#i get it hes the bad guy and cassidy is super popular (i mean i love him too i cant lie) and on his deserved first reign as a champion
the-kipsabian · 2 years
do you understand how much it annoys me that ppl are even slightly paying attention to kip now just cause hes feuding with cassidy :')
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jungiegukie · 5 years
Little Death. // Chapter I
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PAIRINGS: Jeon Jungkook x Reader. Min Yoongi x Jung Hoseok. Kim Seokjin x Cass. Kim Taehyung x Reader, Kim Namjoon x Reader. Bestfrien!Jin
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Fiction.
WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of sex, moron!Jungkook.
A/N: Hey y’all! I’m sorry if there are any gramatical mistakes. English’s not my first language, but I swear I’ll fix them. I just really did want to upload this chapter so I’ll leave it here meawhile I fix the mistakes. A masterlist will be coming soon and remeber request are open if you guys want to ask for any specific genre, member or anything. 
“No. End of the discussion.” Seokjin said while unwraping his arm from Cass’ shoulders, getting up and walking towards the kitchen. I mouthed an excuse me and followed my friend. 
“Jin, wait.” I wisper-shouted while he kept walking and did not care if i had anything to say.
“You can’t be actually thinking about going after him, right?” He stoped walking and opened up the fridge while speaking. I did not say a word… Was I actually thinking that? I don’t even know myself. “You can’t be that stupid Y/N. Look, I love you and you’re my friend and all that crap but come on. Open up your eyes.”
“What? No. Jin, I’m totally not.” He looked at me with that judging look he always has when he’s mad at me or when he does not believe a word of what I’m saying. 
“Of course you are. That confirms all of my theories.” 
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re in love with the douchbag, Y/N. Admit it.” Whoa. Hell to the no. What is he talking about?
“You’re drunk Seokjin.” I said while pouring myself a cup of water. I am deffinitely NOT in love with Jeon Jungkook. “I could never like that asshole. I mean he’s hot and all but love him? Never.” He gave me that same look again and laughed at my face.
“Y/N, listen. I won’t judge you, but I’m telling you this once and only once. He is not good for you, he’s a player and you’re not a girl who deserves to be played. So forget about him and date… I don’t know… Namjoon? He seems like a cool guy.” 
“He’s my stepsister’s cousin, Jin.” He looked over to me with a mean look while I was laughing at him. 
“Well, but he’s not your blood… Whatever, you’re missing the point here. The thing is: you can’t date Jeon Jung… Kook, wazzup!” he raised his hand and welcomed him in, his facial expression changing since the minute he saw him.
“ Hey Jin, Y/N, what were you guys talking about?” He said while walking towards us.
“Nothing, I was actually saying goodbye. I’m leaving.” I was determined to exit the room when he talked.
“Really? I’m leaving too. Want a walk home?” he said while waking and standing right next to my friend, making it really hard to avoid him. “Hello?” I felt his hand reach my shoulder and at the moment it touched it, I shoved it of.
“It’s not necessary JK. I was about to offer her the same thing. Y/N, let’s get going.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started walking “Thanks anyway.” He shouted at him while getting close to my ear and wispering: “If Cassidy gets mad at us, you’re gonna be responsible of explaining this shit.” I looked at him and nodded.
“That’s why you’re my best one. Thank you.” We got out of the party and started walking towards my house. We did not speak a word in the whole walk home. Jin was up to something, I know him… He was either keeping something from me or wanting to tell me something and did not know how to do it… “Spill it Jin. I know you’re hiding something.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He said looking and walking forward as I stopped. “Y/N, really I’m not keeping anything.”
“You just gave me a talk about how hiddeous of a man Jeon Jungkook is, told me to date my sister’s cousin, decided to leave your possible future girlfriend’s house just because you did not want me to walk home with him… You’re deffinitely not telling me something.”
“I’m not… I just don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all.” He did not stop “Come on you rat, don’t stop walking. It’s getting cold out here.” He said turning back and grabbing my arm, forcing me to walk. I shoved his hand and stoped again.
“I know, you want to keep me safe or whatever. But really, there’s actually nothing to keep me safe from because I don’t even want to be with him. So chill out Jinnie. Really.” Is that really so? I mean, I know for a fact that I don’t like that guy, I actually despise him… But he’s got something that really drives me crazy and that makes my floor stumble when I see him. 
“Alright… but really Bun, you should try that dating thing. I know quite a lot of guys that would like to go out with you. And I know someone who you would really like to go out with… his name starts with a T and ends with aehyung.” There’s no fucking way.
“Shut up! Kim Taehyung? THE Kim Taehyung wants to go out with me?” 
Kim Taehyung… Not the typicall joghead, actually the total opposite. He was the smartypants soon to be the next president of the fucking country, yet popular model looking kid that all the girls where dying for. Including myself. I’ve known and had a crush on him since we were kids. I actually dated him on first year from primary school, we were named king and queen of the class and decided to “date” because the kingdom could not be handeled withought us being married. I can say I was his very first girlfriend ever. What an honour.
“Yeah, the Kim Taehyung wants to get to know you. Weird… I would actually want to forget about you existance but he wants to meet you. Believe me, I’m as astonished as you.” His shoulders went up and down in a quick motion while putting a weird look on his face.
“Is that so? You know you love me Kim Seokjin, so stop being an asshole. I know that after your mom, I’m the second most important woman in your life. Plus; i’m an amazing human being if I’m being honest.” 
“Yeah whatever.” Point for Y/N: i’m the second most important girl in Kim Seokjins huge heart. “Here we are. Now, get inside before you catch a cold. You don’t want to meet Kim Taehyung with a cold and boggers hanging down your nose, right?” His arms wrapped me in a warming hug “Sleep over what we spoke today, Y/M. Really, Jungkook’s not worth it.”
“Yeah, Dad. Whatever you say.” I said while hugging him back. “Thanks for the walk home. I’ll talk to Cass first thing in the morning and explain why you left with me, if you want me to.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it myself. Goodnight Bunny.” He started walking backwards, both his hands in his front pockets. “I’ll see you around.” 
“See ya, Bleachedhead. Love you!” I shouted at him while running inside my apartment complex and hearing a subtle Fuck you coming from my best friend’s mouth.
Sunday morning and I woke up to the sun rays burning my face like any other day in my life. I keep reminding myself to shut the courtains down every night before going to sleep, I don’t know why I still don’t do it. 
Ten minutes passed and I gave up trying to go back to sleep, so I stood up and walked out the room directly to my kitchen. I was determined to bake some pancakes and treat myself with a huge unhealthy, high in calories breakfast, so I went up to the fridge and sighed in disappointment at the moment I opened it and saw nothing else than a banana and milk; “Great. There goes my breakfast.” Angry and Hungry Y/N was definitely not a good combo, so maybe going out and having some breakfast at the coffee shop right around the corner was not a bad idea. 
I went to the bathroom and took a long and needed shower. Got out and put on a white T-shirt with some short shorts and sandals, brushed my teeth and hair and grabed my keys and wallet to go out. 
When I got out of the apartment i took the 10 minute walk to the Coffee shop and as i was getting there Seokjin called me and asked if he could join me in my wonderful yet expensive breakfast that would get me in bankrupt for the rest of the month. Of course, I said yes. If I was getting in bankrupt maybe it was better if I was not doing it by myself. I sat on a table right next to the window so I could admire the view of Seoul at ten in the morning on a sunday. I ordered some pancakes withought wipped cream and lots of syrup with a chai latte and a mango juice while I waited for my friend. Ten more minutes went by and Jin appeared on the front door rushing his way over my table.
“You won’t belive what had just happened.”
“Good morning you too asshead. I’m Fine, thanks for asking.”
“Yeah, Yeah. Whatever.” He said while sitting in front of me and placing his hands desperately on the table, “You won’t believe what had just happened Y/N.”
“Yoongi’s in town and he did not even tell us he was coming home.”
Yoongi is like the third Mosketeere of our two people group. It used to be us against the world when we were at high school. All of this until he met Hoseok, his now 2 year boyfriend. No hate to Hoseok thought, he’s a really amazing guy and makes Yoongi super happy. But since they both got together Yoongi disapeared and not once talked to us or tried to contact us after getting to college. We heard that he was back in his hometown Daegu, but we never heard it from him directly.
“How do you know?”
“Cass has a friend whose cousin is Hoseok. Aparently they’re moving back to Seoul since they transfered Hobi to a med school here and Yoongi asked for a transfer too… I’m kind of sad, not gonna lie Bun. If i was going to know this, I at least hoped Yoongi told us.” 
“Good for him.”
“Y/N… We should talk to him, ask him to meet us?”
“Yeah, no thanks.”
“No, Jin. He dumped our asses. I’m not blaming Hoseok, at all. But if Yoongi wants to see us, he is going to ask us to meet him. Not the other way around.”
“Now, order something. I don’t want you to steal my breakfast.” I said while the waitress placed my order in front of me. The girl was clearly drooling over my friend while she was taking Seokjin’s order and he did not notice at all, or at least that’s what it looked like. When the waitress left I looked over at him; “She was dying to get your number and you did not even notice.”
“Oh, Bun, I did notice. The thing is that I have a girlfriend now so… I’m starting to ignore the fact that girls are going to be like that when I’m around.”
Girlfriend?! Oh he’s dead. He asked Cassidy out, finally, and tells me the news like this?! “You’re an asshole and I hate you. I set you up with Cass and THIS is how I find out you guys are dating?”
“You can’t hate me.”
“Of course I can. And I do.”
“Whatever makes you sleep at night, Y/N.”
I kept eating my breakfast and spent the rest of the morning and evening with Jin. 
He helped me grocery shopping and then dropped me off at my place by five in the afternoon. He said he had some stuff to get done at Cass’ and that he’ll see me tomorrow at school.
I walked down the hall of the complex to get to my door, just when I was about to get there I saw a figure standing right next to my door. As i got closer I finally realized who he was. I would recognize that figure anywere. “What are you doing here, Jungkook?”
He looked at me and smirked; “Hey there, Bun.”
I opened the door quickly and tried to close it before he could get inside. Too bad that he already had his foot in the door to prevent that for happening.
“Let me close my door.” I said angrily withought looking at him. Jungkook, of course wasn’t going to do what I wanted, so he just shook his head and humed. “Jungkook, I’m serious. Let me close the door.” I pushed the door with all the strenght I had, but he already had one arm pushing from the other side of the door.
“What in that pretty head of yours makes you believe that I’ll let you shut the door on my face.” 
“Two reasons, first, as you said: i want to shut the door, my door to my apartment on my apartament complex, I think I have the right to close it if I want to. Second and the most important reason: we, as me Y/N and you Jungkook have absolutely nothing to talk about. So if you excuse me…” I tried to move his foot and arm from my door. I failed, of course. Jeon Jungkook did not have that body by sitting in front of the TV and doing nothing. No. He excercised and had a lot of strenght, and by a lot I mean a whole lot of strength. Not that I’m complainig, his body was made by the God’s but I really needed to close that door and not, under any circunstance, let him in my apartment. “Agh, please Jungkook! What do you even want!”
“Jeez, chill babe.” He said raising his hands, “I’m here for a ver specific reason; I want you to design my next tattoo.”
He what?! 
“You want me to do what? I’m sorry, I think I missheard.” I opened the door to get a better look at him and blinked… multiple times.
“You didn’t. You’re an art student. You draw things, and I know for a fact that you’re a talented girl, in anyway possible, if you get what I mean.” He winked at me as I sighed while rolling my eyes and tried to close the door again. Just when I thought he was actually being serious.
“No, Y/N wait. I’m serious.” He pushed the door back open while laughing. “I really want you to design my next tattoo.”
“And why should I do that? Your tattoo artist could desing your tattoo, you know? He’s an artist too… a tattoo artist? He desing’s and makes tattoos…”
“Don’t be a smartypants with me. I just… I’ll pay you.”
“Now we’re talking.” Was I really considering this? I mean, it’s easy money and this is what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life. But this is Jeon Jungkook we’re talking about. The dumbass and moron that would not let me live in peace. “How much?”
“It depends, but it will be a good price. I promise.”
I can’t believe I’m actually doing it… “If we’re doing this tattoo thing, it’s not going to be in my apartment.” He was about to speak up when I added “And it’s not going to be in your apartment either.” He lowered his shoulders.
“Then where do you wanna do this, Bun.” 
“We’re going to the art studio I rented for my practice.” He smirked, I really don’t wanna know what got through his mind. “That I share with two other art students from my class, so yeah. We won't be alone.” 
“Are they girls? Because if they are, I have no problem if they join us.” I looked at him with an annoyed face “In the creating process, Y/N. God, you’re nasty.” How could someone be so annoying? Was he this way on purpose or he was just a natural ass? This man was driving me crazy already and we haven't even started with this 'proyect'. “Alright, alright. You shouldn’t be that serious Y/N. Life is beautiful. Smile more, you look pretty when you smile.” I could feel my cheeks burn, I just hope it was not noticible though. That would be embarrasing.
“Alright. Deal, I’ll desing it for you.”
“Yes” He threw a fist up to the air.
“I go to the studio on monday’s and wednesday’s the whole day and the rest of the days depends on the test I have during the week. Just text me if you want to meet or whatever and I’ll see when I’m free. Do you have any idea of what you want?”
“Nope. I plan on creating it in the moment.”
“Alright. Great. Now that that’s settled, I would really like to get my stuff done. So please, if you could just…”
“I’ll take my leave now, Bun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, whatever… Bye Kook.” I was about to close the door when I realized the way he’s been calling me since he got here: “And don’t call me Bun.”
“What did you say Bun? Sorry, I can’t hear you.” He said while walking and covering his ears with both of his hands.
“I heard that… Bun!”
Closing the door behind me I pressed my back against it. I know exactly what I’m getting myself into… I just hope i don’t regret it later.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
Fairly Odder: episode 6
ok so, last episode was harmless, and a semi-stock plot sure. this one sounds like it might be too, but hey that’s ok. harmless and fun is ok! please...don’t traumatize anymore...
wait, this is the first day of school? did...did they air these out of order on the streaming service???? we’ve already had at least 4 episodes clearly at or referencing Viv attending school. how do you screw this up? Roy’s spiel about his peanut gallery really would go before the Vicky episode.
oh hey, a popularity chart. it’s not the same one from A Wish Too Far, but it’s a nice call back...especially since this episode seems to be running a similar narrative.
oh, oh ra, there’s Vicky...uh...oh ok focus on the fact that they cheaped out in calling her “Miss Vicky” rather than assigning her a last name. i mean, i probably wouldn’t use it (in the mainstream timeline) but i’d still like to have it. and again, if she was a student-teacher Ms. Vicky would be fine, but if she’s a fully fledged teacher (of what btw??) then surname dangit!
“you’ll be un-popular” “that’s not something a teacher should weigh in on” oh, so other schools and teachers do that, nice to know. i just thought there were bad teachers at my school
ohohohohoh the lunch table breakdown. just like in A Wish Too Far, haha. this has got to be like the 2nd most referenced episode then, since aside from Big Super Hero Wish i believe this was the only other episode that had direct follow-ups/tie-ins. 
Zina has flavors of Imogen from Degrassi to her. i dig it.
oh look, introduction of Cassidy. yup this episode should’ve been episode 2 or 3. and Cassidy is also seemingly our Trixie equivalent.
9 min in and we got the intro. and i finally get the red carpet to the school, it’s cause Roy is popular
hey pajama day is awesome children, why do none of you grasp that?
Viv’s middle initial is H? idk why that’s important. do you think it’s another Trekkie reference?
it’s a very important question “do you know my last name” on this show Roy, cause we don’t know a lot of people’s last names
hah Zina is secret servicing for Viv, like Chester and AJ did for Tim when he was student president.
no Roy don’t wish for a dog! i mean you got a puppy first episode, but wishing for a do never ends wel-oh it seems ok. nvm. just regular dog stuff, no threat of Sparky...yet...that dog puppet is smaller than the actual dog.
Ama-wand Prime...Fairy-mount Plus (it’s a mountain of entertainment) *winks at the camera* you...you guys just Netflixed yourself by name dropping yourself. i...wow
Vicky doesn’t feel pain? huh...her transformation into a Wolverine is coming along well
the peanut gallery doing the boom box serenade with cue cards thing? pfft, ok, that’s stupid but adorable.
ok, so again stock plot (even rehashing one that they did before, but not a carbon copy of it), but it was good. though as i said earlier, it certainly should’ve been episode 2 or 3 not 6.
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