#i feel like i should only communicate in prince gifs on here
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Heyyy i just wanna say that I LOVE your writing. Its so so comforting 🫶🫶🫶
Can I request a story/headcanon about how Thorins company/ specifically Kíli would react if (fem) reader got her hair braided by her (non dwarf) friend, and it was just a friendly thing, but the dwarves thought it was a courting braid?
Pairing Fem!Reader x Kíli
Thank youu🫶💗
Omg thanks! Comfort writing is a big honor 🥹
Mission of Misunderstanding- Kili x F!Human!Reader
Shout-out to my girlies in the unbraidable hair community lmao 🤝 Warnings: one minor swear lol, a couple suggestive remarks
One more step and your feet were going to fall off. Surrendering to the burn, you all but fell down onto the log, tilting your feet so only your heels rested upon the earth. A sigh escaped your lips and you didn’t even move when the rustling sounded at your back.
A familiar voice spoke your name. Bilbo. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yes, my friend,” you breathed, “so long as you don’t count anything below the knee. Or my hair. Can’t imagine how much dirt and leaves have gotten in it after all that.”
"Well, yes," Bilbo chided, ever the little mother-hen, "you've got to keep it back. Why don't I braid it for you?"
Your heart burst, and not from exertion this time. "You would do that for me?"
"Of course," the hobbit shrugged, "haven't had much practice of it of late, but certainly I can give it a go for you. I understand. I wouldn't want the mess either. Come here."
Thanking him again, you scooted closer to where Bilbo stood, gritting your teeth for the pain of him detangling your hair, only to relax at the gentle touch of his nimble fingers. Eyelids fluttering shut in contentment, you sat as Bilbo worked his magic neatening your hair up and making fresh braids of it for you. Feet still elevated and aching, but less so the longer you sat off of them. When the hobbit pulled back with a quiet, still-focused finished, your first instinct was to reach up around your head, touching the new set of braids with a widening smile.
"And now it shall be free of my face! Truly, thank you, Bilbo!" Pulling him into a quick hug, you vowed to repay him somehow with a teasing final statement. "Since I doubt you want me to braid yours."
"That is quite alright, thank you," he chuckled, "let's head back to camp before Bombur chases us down, eh?”
Camp was nearby, and still sparsely populated as you approached it. Bofur and Bombur were there building a fire, and Thorin stood a ways aside having a conversation with Balin. Dwalin and Gloin sat playing a game with a rock as their table, and Ori sat knitting. The others, you presumed, were hunting, saddling ponies, or else getting attention from Oin. Thinking nothing of it you sat down again, this time near Dwalin and Gloin, asking who was winning and if they were taking bets just to laugh at their responses. Bilbo helped Bofur and Bombur get set up for dinner a few feet off, propping up sticks strong enough to hold the cooking pot.
Sure enough, the rest of the company began trickling in, Oin, Bifur, and Nori first, the latter two with poultices and bandages. You winced. Perhaps you should complain less about your feet. Next up came Dori and Fili, who each carried one half of a felled deer, shot clearly with one of Kili's arrows. The younger prince had a bag in hand, likely having won whatever silly game determined who got the lightest load. Smiling and meeting his eyes, you gave a quick wave, indicating your amusement at the game behind you with your eyes.
Kili smiled back and waved, then swiveled his head away and back again in a double-take. You found yourself frowning as he averted his gaze to help his brother, blinking as you wondered what that was about. All you'd done was say hello. Not even say, really. Did he think you were making fun of the others?
Perhaps it was nothing, but considering your feelings for the prince, it was everything in your mind. Cycling ideas began overtaking your brain like mist. Had he suspected malice of your joke? Had he simply heard something? Why had his expression shifted so? Maybe he was just worried by what he heard.
"What did I miss while we were gone?"
At Kili's words, Dwalin simply frowned, peering at him like he'd thoroughly lost his marbles. "What do ya mean, lad?"
"Did...did anything happen?"
"Took Gloin for a right fool on the card table," the older dwarf replied with a smug look, chest puffing and shoulders widening.
"No," the prince shook his head, "not with you, with..."
Despite the way he trailed off, Dwalin gave him a knowing smirk, crossing his tattooed arms. "Ah, I see," he nodded, "not with me, not with me at all. With the lass, eh? Why, she didn’t greet you with a kiss?”
Having an older brother really steeled one to teasing. Much as Kili wanted to fight, to protest and say oi, quit that or I’ll make you, he knew it was exactly the rise Dwalin would’ve wanted to get from him. Beside the other fact that his elder could kick his ass easily.
“‘Course not,” he replied nonchalantly as he could, “I just noticed someone had braided her hair was all.”
Even Dwalin had cause for surprise at that, dark eyebrows shooting up to his metaphorical hairline. “Just since this morning?”
“Yeah,” Kili replied, trying not to sound as deflated as the words made him feel, knocking the air clean out of him now that he’d said them out loud, “thought maybe you’d seen who did it.”
“Hadn’t even crossed my mind, but I think it was like that when she and Bilbo headed back to camp.”
“Bilbo?” He’d lose to a three and a half foot…grocer? “Well now, I’d not have expected that, eh?”
“I can tell ye don’t actually want to laugh, son.”
Sighing, he finally let himself deflate. Bilbo? You and Bilbo?
“I hardly see them talk that much. Do you?”
“Not nearly enough to warrant a marriage. Those take time.”
“I know, Fee.”
“I know.”
“And I thought you two had it. Not even just saying that because you’re my brother. You know I’m honest with you. The only reason those two would have is both feeling like outsiders, and that hardly seems cause to f-”
“Thank you, Fili, yes. Perhaps I was just wrong. Perhaps she could never have loved me after all. She wasn’t my One.”
“Now, brother,” grabbing him by the cheeks with one hand, Fili pulled his younger brother’s gaze to meet his, “not so hasty. Have you talked to either of them yet?”
“Wasn’t ready,” he mumbled, shaking out of the squishing grasp.
“Well, perhaps you should. Knowing is pain, yes, but it is also the thing that keeps us going in the end.”
Kili dropped his gaze thoughtfully before meeting his brother’s eye again, smiling faintly. “Remember our old espionage days? Maybe it’s time we had another mission.”
“Alright,” Fili nodded and smiled, “for old times’ sake.”
“Well hello there, Master Burglar.”
“Whatever it is, I won’t fall for it.”
“Now, now, so dry and for what?” Fili wrapped an arm around the hobbit. “I was just wondering how you you were coming along with…a certain member of the company.”
At that, the hobbit’s face crumpled in disgust. By Fili’s reckoning, Master Bilbo seemed barely interested in romance and certainly not with any of the types he currently ran with. He needed someone more doilies and dishcloths and the lot. You may have been the closest to his type, but still far too much of an edge, far too much indeed.
“I beg your pardon?” Bilbo simply replied.
With a conspiratorial wink, Fili leaned in and whispered your name, glancing back to the hobbit’s eyes, which narrowed slightly. Suspicious.
“Uh, w-well I would say,” Bilbo stuttered, shrugging lightly, “well as we could be, all things considered.”
“All things considered?” Fili’s grip tightened a bit. “There are things to be considered?”
“There are plenty of things to be considered!” The burglar shot back. “Why, is she upset with me? Last I heard, she liked the braids and I made her feel much more comfortable. Have I done something today?”
Blue eyes closing to near-slits, Fili released his grip entirely, arm falling back to his side. “Did she ask you to arrange her hair?”
“She complained about it,” Bilbo replied, shimmying in his newfound freedom and using his released arm to slide his pack closer, “so I offered to do something about it. Can’t imagine that is much of an outrage…oh. Oh, good heavens! No! Oh, no. No. She could be my daughter, who on earth sent you over here to…?”
Blonde brows raising, Fili’s head shot back in surprising hard enough to send his mustache braids swinging. “Wait, so you do know about courting braids?”
“Gloin was just telling me all about his,” the hobbit replied, freezing in place even in spite of his awkward, hunched-into-his-pack-hands-deep posture, “neither of us thought a thing about it. Privately I was hoping she and Kili would do whatever it was to get the tension out there, you know?”
Fili did know. He knew, all right.
“Psst! Psst! Hoo! Hoo! Caw!”
Kili’s head snapped up at the sound, dark eyes meeting his brother’s fair head popping from the scraggly bushes surrounding camp. One gloved hand waved wild beckoning at the younger prince. Rising from the rock he’d sat down on, one with a strategic view of some conversation between you, Uncle Thorin, and Balin, Kili strode to the edges of camp.
“Reconnaissance successful,” his older brother hissed.
“What?” Jaw dropping, Kili felt his hands leave his chest and clench in surprise. “That was fast. Nothing for me to do?”
“Not true, brother. Not true at all,” Fili smiled, “your part is far more important. You have to go talk to her.”
With a sigh, Kili nodded despite the heavy clunk of his heart in his chest. All the childhood playtimes were nice and all, but at the end of the day he had to be a dwarf about things. Face his fears, just like Uncle Thorin and his father and even Fili.
“You’re right. Though I dread it in my heart, I must speak to her. Even if my love is never known.”
“I wish you the greatest of luck,” Fili patted his shoulder, smiling eagerly, “and trust me. She won’t do a single thing to hurt you. I know it. Alright?”
Another nod. “Alright.”
Inhale, exhale. One step, then another. It was hard sometimes. Putting on the bravado. Fili was always so capable and Uncle had high standards. Not that he shouldn’t, but…it just got easier to act unafraid of everything. In truth, there was much Kili didn’t understand. Much he feared. Perhaps even his own heart, and that was why he had allowed himself to play games with it for so long. No longer, though.
Crunching across the dry campsite ground, he marched up to you as your conversation ended and asked to speak with you, frowning slightly at the nod Balin and Thorin exchanged. Focusing instead on your gaze, the way your eyes were intent in his and the-admittedly quite adorable-way shock bloomed across your face before giving way to a smile and a nod.
“Of course,” you said, and that was that.
How was it that one little smile from you could simultaneously calm Kili's heart and set it leaping like nothing else? There truly was no denying that you were special. Perhaps Bilbo had seen what was so dazzlingly obvious, too. Guess that wasn't too much of a shock.
You both ventured toward the tree line, stopping next to a particularly sturdy trunk. Eagerness was written across your face as you leaned against the smooth bark, encouraging Kili with a smile he couldn't help faintly mirroring even as tears swam in his eyes.
"Are congratulations in order?"
"For me?" You asked, head tilting and hand reaching to your chest. "Forgive me, but what are you asking? I thought maybe I'd upset you last night, but now I really fear it. Or are you teasing me again?"
All thought was scrubbed from Kili's brain at your words, a thick blanket of confusion draping over the prince's mind and furrowing his brows. Is this what Fili meant? Were you not to hurt him because you thought him cross with you? That hurt a bit in and of itself. Perhaps you'd known he would be jealous. But then again, you had greeted him so casually, giving him a cute little wave when he came back...
"Please," he all but begged your name, "the suspense is just killing me. Is that not a courting braid you've been given? I know it is new as of yesterday."
"Is that why you looked so perturbed? Courting...courting braid? Kili," you laughed, "my hair was full of sticks and leaves and all manner of muck, so Bilbo detangled it and got it out of my face for me! Bilbo could be my father!"
Still a bit shaky, but Kili's face surrendered a smile at the teasing smack you gave his upper arm. "Oh, forgive me for being a dwarf," he shot back, "I was hardly the only one who noticed."
"But you were the only one who was jealous," you teased him back, "is that not right?"
Kili could tell by the faltering smirk you gave, by the dart of your beautiful eyes, that you did not truly believe it, but by Mahal, you would when he was done with you.
"Madly," he agreed, eyes boring into yours, "never let anyone but me braid your hair again."
Eyebrows shooting up to your hairline, you peeled yourself from the tree as if to get a closer look. "Kili..."
"I mean it," he implored your name once more, gently taking your shoulders in his hands, "please. This isn't a joke, but if you'd like me to convince you..."
Surging forward, Kili closed the gap between you two, his lips soft against yours and stubble pleasantly tickling against your skin, which shifted as you moved in response to his kiss. Your hands found purchase in his hair, tangling in it and eliciting a sound Kili was too focused on you to be embarrassed about. When you finally pulled away for air, he pulled you back, resting his forehead against yours with a growing smile.
"So, you convinced?"
Your eyes glittered with mirth, joy, mischief...perhaps even love, and Kili knew he should have never doubted you were his One. "So convinced I practically want you to rip out all of Bilbo's work and do it over again yourself."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
#the hobbit#the hobbit imagines#the hobbit x reader#kili#kili x reader#kili x female reader#female reader#ask#anon#requested
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Sōnar Māzis// Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!oc.
Summary: arriving at Winterfell was the main mission for Jace and Gaella. Cregan likes Jace almost instantly...Gaella doesn't have it that easy. She counts with Jace's support on her, but jealousy and insecurity gets on the way. Part 1, part 2 and part 3 here.
It was intensely cold, and Gaela's lips, her fingertips and her cheeks were freezing at every instant. If Jace was feeling the same, he certainly did not look like it. Vermax roared the second the three of them reached Winterfell, and the relief of touching the floor made the cold a bit nicer. The last week, during their stay at The Vale, Jace had been playing his part as Prince incredibly well. Gaella could see in every discourse, in every decision, in every polite glance he made his dedication to his title as Prince. He had gathered the men from the Vale, he was gonna gather the men from the North. The approval of Lord Stark was the approval of almost half of Westeros. Gaella had regretted not entering that room where Lady Arryn and Jace had discussed the war. Was this her way of helping? By standing behind the Prince and reassuring him only when he had nightmares? No, she wanted to be part of history, and Lord Cregan Stark was just that.
The place was humble, nothing rich and somehow, incredibly beautiful, leaving Gaella with no words to describe it. And so it happened, when Cregan welcomed them at the gates, the Princess was too stunned to speak.
"Winterfell for sure is simple..." she muttered. The Lord gave her a strange glance, not sure of the compliment. "Lord Stark, Winterfell is not at all like how I imagined."
"For sure it's poorer than The Red Keep, Princess. But it is the happy people and community that makes it the great land the Crown has come to visit. Seeking for help I assume..."
Jace gently pushed Gaella aside, almost instantly, pushing away someone so they didn't step on the mud. He smiled at the Lord, charming as always.
"Indeed, my Lord. Princes Gaella and I have traveled a good distance to discuss an urgent matter. The House Targaryen needs the House Stark at this moment."
"Prince Jacaerys Velaryon. You are not as I expected you to be. Sure you are serious, I just thought of you a bit..."
"Taller?" Interrupted Gaella, a playful yet nervous smirk on his face. Both men looked at her, Cregan amused, Jace annoyed.
"I was going to say blondier, Princess."
"Well, these things are amystery. My mother's hair is auburn color. And me and my siblings are blonde. Hair means little to nothing."
"Gaella," Jace stopped the girl. "I think we should talk about other matters."
"Sure... Apologies."
Cregan gave her a small smile, almost a mocking smile. And before she could realise, both men walked before her, leaving the Princess completely behind. The small talk of Lord Stark's wife made Gaella feel out of the entire mission. With a polite apology, she upped her pace trying to reach the men. They were already deep in a conversation.
"We wanted to discuss matters of loyalty, Lord Stark" you interrupted.
"I know, Princess, the Prince has already commented the same."
Gaella stared at the other boy, it was getting annoying for the young Lord and Jace could tell.
"Princess Gaella, Lord Stark was mentioning to me that there were a lot of duties he needs to attend before a proper chat" said Jace.
"But there's nothing more important than the Realm."
The Lord signed, and Jace tried his hardest not to scream at the girl. Was this her way of helping?
"Well, we are the ones interrupting Lord Cregan's duties as the protector of the North. We might as well wait."
Gaella looked at Jace looking for a signal, he could not be serious...he was the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms and Lord Stark could not put on hold some chores? But she knew better, it was a bad impression to contradict the Prince. So she left it for the privacy of the hall where their rooms were assigned.
"I wonder, what are Lord Cregan's duties? Putting salt on the neighbor's doorstep to melt the ice? Ripping of animal skins so the woman could knit their cloaks?" Gaella rolled her eyes, trying to gain a smile from Jace. She failed.
"Simple? You called Winterfell 'simple'?" He scolded her in a whisper.
"You did not let me finish."
"He was going to question your legitimacy!" She protested again. Jace took a second not to scream.
"He was going to make a jest, Gaella."
"Well, good thing I made the jest myself, then."
That did manage to get a smile from Jace. Soft and sweet, he tried to hide it. He took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, my Prince. I should have not commented on something so stupid. Not about Winterfell...not about you." Gaella stared at her hands, still colder than usual.
"Do not worry, Gaella. I don't need someone to point it to know who I am...what I am." He lost the smile, and he stared at Gaella's hands as he lowered his gaze.
She knew at the instant what he was talking about, and as a reassuring gesture, she stepped closer to him, put hand on his chest and searched for his eyes.
"Oh, Jace...being this short is not a problem when you own a dragon."
He pushed the girl away with a mixture of offence and amusement, Gaella laughed at him before going separate ways.
Lord Cregan asked for Jace to accompany him to some of his duties, and Gaella knew at the moment that it was a strategy from the Lord to show the future King how the North worked. Maybe he wanted his help in the future, or wanted to warn him to stay away from his Kingdom. Sure it was simple, but impressive. An ambient much sweeter and safer than the beautiful streets of King's Landing. They left Gaella, once again, behind, but she saw the people's reaction to Jace's presence. They stared with a polite and honest curiosity, no one reached to beg for money or favours, and Cregan even saluted a few of them using their names, and Jace saluted back. Oh...he was going to be such a loved king, of that Gaella was more than certain. And Baela was more than fortunate to be betrothed to the best men in Westeros.
Something that Gaella did not notice was the quiet stares Jace caught of her wherever he could afford. He looked back at her, she was listening a bit impatiently to the men trying to impress her, or maybe she was listening to the woman sharing their daily lives and gossips, and the children staring at her silver hair and fancy jewelry. He could also hear the men getting confused at Gaella's smart responses to the flirting, the laughter of the woman as she gave them her opinion, or the children's awe at her narrations of the Targaryen's history. How much he had missed her soulmate.
At supper time, the girl was styled by the Lady Stark's maidens, and, unable to dress her in southern fashion, Gaella accepted to put on a simple gown, with a simple hairstyle that made her natural curls and snowy hair shine at the light of the candles. When she entered the room, Jace's chat with Cregan got lost in the wind. They stood in the presence of the Princess, Jace being the first one when he, indeed, was not required to stand before her.
"My Prince..." Cregan called him. The boy turned back at the Lord. "May we sit?"
He had stared for too long, and Gaella was confused and blushed by that point.
"Sure. Let's eat."
The music soundsd calmly as a background, never distracting enough, and Jace took the opportunity to sell Team Black a bit more to the Lord. Gaella decided to do the same, with the people around her, hoping they would pressure the Lord in case of future doubts. At a certain point, a melody crossed the room, a special tune. Gaella recognised it at the instant and Jace did as well. They locked eyes, and for an instant they were kids again, in their dull dinners with Lords, hoping for an opportunity to cross words. Jace excused himself before standing up, signing to Gaella to stand with him.
"I hope you got better at this, my Prince...I did not" Gaella whispered to the Prince's ear. He smirked.
"Let me lead."
She tried her best, but still, she stepped on him multiple times. The people around decided to join in but the couple did not notice. Jace's smile was contagious, and Gaella blushed and giggled every time she felt trip. They would quote the instructions learned as kids, disagreeing with a few of them.
"How much I have missed this, Jace" confessed the girl.
"Maybe as much as I have missed you."
When the dessert was announced, the people started to leave the dancing, and Jace and Gaella found a sign, that they should concentrate again on their major task.
He kissed the back of Gaella's hand, led her back to the table and with a polite apology, he suggested Lord Cregan to swap seats on the dining table, leaving Gaella to sit beside the Lord and Jace beside his lady wife.
"What are you doing?" Gaella whispered at a moment of chanting and movement.
"I have talked enough with him today. Now it's your moment to try and show your charms."
And so Gaella did. A bit nervous at the beginning, Lord Cregan seemed to forgive her clumsiness and comments about his land, lending his ear to Gaella's discoveries made that day. She managed to make him smile in genuine amusement, with the gossip of the woman close to his castle, retelling stories that House Stark got wrong about the Hightowers and Targaryens, anecdotes of Jacaerys being a kid on the Red Keep and his fantasies of becoming a secret knight on tournaments. She even taught him how to say "winter is coming" in Valyrian.
And at those giggles being shared, Jace started to feel a pang of jealousy, and he felt even dumb for having the idea of putting them together in the first place. The most beautiful woman of the Seven Kingdoms with the most important young men in Westeros. He tried hard not to show it, but...his urge to finish his cup of wine was a showing, and Gaella caught it but did not understand it.
"Thank you for letting me have a second impression with Cregan, Jace" Gaella spoke behind the Prince right before he could lock himself in his room.
"I am more than sure you got what you wanted..." his tone was desperately trying to be kind, but his dead eyes were betraying him.
"Aren't you happy we are securing the North for a lifetime?" The poor girl was losing her joy by the minute.
"Yes I am, Princess...I'm just tired, I want to call it a day." He was about to close the door.
"With all that wine you had today no wonder you feel dizzy" she cut, harshly, making sure he knew it was not a joke. Jace opened the door wider, frustration sober him up a bit.
"Don't you dare judge me, Gaella..."
"I am not."
"YES...Yes you are. Like everyone else is."
"And you have no right to do so, because, just like the Hightower that you are, you pull a veil of dignity and superiority to make yourself stand out. But to get what you wanted you need to flirt and swing your hair in the right direction. And then, you have all you want."
"I can't believe you are jealous of me."
"I am...jealous." But not of her...of Cregan, but she did not need to know that.
They had a strange and painful silence. Gaella had many thoughts, and the anger she kept all that day was about to disappear forever, but then Jace decided to get drunk and speak. But Gaella was tired of arguing, of screaming to a boy she had always loved in some type of way, no matter where they were. At this point she was just sad.
"Jace...you should know it has offended me, deeply, that you did not count onme throughout the day. But what hurts...what pains me... is that you are the only person who knows me in every single way. And you see me just as a Hightower with nothing more than shallowness and manipulation skills. Just when I was begging to think the world of you."
A tearfelll down her cheek.
"You thought the world of me? That is why you humiliated me in front of Cregan?"
"Gods no!"
"I tried to get you in the conversation, but every time I did it was a mistake. At the Vale, at the gates of Winterfell, at this dinner with Cregan!"
"He liked me!"
"And what advice would you give me, my Prince?" Gaella's tone changed to a raging and sarcastic one.
"Can I please be respected? All those stories...all those jokes...I think it's more than obvious I will not be a legitimate monarch, and I can't keep my thoughts away from that every single day. If you loved me as much as you claim you do, you might as well leave it to rest? At least in front of others...or me."
"Well I did not know--"
"Yes you did. Just let me rest for the night, Princess Gaella. It won't sit right with me to shut my door in your face."
He stared at her for a second, letting a sight of pure deception, maybe on himself, and finally closed the door softly, almost gently. He left Gaella outside, a pity feelinginn her gut. How could someone be as foolish and careless as her? She had been a participant in that pain, as a kid and a young woman. She wanted to knock on his door so bad...but she decided to give him this one night. As a punishment, she felt unable to sleep.
And therefore, Gaella woke up from something so poor she couldn't call it rest or sleep. When she walked out of her room, she had the terrible luck of running into the one and only Jace. Eyes tired, strangely awake and proper, not at all hungover.
"Jacaerys, please--" the girl muttered, completely unprepared and with the urge to gain his strange friend back.
"I'm afraid our conversation has to wait, Princes Gaella. Lord Cregan in waiting for me."
"May I accompany you?" She asked, a tiny hope in her voice.
"I don't think the top of the Wall is a proper place for a lady."
"As you wished, my Prince..."
And so he left, Gaella behind, with her wishing to hit him and hug him. Maybe both, one after the other multiple times. What they did not know, as the Prince distracted himself with Cregan, learning about the North and listening to the story of the Night's Watch, Gaella would open a letter. A black raven, sealed with Rhaenyra's stamp informed of the terrible news. This news where read by the Princess, who abandoned her breakfast, running around the castle, begging a guard to take her to the Wall. She rode there, she cried on her way up on the elevator, alone in the cold. How could she word it? How did this happen? Poor and sweet Jace.
"Jacaerys?" She called once she reached the top, running as fast as she could in the snow. She even tripped, and she stood up again to keep on searching. "Jacaerys!"
He heard the girl, her voice getting louder. But once she saw him, she went mute.
"Gaella? I told you..." he saw her eyes, full of tears about to fall. Her mouth was upturned Jacaerys nightmare became true as Gaella finally spoke.
"Luke is dead."
Taglist: @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @bellstwd @kuroladykana
#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fanfiction#house of the dragon imagines#hotd x reader#jacaerys velaryon#jacaerys targaryen#jacaerys velaryon x reader#jacaerys x reader#prince jacaerys#hotd jacaerys#jacaerys x oc#jacaerys velaryon imagine#harry collett
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Irūdy (Gift)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x f!reader Warnings: No plot to be found here, dry humping, smut. Word count: ~1300
Summary: Aemond has always hated his name day, until today.
Author's note: A birthday gift for @aemondsmoon - happy birthday, Mar! I hope you enjoy. No tag list - follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on notification. Community labels are for cops.
The flagstones are cool beneath her bare feet, her way dimly lit by the braziers that burn low against the walls of the corridors of Maegor’s Holdfast. The heavy wooden door creaks in protest as she pushes it open, slipping through the gap before closing it firmly behind her.
“Are you asleep?” She whispers into the gloom of Aemond’s chambers, moving with less trepidation now that she is in the privacy of his rooms.
“I was about to be”, comes his clipped reply, yet he eyes her with mild amusement and curiosity as he sits perched on the edge of his bed.
His hair hangs loose around his shoulders, the sapphire in his left eye socket shines faintly in the light reflected from the dying embers of the fireplace.
Seeing him dressed in only his breeches, sculpted torso bared to her, she feels less self conscious about her state of undress, though she wishes she’d taken the time to put on a robe before sneaking in here. The thin cotton of her nightgown does little to protect her from the chill of the air and she shivers slightly as she stands before Aemond, taking in the sight of him.
“Was there a reason you decided to sneak in here, or have you just come to gawk at me?”
She would assume his words are harsh, were it not for the faintest of smirks upon his lips that hints at subtle playfulness.
Huffing a soft laugh, she shakes her head, feeling her skin grow warm with embarrassment. “It is the hour of the owl,” she tells him softly.
“Hmmm,” Aemond cocks his head, “my betrothed can tell the time, such a clever little thing.”
She rolls her eyes, moving to sit beside him on the bed. “That is not what I mean! It is your name day!”
His shoulders sag slightly, mouth pressing into a tight line as he looks away from her. “So it is.”
“Are you not looking forward to it?” She asks, craning her neck slightly in an attempt to meet his eye.
He sighs, rolling his eye. “No. It seems farcical that there should be a day to celebrate my birth, when I am ignored on every other day of the year. The only difference is that Aegon will have an excuse to be in his cups all day.”
Her heart sinks. She knows that Aemond is not especially fond of celebrations, but had never imagined that that extended as far as occasions designed to celebrate him.
“This year is different though,” she reassures him, taking his hand. “This year you have me.”
He interlocks his fingers with hers, stroking his thumb softly over the back of her hand. “Yes, I have you. Forgive me. I do not meant to be ungrateful, it is just–”
She shakes her head, her free hand reaching up to stroke the softness of his long hair. “There is nothing to forgive. Perhaps my gift will lift your spirits?”
Aemond raises an eyebrow. “I did not see you bring anything in with you.”
She smiles, bumping her nose softly against his. “It is something we shall experience together.”
His right eye darkens, pupil dilating slightly as he lets go of her hand to cup the back of her neck. “And what is it you’d like to experience?”
A shiver of excitement runs through her and she has to remind herself to remain in control. Throughout her courtship with the One Eyed Prince it has been all too easy to allow him to dominate her; when he sinks his deft fingers into her hair as they kiss, cradling her head but also directing the pace of their movements. He takes the lead when he holds her down by her thighs and feasts on her cunny like a man starved, even when she sinks to her knees to pleasure him, he grabs a handful of her tresses as he thrusts himself into her mouth.
She knows that look, the gaze of a predator stalking its prey. It has arousal pooling between her thighs, but this time she wants to take charge. The idea has not left her mind since her chambermaid told her about it in hushed, excited whispers as she had combed through her hair just a few days ago. She had decided there and then that this would be the perfect occasion for it.
“You are going to lay back and take off your breeches,” she tells him, attempting to sound more authoritative than she feels, as she wriggles free from his grasp.
He stares at her for a moment, a silent challenge, but she juts out her chin in defiance, not backing down from her command.
Aemond sighs. “Very well,” he slips off his breeches and lays back on the bed.
Long and lean, he is a magnificent sight to behold, stretched out and bare before her, half hardened cock sitting proudly between his thighs.
She gasps it, reveling in the velvety softness of its weight in her palm and proceeds to stroke him from root to tip, watching his lips part and his breaths become more shallow as she rouses him to full attention.
Satisfied with her work, she moves to straddle him, a knee digging into the softness of the mattress either side of her hips, and lifts her nightgown above her hips, hovering over his erection.
Aemond’s brow furrows, he places a firm hand upon her thigh to halt her movements. “I would not sully your virtue before we are married for something as frivolous as my name day,” he scolds.
“Do not worry,” she soothes him, stroking a hand down the smoothness of his chest, “I will not take you inside. Trust me, this will feel good for both of us.”
He drops his hand back to his side, watching her with curiosity as she presses herself against his length, rocking her hips backwards and forwards, gliding along the length of him, coating him in her slick.
His eye widens and he draws in a shaky breath, causing her to grin.
“Does that feel good?” She asks in a whisper.
Aemond screws his eye shut, nodding as she quickens her pace, rubbing against him in faster strokes. “G-gods…yes. It feels divine.”
She giggles, feeling her core begin to throb as she continues to rock against him, gasping as his hands reach for the hem of her nightgown.
“It would be cruel of you to give me a gift I cannot unwrap,” he rasps, pulling the garment off and over her head.
His hands reach up to her breasts, thumbs brushing over the hardened peaks, making her whine. He leans up, wrapping an arm around her waist and captures her lips in a heated kiss, his mouth moving hungrily against hers as she threads her fingers into his hair to draw him closer.
It’s only when she feels his other hand grab her hip, pushing and pulling her against him, as his hips buck against her, adding to the friction, that she realises he has managed to once more take control of the situation.
She does not mind though, not when every thrust of their hips against each other builds such delicious pressure deep within her. Their breaths become ragged, their panting and the sounds of Aemond gliding through her wetness filling the silence of the bedchamber.
Feeling him throb and pulsate against her sends her over the edge and she tenses, trembling as she falls apart, clenching around nothing, watching through hazy, pleasure drunk eyes as Aemond spills pearlescent strands of hot spend across his lower abdomen with a groan.
He lets go of her, collapsing backwards and she allows herself a moment to admire him. He is truly beautiful like this, hair spread messily like a halo around his head, covered in a light layer of perspiration as he fights to catch his breath through slightly parted lips.
Flopping down beside him, she reaches out to caress his cheek. “I do hope you enjoyed your name day gift.”
He is quiet for a moment, before turning to gaze at her. “I think I will prefer next year’s, when I can spill inside of you.”
Perhaps he is growing to like this special day after all.
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May we see some CG!Blitzø and Little!Stolas please?
This takes place during Sinsmas, and Stolas has regressed super young at Blitzø's apartment after Octavia got angry with him and disowned him (this also takes place before the Sinsmas party).
Boop! Here you go, friend! I had to rewatch the episodes before writing this, but they gave me so many thoughts of hurt/comfort for the two of them. Enjoy! (And yes, Christmasy Sinmasy title despite it being March)
Title: Have yourself a merry little Sinmas
Pairing: CG!Blitzø & Little!Stolas
Wordcount: 1205
Description: After confronting Andrealphus and getting disowned by Octavia, Stolas is stressed and regressed—a terrible combination already, but even worse on a holiday! Blitzø does his best to cheer him up with lots of kindness and love (Hurt/comfort)
TW: Mention of being disowned, alcohol is implied once, depression, dissociation
Have Yourself a Merry Little Sinmas
Stolas was obviously depressed. Not only that, but also very Little.
And who could blame him? How else were you supposed to react after such traumatizing experiences? When your own daughter disowned you?
As he wandered around his small kitchen preparing a snack of cereal for the prince, Blitzø couldn’t help but feel guilty for all that had happened. Especially considering the role he played in Octavia’s decision to boot her father out of her life…I didn’t deserve such a sacrifice in the first place, let alone one that cost him his daughter, he thought miserably, recalling the fateful day when Stolas came to his rescue, stripped of his status, and consequently ruined his life (well, at least for the next 100 years of it)
Blitzø sighed, shaking the despondent thoughts away. Guilt could wait and it wouldn’t change anything. He would make things right, eventually at least, but for now all he could do was take care of his boyfriend.
The prince’s eyes were glazed over, a blank stare overtaking his usually sharp and observant features. He hadn’t moved from the couch since they returned to the apartment that afternoon. Furthermore, he did not seem willing to discuss or process his feelings; the tears had dried up on the way home, since replaced by an eerie silence and that empty stare. Lack of communication and movement combined most likely meant he was in one of his youngest headspaces.
Blitzø stared at him worriedly, pondering the best course of action. The Sinmas party was only hours away; and while the guests themselves were the least of his worries, leaving Stolas so overwhelmed and surrounded by strangers was concerning.
Should he cancel the party altogether? Technically it had Stolas’s best interests in mind, but the prince would undoubtedly feel guilty and Loona disappointed, so was it really worth it?
He could tell Loona to keep the gathering small, limit it to her closest friends, Millie, and Moxie though. Usually he enjoyed throwing ragers for the holidays, no matter how much he regretted it the next morning thanks to headaches and a trashed apartment, but this seemed like the perfect excuse to tone down the festivities.
With that resolve, Blitzø sent his daughter a quick text, requesting only a small group of friends to be invited. That’s done, he thought as Loona replied with a thumbs up. But what can I do to actually help him feel better?
That answer came a little faster; he had a Sinsmas present already wrapped and hidden in his bedroom. While Stolas had said he didn’t celebrate the holiday, it didn’t stop Blitzø from wanting to share the festivities and traditions with him, and that included having an excuse to give him a gift.
He sent a quick glance towards Stolas’s still frame, where he still sat unmoving on the couch. Creeping quietly to not disturb or distress him, Blitzø tiptoed into his bedroom. He had hidden the little gift box on top of his closet, it’s cheerful paper and sparkling bow promising smiles and happiness to its awaiting recipient.
Blitzø carried it reverently as he returned to the main room of the apartment. Stolas still had not moved, so he took up the bowl of cereal in his other hand and returned to Stolas’ side.
“Hey, handsome, got you a snack,” the imp smiled crookedly, holding out the bowl and setting the present on the floor, out of immediate sight. “You didn’t eat lunch, you must be real hungry by now.”
Stolas didn’t reply; his eyes briefly flickered to Blitzø when he began speaking, but his gaze had since returned to the wall. Not a great sign, but the caregiver was not deterred. He took one of Stolas’s feathered hands into his own, giving it a light squeeze.
“Want to play? Watch some TV?” Blitzø suggested.
Stolas blinked again, slowly processing the options given. A look of overwhelm crossed his already worn, stressed features, before shrugging, lost.
“How about we put on a movie and have some snuggles?” Blitzø offered, seeing that his Little had no interest in making decisions at the moment.
TV and close contact was their go to on bad days; when both could relax without the pressure of talking or straining their energy on crawling around the floor to play.
Agreeing, Stolas nodded. A bit of the tension in his limbs eased, as Blitzø smiled at him encouragingly. With a yawn, he curled up and laid his head on his caregiver’s lap. There he completely deflated, muscles slack and eyelids drooping. Blitzø himself relaxed, glad his Little was cooperating with his attempted comforts.
“Alright, buddy,” he grinned softly, running a hand through his already mussed feathers.
Ordinarily, he might attempt to indoctrinate the Goethals into Spirit or My Little Pony (the magnum opus of the Sinner’s race), but he knew better than introducing something new at such a stressful time. Stolas had his own favorites and comfort shows; the perfect picking for a day marred by turbulent emotions.
So, the imp reached forward to snatch the remote from the coffee table, careful not to jostle Stolas in the process. It only took a minute to scroll through his streaming services and find The Owl House. Unironically, his prince loved it; he would watch it for hours on end, sometimes even choosing it over playtime.
Blitzø selected the episode that left off the last time they binged the series. Stolas cooed softly, already seeming calmed by the familiar scene and characters that unfolded on the TV screen.
“Oh yeah, I’ve got a surprise for you,” Blitzø grinned, picking up the present box from the floor. “Merry Sinsmas.”
Stolas’s eyes widened, a faint glisten returning to them as he took in the sight of his gift. He fingers flexed as he reached up for it, grabby hands. Blitzø breathed a silent sigh of relief as he handed it over; it was another good sign that Stolas was reacting despite his sadness.
With fumbling movements, the prince tore away the wrapping paper and ribbons. A little light returned to his eyes, which brightened further after he pulled the box open and revealed its contents. Eagerly, he reached in and pulled out an elaborate paci, decorated with gold glitter and a red heart charm on its center. Fittingly, the words “My Heart” were beaded onto the handle.
Stolas cooed, an almost smile on his face as he immediately pushed the pacifier into his mouth. Looking up at Blitzø, seeming so sweet and innocent and cute, the imp couldn’t help smile adoringly down at him.
Stolas didn’t say anything, not that Blitzø expected him to, but his nuzzle against the imp’s stomach, pure enthusiasm, and soft coos showed his gratitude well enough.
“You’re welcome, love,” his caregiver laughed lightly.
Considering everything that had transpired that day, their position was far from perfect. Already it has been a rough month, and Blitzø was expecting the next one to be even harder. But for now, he counted his blessings. He and Stolas were safe and secure, sheltered by each other’s company. They couldn’t predict the future, but they could make the present as comfortable as possible and enjoy a merry little Sinsmas together.

#sfw regression#little space#age regression community#sfw interaction only#age regressor#agere little#age regression caregiver#sfw agere#agere community#agere blog#helluvaverse#helluva boss#helluva blitzo#helluva stolas#stolas goetia#stolas#blitzø#blitzo#helluva boss blitz#stolas x blitz#sinsmas#stolitz#Caregiver blitzo#Regressor stolas#Little stolas#helluva boss agere#helluva agere#age regression fic
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Hello !
I'm the person running this blog, you can call me Jingles if you like :0}
I am a system who's still trying to figure out myself but regardless I am happy to chat!
The flag in my pfp is by: Honeyteef
The point of this blog is kind of random! The only central theme is plural positivity :0}
(Well, that and hijinks! Haha)
Plaintext: (The point of this blog is kinda random! The only central theme is plural positivity :0} (Well, that and hijinks! Haha)
Quick few things I need to get out of the way:
🍭 WE ARE AN ADULT, to clarify.
🎉 WE ARE STRICTLY ANTI-RQ HERE. I apologise but I am uncomfortable with that community and I'd prefer to keep my distance thank you!
🍭 We do not have a set DNI, I block if I feel like I should do so for my wellbeing for one reason or another.
This also means I will not be stating my opinions on XYZ thing beyond that I am very outwardly Pro Endo and very much Anti Radqueer. Please respect my privacy on this !
The humble court that we serve ! @queenofproendos - Our queen @kingofproendos - Our king @princessofendos - The kind princess @prince-of-pro-endos - The daring prince @dukeofproendos - The duke @baroness-of-endos - Our regal baroness @darkwizardofproendos - A wizard of the dark @the-dame-of-endos - The first brave knight @seroftheproendos - The loyal knight @knightofproendos - The resourceful knight @dragonofendos - The fearsome dragon @kitsune-of-pro-endo - A cunning kitsune @otterofproendos - A..... Otter???? @lapdogofproendos - The faithful canine @housemaiden-of-pro-endos - The gentle housemaiden @peasantofproendos - The peasant
Our tagging system!! #pro endo court - The tag for the whole court !! #jester's jokebook - My funny jokes/lighthearted stuff #🎊🔔.txt - For textposts where I'm just speaking/chatting
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- I see Richard II as an opener, and I’m pouring myself a stiff one because we’re starting by setting the thermostat at insane.
- fuck, the timing of the pregnancy just hit with the “we’ll have to relocate to the palace soon.” The fact that they both decided to have a family before they knew Rhaenyra would be saddled with the crown is really devastating.
- of course baby Daeron has baby silver curls like the widdle renaissance angel he is, of course
- (Married woman, taken woman, wanted woman.)
(Loved woman, cherished woman, someone’s woman.)
Safe woman.
Okay but the way you encapsulate canon Alicent’s deep desire to conform to the kind of doe-eyed womanhood her society expects of her, and at the same time somehow make it wholesome? This should be illegal. It’s definitely some sort of dangerous mind-altering witchcraft. Please never work in government. Or, you know, given the givens, do.
-okay so minor detail but I do love the constant of Rhaenyra’s Home Renovation Antics in The Molterverse™️
-“anything not making intuitive sense to me must be ipso-facto preposterous” okay but the way I HOLLERED, because *yes, absolutely Rhaenyra* but also me, because of course I’m soooo smart 😂🙄
-Secretary of State for Defence, the Rt. Hon. Jason Lannister, Earl of Lincoln.—Well, pack your bags everyone, country’s *fucked*
-I think it’s quite inspired to show how Alicent’s satisfaction at being a *good* caretaker (while of course done out of love and duty both canonically and here) is in large part due to the sense of control and power that she derives from the act. She times the medicine, she presides over Rhaenyra’s recovery, she finally has all of Rhaenyra’s time and attention again in some capacity—and fuck the engagements and country and staff. Possibly in that order.
- Can I say, one of the things I’m really enjoying about this story is the…diegetic? Way you’ve incorporated the news as organism and organization giving voice to The People in counterpoint to the Crown, much like Alicent just wants to go back to being a normal person and Rhaenyra is slowly consumed by the shackles of the throne.
- Her fingers making Michelangelo indents on Rhaenyra’s skin—oh we’re pulling out the art history? We’re bringing out the big guns? It’s going to be like that? Alright. Talk dirty to me.
- “a donkey trot to Valhalla” her poor cervix (she’s loving it), I don’t think I’ve laughed this much at a 5 word sentence IN MY LIFE. Valhalla is correct because I AM BATTLING DEMONS HERE AND THEYRE WINNING
- Also it should go without saying, but sometimes it’s nice to hear it, so: HOT
- OH MY FUCKING GOD, is Alicent totally masterminding the absolute fucking tanking of this fucking tour? WE LOVE TO SEE IT.
- Oh god, the way Rhaenyra just needs Alicent to believe she can be a good Prince of Dragonstone, the way Alicent just needs Rhaenyra to leave it all behind and pay attention only to her and their baby, the way THEYRE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE GOING TO SPEECH THERAPY BECAUSE THEY CANT FUCKING COMMUNICATE. 🥺😫😤😍😍😍
- “I’m sorry that you still live with bread, Rhaenyra.” Her voice wavers. “Feel want. Taste grief. I don’t find it pathetic at all. I love the mortal bones of you, Rhaenyra.” She opens the door, then, to the light. “But I know how badly you’d wish it otherwise.”
Praying and hoping and begging that Ryan Condal and Sarah Hess read this before season 3. Behold, a perfect thesis statement.
-“He’s done the work for us tonight, hasn’t he,” she croons. “Give him his due.”
fuck Rhaenyra is going to *murder her* when she realizes how beautifully she’s been played.
-Rhaenyra stares back at it. Her lips are wet. “Gods,” she murmurs. Turns it in the light. “That really is a beautiful green.”
Yes drink the poison, Rhaenyra, the poison from your wife, your wife’s poison, bc she loves you so.
-oh my god it was ACTUALLY FUCKING POISON? I was JOKING! I am a god of narrative. Actually, I think that’s you. Holy Jesus mother of fuck.
-“she draws her closer, and sees movement, on the horizon—a van—and tugs her closer, closer still.”
Christ I can see the headlines already, Feckless Princess of Dragonstone feigns ilness to abandon tour, captured frolicking with Princess Consort as thousands die abroad.
-re: headline, ah, well your was more concise!
-I need a 10000 word fic where Daemon chokes on his own blood slowly while everyone and everything he loves, which is very little, mocks and ridicules him. It’s the least he deserves.
-Anyway, to recap the most important thing: RIP Alicent’s Cervix, you have been Witnessed™️
i wish i could mainline these and then post them as the official commentary to the chapter i swear to god it's like you are in my mind
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Forgive me if you've already discussed it, but what's your opinion of "Brave?"
I want to like it, but somehow (I haven't taken the time to analyze it) it doesn't quite fit together. The story is much more about the mother learning and growing than about Merida. I actually didn't like Merida very much.
No it’s okay, I actually haven’t ever discussed Brave, and I haven’t watched it or analyzed it in a long while. So forgive me, I’ll analyze while I verbalize, so this might be a little all over the place, but your observations give me a starting place!
It definitely isn’t my favorite Pixar movie, but I don’t think it’s a poorly made movie, either.
I will say it’s not true that it’s much more about Queen Elinor learning and growing than Merida does, (but I can see why you’d come away with that.) I think the movie actually does a really intentional job of showing them both, equally, learning and growing toward one another’s points of view. Way better than Turning Red did, anyway.
I mean, for example, they parallel each other’s “hypothetical argument.” They’re both struggling to communicate with the other. The first act is Merida being taught by Elinor, unwillingly. The second act is Elinor being taught (how to fish and survive) in the woods, at first unwillingly. Then she learns to trust Merida knows better and follows Merida’s lead to survive out there. Just like, when she enters the Great Hall and is ready to give up control of her fate for keeping the peace, you see that Merida has finally learned to follow her mom’s lead as a Princess, too. They go back-to-back, and learn almost equally.
I would put it like this: Merida learns that Queen Elinor was right all along—AND she learns more about who Queen Elinor is and how to understand her. On the flip side, Queen Elinor just learns more about who Merida is and how to communicate with her.
So that’s much better than a movie that says, “hey the mom is wrong and should let her daughter do whatever she wants, I guess.”
In general, the story is about a mom who wants her daughter to fulfill her fate, because it’s what’s best for her—but the daughter doesn’t want to follow anybody’s lead, and thinks she needs to get as far away from being traditional as possible.
Here, I’ll try to dive into it.
Queen Elinor knows that tradition is important, because she understands the lessons hidden in those traditions. The Princess sacrifices her own independence as a symbol of unity for the kingdom, by marrying one of the lord’s sons. She’s not just a symbol of unity—she’s a symbol of peace, wherever she goes. Clean, tidy, on time, never ruffled, in a world full of brutish hairy men who’s favorite pastime is killing each other. That’s what Queen Elinor knows is important. For the big picture. For everyone, including Merida.
And she’s right. A Queen’s selflessness saves her people.
But. Trying to force a Princess who doesn’t understand or believe in that lesson to do it anyway is no good either. You can’t force a leader to live by principals they don’t believe in. When you do, you get Mor’du, the demon Prince.
So there’s this balance. Yes, Merida, you’re fated, by birth, to lead and be a shining beacon of hope and peace in a war-torn land. That’s a good thing. But you can only be that leader and beacon when you’ve accepted it.
Queen Elinor doesn’t start out twitch that balance. She’s just trying to force Merida into her fate. Why? It’s the age-old struggle of parenting: you know what’s best for your kid, so you try to get them into that safe-zone as fast as possible. But they don’t get it, so they buck and kick and you decide “I don’t care if you don’t get it, I’m going to force it on you because it’s what’s best.” And you know where that attitude, of “you’ll do it, and I don’t care how you feel about it” comes from?
Fear. Fear that if your kid is given an inch to argue, buck, kick, run away, that they’ll run right out of your control into danger.
And what’s the movie called?
And Merida doesn’t want to be a Princess because…”I’m not ready for this.” Fear. What’s Merida afraid of? Her own fate. She’s not fated to be an adventurer, she’s fated to be a Princess. She just has a wrong idea of what that means.
And they both think that they know, not only what’s best, but where the other person is wrong. Just like how Prince Mor’du thought he knew that he could be a better leader on his own than with his family. Both stem from pride. Which “tore the bond” of their love for each other.
Because—and now we’re back to their broken relationship, which is the real story here—
Queen Elinor and Merida can’t communicate with that pride, that false image of who the other person is and what they supposedly want, in the way. So it takes Queen Elinor getting out of her comfort zone and into Merida’s (the wild) to understand that Merida can survive and choose what’s right, on her own, and doesn’t need to do it Queen Elinor’s way. It also took Merida getting out of her comfort zone and into her mother’s (having to stop a fight between warring lords because her mom’s not around to do it, which is a snapshot of her future) to understand what her mother has always been saying.
Basically, the scene where she sees Mor’Du’s story is true is where Merida changes and grows the most as a character. Because that’s her suddenly realizing that her mom was right. And that’s a really good allegory for growing up and parenting. You can tell your kid all the right things and teach them all the right lessons, but at some point, it has to become real to them on their own.
It’s even neat because that scene is shot with Merida down in “the cave of discovery, “ while her mom is where?

Watching from afar. Not in there with her.
So yeah, those are my disheveled thoughts on Brave. It’s a good movie. It does feel like something about the actual events in the movie are a little lackluster—to be honest, the scenes where Merida is teaching her mom in the woods come to mind. I mean, on paper, all she’s really doing is teaching her to fish and do something a little unladylike. And then to calmly wait for the Wisps to appear instead of chasing them down. The events aren’t as…deep or attention grabbing as I think they could’ve been. But that’s okay, because it still gets the point across.
Thanks for asking!
#Brave#Pixar’s Brave#Pixar#Disney Pixar#Disney#Merida#princess Merida#Mor’du#analysis#character analysis#meta#Scotland#storytelling
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My Revision Of Wish (pt 4): Orion
Welcome back to more of my personal revision of Wish. Today, I will be talking about our starboy, the legendary wishing star himself, Orion.
One of the many things I didn't like about the canon version of Wish is how Asha didn't have a partner to bounce off of or develop her character with, she was just talking to a ball of light that squeaks and squeals, and I heard how everyone in the world agrees that Star should've been a humanoid figure and Asha's romantic interest. We miss having a real romance couple in Disney films, but of course, Disney doesn't want to do that, because.. well.. "girl power!" And furthermore, this is supposed to be the origin story of the Wishing Star, doesn't he deserve to be in the spotlight ?
Orion is the adorkable Disney Prince to Asha's timid Disney Princess. He is born from the power of positivity, joy and hope. Energetic, ever-so-curious about the new world he's in. His purpose is simple. He was meant to be Asha's companion, or at least, that's what he believes. As one of the many Wishing Stars of the sky, his purpose is to help the mortals who send their wishes to him. But since Magnifico and Amaya are the key wish-granters of Rosas, people stopped wishing on stars and relied on the royal couple for their dreams to come true. No one has ever wished upon a star since then... until Asha.
Asha's wish was pretty vague, all she wanted was help from above to save her kingdom. Orion doesn't know what to do either. He has the appearance of a teenage boy, and the mentality of a newborn child, and is blissfully unaware that he has omnipotent power to help everyone, but right off the bat, he knows that he is there to help Asha in her time of need.
Orion: Wait, what even is my purpose anyway?
Asha: Oh, well, I wished on a.. star?
*Orion points to himself with a puzzled expression*
Asha: Yeah, and.. I'm not sure what I wished for, maybe it was for help, or guidance, or just someone to help.. me?
Orion: Oh, it all makes sense now! I'm here for you!
Asha: Me?
*Orion nods*
Asha: It's weird. I just had a feeling that someone would hear me, you were the reason why I wished, and I don't even know you yet.
Orion: I've been watching you from the skies but I was too afraid to interfere, but it's your love that brought me here.
Orion, however, has no sense of right or wrong, he is very similar to Pinocchio in the sense that he needs to learn about morality, and Asha serves as his conscience figure.

Orion's power correlates to Asha's sense of hope and optimism. The happier and more hopeful she is, the more powerful Orion becomes. He learns that he can shapeshift into many forms, and disguise himself as various animals for when he needs to hide himself from the evil royal couple.
Orion (as a horse): I don't get why humans only have two legs, having four legs is much more fun, and I can run even faster!
Asha: You're glowing.
Orion: Aww, thank you!
Asha: Eehhhh no, you're glowing too bright! Can you..?
Orion: How should I know, I don't know how!
He can stretch and change the shape of his body, and sometimes he is able to disconnect his head or his limbs from his body, and it doesn't hurt. He can bring plants to life, make animals talk, and even when he doesn't, he can always understand animals in their language. He is also able to make things (both living and nonliving) grow or shrink to extreme sizes.
Orion is accompanied by his tiny starbeing companion, Little Dipper. (Star in the canon version). Little Dipper has already evolved centuries - if not eons - beyond human language, so he communicates through pantomime. Little Dipper also serves as a fast friend companion to Asha's pet goat Valentino (And thankfully, he does not talk in my version). Despite its youthful appearance, it appears to have more maturity than Orion himself. Orion has only granted one wish, and Little Dipper already granted two wishes, but the two are a mischievous wish-granting duo that end up causing a lot of chaos. After Orion and Asha get in trouble for granting too many wishes for the people of Rosas, the King and Queen mistaking Little Dipper for the star, and they capture it for its energy. Orion would take a much dangerous risk to rescue his friend and exposure himself to the royal couple in the process.
Orion didn't start out as the North Star (The biggest, brightest star in the sky), he was just a tiny little star that needed experience in wish-granting. Asha's eyes were fixated on the North Star, but she believes that she might've missed her mark, and should've been more specific. But he eventually will be the biggest, brightest star at the end, and it will feel very rewarding! Orion mentions at one point that the bigger star is his mother, the Blue Fairy. There are multiple Blue Fairies in his realm who become stars after they die in the mortal realm, but they need to be pure of heart in order to become Blue Fairies. (I'd say that Cynthia Erivo's portrayal of the Blue Fairy would be his mother. They really do look like mother and son!)

Orion is constantly bursting with curiosity and energy. He's as quirky as Rapunzel, and as mischievous as Peter Pan. Once Orion is summoned, he is instantly enamored with Asha. He gives her big hugs, asks her tons of questions, and is extremely eager to help the Princess. He is very enthusiastic about learning about humans and Earth animals, and he enjoys taking all kinds of forms to study what they're really like. Orion fully understands that most wishing stars of his kind are only supposed to intervene from a distance, instead of floating down to Earth to help, but the power and desperation of Asha's wish was enough to bring him down to Rosas. He can't help but to interfere and to help the mortals in person. He deeply cares about Asha and her desires, but he feels a huge sense of responsibility granting everyone's wishes.
Oftentimes, he regrets coming down to Earth and causing chaos just by being there, he contemplates or whether or not he should go back to the night sky, but he remembers that he is there to help Asha and the people of Rosas, but it's Asha who needed him more than anything. (I'm giving him a solo Prince song, think Evermore or Wild Uncharted Waters) He develops a wish of his own, to become human and stay on Earth, but he learns that he wants to grant wishes for everyone in the world, he is heartbroken to leave Asha, but he grants her the honorary title of a Blue Fairy so that she can grant wishes on her own for the people of her kingdom.
Essentially, he is a mixture of Peter Pan, Prince Philip, Genie, Pinocchio and Tramp, with a few shades of Moana and Rapunzel. All-in-all, Orion is a living embodiment of joy and hope, the living answer to Asha's wish. He may have his moments of self-doubt in being the savior that Rosas needs, but he remains hopeful and determined to heed, to love, and to protect Asha at all costs.
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A long life
Another Dream and Hob!reader, because I’m not done with them yet.
With her long life, Y/N had been through a lot. Good things, beautiful encounters, but also a lot of problems that she tried to forget, even if she kept bad memories that allowed her to make the right decisions, as well as a few nightmares that sometimes came to haunt her.
This had happened less often since she had been dating Dream.
It had taken him a while for him to tell her about what had happened to him, the reason he had missed one of their precious dates. Being locked up was one of the things Y/N didn't want to remember, but being locked up for a hundred years wasn't one of the things she had experienced.
"Fortunately, my love. I wouldn't have allowed it anyway, I would have come looking for you."
"If I had known why you weren't here..."
"Hush." said Morpheus, putting a finger on her lips. "You couldn't have known, and you couldn't have done anything except put yourself in unnecessary danger, which I never wanted. Others could have helped me and they didn't. You are not responsible."
Y/N showered Dream with kisses and caresses after this revelation, considering that physical contact must have been missing all this time. He let her, purring under her hands.
Later, Lucienne told her that the Lord always lacked physical contact, long before his misadventure. She was happy that he had found someone who loved him, and with whom he felt confident enough to allow her to touch him like this.
If he sometimes behaved like a cat in need of affection, Dream however had difficulty communicating his feelings with words. Which was ironic for the Prince of stories.
Oh, he sometimes recited poems and songs for Y/N, but he said little about himself and his torments. As if he was afraid of disturbing her, of disgusting her, or because he considered that she couldn't understand.
He also had some strange habits. For example, even though he gave her a few nicknames, he often used her full name when he wanted her attention.
"Y/N Y/L/N, you are an incorrigible creature."
"I'm in trouble ?"
"No, I just find you amazing. Why ?"
"People only use full names to indicate that the person has done something stupid."
"One of my nightmares often said that, it's nonsense."
"Dream of the Endless, it's you who's absurd. See ?"
"What should I see ? I like to hear my name in your mouth."
He wasn't dancing. Never. Morpheus didn't give her any explanation about it, except that dancing was part of his youngest sister's domain. None of the dreams understood why, since they liked to dance and it was not forbidden.
Maybe their creator wasn't good at dancing and refused to look ridiculous.
Sometimes he didn't understand certain images, quotes or metaphors. This amused Y/N a lot, who found him adorable with his little pout of indignation.
"I'm not saying I'm not happy to be with you in the Dreaming. I'm saying I'd like us to spend some time together, in the Waking world. I know you don't like being away from your domain, but Lucienne will be there to make sure you're okay, Matthew will come to you if there's a problem, and I won't let anyone hurt you."
"I am perfectly capable of defending myself."
"I know, babe. I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream."
"... We walked together more than once in a dream. You just blamed me for that."
"You really need to come to my place to see the stories and songs you missed during your capture. Oh, especially the ones about dreams ! I don't know if you'll like 'Paprika'. And before you ask, 'Requiem for a dream' has nothing to do with the subject."
"No ! Please." Matthew begged her. "He looks lost when I sing 'Mister Sandman' and 'Just like a prayer', I don't want to lose that !"
"I am indeed a dream, Matthew, and therefore I am indeed not what I seem to be."
"Of course, boss, of course."
In secret, Morpheus had already inquired about most of the things he had missed for a hundred years, probably to not look stupid. Maybe Mervyn's dance theory wasn't entirely unfounded.
He also still seemed a little scared about leaving the Dreaming. Although he refused to admit it, he had been traumatized by what had happened to him, and he lived with the fear that it would happen again, that he would be locked in a cellar again and his world would be reduced to ashes.
But it wasn't just that.
Dream was really not good at communicating, especially with people he didn't know. He wasn't used to people.
His older sister had tried to help him with this problem, introducing him to Y/N, then Hob, but it hadn't been enough.
Outside of his family and his creations, Dream never spoke to anyone. The few times this had happened, the story had ended badly.
The master of dreams and nightmares had therefore deduced that apart from his own and the beings he had created, no one could really appreciate his company. And again, his family and dreams didn't really have a choice.
Y/N had therefore been a surprise, a pleasant surprise, but he still thought that she could leave, and that no one else would replace her. He didn't want anyone else anyway.
It was for her, and for her only, with this fear that she would leave him if he didn't try hard, that he agreed to visit her more often in the waking world, and not just once every hundred years.
"... You do realize that if I wasn't immortal, I would have died of a heart attack a long time ago ?"
"I don't understand what you mean. Aren't you happy to see me, my love ?"
"Dream, you're cute and of course I'm happy to see you, but you just appeared in my bathroom without warning, it's a bit surprising. Announce yourself. Use the door. Put a bell on."
"Matthew and Mervyn told me that surprises are a good thing in a relationship."
"I think they were talking about flowers, or gifts, or taking me somewhere romantic."
"No, they talked about surprising you at home, to tell you that I missed you."
"... Once again you're adorable, but remind me to kill them the next time I see them."
"I can't let you do this, even though I will punish them."
"It's an expression, love. So, you want to see a series with me? It's too cold outside, I want to stay on the sofa, drinking chocolate, wrapped in a blanket, in front of Inception. You're going to hate Inception."
"So you wish to torture me ?"
"No, I wish I was in your arms while you review the movie, because you will certainly make fun commentaries, and I want to be in your arms."
"Sounds perfect to me."
With her long life, Y/N had experienced a lot of good things, but nothing had ever been so wonderful as since Morpheus was fully part of it.
#Sandman#morpheus#dream of the endless#morpheus x reader#morpheus fanfiction#morpheus imagine#dream of the endless x reader#dream of the endless imagine#dream of the endless fanfiction
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Talking to people who worked on the movie, your assertion that Magnifico was once a prince is wrong. The tapestry shows their lives working as farmers. Theres even a panel showing tiny Magnifico working alongside his father among an orchard. You say only nobility had tapestries but that’s also not true. Only nobility COMMISSIONED tapestries. Peasants made them for themselves. That’s why the castle is so far in the background. Because they’re not part of it. (also ‘greedy thieves’ couldn’t invade a castle made of stone)
Oh yippie! Look what we have here!
How I love it, when I get accused of saying something I actually never did! Or claimed! So first things first.
Anon over there referred to a little convo I had with somebody on Insta, below that (young Magnifico/Prince) post. I explained that this isn't a canon fact but my headcanon!! Yet, they still found the time to misinterpret my comment and then annoy me with it as if I'm committing a crime by posting my headcanons on my social media accounts!
Normally I would ignore and delete such a message, but I cannot help but show off my inner geek now. Anon wants to be so smart, yes? Knowing so much better and the aim of this message is to - what? Make me feel bad? Hurt me? Insult me? .... Hmmm no!
So they talked to people who worked on the movie? Guess what? I couldn't care less.
Look. If someone wants to "correct" me on something, they should make sure that their claim is valid. If it is, and I do make mistakes too, and I see someone is in the right, I'm the last person to then say "no, but I'm right!" I can admit mistakes or faults if I made some. However, if I'm being accused of saying something I didn't, and then am challanged for something I clearly stated as a headcanon ... that's like running around and bashing people for their OC-ships. Do they also go and attack AshaxStar shippers? Being like "Ehmememe, starwasn'tahumanandtherewasnoromanceplannedforashaandstar-memememe"
Do I go around and bash on Amaya-simps and shippers just because I can't stand her guts? NO! I leave them alone! I don't agree with them and I don't care as long as they leave me alone.
They key of communication always lays in the way the sentences are formed!
A simple "Hi, I saw this post of yours where you call Magnifico a prince. But I found that this isn't a canon fact." Would have been enough.
Then, they could have followed up by saying something nice, despite not agreeing with my headcanons. Not straight up coming at me with "You are wrong!" Followed by a pharagraph of facts that aren't even "facts"! There are so many ways to start a message the nice way. But a message such as the one I got will only make me uncomfortable, make me feel attacked and cause me to block and delete it.
But, again, this challanged my nerd side so ...lets analize the woven tapestry closer then!
Starting in the top left corner, we have a sunflower field on a high hill. Right next to it, the palace. Then we see a few houses. The first house shows a couple.

The second shows a mother with her toddler, followed by the third house and a man, two slightly older children, a couple and their toddler, a woman wearing a poncho/scarf and a toddler, a brown cow and two running children.
Hmm, no working people so far.
Then to our right, we have a forest or a apple tree plantation. Not entirely clear. And yet again, we see a woman with a toddler. Back to the left, horsies! Happy horsies and a foal.
And lastly, we have the biggest part, young Magnifico and his parents. Magnifico is elevated here, indicating he's of importance nr 1. Nr. 2 his clothes are slightly different! He has a blue sash/belt and a golden trim on his garnment.

Nr 3. He and his parents are right below the castle. No where else do we see them a second time.
Also, the very first thing we see appear right next to Magnifico at the beginning, is this :

A zoom-in of the palace and the lands in front of it. No people here this time, just Magnifico right next to it. (Not included here, cause I cropped the screenshot) Not to mention, that the sun looks very similar to the star attached to his belt!
All of this doesn't prove 100% that he's a prince yet but it makes it highly likely. I mean, if the castle isn't important, why show it? Why not show fields and regular houses only? But the castle is there. And as far as I know, the producers hardly said "anything" about Magnifico's past, other than that it's very tragic!
Even if one or more of those who worked on the movie claimed that Mags wasn't born royal, I wouldn't care! My headcanons are mine. And I'll keep them.
Moving on to the next claim. I'm not an expert in history but I'd consider myself nerdy enough to at least google a fact or two before I make a statement or I just mention that I'm not too sure! Now, what exactly does history say about woven tapestry then? Was it common for peasants to have them? Let's see!
Before the mediaval ages, woven tapestry has been a widely spread form of art. It was found in many countries. The egyptians and the incas burried their dead in woven tapestry. Later the greek followed, having the walls of very important civil buildings covered with it. But it was only through the french mediaval weavers, that the things became truly popular.
Going back to what anon accused me of claiming. No, I never said "only royals" had woven tapestry. What I said in that one comment was, I quote : "as far as I know-" (mostly royals and important people got portrayed on tapestry, exceptions being scenes of historic events or made up stories for "art sake") I hadn't done an in depth research at this point because I didn't think I needed it, since ... pff I didn't even consider someone getting offended by a headcanon of mine that literally does no harm!
In the 13th and 14th centuries, the churches recognized the value of woven tapestry and used it to display scenes from the bible. After the 100 years war, woven tapestry became a status symbol among aristocracy. They didn't only look nice, they were also a very practical solution, providing insulation in the castle walls, covers for openings or being a source for privacy around the beds.
Kings and nobels ( knights for example) took them with them on travels for comfort and prestige.
By the 15th century, woven tapestry became similar to paintings. Often certain scenes were portrayed : myths, legends, cartoons or copies of existing art pieces. By 1663 a factory was founded, employing more than 800 weavers to create tapestry for the royal court.
By the 1800s woven tapestry had become very expensive. And even before that, it is to be assumed that royals and nobility paid a great deal for a woven tapestry, making weavers more than poor farmers. Actually the more skilled an artist was and the more important their work was for the "rich" people and the society in general, the better off they were. Many craftsmen were considered "middle class".
That was a lot of info dumping here, huh? But pretty interesting, no?
So what else made me lean into my headcanon? Magnifico's very own words! He called the land "our lands." Now, regular peasants didn't "own" any land, let alone the plural! "Lands" They were lucky to have a roof above their heads. Farmers did own a small part of land, which was basically the fields they grew food and wine. But Magnifico specifically spoke of the lands he and his parents owned. And who owned lands? Aristocrats. Royalty.
So, still not a 100%, but for me this is enough to sustain my headcanon. Either you like it or you don't. Either you agree with me or you don't. If you don't, you ignore me and my headcanons and move along! Coming at me and accusing me of spreading false information won't get anyone anything but getting blocked and or reported by me 🤷🏻♀️ and no, I do not feel caught, cause I didn't do anything wrong.
Furthermore, the castle being in the background literally is 0 proof that it isn't Magnifico's former home! That is like saying, the big fancy house in the back doesn't belong to the knight because he is shown riding his horse in the fields! So my claims are "wrong" but theirs are valid?
The last argument made me laugh. For real. "Greedy thieves cannot invade a castle because it's made of stone." Oh really? Do I have to enroll several cases during history, how and where exactly castles and fortesses were invaded?
Let me give a few methods used to invade castles!
Battering Rams
There are hundreds of historical records of such events!
If "greedy thieves" were able to destroy and murder a whole land and it's community, we are not talking about some itty bitty poor criminals roaming the streets stealing food and other things. We are talking armed, barbarians, who throughly planned their attack. And guess what the main reason for attacks and invations were.
Just because someone was of higher status and sat in a castle, didn't save their head. Many were killed despite being royal. Many castles and fortesses were destroyed or invaded over the course of time. Wars got held because of "castles". And it didn't matter if they were made of stone. What do you think happens to a stone wall that is bombaded by canons?
Anyways, be nice and I will return kindness, be rude and I will block you and delete your messages. No rocket science.
Never the less, I had fun breaking this down and blabber about history a little 😆
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Willow Bark - Epilogue I: The Next Birthday
Rated: G Word count: 1.5k
Day 4 Epilogue II Masterpost
Summary: Benedict gives a toast at his first birthday after his illness.

Benedict had suspected something covert in the lead up to his birthday. Whenever it came up in conversation Sophie scrunched her nose in that way that betrayed her excitement, and Anthony had been far too blase, even for Anthony, when he extended the invitation to join the family at Aubrey Hall. But it was the scale of their scheming that succeeded in bowling him over when he crossed the threshold of his family home.
Everyone. Every person who was or had ever been dear to his heart was gathered to celebrate him. His entire family of course, immediate and extended, but also his friends. Lads from Cambridge, classmates from the Academy, the entire retinue of artists who had mentored him, worked alongside him, even competed with him for gallery space. From the scrappy unpatroned bohemians up to the veritable who’s who of England’s masters. The Granvilles, the Mondrichs, the Crabtrees, even Madame Delacroix was there, though that should not have been a surprise given how close she was with Sophie. People had traveled from Scotland, France, and as far away as Prussia, with his in-laws Prince Friedrich and Princess Edwina lending a royal air to the occasion. It was an event larger and grander than his wedding, with so many guests that they spilled through room after room and hall after hall.
He held tightly to Sophie as they walked through the doors together. His illness was two months past but he still felt a lingering weakness from time to time. Though he knew even if he had been in full health, he would still have staggered under the overwhelming feelings of his heart. Sophie didn’t have to bolster him for long because he was immediately enveloped, passed into countless embraces one after the other, being kissed on the cheek and clapped on the back until he grew dizzy. There would never be enough time to speak to each person as he wished to, so when everyone gathered as best they could in the music room, packed like sardines around the seated Bridgerton family, he knew that he must address everyone jointly and make his statement one of significance.
Violet ushered him and Sophie to join Anthony and Kate on a sofa, then initiated the chain of toasts made in his honor. Half a dozen of his dearest stepped forward, including Anthony himself, praising, joking and reminiscing. None of them directly acknowledged the reason why this party was exceptional, but each of them grew misty-eyed as they wished him many more years of health and prosperity. Phillip and Eloise, just returned from their honeymoon, stood arm in arm directly across from him. Neither of them volunteered their sentiments, but they never broke their gaze and it communicated everything. Sophie sat beside him, beaming. When she was not dabbing at her tears her hands were wound with his or smoothing across her rounded stomach. Benedict had never felt such a concentration of love in all its forms cushioning him on every side. It was surreal, euphoric, and it guided him to precisely what he wanted to say.
When Anthony resumed his seat between Kate and Sophie, Benedict stood, accepting a fresh glass of champagne from a footman. Clearing his throat he surveyed the room, each face so familiar, each relationship so treasured, all eyes on him.
“I have had many birthdays in my life. Most of them much more wild than simply gathering at home, I assure you.” The rippling laughter settled him into place. “But I already know that this will be the one I cherish most of all. I want to thank each of you for being here. For the distances you have traveled and for your affection and wishes. I am truly, truly moved.”
He paused. His soul would only allow him to say the unadulterated truth of everything he had been through and everything he was grateful for. “The only good things visited upon me by my recent illness were perspective and the time to analyze it. To try to put it into words. You’ll have to forgive my artistic disposition, with which I know you are all familiar.” Another chuckle skittered among the guests. “But at the risk of sounding trite…” He stared off for a moment, ensuring he phrased it precisely. “At the end…the poets and authors are right. You are just left hoping that you have sufficiently loved everyone who is dear to you. That you have brought them more joy than pain. And there is a longing, not for your own sake but for theirs, that you had more time to show them your love.”
He glanced at his mother who was weeping openly, soothed by Daphne and Francesca who also had tears in their eyes. A hush had gathered, faces falling into contemplation.
He took a steadying breath. “And I have blessedly been granted that time. So I say to you, all of you: you have my love.” He raised his glass and swept it toward each cluster of guests in turn. “My friends, my fellow artists - could we call ourselves friends?” His chums snickered at that. “My inordinately enormous family, and all those who might as well be family. You have my enduring love.”
Then he turned to the pair across from him. “In particular our newlyweds, my sister Eloise and her husband, Sir Phillip Crane. Though the circumstances of our first meeting were perhaps a bit unconventional in that he found my hands around his throat…” More laughter. “By God, I’m grateful to have met such a man and to have him be the one to care for a most beloved sister.” Eloise’s eyes swam, her mouth drawn tight as it always was when she fought to hide her feelings. Benedict gave her a warm grin then turned to Phillip. “Dire times strip away all pretense and compel us to show our true character. And your character, Sir Phillip, is beyond reproach. Someday I will ensure you know the extent of my gratitude to you.”
Phillip returned a small smile and bowed his head, blushing.
Benedict raised his glass. “To Phillip and Eloise.”
A chorus of voices repeated their names and all glasses were raised and sipped. Eloise’s arm tightened around Phillip’s and she leaned into him, the picture of a contented wife. Something Benedict never expected he would see.
Buoyed by the sea of joyful faces, he pressed on. “Not to be overlooked, there are two other individuals who deserve special thanks for today, and for more than I can ever acknowledge or repay. They are the ones who, at different times throughout my life, have shared in my greatest joys, helped me overcome my most daunting challenges, kept my deepest secrets…”
He paused, seeming to debate his next words. “And…held me in my recent, darkest days.”
Sophie, who had been smiling up at her husband throughout his speech, felt a stone lodge in her throat. She turned to look at Anthony. He was rigid, his jaw locked as his eyes met hers. Beside him Kate had intertwined their arms. Sophie reached out and clasped his free hand, holding it tightly as they both looked back at Benedict.
“They are of course my elder brother Anthony, the Viscount Bridgerton. And my wife, the incomparable Sophia Bridgerton.” He gestured to each of them in turn, eyes full of love, then continued, his voice wavering, “The two fragments of my soul that exist outside myself.”
Sophie felt the breath leave her lungs and began to cry in earnest. She and Anthony gripped each other’s hands fiercely. She couldn’t bear to look back at him.
Chewing his lip, Benedict lowered his eyes. “And without whose company, I am certain I would not have pulled through and been speaking to you today.”
Instinctively Sophie reached up and grasped Benedict’s free hand, linking a chain between the brothers. He gave her a small smile and gentle squeeze.
“So do not toast only to me. Toast to every part of me.” Tears streamed freely down Sophie’s face while Anthony sat frozen, turning crimson as he tried to keep his feelings in check. Never breaking his gaze on them, Benedict raised his glass. “To Anthony and Sophie.”
Again the room echoed their names as everyone cheered and drank. The three of them were looking at one another so fixedly, they did not see how many handkerchiefs had been produced, nor how many ladies hid their streaming faces behind their fans.
After taking his sip of champagne, Benedict returned to his wife’s side. Releasing her hold on Anthony, she brought a trembling hand to her husband’s face and kissed him softly. He could read her heart in her eyes, glittering with tears, telling him everything she could never manage to say aloud. Beside them they found Kate kissing Anthony in much the same way, smiling brightly.
Anthony exhaled loudly, his face cooling back to its normal color before he turned and locked eyes with his brother. They reached out to each other simultaneously, clasping their hands just in front of Sophie’s precious bump. Anthony’s jaw flexed again as he barely managed to stave off all the emotions fighting for display. Sophie gently placed her hands around both of theirs and the three of them inclined toward each other for just a moment. A moment in which Benedict’s collective soul rejoiced, wrapped in the warmth of family, of hope, and of undying love.

Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky @musicismyoxygen84 @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @hopepaigeturner @heeyyyou
#bridgerton#bridgerton fanfiction#benedict bridgerton#benedict bridgerton fanfiction#benophie#benophie fanfiction#sickfic#fluff and feels#angst with a happy ending#family fluff#bridgerton family
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Does Silvergrove have like a council that makes desicions such as when someone is ghosted?
Or do you all just collectively go "We we don't like this elf anymore cause xyz, so let's cast the ghosting spell?”
If you do have a council then...well, I can't say its a fair system cause the last three ghostings happened because of assumptions which is not....great....
There is a village council in the Silvergrove. Ethari and I serve on it. The point of a council, I'm sure you know, is to help prevent a single person from influencing everyone else unfairly. Moonshadows do enjoy that community feeling.
Usually, this works as planned.
But some things are bigger than just one council, and feelings can be one of them. When we received word that two of our people had vanished and allowed the King of the Dragons and the egg of the Dragon Prince to be killed, we were heartbroken. Moonshadow elves revere life in all its forms, and to betray that calling goes against everything we hold dear.
It shouldn't have mattered that the two elves in question were my closest friends, and so I didn't dare let it matter. A choice had to be made, and an example set - those of us who remained were not cowards, nor frail of heart. We would set things right, for all of Xadia.
Or no one would trust us ever again, and with good reason.
Rayla's ghosting, I can only imagine, followed because everyone's feelings were still reeling in the Silvergrove. I had taken my best assassins to try to mend Xadia's trust in us, and then we all seemingly perished, save for an unblooded teenage girl - the daughter of the supposed cowards whose mistake we were actively trying to fix.
I cannot fault my husband's poor soft heart here. I cannot. He must have suffered so deeply... But while he was drowning in sorrow, the village no doubt rose up in anger, furious at a second betrayal atop the first.
Perhaps I have some experience with making rash decisions while angry. It isn't the best mindset to use for important choices. I don't agree, because I was there and I know what really happened. But I do understand.
This... does not make things easier. But here we are.
When people are hurt, they can lash out. They shouldn't be shamed for that. What is done cannot be undone, but I do hope that the Silvergrove will find a way forward together, and someday open its arms again to Rayla.
But I'll do that first. I should go first. I hope they follow.

#ask runaan#runaan answers#angst#ghosting#ohoho is it time to overthink the village's terrible choices yes it is lessgo
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Before I begin, I want to make it clear that this discussion isn’t meant to be an attack. My words might come across as strong, but I don’t intend to criticize you personally or make you feel bad, especially to the Original Poster.
There's something to be said about how some fans, particularly those who criticize Adrien, go to great lengths to scrutinize every interaction he has, nitpicking and criticizing him for not perfectly aligning with their expectations. Adrien is genuinely one of the kindest male leads, yet people still find reasons to have issues with him. Anyone who claims that Adrien lacks empathy either hasn't watched the show closely or is twisting his character to fit a negative narrative. Take the "high road" speech regarding Lila, for instance—a stance I actually agree with. He saw right through Lila's motives, understood the situation, and yet the "Chameleon salt" was ridiculous. And don’t get me started on the fanfiction—people will write an entire saga based on one episode vilifying him that wasn’t even that bad or serious, turning other male characters into her "prince charming" like some overblown male fantasy.
It's wild because if you're pointing fingers at someone lacking empathy, it should be the main lead and heroine. If you think Adrien is the one lacking empathy, I strongly disagree. This is the same character who gave Marinette the confidence to become Ladybug, constantly supported her, and was always there for her. In contrast, Marinette, who has been a poor partner and kept secrets from Chat Noir, seems to struggle with empathy. I think Marinette relates to people in a "self-absorbed" way, meaning she can only understand a situation if she somehow makes herself part of it. This causes her to approach issues from a skewed perspective and she's very controlling, where the actual problem doesn’t get properly addressed. It’s a compelling character flaw that, in my opinion, hasn’t been fully fleshed out in the show and never will because of "protagonist-centered morality."
If Marinette were as empathetic as some claim, what about her decisions in "Ephemeral" and teaming up with Luka behind Chat Noir’s back? Or how she tries to reconcile Chloe and her toxic mother? If Marinette had true empathy, she'd understand these situations better, but it seems like she’s avoiding confronting the possibilities when it comes to do for anything with Chat Noir even simple communication or that the world is more shades of gray than in black and white that not everyone has good parents. She’s almost become a second but kinder Gabriel. Whenever CN dares to show emotions , she can’t handle it. But when he’s a doctile people-pleaser, suppressing his own submission for hers, he becomes the ideal partner she wants to keep.
Adrien, a manipulator or gas-lighter? Why on earth are you attaching such heavy, damaging labels to someone who is clearly a victim? It’s disgraceful, honestly, that anyone would even have the audacity to do so. If you’ve watched the show or even Season 5, you’d know those terms apply to Gabriel Agreste, not Adrien. And let’s not pretend Marinette, Felix, Kagami, or Nathalie are completely innocent either. Adrien’s autonomy has been ripped from him, his life controlled and manipulated, and yet people have the nerve to paint/cast him as the villain?
It’s strange, too, because Chat Noir is the heart of this operation while Ladybug is more of the brain. And if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that Adrien has increasingly taken on the role of the heroine in later seasons. Remember It's Adrien wearing the dress in this relationship and being saved by Knight Marinette. The dynamic has shifted , and this whole "lack of empathy" argument falls flat when you realize it's a role reversal of what we usually get from other shows happening here. Yes, Adrien has flaws, but what’s truly infuriating is how those flaws are constantly suppressed, twisted, or outright ignored to cater to Marinette. It’s as if the entire fandom—and even Astruc and the writers—have collectively agreed that Adrien exists solely to serve her narrative, with his own struggles and complexities swept under the rug.
I’m going out on a limb here, but maybe some of you are projecting way too much onto Marinette—like she’s your self-insert. It’s insane how, just like in the show, Adrien’s tiny faults are blown out of proportion, scrutinized to hell and back by the audience, while Ladybug’s flaws are conveniently overlooked. Why? It’s almost as if you’re Gabriel, demanding Adrien be the perfect male lead, without a single flaw. He may be the designated love interest, but he’s a character in his own right, with his own struggles—struggles that are arguably far worse. I hate playing the suffering Olympics, but it’s true—he’s literally become her therapist in Season 5. What more do you want from him? He has no one to lean on besides Plagg, while Ladybug is surrounded by an entourage of yes-men and women. He’s isolated, forced to bear the weight of his world alone, while she’s propped up at every turn.
If anything, Marinette/Ladybug doesn’t deserve him.
People are absurdly sensitive to any mistake Chat Noir or Adrien makes in the show, to the point of claiming, “He has no empathy,” or labeling him a manipulator—labels that completely contradict his character. It’s insane how they demonize him for things that simply aren’t there, driven by an unreasonable need to find fault where none exists. The sheer lack of media literacy in this fandom is staggering, especially when it comes to distorting the narrative to fit their own fantasies. If this were AO3 or Fanfiction, sure, you’d have free rein to craft your version of Adrien. But newsflash: your fanon Adrien and canon Adrien aren’t even remotely alike or similar.
The entire Love Square started because, from the very beginning, it was Adrien's kindness that touched Marinette's heart. In "Origins," it wasn’t his looks that drew her in, although they were mentioned often throughout the show she's thirsty lol —it was the moment when he offered her the umbrella as a sincere gesture of apology. That simple act of kindness was what truly made her see him for the first time. Adrien recognized Marinette’s discomfort and took action to ease it, offering her the umbrella not just as an apology, but as a way to connect with her on a human level. It's his ability to understand and respond to others' emotions that defines his character, showing that empathy is at the very core of who he is despite what anyone in the audience says otherwise. He's had a rough and terrible home life but that never stopped him from being a good boy and trying to reach out to others we have to commend him for that!! And I'm tired of being the only one to see it. He's a strong kid.
What’s next? Adrien was cruel for laughing at her? How dare he! 😂 (sarcasm, obviously). This fandom honestly.. is something.
I’ve been thinking about how Adrien is generally not an empathetic person. He’s well mannered and generally nice but I’ve yet to see him share a moment of vulnerability with someone that wasn’t about himself. There were the times he’s given Ladybug pep talks but he never seems legitimately concerned for her emotional well-being, simply smiling after she hugs him instead of showing any interest in why she was feeling the way she was and how he could help her. He literally felt the pressure she’s under every day and didn’t feel any need to change himself to help alleviate it. Of course, a large portion of empathy is learned and he hasn’t had great examples and sometimes people just don’t have the energy to genuinely care and all that but the point remains: Adrien rarely thinks about other people’s feelings. Despite how it sounds, this isn’t a criticism of him, just an observation.
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Rounding them up to keep up
So, I watched and read more stuff. But before I get into the "new" stuff, some updates for stuff we had before:
I just finished reading the final volume of "No Matter What You Say, Furi-san is Scary!" It was a delightful, highly pleasing end of a series that was heart-warming, well-paced, and fun to read.
I watched season 1 of "Kubo won't let me be invisible" and it was delightful.
I'm well into "season 2" of the -Monogatari novels and find them truly good (except the endless banter dialogue about anime and wordplay). Tsubasa Hanekawa got to be the narrator of her own volume and is definitely best girl. Why is nobody streaming this in Japanese anymore??
And so, without any further ado, some recent discoveries.
Flying Witch
This is an "older one" and hence we're unlikely to see another season. I'm glad the time is ending where most anime wound up with one season only.
This is one is a bit subdued, more slice of life, and absolutely a comforting treasure. Young modern-day witch arrives at her relatives, begins to slowly get into the business of witching she's supposed o learn, and also attends high school.
Three episodes in, already loving it. Countryside goodness. Wholesome to boot.
A different take on giant robots. Small down-on-its-luck company uses giant robots to battle monsters that have overrun a Japanese island - in a Japan very similar to present day. But the show is not about endless robot-vs-monster battles, it's really about the people working at that company, uncovering the mystery behind the monsters, and the realities of the workplace. It's fun and relatable.
No animated GIF for this? Meh.
I'm In Love With The Villainess
Rae loves her dating sim games and one day wakes up in her favorite one. But instead of winning over any of the handsome three princes she goes after her favorite, the haughty noble and game's bully/antagonist - Claire.
Rae is armed with the knowledge about the game's many paths that somehow still play out, but the more she progresses down her path to win Claire's affections, the more she gets into the unknown.
What makes the show work is the Claire has actually quite some character under her off-putting demeanor - and what makes it funny is that Rae is perfectly content to be Claire's masochist doormat - which really freaks Claire out. Freaking out Claire is best!
Definitely above par for a "I'm in a game!" show and entertaining.
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions
Here's a modern Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson pairing. Ron is a genius but (complicated backstory, yada yada) forbidden from sleuthing - which is all he lives for. He's of course quirky to boot.
Toto is a most hapless police detective that was about to be fired from the murder unit because he couldn't solve any cases. They team up and Toto becomes the front for Ron to solve cases.
It's super-quirky, funny, and has great mysteries. I think it also abides by the code for writing a true detective mystery by providing us enough clues to solve the mystery ourselves. (As opposed to hack stories like the BBC's "Sherlock" which is all about grandstanding. Sorry, Benedict Cumberbatch. I still love you.)
Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me
A shy high school nobody is dared to confess to his class' super-popular gyaru that he has a crush on. And she says yes? Turns out our heroine did have a lot of boyfriends because she says yes to all of them and tries to make the boys happy, only for them to take advantage and leave. (Because she thinks this is as it should be and not of herself.)
It's not very convincing a setup, and the show suffers at times from it, but it's heart-warming how the protagonist slows things down and actually tries to date the person she is and cares about her and how actual feelings bloom.
It's very low on drama, save for one episode, and very untypically for a Japanese show, the drama is nigh-immediately resolved by... talking it out? Communication? Where is the several seasons of dysfunction and unsaid words? Somebody clearly didn't get the memo.
(Actually I like it. It's an easy show to watch.)
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You
I thought this would be too stupid to bear but it's actually working. A god fucks up somebody's wish for a girlfriend and grants him 100 soulmates. And to make it worse, they'll die if they don't get to be with him. And he meets all in high school.
Title is a dirty liar, though: So far it's five. And they rock, even though they simply are a harem covering all character type bases. (But I won't pretend I remember their names.)
The show is funny to watch, there is not much drama, and it doesn't take itself seriously. And the girls agree that they other can date him, too? And have all kinds of interactions themselves?
This could be a show about polyamory except it's too silly for that. But it makes me laugh. It's really into kissing, though.
Japan in the future. An omnipresent AI can detect whether people are so psychologically unstable they would get violent or murderous, so a special police task force hunts them down.
And who better to hunt them down than people with high disturbance scores and their handlers? Yeah, makes sense...
I'm only halfway, but I suspect more is behind the show's setup than simply enabling the episodes to proceed as they do - the underlying arc is only unfolding slowly yet.
But talk about dystopia. This is "Minority Report" all over. The reaction of people to other people being in actual distress is itself disturbing. May be a very clever show. I hope. It sure thinks nothing of allowing maximum violence against people who have merely a high score... Wow, there's more? But not today.
#anime series#flying witch#bullbuster#wataoshi#i favor the villainess#Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions#rkfd#Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me#100 kanojo#psycho pass
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pt.2 of ‘The Other Woman’
pt.3 here
warnings: angst and fluff (technically) & mentions of sex.
The fan art divider below is not my work. I found it on pinterest but Idk who the artist is. If someone knows can you please lmk so I can give them credit <3
a/n: also thank you so much for all the love for part one of this story <3! and I’m sorry to those who asked me to tag them with this post I was trying to but it wouldn’t let me for some reason :/

It had been weeks since that night, the same night Aemond confessed his feelings for his true love Alys in his drunken state. The same night you had cried yourself to sleep, wanting to be as far away from your husband whilst being trapped in his embrace. You woke the next morning with a new realisation— why should you bother trying to be an outstanding wife when you would never compare to her.
His beloved Alys.
Her name tastes like poison in your mouth, so distasteful you fear you’ll grow sick if it lingers at the forefront of your mind any longer. You feel guilty, it’s not her fault you’re trapped in a marriage with a man who’s madly in love with her.
You stop trying with Aemond. All the effort you put in to try and gain his approval, affection and love would inevitably go to waste— so why should you spend any more time worrying about Aemond and his needs. He didn’t need nor want you to be his wife, so you shouldn’t act the part.
You carry on with your day after your brief breakfast with Aemond in the dining room. You kept the conversation short, as you usually do now. You have little to say to him besides conversation about your shared duties to the throne and your family. You stopped trying to make small talk with him, your attempts before often irritated him. He wouldn’t hide the fact your consistent need for communication with him bothered him. Now you’re content with the shared silence between the two of you, grateful that you didn’t have to scramble to think of things to talk about.
You allow the handmaidens to ready your bath as you contemplate what outfit to wear for your day out of Kings landing. You ignore the way Aemond’s eye is trained on you intently, silently observing the way you think over what dress to wear between the two options.
“If those do not please you, I’ll buy you finer dresses, dear wife” Aemond breaks the silence, causing you to scoff at his attempt of being a considerate husband. This was one of the only times he had referred to you as his wife, weeks ago you would’ve been praising your gods in thanks— now the title barely phases you.
“Now why would you do that” You huff, deciding on the dress that was a deep shade of blue. You brush past him, hinting for him to leave the room when you bathe. He hums before pushing off of his seat and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him as you begin to undress.
“Are you planning on telling Prince Aemond where you are headed?” Your handmaiden Meredith questions you as she brushes your long silver hair. You pretend to lull the thought over before you say no.
“He doesn’t need to know. My absence won’t phase him” You hum, causing Meredith to tut as she braids some of your fine hair. You shut your eyes momentarily, preparing to receive an earful from the older woman who was like your mother figure in Rhaenyra’s absence.
“I would question that, Princess. Prince Aemond had spent half the day searching for you when you had left to roam the streets two days ago” She informs you, causing you to hum in thought as you processed what she had just told you. It seemed absurd that Aemond would notice you leaving for a few hours, you could disappear for weeks and he wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
“I trust you won’t tell him if he searches for me” You hum, confiding in her trust. You already knew the answer, Meredith would defend you with her last breath if it came down to it. She presses a soft kiss into your hair before standing up and stretching her limbs.
“Be mindful there is a family dinner tonight. You cannot be late” Meredith informs you and you wave her off, promising you wouldn’t be tardy before you push off of the hard floor and prepare to leave your bedchamber.
You had forgotten your promise the moment you stepped foot on Dragonstone. It had slipped your mind completely as you spent the day with your younger siblings— your mother distracting you in the evening by telling you stories by the fireplace. Your hand was steadily caressing her heavily swollen stomach as you listen to her tale, hoping your sibling inside of her womb was also listening. It was so entertaining you had forgotten of your curfew.
You leave Dragonstone hastily on Dragonback, cursing as you chastise yourself for forgetting such a thing. Meredith would definitely give you an earful later for this, but that was the least of your concerns as you take quick strides down the halls of the Red Keep. Out of breath and hair messy from the ride back, you quickly try to make yourself more presentable before you enter the dining room— the guard posted outside the door giving you a look before you enter.
“I apologise for my tardiness, your grace” You announce as you greet Alicent who gives you a tight lipped smile from her side of the table. She silently disapproved of your lack of consideration for time but said nothing— allowing you to take a seat beside Aemond.
You ignore his stare, keeping your gaze focused on the plate infront of you as you cut into your steak, hoping he would lose interest of your face and stop staring so intensely.
“Where have you been?” Aemond confronts you, finally breaking the deafening silence that could be cut with a knife.
“I went for a ride. Needed some fresh air” You glance at him as you answer, catching the dissatisfied look on his face at your alibi.
“Be honest with me” He presses you again, his voice slightly louder and catching the attention of the others sitting around the table. They pretend to carry on with their idle chatter, obviously eavesdropping on your conversation. You stay silent, ignoring his statement and hoping he would lose interest and stop talking to you.
“Your husband demands you to answer him” He growls, his tone revealing his frustration at your silence.
“Or what? You’ll sever my tongue?” You argue as you drop your cutlery, accentuating your anger as you repeat the words he spoke to you at this same table weeks ago. Everyone around the table goes silent at your sudden outburst, Aegon barely biting back a laugh whilst Helaena gazes at you with sympathy in her eyes. Alicent as you expected still wore a scowl on her face, unimpressed by both you and Aemond’s antics.
“I apologise for my outburst” You announce to everyone at the table before you continue to quietly eat, shifting further away from Aemond in your seat as you internally wish you were riding back to Dragonstone.
“I visited my family. That’s where I was today” You sigh heavily as you both enter your shared bedchamber after the dinner had concluded. Aemond gives you a look of understanding before you brush past him and begin to undress.
He lingers around the small bookshelf you insisted to be made months ago, finger trailing along the covers until he pulls out the novel containing children’s tales.
“You no longer read to me. I wish for you to read again” Aemond’s voice is just above a whisper, barely audible with the only sounds being your fabric loosening and the crackles from the fire.
Every second night after you wed, you made it a nightly ritual to read out loud your favourite stories from your childhood. Hoping it would help you bond with Aemond, it in fact did the opposite and made him leave the room most times— claiming he’d rather listen to Aegon fucking some whore than you reading to him.
“Today has exhausted me. Feel free to read on your own accord” You hum, dismissing his request as you stifle a yawn— pulling back your sheets to lay on your side of the bed. Aemond sighs heavily before he retires to the seat infront of the fireplace, reading quietly to himself. You had already shut your eyes and lulled yourself to sleep, so you missed the way he kept glancing over at your sleeping form.
Aemond feels a slight tightness in his chest as he reflects on how distant you’ve been with him for the last few weeks. He noticed it the first morning you stopped asking him a million questions at the breakfast table. Your odd behaviour that morning only being the start to you growing further apart from him. You stopped trying to drag him to the garden to simply walk with you, you no longer played with his hair or tried to jest with him. You didn’t ask him how his day was at the end of the night as you both lay down for bed, you would just silently turn over and sleep.
He’s hurt you, more times than he could count on all ten of his fingers. He treated you so bitterly because he blamed you for losing his sweet Alys to this betrothal. Now that he’s losing you too, he doesn’t know how to stop this marriage from falling apart.
The next morning, you ready your proposal to Aemond— one that you’ve been dwelling on for the last few weeks. You weren’t sure of how he’d react, probably ecstatic over your suggestion if you were to be honest. You know Alicent won’t be satisfied if she were to find out, so you intend to keep it a secret.
“We will reside in separate bedchambers. I’ve already asked Meredith to arrange Jace’s old bedroom down the hall for me. I’ll be moving my belongings there tonight” You announce to Aemond once you are both sat together during breakfast. He pauses at the news, confusion gracing his features as he stares at you.
“We’re married, why should you feel the need to sleep away from me?” His chest tightens again as he speaks.
“We’re practically worlds away when we share one bed, what difference would it make being in separate rooms” You say nonchalantly, sipping on your lukewarm tea as your eyes leave his. He doesn’t voice his disagreement with your suggestion, just silently nodding before he continues to eat.
When night comes, both you and Aemond make your way to your bedchambers after spending an evening with the whole family in Aegon and Helaena’s quarters. You were practically glued to her youngest child the whole night, unaware of your husband’s stare as he watched you babble away in gibberish to the young baby.
“Do you need instructions on where to stick your cock, brother?” Aegon had clapped him on the shoulder as he joins him by the fireplace he was leaning against. Aemond hums in confusion, pulling his gaze away from you momentarily to glance at his brother.
“It’s out of brotherly love that I question why you haven’t put your seed in her yet. Have you not been married half a year now?” Aegon scoffs, downing his goblet full of wine before he tosses it aside.
“We don’t share the insatiable urge to fuck like rabbits the way you and your whores do, dear brother” Aemond bites back, causing Aegon to raise his hands up in defense.
“At least I feel the urge to touch them, not once since your wedding have I seen you embrace her— not even with a simple kiss” Aegon was right, after their wedding night, Aemond didn’t bother trying to share any affection with you. In his heart he knew his kind touch and warm embrace were reserved for the one woman who held his heart in her hands.
“Y/N…” Aemond hums, stopping you in your tracks as you stop walking down the hall. You feel his hand embrace yours as he turns your body to face him, his touch warm as he cups your hand in his.
“H—how was your day?” He questions you, his stutter causing him to curse at himself internally as he notes how foolish he sounds. You let out a little laugh at how confusing he was being, you spent the walk back here in utter silence and he chooses only now to ask you.
“It was like every other day I have here. Meredith made me chocolate muffins— they were divine” You hum, unsure of what else to talk about you ask him the same question.
“My day was mediocre at best, one can only bare Aegon for so long”
You hum in understanding, Aegon was more than a handful. He was torture when he wanted to be, which was majority of the time he was in anyone’s presence. You’re blessed to be married to the tamer brother, the same one who still had your hand in his grasp.
“If that is all, I wish you goodnight Prince Aemond” You hum, pulling your hand from his grasp completely before you turn on your heel and continue on your way to your new bedchamber.
Discomfort sits in his stomach at your use of his formal name, it was as though he wasn’t your husband— a stranger to you almost. He feels guilt reside in him as he reflects on how he would chastise you for calling him terms of endearment that Alys often used. It’s only now as he watches her walk away from him and disappear into her bedchamber that he realises he would give an arm and a leg to hear you call him those names once again.
Much to your dismay, you can barely sleep a wink. You toss and turn against your cold sheets , frustrated and confused as to why you couldn’t sleep soundly in your own space. No longer did you have to sleep stiffly because Aemond was on the other half of your bed. You had all the freedom in the world to sleep, yet you couldn’t even as you tried your hardest to.
You decide to take a walk in the garden to clear your head and hopefully tire yourself out enough to finally rest. Sighing heavily, you admire the warm air that fans against your skin as you quietly make your way down the halls. Your eyes widen slightly as you see his long silver hair, his eye focused on the moonlight that beams through the trees leaves above him. For once in your marriage you seem to finally sync as you realise he couldn’t sleep either, needing the comfort of nature to clear his head.
“You couldn’t rest either?” You hum as you approach him, the leaves crunching beneath your bare feet as you move closer to him. He seems startled at first, exhaling in relief when he recognises his wife’s voice.
“It seems as though I have grown used to the warmth of your body beside mine— your absence has turned me into an insomniac” Aemond admits truthfully, causing something inside of your gut to spark when you hear his words.
“It appears your absence has caused me to have the same troubles” You chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest as you look up at the leaves above your head, fascinated by it’s pretty colour.
“We shall grow used to it as time passes” You exhale, hoping that you don’t suffer the same fate tomorrow night. He’s taken aback by your statement, his eye resting on your face.
“Time passes? How long do you intend on being separated?” If you weren’t aware of Aemond’s true feelings toward you, you would almost hear the hint of sadness in his voice as he speaks.
“I was meaning to discuss this matter with you in a week’s time, but seeing as we’re alone and at our most vulnerable— I shall inform you now” Your words cause his pulse to quicken, he involuntarily feels his heart pound as you turn to face him. He didn’t know what to expect.
“I know this marriage wasn’t one formed from a love match. I’m the last person you wished to marry and somehow we still found ourselves betrothed” You sigh heavily, reflecting on the moments you’ve shared as a married couple so far— most, if not all being ones where neither of you were happy.
“Someone else has ahold of your heart, it was never mine to claim and I was foolish for trying to in the first place. This marriage was always destined to fall” You grasp ahold of his hands in yours, the gesture causing your gazes to meet as he finally looks at your face.
“I give you my permission to pursue your beloved Alys, so long as we both continue this marriage for the sake of our family name and duties— nothing more, you are free to love her. I too will do the same, in hopes that I do one day find someone who loves me as much as you love her” You say in finalisation, watching his face for any sign of a reaction.
Aemond’s heart feels like it’s going to burst out of his chest at your words, he didn’t know how to feel. You were giving him a golden opportunity on a silver platter, he would get to love his Alys freely— without the guilt of already being a husband and that in itself sounded like heaven to him. Still, he was heavily conflicted. He wanted to confess to you that even with his love to Alys, he still longed for you— his wife that he had watch gradually lose herself because of him. It’s selfish of him to need you both, to want you almost as much as he wants her.
After a moment, Aemond finally nods his head in agreement— the words of truth being trapped in his throat as he fails to utter even a word to you. You give his hands a squeeze before you release your hold on him.
“This matter is settled then” You hum before you pull away from him. You bid him goodnight, your words barely processing in Aemond’s mind as he fails to speak. Instead he watches you walk away in silence, leaving him alone in the garden with his thoughts and his latest regret.
a/n: Idk about this ending tbh sorry if it’s meh but the final chapter will be worth it :p
tags <3
#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x targaryen!reader#aemond x reader#aemond targaryen angst#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x original character#aemond fanfiction#prince aemond#aemond one eye#aemond x y/n#hotd aemond#house of the dragon#hotd fanfic#hotd imagine
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Hi, um idk if you’re in the mood to write this and you don’t have to if you don’t feel the energy to, but could I request a story where its Latino male reader x Loki?
Like where its smut and the plot is that the reader speaks Spanish everytime he and Loki “do it” just to tease and fluster Loki, and the reader always feels proud of himself.
But a few nights go by and Loki really wants to learn how to speak Spanish; not only because it can be a way to communicate with the reader better but to get back at him and remind him who’s in power. (So like a smut and power kink story basically). And Loki takes lessons from one of the readers’ family members (but they don’t tell the member the reason ofc)
And then when the night comes, and the reader and Loki are invited to come to this super fancy party with the Avengers, and the whole night, the reader decides to tease Loki discreetly and later, Loki can’t tolerate it any longer so they both teleport back to the tower, and blah blah blah they start to have steamy sex.
Loki then decides to tease him and starts whispering Spanish in his ear all seductively: and suddenly the reader gets all shy. And then they do it, and the end there’s the obvi aftercare, and they live happily ever after :)
(Idk if you do POC readers, but I’m asking bc I haven’t seen barely any that do. I know this was a lot and in detail so I deeply apologize for that. Again, you don’t have to do this cuz ik you have a busy life rn or u just don’t feel like doing it. Have a good morning/night! :D)
Right side of the bed
Loki Laufeyson x Latino Male Reader Smut
A/N : I am so sorry that I haven't gotten to this sooner, I've been giving excuses but Im finally getting on track with writing and here we are.
CW : (Kind of) Public sex, Magic use, Alcohol, Use of 'Sir'
"Focus, Carino."
You hummed, Looking down at Loki's disheveled state below you, tendrils of black hair sticking to his pale forehead, Mouth hung agape as your hips bounced on his.
"Love- slow do—ah~ slow down~"
Loki whined, Slender fingers holding your hips, though he begged he never stopped rutting into you, Tip grazing your prostate each time your body connected with his.
Grabbing one of his hands, you placed it on your lower abdomen, letting him feel as tip rutted near your stomach.
"Siente lo profundo que eres mi rey~"
You said, feeling your end draw near, your words failing you as you fucked yourself on Loki, Stroking your twitching length, White spurting from your head and onto Loki's stomach.
"Fuck, That felt amazing Carino."
You hummed into his ear, smiling as his pale skin became even more red than it had been, kissing his cheek before hopping off of him.
"I'm gonna take a shower, Amor, Feel free to join me~"
You said, your voice trailing away, Leaving Loki to clean up after himself, Stuck in his thoughts, Never understanding what you were saying, He felt so lost.
He needed to show who was in control.
But how? Thor didn't know anything, He wouldn't expect him to, And he wasn't going to ask any of the Avengers, Definitely not.
Who did he know, Who knew Spanish?
"Oh! Ohoho.. My prince is going to regret this."
Loki muttered under his breath, becoming quiet as he dressed himself, Contacting a certain someone Via. Your silly human devices.
"What are you doing, Amor?"
You asked, slinking over to your dresser and slipping pajamas on, Slyly revealing bits and pieces of yourself as you did.
"Oh nothing my prince, Just thinking."
Loki hummed, Placing the phone aside, opening up his arms to welcome you into them, hands hugging around your waist, his peachy lips kissing your forehead.
"You should rest, my love, You heroes are always so busy."
Loki hummed, rolling you over with him, spooning you in his tall figure, letting him bring a blanket over the two of you and drifting off to sleep in his arms.
It had been a few weeks since then, Being that you were busy, You hardly noticed Loki's absence from your shared flat.
As days went on as per usual, Tony had decided to throw a party in the Tower, Even though you had wished to rest in your flat, maybe go out to dinner with Loki, you had agreed, and Loki—Although Hesitantly—Agreed to go aswell.
The party consisted of most of the Avengers, and some people you didn't know that you assumed were invited by Tony, though you didn't care to engage with them either way.
"Whiskey, Please."
You said to the bartender, crossing a leg over the other, leaning into Loki's presence beside you.
"Make it two."
He hummed, the bartender nodding and pouring your drinks, passing them to you both before walking off to deal with other people at the bar.
"You're deep in thought, Carino, es lindo."
You said, looking at him smugly.
"Thinking of all the the things we could be doing if we weren't here."
"Me encantaría que me jodas sin sentido ahora mismo, amor."
You whispered in his ear, swirling the amber liquid in your glass before downing it, returning the glass to the bar, where the bartender poured it another round and shuffled off again.
"No me gustaría nada más que eso."
Loki hummed back, Eyeing your face as it contorted into shock, Standing from his seat and downing his drink, grasping your hand and weaving throughout the tower, finding one of the guest rooms, and hurrying inside.
Quickly shutting the door by pressing your back against it, he wasted no time locking the door and putting his hands on you, lips sloppily smashing with yours.
Tongues sliding against one another, the taste of alcohol still tingling on your tongue, tugging on Loki's suit, whining as he pulled away from you, clasping your wrists in one hand above your head.
"ah ah ah, Amor, I'm the one in charge, no olvides."
He hummed, pressing his knee between your legs, though using his free hand to keep your hips pinned to the wall, forcing you to take what friction he gave, his mouth closing in on your neck.
"You smell sweet, Mi amor, Delicious.."
He groaned, rolling his thigh against your groin, prompting a sweet sigh from your lips, your attempts to rut against him hopeless.
Magic tingled through your body, making it hot and on point, your body staying pinned as it was even without Loki's hands on you.
"You look adorable like that, Carino, aunque te ves mas lindo sin ropa."
And in a blink of an eye, he pulled off your blazer, tugging your tie off, then your shoes, and so on until you were bare, save for your button up and briefs, erection pressed against the stretchy fabric.
"Loki- ah~! We- we can't do this here.. someone will find us.."
You squirmed, body flushed as Loki sent waves of magic through your body with every touch he made, and you couldn't fight it.
"I wouldn't mind that, Darling, Someone seeing you get corrected for thinking you're in control."
Fingers danced around the hem of your briefs, slipping up your shirt and running over your nipples, thumb pads stroking the erect buds.
"No matter how many times I play with these, you never do seem to get used to it."
Loki sighed, the shocking waves of pain and pleasure forcing your back off the door as he pinched the bud.
"Let's take this to the bed, Shall we, Carino?"
He hummed, hand guiding your movements to lay on the bed, body shaking with anticipation, Precum spilling out of your cock head and staining into your briefs.
"Darling, You're making a mess, Let's clean that up, Shall we?"
Kneeling down on the bed, he pulled your briefs off tantalizingly slow, his smirk becoming wider—if possible—as your cock slipped free of it's constraints, twitching as it was met with cold air.
"Loki... "
"Shhh... amor, don't speak unless spoken to, understand?"
"Y- Yes sir..."
"Ooh.. sir? I like that name."
Loki hummed, the tip of his index finger teasing the slit of your cock, trailing down your length before pulling away, leaving you to whine in his absence.
"Now, tell me my prince, what would you like me to do?"
"Fuck me... Please.."
You whimpered, arms straining with a need to hold Loki, as if you feared he might up and leave just to toy with you.
"como quieras, mi amor."
In swift movements, Loki threw tossed his blazer off, rolling the sleeves of his button up to his upper arm, Unbuttoning his black dress pants and pushing down his briefs, his dick presenting itself eagerly.
Sitting on his shins, one hand slipped underneath your knee, holding your leg up, the other guiding his cock to slip inside of you, eyes trailing up to yours with a gentle smile before pushing in, causing your breath to thin.
"Ooo... Fuck-"
"No, Talking, Carino, Break the rules again and I'll have to punish you."
"Yes- Yes sir.."
He hummed, hugging his arm around your thigh and pulling your ass to connect with his hips, your leg resting over his shoulder while the other one sat beside his thigh.
"Te sientes tan caliente por dentro, My prince."
He sighed, running a free hand over your stomach, Magic seeping out of you as you found your hands no longer stuck to the bed, instantly clinging around Loki's neck, Smashing your lips together as his hips began to rock into you.
"Shit... You feel amazing."
He moaned, pressing his forehead to yours, nearly folding you in half as he fucked you, heat building with each thrust, sweat beading on your bodies.
"Speak to me, Darling, I want to hear you."
He groaned, tip grazing your prostate, rutting against it each time.
"You feel so good Loki~! Fu—ck.."
You whined, Your spine arching off the bed, the crown of your head pushing into the mattress, your insides felt like they were melting as you both chased your climax.
"I could say the same, darling, you fe-ah.. you feel wonderful.."
He whined, you could feel his cock twitch inside of you, threatening to burst.
"I'm gonna cum.. ah... Loki- "
You whimpered, your cock spilling out precum as it rutted against your stomach, the friction bringing you closer until your body halted, taking your breath away as white spurted from your slit, spilling on your stomach.
It didn't take long for Loki to finish himself, pulling out and cumming between your legs, panting as you both came off your high, hair sticking to your faces.
"That was... Exhilarating."
Loki sighed, wiping his forehead before whipping his head around the room, locating a bathroom and rushing off to wet a rag, coming back looking refreshed, pants buttoned and all.
"Come here darling, let me clean you up."
A/N : Hope you guys all liked this!!! I hope it came out to your liking Anon!!!! I tried my best to not drag on everything but keep everything true to the plot so 🫶
#loki x male reader#loki laufeyson x male reader#mcu loki#male reader#smut#male reader smut#mcu#loki laufeyson x male reader smut#marvel#the avengers
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