#i feel like i'm tag spamming because i'm late to this show
Korn is the Actual Worst
Nobody is reading these but oh well. Today's very normal thought subject is that we see as early as ep 3 that Kinn when he feels safe is an open, smiley goofball who lunges for Porsche like someone at least a little bit aware that he's drowning.
They never come out and say how long it's been since Tawan, but it has to have been at least a couple of years? (Tay gets an award for sticking by him.) And I'm thinking something barely coherent here about the main house's hyper-controlled atmosphere, all CC-TV cameras and employees who ultimately report to his father, and how Tawan would have killed any sense of refuge even in what should be private areas, so for years no corner of that entire enormous place feels safe. [And he keeps that picture, in case he forgets.]
[I've seen a post or two disapproving of Kinn controlling Porsche's cell phone access, a fair real-world reaction that seems to overlook the fact that in the show-world, Kinn is trapped in this system, too. His family has his phone location tracked. People [mostly Porsche, but still] are constantly bugging rooms, eavesdropping, spying on one another. There is a literal informant in the house trying to have him killed. They all live in a fucking panopticon Korn runs, which is why in order to make real connections with people it has to be somewhere else, mostly Yok's for the symbolism of it all. But anyway, back to safety.]
Nobody is the exact same person with their parents that they are with their friends, but it is obvious that Kinn isn't safe around his father. He's cautious with his words, never shows a real smile, and usually buffers the interaction with alcohol. I get so indignant for him when Korn is reprimanding him in front of Chan, it is literally management 101 you do. not. do. that. For Korn, however, public shaming is the point.
I realized while I was writing up the ep 14 notes that his preferred method relies almost entirely on emotions. He's not a conventional liar in that he's usually not trying to feed people specific information as a means of guiding their behavior (though he does resort to that at the end of the season); it's not the words themselves that matter. It's how he's making someone feel in that moment. Which is why he goes with vagueness and metaphors and cuddly sweaters when he can. [I'll come back to that.]
His episode 1 conversation with Porsche is brief but significant, because he consistently takes this position throughout the season. He wants Porsche dependent on him, and it's not just the quasi-feudal "I meet your physical needs and you give me loyal service" one might expect from organized crime. Korn wants Porsche -- the man he orphaned! I hate him so much -- to have positive emotions about him, see him as a provider for Chay if not for himself. We see it with Pete a little bit from the other side; he's the only one of the bodyguards we ever really learn about, but in the ep 2 fish out of water sequence, he's the fish happy in the bowl. Sure, there's some annoying aspects, but overall it's a good deal.
It's such a grotesque, stunted version of actual connection, but if you can make sure that it's all anyone ever gets...? Once you've established that link, once you are the only source of those positive emotions for someone, you can use it. [Yet another aside: I'm intrigued by Korn's suggestion that Kinn and Porsche go away for a bit, because the only motive I can see for it is that he wanted space to work on Chay.]
Korn probably didn't even read Kinn the riot act about Tawan, just said something like I warned you. Now we have this. They live in a high-stakes world, would have lost face on account of it, lost business, a few people. I'm sure he didn't have to outright tell Kinn what to do about it.
The line that makes me want to stab Korn right through my laptop screen on Kinn's behalf specifically is not the apple speech but the coda: Our family is waiting for you.
How fucking dare he.
Anyway. I like that they trust their audience to figure out that Korn is as bad as his brother; he just prefers a different technique. And I find it interesting that Kinn categorically rejects this approach in favor of shooting someone in the head. (He would suck at it anyway; he can do the cold aloof thing 24/7 for literally years, but he can't fake emotions for shit.)
One of the things I'm mourning about no S2 is that we won't find out if Korn went too far in the S1 endgame. He ended up outright lying a lot as he ran out of maneuvering room. I'd like to know if he got too specific in what he said, told too many straight-up lies that were aimed at Porsche where Kinn could see him do it. Another good reason for Korn to keep his kids isolated from one another is that it reduces the chance that they'll compare stories. I was thinking about writing a fic about this but I might just leave it here - Kim, as the youngest, might have seen this tactic used against other people enough to have figured it out.
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wild-karrde · 9 months
Y'all... I cannot stress enough how you need to interact with things in order to maintain a fandom community.
I have seen absolutely abysmal interaction with everything I've posted lately, and it is IMMENSELY disheartening. Of course, I create it for me, but I choose to share it with everyone and want to get excited about it WITH YOU. And it seems that every other artist/writer/creator I know is experiencing the same thing.
If you're one of the people that regularly interact or just have hit a bit of a speedbump lately, then please know I'm not talking to you. I'm also not talking to other creators that have to choose between engaging or creating (and sometimes just don't have the bandwidth). I'm talking to the blogs that ask for more and then never comment or share. I'm talking to the people that sign up for tag lists and then are never heard from again. I'm talking to blogs that spam like but haven't reblogged anything since 2022. Y'all, this site thrives off of interaction. That is how it works. You have to help things circulate, and it is so frustrating to see the entire place in a collective slump. I have been blocking blogs left, right, and center that do not share things, and I will continue to do so. But it is such a freakin' bummer to see the state of things at the moment.
Hell, I started a sideblog for Fandom Friday (@fandom-friday), and have only received a handful of submissions after getting asked numerous times when it would be coming back. IT'S BACK. IT'S HERE. WHERE IS EVERYONE????? I figured after a few months' break, that people would have plenty of submissions stacked up, but that has not been the case AT ALL.
Fandom communities are such incredible places, but it's felt like a ghost town around here lately with the writers and artists just screaming into the void to PLEASE INTERACT WITH OUR STUFF. Please show up for one another because it is so very soul-crushing to watch everyone I know just feel completely disheartened. I cannot tell you how depressing it is to spend hours and hours carefully crafting something, being genuinely excited about it, and get almost no interaction or response other than a few likes and comments.
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rewh0re · 1 year
2:55 AM
Ft. Itoshi Sae
Got this idea and i just had to write it because why not. Anyways. Reblogs + feedbacks are highly appreciated!!
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It's late. It's way past midnight and you both should be sleeping instead of sitting on the sofa with your heads in your hands trying to figure out how to get out of the problem at hand. You tried your best to sleep but the persistent buzzing of your phone due to the incoming notifications left you sleepless.
"I thought we were careful enough," you took your phone in your hand, opening Instagram only to be spammed by notifications that said you were tagged in several photos and comments by random accounts. There were also thousands of follow requests from said accounts.
"We were careful. They just get their way every single time," Sae had talked to his manager a few hours ago about how a picture of the both of you had taken the internet by storm.
You were out for a date with Sae after his recent victory. The picture was taken after the date when Sae had kissed you under the street light beside an empty park or at least what you thought was an empty park. When you first saw the picture trending, the fans did not yet know who you were, you were still an unknown person who seemed to be Sae's significant other. Within a few hours however, they had found out your name and your account and since then you were on the receiving side of several hate comments and a few supportive ones.
'Sae can do better.'
'They aren't all that.'
'ugh Sae, leave them and date me.'
And other such comments were plaguing the picture. You got several such DMs too that honestly made you feel a bit down and you weren't feeling your best after seeing these.
But along with these there were also a few supportive comments that asked the people to leave you both alone and show you some respect and that it was Sae's choice who he dated and if he was happy it was enough. These comments made you smile. People could be bitter as well as sweet, you concluded.
"What's wrong with the people commenting all of this bullshit? Don't they have anything better to do in life?" Sae's eyes narrowed as he scanned through the various comments and captions.
"This was bound to be the result once our relationship was made public. I'm not complaining, some people can be weird about their idols getting into a relationship," you sighed as you silenced your phone and kept it on the coffee table. This was definitely not good for your mental health as you already thought about Sae finding someone better, probably some pretty fan of his. These thoughts plagued you at night.
"Don't you dare think about me leaving you or something. Don't you let these petty jobless people make you think that you're anything less than perfect for me," Sae held your hand as he seemed to catch on your troubling thoughts. He somehow always knew what was going on with you. Somehow he could read you like an open book. His eyes told you how much he loved you and how important your presence was in his life.
"I'll try Sae. That's the only thing I can do right now. Anyways, these will die down with time. We should sleep now. It's late," you kissed his cheek as you got up from the sofa and headed towards your bedroom.
You stopped midway through, as you noticed your boyfriend was not following you. Instead, he was still on the sofa and it looked like he was deep in his thoughts.
"Aren't you coming? Let them be, as I said it'll die down--"
"I'm gonna make it public first thing in the morning," he turned around to look at you, a serious look in his eyes.
"Sae..people already know, there's no need to--"
"No no, I'm gonna confirm it in the morning. It's been long enough. I'm not doing this for the media either, I'm doing this because I cannot keep loving you in private any longer. I'm tired of always being so on guard with you when we go out," he interrupted you yet again as he closed the distance between you both, now standing in front of you with your face in his hands.
"Sae.." you started but you honestly did not know what to say.
"Are you okay with that?" He looked deep into your eyes as if he was searching for your answer in them.
"Okay," you let out a little laughter as you pecked his lips and broke away from him. "But for now, please, please come to bed."
And true to his words, the next morning you were tagged on Sae's official Instagram post which was a picture of you kissing his cheek as a small, barely there smile was plastered on Sae's face. You smiled a little at the post, not caring about the incessant buzzing of your phone.
'I love you a bit too much' read the caption.
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Obligatory, I don't think I'm technically wrong, but I know I could be an asshole, I think I'm justified, I wanna know what other ppl think, etc,
This is mult. fandom related and I'm 25 and have been on Tumblr for approx 10 years so I'm not speaking as someone new to either Tumblr or fandom spaces
AITA for reporting art and fic as spam when it's tagged as something else in a tag I'm searching for?
This applies to many fandoms I'm in not just one so I feel no need to list them since it's not like personal beef or fandom specific drama but basically as I'm sure many people do when I want to see fan art or even the occasional fic for my favorite character I'll go into their character tag via Tumblr search, it's one of the few things I enjoy about this website is it's semi functional tagging and search system. But more often and usually lately I've been finding a lot of stuff in say character A tag that doesn't have character A in it, it's a drawing of character B that's been tagged with the main fandom tag, B, and every other main character. I know its so the art or fic gets more views but it's annoying ESPECIALLY if it's fic because not to generalize but fics tagged like that usually dont have a read more either so I have to scroll past this massive block of text that's not only a fic I'm not interested in, but one that's incorrectly tagged for a character I'm trying to find content of so they're the ones I tend to report as spam the most over art which is easier to scroll past ill admit
Even on ao3 it's a feux pas to tag characters that just "appear" if they're not central to the fic so they already shouldn't be tagging any character mentioned in their fic
This USUALLY tends to happen with people's oc posts as well and nothing against OCs they're just not my thing and if I were in the main tag I'd happily scroll by since I recognize their place but just like the other two I'll notice it's just a drawing of someone's oc or their OC's profile and it's tagged with the full main cast, thus showing up in the character I'm looking for's tag
Or character x readers and character A (and C, D, E, F, etc) will be tagged on a B x reader fic, obviously I have no interest in reading a fic like that especially when again the entire cast has been tagged not because they appear in the fic but for engagement
Also I'm not dumb I filter for fandoms so like if the tag I'm in is just "Steve" obviously I know it'll apply to multiple fandoms like Minecraft or avengers since that's a super nonspecific name/tag I'm talking about deliberate tagging within the same fandom
I also don't report the post if they're like "this is my OC his name is James Bond" obviously that's gonna show up in like the James Bond tag which while more specific would not count as spam since that's still a proper tag that would apply, it's the OC's name that just happens to be the name of another character
So, while I don't feel bad because I find these people annoying since they're obviously tagging things like I mentioned on purpose for attention but on the other hand I feel a little guilty because fan art and fan fic is important to any fandom but just, that is one of the definitions of a spam post is something improperly tagged on purpose
TLDR: I report posts in my favorite character's tag as spam when they don't have my favorite character but are tagged with them because they clog up the actual tag with garbage
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jackhues · 10 months
you're not slick - angel's world
NOTE: this takes place during dec/2023 - march/2024
this is a series/interactive au, so feel free to send in any ideas/requests/thoughts you have about this!angel's world au masterlist!!
verstappen!twin reader x mat barzal ,, f1xhockey
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liked by redbullracing, scuderiaferrari, lilymhe_ & others
angel.verstappen: life lately :)
landonorris: look at mother slay -> angel.verstappen: i love you son
charles_leclerc: hmm those shoes are not familiar to me -> angel.verstappen: they're not supposed to be
max.verstappen1: what is going on -> angel.verstappen: go away or i'll block you
danielricciardo: my eyes must be deceiving me because there's no way that's a man -> alex_albon: i am so confused rn
userone: WHO IS IT??
usertwo: it's barzy, i'm calling it -> userthree: he can't dress like that? -> user two: it's called the ✨ girlfriend effect ✨
redbullracing: i assume you're not too busy frolicking and you'll make it to the vegas gp -> angel.verstappen: first tell max to stop bullying me -> christianhorner: max stop bullying your sister -> userfour: HE'S LITERALLY THEIR DAD 😭
titobeauvi91: well well well 👀 -> angel.verstappen: blocked.
THE KOOL KIDZ (+ ONE OLD MAN 👴) charles, angel, daniel, max, lando, alex
charlie alright ange who's the guy
dannyricc we all saw him don't even try to play dumb
maxie stop leaving us on read and answer
son am i gonna have a dad?
angel i will introduce you to him when i want it's a boyfriend not the end of the world
alex but who's the boyfriend? we want to know
charlie i NEED to know ange i will spam you and you know that
angel charlie i will block you and you know that
charlie i'll show up at ur house
maxie even christian wants to know he's been bugging me for twenty minutes lia who is it??
angel you guys will learn eventually for now it's a hockey player and if things get serious serious you will all meet him
alex bring him to vegas
dannyricc as the only adult angel bring him to vegas
angel ohmygod.
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liked by arthur_leclerc, redbullracing, barzal97 & others
tagged: schecoperez, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, landonorris, & oscarpiastri
angel.verstappen: vegas baby
landonorris: mother doing mother things -> angel.verstappen: son supporting mother doing mother things
charles_leclerc: i like that picture, send it to me -> angel.verstappen: sent bubba -> userone: anyone find it weird how close she is to charles... like he's pierre's best friend -> usertwo: she's dating charles i'm calling it! -> userthree: y'all need to calm down 😭 she's known charles longer than she's known pierre liked by angel.verstappen & charles_leclerc
danielricciardo: it was nice to meet the mister -> angel.verstappen: he says it was nice to meet you too
userfour: WHO IS HE??
userfive: checo looks so cute in this pic -> angel.verstappen: checo always looks cute
THE KOOL KIDZ (+ ONE OLD MAN 👴) charles, angel, daniel, max, lando, alex
charlie well he was much nicer than i expected
angel did you expect me to pick an asshole
charlie yes
dannyricc yes
maxie yes
alex yes
son yes
angel charlie he's ur bsf
charlie he was still an asshole to you
son i like dad he's my new bestie right after mom
maxie i don't like him
angel we all know that
dannyricc we also know that's a lie
charlie yeah you love him
maxie i'm blocking all of you
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liked by charles_leclerc, titobeauvi97, marner_93 & others
barzal.97: it's been a minute
userthree: who took my mans?
titobeauvi97: nice stars -> barzal.97: thanks i drew them
userfour: who's angel?? why's everyone saying she's with my mans?? -> userone: angel verstappen is max verstappen's twin. he's an f1 driver. angel's made her own name by creating a fashion line called l'acadia. everyone thinks they're dating bcz they've been seen together and have been teasing a partner on their account for a while
charles_leclerc: are those crocs? -> barzal.97: blocked. -> userfive: NAHH THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INSANEEE
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hearts-are-connected · 3 months
Tagged by the always lovely @wondrouswendy😊 Thanks for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 works so far with way too many works in progress. Haha
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My focus right now is on Alan Wake, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Prodigal Son, White Collar, and Resident Evil.
In the past I've written for The A-Team, Resonance of Fate, and Final Fantasy VII.
4. Top five fics by kudos
Fevered Dreams - James "Bucky" Barnes/Sarah Wilson, FATWS Fic
Family - James "Bucky" Barnes/Sarah Wilson, FATWS Fic
Pain - James "Bucky" Barnes/Sarah Wilson, FATWS Fic
Soak away the troubles - James "Bucky" Barnes/Sarah Wilson, FATWS Fic
Mornings - James "Bucky" Barnes/Sarah Wilson, FATWS Fic
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to always respond to the comments I receive. It's always a joy to hear what others think of my work and I want to thank them for taking the time to do so. I love interacting with my readers.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
They say time heals all wounds is probably my angstiest ending solely because it was written as a tribute to the late James McCaffrey. May he rest in peace.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Fevered Dreams or Until I found you might be my happiest endings solely because I put my male leads, Bucky Barnes and Alex Casey, through the wringer in their respective fics before letting them have their moments of comfort.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't so far, and I'm very grateful for that.
9. Do you write smut?
No, never.
10. Craziest crossover?
I don't really enjoy crossover stories. Only on very rare occasions.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge and I hope I never have to know what that feels like.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Can't say I have.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but @pinkomcranger and I throw so many different ideas and story inspirations around, I think we might as well have by this point. Haha
14. All time favourite ship?
Saga Anderson/Alex Casey
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Resonance of Fate story that I've been editing on and off for over ten years now. I keep wanting to post it, but then I fail to do so because I feel I need to rework something.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel that my strengths lie in setting a mood and showing silently exploring relationships between characters. My stories don't normally have a ton of dialogue because I love showing relationships through actions more than words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not that good when it comes to writing deep plots. Most of my stories are basically drabbles, with the occasional character focused multi-chapter fic.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I love it, especially when it's a foreign character slipping into their native tongue when speaking.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Christopher Paolini's Eragon back in 2008.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Wide Awake is definitely one of my favorite stories. It was my first time writing Saga Anderson and Alex Casey as a romantic pair instead of platonic and I'm really proud of how it came out. I adore writing these two characters.
I'll tag @tllgrrl. Her work is fantastic! (if you've been tagged already, sorry for the spam!)❤️
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yujeong · 3 months
Get to know the blogger
Thank you so much for the tag @imminentinertia, worry not about forcing yourself on me, I love it when people tag me in fun ask games ❤️❤️ Last song: Clocks by Coldplay. I'm still riding that high I got from going to their concert, don't judge me. Favourite colour: All shades of red honestly, especially burgundy. Currently watching: My Stand-In. That's it. Ok, for real, I'm so, so bad at watching shows lately. I can barely start new things and when I do, I don't continue watching them, which sucks because I want to watch SO MANY things (Word of Honor, Triage, so many anime, so many movies etc etc). The only shows that keep my attention completely from start to finish are BOC shows, so as you can guess, I am waiting for 4 Minutes with bated breath. Just ask my friends how much spamming about this project happens from me and you'll understand. Sweet/savory/spicy: All of them. It truly depends on what I crave at the moment. Current obsession: Pete. Buying books. Pete. Ottessa Moshfegh. Pete. Oh and Pete. (4 Minutes will become a new one once it starts, I've been going crazy with just posters and teasers so far, so... prepare yourselves folks. I'm about to become a 4 Minutes blog soon lmao.) Current reads: War of the Foxes by Richard Siken, which I've been reading very, very slowly to truly feel the words and truly picture the imagery this man has crafted with his gorgeous mind, and The Symposium by Plato for my workplace's BookClub, which I created hehe. It's... fine (?) so far, I need it to sink in first, the narrative structure is a little confusing hahah. It feels good to read something in Greek though, I'm mostly reading books in English generally. Last thing I googled: "μπορντο αγγλικα", which translates to "burgundy English" because I can't for the life of me remember what this colour is called in English lol. Tagging @wretchedamaranth, @xpi-x-elx, @iwantoceans and whoever else would like to do it 😊
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kagejima · 2 years
Words of Encouragement
As the interaction discussion I monitored this weekend comes to a close, I have been struggling to think of what I can say to help everyone. I pride myself on being good with words when it comes to stories, but I am just absolutely horrible when it comes to advice-giving. I'm still going to try though because I am concerned after what I've seen.
One of my favorite shows is an NBC show called 30 Rock. It's about the head writer for a popular late night variety show and the hijinks that ensue.
There is an episode where the main character Liz Lemon is getting so stressed that she needs therapy. She enlists the help of simple yet sweet page Kenneth to be her therapist, but he cannot handle the pressure of it, so it backfires on her. Liz's no nonsense boss Jack steps in to help Kenneth and says, "Put your mental burden in my mind vice, and I will crush it."
Going into this discussion, I wanted to carry the attitude of Jack's "mind vice", but I will be incredibly honest with you all. The further it went, I became as stressed as Kenneth due to my empathetic nature.
It truly concerns me to see a lot of people being so stressed over something that shouldn't be stressful at all. I have been writing fanfic since most of you were five years old, so this isn't my first time dealing with these stressors. It's just a different website.
Some common themes I noticed in the messages were as follows:
Feeling like a third wheel when it comes to mutuals
Feeling like your writing is not good enough because it is not getting reblogged
Feeling unmotivated because you don't receive a large amount of feedback
Feeling used because of spam likers
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that there are people who have felt one of these, two of these, or even all four at once. You all shouldn't ever, ever feel this way. You deserve so much more than what is happening.
Second of all, I would encourage those that are writers to go back in the tag and find the handful of reader POVs that were sent in after the event is over later today. All of them made very valid points, and I think they are things that we regularly forget as writers. While, yes, there are always going to be spam likers and ungrateful readers, I believe in the bottom of my heart that probably more than half of them are not that way at all, and I think it's very easy for us to just think they're all the same when we only receive a like.
Thirdly, if I could take ratios away for all of you, I would. But I cannot. I can only give you some words of encouragement of what I've learned in my 18 years of writing fan fiction, so I hope that they help someone.
Notes Do Not Matter
At the End of the Day, You Should Be Writing For Yourself
I know, I know. I know, I know, I know. You're like, "What the fuck, Rae, yes they do."
But I feel like there is an alarming amount of people that are equating their worth as a writer (and person) to how well a fic does. We see how well another's fic does and if it doesn't reach that amount of notes, it's seen in our eyes as failure. Or if it doesn't reach x amount of interactions in x timeframe, we also see that as failure.
You cannot do this to yourself. It will drive you absolutely batshit insane.
And honestly? I completely understand wanting to be recognized for your writing, but you really have to think about it. Do you want 12k notes on every fic you put out? The people I knew that had massive amounts of notes the last time I was writing fanfic-- They were MASSIVELY unhappy. When they did get the interaction they craved, it turned out it wasn't what they wanted at all.
I'm not saying that this will be the same outcome for you, but I implore you to sit down and really think if wanting a large amount of notes comes from a deeper issue, like theirs did.
I don't think I'll host another one of these any time soon because it did take a lot out of me, but I do encourage both parties to step into the other's shoes.
You've done it! You've finished a fic!
Were you happy while you wrote it? Did some time pass and you went "Ohmygod, how long have I been sitting here?"? Did you have a fun time while you did it?
Guess what? You did it.
And by you did it, I mean you've already succeeded.
You made yourself happy writing about your favorite little blorbo (Or, if you're like me, writing about someone else's favorite blorbo so you get a DM going 'GODDAMNIT RAE' two seconds later lmaooo)
You cannot be waiting on interactions and note amounts to make yourself happy. It will not come, I promise you.
You cannot worry about what user 472347294 thinks about your fic and if it's good enough to be reblogged or not.
That kind of thinking will absolutely decimate you.
Your bar should be this now.
"Did I have a lot of fun writing it?"
Then you've done it. You succeeded. That's all that matters in the end is if YOU were happy while you wrote it. If YOU had fun while you wrote it.
Writers-- I get it. It fucking SUCKS to sink hours and hours and hours and hours into something and get literally nothing in return (I am TERRIFIED to post a Sukuna fic because of this). But I'm about to tell you some really hard pills to swallow, and some of you might disagree with me, and that's fine. But I feel like it needs to be said.
Just like we don't owe anything to readers (chapter updates, part twos, etc.), they don't owe us anything. I think it's very easy for us to get into the mindset of "I worked on this for x amount of hours, so you HAVE to give me feedback".
No. They don't. They don't owe us anything, just like we don't owe them anything. I can't find a gentler way to say it, but it's something I've thought of for awhile now.
Instead, what I encourage you to do is pay attention to those that DO leave feedback. Reach out to them when they do, and sort of a, "Hey, thank you so much for reading my fic, I really appreciate it!" Or something along those lines. I was doing that but I have been slacking on it for the last couple months, so maybe it's something we can all start to do together.
Readers-- I hadn't thought about it before about how you feel like your follower count is too insignificant for a reblog to do any good, or how the times that you have left feedback, you felt like you were pushed to the side. And for that, I am sorry.
I know we are always ranting about reblogs and how important they are, but I apologize to those who are trying. To those that do take the time out to leave feedback, you are appreciated more than you know. You are the reason we continue to make content, whether we reach out to you or not.
I also do think it's very easy for us writers to forget that there is an incredibly large amount of content out there to consume, and we are basically making it impossible to keep up with. Tumblr's bookmarking system is just fucking awful (if you can even call it that) so I completely understand where you're coming from.
My advice to you is to keep trying to leave feedback, no matter how small. Hopefully there will be some writers who will reach back out to you and tell you thanks.
To those that are too shy to leave feedback, I would encourage you to leave feedback on your favorite writers fics (Please, for the love of god, stay away from the writers who think that they're better than you because their follower count got to their head. You'll know them when you see them.).
And if you are unsure of what to even say, please drop by (I have anonymous on always!) and I would be more than happy to help you!
There are a few more messages queued for today, but I will probably end the discussion at 3pm EST since I have to work tonight.
Thank you again to those that sent things in. I'm happy that we were able to be respectful to one another and I hope that maybe we were able to step into the other party's shoes and can be more kind to each other going forward.
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
Thank you for making that post, I'm sick of people implying that sexual predator narrative. There are other problems with Zim's behaviour (some of it mentioned in the post), but that is not it.
And while I'm not a biology expert either, even I have a problem with people trying to force Zim into the standards of human aging, and judge him by those standards.
This is not even exclusively a "Kid Zimmer" problem. A lot of fellow "Adult Zimmer"s guilty of this too. Zim shouldn't be compared to a human adult or a kid or whatever. He is an Irken adult! I like that he is not like a human, and has unique things about both how his society functions and how they are maturing. I feel like the fandom often takes away from this.
It's not like I don't like anything in fanon, one of my favourite fics is about Kid Zim, it has a lot of thought put into it, it's just fandoms nowadays need their headcanons to be canon for some reason and that bugs me a little. AU-s are a thing, like you said fanfiction is already going against canon. And I wish people would do something interesting with Irken ages, besides using it for shipping.
There are other things I want to say about this fandom (lots of people who complain about other people ignoring canon also ignore this piece of canon too) but I'm not gonna say what it is, because I don't need more reason to piss off both adult and kid Zimmers, even if I'm not mad here either with those people not writing that canon-accurately, I'd be probably the party pooper just for bringing it up.
Thank you again for saying what I didn't dare to.
You know I've seen some posts going around with people talking lately about how age discourse can be traced back to the V0ltron fandom. Up until the Kl@nce/Sh3ith ship wars, age discourse wasn't treated like a legitimate social issue by large groups of people. It only became a thing because Kl@ncers wanted to smear Sh3iths as pedophillic, when the characters had no canon ages, because they felt threatened by their rival ship's popularity. There was a coordinated effort by Kl@ncers to bully and harass people until they were afraid to ship anything but their ship, to artificially inflate their fandometrics ranking on tumblr by spamming the tags, and hassle the VAs and members of the production about validating their ship. They even tried to blackmail the show into making Kl@nce canon by threatening to leak spoilers from a BTS tour they had the privilege of experiencing.
Before Kl@ncers, nobody treated cartoon shipping age discourse like an actual social issue and like all moral hand-wringing about shipping it was never about protecting anyone, it was always at its core about people wanting their ships validated.
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
10 16 24 (for the Deathspeaker, but if a different universe would fit better feel free to switch it up!)
10.) if your story is titled, why did you choose that title?
It hit me like a brick while I was developing the early stuff! I dunno! The Deathspeaker is the name the main villain chose to take on and Deathspeaker is the last name of the main character but honestly? I named the demon after the title of the story. I could talk about how fucking cool I think the title is and what it means and The Implications about who's really the main character here, but for the sake of this question it was just a word I came up with on the spot ILUASDHLAIUSDHSA
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
I WAS GONNA MAKE THIS HAPPEN AT ONE POINT. I made blogs for some of the characters. I don't think those blogs exist anymore but for a little while I was blogging as if they were in roughly the same time as the comic was progressing. It didn't last very long cause 10 different blogs is a lot to run at once ailusdhLUIASDHAILUSDH I think it would be so fucking funny tho. And awful for me emotionally. Joe would never make personal posts he just reblogs art and goes "whoa that's so cool" in the tags, with the occasional picture of Mittens his cat. Cody's still making shitposts that look like they came out of 2012. Dara makes 2 posts that are formatted poorly and don't make a lot of sense and then she never logs on again. Jules gets a phone and immediately starts hitting post limit every day because they think it's so fucking cool. VAGUE SPOILERS AHEAD
One day all of them stop posting except for Cody who just posts "SOMETHING JUST HAPPENED". reblogs later with a blurry picture of the school on fire. Abby starts posting ":)" and nothing else. Everyone slowly comes back as if nothing happened except Joe. Who then reappears weeks later with "i lived bitch" and then he spam posts his art.
24.) best scene youve written?
Ok for scenes I've actually WRITTEN and don't just live rent free in my brain... I'd say like. All of Chapter 7 actually. MAN ESPECIALLY THE SCENE I JUST STARTED DRAWING OUT. JOE AND DARA OWN MY ENTIRE HEART THERE IS SOMETHING FUCKING WRONG WITH THEM <3 But Chapter 7 is so so so so special to me. The entire Chapter is on a very obvious time table. I think I did a good job holding the tension. The entire world is holding its breath waiting for it to happen. She knows it's going to happen. And you know she is not going to fix it all in time. It's already too late. They told her so themself. Everything in this chapter is so so deliberate. I've written more notes for this chapter than any other on exactly how each shot should look and how they should be framed and how each panel should be arranged on the page. I'm SO EXCITED
I'm also particularly fond of the back and forth scene in Chapter 6 with the journal pages laid out side by side with what Shannon's up to. The parallels make me insane and I needed everyone to notice them too. and it FUCKED HARD. It turned out so fucking cool.
For scenes I haven't actually gotten around to Writing yet. Man. Man. Man. I thought about that one scene in Chapter 9 every night for 2 years straight. I can't wait. I'm writing this entire story just so I can show people the images of chapter 9 that haunted me one day and caused me to start forming the rest of the story
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marvelouslyalwaysme · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 10,510 times in 2022
46 posts created (0%)
10,464 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 302 of my posts in 2022
#try guys - 22 posts
#netflix - 15 posts
#ned fulmer - 14 posts
#heartbreak high - 14 posts
#the try guys - 13 posts
#heartstopper - 9 posts
#first kill - 7 posts
#keith habersberger - 6 posts
#tag game - 5 posts
#queer - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#kluas is wild and klaus is kluas but he truely sees ben as a platonic brother even if its not their ben i still dont think klaus would do it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Literally just found out that paper girls got cancelled...I was mad about first kill I was super sad after the wilds but COME THE FUCK ON!! PAPER GIRLS?!? PAPER GIRLS?!?! I'M SO FUCKING LIVID AND I'M JUST FUCKING SICK OF GOOD SHOWS GETTING CANCELLED BACK TO FUCKING BACK. I was really rooting for paper girls and I got my hopes up but I should have fucking known better. This fucking sucks
17 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
honestly i keep talking about the ned fulmer shit to deal with the fact that i liked him a lot!!! and he's a piece of shit now!!!! it was the same thing when people realized brendon urie was a dickwad like- i feel betrayed man
Ned always was my least favorite (not to be one those but....) and actually recently hes been getting more on my nerves lately (before the cheating was announced) but I still feel horribly betrayed because he was just putting on this fake act so I totally get where you're coming from, I was not not a fan of Ned I guess I felt meh about him as a singular but I am a try guys fan so it does suck it won't be the four no more but he fucked up so what are you gonna do
51 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
I saw a lesbian on tiktok say first kill was worse than Riverdale... Like the fuck maybe first kill isn't perfect but worse than Riverdale??? now y'all are just saying stuff to say stuff
52 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
70 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sorry to all the people who follow me and don't give a fuck about the try guy/ned fulmer cheating scandal and have to deal with me spam reblogging every post I see, I'm trying to stop and I just can't
1,006 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! It's gossip girl!!❤️❤️ I'm glad your finally free!!! Tumblr really needs to get its life together!! Also happy late birthday!! I was gone for a bit and saw all the stuff about it a bit late but I hope you had a a amazing birthday!!❤️❤️❤️ 
And lol😂 I usually do remember sunscreen but this time me and my friends left a bit late and I didn't grab it😂 but after about a week of aloe Vera it's back to normal😂 And yeah I'm glad watching the pups went well!! Pups ARE the best! They are always so funny and cuddly!
And it's totally alright!! You didn't keep me waiting at all! You're always totally good with the time between!! It's never too long anyway!! And I did actually make more progress on some of my WIPs so that's good! I about doubled the word count of the Micheal story I've been working on for a bit but it's still not done😂 But the idea I'm actually the closest to completes is a random Bob x reader from Top Gun that's been stuck in my head and I wanted to finally write out even though I've only done Peaky stuff up to now😂 I did also kinda give in and end up making a mini second account to post random stuff and try to get back to interacting more, but it's still mainly me putting out small things and hiding again😂 
And for who I'm trying to get idk😂 maybe all the spam/p*rn bots that seem to be showing up in my tags😂 Tumblr bans the innocent but does nothing to stop those it seems🥲
And OH NO! That's would be terrible and scary to lose that many files and such😭😭 I hope your boss back then was able to  take responsibility for it though and didn't like blame you for his mistake! I've heard horror stories of that happening before! I'm sorry you had to restart it from the last save😭 I'm still at the point where I save and save as every now and then but for the most part I only have one copy:/. It'll probably screw me over done day though😂
And I love the idea of your Mary Poppins bag! I have something similar in my car!! It's got all the stuff I need incase I'm out and don't have it and too far from my dorm! My other bags are usually just a full but only contain multiple fidget objects or random items and pens I've found 😂 which surprisingly my random objects have come in handy at times so I can justify keeping them😂
And I'm not actually sure how the one of tests went😂 my teacher still hasn't given back the grade! He was supposed to and then my school closes down for the tropical storm again (which basically ended up missing our area so we're good) and we didn't have class that day!😂 But my other test went well and I got and A on it! So i did bit of a longer break due to the storm but I still can't wait for thanksgiving break in like a week😂 And I guess it was good that your plans to study elsewhere didn't move right before the pandemic! I can imagine how stressful that would have been! Maybe if you wanted to if would be better now, I guess the world has somewhat settled down a bit (in some degrees...)  I'm glad your week was good! I hope you got some good rest too and got around what needed to be❤️❤️
As always it was fun to interact with you❤️❤️ Lots of love! Xoxo!
Hi GG!!!
It’s good to be back!!! See @ staff? I didn’t do anything wrong 😇 I just post smut from time to time… 🙈 🥳 thank you sm for your kind wishes darling! I did ☺️💕 it was lovely to get all that love in here you know?
Oh no!!! Hope you got some nice tan at least? I gave up years ago, I looked like a sick ghost at 10 yo, will look like a sick wrinkled ghost at 84 yo so I don’t even try to get a nice color anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh I just LOVE dogs, have you seen those pup videos from car to car stopping over just to say hiiiii? I’m that kind of person 🤣🐶
I’m so glad because let me tell you a secret, sometimes I feel bad for not answering sooner! But between work, my 🐶🐶, writing, reading, etc sometimes I think I did something only to realize I did it only but in my mind, and when I look back, boom it’s been 5 days since I got the message. Sooooo you’re a Michael fan, what are your thoughts about that end? I’m happy to hear that you are working on your stories!!
I’m terrible at Top Gun stories (I hope I don’t disappoint you, but I never saw the movies 🙈🙊) but either way, it’s so so good to hear you’re getting inspiration, I hope you write this one!! ☺️ @ zablife writes TG stories, if you haven’t seen that account, I highly recommend. Ohhh how come you have a second account and I don’t even know about the first one??? 😋 don’t worry if you want to keep under the anon profile it’s all good!
You’re right, sometimes with the new tags content I get post promoted and I’m like tf? 😳 at something really explicit, and some friends got posts deleted over nothing, guess they are part of us sadly…
Haha I wish! No, I had to keep working on from where the file froze… luckily by then I had mastered the formulas, it’s alright, stuff like that happens and since then, I learned to not let my boss work around my excel 🤪 and make like 3 copies just in case he came to mess it up. Oh well if so far you’ve made it, it’s all good 😉
I recently added a small hair brush (travel size) to my bag, and a little “tide to go” for you know food accidents 🤣 soon I will need a bigger bag if I keep adding things. But yes, it’s so useful when you need something, specially a student like you, bet you have lots and lots of things for your notes 😊
How did the test go? I hope that by now you got a good grade back! Oh no, everything good with the tropical storm? Hopefully it didn’t leave lots of damage, and yay!!!! Congratulations for that A! ✨👏🏻👏🏻 Well done! Happy (belated) thanksgiving!!! Did you go back home for the holiday? Are you buying something from the crazy sales? The stores were so full last week!
Yeah, because I was planning to quit my job and just go to Boston 😂 life: sure haha now I have chickened out to be honest, I’m thinking I don’t know of different plans now like getting my own place, so maybe something online would be more fitting… who knows? 🤷🏻‍♀️ With everything that happened I decided to try to not make lots of plans (of course not getting on the irresponsible side either). Thank you it was 🤗 Hope you week was good and your weekend is even better!
Thanks for the chat! It’s lovely to ‘see’ you here 💙 sending back lots and lots of love your way! Ps don’t forget your sunscreen 😉 xx
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e-rated-beardo · 3 months
Time for a tag game- again
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote or drew, and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
I was tagged by @di-42 about... seven days ago? (Oh those sweet days of innocence) and I'm just now getting around to it. If you've already been tagged in this and I'm tagging you again, my excuse is that a week is a long time and I apologise for the extra notification spam. ❤️
This is from Scorn and the Saint-Maker; it would be in chapter roughly 22 (no real spoilers because the only remotely spoilery aspect of this IS TAGGED LOUD AND CLEAR on the fic):
“None of that warm and wholesome rubbish for me,” agreed Anthony Crowley while regarding his warm and wholesome lover and feeling a complex of emotions that was nothing if not exceedingly warm and wholesome.
No way am I going to tag 34 people, so here goes just a few fine folks I follow, with no pressure: @harlotofupdog, @theonevoice, @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist, @depraveddame, @paperclipninja, @quona
Everyone else I thought of tagging has already participated, I'm late 🫠
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
Ahhgg, car trips can be a drag sometimes 😭 I'm pretty sure I haven't taken one since I've graduated so about 3 years tbh, I'm always driving these days so I get a little more car sick as a passenger. But I used to enjoy them a lot when I was younger! 😩
I think your hobby list is so good 💪🏼 ah but I feel the same way... Ooh fanfic 👁 do you have any particular favorite kind of genres you like to read? Oh and I've been looking at switches lately because they seem like a lot of fun! I've been trying to get into more fun games since breaks will be coming up from school 🤩
Video essays sound like a lot of fun ngl - I wish I had the attention span for that long 😩 that's super cute how excited you got for a 9 hour video omg but also it's skyrim so I can understand 😂 knitting! That's so cool, my mom was lamenting how she wanted to learn 😂 😂 😂 😂
I don't do much either 😭 I always feel so busy or tired to do things but I like to run my silly little tumblr blogs with content (gifs, fics, spamming the dash 😅) but I like to read all kinds of things (fics and books) but I haven't had as much time as I'd like 😔 maybe once I graduate, it'll free up some more hours in my day!
i don't actually drive so im always a passenger dhdhdhddh so really i just play pretend at being a navigator but like we using a gps so-
oh im a fantasy lover i love magic and monsters and scifi stuff too! bonus points if the protag is a black girl and double points if shes black and gay but thats my criteria for regular books when its fanfic i like sickfics and injury ones like im an angst girl i love me a major character death and i want my fave to suffer... on the lighter side i like fake dating like so much like SO MUCH i still like magic aus too but ill read alotta stuff as long as nobody pregnant and like the fic has to BE SUPER well written for me to even THINK of touching a kid fic with a 10ft pole
like when i get into an ao3 tag i got a full blown system like first i do my favorite character depending on the size of the archive ill either filter it to just angst or the specfic type then read thru back to front once being selective then twice with lower standards and then a third time with desperation. then once ive done that i take off the angst tag and just leave all my exclude this filters on and just do the above with their entire archive. after that i do the same with the relationship i have identified as my favorite
its a proven system i miss very lil fics that way.... anyway
switches are fun! i actually have quite a few games onnit its nice to have a portable console and when u get games like botw onnit u can have good time sinks that are worth the money spent on it and btw.... u can get skyrim on it dgsnszhdn p sure
ehe~ there are video essays that are still really good that are under 40 mins or 30 mins even if several hours is really hard to do. i like ToonrificTariq he does cartoon analysis and theyre normally on that shorter side!
i wasnt necessarily good at knitting like i was really baysic at it tbh i just taught myself the very baysic knit stitch and i think how to do the reverse purl one maybe im still unsure if i actually did it.... funfact i taught myself while i was binge watching game of thrones (when it was still cool) so i missed the entirety of the first season cuz i was focused on my knitting but by the time i got to s2 i could knit reliably with out looking so i actually started watching the show.
:O ur a fic writer??? thats so cool! its amazing that u can write stories i cant wait to be able to see some of your writing 👀 and a studious homie!!! very fancy!! what are u studying if u dont mind me asking?
0 notes
antiloreolympus · 3 years
May I ask why you dislike LO? I enjoy reading the series, and there are faults in the writing (as no series is perfect) and I have my own gripes with it, but overall I just really like the myth of Hades and Persephone.
I'll admit there were things that made me uncomfortable when I first started reading it (and they still kinda do) like Persephone being a teenager while Hades is, what - 40-60ish? The timeline (of the story taking place over the course of only a few weeks, when a Lot of stuff is going on), Hera the goddess of marriage having an affair, Demeter being an overbearing mother who financially takes advantage of her daughter, some of the flashbacks (like specifically the one where a much younger Kore meets a drunken Hades and falls on top of him while naked? And its played off as a meet cute)
But thats besides the point - I'm curious as to why you don't like LO and/or the creator of it I guess?
Also your posts are showing up in the lore Olympus tag - (and I know there's probably a seperate "anti-lo" tag but I also wouldn't be surprised if angry anons came into your inbox for spamming the tag of the webcomic they like with criticism, because apparently thats what people do on this hellsite instead of just blocking). And, of course your entitled to critique the series, but I'm sure some people are not going to be happy about that. (I say this as a person who enjoys critiquing media, like netflix's spop reboot, and have had angry anons come at me before, so stay safe out there).
Also, sorry this is so long.
Heyo! And I understand
I'll take this time to get into why I don't like each character as it's one of the reasons I don't like LO as a whole:
(Some I removed because there isn't much to say about them)
Main Characters:
• Hades - Man in his Late 30s to Early 40s actively pursuing a 'teenaged girl'.... He acknowledged that this was wrong at yet pursues her anyway? Plus, he's perfectly fine with slave labor and using his power/status to get his way. His character is also inconsistent when it comes to Minthe because one minute he can stand up for himself and the next he's terrified?
• Persephone - An overly sexualized teen who acts like a child. She also killed people but it was because of a 'feeling'. She still committed murder and yet it's framed as a "well, it's not her fault" but I'm also supposed to believe this 19-20 yr old would make a great and feared queen.
• Hera - Not only does she treat the lower class like garbage but she's also a hypocrite (the affair). Plus, she just randomly goes back on her word about Hades being a creep for no reason.
• Eros - Put a girl in some random dude's car and gave her "apology donuts" as a sorry gift 😒
• Minthe - She was coded with bpd which wouldn't be a bad thing if she wasn't so demonized by the story.
• Apollo - How come this dude is one of the most prevalent people in the story and we don't get a strong motive for him until season 2? Even then, we barely know anything else about him. I get the whole "well, he did this so I don't want a backstory for him" but at least give him a solid motive. One that comes from him directly.
• Thetis - One of the sweetest people gets turned into a homewrecker for no reason. Even then, people gloss over her being verbally manipulative to Minthe.
• Leto - Also verbally manipulative to her daughter. How comes RS decided to demonize the goddess of motherhood, too? There's really no justifiable reason for that.
• Hecate  - Also switched up about Hades and Persephone. Let's not forget her hitting Hades 3 times and him having to tell her to stop.
• Artemis - I get letting her brother in the house but Eros and Hermes? That's just inconsistency right there.
• Demeter - Got demonized for the 5973th time 😔🤚
• Aphrodite - Also rude to the lower class but it makes more sense as she's Aphrodite. Still rude af though.
• Hermes - Man got mad at Thanatos for "messing with his money" as if he didn't cover the whole thing up with Demeter      
• Hestia + Athena - Just hypocrites and the fact that they're supposed to be (aro)ace goddesses.
• Ares - He and Persephone also made out when she was 18 and I assume he was way, way older. Plus, him simping for Persephone in front of Aphrodite was an odd move.
• Hephaestus - This issue has more to do with RS's writing because how the hell did he hack Apollo's phone from Persephone's sim card alone and why is that just never explained?
• Daphne - Excusing nepotism as if Thanatos doesn't work in the same place as Persephone
Now, onto the story:
Its pacing is slow but also extremely fast for what it is. Everything (excluding flashbacks) has taken place over the course of 2-3 weeks. Persephone literally gets SA'd the day after the party. But then you have to think about how Persephone and Hades are probably going to get married like a month after their second meeting. We haven't even gotten to the trial yet and it feels like we never will with how slow everything is. LO honestly isn't made to be like a regular webtoon, it's made to be binged like a Netflix show or something. That would be fine but I can tell from interviews that it wasn't RS's intentions.
Also, RS herself? Yeah, don't really vibe with what she says a good portion of the time
I'll show some examples:
Not all of them are bad, just very weird
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Besides the wonky art, she does have potential but LO doesn't really show her skill. Hopefully, she does learn from this comic though.
About the hate, I honestly don't care that much anymore as it really doesn't change much. I respond but only because I find it funny/entertaining when someone tries to tells me what to do with my own freetime.
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winterxisxcomingx · 3 years
Okay, SO-
I've just read your reaction to the political au more than once already and let me tell you... I can't stop smiling at it 😁 I appreciate everybody's opinion ofc but you're like my main tumblr friend now and interacting with you is on another level tbh
BACK TO THE TOPIC, I hope you'll soon find out who Selina is so you can read more of my fics, either for her or for the whole fandom buahaha not me simping for your opinions 😅 but they always make my day!!! so keep them coming whenever you can!!!
Also now I want to write a part 2 for this fic. Or the same idea for another character/fandom. Or just anything political. Maybe one day... 👀👀👀
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AAAND your tags made me want to put something like 'I'd be a cool politician, I have quality tumblr blogs' somewhere in my bio for at least one of my blogs 😂 jk, I wouldn't really do it or maybe...
ANYWAY- thank you for the reblog! and for your opinion! I read them with pleasure and they mean so much to me, especially when you're not exactly in the fandom and/or you had a busy day and you still find a minute or two to give me feedback! 💜💜💜
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Me, reading your ask:
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you bring me so much happiness and excitement with simple interactions sgsgsdg
You are too kind to me, ya know? 🥺😭💜 I'm happy that I made u smile tho haha <3
"interacting with you is on another level tbh"
and sameee, like, lately I'm interacting with you so much and it's so much fun texting with u!!!
and you really are making me want to watch this show already shfhsh even if I had to watch it just to know who you are writing about hahah
(if I like it, I will spam you with my reactions to a given episode/action/character, so be ready, eheheh)
Damn, just so you know, but if you write the second part of this imagine, or another imagine in our au with a different character... then know that I will read it for sure! 😤
and I'll give u a flower, look
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and I have also cookie!
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so be ready! ehhehee
"jk, I wouldn't really do it or maybe..."
Unless...? 👀😏
pls do it! pfhahah Imagine people asking for a source for this quote (like from what show/movie or book it is) and u have to explain that... hahah
cuz, hun, this sounds SO MUCH like a source from something like that hahaha
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^me reading your last paragraph
Of course I would read that! I was really excited to read that one imagine and u know it! hahah
aaaand you are one of few people who works I will always reblog and spam with tags on them haha because I like you and you totally deserve it!
(anyway it's so nice knowing that writer reads your tags-- like... it's nice)
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^me hugging you through the internet 😤 feel that!
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