#i found this in my drafts!! im sry i forgot to post it jdsaklf
ustalav · 1 year
OC Tag Game
i was tagged by @idolsgf thank u, i love talking about my ocs lol
Favorite OC: So this is liable to change but Gideon Trevelyan has my heart and brain at the moment. He was actually my first inquisitor after several false starts getting into dai and he has evolved a lot but I love him so much. Andrastian Loyalist Circle Mage Prettyboy
Newest OC: probably my unnamed Renegade Shepard. I am playing through MELE with a different OC (Gideon's brother actually lol) doing a Paragon run but I am already mulling her over in my brain. [EDIT AFTER FINDING THIS IN MY DRAFTS LMAO:] her name is Grace and here is her pinterest board so far. I am really enjoying fleshing her out, but her basics are that she is earthborn + ruthless + vanguard.
Oldest OC: LMAO welllll I could give my like warrior cats OCs from my middle school days but no one wants that fjsadklf sooo I guess the first OC I made for tumblr rp groups back in like 2015 that I still think about from time to time was Edward he was a dirtbag loser that came into a lot of money and didn't know what to do with it. Still have his pinterest board
Meanest OC: That's an easy one, Grant Hawke. He is gruff, blunt, prone to solving things with violence. He pretty much only cares about his closest friends and his family. Grace Shepard may end up being meaner than him though lol, she does not have family to soften her up.
Softest OC: Soft Andrastian Scholar with the constitution of wet tissue paper Gideon Trevelyan. He is full support mage in combat, there is a lot of fade stepping out of melee. He is also very kind, very sweet. Perhaps internally prone to being judgy and spiteful BUT he really does care about people.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: That would also be Grant Hawke, he is pretty quiet, not one for small talk or being buddy buddy with many people. Although in his own way Faron Lavellan can be emotionally aloof. It's harder to catch onto because he's very extroverted and talkative, just keeps people at an emotional distance.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Welllll there is a certain trait passed down the Trevelyan line that has left them all a bit ditzy. Gideon's naivete leads to some ditziness, he can be gullible. He also struggles a lot with magic, although that has more to do with religious trauma than intellect. His brother Hessarian Trevelyan isss pretty dumb sometimes. The lights aren't all on. He was hit a few times in the head by a mage's staff when he was still a Templar.
Smartest OC: Probably Muren Tabris, she is very calculating, very aware of her next moves. She can be crass about it, I think she is often underestimated because of that and her somewhat violent sense of humor. But she is very smart! Has been helping take care of her family for years. Although if she doesn't care enough about something, she's not putting her mind to it. That sort of happens with the Wardens, so she does end up stepping down from Warden-Commander to focus more on the Denerim Alienage with Shianni and assisting Zevran as much as she can in Antiva!
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Hmmm I think I would find Muren cool from a distance but wouldn't speak to her lol. Probably Gideon honestly, but also I would heavily disagree with him on many things.
tagging @sinquisition and @transprincecaspian idk if y'all have done this yet but if you want to!
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