#i finally bulldozed through the mental wall i was having with the next chapter
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eilonwiiy · 2 years ago
I’m back to writing Bookends and it feels so gooooooood
Here’s a snippet from chapter 13
Safi was busy getting ready when Iseult entered their apartment.  
“So what book is it again?”  Safi asked, pulling her shirt off over her head and disappearing into her room.  Iseult stared after her.  
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Of course, I am.”  Safi reemerged wearing a different top, a loose low-cut blouse that would look lethal paired with her leather jacket.  She inspected herself in the mirror, posing at a couple different angles before giving her reflection a satisfied nod of approval.  “I’ve heard you gush about this book so many times I didn’t even have to read it.”
Safi slipped on her jacket and tucked her long hair out from under the back with a flourish that, had they been out on the street, would've caused several heads to turn.  She looked especially good for a night of discussing the machinations of reclusive witches and their covenants.
Safi noticed Iseult staring as she dabbed on some lip gloss.  “What?”
“Nothing,” said Iseult with a small shake of her head.  “You just look nice.”  
“Should I change into my wimple?”
“That won’t be necessary.”  Iseult dropped her apron onto the small square of counter space that acted as their kitchen table and shuffled into her bedroom.  She stopped in front of her closet and stared at its contents.  Several minutes passed. 
Iseult had planned on just wearing what she already had on, but watching Safi making eyes at herself in the mirror she was suddenly self-conscious of the loose threads at the cuffs of her wool sweater and the ever-lingering smell of coffee beans that clung to everything she owned.  That aspect of her being couldn't be helped regardless of whether or not she changed, but she could at least look like she hadn’t been out in a field shepherding a herd of sheep all day.
“That’s nice,” Safi said, watching Iseult inspect a plum colored sweater from the door.  
“Mm maybe.”  Iseult passed on a couple more unremarkable shirts before stopping on something else.  It was a dress.  An especially pretty dress, in fact.  It had been tucked out of sight for so long she’d honestly forgotten she even owned it.  It was simple in its design, long sleeves and a high neck collar that made up for its noticeable lack of length, and made with a soft velvet that tapered off at the waist.  The thing Iseult really loved about it was the nearly imperceptible stars stitched into the fabric with gold thread that winked like the night sky when the light hit them just right.  
For Iseult, shopping was rarely ever an inspiring experience, but she remembered falling in love with the dress the instant she saw it.  There was a small hole on the underside of one of the sleeves, which was the only way she was able to afford it.  Even with the discount, she remembered how guilty she felt after taking the plunge and walking out of the store with it.  Spending a chunk of that week’s paycheck on a dress that she’d likely never have an occasion to wear.  
Iseult took the dress off the hanger and draped it onto the bed.
Safi beamed.  
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goodnightyoongi · 5 years ago
Yoongi x fem!reader pt4
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genre: hurt/comfort/smut
rating: E
word count: 4,5k
summary: In this series, Yoongi and you are childhood friends, and he’s helping you through some issues you’ve been facing lately, while your relationship slowly blossoms into something more. 
warnings: implied depression, self-critical thoughts, EXPLICIT SMUT (oral sex) in the later part of this chap. Start and finish are indicated
Can be read standalone, but is part of a chaptered series
Part I: Catalyze
Part II: Flicker
Part III: Rise
“...and yeah, that’s...why I haven’t been keeping up with my schoolwork.”
You finished the sentence with a timid glance at the curly-haired woman on the other side of the desk. Her hands were knitted on top of the table, one of her eyebrows slightly arched. You understood why. Answering the question “so what seems to be the issue here,  Miss Y/LN ?” hadn’t been easy, and you were pretty sure it hadn’t made sense, either. 
Basically, you had just stuttered some disjointed, vague gibberish about "feeling a little under the weather lately". Aka, nowhere close to the truth. And now, the anxiety was making itself known. In the form of beads of moisture running down your neck, and your hands fidgeting in your lap.
Because you didn’t want to be here. In fact you wanted to be anywhere but here.
But once again, Yoongi had showed himself perfectly able to push you into motion and help get you back on track. Using his steady, encouraging flow of reassurances, and fingers laced into yours as he pulled you with him to your final destination. And now you were here. Squirming uncomfortably in a chair in the university counselors office, and discussing why you had fallen behind on your studies, all entirely against your will if you were honest.
Your eyes wandered over the neat rows of folders on white shelves, the piles of documents on her desk, the sterile academic environment. Run, is what your brain told you. Just get up, walk out, escape this situation – but Yoongi’s hand, inconspicuously resting on your thigh, prevented it.
Because he’d insisted on coming with. And now he sat next to  you, like a parent there to discuss his child’s progression. Clad in his usual uniform, black hoodie and snapback pulled far over his forehead, all in order to avoid being recognized. It worked, and you alone had the counselors undivided attention.
“So, if I understand correctly,” she started, pushing her half-moon glasses further up her nose. “You’ve been...feeling ill? That's why you’ve been absent?”
"Uhm...kind of..."
“I see here that you have a lot of overdue assignments...and you haven't attended classes...but it would be best if you book an appointment with the university healthcare, if you have a condition that interferes with your ability to study.”
Your ears heated up as you digested this information. A tiny, sober voice within you told you yes. Do it, open mouth, voice the issue. Another, more overpowering and toxic one told you no. Repeatedly, until it was basically chanting it like a whole firing squad in your brain.
“No, no, I don’t need to. I...uh, I’ll make sure to finish all the assignments, ma'am. Just been feeling a little...unwell, but, yeah. I’m fine.”
You ignored Yoongi’s pointed glare, along with his attempts to kick you in the shin under the desk. Your counselor expressed clear puzzlement over the sudden change in your narrative.
“Oh? But didn’t you say that you’ve been feeling down and experiencing difficulty with keeping up with your studies?”
“Uh...yeah but, it was just a temporary slump,” you lied, and accompanied it with the most convincing smile you could conjure. “I really am fine, and I will catch up on it. Promise.”
“Miss Y/LN...I really do think you should go see the healthcare unit.”
“No need, I’m fine, I’m absolutely –”
“She’s depressed.”
The sharp exclamation draped itself over the three of you, and the office fell silent. You slowly turned to your left, quiet anger flaring in your gut. And Yoongi, the bastard, was wearing a polite smile and blatantly ignoring your burning looks.
The perplexed-looking lady opposite you blinked about a million times in confusion, before clearing her throat.
“Is what your friend is saying true, Miss Y/LN? You've been feeling depressed?”
Your airways were blocked, by what felt like a thick bundle of dry cotton. You didn't get a word out. Yoongi decided to just nod in affirmation on your behalf.
"Yeah, yes, she’s...been down. Not left her apartment much and just slept and not eaten and...I think she needs to see someone.”
“Oh, oh dear...well, that sounds worrying indeed." The lady turned to you with a motherly smile. "I’ll book you an appointment to the healthcare center, Miss Y/LN. They can refer you to a mental health professional if there's a need for that...hold on a moment...”
She started tapping something on her computer, while she kept talking, but you didn’t focus on it much. You were forced to just listen and accept the documents shoved into your hands, with the appointment date and other information. Forced to nod affirmatively when she announced it would be next week.
Not like you were about to go. No way.
Once you were dismissed, you were fuming. You stormed out and over the university grounds, leaving Yoongi and the repeated stream of requests to slow down behind you.
“Y/N, fucking wait – jesus, can you wait!?"
He finally caught you, but you ripped your arm from his grip instantly, backing further away while spitting furious words in his face.
“No, I can’t! Why the hell did you have to tell her that, Yoongi?! You had no right to tell her I’m…”
You came to a screeching halt just as you were about to say it, and gathered yourself. Yoongi regarded you from a distance, his eyes like dark, tranquil oceans as usual.
Always so understanding, always compassionate. Even now when you wanted none of it.
“I’m not depressed. Everything is fine with me.”
You said it with steadfast conviction. Maybe, if you said it enough times, it would become true.
The wind rustled the leaves in the trees around you. It was actually a beautiful day. The warm rays of sunshine heated your back up, and Yoongi’s sympathetic smile was securely in place as always.
“Y/N...I had to. If you get to decide yourself you just dodge your issues and pretend they don't exist for all eternity. I can’t just stand by and witness it anymore, okay? Please just trust me. Everything isn’t fine with you.”
“Yeah it is,” you interjected stubbornly. You shook your head, shook it until nausea hit you and you just stumbled uselessly when trying to vocalize what you felt.
“It is, and I don’t want to go...it makes me feel sick. I don’t want to talk about it...I don’t want to be the person who has something wrong with them, Yoongi...I want to be normal.”
Your voice was suddenly saturated with hysteria and tears, and Yoongi was on you in an instant. Picking you up, just like he always did, collecting the pieces and patching you up again. You sobbed into his hoodie, and asked him, over and over again, why it was so hard.
“It’ll get easier,” Yoongi promised. He hugged you as you cried, while a warm breeze blew past and gently ruffled your hair and dried your cheeks. “It will. But not until you face it, hun.”
During the next few days, you spent a lot of time hunched over your laptop. Slogging your way through email after email, and doing your best to figure out exactly how far behind you were in your studies. 
Really damn far turned out to be the answer.
You did his best to fix that, finishing up half-written essays and projects collecting dust on your hard drive until you were close to crying from the effort. All of this happened while Yoongi sat next to you, peering over your shoulder and making sure the process was moving forward. But it left you exhausted, and the list of assignments was mile-long.
“I’ll never have energy to finish all this...might as well drop out,” you whined, face buried in your hands, multiple times when it all felt too overwhelming. But Yoongi wasn't about to just accept that. Of course he wasn't.
“Nope, you sure as hell won’t,” was his stern reply to that. He was like an impenetrable wall you couldn't bulldoze your way through, and so you remained in front of the laptop, while his hawk eyes made sure your attention stayed on the screen.
Annoying. It was, but you had to admit it was effective. After many cups of espresso and bordering-on-meltdowns the list gradually shortened, and you were left slightly less stressed. But you’d transformed into a wet rag at the end of it, a wet rag that Yoongi transported to the couch and kissed and hugged and showered with compliments about how you were doing so well.
And it felt good, admittedly. Even though he must be lying through his teeth. His arms wrapped around you also felt great, and his gentle kisses made you all tingly – but that was the problem. He was too gentle. Too soft, like you were some kind of fragile flower to be handled with care.
Yet another week had passed since your almost-steamy-encounter on Yoongi’s couch. Another week’s worth of wet daydreams, of imagining the two of you in scenarios that stretched so much further than just kissing. Another week’s worth of not daring to make the first move.
Because without alcohol flowing through you, you remained much too shy and insecure, even though he was your boyfriend now.
The desire you felt for him made your blood pump faster, made your lower regions heat up. Every time Yoongi held you, every time he sat next to you with his elbows leaning on the table. Because you just wanted so badly for those veiny hands to undress you. To wrap around you. To travel further down and envelop you, all of you.
But at the same time, you were scared when imagining it.
Maybe Yoongi’s vision of you wouldn’t match the reality, the you hidden underneath the oversized sweaters and baggy sweatpants you’d worn for the past week. Maybe he would just see what you saw in the mirror. 
Someone a little too gray and washed out, who didn’t get nearly enough sun and who lacked that rosy, healthy glow on their cheeks.
Maybe Yoongi’s feelings would even cool once he saw your body. Despite all the things he’d said for the past weeks about how you were gorgeous and beautiful and perfect. 
The thought brought you close to tears.
You just felt like an illusion, about to crumble anytime now.
All of this messed things up, and soon you found yourself in bed. At 5PM on a Saturday evening. And all of Yoongi’s messages sat in your phone, unread and ignored since a good 24 hours.
You were pushing him away again, and it was just a matter of time until the doorbell would ring.
It did, like an ominous church bell ordering you to return to the land of the living. And you dragged yourself over the same damn floor, towards the same damn door, mentally preparing for yet another lecture by the same person you’d let down, again.
“Hey there, bun,” Yoongi greeted casually, leaning against the wall in the corridor when the door slid open. “What’s up? Ignoring my messages again?”
“Yes,” you confirmed dully. Unnecessary to pretend otherwise, and you were aware how wantonly snappy you sounded. Yoongi took absolutely zero notice of it. He looked stunning as ever, the dark hair slightly tousled by the wind and hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.
Hands that still hadn’t touched you where you wanted them to and when would they?
You slammed the door with unnecessary force after Yoongi strode past you, causing him to turn around in surprise.
“Woah? Easy with that. Bad mood huh? Look kinda rough.”
“Yeah. I always look kinda rough, if you haven't noticed.”
“Hold it right there. Don’t twist it into something it’s not. I just meant you look a little tired.”
He gave you a sharp glance, a warning that clearly told you "don't even try to argue". You yielded, heaving unhappily. 
“I’m sorry. I just...I wasn’t feeling well, and everything just felt shit, and...I couldn’t get out of it”
“Uhuh...that’s...kinda why you need some help, sweetie.”
“I don’t need help.”
You tried, but it was weak at this point. Yoongi closed in on you, raising a hand to cradle your cheek and sneaking the other one around the small of your back.
“Sorry to slap you with uncomfortable truths, but...yeah, you do. And I understand that your mood shifts and you want to be alone sometimes...but please don’t ignore my texts. You're making me sick with worry when you don't answer. Okay?”
“Alright, baby. So did you shower today?”
“Y/N...that’s no good." He trapped you in a kiss, before separating you and giving you another look that left no room for arguing. "Come on. Go get showered or changed and whatever you need and let’s head to the shop.”
You huffed, turned and stomped off to your bedroom without a word.
Getting changed and going outdoors didn’t feel tempting at all. You dug through your closet, but once again there was nothing of use, because once again you'd failed to do the laundry. Because you’d been nestled in bed instead. And crawling into it again felt like a splendid idea now.
"How's it going over here?"
Yoongi had made an appearance in the doorway. He raised a critical eyebrow, skeptically eyeing the pajama shorts and coffee-stained t-shirt you were still wearing. You just stared blankly ahead, cross legged on the bed and not about to move another inch if you could avoid it.
"Badly. Have nothing to wear and I'm hideous."
You knew how that sounded, oh you knew. But you could do absolutely zilch to prevent it. Yoongi closed the distance between you, his gaze oddly dark, like a looming thunderstorm.
"Stop saying those things about yourself."
You bounced up, gurgling with unidentified frustration you just couldn’t seem to kick.
"No. Because it's true."
“It's really not. I understand it feels true to you. But you’re stuck with these ideas about yourself, because you’re seeing everything through a skewed lens. That makes you overly critical of yourself. Understand, baby?”
“Nope. You’re fucking wrong.”
Yoongi's finger on your mouth silenced you. He was right in front of you now, and he leaned in until his lips brushed over your ear.
"You're not hideous. Get that through your thick skull."
And then he pulled back, and kissed you. And it wasn't gentle. In fact it was everything but gentle. It was demanding, his tongue finding its way into your mouth and his fingers weaving themselves into your hair and his nails scraping over your scalp.
When you finally parted, your body was already in overdrive, your pulse crashing through your veins and your lower regions practically on fire and thumping almost painfully.
"Think it's about time I touched you, huh,” Yoongi pondered, eyes half-lidded and with his finger pressed down on your lower lip.
You just swallowed, whining something that sounded like "uhuh" in response. Yoongi's hands were all over you in an instant. He swung you around with your back facing him, and moved your hair out of the way so he could press feather light kisses down the junction of your neck. You were lost, to the unexpected shivers worming all over your skin, lost until you heard a request that made your knees weak.
"Is it okay if I take off your clothes?"
"Ye– yeah," you managed, without really thinking. There was just a split second of self-consciousness, and then your shirt was pulled over your head, your shorts hiked down – and you were bare, save for your underwear. You went rigid for a second, shielding yourself, but Yoongi untangled you quickly.
"Nah, none of that. Don’t do that. Let me see you."
He looped his own arms around your waist, and sprinkled kisses all over your exposed skin – your shoulders, your jawline, everywhere he could reach. And then, he spun both of you around. Facing the full length mirror, the one you’d been about to throw out so many times now.
"Look at yourself."
You looked. And looked away the next second. You saw yourself, the body you hadn’t studied for a while. You saw your skin illuminated by the lamplight, showing every little imperfection in unforgiving technicolor. And you saw Yoongi's toned arms blanketing you.
"Yeah, I'm looking. What's there to see? I'm, just...whatever. Just...meh."
"No. Not meh. Everything but meh. Stubborn, a little bratty, but definitely not meh."
He forked fingers into your hair, yanking you back to stress the fact.
"Or ugly. Or useless Or anything negative you want to imagine. I know you don’t see it yourself, but trust me, then. Can you do that?"
You couldn’t, still – but you were coming undone, basically unable to speak, unable to do anything but succumb to Yoongi's voice and touch and tongue leaving goosebumps all over your skin. 
Your breaths picked up as he unhooked your bra, sliding it off and throwing it to the side. You let out a pitchy whimper and dropped your gaze as he cupped your breasts. One by one, gently caressing them and rolling the pink buds between his fingers.
“Beautiful. Beautiful and mine,” he whispered into your hair.
He kept one hand loosely around your throat, while the other traveled down your spine – down, down down and all the way down. There, he gathered one of your asscheeks into his hand, squeezing possessively and pressing his own, very blatant boner against your ass.
“This too,” he purred cheekily, a little louder, and slapped it once, very lightly. 
And you choked.
Well, nearly. Choked on the feeling of the pulsating, warm and very real body pushed up against you. It infused you with a craving that practically hurt, and you gasped in surprise when Yoongi’s hand snaked its way to your front, sliding down to part your thighs. He nibbled on your neck, while his fingers found your clit, lightly brushing over it and drawing moan after bated moan from you.
"You're hot, okay. I love your face, I love your body, I love your personality, you’re gorgeous and don't ever doubt that." Yoongi murmured, while stroking you through your underwear and holding you steady with his free hand. "I've wanted to fuck you for ages."
Oh shit. Okay. All you could do was whimper needily in response. The sinful confessions into your ear made your head spin violently – and that voice. Surely couldn’t belong to Yoongi – it was too husky, just oozing dominance – but it did. It did and it seeped right into every corner of you, into every cell of your body all the way into your fingertips and not least, your crotch.
And you felt like you might suffocate from the pressure. From Yoongi's fingers rubbing teasing circles all over you, his breath hot and wet against the nape of your neck.
"I want to see you too,” you whined, wrenching yourself loose and pawing desperately at his t-shirt.
"Sure thing, baby.”
You held your breath while his clothes were discarded. Shirt, jeans, briefs, and then he stood there, stripped in front of you. Not just a smudgy almost-Yoongi in one of your vivid dreams, but the real Yoongi. With a heinous twinkle playing in his mischievous eyes, his posture self-assured and his dick half-hard and smooth and...actually a little menacingly thick in girth.
You swallowed down the nervously flapping butterflies, and stepped forward, tentatively running hands all down his pale chest and around his back and his ass and absolutely everywhere.
You’d imagined this man naked so many times. All throughout your adolescence, and now that it finally happened, it felt like some trippy dream.
"God, you’re fucking...beautiful, Yoongi.”
"Says you.”
He grabbed you, kissing you and pressing the two of you together, with his hands firmly on your ass. And you heated up to scorching temperatures, while your brain was filled with only one thought.
“I want you.”
“Want you too. But we’re taking it slow.”
You grumbled, but he just briefly let his finger travel into your mouth, and smirked in response when you sucked on it like it was a lollipop. Then, you were hauled up and lowered onto the bed on your back, and turned into a shivering, whimpering wreck of a person. Yoongi kissed you, pushing his tongue in to drag it over the roof of your mouth, and continuing down your torso, your chest, your tummy until you shivered pleasantly underneath him. 
He mumbled little words of praise at you while he went, and your breath came out shorter and shorter the further down he traveled. Soon he had to tell you to remember to even breathe.
“Relax. You’re so pretty, been wanting you for so long.”
He parted your legs gently, wrapping his hand around your thigh and sucking teasing love bites into the sensitive skin until you were almost crying from the sensation.
“Want me to touch you, baby? Can I take these off?”
You curled your spine against the sheets, desperate for him to just do it already. “Yeah – yeah. Please.” 
"Good. Cause I'm really dying to."
Your panties slid off, finally, and Yoongi crawled between your legs, blinking up at you, dark eyes clouded with lust and tousled bangs falling into his forehead.  All of you was practically vibrating, filled with electricity sprouting underneath the tips of his fingers as he rested one hand on your tummy and settled the other one between your legs.
“Look at you...already so wet for me.” He spread you with a thumb, sliding it between your lips, and you whined in response. Not like he was wrong. You’d basically been soaking wet since that first kiss. “So pretty. I want to make you feel good, hun. Can I eat you out? Do you want that?”
You nodded frantically. You could feel your release literally around the corner, and whatever Yoongi was about to do to you would lure it out at record speed. He offered you one of his gummy grins, gripping your thighs with both hands for leverage and pushed his pink tongue out, dragging it all over your clit and making you cringe against the sheets. 
“God – Yoongi, holy shit-”
“You taste good. Fucking sexy as hell.”
You didn’t care about restraining yourself anymore. You allowed yourself to moan unabashedly while he sucked on your clit, and tantalized you by pushing his tongue into you and pulling it out the next second.
You hadn't been touched for so long, you hadn't come for so long . An eternity. And now you watched, eyes feverish, as Yoongi turned you into a slobbering mess in minutes. Your orgasm was close, and Yoongi must have felt it, because he quickly pulled back, lips glistening and cheeks flushed. 
Next you felt his fingers teasing your entrance, and he threw you a quick, questioning glance and asked, voice hushed and dripping with lust, if it was okay. You hurried to nod again, crying out when he pushed a finger into you, slowly gliding over your walls and filling you up, while his thumb rubbed against your clit. Settling on his knees, he threw one of your legs up and squeezed your thigh as he started finger-fucking you, slowly but surely.
You couldn’t help but wonder, amidst all the hazy pleasure, how the hell he was that skilled with his hands.
Probably because he was experienced. You knew he’d had kind-of-girlfriends, but maybe he'd even had multiple partners. That thought made you irrationally jealous, once again, and also worried you’d appear like a rookie in comparison.
But those thoughts were quickly washed away, for now, as Yoongi hit the spot again, and a pitchy whimper escaped you, echoing through the whole bedroom.
“You’re tight,” he hummed, gaze heavy on you. “How’s that? Feels good?”
“Y– yeah...feels great…”
Your neck cringed, your hands gripping the sheets as he picked up the pace, before adding a second finger. Soon he had two of them knuckle-deep in you, fucking you while working your clit while you squirmed against him to create even more friction. You watched him, his lustful dark eyes plastered on you, the veins in his arms tensing as he brought you closer and closer. 
"Yoongi...I'm gonna...c-come...if you keep doing that–"
"Well that's the goal, right? You're moaning so prettily, turning me wild," Yoongi teased, leaning forward. He positioned himself half-laying on top of you, so he was able to reach your quivering lips while his fingers slid in and out of you.
He kissed you hungrily, and you could feel his cock poking you in the side. You glanced down. There it was, all stiff and veiny and fully erect and – damn.
Yoongi wanted to fuck you with that.
You pictured it, and then you were done for.
"Go on, baby girl.”
Well. That did it. You shuddered your way through your release, spasming against Yoongi’s fingers and crying out a lewd and elongated “fuck” as you came. You faintly heard Yoongi mumbling something as you rode it out, and then you collapsed into the mattress. Completely drained, and with your chest heaving and droplets of sweat running down your neck.
Yoongi pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, and withdrew his hand. "You okay, pumpkin?"
You nodded wordlessly, slow waves of pleasure still rippling through you. Yoongi sneaked an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against himself and squeezing you tightly. 
"See why I wanted to take it slow now? Yikes...you look like you just finished a marathon. Didn't take you very long.”
He nuzzled into your hair, and you weren’t even able to provide anything coherent in response yet. Soon he announced he was taking you to shower, and before you could protest you’d been scooped up and carried off, bridal-style.
The shower was turned on, and you were dazed when jostled into position underneath the spray of water. It splashed down between the two of you, heating you up as you rested your head against Yoongi’s chest, just enjoying the warmth and being so close to him for now. 
He pushed strands of soaked hair out of your forehead, and propped you up more securely when you were in danger of sagging to the floor. "Are you alright, sweetness?”
“Yeah...sorry, it’s been a while since I, uh…was...touched...”
You quietened, bashfully pushing your nose against his chest again to avoid meeting his eyes. He gave a little chuckle, and ran his hands all over your back in reassuring circles. 
“Yeah, I figured. That’s okay. Just take it easy, baby. I’ll take care of you, don't worry.”
Yoongi gathered you into his arms, and your throbbing muscles were soothed by the flow of hot water. But you also felt a rigid boner poking your thigh, still. Belonging to him. 
You peeked down at it. It was a little intimidating, but you were also eager to return the favor. Even though your tummy turned into slush at the thought of doing something wrong.
You swallowed down a lump, and Yoongi noticed your hesitance. 
“Y/N. Just relax.”
"You're still hard though, I can –"
"Yeah, duh, I'm hard,” Yoongi chuckled, and pressed a tender kiss to your lips to shut you up. “...cause that was hot,” he added, and your cheeks instantly turned tomato-red.
"But we got all the time in the world. I can wait. You're the most important, bun."
"Fine, ugh...okay."
You burrowed into his chest, letting out a soft moan when he squeezed some shampoo out and started massaging it into your scalp. Yep. You could definitely see yourself getting used to this.
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miracul0us-multishipper · 6 years ago
Welcome to the back (Part 16)
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Shoutout to @loosescrewslefty for coming up with a wonderful name for Cat!Felix! It sounds great!
- - -
Felix’ heart was racing as they ran down the abandoned corridors. Everyone else must have escaped already, or at least found a safe place to hide because they hadn’t seen a soul on the entire floor. It was dead silent, except for their exhausted panting and the distant rattle of chains.
“In here!”, Marinette commanded and threw open the door to a janitors closet. With her other hand, she ripped off one of her flats and threw it down the hallway. Before he could ask what the hell she was thinking, she pushed him into the small room and closed the door behind her. The rattling of metal links came closer and they held their breaths. There were small slits on the bottom of the door, to let the air circulate. Felix dropped to the floor, trying to see what was going on.
Cathexis shadow was visible first, followed by its caster. His chains carried him through the hallway like servants their prince, their clatter and the creaking of his armor far too loud in Felix’ ears. Was it his imagination or were there... less chains than before? Some looked shorter than the others, for sure.
The Akuma looked around.
“Marinette~!”, he called in a playful singsong. “Come on, show yourself!”
The metal snakes swirled through the air, ready to pounce at the slightest movement.
“I’m not mad, I promise!”, the delusional boy continued. “You won’t be in trouble if you come out now.”
One chain came particularly close to the door and he could feel Marinette tense. His own heart seemed to hammer in his chest, so loud he wondered how Cathexis didn’t hear it. If he found them now... they were lost.
Luckily, it was this moment that Cathexis noticed the shoe further down the hall. Immediately, he went to investigate.
“Aw, did the princess lose her shoe? I should bring it back to her, don’t I?”
With that, he disappeared around a corner. They sighed, the pressure on his lungs lifting like fog. They were safe, for now.
“Clever.”, he commented as they walked out of the closet. “The shoe trick, I mean.”
“Thanks.”, she replied, looking around the corner to make sure he was gone. “He’s obsessed with his fairy tale happy ending, so I figured drawing on popular tropes might distract him.”
She took his hand - he was grateful for that, even though he wouldn’t admit it - and guided him towards the stairs.
“We need to get out of here. Maybe we should split up-“
“Absolutely not! I won’t let you out of my sight until Ladybug arrives.”
Marinette twitched, but didn’t fight him. He could’ve sworn he heard her muttering “Oh boy” under her breath, but right now, he didn’t care. There was No Way he’d leave this reckless mess of selflessness to herself!
“This way.”, she directed him to a glass door. The elevators were obviously a bad idea - trapped in a small space during an akuma attack? No thank you! - so the stairs were there only option.
“I don’t get it. Why Cathexis?”, she murmured to herself. “I mean, it’s probably a Cat-pun, but the rest is nonsense. And why chains? Is Hawkmoth running out of ideas?”
He shrugged, remembering all the books about Psychology he’d read before starting school. For once, his encyclopedic knowledge of random topics seemed to be useful.
“Cathexis is a fancy word for neurotic hyperfixations.”, he explained. “Freud’s original term was “Besetzung”, Possession in English. It describes the investment of emotional or mental energy in a person or object.”
He remembered what Cathexis had done with his glowing chain, and how Lila had looked after being infused with his light.
“Maybe that’s what he did to Rossi. He did call it an investment, didn’t he?”
“It might also be a pun.”, Marinette mused. “Cat-hex-is, because he... well, hexed her.”
“Now I’m kind of jealous.”, he murmured grumpily. “Hawkmoth gave him a deep, psychological phenomena as inspiration, and with me? He named me Sentiquill and called it a day! Favoritism at its finest.”
Marinette giggled.
“If it makes you happy, I liked your costume more. Black suits you.”
Her eyes sparkled mysteriously at that, as if she knew something he didn’t. He would’ve asked if he hadn’t been so busy hiding his red cheeks.
“Let’s hurry up.”, he said to distract her. “We still have twenty floors to go, and-“
“Wait!”, she hissed and he froze. There were footsteps audible from further down, lighter than Cathexis’s and without the metallic sound that always accompanied him. He held onto Marinette a little tighter when the person leaned over the railing of the stairs to look up at them.
“Chloé?”, Marinette asked and relaxed immediately, sighing in relief. “You’re okay! I thought Cathexis caught you.”
The blonde girl grinned untypically widely and Felix tensed.
“Marinette!”, she chirped and raised her hands to her mouth. “There you are.”
She took a deep breath, then started to shout.
“I FOUND HER!”, Chloé yelled loud enough to shake the doors, making Felix jump.
“She’s under his control!”, he realized. “That’s why there were less chains than before!”
The one he’d used on Lila had disappeared as well! He startled when a door two floors above them flew open. Cathexis maniacal cackling echoed through the staircase.
Marinette didn’t need to be told twice. She ripped open the door closest to them and raced through, Felix followed suit. They dashed down the corridors and halls, Cathexis laughter close behind them. Every second Felix expected to be knocked off his feet, every step made him fear it might be his last. But Marinette seemed to know where she was going, and Cathexis wasn’t as familiar with the building as she was. Soon, the rattle of chains grew farther and farther, until they finally collapsed behind a corner.
“We need a Plan B!”, he stated the obvious, his breath erratic and panting. “We’ll never make it out of here without him intercepting us.”
Marinette, just as exhausted as he was, looked on the verge of panic.
“Chloé’s out of commission!”, she whispered in shock. “And if she is, then so are Alya and Nino!”
Pulling at her hair, she groaned.
“My plan has failed before it even begun! That’s so typical for me.”
He shook his head, confused.
“What are you talking about?”
Slowly, she let go of her Pigtails and straightened. When she looked at him, it was almost apologetic.
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”, she said calmly. “This time, I wanted it to be different. No pressure or emergency, just... different.”
She shook her head, eerily serious as she took out the pendant she wore around her neck.
“We don’t have time for explanations, I have to go.”, she stated with no room for discussion. Her hand was steady when she placed the pendant in his hand, closing his fingers around it. “You need to keep this safe for me, okay?”
He blinked, not understanding what she was up to. But she stood up before he could ask a single question.
“You don’t have to use it.”, she announced and looked a bit sheepish for a moment. “I don’t even have a fancy box for it, and I have no speech prepared either. But... you are smart, and loyal, and exactly what I need. Trust me.”
She inhaled slowly.
“You... you are perfect. I can feel it.”
Her smile was so fond, so convinced and trusting he had to gulp before speaking.
“Marinette, What-“
A crash interrupted him. Cathexis was closing in, judging by the sound of his chains, and Marinette looked up.
“Go and hide.”, she ordered him with an authority he’d never expected of her. “This isn’t destiny or fate or something, okay? It’s a choice. You decide whether to accept or decline, and I won’t push you to do anything. But now that Adrien knows I have it, I can’t keep it on me anymore. Just... keep it safe.”
She smiled.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
Wait. Why did this sound like a goodbye?!
“Marinette,” he whispered, fear stifling his voice, “don’t you dare-“
Once again, he didn’t get to finish. Cathexis came crashing through the wall behind them like a bulldozer, his chains breaking through with ease.
“Marinette!”, Felix screamed, but a wave of debris tore him away from her and onto the ground. With one last look at him, she turned around and ran.
“Come and catch me if you can!”, he heard her taunt as she dodged the swipe of a chain, then disappeared into the next corridor.
Cathexis didn’t waste a second with Felix. Growling, he started his hunt and followed Marinette, leaving him behind.
Felix’ head was spinning from his fall and he barely managed to get up, let alone follow them.
“No...”, he wailed, horrified. Crashes and shouts came from the direction they had run off to, and this time, Marinette was alone with the Akuma. “No, no, no!”
He got to his feet, accidentally dropping what Marinette had given him. The clear, clanging sound of something light rolling over the ground made him pause. He looked down, picking the thing up.
It was the Chat-Noir-merchandise Marinette had shown him, but now that he could take a closer look... it was warm in his fingers. It felt heavier than it looked, and he could swear he heard a pulse.
His blood drained from his face and he went pale. It... It couldn’t be, right? Where should Marinette have acquired the real Miraculous of Destruction?! And why would she wear it on a string of goddamn yarn instead of... of... putting it in a safe or something? Or using it? Unless she... she already had...?
Another crash made him start. They weren’t far from him, if he hurried, he could reach them.
But what was he supposed to do? Throw pens at the akuma?! Make a knot in his chains? He was just a teenager, he wouldn’t be of any help. His gaze fell back to the ring in his hands. The warm, heavy, pulsing and authentic looking ring.
Oh, goddamn it!
Without further analysis, he slipped it on his ring finger. For a second, nothing happened and he chastised himself for thinking something this ridiculous. Then an otherworldly glow covered the metal and he stumbled back. Sparks flew around his hand and a green light shot out of the ring, turning it silver and circling him before fading into a tiny, black creature. It had triangular ears and a feline tail that waved through the air.
Felix was frozen in shock as the... the thing yawned.
“Oh geez, that was quick.”, it complained in a high, nasal voice. “They can never give me time to nap, can they?”
It’s inhumanly green eyes turned to him and it grinned, revealing sharp, white fangs.
“Hey, it’s the cold blondie!”, it - he? - cheered. “Not ideal, but better than mean or dense blondie. I can work with that.”
”Who are you?”, Felix finally regained his voice. The floating cat flicked its tail and combed back its fur.
“Plagg’s the name, rookie. I’m a Kwami! Incredibly powerful, good looking, and - as Tikki would say - “high maintenance”. Got any cheese?”
“A Kwami?”, Felix asked, ignoring the last part. “What’s that supposed to be?”
Another crash came from a distance and he shook his head, reminding himself of Marinette.
“Okay, scratch that. Do something so I can help Marinette!��
Plagg sighed deeply.
“Oh geez, another loverboy.”, he grumbled. “Fine! Say “Plagg, claws out!” and you’ll get cataclysmic superpowers, and a much needed make-over.”
He glared at Felix’ clothes.
“Is that a tie?! What are you, an insurance lackey?!”
“It’s called style, you- Argh, I don’t have time for this.”, he snarled, raising his hand. It didn’t matter where she had gotten this from, or why she wasn’t using it herself. She had given it to him for a reason, and he wouldn’t disappoint her.
“Plagg, claws out!”
Transforming had been easier than thought. She’d simply slipped around a corner, said the magic words and waited until Cathexis followed her to punch him into the ceiling. She’d caught him by surprise, and so it wasn’t hard to deliver a kick hard enough to send him into the wall behind him. He groaned and shook his head as she scanned him. Where was the akuma, where was the akuma, where was- his bracelet! It’s shape looked just like her lucky charm, though bleached beyond recognition. He pulled his arm away when she tried to grab it, his chains hurling her away from him and down the hallway.
“My Lady!”, he cooed happily, already forgetting he’d been chasing Marinette. Hyperfixation, she remembered Felix’ words. He could only ever concentrate on one thing at the same time. “There you are!”
She had landed on her feet - practice made perfect - and adopted her fighting stance.
“Let’s make this quick!”, she hissed and Cathexis pouted.
“Oh, My Lady! Don’t you recognize me? Your loyal partner?”
Her eyes narrowed.
He had the decency to look ashamed. Nervous, he scratched his head.
“You are... still mad at me, aren’t you?”
“For what? Sacrificing Rose, abandoning me or attempting to kill me?”
He raised his hands in defense.
“It was an accident! You know I could never hurt you, don’t you? I love you!”
He sunk on one knee, stretching out his hand as if pleading.
“Allow me to prove it to you, Ladybug! You’ll see, we’re meant for each other.”
She was so tired of this. Without a warning, her yo-yo wrapped around his outstretched hand.
“You can prove it by giving me that bracelet!”, she suggested and pulled. He lost his balance and fell over, but his chains caught him easily. They wrapped around her yo-yo to prevent her from escaping, but she didn’t intent to. With a battle cry, she launched herself at him. He didn’t see her coming, and before he could fully straighten himself, she slammed him into the wall again. But she had underestimated the speed of his chains. Just when she wanted to take the possessed object, one of them wrapped around her waist and threw her to the floor. She grinned in pain and tried to dodge, but now they were coming from every angle. Her yo-yo was carelessly dropped to the side when Cathexis stood up, wrapping the chain holding her around his wrist to pull her in.
“Why won’t you even give me a chance?!”, he raged. “I asked you so nicely, and you just attacked me! How could you?!”
“It’s my job, idiot!”, she snarled and tried to wriggle out of her restraints. “And it used to be your job as well! We beat up and purify Akuma’s, remember?”
She laughed bitterly, eyes burning into his.
“Or, that’s what I did at least. To you, this was only ever some kind of game, wasn’t it?”
He hissed.
“Just ‘cause I’m not as stuck-up as you doesn’t mean I’m not a good superhero! We won every time, didn’t we?”
“Because I had to save the day! How often were you even conscious and yourself for the final battle? Most of the time, I had to save you as well!”
“Argh!”, he roared. “Only because I sacrificed myself for you! Without me, you would’ve lost a long time ago!”
She bared her teeth and growled.
“Without you, I wouldn’t have had to worry that every battle might be my last, just because you decided to ditch me in a flashy attempt at self-promotion! You weren’t heroic, you were reckless! And unpredictable!”
He opened his mouth to shout back, but the purple butterfly outline returned to his face and distracted him. When it disappeared, Cathexis simply huffed and crossed his arms.
“You’ll see it my way soon enough.”, he said and wrapped the chain around his wrist once more, to get a better grip. “Soon, you’ll see everything my way.”
The root of the chain began to fill with his cold white light and Ladybug started to panic. Her yo-yo was out of reach, no way to summon a Lucky Charm. She couldn’t move, the chain was too tight. Her toes slid over the floor without finding foothold and her arms were pressed to her sides uselessly as the light came closer and closer and-
Both she and Cathexis startled when a black-gloved hand grabbed the chain. Rust spread over the links, dissolving them and eating its way towards Cathexis’ wrist - towards his bracelet!
The akuma gasped and shook his hand, getting rid of the chain and detaching it from its armor just before it could infect his bracelet. It coiled in on itself as it disintegrated, setting her free. Immediately, she grabbed her weapon, jumped back and landed at a safe distance with her savior next to her.
“Thanks!”, she grinned at him as she checked out his new suit. Felix nodded stiffly. Doubtlessly wondering why Ladybug was here all of a sudden, and Marinette wasn’t. If he’d put one and one together, he didn’t say anything.
“You’re welcome.”, he replied and took out his batons. He kept them separated and crossed on his back, which wasn’t the only difference from his predecessor. His hair was longer, wilder, and his iris was more blueish than green. The bell was missing from his collar, and he had an additional, smaller belt on that was equipped with trackers and other gadgets. His tail was longer, but seemed to move on its own accord. And his boots made no sound when he changed his stance to face Cathexis, which might come in handy for stealth. Overall, his costume was less... shiny. Less reflective, more of a spandex-like fabric than leather.
“No...”, Cathexis whispered, eyes wide with horror. “No! NO! I’m Chat Noir, not you! You’re just a cheap replacement!”
Felix blinked in surprise - he hadn’t known Chat’s identity, she remembered - but recovered quickly.
“Actually,” the new black cat hummed. “I don’t think I’ll go by Chat Noir anyway. Too many bad connotations, thanks to you.”
He grinned and raised his chin.
“You can call me Chatvalier instead. Because unlike you” - he raised his baton - “I won’t run from a fight.”
Cathexis roared with wrath.
“This can’t be- You can’t be- GIVE ME THE RING!”
His voice was erratic and his expression completely unhinged when he charged at them, chains wildly striking through the air. Their movements were devoid of their previous elegance and precision, it was all instinct and anger and hurt.
“You can still back out, you know?”, she asked her newly dubbed Chatvalier. “It’s a heavy duty, and you’re not forced by any cosmic will or something. If you don’t want this, I can handle him by myself.”
Her partner looked at her with narrowed eyes, as if reminded of something. Then he smiled.
“I don’t doubt that.”
He readied his claws and gave her a look so soft she felt her heart flutter.
“But... it can be nice to know someone has your back.”
He smirked.
Oh yes, she did. When she faced Cathexis storming towards them, her smile was confident and unwavering. They were in this together.
Her yo-yo swung through the air and he laughed.
“Guess we’re about to find out.”
- - -
If you don’t know what to make of this last “have your back” exchange, you might want to take another look at chapter 4 (their first real conversation). I love giving phrases more meaning than they should have, because DRAMA!
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missvgj98 · 4 years ago
Peace: a shikatema fanfic
Chapter One: Shikamaru
Since I was a kid, I was never the type to engage that much. I wasn’t adventurous or outgoing. I kept to myself and wrote stories as I watched the clouds go by. People never interested me. I didn’t mind going to school and talking to no one or even minded being the last pick for a game of dodge ball. Honestly, I would rather sleep more than anything.
           It always worried my parents so, they pushed me to play with their friends’ kid who was the same age as me. I met Choji. He was a… plump guy. Very friendly and had a big heart for butterflies. He’d always chased after them in attempt to get a hold of one, but it never worked out. When he’d get sad, I’d always treat him to his favorite BBQ chips and share a few good laughs. We were fast friends and soon enough he introduced me to his other friends.
           Choji was one who would get picked on a lot because of his weight. So, that would make it hard for him to make friends, but over the years, He eventually did have the luck of meeting some that excepted him for who he was…. Not the best choice at first, but still it was something.
           Naruto and Kiba were the loudest trouble-makers you could ever meet. I seriously thought they were insane and had a peanuts for a brains. The only reason you would find me late after school was because I was suffering the consequences of tagging along with them. But I can’t lie… I did have some great times with them.
           As we approached middle school, we met Neji and Saskue. I was grateful for them because for the longest time I was the father of the group. Neji and Saskue knew how to keep Naruto, Kiba, and at times, Choji in line.
           Neji and Saskue were both very intelligent but at times Naruto could bring them down a notch. I think his stupidity is at times contagious. Saskue had more of an anger issue more than anyone. Neji seemed almost perfect but, push his buttons right and you’ll get something out of him. For the most part he’s a bit like a stone wall.
           We’re an unlikely group, but I’m really happy to do life with them at least. We’ve gone through thick and thin. School fights (guess the two who started those), many detentions, festivals, Kiba’s breakups, supporting each other in sports: Saskue and Neji in Jujitsu (hence how they met), Naruto in Baseball, Kiba plays on the soccer team, and Choji…. After weeks of pestering him- respectfully! We convinced him to try sumo. AND IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF HIS WEIGHT!
           “Choji we’re not saying to go for it because you’re f-…..fluffly- I was going to say fluffy.” Naruto reassured. “We all just thought that you would be a good fit and a great talent for this sport.”
           “The guy even said He’d put you on the team easy.” Kiba contributed.
“No, you guys just think I’m fat!” Choji pouted.
“No-“Neji tried to console him but Choji’s cries over powered him.
           “Look Choji,” I said. “We’re in high school now. And if we want to get into K.U., sports look good our applications. We think Sumo is good for you because you got the proper build for it and out of everyone in this room, you’re the one with the greatest brute strength.”
           “Yeah… and you’re one hell of a bulldozer.” Saskue is speaking from experience.
           We all laughed and Choji finally joined the High School Sumo team. He loves it cause after every match they go to his favorite BBQ spot.
           As my first year of High school progressed it was time for me to the choose something. Which was a surprise for everyone cause I barley even run. I’m the Lazy-ass of the group. You can find me in the dorm room sleeping at any given time. School is a bit of a breeze from me since knowledge is my trump card. I carry an IQ over 200+ and have been invited to get into prestigious academic programs but turned them down. It’d be too troublesome in my book. And I like where I’m at right now.
My favorite teacher and personal mentor Asuma-sensei convinced me over a game of Shoji to take on Boxing. He’s the coach for the team and throughout the years of knowing me, he clams I could make it. I looked at him as if he was mental. I mean- sure my dad showed me some stuff throughout the years to stand-up for myself but, boxing…for real. I don’t know about all that.
           An incident that happened our second year of middle school is something he likes to use as backup to prove his point, always comes to mind.
           We (meaning the gang and I) were on our way home, taking our usual route before we have to split up, walking and munching on some onigiri from our favorite “Go-go” mini mart. And as we were on our way some guys from school had caught up and cornered us in a back ally. We had no idea what was going on until one of the kids spoke up and said:
           “Naruto you bastard, you better take back what you said!”
“ME! What did I say?” we all looked at him with a fierce look.
           “Guys, I promise I didn’t do anything.” He told us.
“Look, if this only pertains to Naruto. We’ll gladly be on our way.”
           “NEJI!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Nah, I think we’re good with pumbling all you assholes to the ground.”
           They all began cracking their knuckles with sinister laughs as they began approaching closer to us.
           Saskue and Neji assumed fighting positions. Naruto slowly grabbed a stick on the ground. Kiba pulled out Akamaru out of his book bag. Choji began to brace himself as I stood behind them simply standing. You could say I’m the eyes of the group in case something goes south.
           “Thanks a lot Naruto.” Saskue whispered.
“If I miss my piano lesson, your explaining this to my dad.” Neji hissed.
           “I don’t even know what that hell this kid is angry about guys! I swear!” Naruto said.
           With a shout they charged. It was four kids against us five. For a moment it was fair fight because I was just standing watch. Neji dodged one kid’s punches and then swiftly gave him an uppercut. Saskue caught the others foot in mid kick and knocked him on his butt by kicking his foot out from underneath him. Kiba sent Akamaru to charge and keep his attacker at bay as he went in with a running start to RKO the kid. Choji simply belly bumped the kid who charged up against him. And Naruto was having a hard time with his opponent as they were duking it out through various punches. The leader was getting more punches in than Naruto, but Naruto still could take it as he finally got the winning shot and knocked the kid off his feet.
           “Lets Go! Quick!” Naruto shouted.
And we were off. We ran out of the alley and made a break for it. Choji was a little behind so, I slowed down to his tempo. He was heaving as he then suddenly realized. “I think I dropped my inhaler back there.”
“Are you serious?” I said. We came to a halt.
“Hey guys! Choji dropped his inhaler. I’m gonna go get it!”
           The guys came back towards us.
“Don’t you think they’re still there?” Kiba asked.
“Well, you want Choji to die? It’s okay Shikamaru. We’ll stay with Choji.” Neji said.
“And I don’t think they’re still there. I saw one of them leave after us in the other direction.” Saskue said.
           “Alright.” So, with that I left and went to retrieve Choji’s inhaler. As I got back to the alley, I found his inhaler on the ground and picked it up. As I was about to leave, I found the Leader still there. I guess his friends left him. He looked at me as he held his chin in pain.
“What the hell do you want?” he shouted. “Come back for more?”
I lift my hands up to show peace. “I don’t mean any trouble. I just came-“
           “I don’t want your apology!”
“I did-“
           “And who needs those looser friends anyway! I just called for real backup! My brother’s coming to kick your ass.”
And not a second later a shadow overcame me. I slowly turned around to see a boy who looked a couple years older than me, with slicked back silver hair, red eyes, towering over me. I saw that he had the high school uniform on.
           “Is this the little shrimpy kid who kicked your butt, Hido? Wow! I can’t believe it.” He laughed.
I got nervous. Maybe I should’ve got Neji or Saskue to come with me. Dammit! What the hell am I going to do?
           “Look here kid, my names Hidan.” He crotched down to my level. “I don’t really appreciate anyone messing with my family. So, I want you to pay very close attention-“
           My eyes shifted to where his hand was reaching for. He had a knife in his coat pocket.
The guy looked as if her was only a year or two older than me- what the hell was he doing with a knife?
           At the sight of it I panicked and without a thought I went into a stance and gave a right hook to the center of his face. He was caught off guard and started falling backward so, to help him out I finished him with an uppercut with my left and ran as fast as I could.
           I never found myself in that type of situation before. Only in hypotheticals with my dad and even then, I wasn’t putting out full blows. Just pretend with my dad.
I ran as fast as I could back to the guys, not giving a single glance back no matter how many voices I heard shouting after me. The guys came back to my line of vision and as they saw me approach their faces looked frightened. I was about to call out but, then a hand grabbed my arm.
           “Hey, slow down there kid!”
I looked to see Asuma-Sensei. Where the heck did he come from?
           “Asuma?” I said. “Wh-“
“If you’re gonna fight, don’t do it next to my store.”
           That was the day I found out that after school Asuma-sensei ran/owned a convenient store. He allowed me to return Choji’s inhaler to him but, I had to go back and explain to Asuma what happened. I was the only one caught so, Naruto said to not rat them out. But Neji dragged him to his house to explain to his dad why he missed his piano lessons.
           When I returned to Asuma, he explained to me that I broke the kids nose and badly bruised his jaw with my punches. He only knew the other guys side of the story so, it looked like I was the attacker.
           “He was about to pull a knife on me so, I panicked.” I simply explained.
           We made it back to the incident and the kid was getting treated by one of Asuma’s workers.
“Is that so?” Asuma said. “Hidan!”
           The silver headed boy looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You got a weapon on you boy?”
           His eye filled with panic for just a split second, but he kept his cool as he covered himself up.
“No sir.” He said. “Look, I told you, my little brother called me saying he and his friends were getting jumped. So, I ran over here to help him. I get here and that little shit was still on a rampage and out of nowhere attacked me!”
           ‘Rampage’ was not the word to describe me. Asuma knew that. So, in a single movement he got the knife out of his pocket.
“You bring weapons to school?” Asuma questioned him.
           Instead of Hidan expressing an emotion of guilt, he starred at me with what felt like a murderous intent. I looked away quickly and asked Asuma if I could leave. But he was already making a call to the school’s deputy. When deputy came, he questioned us again and it all ended with Hidan and his little brother being put in the back of the cop car with handcuffs. Turns out they both had a pilling record on their heads. Soon after the deputy left another cop car pulled in. It was Saskue’s dad. He offered me a ride home but before I left Asuma said:
           “And before I forget. Nice right hook.” He smiled and waved as we drove away.
           He saw the whole thing.
So, my first year of high school I took on Boxing per-Asuma-sensei’s request. And… I don’t hate it. It’s a good stress reliever.
           As the year went on it was just me and the guys as usual. Doing our thing. Until… Ino.
           Ino was a girl I saw almost every single day since elementary school. I knew our parents knew of each other but, she had so many friends Choji and I never really mingled with her. Whenever I saw her outside of school it was a single “Hi” and “Bye”. I’d be lucky if I got one in school though.
           But the point is that whenever I saw her I knew that I liked looking at her and my friends could obviously tell. For the longest time they urged me to go and really talk to her but, I never took the shot. I was okay with just looking at her.
           I didn’t know much about romance and never thought about it ever but, when I saw her I tried to imagine what it would be like. She seemed nice…. That all I could get from her. The guys didn’t know much about her either- only that she was best friends with Sakura…. Who had a huge crush on Saskue. Sakura was an acquaintance of ours and was relatively nice but, she refused to let us know anything about Ino. She said something about paying respect to some stupid girl code. And Saskue refused to put anything on the line if it meant talking Sakura.
           Sakura and Ino were- for the longest time- and still are part of the ”Popular”s. Top of the social ladder and they liked their place there. So, going out with a guy like me or Naruto or Kiba or Choji meant Social suicide. Saskue and Neji made the cut because apparently their good looking but, don’t care for social status or people so they gave them the middle finger.
           But one day, after Biology class, Ino came to me. I was quite surprised she even knew my name when she approached me.
“I need your help, Shika- Shikamaru? Right?”
           “Yea.” I said.
“I’m failing this class and if I don’t pass, the teacher is threatening me with summer school. I heard you’re the top of our class so, do you think you could help me?”
           She asked me in a pretty straight forward way. No hair flip or puppy-dog eyes. She just simply asked. I could see the desperation in her eyes so, I agreed.
           She had already set days that’s she had free so that we could be able to meet up and study. Afterwards I met up with the guys at lunch and they claimed it was fate…. Well, Naruto and Kiba. Choji was happy for me and gave me a pat on the back. But Neji and Saskue simply nodded and told me to be careful. To them they took my liking towards Ino as quite a surprise. They said they didn’t see me with a girl like her but, weren’t gonna put up a fight with my choice.
           As time progressed and I tutored her. The time came to the mid-quarterly exam. She passed with flying colors and Thanked me. Nothing happened over our study dates. It was strictly Biology. But, at the end I got the courage to ask her to the Winter Festival but, she turned me down.
           I didn’t know that it got to me until my boxing match came up. I was up against some guy from Sound High. He was pretty good and in the beginning of the match he was landing a lot of good hits on me. But when the second round came in, he gave a nice jab that woke me up real good. After that I just lost it. I didn’t give him enough time to block or recover and I won the match with a KO.
           The day after, Kiba told me that I was the “Talk of the Town” saying that everyone was talking about my match last night. And a couple days later Ino and I had plans for a date.
           Our relationship happened suddenly, and I quickly got blinded by her. I only saw her and nothing else. I could care less about the popularity and all the people she had around her. I just wanted to know what she was about, her likes, interests, things that made her happy, or sad. Everything.
           I wasn’t one to show PDA at school and I made if very clear to her. She respected my boundaries and I respected hers. The only perk to all this (to Naruto and Kiba) was that we got into all the parties now. Choji used this opportunity to become more of a social butterfly. So, it was kind of a win-win situation because Neji and Saskue would sometimes attend those parties which made Sakura and a bunch of other girls happy.            
           Very quickly we were no longer losers. All in the span of our first year in high school. Choji went with the flow. Kiba loved it. Naruto was through the roof. Saskue could care less but, I do see the way he looks at Sakura at times. And Neji… I’m surprised he’s even still around.
           The beginning of Ino and I’s relationship was great. I had no problem. I didn’t really know how to do all this so, I was just following after her lead while also getting tips from the guys…. Which helped… more or less. Until one day, I asked Asuma.
“What do you see in Ino, Shikamaru?” He asked. “Why did you choose her?”
           I thought for a minute. “Well, I never really thought of girls until I saw her. I saw her and I thought she was beautiful. She was the first girl I ever saw that made me…pause.”
He nodded and then asked. “How did you feel when you kissed her for the first time?”
           “Pretty good.” I said.
He nodded. “Honestly, Shikamaru. I’m not surprised by your answers…. But, If you want my opinion. I don’t think Ino is a nice a choice… for you.”
           I stayed quiet.
“She’s a nice girl. All around personality with a face to match it. But if she’s the one you like- I can’t really tell you how to live your life. But I will I give you this advice: When you know you’re with the right person, it all just comes naturally. Without a second thought.”
Thank you guys for being so patient! It was so hard to get this out on time with school getting in the way. I hope you like the first chapter. The second one will be out soon! Where you’ll see a little bit of Temari’s back story. And art too!
What do you think about ShikaIno? How did this chapter make you feel for the most part? I’d love feedback.
Chapter Two: Temari
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sugoi-writes · 5 years ago
ilomilo (Midoriya x Reader) Part 2/?
Aaaand it’s here! I’m still trying to ease things in, so that the fluff/romance doesn’t feel too rushed! Let me know what you guys think! And to all the sweet comments: Thank you! I felt really motivated to continue. There’s a lot of angst this chapter too, but next chapter will mostly be FLUFF. 
Summary: Your hospitalization is going shockingly well... so well, that any day you’ll be on your way to rehabilitation. You struggle to make sense of your current stance with Izuku, and your guilt... and before things could get anymore tense, you receive an unexpected visitor. (Word Count: <2k)
(Y/N)- your name
(Y/F)- your friend’s name, your pick!
TW: depression, anxiety, negative/intrusive thoughts, rehabilitation, hospitalization 
The couple of weeks spent at the hospital were mostly uneventful. However,  the staff especially Toga-san helped you in making the time pass a little easier. After so long, your rest had finally started paying off. When you manage to function properly on your own, bearing only the scars to tell your tale, Toga tells you that you would be transferred into rehabilitation soon.
During your recovery, under strict guidelines, your friend came to visit you. They were able to bring your things a little bit at a time, and couldn't help but fawn over you. They thanked you frequently for paying for their care and medication, as you would bashfully try to brush it off. You didn’t have the heart to admit that it wasn’t you, but Midoriya who had paid for everything. You knew damn well that if (Y/F) ever figured out the truth, they would stop at nothing to strangle him, as they “hated handouts”. With you, though, they felt that you were family, and were more susceptible to your kindness.
But as the days came and went, your friend was not able to visit as frequently. You two were able to call each other often, but you couldn’t help but develop a pit in your stomach, anxious and wishing to interact with someone. Any outside interaction during this period was enough to keep your head up, and keep you optimistic for the future.
However there was one thing that would always throw you for a loop, and left you feeling confused and lost; the flowers that Izuku left you. They came in small waves, not too frequently, but enough to where it was noticeable and impressionable on your emotions.
You were flipping through one of the books you read while in recovery, marvelling at the flowers you decided to press. It was a way to keep your hero closer to you, and to keep the memory of his kindness pristine. You had a small array, and you were sure that they all held some special meaning. You also feel your face flush as you pass a particular page, with one of your favorite flowers splayed out before you. He had loved to bring you this one in particular, but you weren’t even sure how he knew this was your favorite… He never so much as came to your room, preferring that a third party deliver them in his stead. On one hand, you’re trying to be considerate, especially taking his status in mind… But with the way he calmed you and held you that night, you wondered if he wanted to actually see you, or keep you in check.
You should be embarrassed as hell, knowing that the #1 hero was taking even THIS much time out of his day to remind you that he’s here for you. But, you couldn't lie to yourself. You craved more from him, and felt that familiar, fluttering feeling surge through your chest.
You remembered him from the good ole high school days, like it was yesterday. And, as thoughts of his young, longing eyes filled your head… you began to tremble. It was so long ago, and yet… here you were, remembering it so vividly…
Deku had been arguing with you, as you dashed to shake him off of your heels. He saw you with your things, shoved haphazardly in a suitcase as you tried sneaking out of the building undetected. It surely had to have been past midnight, the moon hanging over your heads as it casted long, ominous shadows on the pavement of UA.
“PLEASE, can you just stop following me!!!,” you hiss, as Deku presses forward, ignoring your demands.
“Why are you running from this??? I just want to know why my friend is dropping out! Am I not allowed to know why???” Deku pressed, making your brow knit from frustration. You whip around to face him, and the greenette stumbles to a stop, afraid that he would bulldoze right over you. Your fists were clenched, shaking as you threw down the handle to your large suitcase in frustration.
“You wouldn’t understand, and what I do with my life isn’t your business! You have no right to tell me why I shouldn’t leave!” you spat, as Deku recoiled from your shouting. Deku anxiously throws his hands up, defensively backing up. His voice was raising as much as it could, as he was still timid with confrontation.
“I’m not-- no, I didn’t mean that you can’t leave because I said so!!! I just want to know why you’re suddenly deciding to disappear, without a goodbye or an explanation!!!”
You watch as Deku extends his arm, reaching for you, before you shove him away. It didn’t take you long to rear back, yelling directly in his face,” I DON’T HAVE... TO JUSTIFY. WHY. I’M LEAVING. TO YOU!!! You’re so far up my ass, and I wish you would just trust me when I say that I don’t want to be here anymore!!! That all I want to do is quit before I get my hopes up!!!”
Deku is shaken by your outburst once more, recoiling. You turn away from him, hoping he can’t see your face flush a humiliating, dark scarlet,” I'm not made for this school, Im… not even made for this city, Deku. I’m a foreigner, an outcast… and… I’ve never been the one to excel at anything physically or academically. People like me…. Once we start falling behind, it's... nearly impossible to ever get back up. Do you understand what that feels like?”
You scoff before Deku can retort, huffing from the anger that’s rising in your chest,” Of course you don’t! You’re so special, and smart, and brave--!! You excel at heroics, academics-- and people like me can’t even make a decent mark on exams, experience growth, or even get close to anyone...!”
You grit your teeth as Deku remains silent, fighting the urge to say that you were close to him. You were close, right? After all, you shared so much of yourself with him in winding hallways and crowded common areas. Anyone would have thought so too. And somehow, he had no idea where this anxiety or lack of faith in yourself came from. You continue to rant passionately, your eyes fixated on the pavement and your suitcase.
”Everyone is rising up, getting better, stronger… especially you. There’s…. no way I can keep up as is….,” you forlorn, your hands switching between unwinding and clenching. Deku reaches out to you once more, disregarding how you shoved him before,” …(Y/N)... you can’t be serious, I… out of anyone, you should know that’s not true. You have friends and peers to lean on, and… I-I think you do pretty great when we’re testing, doing combat training… (Y/N), I came from nothing, and I know you did too. I know that it takes so much out of you to be the best, and that you can break at any moment from the pressure… But the payoff is way too good to give up! I know you secretly feel that way too!” His voice quivers as you try to dismiss his kind words, slamming your eyes shut in disdain and protest.
“Please, just… come back inside… Tomorrow, first thing, we can make a change. Let’s make you a counselor’s appointment! Maybe even try changing your course! You can go at your own pace, and you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else, especially me. You don’t even have to be in the heroics course to--”
You harshly slap his hand away,” Don’t you get it?!” you snap, venom dripping from your words. You thought that Izuku, out of everyone you knew, would understand where you were coming from: why you wanted to be a hero. But this was like talking to a brick wall.
“I’M-- I’m… done, ‘Zuzu… This is the end of the line for me. I know that with this… this stupid, non combatant quirk… and my lack of strength, agility, or even mental capacity... *sigh* I know that they’re going to hold me back, indefinitely. I’ve stagnated, and I’m not able to make any progress past where I am now... Whatever peak I had, in general… that’s… all gone now. I can feel my chances slipping, and I just… I just can’t sit here and take the failure. And I can’t breathe while the walls are closing in on me. I don’t want to lose… I don’t want to give up… but it’s easier than living in misery because I’ll never be good enough…”
Deku feels his heart sink as he hears you sniffling, holding back the flood gates as you hastily wipe away fresh, hot tears. He had no idea that this was how you felt, and that your mental health was so skewed against yourself.
“ All I have left is… my friend, back home… (Y/F). I have no hobbies that are worthwhile… I can’t contribute to society, and I can’t make a good name for myself. The only thing that can keep me here is them, and…” You swallow a hard lump that formed in your throat, remembering how your friend had started showing signs of being ill,”...and they have no reason to keep lying to me. I have no reason to lie to myself, just to keep falling flat on my face. If I’m getting anywhere in life… it starts… by figuring it out on my own.”
You hastily grab your luggage, walking away briskly. You were dropping out, and there was no stopping you.
“ (Y/N)! I… I can’t pretend that I completely understand your reasoning, and that I support you leaving UA behind!” Deku blurts, following behind you swiftly.
“But I can say that I have felt the way you feel right now… Maybe we aren’t… exactly in the same position… but I was hopeless before I pursued my dream and made it into UA. A campus like this... It’s-- so full of opportunity. You can thrive here, get second chances, and chart a future that you want for yourself and the people you care about.  Please… we can talk about this. I… I don’t want to patronize you, but… I… I don’t think you should give up your whole school career, your future... over setbacks, no matter how big or small.”
Your steps start to slow down, and you let Deku catch up to you, still headed towards the front gate. Deku thinks he’s getting through to you, and continues rambling,” I know you’ve been disappointed, and you haven’t made as much progress as you’ve wanted… but there’s so much time left! So much time to learn and grow. There’s room to change and switch around things! UA isn’t always for everyone, but… I really think you belong here! Out of so many people I’ve met here, you have one of the purest mindsets on being a hero, and how much it means to you!”
You tense up, pausing as Deku talks directly to you,” I’m… so sorry that I just now realized how badly you were hurting, and your struggle to be better. I wish… I wish I could have figured out, and found a way to help you more, before you… felt this awful about yourself… But you have people here that want to see you make it! Everyone is rooting for you! You… you have me...r-rooting for you.”
You felt your chest clench as he continues, your cheeks continuing to glow a deep red. He was too kind… he had too much faith in you. He has no idea… how long you’ve wanted to leave UA behind.
“ And if it meant you staying, and chasing the dream you wanted-- what you told me you wanted-- then I’d do what I could to show you that you are so much more than your grades, your performances, and your Quirk!” Deku practically shouts, his fists clenched as he looks to you firmly, with unshakeable hope.
Your eyes threaten to release new tears, but you bite your lip to distract yourself. You have to suppress the urge to yell at him again, or embrace him. You feel Deku placing a hand on your back, trying to offer you a smile,” ...there’s so much left that you haven’t even tried or experienced yet… you have strengths that are different than anyone else’s… I know that... YOU know that. So let the school, and your friends... help you find where your talents are. L-Let… let me help you, a-and I’m sure, somehow--”
You suddenly jab him with your elbow, shoving him off and away from you. Deku recoils, seemingly hurt physically and emotionally. You couldn’t bear to glance behind you and witness the sorrowful, pained expression in his eyes.
“ I...I already made up my mind, d--... don’t you dare patronize me. I don’t-- I never ASKED for your help.” You reach down to pick up your luggage, making a beeline for the school gates,” Goodbye, Zu--...Midoriya-kun... I’m sorry, but I can’t look back. I’m taking the first train home,” you spat quietly, continuing to walk away.
Deku, still recoiling from the jab in his ribs, can’t help but reach for you again. You hear a quiet, heavy-hearted waver in his voice as he calls for you. It took you mere moments to scramble past the barrier/front entrance of the school. This was planned for weeks, Deku realized, and you knew just exactly how to weasel your way past the security measures. The only thing that held you back was the right time to slip away.
If you dared to look, you would have seen nothing but tears, as Deku watched you briskly disappear into the night.
You are reeling from your dissociative state, feeling guilty that that was how you repaid him for trying to help you. Look at you now, breaking the law… and he still came for you, a criminal who critically hurt several people. He saved you, and paid for everything, despite you ghosting him and your dreams completely.
Your spiral into negativity is cut short by an intruder, Toga’s voice ringing in your ear,” Dinner’s here~”
You barely move a muscle as Himiko rolls a cart your way, bringing you a fresh, hot meal. She smiles warmly as she sets everything on your lap, propping your head up with another pillow.
“I figured I should tell you the good news~ You’ll need to eat and get to bed early, because you’re rolling out tomorrow!” Toga blurts, clapping her hands together excitedly. You blink for a moment, distracted from your intrusive thoughts,” I...thought that soon would mean like… next week?” you say, puzzled. However, Toga just smiles and shakes her head.
“Because you turned around so quickly: the doctor already went through your files and gave you the stamp of approval to be discharged! Maybe it’s a little sudden, but really, you’re going to LOVE the facility! I can’t be happier for y--”
Toga trails off mid sentence, noticing your head hanging low, a look of regret and guilt swimming in your eyes. She frowns slightly, tilting her head,” I… I know it’s a bit rushed, and still very nerve-racking, but… I can promise you that the people there, the people you’ll talk to and bond with… are actually wonderful. It’ll be so much better for you than being cooped up in bed,” she offers gently. You shake your head, smiling sadly.
“I uhh- no, it’s great! It means I can get back on my feet and home sooner, but… I just wish (Y/F) could have visited again. Or…,” you gulp, not wanting to admit that you wished you could see Deku, and thank him for everything. Toga senses what you’re trying to keep to yourself, smiling sadly,” Ohh, you’re thinking of the flower guy, huh? Your benefactor?”
Your nose scrunches up at the odd description. He was more than that to you, wasn’t he? He wasn’t some distant acquaintance, just a good-ole-hero doing heroic things… No…  no, he had to have meant more, and you meant a lot to him… right? But why do you care, and why were you so suddenly enamored with him again?!
Himiko hums in acknowledgement, shifting her weight to her other hip,” I’ll tell you what. If you eat your entire dinner, I can try and call (Y/F)-san and see if they can make it before visitation hours end. And… while I haven’t really seen Flower Man’s face, I can try and ask the front desk for a name. Surely he had to sign in so he could drop those flowers off for you.”
Your shoulders relax, your eyes brightening at the kind offer,” Yeah… actually, that would be really nice. Even just calling them, or… trying to call… h-him… would be nice,” you admit softly, causing Toga to beam down to you.
Toga chuckles, mocking a small salute to you,” Say no more~ I’ll let you eat, and I’ll go ahead and see what I can dig up in the meantime!” Toga chimes, causing you to chuckle and smile crookedly at her. For a nurse, who had to deal with patients and illness day to day… she still had an almost childish, bubbly quality to her. Like she was unphased by her difficult job.
“Th-Thanks, Toga-san. I really appreciate what you do for me,” you remark, making Toga flush ever so slightly. She nods to you, pulling the cart backwards and swiveling it towards the door, with the intent to leave.
“Awww, so sweet~ Well, I know you’ve been lonely lately, so any way I can help a patient is a-okay in my book--” Himiko panics and brings her cart to a screeching halt, having almost hit a nurse who was standing in the doorway. The nurse clears his throat, eyeing Toga with a hint of annoyance,” Toga-san, try to be more careful, will you? …*ahem* Now, (Y/N)-san. You have an unexpected visitor. They didn’t book their visitation in advance, so I’m sure you know that this is usually not allowed. However, they said that they wanted to see you before you were transferred. The visit will be granted, with your consent.”
You blink in confusion, raising a brow. You couldn’t help the small smile that bubbled to the surface” A… visitor? Ahh, yeah, that’s no problem. I really appreciate it sir, you can tell them that--”
You halt mid sentence as a man walks up to join the male nurse, wearing baggy, black athletic gear with green accents. He’s also sporting large red sneakers, and a matching baseball cap. He takes a moment to remove a pair of sunglasses off of his face, revealing rich, forest green eyes and freckled, flushed cheeks. He pulls a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back, looking at you sweetly. Your favorite flowers stared back at you as your jaw fell open, shocked. The male nurse seems unphased by the fact that he was standing next to Deku.
“S-Sorry for the late notice… may I come in?,” Izuku asks you, his voice smooth, and a little deeper than you had expected it to be.
You and Toga share looks of disbelief. Neither of you expected anyone, especially THIS MAN, right now. Toga’s face instantly becomes a dusty rose, as she backs away from the doorway, unobstructing Deku’s path. Deku gives her a courteous wave, making Toga’s shoulders relax oh-so slightly.
The two nurses look directly to you, waiting for your response as Deku wears a cavity-inducing smile. You can’t help but choke on your own words, as if gasping for air,” N-No! I mean-- no, I don’t mind if you do…! You can-- yeah, you can come in!” you practically squawk, ashamed that you had that much difficulty speaking.
Toga and the other nurse watch as Midoriya Izuku walks in shortly after, pardoning himself to get past the nurses. He nods to you, setting the flowers on your bedpost, before sitting in the guest chair beside your bed. You feel dizzy as you fixate on Deku in pure disbelief. Meanwhile, he cocks his head toward the male nurse,” Thank you for allowing this. I really appreciate it.”
The male nurse nods gingerly to Deku, before he clears his throat again. Himiko jumps, understanding the signal to give you two some space. She shakes her head, pulling off a strained, surprised smile,” U-Uhh, right! You have about 20 minutes, before I have to escort you back up front. I’ll be back to check on you and take your tray, (Y/N)-chan,” Toga sputters, before following the male nurse with her cart.
Before the door can properly shut, a door stop is wedged into place, keeping it ajar. But right now, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Deku. Your face was heating up substantially as you struggled to comprehend how and why Midoriya was here. You swallow nervously, a singular thought crossing your mind: and then.... there were two.
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avidbeader · 8 years ago
Voltron fanfic: “Scattered” Chapter 12
Season 2 AU. No ships, K+ to T rating. Begin at the beginning here.
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Darzi bit back a scream as those shimmering eyes focused on him. A deep, growling voice issued from Kogane’s lips and yet echoed all around them. “Treachery! Deceit! You are not worth our efforts!” The foundations of the building shook with an impossibly loud lion’s roar.
Blackwell yanked the syringe out of its line and backed away.
“You demand answers to foolish questions and yet do not listen to my Paladin! Why should we help you? Why?”
The shaking grew worse as another roar sounded even louder. The distant sounds of panic among the Garrison woke Darzi from his fear-induced stupor. “That ship! Something about that ship is connected to him!”
The shaking was reaching earthquake levels, sending carts rolling. In a near panic, the medtech seized the sedative and ripped the cap off, driving the needle into the boy’s neck and pressing the plunger.
<> <> <> <> <>
Red! What are you doing?
It wasn’t like before. Before, Keith had been able to float and drift in the Lion’s aura, secure in the knowledge that he was safe here.
Now, the red-gold around him roiled and surged. He had to actively try to stay in one place, like swimming against a tide, even though he was essentially without form.
Red! Please!
I will protect you against these beasts!
And then he was pulled along with her, back into his body. He opened his eyes and felt her presence deep inside him. His vision was strange; he saw the two men in front of him, layered with inner glows. The stranger, yet another medtech with a terrified expression, was a sickly blue-gray. It gave Keith the impression of a toady, a craven follower.
Darzi’s glow was an oily brown, poisonous and repulsive.
What he could see of his own body shone white with blue and green tints. It reminded him of the glows that Allura had produced when she restored the Balmera.
Red was speaking through him, screaming her fury at his captors. He could feel the trembling of the earth. Something shifted and now he was seeing through her eyes as well. She had dropped the force field and risen to her feet, roaring and causing panic among the people around her. She opened her jaws and prepared to send fire among them.
He leaned into their connection and pulled with everything he had. The Lion’s head jerked up and the flames went skyward.
Paladin! They hold you, hurt you, defile your very being! You would be dead if not for the effects of the Quintessence you absorbed!
It’s not all of them! Not those people outside! It’s just the ones who follow Darzi. Please, Red! If they try hard enough, they could destroy you! I can’t lose you!
That made her pause and consider. Carelessly she brought back the force field, easily blocking the barrage of bullets and shells as the Garrison soldiers began firing back at her. She circled inside it, slowly and deliberately calming herself.
Suddenly his being was on fire. His vision snapped back to his own body and he felt the stab of a needle in his neck. His awareness seemed to be swallowed by impenetrable darkness.
RED! Where are you?
<> <> <> <> <>
While most of the personnel either ran outside to witness the lion ship moving and attacking or sought to get the students indoors to safety, Iverson led a dozen guardsmen into the medwing.
Someone he didn’t know, a captain with a nametag reading ‘Baker’, tried to stop them. “No admittance.”
“The hell with that! This is my school!” Two of the guards shoved the captain aside and the rest of them charged down the hall. Iverson turned a corner just in time to see Darzi and a medtech backing out of the room where young Kogane was being held. With a furious roar, Iverson charged forward and threw a punch at Darzi’s face. Darzi went down, clutching his nose as it began to bleed profusely.
“What did you do? You were ordered to stay away from him!”
The medtech swallowed hard, backing away from Darzi. “Two doses of adrenaline. One and one half doses of amotrazephine. Three doses of pentobexital.”
Iverson whirled and pointed at the nearest guard. “You! Get General Benítez and the highest-ranking doctor available now!”
<> <> <> <> <>
After Coran’s assurances that Pidge would only need an hour or so in a cryo-pod for a banged head, Lance convinced the Holts to help with preparations for the off-loading of the former slaves. Allura returned with the Arusian King and Klaizap and led a large group of people to a room Lance had never seen, with a large oval table and comfy chairs.
And for the first time, Lance saw Allura fully in her element as a princess. She introduced to each group in turn: the Arusians, the former slaves represented by Dr. Holt and Thel-myr of the Jocrai, and the Metreans represented by a pair of very large spidery beings called Luvixx and Xivay.
Lance was careful to sit as far away from them as possible.
Shiro and Hunk were there as well, but it was Allura who listened carefully to each group’s opening thoughts, asked the right questions to clarify what was a true need and what was simply a concern, and began negotiating the best possible locations for the former slaves and the Metreans. Lance knew she wanted to simply toss it all in their laps and take off for Earth, but she lived up to her responsibilities.
Things had progressed well enough that when Pidge and Matt poked their heads in Dr. Holt excused himself. He assured Thel-myr that he would send in Kltpzyxm to assist. Hunk also left, claiming a need to see to his Lion.
Once the door closed behind them, Hunk pulled Pidge into a bear hug. “I am so glad to see you! Are you sure you spent enough time in the cryo-pod? Is Green okay?”
Pidge returned the hug happily. “Yes, and yes.”
“Great! Come meet Varixian! He’s one of the Metrean techies – you’ll love him!”
Pidge’s eyes shone at the thought of yet more tech from a new civilization and she grabbed Matt’s hand. “What are we waiting for?”
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The doctor straightened, lifting his stethoscope from the young man’s chest and looping it around his own neck. He took one more look at the monitors, giving slow beeps and showing a very shallow undulating wave.
General Benítez lost her grip on her patience. “Well?”
“I’m sorry, General. It looks like the drug combination has sent him into a coma. There’s barely any brain activity at the moment.”
Iverson swallowed hard. “Is there any chance of recovery?”
“There’s no way to tell. It’s possible that letting the drugs work their way out of his system will be enough. Or it’s possible that this is permanent. Either way, I recommend moving him to the medical facility at Roswell. We can arrange the transfer for tomorrow.”
He led Benítez out. Iverson stood next to the gurney holding his former cadet and lowered his head, letting the guilt wash over him. If he’d tried harder to lead Kogane, channel his fury over Shironage’s disappearance in a positive direction—and Katie Holt’s, for that matter—he might have helped create the most talented pilot of his generation. If he’d fought harder when Darzi bulldozed in and claimed jurisdiction… If he had just gone to Benítez openly instead of trying to gather evidence through Perkins…
Instead they now had to wait and see if the boy was even going to wake up, much less fly again.
Iverson clutched Keith’s shoulder for a moment, then followed the others out, wiping at his eyes.
<> <> <> <> <>
Pidge’s eyes were aglow and she and Matt dug through Varixian’s kit. He explained each of the tools as they pulled them out and demonstrated when asked. Matt reached into a large bag and pulled out an object that looked for all the world like an early-generation cell phone. It even had a case with a loop for wearing on a belt.
“What’s this thing?”
Varixian looked and nodded. “That is a prey-stalker. It is a camouflage tool for hunters. Hunk had the brilliant idea of linking them into a net that was big enough to hide our entire camp.”
“Yeah, but then one shorted out.”
“That wasn’t your fault, Hunk. It was still a brilliant idea.”
Matt found a switch and thumbed it. To the others’ eyes, he vanished.
“Whoa!” Pidge nearly danced in glee.
“Did it work?” Matt’s voice came out of thin air, then Pidge realized she could see movement, as if the wall behind him was alive and shifting.
“That is so cool! I wonder if I can adapt something like this to use in our armor? Or even better, make it hide noise and movement as well as sight?”
“Oh yeah, and while you do that, could you please add the cloaking tech to the Yellow Lion? I really could have used it a couple of times.”
She nodded. “Sure thing. But these first! Matt, help me!”
They dug into the bag for more of them.
<> <> <> <> <>
Benítez watched from a window as that red lion ship paced inside its barrier. Nothing they had to hand had penetrated. Bullets and shells were useless. They had risked one small-load missile, only to have it bounce off the barrier and explode far too near the Garrison. Since then it had been stalemate. They could not damage it without trying a dangerous amount of firepower, but it had not repeated its terrifying warning shot of flames.
She scrubbed at her face and went to gather her computer and papers. She was leaving for Roswell in a few minutes to make absolutely sure that Kogane’s arrival would be expected and include top-of-the-line medical support. An Earthforce regiment would stay to support the Garrison.
She made a mental note to follow up with Iverson tomorrow about who else might have been part of Darzi’s final attempt. The medtech would not have had enough access to switch the schedules and put himself there alone. In the meantime, Iverson had his most trusted guardsmen on rotation to guard Kogane while the medical staff from the Garrison monitored him. No one else from Earthforce was getting near that boy except herself.
<> <> <> <> <>
Darkness. He was alone in the darkness. For an agonizing and unknown length of time he drifted in total blackness.
This wouldn’t have been so hard to take even two months ago. Two months ago it was him, alone in the desert, continuing to explore the caves and record more of the lion carvings. Two months ago he could go for weeks without seeing another human being, depending on whether he felt the need to make a run into town for perishables to supplement his supply of canned goods.
Two months ago, the only things that kept him from falling into suicidal thoughts were the approaching Day of Arrival as predicted by the prehistoric stories and long runs on his hover-bike.
Now, he had gotten Shiro back. He had somehow become part of a team, a team doing vital work. He had a soul-deep bond with a sentience that promised to always be there for him.
Now, the darkness was almost unbearable.
He began pushing, trying to move his awareness around. He looked for something, anything, that might give him direction.
Red, you promised! Where are you?
The shimmer, when it happened, was so brief that he thought he had imagined it. But he watched, concentrating on where he thought he had seen it.
And it happened again. A tiny streak of red light, zipping from him into the distance.
He followed, focusing on the direction it led. The streaks began to increase in frequency until they were almost a pulse. Keith reached with every fiber of his essence…
And the pulses coalesced into a gossamer-thin thread. He reached again, pouring all the strength he could muster into that thread…
He could hear her! The thread shimmered again and seemed to gain substance.
Red! Red, I’m here!
Inch by inch, he followed the line as it solidified and strengthened.
<> <> <> <> <>
By the time the negotiations were done, Allura was ready to collapse.
But she had succeeded. The Arusians had specified the amount of territory that they wished to keep as their own. The former slaves were going to use the supplies taken from their prison to begin constructing a settlement in a valley that bordered the Arusians’ chosen area. The Metreans were going to claim an area about two days’ ride away by speeder. It consisted of plains similar to their previous colony, next to the shores of a large lake.
As the last of the supplies were offloaded, Allura gave distress beacons to the Metreans and the former slaves. “I dearly hope these will never be used. We will return here as soon as we have gotten our Red Paladin back, start helping those who can to return home, and coordinate the search for more Metreans. We will also use the information that our Green Paladin has gathered to find more slave camps and free those prisoners.”
Luvixx interlocked fingers from all his hands in a complicated salute. Thel-myr put one fist to the opposite shoulder and replied, “May the winds blow at your back, Princess.”
She bowed and stepped onto the hovercraft, rising to board the Castle-ship. She strode briskly to the bridge and found everyone there. Shiro, Lance, and Coran were at their stations. Doctor Holt was staying to the side, out of the way. Pidge, Hunk, and Matt were huddled near Pidge’s station, tinkering with some contraption they had picked up from the Metreans and…Pidge’s Paladin armor?
“What are you doing?”
They looked up and Pidge launched into an explanation. “We want to be prepared in case we end up having to rescue Keith. Hunk and I were able to increase the capability of these camo units to hide us from sight and sound in case we need to sneak in somewhere. Matt wanted to know how powerful our jetpacks are, and I explained that they were meant for space maneuvers, not flight. He’s boosting their power so we’ll be able to actually fly in our gravity and atmosphere if we need to.”
“Excellent work, all of you! I do hope it’s simply a matter of letting Keith know when we arrive, but it does no harm to be prepared.”
“Um, Allura?”
She turned, frowning at the very hesitant tone in Lance’s voice. “Yes?”
“I know we need to get back here and help and all, but I…I wanted to know…can we see our families?”
Allura’s mouth fell open at that. How could she have forgotten?
“Of course, Lance! We’ll find a way for all of you to communicate with your families! There’s no question of that!”
He gave her a shaky smile before focusing on his control panel. She took her place and rested her hands on the steering poles. “All right, Coran. Enter the coordinates for System Sol.” She traded a grin with Pidge, who had suggested the name.
“As you command, Princess.”
<> <> <> <> <>
The Castle-ship emerged from its wormhole on the far side of Jupiter. From there, Allura was easily able to feel the Red Lion’s presence and initiated a second wormhole.
They emerged in a bright blue sky. They were well inside Earth’s atmosphere, approaching a large installation, and the four Paladins recognized the Garrison. Coran looked up from his monitor. “There’s the Red Lion! It looks like they’ve surrounded it, but it’s inside its force field!”
 “Good,” Allura replied. “Now all we need is Keith. Surely we can hail him at this range.”
 “I don’t see any evidence of damage on the outside, but it’s possible internal systems are still repairing themselves,” Shiro offered. “Zarkon gave the Red Lion quite a beating.”
 She opened the link to Keith’s communicator. “Keith, it’s Allura. We made it. Where are you?”
 They heard a startled voice and a clang of something falling. “Who is that?” An unfamiliar voice responded, sounding quite surprised.
 “What?” As she paused, completely thrown, the Paladins seemed to react as lights began flashing on the buildings and people started running everywhere.
 Shiro stepped forward. “Princess, the garrison is going into lockdown. We have to assume they’ve got Keith somewhere inside.”
 She nodded and adjusted the controls so that her voice would carry on a wide spread of communication frequencies. “I am Princess Allura of the planet Altea. I am here to reclaim my Paladin and his ship, the Red Lion.” She paused and put some extra steel in her voice. “Where is he?”
 Inside its shield, the Red Lion lifted its head and roared. Allura gasped, staggering as the Lion communicated directly to her in a cascade of images. The fact that the Lion was able to do this was quickly forgotten as she processed the information and exploded in anger.
 “You imprisoned him? You drugged him? How dare you! Release him at once or face the consequences!”
 “Cadet Kogane is a member of our forces, one who disappeared in suspicious circumstances. His actions suggest treason against Earth. We need answers!” The voice was bombastic but Allura could hear the high tones of fright in it.
 Lance shouted, “He’s not a cadet, he’s a civilian! You kicked him out for being a discipline problem! That’s how I ended up fighter class!”
 “You heard my Blue Paladin. You have no authority to detain a member of the Voltron team. Release him and send him to his ship, now!”
 “Wait a minute,” a new voice broke in. “Is that Cadet McClain?”
 Allura frowned, seeing Lance, Pidge, and Hunk all freeze in place. “Identify yourself.”
 “I’m Commander Iverson. I’m the one who convinced Keith to come out and talk to us. Then Earthforce chose to double-cross me and took him. He’s being held in the medwing, section L5, under heavy guard. They’ve begun the process of transferring him to another facility.”
 “Iverson, I’ll see you court-martialed for this!”
 “The hell you will, Baker! You were one of Darzi’s people, weren’t you? He’s not here now to back you up!”
 “Enough!” Allura snapped. “For the final time, release my Red Paladin and allow him to return to his ship!”
 Baker snapped back, “Negative. You have no rights to an Earth civilian.”
 Deliberately leaving the link open, Allura looked at Shiro. “Paladins, retrieve your missing comrade. Try not to hurt too many of them in the process.”
 She broke the connection, taking a very un-regal satisfaction at the sudden squawk of panic on the other end.
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