#i forgot to wish everyone a happy leo season the other day
tetzoro · 2 months
goooood morning and happy wednesday friendz ! we’ve made it halfway, let’s keep pushing through ! i hope today brings only the best vibes & you find something lovely to smile at (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ! !
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bebepac · 3 years
National Honor Society (Happy Birthday Brandy)
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Original Post Date: 5/19/21 at 3:25PM EST
Happy Birthday @bbrandy2002​​  I hope you are having a wonderful birthday today.  I will be honest and say I had no clue it was your birthday until  late yesterday evening.  I hope you like this.  I met you when I was baby new to the fandom.  
I started reading your series My Love . To this day that is probably one of my favorite series I’ve read.  If you haven’t read it, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
I had started reading it, then I had lost track of it.  I finally saw a reblog for it again, and so I messaged you.  You had told me then you were so grateful for my comments, as you had thought about scrapping that whole story.  I almost lost my mind, because I thought that story was amazing. And proceeded to with each chapter give an emotional play by play via your inbox while I was reading. Thank you for thinking I wasn’t insane for that. Ha ha ha ha!!!!  You are an amazing writer and friend.  I really appreciate your friendship.  
This is a complete one shot.  It technically does not fall into any series that I am currently writing right now or have written. 
The Book:  TRR
The Pairings: None
Word Count:  825
Warnings:  Profanity.  
Summary:  Liam, Drake, and Hana  have to do the National Honor Society’s daily birthday announcements.  
A/N:  This is actually something I used to have to do in high school being part of the honor society.  I ironically came up with this idea while I was watching this crazy show on netflix called Who Killed Sara.  I really hope you like this cute little dumpster fire.  If you don’t, then blame Netflix and my nerdy high school years.  Sorry wasn’t more of a Taylor.  You’ll see.  
A/N2: Update 5/21/21
Because the Birthday girl requests a followup and I have cultivated some ideas for this, I am going continue this little accidental AU I created here.  The mini series will be called School Dayz. 
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It may even cross into Pop’s Place too.  I’m still figuring out some logistics in that, since I plan to still have Jaiden as an older brother to Riley and Taylor. 
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Liam didn’t think of himself as a nerd.  His glasses, braces, and lack of style kind of said otherwise.  
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“There’s nothing wrong with being intelligent  Liam.  The right person will find that to be your most attractive trait one day.  I promise.”  
His mother had always told him.  He never forgot her words.   His mother had always understood him.  
His dad….not at all.  After his mother passed away, Liam was left with his father and Leo.  At least Leo tried to understand him.
Liam’s older brother was a senior.  Everyone knew Leo. Liam’s freshman year of high school he was referred to as Leo’s brother.  
Leo wasn’t the brightest bulb on the tree, but he made decent grades, enough to stay on whatever sports team he tried out for.  That first season was football.  
Liam… was a klutz.  He was not sports team material.  Liam was on the debate team and in glee club.  He wasn’t in the popular crowd but had his small tribe of friends.  Hana and Drake were his best friends in the whole wide world.  
“Who did you get?”
“Nico KH.”  Hana responded, she had a light flush on her cheeks.  
“What about you?”
“Riley Brooks?  I’ve never heard of her? Him?” Liam looked at the paper confused.
“Her, she’s new.  She just moved here from New York. She’s in my AP Spanish class.”
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“I got Taylor Brooks.  Guess that’s her brother? A little direction on this would be nice.”
The secretary ushered them up to the intercom.  
Hana began speaking, her voice as clear as a bell.
“The National Honor Society would like to wish the following people a happy birthday.”
She paused, for a moment to compose herself.
“Nico KH, have a happy birthday.”
“Riley Brooks, have a happy birthday.”  
“Taylor Brooks, have a happy birthday.”  
They all said in union.  “Please come to the office to pick up your present courtesy of the National Honor Society.”
Nico showed up to the office first.
Hana walked up to him with their candy bag assortment, and a card  to hand to him.  
“Have a happy birthday Nico.”
“Thanks Anna.”  Nico took the bag and the card and walked back out of the office.
“You’re welcome,”  Hana breathed softly.
“Anna?  When the hell did you change your name HANA?”  Drake burst out laughing.
“Drake Walker, language, and detention!”  
Liam laughed with Drake.
“I don’t even care. He was close.”  
“Hana close only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades.”  
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Liam laughed so hard he snorted.  
“What’s so funny?”  
Liam turned around face to face with a girl  wearing glasses similar to his own.  
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“Nothing, my friends are ridiculous..”
There was an uncomfortable silence.
“I was called to the office. I’m Riley Brooks.”    
Liam straightened his glasses, picking up his gift and card, giving it to her.
Liam cleared his throat.  “Have a happy birthday Riley.” 
“Thanks.  You’re the first person to wish me a happy birthday by myself.  Usually….”
Another girl stormed into the office like a hurricane. “Where’s my gift at bitches?!?!?!?”
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Standing next to  Riley you could see they were twins. However Riley was soft spoken and Taylor was a firecracker.  
“Who are you?”  
Drake felt a wave of boldness as he walked up to the girl.  “You must be Taylor Brooks. I personally wish you a happy birthday.”  
“Taylor Brooks?  Language, and Detention.”  
“On our birthday?!?”
Riley looked uncomfortable next to Taylor.  You could see the physically identical features of Riley and Taylor.  But that’s where the similarities ended.
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Riley was clearly the soft spoken twin.  She was dressed what Liam thought was nice, in a pink button down shirt, and a not quite knee length black skirt.  Her curly hair pulled up in a ponytail.  
Her sister was dressed to easily fit into the popular crowd at school.  
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But Liam focused his attention on Riley.  
“We typically get our birthdays tied together with each other.  Six minutes separates our birthday technically.”  Riley grumbled.
“Oh it makes sense.”  
“It does?”  Riley looked irritated.
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“No I mean, if your birthday was on Christmas, I would get you two gifts.  Not just one. Because it would be two holidays.”  
Riley smiled.
“So my birthday is a holiday?”  she inquired.
A light pink hue crossed Liam’s face.  
“No I meant… I don’t know what I meant…”  
“Thank you….”
“Liam. My name is Liam.”  
“Thank you Liam.”
Taylor grabbed Riley’s hand.  “Let’s get back to class.”
Riley glanced back at Liam and smiled before her sister pulled her through the office door.  
“Could twins be any more different?”
“They are technically two different people.”  Liam was intrigued by Riley already.
“And I’ve got detention with the cute one this afternoon.”
Liam went by his locker after announcements to get his AP Biology book.  
He sat at the table in the front of class.  
Just as the bell rang she ran into the door. 
“You’re late.”  
“Sorry, I’m still trying to figure out my way around.”  
“Take a seat.”  
She glanced around the room seeing the only familiar face she knew, so  she walked over to him.
“Hi Liam.”
“Hi Riley.”  
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andy-loves-corgis · 5 years
All of The Lights - Ch 6 (TRR AU)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: I’ts really messy this one
Rating: M (I can’t make them not curse  I guess…)
Word count: ~ 6,700 (I did it because I love you!)
Notes: This bitch is back after her big event, and I brought you a lot of words to make up from my absence, thanks for waiting for me ♥️
WARNING: Read the Prologue! Every chapter has TWO timelines, Before (about a year before the Prologue) and After (two years after the prologue), if you don’t pay attention to that you might get confused!
Between broken glass
Thank you for the grave, I needed me a place to sleep...
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He was careful not to be late, after Riley’s little stunt the week before Drake wasn’t remotely interested in facing her rage once again, so he knocked on her door 15 minutes earlier, though he wouldn’t admit it, he wanted to check on her, this wouldn’t be a great day, he knew by heart.
 Riley didn’t answer his knock, so he opened a peek on the door just to see if she was there, the image greeting him being priceless.
 “Why man great til they gotta be grey? Woo!” Riley had her back to the door, headphones on, and was swinging her behind, her injured foot supported by a fluffy pillow on the ground, a canvas half painted in front of her. “I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m a 100% that bitch. Diva when I’m crying craz... Drake!”
 He was leaning on her doorframe with his arms crossed on his chest, an amused smirk on his lips.
 “I don’t think those are the actual lyrics” he watched her roll her eyes taking off her headphones and moving to kiss his cheek.
 “I’m not a woman to comply with such things as actual lyrics, Drake” it was his turn to roll his eyes.
 “Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asked carefully even though he knew she wouldn’t change her mind.
 “There’s no Royal Ballet casting without Riley York, even if she isn’t dancing. Shall we?”
 Drake sighed and gave his arm to support her, a quick and dead silent ride to the national theater was enough for Drake realize Riley’s mood shifting, sulking, her jaw clenching. He shouldn’t have let her come.
 The press swarmed the place, Drake forgot the women in the social season were trying for a part too.
 “Lady Riley, here! David Combs from Cordonia Weekly.” Someone shouted behind Drake and Hans. “How do you feel watching the cast from the audience for the first time in four years?”
 A surging will of punching him washed over Drake, he hated press and their way to make everything worse for the nobles.
 “I’m happy for the other contestants” Riley faked a smile and kept walking, putting more force than needed on her injured foot.
 As they got inside the contestants were greeted by the Royal Family, no one looking in their direction, he couldn’t spot Savannah among them, secondary parts weren’t that important for the Rhys.
 Riley dragged him to a row farther from the rest, pulling her leg to the middle of the seats in front of her and taking from her purse a bag of Doritos and her bottle of pills.
 One by one the contestants went to the dressing room and the royals filled the front seats. Sherman Dowley, a bald lean man who had led the Royal Ballet for the past 10 years took the stage.
 “Thank you all for your presence today, as you know the Royal Ballet of Cordonia is a centennial institution and housed incredible talent over the years. Cordonia is a magnificent kingdom and I’m humble to start our casting with the presence of our monarchs. God save King Constantine!”
 Everyone stood and Riley cursed beside him to get her foot from between the seats, giving up and standing on one foot.
 “God save King Constantine!”
 “For this year presentation, we are doing our version of Swan Lake, our dancers have been training for the past weeks for their tests. As I told them last week, our version looks for passion, a meeting between Tchaikovsky piece and the raw emotion from the beautiful tragedy. First, come our little swans”
 They clapped and Drake spotted Savannah among the other dancers in their pristine white collants. He could hear Riley counting the steps beside him, and smiling as he thought Savannah land gracefully all the steps, he knew she had been helping his sister improve since the year before.
 After the girls, it was time for the boys to try for the main role, surprisingly Drake found Maxwell Beaumont among them.
 “Now” Dowley started again “it’s time for our graceful Odette with their deceiving Odile living inside them.”
 “What’s this story about?” Drake whispered to Riley, who by now was in the middle of her Doritos.
 “Love, revenge... Odette was cursed by Rothbart, becoming a swan for the day and a woman through the night. She met Siegfried, a Prince that never loved no one, they obviously fall in love, but Rothbart tries to deceive him with his daughter Odile... really? Adele? I adore her but she couldn’t play Odile... or Odette...”
 Drake watched as the girl on the stage slowly lost confidence on her movements.
 “Anyway” Riley turned back to him. “Siegfried is deceived by Rothbart and chooses to marry Odile”
 “Well, it depends on the end they choose. Siegfried can battle Rothbart, kill him and live happily ever after with Odette by his side... or she can decide to die.”
 A shiver ran through Drake, he didn’t know why.
 Next on the stage was Olivia, her first routine as Odette was too sharp according to Riley, being more suited to Odile.
 “She always loses because of that, ballet is art, not battle.”
 Next was Madeleine, her movements graceful and surgical, but her face, as always, was stoic. He wondered if Madeleine had emotions at all.
 Drake grabbed the bag of Doritos from Riley’s hand and tipped the crumbles in his mouth, bored to death, some random girl was messaging him, and he decided he wasn’t answering.
 Finally, after what felt like a week to Drake, Dowley was back to the stage with all the contestants.
 “First, I would like to congratulate all of you, you were amazing. Let’s start with our swans, so graceful, the main dancers for that part are Rachael Kaine, Tzofiya Scudder, Abella Alladon, Penelope Cranddler and Savannah Walker!”
 The crowd cheered and Savannah looked delighted while Drake and Riley were raising their thumbs to her.
 “For our Siegfried, it was a close tie, but mister Maxwell Beaumont showed all the grace for the main part”
 Another round of applause and a curt nod from Bertrand followed. Dowley called other names Drake never heard of, then he felt Riley tensing by his side.
 “Now, our Odette and Odile, the star of our night, all of you young ladies brought your personal touches to the part, while one of you brought the grace we all needed...”
 “I could’ve beaten all of them with my eyes closed” Riley muttered; Drake could almost taste the bitterness in her words.
 “Congratulations, Lady Madeleine!” 
 Her ever present mask didn’t fall even while being selected, she opened a sweet smile and bowed with her hands on her heart, and an unmistakable glint in her eyes, she knew she was going to win.
 “Bullshit” Riley crunched the Doritos bag into a ball and chewed on her lower lip, she was hurt. “I wanna leave.”
 “You know you can’t without congratulating them, the press will make their day for a picture of you losing control” Drake held her shoulders. “Don’t give them this.”
 “Then I wanna get wasted tonight” she pouted.
 “As long as you’re buying” Drake smirked as she punched his arm. 
 They waited on the line to congratulate the dancers, Madeleine wearing a victorious smile beside Leo, who was on his fourth glass of champagne in five minutes.
 “Oh Riley, I wished you could’ve been here” 
 Of course you did, beating Riley would be even better than the rest, you snake.
 “I wish too but you were so marvelous that I felt like I was dancing with you” Riley’s words slipped as lines on a long-forgotten play, her smile just a shadow of what it was in reality. “You’ve earned every bit of it”
 It reminded Drake why he hated court and how he felt seeing Riley so deep in the venom and lies.
 “You made it!” Her attitude shifted instantly once she saw Savannah, giggling delighted by the compliments, he noticed her throwing furtive glances towards where the Beaumonts were gathered with Penelope’s parents. “We need to celebrate, let’s go to Maveen, I can set some private couches for us there!”
 Even though he saw his sister glow with the possibility of go out clubbing with Riley, Drake was fast in reminding Riley she was underage.
 “Oh right” Riley chewed on the inside of her cheek, “but... you know... isn’t it better if you can keep an eye on her, to teach her when she goes alone?”
 He knew the innocence of her words were feigned, but he couldn’t deal with those chestnut and sea-blue eyes pleading to him at the same time.
 “Okay, but you’re leaving at one, and Hans is to take her to the palace!”
 “YES!” Savannah exclaimed jumping on her brother. “Ohmygod I need to go back and choose a dress! Thank you, Riley!”
 “Have you heard? Madeleine is taking the whole VIP lounge of Maveen to celebrate the ballet; everyone is invited of course” Kiara and Madeleine approached them.
 “Even you Savannah, you earned it!” Madeleine added in her diplomatic tone.
 “Yeah sure, we were headed there anyway” Riley answered in a tired tone. “We better head back to the palace to get ready, see you there!”
 As she turned to leave, Riley ran on the Royal Family.
 “Oh, I’m sorry Your Highness, blessed to see you all here.” She added as the three of them bowed.
 “It was a pity not seeing you up there, Lady Riley” Regina started, and Liam excused himself to go talk to Bastien.
 “But also, a breath of fresh air for someone else leading the show, Countess Madeleine is so precise and clean in her movements” Constantine continued as if Riley wasn’t there.
 “Madeleine is immensely talented” Riley lowered her head.
 “I hope we can see your passion on stage soon! And congratulations on your casting, Lady Savannah.”
 “Thank you, Your Highness” Savannah and Riley answered in unison, the first one with a gushy smile, the second barely showing her teeth.
 “Let’s get out of here” he whispered to Riley, who just nodded, inhaling deeply before putting on a smile for the press.
 Drake couldn’t process the questions, it went from her feelings towards Madeleine’s victory, to her lack of appearances with Liam.
 A loud sigh was heard as soon as Drake stepped on the limo.
 “Is everything okay with you and Liam?” Savannah couldn’t hold herself and avoided Drake’s glare.
 “I don’t know, the ‘Liam and I’ thing is something I have to keep up with daily, like those Kardashian’s show” she tried to crack up a laugh but sounded mechanical.
 “Drake should help you, I mean, take you out to relax...”
 “Savannah, if you don’t stop, I’ll make you go to the palace by foot...” Drake clenched his jaw. “I don’t get involved in my friend’s relationships; you should start doing it too.”
 An awkward silence filled the limo after Savannah opted to stay silent, for the next minutes of the ride, each one was buried in their cellphones.
 “Well, we can leave by 9, ok?” Riley asked when Hans parked outside the palace entrance and the Walker siblings just nodded. “See you there!”
 “Savannah, stop with your fantasy of Riley and I together, she’s my best friend, we grew up together, there’s nothing here...”
 “Sorry” she muttered “I just think you would be better for her than Liam”
 “If Liam isn’t good for her, it’s only up to her to decide.”
 Drake decided to nap the rest of the time he had before being dragged out to meet their group of nobles in a stuffy club.
 Riley was wearing a colorful Versace dress that looked like it cost hundreds of euros, and it probably did. Savanna was behind her with a dark green knee-length dress, she borrowed it from Riley for sure, he remembered that dress.
 The club was everything Drake hated, crowded, expensive and full of nobles and other rich kids.
 “You’re allowed three glasses of champagne, sister” Drake said as soon as they entered the VIP area, music blasting through the speakers, he was looking for a corner where he could drink a good whiskey in peace.
 As he found it, he proceeded to watch his sister from afar, giggling with the girls, dancing with Riley and darting looks somewhere to the other side of the room, she was pure and innocent, but he knew eventually he wouldn’t be able to control her anymore.
 “Hey” Drake heard someone say beside him, Kiara was wearing a short black dress with some strategic transparencies on the chest, her long hair was down, and her dark eyes glinted. He understood the appeal. “Aren’t you lonely in here?”
 Lonely. Drake didn’t see himself as a lonely person, his best friend understood he wasn’t the type of guy to talk about Polo with Neville and Rashad, like Liam was.
 “No, I’m good. Not very into this club thing.”
 “Me neither.” She chuckled; he didn’t know if it was a lie. “But it’s kind of an obligation to stay here to congratulate Madeleine.”
 Poor Leo had a Gin bottle to himself on the other corner.
 “Well, to less days kissing ass…” he raised his glass and she laughed openly before clinking her glass on his.
 It was when he noticed her standing in the middle of the room, he could always tell when Riley was bothered with something and as she moved closer and closer to him with her encased leg making her limp, he just knew she was.
 “Hey guys” she smiled to him and Kiara “Drake, you promised to get wasted with me. Come on!”
 Riley grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind her without sparing a second glance to Kiara as she moved to the bar.
 “You can thank me later, chances were that she was going to roofie you...”
 Not paying attention to her path and looking back to talk to him, Riley ended up stumbling on Rashad and spilling the remainder of his drink on the floor.
 “Oh my God, I’m so sorry Rashad!” She put a hand in Rashad’s shoulder as he looked to see if it has spilled on him. “I really didn’t see you. I’m really sorry, I can send it to dry cleaning if you want.”
 “It’s all good, no damage made!” He shrugged giving her a smile.
 But there was damage made, Liam looked furious.
 “Try not to make a scene when you’re drunk” he mumbled to his whiskey.
 “What was that, Liam?” She got closer to him; it was a bad idea.
 “Just try to stay composed when out drinking, nobody needs a scandal” he didn’t look at her. 
 “I stumbled, Liam! You have no idea how hard it is to walk on this shit!” She pointed to her leg.
 “Language, Riley. My father is right you need to be tamed.”
 Riley stood there blinking at him.
 “Tamed?! I’m not an animal!” she winced.
 “Well, you’ve been very irrational not to think someone would take pictures of you drunk at a party and send them to my father.”
 Drake saw sheer shock wash over Riley’s features, she shut eyes angrily and sighed deeply.
 “Liam.” Her voice was tired. “I couldn’t care less about that.”
 Liam was completely taken aback by her words and advanced a step towards her, she intended to turn around and leave but in the process,  she hit an empty flute of champagne that laid on the table next to her.
 It shattered instantly opening a large gash on the side of her hand.
 “Fuck!” She held her hand close to her chest.
 “It’s better if you leave, Lady Riley” Neville intervened, and Liam gave her his back.
 “Fuck you” Drake heard her whisper, as the blood started to run through her fingers.
 “Hey, let’s put a bandage on this ok?” He tried to sooth her as they walked far from Liam and his group, Drake took some napkins from a nearby table and gave to her to stop the bleeding.
 “I wanna leave, call Hans, please” she was breathless.
 “No, I’m going with you, I just need to text Savannah” he took his cellphone from his pocket and typed a series of rules for his sister, who was now laughing beside Maxwell and Bertrand.
 Drake was careful to see if Riley was crying, but she just looked like if she wasn’t there at all, instead of calling Hans, he got an Uber to his favorite place out of town.
 “Where are we going?” Riley asked.
 “You said we were going to get drunk and you were buying” he bumped his shoulder on her.
 Her chuckle put him at ease for once in the past hour.
 “Show me the way then.”
 It was a rustic bar, all made from applewood, vintage barstool, some tables and booth seats, a small stage for bands and “talent night”.
 “Hey Al” he waved to a bearded middle age man, the owner of Wood Wheel. “Can you get me a table and a first aid kit?”
 Al looked puzzled realizing Riley’s presence behind Drake for the first time, there was some smeared makeup, a bloodstained Versace dress and an orthopedic booth, it wasn’t a very usual image for that bar.
 “Sure thing, Walker. Go hide in your table with your lady.”
 Drake rolled his eye and followed to the furthest booth of the place; Riley was wincing pulling the napkin from her cut.
 “Will you want anything to drink?” Al asked passing the first aid kit to Drake. “One whiskey for Drake and... Sex on the Beach for the lady?”
 Suddenly forgetting her pain, Riley shot a brow up, challenged.
 “Excuse me?! The lady likes her drinks like she likes women... strong.” She smiled to Al. “What’s your strongest drink?”
 It was time for Al shot a brow up.
 “There’s a shot of Traban, a pirate liquor, are you up to it?”
 “Bring two cups” when he left, she added in a lower voice. “I’m gonna fucking need it, shit this hurt”
 Drake chuckled pulling a piece of glass from her wound, as Al handed him his whiskey and the two cups Riley asked for and kept standing there.
 “I need to see you drinking, if you do both, I’ll put you on my Hall of Fame!”
 Riley inhaled deeply, her nose crinkling, she took one after the other without breathing, biting her lower lip after swallowing.
 “You brought a thought one, I liked her!” And he vanished looking for his polaroid.
 “You ok?” Drake asked studying her face.
 “That shit is insane, I feel numb.”
 “Good, ‘cause that’s gonna hurt” he poured anti-septic on the wound and Riley grunted to the point where she punched the wooden table, clenching her teeth as her eyes watered. “There, see you won’t even need stitches!”
 Riley laughed as he carefully bandaged her hand, he realized the alcohol was starting to take over her, afraid to fall behind, he gave his whiskey a big gulp.
 “Ok, how did you find this place?” She asked
 “After Jessica and I broke up, I couldn’t sleep so I drove aimlessly through the night and ended up here... Bastien had to pick me up, I left my car here.” Drake gave another gulp in his whiskey.
 “Was she your first love?” Riley rested her face in her hand, blinking her glassy eyes slowly.
 “I guess so...”
 “Oh, they have talent night here!” She suddenly changed the subject spotting a flyer on the wall. “Why don’t you come?”
 “Because I have some dignity left!”
 “No, let’s play a game, we need to guess right three things about each other, if I lose, I have to... offer a toast to Olivia at Cordonia’s Anniversary Ball” she was putting on high stakes. “But if you lose, you have to come on the next talent night.”
 “I know everything about you, York!” He shot the remainder of his whiskey down his throat. “This is going to be easy”
 “Let’s see, you start.”
 “Which horse, from all of the ones I take care of, including yours, is my favorite?” She would never guess.
 “You make everyone think it’s Zeus, because he’s strong and you absolutely love to train him, but your favorite horse is Avalon, the renegade horse who couldn’t compete because of the malformation on his hooves, I remember how you were when they put him down... he will always be your favorite, you’ve tried until the end”
 “Whatever, your turn”
 “What was my favorite song when I was 6?”
 “Come on! You’re being too specific!”
 “You said you knew everything about me, let’s test that” she smirked drunkenly.
 Drake forced his memory, when she was 6 he was 9, so they were at a stage where she was still too fragile for his pranks, but not a baby he had to watch over, it was back in time they were very into fantasy...
 “I know! It was from that really old movie from the 80’s with Bowie! Shit...” he started to hum the melody that Riley made slam through the speakers so many times. “... As the world falls down.”
 Riley slammed her fists on the table, defeated.
 “How can you remember that?”
 “I’m a winner, my turn” Drake started to feel the alcohol start to act on his system. “What’s my mother’s middle name?”
 “Melrose... and she hates it!” Riley sipped from a drink Drake haven’t seen arriving. “Ok, what I wanted to be when I grew up?”
 “Come on Riley, you’re making it too easy. The first astronaut to make a triple spin on Mars.”
 “That was a good one! I think I’ll pursue it”
 “Who was my first crush?”
 “Oh, that one is VERY easy” Drake didn’t know how, he had only talked about her to his father. “Lady Sophia, daughter of the Swedish diplomat, you sang to her on the talent show at the Apple Day that year. You were like... 11”
 “How can you know that? I’ve never told this to anyone!” Maybe his brain wasn’t in full function anymore because of all the alcohol.
 “Who was my first crush, Drake?” 
 “Liam, obviously, you two were basically promised to each other at birth”
 She started drunkenly laughing.
 “Well, I hope you remember the lyrics of that song you sang to Sophia, because you’re coming to the talent show. You’re wrong.”
 “No, I can’t be wrong, the only guy - who wasn’t a fictional character from a book or a cartoon - you ever talked to me about, was Liam”
 “Drake, you’re so silly” she was blinking very slowly, he could see her cheeks turning red, it was very unusual for Riley to blush.” I remember vividly of you singing to Sophia, because my first crush was... you.”
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 Drake woke up with a headache and cursed himself for drinking too much, he wasn’t even supposed to be at that party last night, Madeleine’s birthday was the last thing that he wanted to celebrate, but being part of the court it would be a crime not to be there, and drink some fancy whiskey, or a lot of fancy whiskey.
 Cassidy called him 3 times and he didn’t answer, he sighed shutting his eyes close, head hung low as he supported his weigh on his bathroom sink. He refused to fall back on this behavior, blame it on this fucked up reality he was living in.
 He made his way to the kitchen certain that by this time he could get the leftovers of the breakfast, and maybe some Advil.
 “Someone had a very good night” Eleanor teased him from the sink as he got some eggs and croissants in his plate. “Was their whiskey better than our beer?”
 “Whiskey is always whis…” he stopped talking once a very familiar picture appeared at the TV. “Turn it up!”
 ALCOHOL, PILLS AND SUICIDE Inside Lady Riley York stay outside Cordonia
 They showed a series of pictures of Riley from two years prior, her partying, on her riding lessons, smiling with Madeleine and wearing ballgowns, then came the footage that made him lose his appetite.
 It showed a skin and bones Riley sitting on her bed at was looked like a hospital, probably the facility she stayed in Switzerland, her eyes had deep dark circles behind her eyes, she looked like a corpse, her hand was bandaged and it looked like she was being scolded.
 “We had access to her medical reports also.” Started the reported pointing to the side of the screen, which highlighted a lot of information from a document. “She entered the facility after a suicide attempt by drug overdose, several opioids were found in her system. The medical reports issued by Kusnacht Practice, a luxury rehab center in Switzerland, said she was resistant of the treatment in the beginning, but after 8 months, Lady Riley was completely clean and focused on her treatment.”
 “Well Taylor…” started the other journalist beside the woman, with an amused look. “… It is a facility that costs almost 80,000 euros PER WEEK, we’re talking about a 2.5 million stay in a 5-star hotel, it must have been horrible for poor Lady York. A rich girl, with a past of party animal, It’s a lesson for a lot of girls…”
 They moved back to the footage and Drake realized all the hair Riley was losing under the brush, how lost and dead were her eyes…
 “Enough!” Eleanor barked. “They have no respect!”
 Even though Eleanor saw how devastated Drake was after Riley left, she always had a soft spot for Riley, Drake knew that. He then heard a motion coming from the garage and marched there.
 “The press issued a request for a press conference directly from Lady York, as you know, if Lady York is here, the palace is forced to arrange it under five hours” Bastien started; he was with Mara, Hans and two other guards, Drake noticed Riley on the corner pulling dried skin from her lip, it was already bleeding, she looked lost. “I have orders to move lady Riley back to Valtoria, but I’m afraid they already issued the same request to your state…”
“If she isn’t in any of the places, how long does she have to issue a statement on her on?” Drake barged in, “if she isn’t in an official estate, she can only release a statement, right?”
“Right she could write, but if any limo leaves the palace she will be followed.” said Hans.
“I’ll take her to my property; from there she can decide how she will proceed on the next hours, I’ll keep you updated.”
“Are you sure?” Bastien added in a small voice to him, as Mara gave instructions to Riley to hide while passing through the staff gate.
“She… didn’t deserve that” Drake said as Bastien pat his shoulder.
By this time Mara was already moving Riley to his truck and Drake hadn’t had any time to register what he had done, he just got inside his truck as Riley lowered herself, hugging her knees. He looked outside but it didn’t look like anyone was outside the staff’s gate, he waited just a few more minutes, until the hit the highway to tell her the coast was clear.
Riley got up and pulled the seatbelt; as she moved to cross her legs Drake was taken by a déja vu; orange sky, music blasting through his speakers, Riley putting her foot on his dash and him pretending he was angry about that.
But in a blink of an eye he was back to the silence, her legs were crossed along with her arms, as if she was protecting herself from impact.
“Thank you” she muttered glancing at him then back to the empty road ahead of them. “I’m sorry, I don’t wanna be a burden, I… I can think of somewhere else to go.”
“You’re not going anywhere, York. I offered you my house, you can stay there thinking about your next step, call Hana and Maxwell if you think they can help you.” He noticed the scar o the side of her right hand from the shattered flute at Maveen’s, and a few other gashes on her knuckles and the back of hand.
She noticed his looks and fidgeted with the fabric of her sweater.
“It was on the day of that leaked video. I had been allowed to have a mirror on my bathroom after two weeks.” She chewed on the inside of her cheek. “I punched it really hard, I was son angry.”
“Because I couldn’t remember, I woke up on the other side of the Adriatic Sea without knowing why I was there, it took me weeks to remember most of it, but not everything.” She stopped for a second to breathe, her hand grabbing her own arm.
“Go on…” Drake almost whispered.
“I was frightened, they took everything, my cellphone, all the mirrors and sharp objects from the room… they… they took the bobby pins from my head, anything was harmful to me.” She stopped to breathe again.
“It’s okay to cry, Riley”
She turned her head fully to look at him, her blue eyes as deep as the Adriatic Sea.
“I’ve shed all my tears on that, on everything, I think…” she looked away, and he was glad she did. “I’ve spent the first week curled on the floor crying, I wanted to just vanish, disappear, it was all too much, I’ve stopped eating… And then I felt numb, I would eat if they told me to, smile if they told me to… until I saw myself in that mirror, I couldn’t handle that, I didn’t know who that person was.”
Drake realized he wasn’t breathing and inhaled deeply looking as the trees passed by.
“They stripped me of everything, I was alone, so I attempted to get better and start fresh, when I was discharged I flew to Thailand, lived among the people there, teaching English, thinking that it would be those trips to find myself. Then I moved to the US, started taking courses at NYU…until my mom decided six months ago that she wanted me back here, and now I think that it was because of Liam’s social season.”
“The dates match. Why didn’t you come back?”
“I was frightened that… that I would come back being old Riley, that this place would crush me. So, when my mother cut off my money, as bizarre as it looked to everyone, I started working as a waitress at a bar near my new and very small apartment in Brooklyn, which I shared with other two people.” She chuckled, easing the mood.
“Why did you decide to come back?”
Riley stayed silent for long seconds, fidgeting with the bunch of rings on her fingers.
“I had a bizarre dream. When I was checked in at Kusnacht, I had a wound on my head, I’ve dreamt about someone shoving my head on the hood of that Lamborghini I used to have, I remember vividly of the blood contrasting with the yellow. Something shifted inside of me, I don’t know why, I was obsessed with finding out what happened, but I knew that here was the only place that held the answers.”
Silence filled the inside of his truck like thick smoke as anxiety start taking over Drake.
“I need to ask you a question, and you need to make an effort to be honest with me” there they were again, the piercing eyes, full of doubt and curiosity. “When did you start to take those things again?”
Riley moved her eyes to her hands, that was a bad sign.
“Those were very disturbing times, with everything, with… us, and the attack.”
“You were clean even after the attack, you know what I’m asking Riley.” He grunted and sighed as he got silence as an answer.”
“There were a lot of people who nailed my coffin, but at the end of the day, I’ve crawled inside it alone. You’re not responsible for what I did in any way, you weren’t even here, Drake” she pleaded.
“I’ll rephrase my question” by this time they were almost at his house, and he felt like he was going to puke. “When did you start taking pills again? What day?”
Her head turned to the passenger window and he could see a tattoo peaking on her neck.
“It was the day you left” she murmured but he heard it clearly. “I… I wasn’t on a very good place at that time.”
“I’m sorry.” He said the words he never thought he would say to her.
“You shouldn’t be, you were the one who got me out of it, I… I just wasn’t strong enough.” She moved her hand as if to touch his arm, but held it back pulling it to her chest. “I’m the one who’s sorry. Now is time to clean the mess I’ve made.”
He pulled his truck on the pavement leading to his house and was greeted by his dogs, Bradley, his Staffordshire Bull, and Chance.
“What are you gonna do now?” he asked as he squatted to pet Brad and she lowered herself to pick up Chance who wiggled his tail dramatically to her.
“First, I’ll avoid my mom’s calls, then I’ll ask for a cup of coffee as I wait for Hana and Max.” she started kissing Chance’s derpy face. “Oh, I’ll obviously sue Kusnacht and try to find out how Madeleine got access to my records.”
“How do you know it was Madeleine?” he marched alongside her to the inside of his house.
“It’s her typical power move, she locked Olivia and I on that prisoner’s room below the wine cellar yesterday just because she knew Liam came to see me before her party… and probably because he isn’t done sleeping with Olivia.”
As the door creaked open he made his way, right to the kitchen to put some space between them; the more he suppressed the memories, the more they flew vividly in his mind, there wasn’t a single room in that house that he hadn’t taken her, not a single surface that wasn’t hit by their clothes being thrown in the heat of their affair. Even while making coffee he remembered how she would barge in wearing nothing underneath his shirt and kissing his naked back.
I was a dead life now, and these memories belonged in the past.
“I’ve been thinking these past few days” he started as he met her in the living room, her eyes were focused on an empty point in his shelf, where it used to have a picture of them with the dogs, ‘family picture’ she used to call it. “I will help you to find out what happened”
She turned to him grabbing the cup of coffee he offered her, her eyes glinting.
“But there are rules.” he added as she shot a brow up. “First, I won’t do nothing that can affect my job. Second, no touching, at all.”
“Ok, we will seal this deal with a nod” she laughed. “Is there a third? You know that you made me want really bad to poke you right now, right?”
“I’m being serious, York. Nothing remotely physical will happen”
“Even if I’m… I don’t know, hanging halfway outside a moving train and you need to pull me inside?”
“Sorry” she bit her lip.
“Third, in exchange you gotta help me find Savannah.”
“What? Wasn’t she in an Exchange program in Italy?” Riley looked puzzled
“We thought so, until she changed her number and sent me a letter asking to let her live her life.”
Before Riley could answer, the bell ringed and they welcomed Hana and Maxwell inside.
“It was insane in the palace; Liam just can’t stop asking about you!” Max exclaimed and Hana cleared her throat.
“Well, thank you Drake for rescuing her and for having us here to help” she smiled politely at him. “Ri, I’ve been searching all the social platforms where the video was published, and even though people are loving the gossip, there are very few detractors, I believe you should release a statement on social media, that could be as easily shared as the video, and you would also stop any journalist from distorting your words, what do you think?”
“I need a cigarette before that” she muttered and moved outside.
“You can use the backyard if you want” Drake suggested and saw as Maxwell and Hana follow Riley outside, he would stay in, the least involved he got the better.
From the kitchen window he saw as she sat on the grass with Chance on her lap and Brad by her side, the whole ordeal took an hour, by the middle of the afternoon Maxwell got a call from the palace saying that after the publishing of the video, the journalists and paparazzi waiting outside the palace left and it was safe to get back.
“Thank you again for having us, Drake” Hana gave him a quick hug, as Maxwell shook his hand.
Riley just waved to him, muttering another thank you.
He cooked dinner with the dogs playing by his feet and decided to scroll through twitter on the couch after eating, when he stumbled on her video, curiosity took the best of him and he pressed play.
The wind was blowing strands of her on her face and she looked peaceful, more than he thought she would.
“Hey everyone, as you know I’m Riley York, you’ve probably saw a lot of me today and heard a lot of things, and you know that’s why I’m here. First of all, I’m recording that to remind everyone, on the media and out, that I am a human being and even though I was born in extreme privilege, I have flaws, I fell in love, I’ve gotten sick, I’ve drank too much, I’ve had my fair share of mistakes.”
She looked somewhere beside her, as to find forces to continue.
“I’ve had my privacy invaded today, where you saw a version of me that even I can’t handle looking, what you saw is above my titles, my money, my lands, you saw a face that wouldn’t be on a television screen if I wasn’t the heir to a duchy. You saw a person deep in depression, someone suffering from addiction, someone who tried to take their own life. There are people living this every day, but again. It only matters to many of you because I’m noble, but I care beyond that, as many outlets liked to point out, I’ve had access to a very expensive treatment due to my social status, so I’ve decided to donate the same amount that my treatment cost so we can improve the treatment of my people in Valtoria and all across Cordonia, depression and addiction are serious issues and I’ll help people in need in any way I can. Thank you.”
If it was any other noble, Drake would think it was just a publicity stunt, but after his conversation with Riley he couldn’t help but think she was genuine, although he would prefer not to think about her in any way.
He was surprised when his doorbell ringed.
“I can’t stop thinking about you!” he heard her say and couldn’t help but smile when she hugged him, and their lips found each other.
“I’ve missed you too, Cas.”
Don’t kill me...
Tagging the amazing: @drakewalkerrosenberg​; @sleepwalkingelite​; @agent-bossypants​; @pug-bitch​; @rtinaz​; @saivilo​; @iplaydrake​; @likethetailofacomet​; @notoriouscs​; @mind-reader1​; @annekebbphotography​; @walkerismychoice​; @tmarie82​; @blackwidow2721​; @thequeenchoices​; @missameliep​; @jovialyouthmusic​; @perksof-everything​; @choicesmacmakes​; @carabeth @drakenazario​; @drakesensworld​; @moneyfordiamonds​; @ao719​; @lynne1993​; @ilovedrakewalker23​; @msjpuddleduck​; @drakewalkerisreal​; @violinist3121; @wannabemc2​; @gibbles82​; @furiousherringoperatortoad​; @jens-diamondchoices​; @rainbowsinthestorm​; @bee1arw​; @world-of-dreams-and-muse​; @pintobomb @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​; @emceesynonymroll​; @andy-loves-corgis​; @addictedtodrakefanfic​; @texaskitten30​; @dcbbw​; @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​; @kimmiedoo5; 
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samsonet · 5 years
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
Sonia was somebody, once. Maybe she'll be somebody now, too.
Title from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 43, "How Do I Love Thee?"
Galar has one hero. Everyone knows this.
One hero, wielding the legendary sword and shield, saved the region from the Darkest Day.
One hero, rising above all others, gaining glory with every victory.
Everyone knows this.
When Sonia was fifteen, she wandered into the Slumbering Weald.
She was lost. She was tired and cold and hungry. Leon was Champion, Nessa and Raihan were training to be gym leaders, and Sonia was —
Sonia was —
nothing and nobody.
She was lost, that’s all.
Gloria twirls her hair the same way Sonia does.
She holds herself the way Sonia does, like she’s not sure if she’s really allowed to be here, to be doing this.
She leans on Hop the way Sonia leaned on Leon, always walking two steps behind.
Sonia worries for them.
She watches the kids’ journey, in person when she can and on the league channels when she can’t.
Of course, the media picks up on how Hop and Gloria reflect Leon and his childhood rival — what was her name again? Professor Magnolia’s granddaughter — oh, yeah, Sonia. They broadcast every parallel, from how long it takes them to reach the gyms to which moves they use in different situations.
One cruel Chattr account sets up a poll about how long it will take Gloria to drop out.
Sonia blocks them.
She and Leon used to be close.
They pretty much grow up together, sipping hot cocoa in Gran’s lab and talking about their futures. Leon has high hopes — he’s always had high hopes, especially for a nobody from a town the rest of the region forgot.
She calls him Leo because she wants to give him a nickname and Hop’s the only one allowed to call him Lee. Leon calls her Sunny in return.
They’re kids. They’re happy.
Then one day, Chairman Rose arrives.
Who knows what he saw in Leon? The story goes that Leon had something about his eyes, but if he did, wouldn’t Sonia have noticed it first?
Whatever the case, Leon holds onto the sponsorship letter with both hands. He rushes home to say goodbye to his family, and an hour later he’s at the station, leaving her behind.
Gran hands her a letter, too, because apparently the regional professor can do that. “He’s your friend, isn’t he? Then become the best rival you can be, to help him get stronger.”
Sonia runs after her friend.
It’s the first time she has to catch up to him. It won’t be the last.
They grow stronger together, for a while. But every time they fight, Leon wins.
They battle.
He wins.
They battle.
He wins.
They battle.
Sonia loses.
She loses to him.
She loses him.
Leon becomes the Champion. Sonia goes home. Suddenly they never have enough time to just hang out. They try battling for cups and exhibition matches, but the skill difference is so big that it’s no longer fun for either of them.
Leon remains in Wyndon. Sonia goes home.
She leaves voicemail messages, mostly things like how tall Hop has grown or how the weather is. He leaves his own messages in return.
Everything changes, but at the same time, it feels like nothing did.
Gran sends her to research the Darkest Day.
It’s an excuse to get her out of the house, probably. Sonia knows she’s been moping. She did the work to get her master’s degree, but even that doesn’t give her a sense of direction. It’s just something she does, because that’s the path her story takes.
Galar has one story. Galar has one hero.
When the people cheer, they’re yelling Leon’s name.
Opal says, “You had more correct answers than Leon did.”
It’s the first time since the beginning of the challenge that Sonia has actually done something better than Leon. She looks up at the gym leader, eyes wide.
“You obviously have talent,” Opal observes, “but you give up too easily. I suppose it must be hard being Professor Magnolia’s granddaughter, yes?”
“Haha… I guess…”
Opal laughs. “I wish you luck, child. Though with your skill, you might not need it.”
It’s pure luck that she’s there when the mural falls and reveals two statues.
Two statues.
The theory forms in her head like an arrow reaching a target. One hero — two youths — history is written by the survivors — a sword and a shield — one hero — the Darkest Day — history can be covered up — one hero — who knew about this? — who changed it? — why?
Galar has one hero.
Everyone knows this.
Maybe not.
She meets Nessa at the opening ceremony, but it’s at Hulbury when they actually become friends.
“I know water-types like the back of my hand!” she boasts, spreading her arms wide. “This is my city, and I’m gonna shine in the gym battle!”
“Oh yeah? Well, I’m gonna win, too! My team is strong!” From Sonia’s arms, Yamper barks. He knows what he’s here for.
But Nessa laughs, trying to hide it behind her hand.
“What’s so funny?”
“If I can give you a word of advice? The gym leader’s got a Palpitoad. You need to figure out a way to beat ‘im without Yamper.”
Sonia bites her lip, considering.
She spends the rest of the day on the route back to Turffield, catching an Eldegoss.
When Sonia leaves the Stadium victorious, she finds Nessa and thanks her. “It was nice of you to tell me that. You could’ve just let me walk in there and lose.”
“I like you,” Nessa says, sticking out her hand. “If you wanna repay me, think about this: be my rival all the way to Wyndon!”
Leon is already my rival.
But Sonia has two hands.
She reaches out and shakes Nessa’s.
“I accept, rival!”
It doesn’t have to be like this, Sonia muses, back at the lab. She pictures the region as the outline of a hand, holding onto its story, holding onto its champion. When it can be like this. Galar has two heroes.
She snorts.
Her grandmother asks, “What’s so funny?”
Sonia finds she doesn’t quite have the words.
Sonia writes.
She writes everything. She writes like it’s all she knows how to do. She pours her heart on the page and backs it up with sixty pages of citations.
Her gran’s publisher picks up the book. Part of it is her name, probably, but Gran reminds her that academic presses are strict. If the research wasn’t credible, they wouldn’t have accepted it no matter whose name was on the cover.
Sonia takes some pride in that.
When Sonia was fifteen, she wandered into the Slumbering Weald.
She was lost, but somehow she felt called farther up and further in. Farther up and further in. Farther up — and then she finds it.
It’s a crumbling ruin. That in itself isn’t strange; Galar is full of ruins, after all.
But this spot…
There’s power here. She can feel it.
The fog surrounds her.
She reaches out.
The fog whispers, you are not the hero of this story.
“Hop and Gloria know what they’re doing with their lives,” Gran says. “You should be more like them.”
Gran, Sonia wants to say, They’re twelve. When I was twelve, I knew what I was doing with my life, too.
What she says is, “I’ve got time, don’t I? I’ll figure something out.”
Once, during a very sad off-season, Sonia and Raihan go on a date.
They spend the entire time talking about Leon.
She’s not sure what she expected.
When Sonia is seventeen, Nessa visits. She’s come out all the way to Wedgehurst, so it must be big news.
Sure enough, she doesn’t disappoint. Nessa grins, bright and beaming, and says, “It’s official! I’m a gym leader, Sunny!”
Oh. “That’s -- that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!”
Nessa’s quiet for a moment. Sonia guesses what she’s thinking: You don’t have to pretend to be happy for me. It’s okay if you’re mad or sad or something that I’m moving forward and you aren’t.
But Nessa grins and says, “Why don’t I take you out for dinner? Come on, my treat!”
Maybe Sonia doesn’t know what her friends think, after all.
(They have a good time, regardless.)
When Sonia is twenty-one, she wanders into the Slumbering Weald again.
Ah, but she’s not wandering now, is she? She’s guiding a hero.
At the stone monument, Hop is waiting for his rival. One hero of Galar runs to meet the other. He welcomes her with open arms.
They have one final battle, not as gym challengers, not as Sonia and Leon part two. This time, they’re friends and rivals. This time, they’re legends.
Gloria and Zacian strike.
Hop and Zamazenta defend.
And in the end…
“I want to become a Pokémon Professor,” Hop declares. Gloria nods enthusiastically, then hugs him. There’s no gap between them, now; they’re complementing parts, each with their own purpose.
When Leon appears, it’s all Sonia can do to keep from hugging him, too.
When Sonia is eleven, she enters Hulbury and is ambushed by a group of reporters.
“Sonia! As Leon’s rival, do you have any tips on how to defeat him?”
“Sonia! Are the rumors true that your grandmother is developing a new form of Dynamaxing?”
“Can you give a comment about why you retired from battling professionally?”
She hates this. She wants to scream.
Then the boy king himself appears. “What’re you all doing?”
Sonia gives him a helpless shrug. Go away, Leo! Let me die of embarrassment in peace!
But Leon doesn’t go away. Instead, he pushes into the crowd and stands between her and the others.
“You wanna bother her? Why don’t you battle me first!”
The reporters pause.
Leon doesn’t show any signs of joking.
The reporters back off.
Later, when they’ve lost the press and hidden on some rocks by the lighthouse, she asks, “Why’d you bother stepping in, Leo?”
Why waste your time with me? Don’t you have a new, stronger rival now?
“I dunno.” He kicks the air. “I guess… Since you don’t battle anymore… I feel like I gotta keep an eye out for you. I wanna help you.”
She gives a smile that she doesn’t feel. “You can’t always help people by winning battles, you know.”
Leon looks away.
One day, over a cup of tea, Hop says, “Y’know, I’ve been thinking.”
It’s his serious tone. Sonia sets aside her paperwork and gives him her full attention. “What is it?”
“If I’d been the one to become the champion,” Hop says, “I think I would’ve been miserable.”
“I know it sounds weird, ‘cause that was my dream and all, but… if I became champion, everyone would still be thinking of me as Leon’s little brother. I’d still be trying to be like him… cool, strong, unbeatable… and I’d never figure out what I wanted for myself.”
That’s true: the media had enough of a field day with Hop as a challenger; as a champion, he would get it worse.
(In contrast, Gloria was cast as everygirl rival and not Leon 2.0. Sonia wonders if that allowed her to keep a clear mind during everything.)
Sonia smiles. “Right. Be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. And the reverse: be thankful that you don’t always get what you want.”
Hop brightens. “Yeah. Now I’m doing what I want to do, and it’s really nice.”
When Sonia is fifteen, she wanders into the Slumbering Weald.
She’s lost, but she walks forward by intuition if not sight.
She can feel the power here. This is a place where legends begin. This is a place where heroes are made.
She wants it. She wants, she wants, she wants.
The fog surrounds her.
She stands as tall as she can, the nobody from nowhere, the forgotten rival. Is she worthy?
The fog whispers, You are not the hero of this story.
“I can be! Let me, let me, please —!”
The fog whispers, You are destined to wait here while others pass on before you.
She screams. She cries. She strikes with her bare fists — but of course, whatever she’s aiming for is out of reach.
The fog whispers, Be strong, child. Your time has not yet come.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 12- Crazy Kids
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm
Bastien dragged Riley and Lindsey to Constantine, furious with the chairman for this inconsiderate decision.
“Constantine- What the fuck? You knew about Riley’s marriage and then you bring him here!”
“Bastien, please don’t swear at me. This is good. Riley and Xavier can work together not only professionally, but they can save their marriage. Excuse me, myself and Regina have to mingle.” Regina looked at the three people stood in front of her with sorrow in her eyes. Bastien thought back to the time that he convinced Constantine to employ Riley.
Constantine was in his study, a scotch in his hand. There was hardly any interest in the new physio position. Bastien entered the room, feeling guilty that he left the club in the shit.
“Sir, have you found someone to replace me yet?”
“Not as yet. The few applicants haven’t got the experience required for this role.”
“I may have someone suitable for the role. She’s my goddaughter. She is the physio for a premier league team in the UK. She’s erm. She’s looking for a change.”
“Why would she want to leave such a good job?”
“Well. She’s married to the clubs striker- but they are calling time on their marriage.”
“Oh. Why is that?”
“The press perceive him differently to what he actually is. He has been unfaithful, hurt her in many ways. But she’s a good physio, she’s determined. I can stay and support her until she gets used to the role, if you’ll give her a chance.”
“Isn’t that the typical stereotype of a footballer though Bastien- being unfaithful? I don’t condone it, but they all do it. Tell her to send me a covering letter and CV.”
“I will do. You won’t regret it. She just needs a new start and a chance.”
“If I give her this chance, we will look after her, make her feel welcome. Support her. You have my word Bastien. You don’t know anyone looking for a managers job by any chance do you?”
“No Sir. But I think Bertrand will be a successful permanent manager.”
“Yes, I do believe that myself.”
“Uncle Bastien, just leave it. It’ll be fine. I’m not saving my marriage. I’m going to get my divorce one way or another. And if that means work with him for the rest of the season, I’ll have to do it. You know what he’s like- he will probably be in the press sooner or later for something negative.”
“How can you be so calm about this? I’m due to be going back home in a few days. You’ve been well and truly stitched up, Ri. I don’t know what his intentions are with him bringing him here. But you’re putting yourself in danger!”
“Linz. It’ll be fine. Just trust me. Bast I might need your help at some point though.”
Bastien and Lindsey looked at each other concerned, but Riley’s smirk had them questioning what she was planning. Returning to their table, everyone remained silent- not knowing what to say.
Riley sat next to Drake, attempting to hold his hand - brushing her hand away he held his head in his hands.
“What’s up Drake?”
“Oh I don’t know Riley. Maybe the fact that your husband is here.”
“No shit Sherlock! Why won’t you hold my hand?”
“Because he’s here.”
“Oh but you can kiss me and fuck me when your girlfriend was here!”
“Riley I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m going home.”
Riley stood up, concealing the tears that were forming in her eyes. Bastien and Lindsey followed- Lindsey apologising to Leo, suggesting that he stayed at home or with Liam. Her sister needed her. Drake stood up abruptly to follow them before Leo advised him to stay put.
Finding Riley outside smoking, Bastien knew she wasn’t calm or strong as she made herself out to be. Pulling her in for a hug, he couldn’t breathe with the smoke surrounding them.
“Both of you are coming home with me tonight. I’m not taking any risks.”
Riley wasn’t sure. Since she had been in Cordonia she seemed to have ‘sofa surfed’ rather than stay at her own apartment. Arriving at Bastien’s house, the girls wondered why a single man would need such a big house.
“You girls came here when you were both younger- you probably won’t remember. You’ve both got a room each.”
Walking into the kitchen, they smelt coffee and an aroma consisting of food from New York.
“Hi girls, Bastien informed me of what had happened. Are you okay Riley? I hope you don’t mind- I thought you’d appreciate it.”
Riley and Lindsey tucked in to the food that Bianca had provided them all. Both smiling having the reminder of home, they both forgot about that drama for a bit.
“Thank you Mrs Walker, I’m fine. Arsehole men for you.”
“Not all men are arseholes Riley.” Lindsey stated, she was missing Leo already. She knew he was married but she couldn’t help fall for him even with her sister warning her not to fall for a footballer.
“The ones I seem to choose are. Excuse me. I’m going to go to sleep. Night everyone.”
Bastien explained how Drake was cold towards Riley, he believed that was bothering her more than the fact that her estranged husband had unexpectedly turned up. The three of them agreed to contact Drake to come over.
Drake arrived shortly after, receiving a stern expression from his Mom and Bastien. Lindsey poured him a whiskey knowing that his Mom was going to berate him after Bastien explained the events that had occurred.
Bianca berated him explaining to not mess with Riley’s feelings and that she would need him more now than ever.
“Mom, I’m not messing her about. I just thought she might want to give her marriage another shot now he was here in person.” Lindsey spat the drink out, laughing uncontrollably, Bastien shook his head in disbelief that Drake would even think that.
“I know we’ve only just met, but the first night I kissed her- she made me weak at my knees. I’ve never felt like that before. It made me realise that Kiara wasn’t the one.”
“Damn right she wasn’t the one. She hurt you Drake! Every type of abuse. You don’t deserve that. You deserve to be happy, so does Riley.”
“What do you mean ‘every type of abuse’?” Lindsey’s eyes widened, wondering how much alcohol she had consumed - assuming she misunderstood Bianca.
“Kiara, she Erm. She was unfaithful... she did things to me that I don’t really want to talk about it, Lindsey.”
“You two are like peas in a pod. Xavier made my sisters life hell. He was unfaithful, he abused her, he made her miscarry my nephew. You both need each other.” Lindsey slurred, regretting what she said the moment it slipped out of her mouth.
“He did what?” Bianca said in astonishment.
“Too far Lindsey! She doesn’t want people knowing that!” Drake thought about his words from his sister a few days ago, and linked them to what Lindsey had just said. His heart sunk at the thought of Riley confiding in Savannah.
“Savannah... she... when me and Riley slept together, Sav had spoken to Riley and later told me that she knew more about Riley’s past and to not hurt her. Why would she confide in Savannah? I need to see her, which room is she in Bast?”
Knocking on the door quietly, he wasn’t sure what to expect- would she still be angry? Would she have finally calmed down? Drake knew he was in the wrong.
“Bast, I’m fine. Please just leave me alone.”
Opening the door, Drake saw that she had been crying. She looked so defeated which broke his heart, especially after finding out about her past due to Lindsey’s slip of the tongue.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure. I thought you was Bastien.”
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he wanted to keep a distance in case she decided to throttle him.
“Ri. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“When I realised that it was him. My brain froze. I just thought because he was here in person, you may want to save your marriage.”
“Drake- trust me. I’d rather be dead than save that marriage. I was young and naive when I met him. Biggest mistake of my life. At times I just wished I had stayed in the states. He was a different man when I first met him. A charmer. I felt safe. I thought somebody actually liked and loved me....”
Riley was studying Sports Rehabilitation degree at the University of Salford. She had moved to the UK from New York after her parents tragically died- needing a fresh start.
One Friday night, her room mates arranged to go out to celebrate finishing their second year. Riley was intending on returning to New York to spend time with her older sister- so intended to make this a night to remember.
Entering the club, it was full of students. Walking near the VIP area, there was a crowd of screaming women. Riley and her friends rolled her eyes back, their mouths were dry and needed to get to the bar. Eventually pushing their way through the crowd- they ordered champagne. Go big or go home. Standing up to go to the toilet Riley accidentally elbowed a man in a suit.
“I’m so sorry!” Riley stood frozen. She knew who he was but needed to not act starstruck.
“Don’t worry Miss.” Riley softly smiled at him, trying to avoid the man everyone had a crush on.
“Enjoy your night.”
“Wait! Do you want a drink?”
“No, thank you.”
“Please. I’d be honoured if you joined me for a drink.”
“I’ll join you for a drink if it’ll make you happy after I’ve been to the toilet.”
“Fabulous. Come to the VIP area afterwards.”
It’s just a drink. He just wants a drink. Accept the gesture, then leave. He’s the captain of Manchester City- what would he see in a poor student?
Checking her hair and topping up her lipstick, she decided to make her way to her friends- hoping to try and avoid the VIP area.
“What took you so long?”
“Oh... there... there was a queue. You know what women are like. I was honestly tempted to just go in the men’s toilets.”
Xavier gestured her into the VIP area, all the men smiled at her. But none was admiring her like he was.
“What’s your name? I assume you’re not from around here.” Winking at her, she laughed at his poor flirting skills.
“My names Riley. You assume correct. I’m from New York. I’m actually here studying Sports rehabilitation. Ive just finished my second year. We’re all celebrating.”
“Nice to meet you Riley. I’m Xavier. Oh you are? You could work with us when you qualify.”
“I’m actually going back to the States when i qualify.”
“That’s a shame. You’re beautiful you know that?”
Riley and Xavier spoke for the remainder of the night. Both getting to know each other. He was charming towards her, her heart fluttered everytime he spoke or held her hand.
“Thank you for the drinks. I should really get going.”
“Thank you for the company. You’ve really made my night.”
Riley felt herself blushing- hoping he wouldn’t see due to the dark lighting. As she was about to leave he pulled her into his embrace before cupping her cheeks. Fixating his eyes on her baby blues- he lent forward. As his lips touched hers, she closed her eyes- wondering if she was dreaming. Breaking the kiss, his eyes contained need and desire.
“Do you need an escort home? I don’t want this night to end. I want to get to know you. Do you believe in love at first sight?”
Riley finished explaining how she met Xavier- she didn’t want to talk about her love life in front of Drake. It just slipped out.
“If he stayed like that. The man I fell in love with. We would probably still be happily married. Funny how life chances isn’t it.”
Drake fully understood how she felt, Kiara wasn’t the women he had once fallen in love with. He wanted to inform her what Lindsey had said downstairs- but didn’t want her to think they were all gossiping.
“Not all marriages last until you are 80 odd Ri. I mean look at Leo. Finally he’s divorcing Maddy- and that’s because Lindsey came into his life. He’s known her all of a few days and she’s changed his life.”
“He does know that Linz is going back to New York in a few days right? And I’ll probably be joining her.” Drakes felt as if he had been stabbed through the heart. She was giving up.
“You can’t leave. Neither of you.”
“Lindsey has a job. She has a house there- our parents house. I’m sure Uncle Bastien could cover me for a few matches. Nine months, I will have to work with him. Nine fucking months Drake. That’s nearly a year. I can’t even move on with my life because he’s not signed the papers yet. I can’t be free from him. I don’t give a shit about money or whatever I’m entitled to. I can’t even get married ever again if I wanted to. I can’t start a family, without him being a burden. I’m 24 on Saturday- what 24 year old gets married and potentially divorced at that age? I’m really living the life of Riley.”
She laughed sarcastically before pulling her knees up to her chest, she couldn’t conceal her true feelings and strong attitude anymore. Drake reached out for her hand, slowly rubbing his thumb over her knuckles- she fixated her gaze on him, smiling for the first time since he arrived.
“We all make mistakes, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop living. You’re young Ri, you have a fantastic future ahead of you wherever that will be. And it’s your birthday?”
“So do you, you’re amazing. Have you rest your ankle by the way?”
“Sort of- don’t worry I’ve been following your advise ma’am. The pain from my ankle is nothing compared to the pain you’re going through. If I could take it away I would. Don’t avoid the question about your birthday.”
“I’ll be checking your ankle, Walker. We need you back on the pitch as soon as possible. I’m not avoiding it, when you get past 21 a birthday is just another day reminding you that you’re a year older.”
Drake stood up, and slid into bed next to Riley- putting his arm around her. Turning her head towards him she smiled, before nestling her head onto him.
“Riley... Lindsey said some things downstairs before I came up to see you.”
“She explained how he hurt you. If you ever want to talk about it- I’m here for you. Always. I lo-like you a lot. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep. I will protect you.”
Riley shot out of bed, furious - wondering how much Lindsey had told him. Running downstairs, she hoped her sister was there. Drake followed her downstairs regretting what he had said.
“Linz! How could you!”
“What? This thing between you isn’t some fling. I’ve seen how you both look at other. It’s adorable. If you are both going to move on from your fucked up relationships you both need to talk about it - open up to each other. The only difference between the two of you was that you was pregnant. Everything else was the same.”
“Hardly the same! Kiara only cheated on him.”
The room went silent, Lindsey realised that Riley didn’t know the full truth about Kiara. Realisation hit Riley like a ton of bricks after witnessing everyone’s expressions fade. Turning to Drake, she had sorrow in her eyes.
“That night you split up with her... that wasn’t the first time she’s hurt you was it?”
“No.” Drake bit his lip- feeling embarrassed, with a lack of masculinity. Riley hugged him tightly, his arms went around her tiny frame. Staying in that position, they both held other lovingly. Bastien, Lindsey and Bianca gave each other a knowing look- the look suggested to leave the two alone to talk.
“Oh is it that time already? It’s a bit late. I think it’s time we all went to sleep.” Bianca suggested.
Continue here
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belovedfinch · 6 years
Re-watch of Veronica Mars & Movie
“I used to be cool” -keith   “when” - veronica
lol veronica putting a bong in logan’s locker
“i suddenly feel like I’m in a scene from the outsiders” - wallace
“be cool soda pop” - veronica 
I love that my favourite book is referenced
“the people you love let you down” - veronica
I forgot paris hilton was on veronica mars 
Duncan and his antidepressants and side effects and hallucinations of lily, I never liked duncan but please never go cold turkey off prescribed meds!
the fashion 😂
when veronica was 12 and logan first saw her he said he thought she was hot - love at first sight ? 😜
dude where’s my car joke
“change had a tendency to walk up and punch me in the face” - veronica
you can tell logan is afraid of his dad straight away 
his mum sits on the couch drinking wine while her son is getting belted cool cool cool cool....
Never underestimate the size of my cahoeneys😂Logan is my fav
“what is so great about living?” - Logan
Mac is awesome, I forgot her name was cindy, I named my cat after my favourite barbie doll whose name was Cindy r.i.p beautiful ❤️
“I guess we remember it differently” - Logan, me to my brother about our childhood
leighton meester, monique coleman from high school musical, Adam Scott!
logan put his gum under a chair in the police office! yuck
“there is also a tribe that worships Donald trumps hair” - veronica
“what, did he loose a puka shell?” - weevil about logan😂
when logan starts crying in the lobby after he mistakes his step-sister as his mum😭
meg with her pretty in pink dress up for the 80s valentines day dance and duncan is ducky❤️
I wish my school had an 80s theme dance, but I would be too indecisive about who to go as tbh.
“whoever said it’s a mans world, didn’t know how easy it is to be a girl” - veronica, you can tell a man wrote that line
horned mascot from riverdale - veronica and calls herself betty when she goes to the other school
kinda forgot how relatable veronica is, loner, pushes people away
that black beanie with the flames
the flashbacks or hallucinations that show lily speak to people/mostly veronica, remind me of allison in pretty little liars
aussie guy - from home and away i think
never really liked duncan
logan punching the fbi agent
love how mac and keith both say “earth to mars”
logan step-sister trina when she asks him for money reminds me of my brother
veronica had a slider and so does wallace in the second season, my sister had a purple one and i wanted it so bad
logan’s smirk at veronica when she found his step-sisters boyfriend
wow aaron’s father being an abuser, then himself, glad the cycle stopped with logan
thats amore playing whilst aaron beats up his daughters abusive boyfriend
I always felt bad for leo as much as I love LoVe. Veronica basically just used him
sean from degrassi is on veronica mars
“i like what i see in him when he’s with you” - aaron echolls
I think i could love her plays as veronica stands logan up on his boat
“the thought of you breeding? ugh” - logan to dick
logan’s allergic to shell fish
“All i care about is you” - logan
“just evaporate or something” - logan
why didn’t aaron get rid of the tapes? did he not think someone would find his secret ?
sucks that veronica spent her savings for college on her mum to go to rehab and her mum didn’t even last
logan on the bridge where his mother committed suicide, about to jump
when keith saves veronica from the fridge and his on fire and his in a gurney and says “who’s your daddy?”
I’m glad she realises her mum as much as she loves her she is better off without her, that’s what alcoholics do, they are liars.
“don’t forget about me veronica” - lily
greenhouse academy has the same cliffhanger as season 1 of veronica mars
logan shows up at 3am beat up and framed for stabbing someone, then he hears on the radio that his father killed his girlfriend and that his father was sleeping with her
it’s was always duncan right? breaking up with logan making any excuse, all because you finally find out your not brother and sister. ugh
like logan said everyone in his life was gone, the one person he opened up to. also left him. Not cool veronica
the bus crash reminds me of degrassi
“you must chill” veronica says to a girl that has just lost her father in a bus crash and is being bullied and blamed just because her dad had mental health issues and the good ol sheriff feeds the press that it might have been a suicide attempt
curly dude washed up on the beach with veronicas name on his hand, is that like twin peaks, or the guy in australia that was found on the beach with something on his hand but they he had no ID and all the tags were off his clothes
PLL writers should take notes on veronica mars on how to tie up loose ends
“what conspiracy have you pulled out of your ass today”- logan
“my day is complete veronica mars has accused me of evil” - logan, as he twists the ends of his imaginary moustache
veronica is very selfish if you think about it, she asks for favours all the time from her friends but she is never there to hear their problems, she thinks the world does actually revolve around her.
lol logan in the line-up
eye roll aaron blaming duncan and then saying he snapped
cameo by that chick off of america’s next top model
aaron got a psychology degree in jail lol
omg able coonz dying thinking his only daughter is alive but she got killed and shoved into an ice machine holder thingy at a stingy motel
lol when veronica lays down onto logan thinking its duncan
“3rd wheel beginners guide” - logan
“nobody likes an eager beaver” logan to cassidy, was rob waiting a whole season to make that joke and thats why the nickname beaver was given to him?
singer maybe billy idol?
I feel like megs death was a crappy ending, like did she just die so that once again duncan and veronica are split up because of circumstance and they are star-crossed true lovers (eye roll)
“whats your poison” - veronica (breakfast club reference)
“sorry we are all out of liquid evil” - veronica to logan
michael cera
when logan pretends to get burned by the bible when interning for woody
gia says logan uses humour and sarcasm to something something, dance episode
we used to be friends along time ago, but i haven’t thought of you lately at all
logan not taking any of his fathers bull shitting when he was on trial on the stand
“So, apparently, if you're handsome and famous enough, you can just lie under oath, and that's cool.” - veronica
when woody finds veronica on the computer he is creepy af
can we just talk about how much logan went through and how mentally that would fuck you up, yet he never resorted to violence
“it was worth getting taped to a poll” - wallace
lol veronicas dad when she graduates
dicks “trust me I’m rich” shirt
keith says “Carol channings still alive isn’t she?” and I’m like no she died 6 days ago
season 3 
don’t like the new intro
“Back ups in charge? what about the bitch he’s been seeing” - V
MAC “hey i know that guy’ (wallace)
there is no one else, i only want you - logan
victoria from twilight is in a sorority
I love when logan comes over for dinner and he just smirks at keith and veronica’s banter
i forgot logan had a brother
lol the clerk calls condoms “raincoats” so does my great aunty
diana from glee is on here
veronica is pretty selfish, like her dad was in a car accident and she is annoyed and disapproving of him having a relatioship , she can’t just trust logan?!? ugh
but for logan to run away from the burning motel, it’s just what douchebag pukashell wearing logan would do, not the actual logan
holy crap veronica was SOO damn lucky logan was there at that moment she would be baled and raped, like is once not enough for gods sake?
guy from the nanny
when logan calls veronica from the other side of the cafeteria and she ignores it and he is basically crying :(
logan and i broke up , “are you okay?” keith, “it was unexpected” -v wtf bitch you didn’t trust him, you had a fight, how was it unexpected
dude from waynes world
I love the hooker story line, max & wendy aww
I’ve always hated maddison far out she is a piece of work
ep13 “where are your heads?” basketball coach, me “Obviously not in the game”
lol how dick locks logan on the balcony
logan is yoshi in mario cart!! so am i
“how is it you have so many friends? you don’t even like people” v to l
Lafayette from true blood is a child solider
why did logan invite parker to be with him over break when he obviously wasn’t happy or didn’t want her to go, was it just to prove veronica wrong that “that’s just the way he is” like v said is true, to prove that he has changed.
like it just seems logan and veronica are denying their feelings for each other
that writer from once upon a time is in here, he is in everything
mars uses venus razor
oh the logan piz fight…
such a crap ending to an amazing show
I just love the scene where logan is leaning up against the car like jake from 16 candles (i did post a comparison of the two ages ago)
I like how logan went out with the crazy chic, he was so nonchalant about it, because he wanted to pay veronica back for coming back to neptune when he called even though they hadn’t spoken like 10 years.
kind upset that it wasn’t leighton meester that played carrie
comeback always
logan isn’t supposed to remember the epic quote because he was drunk?
I have so much love for logan, I relate to him so much and it was honestly the best day of my life when I met Jason ( i also met percy and michael) he was so kind to me and I gave him a letter I had written and he was just so down to earth.
How else is pumped for the return?!? 
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the-main-characterr · 4 years
realised i forgot to watch tharntype,
will do rn.
kinda feel like i also grew out of that but eh we’ll see
types aggressive being still annoys me
y u always >:(
if i dated someone for 7 years and they still didn’t marry me, i’d be insecure ASF
i like 2gether more than tharntype
it’s prettier
you could’ve done ur alarm urself bitch
why are you talking so slow?
why are u judging em tho just watch the show
i think everyone that knows me a lil bit knows why i like 2gether more
7 years are actually a lot-
i kinda want one but i also don’t like what
i said it before and i’ll say it again: types aggressive behaviour annoys me
not tryna b judgemental but if u stick to type for 7 years u have all my respect
watching this hurts in my soul
that p’cir and phu r cool
love the sound effects
love the time i lived in when i watched the first season
if i’m so judgemental already, i also don’t like their kitchen
it’s so boring wth
wow- now i feel bad.
the way tharn puts his phone in his front pocket is everything but *judgemental comment here* i can’t think of any bad things rn
i’m so scared of both of them like they’re always like >:(
you can’t just force someone into marriage-
no but like why would a stranger want to know if you have a relationship or not i mean you’re not going to random people and say hi we’re married
i mean i would do that but i’m the main character-
if someone “could stay mad at me” id be fucked-
yall are so sensitive just touch the bread
that phegun and p’cir are cute ngl
no like literally yall are so dramatic
i liked fiat but wth
doc is cute
just because you’re not married doesn’t mean you’re sharing him-
type improved tbh
awh they cute-
the music———————— jail
lucky me being zen-meryem rn
perfect representation on how personality can destroy everything
until this day, i still don’t know what a lines ID is supposed to be
this was too cute i’m ded
rip me
i love the sound effects yfrvjjvgjmkb
love their style
fiat u can’t just-
come for a taken man that’s the most disgusting thing possible
like even if he wasnt happy with tharn or in a toxic relationship it’s not ur stupid job to manipulate and steal wth
leo u have all my respect
wouldnt mind being ur bestie
stfu fiat u r a toxic attention seeking bitch that is nothing more but unethical
selfish brat
this is cute-
ngl the fact it’s been 7 years n they stilsbxbwjbdwbbx
ok leo i understand why u took it back but i still respect u for even doing it
phugun is too possessive
of p’cir idk the names but one of them
the not cute one
idk why yall hate on no so much he funny af
oh i see
phugun is the cute one
let the man live wth
seo is literally it dnxjdbjdbsbf
what did actually happen to the guy that’s been a bitch and possessed over tharn
lol i actually feel bad for type. it’s the first time i see him EMOTIONAL and damn-
must hurt.
omg istg i also wonder why he doesn’t quit
this is too much I CANT
Imma suffocate on the cutegsbsbdbbd ah i’m dying
hmph ig im just to tough to cry😤
heart attack-
doc, ily
this picture-in-picture thingy is so cool
i remember a time type didn’t want to admit he missed him
the hdhxb ishdiuebchw immaculate
fiat i’m scared of u
“every time i really want someone, i never get them” FELT. FELT FELT FELT difference is that my dumbass don’t want them when they want me🥲 it’s ok. time knows what it’s doing
fiat u r heartless
imagine having a healthy relationship with ur mother in law
yall be having literal bodyguards
ok i wasn’t sure about it but by the amount that guy said cheers i couldn’t be more convinced that this man is evil
the fact that he didn’t tuck his shirt is the whole evidence
you heard him don’t leave him
if you don’t move ur ass rn i’ll come to thailand myself n kick ur ass
too invested-
JANUARY 22?/!/£:!.!3):£WHAT
i cant-
okay cool i waited a few weeks imma continue wasching now
oh i remember. i was yelling at that basketball kid
omg leo thanks u saved my life thank u ily
you don’t have to be on top of him just to question him-
be scared stupid bitch
types just simply sleeping somewhere completely left alone👁👄👁
i wish i had someone that kept his promise under every circumstance
ppl that promise me things b like i NeVeR sAiD tHaT hUhH
yall just so addicted to each other like chill
if i’d marry someone, i’d feel so old
like hi i’m MARRIED
stop with the i miss u it’s so emotional
tharn you look so done with ur life lmfao
fiat you’re so annoying istg
cant u just ply basketball and leave these ppl alone like piss off
why yall crushing on type crush on me
fiat go study or sumn srsly
ah doorbell.
phu you’re so funny
WHAT- wth fiat please stop you’re ridiculous
Tumblr media
For seven years, i’ve never had eyes for anyone but him. damn- imagine-
my hearts b shattering ITS NOT HIS FAULT
well okay there’s a lot of evidence against
i mean i see tharns point but
Tumblr media
for personal reasons i will be passing away
the audacity of this bitch is giving me ANGER
imagine buying wedding rings just to come home n hear “we should take a break”
fuck anger i’ll cry
why even want fiat💀
phu you’re so cute like THE CHARACTER
thanya you’re such a queen i can’t explain
this scene is so funny they all b sitting there like 👀👀👀👀👀
you disgust me.
ok first off phu gun your style is so cool like that white shirt- FABULOUS 10/54
n second off, my dumbass felt like WHO IS THAT MAN HITTING ON FIAT I KNOW HIM
silly me it’s cir-
handsome man ngl
don’t tell me he died
oh god he didn’t die-
you guys are so sensitive can’t get hurt at all
“cant even make an instant noodle” that’s why we admire u lmao
ok chill u just spilled it
you look so cute when u pissed at urself shxbsbc
ah thanya u r so cool
“lack of communication can even break apart the most loving relationship” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PPL IN GHE BACK
this series is fulfilled now
i could listen to these two forever
i cant with leo and fiat fcstvhjfftc
don’t act like the shy bitch now u stoopid
this is hard to watch ew
khom being a philosopher of love fxtvjbj
he didn’t just leave his i miss u
yall tryna get drunk with my heart
im gon suffocate
stop i didn’t start this show to murder myself
pls calm ur face u look so aggressive
i wonder how many times tharn talked to sleeping type in those 7 years
u r basically talking to a wall
oh just to be someone to know what ordained is
those blue thingys r so cool
thanks this is everything i needed
doc champ, how long shall i wait
he’s not bald-
did they even cut his eyebrows-
oh monk.
didn’t they shoot these scenes during rona-
those r some fire makeup skillz
officially ripped my heart into pieces
that was definitely not a kiss kiss
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cow1sequester · 4 years
EPISODE 3 - “Truly and honestly everyone’s strategies this round is making no sense” - Owen
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TWIST: Moral Dilemma (Fewest Votes)
ELIMINATED: Adam (Battle Match) // Austin (Battle Match) // Christian (Wheel of Misfortune)
I love Raul, if he won I would be happy
Okay I’m sorry it’s been a hot minute but here are my thoughts on the first two rounds of the game: First of all WHAOOOOOOOH this cast is STACKED!!! I was pleasantly surprised to see Will and Autumn again. Love my boy Jared. Love Juls, Isaac, Ryan, IAN!!!! Beck and Blake legends.... But then there are also quite a few I’ve never played with before that seemed cool hehe so I’m hype! This first round I focused a lot on connections and Jared and I got together and dreamed up a bomb ass alliance of me, him, Jarod, Autumn, Juls and Isaac. Genuinely love talking to and playing with all five of them so I am hopeful that we all go far. But I did spend some time with other connections as well. I LOVE Christian, he told me he wasn’t the best at typing so I added him on WhatsApp and he sends me voice memos all the time hahaha if my alliance is the brigade then he is the Britney to my Lane <3 love him. Raul is awesome as well. Nash legend. Ian and Will I knew before but haven’t played with in FOREVER which has been fun to catch up with. Will was first in the chain reaction thing and was thinking of giving to Ian and I was like Ian is gonna hold a grudge if u do that why not pick Nik instead !!!! Lmao. It all worked out cause I was safe and the alliance got their way <3 I haven’t really looked for LOS at all I guess I’m waiting for more clues :( I would love to have one but it seems like endless possibilities rn. ////// split here Round two is where shit got interesting because we got split into two groups and suddenly everyone I’m working with was in my house..... 5/9 of us were part of the alliance which was great, but then the other four were Christian my love, Ian and Will my other loves, and Austin.... so right away I tried pushing Austin’s name and even saying I didn’t care if he tries battling me but nobody else on my team had talked to Will at all. Which I was in hindsight fine with doing will bc he hadn’t been around and he wouldn’t choose to battle me :) So I told Christian he needed to be super social and that he should talk to the Jarod’s and maybe to Will so that Will didn’t pick him lmao Then TWENTY MIN BEFORE VOTE WILL  DECIDED TO BE AN ABSOLUTE WHACKASS NUT AND TRY TO CARE ABOUT THE GAME AND FLIP !!!! So I acted like I was gonna help him flip it but as a contingency plan in case we couldn’t and it was him I told him that Austin was easy to beat in challenges xo The whole thing worked, will picked Austin and said he was told to but honestly if Austin comes back and knows I threw his name to will then whatever idc. I protected everyone this week and it feels good <3 except for will but at the end of the day when I’m aligned with 7/8 other people, one of them is going to have to go into battle, and I’m glad it was him just bc he hadn’t been around :(
Let's read some bitches: Akeylah - This girl is SKETCH.com I told her I was voting Nathan, she left me on read and like 15 minutes later Nathan came crying in my DMs for what happened in round 2. I didn't have great expectations about her, so I have my eyes on her. Autumn- She's a fuckin CAPRICORN. Sis werk. She was willing to vote Nathan  so that tells me she's willing to work with me some time. Beck- Boyfriend 2.0 His voice... TEA. But then he demonstrated that he doesn't have my back as I would have had his when I told him about what Nathan's plan was. He seems like someone who I'm gonna have to cut on the long run. You can be all cute you want but I'll cut a bitch. Also he's a Scorpio... NEVER trust a Scorpio. Blake - I've working hard for him and I to work. I wish he was a bit older so I could flirt a bit, but him being 18 seems kinda weird. We had a "F2" deal day 1 cause of his introduction video but ain't nobody taking that serious. Christian - A Taurus. He seemed sketch, I def need to talk to him more, but he could be my Tommy and carry him until I can't no more. Speaking Spanish is def a bond he won't have with anyone else. Ian - There's something about him that I want to trust but something tells me he's SKETCH. He's someone I need to read better. Isaac - I do not enjoy him, his humor is like NOT funny and people laugh at what he says? I don't get it. I'd be over the moon to sent his ass home but he seems like someone with some power with some people so it needs to be something done carefully. Jared - Now this is MY baby. I literally love him already. Aquarius king. He's a sadboi, musician, like bitch is really tryna make me fall or something. For some weird reason I trust him too much so I should be careful but for some reason I feel like he should fuck me up. Jarod - Now this is SURPRISE, I've really enjoyed talking to this Aquarius. Are Aquarius my new Sags? For some reason I really enjoy him, also he has all the cast eating his palm so I'm not even gonna try to take him out, unless someone is like "we have the numbers, let's take this bitch out", cause I might trust him but I ain't dumb. Juls - Is she inactive? Nobody has ever mentioned her name for the bad or the good. She made me vulnerable Round 1 and since she hasn't talked to me, she knows what's up I guess cause I'm not forgetting sweetie. Nathan - The snake of the season. I even forgot his horoscope, maybe Leo? He's not dumb, we're probably gonna gun for each other at some point. Fake bitch. Owen - Boyfriend 3.0 This is the flirt that goes the most both ways. I enjoy him, also I think he was a lot of power so bitch I want a ride to jury at least. Also another Capricorn so I have to like him. Patrick - He seems kinda dumb and not a good strategic player but good at challenges, this bitch needs to be gone before he gets more chances at battle thingys. Ryan - He's not the best player obviously so his a great ally, I had Adam therefore I had him but now I have to work for him to like me and want to take me somewhat far also. Will - This bitch is LOST lmao. He's picture screams 4.0 GPA the bitch is scary. I wouldn't mind having him as an ally in a BB but here being a comp beast doesn't seem to work in my favour at all.
going to call with juls tonight, i'm considering letting her know i have the los if i feel confident enough that she won't tell anyone then i might try and call with beck afterwards but I'm not sure yet ideally i can maneuver through the game without much trouble and then use the los in an effective way, while keeping bigger targets around me, that is why this alliance is so good for me
Truly and honestly Everyone’s strategy for this round is making no sense to me. I don’t get why people would self vote. You’re literally guaranteeing yourself to have at least 1 vote instead of 0?????? I can see self voting if you KNEW for a fact someone else was voting for you and giving you two. But if a bunch of people self vote....??? Let’s say 11 people self vote and 5 vote for one of those 11. That still means six of those 11 who self voted have the lowest. I really don’t understand why jared thinks that’s a smart idea but whatever. I think my alliance of six should split our votes on six of those ten people. That way it makes a bigger chances some of us get 0 votes because I doubt all ten of those are gonna throw a vote on some of us especially with all this self vote talk. I really really don’t get why that isn’t clear to everyone but whatever. I don’t wanna be too pushy but literally no one but jared is contributing to strategy and I don’t like his plan lmao. If he wants to self vote he can go ahead but I genuinely hope no one else votes for him And he gets himself sent in to the revote lmao
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sorrynitrogens-blog · 7 years
about me tag
Tagged by @sekaicheesecake 🙆🏻 thanks for tagging me!! these are really fun to do!! Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people. THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 
2. Phone call: with my bestie 13 hours ago telling her we got to sit next to each other 
3. Text message: “IHATE" my ih project name
4. Song you listened to: produce 101 season two It's Me (pick me) piano ver. (if not i'm not able to sleep) 5. Time you cried: yesterday (i cry alot) HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: i haven't even held hands 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i haven't lost the virginity of my lips 8. Been cheated on: nope, i hope never 
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: nope because i'm always happy but no one knows i cry so much at home :'(
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, black, grey IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes:))
16. Fallen out of love: some idol groups...
17. Laughed until you cried: hell yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: of course :( 19. Met someone who changed you: yeap!! 20. Found out who your friends are: I LOVE MY FRIENDS
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i don't even have facebook GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i've no facebook
23. Do you have any pets: SOMEONE GET ME A DOG PLEASE 24. Do you want to change your name: i've recently learnt to embrace and appreciate my name :)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: everyone forgot my birthday and asked for extensions for presents and my mom didn't even know until the next day because she was overseas :( 
26. What time did you wake up: today? (yesterday, its 1:32am now) 5:30 and i need to wake up at 5:30 again today!! for school :( 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: twitter, what else?
28. Name something you can’t wait for: EXO GRAND COMEBACK AND ME TO FINISH MY HOMEWORK DAMMIT
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 6 hours ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: start studying since primary school and become smarter ugh i'm a dumb fuck
31. What are you listening right now: my dad's snoring from two rooms away
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes haha
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: school stress 😩
34. Most visited Website: twitter and safari and ig LOST QUESTIONS. 35. Mole/s: not gonna bother lol i'm in the dark
36. Mark/s: one birthmark and some scars
37. Childhood dream: chef/fashion designer?? psh 38. Hair Colour: black
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 41. What do you like about yourself: i'm pretty. (i have the thickest skin in the world)
42. Piercings: one 
43. Bloodtype: O+ 44. Nickname: shit, really 45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: LEO
47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: i don't watch tv 
49. Tattoos: nope
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: one, my finger fell off after being snapped between the doors!!! theres a scar!!! 52. Hair dyed in different colour: never tried
53. Sport: dance??
55. Vacation: my dream vacation or where i've been to hm
56. Pair of trainers: ???? MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating Currently: goes on a diet but gains a kg hm
58. Drinking currently: water 59. I’m about to: go to sleep and catch at least 3 hrs before a long day tmr!! 61. Waiting for: me to get smarter dammit
62. Want: money 
63. Get married: next time 
64. Career: idk something to do with animals and the environment? dance will be a back-up WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: XOXO is a package please 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: idk what context 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 71. Sensitive or loud: both, since i am both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker obviously HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: my lips are virgins too
75. Drank hard liquor: tried hm GROSS
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: always 77. Turned someone down: idk i was in primary school and i didn't reject them but i just ignored their feelings? cuz most of us are friends so
78. Sex in the first date: never no
79. Broken someone’s heart: whatever 80. Had your heart broken: its embarrassing so dm me to see my rant 81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: sometimes i guess
85. Miracles: psh though i wish everyday on 11:11
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss in the first date: no
89. Angels: YES!! EXO ARE ANGELS OTHER: 90. Current best friends’ names: let's use nicknames, burden and circle
91. Eyecolor: brown
92. Favorite movie: ALL PIXAR MOVIES i'm sorry pixar>disney oops tagging: @kristiankostovs i'm too lazy and i am definitely bothering you mom :( @indigomini and you oops @dayafterdae
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8 TV moms we'd love to have around in real life
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Whether they're real or fictional, moms are the greatest.
While biological moms deserve major props for seeing us through our formative years, serving as role models, and literally giving us life, we must never forget all the comfort and wisdom that TV moms bestowed upon us over the years.
SEE ALSO: Best Mother's Day gifts for every kind of mom
Through our television, laptop, and phone screens, we've watched as mothers on our favorite television shows shared relationship, career, and life advice with their on-screen children. We listened to their words, taking them as seriously as we would our own mother's, and grew to love the characters so deeply that we wished they were real people.
From reliable matriarchs like Beth Pearson on This Is Us, to chill best friend types like Gilmore Girls' Lorelai Gilmore, here are eight television moms we'd absolutely love to have around IRL.
1. Beth Pearson, This Is Us
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Image: Ron Batzdorff/NBC 
Fans of This Is Us might assume Rebecca Pearson, who raised the beloved "Big Three," would make this list, but now is the time to celebrate Beth.
While Rebecca will always hold a special place in our hearts, Beth Pearson, who's brilliantly portrayed by Susan Kelechi Watson, slays the mom game on a daily basis. Not only does she go above and beyond to take care of her husband and two biological daughters, Tess and Annie, but she extends her affection far beyond her immediate family.
Beth fiercely loves each and every member of her husband Randall's family and does her best to make everyone who enters her home feel as comfortable as possible, all the while remaining chill as hell. And after watching Beth work to connect with and empower her foster daughter, Deja, in Season 2, is there a single soul who didn't wish this mom could pop straight out of the TV screen and give us a hug??? Nope. 
2. Kristina Braverman, Parenthood
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Image: Colleen Hayes/NBC
Before This Is Us was to blame for our weekly ugly cry sessions, the heartwarming NBC drama to watch was Parenthood. Though the show was chock full of great moms, looking back, the absolute angel that is Kristina Braverman reigned supreme.
Portrayed by Monica Potter, Kristina proved time and again to be a crucial star of the tight knit Braverman family. As a wife and mother of three — Haddie, Max, and Nora — Kristina handled every situation life threw at her with strength and courage. From taking care of her son with Asperger syndrome, to supporting her daughter’s coming out, and coming to terms with her own breast cancer diagnosis, Kristina was consistently caring and loving — the ultimate supermom.
3. Rainbow Johnson, Black-ish
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Image: Kelsey McNeal/ABC via Getty Images
Tracee Ellis Ross shines as Rainbow Johnson on the ABC comedy, Black-ish. When she's not busy being a supportive wife or talented anesthesiologist, Bow is serving up a whole lot of mom realness, parenting her five (yes, FIVE) kids, and working hard to make sure they have better lives than she did growing up.
Tracee has even taken her Golden Globe-winning role to the Black-ish spinoff show Grown-ish, where she visited her oldest daughter Zoey at college to share some invaluable advice about love, sex, and the importance of education. You rock, Rainbow.
4. Tami Taylor, Friday Night Lights
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Image: Bill Records/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images
Friday Night Lights’ Tami Taylor gave the world ultimate #MomGoals. After her husband took on the demanding job of high school football coach, Tami, played by Connie Britton, took over maintaining the house and taking care of their (kinda snotty) teenage daughter, Julie. But she wasn’t about to sacrifice her own dreams of doing more meaningful work in the community.
As a high school guidance counselor and eventually principal, Tami constantly worked to positively impact the school community and encourage students to do their best. She later gave birth to another daughter, Gracie Belle Taylor, and essentially raised her on her own, as her husband and oldest daughter were ~busy~ living their lives. Over the years Tami served as a positive role model for many young women in her life, even helping Tyra and Lyla attend colleges.
She always kept her eyes clear and her heart full, which might explain why she never lost. 😎
5. Mindy Lahiri, The Mindy Project
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Image: Jordin Althaus/Universal Television/Hulu
Mindy is fun, fierce, and fashionable, always keeps it real, and is an inspiring and accomplished woman in the workplace. In The Mindy Project we saw her wholeheartedly embrace motherhood and put Leo before herself. But as a mother she also admirably made sure to continue perusing her career goals as an OB/GYN and fertility specialist.
Sure, Mindy isn't always the best mom. I mean, she did accidentally lock her son Leo in the house alone when he was a newborn, and forgot to bring snacks to his school and dressed him in an offensive t-shirt — but hey, we'd still love to have her around.
If Mindy, who also goes by the warrior name Beyoncé Phad Thai, was our mom, there's no doubt we'd always be up-to-date on the latest celebrity gossip, learn a slew of invaluable life hacks, and always have someone to stay in with and watch rom-com marathons.
6. Sheila Hammond, Santa Clarita Diet
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Image: netflix
Sheila Hammond is an, uh, different mom, but honestly she handles being undead as well as one could be expected. After learning she's essentially become a zombie, the Santa Clarita Diet mom makes a solid attempt to control her impulses to feast on human flesh so as not to be separated from her family. That's nice! 
Yeah she's slightly terrifying, but she's a confident mother with endless energy and an upbeat attitude. Despite the fact that she's basically half-living, we think having Sheila around would liven things up a little. 
7. Penelope Alvarez, One Day at a Time
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Image: Mike Yarish/Netflix
Netflix recently brought the 1970s sitcom One Day at a Time back to life, and with this reboot we were given one of the most badass moms on television.
Justina Machado portrays Penelope Alvarez, an understanding and hard-working nurse, war veteran, and single mother of two, Alex and Elena.
Penelope, who openly suffers from depression and anxiety, isn't afraid to have serious and meaningful discussions related to mental health and other important issues like sexuality, immigration, religion, and more. But she's always down to have fun while inspiring her family.
8. Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
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Image: Mitchell Haddad/CBS Photo Archive via Getty Images
Rory Gilmore is perhaps the luckiest daughter to ever exist on television, because her mother and cool as hell best friend just so happened to be the same person. 
While Gilmore Girls was full of complex mother-daughter relationships, Lorelai Victoria Gilmore, played by Lauren Graham, was without a doubt the single most impressive mom on the show. She made sacrifice after sacrifice to ensure her daughter was happy, well educated, and had the freedom she felt she never did growing up. She gave great advice about boys, fashion, and food, and was fluent in a language that even the best of moms often fail to master: pop culture. 
And though Lorelai was always encouraging when it came to drinking an extra cup of coffee, lying to get out of dreaded plans, or deviled-egging someone's car, she wasn't afraid to play The Mom Card when necessary, calling Rory out when she made poor decisions — like dropping out of Yale, hooking up with a married man, or stealing a yacht, for example.
Who wouldn't want to hang with Lorelai on a daily basis?
Bonus: Lucille Bluth, Arrested Development
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When you think of an ideal mother your mind probably doesn't jump to Arrested Development's sassy and blunt beyond belief Lucille Bluth. But hear us out — wouldn't it be fun if you got to watch the character, portrayed by Jessica Walter, be someone else's mom?
As Mashable's MJ Franklin explained, Lucille's unconventional approach to motherhood, though sometimes flawed, can certainly teach us a lot. (Not to mention, serve as a quality source of entertainment.) So Lucille, we cordially invite you and your low-key intimidating parenting techniques to join us in the real world to provide laughs and keep us all in check.
Let's here it for the moms, everyone!
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WATCH: Jonah Hill and Emma Stone are in a new Netflix show together
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