#i get asked alot who let him lay the pipe
sleepyjoot · 7 months
After I heard the postal dad theory I went a little crazy
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The blue color I got from P2's alien shirt lol
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hvly · 3 months
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
speaking : yep, you heard right 🙂‍↕️ every show/manga i read is gonna get hit with my virgin ray. "i love virgins, anon ! I LOVE VIRGIIINS !"
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — disclaimer ! these are just my opinions ! if you disagree, cool. let's keep it cute. tbh, they all could be virgins, but they’re the most pressing in my eyes.
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Nirei Akihiko
Don't get me wrong, I like Nirei alot ! I think he's super cute and he's so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. But, until his confidence goes up, ain't nothing going down. i do think he has a separate notebook with sex tips that's he gathered from various sources. From friends he worked up the courage to ask, to Cosmo articles, to the pornos he watches on lonely nights. When he finally get brave enough to try though, best believe he'll be prepared for any possible scenario.
Sugishita Kyotaro
Again, I feel like perhaps because he's tall, quiet and handsome, y'all think he'd be laying pipe. I mean, the quiet ones are usually the nastiest in bed, right? extremely loud incorrect buzzer. It'd be a miracle to actually get a sentence out of him. And it'd be another miracle to convince him to come shake the sheets instead of playing Umemiya's shadow. The plants he takes care of have a better chance getting wet by him than you ever will.
Tsugeura Taiga
Straight up, he just scares away any possible suitors. Plus, he's a little slow on the uptake. Between being loud and a bit off putting, and his his inability to catch social cues, he is unfortunately stuck in perpetual virgindom. That's it, that's all.
Sakura Haruka
Now, put the torches and pitchforks down before y'all drag me to the town square. How do we as a collective think Sakura would react if he saw you naked? Stand there reveling in the majesty that is you, dick so hard he might pass out? No. He'd turn red and start yelling before you even get your shoes off. Get him more comfortable with being romantic/sexual, and i’m sure the yelling, stomping, flailing and cherry red blush will die down…in a couple years. Best of luck !
Saku Mizuki
Wannabe General Mizuki. The minute I saw him, I knew he was getting NO pussy. And that makes me sad for him, it truly does. He's too stiff. If, for some odd reason on your part, you decided to lay the moves on him, he'd probably lecture you on how it's inappropriate to shamelessly flirt with people. He'd kill the mood so bad. Plus that one dude called him ugly and he turned around..oof
Takiishi Chika
Take this one with a grain of salt, but from what I've gathered...he just would not be interested. I'm sure Endo has tried bringing it to his attention before. And I'm also sure he got the fire knocked out his ass as soon as it left his mouth. Now, if does decide to get his dick wet, I hope you're fully resigned to letting him do whatever he wants and possibly leaving unsatisfied. Utter anything that sounds like you're telling him what to do? Let's leave getting beat up to Endo, mkay?
Shuhei Suzuri
I think he finds fulfillment and joy in his hobbies and that's all he needs. Being able to cook for people and enjoy his games gives him the satisfaction he was missing when he was in extreme poverty. I'm sure he wouldn't really mind losing his virginity either way, but it's definitely not on the forefront of his mind. A consistently full belly and a couple video games is good enough for now.
Choji Tomiyama
He thinks everything is a game and plays entirely too much to just be fucking for real. And I think he's fine with that ! He's carefree and he's content knocking people's heads together. I do think you could probably get him to give losing his virginity a true shot if you compare him to Umemiya or make it a competition, though. But who's gonna do all that to nut? (I really just added him to make one specific person mad. Let me know if it worked <3)
Honorable Mention : Togame Jo & Umemiya Hajime
Just cuz I want to be the one to take their virginity. I have no real reason LMAOOO.
© 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 hvly 2024. 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧y.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Night night
Beetlejuice jerks it while watching you sleep again cuz someone asked me to
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Nsft content
Its been a good few days since you've last seen your undead pal, the ghoul claimed he had a business meeting in the netherworld, though you still dont believe the demon had a legit paying job, the man was a freeloader, not that you minded, you enjoyed his presence, more so then youd like to admit to be honest, okay so maybe you thought of him on those long sleepless nights, not that youd ever say it out loud.
You were a coward with those feelings, beetlejuice was impossible to read, the heavy flirting, the touching, who's to say he wasnt just messing with you.
You sigh as you continue to fold your laundry, normally on quiet days like this, when you were alone, youd try to catch up on chores since there were no distractions nor interruptions.
Your mind begins to wander with this simple mindless task, so you didmt exactly notice as you room gets colder and the air gets heavier.
"Honey, I'm home~" a familiar voice growls in your ear
You Yelp at the surprise, and fumble with the shirt you were folding, before spinning around to see the culprit.
There stood beetlejuice, smug as ever, a big toothy grin, amber eyes practically glowing, spots of pink emerging from his hair, both head and face.
"Oh how I missed that sound~ that sweet sound on my favourite breather screaming" he moans leaning back circling his own nipples.
You suppress a laugh, not wanting to give the demon encouragement for making a fool out of you.
"Welcome home" you sigh, before turning back to gather up the folded laundry and place it in the basket.
Unbeknownst to you the ghoul has let the soft pink spots take full control of his once green hair, a dopey love sick smile now graced his mug, the demon let's out a soft sigh, welcome home, something so soft and simple, it ment nothing when he said it, but from you? You were basically inviting the ghoul to live with you forever, that you considered your home his aswell.
Turning back to the ghoul you smile
Beetlejuice snaps back to reality, raising an eyebrow at you tilting his head as if to focus more on you.
"How was the whole business trip?"
"Oh, that? dull, not even worth discussing" he smoothed back his hair, as if he was whiping the pink away in favour of his default Forest green.
You frown, beetlejuice wasnt exactly open with talking about the netherworld, maybe because he found it boring, being born dead he's probably already had his fill of the place, you shrug it off, not wanting to spoil the mood of your departed friend being back.
"Soooo~ ya miss me?~" the ghoul coos pulling you into a rather enthusiastic dip before leaning in close, puckering his lips and making kissing sounds. You snort out a laugh and try to push beej away.
"Of course I did, as nice as the quiet is, i miss you when you're not around"
You literally had no idea what you were doing to him with all this corny honesty and kindness, all without blackmail or threatening, you openly enjoyed him, bugs and all. No one has ever wanted him for nothing, beetlejuice was powerful so be wanted always had a catch, but not with you.
"Oh~ do you think of me when you're all alone late at night?" He purrs in a mocking tone, as much as beetlejuice was infatuated with you he still enjoyed teasing the hell out of you.
You snort out a laugh trying to escape his grasp
"Come on doll, say you think about me at night~" the demon purrs pulling you close, taking a slight nip of your ear causing you to yelp out.
And as if your yelp was what he was after the ghoul let's you go.
Frazzled, embarrassed, and slightly confused you stumble trying to regain yourself.
"I take it back, I didnt miss you" you mumble
Beetlejuice only laughs "no backies babes"
It wasnt a new thing, beetlejuice teasing you, flirting with you, being up close and personal, you just didnt exactly know if he was joking or being legit, but you didnt mind, you enjoyed his attention, as embarrassing as it was, and let's be honest beetlejuice  was thrilled you enjoyed it, so he could get up close and personal with his favourite breather, now if only he could get you to admit you loved him first.
It was nice to have your freeloader back, a few days of peace and quiet are nice, but things do get lonely, so having your ghost back was wonderful, the two of you spend you evening the usual way.
You ordered pizza, beetlejuice scares the piss out of the delivery guy and makes you laugh, the two of you spend hours watching b list horror and joking all the while.
The night was a delight, but fun things couldnt last forever, unlike the demon, you needed to sleep.
"I'm gonna head to bed beej" you yawn.
During your little movie night the ghoul manged to worm his way into your personal space, pulling you into his side, draping an arm around your shoulders.
You squirm your way out of the demon's grasp, beetlejuice grunts in protest, not exactly thrilled with you absence, it's been days since he had you so close, your warmth, your scent, oh how he missed it, hell he already starting to get get hard from that close contact alone.
"Aw come on sweets, you have the day off tomorrow, and I just got back from a long boring trip alone, humor me" he shrugs knowing full well you wont.
You yawn "sorry Bee, I can barely keep my eyes open, we can hang out more tomorrow, night Bj" you waved him goodnight before shuffling to you bedroom.
The ghoul huffs in disappointment, one day you'll agree to stay up all night with him, well, more of you'll TRY to stay up all night with him and fall asleep up against him, gold for teasing.
The ghoul didnt want to continue with watching movies, it wasnt the same without you laughing at his jokes, nor did he want to play video games, again, they weren't fun without you, he COULD bug your neighbors, but he wasnt exactly in the mood.
Raising from his seat on the couch he huffs, it was nice to be back after those soul sucking few days in the netherworld, the ghoul floats over to your bedroom door, phasing his head through the door, unlike breathers the demon could easily see in the dark, there you were out cold, he smirks, you really were tired.
With the coast in clear the ghoul phasing the rest of his form through the door.
Beetlejuice makes his way over to your sleeping form, oh how he missed this, yes the two of you were apart only for a few days, and yes you two have been apart for longer periods of time. But spending time with the Deetz and the maitlands was a different kinda time apart, he wasnt alone, but being in the netherworld? It was lonely, cold, and felt like an eternity, plus he had to deal with his mother. But that unpleasantness was over, and here he was, in his favourite breather's home, where he belonged.
The ghoul hums as he makes his way to your bed, the ghoul floats and adjusts himself, now laying on his side hovering inches above your bed and inches from you.
One of Beetlejuice's favourite late night pass times was watching you sleep, he was a creep with a massive crush on you, both in the sappy way and 'I'm gonna fuck you senseless way'.
"Really missed ya sweets~" he purred in a gravely whisper
"I missed your voice, I missed you laugh, I missed you warmth, i missed you scent-" the ghoul continued with his list as he slowly freed his half hard cock, it's been a few days since he last cleaned his pipes, and being up close and personal with his favourite breather moments earlier really got his motor running.
As lovely as it was for the demon to watch you sleep, another favourite pastime of his was to tend to his personal urges while watching you sleep, an activity he has partook in multiple times.
Electric pink quickly took over the mossy green of his hair, the demon was already buzzing with excitement, pink hue so bright it illuminated the room, Beetlejuice's strokes started off nice and slow, as much as beetlejuice wanted to rush into the fun, he wanted to enjoy his first night back home even more.
Leaning forward the ghoul takes a deep long sniff if your scent "Mmmm" he stifles a moan "I bet you taste as good as ya smell babes" he groand through his clenched teeth.
As hot as the idea of being caught was, having you wake up and see him jerking off only inches away from where you lay, having you be incredibly flattered and turned on at such a gesture and then begging him to fuck you, as hot as that fantasy is, that's what it was, a fantasy, in reality youd probably be sick to your stomach at such a scene and banish him then and there, but hey, a ghoul can dream.
"I bet those pretty hands would feel alot better then mine" he groans, slightly picking up pace.
"Maybe next movie night you could treat me to a little handy J sweets, unless youd prefer to use that cute mouth of yours, you know I'm not picky" he sighs, the image of you getting bored during movie night and getting handsy with the demon was one of his favourite fantasies, simple, yet naughty. Beetlejuice's hips buck into his hand begging him to pick up the pace as his mind wanders to all his dirty fantasies of you, his amber eyes never breaking away from your face.
If the ghoul was good at anything, other then being an absolute pest, it was edging himself. Beetlejuice slows down his strokes, almost as if to stop.
"Ya know doll, anything you'd do to me I'll repay ya, I'm dying again to get my tongue inside that sweet little pussy of yours~ if your panties are any indication you're gonna taste real good~ I'll eat ya out for hours-" beetlejuice freezes as you shift in your sleep, you let out a soft unintelligible noise.
The ghoul let's out a sigh he didnt know he was holding, his hands make their way back to his cock, that sweet little noise, oh how his missed those sounds you uttered in your sleep.
"Oh sugar, the sounds you'll make when old mr beebleboose gets ya riding his cock are going to be beautiful" he moans, the image having you sitting pretty straddling him, cocked buried deep within you, having you do all the movements at first while he admires the way your chest will bounce, and the faces you'll make, until the demon takes charge and pounds mercilessly into you, oh how he dreamed to hear your screams of pleasure and praise on how good the ghoul made you feel.
Beetlejuice's hands were busy at work, tending to his cock as the ghoul's imagination ran wild as he stared at your sleeping face, he was close.
"Oh y/n, FUCK, babes I want- no, i need ya, I need ya so bad sweets, I missed ya so much babes, fuck" beetlejuice babbled as his pace picked up jerking his cock, hips bucking hard to meet his hand.
Beetlejuice leans back into you face, taking another deep inhale of your intoxicating scent, and lingering a tad longer to steal a quick kiss,as much as the ghoul wanted to shove his tongue down your throat this was the best he got.
"Baby, I'm gonna- fuck y/n-" he uttered before he finally blowing his load, splattering his glowing cum all over your bed, it was quite the amount, beetlejuice sighs leaning back and admiring his handy work
"Its been while since I made that much" he lets out a soft chuckle, electric pink hue slowly dying down.
He sighs, as hot as it is to have you sleep in cum covered sheets, you wouldnt be too pleased waking up to see this sticky mess.
With a snap of the demon's fingers the mess vanishes, as disappointing it was to he his work vanish it was for the greater good.
Beetlejuice's gaze moves from your bed spread back to you, his expression changes to a soft toothy smile, soft pink colours taking over his hue, with a snap of his finger his trade mark striped suit was vanished leaving him wearing nothing aside from a pair of striped boxers. Beetlejuice slowly and carefully removes the covers from your body and gently slides in next to you, covering himself up with the freshly 'cleaned' blanket he sighs through his nose, greeted by your delightful warmth, one of his favourite things about breathers, how warm they were.
There was only ONE last little thing to make this welcome back 'party' perfect.
With a snap of his fingers you're sleeping form shifts and slowly crawls into the ghoul's arms before collapsing back into your motionless slumber, beetlejuice smirks at this as his arms wrap themselves around you, possessing someone in their sleep was a little annoying, but little things like that were a peice of cake.
With this pipes cleaned and you in his arms the ghoul was ready for bed,
"Welcome home, home" he muses on the words you beamed at him when he returned to you. "Guess that really rings true huh? Night y/n" he kisses your forehead before finally closing his eyes.
You jolt awake moments after beetlejuice has snuck into your bed, anxiety taking over due to the weight about your body that you did not go to bed with, you sigh in relief once you see it was your resident freeloader demon, a tad embarrassed how you ended up cuddling the ghoul you shrug it off, to be honest the nights you were without him were sleepless, it was lonely without him.
You pause for a second before leaning up and giving the ghoul a quick peck on his scruffy cheek before nuzzling back into his soft chest, his hands resting softly on your back.
"Good night Lawrence" you mumble before dozing back off for a long peaceful sleep.
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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Yumi's Cells Episode 3 Recap - First impressions always count. Yumi and Woong heads out to a homecooked meal restaurant & a frog festival on their first date.
Episode 3 of Yumi’s Cells begins with Yu-mi forcing herself to laugh through Gu-Woong’s awful jokes. Thankfully their coffee is ready and Emotion Cell as livid, with Gu-Woong keeping the conversation flowing by discussing what he’s working on back home. Gu-Woong is a game maker and showed the game about puppies and looks like Yumi is interested.
In Cell Land Hunger strikes. And just in time too given Emotion and the other cells are so tired. Hilariously, Hunger plays the belly pipe which is what causes her stomach to grumble.
Gu-Woong hears this but pretends he doesn’t, tells her it's already dinner time and invites  Yu-Mi to join him at a restaurant of his choice. In fact, she absolutely loves the food there too, downing the dishes. He even let her take the first bite too, he's polite and it seems that Yu-Mi is totally impressed with the food enjoying everything.
This is enough to win over a lot of the cells – except Emotion and Anxious Cell. She keeps her guard up despite Gu-Woong hitting all the right notes. On the otherhand, Anxious Cell is worried about Yu-Mi's blouse getting ruined with the boiling dish that may splatter on her. Before she even took the first bite, Woong is fast enough and gave her a apron. He's a total gentleman. The Cells are impressed that he's considerate, Emotions still dont like him and Anxious does. He has good manners. They both enjoy home-cooked restaurants too which both of them appreciate. Even Fashion Cell likes what he wore its elaborately calculated as a perfect effortless look. Hahaha. Fashion Cell instantly likes him so does the rest of the Cells cept for Emotion.
Well i think first impressions are always the most important. With my second impression of Woong, i love how he ignored the grumble of her stomach to try not to embarrass her he politely solved the situation which is considered a plus point for me. 
After the meal, Woong caught Yu-Mi who's about to pay for their meal but Woong stopped her and tells her that she'll pay, while accidentally holding her hand. The Cells started floating on air like they're on cloud 9.
Woong suggests they go to the park and check out the frogs. The date went so well and she's totally not into the frog festival. Though the Cells are having fun and wants to go but not Emotion. Woong pays for the entrance tickets and the ticket lady mentions that they get a discount if they're a couple. Woong says no and Yu-Mi says they are. Woong ended up surprised. The ticketlady gave them headbands to upload on social media and they'll get even more discounts if they take the headband.
While there, one of the workers asks if they’re a couple. While a bit awkward to begin with, Finance kicks in for Yu-Mi and focuses on how much money she can save if she says yes. Well, one thing leads to another and the pair snap a couple photo together, which Yu-Mi decides to put up on social media.
This act attracts the attention of Ru-Bi, who immediately rings Gu-Woong and asks what’s going on. Woong ends their conversation quickly and keeps his focus on Yu-Mi. Nosy Ruby needs to get her thoughts away from Yu-Mi like she's obsessed with who she dates. Woong tells her that Ru-Bi is weird because she talks to him in 3rd-person and Yu-Mi laughed at his comment. She laughed for real this time, finally. Emotion is pissed and wants to go home, Anxious is worried about Ru-Bi. Woong tells her that he can't really lie and says it like he means it. I like him. The Cells does too, he's honest, polite, considerate. All good factors. Emotion Cell is now impressed and decides not to use the robot doll cell.
With the date going so well and Yu-Mi impressed by Woong's compliments she decided to treat him and buy popcorn. Woong tells her that she doesn't have to be grateful when he told her she's cute its because he's honest. The Cells like him too as long as he doesn't do those awkward jokes and they all approve. Hysterius Cell shows up in Cell land and presses the mood lever down, sending Yu-Mi into a depressive downward spiral. Because of this, she suddenly skips out and decides to go home. This is just terrible. The date was doing so and its all Hysteriuis Cell's fault. For once i'm actually mad at a Cell, i don't think i'm going to like him very much.
Things all got very awkward when they both head home. Woong tried to make her laugh with his dad jokes but Yu-Mi wasn't feeling well and head up to the bus. She wants to save herself from heartache like her past relationships. After the date, Woong sees Saeyi heading home and tells her that he likes Yu-Mi. Once he got back, this terrible parting effected Woong too and he's worried that she's not replying to his messages. Meanwhile, in Woong's Cell land a imaginary Yu-Mi has taken over. Like she's all he's thinking about. Woong waits for her texts and looks like he was about to tear up. He immediately heads online to search reasons for her not replying during their first date. With Hysteria still attacking Cell land, Emotion, Fashion and Anxious Cells reach out to Reason Cell. Reason Cells tell them that Hysteria Cell is afraid that Yu-Mi may struggle and will hurt again. They all find a solution and it's Hunger Cell they can rely on. Yu-Mi looses her appetite, lays down and didn't bother replying to Woong. They don't want to think that Woong was rejected by her.
Jumps to conclusions finding reasons as to why she's not replying. Goes on forums to find comments, he thinks about what he has done during their blind date. He believes it’s his beard.  Even asked advice from Louis and he tells Woong that her not replying means he's dumped. On her way to work, she misses her bus and sits down on the bench seeing the candy that Woong gives her on her back. The lights went back on Cells land after she ate the candy. Yu-Mi eventually messages to let him know she’s okay and had fun. Sigh of relief. So it's definitely a misunderstanding on his part because Yu-Mi fell asleep. Woong decided to shave his beard that morning! Sae-Yi is surprised that Woong shaved his beard with the reason being it's a sign of a man's pride but he didn't give a exact reason for him to do so. It just shows that Woong likes her alot.
Yu-Mi messages Woong and tells him to get to work safetly and Woong is happy. Woong messages back and lets her know that he’s shaved his beard. Hilariously, Yu-Mi ended up confused but really didn't care if he did, thinking it's probably one of his jokes.  Even the Cells are confused thinking it's probably slang or something bad. Fashion Cells takes it literally and is impressed once again.
While on the way to work after the bus, Ru-Bi annoys her once again asks about her date. She needs to stop with her nosy attitude. Yu-Mi is stressed and wants to ignore Ru-Bi, so she skipped the elevator and went up the stairs. The office found out about her blind date and her office mates are being nosy. She's stressed about the situation and so are the cells who are wanting for Ru-Bi to shut her mouth. It's a headache and the cells village is about to blow up. The whole day Yu-Mi hasn't eaten and Hunger Cell isn't doing well.
Woong texting Yumi asking her if she has any plans. After Yu-Mi telling him that she doesn't have plans after work. Woong replies back and asks her out on a dinner date. Before she can even reply, a staff who's in a hurry bumped into Yu-Mi, which led Yu-Mi’s phone to break. Urgh. Can the day get any worst? 2nd date please and poor Woong. Yu-Mi is contemplating on pursuing with him and is letting out her feelings to a co-worker. She's afraid to feel hurt, tells her co-worker that her phone broke because it's a sign of the universe for her to not see him anymore.
Woong seeks council from Sae-Yi and Louis, who checks out the text messages and believes that Yu-Mi wanted to end the conversation because of her sentence structures but he didn’t get the hint, making him look clingy and uncomfortable. As the trio about to head out, Woong stays in and tells Sae-Yi that he doesn't condemn to people telling him what to do and that he's slow-witted. That's just the way he is. He knows himself well.
At work, Yu-Mi feels ill she excuses herself to her boss and decides to go home. It's raining outside and she didn't bring an umbrella.  Ru-Bi follows her out of the building and suggests she ring Woong using her number and let him know. After all her pent up frustration, she let it out on Ru-Bi and tells her it's enough. Ru-Bi says that she's just trying to help because she supports them both. Hysteria Cell on the other hand is enjoying this and wants her to release all her negative emotions.
Yu-Mi admitted that she’s always been alone – and will continue to be alone because that's what makes her comfortable. Can someone give Yu-Mi a hug? As they talk, Woong suddenly shows up with an umbrella. Yu-Mi turns and looks at him with amazement. Her knight and shining armor.
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julday4 · 4 years
Aight! Hey ya'll! Long time no see, whoowee-
Aight how do I start this-
So some of you might know goodnightverse by now! (If not, here) the post is a bit old so uh @awelldressedtornado fucking edit it.
And well, since I'm now co-owner of it (wowie) I DECIDED TO MAKE A GNV2 MUAAHAH-
Aka, Goodnightverse: Bed Bugs.
And yes, these are all of the refs I've been talking about. (Warning: some of the refs gotten lazier over time cause I got feddup with drawing the clothes and stuff.) and plus, most of the templates here are copied from discord ahaha aight let's go!
(Also i didn't do everyone refs yet but I did most of them! I'll do the others soon if ya'll are interested-)
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Name: Boots (Aka, Goodnightverse!Rust)
Creators: Knife and Rose
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A pirate sword that can easily cut through Shadow Demons and are really good for battle. (Especially sword fights). The pirate sword has an Iron blade thats bending a bit and golden plating on the handle.
Human they protect: Jesse
Allies: Shine, Flare, PI.FI, Floral and Bush
Boots acts exactly like a pirate and loves anything pirate related. He says "YARR" unironically, when something intensive is happening or when something awesome (in his opinion) happens. He can get angry sometimes and is very attached to Jesse, Shine and his twin siblings Floral and Bush. He also LOVES fighting shadow demons with his pirate sword :).
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Name: Shine (Aka, Goodnightverse!Lukas)
Creators: Heart and Lighter
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdain
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A microphone that blasts out colorful musical notes, once you press the star button, which explode once they touch a surface. (He can also control how many musical notes that can come out, if he holds in the button, he can swing his microphone and a bunch of musical notes will come out. If he just touches the button once, only one musical note will come out. Its like those mechanics in games). The microphone is like those microphones you see on the news with a singular button. The microphone can also be used for singing and making special effects like: Gasping, laughing, screaming, oof, yay, ect.
Human they protect: Emerald
Allies: Boots, Flare, PI.FI, anyone
Shine is a lil colorful boy who loves singing and making new friends. He loves learning new things and is very energetic! He talks alot like his dad, Lighter. Aka: Yo, bro, dude, BROSKI, broseph, pog, swag, ect. His aswell very attached to his bro, Boots. He loves going on pirate adventures with him, singing with him and everything else. Their the bestest of friends :). He aswell loves fighting Shadow Demons by his Bro's side. Thou sometimes his a bit soft with Shadow Demons and will comfort them if their hurt.
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Name: PI.FI/Pinkie Finger (Aka, Goodnightverse!Hypernova)
Creators: M.W/Milky Way and Blade
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian
Gender: Female
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A wand made out of magic that can be used to summon and levitate things and blast out sparkly magic. Thou she needs to train the wand so she can summon more and levitate heavier things over the years. (Once she becomes a guardian, her wand can levitate a closet or two and summon a brush, rope and shit. Thou she only uses it when necessary). The wand has a baby blue handle with a lil yellow glittery star on top that has a bunch of spikes around, looking like a pretty rock. (Hehhe Sprinkle).
Also uhh, her goop is made out of strawberry sauce. D. Does that count-
Human they protect: Abigal
Allies: Flare, Shine, Boots, anything.
PI.FI is a sweet, lovely, calm but also bossy lil girl. (She's mainly bossy towards Boots and Shine due to their immaturity and stupidity). Shes loves EVERYTHING girly and especially loves sparkly things, like fairies. She's very protective over her friends and especially Flare because how how shy and easily frightened she is. She's very calm towards Flare aswell and tries to make her feel comfortable. She also loves singing with her wand with Shine, their a pretty good duo! (Not as good as Shine and Boots thou). And she loves trying out new things.
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Name: Gold (Aka, Goodnightverse!Drake)
Creators: Indigo and Monarch
Age/Years lived: 16/19 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian......? (Yeah no his a fucking butler now)
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): Holographic purple or golden shields that are good for blocking off attacks or Shadow Demon essence. Gold has really good reflexes so his shields are pretty powerful at battles. He can also summon holograms that he uses to code so he can break through the barrier that's stopping him to travel through the multiverse.
He also has the ability to move his rat tail.
(also the reason he doesn't have any eyelights is well uh.. It happened when he started to slowly despise Jesse and despise gaurdians, like the eyelights started to slowly dissappear and they completely disappeared once he argued with Jesse and left her the next day.)
Human they protect: Used to protect Jesse.
Allies: Chloe, Floral.
Gold is a very formal but ALSO EVIL ASS boy. He used to protect Jesse when they were 8-12 y/o until he started to get tired of them. He started to get tired of their same everyday problems, angryness, annoyance, everything. He was tired of humans. One day, he met Chloe and she started telling him her plans and thoughts about gaurdians and humans and about destroying and taking over the gaurdians, Gold, agreed. Gold started to despise gaurdians, despise humans, despise protection. He believe Shadow demons were victorious and were a better future for this world then gaurdians and humans. So one day, after an argument with Jesse, he abandoned them and left them for Chloe and started being Chloe's minion/butler.
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Name: Chloe
Creators: Neptune and a bunch of glitches
Age/Years lived: Forever 13 y/o
Rank: Fucking Shadow Demon Outcode thing
Gender: None but she calls herself female.
Weapon or Magic (Specify): Dark pink Gasterblasters and Bones. The same dark pink as her eyelights. That glitch out depending on how long their used. For example: One hour, they'll be glitched out af, and if she hits the victim with them it'll be a PAINFUL CRITICAL DAMAGE SINCE THE VICTIMS BODY WILL START GLITCHING A BIT. Thou she uses Gold, aka her butler/minion, to attack for her since she's also a bit lazy lmao.
She has the ability to travel through multiverses and enter shadow pipes like other shadow demons.
Her voice and body will glitch out sometimes and when she teleports inside a dream, she might glitch out a bit aswell like if a gaurdian is failing to enter a human dream.
And her Shadow Demon form is behind her, which she rarely forms into, but it's always behind her, mimicking every action she does. Thou, only Shadow Demons can see her form.
Human they protect: None. Fuck protection.
Allies: Gold, Flare, Grain, Alexa, Charlotte(?).
Chloe is an outcode who's quite lazy and doesn't really care about anyone. She plans on destroying this world and let Shadow Demons rise. But for now she's starting small. She has Gold by her side to help her in battles and give her souls to eat. Other then that, she's just a glitch, a very dangerous glitch. Her main enemy is Boots. (She's also the main villian, lmao)
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Name & Last Name: Jesse Cherry Smith
Parents: Chara Cherry Smith and Alec Margo
Age: 15 y/o
Sexuality: Transgender
Gender: Male (But currently female)
Hobby: being dead Drawing sometimes and playing the guitar a bit. They mainly just like laying on their bed and doing nothing.
Personality: Anger issued closeted teen who dislikes being social and will beat up someone if necessary.
Allies: Emerald, Kyle, Boots, her cat plushie Bow
(Yes this is a Alec x Chara shipkid stfu it's apparently canon now -)
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Name & Last Name: Kyle Cherry Smith
Parents: Chara Cherry Smith and Alec Margo
Age: 8 y/o
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Hobby: Writing and GOING ON IMAGINARY ADVENTURES ANYWHERE and playing outside.
Personality: A sweet energetic adventurous imaginative boy who will always find a way to annoy someone and somehow sees good in anything people say. Like seriously how the fuck do I bully you you piece of-
Also he can't read.
Allies: Abigal, Jesse/Jess/Best sissy in the entire world-, Flare/Flarey/Best partner in the entire world-
(woah another alec x chara shipkid woa-)
Anywho, I hope you guys like them and if you have any questions just ask away! (So sorry that it's so long like jesus-)
Anywho, Alec signing off 😎
(also goodnightverse belongs to @awelldressedtornado)
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minnochu · 5 years
Lustrous (pt. 18)
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Hybrid!Kook x Fem!Reader AU
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Pt 17 | Pt 18 | Pt 19 
Warning: A copious amount of dialogue :’) 
(A/n): Hope everyone’s doing well and staying safe and healthy! Just remember to stay humble and kind and take this time if you’re self-quarantining to practice self-love!! Hope you enjoy :’)
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Namjoon asks when the whole pack has taken their seats at the dinner table the next morning, and the others notice one seat has yet to be filled. They look towards the hybrid in question, who averts his eyes.
“She left,” he muttered, swirling his chopsticks around in his bowl of fried rice.
The others grow alarmed at this. Jimin piping up from beside him, “What do you mean, she left?” 
The younger grows irate in result, his eyes glaring a bright blue at the other wolf, “She. Left.”
“And why didn’t you stop her?” Yoongi calmly interjected as Seokjin whispers a small spell to pull the two wolves’ chairs apart, “You were with her last night, weren’t you?”
He flinches at that, eyes dimming in result. It was true. There was no denying that fact.
The elder’s eyes narrow at the youngest pack member, “Stop being a fucking prick and explain to us why exactly the one person we need to protect is running away from us.”
Namjoon clears his throat as tension continues to rise, opening his eyes to flash his golden irises dangerously in warning at the pensive pack members, “I think we should eat first before the food gets cold, we’ll discuss this later.” His eyes briefly meets the youngest and the whole table settles down into a heavy silence. Jungkook’s shoulders sag as a result, clamping his mouth and turning his attention to his meal. Angry Namjoon was not one to mess with. 
The warlock releases a relieved sigh at the temporary cease fire and makes work to levitate dishes and food from the kitchen. He quietly prays he won’t have to clean up too much of a mess if anything escalates to anything more than a peaceful explanation. The aura surrounding the boys is turbulent, no doubt insinuating a quarrel when the food has finally been devoured.
“Gods help me,” the warlock sighs.
“Want to explain to me why you’re suddenly phasing into my attic at such a god awful hour?” Yahiko smiles softly as she sets down a blanket and pillows on your old bed. You ran to the one place you could only think of, your old home with the kitsune. You had crash landed, phasing in mid air before dropping with a loud thud on the wooden floor. The elderly woman had come rushing with her orbs flashing fiery orange, only to calm down when you came running into her arms.
She didn’t question it at first, welcoming you back into your old room with a mug of warm milk and honey, but you knew she would ask eventually.
“Don’t forget that I’m a kitsune, child,” she quirks a smile, “I may be over thousands of years older than you, but I still have a keen sense of smell.”
“And you reek,” she cackles, causing you to blush and smile in embarrassment. Dainty fingers push the locks of your hair behind your ear, “What troubles you? I smell distress and conflict within you.”
You mull over what to say first, about Jungkook, about your apparent feelings for him, about the Blackwells. 
“Is it that wolf-boy?” She muses nonchalantly, only speaking hypothetically, not expecting you to flinch from beside her, nearly sputtering and choking on the contents of your mug. “Oh, I’m correct?”
“There’s a lot on my mind right now,” You defend helplessly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Including that boy, no?”
Your shoulders sag in defeat, there was no denying it to her.
“It’s complicated…”
Yahiko makes a face, tapping the tip of your nose with her index finger, “You act like I had never dated a man before, (Y/n).”
“I, like many supernatural creatures, had a mate. He’s not here right now, but I assure you he’s watching over me,” She smiles softly, reminiscing her years with her fated, “He was a human, if you didn’t already connect the dots. I imprinted on him a long time ago, and the stupid man outgrew me.” The kitsune chuckled softly, glancing upward as if she could see his spirit watching her. 
“What was that like?” You ask tentatively, although it made you feel worse thinking about how this must be how Jungkook feels about Hyejin. The realization is a smack in the face, he must be hurting out of rejection from his fated.
Yahiko elbows you with a wry smile, “Your face is like an open book, child.”
“He was my world, to put it simply, losing him hurt. A lot. I wanted to die with him,” she says solemnly, “I wonder sometimes how I still do it when I still miss him very much.”
“How did you know he was yours? He was human right? He didn’t reject you for being a kitsune?” The elderly woman glances at you with amusement stretching her lips, causing you to clamp your mouth shut. As your cheeks burn from embarrassment, she can only laugh good naturedly at your curiosity. 
“You like that wolf very much, don’t you?” she sighs, “I must say, I have to apologize for rudely assuming that he’d hurt you based on the color of his true eyes. I hope he’s treating you well.”
Your silence proves her hypothesis correct, you like Jungkook, and that scares you. It hurts to know that he’ll only ever pine for Hyejin’s affection despite her obvious indifference towards him. 
“I was initially terrified, all the others in my family were mated to creatures of the same kind if not different types - such as the thunder kitsune - so then why was I different? We were taught to stay away from the humans… since at that time, the supernatural and the humans had not yet finalized the pact for peace and bounty hunters were much more prevalent than today. He was one of them.” She pauses to regard your gaping mouth, snickering when she taps your chin to shut it, “It felt like everything was just right when I met his gaze, but he didn’t know it then and tried to kill me. Of course, I overpowered him and let him go, but every time we encountered one another, we began to talk and understand the other and get to know one another as a living being. I told him about my family and showed off my powers” she emphasizes by holding out a dainty hand with her palm facing towards the ceiling and a spark of golden foxfire ignites abruptly from her fingertips, “In turn, he talked about his life, his fiance, his guilt for hunting my brethren when he realized we weren’t evil or to be feared of.”
“Fiance?!” You gasp as you watch the flames disperse and the light has died down from her hand.
“Yes, yes,” she frowns, “He had a fiance at the time, and it hurt, alot. Every time he brought her up, I wanted to change the subject, it filled me with envy and pain. Each time he said her name with that stupidly handsome smile on his face, it was like a sword twisting in my gut.”
“I thought I could’ve lived with the pain, or mate with a widow from another pack, but it wasn’t the same, and he saw that sadness in my eyes.”
“He confronted me about it, and I spilled. I told him about the imprinting, about my feelings. Gods that man was so infuriating, made me actually scared for my life if he were to be disgusted at my affections. Humans… they are quite fickle beings when it comes to love. Is this real? Is this your actual feelings, and not something forced upon you by the stars or your inner beast or what have you? I wondered those silly questions myself… but I wouldn’t have wanted any other man if suddenly the next day, I wasn’t bound by my imprintee.”
You wonder if that were the case with your friend. The idea of being imprinted on and its implications may have caused Hyejin to believe that Jungkook had no real affections for her. It wasn’t like she was chosen at random, you suppose, the stars saw it fit that the two were meant for each other, soulmates as you would put it. Fated for one another. So, why did she fear and hate him so much when he could be anything she wanted him to be. He would be at her every beck and call. 
Fuck. That hurt. 
You liked Jungkook. That revelation on the rooftop hurt. Finally you could put a name to the emotions you felt around the wolf-boy, but it didn’t lessen the pain of knowing he was meant for someone else, your closest and only friend made at school. At least… other than the boys. 
Yahiko saw it, she could feel the conflict dripping off of you in tangible waves. You didn’t know it, but she knew with the way Jungkook acted and looked at you the way he did. It reminded her of her own situation, she only hoped the whole ordeal would sort itself out quickly. Else you would spend years hurting each other. 
Children, she inwardly giggled at the coincidence of the predicament, if only they knew how to communicate properly. Although she couldn’t say much with the way she and her human mate had also suffered the same conflict. 
“Did he say so himself, that he imprinted on her?”
Um. Well. 
The way you hesitate speaks volumes. Now that she mentions it, he didn’t really deny it or confirm it.  The more he called you out for being nosy continually irritated you, why couldn’t he just give you a straight answer for once?
“Give the boy some time to sort out his feelings, my dear,” She sighs, “He’ll talk to you when he’s ready.”
“I’m not sure he’ll ever be,” you frown, “I don’t know what I’m waiting for, it seems like just last night I realized I… I like him… but who’s to say that he feels the same when he can barely open up to me, Hyejin pops up and he just stops functioning, and now!” You stammer your confession more lowly, barely above a whisper, with a beet red face. 
You freeze as the woman lays a gentle hand over yours. Then do you realize the way your lip had begun quivering.
“How am I supposed to face him?”
“You don’t,” Yahiko says after much silence, “Leave them alone long enough and he’ll sort out his feelings soon enough and give you a proper explanation.”
“Have some patience and get some sleep, you’re far too young to be looking so concerned like that.”
And that you do, finishing the rest of the milk she had brought up and shifting into your old bed. The kitsune leaves you with one last gentle caress of your head before she bids a good night. Morning comes and you have to force yourself to go to school, praying to whatever god there is that you don’t run into the boys. And you don’t, but Hyejin noticed the distance between you and the pack and has to put a stop to this nonsense.
“(Y/n), this needs to stop now, what’s going on?” 
Hyejin stops you from leaving school that day, dragging you to the nearest fast food chain for a much needed sit down and talk. It comes after first being bombarded by Jimin and Taehyung about your whereabouts and wellbeing, and finally when Jungkook confronts her. Nothing is ever that important for the subject of her hatred to talk to her himself. Perhaps there was more to the problem than just fixing your lost memories.
She sighs when you both get seated at a booth with your meals, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I think it’s badass that you’re a witch, but I’m really worried for you being away from the boys when you’ve got your whole family tree planning on killing you.”
You want to tell her, clamming up in the palms when your feelings for the wolf-boy are teetering on the tip of your tongue. Should you tell her? She was your friend. What was stopping you? Her past relationship with him? What if she still liked him? Was this going to ruin your friendship with her? 
“To be honest… I left to clear my head after finding out you and him dated before,” You blurt out, pursing your lips and expecting the worse. Silence is your answer, and when you peer over at your friend, she is blinking at you in evident surprise.
“How did you find out?” She starts off meekly, taking a generous swig from her soft drink, “I mean… Did he say anything?”
“Not really…” You wince, thinking about the time he forcibly shoved you from his head at the appearance of the girl in his memories, “It was only last night when he finally told me you both dated previously.”
The other exasperatedly exhales, her palm meeting her forehead, “That stupid dog.”
“You… You don’t like him still, do you?” You ask hesitantly, holding your breath in anticipation of her answer. Meanwhile, the other has to hold back her obnoxious cackle at that question, nearly spewing out her soda. Eyes softening, she cracks a small smile.
“You idiot.”
The reply astounds you, mouth opening and closing like a fish at the unexpected insult. 
“You know, you’re really dense you know that? Here I am, unable to believe the coincidence that you, my only friend at school, has fallen for Jeon Jungkook, and now you’re asking me if I still like him!”
“If you’re still wondering… No. I do not,” Hyejin snickers at your visible relief, “I think it’s really cute, your crush, but I still refuse to accept that it’s him.” 
The girl takes a french fry between her index and thumb, pointing the tip in your direction, “I probably do, deep down. Truth be told that I broke up with him out of fear. I knew he was a wolf, and kept that in mind, but I wasn’t expecting him to be a wolf and more. And like any other human, I ran.
“He was a cute boy in middle school, a grade above me, taller than most and very shy. He did everything and anything he could to catch my attention. The clumsy little idiot… we eventually dated, it continued into his first year in high school while I had one more year in middle school when I had come over to their cabin to hang with the pack. I had been helping out Seokjin with dinner when I dropped a plate, it shattered on the floor and over my bare foot, and my dumb self had attempted to pick up the larger pieces and nicked myself. Jungkook must’ve been hungry and went on a rampage... 
“He charged at me, eyes blue and gold, like I’d never seen them before. He was snapping at me, growling and breathing heavily… Couldn’t even speak coherently. The boys tried to tear him off me, but there really wasn’t a known way to calm him down… According to the boys, it was the first time he’d done something like that around them.”
Hyejin pauses, closing her eyes as the memories come rushing back of the terrible day, “I left that day with a disgusting scar, Seokjin wasn’t as proficient at healing at the time and could only close the wound long enough to get me to the hospital, but even the doctors could not get rid of the remnants of it.” Her hand grips at the hem of her uniform top before carefully pulling it up just enough to catch the sight of the fleshy tissue that runs jagged on her right abdomen. “I could not look him in the eye without seeing the deranged beast I saw that day, I left him soon after, crying and heartbroken, not because of relationship problems, but because I was scared… that he would someday kill me if he could just as easily lose control the way he did that day. I guess we just grew hateful of each other over time...”
Her eyes catch yours staring down at where her scar had been recovered by the top, and she quirks a small curl of her lips. Reaching over the table, she offers an open hand, to which you take gratefully with a meek smile in response, “You know… I’m surprised to hear you managed to calm him down…”
It makes sense, she thinks, after all, you didn’t know it yet who the hybrid truly imprinted on. 
“I think I’ve calmed down quite a bit… but seeing Jungkook full hybrid again at the cabin brought me back to middle school. It still haunts me, not as much as before… I used to get nightmares almost every other night. It’s at least once in a while now, I suppose.
“Which is why I always urged you to stay away from them. I didn’t want what happened that day, to eventually happen to you. You’re my only closest friend at school, I don’t want anything bad happening to you… I want to protect you (Y/n), but there’s only so much a human like me can do… Which is why I’m just a little grateful that you have Jungkook to protect you.”
The questions gnaws away at you. 
There was no harm in asking right? 
“You think Jeon Jungkook imprinted on me?” Hyejin nearly bursts into laughter, hopelessly trying to stifle the giggles with the back of her hand. Thankfully, she wasn’t too hung over having to remember and retell her relationship with Jungkook, but that didn’t warrant her nearly doubling over with tears in her eyes at your abrupt question. Your cheeks puff with a bright rosy hue at her reaction, suddenly feeling embarrassed for even asking. 
If only you knew, the girl thinks with a shake of her head.
“Dear God no, he did not, he’d have died by now just from me breaking up with him,” she muses with a wave of her hand, “That stupid dog just has a funny way of letting girls know his feelings.”
“So he does have an imprintee?” You ask expectantly, your heart in your throat at this point.
The look of determination and anticipation on your face is adorable, Hyejin thinks as she replies with a subtle shrug. 
“I think that’s something you need to wait for him to talk to you about.”
“For now, you both need to fucking make up before I do something about it.”
And that you do. 
You return to the cabin that night. Hyejin leaves you at the door with a comforting hug before she bids you good luck. Good luck and more is much needed when you sense the overwhelming bundle of aura sitting right on top of the roof. No one else but Jungkook had that much unrestrained magical aura, and you knew right away as soon as you came closer and closer to the house. Surely, he must’ve picked up on your scent as you phased onto the roof where the hybrid sat. 
He didn’t turn, nor did he make any indication in regard to your entrance. You knew he had been expecting you. So you take a seat beside him, pulling your knees close to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. 
“I’m still a little mad at you,” You whisper, your two index fingers twirling around one another. Glaring down at your feet, your hair falls down, casting a curtain on both sides and obscuring your vision of the hybrid beside you. “But… I should probably apologize for running away like a child… and that I shouldn’t be forcing you or expecting you to tell me anything like there’s any reason for me to know…”
Its silent between you both, and you wonder if he’s resorted to ignoring you or is just sleeping. When you turn slightly, you catch a glimpse of his side profile glaring up at the sky. His doe-like eyes are wide and reflect the colors of a galaxy. Dazzling azure with dozens of golden droplets like the stars. You have to fight the urge to reach over and touch him. You want to hug him, and tell him how you feel about him. But now wasn’t the time when you were so sure he only had eyes for Hyejin. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” He finally speaks, voice barely above a whisper that you have to lean towards him and strain your ears, “I’m afraid. And I don’t even trust myself. I’m just not ready yet.” 
He catches your eyes before you can look away, the corners of his lips stretching into a taut smile, the ends just barely curling upwards. 
“I’m sorry… just give me some time.”
“N-No, I understand and I’ll wait until you feel comfortable enough to open up to me,” You stammer, quite flustered with the sudden eye contact. His irises are glowing, shimmering under the moonlight so beautifully that it catches you off guard.
Despite your reply, you didn’t really understand. Was it not simple for him to just out right tell you that he had imprinted on someone else, or just straight up didn’t like you. You inwardly gasped, what if he knew of your feelings and was trying to prepare himself to reject you?
“If it makes you feel better,” he swallows, turning his head to look away, “I uh, I never imprinted on Hyejin.”
In contrast to your worrying thoughts, the relief that washes over you is massive. Your whole body physically relaxes and sags. Cheeks flushing, you thank any god out there that he was looking away.
“I-I see… I don’t think this is gonna make you feel better though…”
His neck cranes, glancing at you curiously.
“I talked to Hyejin,” you shrink in your spot, suddenly embarrassed and ashamed for going to her for information he wasn’t ready to spill.
“What did she say?”
“About what broke you two up.”
Silence. You wonder if maybe you spoke too much or should’ve waited for him to tell you. It feels like he’s growing increasingly distant from you. 
“I see…”
Should you apologize? The growing discomfort in your chest became unbearable. You shifted on the roof till, unsure of what to say to soothe the atmosphere between you both. He hates you, you conclude. 
“...So you know then?” He finally asks, “That I went berserk on her. Seokjin had me locked in my room with his perfect cube spell... In the whole chaos, other than Hyejin, I really hurt Yoongi bad. Jimin and Taehyung managed to get away with scratches, but Yoongi could only heal so much on his own with Seokjin-hyung’s help that we had to turn to admitting him to the hospital.
“You don’t understand how much I hated myself for that. I hurt my family, I hurt Hyejin too. Fast forward today, I ended up attacking you. I can’t forgive myself for hurting people I care about. 
“Why did I have to survive the transition? Why me and not Junghyun? Why did I have to be made into this hybrid that can barely control himself when he goes on a rampage?”
You interject at that, “But you did control yourself, Jungkook, you were able to come back to us after that fight with Minerva. You were able to handle yourself when we fought with those bounty hunters. I’ve seen you many times trying to keep yourself at bay, and you’re doing your best at figuring out how to take control of your genes. No one could ask for any more than you already do. It’s not your fault for going through such a cruel transition, and it’s also not your fault that as a result you couldn’t control yourself, but you’re making progress and that’s all that matters.
“I trust you Jungkook, I hope that makes you feel better. It doesn’t matter to me that you had to drink from my blood. It doesn’t matter to me that you attacked me that night. I’ve forgiven you. You just keep blaming yourself and I hate it.
“You don’t think I hate myself for having to be protected by you guys? We’ve had to fight off my reanimated mother, a vampire, and bounty hunters. You guys wouldn’t have to go through this if it wasn’t for me. I just barely regained my memories, sure I remember spells and skills I learned with my mother, but that shies in comparison to the little training I have in utilizing them in an actual situation, moreover the fact that I have zero self defense experience.
“Don’t you dare tell me that I don’t understand. You said it yourself! You and I… we’re the same. Outcasts. Mutants. I thought you cared for me…” Your voice trails off and silence settles between you both, not as pensive as it was before, but still awkward with more questions swirling between you. Shoulders slumping, you didn’t mean to mope, but you were still at a loss.
“I do care for you (Y/n), did you not just hear me say how much I hated myself for hurting you and everyone?” Jungkook sighs after much thought, reaching a hand towards you before regretfully retracting it. He knows he’ll want to do more than just hold your shoulder. “I cared for you from the very beginning, there would have been no reason for me to keep letting you hang around me or saving you from those wendigos, no matter how hard I tried to keep you from sticking close to me.”
The realization of his words clicks in his mind and he hissed, turning away with his hand covering his dreaded mouth. Darn him for succumbing to you, if you were able to connect the dots, that would have been him smacking you in the face with a sign that read “I LIKE YOU, MY DUMBASS IMPRINTED ON YOU” in large bold characters. Thankfully, you turn and smile softly at him. 
“Sorry, I… I just don’t want you to hate on yourself for hurting me when I’m fine really.”
Despite himself, he leans over and taps your forehead with his index finger, the force just enough to move your head backwards just slightly. 
“Then don’t hate yourself for being a burden to the pack, you’re not just a guest in our house now, you’re pretty much a pack member. The boys don’t treat you any differently than they would each other.”
Your cheeks burn, hand rising to brush over the spot on your forehead, the gesture was slight but it did well to make your heart beat wildly. With a pout, you mull over his words before scrunching your eyebrows and raising you head to glare at him, “What do you mean burden? I’m a burden?”
The corner of his mouth twitches slightly, an action you catch as he turns his head away.
“Hey you! Answer me!”
LOL tell me why I totally forgot to put the tags.
@twilight-loveer​ @reinyrei​  @mistytail​ @mygukandonlyficrecs​ @xanny91​ @unpocodesoledadywisky​ @xxqueenwxtchxx​ @lildemonangele​ @gukworld​ @sunnyoongles​ @serendipity-secrets​ @ilaria-np​ @jules-park​ @treetops68​ @mischiefmakerliesmith5​ @jeonkooksgirl​ @coffeeismylife28​ @nshitae​ @bookoffracturedescapes​ @ellsbells72​ @zamirayinyue13​ @hannahdearr​ @tiredjedi @sushibunn​ @perrshian​ @lovinggalaxies​ @ditttiii​ @cookies-are-done @mintyrae​
When like two of you I can’t tag for some reason asjfhksdjhg... anywho~ thank you thank you so much for all the replies on the last part!
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buckyodinson · 5 years
The First (Agent Whiskey x fem!Reader)
Request from anon: agent whiskey x reader w/ shy (forst tiem) valentine s e x and he lowkey likes it alot alot in the sense that homie is taller than her and she sexually frustrated him by teasing him without her meaning too? coz shes shy?? 🤝😳
Word Count: 5.4k (I don’t know where it all came from!)
 A/N: SMUT! I don’t claim to be a great writer when it comes to smut, so I hope this reads okay?
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It was fair to say that you turned some heads at the Statesman agency. You were one of the youngest agents there, but you rose through the ranks quickly and became one of the most highly skilled agents they had. Within just a few months, you were already working with the likes of Tequila and Whiskey. They were both floored the first time you were sent on an assignment with them, and you kicked total ass on the field. It was a complete 180 from your usual demeanour. Usually, you were quite reserved and wouldn’t pipe up during meetings or briefs, and you mostly kept to yourself, but on assignments and recon missions, you were a whole other person. Both men flirted with you constantly, and you would blush and smile in response, too shy to respond to their comments.
Tequila’s infatuation with you was just that, it was a fleeting feeling, and soon he would just compliment you to see you blush, not actually wanting anything from it. Whiskey, however, found himself falling for you. He was a little baffled at first as it was a foreign feeling to him. It had been a long time since he’d truly felt that way about someone before, but it almost gave him whiplash when he realised he was actually falling in love with you.
He was completely enamoured with you. He loved your quiet nature, finding it adorable that you would often be found in your office reading a book if you had no paperwork to be filling out. You could speak your mind if needs be and had done on several occasions. Once, when Ginger was voted against on a promotion, you slammed your first on the table, muttering ‘this system is bullshit’ before storming out of the office. Naturally, you went and found Champ afterwards and apologised profusely for the way you acted, but Whiskey thought it was endearing how much you cared for your friends. Obviously, he found you to be incredibly attractive too, and he’d be lying if he said watching you out on the field didn’t do anything to him.
After a lot of assignments where you were paired or grouped together, Whiskey would go to his room and get off to the thoughts of you beating the shit out of whoever you’d been sent after. He’s a little embarrassed about how often his nights end in that way, but he just can’t help it. And even just around the headquarters too, he couldn’t get enough of you. On the odd occasion, you would come into work in a denim number (which he most definitely appreciated), most days you would be in smart clothes - a nice blouse tucked into either some tailored trousers or a pencil skirt, sometimes a cute dress. And Whiskey could not get enough of it. Hearing your little heels clicking down the hallway was one of his favourite things to hear.
He would never admit to it, but in some of the shared spaces in the headquarters, like the break room, he would purposefully put things on shelves a little bit taller than where you could reach, so he could swoop in and get them for you. You weren’t super short by any means, but they were shelves even he’d have to reach for. You’d always give it your best shot to get them yourself (and he did feel a little pervy enjoying the view sometimes), before ultimately turning around and, by some miracle, Whiskey was always there to help, giving you a wink and a “It’s no problem at all, sugar” type response to your thanks. Sometimes he felt a bit cruel for doing it in the first place, but there was no harm really.
He started laying the flirting on thick sometime just before Christmas, always grabbing you a drink on his way to the office in the morning or offering the buy you lunch or dinner while you were out on missions. Sometimes you’d come into your office to find a single flower laid on your desk, and you’d blush at the thought of Whiskey stopping by a florist that morning and asking for just the one flower.
You had fallen very quickly for Whiskey too. As you started working your way up the ranks of the Statesmen, some people warned you about Whiskey, calling him a womaniser, telling you he brought a new girl home every week and all sorts of similar tales. But when you finally made it to the senior agents’ team and met Whiskey, he was nothing like the rumours. He was a total sweetheart. Sure, he flirted with you a lot, but he certainly didn’t seem like he was taking girls home left, right and centre. You found him to be a very thoughtful man, always grabbing you a drink in the morning, or buying you a little pastry at lunch, reminding you to eat something while you work.
You were shy by nature, and you wished you could put yourself out there a little more and be a bit closer to Whiskey, but you were worried. He was a fair bit older than you, and while he did flirt with you and treat you often, you didn’t want to read too much into it, thinking he wouldn’t be interested in you romantically because you were so much younger. And, to be really honest with yourself, in your time working up to be a Statesman agent so young, you hadn’t really had time for any sexual exploits, so you were severely inexperienced. And because of that, you were a little worried about the rumours about him, worrying he’d think you were too immature for him and move on to the next attractive woman who walked into the distillery who’d gladly fuck him in a heartbeat.
Whiskey was an attractive man, and you would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about being intimate with him, but having those thoughts would panic you a little because you know how painfully shy you are and how awkward you’d be, and it puts you off the whole thing. You couldn’t help but get a little hot under the collar during missions, seeing him effortlessly use his whip and lasso. You’d definitely thought about whether he’d use them in the bedroom or not, before blushing profusely and getting on with the mission, before excusing yourself as soon as you’d been debriefed, so you could go home and get off to the thought of it.
Whiskey’s flirting and your unintentional teasing had been going on for a while, and you were all at a bar celebrating a mission that ended successfully. People were chatting about their plans for Valentine’s Day in a few weeks, and you offhandedly mentioned you’d never been on a date for Valentines.
Whiskey’s eyebrows shot up, “That can’t be true, doll. You’re telling me nobody has ever taken you out for Valentines?”
You simply shook your head in reply as you took a sip of your drink.
“Well I’m not having that, sugar. How about I take you out, show you how a fine girl like you should be treated on Valentine’s Day?”
You laughed into your drink, “You really don’t have to, Jack. I’m sure I’m not missing out on much.”
“Come on, doll. Let me treat you? I’ll give you the whole Jack Daniels Valentine Experience!” You wondered how intimate a typical Valentines would get for Jack but the way he smiled softly at you made your heart melt, and who can say no to those puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, cowboy.” You rolled your eyes, but your heart was fluttering in your chest.
In that few weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, you would find flowers, chocolates, balloons and sweet little handwritten notes in your office, and you would feel heat crawl up your neck every time you opened your office door and see what awaited you. The day before Valentines, you came into your office to find a box tied with a bow, that had a small note attached to it.
‘Saw this and thought of you, doll. Maybe you could wear it tomorrow? X’
You opened the box to find a beautiful black dress. It was a very classic looking dress, with a white collar and little embroidered flowers along the sleeves and the hem, and it stopped just short of your knees. You were shocked when you saw it, expecting Jack to be the kind of man to buy a sexy, revealing dress for a woman to wear on a date, and it only made you fall for him more. He wasn’t pushing you into anything he knew you’d be uncomfortable with, and he genuinely seemed to know you well. At the bottom of the box, was a note saying that he’d pick you up from your apartment at 7, and to expect ‘the best date of your life’, which frankly wasn’t hard to beat. You’d only been on a few dates as a teenager which all ended horribly, and no matter how badly this date with Jack went, you were sure it’d be miles better than the others.
The day came and you were very nervous. You really liked Whiskey and you wanted to make a good impression. You knew it was silly, as he didn’t think of you that way, he was just doing this for you because he was sweet and wanted you to have a fun night. But you were still nervous and paced the hallway of your apartment once you were ready for the night. You had no idea what to expect from the night, and the butterflies in your stomach were raging, but you were excited at the same time.
At 7 on the dot, you heard your doorbell chime, and you took a deep breath before answering the door. You were met by Jack in a suit with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates in his hands. Cliché but you loved it anyway. You opened the door further and he stepped in, pulling you into an embrace and kissing you on the cheek. You blushed and giggled at his action and shut the door behind him, leading him to the kitchen so you could find a vase for the flowers before you left.
“You look amazing, Y/N. The dress looks beautiful on you.” He spoke softly, without his usual flirty tone.
“Thank you, Jack. You’ve cleaned up pretty well yourself, though it is a little odd seeing you without your hat.” You smiled up at him as you put the flowers in a vase and placed them on your windowsill.
“Only for you, darlin’. Nobody else is worth taking the Stetson off for,” He winked as he walked back to the front door, “You ready to go?”
You nodded and followed him out the door. You locked up and followed him out of his building to his car, where he opened the passenger door for you, holding your hand as you stepped into the car, before walking round to the driver’s side and climbing in.
“So, where are you taking me, Mr Daniels.” You smirked at him as he started to drive. The name caught him off guard and he blushed a little, getting the tiniest bit turned on by it.
“You’ll just have to wait and see, angel.”
He drove for about 20 minutes, singing softly to some songs that played on the radio, and chatting idly with you, before pulling up to a bookstore. You raised an eyebrow when he parked the car, and he just smiled at you, before jumping out and all but sprinting to your side of the car so he could help you out before you got out by yourself.
He walked you up to the store and when you walked in and he led you to a back corner of the store, it took your breath away. There were a few small tables in the corner, and you assumed they must have a little cafe set up in the daytime, but one table had been set up with candles and rose petals adorning the floor leading up to it. String lights also lit up the small corner, so the area was quite dimly lit.
“Jack… it’s beautiful.” You we’re at a loss for words, really, and couldn’t quite comprehend the gesture.
“I know you’re not the most extroverted girl out there, so I figured you’d enjoy this more than any fancy restaurant full of other couples.” He pulled out a chair and you sat down in it, not missing the fact that he said ‘other couples’, and definitely not missing the way your heart flipped at that comment.
Food was soon brought out to the pair of you, and you were shocked to see it was your favourite dish. You could’ve only mentioned it once before, but Jack clearly stored that away for future reference, and here it was sat in front of you. At one point he excused himself to go to the bathroom, and the waitress came to collect your plates and spoke to you while she tidied the table, “I must say, you’ve got a real catch. He’s been in and out of here the whole week planning this night, making sure it was perfect for you. I’ve never seen such a doting boyfriend before.” You smiled and she left you alone at the table once more. You pondered her comments for a while - why was Jack making such a big effort for a silly little date like this? But you had to push your thoughts back when Jack returned to the table.
“This is all too much, Jack. You really don’t know how much I appreciate this. Thank you.” You spoke once he returned.
“Not at all, darlin’. And it should be me thanking you for letting me take you out.” He reached across the table to take one of your hands in his, and you blushed.
“Don’t be silly, Jack. I’m sure any girl would throw themselves at your feet to be taken out and treated like this.”
“Maybe… but I wouldn’t care about them the way I care about you.” He looked down at his lap, and he seemed genuinely nervous, a word you’d never heard in the same sentence as Jack.
You didn’t know how to reply to his admission, so just simply squeezed his hand, and he leaned forward and took a deep breath, “I really like you Y/N, and I wanted this night to be perfect, because I wanted to prove that I’m not the guy everybody thinks I am. The guy I’m sure people have told you about may have been me a long time ago. But ever since you joined the agency, I’ve been in awe of you. And I honestly can’t believe I’m sat across from you right now. It feels like some kind of dream, doll. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, because even if you don’t, I’ll have still had this one perfect evening with you.” He spoke so quietly, and despite the fact that the smile on your face grew bigger as he spoke, he still looked terrified of your answer once he’d finished speaking.
“I feel the same, Jack. You’ve been an absolute gentleman to me ever since we met, and I’ve felt the same for a while now too.” You leaned forward and he captured your lips with his own, giving you a chaste kiss before pulling away and resting his forehead on yours.
“I’ve waited so long to do that, angel.” He whispered sweetly and you both sat there like that for what seemed like an hour, smiling to yourselves like a pair of idiots.
“How would you feel about coming back to my place for a movie and a drink?” The invitation worried you a little, but you saw in his eyes he had no other intentions and it calmed you down.
“I think I’d like that.”
He drove you over to his place, and he told you to make yourself comfortable while he grabbed some drinks. You sat down on his sofa and took in the decor of the room. It was minimalist, but you could see little hints of Jack everywhere, a few photos littered the wall, and one particular photo caught your eye. You walked over to it, and saw it was a photo from the gala the Statesmen had at Christmas. You weren’t the biggest person for fancy parties, but you went to it, knowing Jack would be there, and you actually had a great time. The picture in front of you had you, Jack and Champ sat at your usual seats in the briefing room, but all in Santa hats and pulling ridiculous faces.
You smiled at the photo and jumped when Jack came up behind you and laid a hand on your back.
“Hope you don’t think it’s weird that I have that photo up, doll.”
“Not at all, it’s cute.”
He led you back over to the sofa, where he sat and you tucked yourself into his side, your head resting against his chest. He covered you both with a blanket and wrapped his arm around you, resting it on your thigh. Your hand was laid on his stomach and you absentmindedly rubbed your thumb against his shirt as you watched the move Jack put on. Jack was doing the same with the hand on your thigh, and you couldn’t help but focus on how nice the small movement felt, instead of watching the movie. Little did you realise, you were having the same effect on Jack, and he was getting more turned on by the minute. He could see a small tent forming in his pants and prayed to god you wouldn’t notice, not wanting to ruin a sweet moment like this.
But then you tucked yourself closer into his side and stretched your arm out slightly, and it grazed his crotch and he couldn’t quite catch the moan that left his lips at the fleeting touch. You gasped and sat up when you realised what had happened. You looked at him with wide eyes and saw his pupils were blown. The sight made you weak in the knees, but also scared you and when he leaned forward to capture your lips you quickly excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
Jack sat there confused for a minute before following you and knocking softly on the door.
“You okay in there, sugar?”
“…yeah, yeah I’m okay. I’ll… uh... I’ll be out in a sec.”
He decided to go back and wait for you, and after a few minutes you emerged again and sat next to him.
“What’s up, doll?” He lifted your chin to face him.
“It’s nothing, Jack.”
“Come on, you can tell me anything, angel.” His thumb rubbed light circles into your cheek.
“It’s just… I got a bit freaked out. I’ve never… I’m not very expe… I’m a virgin, Jack.” You spoke barely above a whisper, worried about his response.
“It’s okay, doll. I don’t want to rush you into anything. You just gotta be a little more careful where you’re putting your hand, is all, darling. I’m a red-blooded man, after all.” He laughed at himself to ease your anxiety, and you leaned into his hand in your cheek.
“The thing is… I want to. I’m just nervous… I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Nothing you could do would disappoint me, Y/N. Everyone’s nervous their first time. It’s natural.” His words eased you and you felt a sudden burst of courage and you lurched forward to kiss him.
Jack was shocked but instantly melted into the kiss, and he shifted you, so you were sat in his lap before pulling away, breathing heavily, “Are you sure about this, sugar? I can wait, honestly. There’s no rush at all.”
You only answered by pulling him towards you and attaching your lips to his again. He groaned into the kiss and pulled your body closer to his. You sighed and wrapped your legs around his waist as he stood up and walked you to his bedroom. He placed you gently down onto his bed before stepping back and admiring your wide pupils and swollen lips.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked once again and you nodded in reply, “I need to hear you say it, doll.”
“Yes, Jack. I want this.” Your breathless voice turning him on further.
He reached for your hands and pulled you to stand. He kissed you again before stepping and walking behind you, and slowly unzipping your dress, attaching his lips to your neck while he did so. You sighed in response and turned your neck further, giving him better access, which he gladly accepted. Once the zip was completely down, Jack ghosted his hands over the skin of your back until they reached the collar of the dress and he pushed it slowly off of your shoulders and down your arms, leaving goosebumps behind where his fingers traced your skin. Once the dress reached your hips, he let go and it dropped to the floor. His touch remained on your hips for another minute or so while he continued to kiss and nip at your neck, before disappearing completely. You turned around slowly to see he had removed his shirt and was undoing his belt. When he noticed you’d turned around, he looked up at your face and smiled before his gaze dropped to your chest. You immediately became self-conscious and crossed your arms in front of your chest. He quickly took his trousers off and let them drop, stepping out of them and placing his hands on your hips.
“Darlin’, these are nothing to be embarrassed by. You haven’t gotta hide from me.” He pulled you flush against him and you felt the hard outline of his cock through his boxers, and you blushed but slowly reached your hand out to touch his now bare chest.
“That’s my good girl.” He drawled and you sighed as he rubbed small circles into your hips, before suddenly lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. You squealed and he laughed into your skin as he left a mark on your neck.
He moved over to the bed and crawled on before laying you down softly into the sheets. He stayed there for what felt like an eternity just kissing along your jaw and neck before reaching behind you and unclasping your bra and flinging it somewhere across the room. You sighed as he left a trail of kisses down the valley of your breasts and then let out a moan when he latched his mouth onto one of them, palming the other with his hand. You dig your fingers into his hair, scratching his scalp and earning a delicious groan from the back of his throat. While he swaps to give your other breast some attention, his hand slips down to your clothed core. He simply runs a single finger lightly over the material of your underwear, and your hips jerk up in response, along with a soft sigh. One hand is fisted into the sheets underneath you, while the other tugs lightly on Jack’s hair, pulling grunts and sighs from him.
Jack slowly kisses his way further down your body, until he reaches your underwear. You think he’s going to pay some attention there, but he simply gives one kiss over the material, which makes your hips jerk again, before carrying on down one leg. He pays attention to your inner thighs, and his touch against the sensitive skin there has you reeling. As he continues further down your legs, he pulls your underwear along with them. Once they’re off, he crawls back up your body until he’s reached your core again. Your legs open wider involuntarily and Jack groans at the sight.
“You’re beautiful, darlin’,” He speaks lowly before reaching a finger out to press softly into your folds. This action pulls a moan from deep in your throat and the sound sends blood straight down to Jack’s already hard cock, “so wet for me already.”
He pulls his finger back and wraps his lips around it and hums, and the sight makes you weak. He settles between your thighs and licks a stripe straight up from your entrance to your hooded clit, and no dreams you’d ever had about Jack in the past could compare to the way his tongue actually felt against you. You felt the soft touch of his fingers moving through your folds, before his tongue finds your bud and gives it small licks before taking it completely into his mouth and sucking on it. You were seeing stars, and your knuckles were white from how hard you were gripping the sheets. His dexterous tongue explores your folds and he hums, and the vibration shoots up your entire body, making you shiver. You gasp when he sinks a finger inside you, and you swear you stop breathing for a minute. You shoot a hand out to grab his hair, and when you tug on it, Jack let’s out a growl and adds another finger to you depths, stretching them apart within you and you feel a coil tighten deep within you.
“Jack…please… God” you sigh, and a lewd moan escapes your mouth, further spurring Jack on, making him double his efforts. He reaches a hand up to grab at your breasts, pinching one of your nipples, and you come completely undone, body tensing. You bring a hand to your mouth and bite down on it to stop from making too much noise, and you actually draw blood, but you’re in complete ecstasy so you don’t even notice. Jack, meanwhile, is still lapping up everything you have to offer him and once you come out of your high, he stops and slowly makes his way back up your body until he’s hovering over you, smirking. You blush and cover your face when you see his mouth and chin are glistening from your release.
“Doll, there’s no need to be embarrassed. That was amazing.” He grabs your hand and sees the blood on it, furrowing his brows “What happened here?”
“I must have bit down too hard on it.” You admitted, still breathing heavily.
“From now on, I don’t want you hiding the noises you make, sugar. They were like music to my ears.” He leans down to capture your lips once more, and you can taste yourself on his tongue, groaning at the sensation. He pulls away to say “There we go, good girl.” before diving in again.
With one hand in his hair, you run the other down his chest, and find the waistband off his boxers. Reaching your hand in slowly to grab his cock, he suddenly grabs your wrist and hovers above you once more, “Are you sure darlin?”
“Yes,” you breath out “I want you to feel good too.”
“This is all about you, not me. And trust me, angel, I’m okay if you want to stop.” He looked down at you so lovingly, and your heart almost stopped.
“Yes, Jack. Please… I want you.”
He gave you quick kiss on the lips before reaching for the cabinet next to the bed and rummaging around the drawer before pulling out a condom. He kicks his boxers off and rolls it on slowly, and you get your first real look at Jack in all his naked glory, and you’re biting your lip without realising it as you watch him. He’s big, and 20 minutes ago you’d be panicking, but you felt much calmer now, and knew Jack wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. He smirks up at you when he feels your gaze on him, “Enjoying the view, sugar?”
“Definitely.” You giggle and reach for him. He obliges and climbs over you again, dipping down to kiss you. He lines himself up with your entrance, and gives you one last chance to stop, and you roll your hips up to meet his, so the tip enters you and you both moan in pleasure. He slowly pushes the rest of the way in until he’s completely sheathed, and he drops his head to your shoulder, panting.
“God, doll. You’re so tight, it’s unreal.” He grunts but stays still, giving you time to adjust to his size, leaving kisses along your collarbone.
“I’m good, please move Jack.” You sigh and Jack starts to pull out slowly before burying himself back to the hilt again. It was painful at first, but soon, the pleasure outgrew the pain and you could feel another orgasm approaching. You wrapped your legs around Jack’s waist again and clawed at his back, “Faster, Jack… please.”
He starts to move a little faster, not being too rough with you though, and he knows he’s not going to last much longer, the way your pussy is clenching him, so he slides a hand between your bodies and starts circling your clit again, trying to get you to catch up with him. The sensation is too much, and you bite down on his shoulder, most definitely leaving a mark there.
“Come on, angel. Almost there. You’re being so good-such a good girl-fuck, I’m so close.” He stutters as his thrusts start to become sloppier, pressing harder against your clit.
You can’t even formulate a coherent reply, but you moan so loudly and it’s all the confirmation Jack needs to know you’re as close as he is, as well as the way you’re clamping down on him. He catches your lips again and after a few more thrusts, his hips stutter as he comes, but he carries on until you follow suit a few seconds later. You both ride out your highs, Jack’s thrusts becoming slower and slower until he comes to a complete stop, and the only sound in the room is your heavy breaths. Jack softens and pulls out of you and flops down next to you.
“That was something else, doll.” Jack speaks through his laboured breaths.
He gets up and throws the condom away in the bathroom and returns with a washcloth to clean you up, giving you wet kisses along your jaw and neck.
“I’m gonna get us a drink, make sure you use the bathroom.” He winks at you when he walks out, and you can’t help but stare at his ass, confirming it looks much nicer out of his jeans than in them.
You take his advice and go to the bathroom, smiling at yourself with how sweet he is, and how much he cares about you. When you’re done, you catch yourself in the mirror. Your hair is a mess, and your make-up is smudged, so you quickly wash your face while you’re there. When you re-emerge in the bedroom, Jack is still naked, sat on top of the sheets leaning against the headboard with two glasses of water in his hands. You quickly hop under the sheets next to him and he hands you one of the glasses. You take a sip and when you’re done, he takes them glasses and puts them on the cabinet beside the bed, before shuffling around until he was under the sheets, and he pulled you flush against him.
“You okay?”
“I’m great, a little sore if I’m honest, but it was definitely worth it.” You giggle and place a hand on his cheek, which he leans into.
“Thank you, Jack. I still can’t quite believe that just happened.” You grinned.
“There’s nothing to thank me for, doll. You deserved everything and more tonight. And I’m glad I’ve got you all to myself now.”
“I don’t know how you’re gonna top Valentine’s Day every year from now though. This one has been perfect.”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll find a way, sugar. Don’t you worry about that…” he smirked down at you and you leaned up to kiss him.
You turned around in his arms, so your back was against his chest, and the pair of you fell asleep soon after. Both of you falling asleep to the thoughts that you can’t quite believe how lucky you are to be with the other.
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baeklination · 4 years
bartender love    pt.2
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Warnings/Contains: SMUT 🔞, general crude language. 
Pairing: Kyungsoo x F.Reader
pt.1    pt.3
  You smiled to yourself as you re-read the text from Kyungsoo "Told you it would take too long. What are we doing tmrw?"
Tomorrow was today and you were on your way to the skate park to meet Loey:
"They're having a competition."
"Really, what's the prize?"
"Nah, it's nothing like that, just the guys who hang out there alot. I don't think there's a chance he's gonna win."
"No, I don't wanna see it if he sucks, then I'll-"
"He doesn't suck", Kyungsoo assured you "but I think one of 'em does those X Games or Red Bull ones. Like a pro. I wasn't really paying attention when he told me."
"Busy jerking off?"
"You know it", he smiled. "Couldn't stop thinking about you so I had to pull one real quick."
You glared at him. 
"Not cool, TMI?"
"No, it's cool. I mean, I did the same with you when I woke up", you said in a casual but obviously joking manner. 
"The fuck, Y/N!"
"Oh, you get to be crude but I don't?"
"Yeah! Cus when you say it sounds...fuckin' hot!"
  The park wasn’t in the middle of nowhere, but definitely off the beaten track. It wasn’t even really a park, more a paved stretch of concrete with obstacles like rails, pipes and banks, seemingly gathered from in and around the neighbourhood.
“It’s weird, the things you don’t know about your own town”, you said.
“Yeah, since the train stopped going here no one comes around. Except these guys. I wouldn’t have known either if it weren’t for Lo.”
“Kyungsoo-ya..!” Loey had spotted the two of you and did a thumbs up with a big grin on his face.
“But you don’t skate?”
“No, I…”, he laughed. “Lo tried to teach me how to do an ollie a couple of years ago and I ended up with a shattered elbow. Now I’m just an enthused spectator”, he said sitting down, guiding you to sit between his legs. “Very enthused”, he said, pulling you back. 
“Hey, Romeo, no hanky panky here.”
“Where do you get your expressions from..!? Takesies backsies and now frickin’ hanky panky”, Kyungsoo laughed.
Turning around to say something clever your mind went blank (honestly you were a bit stunned at how endearing he looked when he laughed) so you faced forward without a word. He placed his hand on the back of your thigh and moved it upward slowly.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. There will be no hanky…” he whispered in your right ear “...or panky...” he continued in the other “...until you want me to.”
When he moved his hand inward you couldn’t keep your cool anymore. You grabbed it and held it between your hands.
“Mm-hmm. Great,” you nodded, making the both of you burst out laughing.
  As Kyungsoo had foreseen Loey didn’t win, but it was all the same to him; he still had the same jovial attitude as when you’d first met him last night. You’d stayed back chatting for a while, but when it got darker, and subsequently colder, you decided to meet up at Henki later; Loey and co going their way and you and Kyungsoo stopping by his apartment to get you a hoodie and a quick bite to eat, with Kyungsoo promising to amaze you with his cooking skills.
  He opened the clasp of your bra but didn’t bother removing it since he now had access to your breasts. It didn’t take long for your nipples to become stiff, which had Kyungsoo moaning.
“Your nipples…”
“M-hm, they do that sometimes.”
He pulled away and smiled:
“You’re so fucking cheeky...”
Taking off your top and bra you leaned in again to catch his lips, his hot breath. Rocking back and forth you could feel your panties sliding around. You wanted something in you now, so taking his hand you guided it to the hem of your shorts - he didn’t miss a beat getting his hand in, tracing big circles, feeling you out. When you bit his lip in excitement he winced, but  moaned and pushed his tongue in even deeper, as well as his middle finger into you.
“Ah, sh!” he groaned and looked down. “Fuck...”
“M-hmm”, you agreed.
“Let’s go to the bed.”
  You lay down while Kyungsoo rummaged around in his nightstand. He took out a condom and put it between his teeth while he undid his pants with eager fingers. Having sex with someone the first time you always had that fleeting thought of “what if his dick is too this or too that?”, but there was nothing too about him; he was average, normal. A bit thicker. When he got in bed and pulled off his t-shirt was the first time you saw his body in full. Like his arms, his torso was almost fully covered with tattoos, continuing down his thighs. He was a fucking masterpiece. He bent over you, kissing your neck, your breasts, your lips. You grabbed his waist to pull him closer.
“You’re sure?”, he asked.
“Kyung, I’m not a virgin…”
He laughed into the pillow next to you.
When he aligned himself and carefully pushed in there was barely any resistance; he slid all the way in on the second go, and had decided pace on his fifth. It was excruciatingly slow. Deliciously slow. The way he alternated between deep kisses and heavy breathing and dragged out “fuck”s in your ear pushed you over the edge.
“Faster. You’re killing me”, you moaned digging your fingers into his backside and lifting your leg up so he could reach deeper.
The rolling of his hips sped up as he placed his hand on your leg for support. You could feel the whole length of him stroking you inside, his balls repeatedly pressing just below your entrance, his legs brushing yours. It smelled of sex.
“Shit, I wanna go faster”, he groaned.
“Go faster.”
“I can’t...”, he said with a smile and kissed you”...I’ll come.”
“We’ll do it again.”
  When you put your legs around him he immediately buried his head next to you, pinned your pelvis to the mattress and rammed into you. Going that deep you almost thought you were gonna come before he did, but he beat you to it, threatening to break you with how hard he thrusted when he came. His whiney growl became bursts of chuckles mixed in with hard exhalations.
“I don’t know if laughing at someone after sex is a compliment...”
“It is”, he said and started with those slow kisses again.
He let you buck your hips a few times while you kissed, but eventually pulled away.
“Y/N, you know I have to pull out...”
“I know”, you said, rolling your eyes demonstratively.
When he’d thrown away the condom he opened a window to let some welcomed fresh air in before getting back in bed.
“Spooning kinda defeats the purpose of opening the window, you know.”
“You said we’d do it again”, Kyungsoo whispered, kissing your neck.
“No way you’re ready again...Right?”
“No, but you are,” he said, touching your leg for you to open them.
“Now let me wow you”, Kyungsoo said, taking out a packet of spaghetti and a box of meatballs. 
“Do you know I was really up in here thinking “finally, a man that cooks..!””, you said, clapping your hands together. “Sauce..?”
“You already had it, baby…”
You closed your eyes, pretending to be in pain.
“Take that back right now or I’m out.”
“That was even too much for me, shit”; he laughed. “No, I always eat it with ketchup. Sauce takes more than seven minutes to make so…”
“Eh, it’s a free meal. Who am I to complain? Besides, if this is that one annoying thing about you it’s tolerable.”
“What’s your thing?”
“I’d be stupid to call attention to it, wouldn’t I?”
  He came round to the chair you were sitting on and rested his arms around your shoulders. Even though you were both still naked there was nothing sexual to his touch; it was soft and comforting. Kissing his arm left a faint taste of salt on your lips.
“I’m gonna watch you like a hawk now, to find out what it is. But...on a more serious note. It’s only our second date and we’ve already had sex, so I have to ask...you don’t think I’m slut, do you?”
“You’re an absolute raging whore, Kyungsoo”, you said, turning around to face him. “Just the way I like ‘em.”
That smile. If he kept on smiling you’d keep on dying. He cupped your face and gave you a quick kiss. And another one. Then a slow one, sliding his tongue in your mouth. Picking you up, setting you down on the counter, he moved down and enveloped his mouth around your nipple, caressing your inner thighs at the same time. The water boiled over on the stove, but he just pushed the pot off the heat, still focusing on you. Kissing a trail down your stomach there was a buzz, followed by a:
Loey banging on the door. You snapped out of it and rolled your eyes.
“What the fuck - does he have a fucking sex radar..!?”
Kyungsoo opened his eyes wide:
“Keys! He has keys. Go!”, he chuckled, lifting you off the counter so you could scurry to the bedroom.
  You’d spent the whole Saturday and early Sunday with Kyungsoo, but in the evening you went over to Iseul and Tony’s for dinner before heading off to work.
“Well, if that’s not the face of someone who’s just got a good jackhammering..!”, Iseul proclaimed when she saw you.
“A good? Try several great”, you sighed. “You know how he’s gorgeous and all..?”
“M-hm?”, she nodded.
Iseul didn’t say anything. She just leaned forward with big eyes and gestured for you to give her the rough draft.
“I wasn’t planning on it when I followed him home, but really...I have to have been, right? In the back of my mind.”
“Of course.”
“Two things I can tell you for sure. It wasn’t his first time at the rodeo…”
“Given”, Iseul interjected.
“...and he did not learn by watching porn.”
“You mean..?” Iseul was almost holding her breath out of excitement.
“I do mean. His touching, his kissing…”, you gestured with your hands. “The bed, the kitchen, the floor, the shower… Sweet Mother Mary he’s good!”
Iseul stared blankly for a moment, then slid off her chair for comical effect.
“I’m happy for you”, she said in a monotonous voice before she cracked up. “Seriously though, that’s some prime beef. Most guys don’t know how to fuck. Like know.”
“No, you’re right, Is. I got myself some prime pork”, you giggled, acutely aware of the cringey metaphor.
The bathroom door opened; it was Tony coming out of the shower.
“I thought I heard cackling from the hens. ‘Zup, Y/N?”
“When Y/N leaves we’re having sex on the floor,” Iseul informed him.
He raised his eyebrows, then laughed:
“Does this have anything to do with Mr. Romance..?”
“Damn right it does..! My girl’s telling me she’s been cirque du soleiled all weekend while we’ve been watching reruns of “Survivor”..!”
“Did you hit your head or summin’ - we had sex this morning”, Tony reminded her, putting his palms up.
“Yeah, but not in a sixty-nine formation while juggling squirrels and solving relativity equations..!”
She had the both of you roaring with her descriptive monologue of what she felt was lacking in the bedroom.
“Ey, Tony. I didn’t say anything like that,”, you defended yourself. “She already had that shit in her head…”
“Believe me, I know. But you do seem to have a special way to unlock them…”
  Your time spent with Kyungsoo seemed far longer than just a weekend, which made going to work feel extra drab. Luckily, you worked nights which allowed you to have more free time than the regular nine to five, and with him working evenings and nights your schedules weren’t a bad match at all. You’d managed to see each other two times during the week, and the other days you’d talk on the phone or send text messages to one another. But nothing beat the feeling of being off work completely, and when you saw him waiting to pick you up on Friday morning your stomach made such cartwheels it almost scared you. Wasn’t it too soon?
  You hadn’t wasted a minute when you got back to his flat; it was clothes off, straight to bed. You didn’t fall asleep right after as the sun was coming up and you were still excited about seeing each other.
“I love the way your nipples feel against my chest, you know when they’re barely touching it”, he said stroking one of them with his thumb “And like this. When they go hard in my hand.” He wasn’t trying to work you up, he was just telling you how he felt.“Have you been like this with someone this fast?”
“Every weekend...”
“Every weekend?”, he said and got on top of you, kissing you all over while laughing.”Then I better get my fill now, since I’m about to be traded in.”
He stopped and hovered, looking you straight in the eyes. The mood changed. 
“Here, sit up”, he said and put your legs around him. 
The way he looked at you made you feel awkward. Not uncomfortable, just awkward, so you looked everywhere else but at him.
“No, let me”, he said, lifting your head.
You knew what he was doing, so you tried to hold his gaze.
“You’re beautiful.”
You couldn’t help but to go from a silly smile into a giggle and Kyungsoo harmonized with his deep rumbling laughter.
“You’re so beautiful” he reiterated, giving you shallow, juicy kisses.
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stardancerluv · 5 years
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Wild Spirit of Chicago
Part 4
Summary: You escape a horrible marriage in Chicago. All you want now is some peace. But Charlie & Eli Sisters are after you. What will happen when you meet up.
Warning: Unfulfilled desires
You packed a few things to make your stay for the fair comfortable. This would be nice, this year you knew alot more people. Sure, you expected others to still be curious about you but it wouldn’t be as crazy as last time.
It would also be nice to finally have someone other than Turnip to talk to.
Looking in the small mirror, you were happy with how your hair had ended up looking, the interweaving with the ribbon made it look especially good. This would be a treat to look nice. You so rarely did that these days.
When you arrived in town, you happily stabled Turnip, it was midday and the weather was pleasant. Not too hot and sky was clear.
You were warmly welcome by the owner of the hotel and salon. “It is good to have you stay with us, George has said nothing but kind words.”
You smiled, “I have been looking forward to it.”
Soon, he walked you up to your room. It was small but very comfy looking.
“Thank you so much.”If you are in need of anything please ask me or my wife.”“I will remember that.”
Sighing, you closed the door and put what you brought on the bed. You took off the leather gloves you wore for riding the slipped on your lacy ones. In the end, you ate glad you didn’t bring a bustle, would have been too much of a bother.
Leaving, your room you went out to explore the fair. You chose to leave put the back away, was closer to the tents that had been set up.
Holding his hat as he looked up, Charlie smiled broadly. “This is quite nice.” As he and Eli walked in the main entrance.
Charlie, had mellowed as the day rolled put and the throbbing in his head stopped.
He went over to the man who appeared to be the owner. “Hello sir, we are the Sisters Brothers and we would like two rooms.”
“You are in luck, we have only three rooms left. We filled up on accounting for the fair.”
Charlie, nodded. “That is why we’re here. A hood man, from a day’s ride told us about it and we decided to come and enjoy ourselves.”
“That is great, right this way.” The man began to lead them to their rooms.
“Sir, we have traveled quite a bit. I don’t want to be too offensive especially if there are some ladies, can I have a bath brought up?”
“Certainly, are you in need of soap?”
“I have some.”
“I will have it brought up shortly.”
“Thank you.”
Eli, rolled his eyes. Charlie nudged him. “After this scoundrel is done with his, I would like one as well.”
“I will let them know.”
Charlie, “See you out there brother.” The he closed the door to his room.
He dropped his saddle bags beside his bed before laying down on it, the springs creaked. He rubbed his face as he laid there. This would be a nice change of pace, he mused.
Sitting up he pulled off his boots and socks. He couldn’t stop himself as the smell hit his nose. Was a good idea that he was taking a bath. A knock came shortly afterward.
Smiling, he went and opened the door. “Great timing, thank you.” He stepped aside. “Please bring it right in here.”
The short woman, nodded. “We try to keep everyone happy.”
“Always a good thing.” He reached into his pocket. “Here.” He handed her a few silver since they were so prompt. “Thank you, sir.”
Charlie, then locked the door and happily stripped down. He got his soap on out his saddle bag, the brush and with a sigh sat down. “Now this is damn good.” He sat for a bit, enjoying how it felt.
After soaping up the brush, he began to scrub. His pale, clean skin came to the surface from the dust and much he had been over the last three weeks. He soaped up his face and hair next. It was not long before the water was no longer crystal clear. He washed his privates last. He was forever grateful that older gentlemen that they had met going on three years ago had told him about the talc powder to keep things from chaffing and getting sour down there. Before every few months he would break out on riding rashes which felt like they would last forever.
Getting up, he did one foot the other. He felt good to feel clean again. He grabbed the rough cloth he’d use as a towel and dried himself off. The quicker soaped and rinsed out the socks he had just worn along with some under pants. He still had some fresh so he put those on first.
He looked at his clothes, he wanted to look good. Only three outfits, perhaps he’d buy another soon, he had enough money. He put on an undershirt and then put on his black pants then his dark scarlet shirt. With the fresh socks on he finally pulled on his boots which he dusted off a bit. He stretched, letting out a low growl of relaxation.
He slipped a pouch of coin in his back-pocket and headed downstairs. “I am done with my bath.”
“Very good, sir. I will send it along to your brother.” He paused. “Did you want a drink before heading to the fair?”
Charlie, shrugged. “We also prepare warm food here.” “Oh?” @We have some meat, potatoes and vegetables, freshly baked bread and eggs.”“Is there food in the fair?”“Some.”“I will take some whiskey and some bread. Is there butter?”“Of course.”“I’ll have some butter with the bread.”“Right away.”
Charlie, sighed and took a seat at a table. He’d taken in drinks later, this was such to stave off some of his hunger. He happily gobbled down the bread and butter. He was just crusty enough. Feeling content, he got up leaving some silver and wandered out.
You sat in a corner, where someone was playing a fiddle. You chatted with two ladies. They had been hinting in not so subtle terms that it would be seemly that perhaps you should get to know the new banker. He was young and unmarried like yourself. You had inwardly rolled your eyes before you had told them there were more tents you had wanted to look in.
So excusing yourself, on you went. You ducked in to one of them but immediately ducked out when smell of leathering assaulted your nose, you bumped into someone. Turning, looking down embarrassed, you shyly looked up excusing yourself. “I am terribly sorry.” Your voice trailed off as you saw who you bumped into. He was tall, hair black as night and eyes like turbulent water. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched his mouth crooked up at one side. “You have nothing to be sorry ma’am, that tent has quite a stench.”
“Yes, it does.” You said quickly, “well I best be going on.” You hurried away on legs that felt shaky. No one had ever made you feel that way. You glanced quickly behind you. He still looked at you.
“Catch you around.” He called after you.
You stopped looking at him. Continuing, you went to another tent. This one was a good one, it had some nice fabrics. You let your hands trail over some of them, they felt so nice.
Going on, you went over to where a gentlemen had brought some cows. You had always been fond of how cute they were.
“They are very sweet.” You petted one. “Are you the one who sends their milk to George?”
“Yes, I do ma’am.”
“It is quite good.”
“Thank you.”
“Y/N...”you heard your name called, looking you smiled as you saw that it was George. He had taken a seat in the corner of the salon. Smiling, you went over to his table. “Will you grace me with your company?” He stood up as you came over.
“I would love to.”He smiled, pulling out a chair for you. “Thank you.” And you happily sat down. “Did you have a nice time today?”
“I did.” You looked around the saloon, full of people that appeared to be in good spirits. Then you swallowed and turned your attention to George, turning more towards him. You spotted the stranger with hair as black as coal. Just his profile made your heart begin to race. It made you uneasy.
“So try or see anything new?”You nodded. “There was some interesting dishes out there.” Then you smiled. “I met one of the cows, who milk I’ve been drinking from.”George, chuckled at that. “Was it a nice cow?”“Yeah, it was pretty cute.” You, yawned behind one of your gloved hands. “I talked with Margret.” George, rolled his eyes. “Oh that old maid?” He took his pipe out, striking his match he lit the tobacco and took some puffs. “What did she say?””She thinks, I should...” “Excuse me, George...excuse me Y/N....” The hotel keeper looked a little nervous. “I don’t mean to interrupt, a gentlemen brought this bottle for you, to enjoy.”
“Gerard, are you serious? Me?” George asked confused. Gerard, shook his head. “Actually, Y/N but you.””Me?” He nodded.”Who?” “The gentlemen in red.” Gerard set down the glasses, and the bottle. “Shall I pour?”
“Yes, that would be nice.” You tried not to react but you felt yourself flush a little. You took him in as he stood, leaning against the bar smoking a cigar. “What a nice looking young man.” George’s eyes got a twinkle, and you rolled your eyes but shrugged.
“He’s not bad.” You admitted out aloud. “Invite him over to our table.” “George...” then you relented, it would be rude. You stood as he came over. He motioned for you to sit down. “Please, a lady doesn’t have to stand for me.” You sat back down. “We thank you for the bottle. Grab him a fresh glass, Gerard.”
“Your welcome.” He smiled at the both of you making your heart pick up speed. Once Gerard came back and poured some in a glass, the stranger held up his glass. “To happy accidents.”
The three of you clinked glasses. “So, what is your name stranger?””My name is Charlie.” “I go by George.” He gestured to you. You smiled sweetly. “I am, Y/N.”
“Pleased, to finally learn your name.” The smile be gave you caused butterflies in your stomach. George, looked confused, you smiled once again looking his way. “Charlie and I bumped into each other earlier while I was looking around.”
“Ahh, that is the great thing about these fairs. We get to meet new people.”
Not long after the two men were chatting away. You sipped at your first, then second glass. If you had learned one thing, sometimes you just let men talk.
“She is like a daughter to me.” George told the man. You blushed, looking down at your gloved hands. “You are too kind, George.”
As time went on, something about Charlie, kind of worried you despite being incredibly attracted to him. If only your past had been different. Maybe you, flirt a little. He was just a stranger, you’d never see him again, what harm could it do. You went with your instincts.
Following them further, you decided to call it a night. You got up, you felt a rush of the whiskey, it had been awhile since you felt that rush. But it best that you didn’t have any more.
“Gentlemen, you have been a sweet distraction but I feel I better retire for the evening.” “Y/N, I am sorry I got carried speaking with Charlie, we should include you more.”
You waved your hand, “It is perfectly fine. It has been a long day, I will see you too in the morning perhaps for breakfast.”
“That would be nice,” Charlie, spoke up and George nodded.
Slowly, you went over and up to your room. Once there you put the one chair in front of your door. You had to get out. Something didn’t feel right. What if Charlie was aware of your bounty...what if he wanted to turn you over.
You went to your window, maybe you could jump out. Looking out, it was too high...and you would get lost in the darkness for sure.
Looking across the room, you saw her again. Something about her intrigued you. She was quite lovely, almost too lovely to be out here. He was going to talk to you, even if that meant he would have to pull you away from that old man. Damn, he better not be your his husband. You are young, you need someone like him in your life, Charlie mused as he looked at you. Leaning on the bar, he gestured to the owner.
“How can I help you tonight sir?” “I want to buy a bottle of one of the good whiskies.” “Certainly, sir.” “t’s not for me.” He pointed at you. “It’s for her. Bring two glasses.”
He enjoyed watching as you and the man reacted. You smiled and gave a wave before heading over.
You paced back and forth, there was no other way out of the hotel. You would have to wait till dawn.
You went and sat on the bed, if only you had brought the book. After all these years, you finally see a man who is worth the effort to flirt with, and be could be the one hired by that monster to return you. Probably, got some song and dance about how you were some horrible woman.
An image of his crooked smile, popped into your head and your heart picked up speed. Your fingertips tingled at the idea of feeling that inky colored hair. You squeezed your eyes, closed, willing the thoughts to stop. Oh, you’d like to untuck that shirt of his, maybe let one of your hands slid under the fabric and touch the man.
Breathless, you opened your eyes. Stop it, Y/N those thoughts would get you no where.
Gentlemen, you have been a sweet distraction but I feel I better retire for the evening.”
He felt something, he had never felt before...regret at not trying to get you sooner or attempting to talk to you further. Hs hoped you really would meet you two for breakfast and for that he was going to make sure to bot drink too much. Something about you intrigued him and it wasn’t just the stirring you caused in his pants.
Though the conversation with the old man, was nice. Kind of refreshing since for once it did not result in him needing information from him or biding his time to kill him.
“So where do you hail from, Charlie?”
“My brother and I come from Oregon.” He stroked his beard. “How about, Y/N?”
George, beamed proudly. “She is from a big city. Chicago.”
His heart stilled. “Chicago?”
“Yup, she came to us recently.”
Charlie’s heart stilled and for the first time he wavered on wanting to get the bounty. Though he mentally slapped himself, reminding himself of how large it was. Easily he gathered more information about you. In the morning, he. And Eli would take you easily and it would be the end of it. At least, you would be nice to look at traveling back to Chicago.
Finally, the sky was turning a purplish blue. It was dawn. You removed the chair from the door. All you could hear was silence.
Opening the door, you peaked out. No one was around. Creeping out, you headed to the staircase, then down you went. You were relieved that no one was sleeping at the bar or one of the tables. You were able to leave with no fuss.
Soon, you got to the stable. You left the stable hand some silver in his hand as he slept, got Turnip and in no time at all, you were galloping off to your home.
Your heart beat wildly in your chest. Hopefully, you were just paranoid and he was just too attractive and you were not used to it.
Charlie, told Eli all of the details before retiring for the evening. He was smug. Eli, had not wanted to come here and look what it brought the two of you, right to the bounty.
Once alone in his room, he pulled off his boots and took off the scarlet shirt. First, thing in the morning he would come a knocking and surprise you. Maybe he would even catch you in just your undergarments. Perhaps, more of of your soft breasts would be exposed. You wanted to see more of how they rose and fell as you breathed, especially if it was in relation to how he made you feel. Oh, how he would love for you to beg. You’d bid him to enter, maybe you slide down to your knees in front of him.
“Damn, it all to hell.” He muttered angrily. He had grown uncomfortably hard in his slacks. He palmed himself, groaning as he did. “Stop, Charlie.” Save this energy for the job.
By time you reached, home the sun was high in the sky and it was growing hot. You put Turnip in the stable with some cool water and food. Going back to the house, you locked everything down. You changed from your dress to one of your fresh shirts and pants. Then pulled on some fresh socks and your boots.
You were a little less concerned. Perhaps you really had been overthinking everything. If you had, then sure you would regret perhaps not enjoying a little flirtations but at least you would not have to deal with what would come next.
Finally sitting down in your bed with your back to the wall, you dozed off finally from not sleeping all night. You awoke to hearing some rustling. Peaking, as best you could out the back you saw a man gently getting Turnip from the stable, who had already saddled him. So you knew you had been right.
Grabbing an old flour sack, you began stuffing it, your book went in, corn cakes, dried meat, the powder with the tooth brush, a comb, extra bullets, some under garments, riding powder and a pair of socks, then you tucked in a separate small pouch of silver into your brazier. As you hurried about, there was a knocking at your door. You knew it was him before he called out.
“Y/N,” he called out and your heart sank. “It’s me Charlie, we need to talk.
“Charlie?” You screamed back, give me a moment.” You hoped he would. You prepared your rifle.
You quietly as possible opened the back door. You wouldn’t shoot the man but near him enough to startle him. That’s what you did, it worked. Immediately, you ran over, got onto Turnip stuffed your sack away and rifle away and nudging him hard, the two of you galloped away.
Luckily, you two knew the terrain so you could take risky maneuvers. When you looked ahead of you, you grew ill. There was a group of men, not terribly large but big enough and they were moving at good gallop. Looking, back you knew Charlie and that other man were also getting closer.
So you just moved as fast as the two of you could go. Moving off to the left, you thought for sure they wouldn’t want to go into the rocky areas. You saw that other group followed, you knew they they must be after you as well.
That’s when the air was knocked right out of you. You both landed on the ground before you realized what had happened. Pain shot through your side from falling but looking, you saw that your Turnip did not survive. At least he had not suffered. You crawled over him. Not sure if you could stand but because of the pain. You managed to get your sack but then rope twisted about you. Looking up, you saw a man with long ragged bear, leering at you. “Got you, sweet thing.” You froze, something about him made you want to retch and your stomach was empty.
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floosies · 5 years
La Munenca del Barrio
A/N: I think imma make a masterlist for the series after this chapter. Just so ya’ll know. I’m also already working on chapter 4
Summary/AN: This a passion project really, I’ve written previously using the mob!au so this a second attempt in that genre (i guess you could call it).
Warnings: Blood, violence, smut, strong language, and drug use
Rocio Cruz lives in a Brooklyn block best known for its vibrant and ignored community. What she always ignored though was the underground scene in the borough, the evils that lay in it and its people. That all comes to an end when she’s introduced to those things she ignored.
Chapter 3: Mil Cosas 
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Steve Rogers was a man who had seen a lot. He’d seen both beautiful things and the most heart breaking scenes. She however was something else. He’d never swore that he wouldn’t love again after the death of his first love but this didn't stop him from admiring from afar. Her eyes changed his mind, he was starstruck by some girl he’d never met but of Wilson was right, he’d crossed paths with her in the past.
His thoughts were disrupted by Sam’s laugh, “take a seat you guys, I’ll get a waiter. Introduce yourselves.” The girl looked shaken up, she must know who he is. Bucky nudged Steve, “you’re Rafael Cruz’s daughter?” he blurted out. It was all he was thinking about, but it probably wasn’t the right thing to start of with. Nevertheless, she answered, “yes, I’m Rocio Cruz. It’s, it’s nice to meet you.” Her voice was like silk to him. He shook her hand, it was so fragile. 
Her mind was racing just as much as his, she had no clue what to say or do but answer his questions. They were shaking hands for too long, Bucky noticed and spoke, “I’m Bucky, by the way. How are ya enjoying Sam’s little get together?” He chuckled as she stared away from Steve now looking at this man with eyes so dulled you’d think he’d lived a lifetime already. He looked careless, “it’s very colorful.” She said looking around at all the bright lights that somehow masked all the drinking and drugs that were being passed around like candies.
Sam came back with a couple of waiters and took a seat next to Leticia who was having fun watching all the awkwardness. “You ready to order mami?” Sam asked wrapping his arm around her waist. She smiled at him, “ready if you are.” So drinks were ordered. Rocio knew better than to drink more than two glasses at any party, so she made it a priority to remember this was her last drink. 
Leticia was the center of attention at the table which Rocio was happy about. There a was a bit of quiet, that’s when it got interesting. The question was asked, “anyone wanna play in a bit of snow?” Whether she realized it or not, Rocio’s eyes widened at the sight of a small baggie with the snow white powder. She looked over to the other men, Bucky shrugged meanwhile Rubio looked serious. Leticia thought it was funny and well Cubano had a smirk. With a look of being blandness Bucky spoke up answering the question, “I’ll take a line, make this night easier.” Rocio stared at him make the lines and take the small metal pipe. Cubano and Leticia weren’t far behind. 
Again the usual suspects started talking and now Bucky was in on the conversation too. Steve kept looking over at the girl who had his attention, she looked a bit nervous but not as afraid. Sam groaned mid conversation, “you guys are boring, mami let’s go dance.” Leticia was up and out of the stall in a whirlwind. Bucky started laughing, “pal i’m gonna go look for Nat. You got it from here?” He asked his friend who just nodded.
Then it was just them two. He knew Rocio wasn’t going to be the one to start a conversation so he did, “i’m sorry about Sam, he can be eccentric at times.” He started with an apology because she looked a bit startled still. What she was really thinking is that she was now left alone with a man who owned where she lived basically. She shook her head smiling, “it’s not your fault, this is his party after all.” Steve just nodded. He messed around with his watch while she looked at the chaos that was the party. 
He felt beyond annoyed with himself, he was the boss of Brooklyn, the guy with so much blood on his hands he could practically swim in it. Yet, here this girl was making him more nervous than a kid who just caught stealing. Sighing he tried another conversation starter, “you speak spanish?” If he could have punched himself he would’ve, she’s half Puerto Rican and Mexican of course she spoke spanish. However, she laughed, “si, y tu?” He smiled, “un poco, Brooklyn me enseno con tiempo. Es importante saber como comunicar, verdad?” She smiled trying to hide her laugh, his accent was so thick as he spoke, but at least he could communicate in full sentences. 
They talked some more, he pointed out the people at the party who she should know. She learned about everyone, from the foreigners to Manhattan’s own billionaire mobster, he was one of the older players in the game who’d recently taken in some kid from Queens to mentor. He did warn about the Norwegian guys who looked like they were made in some sort of factory for scary looking muthafuckers. The one thing about Rocio is she always had good timing when it came to asking questions and as he finished rambling about how he came to power she asked, “so why’d you come to the party tonight?” That somehow shut him up.
Why had he come to the party, when there was obviously more important things he could’ve been doing. This was either his chance at a pick up line or at an actual answer, he chose the first. “Don’t know really, but after meeting you, I’d say it was a good choice to come. Te miras como una muneca, hice bien en quedarme.” She was blushing now, he could see some red forming around her cheeks. 
She was actually attracted to a guy who knew her dad, he wasn’t old but he was older than her. She was thankful she chose to only have two drinks, he kept staring at her though so she drank one more. After a while of him smiling at her like an idiot, she finally did it, “oye tengo algo en la cara? o que lio?” He laughed, “muneca lo unico que tiene esa cara es bellesa. Vamos a bailar?” He asked taking her hand. Before she could answer yes or no, they were already on the dance floor. 
As they danced she realized she didn’t have a clue how she was gonna get home. Leticia was somewhere with Cubano high as a kite and she was stuck with Rubio, which wasn’t so bad except it was getting late. One thing about Steve was that he could read people like a book, it’s why Blue eyes trusted him. The guy knew when someone was lying, mad, happy, etc. So he could see the stress in Rocio’s eyes. He took her to the side, where they could talk, “que tienes muneca?” She looked at him confused, “i’m fine. Nothing’s wrong.” She knew she was lying but he didn’t need to know that. “Don’t lie, I don’t appreciate lies.” His voice was stern but caring, it’s something he was good at as well, the whole changing tone with a situation.
He calmed down when realized she just needed to get home. It was a good enough excuse for him to leave as well, the party was becoming a damn drug orgy so he knew it was time to go. Thankfully his men were quick and got the car to him and Rocio in no time. She gave him her address, mainly because this was a man who’d find it anyways and she knew better than to play with him like that. His arm fell on top of her shoulder, “manana que haces?” he asked watching her eyes as she thought about it. She answered rolling her eyes at the fact she’d forgotten she had some clients who were gonna come over to get their nails done in the morning, “after that I have to get my sister and brother from school and help my mama make dinner for them. Es lo que siempre estoy haciendo.” He nodded, taking in what she’d said.
They arrived to where the apartments were. He knew them well, he’d always visit a couple people there who owed him favors. She was about to leave the car when he stopped her, “muneca dame tu telefono,” he said. She handed it over and within seconds he had her number and location. He gave it back, “solo manana tienes clientes?” He asked smoothly, she thought about it again, “si, estoy libre por la semana despues de manana. Porque?” He smirked, “bueno pues, I’ll text you. Tell your mama you’re not gonna be home on Monday alright? Dile que sales con amigas, we’re gonna go on a little trip. There’s alot I wanna talk to you about.” With that he took her other hand and kissed it, “goodnight munenca.” The car door closed after and all Rocio had running through her head was que ya se frego. 
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aberystwythboy · 5 years
Taron and Me
CHAPTER 11  Home
You arrive back in London, after spending a week of glorious views, relaxation, oh and a proposal!   Taron has gone to New York for another Rocketman screening and interview.   He will only be away this time for a week.  You catch up with your friends and have lunch to share the news of your engagement. "Oh my god, we are so happy for you both" they say hugging you. But you sense one of your friends, Kate, who you've known since preschool doesn't seem to share the same joy.   "Are you ok?" you ask as you pull her aside.  "Oh yeah, sure" she says smiling back. You decide not to drag the conversation on, as she clearly doesn't want to talk.  "I'd better get going" Kate says.   "I've got some things to do"  "Um, ok" you say confused, and she hurries out of the cafe.
"What's gotten into her?" you ask your other friends.  They all sit silently until Jemma looks up from her lunch, takes a breath and blurts out   "Kate is in love with Taron."   "Wait, What?"  Amanda takes over the conversation, as Jemma can't believe she just disclosed that info she promised Kate she wouldn't tell. "We went to a party while you and Taron went to Aberystwyth, and Kate got really drunk and blurted out that she loves Taron and wished it was her with him and not you."  
Kate had also known Taron for a really long time and before you and he got together, they used to flirt with eachother all the time.   "Of course, it all makes sense now" you remember their flirtiness and sexual advances towards eachother, wishing it was you flirting with him instead, but she had alot more confidence than you did.  You suddenly turn your anger into jealousy as you turn your head back to Jemma and Amanda.   "Should I be worried?" you ask with an expressed look on your face.  "She also said, she will do anything to break you two up, even if it means breaking up your friendship, just to be with Taron."  Jemma now says without giving a shit about Kate's secret.   "Don't worry" Amanda pipes up  "He loves you, not her" You talk about wedding plans etc. but you just can't shake the news of what the girls have just told you about Kate.  You end the lunch, and cuddle both girls goodbye.  You are almost home when your phone rings. It's Taron, "Hey my gorgeous fiance" and you can hear the happiness in his voice.  "Hey" you say quite flat.  "Baby what's wrong?"   You don't want him to worry while he's away, so you perk up and say "Oh sorry babe got distracted, was just looking at this guy down the road trying to fit a lounge into the back of his car" you lie, and start to laugh.  "Wow, some people hey" he says laughing back.
"Anyway, I'm on my way home baby" "But it's only been 3 days"  He sighs, "Oh, I thought you'd be happy" he says a little surprised.   "Baby I am, I'm sorry sweetheart, it's certainly not what I meant, I can't wait to see you" He senses something still isn't right, but just let's it go, for now.  "I'll see you soon, I love you" he says.  "I love you too Taron" as you both hang up. He arrives home a few hours later with a big bouquet of flowers as he kisses you deeply.   "I've missed you gorgeous" you say as you breath in his cologne. "You smell delicious" you add and he smirks "Good enough to eat" he says cheekily.  You laugh as you take the flowers and find a vase for them. "Maybe" you say back, just as cheekily.
As you both lay in bed that night, the thought of Kate enters back into your head.  You turn onto your side to face Taron and he turns onto his side to face you.  He looks over your face and can sense worry in your eyes.  "What's wrong baby?" After a long pause, You tell him about Kate and what Amanda and Jemma told you. He seems surprised, but not shocked about Kate's feelings towards him.  "Did anything ever happen between you two, apart from flirting in drama school?" He doesn't wanna hurt you, but doesn't wanna lie either.  "We.. um, we, went on a couple of dates" he mumbles.  "What the fuck Taron!" you yell quite hurt and extremely jealous now.  "And???" "And we slept together a few times"  You start to cry, and he tries to comfort you. "Don't fucking touch me Taron" you yell.  "What the fuck did I do?  We weren't even together back then!"  he yells back.  
"Why didn't you tell me you slept with my best, now ex friend?"  you say still crying.  "I figured she had already told you, and the fact you never brought it up, it didn't matter to you.""Of course it matters Taron" feeling heartbroken.   "It didn't work out in the end, I'm with you, I love you, and you only" he says matter of factly.  "Why didn't it work out?" he looks up at youand pauses before smiling "Because I was in love with you, and she knew that, so I broke it off."   You wipe your tears, lean over and kiss him, he kisses you back just as eagerly and you whisper "I'm sorry" and he pulls your body closer to his.  You relax as you feel Taron's chest against yours and you eventually both drift off to sleep.
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song-of-storms162 · 5 years
Secret of Happiness
Sometimes to relax, to be happy, one need only reminisce memories that came before or after the darkness, or they reminisce the brightest memories, the moments of happiness that occured when the darkness lorded over the land. This is epilogue to music box.
Twlight had a lot of secrets, but then again who didn’t?
The object sitting in his bag was one of them, and this secret was one of the few that Twilight would admit made him embarrassed. Yet he was also happy, because when one had secrets of death and magic, he was happy to have a secret that could embarrass him and not frighten him.
Like a regular person.
Twilight turned to lay on his side, it was nighttime now in this Hyrule. They hadn’t recognised whose Hyrule it was yet but they were all tired by the time of their arrival. So when Time had decided they were to make camp, none had complained.
Yet Twilight couldn’t feel the weariness that was there hours ago, it seemed his body refused to let him get the rest it craved not too long ago. After tossing and turning in his blanket, Twilight was getting more restless as sleep drifted further and further away from his grasp. Huffing, the hero of Twilight sat up in frustration before eyeing his pack of supplies.
He could bring it out, but what if he woke the others? Carefully folding his blanket, Twilight got up and swept a look across the camp. No one was on guard duty, something rare, but with everyone tired out and no monsters to be seen, they all agreed to sleep without getting woken for guard duty. For once.
There was no fire lit to light his way but the illuminated stars and moon were more than enough to allow Twilight to see where his pack was. Creeping on cat soft feet, the hero reached his pack without tripping or waking anyone, though he had a near fall when Wind shifted and left a leg in his path. But Twilight didn’t care, the only night they were allowed a whole night’s sleep was the night his body refused to sleep.
Twilight rummaged around, muttering a curse under his breath when he didn’t feel the wanted object anywhere. He grinned in triumph as his fingers felt the familiar carved metal and he closed his fingers around the object before pulling it out of his bag.
The music box hadn’t been damaged in all the traveling, something he was glad for, there were enough scratches along the metal’s side that made Twilight extra careful with it. After carefully tucking it into the pocket of his tunic, Twilight crept back to where he had been sleeping.
A giddy smile played on his lips as he held the music box in his hand, it was small enough that if placed on one’s palm, could easily be engulfed by one’s fingers. Twilight remembers the first time he held it, back then he needed both hands to fully cover it. This small box of gears and metal with a handle sticking out of one side held numerous memories for Twilight.
When he first started his adventures, he hadn’t brought it with him, thinking he had to put service before self: the entire world was in danger, he didn’t have time to busy himself with a ‘trinket’. Even if that trinket was more than a bauble to him.
But when he started this new adventure, he had politely asked if he could take the music box with him. His request wasn’t denied and Hylia was he thankful for that. When one had secrets of Darkness and magic, he needed something that held a different kind of secret. And the music box that played a melody he never tired of was a secret of happiness. His happiness.
His fingers brushed against the carved letters, L and M. Twilight looked up from the object of his affection to briefly glance at his mentor. Time’s chest was rising and falling slowly, his eyes closed and mouth open to murmur the occasional unintelligible sound but he was asleep. Yet Twilight spotted a lovely tree with enough cover to hide and keep watch over everyone. He glanced at the music box again, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, and the letters on the box, if they truly meant what he thought...
Twilight found himself sitting at the tree’s roots before he realised it.
Cranking the handle slowly, Twilight winced when a small squeak sounded from the device. Muttering a soft apology, Twilight continued to turn the handle until he decided it was enough. And soon, the soft lilting melodies began weaving themself into the chilly night air.
Twilight gazed at the stars as the music wafted out of the box, the moon was especially bright tonight and Twilight could almost the face of a dear friend smiling down at him. He smiled softly at the thought of her, this was something he did when he returned from helping Midna. ‘Helping’, Twilight frowned at the word, breaking the only gateway between their worlds had not helped him. At all.
There were times when he would sneak out of the farmhouse, walk the short distance to the stables and climb the roof to simply gaze at the moon and listen to the music box on his lap. There were nights he spent with his beloved Epona in her stall on a bed of straw or hay, playing his steed the same melodies of that wafted in the air right now. While Midna was with him his entire adventure, the only one who came close to being at Twilight’s side at all times was his steed.
Twilight had done this more than once, enough that when other ranch hands couldn’t find him in bed in the morning, they’d start climbing rooftops of the stables and windmills. When it became apparent that he did this on sleepless nights, the ranch hands started leaving blankets in Epona’s stall for him.
Though they couldn’t leave a blanket on the roofs without it getting blown by the wind...
Twilight appreciated their concern, they let him do his own thing, they left blankets and pillows out for him, one farm hand wanted to build a railing on the stable roof to keep Twilight from falling but Twilight had politely refused him. The music box helped somehow, it was a cycle of sorts: play music, reminisce, and somehow fall asleep and stay asleep during those two stages.
Now as he saw his beloved mare’s muzzle on the moon’s surface, more memories overcame him, more people’s faces appeared on the surface of the moon. Ilia, Rallis, Zelda, old friends and allies before the faces became more frequent ones; Sky, Warriors, his protégé, his mentor.
“How long have you been awake?”
Time’s raspy voice started Twilight and the music box bounced from the sudden jerk in the Wolf’s arms. Twilight tried catching it but failed before Time caught it in a swift hand. Time eyed the object he caught, music still piping out of the metal and gears.
His expression changed, perhaps softened was a better way to say it. Twilight quietly observed his mentor who plopped down on the roots of the tree all while lovingly staring at Twilight’s secret. Time brought the box to his eye level, his one eye observing the box and Twilight realised what he was looking for.
“It’s on the other side,” Twilight coughs and Time glances at him before looking at said side. The carved letters were right where Time remembered. Silence enveloped the two heroes as the music went on and Time ran calloused fingers over those letters. Twilight kept watching and only when the music finished did he break that silence.
“So, it is yours?”
There was a heaviness in Twilight’s voice that he himself couldn’t quite place, and Time nods. “Didn’t think it lasted all that time.”
“We’ve been taking care of it.”
Time holds the box in an angle that makes the scratches gleam in the moonlight. “Hm. I can see that.”
Twilight felt a twinge of annoyance at this. “Scratches aside, old man, it wouldn’t be here if I didn’t take proper care of it.”
Time smirks at this. “True.”
Twilight huffs and reaches an arm to take back the music box but Time’s already cranking the handle, a smile breaking across the older hero’s lips. So Twilight retracts his arm but when he notices the soft look on his mentor’s face, the Wolf realises it’s the same look Time makes whenever they talk about his wife. Malon or Mavourneen as Twilight would tease.
And Twilight wonders, is he thinking of her?
“Do you two have a moment with it?” Twilight asks, eager to hear a story concerning Time and Malon or should he say Link and Malon. The L and M carved into the music box’s side obviously had some element of a story in it. But Twilight also didn’t want to press his mentor, so he waited for Time to answer.
“We do,” Time replies, voice a whisper like he’s about to confess something. We, there was never a me or an I when it came to Time and Malon, just we. “We have a number of moments circling this music box.”
“Tell me one.” Twilight doesn’t hesitate to say his wants. “I like hearing about her, about both of you.”
Time’s laughter rings along the melody from the music box. “Why pup? Why do you like hearing about us more than me?”
The wry smile doesn’t make Twilight back down. “Because she brings a side to you, a side I’m guessing not many have seen.”
Twilight pauses when he sees the smile disappear from Time’s face, before continuing slowly. “Besides, you look most happy when you talk of her.”
Time’s blank expression meant alot of things, things Twilight has yet to decipher beyond the meanings he already know. “That music box,” Twilight nods to the object in his mentor’s hands. “It’s a secret of mine. One I am happy to have.”
The blank look is gone from Time’s face and Twilight is relieved to see curiosity in the elder’s expression. “A thought for a thought, Old man?” Twilight asks and Time nods. “I won’t hesitate to say that all of us, the wielders of the triforce of courage, have secrets we all find hard to say out loud.”
“Secrets of death and magic, of wisdom and power, of love and loss,” Twilight looks up to the moon as he says this and for a moment he sees the Twilight Princess’s face on its silver gray surface. “So to have a secret like this, something someone might call ‘mundane’ well...”
Twilight’s gaze falls to his hands, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Honestly, I’m happy to have a secret like this.”
Time watches his protege before smiling himself. “I see. Say, pup, how often do you play the music box?”
Twilight’s gaze lifts to Time, a surprised expression flashing before his eyes return to his hands. “When I absolutely can’t sleep.”
“Occasionally then.” Time sees Twilight nod before his eye catches the faint color on Twilight’s ears. “This isn’t something to be embarrassed about, Twi.”
Twilight’s eyes lift to Time and Time, for a second, sees no hero when seeing Twilight’s expression but a child. Like a toddler who’s embarrassed to have broken the cookie jar when being told they could have no more.
Time decides to change the subject. “Tell me, why do you play the music box? When there are other ways to deal with insomnia?”
Twilight mutters something unintelligible and Time’s eye narrows. “Pup, let me tell you my thought for a thought.”
Surprise blinks into Twilight and Time decides to hurry on with his words. “You say this is your secret, one that i believe makes you happy. We all have our ways of dealing with certain things. Including secrets and insomnia.”
Twilight looks at his hands once more and Time shifts back into the tree’s trunk. “We don’t make fun of the way we do things and that music box, well you were right that i do have a moment with her in it.”
Time reaches around the tree’s base, his fingers closing around a branch. “I bought it one day and showed it to her, she had this look on her face that she didn’t believe me when i said it played music.”
Time’s hand grips around the branch and he takes it into the moonlight for Twilight to see. Twilight stares at Time in interest as the older begins drawing on the dirt.
“Of course that all changed when i cranked that little handle. We danced once and she made me play the music again and again,” Time looks up from his drawing to show Twilight his masterpiece.
Two stickman figures stare back at Twilight, their arms connected like they were dancing. Time draws a little sun in the background of the two while continuing. “We danced till daybreak and we do it everytime we couldn’t sleep.”
At ‘we’, Twilight whips his head to his teacher, who busies himself with making hair for the stickmen. We, not him, never him, so if Time couldn’t sleep his wife would be by his side. Twilight tucked that bit of information away.
“That’s how I dealt with it,” Time says simply before putting down the branch and admiring his work. Twilight doesn’t want to comment on Time’s use of ‘dealt’.
So instead Twilight tells his thought for a thought. “That music box, it reminds me of my happiest times. Times before i became hero, times after I fulfilled my duty and sometimes, times when i am a hero.”
Twilight leans back into the tree trunk, feet shifting to a more comfortable position. “Wild has his slate to play memories, i have my music box. Except well, mine passes on this feeling of happiness or comfort. If that makes sense.”
Twilight scrunches his nose after that wondering if it were indeed possible for other Hylians to feel comfort or emotion from music. But Time nods and Twilight knows his mentor understands him.
“Hearing that melody invokes the happiest moments in you?”
“Comfy ones as well and feeling that helps me sleep.”
“I see, and after hearing what you told me, do you know what i realise?”
Twilight shakes his head and Time grins. “I owe you two thoughts. And the first is the music box has a secret compartment inside.”
Twilight’s eyes bulge and Time laughs at his protege. “You can find it later pup. And my second one are the words i’m about to say to you.”
Twilight blinks at the sudden solemn expression Time wears and Time’s voice is soft when he speaks.
“I saw her, you know? When the music played, saw her in her night clothes, smiling and laughing, leading me here, to the music box. To you.”
“Twi, you said the music box brings comfort for you right?” The solemn expression is gone and Twilight nods.
“Well,” Time chuckles. “It does the same for me as well. You were right when you said she brings a rare side out of me.”
“Dancing with her became one of my happiest moments and i relive it every time i hear this melody,” says Time as he begins to crank the handle. “It appears that i still do even when we’re apart.”
The melody chimes out of the machine and Time smiles as he takes Twilight’s arm and presses the music box into younger’s palm.
“Twilight, no, Link.”
The sudden usage of their real name makes Twilight’s back stiffen and Time chuckles at the act. “This secret is one you shouldn’t be embarrassed about. After seeing you with it tonight, it’s not embarrassment, it’s happiness.”
Time releases Twilight’s arm and Twilight looks down on the music box, still playing it’s song.
“You said so yourself, didn’t you?” Time’s voice seemed to echo into the night. “You were happy to have this secret. If anything, it’s a secret of happiness.”
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jpat82 · 6 years
Vacation Time
@kitkatkl I love it when you ask for Deadpool. 23, 28, 26, And 27.
Tumblr media
23.) Hey, you with the bad attitude.
28.) did you just.. hit me with a water ballon?
26.) You're in trouble now!
27.) catch me if you can!
Sittin' on the dock of the bay, watchin' the tide roll away. Ahh, life can't get any better then this. Watching as my girl sharpens her wicked little knives, they glimmer so pretty in the sunlight. A lot has happened since we had our last talk, but as a guy who doesn't kiss and tell, which by the way there is ALOT of kissing, I'll tell you it's been bliss.
     Not a day goes by that I don't thank that  graped no-nut goon for interrupting our lives. It was the day that earth stood still, and shortly there after, and coincidentally little less crowded. Franchises tell me that’s a bad thing, but at least my girl made it through. Ain’t no snap of the fingers that take her out.
    Her and I, we've killed a some baddies together, so much we've become a dynamic duo. However this week we decided to scale it back a bit, enjoy some of our summer together. Hanging out a nice swanky resort, listening to sound of waves crashing against sand. A little slice of heaven. Got to love romantic summers.
     "Wade, are you doing that thing again?" You asked, looking over at the man clad in the red and black suit.
     He was lounging back in a hard plastic kiddie pool, blow up flamingo floaty around his waist. In his gloved hand he held a glass of water with a tiny brightly colored paper umbrella in it. You knew he had come out of the house but you had no idea that he had decided to look as ridiculous as he did, especially with the flippers on his feet that were outside the small pool.
     "What thing, snookums?" He cooed, tilting his masked face. You let out a heavy sigh hanging your head at the stupid nickname.
     "Wade, we've gone over this. Snookums, not allowed." You replied, turning back the the table where every knife in your arsenal lay.
     It was Wade's idea to take a vacation, nice little resort, get away from the city. Hell, maybe just maybe catch up on some much needed sleep. Well his idea and your idea of a resort we're to totally and completely different things.
     You were thinking maybe a nice hotel room on the beach, maybe with a view, go some where. Wade's idea of a resort was crashing at abandoned house, very small house but luckily in decent shape, near the a river that looked less then savory, right across a set of frequently used railroad tracks.
     At least you had your knives.
     "Pudding, why don't put the knives down and come join me in the pool." Wade suggested, your head snapped up from the knives. Pudding? Did he really just call you that?
    Slowly you turned your upper body, brows pinched together. Wade had his head leaned back, looking like someone who might of been working on their tan, except for the fact every inch of the man's body was covered.
    "Did.. you did not just call me pudding." You stated, slowly wrapping your fingers around a knife.
    Wade looked back over at you, you could see part of the mask above his left eye raise. The two of you had spent enough time together for you to notice the small details of his facial movements through the mask. No doubt he was raising his eyebrow currently, reassessing his choice of words.
    "Uh, I don't think I did." He replied, slowly you turned back to the table. "I don't think she likes that nickname."
     You rolled your eyes, knowing he was talking to his 'people." You shook your head raising from the table, not bothering to look back. You gathered up the knives, placing each one back into their sheath.
    "While your at it, mind telling your friends if could pay a monthly subscription to watch us that'd be great." You quip back before heading inside.
    Don't worry, you'll always get the deadpool channel for free.
     Much later in the day you headed back out in the yard, Wade had spent most of the day in the little pool. The sun had started setting and you were ready to eat, you brought out the hamburgers to the grill. Firing it up, scraping it clean.
     "Hey you, with the bad attitude." Wade's voice piped up from behind you. Just as you began to turn something hit you partially in the back.
     "Did you just.. hit me with a water ballon." You replied, the water seaping down your side as looked over at you soon to be dead boyfriend.
     You blinked hard a couple of times in disbelief, you had helped pack his things and he hadn't left the house since the two for you had arrived. It was beyond you as to how in the world Wade had managed to get them past you. You tilted your head to the side just slightly, the 'eyes' of his mask widen just a bit.
     "Would you believe me if I told you it slipped?"He responded slowly standing up, you took one step towards him, spinning the spatula in your hand much you did with your knives.
       "Oh, it slipped it did?" You chuckled, darting off the back patio. "You're in so much trouble now!"
     "Catch me if you can!" Wade giggled taking off, flippers tripping the poor guy up before he managed to kick them off, with the pool floaty around his waist.
    Yeah, he was a little shit, but he was your little shit.
@devilbat @octobermermaid @ajosieface @10robins @instantnoddles
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kaoru-takaida · 6 years
Make A House A Home...
Hope and Kaoru look around the busy, yet quiet Rising Stones. "She... should be around here somewhere..." Hope begins.
Kaoru sighs. "Tis no surprise of mine, however..." Kaoru smiles halfheartedly up at Hope. "Alisaie was never one to stay still for too long..." Kaoru looks past Hope to see the small Elezen girl just a few fulms away. Hope notices and turns to spot Alisaie.
"Ah!" Hope stops herself, noticing that she's sleeping at the table she's seated at with a knitted blanket over her shoulders. "She's just sleeping there?" Hope asks, a worried look on her face. F'lhaminn walks over, as if in que.
"She was up all night studying spells." F'lhaminn tells the girls. She put a hand on her chin, looking nonplussed. "Honestly, at her age, she should be out with friends and having fun. Not slaving over spell books and sleeping in taverns..."
Kaoru gives F'lhaminn a weak yet very understanding smile. "Her and Alphinaud have always been like this. They'd rather read a book inside than be outside. Alphinaud a bit more than Alisaie..." Kaoru's smile fades. "But with Alphinaud gone, I cannot blame her for not wanting to be out." She turns to Hope. "But F'lhaminn is right about the tavern bit though. I let this slide since it moonlights as our base of operations. However, the fact still remains that this is a tavern. And Alisaie shouldn't be here by herself, let alone sleeping here."
Hope shrugs at Kaoru. She agreed, but wasn't sure on what could really be done about this. "Well, the twins have been just staying in the spare rooms here, or at the inn when we were at Kugane... It's not like any of us own property." Kaoru sighs, but thinks on that. Hope waves towards Alisaie. "Let's get her to sleep somewhere comfy." Kaoru nods.
They both make their way over to Alisaie. But... they're both a bit apprehensive on waking her... since she's not one to take being woken up lightly. Hope finally swallows hard and sucks it up. She gently shakes Alisaie by the shoulder. "Hey. Alisaie..." Hope begins. Alisaie inhales slowly before scowling and opening her eyes a bit. She looks between the two of them, looking throughly exhausted. "You shouldn't sleep here."
Kaoru gives Alisaie a warm smile. She leans forward, hands on her knees. "Come, tis a hazard to your posture to sleep upright like so. Let's find a place for you to lie down." Alisaie stretches before yawning.
Kaoru stands straight, relieved Alisaie did not make a fuss. Alisaie rubs her eyes. "There will be no need of that. I've slept enough." Hope and Kaoru exchange concerned glances.
"Is there aught you need to do?" Kaoru asks.
Hope nods. "Yeah. We can help if you'd like?" Alisaie cocks an eyebrow. "Or, you know, if you wanna just hang out for a bit?"
"We-We'd be happy to help out with that as well!" Kaoru stammers, a bit too forced, a determined look on her face. Making Hope cringe at how unnatural that was. Alisaie scowls a bit, clearly not missing the obvious.
"You're terrible at your subtlety sometimes, Kaoru..." Hope comments, making Kaoru laugh nervously.
Alisaie sighs, closing her eyes. She stands straight, the white knitted blanket falling from her shoulders and onto the chair behind her. "Look. I'm a grown woman. Yes, I'm worried for Alphinaud..." Alisaie places a hand on her hip. "But I'm not so frail to let such a thing hinder myself and burden my duties."
Kaoru cocks an eyebrow. Hope scoffs. "You say that, but you're clearly troubled by him leaving for Garlemald." Alisaie shoots Hope a small glare, her jaw setting. Hope crosses her arms. "It's okay to worry, you know. It's natural and we're all doing it."
Hope knew that all too well. Her significant other was facing dangers even she did not know. It's already been a few weeks... and they've yet to hear even a single word from the other Leveilleur twin. Her brain was reeling at the thought. What if something happened? What would she do? What COULD she do is the real question. It wasn't like any of them had any means of reaching the Empire...
And Kaoru, who spent the entirety of her childhood and teen years looking after both Alphinaud and Alisaie like the mother hen she was must have been just as worried. And to add icing to the whole depressing cake, Kaoru's significant other had left shortly after Alphinaud had to "see to his own business" as Kaoru had put it.
She hadn't received so much as a letter from Tius.
Alisaie exhales in a low scoff. Kaoru is the one who speaks now. "Alisaie... I doubt even Alphinaud has any idea just how many people are worried over his wellbeing. There are many and more." Kaoru puts a hand to her chin, looking concerned. "But there is naught we can do but have faith that he'll be okay and come back safely."
Alisaie clenches her teeth. "I refuse to believe that the only thing I am capable is waiting for his return." She steps out from behind the table and into the open walkway, scowling.
"That's not what we're saying." Hope tells her. "We're saying that there's little we can do while he does his thing."
Alisaie tsks. "Hmph. Well, that's what you think. I, however, am more inclined to taking action where it is needed." And with that, she storms away and out through the tavern doors.
When she's out of earshot, Hope runs a hand through her white and purple hair in frustration. "Gods, teenagers are so dramatic..." She hisses dryly.
"Alisaie is right about keeping busy..." Kaoru tells Hope.
"We have been. You know how busy I am? There are so many things I do that sleeping seems like a pipe dream." Hope tells her. "We have plenty on our plates. But..." Hope stops. "I can see where you're going with that."
Kaoru nods. "Alisaie's naught else to occupy her but waiting, studying, and little more. I wish there were some way that she could at least be rid of the burden of finding a place to sleep properly..." Kaoru's eyes light up. "Hope! I just got an idea!" Hope cocks an eyebrow. "You may think it's crazy, but... I need alot of money."
One week later...
Alisaie pulls at the red scarf around her neck, loosening it a bit. Both Hope and Kaoru keep dragging her. Each of them with one arm in their hands and their free hands on her eyes. "This is ridiculous... How much longer do you both plan on dragging me around like so? Where the Hells are we?"
"Just a little longer, Alisaie." Hope tells her.
"Ugh! Come on. You got me to wear the fancy matching sweater and play along." Alisaie begins. "What more can you possibly-." They stop suddenly, removing their hands and gesturing in a "tada-!" motion. "... have......" Alisaie begins, a look of astonishment on her face. Before her was a small wooden house, with a pond in the yard in front of the door and a bridge leading to the door with willow trees shading the area. Alisaie takes a second to continue her surprised look before letting a skeptical look on her face. "And this being?"
"We bought a house for the three of us." Kaoru says, smiling brightly. Alisaie's look softens at the sound of this, jaw dropping slightly and eyebrows raising a bit. "I know this may be a bit strange... And by no means is this our way of tethering you to lay roots in Eorzea. But..."
Kaoru looks to Hope. She nods. "It was a long time coming. We all needed a place to stay and relax and not have to worry about where we'll put up for the night." Hope finishes.
Strolling through the house, Alisaie can definitely see bits of Kaoru and Hope in the decor and the set up. But what surprised her the most was how lived in and comfortable it really was. Hope and Kaoru had been here for a week already to settle everything and such. Then walking down the stairs, she saw something she wasn't expecting. A soft white and red futon is placed delicately next to the fireplace. Some books that look familiar are stacked neatly next to it. A teddy bear with a red bandana sits next to the pillow. Alisaie remains speechless.
"Tis only temporary, the cot, till we go and have you pick out a bed that is to your liking." Kaoru tells her. When Alisaie says nothing, Kaoru nervously twirls her hair.
"This... cannot replace your home in Sharlayan. But-." Hope begins.
Alisaie turns to them, stopping Hope's words. A sad smile on her face, but a smile nonetheless. "Thank you for this. Both of you." She says. The look on her face makes the both of them feel heat in their cheeks. Alisaie looks around again. "You both put so much effort into making me feel better. And for that I am thankful."
Hope and Kaoru look at each other, before exchanging smiles.
Later that night...
Alisaie stares at the wall from her futon. She'd felt a bit guilty, despite loving the girls for doing this for her and them. She really was being a bit too stubborn as far as waiting goes. But-.
A hand on her shoulder makes Alisaie shudder and jolt upwards from the futon. "Easy, easy!" Hope tells her, holding her hands up. Alisaie sighs heavily.
"Godsdammit, Hope..." Alisaie scowls, placing both hands on the futon in front of her. "You looking to give me a heart attack or something of the sort?!"
Hope chuckles once, smiling. Alisaie can see her smile in the flickering warm light of the fireplace. "Can't sleep?"
Alisaie's eyebrows go up in surprise. "Well... no... but-." Hope nods over to the canopy bed that she and Kaoru have started sharing. Alisaie shakes her head. "Oh, no. Thank you. But I'm quite alright-." Hope takes her by the elbow and before she can resist, she's nuzzled in between Kaoru and Hope. She grimaces a bit, blushing deeply. "Don't be an idiot... This is so ridiculous..." She grumbles.
Hope pulls the covers over her own shoulders, turning on her side to look at Alisaie. "Oh, hush. It's only ridiculous if you make it so."
Kaoru giggles, smiling at Alisaie. "The last time we slept in the same bed was back in Sharlayan after you stayed up reading a horror novel at night."
Alisaie didn't think it was possible to blush anymore, but it happened and she immediately pulled the covers over her head. "That's it. Good night!!" Both Kaoru and Hope laugh at her sudden embarrassment.
When the laughter subsided, Kaoru's smile fades. "Do you... think they're both truly fine?" Hope immediately gasps a bit. Alisaie peeks out from under the comforter. Kaoru purses her eyebrows. "Tius he..." She chokes a bit. "He was never one to talk about his past. He's one to look to the future, and he tends to leave the past be as it was. 'No use in trying to change what has already happened when you have to face what's happening now' he will always say..." Kaoru closes her eyes. "However... I know him too well. He makes everyone laugh and helps others. But there's a sadness under that smile of his. And he hides it with his thoughtfulness and jokes. But he can never hide that sadness from me..."
Both Hope and Alisaie don't say anything. They both know how keen and sensitive Kaoru was to emotions. Especially hidden ones. And it isn't just her who is nervous and worried. Hope reaches a bit over Alisaie to put her hand on Kaoru's shoulder. "We all have someone or something to worry over. But there isn't much we can do but wait and hope for the best." She says.
Alisaie can tell a third of that was for her. The second third? For Kaoru. And the last of it was to self assure herself. Kaoru chokes though. They can both feel the heaviness of the wait and worry. "You must really be hurting..." Alisaie says. She pulls Kaoru close to her, burying her head into her chest. "Just let it out... It'll be better if you do." Kaoru takes a second before she sniffles. And then, she takes Alisaie's offer. She begins to cry and soon enough she's quietly stifling sobs into Alisaie's chest. Alisaie holds her tightly, hugging her with all her might. Soon, Hope joins Alisaie. Hope hugs the both of them, scooting closer and sandwiching Alisaie in the middle.
But then, Alisaie hears Hope sniffle once. She looks over just in time to see a tears drop from Hope's cheeks. She clenches her teeth and closes her eyes tightly before sobbing quietly. At first, she can't help but think of how childish they were being. But the thought quickly fades from mind when she notices her own tears that have welled into her eyes. Then she realized... Two Warriors of Light were currently crying like lost babes. And she'd been stubbornly worrying them and concerning them when they could have done other things more productive and worthwhile.
She made them worry over her when they were already worrying about many a thing... She had made this needlessly difficult for them... Hope pulls Kaoru and Alisaie even closer to her, interrupting Alisaie's thoughts. Alisaie takes a second to relax before sighing as the tears roll down her cheeks. She closes her eyes pursing her eyebrows. "I suppose we're all idiots, then..."
Tag: Hope Gallant is @louderthanthedj
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thelittlestkitsune · 7 years
Mid Semester; chapter two.
A/N; This chapter is trash, so I do apologise. I hope you guys enjoy the surprise guest. ;) Enjoy! Love Lau xoxo
Pairing: ScottMccallxProfessor!Reader
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Warnings: none. for now.
Word count: 4,083 
Listen to me.              Mid Semester Masterlist               Let me know?
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“Are you guys comfortable?” You asked as your students looked back at you, dumbfounded at your question. “You guys got snacks?” You asked another question as brows knitted over eyes, chatter of what the fuck is going on as you sank into your chair, pulling it in front of your desk. “‘Cause it’s rant time. You know this is my favourite part of the week.” You chuckled as they all breathed a sigh of relief, the chatter dying down until silence lay heavily over the room. You pretended to crack your neck, a slight shudder rippling through the students as you sat back against the pleather seat. “Can anyone guess what I’m bitching about this week?” You threw the question out there as you waited for someone to bite. “Student loans?” Audrey, the quiet girl in the back row spoke, her eyes avoiding yours as you shook your head. “I mean that’s a whole different pot of tea. But any other guesses?” A chorus of concentrated humming washed through the room as you got yourself comfy in your seat, wrapping your scarf around your shoulders.  
“The government.” Audrey tried again, her voice clearer this time. Nice of you to finally join in the conversations. Good for you boo. A smile played on your lips as you shook your head, her hands falling flat against the wooden desk as she sighed. “Okay but surely you have complaints, I mean the way the president-” Cat started before quickly stopping, taking a steadying breath as she plastered a fake smile on her pink cheeks. “-Never mind, this isn’t the place to talk politics.” She sighed, her breath shaky as you gave her a small nod, her cap flopping back down over her eyes as she slid down her chair further. “So what are you going to bitch about?” Maddie asked, her hair bouncing around her face as she turned back to you. “Well none other than our buddy, our pal, the massive cockend that is Zeus.” A collective cheer vibrated through everyone as you smiled, enjoying when you could teach through pure hatred of a certain myth. “What did he do this time?” Kenzie asked, her elbows leaning on her desk as she propped herself on one arm. “Oh honey, you’ve got a storm coming.” You started, before launching into “WHY ZEUS IS THE WORST PART TWO.”  
“-And that’s why Zeus is the biggest fuckhead in history. Mythological or not, he shaped alot of pop culture these days.” You finished, taking a moment as you let everyone jot down notes. “Wait, lemme get this straight-” Cat started, pulling the cap from her head as she ran manicured fingers over her forehead, her green eyes pooling with confusion. “-So, Zeus decided to test this nefarious daddy Lycaon by visiting him looking like a homeless dude? The dude with 50 sons? And when Lycaon literally straight up murdered his own son and fed it to Zeus he got hella pissed and turned Lycaon into a wolf?” You pressed your lips together in a thin line as you stretched, standing up from your seat. “In not so many words yeah!” You summised, your head cocking to the side as you processed the information. “Now not to be a traitor in this class or anything? But like, doesn’t lycaon sound like the fucking worst?” Kenzie piped up, her lips caught between her teeth as you turned sharply. “Look, I have so much to cover about Zeus that Lycaon? Kinda looks like a martyr, a saint, the best pal a gal could have until he knocked her up!” You laughed as half the class snorted in reply.  
“Why are we even talking about Zeus again? Doesn’t the syllabus say that we should be discussing werewolves?” Todd piped up as you scowled at him. “You need to know the history. God, do you have no flair for the dramatic, I was building to it. You ruined it now.” You faked anger as you turned to the board, revealing your masterpiece. Art class paid off. A full size werewolf head graced the blackboard as you brandished towards your works. “This is being dramatic. Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your butts, we’re diving into the shit show myth that is-” You mocked a drum roll on your desk, holding your breath for even more dramatic effect. “-Werewolves.” Laughter echoed through the small room as you stood up straight, taking your scarf off from around your shoulders, the room warmer than it was when class began. “What kind of werewolves are we talking about? The pop culture ones or the scary old wives tale?” Kenzie asked as she chewed on the tip of her pen, your shoulders shrugging as you perched on your cluttered desk.  
“Well that’s the thing. We’re going to talk about both and do a comparison between the tales of yonder and the effect they have on our pop culture today.” You explained, lacing your fingers together over your knee. “So, we’re talking little red riding hood and twilight?” Em asked, speaking up for the first time in a while. Her eyes flickered between you and her notes as you nodded. “Yeah, well the myth surrounding werewolves goes a bit further than the Grimm brothers. We’re going to explore 4 myths associated with shape shifters; from the Armenians to the Slavic to the French. Of course we’re going to discuss the greeks though. Let’s start with the Armenians; you know, the ones who thought women that sinned were forced to walk as a wolf for seven days and seven nights. Not like they already had enough to deal with-”  
“Cami, where are you? I thought you wanted to meet for coffee? I only have so long before I need to be at my office?” You spoke into the receiver of your phone, balancing it on your shoulder as you scribbled in your notepad. “I won’t be long, I’m like not even two minutes out?” She breezed, a smile in her voice. “Tell me you’re not coming straight from a meeting with Thomas. We all know what those meetings entail!” You laughed as you doodled in the margins, your thoughts distracted once more. “Shut up you, you wish you were taking meetings.” You could almost hear the air quotations as she giggled. “Low blow, that’s cold. You owe me a coffee for that.” You joked, a small frown on your lips as she clicked off the call, leaving you to your devices. You stared at the stack of papers in front of you as you sat in the student coffee house, soft music playing as people chattered around you. “Excuse me, can I borrow this seat a moment?” a dark voice interrupted you, a familiar face coming into view.  
You turned, your mouth hanging open in shock as you gaped, words catching in your throat. “Derek?!” His name finally escaped your lips as you recognised the green eyed guy in front of you, his face much unchanged in the past 6 years since you saw him last. “What are you doing here?!” Derek asked, his fingers still gripping the seat next to yours as he flashed his oh so famous smile. “I’m a professor; believe it or not!” You laughed, tucking your frizzy hair behind your ears as you smiled. His lips mimicked your own as he nodded, pulling the chair out before sitting in it, his tall frame barely fitting in the plastic chair. “I don’t believe that for a moment. I’m just here visiting an old friend and you’re here. What kind of fate is that?” His eyes twinkled as you swallowed dryly, forgetting what a beauty he was. “A twisted sense of fate. 26 years old and still in college, I mean I teach it-” You laughed, looking down at all the papers you had to grade.  
“Yeah, well at least you went!” He joked, his hands running through his thick dark hair. “Look, I’m gonna be in town for a while, staying with my friend, I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee-” He paused, licking his lips as he looked over you, his eyes lingering on your open shirt for a second too long. “-or dinner sometime. I’ll give you my number, I finally caved and joined society. Gimme a call and we’ll sort something out okay?” He stared at you as you nodded meekly, his lips curling into a smile as he stood. “It was really good seeing you y/n, catch you later.” He winked as you pressed your lips together, trying to stop them from gaping open. “See you later Derek.” You waved shyly, looking over his handwriting as you heard a seat nearby scratch over wooden flooring. “Who in the hell was that?!” Cami exclaimed as she fell into the seat, her hair bouncing as she caught her breath. “An old friend. I’ve known him since middle school, I never thought I’d see him again, he kinda fell off the map when we got to high school.” You stared at the spot he’d sat in as you tapped your fingers on the table in front of you.  
“You don’t just drop off the map if you look like that.” She dropped her phone into her open bag, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she pressed forwards. “You got his number right? Y/N you’d be crazy not to get his number.” She babbled as you nodded, pointing to his scrawl on your notepad. “You need to ring him right now and set up a date. Right now, cause honey if you don’t then I will.” She demanded as you stuck your hands up in protest. “Look I can’t date right now?! I have too much to do!” You tried to defend yourself as her arms crossed across her chest, her brow quirked high above her hazel eyes. “You were complaining about not getting enough dick like last week?” You burst into laughter at her blunt comment, strangers turning to look at the noise that just erupted from your mouth. “Thanks for telling the world I’m sexually starved Cami, it’s just what everyone wanted to hear.” You sniffed, holding back chuckles as she gave you a shy smile. “What? It’s true! Let’s be honest, he looks like he’s hung like a horse.” She mocked a scale, her hands getting further and further apart as you shook your head and laughed. “I don’t think Derek likes me like that.” You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear again as you looked at the number once again.
“Well then he’s blind. Certifiably insane. Lock him away. In a sex dungeon of course.” she winked as you laughed, your lungs aching as you looked at her. “What would I do without you?” You smiled, looking at one of your best friends. “I dunno, die probably. Pay for your own coffee? Speaking of-” She trailed off, standing to her feet as she grabbed her purse heading off to order the two of you coffee. Maybe I should date? Might stop me being so distracted by certain guys that are so off limits it’s stupid. You gripped your pen in your hand as you searched your coat pocket for your phone, typing in Derek’s number. I’ll just send him a message, tell him it was great bumping into each other. You drafted the message, Cami interrupting you before you could send it. “So, what’s this I hear about you having boy troubles?” Cami’s words brought you hurtling back to reality as you let your phone fall from your hands.  
“Ugh, I guess Mal told you about Scott.” She nodded as she handed you a latte, her eyes sympathetic as she bundled herself into the small chair. “She did, we’re worried about you!” You smiled, your lip caught between your teeth as you thought of your situation. “It’s just so complicated, but it’s also so fucking simple. I feel so stupid even thinking that I could just do this job and there would be no complications.” You sighed, circling over the rim of your mug. “Before you judge me, I know I shouldn’t pursue it. I won’t because it’d be mortifying! He’s not interested in me. Maybe he is but he doesn’t show it at least-” You rambled, your mood plummeting as you dreaded your tutoring session in a few hours. “Y/N, stop it. I’m not judging you for it. You really think you’re the first person that wants one of their students?” She spoke quietly, the din of the coffee house muffling her words as she leaned closer. “You know Thomas was a student just a couple of months ago?” She admitted as you furrowed your brow in confusion.
“You two have been dating for like a year?!” She looked at you as you processed what she told you. “Cami! You didn’t!” You mock slapped her arm as she leaned back a small smile on her face. “I did. I regret nothing. Fuck it, you’re young and he’s hot! I say go for it. I mean what have you got to lose?” She asked, picking up her mug as she sipped at the piping hot liquid. “I mean nothing but my morality, my job, any sense of dignity I had.” You joked, cupping your mug as you sighed. “As I said, he’s not into me that way. I’m just his professor.” She laughed, her head tipping back as the noise carried through the small room. “Yeah, cause guys don’t have teacher fantasies. You’re so naive; it’s like you’ve never seen any porn. Ever. So sheltered. Either way, it’s set okay? If he shows he likes you, go ahead and ask him out. Discreetly of course, if not then you have to leave your options open.” Her eyes connected with yours as you nodded, knowing there was no way you could argue with her. “Fine, you win. If he shows any interest then I’ll ask him out.”  
A knocking on your door pulled you from your slumped position at your desk, your eyes streaming as you tore your eyes from your computer screen. “Come in!” You called, readjusting yourself as Scott walked through the door, a smile plastered on his cheeks. “Hey Y/N!” He chimed as you smiled, inviting him to sit down. “Hey Scott, you got that good shit for me?” You asked as he nodded, digging through his bag for the album he’d promised to bring this week. You reached across the desk, your fingers brushing against his as you took the album from him, your touch lasting longer than it needed to be. “You know I always deliver!” He joked, a smile playing on his lips as you quirked your brow. “Oh is that so? If that’s true where’s your paper?” You asked as his eyes widened, a dry gulp echoing in the small room. “About that, um, would you mind if I had an extension?” He asked, his puppy dog eyes batting together as he smiled.  
“Sure, you get a day! But only cause you get me the best albums.” A grin broke out over his face as he dug in his bag, looking for his trusted notepad and pen. “So, what treasured myth are we savaging today?” He asked, his pen gripped between his teeth as he continued to look for his notepad. “Werewolves.” You spoke triumphantly, excited to finally be covering the lesson with him. He paused, nervously licking over his lips as he sighed. “Werewolves?” He asked, a little hesitation in his words. “Yeah, do you believe in the myth?” You asked, turning the fan in the corner off as you shrugged off your cardigan. “I guess you could say that? It’s pretty common talk in my town.” He laughed, the noise awkward as he produced his notebook finally. “Where abouts do you come from Scott? I’m assuming Washington?” You asked, genuinely intrigued to know about him more.  
“California actually, I’m from a town called Beacon Hills? It’s a couple of hours away, it’s quite small.” Your mouth dropped open at the coincidence as a laugh fell from your mouth. “Fuck all the way off. You’re joking right?” He looked at you with confusion in his eyes over your outburst. “Please tell me you’re joking. I mean I don’t believe in fate but this is too rich to even be real.” You continued to laugh, doubled over as you dry heaved, tears forming in your eyes. “What’s so funny? How is it fate?” He asked, worry crossing over his face as he surely thought you’d cracked and gone insane. “I’m from Paradise! It’s like a town over or something right? I went to Devenford back in the day.” You smiled as he leaned back in his chair, pen dropping from his mouth. “No fucking way.” He breathed as you grinned. Well that’s a strange turn of events. “So you know about Beacon Hills? Everything?” He eluded to something grander as he spoke. “I know what you’re hinting at Scott. Yeah I know the myth isn’t a myth. Why do you think I teach this shit? It’s easy to teach something so abstract that actually exists.”  
Scott looked at you like a light had just been shone on you, his face glowing as his eyes tracked over you. A sigh left his parted lips as he flopped his arms down. “How do you know?” He asked, more intrigued with you as you shrugged. “It’s not exactly a secret. I knew of an alpha and his pack constantly saving the town from doing something or other. When the facts are laid out in front of you, you kind of have to add things together.” You knitted your fingers together as you twiddled your thumbs. Scott looked slightly pained, like something was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t quite bring himself to say it. “Do you know who the alpha was?” He hurried the words as you shook your head. “No clue, why? Do you?” He shook his head, tapping his foot as he looked at you. “My friends and I had an idea but-” His words caught in his throat as he stopped talking, looking at you with a glint in his eye. “Can you keep a secret?” He asked in a low hushed voice, his eyes darting about the room. “Yeah, I keep a lot of secrets. I have two best friends so that constantly keeps me on my toes.” You laughed as he stood up, heading over to your window as he shut the blinds, his posture straightening as he turned around. “Scott?” Your words were shaky as he turned, something different about him.  
His eyes. Your eyes tracked over him, always returning to his usually brown eyes, however even in the low light of your office you could see them almost glow; red piercing through the dusty air. “You’re the alpha aren’t you?” Your words were a whisper as he blinked, the glow gone as he crossed the room, taking a seat opposite you once again. “Guilty as charged.” He admitted, his cheeks burning bright pink. “I thought you’d be scared of me cause i’m a monster or something and I trust you-” He rambled, his voice small as he looked downwards. “Why would I be scared? You saved Beacon Hills so many times from so many fucking things? You’re not a monster, and even if you are; not all monsters do monstrous things.” You reassured him as he gave you that sunshine smile, his eyes crinkling as he looked at you. “You’re not the first person that’s told me that.” His tongue darted over his lips as you found yourself reaching for his hands. “Well do you believe it?” You asked, your fingers finding callouses on his knuckles, your skin smoothing over his.  
“I believe in a lot of things, I’ve met humans that are darker than the other side of the moon and I’ve met so called monsters that weren’t monsters at all.” His nose twitched as he scooted closer to you, his warmth radiating through you. This is risky. You caught your breath as his hands covered your own, his fingers tracing the lines on your palm as his head dipped. “Some people aren’t born with the monster inside of them, some are just so affected by others darkness that they slip into it themselves-” Something in his words felt off as you furrowed your brow. “I don’t know if you know of what happened a few years ago? The fights?” He looked at you as you shook your head, your lip caught between your teeth as you listened to him talk. “There was this woman. As ordinary as anyone out on the street; but she was pushed to her limit because of my friends and I. She lost her mind and announced war on everyone that was deemed to be unnatural or as she called us mon-” He choked on the words, tears welling in his eyes. “Monsters?” You finished for him, your skin leaving his as he nodded. “Her name was Monroe, she’s the reason I didn’t come here years ago. She’s the business I had unfinished. If it weren’t for her I’d be a vet by now.”  
“Well, that was in the past wasn’t it?” You asked as he nodded slowly, his head lifting as he smiled, unsure of himself. “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.” You quoted, his lips pulling back in a grin as he shook his head, a light laugh filling the air. “Did you seriously just quote Rafiki from the Lion King?” You nodded, biting back a laugh as he shook his head. “You’re awesome you know that right?” You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned back in your chair. “Oh yeah, I’m aware.” You joked, your body jarring slightly as you fell sideways. Clutz. Scrambling to your feet you brushed yourself off, sitting back in your seat before clearing your throat. “Before we get into the actual lesson I just want to thank you for protecting Beacon Hills. I don’t think many people would thank you, but I want you to know that I’m grateful.” He gave you a half smile as he mouthed a thank you. “But that’s enough about werewolves, lets talk about, um shit, werewolves.” You laughed off your own stupidity before turning to your laptop. “Sure, sounds fake, who’d believe in something like that?” He joked as he settled back in his chair, one leg resting against the other as you stopped yourself staring. This is going to be one long semester.  
That was too close, you got too close. You sat at your desk long after Scott had gone, replaying the moment you had held his hand in your head. You’re making a mistake. You need to push him from your mind. You need a distraction. Before you knew it you were typing in Derek’s number, lifting the handset to your ear as blood rushed through your eardrums. It’s just a crush, crushes go away? Especially when they see you as nothing more than a friend.  
“Hey Y/N? What’s up?” Derek spoke as you clammed up, instant regret pooling in your stomach. “It’s not too late for me to be calling is it?” You asked, your lungs flooding as you finally took a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “I like the night time remember?” He breezed as you nodded, locking up your office for the night. “Oh yeah, how could I forget? Sorry, it’s been a really long day.” You rubbed over your tired eyes, trudging your way out of the building. “I was just wondering if you wanted to go for that coffee?” You asked him, your heart slamming against your chest as you waited for an answer. The question hung in the air for a beat before he spoke, his voice like silk through your speaker. “Sounds great Y/N. How about next thursday?” He asked as you thought over Scott, your resolution clear. “Sounds great, text me about it?” You spoke softly, barely audible over the wind. “You got it, goodnight Y/N” You huddled into your jacket as you clicked off the call, your mind racing a mile a moment.  
I just need to get Scott off my mind.  
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 27 - Old Men Pressure The Party With Requests
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> 🎵  Covert Victorian Underwater Piano / Sunless Skies OST
In reaction to Keva’s words, Orin shifts and sort of grumbles under his breath. Slowly he lifts up one of his arms to rub at his eyes before he speaks.
Orin:“…I told you lot… im very busy doing my job here, protecting the bossman noble so if ya could just-“ squinting his eyes open he stops once he recognises you and shouts.“Keva!” 
He sits up so fast Keva almost sees in slow motion his forehead about to bash into her own. She narrowly whips her head out of the way just in time for his to not directly collide with her face.
Orin: he stares at you shocked "you're back! man i was worried" he seems to be unaware he almost clocked you Keva: "why are you sleeping here?" Orin: "wanted to ah...take a nap but wanted to stay out in the sun yknow" he starts to stand up and eyes the four of you's wardrobes "glad you're alright though! ive been hearing some weird stuff since you guys left, i was getting kinda worked up so i tried to force myself to take a nap"
Han: damn king u can sleep in that situation?
As the group chat the other three, with Vinny in tow, stare about the courtyard curious as to where the four of them could have gotten off to. Peering around the palace itself and the grand walls surrounding them, they note that there seems to be alot of smaller buildings connected to the walls themselves, though they aren’t really sure of their purpose or what direction to head. 
There appear to be alot of people coming and going, guardsman, dignitaries and others scurrying around. They're at a loss where to head off to, though Vinny seems to be staring at the palace pensively.
Cimmorro: cimm pipes up "where did those rascals run off to..." noticing vinny staring around "you enjoying the field trip so far?" Vinny: “ah…well i suppose its not the first time ive been inside these walls... I’m just wondering” he puts a hand to his chin thinking before making a clearly displeased face “I ought to make my presence here to Jeanne known, if she doesn’t know already anyway. lest she start parading around the grounds on a mad hunt, I don’t want to hear her endless complaining about having to search for me. despite it being what she was sent here to do in the first place” he starts grumbling under his breath inaudibly Keva: SOMEONE MAKE A JOKE ABT VINNY'S WIFE Plum: [JOKE ABOUT VINNY'S WIFE]
Cimmorro: "your wife again huh" cimm squints at vinny's grumbling "what's the deal with you two anyway.. i know you said your group thinks you're an idiot but they seem to look after you anyway" Vinny: he turns towards you and gives you a half-hearted glare "she's not-augh" he pauses for a beat "she part of the upper circle so she thinks she's better than me, not like i want to be part of this damned accord anyway but..." he sighs “I know the palace here has a grand library, if she’s helping the wizards with the current uh…citywide predicament she’s most likely stationed there. or the grand mage’s quarters I suppose” Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny with a curious look ".... so do you wanna reunite with her now or later 🤔 " he shrugs "not like we know where the others are anyway... right guys" @ han and rokka Vinny: "probably sooner is better rather than later....like ripping off a band-aid" he gives the other two curious looks but doesn't say anything
Cimmorro: i was goign to be surprised that rokka and han arent speaking rn i forogt what happene din the bath Han: hans just looking at her shoes Rokka: rokka is looking off Cimmorro: need that forgetful potion that erases ur memory of the last 3 days Han: LMFAO
Han: han kicks a rock at her feet Cimmorro: cimm pokes at han from her side "helloooooo? earth to han?" Rokka: rokka snaps out of his daze "wh-oh uh...yes?" Cimmorro: "what's wrong with you two " Han: han flinches and pushes cimm away with her leg "we can go where you need" Cimmorro: oGJSFDKLGJKSG LIKE PUSHING A CAT AWAY? Rokka: he glances at han real quick "nothing is wrong" Cimmorro: huffing at han pushing him away, cimm looks at rokka before scratching his own head and going "just lead the way vinny. i'm starting to hate the air here" Vinny:  he scratches the back of his head "well...alright if you guys dont mind" he turns and starts leading the way towards the main entrance of the palace and starts to ask around for directions.
Keva: keva gets up with him "alright sure is a word. what'd you hear?" Plum: "yknow where the boss is? finn's looking for him" Orin: "well alot of chatter about corpses suddenly popping up? I don’t envy the job of a city guardsman right now…” he turns his head over to you plum “ah well boss Vorde’s uh, taking a nap. since you guys left I think he’s been up for at least… 30 hours? yeesh” he pouts and rubs a hand through his hair “think the guys going to work himself right into the grave someday if he isn’t careful. though I think he’d want to know if you’re back master finn-" as he gets a look at finn he kinda winces but also is like : D ?  at you holding psalm's hand " maybe we ought to have this chat inside at least… where’s the rest of ya?”  Finn: "Inside...please." Finn says a little stressed. He let's go of Psalm's hand and simply stretches it out towards Orin, wanting to hold his instead. "I've been wondering where my uncle is..." Plum: "yeah you can be the one to wake him up finn" Orin: "doors right there buddy" orin takes your hand anyway Finn: "I can't see Orin..." Finn says with a tinge of annoyance.. but appreciates that Orin leads him now Keva: keva's just >:-| but doesn't say anything
Plum: awwww finn Chip: favouritism Finn: HE'S EMBARRASSED BECAUSE IT WAS SO AWKWARD WITH PSALM Psalm: psalm's just standing there, he's just standing there Finn: psalm: okay stand me up then Psalm: HGHRJDJF yeah 100% Chip: kya this love quadrangle Psalm: maybe keva wants to hold orin's hand Han: THIS ROMCOM MOOD Psalm: wow romcom in one team full angst in the other
The two groups head off to their separate destinations. Orin leads Keva, Psalm, Plum and Finn inside the building he was dozing off in front of, it looks like a branch off a larger building connected to what looks like one of the barracks around the palace.
As they walk in they see servants scuttling about, going to and fro on the ground floor, Orin leads them all up onto the third floor past a set of what look like guest rooms. Finn finally feels the pain in his eyes settle once he’s indoors again. Orin continues on to usher them down to the end of the hall in front of one of the doors. 
Keva, Psalm and Plum opt to wait outside while Finn and Orin head in, inside Finn sees looks like a moderately plush lounge room. He spots Vorde’s bag and cape laying on one of the chairs as well as Orin’s, thrown more haphazardly on one of the lounges, as well as another door leading to what seems to be a bedroom
Orin: "He's in that room over there" Orin points over towards a door branching off the room "did ya wanna wake him master finn or...me?" Finn: he relaxes when his eyes feel better, pulling his hat off unless that kills me here. [editors note: lol] He let's go of Orin's hand and looks at the door. "For how long has he been asleep?" Orin: he thinks "ahhh he laid down about when you all left, so a couple hours now"  Finn: "That is fine enough, our news are urgent after all, I would say." Finn says but in truth he is quite unsure whether he should wake Vorde. Sometimes his uncle seems to be more of a vampire than he is! He goes to knock on the door. "Uncle Vorde?"
Removing his hat and giving the door a knock Finn hears no response, he shrugs and decides to walk in anyway, closing the door behind him. As he waltzes in and looks about he notices Vorde face first on a bed over the covers with his boots still on, though wearing no cravat and vest. The curtains here are also drawn so the room itself is also quite dark.
Cimmorro: i thought he was naked with only boots on Plum: LOL Psalm: OMFG Finn: IUNDFIUGOMJDSFGÖ;DFSG;DSFF:DSG Keva: CAN YOU IMAGINE, GOD WALKING INTO YOUR FATHER FIGURE LIKET HAT Han: 😳 Keva: ENFNRGNKGRKNJRFKJNRNJKFNJR Cimmorro: he just got done fucking with one of the guards Han: VORDE SMASHES FAST
Finn: he slowly comes towards the bed and contemplates how he should go about this. Waking his uncle up is never an easy task. Physically, he can, of course. But emotionally? He knows his uncle needs the sleep. However when he imagines Vorde scolding him for not informing him sooner, he feels a little different. Gently shaking him by the shoulders. "Uncle Vorde... Wake up please..." Vorde: he grunts in response before shifting slightly, moving to sit up "who...." after a few blinks he recognises you finn and quickly sits ramrod straight. he begins eyeing you up and down while patting your shoulders as if looking for something “Safe? Sound of mind? No aches and or mortal wounds you’re valiantly hiding?” from this distance you see the heavy bags under his eyes and one of them almost twitching with unfiltered frustration. Finn: he smiles at the attention Vorde pays to him and how caring he is like this. He nods. "It was a really tough battle..." He looks down for a moment and furrows his brows. Deciding it might be an appropriate time to do it, he closes in to hug Vorde and buries his face in his uncles shoulder. "I had to bite someone to make it. I feel a bit bad about it. ... But I didn't kill them. Like that." He sounds kinda nervous about it. Vorde: he seems surprised at the hug but relaxes and pats your back after a moment "...what we do out of desperation doesn't define us" he slowly releases the hug "i heard a few mutterings before i laid down, but i had not expected you'd go to a battle, or i would have advised more hands" he sighs and rubs his eyes "is it done then? did you and the others stop their plot?" Finn: he backs off a bit when Vorde releases the hug, being grateful for the considerate words, he nods at that. "More hands would have been good, but nothing you could have foreseen, uncle. And I'm still in one piece, aren't I?" He'd say before answering his question. "We did eliminate Theyord and that scum of his cult, but they were able to complete their ritual. I do not know if you had taken notice of it, but briefly, all over the city the dead were raised once more."
Psalm: imagine sleeping through that vorde, real egg on your face there Rokka: jldfsjkd
Vorde: he narrows his eyes "i had not, if they didn't move past that though they you most likely succeeded" he sighs in relief "well one headache taken care of, you can give me the details in a moment" he rises from the bed and stretches "how did the others fare in your battle?" Finn: he watches as his uncle rises and stretches, taking his place on the bed instead while they're talking privately. "I suppose we were successful in the end, but I have to say uncle, it is a scary thought that a devil was able to look into our realm. Even scarier than auntie." He kicks his feet a little in the air as he goes on. "The others?" Finn thinks for a moment. "Badly. We all fared badly. It looks as though that wizard.. Vinny crossed the river of styx more than once." frowning at the memory of his state. Vorde: he listens in as he adjusts his hair and shirt "...yes i have to agree on that. At the very least Arabella doesn't have powers that can raise thousands of the dead, or at least i very well hope she doesn't" he kind of smirks as if he's told a joke in very poor taste "....no deaths however? Finn: he grimaces at the thought. "Do not jinx it!" But he nods at the question. "No deaths at all! Everyone returned from the battle, thankfully. But too many of us were too close to it for comfort." He tries to snort, joking with his uncle. Vorde: he gives an easy laugh "...thats what matters in the end then. for a battle you didn't expect of such scale im surprised thats all you came out with" he turns to give you a proper look finn "...how much would you say you trust them then? with your life or otherwise" Finn: he smiles lots at his uncle's laugh, like this 😊. But when Vorde breaches that topic, his expression takes on a neutral form. He expected his uncle to ask something like this sooner or later now and looks back at him. "They never hesitated to protect me or spare resources for me. Well, that is an understatement. They saved my life already, more than once. I believe it is due to the relationship of your deal with them, however... I think some of them, personally care. Some." Thinking about Rokka specifically. "I think it might just work with them." Vorde: he gives you a long pondering stare finn before turning his head away "...good. all i needed was your approval in that regard." he makes to walk towards the door "if possible id like to speak with them all soon, you can catch me up on what you've seen underground as we walk. Its possible for us to walk about the palace by sticking to the indoor passages if we take the long way" Finn: he now gets off the bed with a little hop and waddles to his uncle's side. "Ah, that would be good. The sun is severely handicapping me today, I had to hold Psalm's and Orin's hands to get here in the first place." He puts on his hat again, unless that killed him earlier. [editor’s note: lol] "Some of the group came here with me, the others are buzzing about in another part of the palace..."
After a bit more brief chatter they decide to look for the rest of the group then bring them back to Vorde and Orin’s temporary room for a discussion. Vorde walks out of the room into the lounge where Orin seems to be idling around for the two of them, grabbing his bag and cloak once again. Not bothered for the moment be places his vest and cravat into the bag. The three then exit out into the hallway where the other three are waiting 
Vorde: "no need to get cold out here for my sake the three of you" Finn: finn trails after Vorde like a puppy Psalm: psalm just shrugs like "I figured you'd want a moment alone to talk to Finn." Plum: "yeah, also orin said you were sleeping, could go for a nap myself honestly" [yawns] Keva: keva gets up from her squat, winces a bit from her muscles quickly becoming sore probably lol Vorde: he gives you a neutral glance psalm "courteous of you i suppose." before turning to look at you plum "i concur, though i feel its best i speak with you all again once before you're called before whatever dignitaries in the evening. If only to clarify a few things now that my end of our deal is complete"  Plum: "sure, we should go find the others anyways"
The group shuffle off to look for the others, Plum tells Finn to lead the way though Finn soon realises he’ll need to hold someones hand again to get around. 
Finn: finn kind of just looks at plum. he cant lead the way really. unless plum is willing to hold his hand. Plum: plum like why is finn looking at me rn “you good there” Finn: "Um... more or less. I just do not think I am capable of guiding us around this castle." he stammers out "You, Keva and Psalm are more suited for that." Plum: "oh why didn't you just speak up" and i grab his hand and pull him along Finn: "Wha- !" finn is dragged along...he has no choice.. he cannot change this.
> 🎵  Labyrinth V - City of Radiant Ruin / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
As they wander around within the palace, Vinny leads the other group, consisting of Cimmorro, Han and Rokka, around to find the library. After a moment of wandering around the tall hallways on the ground floor they find the entrance, a set of open grand double doors. As they shuffle into the library they see a litany of people in blue and white coloured robes flitting about, similar uniforms to the royal guardsman but seemingly less restrictive and looser garments.
At one of the long centre tables they see there Turren, working away at some sort of grand bronze contraption, books and tomes piled high around as she sits upon a tall pile herself.
Next to her, Mardella appears to be reading from a book, reciting a phrase before looking up at Turren who frustratedly shakes her head before she moves onto another passage. The two continue on in this fashion almost comically while, nearby they spy Jeanne leaned over in a chair idly floating cosmetics as she stares into a mirror touching up her makeup.
Cimmorro: "looks like we found her... now give her a kiss" Vinny: he turns to you while hesitating at the entrance "you are making this worse by at least tenfold" Cimmorro: cimm snickers "i'm trying to save your marriage!" in the most joking tone he can possibly make. "i have to have my fun around here lest these two behind us bore me to death and take me to the goddess earlier than i had planned to" he points at han and rokka with his thumb without looking back Vinny: he makes this face at your teasing 😖 Plum: id kick cimms ass ngl Cimmorro: that means everything to me gab
Rokka: rokka mumbles to himself "i can be fun..."  Han: han pushes cimm into the library, NOT HARD JUST LIKE SO THAT HE STARTS WALKING, if he trips well 🙄 Cimmorro: [succeeds on dex save] cimm sticks his tongue out at han while moving out of her reaching distance, would gesture at vinny to go and speak to his lady "go on, shoo shoo" Han: han sticks her tongue back at cimm and also follows vinny
Vinny waddles ahead of the group reluctantly until he enters Jeanne's field of vision, as they go the apprentices gathered around give the group all curious looks before focusing their attention back on their work
Vinny: he waves a hand in front of her before remarking "hello again jeanne, i hear you've been looking for me" Jeanne: she snaps her head in his direction before turning it back to her mirror "oh Vildristin there you are, I’d heard you had found your way to the palace somehow. lovely of you not make me hunt you down myself, always so bothersome.” She clicks a container holding some of her makeup closed before turning fully towards him “charming to see you’re in good….enough health. Last I got a glimpse of you I recall you were cowering against a wall in some rundown hallway. next you time you are unwillingly spirited away could you place yourself somewhere slightly more identifiable for me?”  Cimmorro: behind vinny, cimm looks like this 😬 thinking 'the whole idiot thing wasn't a joke huh'
Rokka: jeanne i have decided you are a meanie mcpoopoo Han: ME RN TRACE Cimmorro: cimm group literally being like booo we hate your pussy @ jeanne rn Han: EMO PHASE OVER WE COME TOGETHER TO HATE ON JEANNES PUSSY
Vinny: he huffs and folds his arms in response to her “I was trying to stay hidden at the time, if you’ve not been informed, the lovely group of people behind me were innocent” Jeanne: she shakes a hand at him dismissively “oh yes yes, but still you were embarrassing me, and in front of the lovely ladies here as well. What to think of poor Beryll’s reputation” she tuts as he shoots a glares at her “hmm right, not that you care much about that, problem child that you are” Vinny: “…you’re barely four years of age on me Jeanne” Jeanne: “and how important those four years are apparently” he lets out a long beleaguered sigh
Cimmorro: cimm's debating if he should intervene rn but decides to hold back another round but he is less pleased at this point Han: one more round of verbal abuse Psalm: this is han cimm and rokka in the bg
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Vinny: a beat passes before vinny folds his arms in front of himself anxiously "right, well I've made myself known then... good luck with whatever it is... you aren’t doing in here" and turns to leave Jeanne: “hold on, you” she quickly extends a manicured finger in Vinny’s direction. “you aren’t shambling off anywhere until I have you report to the Accord, and then we shall be enlisting your help in tightening up the arcane runes around the palace” Vinny: he flinches “w…why on earth do I need to help with the runes…” Jeanne: she sighs before continuing “the great wizards of the accord are happily extending a helping hand to the Dorinian monarchy to resolve such a grand breach of security, of which you yourself are one, do you truly need such reminders? shall I jog your memory also on how to draw magic circle and what sigils make up a prestidigitation spell?” Vinny: he lets out a small frustrated grunt of agony in response Han: han slides in behind vinchezzo "you seem so capable ma'am, and vinny was just injured gravely, you should be fine doing those sigils yourself" takes vinnys waist and gently pushes him further away back to the door lol Cimmorro: cimm gets between han and jeanne "our fair wizard here was at the verge of passing far too many times, i don't suppose it would be uncouth to let him have his well deserved rest"
Han: han and cimm said WE TOP FUCK OFF Cimmorro: han might start a bar fight here he's seen enough Han: HAN SAID SHE TOPS AND CIMM SAID SHE DOES BUT NOT HERE Cimmorro: GKSJDGHSKJHGSJKGSHDGKHJSGD
Plum: han just moving vinny away and him just letting her is destroying me genuinely Han: vinny bottom... Chip: annoyed but liberated Cimmorro: vinny would let himself get manhandled
Rokka: he moves in front of vinny also "yes, i don't think it would look good for an accord that treats their own members in such a way" Vinny: he seems shocked at your intervention but doesn't fight being pushed away much by han. Jeanne: she squints at you all from under her fringe while tapping a finger on the table in front of her "...dont believe i caught the names of our great liberators. So you were the ones looking out for our Vildristin then?" Rokka: "my name is Rokka" he tilts his head up like that hmph motion Han: han noooos inside Cimmorro: "...it's fairer to say that we were looking after each other. vildristin offered great assistance in stopping the underground ceremony, madame" straightening up "so, i, again, implore you to let him rest" Han: keeps dragging vinny out like peace out Jeanne: she leans her head on her free hand atop the desk and stares for a long moment at you cimmorro before clicking her tongue "ahh no fun you lot. Take him away then since one of you seems quite keen too" she leans back in her chair and says slightly louder "waltz down here tomorrow though Vildristin, i mean it!" she sounds slightly whiny as she does. Turren: she gives her a disgruntled look at the volume "Jeanne if you could keep the noise down im trying my best to parse the damn code whatever 100 year old mage encrypted this thing with" Jeanne: she wilts slightly with a laugh "aha my apologies arch mage" she waves the four of you off with her hand Cimmorro: cimm gives jeanne a forced smile before leaving
Rokka: https://tenor.com/view/avatar-last-airbender-sokka-katara-gif-5506067 Cimmorro: ROIAKLLOAKOLKWKOGOAGKOKADGDSG
The group quickly shuffle themselves out of the library back into the tall palace hallways, dragging Vinny along with them.
Han: once hans out the door "well, at least bought a nights rest for you" Cimmorro: catching up to the others with a sprint. "okayyyy then... not saving your marriage. if i knew you had a wife like that i think i'd sabotage it if anything" he keeps his hands behind his head Han: "ye, if you need someone to hold her down while you get a left hook in, count me in" Chip: cimm like ill homewreck fr u anytime vinny Cimmorro: ILL GET CHU OUTTA THERE U DONT BELONG THERE 
Vinny: he lifts his glasses and rubs his eyes "yes well, at least that’s out of the way for now. Suppose i'll be cooped up at the palace for the next few days" he turns to you cimm after "....im too tired to keep correcting you. Gods i need a nap" Cimmorro: "is this how they ALL treat you in the accord? or is madame there a special case?" Vinny: "mostly. some of them aren’t as insufferable as that, she's definitely a standout. were i feeling conspiratorial id almost think they sent her specifically on purpose" Han: "definitely on purpose" Rokka: rokka jsut quietly pats vinny on the back Cimmorro: cimm looking at vinny like damn bro u live like this "i still can't help but wonder why you stick with them if this were the case" Rokka: "yeah, can't you...i dont know... quit?” Vinny: "we all make bad choices when were younger, unfortunately im still stuck with this one" he stares at the ornate looking wall in the hallway tiredly Han: han gives vinny an empathetic shoulder (or i guess hip with her fucking size) bump "if you want to escape and start new life...." Vinny: he finally laughs again at that "I've thought about it i cant deny that, who would i leave the store too though..." at that though he kinda snaps his eyes open "right, i almost forgot with jeanne's yammering" he turns back to you all seriously "im still worried about where ezra and cole have gotten too....they still haven't shown up. I was going to ask since it seems i wont be able to really leave and look around on my own. If uh, you get the chance, could you try and look into it and see where they've disappeared too?" Han: "oh, yeah. i was planning to look for them anyway" Rokka: "yeah, I am kind of worried" Han: "you can do that scrying thing like you were under before?" Vinny: he goes 🥺 "thank you, i really appreciate it" before responding to the question "no, sadly i dont have the ability to cast something that potent. Maybe i could badger jeanne about it tomorrow however.... least she could do for me"" Han: han makes the excalibur face "we can search by our own" Psalm: LOL Plum: LOOOL
Cimmorro: "would she even consider your requests? with the way things were going earlier it didn't seem possible to me" Vinny: "if im going to be forced to work with her tomorrow i can ask at the very least, if it comes to nothing well i'll already be having an annoying morning" Cimmorro: "quite a nice coworker you got, i'll be real... could you not quit the accord and keep the shop going yourself? probably even set up elsewhere" Vinny: "i cant quit the accord period, as least not right now. They dont have control over the shop, just over me... Im sure i could travel as i pleased if i informed them where i'd be heading, but id be forced to answer them if they ever called me. Having the store just makes it easier" he sighs "it hasn't been an issue much for a few years but with jeanne here i get the feeling they'll try and meddle with me again" Cimmorro: "you... really like roping yourself into trouble huh" cimm responds Vinny: "ahh.. i am a man of many talents" he says ruefully Cimmorro: "as I've said earlier, too many hobbies"
As they chat, Vinny’s group spots the others coming down the hallway towards them and start waving their hello’s, regrouping altogether once again.
Rokka: rokka perks up "oH GUYS!!" he waves and runs over Plum: i wave at rokka too Chip: plum getting hugged by rokka while holding finns hand Rokka: THATS LITERALLY WHAT IM IMAGINING RN Plum: what was that shit we said yesterday. sorry i fuck and yall dont   
Finn: "hello rokka... it is good to see you again" finn comments, also relieved to see rokka.. Rokka: "boy am I glad to see you all again" he gently pats finns hat, careful not to tip it Finn: finn laughs quietly at the gesture, not minding it at all coming from him. "the pleasure is all ours." Psalm: "It..hasn't been that long...?"
Vinny: as the groups converge vinny rubs his neck idly "ah i think i'll split off here and go find somewhere to lay down for a bit, in those barracks that had the bathouse under it" he turns to cimm and han "ill let you know tomorrow if i can wrangle jeanne into anything" Han: thumbs up @ vinny Cimmorro: i nod at vinny "see ya" Keva: keva lets her head drop tiredly on orin's shoulder while we all stand around n talk
Vinny ambles off to find some shuteye while the group chatters amongst themselves, soon after Vorde leads them all back to him and Orin’s temporary lodgings within the castle walls. The group inform him and Orin of their goings on’s over the past day on the way before they arrive at the building again, walking up the stairs into the room one after another. Vorde places his bag down before sitting himself down in a chair in the main lounge room as the group all settle themselves.
Vorde: "seeing as you are to be called in to speak with the royalty soon i feel best i get this out of the way now so we may both be on our own ways." he folds his hands in his lap and regards you all
Cimmorro: vorde lookin like this:
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Chip: SJKHEEHJKAGHKJEGAJEJG Psalm: STOP  Finn: uiHOIDMJFGIOD;KGFO;DFG finn goes to sit on vordes side, but he doesn't sit like barock
Vorde: he continues on “at this point I consider my obligations in our deal complete, you’re names are cleared and the royalty is clearly thankful to you, an enviable spot to have landed yourselves within. when they summon you again I’m quite certain it will be to discuss compensation or some sort for your task done” Keva: keva looks at whoever questioned her abt being compensated idr Chip: michelle just knows she has a right to go haha neener neener rn
Vorde: “i feel it is time i speak more on the the job, yes” he sighs and leans further back, fatigue settling into his limbs as he rubs a hand across his face “as you all know I’ve spoken before that it is to take place in Antessa, my hometown” he pauses thinking “you will all need to arrive there within 2-3 months, no later than the 45th of Aestas. In simpler terms you’ve a maximum of 87 days from today, easy enough, I can’t imagine that no matter what route you travel there it wouldn’t take you any more than 60 or so days at the maximum. how you get there or what you do from now until you arrive is of no concern to me, so long as you arrive before this time. i shall not be accompanying you there, I've other matters to attend to before we arrive, Orin and Finn alongside me.” Finn: finn kicks his feet a little in the air again, having known about this he's not particularly affected unless rokka looks at him with sad puppy eyes Han: "travelling together sounds smart, especially by foot" Psalm: “no arguments there” Keva: keva starts chewin on a thumbnail while she thinks Rokka: "finn, you're leaving?" Plum: plum is frowning but they're not saying anything either Finn: "Ah...I must. But we will meet again in Antessa, with a lot to tell each other I'm sure." Finn tries to give Rokka a reassuring smile. Rokka: "ah...I was beginning to enjoy our time together..." he looks down "but if you must then I hope to see you soon" Finn: Finn's smile becomes a little sad at that... Enjoying the time he's spent with Rokka as well. "So was I... But we must simply look forward to our next meeting. Time will fly quickly, I'm sure." Vorde: he’s staring very hard at you all considering something while peering at rokka and finn
Keva: in a low volume @ orin "where are you going to be?" Orin:  he tilts his head towards you keva "boss man's gotta meet with some people and shuffle around some stuff in ackran i think" Keva: "does it have to do with whatever we're doing in what-its-name" Orin: “ayeeep” Keva: she says louder @ vorde "actually you haven't told us yet what we're doing in your hometown" Vorde: vorde looks at you keva "as unfortunate as I’m sure it is to hear, I cannot yet relay details on said job. while I don’t doubt you all are adept at this point, I cannot risk information about this leaking at all. under any circumstances. when you arrive I will be sure to brief you all in full, down to the finest detail, on specifics. until then just know It will most likely involve combat, and if it soothes you, it is for a righteous purpose” as he says the last bit you see him clench his hand on one of his knees almost unconsciously. Han: "really? no information? nothing helpful so we could even prepare?" Vorde: he shakes his head "that is as much as i can say unfortunately"
Chip: vorde gets 5 black psyche locks appear Han: me ripping his psyche locks Cimmorro: lock pick it keva go
Han: "and if we dont show up?" Psalm: "So are we getting compensation for this as well or was clearing our names payment in advance?" Vorde: "then you would be breaking the terms of our deal. of which i would not take kindly too" he gives you a stern expression before turning to psalm "you will be compensated for this job, clearing your names was the advance. the rest comes after it is complete" Psalm: "I see. Well that's fine with me then." Plum: "you have a lotta faith paying us in advance that's for sure 🤨 but i kinda need to be up around there anyways" Han: han has a bad taste in mouth n just sighs Cimmorro: looking over the group cimm is thinking 'stuck with these guys for months...'
Keva: back to whispering to orin ".... you really think we can trust this guy?" Orin: "well he'll pay you thats for sure, and i dont think hes going to drop you in a ditch if thats what you're scared of" Keva:  keva looks directly at orin "it's not me i'm worried about" Orin: he just kinda rolls his eyes Keva: she pinches him in his side Orin: he goes ow ow ow Keva: she grumble at him "you always manage to get yourself into Something." and then quieter and looking at the floor "i don't like being separated that long." n she looks at her thumb before wiping the spit off on her shirt Orin: he kinda rubs his side "ah well yknow, i cant really leave boss man's side at this point, even when finn flutters off i gotta be his second pair of eyes. i'll see ya again dont worry" Keva: keva just sighs quietly thru her nose
Vorde: he continues "theres a place on the outskirts before you reach the town called The Dead Bone Bend, its a cliffface of a sort. at its top is where u can meet me" Plum: [repeats name to self] "gotcha” Celebrity Guest Aqua: Kya meeting vorde at an ass end of nowhere near decrepit ghost town >_< Psalm: PEAK OF ROMANCE Cimmorro: bro ik its like eloping Plum: called bone bend Celebrity Guest Aqua: Well, My bone bend as they say Finn: if it were anyone other than vorde id assume im being killed by a serial killer but vorde? id meet him anywhere Han: yall are crazy Psalm: AND WHAT ABOUT IT? Han: FAIR CARRY ON
As they chat Vorde seems to be lost in his thoughts for a moment, he blinks before turning to address Finn and Orin about something.
Vorde: “Finnian I hate to ask this of you, but could you accompany Orin downstairs for a moment, one of the servants should have some notes for me prepared that I asked after earlier. It should be no trouble to grab them if you announce yourself as a Barvotte” Finn: Finn hops off his seat and looks towards Vorde "But of course, uncle." Then to Orin, as he will request his guidance in just a moment and already walks towards the door.
Cimmorro: were going to die Psalm: damn here we go, he's gonna turn into a lich Han: WE HAD A SHORT REST YOU SAID CHIP
Orin follows after Finn dutifully downstairs to ask around about the servant. After Finn leaves Vorde waits a few beats before turning back to address the group.
> 🎵  The Relentless Melody / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
Vorde: “there is one more thing I would like to ask of you all before you head off to wherever you may. I would like you to take Finn with you on your travels until you reach Antessa.” he stares at you all seriously, his hands clasped on his lap. Plum: plum tries to hide a laugh Han: "....you could have just said that with him here, why was... is this secret. wh" Psalm: 0_0) "Any reason why...?" Rokka: rokka immediately perks up and becomes excited "yeah! made me feel sad all for nothing!" Vorde: "he seemed eager yes but i feel i should ask you all before he is foisted upon you. it is awkward to do if he is staring you all down. i want honest answers" he turns to you psalm and shakes his head “as loathe as I am to be appear genuine here, my nephew has never travelled outside of Antessa unless it was under my watch. I fear he has not had enough experience of the world on his own, never forced to adapt I suppose you could say” he squeezes his hands slightly before continuing "he can be a bit too attached to me, he has to stand on his own eventually"
Cimmorro: what if vorde's going to a dangerous mission and he dies while finn is with us makes u think Psalm: why would you say that, what the fuck are you on dawg Finn: hey jez im going to kill you for real Plum: mentor figures dont always gotta die ! just saying chip ! Celebrity Guest Aqua: just bcs hes a dilf you dont have to kill him its ok
Rokka: "don't worry sir vorde. I will do my best to look out for him" taps his bicep Han: "........ you want us to babysit?" grimacing Psalm: "While I see what you're saying I don't think I'm cut out to be babysitting." Plum: "i mean i don't mind, rather him than some of you lot sometimes [not looking at keva]" Vorde: he nods his head at you rokka before staring at the other two “you have all proven yourselves capable, even strong individuals. more importantly you aren’t quite like anyone he’s been forced to be around before, that is important.” He pauses a moment again before continuing “I think he has proven himself to you now that he is also able of handling himself in more dangerous circumstances, he would not be a burden. or he very well shouldn’t be one, travel wise or monetarily” Keva: after a bit "....fine. if you make sure orin stays safe." Vorde: he stares at you a moment "that i can assure" Psalm: "Money or otherwise isn't really the issue..." Psalm trails off. Rokka: rokka's just like haha its not babysitting when ur just hanging out with ur friend 🤪
Vorde: he turns to you psalm “you do not have to agree to this request, I am not demanding it of you but I would appreciate it greatly, nonetheless” and for once you see some genuine emotion in this old mans eyes Han: vorde like 🥺 Psalm: psalms like
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Han: han is untouched by vorde puppy eyes Celebrity Guest Aqua: bounces right off of han Plum: plum isn't
Psalm: * weak to pressure* "It's not like I'll be up to much before whatever you have planned so." just waves his hand Vorde: he nods at you before turning to the rest of you expectantly for an answer Han: han shrugs as an answer like do i rly got a choice bruh..... Cimmorro: "........... we're all going there anyways so there's no difference if he comes with or not. we'll be meeting together in Antessa and working from there regardless. might as well bring him along" Plum: also yeah i just look at bossman and nod if he doesn't get the impression im down for whatever Psalm: psalms not even gonna bother fixing the misconception that we're a functioning group of acquaintances rn Vorde: at your reluctant approval he tiredly speaks again as if drained from not being detached for once "thank you all. i appreciate it" in a rarity he bends forward and gives you all a bow before lifting his head again "with things more or less settled, i'll be due to leave the city sometime in the evening tomorrow along with Orin. I will inform Finn myself of this change before then, i ask you to not tell him just yet yourselves if possible. He will meet you all in the morning at some point i will make sure of that"
> 🎵  Labyrinth V - City of Radiant Ruin / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
At the tail end of the conversation the group hear Finn and Orin’s footsteps from outside, a knock on the door from Finn announcing their presence again.
Finn: simply comes in without waiting for a reply after he knocks. "Uncle we were able to retrieve the notes you asked for." He says, walking up to Vorde to hand them over and sit next to him again. He's looking forward to not seeing this group for a couple months with the exception of a few select. Cimmoro: everyone looking at finn uncomfortably rn, cept for rokka whos probably wagging his tail Vorde: he takes them from you finn "thank you finnian" he turns back to you all and unfolds them, revealing them to be large maps of the area and written timetables and puts them on a table in front of him "i feel the least i can do is give you some information so you may chart your course as you wish before leaving." he stands from his chair visibly more tired than usual "and now, i am going to lay down for a few more hours at the very least" he turns to you finn "after you speak to the royalty in a time id like you to come wake me for a chat" he pats finn on the shoulder before walking back towards the room with a bed Finn: Finn smiles again at the pat to his shoulder, thinking he and Vorde will just have tea or something. Now that the letterheads are taken care of, some normalcy can return to their lives. Temporarily, at least. It's been a while since they could just talk. And finally they get to travel again! He's missed Orin and Vorde dearly. He nods at his uncles words and wishes him plentiful rest. Plum: jude man, my gawd
Vorde heads out of the room, leaving the group to examine the items he’s placed upon the table. They set about investigating the various routes they could take from here to Antessa.
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Route 1 - 100gp per person for the entire boat journey, then 100gp for a caravan and some horses, 500g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 2 - 1000gp per person for the entire airship journey then 100gp for a carvan and some horses and 100g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 3A - 100gp for caravan and some horses, 1000g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 3B - 100gp for caravan and some horses, 1100 gp for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Psalm: psalm perks up when he sees the airship option "Finn you wouldn't happen to know what your uncle plans on getting up to before Antessa would he?" Finn: "My uncle isn't fixated only on this job. He has his business to do here and there, that's all I know. I guess I can tell you when we reunite in Antessa?" Finn answers plainly. Psalm: "Ah.. was trying to see if I could get some clues for our upcoming mission but alright." Finn: Finn chuckles at that. "Try all you want, I will also not tell you any more than my uncle did." Psalm: "You caught me ^_^ " Plum: i feel like psalm just lied Psalm: was 100% lying yeah, don't even need to hide that lmfao
Psalm: "I vote we take the airship. Well, either way, im taking that. Even if i have to go by myself” Finn: Finn leans back and watches Psalm starting drama, like he's about to watch an entertaining play. Rokka: rokka taps his chin "i've never been on an airship before..." Plum: "ugh.. i don't like the sound of being up in the air, i'm more interested in the boat route" Han: "i dont have that money and people dont take good to that" Psalm: ”Boats aren't that much safer. They're both ships if you think about it." Plum: "i'm not too keen on the boats either” Han: "airship sound kinda boring but whatever" Psalm: “WHAT. How??” Plum: plum looks at psalm like what the fuck Keva: keva also look at psalm from her distracted thinking like [what the fuck?]
Han: "what do you do on air??? stare at sky??? at least i can forage on horseback..." Psalm: "Why would you want to forage? Plus it's faster." Han: "how else do you get food???" Psalm: Psalm just stares at her like ah i see the problem now Keva: "airship rats" Han: han considers airship rats for a moment Psalm: "You buy food." Han: "why would you buy food if you can just hunt something..." Psalm: "I feel like this is going to go in circles so I'm not going to follow up on that." to himself under his breath  "I'm flat broke though...😭  " Cimmorro: "we should find out our compensation before we decide on routes, if we are even able to afford it" snickers 
As the group kill time scanning maps and discussing their preferences, the seven of them are finally once again summoned to speak before the nobility in the evening. As the sun finally sets and after some searching from a harried liaison, they bid farewell to Orin in the room before they're led through the palace floors.
As opposed to being led towards the grand courtroom before, the group are led down a different hallway instead, upstairs within the palace. The ceiling is less ludicrously high on the second floor, though only slightly. They are directed to the end of a hallway before a set of grand double doors by a couple of royal guardsman.
> 🎵  Minor Labyrinth I - The Undiscovered Realm / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
As the group are led inside, in the centre of the room they see a large heavy round oak table, with grand ornamentation carved into its sides. Around the table are bookcases and chairs, as well as banners and shields hung across the walls, and a grand looking window on the far back wall.
On top of the table are books and papers piled up, as well as multiple maps of the city, different angles and sections with small black wooden markers placed upon them. At the doors of the room two royal guardsman stand on guard and eye the group as they walk inside.
Directly across from where they entered, there they see king consort Jeremiah on the other end of the table seated, working away at something as an attendant speaks, bent over next to him. He seems preoccupied until their entrance, to which he lifts his head and speaks a grand greeting. 
Jeramiah: “Ah yes there you all are, Vengaboys correct? Apologies for the delay but there is much to be done within a short amount of time if we want to lift the lockdown by tomorrow...” he idly scratches at his chin as he puts down a quill held in his hand Psalm: "vengaboys correct" broke my immersion Chip: LOL Keva: we did this
Finn: he bows in appropriate fashion for the king consort. "Vengaboys is correct, your majesty." Plum: plum is like my family is not going to believe the shit ive been getting up to this week i'll tell you that, im wondering if i should curtsy or something but i think i will decide against it Rokka: "greetings your great....highness....majesty.......king.....?" how do u speak to the royal family idfk Han: “ya sup” Jeremiah: he nods at your greeting finn and smiles a little at han and rokka's before shuffling a few papers together and setting them aside. He tents his hands in front of him on the table before continuing on “i’ve been informed of what occurred earlier today in detail, what this cult attempted to achieve and how it was stopped by yourselves and the two guardsman who spoke with me. Incredible work, I say this truly, this great city owes you a good deal for the countless people you’ve saved, and those you prevented from witnessing such horror firsthand” at this he stands regally and extends a hand across his chest, bowing his head slightly to you all. his attendant almost appears shocked at his action, flustering slightly next to him. Plum: im also shocked Keva: keva is uncomfortable Psalm: psalm is also uncomfortable Finn: Finn is experiencing anxiety premium rn but nods at the gesture. Hoping thats the right thing to do. Rokka: rokka is also slightly uncomfortable.....thats a lot of eyes and ears Cimmorro: cimm just watching
Plum: “err...i mean...” [wondering if they should say anything] Psalm: "There's no need to thank us..." Rokka: “yeah...” Han: on a lower volume "we nearly died, the fuck are you all on (does a mocking tone of psalm) 'no need to thank us'" Plum: [rolls my eyes at han] Finn: finn glares at you han Psalm: he flips her off behind his back
Han reaches out in an attempt to covertly twist Psalm’s arm behind his back, but he quickly bats her hand away before she can get to him at all.
Psalm: HAHAHAHAH SUCK IT LOOOL, i'm imagining this in my head and it's destroying me Plum: SAME like drake and josh or something Han: HAN TSKS QUIETLY Keva: keva bites her lip trying not to laugh Psalm: he 😏
As Han fails to bully psalm, Jeremiah rises up from the bow and sits again before continuing on with his speech.
Jeremiah: "no need to humble yourselves, i give gratitude where i believe it is due" and smiles before speaking again, unbeknown to the bullshit occurring in front of him “what I would like to discuss first is that you have all been formally pardoned. This was done earlier in word at your court hearing but I’d like to inform you that is now officially on our records." he continues on "i am also having the two guardsman knighted for their efforts but I feel a party as yourselves typically appreciates more material goods in exchange for a task done.” He smirks slightly and turns towards his attendant “Please inform them?”  Attendant: the attendant quickly bows before turning to address you all “The Dorinian Monarchy thanks you for your efforts in securing our grand city of Shorewater. In exchange your party, the Vengaboys, shall be gifted a lump sum of 35,000 gold, in addition to your formal pardon” the attendant finishes speaking Psalm: AIRSHIP HERE WE COME BABY Rokka: ROKKAS EYES BULGE OUT AT HEARING THE MONEY Plum: MY EYES ALSO BULGE OUT Keva: YA KEVA'S JAW DROPS Han: (han counts on her fingers subtly)
Jeremiah: though he continues staring at them as if expecting more “…and?" Attendant: the attendant jumps to attention “ah…your majesty I was unsure if you were ah….and there’s the necessary checks we’d need to…”
The attendant babbles themselves into silence as Jeremiah continues staring at them expectantly before they cough and turn back towards the party.
Attendant: “The monarchy has also seen fit to ah, rehold the Elfonsent Ball in 2 weeks’ time, featuring you all as guests of honour for your undoubtedly heroic actions earlier on this day” they finish, giving a bow Jeremiah: he smiles happily, his hands tented in front of his face. Finn: he wonders if he's the one supposed to represent the group here and supposed to respond, noble and all. balling his fist and unballing it nervously. "W-we are grateful for your swift work and your generous reward, Consort Jeremiah." Finn bows again, a bit more this time. "We would gladly attend the rehold of the ball with great pride." Plum: plum is not really sure what to say, looks at finn and is like "yes.. uh... thank you." and coughs into their fist Cimmorro: "yea this is pretty pog not gonna lie" Rokka: ROKKA KIND OF FREAKING OUT Han: han still counting Keva: she kinda is just like "what the fuck" almost silently to herself Psalm: psalm's like deadpan: "Your Majesty you really don't have to do that." Jeremiah: he smiles at your response "wonderful to hear young barvotte" before turning to you psalm and he laughs "as far as im concerned were underpaying you after that report but we need to manage expenses to deal with the aftermath. there is the matter of corpse location, cleanup and funerary services… sections of the city will need to be sanctioned off until these are complete. funerary services and body identification...we will hold a mourning service once all has been organised but afterwards” he picks up and begins twirling his quill in one hand Finn: finn fidgets nervously at how the king consort seemingly doesn't mind his awful anxiety. tries to smile. keyword tries. Psalm: psalm just ^_^ Cimmorro: "may i ask whose funerary services are you hiring?" Jeremiah: he turns to you "we'll most likely enlist the church of heiron as they have a great base in the city already, but i am considering asking after other churches aid as well, depending on the number we will have to handle" Keva: keva looks up from her daze at the mention of church of heiron Jeremiah: he continues on while still spinning the quill continuing after in thought “…elfonsent spell is about forging connections with one another, deep in the throes of springtime. recent events have no doubt stoked hostility and suspicions, gossip about the perpetrators and despite what information we put out, people will harbour their fears still. After all of this I want to give people something to smile about, and some heroes to shower with praise” he tilts his head with a glint in his eye and smiles “you need not attend if you’d not like to publicly, but it would be a great boon to have you all be present, your free to invite guests as well to your hearts desire" Han: han goes : D at that
Psalm: what's with all the old men pressuring us today Chip: welcome to my dilf pressure cooker
Cimmorro: also cimm's going to pipe up "i come from the church of wee jas. we specialise in funerary services and i'd be honoured to lend a hand if your majesty needs an extra pair" Jeremiah: he raises a brow "oh? is that so? if you would like to i would appreciate the help greatly, as well as if you had any other contact to jasidian temples you could make. i'll assemble information regarding the inspection and cleanup for you at a later date then" Finn: "Oh, I don't mean to appear rude, but is Vorde Barvotte accounted for in this invitation?" Finn manages to work up the courage to ask. Jeremiah: he turns to you finn "yes he is invited as well, just as he was the previous one. it would be gauche for me to retract it now" Cimmorro: cimm would just smile at the blessing of being able to contact other temples and go "awesome! thank you i'm looking forward to working for you, your majesty!" he is genuinely happy abt this all for once Jeremiah: he nods his head at you cimmorro and moves to address you all again "i thank you all again, you may rest at the palace this evening. In the morning you will be summoned to receive your compensation before you leave. Over the coming weeks I will send liaisons with documents for you to sign in regards to your involvement with the events below ground, as well as your formal invitations to the next ball. as you go please give your current lodgings over to my attendant here” he begins turning his attention back to the documents at his hands “have a good evening vengaboys”
The attendant shuffles forward around the table towards the group with parchment and quill in hand, expectantly waiting to take down their addresses. The group all give their current lodgings in their business district inn’s, Keva just gives the inn’s name verbally.
As they all finish off the meeting, the group are all led out of the room and then back down the palace stairs followed by royal guardsman. As they reach the ground floor they nod and take guard at the stairs, allowing the group to then wander as they please. 
The guardsman briefly point them in the direction of their guest rooms, one of the smaller buildings near the royal guard barracks inside the walls. The party find the rest of the evening to themselves to wish as they wish, at a ripe time of 7:30 PM.
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦The Party have been informed on their potential future travel routes to Antessa...
⭐Vinny’s safety has been relayed to the Accord
👤Ezra and 🧰Cole continue to be MIA
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