#i found the recipe online if anyone wants
dreams-in-daylight · 16 days
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Ya know, I said it offhandedly in the tags of the last post but I'm wondering what a Chica themed cookbook would include now. Pizza is the obvious one, same with cake and cupcakes. She has some canon stuff with something about chowder, Chica chug, Chica bites, uhhhh the uhhh skinny taco from Help Wanted 2, lemon Chicabars, the blendee, and whatever else she normally has I dunno. Her Fizzy Faz flavour is pink lemonade so there's that too...
She's then got the whole mazercise thing, so fruit smoothies and just general stuff with fruit is probably gonna work. Obviously she's a chicken, so there's that too.
Honestly, I can see her having a cake section where she tells the recipes to her friend's favourite cakes. So the obvious would be carrot cake for Bonnie then I dunno a lemon lime cheesecake for Monty or something?
I think the thing about a Chica cookbook is that it's just so easy to visualise and work with that it would be kind of hard to get it wrong, and yet, this isn't a real thing that exists for some reason??
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syxilla · 3 months
just thinking about kenji, who is hopelessly in love with the reader to point where on their first night over at his house, he chooses to make them dinner, himself. usually, if it was anyone else, he'd have mina make it for him, but he wanted to do it because he wants it to be special. he finds a recipe online, your favorite meal (or at least what he thinks it is because he sees you eat it so often) and tries it out!
the problem is; kenji doesnt know how to cook.
like i said, he has mina make food for him. you'd assume that someone so rich would at least know how to fry an egg, but no, kenji doesn't. which is why you're sitting on the couch, on the phone with the fire department, because kenji almost burned his house down while he's on the phone with a pizza place. he's embarrassed about his mistake to the point he doesn't even look at you, but you laugh and reassure him it was okay. and that you found it cute and even offered to teach him how to cook yourself.
needless to say, kenji fell even more for you.
(and so did i because he's so cutie patootie 😭💗)
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gallifreyriver · 7 months
So, Kellogg's Boycott. Again. Haven't seen any posts about it here yet, so figured I'd make one.
In short: We're all tired of these big companies gouging their prices just because they can, and calling it 'inflation.' We're tired of companies announcing record profits while they cut bonuses/lay people off/force workers to run on skeleton crews/etc. We're tired of "Shrinkflation" And we're tired of a bunch of other shit too, but you get my point.
So, vote with your wallet.
On April 1st, stop buying Kellogg's, and keep that up until June 30th. Just three months- just one quarter of the fiscal year. Companies report earnings each quarter, and if their earnings drop it will reflect in these quarterly reports.
Why Kellogg's?
Because their CEO recently pulled a "Let them eat cake." TLDR; Kellogg's has raised prices by 28% across the board, bragged about record breaking profits, and then suggested that families struggling to afford groceries, because of aforementioned price gouging, just "eat cereal for dinner!"
And well, that message was not well received by anyone, as one could imagine. Pissed a lot of people off.
So yeah. The plan is to stop buying any Kellogg's products (below) for the entirety of the second quarter (April 1st-June 30th) and to collectively tell Kellogg to fuck off until they lower their prices. The goal isn't to "destroy the company" or cost anyone their jobs- but we will hit them where they will listen. Their profits.
If they don't listen, then we don't come back, and we start in on the next company, and keep going until they all get the message. There's always alternatives (more on that below) and we don't need them. If they refuse to drop their prices, then we just stick with the alternatives we found.
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Three months is a minor inconvenience to teach a corporation a lesson, and we can do it.
So, take this month before April to find your alternatives. If you need help, I based a non-comprehensive list (below) off the image above. There's tons more just a google search away, and I bet others have made lists as well. There's also always the option to make your own. There's tons of recipes online showing how to make dupes of your favorite products.
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Some things to note:
Don't go stocking up on your favorite Kellogg's products the last week of March and think you're not crossing the picket line. The point is to make Kellogg's feel the loss in profits, and stocking up on Cheez-its beforehand will defeat the purpose. I sincerely promise you can make it three months without buying Kellogg's. Again, three months is a minor inconvenience to teach a corporation a lesson, and we can do it.
That said, Safe Foods are acknowledged. If you or your child is neurodivergent and has issues with food (i.e: literally won't be won't be able to eat at all without their safe food) you get a pass. By all means feel free to try and find alternatives, but it's very unlikely that the few who can't boycott will cause it to fail. There should be plenty of the rest of us to pick up the slack.
Don't be a bystander- meaning don't go about this thinking "Oh, well surely there's enough people boycotting that it's fine if I just-" No. If we ever want things to change then we need to be strong enough to do even something as small as not buying something we like for three months. Furthermore, it's on those of us who can afford Kellogg's products to boycott Kellogg's. It's not the responsibility of those who already can't afford Eggos to boycott Eggos. Nothing will change if you go about just assuming everyone else already has it handled for you. Take a stand.
And importantly, Spread the word. This only works if we let as many people as possible know about it.
So reblog this post, or make your own post, or both. Even feel free to copy and paste this entire post off-platform if you need to. I've also seen some suggest making flyers, or even just writing on post-it notes, and sticking them to Kellogg's products in the store to spread the word off-line.
Just get the word out there. If we ever want these companies to stop gouging us for every cent we've earned, then we have to make a stand somewhere.
If we do nothing it will only ever get worse.
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cyberpersonstranger · 1 month
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Tamaki strikes me as such a Mama's boy. Not in a bad way or anything but as in the type of guy who gets along with his mom more than anyone. After a few hangouts with him where he begins being a bit more open he'll probably ask you to meet her! If you get along well with his mom he'll most likely start to initiate hangouts more and more. If his mom trusts you expect outings with her too sometimes!
" Y/n this is my.. uh.. my mom. "
There will probably be a period in time where you'll think Tamaki doesn't want to talk to you when you text him. He doesn't mean to make you feel that way! Not at all! He just doesn't know how to answer sometimes, so he'll get super dry. Once you say "Do you not want to talk to me or something?" He's immediately freaking out and apologizing profusely maybe even sending you an apology paragraph! He really didn't mean to make you feel that way. After all that he'll be not only responding in a matter of a second but also indulging in conversations over text as much as he can. (Also 100% uses emoticons)
"That Grape Kid in 1-A said WHAT? I'm so so sorry! :( "
Despite how shy he is Tamaki loves kids. Not in a gross way, in a caring way. You'll probably walk in on Eri doing his makeup a few times a week. You laugh as you help him get it off a few hours later, then he might ask you if he'd be a good father. Sometimes on weekends you'll even watch Barbie movies with him, Mirio, Nejire, and Eri! Other than Eri, if you're out and about with Tamaki you can see him crack a small smile seeing kids with their parents.
"Hey.. do you.. maybe think I could be a good dad.. one day?"
Tamaki likes to bake, however he's pretty shitty at it. If you catch him attempting to bake he'll freak out and act like he isn't doing anything. That's where you take control! You help him with whatever it is he's attempting to bake and it'll draw you closer to him. Sometimes he'll even text you first with recipes or cute cookie cutters he found. His favorite flavors are probably vanilla and pumpkin. He just seems like a pumpkin guy. (I know most people would say cooking due to his quirk but imagine whipping up a batch of butterfly shaped cookies with Tamaki, isn't that ADORABLE?)
"Look at this new flavor I found! :D" (said over text.)
Tamaki LOVES flowers. When I tell you he gives them to everyone I mean it. One morning you wake up to fresh sunflowers in front of your door. You find his name shakily written on the paper holding them, maybe Eri's too. It's not just you receiving them though, he'll give them to Mirio, Nejire, teachers, and just people he genuinely appreciates. He's not too good with his words so he shows his appreciation to his friends with small gifts like that.
"Those uh.. sunflowers reminded me of you."
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Tamaki is touch starved. He's too anxious to let anyone hold, kiss, or even hold hands with him. Once you initiate it (yes, you will HAVE to be the one to initiate physical affection) he doesn't know what to do, so he just lets out a small squeal. You who are afraid of making him uncomfortable will ask him if he's alright with whatever you're doing and he'll just respond with a weak nod. However, on the bright side he might initiate stuff a bit more with your permission of course. What kind of boy do you take him for?
"Can we maybe... you know.. hug?"
As a lover, Tamaki's main love language is quality time and gift giving. He likes physical affection a lot, but it's just a tad bit difficult for him to express what he wants. So, every time you guys go on the simplest of dates expect flowers, sometimes jewelry, or maybe even some candy you said you loved. Speaking of dates, he'd prefer something more casual considering his anxiety. He likes lounging around with you as you both look for a movie to watch, or simply helping you go online shopping. (He'll ask if he can pay for you, if you deny he's gonna pay for it anyways.)
"N-No it's okay, I'll pay.. it's the least I could do."
I just want to say.. MAKEOUTS WITH TAMAKI ARE TOO SWEET. They don't happen often but when they do you have full power. You let your tongue swirl against his as your fingers thread through that messy indigo hair of his, meanwhile his hands rest on your chest (Not like that you pervs.) When either of you pull away he won't reinitiate the passion but he will just stare at you in awe. Sometimes he'll even ask you to pepper his face in kisses! Tamaki loves kisses once you start giving them to him.
"Can you kiss me.. like.. uhm.. all over?"
I feel like Tamaki probably has a few younger siblings, my guess is 2 younger sisters, which is probably why he's so good with Eri. Once you meet them you realize they're total opposites of their older brother. They're loud and vocal, screaming "WOAH TAMA LANDED A S/O!!" Regardless of your gender they'll ask if they can 'bedazzle' both you and Tamaki. After meeting them Tamaki will profusely apologize, he doesn't want his sisters to scare you off! Once you explain to him it's okay and you honestly love them he'll bring you to babysit them with him, because low and behold... his sisters absolutely adore you!
"The girls asked if you could.. hangout with t-them."
No matter how long you and Tamaki have been dating.. he 100% talks about you to Fatgum and Kirishima. He just has the best S/O! You're so kind, patient, and caring to him and are the only thing running through his mind some days. Kirishima tells him hes so manly for loving you as much as he does and that you're a very lucky person. Fatgum laughs at the indigo haired boy, he's never seen a teenager so lovestruck. Tamaki will probably take you to an agency party if one gets held. He stands by your side the entire time and by the time Fatgum finds him he immediately says "Is this the one you're always talking about?"
"Hey you must be the one Tamaki's always talking about!"
"I d-don't know what he's.. um.. talking about."
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𝐓𝐖𝐬: nsfw obviously, CHARACTER AGED UP. Loss of v card, oral, hair pulling
Tamaki is shy. Very shy. You're probably the one he loses his virginity too. He's embarrassed to admit it, but just adapts to what you're into as you guide him. When you show him what pace you like as he goes into you he LOVES the way you scratch at or softly rubs his shoulder blades with your fingers. Like yes, help him either ease into this or mark his back up.
"Ngh.. can you.... rub my.. s-shoulders?"
Tamaki's quirk requires eating, and a lot of it. He's had to eat a lot of different foods and lets just say, boy is this guy good with his mouth. He loves going down on you, he loves showing you that he can make you feel so good. However, he likes it when you teach him. Guiding him on how to lick/suck your heat by pulling his hair. You've learned he gets a bit whiney if you're not touching his hair or gripping it whilst he gives your core the attention it needs. Sometimes he'll purposefully do it bad so you can tug his hair and put him where you want him.
"Nooo.. please.. put it back.. put your h-hand back.."
TAMAKI IS TOO CARING IN BED. He doesn't even worry about that raging ache in his dick, he needs to make sure you cum, to make sure you're satisfied. He needs to make sure you're pleased. Once you see how red his cock is due to his painful hardness you offer to take care of him but he'll deny your offer until you cum. Your sexual needs will always go above his no matter what.
"No.. no no.... you haven't.. cummed yet.."
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A/N: HOW DO WE LIKE AMAJIKI HEAD CANONS!! MONOMA'S NEXT! Totally willing to do a part 2 on Tamaki.
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ofstardustanddreaming · 3 months
a.n. - i miss my man deeply😞 here's a bit of birthday headcanons with nanami :) (gender neutral reader) (time line might be a bit off, but for the sake of headcanons, just pretend lol)
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he doesn't really expect you to get him anything, given how new your relationship is. you've been together for roughly 4 months, but this is a first major milestone in the relationship - gift giving for a birthday.
but, you have the upper hand of having grown up with one another. while, yes, it is a relatively new romantic relationship, the both of you have been friends for a while, and you know exactly what it is you have in mind to give him, considering you know him better than he thinks.
you've given him presents in the past, sure, but those were as friends. now, you have a bit more freedom to make birthdays much more intimate. you start the morning out with a massage, given how tired he's been lately. you had to do everything you could to get him to have his birthday off so you could do this.
i think he's very appreciative of a massage, giving you grunts and moans throughout the massage. he loves the lavender and mint scents you use, feeling every knot in his body loosen as you worked your way down through his back and arms, feeling hesitant at first about you getting his legs, but knowing it was the right decision when he felt those muscles getting their much needed relaxation.
he definitely prefers a quiet day in, and you love spoiling him throughout the day, considering how much he does unconscious, simple spoiling for you. he loves hearing you laugh as you make your way around the kitchen, breathing in the wonderful scents of what you're making. you had found a recipe for bread online that you know kento would love, having known him for a while. you also make him his favorite food for breakfast, his coffee the way he likes, along with a few other sweets for the day.
and you were right, kento loved every ounce of food you had made him, always someone who appreciates acts of service in this sense, along with the quality time you had convinced him to take today. he always feels bad giving into work easily, but is glad for the times you remind him that he adores being around you.
he's appreciative with whatever it is you get him, although he'll say he's always a bit more appreciative when you two are just together, a day to yourselves. he loves curling into you, cuddling into your chest. he won't admit it to anyone, but he loves being able to be in your arms, how you play with the hair at the nape of his neck, the hair that has now become unkempt and slightly curly.
"you know, for your next birthday, we should go to malasyia, like you've always wanted. we could scope out the place, see what the housing market's like." you tell him, half joking, but really hoping he'd want to take a mini vacation to do that.
"yeah, that doesn't sound half bad. maybe we could bring that new kid, itadori. maybe takuma as well. they've been working hard lately, and could use a break as well." he responds, breath tickling your neck where he's in the crook of shoulder and neck.
you giggle where it tickles, heart melting at how much he cares for the kids he tends to be stoic around.
"that sounds great, it is your birthday, you could bring who you want. but they're both very sweet and i'd love to bring them along." you say, thinking back to the moments you've interacted with them in your sorcery life.
but, in a few short months, we all know what happens in shibuya.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: Tongue Tied
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In which Jungkook starts to get closer to you- and realizes quickly that you don't actually need words to communicate.
Main Tags/Warnings: SFW, Hybrid!BTS x Hybrid!Reader, Wolf!BTS, Dog!Reader, strangers to ???, fluff, some angst, insecurities & very openly emotional reader, Jungkook focus, some manhandling cause it's kook duh, mc is becoming spicy (she growls for example), hybrid problems, Major fluff, some angst
Length: my phone crashed twice
-> Series Masterlist
Jungkook was a bit wary of you in the beginning- but it's gotten better.
He's a strong guy after all, and you're so quiet and delicate and- he's hurt his hyungs on accident before, he really doesn't want to end up hurting you. But now, after you've spent some time with them, he's come to grow more relaxed around you, currently zipping up your coat for you before he smiles. "Alright, you know the drill." He excitedly tells you, and you nod, eyes sparkling.
It's something he's sure he'll get in trouble for, sooner or later.
Jungkook has his own apartment apart from the pack-dorms. He's very much a fixed part of the pack, but he's also terribly introverted- so sometimes, he just wants time for himself, alone, some quiet and calm away from everyone else. And that's where you come in- because he's started to sneak you out to sleep over at his place with him, nights filled with movies and games and delicious food cooked after recipes he's found online. He always makes sure to bring you back early mornings before the caretakers will check up on you- but because they only check once a day (something that's concerning him greatly), he can most of the time just leave you at your apartment for a few hours and pick you up later to spend more time with you.
Right now, he's at his home, relaxing on his couch with you cuddling up to him. Jungkook himself isn't all that touchy, usually- but he really doesn't mind you latching onto him at all.
There's a commercial on the TV about a hybrid's sports event- and you chirp up at that. "Me." You point at a swimming hybrid being celebrated by people. "Me, too." You say.
"You did sports too? Swimming?" Jungkook wonders, and you nod.
"Fun." You tell him, and he chuckles, a hand on your back.
"I bet it was." He nods. "Why'd you stop?" He asks, and you become quiet, before you tap your head.
"Break." You try and explain, pointing to your head. "Head.. break." You say.
"Hmhm, Namjoon mentioned that he wondered if something happened to you. How did your head break?" He asks, and for a moment, you seem to think.
You don't know how to explain it. You lack most of the words to put your memories into vocabulary Jungkook would understand- but then you spot the newspaper near the table, and get up to pick it up.
Jungkook has sat up now, watching as you roll the paper magazine up, sitting on your knees in front of the idol on the couch. Your hands curl his fingers around the roll of newspaper, before you lift his wrist-
Softly making him hit your head with it.
And he understands.
He wishes he didnt- but he does.
You repeat the action again, and again, and again, and he's frozen for a second, horrified from the revelation. "Break." You say. "Make.. stupid." You try and explain, and he can't help but carefully pull his hand out of yours to let the papers fall to the floor, his hands instead pulling you close to his chest where he holds you. His ears are pinned back, tears stinging his eyes.
He hates that he knows exactly what you're trying to tell him.
Namjoon was right all along then- you're probably not a category five, but rather still suffering from the consequences of what your old home had put you through- and somehow, deep down, Jungkook doesn't want to know the full extend. He can't even imagine what must've happened to give you such extensive injuries that you're still struggling to recover to this day. It's not fair. It wouldn't be fair on anyone, but especially on you. You're too sweet to have been put through stuff like this.
And you only prove his point when he feels your hands on his head, carefully petting his ears to calm him down.
"Ears- yoongi. Yoongi happy." You tell Jungkook, who nods with a tight lipped smile. "Jungkook.. like?"
"Hm, I don't.. usually I don't like when people touch them cause they're really sensitive." He says. "But you can pet them all you want. I don't mind." He smiles, and you nod, tail wagging.
"I like." You say, pointing at his lips.
"My lips?" You shake your head. "Oh, you mean smile? You like my smile?"
"I like you'smile." You repeat a bit clumsy. "Jungkook.. happy. I like." You tell him, and he melts at that, pulling you back into his arms.
"I like it when you're happy too."
There's a big problem, and he doesn't know how to solve it- or more so, if he even wants to solve it.
Jungkook has a crush on you.
I mean, how can he not? He doesn't truly feel bad about it because you're his age- you're not someone who can't understand things or isn't capable of grasping the situation around you. You're not even truly struggling to communicate with him anymore- both of you having developed some sort of own language to make sure the other knows what you're thinking. And you're definitely pretty- not just by looks alone.
He doesn't care you're not the same predator wolf hybrid that he is- you're more than that, more than just your floppy ears and curled fluffy tail.
It's early, and you're a bit grumpy- but you know you can't stay in and risk being caught by a caretaker, so you slowly drag yourself into a sitting position. "Here-" Jungkook walks in, your mouth already open to receive the toothbrush he puts in with a chuckle. "-we can have pancakes for breakfast later, if you want?" He asks, and at that your eyes cracked open, tail wagging. "..I take that as a yes. Now come on, get your butt up!" He teases as you get up to follow him into the bathroom.
He can see himself living like this permanently.
Though of course, things would be easier if he didn't have to drive you back to the company building every morning at the crack of dawn just to keep up the illusion you've been staying at your apartment, but it is what it is at the moment, so he just rolls with it.
Everything goes smoothly again this morning, and while he has to leave you at your place after all because some schedule came up for him, he still doesn't miss picking you up late evening again to bring you with him.
You wonder if he knows that you won't be around forever. It doesn't seem like he does, and if he does, he either doesn't care or doesn't show that it's bothering him. It's hard to tell.
Jungkook is a sweet guy. He's the kind of guy you'd have hoped to meet when you were older back when you were just a pup, but now that you did, you realize how out of reach he really is. Not because of his social stand, but rather because.. well, why would he want to be with someone weird and broken like you? He probably just has some sort of.. Savior complex with you, or his nurturing instincts flare up whenever you're around. It happens a lot to other hybrids after all, this sudden need to take care of you fueled by your struggles day in day out. It's upsetting to you, and its why Namjoon is always such a breath of fresh air; together with Yoongi and Seokjin, they never pity or baby you.
Though you don't mind being babied by Jungkook, you won't lie.
Though right now, in this moment, you're both sitting on the couch with heads bowed and ears drooped in shame while Yoongi and Namjoon shake their heads. "Do you know how much trouble you could get in? Get her in?" Namjoon worries, and at that Jungkook sighs.
"I.. I just never got to spend time with her.." he mumbles quietly, and you instantly look towards him at that, wanting to reassure him, but you've realized too how dangerous what you've been doing has been.
"I know." Yoongi sighs. "But you could've told us about that. We would've helped- Jungkook we're a pack. You can't always do shit like that on your own." He explains, before walking into the bedroom with you to pack your stuff up.
Namjoon simply picks up some crumpled newspaper from the floor before putting it on the table- and at that, Jungkook remembers your conversation yesterday. "Namjoon.." he starts, staring at the paper on the table. "..you were right."
"Right with what?" He asks, sitting down on the couch next to the wolf hybrid.
"Her." Jungkook explains. "She.. yesterday we saw something on TV, and she told me she did sport's swimming at some point." He retells the events. "And so I naturally asked why she stopped. And she.." jungkook moves to grab the newspaper, smooths it out before he rolls it up and hits Namjoons head gently with it. "That. She did that, and told me her head broke from it."
Namjoon runs his hands over his face.
"I suspected something like that." He shakes his head. "I was hoping I was wrong though." The leader says, leaning back.
"Well, at least she's here now." Jungkook nods to himself. "They.. whoever it was, they can't hurt her anymore. And we can make sure she'll be fine from now on."
When you wake up the next day, it feels off.
Your room is quiet, interior brightly lit by the sun outside shining into your windows. Your roll over underneath the covers to move the clock on your bedside table towards you.
1:43 PM.
That's strange. You're typically woken up by staff at 9 AM, when someone will check on you and bring you breakfast- typically from one of the cafes close by. But today, it seems like they forgot you. Or maybe you just didn't notice?
No. When you walk into the main living area with the kitchenette and small table there, there's no food. Everything's still untouched from last night when Yoongi had brought you back, plastic bag with your stuffed animals you'd left previously at Jungkook's place still hanging on the edge of the chair at the kitchenette. No one's been here since yesterday.
You've really been forgotten.
You stare at the empty table for a moment, before you yawn and stretch your limbs, simply walking closer to take a pastel purple chipmunk plush out of the plastic bag to sit on one of the chairs. Another one, a white rabbit, sits on the opposite chair.
It's not the real thing- but it feels a bit more crowded like this.
You've never had a problem with being alone, which had been something many hybrid-specialists called 'not the norm'- because dog hybrids are typically very social and dependend on people. But it never bothered you, in fact, you feel like it's honestly easiest like this. You can take care of yourself after all, it's not like you're mentally or physically incapable of it. But when you open the fridge, you're reminded why you need the people around you so much.
Apart from a small plastic cup of strawberry flavored yogurt, and two bottles of water, there's nothing in there.
And even after eating the sweet treat, you're left hungry, naturally. You try and pass time by sitting at the table practicing your speech with the stuffed animals you've seated there, before you move to watch some TV. Bit by the time the clock hits 8, you're too hungry to concentrate on any plot you're watching unfold on the large screen in front of you.
So you brush your teeth, wash your face, and go to sleep.
It's 2:12 PM the next day, and no one's been there yet again.
You're worried now. Have you done something wrong? You like to be alone from time to time, but you also are a dog hybrid down the line. You're starting to feel lonely. Abandoned, even.
You don't have a phone, so you can't contact anybody. And you can't leave on your own, because you don't know the passcode to your own apartment to get back in later. And it wouldn't even do anything either if you knew it- you don't have any money to buy food even if you wanted to.
You drink a bottle of water in hopes of filling your stomach, before you sit in front of the TV again. But your hunger makes it hard to concentrate on anything yet again, as you let yourself fall to your side, frustration making you choke up on tears you don't want to shed. Maybe they'll be here soon. Staff will be here today. They have to.
But no one ever enters your apartment the entire day, not even when the sun sets and dips everything in orange and gold.
Only when it's dark outside does the lock of your apartment chime happily with the correct code input- and you immediately snap upright on your small couch, head looking towards the entrance.
When the person turns on the lights however, it's not staff. It's Jungkook, who seems a little confused for a second, before he brightens up. "Hey pup-oof!" He exclaims surprised when you race into his chest, holding onto him with your tail wildly wagging. He laughs at first, holding you close before closing the door behind him- until he notices you shaking. "Puppy? Baby, hey-" he says, concerned, moving you a bit away from him. "Hey what's wrong? What happened?" He asks, and you sniffle.
"Nothin'." You shake your head, not wanting to get the staff in trouble in case it wasn't their fault. "Jus.. happy." You say, and Jungkook nods- though he's wary. Your loudly complaining stomach makes him laugh, before he suddenly seems to turn serious.
You're still in your pajamas, and they smell like you've worn them for a while, not just for a night.
With a suddenly serious face, he walks closer to the kitchenette, opening the fridge, before he looks in the other- mostly empty- cabinets. "When.. was the last time someone checked up on you?" Jungkook worries, and you don't give him an answer, though your nervous face gives him all he needs to know. "How long?"
"Uhm.." you start, looking around as if to search for the word. "Two?" You say, hoping he understands. "Yes'day. No.. day- before yes'eday." You tell him. "But! Yo- uh.. snack!" You point to the fridge. "Me! I.. have snack, yes'day." You tell him, but it doesn't seem to really make him feel any better.
Jungkook instead takes out his phone, sending a few text messages to the boys back at the dorms about the situation, before he walks closer to you. "Go pack some clothes, okay? You'll stay with me for a bit."
"But, no?" You point towards him.
"Hm yeah I know they said you can't, but this isn't up to them anymore." He shakes his head, and so you go to pack up just like he'd asked you to. He knew something was already up the last day he'd picked you up- he doesn't want to know how often this already happened before.
And this time, he won't back down and do what the company wants him to.
While the hole incident with the missing staff is being investigated, the company basically gave him the okay to take care of you at his own apartment for the time being. And he absolutely loves it.
It's refreshing to him how he can be who he is without having to fear any kind of negative reaction from it. At this point, he's become so used to hiding his hybrid behavior that it was almost a bit awkward to see you express it so openly. And maybe that was what was freaking him out a little about you at first. Made him wary of you, so to speak.
But right now, all that is thrown out the window as he playfights with you over the blanket you'd stolen from his bed.
It's not like he doesn't want you to have it- you can have anything you want if you asked, but you has just taken it without his permission. And considering he's still a wolf hybrid at the end of the day, a type of predator hybrid that is a bit different in how they experience their own instincts, he's not having it. He considers you part of his pack after all-
And a pack needs order, and order comes from rules being followed.
You're still holding onto it even when he pulls you over his floor a bit- something that makes your tail wag as you realize his strength over you. But you also growl at him from your spot down on the ground, something that sets him off. No matter how cute you are, no matter how much he likes you, he won't let you play around with him like that. So he pulls you up at the edge of the blanket you're still holding onto, arms high above your head letting go of the fabric in shock of the way he holds onto your wrists now. Your tail at this point has stopped wagging, slowly lowering down- but you're not yet backing down.
He's not doing anything, simply looking at you, jaw clenched for a moment as he waits for you to finally submit- and it doesn't happen instantly, though it starts when you suddenly can't seem to look at him any longer. "No, attention back here, pup." He demands, making you whine as your tail finally tucks between your legs, body loosing all tension as you back down. "That's it." Jungkook chuckles, letting go of your hands- though you immediately hug him, something he's expected to happen.
It's been a while since he's witnessed hybrid behavior so openly like right now, even though he's a member of a pack filled with full blooded wolf hybrids. Maybe that's what's causing all those issues? The fact that they're playing humans, when they're clearly not?
He himself, right now, has never felt so comfortable. Or at least hasn't in years.
He chuckles as you rub your cheek against his sweater, something you've done yesterday as well when he'd brought you over to his place. You're scenting him, and he knows you're stealing his blanket and pillows and clothes because you want to match up with him. You want to make sure you smell like him, so that the pack will recognize you as a member. It's something he's sure the other members don't actually truly think about anymore- but to you, it's important. To you, it's part of your life as a hybrid.
And maybe that's your way of helping them. By teaching them how to be themselves again.
When he brings you over to dance practice the next day, the members seem a bit unsure for a moment.
It's not until Jungkook himself realizes that, while he's spent a few days with you now and has probably developed back into a more proper wolf hybrid, the rest of the band isn't used to that anymore. But maybe this is a good chance to show them what they're currently missing.
"Yah Jungkook, be careful with her, yeah?" Jin calls out, sighing when Jungkook does absolutely not listen to him- though his ears clearly show that he's heard him. He still pulls you back by your ankle when you try and slip from his arms on the floor, your laughter however clearly showing that you're aware he's not actually any threat despite his manhandling of you. "What's with him today?" Seokjin sighs, looking at Yoongi in the corner on his phone.
"What do you mean?" the rapper asks, glancing up to watch the scene between you and Jungkook. "He's playing with her." He shrugs, making the singer look back at you both to watch some more.
Taehyung walks in as well, equally as interested in the way the youngest of the group chases after you, who playfully growls at him while you hold onto his bottle of water. To any human staff present, it makes no sense why you would steal a bottle, and why Jungkook would be so interested in getting it back- but to the band members, it finally clicks.
"She smells like him too." Seokjin mentions absentmindedly, as if he's just realizing it. It's clear now that he's simply forgotten what you're both doing. "I haven't seen him laugh like this since he was a trainee."
"Yeah." Taehyung agrees quietly from the side, feeling almost a sense of longing at the way you both seem so carefree, while everyone else seems exhausted already. It feels odd to him, as if they're not a part of it anymore- like they're not a pack at all, but Jungkook and you are. And to him, it's even weirder that he doesn't know what to do to join in. But he should, right? He's a wolf hybrid too. So why does he feel so helpless?
Suddenly, you almost bump into him- looking at him for a moment, unsure what to do it seems. He smiles, and you smile back, tail wagging. "You're playing with Jungkook?" He asks, and you nod, when the singer in question walks up to the both of you, petting your head as he walks past. "I heard you're sleeping at his place right now." He tells you, and you nod.
"She steals the blankets at night!" Jungkook chimes up playfully scolding you. "Don't let yourselves be fooled, she's an absolute brat!" He laughs, making everyone chuckle at the scandalized expression on your face.
"Not!" You bark at him, and at that Taehyung can't help but laugh.
"I'd disagree too." He hums, pulling you closer to him, hand on your shoulder almost protectively. "She's an angel, aren't you?" He asks you, and you nod with an innocent expression.
"Lies, I did not give her my shirt for an example!" Jungkook laughs, and you hug Taehyung at that, though you turn your head to talk to him.
"But!" You defend yourself, thinking how to say it. "Pack! Me- pack." You huff, and while Jungkook chuckles and agrees, everyone else suddenly realizes what you've just said.
You're part of the pack. Sure, yeah, they've kind of said it before as well, and yeah of course they say it here and there as if it's nothing. But the way you say it, right now, kind of sparks something entirely different in everyone- and it's clear that everyone thinks the same way, as they share glances. They're all a pack-
but why doesn't it feel that way, right now in this moment? In fact, why hasn't it felt like that in forever?
It's like a sudden wave of realization hits everyone, and Taehyung in his position with you so close can't help but feel the sudden urge to scent you as well. He himself doesn't even smell like pack anymore. No one does, in fact. Why not?
"What if we.. asked again to have her stay at the dorms with us?" Namjoon wonders suddenly. "It's clear that staff has failed to properly look after her, and with us, she'll always have someone to watch over her." He asks, and everyone nods after a moment or two, agreeing.
"And whenever we have practice, she comes along anyways." Yoongi nods from the side. "Army already knows her. Accepts her." He reminds everyone, and you look around in excitement.
And clearly, your look of pure happiness is enough to convince everyone.
Now they only need to convince management.
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Peaches & Cream - Carmen Berzatto
Summary: Carmy talks the reader into making family and their relationship takes a turn.
A/N: I don't know if I like this installment as much as the other two but I'm running with it. Also, the actual dessert made is from Carolina Gelen and it's fucking delicious!
The Bear Masterlist
You shook your head slowly back and forth, with what you were almost completely positive was a look of abject horror plastered across your face as your eyes met Carmy's blue ones. If there was one thing, anything, that you absolutely did not under any circumstances want to do it was cook in The Beef's kitchen. 
"It's not like you haven't cooked for everyone out there before," Carmy replied, leaning against the door and crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Yeah, but like...at my place...not like, seriously," you mirrored his image, leaning back in the office chair and crossing your arms. 
Carmy smiled, "family isn't serious." He said it in that way that suggested he'd caught you out. Like you were trying to pull one over on him but he found a loophole at the last second. He looked too triumphant for his own good. 
"Cars..." You groaned, there was no way you wanted to do family. When Syd did family it looked like some fucking five star gourmet meal. Even Ebra cooked up some really wonderful food for family. You had cooked at home, sure, but not in Carmy's kitchen. "Fine...but when it's shit-"
"It won't be," he replied and you practically felt the air knocked out of you. As if those three simple words had the power to truly dictate what sort of cook, chef, you were. And maybe they did because you felt ridiculously confident after he said it. 
You abandoned the paperwork to the office and followed Carmy into the kitchen. His attention didn't last long, immediately pulled to something else as Tina called him over to taste the potatoes she was working on. Your unexpected entrance into the kitchen didn't go unnoticed by Marcus or Syd or Tina, all three of whom followed you with their eyes as you went to the family shelf. You were positive you looked a little more than unsure of yourself as you pulled ingredients off the shelf, trying to think of a recipe that you could accomplish, that would taste good, and that might impress Carmy. 
"People don't usually make that face after someone kisses them...unless like, I read the room wrong and I wasn't, or you didn't want me to kiss you," you stammered, eyebrow quirking as you stared at Carmy. Ever since the first Sunday Night Dinner you'd been thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. Probably ever since he first walked in The Beef and introduced himself to you. And maybe he hadn't been thinking about kissing you for that long but you thought maybe he was thinking about kissing you lately. Or not and you were atrocious at reading what vibe other people were projecting. 
"No, no...I mean, I, no, I wanted you to...I wanted to kiss you. I liked it. Ah..." Carmy inhaled, held his breath for a second and then exhaled. "I uh, you taste like peaches. It's like, really fucking wild, just like straight up peaches...like, not like chapstick shit or something but like actual fucking peaches." 
"Oh," you stopped yourself from laughing, "I uh, I ate like frozen peaches before you came over." You tried to explain. It was the most bizarre semi-compliment anyone had ever offered after a kiss. Probably in the history of the world. 
"I was trying this recipe-"
"What was it?" He looked over the back of the couch toward the kitchen as if a plate would be waiting there on the island for him to sample. 
"It's nothing fancy," you promised, a regular disclaimer whenever you made something new and let Carmy try it. You got up from the couch as you explained the recipe you'd seen online and had attempted to recreate in your own kitchen before Carmy had come over. Aside from the peach, which was frozen in your freezer, everything else was assembled. 
Whipped cream went in the bowl first, then the peach shavings, scrapped off a whole frozen peach like you were zesting a lemon, and then brown sugar syrup that you'd made earlier. In the short time it took you to assemble the dessert, Carmy came over to the island, leaning against the counter and watching you walk. 
"Here," you slid the bowl over and handed him a spoon from the utensil holder that sat in the middle of the island. He took it from you, his focus already zeroed in on the dessert sitting before him. The assembly was no five-star NOMA dish but you thought it tasted pretty good earlier and hoped you'd made it just as nicely the second time. 
The first time Carmy tried anything you made him your whole body had felt like it was on fire. Burning with nervous anxiety eating at your stomach. Now, you thought you should probably still be nervous but you weren't. Somehow you didn't have any of those nerves anymore. Or at least, they weren't turning over your stomach anymore. Instead it was just excitement, watching him taste the food that you prepared for him. 
With little actual warning, Carmy laid his spoon on the counter and leaned forward, kissing you this time instead of the other way around. You kissed him back, your hand moving to hold his face, fingers brushing the curls at the back of his neck. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little dazed as he pulled away from the kiss, blue eyes shining with amusement as he smiled. Like really smiled, you noted. 
"Yeah, that's the peach I was tasting." He finally said, taking another bite of the dessert, "fire, by the way."
"Awesome," you stumbled over the word, not entirely sure it was the correct one to encapsulate the moment. 
You knew Marcus was hovering over you without needing to turn around, but you did anyway, twisting away from the focaccia bread that you were kneading onto the sheet pan to look up at him. "What?" You asked, unable to stop yourself from smiling when you caught the amused look on his face, "what?"
"You're doing family?" 
"Yeah, why...you have a problem with that?" You asked, trying to sound confident. 
"No...this looks good," Marcus replied, checking on the focaccia once more before stepping away from you. "What're you making?"
"Chicken parm sandwiches?" You replied, more as a question than a statement. As you slid the pan into the oven Marcus took a once over of the other ingredients on the counter. 
"You making your own mozzarella too?" He asked, sounding impressed that you were going to tackle something that complicated. 
"I am," you said, pulling a 'can you believe it' face, "Carmy showed me how to a couple weeks ago-"
"Carmy showed you how to?" He replied, the tone of the question teasing. 
"Don't you have like...something to do?" You asked, looking back at his station. 
You might've spent most of your shift in the back office but you knew that everyone in the kitchen was talking. It started with Richie, way before you and Carmy had kissed. He'd come into the office when you and Carmy were sitting in there and however you both were acting Richie had interpreted it as flirting (which was impressive considering how awkward you and Carmy flirting was). Richie being Richie, spread the news to Tina and Ebra and Sweeps, then Marcus heard about it and Sydney. Even Fak got filled in on the apparent 'romance' that was happening. You suffered through embarrassing comments every time you were remotely close to Carmy in the kitchen until finally everyone pretty much got used to the fact that you were pinning and probably never going to make a move. 
Or at least, you hadn't expected to ever make a move. He just looked so good sitting there on your couch and you'd been thinking about him for a long time and you were positive (at least 99% so) that recently he'd been thinking about you the same way. It was a long shot probably, cause Carmy was almost impossible to read unless he was yelling about food, but it worked out. 
"Are you doing family?" Syd asked. She was doing checks, purposely saving Marcus for last so she could see what you were up to. She'd seen you come out of the office with Carmy and go over to the family shelf, surprised since you never seemed eager to be anywhere near the kitchen during work hours. (Syd had come back for her headphones once and seen you and Carmy in the kitchen together, generally being cute...which she pointed out to you later on). 
"Yeah?" You felt even more unsure of yourself when she asked than you had when Marcus had asked before. 
She nodded, looking over the ingredients you had out. "Dope."
"Thanks," you laughed. 
You weren't surprised, considering how hectic you knew the kitchen could get, that you didn't actually see Carmy again (aside from glimpses as he moved back and forth from the kitchen to the counter and back) until family. And technically, once you'd plated family and called everyone out to eat, he was nowhere to be found. Richie told you he was having a cigarette around a mouthful of chicken parm sandwich so you plated some for him and carried it outside into the back alley. 
Carmy was sitting against the back wall, a plastic container of water in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He had his head tilted back and his eyes closed like he was maybe trying to catch a few seconds of rest before dinner rush. 
"Hey," you tapped his shoulder and Carmy started, opening his eyes and looking up at you. 
"Hey," he replied, laying down his container of water and taking the plate from you. He balanced it on his knees and picked up the sandwich to look it over. "What've we got?"
"Chicken parm sandwich on pistachio focaccia bread." You replied, "Richie said I was 'going all out'."
Carmy took a bite and you watched as his face change from neutral to slightly pleased. The look you knew meant that he liked something. "This is good, this is really good." He replied earnestly, taking another bite. "Did you make the mozzarella?"
"Does it taste bad?"
"No," he shook his head, looking away from the sandwich and up to you, "you could've kneaded it one more time, it's a little soft."
"I wasn't sure," you admitted, "you'll have to make me mozzarella and tomatoes again and show me how to make it." 
He'd shown you last week, when you were at his apartment for a change. He was in the middle of making dinner when he realized he didn't have mozzarella so he decided to make it, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do. Or at least the most normal thing in Carmy's. 
"You heading back inside?" He asked as you reached for the door handle. 
"Back to the office, where I belong." You replied. 
He waved you back over, tilting his head back to look up at you when you were standing in front of him again. You took the silent invitation and leaned down to kiss him. "I won't taste like peaches this time." 
"It's not a stipulation," he joked and you smiled into the kiss. 
Eventually, sooner rather than later, you knew everyone in the kitchen would find out that you were dating. Probably everyone outside of the kitchen too, once Fak knew that you were together it was only a matter of time before everyone Carmy had ever met found out that he had someone in his life. 
"Okay," you sighed, reluctant to pull away but knowing there was a stack of invoices you needed to look through, "eat your too shitty sandwich and get back to work chef."
"You bossing me around now?" He laughed, stubbing out his cigarette and following you back through the door into the kitchen. 
Everyone else had finished eating and were back to their stations. Tina looked over first when the two of you came in and you smiled, "Carmy said it was awful and I'm never allowed in the kitchen again."
"I didn't say it was awful-"
"The mozz was a little soft but the focaccia was insane," Syd pipped up in your defense.
"I didn't say it was awful," Carmy repeated, nudging you with his elbow when you smiled at him.
"He didn't say it was awful," you admitted, "he did say the mozzarella was soft." 
"Why you being a fucking hardass about some cheese?" Richie called from the counter, coming over and throwing an arm over your shoulders, "I'm fucking shocked as it is you got this one to go out with you, now you're gonna be insulting?"
Carmy flushed red, whether because of Richie or because of the whistle Sweeps gave at the previously unconfirmed news that the two of you might be something, "can we get back to work chefs?" He finally said, moving away from you and over to one of the stations, grabbing his knife to start prep. 
"Guess that's my cue to get back to the office," you joked, slipping out from Richie's arm.
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The 141 vs the cheese plate
OK, I’ve heard your cooking headcanons and I adore each and everyone of them. However, have you considered. The Military men, terrible at cooking, get invited over to a dinner party that Laswell and her wife are hosting. 
The 141 being served a cheese plate, and just sort of shutting down.
Ghost is slowly eating a single wedge of Brie as if trying to contemplate how it tastes the way it does.
Johnny is buzzing and trying a little bit of everything making increasingly excited noises.
Price is harassing Laswell’s wife trying to get her to tell him her recipes, and she just has to tell him that it’s just good cheese and some meats, it was just a combination she found online and that wasn’t difficult at all.
Gaz is the most sane, as his family has not deprived him of the experience of a cheese plate, however he has taken about a dozen photos and is spamming his mothers phone with them.
If anyone asks, he’s complementing the presentation of the cheese plate. If anyone gets him to tell the truth he is sending pictures of his coworkers reactions to a cheese plate.
If anyone else is there, I’m talking König, Alex, Roach, Alejandro, Rudolfo, Graves, or anyone. I want to hear your thoughts on what they’d be doing. Would any of them be completely sane?? I hope not.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Mess In The Kitchen
a/n: i got this cute request that has been sitting in my inbox and i think the timing is perfect now to post it after my jamie and trevor fic
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Flipping through the different recipes online, you finally found one for some pasta you figured Trevor and Jamie would like. For the past month at least once a week you would cook for Trevor. It was really the first time you cooked for anyone and Trevor seemed to really like the nights you cooked so you made it a thing. After a few times of you going over to cook though Jamie pointed out that you had yet to make him food too so the three of you picked today to have dinner all together.
You picked baked ziti because you figured it would be the easiest dish that everyone would like and you had gone over extra early to cook for the boys. You were excited to have Jamie finally try your food. “Alright, dinner is served.” You told the boys as you set the hot dish on the table for the three of you. Immediately Trevor dug into the food and Jamie followed behind.
When it was your turn you put a few scoop fulls on your own plate. You gave the boys a few minutes to really dig and you couldn’t help but beam up at them, waiting to see what they would say. “So what do you think?” You asked and Trevor gave you a thumbs, a smile on his lips. “This is amazing.” You immediately caught the look of confusion on Jamies face as he turned his attention to Trevor. 
“Jamie?” You asked and he pushed his food around the plate a little. “Uh, you know I love you, right?” He asked and a nervous laugh left his lips. “Yes…” You started slowly as you waited for him to continue on. “What Jamie is trying to say is, he fell more in love with you because this food is amazing.” Again a look of confusion crossed Jamies face as he looked at Trevor again. “Well no…I mean, it’s not horrible it’s just..The pasta isn’t really cooked all the way through and it’s kind of…bland.” He winced a little at the last word and you could tell he was trying to not hurt your feelings.
Your cheeks flashed red at his words “I am so sorry.” You immediately started and Jamie shook his head “It’s fine really, I mean you said you’re still learning.” He tried to cover up his criticism and you appreciated that but a bigger question came to mind as you turned to Trevor. “Wait have you been telling me it’s good this whole time to not hurt my feelings?” You asked and his jaw dropped slightly. “I mean…yes?” He said quietly and your own jaw fell open. “Trevor why would you do that?”
“I can think of a few reasons why he does that.” Jamie teased with a small laugh and Trevor pushed him in warning. “Uh…Do you think maybe we could talk for a minute.” He paused looking over at Jamie “Privately.” At the last word Jamie held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll be in my room.” And with those words he retreated into the house. Your attention turned back towards Trevor. “I’m not really sure how to say this but uh..you see. I’ve kind of have had this big crush on you.”
His words had caught you by surprise but there was still confusion there. “Wait so because of your feelings for me…You didn’t tell me my food sucks?” You asked and he shrugged sheepishly. “I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings but I can see why it’s important that I wasn’t honest.” He admitted to you and you nodded your head. “Well yeah because if you’re wanting to be my boyfriend you’re going to have to be honest even if my food is the worst ever.”
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petermorwood · 1 year
Mushrooms in Cream Sauce...
...or Pilze in Sahnesoße.
This is for @killerblackberrypie, who went looking for the version on our "European Cusines" site and found the site gone.
@dduane had taken it down for maintenance, a new theme and to take some new photos, but while the site was down it web-provider went belly-up. These things happen.
"European Cuisines" Will Return - just not quite yet.
Our recipe was, ironically, one of the recipes slated for new pics, so while this text is from the site's offline backup (with a couple of tweaks from me, because why not?) photos are sourced from the web.
There are many, many other recipes online; they're mostly in German, but Google Translate handles Rezeptedeutch well enough. I've linked to a couple, which is only fair since I'm using their pix.
You'll also see the French word "champignons" in German recipes as often as German "Pilze"; I don't know whether this indicates a French origin for the recipe, or refers to a specific mushroom, or makes the dish sound more classy.
Here's one: Champignons in Sahnesauce mit Spätzle.
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And here's ours...
Pilze in Sahnesoße from European Cuisines.
Contrary to popular belief, Germany is not a vegetable-free zone.
In fact, unless you find yourself buried in some tiny backwater in the Black Forest or someplace similar, Germany is much kinder to both vegetable-lover and vegetarian than a lot of other places. It will be rare to find a menu that doesn't have at least a few vegetarian or at least mostly-vegetable options on it, often far more creative than you might expect.
But leaving aside for the moment the issue of vegetarianism per se, Germans really do like more vegetables than potatoes and cabbage, especially seasonal ones in their prime. Asparagus season, for instance, has its own name: Spargelzeit - "asparagus time".
And mushrooms (all right, not as true veggies, but at least as fungi) turn up as stars in many entreés, especially in dishes meant to be served in the autumn, "Pilzsaison", mushroom season, when the good little creatures are coming up all over in the woods and the supermarkets.
This recipe calls for the mushrooms to be sautéed with onions in bacon fat (the bacon is added later). The pan is then deglazed with white wine, and various spices are added, one of them being paprika, which instantly suggests that this recipe probably sneaked over the border from Austro-Hungary, possibly via the Czech Republic.
Finally the cream and bacon go in.
The result is substantial, surprisingly elegant, and yummy.
This is definitely a recipe for a high-end Hobbit menu: an entrée for anyone who doesn't want their mushrooms upstaged by overly large amounts of meat.
The bacon-fat and bacon CAN be left out completely, making the dish meat-free. Use more butter along with more mushrooms and a red pepper diced small, and add 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika.
NB, we work in metric so that's "correct"; Imperial is converted and "approximate", though it won't make much difference. Just don't combine them or your mushrooms might crash into Mars...
1 kg / 2 lb fresh mushrooms, domesticated or a mixture of wild types to taste
125g / 1/4 pound bacon, diced
60gr 1/4 cup butter or margarine
2 large onions, diced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika
60ml / 1/4 cup (or more if needed to deglaze) white wine, preferably a medium or medium-dry one
A pinch of nutmeg
A pinch of mace
250ml / 1 cup heavy cream
The juice of half a medium-sized lemon, strained
2 sprigs of fresh parsley
Clean the mushrooms with a soft brush or dry cloth. (Never wash mushrooms.) If they're big, cut them in half.
Fry the bacon in a wok or large pan until lightly browned. Remove the bacon from the pan and set it aside.
Add the butter to the pan drippings. Add the onions; sauté until lightly browned.
Add the mushrooms; cook them until they're tender, stirring often.
When they're tender, raise the heat slightly and stir in the wine, salt, pepper, paprika, nutmeg, and mace. Cover the pan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
Remove from the heat. Add the cooked bacon, cream and lemon juice. Reheat until just warm. Do NOT let this mixture boil!!!
Garnish with parsley and serve with noodles, dumplings, mashed potatoes, whole potatoes... And some crusty bread to chase the last of the sauce.
Our original photo used Spätzle, as in the first pic. Ribbon tagliatelle works just fine as well, while here is Saure Pilz-Sahnesoße served alongside Bohemian Dumplings, a long bread dumpling boiled in water or stock then cut into thick slices.
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From the same site, here's a simple potato treatment, Pilz-Sahnesoße mit Kartoffeln:
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As far as we've been able to make out, the main difference between mushrooms in cream sauce as a main dish, and creamy mushroom sauce for use with something else, is the proportion of mushrooms to everything else, and often the size of pieces into which they're cut. Really small bits are one more ingredient, large generous chunks are much more front and centre.
Ours is definitely a main course, and though we haven't made it for a while, the memory of that last time still makes my Mind Palate go...
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Soon. Soon...
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corpsepng · 1 year
Pls make a list of books you recommend to aspiring writers<3
Ok. Aspiring/burgeoning writer starter kit:
In writing anything you officially become a writer so that’s step one haha, no need to aspire too much. BUT. I’m going to soapbox for a bit using this ask as an excuse love u kissing u etc. So. This will barely be about books, but sort of the recipe of what I (personally and subjectively) think will help anyone who wants to grow their craft. (I know because I've been writing seriously for 14 years)
The act of writing is the best practice you can get but having a well from which to draw on creatively and skill wise in order to DO that practice is the trickier part. And sometimes we can be found lacking because we’re either NOT refilling that well enough, consciously enough, or only with the same sorts of things so it gets stagnant. This is a long one so I’ll shove it under the cut haha.
The recipe:
Study craft
Broaden horizons 
Diversify consumption
Consume with intention
Apply with reference
1) Study craft: this is the easiest to make sense of, right? I want to get good at writing so I read books about writing yada yada. Whatever you’re writing, it’s made up of a lot of moving parts, and you can dedicate time studying EACH PART, but figure out what you have the least experience with, or the most difficulty with, and start there. Also, before I go on to preach about why you shouldn’t solely stake your growth on some dusty old books, here’s some dusty old books I recommend:
The Elements of Style (strunk/white/kalman) (really quick and abbreviated advice, read every bit of this but remember: rules are important to know so you can decide which are worth following and which are in need of breaking for the pursuit of your goals. And nobodies perfect, or editors wouldn’t have a job)
Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott) (excellent work about fostering a process, important for everyone who finds themselves a little lost on how to just. Start)
Wonderbook (Jeff Vandermeer) (I haven’t read this one but knowing Vandermeers work this is on my TBR and I KNOW it’s going to be enlightening)
How to Read Literature like a Professor (Thomas C. Foster) (perfect for those who can see others stories working but unsure how to make their own work, I personally didn’t read much of this one but this will help people to more critically engage with what they’re consuming)
Save the Cat Writes a Novel/Joseph Campbells Hero’s Journey/On Writing and Worldbuilding/etc (all of these are on structure and craft in a concrete sense), I would recommend either choose one OR getting the abbreviated/digestible versions through YouTube because a lot of these can repeat themselves. I’m working on a playlist of writing craft/structure videos that I found helpful, so keep an eye out for that)
So. Studying craft should be a multidisciplinary process. Articles online, videos on niche media, books on craft or copying things from your favorites, looking for yourself in the movies you watch or fiction you read. Punctuation, prose, structure, rhetoric, character, world building, pacing, etc. Unfortunately, no matter how seasoned you become as a writer, you will always be learning new things about the craft itself.
It should be fun and I honestly feel like an enlightened little scientist when I see something that really cracks the open the magic for me (ex: scenes that serve more than one purpose are OF COURSE going to be more engaging that scenes with only one purpose- duh) (of COURSE magic systems should have a cost) (of COURSE the characters cant always win OR always lose)
2) Broaden horizons: consuming fiction and studying it is key to knowing how to reproduce it. We start with the training wheels of imitation before we ride away full speed into truly unique original storytelling. But the most impactful and thought-provoking stories are more than just fiction, so you need to know more than stories. Science, history, art, craft, math, music, cooking, psychology, religion, whatever!
Everyone always parrots “write what you know”, but what you KNOW can expand to influence what you write- so keep learning new things all the time and for fun, because you never know what could help your story. Your knowledge is not limited to experience alone, and research is your best friend. ASOIAF was so loved because George RR Martin loved not only fantasy, but British history. The Folk of the Air series is so loved because Holly Blacks special interest is faeries.
Note: this does not mean the study of OTHER PEOPLES trauma and experiences in an appropriative way, rather, become worldly. Because sure, knowing what a gunshot feels like adds realism, but I don’t care about realism if I don’t care about your characters or world. Science fiction is the best example of this: so many of those stories stick with us generationally because they’re pointing a lens back at humanity, asking big philosophical questions with science, which is something that touches us all.
But it doesn’t even need to be Big and Thematic like that. My dear friend @chaylattes has a project where she’s applied her love of plants to the world building AND plot, and has INVENTED whole plant species that enriched their work with something so exclusively Chay. No one else could write Andromeda Rogue because Chay, with specific interests and knowledge, put that specificity into the story.
3) Diversify consumption: surrounding yourself with more of the same means you’re going to regurgitate the same, derivatively. To be a hater for a moment: I can tell within the first chapter if someone only reads/watches one kind of media (m*rvel, fairy smut, grim dark nonsense, etc), and it’s distracting. When I read that derivative work, I’m not thinking about THEIR story. All I can think of is the people who did it first, and better.
Alternatively, the best work draws on the unexpected. Fantasy work taking notes from horror, science fiction including humanistic romance, romance with elements of mystery. RF Kuangs work feels so smart because she’s literally a PHD candidate who’s reading of academic writing. Cassandra Clares work is so interpersonally messy and hard to look away from because she watches a lot of reality television. 
Genre is less a set of cages to lock yourself inside of and more so the sections of a great big fictional playground- and you need to start playing. Rules, again, are guidelines that can be bent for the sake of your stories. I predominantly write scifi/fantasy/horror but some of my favorite stuff is literary fiction, historical nonfiction, thrillers, and poetry.
And if you can’t bring yourself to read different genres, it takes significantly less effort to WATCH different genres. Television and film are stories too, and can absolutely be learned from. 
4) Consume with intention: this is easier said than done. I, embarrassingly, admit that I did not have any reading comprehension skills until I was at least 19. I was consuming, but I wasn’t thinking a damn critical thought, just spitting it back out in a way that sounded smart.
Critical thinking skills (I say, on the website that historically lacks such a thing) are a muscle that needs to be exercised just as often as your writing muscle. Reading new work, studying craft, learning new shit- none of it matters if you can’t APPLY it all to a story. One can take a clock apart to learn how exactly it ticks, but it won't tell time like a watch until you put it back together.
The key is asking questions, all of the time about everything. That whole “why the curtains were blue” nonsense comes to mind, but if you want to be a good writer, (edit: a writer that cares about whether or not their work is vapid imitation of better work) learning to ask WHY the curtains are blue really does matters.
Ask why in ALL stories you consume, including your own. Why do Ghibli films make me feel calm? (Motifs of undisturbed nature, low stakes plots and quiet scenes of reprieve between action, characters that care about one another and aren’t afraid to show it) Why do I fly through a Gillian Flynn novel but take 8,000 years to read other books? (Concise descriptions, realistic but evocative premise, witty voice, contained and fast paced plot, an abundance of questions driving the mystery leading up to a satisfying crash of answers at the end) Why were the curtains blue, the coffee cup chipped, and the lipstick stain on the rim red instead of purple or pink? And why did the colors matter at all when the scene is about a father at a kitchen table? (You tell me!) Answers may vary.
You can put the work into learning the answer at the source (ie: listening to authors talk about their own work), or through the external interpretations of a critic (proceed with caution here), sure. These are even good when learning HOW to think critically if you don’t even know where to start. But your growth as a writer depends on your ability to answer your OWN questions. 
(Why do I feel tense in this scene? Is it because the character says they’re sweating and struggling to breathe? Is it because I’ve been told the monsters close? Is it because the sentences are getting shorter and the author keeps repeating descriptions of that monsters massive bloody teeth coming closer? Or is it because I know the gun in her hands has no bullets because another character already tried what she’s about to try?)
(Why do I feel sad in this scene? Is it because the characters mom just died? Is it because the character can’t even verbalize that sadness to others? Is it because none of the other characters seem to care enough to ask? Is it because of the wilted flowers in the corner? Or is it because there are daisies in the bouquet, and those were the moms favorite?)
I can nod and smile at 1000 opinions about “why X did Y and the end of Z” or “why X is Y and not Z” but how I felt when I consume something, how I was affected and how it made ME PERSONALLY answer my critical questions, that’s what’s important. That’s how we manufacture gay subtext in everything, because sometimes gay is a feeling as opposed to a fact.
Also, if those subjective answers are inconsistent among readers/viewers, the writer likely had their own intentions a little muddled. So, and I know I’m getting tangential but stay with me: romance. You know how you’re supposed to feel happy or convinced that the people falling in love are like, in love? And want to put yourself in that position or whatever? I CANNOT consume most romance media because it all comes off as categorically terrifying to me. I ask myself why the characters are doing what they do, reacting the way they react, saying way they say, and none of it feels romantic. I want to file a restraining order, and that’s the failing of the author, who did not make enough conscious choices in their work and accidentally created horror while writing their color by numbers trope slop of a “romance” novel. 
5) Apply with reference: is like taking all your ingredients and finally cooking. You want people to notice and respect when you add certain literary devices, descriptions, character choices, but not to the detriment of your work. Shows like stranger things are popular but divisive because their intertextuality and reliance on nostalgia bolster an otherwise unoriginal idea. They weren’t trying to reinvent the wheel, they were writing a love letter to Stephen Spielberg, and are riding that wave into the ground. But the fairy dick renaissance doesn’t feel nearly as palatable as season one of stranger things did because a lot of times they aren’t using the ingredients in their own way, rather, following the recipe to a T and selling it as new. Food really is the perfect metaphor and sorry in advance because I’m really going to run with it here lol. 
When I eat a meal, first of all I know I'm eating food, so don't try and trick me into thinking otherwise or I'll only get annoyed. I want to be able to taste all of what’s in front of me, spice, salt, sweet, bitter, etc and know what what you said you've fed me is really actually truly what I've eaten. One ingredient, or writing choice, shouldn’t overpower another, or surprise me so much I can’t take another bite. I shouldn’t try something you call “sauced and baked yeast patty garnished with fermented milk and smoked meat” and think “this shits pizza” because you didn’t even try to jazz it up more than what the instructions on the digiorno box said. I also shouldn’t bite into something you call a pizza and only taste bread because you really like bread and forgot that a pizza is more than just bread. 
But inversely, avoiding all ingredients gets you weird, nary inedible shit like charred milk reduction with lamb mist or whatever. Show me you have knowledge in your genre by referencing it AND remixing it, show me that you studied craft by foreshadowing properly or pacing well, show me you’re more than an AI writerbot by deepening your work with your unique and human influence, show me you read broadly by adding surprising ingredients, and show me that you mean every word you write because you made the curtains blue instead of yellow, and topped your pizza with pepperoni instead of pineapple.
Congrats on making it all the way through my rambling, hope I made sense and that this helped!
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mcrololo · 4 months
“Hey, remember back in senior year, when we were sleeping in that god-awful tent with everyone, and you told me you regretted not experimenting more?” Beca smiled at Chloe as if this was a long kept secret between the two of them, despite all the Bellas being present and fully awake. She couldn’t really help her own hushed whispers, even though they were lying alone under their shared covers; Amy gone on her ‘nightly adventures’.   
“Yeah?” Chloe giggled almost shyly. It sounded so unlike her that Beca briefly paused, carefully hand-picking her next words.
Was it dumb?
But curious blue stared intently at her, and she was immediately reminded of all the times Chloe had supported her without restraint.
“There was a moment,” Beca said, and she couldn’t bear to look her straight in the eyes. “–A moment where I thought you meant, you know, with me.”
The silence that followed was as disarming as Chloe’s little frown; the way it made her nose scrunch up a tiny bit.
Beca forced herself to chuckle. “Stupid, right?” It came out softer this time, and she started toying with the corners of her comically large pillowcase. They had always been bigger than the blasted thing hidden inside.
Chloe made a sound in agreement, the cheer she always radiated even in quiet moments gone from her voice. “Yeah,” she said flatly. “Weird.”
Beca wasn’t exactly sure what overcame her, then. Maybe it was the way Chloe avoided meeting her eyes for once. Or maybe it was the way her eyebrows copied the drooping of the corners of her mouth. Whatever it was, she felt called to act on impulse.
Beca Mitchell rarely, if ever, acted on impulse. In elementary school she was always the first out of the classroom because she was afraid anyone would ask her on an impromptu playdate. It wasn’t that nobody wanted to be her friend, it’s that she – she later came to realize – simply wouldn’t let them.
Music was her only true friend, she always told herself.
Then came along Chloe, and who was more an embodiment of music than her? Even something as mundane as tying her shoes came accompanied by the humming of a tune or the lyrics to a song she’d heard on the radio earlier. Beca loved coming home last, because Chloe would be wiggling her hips to the rhythm of her own singing while attempting (and failing) to cook a new recipe she’d found online.
– “This one is really easy to cook this time, I promise!” –
And when they inevitably sat on their sofa bed waiting for the delivery guy to show up, she’d put on one of Beca’s old mixtapes and dance what little shame and guilt she felt out of her body. Amy often joined her in a rush, then plant herself back in her seat out of breathe – and at that point Chloe would offer Beca a hand with a bright smile as an invitation to take Amy’s place.
She would never admit it out loud, trying to keep some sort of image intact by rolling her eyes and reluctantly letting herself get pulled onto the imaginary dancefloor, but she’d never be able to say no to Chloe.
So maybe it wasn’t the way Chloe looked like a hurt puppy, or maybe it was. (It definitely played a part, Beca was aware.)
Maybe it was the promise of an addicting beat, gently guiding a melodious voice, that prompted Beca’s hand to let go of her pillow and snake her fingers through folds of Chloe’s loose-fitting tank.
Maybe it was the hum of a soft gasp that made her pull Chloe closer – close enough so that their lips crashed together. Her own erratic heartbeat went against the steady sound.
But then, as if Chloe was listening to the same song, her body danced to Beca’s rhythm.   
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tinyywriterr · 5 months
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{Toji + POC Reader}
⟿ Song to Go with the Chapter: Off To The Races by Lana Del Rey [Toji + Reader theme song for this chapter] {literally like idk why I didn’t think of this song before}
⟿ Word Count: 4,900 +
⟿ First Toji + Reader smut scene | finally Toji fluff | Nanami + Reader smut scene
⟿ Summary: Over dinner Nanami asks Toji a question that really shocks you. They finally clue you in on their little scheme and you’re truly taken aback. You also somewhat come to the conclusion that you have feelings for Toji that same night. Around four months later Nanami decides to stay home just so you and Toji could go on a date together. Through out the past four months you’ve enjoyed having Toji around along with his son Megumi. It’s like you all are one big family which is something you could only dream about.
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: contains smut, pet names, fluff, cream pie, fingering, oral sex, dom/sub, light brat taming, fem reader, black fem reader/you, and etc. [please don’t read if easily triggered or not 18 +]
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮: 18+ please & please don’t copy and paste my story anywhere else. This chapter is slightly shorter then the last chapter by about 400 words. Mainly because I wanted to write some sweet moments and some smut before shit hits the fan again. BUT ANYWAYS, this is my first tumblr fic so if you leave a heart, reblog, or comment it’s greatly appreciated! If there are any errors I am open to anyone correcting me in the comments, leaving feedback, or dming me. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did when I wrote this!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝐸𝒩𝒟 𝒪𝐹 𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝒲𝐸𝐸𝒦 | 𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
When you woke up the next day and realized Toji didn’t leave so you knew Nanami was planning something. Throughout the whole week, all of you continued to have incredible sex and just enjoyed each other's company. Nanami finally was able to leave the house not worrying about you being home alone or bored. Along with being able to work on his bakery business having Toji around want half bad. Toji always took the opportunity whenever Nanami was gone to rock your world and when Toji would be gone for the day Nanami would do the same. It was amazing having the both of them separately or at the same time almost mind numbing truly. It was like the best dream ever but it came to life.
‘I wonder what Nanami said to him. I love both of them and could see a future with all of us together. But I could also just see me and Nanami together and inviting Toji over whenever. But there’s something about Toji,’ you think to yourself as you prepare dinner for everyone. Today you decided to make something you’ve been craving, Sunday dinner. It was something your mother would make on rare occasions or when you’d visited your grandmother. It consisted of baked chicken, yams, green beans, baked mac n cheese, and lastly some cornbread. It was kind of hard to find the cornbread box mix you liked so you decided to just follow a recipe of it you found online. You started early preparing the meal so it’d be ready around the time you and Nanami usually would have dinner. This is the first time you’ve cooked in a long time so you’re kind of nervous to see what the two men will think of an African American cultural dish. You plated the food and set down each plate at their respective spots before calling for them to come to the kitchen.
“Wow, y/n what smells so good?” Nanami asks as he comes into the kitchen waving the air to get a better smell.
“Fuck, I’m so hungry…” Toji groans as he takes his seat and digs in immediately.
“That’s what you get for not eating breakfast,” you tease smiling from ear to ear as you take your seat. Nanami sits down last rubbing your back as you begin to dig in as well.
“This is really good y/n! You said this was called ‘Sunday dinner’ back in the States? Maybe we should move there!” Toji jokes in between chuckles before returning his attention back to his plate. Nanami chuckles as well and starts to eat savoring every bite still lovingly rubbing your back with his free hand.
“Ya, it’s usually something you’d eat after church. My mom only made it a few times but when she did it was a cause for celebration,” you explain trying not to talk with your mouth open.
“This is really good and hardy y/n, you should cook more if you’re comfortable,” Nanami praises as he has finished his plate rubbing his stomach proudly.
“Where the fuck did your food go?” Toji says flabbergasted as he takes his last bite.
“I should be saying that to both of you,” you tease as you point at your food showing a still semi-full plate. Everyone erupts into laughter then soon after Nanami gets up to grab some whiskey from his office.
“I hope everyone wants a drink I already poured 3 cups,” Nanami says as he walks back with three glasses with 2 shots of whiskey in them. You and Toji nod thankfully as you both take a glass sipping on it and both of you puckering your lips after. “You guys are some wimps,” Nanami teases grinning softly before taking a long sip and not making a face after.
“You just like the taste. Grab me something to smoke it’ll go great with this whiskey,” You command waving at Nanami who shakes his head as he walks upstairs to grab you a cigarette. After a couple of minutes he comes back down and he grabbed three cigarettes. Nanami individually pass one to each of you before he lights your cigarette for you. He then passes the lighter to Toji to spark his own cigarette. Once the lighter found its way back to Nanami he lit his cigarette taking a long drag.
“So have you decided Toji?” Nanami asks turning to Toji lifting up an eyebrow. You stare back between the two men as Toji looks like he’s thinking about what Nanami just asked him.
“Yes, I have and it’s a ‘yes’. Now don’t try to kiss me or anything,” Toji teases standing up and walking to Nanami to do a very interesting brotherly handshake that Nanami awkwardly accepted.
“So…who’s gonna fill me in?” You inquire standing up and putting your cigarette on the ash tray. You have finished eating and picked up all the plates to put in the sink. You make your way towards the sink as you wait for an explanation.
“My love, me, and Toji made a deal. I proposed to him that we all could become a poly couple. I see how you look at him and how he looks at you. So, I asked him and he had until today to decide.” Nanami explains grimacing as Toji puts his arm around Nanami's back giving it a good slap.
You’re speechless for a second as your back is turned to them. You put the plates in the sink and stand there for a moment. ‘How did he notice? I mean I know I brought up the threesome but this is for real life crazy; it feels like Nanami can read my mind. Or am I just predictable?’ You question to yourself but you pull yourself out of that spiral turning around and smiling.
“So, that’s why hmm interesting didn’t see that coming at all. Crazy how you all didn’t feel like including me in the conversation but I’ll let it slide this one time. You should be glad I love you both,” you tease walking towards them both. “But Mr. Nanami you never cease to amaze me. I’m glad our fun doesn’t have to end and will only continue.” You add playfully then lean in and kissing him softly letting both of your lips dance together. You pull away suddenly kissing Toji on the lips as you palm Nanami’s dick only his pants being the barrier. You moan softly letting Toji slip his tongue into your mouth letting your tongues explore each other. You smile in the kiss before pulling away and palming them both. “Or maybe I won’t let it slide and torture you both…” you coo smirking deviously. Both men look at each other wide-eyed both wondering what you’ll do to them or not do to them. You pull your hands away swiftly and pick your still lit cigarette up off the ash tray and take a puff of it while twirling away from them snickering softly. “Nothing for either of you tonight,~” you tease loudly as you walk up the stairs. Slamming your door you lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling.
‘I can’t believe Kento would ask that question that’s so left field of him. And I can’t ignore my fucking feelings for Toji. FUCK, how will this turn out?..’ you think as you continue to puff your cigarette.  
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝟦 𝑀𝒪𝒩𝒯𝐻𝒮 𝐿𝒜𝒯𝐸𝑅 𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝐼𝒯 𝒥𝒰𝒩𝐸 | 𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You wake up slowly rubbing your hand on Toji’s chest and your leg on Nanami’s leg as you all had a sleepover in the sex dungeon. Fully awake now you look at the two men sleeping like babies as they both snored softly. You stare up at the ceiling recounting how life has been as of recent. Nanami is about to open his bakery and Toji has finally moved Megumi in but sadly it’s only during the summer break. You slowly slither out of the grip the two men had you in and throw on a silk robe. You open the door quietly you walk out of the room doing the same as you close the door. You make your way up to your room and close the door plopping on the bed lost in thought. You hear your phone buzz and roll over to grab it. After getting up again fully with phone in hand you walk over to the big windows facing the backyard. You unlock your phone the time reads 9 am and a ton of notifications flood in. You have a couple of texts from Angel, one from Trina, and a couple from your sibling group chat.
You smirk softly as you open Angel’s it reads; ‘girl when are you coming to see me I miss you!!!’ sent at 10:30 pm ‘I know you’re enjoying your soft life but don’t forget about me!’ sent at 1:45 am ‘YOU ALSO GOTTA TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!’ sent at 5:00 am.
While chuckling soft you respond with saying. ‘You’re so silly I'll come see you sometime soon I'm gonna be in the city next week anyways!! We should go get drunk or something. AND BITCH THERES A LOT TO TELL!’ You send the message then go to Trina's message.
It reads; ‘Good morning girlfriend! What hairstyle you wanna do next week?’ sent at 11:00 am.
You respond with; ‘Good Morninggggg! I'm thinking crochet locs. What you think?’
You send it and swipe to your sibling's group chat with your brothers. You have tons of messages from Angelo they read; ‘You forgot all about us!!! It’s okay though I know you’re busy and a grown up now. I can’t wait to see you! Nanami has taken great care of us and I’m happy you found him,’ from Angelo sent at 7:30 pm.
‘Daran is forcing me to do homework tell him TO LEAVE ME ALONE,’ from Angelo sent at 8:54 pm.
‘Don’t listen to him enjoy yourself big sister we both just miss you," from Daran sent at 9:15 pm.
You laugh loudly as you read the messages and you respond saying. ‘Mannn Angelo do your homework and I miss you both very much. And could never forget y’all I hope you know I love you both equally. I can’t wait to see you guys too! I might actually come to you all but don’t quote me on that.’
Once sent you hear a knock at your door; “come in!” You yell turning around as the door opens.
“Hello Mx. Nanami, I am hungry…” Megumi practically whispers as he looks around the room.
“Okay, I can make you something what would you like?” You ask as you walk towards him beckoning him to follow you.
“Hmmmm, pancakes please..” he says skipping a little as he follows you down the steps. You both enter the kitchen and you start to gather the ingredients to make breakfast. With Megumi sitting on the kitchen counter he just watches as you make his pancakes. “You’re very pretty Mx. Nanami. Will you be marrying Mr. Nanami soon?” Megumi inquires leaning closer to you and waiting for your answer. He’s the spitting image of his father and Toji was right he’s not as loud. But having him around reminds you of the old days of taking care of your little brothers.
“I sure hope so wanna know a secret?” You ask leaning in closer to him making Megumi become wide-eyed. “I really love Mr. Nanami..” you whisper leaning back and smiling then refocusing on flipping the pancakes making sure they don’t burn. Megumi has a shocked look on his face clasping his hands together before jumping off the counter. 

“I’m going to tell Nanami!” Megumi teases grinning devilishly just like his father.
“Ooooh no you won’t! Also, he’s still sleeping and your pancakes are ready!! Sit down at the table,” You say shaking your head as you point towards the table. Megumi huffs and puffs as he makes his way to the table thanking you as you place his plate on the table. He takes his time eating looking around and savoring every bite. You sit down next to Megumi both of you chatting and laughing as he finishes his food.
“I’m gonna go play now,” Megumi announces once bored with the conversation and running to his room slamming the door shut. You can’t help but laugh as you stand up pick up his dirty dish to put it in a pile in the sink. Once the plate hits the sink you suddenly hear a door swing open. You whip around to see Toji beckoning you to come to the sex dungeon.
“He’s upstairs playing he’ll be busy,” Toji says raising a devious eyebrow. Rolling your eyes you walk towards the room still in your robe. As you walk in Nanami walks out stopping you to kiss your cheek before you both continue walking.
“I’ll be look out and I’ll whistle if anything goes wrong,” Nanami explains before closing the door and locking it softly behind him. You turn your attention back to Toji who’s already pulling his boxers off.
“Come over and relieve me brat,” Toji commands as his boxers fall to the floor. You walk over to him and he shakes his head. “Turn around and do it again. But crawl to me this time and take that stupid robe off,” Toji teases winking at you. “I’ll take you out after I wanna have some alone time with you. I already told Nanami he’s gonna take Megumi to the bookstore," he explains in a sincere tone. Within seconds you have already turned around and got on your hands and knees.
“I’d enjoy that very much daddy,~” you coo winking back at him as you crawl towards him keeping eye contact the whole time. As you get right under him practically under his balls he points his dick down to touch your lips.
“I get your mouth today, we did rock paper scissors,” Toji explains as you part your lips softly licking his tip. “Ughhh don’t tease me brat you know I can’t take it,” Toji groans bending his knees slightly to force his dick deeper into your mouth. You smile softly before taking as much as you can into your mouth. Your jaw still hasn’t gotten used to Toji or your throat so you're expecting to be a little hoarse after. You hollow out your cheeks before placing your right hand around the rest of his length and playing with his hairy balls with the other hand. You earn a moan and a buck of the hips out of him making you moan softly. You bob your head at a decent pace not wanting to tire yourself out. Toji had other plans like always, he grabbed the back of your head as he meets each bob of your head with a deep thrust of his hips. You gag softly trying not to make too much noise as slobber starts to spill out your mouth. The lewd sounds coming from you two was always so enchanting and arousing. You swirl your tongue as best as you can still trying to keep up with Toji’s thrusts. “Fuckkk y/n your throat is so good,~” Toji praises loosing his grip on the back of your head and beginning to pat it instead. You quicken the pace as you feel his dick swell and decide to grip Toji’s hip with your right hand. You try your best to deep throat as much of his length down your throat. “Such a good brat, I saw you roll your eyes earlier at me you thought you’d get away with that?” Toji teases slightly tapping you on the cheek with a free hand. You look up at him and wink making him melt instantly he whispers a string of curse words tilting his head back. “You know me so well beautiful,” he says between groans trailing off at the end. Toji’s dick twitches as cum shoots out of it making your eyes water and gag hard. He bucks his hips again making cum shoot out your mouth and dripping down to your chin and to your chest. You swallow as much as you could as he slowly pulls his dick out. You open your mouth showing the cum you still have left to swallow. Toji bends over and grips your cheeks lightly making you keep your mouth open. He slowly lets a line of spit fall in before bending up again and smacking your cheek lightly. “Swallow,” he commands while patting your head. You do as he says and then slowly stand up wobbling a little as your legs had fallen asleep.
“I’m glad I can please you, daddy.” You say smiling softly as you use your finger to wipe from your chest to your mouth seductively before licking your finger. Toji groans smirking at you before kissing you passionately and full of desire. You bite his lip softly making him grunt before grabbing your throat softly. He bites your lip back and nipping at it before pulling away.
“Fuck, get dressed I’ll meet you outside. Wear a dress a white one with a matching thong and bring a pack of smokes with you too,” Toji says as his choke turns to caressing your cheek softly. “I love you in a dress,” he says as you put your robe back on and walk out the door. Nanami and Megumi were already gone you yelled at Toji from upstairs that he could come out. You rummage through your closet looking for a cute white dress. You picked a short one that stopped at your upper thigh and was flowy so you could feel cutesy more than sexy. You walk back down the stairs and see Toji wearing black jeans and a gray tee shirt smiling at you.
"Zip the back up for me please," you ask showing your unzipped dress.
”You look gorgeous, breathtaking actually. We’re going to the horse track," Toji states as he zips your dress up slowly savoring the sight. "JUST TO WATCH NO GAMBLING!” He says before yelling the last few words as he steps away.
You laugh before walking to grab some white slip-on mules; “NO GAMBLING TOJI!” You tease matching his energy as you open the front door and walk to his car. You lean against the car waiting as he grabs his keys and walks out slamming the front door. “You need to work on that,” you say in a playful tone as Toji opens the car door for you.
“What exactly brat?” He asks mocking your tone and then staring you down hoping you’d crack.
“Slamming doors.” You say in between giggles as you get comfortable in the car, lean back into the seat, and with that, Toji slams the door making you erupt into laughter. You both make your way to the horse racing ring and Toji holds your hand leading the way. He plops down in a seat and you sit next to him. You pass him the pack of smokes before grabbing two out of it for yourself knowing you're not getting that pack back. You both watch the race betting against each other who would win; not with money of course. It helped him not gamble and it was like harm reduction and thankfully, it was fun to go out with Toji. You guys talked the whole time making each other laugh and smile. Soon all the races were done and Toji got up helping you up as he did.
“I’m hungry,” you say pouting as you both walk to the car.
“Nanami made lunch come on I know you get HANGRY,” Toji teases opening the car door for you. You plop in crossing your arms as you stick your tongue out and once again he slams the door. The drive home is quick once home you barely even wait for Toji to park the car before you’re running towards the house. You basically burst in making Nanami and Megumi snap their neck towards the front door. Toji runs in after you rubbing the back of his head. “She’s hungry, really hungry,” Toji teases playfully following behind you as you walk into the house.
Nanami laughs pulling your chair out for you as you plop down he pushes you toward the table. A beautiful sandwich sits before you with your favorite chips [insert your favorite sandwich & chips]. Your mouth practically waters as you dig in not noticing Toji passed you a soju to wash it all down. Once done everyone just chuckles as you lean back in the chair and your mood changes completely smiling at everyone. “Thank you, sorry Megumi you had to see me so hangry.” You say laughing at yourself a little Megumi just shrugs his shoulders chuckling a little too before returning to reading his book. Nanami rubs your shoulders making you lean your head back to look up at him resting your head on the back of the chair.
“You had fun today?” Nanami asks smiling down at you still rubbing your shoulders and giving a slight massage. You nod your head ‘yes’ closing your eyes and smiling softly back at him.
“I’ll chill with the kid you guys go fuck off somewhere,” Toji says waving his hand at you guys to leave. Both you and Nanami chuckle before you stand up taking your plate to the sink and dragging Nanami around behind you. “You see kid those two need help,” Toji teases making Megumi laugh. You both begin walking upstairs and thankfully Nanami didn’t forget the soju. You open your bedroom door closing it shut and locking it once Nanami is fully inside.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day..” you whisper leaning close to Nanami making him blush.
“Oh really? I’ve been thinking about you too you know. You must have something on your mind,” Nanami inquired before kissing your forehead. “Come lay with me let’s talk a bit,” Nanami commands as he lays on the bed making himself comfortable. You grab another cigarette for yourself out of the vintage cigarette dispenser and pass one to Nanami sparking both of yours. You both talk about mindless things and feelings as you drink your soju. Soon you are both cuddling into each other loving the private intimate moment.
“I have a question y/n?” Nanami asks softly in between kisses on your head as you snuggle into his chest.
“Shoot.” You say in a sleepy tone as you have drunk your soju way too fast.
“What is it you’d like to do? I feel like you have more to show the world,” Nanami says turning your head up towards him looking deep into your eyes.
“I used to sew my own clothes when I was younger I always enjoyed creating I just have to find the motivation,” you explain before kissing his chin.
“I can definitely see you doing that. If you ever want to talk about it let me know, okay?” Nanami says sincerely making sure you understand he’s here to help. As you nod your head ‘yes’ he slowly lets go before snaking his hands around your waist. “Why are you so soft?” He asks softly before kissing your cheek. “You said you were thinking about me. What were you thinking exactly?” Nanami asks as he whispers into your ear making a shiver go down your spine.
“Of you fucking me...I miss your touch daddy,~” you coo looking back at him. Nanami’s cheeks are flushed red as he smirks softly.
“Hmm, to fuck my princess or not?” He asks out loud pretending to think. You roll your eyes and turn away from him leaning back into his chest. You feel his hands slowly unzip your dress and pull one strap down. “Ooh no bra ah? Who was this for?” He teases as he slips your dress off leaving you in a white thong. “He must’ve told you to wear white. Toji has great taste cause you look delicious,~” Nanami coos before leaning you forward so he can stand up and strip. Once nude he slides back in bed beckoning you to get under the covers with him. “We gotta be quiet but that won’t be a problem will it princess?” He asks as he snakes his hand up and down your body. You both face each other smiling softly at one another before your lips collide. You have memorized the way his lips taste, how they feel, and how he moves them. You love every second of it moaning softly once he starts to caress your breast. Nanami shifts down so he can put one in his mouth as he plays with the other breast making sure neither was neglected. You moan softly as he does and continues to switch back and forth. Soon he snakes a free hand down to your thong tugging on it before he practically rips it off of you.
“You’re taking me shopping tomorrow,~” you say between moans smiling softly as he grunts in agreement. Soon he's feverishly kissing up and down your body.
“Of course, I’ll take you out to go shopping tomorrow. Lay on your back, my love. I love to see you melt underneath me,” Nanami commands letting go of you so you can do so. Once you’re on your back he hovers over your love spot. He spreads your legs apart propping them on his shoulders as he lays on his stomach. Nanami spreads your lips apart showing your glistening slick entrance gaping from arousal. “So hungry to be stuffed hmm?~” He teases looking up at you smirking deviously.
“Yes daddy please eat me out then fuck me till I can't speak,~” you beg as even his touch is driving you crazy. Not being touched after sucking Toji’s dick was like torture and they both knew that. Nanami chuckles before licking slowly between your folds and sucking on your lips. You buck your hips wanting more of him which makes him lift his head up.
“Patience princess,~” He coos before going back to eat you out slowly drawing out each lick and suck. You moan loudly as your clit begins to throb he chuckled at you as you bite your lip remembering to be quiet. Soon after getting tired of torturing you, he sucks on your clit slowly making you almost bite your own lip off. Your stomach starts to tense up and your legs tremble as you start to cum showering Nanami’s face in your juices. He licks his lips and slightly his chin before fully sitting up. “Spread those legs beautiful,” he commands as he crawls back on top of you. You do so and suddenly he swipes his swollen head against your entrance. Groaning softly he slowly thrusts into you inch by inch before picking up the speed holding your legs now. “Your pussy is so tight princess, fuck,~” Nanami whispers into your feet making your toes curl. He starts slamming into you stretching you and demolishing your walls what’s crazy is his full length wasn’t fully in you. You grab at the sheets trying not to lose your grip but fuck he’s killing you. Nanami chuckles softly before putting your legs on his shoulders and rolling so you're more on your upper back. With your ass, slightly in the air, he holds your legs to support himself as he’s somewhat planking on top of you. Your toes point towards the headboard as he slams into you slowly basically drilling down into you. Nanami has reached a deeper part of you plowing your cervix. As he does so he groans softly bowing his head more and closing his eyes. The lewd sounds of your bodies colliding alone were loud so Toji had to turn on a T.V super loud downstairs shaking his head. As he does this you have been rendered speechless mouth open but nothing coming out as your cervix is getting demolished. You let out a soft moan as heat erupted in the lower half you truly didn’t even know where. You clench around his dick as you cum your legs shaking as you slowly crumble underneath him. “You are so beautiful princess,~” Nanami coos between deep guttural moms. Soon his thrust becomes sloppy as he slowly descends back to fucking you in missionary. He bites your neck softly as he grips onto your love handles slamming deep within you and making your back arch. Nanami curses softly in your ear then says your name as he paints your insides white. Hot cum coated your cervix, your walls, and spilled out of your pussy making you moan softly. Nanami bucks his hips a couple more times before pulling out fully and falling next to you. “You feel so good princess I’m addicted to your love and touch,~” Nanami confesses in a breathy tone.
You smile at him as you crawl on top of him now laying chest to chest. “I’m glad I could please you daddy, it was really good. I love when you fill me with your cum,~” you say in between kisses. "I love you, Ken my heart is yours," you say softly inches apart from him as you both touch foreheads holding hands.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Once again I hope you enjoyed this one and can’t wait to upload the next chapter! Also let me know how you guys like the little fluff and the smut in this one overall. I liked this chapter going on a little date with Toji likeeee. And for story purposes Megumi is like 5 or 6 right now. I’m so happy people on here actually like this story or smut it warms my heart. But, don’t forget to comment, leave feedback, leave a note, or anything truly. It’s all appreciated! ( v ω v)//
[Please don't copy or plagiarize my work thank you. I don't own any rights to JJK and all photos are from pintrest or here I'll try to tag people if I can]
⟿ Link for my AO3 lovers: {also it’s 24 chapters posted on here}
⟿ Credit for the inspiration for the Chapter:
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leuke-rants · 7 months
Some fan facts about the four heroes in my rewrite of trotsh:
- He is half Finish-half Japanese. I like the idea of Motoyasu being a natural blond so he has to get the genes from somewhere.
- He is ambidextrous, though he favours his right hand.
- He has excellent memory and can learn things very fast if he wants to. I think this is kinda canon considering he learned the Melromarc language in just one day.
- He can speak four languages: Japanese, English, Finish and French (five if you count Melromarc's language)
- He majors in linguistics
- He is really into fashion and wanted to major in fashion but his mother shut down the idea rather quickly. Too many girls in that major .....
- He knows how to sew and cook (he is an average cook)
- Although he is very flirty and doesn't mind the idea of having a girlfriend he does not want to get married. His parents marriage is proof enough that it doesn't end well for either parties.
- He is a certified himbo
- He is a people pleaser and doesn't like making others upset.
- He trusts women more that men.
- He is a very relaxed and lay back guy
- He knows how to read people and acts accordingly.
- Used to take care of his younger brother when his parents were at work so he has a soft spot for children.
- Just like his brother he has anger issues. He learned to control his anger over the years and even helped his little brother with his.
- He is generally friendly but his introverted nature make him seem unapproachable.
- He is rather distant and may seem a little cold to strangers but once you get to know him he is a the sweetest guy ever.
- His parents were so busy with work so he basically raised his brother.
- Learned how to cook for himself and his brother since their parents were barely home. He is an excellent cook and always tries recipes from different cuisines
- Just like his father he has a talent for the trading business. Because of that he majors in international trade.
- H is e also very good at gambling and knows how to manage money. Thankfully he reserves his talent for card games with his friends.
- He has no idea how to talk to women his age so whenever a girl approaches him he becomes a stuttering mess . He can talk to them normally if they are close friends or talking business.
- The most antisocial person you will ever meet.
- He is autistic.
- He noticed that people treated him differently and not in a good way. Because of this he became really closed off.
- He puts the 'Too good to talk to you" persona so that people will leave him alone.
- He found solace in video games and spends most of his times in his room.
- He doesn't know he is autistic, he just thinks that people dislike him for no reason.
- Although he loves his parents and they love him back they have no idea what is wrong with their son and they can't seem to understand his problems.
- He has a bad reputation among the students for being the "creepy-quite kid". The teachers don't mind him,he is quite and has pretty good grades.
- He has no idea he is autistic.
- He really loves cats. His parents noticed this and bought him one. He named her after his favourite video game character and has been his close companion ever since.
- He is extremely blunt and people don't like that. That's the reason he has only one friend.
- He finds it easier to talk to people through the internet. He has a lot of online friends and they even have a discord chat together.
- His only friend is a senior girl from his school. They met at a comic con and became friends after they realized they liked the same anime and video games.
- He started to have a crush on her and fell in love after she defended him from her friends who thought he was a weirdo.
- He became heartbroken after she moved away and vowed to never get close to anyone ever again.
- After that he became more cold and intolerant of people.
- Lives with his mother in an apartment complex.
- His father always told him to protect his mother and stick up for the little guys and he took that advise very seriously.
- He is being bullied for being a late bloomer and for his feminine features.
- He always defends other kids from bullying and isn't afraid to throw a punch. Because of that he gets into a lot of trouble.
- He has a talent for archery. He found out during gym class and ever since he took part in competitions and tournaments to earn some money and help his mother.
- He has dyslexia and isn't aware of it. Because of this his grades are not the best. He doesn't tell his mother about his problem because he doesn't want to burden her.
- He is very flexible and pretty good at gymnastics.
- He gets frustrated rather easily and can lose his temper quickly.
- He will either think things through or act on impulse, there is no in-between.
- He really likes animals and feeds the strays very often.
Well that's all I have so far. Perhaps I "ll make a part 2 or give information about their allies,who knows?
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lyney-s-bitch · 1 year
if u don't mind, can you make a fluff fic with a plus size reader with Barou where their both cooking and doing house chores together :) only if ur comfy ofc
Hello dear anon! No, ofc that doesn’t make me uncomfortable in the slightest, BUT I don’t see how your stature would influence how he would treat you while cooking/doing chores (or in general, for that matter)?😅 Maybe he’d try to make you eat healthier or smth😭👋🏼 Sooo sorry about that, but that’s the reason I kinda ignored that part-
anyway, I hope you still enjoy!!
Barou Shouei - cooking/doing chores with you || sfw
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Barou Shouei was by no means a man to shy away from putting in effort — be it on the court or anywhere else.
On the contrary, this mighty king right here had his very own way of doing things, and he was certainly not going to let anyone get in the way of just that… neither a peasant, nor his queen.
If anything, he would tell you to sit still, not touch anything and just let him do the cleanup the way he always did, else you might disturb his order. This man had OCD, no doubt about it. So if he told you to not get in his way, he meant it.
In other words: most chores were practically off the table for you - at least when he was around - the best way you were able to help him was by just always cleaning up after yourself the way he taught you to. If you could manage that, you were already making (Maid-)Barou’s life so much easier.
"Shou, what would you like to eat tonight?" You inquired over the phone, knowing your boyfriend had just finished his training and was about to make his way back to your shared home. You knew he had given it his all again during training - he always did - so you at least wanted to help him unwind and take some of the weight off his shoulders when he got back by preparing dinner, since you were well aware that you could never talk him out of cleaning up around the house himself. It gave him a sense of accomplishment, some peace of mind, you just couldn’t argue with him on that.
"Huh? Just order some takeout or something, anything will do, I‘m just hungry. Thanks", the man’s familiar, gravelly voice rumbled through the speaker of your phone, eliciting a sigh from you in response. He was not being a big help in the process of choosing what to have for dinner, but at least now he wasn’t gonna be able to complain about whatever you would pick. You had just (basically) received a free pass from the king.
And you decided to make good use of it by whipping out a recipe you’d found online a while ago and had been planning to give a shot for ages, but never actually got around to it.
But as it was usually the case for first tries… they don’t quite go as planned.
By the time Barou arrived home, you had already turned the kitchen into a complete and utter mess, and if it had been anyone else, he would’ve taken them apart on sight, without a doubt. Since it was you, however, he merely ruptured a blood vessel or two at the sight, taking a deep breath before walking over to you and asking you what the hell you thought you were doing.
You flinched at the sound of his voice, not having heard him get back because of all the kitchen devices around you whirring and buzzing in unison.
"I’m making dinner for us, of course", you reply matter-of-factly, sporting a pout at his negative reaction despite knowing damn well that it was not about your food, but about the fact that his beloved kitchen had been forced into such a sorry state.
Barou’s gaze softened slightly at your proud attitude — of course he was aware you had meant well.
You suddenly felt his muscular arms wrap around you from behind as he leaned in to kiss your cheek with a deep sigh.
It was a sight that seemed almost too absurd to be real, it was outright unexpected from someone of his stature and with his intimidating aura — not that there would ever be any witnesses though, this side of him was undoubtedly reserved for you and you only.
You leaned into his touch with a satisfied grin, knowing how soft your boyfriend was for you. However, you also knew he would use this opportunity to glance over your shoulder in order to examine what exactly you were fabricating and just how bad of a mess you were making of his beloved kitchen.
"It doesn’t smell that bad" was the closest thing to a compliment that you were getting from him, earning him a scolding punch to his forearm, which was still snugly wrapped around your waist. He only hissed in response, letting go of you with a scoff. He proceeded to saunter through the kitchen and awkwardly lean against the counter — not before checking whether the space he would be touching was clean enough though.
"Soo, how long do you still need to finish?"
"Oh wow, never thought I’d ever hear that from you in the kitchen", you teased with an amused smile, glancing over at him just to see his expression after your little joke. As expected, he tried his best to ignore it, yet you could see him close his eyes and pinch his nose bridge for a moment in order to collect himself.
You turned your attention back to the stove, smiling to yourself before speaking up again "I’m almost done here. You can go ahead, take them out." He knew exactly what you were referring to, wasting no time crouching down and hurriedly opening the cabinet under the sink — the sacred place where he stored his cleaning supplies.
He looked so serious yet so oddly at ease when he was focusing all of his attention on cleaning up the mess you had caused and even went beyond that, following his preset cleaning routine throughout the whole kitchen. He was so focused on his task that he didn’t even notice you had finished cooking by now and already started setting the table for the two of you. Once you were done, you sat down and just observed him for a minute or two, fawning over your bulky version of a housewife. Smiling fondly, you thought to yourself how despite all of his antics, you had definitely struck gold with Barou Shouei as your boyfriend.
You knew all of his cleaning routines in and out, what products he used where and how long he usually took for each step, and you knew just as well that it was never any use rushing him, so you just sat there for a bit and let him do his thing.
Others might not be able to see any difference at all, but the way he was scowling and furrowing his brows right now looked almost adorable to you — in your eyes, it was entirely different from his scowl when he was mad or annoyed. You simply couldn’t help yourself as you walked up to him when he was almost done, nearly startling him as you suddenly stepped right in front of him and squished his cheeks together with one hand, an amused smirk tugging on your lips as you leaned in and gave him a quick peck on his.
"Hah?!" Barou was taken by surprise by your random display of affection and scoffed in annoyance, yet he could not help the redness now flushing his cheeks.
"Oh my, don’t tell me… I just managed to fluster the King?" You taunted him with a devious grin, stepping in even closer to him and placing your palms on both sides of his face, making him look at you directly.
"What’s that? Why so cocky all of a sudden, little one?", he inquired with a now smug expression, leaning down until his nose was almost touching yours as he placed his large hands on your hips.
"Maybe because I’m so proud of the amazing dinner I managed to whip up for us", you chuckled, motioning over to the table.
"Tch, not without mutilating my perfectly intact kitchen in the process", he grumbled in response, glaring at you with a frown that would’ve made anyone else crumble under his gaze.
Unfazed, you shrugged and curtly replied "Collateral damage", biting your lip to hold back a laugh, to which he let go of you and turned towards the table as he clicked his tongue, gesturing dismissively.
"Crazy woman."
"You love it, neurotic man. Now sit your grumpy ass down and enjoy your meal."
"This better turn out to be a damn good meal."
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