#i feel like im being talked down to by all these blender men. fuck. thanks for showing me the menus though
wavetapper · 5 months
the difference between blender tutorials and live2d tutorials is so fucking funny bc every blender tutorial assumes you're technologically illiterate and only doing this because you've read somewhere that 3d modelling is a Hot Disruptive Tech Industry Career. and every live2d tutorial assumes you're an arcane virgin who has touched more mechanical keyboards than blades of grass and that your horniness and fervent desire to be a streamergirl somehow gives your brain superpowers that allow you to telepathically link with the software and intuit every single ui element as soon as you see it
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Dive| Part 9| jjk
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Pairings: Jungkook x y/n, Yoongi x oc
Word Count: 4.5k
Series Description:  Camping with your ex, sounds horrible right? The camping trip was   planned and payed for long before y/n’s shitty boyfriend broke up with   her. Her best friend Abby, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook are there to make sure she has an amazing time. However, sharing a tent with  a smoke show like Jungkook is bound to lead to some complications.
Warnings: language, drinking, mentions of sex, hardcore flirting,  maybe Jungkook didnt change afterall?, 
You wake up on Saturday morning, in potentially the best mood you’ve ever been in. A ‘good morning beautiful’ text from Jungkook definitely helped set things off on the right foot. You reply back when he instantly asks if he can Face Time, so you get up and get dressed.
When the calls connect, your breathe hitches; fuck he was so attractive. You lean in giving him a cheesy smile, scrunching your nose and telling him good morning properly. Pretending not to be phased when he rolls onto his back keeping the phone above him. You totally weren’t thinking about riding him this early, nope.
“You look pretty,” He says with a playful smile. You pause coming back over to the camera, resting your forearms on the counter.
“You’re one to talk, do you just wake up looking like that?” You tease, giggling when he tries to contain his blush. Pushing his long, tattooed fingers through his recently washed hair.
“So… where do you want to get dinner tomorrow?” He changes the subject.
“Mmm I don’t care, you can pick.” You reach into your fridge pulling fruits out so you can make a smoothie.
“Well, what’s your favorite food?”
You grin at him, you were in a teasing mood, “I told you… remember?” your face drops a little.
He instantly sits up in the bed, his brows knitting together, “You did?” he asks quietly, “Uhm, let me think.” He pulls his thumb up to his mouth and he starts to nibble at his fingernail.
“You don’t remember Kookie?” You tease again, this time pouting a bit to really sell it.
“No… I-I I remember, it’s uhm Pizza? Or Pasta?” he pulls his lip in looking at you, clearly still trying to scan his brain for a memory that you knew didn’t exist. Pausing, you come close to the camera smiling wide.
“You know, I’m actually pretty impressed. I was fucking with you. I’ve never told you my favorite food, but you guessed right somehow,” You squint, giggling when he throws his head back onto his pillow at your confession.
“You’re so mean! I really felt like an asshole! All I could remember was on the float trip, you were so drunk and you wouldn’t stop talking about Pizza,” You both start laughing at the faint memory that seemed like it was so long ago.
“Ahh so drunk me told you, that bitch,” You shake your head earning a laugh from him.
“Yeah well drunk me likes to tell secrets too, so it’s all good,” You nod your head thinking of his own drunken confession and how thankful you were for it.
“What other secrets did drunk me tell you?” you ask throwing all of your ingredients into the blender.
He  looks up thinking about his answer when a smug smile starts to pull at his lips, “I mean besides when you told me that I was the sexiest person you had ever laid your eyes on and you wanted to try every sex position known to existance with me?”
You choke on air, eyes wide as you turn to look at him through the phone screen, “I said what now?”
“That I was the sexi-“He starts to repeat himself, but you don’t need to hear it again.
“Yeah, no I got it. Uhm, when did I… when did I say that?” you stutter, trying to seem nonchalant. It definitely sounds like something you would think, but why the fuck would you say that… to him! You hold your finger up, telling him to pause. Turning the blender on he watches you patiently for about a minute. You’re eyes nervously flicking to his, hoping to recall at least a piece of this memory. Once you’re done, you pour your smoothie into a cup. You take a sip as you walk over to the phone, leaning down to hear him.
“You don’t remember? Come on babe, not even a little bit?” He cocks his head, his sinister grin making you think that maybe it wasn’t so farfetched.
“No, I kind of remember… we’re we in the tent?” you lie, you had no idea. Maybe if he thought you remembered a little bit; he might ease up. Was it better if you were completely black out and didn’t remember, or you were only a little drunk and the memory is fuzzy? Either way, your cheeks were burning red.
“Nope, not in the tent,” He giggles readjusting the phone and you see his toned chest for just a split second. Again… maybe drunk you was onto something.
You tilt your head, closing your eyes tight trying to remember any moment where you would have been bold enough to say such a thing. Suddenly his laughing brings you from your thoughts, “What’s so funny?”
“Well, I was lying but is that something you feel like you would say, y/n?” His head tilts and you realize he just pulled a you on you. “Because, I have a Karma Sutra book and we can do a few pages a day… it might take some time but i-“ He rambles on sarcastically.
“You are such an ass,” You bury your face in your hands. How didn’t you catch on sooner? Probably because you had that thought but a more R rated version of it every time you made eye contact with the fucker. Of course, it was something you would say.
“So Pizza and Karma Sutra? Is that our date,” you quip raising your brows. His face hardens, his eyes locking on yours, you can tell he’s attempting to read you. Was this a part of the joke or were you serious?
“I’m joking,” You giggle, getting closer to the camera before whispering, “or am I?”
He tilts his head and runs his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip, “How’s your smoothie?” His voice is quiet. You smile, giggling a bit because he took the easy way out. You admired him for that. Obviously, you wanted to finally have sex with Jungkook. Clearly the sexual attraction was there. You gave him the perfect opportunity to talk about sex, and he deflected.
“It’s really yummy,” you smile sweetly, the both of you just enjoying each other, “Ill have to make one for you.”
He lets out a big sigh, and the smile that takes over his face reach up to his eyes, “Do you remember me telling you about how I wanted to uhm…” He rubs the back of his neck nervously, “just be home with you? Like do normal day to day things with you?”
You smile nodding your head softly, how could you forget.
“Well I meant it then, but… I really mean it now. I wish I was there to drink smoothies with you, and just talk about our day. Maybe lay on the couch and watch a movie with you, until we’re both starving.”
Your heart feels like it could beat out of your chest. You’d be lying if your head didn’t interfere a little, warning you of the last time he made you feel this way with these promises. You take a deep breath looking away from the screen.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” He says softly and you quickly shake your head. That last thing you wanted was for him to think that he should second guess telling you anything like that.
“No, I-uhm, I still feel the same way about that. I liked the idea then, and I like it now,” You tell him.
“Im glad,” he smiles again before clearing his throat, clearly letting the moment make him softer than he was used to being, “So you’ve got your work thing and I’ve got my family thing, then tomorrow we can get dinner and uhm… talk.” He mumbles and you nod your head, laughing to yourself at how flustered he seemed to be.
“Okay then I’ll text you, bye beautiful.”
“Bye Kookie.”
As your finger hits the red button, you wait for second to make sure he’s gone before collapsing onto your kitchen floor. Your stomach filled with an army of butterflies, and your chest thumping so hard you could feel it in your ears. You wished you could skip today and fast forward to tomorrow, eager to finally be able to call him yours.
The day flew by and before you knew it you were in the Uber on your way to meet up with your co-workers. It was Johnny’s birthday, and he all but begged you to be there. You’d be a bold face liar if you said that the men you worked with weren’t attractive. All of them were breaking the scale of attractiveness. However, you never once thought about them in the way that Jungkook was worried about. To be completely honest, it was hard for you to think about anyone the way you thought about Jungkook. Even when you hated him, you still thought the world of him.
You thank your Uber Driver, flattening your peplum skirt down when you get out of the car. Texting Namjoon to announce you arrive. He meets you outside instantly enveloping you in a hug, taking your hand and leading you to the table where the rest of your co-workers are.
“y/n! I was wondering if you would make it!” Johnny yells, standing up to hug you. His tall frame hovering above yours.
You chuckle, “How could I miss it? You told me if I didn’t come you would stop getting my coffee every morning!” you quip, he shushes you by handing you one of the readily available shots on the table. Tequila. Wonderful.
After a few more shots of the harsh white liquid, you’re standing at a table with Namjoon. He’s checking his phone because he can’t seem to stop working. You pull out your phone, thumb hovering above his name and the cute monkey emoji that accompanied it. You decide to send him a simple, Hey you. He told you he had to do a favor for his Aunt. After your call in the morning you texted a bit and he told you to call him when you left the bar. It was only an hour in and you wanted to leave already. Scratch that, you wanted to talk to him already.
“You seem to be in a good mood,” Namjoon’s calm voice snaps you from your reverie.
Smiling down at the name on your screen, “I am actually,” you giggle because you were. You were so excited and happy for the next step in your life, “You know that guy I was talking to you about?”
Is brows raise and he lets out a huff, “You mean the only guy you talk about, Jungkook, right? Yes, y/n, we all know about Jungkook.” He giggles and you playfully smack his arm. Okay maybe you were talking about him a little too much.
“Yes him, well we’re going to dinner tomorrow and I think I’m ready to ask him out.” You bite your bottom lip hard, just thinking about it.
“I think that’s probably a good idea,” He laughs, bringing his beer to his lips.
“I think so too. I just wish all of the doubt was gone, ya know?” you take a drink from your drink, “Like, a tiny part of my brain just keeps reminding me of how much he hurt me.”
“But he explained all of that right?” Namjoon asks, you nod sucking your drink down anxiously, “Well I think that speaks volumes. If he meant it, and he actually feels sorry, AND he explained why he reacted that way… I’m pretty sure he cares about you as much as you care about him.”
You slowly drag your eyes to meet Namjoon’s, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. He widens his eyes as he cocks his head, as if to silently say, ‘I know, I’m a genius’. You couldn’t argue, because he was right. If Jungkook truly didn’t care about you or your feelings, he wouldn’t explained himself at all. You inhale deeply, looking at your phone for the umpteenth time. Maybe he was still busy with helping his aunt, you think.
Before you can start overthinking, a very intoxicated Johnny finds you and Namjoon. Three more tequila shots, and your head is spinning now. You’re drunk but at this point you can manage to get an Uber. You tell Namjoon you’re leaving, and you beg him not to tell Johnny. You watched how he guilt tripped another of your co-workers when she was attempting to leave early, and you don’t think you have it in you to tell him no. He seemed like beast on the outside, but he had those puppy dog eyes on lock down. Namjoon hugs you and tells you to let him know when you’ve gotten home safely.
After your Uber is confirmed you walk outside to the busy street to wait for it. The strip of bars was insanely crowded, so you sit along the window frame of the bar you had just left. Looking at your phone once again, it was almost 1 am. Your hazy thoughts wondered if he forgot about you. What would he still be doing for his aunt this late? You get a notification telling you that your uber was about to arrive, so you stand up and walk to the edge of the side walk. As you search for the white Chevy Cruze your gaze is pulled to the group of people piling out of the bar to your left.
You roll your eyes at how obnoxious they were. Loud and clearly piss drunk. Suddenly the crowd spreads apart, and what you see must be a mirage. Her dress was clinging to her body and she was clinging to him. Him. His arm was around her waist as he walks with her to a car. Her drunken form wobbling along the cobblestone. He laughed at something she said, and it made feel like you were dying inside. She says something in response, but he only seems to be concerned with getting her home. He slides in after her, and you watch his familiar tattoos disappear as the car door closes.
Your Uber honks obnoxiously, making you jump. Inhaling for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. You get into the Uber, and you almost want him to take you the hospital. That cant be right, you think to yourself over and over again. So many questions running through your mind and you can’t find an answer for any of them. All of your questions reminding you of the reason you stopped talking to him to begin with. Reminding you of the fact that you really didn’t know who he was. It felt like your chest was on fire, burning your lungs from the inside out. You don’t know when the tears started to fall, but now they weren’t stopping. You sit back and you think. Your brain and the 8 shots of tequila having very different opinions on how to handle this situation. Fuck it, you think to yourself, tequila wins this time.
“Excuse me sir,” You sniffle, attempting to mask the heartbreak, “Could I change my destination please?”
His eyes flick to your red, wet ones through the review mirror and he listens closely as you tell him the new address. Once he changes his route, you melt into your seat. Wishing it would swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to deal with any of this. As fucked up as all of this was, and as much as you wanted to disappear; more than anything you wanted a fucking answer. Why would anyone toy with someone this much? It wasn’t a fucking game and he deserved to know that. The Uber slows to a stop and you thank him repeatedly, and he asks you again if you’re sure you were okay.
The Uber drives away, and you stop, staring up at the tall building. The last time you were here, Jungkook was the drunk one. His arm slung over your shoulder, much like the image that scorched itself into your brain of him and mystery girl. The tears are back, you decide that they have a mind of their own, because right now you can not be sad. Sure it feels like your heart was ripped out of your chest, but you can be broken later. Right now, you have to be the girl that stands up for herself, the girl that knows she doesn’t deserve to be treated like an old plaything that you love one day and throw out the next. You deserve better, and you hate yourself for giving into his deception.
It feels like a video game as you walk the familiar path. Your hand tingles when you picture his hand pulling you up the stairs. When you finally get to his door, you stand there for what seems like a decade. Your fingernails digging into your sweaty palms, trying to build an ounce of courage so you can knock. You start to over think it all, as you start to walk away you hear a high pitched giggle and then a very aggressive ‘shush’. Then before you can overthink it any more your knuckles are knocking aggressively.
The door opens quickly, “Im sorry! We will be quiet I prom-“ His eyes meet yours turning pale in an instant, “y/n, wh-what are you doing here.” His voice is shaky.
You bite your lip hard to keep from crying on the spot, without saying a word you push past him and into his apartment.
He closes the door and turns to see you running your finger along mystery girls’ purse and coat, His eyes widen when he realizes why you’re here.
“Baby, No! I swear that is not what it looks like! She is-“ He rushes to you taking your hands in his and you fling them away from you pushing him back.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You scream and his face drops, “I don’t care who she is! I don’t want to know anything! I really thought you cared about me Jungkook! I thought that you were different, even after all of those horrible things you said to Ben. I believed that. Turns out you were worse than him! At least Ben never fucking lied to me! He might have been a piece of shit but he didn’t lie to me! You don’t want to come home to me! You don’t want to be with me! This is all just some fucking game to you! Well guess what, I fucking quit. I don’t want to play anymore.” The tears on your face are constant now. Your knees tremble as you watch him reach out for you, pushing him away again.
“Kook,” a small voice yells out, “what is going on?” Mystery girl asks as she comes into view. She was probably waiting for him in his bed, your fist curls at the thought.
“Oh is this y/n?” She slurs, clearly still way too drunk, “Oh gosh she’s so pretty, why are you crying?” she tilts her head as he ushers her back to the hallway, whispering something to help her understand.
You exhale a shaky breath, why did she know your name? You swallow hard, wondering why something felt wrong. When he appears again, his face is hard.
“She’s my cousin…” He explains and suddenly the wind is knocked out of you.
“I should have told you what was going on but, I honestly didn’t know I would be doing all of this. It’s her birthday and she wanted to go out, so my aunt asked me if I would show her a few places. Her friends got way too fucked up, and she got way too fucked up. She started throwing up, so I brought her back here because I didn’t want to leave her like that…” He runs his hand through his hair stopping when he gets to his neck.
“I’m… I’m so sorry…” You blink at him, “I just saw you with her leaving the bar, and you weren’t responding to my text… and I don’t know..” you start to ramble, wishing that you could take it all back.
In one stride his hands find your waist, pulling you close to his chest. He reaches up to your tear stained face and delicately pushes your hair from your face.
“I’m not mad at you. It looked bad. I get it, I know that I still have to work on your trust,” His voice is soft as his forehead rest against yours.
You look up locking your glassy eyes with apologetic ones, “I’m sorry for screaming at you,” is all you can manage to say. Your head stopping you from spewing all of the thing your heart (and tequila) want you to say.
You feel his chest when he laughs to himself, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“You can scream at me, I don’t mind,” He chuckles reaching up to wipe another tear away, “But I really hate seeing you cry. I never want to be reason for your tears.” His eyes start to mirror yours, before he cries too you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him down to you so you can press your lips to his.
His hands meet behind your neck pulling you closer. The longer the kiss goes on, the more you don’t want to stop. His tongue presses against your bottom lip before you allow it to meet your own. You suck his bottom lip into your mouth before pulling away.
“Are you drunk baby?” He asks quietly pressing his swollen lips to your temple.
“I drank a lot of tequila,” you answer methodically, only causing him to chuckle.
“Well you should stay here, with me. My aunt is picking her up in the morning, but we can cuddle on the couch, is that okay?”
You smile and nod knowing he wishes the circumstances were different. What he doesn’t know is that even if you had to sleep inside the bathtub, you would stay because you wanted to be with him.
“Ill go get you some clothes,” He smiles and kisses your lips fervently once more before he disappears.
You put your things down and you quickly text Namjoon to tell him you’re home safe. Smiling as your fingers type the words because ‘home’ was starting to have an entirely new meaning to you. Jungkook returns with a pair of grey sweatpants and baggy t-shirt, handing them to you as he looks you up and down.
He sighs, “You look like an absolute Goddess in that outfit but I have to be honest,” He grins, pulling you close to his chest again, “I’ve been dying to see you in my clothes again.”
You giggle as his hands travel down the length of your skirt, stopping at the hem. His fingertips brush along your thigh, before traveling up slowly. You reach out grabbing a fist full of his t-shirt to pull him impossibly closer to you. When your lips connect with his jawbone, he lets out a sharp exhale. His hands ball up and he places them back onto your hips, making you slow your attack on his neck.
“What’s wrong?” you ask with a dramatic pout, pushing yourself back so you can look up at him.
“Nothing baby, its just that you’ve drank a lot,” a soft smile forms on his lips as he leans in to kiss your forehead once more, “Now go change so we can cuddle, yeah?”
You nod instead of protesting, walking to the bathroom to change into his clothes. His baggy sweatpants hang off of your hips and you know they look so much better on him. You fold your clothes up and place them on top of your purse when you walk out. His eyes are on you as you walk over to his seat on the couch, his eyes seemingly satisfied.
“Yeah… I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing you in my clothes,” He mumbles, pulling you down to him. You decide to straddle his hip, resting your head on his chest. You feel rather than hear his laugh as you exhale dramatically. The combination of his fingers running up your spine and the melodic beat of his heart slowly turns you into mush on his chest.
“I’ve missed you,” you say quietly before you can even think about it.
“Mm, I’ve missed you too baby,” He tilts your chin up, brushing your hair from your eyes so he can look at you before pressing his lips to yours once more, “Get some sleep, don’t want you to be tired on our date.”
A/N: I think the next chapter will be the final chapter guys! Please tell me what you think! Also, request are open! I have a few that I'm working on currently but I'm searching for a new series to write! Also check out my new one shot, Simple Things, if you haven't already! 
Also, Im getting so fucking pumped for comeback, how are we gonna handle this new era guysss?!?! 
@cainami @carolsummerlove @zeharilisharaban @jikooksgirl19 @fallen-for-luke @madygswich @sugalarity @lofikoo​ @ggukkieeee @peachy-bhun @megs58298 @kawaiiayasan @ jeonchan26  @ambersaesthetics​ @hopekookies​ @rumpucis @iaintnohollybackgirl​
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Some Weeks Are Better Than Others Pt. 3
(“...you really did a number on me.”)
M’Baku x Reader
*Part 1* *Part 2*
Word Count: 3.7K
Plot:  You and M’Baku have to be apart for a business trip you are taking.  Leaving him sucks for you both, but career is important and he supports.  But the trip is a lot more than a test of your value to your job, but to your relationship as well.  
After toweling off, he heads for the bed, covers feeling cool against every inch of his skin.  His body begins to wind down from all of the sexual frustration and Jabari disrespect, but is not used to the extra space in his bed.  He is still mostly on his side, but feels over to yours, imagining your curves as his own personal skyline.  He reaches for his phone to check, but nothing is on it from you, just a couple of memes from the other Jabari clowning him endlessly.  He sets it back down, turning toward where you would be.  He was already remorseful, especially since you were right, but he didn’t want to bar his guys from visiting, that is just rude.  He takes a deep breath, drifting off to hopes of tomorrow being better.  
The irritating jingle of his alarm wakes M’Baku slowly as he reaches to turn it off. The soft yellow glow of the sunrise seeps through the blinds as he awakes.  He turns over to reach to the other side of the bed but his hand drops dramatically on the mattress.  M’Baku’s head flies up in distress only to calm down once reality settles in again.  Your body where you once laid for him to snuggle and grind up on in the morning  is now miles away from him.  M’Baku’s face plummets into his pillow, letting out a frustrated huff.  This was going to be a lot harder than he imagined.  Having the house to himself seemed like it might be relaxing but physical touch is M’Baku’s love language and that is just not possible solo.  He tried that yesterday, and it just isn’t the same with you being there.
Rolling off to the side, he sits for a moment, head hanging, collecting his thoughts. It’s a little after 4 am, so you wouldn’t be up just yet, he surmises but picks his phone up anyway.  No message from you, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re still angry, right?  He hopes you will text him anyway, but you were pretty damn pissed so if 10 am comes without an answer, he’ll go ahead.
Rising with a stretch, he goes to the restroom, get dressed and gets some breakfast going.  Heading downstairs, the remnants of last night still lurks in the room.  No time to clean now. he shakes his head to himself, promising that he will talk to his men about treating his space with some damn respect.  Getting the blender ot, he puts together a protein shake to get his body going for the day.  The house is so quiet without you being there.  Even though you didn't have to be up at his work hour, you couldnt sleep without him and sometimes you would blast some old school jams while making him a decent meal before he goes to work.  
Decked out in his Under Armour shirt and Adidas track pants, with his Pumas on, he was ready to get to the gym.  M’Baku has been doing physical training for a few years now.  He dips and dabbles in many different channels of training, but today is just a simple boot camp regime that he advertised to get people right for the summer.  It’s a quick and easy way for people to become interested in his program, and it usually pulls a certain type of clientele.  They come for the workout but stay for him, which he is completely aware of.  But it never becomes more than shameless flirting on their end and once their session is up, it’s done anyway.
Hopping in his SUV, he sets  off to work.  Making his way down a freeway, the trill of a phone call interrupts his Jay Prince jamming.  Your name displays on his dash, causing his heart rate to rise a little, thinking fondly that you still can't rest at this hour.  But also, will you be mad or over last night by now?  M’Baku picks up.
“Hey, whatchu doin up this early, love?”  He asks tentatively.
You say groggily, “I couldn’t sleep much more.  You know I’m always up at this hour but I think I’m nervous about the first day.”
M’Baku nodding says, “Oh, please.  You got this (Y/N).  You come this far, you’re just getting your feet wet.  Once you are in it, you’ll probably be bored to death.”
You smile to yourself thankful for his encouragement.  “Yeah it’ll definitely be bored with all these white folks trying to pep us up in the world of business and commerce.  You headed to work?”
“Yeah, might even be early this time,”  M’Baku says, reaching for his shake taking a sip.
A police car zooms up to M’Baku’s car.  The officer is looking at M’Baku for entirely too long since he is driving on the highway.  M’Baku looks at him through his peripheral.
“Did you get some real food in you instead of just that protein lab created mess?”
M’Baku screwing his face up in a knot, “Yeah, I just got some fruit and a bagel.”
The police officer is still parallel to him.  M’Baku looks over once and the officer has a radio in his hand, talking into it, looking him dead in his eyes.
“We were out of bagels when I left…” you say suspiciously.
M’Baku chuckles nervously, “I am capable of replenishing the fridge, you know?”
M’Baku keeps looking forward, he switches lanes to make the next exit.
You, not convinced, “Riiiight.  Well I’m going to lay a little more until I have to get ready.  Drive safe.”
“I will, go get em.”  But you already hung up.  Nodding to himself, M’Baku says,“Ok, we are still mad.”  Looking in his rearview, the police car is gone.
That wasn’t the worst conversation you all had, but the tension was still there.  M’Baku didn’t want to engage with you about it head on since you are just starting our first work day, but he does not like for arguments between you guys to go unresolved, he faces the issue head on and talks it out.  So for now, you win, but the war ain’t over.
M’Baku pulls up to the gym, Baerobics.  It has a reputation of hiring the best trainers that are the best looking.  It won’t discriminate though, since everyone has their own taste, but it is practically a workout buddy meat market.  M’Baku was a popular choice for clients but he believes in his work so the turnover rate is a little high, but those that stick around are either dedicated or paying for a show, which is still a win-win either way.
Swiping his key card, he makes his way inside.  The receptionist says good morning as he makes his way to his space to set up for his first appointment.  It’s 5:45 am, so he had a little time to look at his emails.  
There’s a knock at his office door, and it’s the receptionist.  
“Hey, how ya been, big guy?”  She asks in a cheery tone.  
“I’m great, Cheryl.  You have a good weekend?”
She rolls her eyes, walking in like the details are too juicy to keep at the door.  She is a brunette, 5 foot nothing, menopausal caucasian.  She talks too much, but is good people.
“I thought you’d never ask.  I told you about my nephew?  Well, he has his graduation coming up.”
“Coming up?  It’s already halfway through May, you didn’t mention it before.”  M’Baku leans in, inquisitively.
“RIGHT?! I didn’t know until now!  He is so secretive, and unsocial, I can’t wrap my head around that guy anymore.  My sister is in shambles, trying to plan out the party on such short notice.  Cake, photographer, venue, inviting family.  I try to tell her to cool it, and keep it small, but she is not a friend of common sense.”
M’Baku discreetly looks at his computer’s clock.  His appointment should be there any minute.
“Well, if you guys need any help, just let me know.  I love decorating, and I could bring a dish or two.  I feel like family, as much as you talk to me about them.”
Cheryl covers her heart, “Ohhh, M’BAKU, you are a saint made for sin!  I’d love to see those hands do delicate work!”  Laughing out loud, landing a hand on his forearm.  She is like an aunt to you, but her jokes always make her infatuations clear.  
The bell at the front door rings faintly in the background, making Cheryl jump up.  
“Oh!  We’re open!  So I will text you later this week about the details, because we could use all the help we can get.  Plus I have someone I’d love for you to meet.”
M’Baku raises his hands in protest, “No, no, no, Cheryl, I have a girlfriend.”
Cheryl turns mouth agape, “Still?? Wow, she must be a keeper then.  Well, she is friendly, so it may happen regardless, she knows boundaries though.  Thanks again!”
Cheryl leaves, M’Baku rubs his eyes in frustration.  Why did he sign up to help her?  He doesn’t know when it will be and for how long.  He doesn’t even know her people, what if their racist as fuck?
He gets an IM from Cheryl, You have a visitor!  
M’Baku types back a thank you and gets up to look out in his studio.  
“M’BAKU!  Getcho fat ass out here boah!”
He knew that voice anywhere, Akoje made his way to the stude.
“Akoje, what are you doing here man?”
Akoje was binding his locs into a bun on top of his head.  Bouncing on his toes, his tall lanky frame was decked out in some bright neon patterned tights and a one-piece that said “I Need a Baker”  with the face of the referenced singer.
“I’m cashing in on my free trial session, Kukie.”  He says as he drops down to do burpees.
“I gave you, like five of those, which was four too many.” He says through gritted teeth.
Akoje pops back up to standing, “Oh, you keep count?  Well then shit, just help your Jabari out, I have no means of training.  Look at me, I am flab and bones.”
He turns sideways, practically doing a backbend to show off a non-existent belly.
“Ayye, go on with all of that, man. You should have had a membership of your own now.  You could get your steps in by cleaning up my place for the mess you all made.”
Akoje lifts his hands in innocence, “Hey, that had nothing to do with me, you know Ogoro is on his see-food diet.  We told him to slow up, but luckily the toilet wasn’t too far.”
M’Baku claps his hands in excitement, “And another thing!  What the fuck happened in my bath-”
The door to his studio creeks open.
“Hey, sorry I’m late, traffic was pretty crazy today.”
M’Baku’s real first client comes in.  Her yellow bone body, looked like gold melted into some hot pink fashion nova workout gear that does not hide a single aspect of her figure, which itself is nothing short of an advertisement for being someone’s trophy wife.
She lays down her bag and water, and Akoje in entranced.
“Ok, scrap the training, lemme be your assistant today.”
“Come on!  I been wondering about becoming a trainer anyway.”
“I will pay YOU to let me do this.”
M’Baku pauses, then hold out his hand, “Gimme $20.”
Akoje unzips a side pocket on his legging and slaps it in M;Baku’s hand, looking back at the client Birdman style.
M’Baku pockets the money, “Now get out.”
Akoje looks back incredulously, “Man, I gave you the money!”
The client looks at them cautiously, then back to her phone.
M’Baku starts loudly, “Yes sir, thank you for catching up on your sessions, but I am with someone at the moment so please ait in the lobby until we are done here.”  He takes Akoje by the arm and leads him out the door.  
Once outside Akoje points back at M’Baku saying, “You ain’t shiiiiit.  You better give me some details later!”  Right before M’Baku closes the door.
M’Baku turns back to his client, “I am sorry about that, forgive me.  I am M’Baku, I will be your Baerobics instructor this week.”
The client giggles holding out a manicured hand, “No problem, it was kind of cute to see.  You all cousins or something?” she says with an accent from somewhere South.
“Yeah, we are.  A little too close in relation if you ask me.”
“Oh cut him a break.  I wasn’t sure who was my trainer so maybe he should consider it.  I’m Kenie by the way.”  She flashes a Colgate, dimpled smile that caught M’Baku a little by surprise as she puts her hand out for a firm shake.
“Kenie?”  M’Baku repeats.
“Yeah, like Kenny from South Park, just spelled different.  It’s short for Kennedy, but my friends call me Kenie.”
“Oh, ok.  Well then Kennedy it is.”  He says, before chortling out loud.  Kenie made a face, pushing him at his chest, as he feigns injury.
“My goodness, you are stronger than you look,  Ms. Kenie. How could you?”
“Yeah and you are only soft in feelings, I see.”  She says, shaking her hand like she just punched a brick wall.   Kenie was very charismatic so far but M’Baku knew how to keep it casual and professional.
“So let’s just go over to my office and do a questionnaire about you dietary and training needs”
He pulls out a chair for her as she arches her butt out to sit.  Maybe she can’t help it, but M’Baku kept his gaze averted.  He makes his way to the other side, her eyes follow his body until he is seated, and they get started.
M’Baku starts his introduction, “So, I like to start my sessions just asking what your goals are, and what you’re looking to improve on during these sessions.”
She crosses her arms under her breasts, looking off into space, “Well, summer is approaching, so you know bikinis and pool parties are happening real, real quick.  So I just want to make sure I’m toned up, some definition on my stomach,”  she looks down feeling her flat tummy, “And get my arms right, legs tight, all that.”  
M’Baku looks her over as she points to her ‘problem areas’, “Yeah, you have a good foundation in your midsection, I can tell.  But there’s plenty to do that’ll get you toned, just have to mostly watch your diet to make sure it appears.”
Kenie rolls her eyes, “Ugh, I know!  I just love my carbs though, it’s a struggle.”
M’Baku chuckles, “Yeah I love them too, sweets as well, but it’s about moderation and discipline to get the results.  You won’t have to give them up too long though, I don’t believe in completely abstaining from what you crave.”
Kenie leans forward, hands on her knees, biting her lip looking over his desk slightly.  “I know, I agree completely.”  M’Baku was not sure if they were talking about sweets and carbs anymore.
Clearing his throat, “Ok, so we can do some little warm up exercises just to see where your fitness level is.”
Back in his studio, M’Baku requests her to do some squats, watching her form.  She is hesitant every time she goes into it.
M’Baku approaches her, “Try to keep your back straight as you go down.”  She nods, attempting again.
“Not quite like that.  Carry your chest high and try again.”  He puts his hand to her upper back as she goes down.
M’Baku touches under her bicep, “Arms up and lean back a bit further.”
She looks like she is fighting back a smile, but she turns into a pro at it after a few rounds.
“Good, again.”  M’Baku commands.
She breaths and goes.
“Perfect, now lower.”
She goes, little lower for two rounds.
“Ok, I think you can go lower.”
She does, smiling broadly now.  “I can definitely do that…”
“Yeah, that’s it! Good. Ok stop.  That was great!”
She smiles, fanning herself,  “No thank you!  Seeing that in the mirror was a treat.”
“Yeah, your form really locked in once we got going.”
“Mhmm...once I get going, it’s hard to stop, especially when it feels good, you know?”  She says with an odd expression
M’Baku nods looking away for a second, “Ok, now we’ll move on to some ab workouts.”
M’Baku gave her a full body workout: Abs, arms, lower body, cardio, stretching.  She didn't seem to be a stranger to the gym, but she may have been nervous because everytime M’Baku came close to target specific parts of her body that she needed to watch, she really listened and seemed renewed with purpose.
“Thanks again for the session, you really did a number on me.”  She takes his hand.
“No problem at all, you are a great student!  So is it the same time tomorrow?”
“Sure!  I may be walking funny, but I’m sure you’re used to that effect on people.”
As she left, M’Baku went to his phone, checking to see a snap from you.  It’s a picture of a meal captioned ‘Continental breakfast=TRASH’  He smiled, sending her an SMH text.  Back in his office, his studio door opens and AKoje bursts in, “Yo, that baby girl you were bending over and shit is having car troubles, you got jumper cables?”
M’Baku goes down to survey the scene.  Kenie is long faced before she see’s M’Baku approaching.  
“Hey, M’Baku, I am so sorry.  Your cousin offered your help before I could figure things out.  You don't have to, but I just can't get the damn thing to start.”
“Yeah, lemme get the cables.”  
M;Baku pulls his car in next to hers and pops the hood so start the process.  A couple of turns and she finally has power again.
Looking relieved, she yells out the window, “You are a godsend!  Thank you thank you!”
M’Baku unhooks the cables and comes over to her window, “It was nothing, we can't have you stranded on your first day.”
“I will have to repay you!”
“No, don’t worry about that.”
“Please!  I got you, I won’t take no for an answer.  I’ll think of something.  But for now, I will see you tomorrow”
She pulls off and Akoje is slow clapping.
“What in Hanuman’s name are you doing?”
Akoje stops and laughs, “My my, I should be asking you the same thing!  What was that?!”
M’Baku is confused, “You told me she needed help, so I came to do that.”
Akoje nods, “Mhm, and she is going to come back to do you, trust me.”
“Ayye!  What kind of language is that.  You know that’s not going to happen.  You shoot your shot, ok?”
“Oh I plan to trust, but I actually don't know.  I’m smart but no psychic, but a rocket scientist isn’t needed to judge that she wants that ass man.”
“I'm not stupid.  She isn't the first to come on to me, if she even was, I never entertain that, you know.”
“Yeah except she isn’t ugly or crazy acting.  I’m just telling you to watch your back. As far as handling all that ass, I know she could use your help getting real loooow, and DEEP into those exercises.”  Akoje says with throaty bass in his voice.
M’Baku brushed off Akoje’s talk.  M’Baku is as wild about you as you are about him, so no instagram model is going to take his heart that easily.
Later that day, after going through his appointments, he starts to head home, exhausted and sweaty to the nth degree.  A call comes through on his dash, Mama.
M’Baku clears his throat before picking up.  When his mother calls, he never knows if it is to say hello, how are you, or to cut him down to a nub for not calling or coming around more often and not appreciating her.
“Hello, Mama, what’s up?”  M’Baku says in a cheery voice.
“What’s up?  Is that how you greet you mother?  Try that again.” she says sourly.
M’Baku rolls his eyes, “How are you doing today, mama?”
“Oh, I am doing great, Kuku!”  Renewed with a bubbly personality.  “What are you doing now, my son?”
“I am headed back to the house, probably relaxing for the evening.”
“Ohhh, you work so hard all the time.  You deserve it.  But don’t act like you are 80 years old, you have it so much better than me or your father did at your age.”
M’Baku’s mother was pretty good at building up to a compliment and adding a criticism at the exit door.
“Yes, I know mama.   Did you need something?” he says exasperatedly.
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask.  Well, I could use some help with this new shelf your father bought but will not read the instructions for.  So now it is some abstract art piece in the middle of my floor.”
“Ok, I can do that.  Maybe I’ll come by this weekend to do it?”
He hears her kiss her teeth, “Eh, you super busy this week or something?  Does the girl have you running around for her, waiting at her hands and feet?”
M’Baku shakes his head, accelerating, “No, mama, she is out of town this week for work.”
“OH!!” she exclaims.  “Then you should take me out!  It’s been so long since you and I had mother-son time alone.  How about that?”
M’Baku thought about this for a beat.  It had been a while, not because he didn't like to see his mother but it’s so busy working and taking care of your own problems before adding on someone else's.  They used to get into some heated discussion over this, especially since being with you, but she seems to have adjusted for the most part.
“Ok, that sounds good then.  I’ll call you when I have the time.”
“Ok, Kuku.  Muah, I love you!”
“Love you too, mama.”
Making it back inside, he is greeted yet again with the mess left from the day before.  Yet again, he is too tired to even deal.  Whipping his shirt off, he adds it to the pile of mess and makes his way upstairs to shower.  As the water ran down his head to his body, he thought about his day.  He will have to cancel with Cheryl because of his mom, so for once, thank Hanuman for her calling.  Getting his washcloth lathered, he worked on his chest and torso.  And that girl, Kenie.  Something seemed different about her than others he had seen.  Neck and face done, he works his sensitive areas and crevices.  Clearly she flirted, but that wasn’t it.  She was really interesting for some reason.  He turns the cold water up some to rinse off, shaking his head as the water cascaded down.  
Then the thought that he hadn’t heard from you all day came into his mind, so he hops out of the shower and makes his way to towel off and goes to the bedroom.  Picking his phone off the charge, he looks at his messages.  Nothing, not a single text or missed call from you.  It’s only 6 pm so your day might not be quite over yet, but you send a text to her just asking what’s up.  Walking away he gets a text almost immediately from you.  
Yeah, fine but we need to talk. 
*Part 4*
Other Works:
King Kil’mawalls
N’Jadaka’s Helpful Hands
Commencement Day
The Ragtag
@sweetpeachjones  @hairhattedghooligan @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @universalbri
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