#i feel like theres something i phrased terribly in this post though i can pinpoint what
(For the ask game) thoughts on Vance/Gord?
oh boy. oooh boy. you got me there.
know that i have left this ask in the drafts not only because... school. but also because i've been thinking hard about which set of questions i should answer.
the thing is that really. i love to see them as... kind of casual? like, meeting from time to time, spending some time together, then parting their ways, with no strings tied or anything. in this sense, i do ship them, as a matter of fact. but also, as i said, i really cannot see them in a committed relationship. and if i do, it's really not something i would write about myself. reading about them? sure, bring 'em on!! i read quite a few vance/gord fics, and enjoyed them a lot. but, writing about them myself? not my thing, really.
why don’t you ship it?
the thing about them is... i can't see them committing to the relationship. i see them both as too terrified to be vulnerable in a relationship not really willing to tie strings in general, kind of going from one partner to another for the fun of it rather than looking for the everlasting, romantic and life-changing love story, especially in this phase of their lives. and since they both share this idea- they really are each other's favorite person, in this sense. (also there's something about them that feels a lot like a cliché that irks my personal taste smh imo, but i guess being the local tad/peanut fan doesn't really put me in a position to say that, lol)
2. what would have made you like it?
this question is especially odd for me, because the answer is just... if they were different people? i feel like both of them- in order to actually find themselves willing to commit to a relationship, they would need to find someone who really wants that, someone whom they fall so hard for that they somehow question what they want right now. but with each other they can just take it lightly, as it is, and that's okay.
3. despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
oh, totally!! as i said, they're personally compatible for certain. there is a nice chemistry between them, and really if they felt like going somewhere, hanging out with someone- it would totally be each other. also there again, there are a ton of terrifically talented creators in this fandom and they're made so many amazing fanworks about them, which i enjoy a lot!!
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