I don’t bite- I’ll understand. 
『LIMITS 』Tell me your limits when sending a request, as the last thing I’d want is to make you uncomfortable. My limits consist of the following; malexmale/femalexfemale/incest/pedophilia/bestiality. This is where my limits stand, these may or may not change depending on future roleplays; however if you’re unsure about something please don’t hesitate to ask me. Now onto what I will do, I am open to mature themes within the roleplays; I actually encourage them. That includes; cursing, violence, blood, smut, alcohol and lemons. However, I would like to keep the language and lemons to a certain level, meaning no dropping ‘F’ bombs every five seconds and no roleplays dedicated to sexual activities and sexual activities alone. No, there is more to a roleplay than that and I will not engage in such.
『CANON, CROSSOVER OR AU』I can do strictly canon roleplays or an alternate universe roleplay. Alternate Universes can range from 'what if' situations, different settings and scenarios. If you have an idea let me know, or we can brainstorm ideas together; I also have a list of AU prompts so let me know if you'd like to take a look at it. I am also crossover friendly
『LOCATION』 I can write through email, instant messenger (yahoo, aol, msn), Skype, Kik or Tumblr.
『OCC CHIT CHAT』I'd like to chat on the sidelines with my partners, as it allows the two of us to get to know each other; thus making things less awkward for the both of us. Plus, I like to make friends with my partners and would enjoy the extra person to converse with.
Once Upon a Time (Enchanted Forest centric, seasons: 1,2,3, 5 or AU)
Marvel: (Avengers, The Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Civil War, AU)
Celebrities (AU’s may be discussed)
Disney | Animated movies (AU’s may be discussed)
Kingdom Hearts (BBS, 358/2 Days or II, canon preferred)
Final Fantasy ( X, XIII trilogy, *XV(AU only atm) or Dissidia)
Sailor Moon (Classic, R or Crystal)
Digimon (Season 2)
Any of the older anime listed below
★All Plot Candies
CardCaptor Sakura
Yukito Tsukishiro/Yue, Syaoran Li or Eriol Hiiragizawa
Death Note
Anime: L.Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mikami Teru, Mihael Keehl or Matsuda Touta
TV Drama: L.Lawliet, Mikami Teru or Light Yagami
Diabolik Lovers
Reiji Sakamaki, Shū Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki or Ruki Mukami
Season one: Yamato Ishida or Taichi Kamiya
Season two: Ken Ichijoji
Fushigi Yuugi
Nuriko, Hotohori, Tasuki, Nakago, Suboshi or Amiboshi
Hell Girl
Ren Ichimoku
Miroku, Sesshōmaru, InuYasha, Kōga Bankotsu or Naraku
Kamisama Kiss
Magic Knight Rayearth
Lantis, Eagle Vision or Zagato
Shinichi Okazaki, Nobuo Terashima or Ren Honjo
Peach Girl
Kazuya "Toji" Toujigamori
Sailor Moon (Includes Crystal)
Classic: Nephrite, Kunzite, Jadeite, Mamoru Chiba
R: Rubeus, Prince Diamond or Sapphire
Samurai Champloo
Say I love You
Yamato Kurosawa or Kai Takemura
Studio Ghibli(Includes individual movies and crossovers between other Ghibli films and Disney)
To be discussed.
Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura or Marik Ishtar
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei, Kurama, Yusuke Urameshi, (teen)!Koenma, Toya or Jin
Currently Watching:
(I may be open to discussing one of these anime)
*Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki, Byakuya Kuchiki,  Ukitake Jūshiro, Renji Abarai, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Uryū Ishida, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques,  Ulquiorra Cifer or Sosuke Aizen (Early arcs or an AU for this only)
Brother’s Conflict: Ukyo Asahina, Kaname Asahina, Masaomi Asahina, Iori Asahina, Tsubaki Asahina or Azusa Asahina.
Death Parade: Decim or Ginti
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka  or Kyoya Ootori
*Vampire Knight: Kaname Kuran, Zero Kiryu, Akatsuki Kain, Ichiru Kiryu or Shiki Senri (Early episodes of the anime, early volumes of the manga or an AU for this only)
  Television and Movies
*American Horror Story (Murder House, Asylum or Coven) (Crossovers between seasons is an option)
Tate Langdon (Murder House), Kit Walker (Asylum), Kyle Spencer (Coven)
Tom Hiddleston,Sebastian Stan, Jamie Dornan, Michael Fassbender, Elliot Knight, Richard Madden, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chris Pratt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgård ,Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington, James Franco, Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Raymond-James or Daniel Radcliffe
The Covenant
Chase Collins, Caleb Danvers or Reid Garwin
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Sean Cameron, Spinner Mason, Craig Manning, Peter Stone or Jay Hogart (season 01 through 08), Eli Goldsworthy, Declan Coyne, Drew Torres, Jake Martin or Luke Baker (season 09 through 12)
Disney | Animated Movies
John Smith, Naveen, Flynn Rider, Aladdin, Prince Kit (Cinderella 2015), Diaval (Maleficent), Li Shang, Phoebus, Prince Phillip, Prince Eric, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Dimitri (Anastasia), Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Kristoff or Hans, (open to others)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter,Ronald Weasley Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley,George Weasley, Tom Riddle
Loki Laufeyson, James “Bucky” Barnes, T’Challa, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Sam Wilson, Grant Ward, Peter Parker or Tony Stark
Once Upon a Time
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman, Jefferson/ The Mad Hatter, Neal Cassidy/Baelfire, Merlin/ The Sorcerer, David Nolan/Prince Charming, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Will Scarlet/Knave of Hearts, Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale, Peter Pan, Mr. Hyde,  Hades,  Aladdin or Gideon
Original (*note: I haven’t done an original in a while, and it isn’t a big craving for me but I do have several original characters I would like to flesh out. Below, I’ll list some prompts I’m interested in doing, although you can fill free to suggest something as well. This will play out the same as a fandom roleplay, we’ll both be doubling as our OC’s. each other’s love interests and any side characters.Also, any of these prompts can be used as an AU for a fandom roleplay as well.)
Teacher x Student
Host/Hostess x Customer | Host Club setting
Supernatural x Human
Supernatural x Supernatural
God x Goddess
God/Goddess x Magical Being or Creature
God/Goddess x Human
Doctor x Patient
Doctor x Mental Patient
Patient x Patient
Single Parent x Single Non-childless person
Psychiatrist x Patient
Newlyweds or Just Engaged
Online Relationship
*Supernatural (I’m not caught up with the series, but would be interested in roleplaying it, I would rather doing a plot from scratch with my partner)
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester or Castiel
*Twilight ( I will only roleplay this under a few conditions: One, more mature and complex themes than the source material. Two, the vampires will actually behave like vampires meaning no sparkling. Three, you’re free to make your character a supernatural creature outside of a vampire or werewolf but make it believable. Finally, I can write for either the first three books or movies and obviously our story doesn’t have to follow any of these word for word)
Edward Cullen, Jasper Hale, Riley Biers, Jacob Black or Seth Clearwater
X-Men (Movie Verse)
Peter Maximoff/ Quicksilver, John Allerdyce/Pyro, Bobby Drake/Iceman or Peter Rasputin / Colossus
X-Men First Class: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Alex Summers / Havok or  Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men Days of Future Past: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver or Charles Xavier / Professor X
X-Men: Apocalypse: Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto, Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver, Charles Xavier / Professor X, Alex Summers / Havok
  Video Games
Catherine:Orlando Haddick, Jonathan Ariga or Vincent Brooks
Final Fantasy (Crossovers accepted)
Final Fantasy IV: Kain Highwind Crisis Core: Genesis Rhapsodos or Zack Fair Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy or Zell Dincht  Final Fantasy X: Tidus Final Fantasy X-2: Shuyin Final Fantasy XIII: Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XIII-2: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Lightning Returns: Caius Ballad or Hope Estheim  Final Fantasy XV: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum or Prompto Argentum Dissidia (012 included): Kain Highwind, Squall Leonhart, Warrior of Light, Laguna Loire, Tidus, Vaan, Cecil Harvey or Firion
Harvest Moon
More Friends of Mineral Town: Doctor
DS Cute: Marlin or Skye
Tale of Two Towns:  Cam, Hiro, Dirk, Mikael
A New Beginning:  Soseki or Allen
Story of Seasons: Klaus, Kamil, Raeger or Nadi
Kingdom Hearts
Birth by Sleep: Terra, *Vanitas or *Ventus (only in the situation of a love triangle)
Kingdom Hearts: Riku, Leon or Sora
358/2 Days: Riku, Roxas, Saix or Axel
Chain of Memories: Marluxia, Axel, Zexion, Riku or Sora
Kingdom Hearts II: Riku, Roxas, Saix, Axel, Sora, Demyx, Leon or Xemnas
Dream Drop Distance: Riku, Sora, Neku or Beat
Persona 3
Akihiko Sanada, Shinjiro Aragaki or Theodore
Red, Blue, Yellow (FireRed and LeafGreen):Red or Blue Gold, Silver, Crystal (HeartGold and SoulSilver):Morty, Silver, Lance, Falkner, Red, Blue or Ethan  Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire): Steven Stone,Wally or Brawly  Black and White (Black2 and White2): N, Cheren, Hugh or Grimsley X and Y: Professor Sycamore, Lysandre or Siebold Sun and Moon: Grimsley, Red, Blue, Gladion, Guzma or Kukui Anime: James, Ash, Gary, Butch or N  Origins: Red or Green (Blue)
Final Notes
★Respect my limits and I'll respect yours.
★This list will be updated periodically.
★Please acquaint yourself with my rules before messaging me. Failure to comply with them or in the instance of repeat offenses will result in the termination of the roleplay.
★Love interests are written in order of preference. If there is only one listed then that's the only one and I won't change it.
★Listed above are the fandoms I would be interested in writing for, with them are characters who I wished played against my OC. In return, I will play a character opposite your own OC. ★Please try to have at least two choices when contacting me. I will be thrilled if you have more than that.
★Seriously, don't contact me if you're going to ditch. I'm tired of having someone contact me, I get excited and then get dropped. It's even worse when I write a starter or reply that goes unanswered. If you haven't heard from me in two to three weeks time send a follow-up  message. I cannot stress this enough. Odds are I didn't receive your message, my own message has gone astray or something simply came up. Either way I will always get replies out to my partners.
★Be prepared to plot.
★Split roleplays are an option
★Double roleplays are an option
★Plot Candies: Fandoms, Canon, Real world meets the Fandom world(aka: Characters from a fandom transported to the real world or vice versa),  Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy,  Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts),Married-Life, Pregnancy, Family, Crossovers, Reverse Harem,
★ Upon contacting me please make sure to do the following. First, I believe that first impressions matter and therefore would appreciate if you could please introduce yourself to me. I find when people contact me with simply “Want to RP” or “RP?” to be very off putting and therefore leave me with no desire to return the message. Second, please include the following information: what you’re interested in writing for, any limits that you may or may not have (this one is important because I know everyone is different) and what type of roleplay you’re interested doing. Lastly, it would be nice if you could include any ideas you may have. If you don't have any that's okay, if you do don't be shy to share. Thanks. ❤
★You may contact through the following mediums:
Skype: x_keyblade.princess_x
Kik: Sailor.Nyx
Tumblr: miss-mischievous-minx.tumblr.com
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