#i feel like she’s gonna get the brie larson treatment for being in a movie made by disney that’s not very good
vampirebeyotch · 1 year
seeing the internet fucking hate rachel ziegler for literally just talking about a movie she’s in is so fucking annoying
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kelvintimeline · 3 years
youtube(.)com/watch?v=LAOrbgRHsgo what do you think about this take? it's about marvel and military propaganda
I mean as a white person it’s really not my place to call her wrong to think people are using criticisms of Marvel’s depiction of the military to distract from it tackling issues like race. And I certainly do think that that could be the case with a lot of people.
I will clarify that when I do criticize FATWS for being military propaganda, I’m not saying anyone who still enjoys it is stupid (considering... I also still enjoy it, just critically) or that like... it can’t also have poignant themes. And I’m not a far right asshole, lol. Just speaking for myself personally. I am capable of criticizing the show for being military propaganda while still acknowledging other themes are happening.
But if she feels people are using those criticisms to silence the other themes in teh show... I’m not gonna tell her she’s wrong. That’s not my place.
I can just say that the specific military propaganda the show is offering is very deliberate and fits into a VERY specific type of military propaganda... often used by people on the right who often separate “government” from “military” (who they view as a defense from the government should a coup need to happen, as the military is the “real patriotic force” and Big Government is working against the people).
The idea of the government mistreating the military/veterans is often a way to prop up the military. If the military is victim to the government, instead of railing against the military, we should rail against the government. Now they are two separate things and we should only get mad at one. Nevermind that the reason we want the government to support veterans is BECAUSE the military chews them up and spits them out after using them to terrorize innocent people around the world.
And FATWS in particular upholds the military while taking swipe at fictional government groups, especially global tasks forces. Even when it shows the military as flawed (Sam sneaking around the border of Tunisia), it is framed as justified. “The bad things we do are with good intentions and the ends justify the means.”
And it deliberately removes the worst actors from the military (John Walker isn’t military) and RE-ADDS the best actors into it (Sam goes from a veteran to an active duty member who now has a fun team mate who is quirky and sweet and jumps up and down in excitement during military missions).
And it has done this before. It did this with Captain Marvel, where it pretends to have nuance about the military but ultimately boils down to “Criticize the military all you want, they’re still the good guys even when they’re bad.”
And we can talk about how Marvel uses empowerment of marginalized people to sort of cover this up. Using people like white woman ~feminist icons~ as a way to further military propaganda, the same way the Biden Administration used trans inclusion to prop up the military. Again, I can only really go into that on the Captain Marvel side but since she goes off so much about Captain Marvel, I feel like it’s relevant enough I can bring it up.
Carol Danvers,~empowered military woman~, was used by marvel to suggest that feminism should support the military. It made its first “Girl Power” movie a military smooch fest on purpose. Made sure to not be too overpowering about it... tried to both sides it... but clearly ‘military good tho... despite it all’ came out on top.
And of all the anti-feminists I witnessed... none of them went after the film for being military propaganda to hate on it. They just said BRie Larson wanted white men dead, called the film misandry, and then were just.... rly intense about it for three months.
Things could absolutely be different for FATWS but I will clarify that FOR MYSELF AND NO ONE ELSE when I call FATWS military propaganda I am not saying it is otherwise without value, that you can’t enjoy it, or that we should ignore the other issues it tackles. Just to keep the propaganda in mind so you don’t come away with a “Yeah, sometimes the military is bad, but sometimes it’s worth it” point of view.
And maybe wonder to yourself how the military propaganda is influencing how it tackles other issues, like veteran treatment and racism.
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hustcns · 6 years
helloooo we r back with another child. this one isn’t a total piece of garbage i promise. as always HMU on here or discord to plot or LIKE THIS and i’ll come to u! 
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[ brie larson, cisfemale, she/her, 28 ] AGNES by GLASS ANIMALS? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of ROMY HUSTON. maybe because they’re SANGUINE but also OBSTINATE. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since MAY of 2014 in 512 and have 0 ROOMMATES.
tw: car accident, drug use, addiction, death.
ok so!! romy is one of my few canadian characters oddly enough??? she was born in montreal but grew up in edmonton of all places. tragic for her, really, that place is the WORST.
anywaY she’s always been a v sporty kid!!! she’s an only child so her parents put her in sports to keep her busy and she had no complaints. she tried a bit of everything but stuck with track and ringette. she eventually gave up ringette tho to put her full ass heart into track. she’s a speedy mother fucker. runners high is her fave thing in the world. 
her whole life was athletics in high school tbh. didn’t do much outside of school other than track? her social life was practically non-existent bc she was basically being seasoned to become a professional athlete to like......she kind of grew to be a lil awkward. never really learned how to properly make friends. kinda kept to herself.
car accident & injury tw! a car accident in senior year left her in the hospital for what felt like forever and ruined her chances at track scholarships for college. bitch fucked up both legs and had never been more miserable. recovery was slow and difficult and physiotherapy was frustrating and she felt like giving up every day. she just wanted to RUN. when everyone went off to college, she was still stuck in her recovery process. it felt like life was passing her by.
her injuries left her stuck in a rut. one thing led to another and she got herself into a LOT of trouble. drug use & addiction tw! she became a pretty heavy drug user. getting high was an escape from her constant misery and self-pity. she literally moved into a trap house with her gf ava and some other randoms....that was just her life. adsjfdfjk. ppl be getting stabbed and shit and she’s just shooting up and forgetting what planet she’s on. classic edmonton stuff. but very tragic.
overdose & death tw! it was only a matter of time before things went even further downhill. she woke up one afternoon to find her girlfriend unconscious. dead thanks to an overdose that romy didn’t ever see coming. it was fucking awful and the shambles of her life fell apart even more, but it kind of knocked some sense into her. she was guilty that it didn’t happen to her instead. lost bc the only person she really cared about was gone. even though their relationship wasn’t necessarily the best, she ceased contact with her parents after graduation so she had no one. but she went crawling back to mom & dad and they accepted her with open arms and saw she got the help she was desperate for.
she got treatment and completed a 90 day program and she’s been sober just over 5 years now!!!!
it was difficult to stay sober in edmonton after treatment. too many triggers lurking around every corner, so she decided to get a fresh start!!! moved to baltimore, got her own place, started to get her life back together. she started running again which rly helped her with avoiding relapse. whenever she feels like she’s in a rut again, she hits the gym or goes for a run.
so.....she’s basically a gym rat now. a health freak. but she loves it. it clears her head and keeps her going and runners high is still her favourite thing. she got rly into boxing as well.
she has a new outlook on life since treatment!!! she feels like she’s been given a second chance and she’s rly about living life to the fullest. she’s optimistic af and doesn’t deny herself little pleasures. 
she obviously doesn’t drink or anything like that but she still enjoys going to bars and dancing and doing karaoke and all that good stuff. she loves a virgin margarita!!!!
even though she’s generally a very kind and helpful gal, she rly is all about keeping negativity out of her life so she isn’t like.....so soft that she’s gonna let u walk all over her u know??? she’ll CANCEL u. 
all things considered she really is a tough gal. she STRONG. a very supportive friend. very protective. she can knock your lights out but probably won’t. stubborn as all hell.
fuckin.....always wearing some athleisure shit??? but the bitch KNOWS how to dress up just u wait and SEE. 
she’s that rly annoying morning person who’s up at like 5am to go for a  run DISGUSTING. every morning. no matter the weather, shes OUT there.
dating is kind of difficult for her??? she’s.....still very much that same awkward gal she’s always been and flirting isn’t her strong suit. she gets v easily flustered and kind of crawls into a shell on dates. she is also kind of closed-minded when it comes to dating tbh??? she misses ava and knows what it’s like to really click and love someone and if she doesn’t feel that instant connection, she isn’t really going to waste her time ig??? if that makes sense. so if she doesn’t feel that ‘spark’ right away she’s not gna keep seeing someone. even tho she really should be out there getting to know people and experiencing new things she’s a major hopeless romantic and she’s waiting for her MOVIE MOMENT that probably will never come
but like....she’s still dated ppl ofc she’s just kinda wary ig
dont waste her time 2k19.
she works as a personal trainer & she’s also an amateur boxer as well!!!!
another bi queen comin at u
i dont really know what else to say so i’ll just stop????
u can find her very empty pinterest board HERE.
pls plot w her
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