#i finally wrote down her fukin autobiography loooooool
stawscweam · 4 years
Starlight (Transformers OC)
General Information: 
She/Her pronouns
Microjet alt-mode
She’s a Primalist that has a tattoo of the Matrix on her left cheek
Her optics glow vibrantly when she’s strenuously using Empath, they naturally glow brighter than most Cybertronians because her power is always active
Pure, passionate and precious
Soft-spoken but adamant on her values
Always sees the best in others and believes anyone can change for the better
Can never say no to others and always puts their troubles over her own
Vehemently despises using her powers, because she feels like the abomination those in power view her and her kind
She fears she unintentionally manipulates the emotions of others to benefit her, whether that’s by befriending her, agreeing with her or any other such possibility
Refrains actively using her powers on others without their explicit permission
An outlier with the ability called “Empath”
She can experience and control the emotions of others
Her range is city-sized and is always active, but it drains her immensely and she constantly has to keep her ability in check
Experiences massive migraines when she overly exerts her powers and can offline temporarily from sensory overload 
Thoroughly exhausts her to experience extreme emotions from others or apply to others
Could permanently offline herself if pushed too far 
The versatility of her powers include:
Forging emotional bonds with loved ones via touch that allow her to sense their emotional presence from any distance
Healing emotional wounds by taking their pain into herself
Experiencing the emotional residue left in places from major events
Imprinting her own emotions onto others
Senator Shockwave enrolled her into the Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology in her youth
Extremely fond of Shockwave and his friend Senator Dai Atlas, aspired to become a liberal Senator like them 
Starlight learned more of the Knights of Cybertron and ancient Cybertron from Dai Atlas directly, he quickly became fond of the young Primalist
She had a crush on Skids during their academy years, but never acted on her affections due to her shyness and fear of artificially implanting her feelings into him
Focused her studies on the social inequalities of pre-War Cybertron and solutions to rectify them
She also researched the societies and cultures of other species in the universe
Rejected Functionism and believed the alt-mode of a Cybertronian was not an indicator of their vocation
Did not subscribe to the notion of ratioism, abundance or scarcity of an alt-mode did not dictate a Cybertronian’s worth
Horrified by the past social apartheid administered against cold-constructed bots and routinely debunks the myth of their “inherent” depravity
Opposed the vile caste system rooted in the social structure of Cybertron perpetrated by the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy and advocated the equality of all mechs
Against the belief of Cybertronian supremacy
She avoided “altercations” with the Senate and Functionist Council by utilising her “resources”
Senator Shockwave and Senator Dai Atlas protected her as well
She ended up becoming a scholar on social sciences who joined the Circle of Light in the new Crystal City on Theophany after the rise of the Decepticons
Sympathised with the Decepticons, but did not want to join the war
Starscream tried to recruit her, “One Star-person to another...”
A pacifist who believes in peaceful revolution
She’s not a fighter and cannot fathom the idea of hurting another being
Saddened by the corruption of the Decepticon’s cause
Afraid of Star Saber and tried to talk him out of his plans for an atheist holocaust and his hostile faith while they resided in Crystal City
Dai Atlas told her to give up on convincing the stubborn evangelist, but she could never do such a thing, “Everyone can be saved.”
Amica Endura to Wing and prayed for him, Drift and the others to survive their battle against the Slavers and Lockdown
She and Dai Atlas shared a cell when they and the rest of the Circle of Light were captured by Star Saber and the Legislators
She eventually joins the Crusadercons after her people are saved on Luna 1 as the Lost Light’s sociologist
As a member of the Circle of Light, finding Cyberutopia and the Knights of Cybertron was her dream
She paints her face in honour of Dai Atlas
Becomes Conjuxed to Skids and grows closer to Megatron after her beloved’s death
Felt it was fate that she reunited with him on Luna 1 when he presented the Lost Lighter’s recruitment video
Chromedome: “Cynical? Skids, I was suicidal....but then I met someone who saw the best in everyone—even me. Maybe there’s someone out there who can save your life, too.” 
Skids: “It’s your fault, actually. After we had that talk on Theophany, I decided that abandoning my lost memories amounted to a kind of betrayal. All those people I’ve met, all those people who’ve touched my life—I mean, I don’t know if there are any, but that’s kind of the point: I hate to think I might’ve forgotten them.”
Due to her aversion towards violence, she stayed behind with Teebs when Roller and Chromedome recruited Skids and the other outliers during the Fake Matrix Heist
Stays behind with Ultra Magnus, Percy and Megatron when the Crusadercons follow Stormy into the past
Troubled by the flowers around her statue on Necroworld and prays for the fallen due to her pacifism
Wing’s spark energy resided in one of the flowers and it confirmed her fear that her inaction led to his death
Delighted when Megatron declares his refusal to fight and supports him in his non-violent journey
She’s a Spectralist and fluent in Chirolinguistics
Fan of Megatron’s works such as “After the Ark: Nominus Prime and the Illusion of Progress” and his polemic “Towards Peace”
She meditates to clear her mind and ground herself
Senator Shockwave enjoyed it when she used her powers on him whenever he asked her to calm him down from one of his passionate outbursts
She also enjoyed experiencing the richness of his emotions, one of the few moments she liked her powers
Devoted to Dai Atlas for providing a safe haven for those who wished neutrality with the help of Tyrest
She adored asking Senator Dai Atlas questions of Cybertronian history and his personal past
Dai Atlas taught her Old Cybertronian
Perhaps it was Dai Atlas who suggested she wear an inhibitor chip to disable her cursed powers?
Perhaps she’s able to save Skids’ life by deactivating her inhibitor chip and taking away his emotional guilt and trauma related to Quark and the other prisoners’ deaths?
Fond of holding the hands of her loved ones with their permission
Her dates with Skids involve playing games of trivia like quizzing each other on different species’ culture and politics, the question game, movie night, chilling at the oil reservoir, browsing in gift shops and dancing
She doesn’t drink, but enjoys accompanying Skids and Trailcutter in their bar outings
Helps Trailcutter with his self-worth issues and always makes sure to know he’s appreciated and loved
Brainstorm delights in showcasing his latest Unmentionables to her horror, it reminds him of his days on Kimia
She loves Brainstorm, but the way his mind works frightens her
Joins Cyclonus in prayers and participates in singing in Old Cybertronian with him and Tailgate
Attends Megatron’s poetry readings
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