#i figure erasermic would've already hit up shinsous social worker
goldandlights · 3 years
(Hello, Dadzawa & Shinson is now my life and I need to write some of this shit down before I combust)
Shinsou gets injured during training with Aizawa.
It's not super bad, just a black eye that looks way worse than it feels, yet after all the lectures Aizawa gave him on not training when you're injured or sick, Shinsou fully expects their next session to be postponed.
It's not.
He gets a text telling him they'll meet up at the same time as always, but to arrive in his normal clothes & ID since they'll be "relocating" the training to somewhere else.
Which is kinda odd? They've never left school grounds for training before. Shinsou does not dwell on it tho 'cause he's more concerned about the fact that sparring will be hell if he can only see out of one eye and every movement makes his face throb with pain.
Maybe it's gonna be a lesson about fighting while handicapped?
The thought doesn't sit quite right with him but he's not going to question his sensei. He can push through a little discomfort if it brings him closer to his goal and makes Aizawa proud.
Aizawa's actual plan?
Taking the kid out for a meal.
He'd wanted to do that for a while anyway, ever since he noted some concerning patterns in Shinsou's behaviour. The more time they spent together, the more the teen let his guard down and the more cracks appeared in his standoffish facade. Cracks forming an unfortunately familiar pattern which Aizawa had witnessed in a couple of students before (including a certain bi-colored problem child currently in his 1A class).
Maybe a change of scenery would allow for some gentle probing about Shinsou's home life.
It was just his job, right?
If anyone (besides Hizashi) asked, he'd deny the guilt coiling in his stomach, spurring his decision. Though it was not desireable, students got hurt during training and since it had been a honest accident, with noone at fault, there was no logical reason to feel so upset over it.
But feel he did, unfortunately very strongly, when the rock shot out from under the training robots wheels and smacked Shinsou straight in the face.
It hit his cheekbone, not the eyesocket or the side of his head, which was lucky, but Aizawa's heart still clenched at hearing the youths quiet whimpers as he pressed an ice pack to his eye.
It just seemed right to treat him to something nice after that, not coddling at all. No. He's not in the process of developing a truly massive soft spot for the kid. Nope-
(Sue me but I'm 100% gone for Aizawa (or Erasermic) kidnapping an unsuspecting Shinsou for a nice meal. It's the most basic parental instinct, right? Providing food? And ngl I'm firmly subscribed to the hc that Shinsou's foster home is neglectful af, at least towards him.
His foster parents don't give a shit about his training (they don't believe he can make it) and refuse to give him bigger portions at mealtimes. Thus, Shinsou has to use up almost all of his allowance for food, which leaves very little for other necessities like school supplies and clothing.
The only time he ever goes out to eat in restaurants is... never, actually. He'd always prepared his own meals for school trips and has no friend group who'd invite him along.
So I figure Aizawa sitting him down in a random ramen shop and telling him to order whatever he wants is sufficient to throw him entirely off his game.
Shame burns in his belly, up his throat, when he has to tell Aizawa that he can't, that he's flat-out broke and couldn't even afford an appetizer without having to go hungry some other day. Not that he actually says all that. Aizawa can read the sentiment from his pale, panicked face.
Shinsou watches the realization flit over his sensei's face and has to turn away lest he start crying (or throwing up or both).
"I said it's my treat, didn't I?" Aizawa's gruff voice breaks through his spiraling thoughts, "So pick. And try the gyoza, they're really good."
In the end, Aizawa doesn't let him get away with anything less than a full three-part meal, including the option for extra veggies in his soup, and once the food arrives Shinsou yields to his rumbling stomach, digging in with great enthusiasm.
They don't talk much afterall. (Though Shouta supposes Shinsou's initial distress has already said plenty.)
The kid eats like he's never had anything this good before and though he winces every time the movement of his mouth pulls at the injured skin around his eye, he finishes in record time, not letting anything go to waste.
The teen is flushed and happy, a dopey, lopside smile on his face Shouta has not seen before and he mentally sighs at the answering warmth filling his own chest. It's always nice to do something good for his students but this kid hits different.
'Zashi was right. Of course he was. He's gonna be insufferable for days.
In the time it takes Shota to finish his own dessert, Shinsou's eyes go from glittering excitement to droopy to half-closed. Aizawa grins openly.
Food coma.
As he signals the waiter for the bill, Shouta does not think about what he learned tonight. The teens initial distress. The shocked wonder battling suspicion when he realized Aizawa was serious about paying for his meal. Shouta hadn't wanted to kick the kid when he was down by asking him if he'd never been in a damn restaurant before. No, Shouta does not allow himself to think about these things now because he'll have plenty of time to gnaw on them at home.
Where Hizashi is likely already waiting to hear how it went. It's more productive to worry together rather than alone.
For now, Shouta has to maneuver a half-asleep teen safely out of the door (without leaving any of their things behind) and into his car. He does not ask the address of Shinsou's foster home.
He's read the childs file enough to know it by heart.
"Hey, kid."
"You like cats, right?"
"Wuh- yes? But I never like, had one. None... nowhere I lived had any pets."
"Hm. You ever been to a cat cafe before?"
"No. I didn't even know there was one..."
"There is. Wanna go?"
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