#i gave him a mohawk too but it doesnt really show it too well
kimjutsu · 6 years
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Villain! Kirideku for @thebetterkiridekuweek2018
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lizartgurl · 6 years
Lizzzzzz I'm having court and Virgil feels can you pleaseeeeeeeee write a fic for them? Anything you think fits, maybe first meeting? THANK YOU ILU 💕💕
I apologize to both you and Clark if I mischaracterize Courtney, I’ve really only ever seen her in the ten seconds she was on YJ, so that’s where I set this fic.
“If you guys wanna wait right here, the makeup crew will be here in a second,” Gar grinned at them, “I gotta take this call.”
“A call that wouldn’t happen to be from a certain royalty, would it?” Bart asked, lounging across his chair and kicking his legs up in the air so that he kicked the script out of Traci’s hands and into Jaime’s face.
Virgil shook his head staring hopelessly at the sets of makeup set in front of them on a vanity prepped for ten. Yes, there were several different makeup kits for several different people, but one set alone had to be twice as big as what his sister used. Cassie was already swatching out blushes and eyeshadows like she’d seen the MUAs on youtube do (though Cassie was self-proclaimed to hate makeup, she and Virgil both found makeup tutorials strangely addicting), but Virgil decided it best to not touch the makeup at all, leave it to the experts and all that.
“Hello! You must be Mister Logan’s friends!” said a bright woman with a clipboard and headset.
Jaime took charge, the responsible oldest child on the team (seriously, they were lost without M’gann). “Yeah, I’m Jaime, and we’ve got Bart, Traci, Cassie, and Virgil.”
“I see you’ve all got your scripts, so before we can get you into costume for rehearsals, we have to do makeup!”
“Doesn’t makeup go on after you change?” Virgil asked as a fleet of assistants burst in the door behind Clipboard Lady, draping them all with black tarps and turning them to face the mirror.
“Oh no! With the full-body makeup we do here, we don’t want it to get on your costumes,” Clipboard Lady frittered. By the time Virgil looked up again, Clipboard Lady was gone, but it seemed that the Makeup Assistants had things well in hand. Cassie’s character was being dyed blue, apparently she was going to play one of Lieutenant Turk’s many cousins. Bart was getting a mohawk and bright yellow eyelids, and Traci was getting purple hair extensions for a futuristic look.
“Of course, the Asian character always has to have hair dye,” She sighed. Virgil chuckled.
His and Jaime’s characters were both humans, so they didn’t need too long in the chair. Neither did Garfield, really, after he finished his conversation of sweet nothings with Queen Perdita. The Assistants had them sit on a couch in the greenroom, with strict instructions to keep their hands off their faces, and hurried back to help paint up Cassie.
“Race for Lightspeed!” Virgil jumped up at the sound of a familiar voice. There was Courtney Whitmore, Stargirl herself, standing in the doorway.
“Hey, Court!” Gar stood up and shook her hand.
“Good to see you again, Gar. Are these your guest-star friends?” She asked.
“A couple of them. Jaime, Virgil,” Gar grinned, “Meet Stargirl.”
“Sup,” Jaime waved.
“H- hi,” Virgil said as Courtney shook his hand.
“I was hoping to get another interview for Stargirl. Would either of you be interested?” Courtney’s smile was bright and coy, and it could just be his mind playing tricks on him, but Virgil was certain that she was looking at him when she asked. Courtney Whitmore was looking at him.
“Well, Virgil certainly looks interested.” Jaime muttered over his Entertainment Magazine, Gar and Space Trek 3016 splayed across the front.
“Huh?” Virgil jumped up, and Courtney grabbed his hand.
“Great! Follow me!” She dragged him out of the green room and onto the half-built set, where cameras and crew were still wandering around. They sat in the two chairs that Virgil had seen on all of her celebrity interviews, but he wasn’t a celebrity, what was he doing, thinking he could be on the Stargirl Vlog?
“Okay, Virgil, right?” His name called him back to reality.
“This isn’t live, so we can edit it all later, but I’m going to ask you a few questions about you and about the show, so don’t be afraid to be silly about it. Just let me know if you’re uncomfortable with a question, or aren’t sure how to answer. Okay?”
“O-Okay,” Virgil sat up straight, brushing off his clothes in an effort to look more presentable. He went to wipe his forehead from the sweat of the spotlight, and quickly sat on his hands in an effort to not ruin his makeup.
“Okay!” Courtney signaled her cameraman, and held up her list of questions with a flourish.
“Okay, so what we’ve been told from the producers, and from Garfield Logan himself, you, Jaime, and your other friends go way back with Gar.”
“Well, yeah. Jaime and Cassie probably know him longest, we were all on a team together.”
“What kind of team?” Courtney leaned forward intently. Virgil cursed his loose lips.
“Ah- Soccer.” That would work. Cassie was a good blocker, Bart ran really fast, and Traci was good with distractions. That covered it, right?
“Co-ed little league, right after he lost his mom. His big sister and her friends coached it.”
“Interesting. So you were there for him after Marie Logan died?”
“Well, not really. Traci and I joined a little later, but it was fun. Nothing too big, but we won, a lot.”
“That’s awesome! I have to ask, what did you guys think of him? The green skin and all.”
“Believe me, it wasn’t the weirdest thing we saw,” Virgil chuckled, “But his meta-powers- “ and everyone else’s “-really brought us together. He was like our legit mascot. And when you learn how to work as a team the way we did…that’s a kind of bond that doesn’t break.”
“That’s so sweet!” Courtney gushed. She was so sincere, it was so cute. “Speaking of Gar’s meta-powers, there isn’t any chance any of you having any meta-powers of your own, is there?”
Virgil froze for a moment, then shrugged. “Well, Traci’s ridiculously unlucky, if you’d call that a superpower.”
Courtney laughed, and he laughed with her. It just felt so easy, so natural.
“Bart was our fastest runner, but he’s super late for everything, which I’ll never understand. Jaime talks to himself, and Cassie works out all the time, because she looks up to Wonder Woman.”
“And Verge, here is always super-staticy-” Gar snuck up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Okay, I’ll admit it.”Courtney laughed again. “Well, thank you for putting up with my questions, Virgil. It’s been great to hear from you. I look forward to seeing the episode you guys put out.” She held out his hand, and Virgil shook it, the energy he put into looking good during the interview had left him in a daze.
“Here’s my number. Will you call me and tell me what you thought of the Vlog when it airs?”
Courtney handed Virgil a piece of paper, and all he did was nod like a dumbarse and smile like Dopey. As she followed her cameraman out of the stage, Courtney smiled at him, almost hidden behind her hair as she glanced back over her shoulder.
“Dude,” Gar elbowed Virgil, “She gave you her number.”
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed, still watching in the way Courtney had left, “Yeah she did.”
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