#i gave kevin (the cat) a bath when i got her inside bc she was in the crawl space under the house
figuerockfaeth · 6 months
would it be the worst financial decision in the world if i left two months early but kept paying my rent…. i hate being here so much which sucks so much shit bc i loooved this house but living with this random roommate is TORTURE i’m anxious 24/7 already bc of social reasons but that i could cope with except bc of the cat thing that happened earlier (roommate left our back door wide open then went to sleep and My cat got out) (i found her) now i feel unsafe because she’s leaving doors unlocked and wide open while we’re sleeping and now it’s 4am and i’m just laying here awake. i can’t move for at least two months bc i work at a school but after that i might just pack up all my stuff into a storage unit or smth and drive for an extended visit to my parents house
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