#i forgot to take pictures of the test frames but honestly you dont need them. they look exactly the fucking same as all my other glasses
gender-trash · 1 year
every time i buy new glasses i'm like "i'm gonna get something different this time! switch things up a bit!" and every time i nevertheless end up getting completely generic rectangular black wire frame glasses because all the other ones are Bad in some way or another
anyway, my brand new rectangular black wire frame glasses will be done cooking in a week and a half :D
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baroquebucky · 4 years
bad weather
in which you give Bucky house warming gifts
a/n: hey guys ! here’s a short little bucky fic i thought of last night its kind of a mess but idc its sweet hehe <3 send in requests for our beefy boy
You finished stuffing the little basket with a couple small things and closed it, smiling as you texted bucky;
im walking over w your house warming gift !! <3
aw doll i could just pick you up :-)
no >:(
You quickly sent the text and headed out the door, a smile on your face as you walked down the street, headphones in. However your music wasn’t loud enough to cover the loud thunder from the sky. You jumped slightly, looking at the sky and noticing the flash on lightning, the sky quickly darkening.
You sped up, hoping to beat the rain, you were only a couple blocks away when the thunder cracked, a flash of lightning lit up the city and rain began to pour. You squealed, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella as you continued to rush down the street, taking your sweater off and wrapping the basket in it so your gifts wouldn’t get wet.
You tried taking shelter under a roof for a while but the wind only blew the rain in your face, you huffed, mentally preparing yourself to sprint the rest of the way. By the time you turned the final corner you were out of breath, your side hurt and you probably looked like a wet dog (smelled it too).
You quickly knocked on buckys new door, shaking slightly from the cold water, you envied the basket seeing as though it was perfectly dry since you covered it with your jacket.
Bucky swung the door open, a smile on his face that quickly turned into a frown when he saw your soaked frame. His frown turned back into a smile as he began to giggle.
“I told you i should’ve picked you up” he teased and you rolled your eyes, pouting a little as you let yourself in. “I never said come in!” He joked, closing the door as you stood by the doorway. “I’m soaking wet and I’m cold, dont test me Buchanan” you threatened, unwrapping your now wet jacket from the basket and setting it down on the table.
“oh doll why’d you wrap the basket in your jacket! You’re gonna catch a cold” he spoke, pulling you into his chest. You let out a content sigh as his body warmth radiated onto you. “you sound like a mom” you joked causing him to scoff and push you away, which resulted in you whining and him hugging you once more.
“let me get you dry clothes to change into doll face” he smiled, kissing the top of your head before going to his room. “come look at my new room! it’s so cool” he giggled, grabbing your hand and pulling you along.
As you took in his new room he rummaged through his closet, mumbling to himself as he tried to remember where he put his long sleeves. After a couple unsuccessful attempts he found the right drawer and pulled out a soft long sleeve shirt along with a pair of boxers.
“you can change into these if you wanna, so you aren’t dripping all over my new carpet” he teased and you scrunched up you face, sticking your tongue out causing him to smile. “you’re so cute” he replied, kissing your nose before heading to the bathroom to get you a towel for your hair.
As he handed you the towel he spoke up, “I’ll wait for you outside doll, tell me if you need anything okay?” you nodded, blushing at how respectful he was.
You quickly changed, his shirt fitting very loose and comfy, it smelled like him and it made your heart swoon. You pulled on the boxers and dried your hair a little with the towel, putting it back in the restroom when you finished and walking out with your wet clothes in hand.
Bucky felt his breath hitch in his throat when he saw you in his clothes, a blush on his face when he checked you out. “You can put your clothes with my dirty ones doll, I’ll give them to you when i wash” he smiled softly, and you nodded, tossing them into his dirty clothes basket and going to grab the basket as you set it infront of him.
You looked at him excitedly, eager for him to see the gifts you had bought him. “okay it’s not much honestly, but i just wanted to help warm this place up! i know how brooding you can be” you began to ramble, nervous that he wouldn’t like the gifts you got him.
“brooding?” he looked at you offended, you only rolled your eyes at him causing him to chuckle softly. “okay okay open it!” you urged, a smile on your face as he quickly opened the basket.
After tossing out the tissue paper his eyes first landed on a small planter with an arrangement of fake succulents. A small smile on his face as he noticed the bright blue planter with a yellow sun on it and a heart.
“i painted the planter myself, you always said you wanted a pop of color and you always wanted plants but you can never keep them alive because of your missions but these won’t ever die” you explained, Bucky smile only widened, excited to see the rest of your gifts.
There were a couple more things, a digital clock, some plates, and a framed picture of the two of you, he had tears in his eyes as he looked at all the gifts, each one with an intricate meaning behind them. He felt his heart melting as you had explained everything, always talking about how he had mentioned something and so that’s why you got it.
Bucky had only ever had steve remember little things about him, and now here you were, a basket full of gifts for his new house because you had remembered every little things he had mentioned.
He smiled at you, tears in his eyes as you looked at him to see what he thought. “what do you think?” you chewed the inside of your cheek nervously, “i love it” he chuckled, putting everything down and moving to wrap you into his arms, you smiled and threw yourself into his embrace.
the two of you wiggled around for a moment, shifting so that the two of you were now cuddling on the couch, the sound of the rain hitting the window roughly, thunder causing car alarms to go off.
You helped Bucky arrange your gifts around his place, taking some things out of boxes and setting up the living room while listening to music, singing and dancing around with smiles on your faces. Soon enough the two of you were tired, the living room and kitchen were finally finished and the only things left to unpack were half his clothes and some stuff for his room.
You both threw yourself on the couch, cuddling into each other and turning the tv on, flipping through channels until you found something good to watch. Finally settling on just switching to Disney+ and watching Star Wars instead. 
Soon enough you started to yawn pulling your selves over your knuckles and cuddling a little more into buckys chest, he looked at you with a soft smile, pulsing the movie and moving a bit. 
“are you tired doll? we cam go to bed if you want” he spoke softly and you Hummers din response, “I kinda don't wanna get up though” you mumbled against his chest, he smiled, turning the TV off and picking you up swiftly.
“I forgot you were a super soldier for a second” you remarked and he shook his head. Soon enough the two of you were cuddled up under the sheets, the soft patter of the rain hitting his window followed by the occasional flash of lightening that would light up the room. You cuddled him a little closer during the claps of thunder, mainly for his sake, you felt the way he would grip you a little tighter. 
“goodnight buck I love you” you would mumble, placing a gentle kiss on whatever skin was close to you and closing your eyes. His face would heat up, a smile quickly overtaking his features. “goodnight doll, I love you more” he’d reply, kissing you right back and holding you close, falling asleep quickly to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. 
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