#i feel like he gives crushing hugs as well. and purrs a lot. dont look at me
mechawolfie · 1 year
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I dont have a name for him yet. but look at him
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sentofighta · 5 years
on the previous post note; muses’ affection expression (if they have partner or not)
he will let you pet and feed his cat. make his food because he HATES homemade food. compromise and let you hug him whenever you want. fix his clothes or touch his head. now to harder level. comfortable with you seeing his right magetik arm. comfortable with you seeing his bare chest with the scar and tattoo. sleep next to him and hug him while sleeping. will hug back because he will definitely want to hug you back (no sniff your hair shut up.) will use cat to talk to you because he is embarrassed to ask if you want to do something or go out. let you kiss him whenever you want. starts headbutting your back whenever he wants attention because he is a literal cat. pURRS when he is given attention. will start hugging you from the back maybe even carry you so he can sit you on his lap because he wanna hug all of you. he is tall sonvabinch he probably think of you as his cat. is it bad? idk. talk to him not me. excuse him to stop being shy about his fetish and sniff your hair because u definitely have nice smell mm yes. 
redirects. innocent af.  ok but shows up to ask if you wanna join his training. jogs nearby where you are/sit so he can see you. does the oh coincidence thing but it is not. will climb a tree to pick up an apple for you if you looked at it. stares into your general direction but has the cool calm poker face to cover it up at first. blushes a little whenever he sees you because you make his heart go boom boom and he did not feel like this before. the i might be sick because i feel weird whenever i see this person. sudden realization because he actually has good amount of smart braincells that he is in love. it could either go i am going to forget this because we are at war and i cant get distracted OR this is new for me and i am interested in knowing more about this route. whichever route you are bound to hyper active tiny boyfriend who will punch people for you. and has like the purest smile ever. have you seen my son smile that he obliterated the sun and the moons? yeah. 
actually knows how to flirt when he wants to. generally nice and caring to all but extra for his crush. will show up magically whenever you need help because he has the sixth sense (thanks to his fear lol) will help you study and train if you wished for it! hey wanna.....talk about chocobos? wiggle eyebrows. do you believe in collecting chocobo feathers? because my wish was granted; talking to you. will confess at the right time because he cant hide his feelings anymore. will hug and kiss you every time he sees you if you allowed him--well, hugs mostly because he likes being around you. obligatory nap around the chocobos. brushing your hair and playing with it definitely. h*ND h*LDING !!!!!!! EXTREME! carries you like the princess you are because he loves you to bits. high affection when he carries u, sits u on his lap then wraps his dracula cape around you both. just the cape wrapping is his thing because now you are so close to him and chu when no one is looking. ok the final stage could be you see him crying because lets face it he fucked up a lot haha~~~ u know ~~ usual machina dumb onagiri kyun stuff.
EXTREME FLIRTING WHAT IS GOOD BOY? are you an angel? can i offer my services for you?? stronk boy and soldier impressed or what? head pats. h*nd h*ldong god at an early stage because he means it. will make your wishes come true even if you wanna go to the moon. will make stuff for you. smiles brightly shinra uses him to generate electricity. tells u a lot that he is proud of you. tells u a lot he likes you. tells you a lot that he will protect you (and if u fight bonus that you willhave his back too) treasures everything you do and call you cute.  doting boyfo. actually very softy will cry if you put on a sad movie. carries you a lot because he has the stronk to do it. are you impressed x2?????? i love you~~~ hey hey do you know what? i love you~ listens to you and to your rambling. will beat up anyone who hurts you. excuse him to nap on you because this is his best spot. a lot of hugs. expect a lot of them hugs. hugs. hUGS. hes more of cheek and forehead chus because they are more playful but will give lip kiss if it was more serious and important situation. 
 . . . .if he allowed you to be near him when he is synthesizing that is the first step. initiate a conversation himself EVEN if he does not have anything to ask out of you. actually keep an eye on your vitals because you are...important test subject. makes things for you but calls them test items and he does not need them so take them. maybe he can slip a gift or two because he felt like it. does not nap around strangers but around you he is...fine. actually tells you he might see you in a different light but unsure how so dont expect much. gradually he will let you be close to him maybe touch his face or hair. no hugs or sudden kisses yet but if he prepared himself..it might be allowed. he is good at pip talk. also expect some sewing because mommy taught him how! count on him to fix things for you. gets tiny upset if you dont give him your broken things to fix or mend them. rely...on me ok? i may not be a strong fighter but....i can do other things. rare moment of a smile will definitely melt your heart. once he make up his mind, he will ask if you are willing to stick with a madman who probably likes science and alchemy maybe a little bit than you? 
hey. wanna spar? compliment you a lot. smiles!!!!!!!!! more spar please. actually make effort to find you around many people but does not approach. just seeing you makes her happy for some reason. smile and wave. spar???????? talk to you more! compliment you for doing good job! now you have her watch your back and be a little bit reckless to protect you. apologize but she is not sorry to protect you. b-because you are an important friend . . . . . friend ? ? ? ?  lucina exe crush down. goes to read books about this explosion in her chest every time she sees you. books say to act natural. time to ignore you for a bit because it is said in the book play hard to get. regret decision when you mention if you did something wrong she will aPOLOGIZE ALOTALOTALOT! NO YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG IMSRRRYYYYY. new tactic. spar??????????????????????????????? please notice me. more effort in cooking things you like for the lunch break. you might die of poisoning but it is made with love!!!!! spar. . . . realize she cant confess, she cant express herself but in a spar. uses spar to tell you that she might be perhaps like you!!!!!!!! that is why she wanna be stronger!!!!!!!!!!!! blushing princess lucina of ylisse you will be executed by her dad if you make her cry. but actually cries if you say you like her back. cue her sudden doubts because not fit enough to be a ‘woman’ since she knows next to nothing about how to be a good partner. will promise to trust you and her heart. NAGA ALLOWS FOR AND HOLDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! then she can be comfortable with hugs after tiny bit. you could for chus and she wouldnt mind but have mercy on her kokoro. expect her to chus your cheek every time she sees you because my S-support for life~ 
does not beat around the bushes. if he likes someone and is sure will confess. easy. got the ok he will start with whatever they are comfortable with. naga has blessed this and allowed hand holding. lets go for a picnic in the forest or anywhere. animals come because he is their friend! now you are animals friend because you are his girlfriend. very gentleman. does not do anything 18+. plus he probably cant due to his OCD so you are the only one after lucina he can hold her hand no problem. dont worry he may like his sister but he does not speak about her when you are around. leans against you and you can too! tells u he trust you so much. lets climb a tree and enjoy the scenery. or we can ride on Vesperus, his horse! listens to you and actually try to give you advice if he can. a courtesy kiss to your cheek~! he is trying his best! smiles from his heart it has been a long time someone made him feel loved like this. 
go home she is a narcissist. but if someone managed she is just a dumb who will make your life miserable because she will prank the shit out of you at first. slowly warms up to the idea she likes someone. has a pretty good idea about where you were what were you doing ect because she was watching. she is watching you. make sure you have eaten. have you slept? compliment you if you impressed her. be more comfortable to rehearse her lines around you. asks you to help her rehearse. wanna play something together lets say walk on a tight rope??????? lol wuss. no hugs or touching till now. admits she might have something for you but....you may not like to be with an orphan of no lineage. pass that? well, then are you ready to accept she is criminal? pass that then are you ready to accept she is going to make you regret this choice??? because she will make every day of your life like a circus! excuse her to sweep your hand to hold it and tug you somewhere only for the two of you. let her hold your hand for a bit it is ...nice. leans against you. 
listen....i dont want to joke about this but...he is...probably over the human interactions because he married his job but i assure you he is very loyal man. thats it. 
yEEELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does not realize she loves you until one of her sisters point she mentions you like ten times in every conversation. is very kind and pure and diligent. will not force herself on you in any way just subtly gives you the things you like after going through the trial and error a couple of times! keeps notes of you in her ‘People journal’ because she is a scatterbrain. maybe draw a tiny heart around your name shhh love interest. is very happy and loud when she sees you!!!!! HE-LLLOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! asks about your health and if you had eaten properly and slept well. offers more gift from her own farm to impress you with her work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smiles~~~~ smiles even more around you because you make her happy. does not confess. she is not the type to. more like i will just watch because deep inside believes she can be loved due to some bullying in school and only her fam likes her (who likes a scatterbrain who keeps messing things up???) if you confess expect waterfall and ugly crying because she cant believe it is happening ;;;;a;;;; promises to do her best to make you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she will do her best to make you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 you made her happy beyond words and now just she clings to you please dont be upset with her she will do her best to not cause any trouble! but she bounces back and runs to bake something for this occasion~ time to feed boyfo! say ah~ be ready for fatting sessions because she will cook and bake a lot of things!! well, when she has time after her farm work now she is super excited and motivated! is shy but will give cheek chus if she can reach. likes to tug your shirt from behind so you can lower yourself so she can properly give you a kiss to your cheek/forehead. wishes you best of luck in your job!!!!!!!!!!! good luck!!! come home h-h-h-h-h-h-h...eeeeh....h-h-h-..HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;U;;;
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
crushes, babies, and rats
Vulcan: "You didn't know? Or see the resemblance?" shinra: ....to be honest no....from pictures i've seen, nozomi looks a lot more like her dad. Vulcan: "Well, I knew it already..." *sips* ("THE DOC AND HER ARE RELATED?! WTF?!!! WHY DON'T I REMEMBER THAT?!") shinra: i've never seen a picture of nozomi's mom before....wonder what she looks like... Vulcan: *shrug* "Probably like Nozomi..." *empties the can--then crushes it against his forehead* "...Can I ask you something?" shinra: yeah? Vulcan: "...I still don't know everyone's name at the 8th." shinra: i'll introduce you then. *smiles* Vulcan: "...'Kay." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *waves as he exits the shop* -footsteps can be heard behind him- Chuuya: "???" *turns* -no one there- Chuuya: "..." *shrugs, keeps walking* -by the time he gets to his apartment- rain?: welcome home, chuuya. Chuuya: "?!!! Wh-What?! Rain..." -no one there but mito- mito: O^O~? Chuuya: "..." *sets down his bag, picks up Mito* "...What was that...?" mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* "I'm fine...I'm okay...I just miss her." mito: *nuzzles against his hand* Chuuya: "..." *hugs Mito* "I'm sorry, Mito..." mito: =w= Chuuya: "..." *tears up, carries Mito to the couch* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *takes the remote, turns on the TV* weather report: -patches of sunlight, with rain later in the week- Chuuya: "!!!" *changes the channel* -some romance movie- Chuuya: 0_0 *changes the channel* home and shopping lady: -and aren’t these sandals just the cutest for your child? Chuuya: *smashing the remote to change the channel* Q~Q -phone call- Chuuya: *picks up* "WHAT?!" miura: yeah, there's an exec meeting this weekend, so mark that on your calendar, m'kay? Chuuya: "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!" miura: Miura? mori's new secretary? it was in the briefing? Chuuya: "...Oh. Right. Sorry...What time's the meeting?" miura: around 9:35 this saturday. Chuuya: "...Okay. Give me a wakeup call that day." miura: noted. Chuuya: "...Okay. Is that everything?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: *tapping hamster cage* maid: please dont tap the cage, it disturbs him. Amaimon: Q~Q *distressed hamster sounds* Mephisto: "Oh, dear. Maybe take him to the vet?" -elsewhere- Rin: "I can help with the food!" torako: why thank you. ^^ Rin: "So, Mrs. Suguro, what did Bon like to eat as a kid?" *chopping vegetables* torako: well, i remember when he was younger, he used to eat leaves from off the ground. Bon: o\\\\\o Rin: "Ha ha ha! Yeah, kids do weird stuff like that. My bro and I used to try making mud pies--not tasty at all." izumo: *snickers* Bon: "SHUT UP, IZUMO!" torako: *ear tug* ryuji, be nice! Bon: "Ow! Moooooom!" -elsewhere- Shotaro: *sitting in the corner* mana: what have you learned? Shotaro: "When Emine tells me to do something, do the opposite?" mana: right. dont do the thing. and emine? what have _you_ learned? Emine: "Do the thing, because I have to do bad deeds or else I will die." mana:.....*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- FD: *listening to an opera* "..." yana: *working on stitching up some dead rodents* *looking at the incubator* <it's coming along nicely> FD: "???" <How much longer do you think?> yana: *shrugs* <not sure. just wanted to see if this thing worked or not.> FD: <About how many months is this fetus, if this fetus was in a woman?> yana: *shrugs* <i honestly cant tell. im a taxidermist, not a doctor.> FD: <Well, I can only give a best guess...and I'd say it's a bit more to go...> yana: <seems about right. did you plan on using this thing for any reason or can i just drop it off some yutz' doorstep?> FD: <I have plans...> *smirks* -elsewhere- Belkia: *knock knock* ayami: yes? *smiles* Belkia: *takes off his hat, and pulls out a card, which he hands to her* ayami: hehe~ ^^ *Inside the card, confetti shoots up* ayami: ^///^ Card: " 'Miss Ayami, will you join me for a private dinner at the elegant Lapin Blanc?'" ayami: i would be delighted~ ^^ Belkia: ^^ "Excellent! Please dress for the restaurant--something important will happen..." -elsewhere- Poe: *panting* "It...is finished..." *holds up papers* karl: ?? Poe: "My latest mystery...Ho ho ho...This will deceive Ranpo..." Jacqueline: "...Is this the best you can do at work? We have people who need your help..." *thumbs at person at help desk* medea: .....*reading some novel on the occult* Poe: "???" *approaches* "How m-may I help you, ma'am?" medea: i'll...take this out...for now. Poe: owo "You like...the occult?" medea:...i've grown up with it from a young age.... Poe: "I have long had an interest in the occult...I write about it." *holds up his pages* medea: i see....i also like....communing with the souls of the departed. Poe: OWO "You are a necromancer?" Jacqueline: ._.; medea: ....a medium....may be more accurate a term... Poe: "...Can you show me?" Jacqueline: ("Aren't you supposed to help her with getting her book...?") -elsewhere- Kid: *splattered with paintballs of different colors* "..." kirika: get mcrekt. Kid: "...Why?" kirika: cause i can. Kid: "..." *turns, marches back through the house and up the stairs* kirika:....*casually sips her slushie* sore loser. Kid: *closes the door behind him...then...* *rips the clothes off symmetrical* "...The paint is still on my face and hands." stocking: need me to help you? Kid: TT_TT *nod nod* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "I swear, something has to be done about Emine...You see what he did to my room?!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Just a few more days of summer..." reimi: yeah... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I wonder what to do going forward into the autumn." reimi: who knows... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I promise. I will find a way to deal with C3." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How's Vulcan fitting in, Doc?" karin: room for improvement, but he's doing good. Akitaru: "Well, I finished setting up his room. Hope that helps him...Any idea what he likes?" karin: he likes animals. a lot. Akitaru: "...So, stuffed animals?" -elsewhere- Mori: "Elise, did you finish your dinner?" elise: yep! Q: *nom* Mori: "Good! Then I'll bring out dessert..." miura: mr mori? after you're done there, you have a phone call from miss higuchi. Mori: *sets out the dessert* "Very well. I'll take it in my office..." *takes the call* "Yes, Higuchi." higuchi: we found some things you might be interested in regarding the underground passageways. Mori: "Okay. What did you discover?" *looking over mail that has arrived...* higuchi: i sent you a pic on your phone. Mori: *sets down a letter and looks at the phone* "What am I seeing?" -there seems to be a gated entrance with graffiti with a familiar logo...- Mori: "...Is that symbol...what I think it is?" higuchi: yes. seems we're getting close to the rat's den. Mori: "Organize a team to infiltrate. Will need surveillance, defense, offense..." *opens letter from hospital* higuchi: understood. Mori: "See any traps there?" *reading* ("Weight...height...blood type..Yes. She will work.") higuchi: not to the naked eye, no. Mori: Maybe Chuuya can spot them, and Black Lizards can disable them." ("Thank you, Doctor...") higuchi: a good plan. Mori: *smiles* "Good. Call them to your location. I want a successful report." higuchi: understood... Mori: "Well, I have dessert to finish, so I am going now.” higuchi: right... *hangs up* Mori: *puts the letter into a file folder labeled "Higuchi"* *smiles* *returns to the dinner table* "How is dessert? Did you save a piece for me, Elise?" -elsewhere- Konro: TT_TT kabuki: something wrong? Konro: "The Commander is sending me in his place to the 8th's meeting...I was supposed to have the day off." kabuki: that's unfortunate. Konro: "...Are you busy? I could use assistance with the meeting." kabuki: unfortunately no. fang-hua: i can go with you if it helps. Konro: *nod nod* "That would help, thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Gabriella, have you read the files for the meeting at the 8th?" gabriella: *nods* i have indeed. at least 3 times now. ^^ Hibana: "Because you're so thorough." ^^ "Did their report match mine?" -elsewhere- Karim: *hiding photocopies of documents in his bookbag* pearl: *nervous* Karim: "Thanks for these...but don't tell the Commander." pearl: i wont. ^^ Karim: *head pat* "Thanks. I told the Commander I'm taking a sick day..." pearl: o-of course. .///. Karim: "So, cover for me, alright?" pearl: a-anytime! Karim: "Well, back to work. Later." -elsewhere- Giovanni: "...What is the next step? Do I return to my brigade?" -elsewhere- FD: *stretches* "I think that's all for today..." -elsewhere- Kid: =\\\\= "I feel clean..." stocking: glad to hear~ Kid: *lies down in bed* *sigh* stocking: *running her fingers through his hair and humming* Kid: ^\\\\^ "Thank you..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Your fingers feel so nice..." stocking: U///w///U Kid: *kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Okay...Done. That should be a good set up for my room." *he has candles and cow skulls on the walls* Arthur: o__________o Relan: "...Are you the devil?" iris: ._.; tamaki: hey, im not gonna judge... Vulcan: -_-; "Gee, you guys know how to make someone feel welcomed." shinra: ^^; Vulcan: "..." *awkward cough* "So...Yuu's room coming along?" shinra: yep. Vulcan: "Good...Th-Thanks..." Takehisa: "Time for dinner." -elsewhere- Montgomery: "What's your order?" naho: iced coffee please! Sakuya: "Same." Montgomery: ("I hope they tip well...") "Anything else?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "Hey, kid? Want my extra jello?" yu: u-o-ok... *nom* Hyde: "So, was that guy your dad who visited?" yu: n-no, just my mentor. Hyde: "...Glad you got someone visiting you, kid." *nom* "My, um...'mentor' just kicks me in the head." yu: yeah, same here, haha! Hyde: "Ha ha ha! Man...That's painful. You must got a hard head." yu: i guess i do! Hyde: "You know what they say about hard heads: they got persistence!" *playful jam at Yuu's shoulder* "Keep it up, kid!" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Gin..." gin: hmm? what is it, ryu? Akutagawa: "Did you get the message about the upcoming mission?" gin: yes... Akutagawa: *nods* "Watch your back out there." gin: i always do. Akutagawa: *small smile* "Right..." *sighs* gin:....is there something on your mind? Akutagawa: "...I feel...anxious." gin:....*hand on his shoulder* i'll be ok. i promise. Akutagawa: "I just...I don't focus. My stomach feels funny." gin: did you go speak with the medic? Akutagawa: *nod nod* "The stomach medicine still doesn't help...and I keep thinking about..." gin: ?? Akutagawa: "About...that Man Tiger." gin: oh? Akutagawa: "I dream of defeating him...pinning him down." gin: of course you do. Akutagawa: "And I stare down at him...into his eyes..." gin:.... Akutagawa: "Then...something weird happens." gin: what do you mean? Akutagawa: "The Man Tiger wraps his arms around me...and doesn't let go." gin: oh? Akutagawa: "And we wrestle, as I try to get out of his grip...he slashes at me, tearing off my shirt..." higuchi: *listens from the corner out of sight* O///-///o;;;; Akutagawa: "He bites into my neck...and down my body..." higuchi: !!!!???? Akutagawa: "I try to push him away, or bite back at him, my mouth colliding with his neck...my nails digging into his body as we slide along each other." higuchi: *NOSEBLEED* *KO* X/////X gin: oh...oh my... Akutagawa: *turns around* "...Oh. Higuchi? You're bleeding." gin: i think i know what's going on here. Akutagawa: *patting a tissue to Higuchi's face to clean away the blood* "And that is?" gin: i think you're developing something most people refer to as 'a crush'. Akutagawa: "...Well, yes, I do desire to crush the Man Tiger--press my hands down along his chest..." higuchi: *KO* @////////@ awawawawawawawawa..... -elsewhere- atsushi: *frozen on spot* there's that chill again.... Kyoka: *puts a blanket over his shoulders* "There, there...Maybe see the Doctor about that?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "I decided to stay at the village while Konro will go to the meeting." -elsewhere- Giriko: *smooch* arachne: mmmm~ Giriko: *hug* "Feeling alright?" arachne: yes. anna: zzzz Giriko: *smiles* "Our little babe...She's so quiet." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." rain?: mmmm... Chuuya: *small smile, muttering in his sleep* "Rain..." -elsewhere- FD: "Hee hee hee..." yana: (thinking: do i even want to know?) FD: <All according to plan...> yana: <how so?> FD: <This beauty...> *pats Rain's corpse on the shoulder* <...will cause the Mafia's strongest to snap--giving me the distraction I need to speak with their leader.> yana: ....*smirks* <some of my best work. hell frickin yes.> FD: *thumbs up* <Excellent work, my friend. Keep it up, as I may have needs of a secondary project...should we get the 'raw material' we need.> -elsewhere- Montgomery: "..." ("It's too quiet here...") ???: and so then i hit it dead center! of course, given my ability, it's just normal~ eh? well well wellity well, small world, eh steinbeck? Montgomery: "!!!" ("Steinbeck?!") *hides behind the dumpster* twain: *peek* hey there luce! Montgomery: o___O *leaps up* "EEEK!" twain: easy there. say, if you arent doing anything right now, did you want to get some coffees together? Steinbeck: *nod nod* "Lots to catch up on...How about this place?" *points to--* Montgomery: -\\\\- "I...kinda...work there now." twain: sweet! employee discount! Montgomery: "YOU'RE PAYING FULL PRICE! WITH TIP!" twain: jeez. -elsewhere- Shamrock: *passed out on the couch* himawari: *worried* lavender: it was only one shot of booze....goddamn. Higan: "Lightweight?" Shamrock: *murmuring* "Hi-Himawari..." himawari: ?? Shamrock: *holds out his hand* himawari: *holding his hand* .... Shamrock: X\\\\= "...Thank you...I'm sorry..." himawari: ?? Shamrock: "I...embarrass myself..." himawari:...sham... Shamrock: *his hand moves to her face* himawari: ah.... *slight blush* Shamrock: "You are truly wonderful..." *his hand rubs lightly along her face* Higan: "..." *whispers* "He has no idea we're still here..." lavender: *snickers* himawari:....*small kiss on the forehead* Shamrock: X\\\\\\= "I...l...l...lo..." himawari: ?? Shamrock: "...lost my sense of balance." *tumbles off the couch* himawari: ^^; Higan: "Nuts." lavender: ouch. Shamrock: "Zzz..." *snoring* -elsewhere- FD: "...Do you get jealous when I speak in Russian and you can't understand what I'm saying?" zoey: as long as i can hear your voice, i'll be happy. yana: *gagging* FD: *nuzzle* "Good answer, my sweet." yana: *cringe* FD: "Because I have big plans for you...I want you to meet some new friends." zoey: oh? FD: *pulls out a switchblade* "Better go in ready~" zoey: for you, anything~<3 FD: "Good..." *traces the tip of the knife along her shoulder-strap* zoey: ah~ *SLICE* zoey: oh~! FD: *slices off one strap, pulling down her dress there* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *tossing in bed* -morning- Akutagawa: *snore* -in the underground where the graffiti was- Tachihara: "Man, these tags look stupid." hirotsu: .....*touches the bars, sending them flying back...or ahead rather* Tachihara: "??!!! The shit?!" hirotsu: -_-; Tachihara: "Don't do that! It almost gives me a heart attack..." hirotsu: do you want me to give you a warning next time? Tachihara: *nod nod* "Like, do a hand signal. And make it cool looking!" gin: *already heading in* Tachihara: "!!" *follows* -at the end there is a box- Tachihara: "...What you think's inside?" gin:....could be a trap. Tachihara: "...Yo, Old Man? Can you, like, push the box onto itself? Or explode it out? Or throw it away from us?" -music comes from the box- hirotsu: ?! -a taxidermized dead mouse pops out with a note that says 'fooled you'.......and a Taser then gets tachihara in the junk- Tachihara: "GAAAA-A-A-A-A-A-AAHAHA-AH-AH!!! ..." *collapses* gin: !!! hirotsu: *winces and covers his junk* Tachihara: *high-pitched squeak* "Gin...get me ice..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *lifts his head up, looks around* -still in his apartment- Dazai: "..." *cups his junk* "Oh, pfew! I felt an odd sensation of pain...Glad that wasn't me." -elsewhere- Montgomery: *muttering* "Stupid Twain and Steinbeck, skipping on the bill..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Hello, Doctor." yosano: morning. Kyoka: "How is work treating you?" -elsewhere- Mori: "...What happened on the mission?" hirotsu: seems it was a red herring. Tachihara: *ice on his junk* Q~Q "Some 'red herring.' Big Michizo is screaming..." gin:..... -_-; Mori: "Gin, make it feel better..." Tachihara: .w. gin: *drags him to the medic* -____-; Tachihara: "That's not what he meant!" Mori: *shrug* miura: -_-; -elsewhere- Arthur: *has hung donkey head on the wall* tamaki:......no comment. Arthur: "I wanted a memento from our mission. You would agree it suits the room nicely, yes?" tamaki:...sure. Takehisa: "A jackass for a jackass: suitable." *he's wearing a horned baseball hat* shinra: this feels familiar somehow. Takehisa: "...Vulcan designed it, per my request. He left one for you as well, Shinra." shinra: oh, cool. *The hat has moose antlers* tamaki: *snerk* Arthur: "Ha ha ha! Moose!" -elsewhere- Rino: "Yo. Newbies. Princess Bitch told me ask whether you need your sheets washed or anything." mikami: m-miss rino, that's not very nice! also our sheets are fine for the moment. Rino: *annoyed twitch* "You try dealing with her royal pain the ass, then you can come at me with criticism..." mikami: ..... ryuuko: giovanni was much worse than that... Rino: "...No argument there. Doesn't change her behavior...She treats me like something she wiped off her over-priced shoes." mikami: i-im sure she's a really nice person, deep down. Rino: "Yeah, underneath the expensive clothes and those two fat blobs on her chest." Hibana: ^^;;;; ryuuko: ....*ahem* gabriella: is that right? tamiya? ^^# *cracks knuckles* Rino: o______o;;;;; *runs--and crashes into a wall* X____X -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "With you and the Captain going to the 8th, what am I supposed to do to pass time?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "Okay! Day the cast comes off!" romina: congrats! Hyde: "And see? My buddy Yuu signed the cast, too!" julian: how nice. Hyde: "Now, someone get a buzzsaw and slice this thing off!" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Hello, Christa!" christa: hi yummy! lord death: ^^ marie: ^^ Yumi: *laughs* "And who's this?" *holds up Shiori* shiori: ah! christa: shiowi! shiori: ^o^ Yumi: *sets Shiori down* "Now, be careful around Shiori, Christa--you are older..." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "I'm happy you could meet with us, Stocking." ^^ stocking: it's not a problem. so what's the situation? felisia: 7w7 well~ *rubbing her stomach* stocking:.......................................mom.....mom please no. Mephisto: ^W^ stocking:............*KO* felisia: ^^; Mephisto: owo "Oh dear...Maybe we should have had dessert first?" -elsewhere- Poe: owo "H-H-H-H-Hel-el-el-elloooooooo..." naomi: *SCREAMING* Ranpo: "??? Oh, hi, Poe!" Poe: *hiding from Naomi, covering his ears* "Don't hurt me!" -elsewhere- ???: "Stocking?! Stocking, wake up!" stocking: mmmn? huh? am i...dead? Kid: "I most certainly hope not!" stocking: oh hey kid.....*yaaawn* i had...the craziest nightmare....mom was...*yawn* pregnant again... Kid: ._.;;;;;;;;; Kid: "Would that be...so bad?" stocking: well n-no but...it'd be a lot to take in. Kid: "...Maybe you should stay lying down." stocking:........oh no. Kid: owo "...You're getting a sibling. Yay?" stocking:.......TTuTT *KO x2* Kid: D: "Stocking, no!" Mephisto: "I said, 'Give her dessert first,' but noooooo, no one ever listens to me..." *dines on parfait* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *pouts* "Stupid prank...Stupid mouse thing..." medic: ^^; Tachihara: "Hey, nurse? Am I still going to have kids?" medic: yes, sir. Tachihara: "Pfew! That's good to know..." *pats Little Michizo* "--and I can get to work after we find out WHERE THAT DAMN MOUSE GUY WENT TO!" -elsewhere- Dr. John: o_o;;;; "Um...I'm not used to being the OB-GYN to...an angel?" felisia: ^^; stocking: *COUGH* >->; Dr. John: "...You got to be kidding me...Um, well, I-I guess the concepts are the same...and I guess I have the experience, then." ^^;; "S-Sure, I'll be your doctor..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *looking at a guitar at the pawn shop* "???" naho: shiny. Sakuya: "Yeah...I wonder how it sounds." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *lying down in the garden, butterflies in the flowers* =w= akaderu:... .////. Kepuri: "Hey, babe." *pats a hand on the blanket next to her* akaderu: ....*sitting next to her, head rested on her lap* Kepuri: .\\\\. "..." *strokes her hand along his head* "Comfortable~?" akaderu: =////= *purrs* Kepuri: "Hee hee...Akederu...You're amazing..." -elsewhere- FD: "A world without sin...without crime..." zoey: *listening* FD: "That is my goal. These ability users...They are a bloat on a perfect world. They must be eliminated." zoey: yes... FD: "And that is where this comes in..." *holds up a USB* zoey: what is it? FD: "Information on ability users. And a hint how to take down the Mafia and the Agency simultaneously." -elsewhere- torako: happy birthday, son! Bon: "Aw, thanks!" torako: ^^ shiemi: happy birthday, suguro. ^^ Bon: "Yeah, um, thanks..." Shima: "We got you some gifts, man!" Rin: *holds up a cupcake* Bon: "..." *takes the cupcake* "F-Fine..." izumo: i bought you some CDs. Bon: "Oh, awesome. Thanks, Izumo." -elsewhere- Patty: *hug* liz: hey there. Patty: "Hee hee! Doing okay, Sis?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "It sounds like the mission was a failure." kouyou: seems these rats are smarter than we thought... Chuuya: "Indeed...And a cornered rat is dangerous. How do we trap them?" mafioso: mousetraps? Chuuya: "...And what is the bait to put on the 'mousetrap'?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Atsushi? I think someone is here to see you?" atsushi: ok. hi what did you nee- Montgomery: *holds up bar tab* "Pay. Up." -after that incident- Kunikida: "There will be no advances on pay." atsushi: Q.Q Dazai: "Ah, don't worry! I can lend you a few bucks..." *holds up $200* atsushi: O-O where did you- Dazai: "Shhh...Don't tell the IRS." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *slicing at training dummies* higuchi: *BANG BANG* boom. headshot. Akutagawa: "Behind you!" higuchi: ?! *Attack robot swinging a sword* higuchi: *ducks and shoots* Robot: X___X *falls down* Akutagawa: "Good work." higuchi: phew... Akutagawa: *taps hand along wall, opening a panel and pulls out cold drinks* "Here. Rehydrate." higuchi: *downs one bottle* ha... Akutagawa: "You had a hard work out. Your reflex time has improved." *sips* higuchi: *small smile* thanks. Akutagawa: "Have you been keeping up with your practice sessions?" higuchi: yeah. Akutagawa: *nods* "Good. I am pleased to see how more fluid your attacks are. You move swiftly and efficiently." higuchi:... 7///7 t-thank you, ryunosuke. Akutagawa: "No need to thank: I speak only the truth." *sips, a bit passing down his cheek* higuchi: .... 7////7 y-you...um...have a little....*scratches her cheek* Akutagawa: "...A little what?" higuchi: water on your face.... .///.; Akutagawa: "Ah." *takes his towel, pats it down on his face, then along his neck* higuchi:....*sweats* Akutagawa: "While we are on the subject of battle strategies, I wanted to discuss a maneuver to try..." *starts unbuttoning his jacket* higuchi: um....ok....*knees weak* Akutagawa: "I have been practicing a technique to hide my presence, using Rashamon to make people think they are merely walking on shadows..." *lies down* -elsewhere- Belkia: *trying on a new coat* naho: hot date? Belkia: "Best date! The hotness comes later..." *holds his fist to his mouth--then blows fire out of it* naho: wow...say, if you arent busy right now, can you help me with my hair? i wanted to do a braid ponytail... Belkia: "??? Oh, sure!" *sits behind her* "Is this for something special, too?" naho: nah, just because. Belkia: ^^ "That's cool." *starts braiding* "...You okay with who I'm dating?" naho: well, if they make you happy, then im totally ok. Belkia: "Thanks, buddy..." *continues braiding* "...You happy with Sakuya?" naho: of course. ^^ being with him...it make me feel all fuzzy inside >///w///< Belkia: >///w///< "I know that feeling. It's super-kawaii-cool, right?" naho: yep~ ^^ Belkia: "Well, you keep that boy on a tight leash, okay?" *almost done braiding* naho: ok. ^^ Belkia: "There--all finished!" *small hug* "You look great." naho: wow! thanks belbel! *hug* *SNAP* Higan: "What a cute photo." naho: WHAT THE HECK OLD MAN?! WE'RE HAVING A MOMENT! >n< Belkia: "...Can you text it?" Higan: "Just recording memories..." -elsewhere- Poe: *finishes his tea* "Th-Thanks..." lana: no problem. *smiles* Poe: "...Wh-What brings you around?" lana: just heard you were a bit sick, so i decided to see how you were doing. *smiles* Poe: .\\\\. "W-Won't your boss want to know why you aren't at work?" lana: i did just get off work an hour ago. *chuckles* seems your new place is on the route i take home. Poe: "Th-That's convenient...You live around here?" lana: just in one of the apartment buildings a few blocks down. Poe: "...Heh. Neighbors, huh? Ha ha ha..." ("OH GOD MY HEART IS DYING INSIDE.") lana: i suppose. ^^ Poe: .\\\w\\\. "...Do you like scary stories?" lana: well...i guess? Poe: "I-I could always share some of my stories with you! I collect many! Read many!" lana: sounds nice. maybe later? Poe: *nod nod nod nod nod* "Okay! ...More tea?" -elsewhere- Akutawaga: "Well, enough for today. I will see you tomorrow?" higuchi: you always do, right? Akutagawa: *smiles* "And you always have my back. Good day, Higuchi." higuchi:....y-you too.... .////. Akutagawa: *waves, then sees--* "Oh. Hello, Gin." gin: *nods* Akutagawa: "Ready to leave?" gin: *nods* -elsewhere- Hibana: *hugs Gabriella* gabriella: u////u~<3 Hibana: "We're done with work hours...Our little one is asleep." *hug, sway* "And I am so happy..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *staring at a photo of him and Yuu...and Lisa* shinra:....hey vul, there's a zoo not far from here, want to check it out? Vulcan: "..." *sets down the photo* "Sure...What they got?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reading* -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: yeah....*chuckles* Kid: *smiles* "That's good." *smooch* "I was worried." stocking: it's....a lot to take in....i guess it was like what you went through when you found out about shiori, huh? Kid: *nods* "Only, you didn't get slapped, like Yumi did to me." stocking: ........*hug* Kid: *hug* "Your mother will be fine...And so will you." *forehead kiss* stocking: right. ^^ Kid: "And you'll have a perfect sibling to love..." stocking: and shiori will have a new playmate. Kid: *smiles* "Siblings-in-law." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Hee hee..." *pats her hand* "You'll be the perfect big sister..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "You look exhausted." atsushi: *face down on the floor* long day... Kyoka: "...Yes. I will make you dinner." atsushi:... -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking out over the canal* "..." tsuyu: *casually swimming along* Dazai: *waves* "Hello, hero frog person." tsuyu: hmm? oh, im just a hero in training. but im just chilling right now. Dazai: "Cool. I'm staring at water and thinking about the past...and future." tsuyu: ah. Dazai: "You know other superheroes? Go to superhero school and stuff?" tsuyu: i attend the UA. thought there's other hero schools that exist. Dazai: "Yeah, we're sending some of my coworkers and mentees to the DWMA." *waves* "I'm Dazai." tsuyu: tsuyu. just call me tsu. Dazai: "Cool, Tsu." *looks again at the canal* "You know, I almost drowned in there." tsuyu: really? sounds pretty scary. Dazai: "I was trying to kill myself." ^^ tsuyu: ...... *no comment* Dazai: "Just...looking for someone to end it all with me. Someone around my age. Beautiful." tsuyu: i have to go home now. *swimming away* Dazai: "...I DIDN'T MEAN YOU! YOU'RE A LITTLE TOO YOUNG!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep on the couch* mito: zzzzz Chuuya: *small noise* "Hmmm..." -a warm feeling on his chest...- Chuuya: *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "What do you think of Higuchi?" gin: well, she's dedicated, have to give her that. Akutagawa: *nods* "Hardworking. Focused. But..." gin: ?? Akutagawa: "Something seems to distract her." gin: oh? Akutagawa: "I think she needs some leisure activity to occupy her mind outside of work. Perhaps an evening with her female friends?" gin:....perhaps. Akutagawa: "...Could you do that for me? Please?" gin: alright. -elsewhere- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: zzzzz *nuzzle* Tool: *in his bed, shivering* io: *crawling in* uu! Tool: "Hmph..." *instinctively picks up Io, holds them before pulling up sheet* "Okay, Io..." io: ....zzzz Tool: *has stopped shivering, sleeps...* -elsewhere- Arthur: *sips on milk, then dunks a cookie into his glass* -elsewhere- Montgomery: *buttons up her pajama top, looking at the clock* "Super late..." -underground- zoey: ah....~ *blindfolded, wrists bound* FD: "Are you ready?" *Something cold and metal touches her nipple* zoey: *shudders* yes~! FD: "Good..." *clamps it down on her nipple, as something wet is rubbed down her stomach, causing her skin to go electric...along with other parts of herself* zoey: a-ahhH! FD: "Does it hurt?" *his wet hand rubs the substance down to her sex, as he rubs his fingers along her lips...and something vibrating is heard* zoey: f-feels good! FD: "Aw, I was hoping to make you hurt just a bit..." *the vibration moves up her thigh* "That rub is practically orgasmic..." zoey: a-ah! >////< FD: "Given how badly you want this, I find it hard to believe you're as inexperienced as you claim..." *he holds the vibration over her clitoris, his tongue licking up her neck to her ear* zoey: *moaning* FD: "Were you a virgin when I met you?" *slaps her bottom, holding the vibrator to her sex* zoey: y-yes! i-it feels s-so good when you t-take me! FD: "You like when I dominate you, <my sweetheart>?" *slides the vibrator into her--and bites on her other nipple* zoey: ah-ah! o-oh god i love it! FD: "Then you'll love feeling this..." *something long, hard, and warm slides up into her, his hands along her hips, one of them vibrating a bit* zoey: o-oh! m-master! FD: *smile bites at her neck* "Say it again..." *he thrusts up into her, pinching her sides* zoey: a-ah! m-master fyodor~<3 FD: <”I've wanted you so long...”> *slams his mouth against hers* zoey: *muffled moans* FD: *he scratches at her sides, thrusting up into her, his tongue along hers* zoey: mmn~ m-master~ mn~ f-fyodor~ FD: *panting, as he increases his speed* "A-Almost there...Talk dirty, now." zoey: i-i love you master! i-i'm s-such a dirty whore for you! FD: "Dirty!" *thrust thrust* "What do you want me to do with my hard cock in you?" zoey: i-i want your c-cum! i-i need it! FD: "Then take it! Ah-ah!" *cums in her* zoey: AH-AHHHHHHHHH~<3<3 FD: *panting, as he pulls out, dripping...he removes her blindfold, staring into her eyes* zoey: ma...m-master~ *pant pant* *cum dripping down her thighs* FD: *unstraps her* "I now free you...What do you do now, my sweet?" zoey: p-please...i-i want...ah...wanna lick the cum off you... FD: *smiles, kissing her cheek* "Then proceed~" zoey: *blushes and pants, going down on him, lightly shaking her rear as she does so* FD: *sighs* "Ah...Y-You have a pert little ass..." *holds her head* -elsewhere- Rin: *on his phone* "..." madoka: *on her phone* hey rin. *smiles* Rin: *smiles* "Hey...I miss you." madoka: i miss you too....so how's kyoto? Rin: "Well, summer-y. And a little tense?" madoka: how so? Rin: "...You know what it's like when people learn your Satan's son? Yeah...they don't respond well to that..." TTWTT madoka: rin....i wish i was there with you...i really do... Rin: *nod nod* "Same...When I get home...will you be there waiting for me?" madoka: of course i will. Rin: *smiles, wipes a tear* "Th-Thanks...Love you." madoka: i love you too rin. ^^ Rin: *nod nod* "...Did I tell you about Bon's birthday?" -elsewhere- -morning- shinra:....hey tamaki? tamaki: what is it? shinra: was that.....always there? -a skull is above the door- tamaki: ?! VULCAN WHAT THE SHIT?! Vulcan: "You like it? Real metal, right?" iris: ...... Akitaru: "...That's..._a_ description." maki: pretty punk rock. shinra: *sweatdrop* (thinking: just what kind of vibe are we even going for?) Vulcan: "See? Muscles gets me! Besides, I finished all the repairs you wanted me to do..." ???: *ahem* shinra: hmm? oh! Vulcan: *climbs down the roof...* Akitaru: "You've arrived!" Karim: *waves* "Yo." pearl: g-good morning! fang-hua: hey guys. gabriella: *adjusting glasses* tamaki:...*awkwardly coughs* father fulham...pearl....good to see you...i guess. pearl: i understand if you're still upset with us, miss kotatsu. Karim: "...At least you look cheerful, Tamaki." tamaki: w-whatever, lets just go already. *begins walking...but suddenly falls into a sinkhole* ACK! shinra:...h-how- tamaki: NOT A WORD KUSAKABE! Rino: *holding a heavy set of file folders* "What a pain..." -inside- Rino: *dragging in the papers* Vulcan: "Here, let me get that..." *takes off his shirt, helps Rino* Rino: .\\\\. Hibana: *sits down on the sofa* "...You. No-Name. I do not like someone from the 1st sitting at my same level." Karim: "What, you want me to sit on the floor?" Hibana: "Yes, thank you." Karim: "...WTF?" gabriella: ^^; Konro: "Fang-Hua, you have all the files?" fang-hua: right here, sir. pearl: i-i have our files too! iris: sister, how are mikami and ryuuko doing so far? Hibana: "Precious little flowers blooming in the garden we tend to~" gabriella: p-princess. >///< fang-hua: *sweatdrops* could we just get to the point of this meeting now? Akitaru: "I'm sure you have seen the headline." *passes the newspaper to Fang-Hua* fang-hua: *examines the paper* pearl: 'commander of the 3rd arrested'? Hibana: "Ha ha ha! Oh, that's the best news I've heard all day!" Vulcan: *staring at the photo* "Wait a minute..." fang-hua: hmm? something up? Vulcan: "'t's not him." Hibana: "?!!" Vulcan: "Check the eyes. I've seen Giovanni without that dumb mask. Those aren't his eyes." pearl: ..... Karim: "..." *looks Gabriella* "Who did they arrest, then?" gabriella: im not sure. but it seems ryuuko, mikami, and relan arent the only ones who left the 3rd... Hibana: "Perhaps an actor? An impersonator? Some contingency plan?" gabriella: more than likely... pearl: maybe we could examine their base? find something there? gabriella: that may be difficult. according to what ryuuko told me, the base she, mikami, and relan stayed at wasnt the 3rds official base. Konro: "Really? That's frustrating." maki: relan said the same thing, so we had victor go and search for their base. Hibana: *stares at Maki* "You trust that creep?" -in a wooded area- ivy: why are we even in this stupid place? Victor: "Ooooo! Look at the metal bits jammed into this tree!" *snaps pictures* ivy: tch-, this is so stupid. why are we even helping those bastards? scarlet: did you only come here to complain? Joker: "What we need is to figure out how Sho was able to move so fast...His ability seemed familiar..." scarlet: ?? Victor: "What we need to stop Sho is Shinra--and he still hasn't gotten that internal flame of his hot enough yet..." scarlet:......(thinking: mikami...) -back at the 8th- fang-hua: so what do we do now? Hibana: "Obi, you in the 8th have the power of gorillas--can't you do something?" Akitaru: "...For real?" fang-hua: i may have an idea. Konro: "Oh?" fang-hua: maybe a combat training course at the 7th might help you? shinra: again?! Konro: *smiles* "Excellent idea!" Arthur: "...We will die." shinra: not to mention the rabbit demon and the terrible twosome. Akitaru: "I like it!" Konro: "And that kind of experience will toughen you up!" Akitaru: *nods* Hibana: "I am in favor of this plan." shinra: ....ok then. ^^; Karim: "I'll bring flowers to your funeral." shinra: HAVE _SOME_ FAITH IN US! Karim: "I do. I have faith you will get your ass broken." tamaki: D8< pearl: father fulham... ^^;; Hibana: *smacks Karim with a fan* "LIE ON THE FLOOR, WORM!" pearl: princess! please be a little nicer! Vulcan: o_o ("...Dad...Grandpa...Save me from these weirdos.") Karim: X__X Akitaru: "Huh. Thought the fisticuffs would've started five minutes ago. We did better than I expected!" Konro: "In the 7th, you show your power through fighting--so we're already making improvements!" tamaki:... (thinking: seems pearl's becoming a lot more assertive since last i saw her....) -elsewhere- Giovanni: "--and that is how I got a community theater actor arrested." guruna: *clapping* 8D -elsewhere- Benimaru: *on the phone* "...Well, yes, I know, but-- ... " *sighs* "Fine." *hangs up* kirei: did something happen, beni? Benimaru: "Konro signed me up to train those weaklings from the 8th." kirei: i see. *smiles* im sure you'll be an excellent teacher. Benimaru: "...Konro is better." kirei: *small kiss on the nose* i have faith in you, beni. Benimaru: .\\\\. "...Then I guess that will have to get me through this." -elsewhere- Burns: "Karim _and_ Pearl took a sick day?" ruby: yep. they both caught a cold! dia: ...... Burns: "...Must be spreading. Ruby, I suggest you have some Vitamin C before you catch their cold." ruby: understood! *nomming on orange slices* dia:....commander, may i speak with you? Burns: "Of course. What is it?" dia: do you suppose....there is fraternization involved here? Burns: "...The concern has crossed my mind." dia: should i investigate the matter? Burns: *nods* -elsewhere- Honda: Q~Q "No one invites me to meetings..." hito: perhaps making an alliance with the 8th might be on our agenda, sir? -elsewhere- Tachihara: *folding laundry* -elsewhere- Emine: "Tah-dah." chie: D8< Emine: "...You don't like it? I used something from each of you in this collage..." Yohei: "...Is that the motherboard from my laptop?" Tool: "My sickle..." Shotaro: "My boxers?" mono: D8< MY UNDIES?! -elsewhere- Poe: *writing writing writing* karl: zzzzz.... Poe: *pats Karl in his lap, as he dots an 'i'* "This...This crime drama should do the trick..." -the footnote attached....isnt exactly related to the project.....but appears to be a series of thoughts on a certain someone- Poe: *reading his footnote...* " 'Beautiful smile,' 'pools of life in her eyes,' 'a name that rolls off the tongue with such an appealing rhyme--'" .\\\\. karl: zzzz.... Poe: *his heart is pounding* "I-I just wanted to find a title to this story..." -elsewhere- Ranpo: *asleep at desk* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sets down his drink* bartender: ?? Akutagawa: "One more, please." bartender: you've already had at least 7 of them... Akutagawa: "I can handle it. Besides, eight is my lucky number." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *reviewing papers* "...Jeez, Fitzgerald threw his money around..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *scream* shaula: SHADDAP! neian: ?? Medusa: "Your fucking scorpion bit me! Why is it on the floor?!" shaula: relax, this one isnt poisonous! ......or at least, it wont kill you. Medusa: "Two can play at that game..." *CHOMP* shaula: OW! FUCK! Medusa: "Ha! That's a pain in the backside, is it not?" shaula: hehe...you better put your kid to bed and pack your bags sister of mine, cause you're going on a triiiiip. Medusa: "?!!!" -the room is dark, and crying can be heard from neian's crib- Medusa: "Oh no..." *summons light snake to illuminate* -a tall gaunt figure is holding a sword above the child- Medusa: "!!!!" *sends a snake at the figure's throat* ???: even after all this time....you still hate me....dont you mother? Medusa: *tenses, stops* "What...?" chrona?: *stares.....with a sorrowful but blank expression* Medusa: "...Crona...Put down the sword for mommy..." chrona?: do you really believe you have a right to be a mother to me?! after all you've done?! Medusa: "Just stop! Stop...I don't want to hurt you..." chrona?: please........*twisted smile* as if that stopped you before.... *charges at her* Medusa: *holds snake sword, ready to block* ???: medusa? Medusa: *turns around, swinging the sword* arachne?: ........*emotionless expression as the sword impales her* Medusa: o_o "...The hell?" arachne?: you havent....changed at all...have you? *something can be felt crawling up her legs* Medusa: "Arachne...Wh-Why are you...?" noah?: have you forgotten me so easily? Medusa: "..." *sneers* "No...I can't forget you..." *turns and shoves her sword* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Wh-What is it?" arachne: *shocked expression as she sees a program on TV on blVck wid0w* is...is it really....? Giriko: *stares at the television...it's becoming clearer* "Have we seen...that girl?" arachne: ...eva? Giriko: "..." *falls back on couch, staring* "...What." arachne: *tears falling* s-she's really alive....after all this time... Giriko: "..." *holds her* "Where is that band?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *looking at a statue* tsugumi: hey guys! licht: oh, the spring bird. tsugumi: ^^; you can just call me tsugumi. Anya: .\\\. *meek wave* Hyde: .\\\\. *looks back and forth between the statue and Anya* licht: hey. ao: so i take it you're going to be attending classes with us again? Hyde: "Now that my leg is out of the cast--" Anya: "Your leg?" D8> licht: long story. Hyde: "But I'm all healed, thanks to Licht's blood--...Licht's bloody good hospice care!" mio: i...see...*sweatdrop* Meme: "Weird statue..." tsugumi: we were just about to visit maki at her brigade. licht: salmon? Hyde: "???" tsugumi: no, my cousin, maki! Anya: "Yes, she works at the 8th--" Hyde: "THE EIGHTH?!" .w. tsugumi: the 8th brigade. did you want to meet her? Hyde: *nod nod* "I think I know a friend of a friend there..." -and so- maki: hey tsugumi- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! LICHT TODOROKI IS HERE?! *SQUEALS* Hyde: -_-; licht: the skull.....there are demons afoot. Vulcan: ("WTF is everyone hating on the skulls?") Relan: "Actually, they aren't demons. Just--" *stares at Licht* .\\\\\\\. licht: bring out your demon warlord. i shall pacify them...*poses* because i am an archangel sent from heaven. shinra: .....*hugs relan* Relan: o\\\\o *steam off of his head* Hyde: *whispers to Licht* "I think the one with the sharp teeth is kinda demony? Or a vampire?" shinra: im not a demon! i'm a hero, dammit! >n< Hyde: "Are you a hero vampire?" shinra: i'm not a vampire either! Hyde: "Nothing wrong about vampires. They're strong, powerful, sexy..." iris: should i get some tea for everyone? -elsewhere- Hugh: *reviewing logbook* "Fewer guests during the summer..." uzuki: on the bright side, it makes it easier to keep things clean around here. Hugh: "True. The work will increase come winter." *sweeps away cobweb* kaori: ....? oh, hello there. did you want a room? Tachihara: "Yes, ma'am! What you got?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *writing notes* atsushi: *looking at a map of the school* Kyoka: *looking over his shoulder* Kunikida: "Have you figured out where everything is?" atsushi: i think so. any update who our homeroom teacher is going to be? Dazai: "Maybe Marie...?" atsushi: *shrugs* Dazai: "Could be worse--could be the guy with the screw in his head, the priest who has killed people since he was 13, the scary lady with the glasses--" atsushi: O-O;;; Kyoka: "Are they nice glasses?" Dazai: *wavers his hand* "Kinda?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "More time training at the 7th..." *pouts* tamaki: oh joy. Arthur: "...Where did Obi assign you? To stay here?" tamaki: i'm going with you. oubi said i 'need to work on cooperation'. Arthur: "...Um...That may be helpful?" *nervous smile* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: owo "Guests are coming?!" fang-hua: seems so. Tsukiyo: *claps her hands* "Yay! What are they here for? End of summer party?" fang-hua: training, actually. Tsukiyo: "...Oh, poo. Well, guess they'll be working hard, so party hard, too." -elsewhere- Eijiro: *dancing in the kitchen* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: =_= *deep inhale* gin: how're you doing? Akutagawa: "A little congested..." *sniff* gin: did you need to see the doctor again? Akutagawa: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Good to meet all of you!" -elsewhere- *Soap suds pouring out from under a door* kirika: the fuck? *The door smashes open, soap suds pouring into the room* kirika: WHAT THE SHIT?! Patty: "Incoming!" *sailing along the soap suds in a bathing suit* -elsewhere- Karim: *looking around* ("Okay...Coast is clear...") ???: feeling better yet, father fulham? Karim: "???" *turns around* dia: ..... Karim: "...I feel a bit better, yes. The day off was productive." dia: i see....and sister fiamma? Karim: "Sister Fiamma what?" dia: she was sick today as well, correct? Karim: "Was she? That's too bad..." dia: .....just know i have an eye on both of you...need i remind you about fraternization rules in the 1st... Karim: "Okay, stop. Are you suggesting the Sister and I are sleeping together?" dia: are you? Karim: "No." dia: .....*gives him a glare then walks away* foien: yikes. Karim: "How long were you listening, Foien?" foien: long enough it seems... sister volkov is pretty strict, eh? kinda scary. Karim: "Unnecessarily strict: she misconstrues why the Sister and I were out on the same day." foien: ah...maybe she's jealous? but i doubt that. Karim: "??? Why you doubt that?" foien: she seems to focus a lot more on her job than in a relationship.... and given her- *ahem* difficult personality... Karim: "She is rather serious...That hasn't stopped someone from having a relationship." foien: perhaps....you're probably wondering where i was? Karim: "You gonna tell me?" foien: serina and i had a date ^^ Karim: "For real? How did it go?" -elsewhere- Kid: *curled up in bed* stocking: *smooch* mmm~<3 Kid: *small kiss back* "Sweetie..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *pulls the sheets over them, looks into her eyes* stocking:....*warm smile* Kid: *takes her hand, kissing it lightly* "My wife..." stocking: mmm~<3 im so blessed to have such a precious hubby~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ "You make me blush when you say those sweet things." stocking: fitting for you then, huh~? Kid: "Maybe..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Hello, flowers!" mikami: welcome back, princess. ^^ ryuuko: how was the meeting? Hibana: "Well, a bit confusing..." *sits down* "The 3rd with a second base, and some actor playing Giovanni." ryuuko: damn... Hibana: "So, he's still out there--and we need to find his location." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Fiasco." bartender: sir? Chuuya: "Do you ever just think, how if you had done the one thing you could have...that your life could've been so different?" bartender: oh, like the butterfly effect? Chuuya: *sip* "Yeah. Or like that 'Sliding Doors' movie..." bartender: what brought this up? Chuuya: "...What else? Lost love." bartender: ah. Chuuya: "..." *sigh* "You folks must make a lot of money on lovelorn sad sacks like me sitting down to drown sorrows in booze, huh?" bartender: more often than not. Chuuya: "Figured." *pulls out his credit card* "I think I'm done..." -later- Chuuya: *walking home...slight stumble* -a young lady with glasses is sitting by the window of a cafe, reading- Chuuya: *looks at her* "..." glasses: ?? *nod* Chuuya: "..." *nods back* "..." -later- Chuuya: "Um..." mito: *nuzzles chuuya's leg, purring* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* mito: =w= Chuuya: "At least you're here..." *picks up Mito, sets her on his lap, keeps petting* mito:....zzzzz.... Chuuya: "..." *tear falls* *small whimper* {rain: did you need anything at all, mr nakahara?} {Chuuya: "No, thank you." *sips his wine*} {rain: i see, well... i-if you need anything at all, i'll be more than happy to help sir!} {Chuuya: "???" *small smile* "Thanks...Are you busy right now?"} {rain: e-eh? .////. w-well, um....uh....i-is there a reason?} {Chuuya: "I can't finish this bottle on my own. If you need a break, feel free to have a glass."} {rain: are you sure? i-i wouldnt want to impose at all...] {Chuuya: "Not at all--I'm about done with work for the day. Have a seat."} mito: zzzzz.... Chuuya: *yawns, leaning back on the couch* -elsewhere- Mori: *reviewing documents...and books* -elsewhere- hojo girl: *sitting near a lake, staring out at the water* ...... ???: "I'm telling you, Konekomaru, the water is going to be shimmering!" hojo girl: ??.... !!!! konekomaru: but in the middle of the night? Shima: "Heck yeah! May even take a dip. Great to feel cool water in hot summer weather." hojo girl: !!!! *hides behind a tree* Shima: *pulls off his shoes and socks, dipping a toe in* "Oh, yeah--perfect!" hojo girl:..... *slight blush* (thinking: that boy.....he has hexed me....) Shima: "You in, Komekomaru?" *pulling down his pants, showing his boxers* konekomaru: *sweatdrop* ill just... stand guard... Shima: "Cool! You can guard my clothes." *takes off his shirt* konekomaru: ._.; Shima: "And now, to cool off!" *grabs his boxers...* konekomaru: *covering eyes* hojo girl: !!! Shima: *tosses them back at Konekomaru and leaps into the water* hojo girl: !!! (thinking: i need to go to the shrine! have to be purified of these thoughts...) *runs* Shima: =w= "So peaceful..." -elsewhere- Relan: *shivers* shinra: *snuggles* zzzz love you rel.... Relan: =\\\\= "I-I love you, too..." *hug* -morning- Bon: "Where's Shima gone off to?" konekomaru: medics....a leech attached itself to his heel. Shima: X____X -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawn, walking into the office* kouyou: rough night? Chuuya: *nod nod* "Bad drink, bad dream..." -elsewhere- Anya: *stretches* "Ah..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sneezes* medic: still sick it seems... Akutagawa: *sniff* "Allergies, I hope..." -elsewhere- Kid: *smooch* stocking: mmmn~<3 Kid: *hug* "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *nods* "Likewise...What's on your agenda?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Few more days 'til school..." mana: yeah. did you get your uniform yet? Shotaro: "Yeah, Emine helped me!" *holds up a bright red and green outfit* mono: what are you, a christmas present?! Shotaro: -3- "I thought it looked cool..." Emine: "Hee hee hee..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *setting up practice dummies* -elsewhere- Dazai: *dribbling a basketball* atsushi: im open! Dazai: *tosses to Atsushi* atsushi: ah! *catch* Dazai: "Shoot!" Kunikida: *trying to block* atsushi: u-a-ah right! *throws* Kunikida: *tries to leap up to block...and misses* -elsewhere- Higan: "Ouch..." lavender: easy there... *putting aloe on* Higan: *groans* "What a pain..." lavender: *nods* Higan: *small pant* "How are you?" lavender: well im surviving arent i? *small smile* Higan: *small smile, through the pain* "A-All we can do." *holds her hand* lavender: ^^ Higan: *buries his face in his pillow* *muffled* "Still aches." -elsewhere- Arthur: *practicing sword fighting* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sorting papers* ("Not sure why Poe isn't doing this...") karl: O^O~? Jacqueline: "..." *looking at Karl* -^- "What are you looking at?" Poe: *collapsed on the floor, writing notes...* karl: ..... *sticking a dollar into the vending machine and getting a canned coffee* Poe: TwT "Thank you, Karl..." Jacqueline: "H-How?" librarian head: well, raccoons are rather intelligent. Jacqueline: "I knew they could remember locks...but jeez." Poe: *sip sip* "Ah..." *pet pet* -elsewhere- Medic: "Miss Moriyama, the tea, please." shiemi: *nods and hands it to them* Medic: *nods* "Thank you. Please bring more hot water to Miss Kamiki." izumo: ...so shima got discharged then from his leech incident? Medic: "Yeah, it was just a tiny leech." -in another area- Shima: *struggling to sit* "So...Excited for your meeting today?" ^^; konekomaru: ...... Shima: "...Bon will be there. I won't. Guess being fifth son gives me some time off." konekomaru: ...... hojo girl: .... *watching from behind a tree* Shima: "!!!" *turns around* -no one there- Shima: "...You feel something?" -and so, at the meeting- Bon: "..." ("Where _is_ he?") -the door opens- Bon: *looks up* "..." ("He's still not there?") konekomaru: .... uwabami hojo: yaozo... Yaozo: *cough* "Suguro...could not make it...I will lead this meeting." Bon: "?!!" juzo: take it easy, father... Yaozo: *seats himself* "First...tell me what happened at the theft in Deep Keep..." juzo: of course. -elsewhere- izumo: and it turns out that girl shima tried to hit on was a cousin to the 3 hojo sisters... shiemi: oh wow......it must be nice....having siblings. izumo:......yeah... (thinking: tsukumo....) -back at the meeting- uwabami hojo: so then, those closest to the eye at the time were all myoda sect. yaozo, juzo, my 3 daughters, and- Yaozo: "And why were you reaching for the eye?" ao hojo: mamushi was only trying to protect it! uwabami hojo:.....-and tatsuma....however he is absent. konekomaru: but what about the person who took the left eye? uwabami hojo: sabutora todo, yes.... juzo, mamushi, he was your instructor at the cram school, correct? Yaozo: *writing a note* Bon: *shaking with anger* juzo: what? nishiki: you really thing mamushi did it?! Yaozo: "We have no idea who did anything. And accusing each other without more evidence will--will--" *coughs* uwabami hojo: it pains me, but no one else has direct ties to todo. juzo: father, take it easy! Yaozo: *sips water* "...Without Suguro here, let us table this meeting until he arrives." nishiki: mamushi, arent you going to say anything? Mamushi: *slams her hands on the table* Bon: "?!" Mamushi: "I saw Suguro...as if he was controlling those flames...I wanted to protect the eye! And I get stabbed for my troubles?!" ao hojo: yeah, he was chanting a mantra we didnt know... Bon: *listening* Mamushi: "So, curious _he_ would not be here." myoda sect member: well- konekomaru: why would you suggest such a thing?! Mamushi: *cold stare* Bon: "Konekomaru..." uwabami hojo: *sigh* this is getting us nowhere. yaozo and i will discuss this. but for now, the meeting is adjourned... -later- konekomaru:....bon, are you sure you're ok? Bon: "...Why did he...?" -on the roof- shura: jeez, its like i said, think of a 'poof' not a 'boom', ok? Rin: "...'Poof'? Like, tiny flame?" shura: if it helps, then yeah. Rin: "Okay...tiny 'poof'...tiny 'poof'...AH, THIS ISN'T WORKING!" shura: maybe go cool off for a moment? Rin: "...'Kay." *hops off the roof* "Poof poof poof..." -the two candles on the end ignite, but the center is untouched- shura: 0.0 ..... huh...and he doesnt even....wow. -on the ground- ???: mother, father, what do i do? i feel so helpless...does someone like me even deserve the title of head of the miwa family? Rin: "???" *peaks around the corner* -konekomaru is in front of a grave- Rin: "Oh...Um, hey, Konekomaru..." konekomaru: !!! *trying to run* Rin: "D-Dude! Hey, it's cool...I just...wanted to see...I mean, I can go..." konekomaru: ...s-stay away from bon. h-he's going through a lot right now... Rin: "What?! You can't just tell me to stay away from people! We're supposed to work together--" konekomaru:....i...i dont have anything...no parents, no relatives....the myoda took me in, and i want to repay them, no matter what....enemies of the myoda, are enemies of me as well! Rin: "..." *starts laughing* konekomaru: ??!! w-whats so funny?! Rin: "You say you have nothing, but you're so quick to defend the Myoda. I mean, if you want to repay them, then you're not alone, right?" konekomaru: ah... Rin: "...Oh. But you see me as a threat..." *looks at his hands* "I can't blame you...I'm not in control of these flames...So, yeah, you should avoid me 'til I control these flames--because I'm gonna!" konekomaru: .... -that evening- nishiki: i cant believe that shima would accuse mamushi like that! ao hojo: i bet he's the culprit! Mamushi: "Then we will be on guard to see what proof to back up that suspicion." hojo girl: ..... nishiki: ?? unagi? you're out more than usual lately... unagi:....<the pink haired devil....has cursed me...> ao hojo: eh? <what do you mean?> unagi: <ever since that night....he has plagued my thoughts....when i have these thoughts, i feel hot...as if my chest is going to burst...> nishiki: O_O Mamushi: <"...Go pray."> unagi: <understood.> nishiki: that...little...shit! Mamushi: "Easy...Just have to deal with his family first." -elsewhere- Tachihira: *has a black eye, missing a shoe, pants ripped* gin: ... hirotsu: -_-; Tachihara: "I still don't know where my wallet and phone are. And my foot is cold." higuchi: i think i found your wallet and phone. Tachihara: "Oh, sweet!" *checks to see whether money and cards still in there--a photo falls out* -its a photo of him and some random prostitute in a photo booth- Tachihara: "Oh, good, still got my cards...???" *picks up the photo* "...Who's she?" gin:...*shrugs* hirotsu: *looks at the back of the photo* 'thanks 4 the $20, sugar'.... -_-; Tachihara: "...Goddamn it! I lost $20?!" -elsewhere- Kenji: "I think I like the blue more." *modeling a dress* -elsewhere- *15 stray cats are occupying Takehisa's office* Takehisa: "..." tamaki: *overjoyed* Vulcan: "They looked so cold and hungry outside." Takehisa: "..." *picks a cat up off his stack of papers* "I have work to do." -elsewhere- Wes: *marking music sheets* julie: *watching* Wes: "??? Jules--you see this?" *points to the music sheet* julie: what is it? Wes: "I'm marking here to tell the flutes to get louder..." *picks up a flute--plays softly on it* "Then they'll go--" *plays a bit louder* julie: ah... Wes: "And when everything comes together, it should be magical..." *smiles* "Want to hear a song?" -elsewhere- Jeje: *paper bag is colored with crayons* "..." metsu: ...*small smile* let me guess, mikuni? Jeje: "Likely. Johannes is not as good at drawing flowers." *points to a giant sunflower on one bag* metsu: still, its kind of cute. Jeje: "...Really?" .\\\\. metsu: ^^ Jeje: "...Um, okay. I can wear them...a bit longer." -elsewhere- Johannes: "GIVE ME THOSE BEAKERS!!!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Higuchi?" higuchi: yeah? Chuuya: "Did you...go through Rain's...Mito's locker?" higuchi: not yet... Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Okay." *pulls out a flask* higuchi: did you want to do that now? Chuuya: "I-I don't feel comfortable seeing it.." higuchi: hmm.... Chuuya: "I'll wait here..." *sips on his flask, scrunches his face* "Yuck." higuchi: *clearing the locker out; inside are notes, some notebooks, photos* ..... Chuuya: "..." *leans against wall...closes his eyes* higuchi:.....*sigh* *examining photos* *One of Rain and Higuchi at the bar, another of Rain at her first day of work* higuchi: ....*looks at a photo of rain and chuuya during a party* *Chuuya has a hand on her shoulder, holding up glass of wine* higuchi: .....(thinking: she looks happy....) Chuuya: "..." *steps into locker room* "Is it...okay?" higuchi: yeah... Chuuya: *approaches...spots the pics* TT\\\\TT higuchi: .... Chuuya: *sniff* "R-Rain..." higuchi:...did you...want to visit her? Chuuya: *nod nod* -and so, at the mafia gravesite- Chuuya: "...I thought it would get easier..." *kneels at the grave* higuchi:.... Chuuya: "..." *looks at the grave...* "...What?" higuchi: nothing...i did get flowers though... *has a small vase with aster flowers* Chuuya: "R-Right." ("Why does the grass here look...different?") higuchi: .... Chuuya: "I didn't know what to bring..." higuchi: well, at least you're here...i think she'd be happy with that alone... Chuuya: "...She never asked for as much as she deserved..." higuchi:...*nods, gripping her fist*...chuuya....you know how mori treated her...right? Chuuya: "...Treated her how?" higuchi: you know he abused her, right? Chuuya: "...Yes." higuchi: and you know what she was put through because of him, right? Chuuya: *realizing but pretending not to...* "...What do you mean?" higuchi:....when we cleared her apartment out....i found something in her garbage... Chuuya: "???" higuchi:...there was a positive pregnancy test. Chuuya: "..." *falls to his hands* higuchi: *bites her lip* i wont forgive mori for this... Chuuya: "...Kill..." higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "K-Kill...him..." higuchi: .... Chuuya: "...and take over this Mafia." higuchi: ..... Chuuya: "Am I wrong?" -a crow is sitting in a tree....with a glint in its eye- yana: well, this sure is interesting... FD: *smiles* "A new tool to use." yana: by the way, i found out some info on mr mori's new secretary... FD: "Oh?" yana: i got the file right here. FD: "???" *opens it* "..." *smiles* "Interesting." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *thumbing through papers* yosano: oh, burning the candle from both ends, eh? Tanizaki: *yawn* "Just confused by some papers..." yosano: need any help there? Tanizaki: "Yeah...Which case is this one?" *holds up a baggie holding a notepad page* -elsewhere- Anya: *sighs* mio: you ok? Anya: "Yeah, sure." *covers a paper that has names and columns listed "Pro" and "Con"* mio: what's that? Anya: "!!! J-Just taking notes." .\\\. -elsewhere- Relan: "Y-You want me to go?!" maki: yeah. it'll help to build some physical strength up. Relan: "O-Okay? But isn't Commander Benimaru a little strict?" maki: i guess, but i have the feeling you'll do great. Relan: .\\\. "I-I'm not that confident." maki: did you want to do some sparring? Relan: *nods* "J-Just...Can we start slow?" maki: alright. -elsewhere- Kishiri: "How're the newbies doin'?" ryuuko: hyah! *punching a training dummy* mikami: eep! *x-guards against an attack* Kishiri: .____.; "...Well, then?" gabriella: coming along pretty well. Kishiri: "No kidding...They're pretty strong." gabriella: seems their combat training at the 3rd paid off. though i notice mikami focuses primarily on defense, while ryuuko is more in offence. -ryuuko flame bullets a target down- Kishiri: "Is that because of their abilities, or personalities?" gabriella: seems a combination of both factors. Kishiri: "Man...I'm gonna have to get my combat game up..." -elsewhere- Giriko: "...I got the tickets." arachne: ....*nods* *nervous* Giriko: "...You up for this?" arachne:...yes...i kind of have to be. Giriko: "..." *holds her hand* "I'm with you." -elsewhere- Tool: "And then we tie it back here..." *showing how to tie shoes* io: uu! Tool: "Uh-huh. Then you loop back--" *pauses* "...Oh. The shoelaces get a little cranky if I don't tie them snuggly. Got to do that so your shoes don't slip off." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I'm home." kim: hey. ^^ Jacqueline: *stretches* "You know, I thought your job at the zoo would have you dealing with animals. And I get the job with a raccoon..." -elsewhere- Mori: "Coffee, please." miura: right away sir. Mori: "And for you, Elise~?" elise: hot cocoa! with extra marshmallows! Mori: ^^ "You heard her~" miura: understood, sir. -elsewhere- Chuuya: *passed out in bed* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: *groans, looks up...his face is awful* mito: *worried* Chuuya: "..." *sobbing* mito:...*snuggles* Chuuya: "..." *soft hug around Mito* "I'm sorry..." mito: *soft purring* Chuuya: "If-If you had told me...An abortion...Adoption...I-I would have...I would have helped you...Wouldn't I?" mito: mreow? Chuuya: *cries* "Mito..." mito: *nuzzles* Chuuya: *hugs Mito...closes his eyes* "I'll make it right." mito: *softly purrs* Chuuya: *yawns* "Stop...him..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sets out cereal bowls* naho: moooorning! Sakuya: ^^ "Hey." *forehead smooch* naho: ^///^ Sakuya: "Sleep well?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *inhales, sighs* "Better." gin: glad to hear that... Akutagawa: *nod* "Would you like to join my sparring practice today?' -elsewhere- Mifune: *meditating* angela: *mimicking him* Mifune: *smiles* "You would like to meditate as well?" angela: *nod* yuma: *nod* Mifune: "There are no wrong ways...It's just about being aware of what you think." *lays out three stones* "If it helps...you can look at the pebbles." yuma: *focusing intently* Mifune: "It's not about trying to not think...It's about being aware of your thinking. Just be aware of your thoughts." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "A training exercise? Here? ...Is it safe for me to stay?" reimi: it's all up to you, i guess... Mr. Tsubaki: "Well...I could stay indoors, avoid people...If I were to leave...I don't think it is safe for me to leave unless I have a safe place lined up." reimi: good call... Mr. Tsubaki: "I can't even go to my family..." *sad face* "If only there was a place C3 couldn't find me and my family." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *half awake* -elsewhere- Poe: .\\\\. ("I can do this...but...") ???: oi, dude, you just gonna stand there? Poe: "Wh-What?" random person: you need anything? Poe: "Um...Wh-What fl-flowers would you recommend?" clerk: oh, for what occasion? Poe: "I-I-I don't know! I was just thinking of l-leaving them at her apartment?" clerk: oh? do you like this person? Poe: ._______. "...???" clerk: or is this a friend or a relative? Poe: "...Friend? I don't know." -elsewhere- Dr. John: "Feeling alright?" felisia: yeah, this isnt my first pregnancy, haha. Dr. John: "Well, can you tell me a bit about your previous experience? Any odd cravings?" felisia: can i have some cinnamon rolls? Dr. John: ^^ "We got some in the office." *offers one* "Here you go." felisia: ^w^ *nom* -elsewhere- FD: "Update?" -elsewhere- Kid: *covers Stocking's eyes* stocking: ah... Kid: *kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ kiddo~ Kid: "Stocking~" *pulls back his hands, hugs her* "I love you..." stocking: hehe~ *smooch* Kid: *smooch on her lips, then on the corner of her lips, before his hand pats her bottom* stocking: oh~ Kid: *kisses behind her ear* "What do you have on today?" stocking: *smirks* remember that kitty underwear set i bought~? Kid: *bites his lip* "Do I..." stocking: well there's your answer~ Kid: "True...but I want to see with my own eyes..." *lifts her skirt a bit* stocking: *smirks and steps away* ah-ah-ah~ you'll just have to wait until tonight~<3 Kid: *playful pout* "Then can I get a little something to hold me over..." *holds her chin lightly in his hand* stocking: maybe~ Kid: *soft kiss on her lips* -elsewhere- Dazai: "SODAS!" atsushi: oh, cool. naomi: thaanks~! Kyoka: "...Sour." -elsewhere- Black Star: *lifts the couch to clean under it* -elsewhere- Assi: *drenched* mono: =///n///= Yohei: "...What happened?" mono: i dont wanna talk about it! im taking a shower! *DOOR SLAM* Assi: "...But I was going to take a shower..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *unshaven, walking through town* "..." ("Get cat food...Get coffee...Go home...") atsushi: sir? are...are you ok? Chuuya: *turns, stares* "...The Tiger?" atsushi: i have a name -_-; Dazai: "Jeez, shorty--you bathe in scotch or something?" Chuuya: "I WILL PULL OUT YOUR BONES AND PICK MY TEETH WITH THEM!" atsushi: O-O;; Dazai: "...Okay. The 'tooth picking' remark usually only happens after three insults. Something is wrong with you--" *Chuuya swings at Dazai, missing* Chuuya: "G-Get back here!" atsushi: O-O;;;; Dazai: "..." *easily dodges again* "Atsushi...I'll be right back to get him coffee. Deal with this guy." *Dazai turns* Chuuya: "H-Hey! Get back here! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to--" *stumbles* atsushi: dazai wa- !!!! easy there...are you ok? Chuuya: "..." *falls to his knees, crying* atsushi: um...uhhhh.... ._.;;;; Chuuya: "I-I got to make it up to-to-to h-h-her!!!" atsushi: uh...um... *looks over at dazai* dazai, what's he talking about? Dazai: "..." *hands Atsushi the coffee* "Come on. We're taking him home." *drags Chuuya by his collar* -and so- atsushi: ._.;;; *nervous* Chuuya: *blub blub blub* Dazai: *holding Chuuya's head under the shower* "Come on, sober up..." atsushi: o-o;;; mito: O^O~? atsushi: ??...*head pets* hey there... mito: ^w^ Dazai: "Atsushi, see what's in his cupboards. Make some chicken soup. Also, feed his cat." Chuuya: *head submerged in the bath* Dazai: "I'll clean him up..." -and so- Chuuya: *in pajamas* -\\\^\\\- "I don't need to be tended to like a baby." Dazai: "No one is doing that." *holding spoon* "Now open up for the airplane! Vroom!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* Chuuya: "..." *nom* -3- "...Yo, Tiger. Is Dazai still a dick?" atsushi: um...well... ^^; maybe ask someone else? Dazai: "He's just jelly because my new student is super!" Chuuya: *pout* atsushi:...*ahem* so, um.... *cough* so you knew dazai when he was still....y-y'know...with the... Chuuya: "Mafia. Yes." atsushi: ah. i see. Chuuya: "He tell you all he did?" Dazai: *tenses* atsushi: um....i...didnt ask.... ._.;;;; Chuuya: *smirks* "You missed a show...All that blood--" Dazai: *glares* atsushi: *cough* um... Chuuya: "Ever wonder why he is walking out on the streets, after the sins he committed?" atsushi: *sweats a bit* (thinking: and suddenly those scary moments of his make perfect sense) Dazai: "Chuuya, stop." Chuuya: "Or what? You'll do what you did to Lin in the 9th Street Gang?" Dazai: "Hardly." *smiles, as he pulls out his wallet* "I can show off photos from our last party!" *the photos show Chuuya on a table in his boxers* atsushi: oh...um.... ._.; who wants lunch?! Chuuya: "Y-You said you burned the negatives!" *lunges at Dazai* Dazai: *holding photos out of reach* "Too short! Too short!" *bumps into Atsushi* atsushi: ack! *stumbles to the door, which opens* !!!! oof! higuchi: ack! Dazai: "???" atsushi: ..... ._.;; Chuuya: "!!! Higuchi!" atsushi: *gets up* *cough* ._.;;; higuchi: *looks at chuuya* why? are they here?! Chuuya: .\\\\. "...I--" Dazai: "Higuchi! Glad to see you!" *walks over, holds her hand* "Your beauty only increases with each passing day." higuchi:...*twitching* Dazai: "Shall we initiate our joint suicide?" atsushi: *sweatdrop* ....*whispers to chuuya* was he always like this too? higuchi: i never agreed to that! so no! Chuuya: *whispers* "The double suicide side is a bit new..." Dazai: "...How about now?" higuchi: no. -_-; Dazai: "...Want to see photos of Chuuya dancing in his boxers at the bar?" Chuuya: "NO!" atsushi:...*sitting on the couch, like the awkward 4th wheel he is at the moment* Dazai: "I also got this..." *holds up another photo* atsushi: ?? *It's Chuuya And Akutagawa, in just boxers* atsushi:..... higuchi: O///////////////O Chuuya: D:< Dazai: "We got free drinks for just giving up our clothes!" atsushi: um.... ._.; Dazai: *smiles* "Want it, Higuchi~?" higuchi: oh do i ever... *staring at akutagawa in the pic* Chuuya: .\\\. Dazai: "Then I need a favor~" higuchi: what is it? Dazai: "I need some eyes and ears on Mori." higuchi: *grips fist* already way ahead of you... Dazai: *smiles, holds out a hand* "Shake on it?" higuchi:....*looks at chuuya* Chuuya: *grunts...puts out a hand* Dazai: *crosses his arms and shakes their hands, slipping photo into Higuchi's hand* atsushi: ^^ (thinking: what just went down i have no idea...) Dazai: "Let us know when he goes too far off the rails..." higuchi: *nods* Chuuya: "..." ("Way past that point...") -elsewhere- Mori: *looking through a file: "Rain"* miura: ...... Mori: "Miura, what do you do in your off-time?" miura: .....not much. 7.7 Mori: "You go out to dinner much?" miura: not really. Mori: "Hmm..." *pulls out $100* "Go to Ram's on the corner, ask the waiter for my usual and bring it here. Let Ram keep the change." miura: understood... -at ram's- girl: *pats miura on the back* um excuse me? miura: hmm? girl: oh, sorry, thought you were someone else. carry on. *walking away, smirking* Waiter: *spots Miura* "May I help you?" -elsewhere- yana: ....*over earpiece* i got it in place.... FD: "Excellent." -elsewhere- Bakugo: .\\\\. itsuka: *kung-fu'ing the training mannequins* Bakugo: *holding a jewelry box* "...Th-That's incredible, Itsuka..." itsuka: thanks. ^^ Bakugo: "H-H-How are you?" itsuka: you ok katsuki? you look nervous... Bakugo: *holds out a box* "I AM GIVING THIS TO YOU NOW OR LATER, SO FIGURE OUT WHEN YOU WANT IT!" itsuka: oh um...thanks. *takes it* ....!! aw, katsuki. that's so sweet. *smiles* Bakugo: *scratching the back of his neck* "I-I thought it went with your eyes..." itsuka:...*chuckles* it's nice. *small kiss on the cheek* thanks katsuki. Bakugo: .\\\\. "Y-Yeah...Welcome?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: *head stuck in the wall* -elsewhere- Hugh: *wearing an afro* -elsewhere- Relan: *holding tissues to his nose* "Ow..." shinra: you ok? Relan: TT~TT *muffled voice* "Sparring went badly..." maki: im so sorry! D8> Relan: ^^; "It-It's not your fault...I didn't duck." -late that night, mori's room- Chuuya: "..." *listening* elise: *yaaaawn* nighty night.....zzzzzz Mori: "Night-night." -about two hours pass, after mori had fallen asleep- Chuuya: "?!" ("The heck? He has a room for Elise next to his?") Mori: "Zzz..." Chuuya: "..." *has his silencer on his gun--* miura: good evening, mr nakahara. Chuuya: *hides the gun* "Miura. Hello." miura: did you have buisness with mr mori? at this hour? Chuuya: "I was debating...whether it was best to wait until morning or not." miura: i see....but is the weapon needed? Chuuya: *smiles* "I have to be armed at all times." miura:....i see. say....did mori ever tell you how he became head of the port mafia? Chuuya: "...The death of our predecessor." miura: correct....and do you know how he died? Chuuya: "..." miura: do you? Chuuya: "Heart attack. Before he died, he had installed Mori as his successor." miura: ....well, you are an exec, so i feel you should know the truth. but dont tell mori i told you this, or anyone else for that matter.... Chuuya: "..." *nods* miura:....you know mori was the doctor attending to the former boss......lets just say.....he finished the job. Chuuya: "!!!" miura: the deed was done in the very bed mori now occupies...in the dead of night......funny how similar it is to this situation.....the boss's underling, entering his room, armed....now...what did you want to speak with the boss about? Chuuya: "...It can wait. I should tend to other tasks." miura: *grabs his shoulder* i have strict orders. keep the boss safe. even if someone has to be killed. Chuuya: *gravity blasts Miura back into the wall* miura: !!! urk-... -underground- FD: *smirks* yana: *checking cameras* did you want to have some fun with your new plaything yet? FD: *nods* yana: wonder if that woke the boss up... -she looks at the file; Mafia Issued Ultra Realistic Android.....or alternatively....- Mori: *shuffles in bed* "Mmm...Lower..." Chuuya: "I am done here." *turns* -something charges at him- miura: see, now you just made me mad. *her arm now has a small gun attached to it- Chuuya: "?!" *grips her arm, trying to push it up* -a leg kicks under him- Chuuya: "?!" *tries to cushion his fall with gravity* miura: *arm blade and slashes* Chuuya: *his hand is sliced* "AH!" *kicks her abdomen* miura: tch-, how annoying. Chuuya: "Was saving this for Mori, but..." *holds up his hands, and crushes the gravity along her "spine"* miura: !!! like..that's going to- Chuuya: *tosses her into the wall and keeps applying the gravity...into the wall leading to Mori's bedroom* -CRASH- Mori: *turns in bed* "No, Mom, I didn't take the candy..." Chuuya: *panting* miura: *still getting up* Chuuya: "Wh-What the hell are you?" Mori: =w= "Yes, like that..." miura: my name's miura, but the full title is, according to motojiro, 'mafia issued ultra-realistic android'. Chuuya: "..." *light bulb* "WHAT?!!!" Mori: *sits up in bed* "BLOOMERS!" miura: ?! yana: time to start the show? FD: "Proceed." Mori: *looks back and forth* "The hell?" Chuuya: "?!" ("I can't do it now! What do I do? Why is this an android?") yana: assuming direct control. *button press* miura:........*eyes wide, turning a purple color* *arm blade and charges at mori* Mori: "Why are you in my room? Miura, if you wanted in my bed--!!! Oh shit!" Chuuya: "?!!!" ("...Okay. This works.") -CLANG- miura: ?! elise: *bare handed blade block* RINTAROOOOU! MIURA'S INTERUPTING MY BEAUTY SLEEP! Chuuya: ?!?!?! Mori: Q~Q "Elise! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" miura: using your ability to protect yourself, mori? Mori: *internally smirking, as he plays afraid* "Elise! Don't hurt Miura--too badly..." elise: SHE'S TRYING TO KILL YOU! Mori: "But she's been an excellent receptionist!" miura: move it brat. *attempts to punch her, but has her arm ripped off* !!! Chuuya: "?!!!" Mori: *smiles...licks lip a bit* "Oh, Elise...Her poor arm." miura: !?!? elise: domo arigato, ms roboto. *d-d-d-decapitation! miura: a-a-a-a-a-h.....f-fy-odor...i...im afr-afraid.....wi-wi-will i dream? daaaaaaisssyyyyy daaaaaaaiiiiissssyyyyy.... elise: hmph!......chuuya, what're you gawkin at?! Chuuya: ("This can't end well--") *pushes back Miura with his gravity powers, looks at Elise* "...What the hell are you?" Mori: ("Fyodor?") elise: you seriously dont know your own boss's ability? Chuuya: "I-I know...Just...What the hell are you?" elise: a product of said ability! ^u^ Chuuya: ._. *turns to Mori* Mori: "My little Elise saved me~" *glares at Chuuya* "And you didn't." elise: what the heck chuuya?! Chuuya: .____. "...It wasn't my fault! Suddenly an android shows up! I was distracted! I was late! There was a bus full of nuns! Locusts! Bees! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" elise: *SLAP* PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! ???: now what is going on here? -it's kouyou......in her night clothes....very.....small...night clothes- Chuuya: *mortified* Mori: "...Oh. Kouyou. You're up. Hi. An android tried to kill me." kouyou: oh? *looks at miura* how unfortunate. Chuuya: *covering his eyes* "Why why why why why--" Mori: "???" ("Why an android...? Fyodor...") elise: hmm? hey whats this thingy? *points to a microchip attached to miura's back, with a familiar logo* looks like a demented mickey mouse. Mori: "...The same on the Whale..." Chuuya: *cowering, covering his head* kouyou: so then, Dostoevsky hacked this one as well. poor motojiro wont be happy... Chuuya: "...'This one'? There are more?" *uncovers his eyes--* "!!!" *covers them again* kouyou: oh please chuuya, dont act as though you havent seen a woman naked before... Chuuya: "COVER UP, DAMN IT!" Mori: *staring up and down Kouyou's body--then shrugs* elise: yeah, we can see your granny panties! kouyou: ^^# elise: O-O;;; Chuuya: *banging his head on the floor* Mori: "I prefer younger panties." kouyou: quiet you, or i'll sew your lips shut. ^^# Mori: :x Chuuya: TT~TT higuchi: we heard a noise whats-.......... gin: !!! hirotsu: oh goodness. Akutagawa: "...Why is there a robot in this room?" Tachihara: *yawns* "Yo, Kouyou." *looks* "...Another robot fight?" elise: someone hacked the robot and tried to kill mori. Akutagawa: "..." kouyou: *hugs chuuya* and you protected him? im so proud of you. Chuuya: D: "LET GO OF ME!" Tachihara: "...Don't complain about that, dude." gin:... -BAM- gin: -_-# Tachihara: X___X Mori: *smiles* "Thank goodness Chuuya was here, or Elise and him may not have saved me." Chuuya: *glaring at Mori, then looks at Higuchi* higuchi:.....*gives chuuya a look of concern* elise: oh look, lemon bomb man is here. Motojiro: *shaking* "...Mori...Elise...Chuuya...You destroyed...perfection..." kouyou: oh get over yourself. you can build another one. Motojiro: "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET THE PARTS?!" -elsewhere- FD: *pouts* "So much for that..." yana: well that's a bummer. FD: "Can we get our hands on another?" yana: maybe? have you made contact with that person yet? FD: " 'That' person? You mean..." yana: *nods* FD: "Delivery comes tomorrow. Just got to pick the time now." -elsewhere- higuchi: so then, this 'Dostoevsky'.... Mori: "Been tracking information about him. Many dead ends." higuchi: damn. kouyou: quite the dangerous foe we're dealing with here... Mori: *nods* "We'd have better luck. But as I'm without an assistant--" *holds up Miura's head* "I need assistance." higuchi: *cringe* gin: .... Mori: "Hirotsu, find leads on Dostoevsky's contacts." hirotsu: understood. Mori: "Higuchi, I'm afraid Elise and I will depend on your help with a few matters." higuchi:....such as? Mori: "Review files on Dostoevsky and coordinate missions with Hirotsu. You will need to be in close contact with me--and provide security for me." higuchi:........very well. Mori: *smiles, nods* "And Chuuya will provide additional security." ^^ Chuuya: "..." kouyou: i'll pay a visit to the 1st. since i know there is someone there who might have some information. it's a long shot, but given the info provided, it's worth looking into. Mori: "Excellent! Thank you all for being so cooperative. I know together we can solve this problem." *smiles at Higuchi and Chuuya* higuchi:..... -morning- Dazai: *snoring* -phone rings- Dazai: *face-down in pillow, moves his hand around until grabbing his phone* "Huh?" kirako: morning dazai. normally kunikida gives you your wake up calls, but seems he's under the weather today... Dazai: *yawn* "That's too bad...Want me to visit him to cheer him up?" kirako: if it helps, but wear a mask so you dont get sick. Dazai: "Way ahead of you!" *puts on a scary monster mask* -and so- Dazai: *growling voice* "I've come to eat your liver..." atsushi: O_O; Kunikida: "...Brat. Stab Dazai in the back." atsushi: *chop* bad dazai, bad. Dazai: "How did you know it was me?" atsushi: you're still in your normal clothes....aside from the mask. Dazai: *sighs* "Fine..." *pulls off the mask--and skin is missing from his face...and his eyeball falls out* atsushi: *SCREAMS! and faints* Kunikida: -_-; "We get it. You're a pro at make u-u-up--AHCHOO!" Dazai: *picks up the eyeball and tosses it into Kunikida's bed* "Just keeping up practice!" Dazai: *picks up Atsushi* "Wakey-wakey, Atsushi!" atsushi: ororororororo......huh? wha? Dazai: -w- "See? You're fine, I'm fine--Kunikida is still sick because he over exerts his body--" Kunikida: *throws empty bowl at Dazai's head* atsushi: *sweatdrop* Dazai: "...I'm fine." *collapses* -elsewhere- Motojiro: TT~TT "I will repair you..." *reassembling the android* Q: *peeeek* whatcha doooooin? Motojiro: "EEEK! Don't sneak up on me!" Q: OuO~? Motojiro: "I'm trying to repair my girlf--...Robot. Robot." Q: oh? Motojiro: "...Here, play with this." *hands him a toy robot* Q: .... -elsewhere- Kid: "Your tea~" stocking: thank you~ Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome." *sets down muffins* "...Stocking...I..." stocking: hmm? yes? Kid: "...I want you to know, that...I...well, that is...it is..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...Your mother's pregnancy had me thinking..." stocking: ah...i see. Kid: *nods* "I don't know when we would be ready..." stocking: *holds his hand* Kid: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...I should have..." higuchi: ..... Chuuya: "...No one would have suspected...that damn...What is Dostoevsky? Just...how?" higuchi: not sure. lets just hope kouyou's visit to the 1st produces some results. -at the 1st- kouyou: you're dia volkov, correct? dia: yes. Karim: *watching from afar* kouyou: how did you come into service of the 1st? dia: ...commander burns found me, at a young age. kouyou: i see. and before that, you were kept in a research facility due to your abilities, correct? dia: yes. kouyou: how did you get out? Karim: ("Who is that woman...?") dia: i remember there was a riot. several people had been killed, and many used it as their chance to escape....i remember seeing a boy....around my age, or maybe older..... i didnt know his name, but his eyes.....he had the eyes of a devil. Karim: *watching Kouyou* "..." ("Look up who that woman is...Find out who she is, why she's here to see Dia.") kouyou: i see....*shows her a photo* does this face look familiar? dia:.....!!!....yes....the same boy.... kouyou: i see. what do you know about him? dia:....we didnt....speak much.....all i know is that he was called fyodor. but that's all i can recall. kouyou:...i see....i'll just be going now. thank you for your time. dia:..... Karim: "..." Karim: "You had a visitor?" dia:.....i dont know who she was, or why she was here.....or what interest she had in my past..... Karim: "What did you ask about?" dia:....its nothing important now.....*walking away* Karim: "...Hmm." -elsewhere- FD: *staring up at the ceiling* zoey: *head rested on his lap* ah.... FD: *strokes her hair* "...That day..." zoey: *blushes and looks up at him* FD: "Do you regret it?" zoey: when i met you? i'd never regret it~ FD: *sad smile* "Even when I...took your virginity?" zoey: if its with you, then i'm more than happy~<3 FD: *guides her chin to look up at him* "Your first kill?" zoey: if it pleased you~ *smiles* FD: "Tell me all you are willing to do for me, Zoey..." zoey: anything you desire, master. i'd kill for you, i'd become your slave, i'd even carry your child if that's what you wanted! FD: *lays a hand over her stomach* "Oh? Have you ever thought of being a mother?" yana: *cringe* FD: "Because I think you would look quite nice~" *gropes one of her breasts* zoey: ah~ -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "How's this one?" *wearing a two-piece* -elsewhere- Medusa: *shaking* milia: feeling better yet? Medusa: "I-I don't know..." neian: o^o~? Medusa: "..." *smiles weakly at Neian* "I'll be fine..." neian: *nuzzle* Medusa: *holds her* -elsewhere- Izuku: "The wind up...and the pitch!" *throws the ball* ochako: *SHA-WING* *HIT* eijiro: woah! ochako: *running towards first base* Iida: "!!!" *running back, trying to catch the ball...but...* "...Is it not coming down?" ochako: *heading to second* Iida: *grunts, leaps, and..." ochako: *made it to 2nd base!* *Ball bounces off the ground into Iida's hand--he tosses the ball to second base* jirou: safe! ochako: woot! Aizawa: "Yay. Next batter, you're up." yuuji: *picking up the bat and examining it* Aizawa: "...Never played baseball?" yuuji: not really. never really got the chance to, y'know? Aizawa: "Well, you saw them. Just keep your eye where the ball is, swing, hit the ball, and run to the base on your right." yuuji: ok. Mineta: *the baseball catcher* *makes hand gesture to Izuku to tell him which kind of pitch to throw* Izuku: *nods...gets ready...and...throws the ball to Yuuji* yuuji: *he ends up throwing the bat, and the ball hits him in the forehead* ....ow. Izuku: D: "Oh no!" yuuji: im fine, im not dead. -he's bleeding slightly- Aizawa: "...Get to the nurse." yuuji: yes sir. -_-; -elsewhere- Vulcan: "So, how do you think you're training with the 7th will go?" shinra: hopefully it goes well. -elsewhere- Patty: *aims NES Zapper at the TV* "Come out, you stupid duck..." -elsewhere- fang: zzzzz himiko: *huuug* ^w^ Kurogiri: "Adorable..." *takes a photo* Dabi: o____o himiko: ^^ Kurogiri: "How were doctor's appointments?" -elsewhere- Rin: *pulling melted wax off the roof* "Darn stupid melting wax..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "How would one even know whether they are dealing with a human or a robot?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *wearing cat ears* -\\\- naho: ^w^ Sakuya: "Okay, I lost...How long I got to wear these?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *in the park* "Now, where is that crepe stand..." -elsewhere- Poe: *holding a vase of flowers* neighbor: you need something there, dude? Poe: "!!! Is-Is-Is this where live Lanas? I mean, is this where Lana lives?" neighbor: the shephard family? Poe: *nod nod* neighbor: then yep, that's the right room. Poe: "O-Okay..." *knock* man: *yaawn* yeah? Poe: "H-Hello, sir...Is Lana in?" man: she's at work right now...why do you want to know? Poe: owo;;; "...THESE ARE FOR YOU!" *holds up flowers* man: ....um....ok? *confused blink* Poe: "...I will now dig a grave and lie down in it. Good day." *turns* man:.... ???? alright then....that...that just happened... -elsewhere- Kunikida: *rings a bell* "Atsushi. My pillow needs fluffing." atsushi: *doing so* Kunikida: "And I need another blanket. And more pizza bagels." -elsewhere- Konro: "Will you be helping with the 8th's training?" fang-hua: yes sir. Konro: *nods* "Your assistance will be important. And Kabuki?" kabuki: indeed. Konro: ^^ "Thanks...I think Benimaru is about done--" Benimaru: *holding two long swords* "I am ready." -elsewhere- Hyde: *stare* licht: what? Hyde: "There is a full moon coming..." licht: is there a point to this? Hyde: "Yes...I know that you are actually A SEXY WEREWOLF!" licht:....*KICKS HIM ACROSS THE ROOM* that's ridiculous. that cant be true because....*pose* i am an angel. Hyde: *sits up--a framed photo stuck on the back of his head* "You could be an angel werewolf! Like, with fur, wings, feathers--" -elsewhere- Jun: "Any other supplies you need, Tinker?" tinker: i am gonna need some new oil cans. Jun: *adds it to the inventory list* "Okay..." *looks at the workstation* "What're you building?" -elsewhere- ibara: ....... Monoma: "And then they were talking--talking!" tetsutetsu: no offence dude but, maybe you're blowing this waaay out of proportion? Monoma: "No, I am not! That is why I need help to break them up." tetsutetsu: real man talk here; if she's not interested, then just let go man. Monoma: o_o "...What do you mean 'she's not interested'?" tetsutetsu: if im remembering correctly, she dumped you. and clearly she had a reason, because, and i say this as a friend, you're a dick. Monoma: ._. "...How am I a 'dick'?" class 1-B student: well, this whole stalking thing is one thing, you're petty, you treat itsuka like she's property rather than a person, you hold too many grudges, you lie about owning a Rolex watch- Monoma: "IT IS A ROLEX!" *holds it up to Student's face* -elsewhere- Johannes: *working at Deathbucks* owo sayaka: O-O;;;;; Johannes: "Guess where I'm working today!" *happy wave* "May I take your order?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *in full suit of armor* "I am ready to train." -elsewhere- atsushi: X-X i didnt think....he was that high maintenance.... Dazai: *shrug* "He gets needy when he feels sick." *sipping on a slushie* atsushi: yikes... Dazai: "Just make sure you don't catch his cold, flu, or sour disposition." Kunikida: "Zzz..." atsushi: noted. Dazai: "At least there's one benefit to being in Kunikida's place..." *opens his underwear drawer* atsushi: D8 Dazai: "I KNEW IT!" *pulls out a baggie of oregano* atsushi: that's oregano.... -something starts buzzing- atsushi:......... O________O Dazai: "..." *opens, sniffs* "...How bad was his flu that he put oregano in the underwear drawer..." Dazai: "??? What's that buzzing?" atsushi: oh no... oh nononononono..... -it's coming from a lower drawer- Dazai: "???" :3 "Oh-ho-ho..." *reaches for lower drawer* atsushi: D8> *uncomfortable atsushi noises* Dazai: *opens* -yep, its just what you think it is......- atsushi: *covering eyes* Dazai: :3 "Oh, Kunikida--I never knew! And the batteries must have long shelf life..." atsushi: >///~///< Kunikida: *stirs in bed* "H-Huh..." *yawn* atsushi: D8> !!! Dazai: *shuts the drawers, smiling* *hums a lullaby...* Kunikida: *yawns* "Zzz..." atsushi: *phew* Dazai: "Two words, buddy: blackmail!" atsushi: .__.;; (thinking: and kunikida is now on my list of people i cant look in the eye without sweating. dammit.) Dazai: "Now, let's find some pot and laugh for a bit." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holding a newspaper over his head* ("Damn it...I didn't remember to bring my umbrella before this storm...") {rain: nooo! *her umbrella broke* TT-TT} {Chuuya: "...Rain?"} {rain: EEP! m-mr nakahara! i didnt see you there!} {Chuuya: "Oh, no--your umbrella..." *hands her his*} {rain: ah....a-are you sure?} {Chuuya: *nods* "Can't have you getting sick..."} {rain:..*small smile* thank you... ^^} Chuuya: *soaked* TT~TT ???: sir? Chuuya: *sniff* "???" mahiru: *holding an umbrella out* Chuuya: "...Wh-What?" mahiru: there's a lot of rain today, and you dont have an umbrella, so thinking simply, we should help you out. Chuuya: "...'We'?" *sneeze* mahiru: me and kuro. ^^ Kuro: *peeks out from Mahiru's shirt* "Meow." Chuuya: Q~Q "..." *sobbing* mahiru: O-O;; um.. Kuro: *whispers to Mahiru* "...Maybe we should leave him? He seems freaky--" Chuuya: "I lost her...Why am I not over this...?" mahiru: um... are you...alright sir? Chuuya: *sniff* "I'm sorry...I lost someone." mahiru:...did you want to talk about it? Chuuya: *shivering* "...Can we get someplace warm?" mahiru: oh right. *looking around* how about there? Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Can get a hot drink, too..." mahiru: by all means. *they enter the building* Chuuya: "..." *takes off his soaking wet jacket, sits at chair...* *shivers* mahiru: *looks at the waiter* Montgomery: "...What you want?" mahiru: i'll have a hot cocoa please. Chuuya: "H-Hot cider..." Kuro: *pawing at Mahiru* Montgomery: o\\\\o "...You have a cat?" mahiru: yeah, this is kuro. ???: *SQUEEE* -kirako rushes over- kirako: SO CUTE! Kuro: ._.; Montgomery: "I know, right?!" Chuuya: "...Um...Does this happen to you [Mahiru] often?" mahiru: yes. yes it does. Montgomery: "I'll get the kitten some milk." *pets Kuro* -ding- Kuro: ^\\\\\\^ atsushi: o-o;;;; Chuuya: "???" atsushi: *AWKWARD COUGH* Montgomery: "...Oh. You." Chuuya: "..." *looks down* atsushi: hi....lucy. ._.;; Montgomery: -_-; "Hello, man who abandoned me." mahiru: oh, is this your um....significant other? Chuuya: .\\\\. atsushi: im sorry about that! Montgomery: "You should be! You left me without ever checking on me! I waited for you!" Kuro: .___. mahiru: *suddenly feeling awkward as hell* atsushi: i know i messed up, but i can make it up to you, honest! Montgomery: "H-How?! How will you make up for it?! When you weren't there, I felt so alone! I never want to feel like that again! You lied to me!" Chuuya: ._.; "...We just wanted our order..." atsushi: *sitting down* one coffee please. ._.;; Dazai: "Hi, everyone! Hi, Chuuya--see you're still short." Chuuya: "SONOFA--" Dazai: "Hi, Atsushi! Oh, hello, girl who was left hanging by Atsushi!" atsushi: *making an 'X' with his arms as if to say 'DAZAI STOP' * Montgomery: "!!! You want to go, you bandaged Detective pain in the butt?!" *glares at Atsushi* "You're gonna make up for this..." clerk: if you're gonna start a fight, please take it out to the alley. Montgomery: "Fine by me--I'm on break anyway!" Dazai: ^^ *claps* "Yay! Chuuya, I can put you on my shoulders so you can watch the brawl--" Chuuya: *growling* atsushi: h-hey now, lets just talk about this- Montgomery: *grabs Atsushi by the collar and drags him* atsushi: have mercyyyyyy! Q_Q mahiru:.....*awkwardly sips hot cocoa* o-o; kirako: *on the phone* yep, im fine.....no mother, im still single. Kuro: *licking up milk* Dazai: "Woo woo!" *follows Atsushi* Montgomery: "I am going to toss you into a nightmare..." -after that fiasco- atsushi: X-X owowowowowowowo...... Montgomery: >\\\\< "And it all serves you right! What kind of a tiger doesn't even fight back?!" atsushi: TT_TT curse my pacifistic nature... Dazai: "How did the lovers' spat go, you two?" atsushi: that-that's not-....i mean...i-.....it's....um.... ._.;;; Dazai: "You two just like getting handy with each other~" atsushi: WOAH NOW! lets back the bus up a little there! Montgomery: "MY FIST WILL GET HANDY WITH BOTH OF YOUR FACES IF YOU DON'T DROP IT!" atsushi: ._. yes ma'am Dazai: :3 *whispers* "Shipping it..." atsushi: -_- (thinking: i didnt expect to live out my young adult years like this...but ok.) Montgomery: "Just pay me my tip and leave..." *holds out her hand* Dazai: *whispers* "Tip her..." atsushi: ok! *hands her a 20* Montgomery: *stares, takes the $20* "It's a start..." Dazai: *nudges Atsushi's side* atsushi: *cough* kirako: ^^; Montgomery: "...You people are weird. So just make sure you pay up." *looks at Kirako* "You with them?" kirako: yeah. Montgomery: "Are they all idiots?" atsushi: !!! .///.;;;;; (thinking: nononononono) kirako:....define idiots. Montgomery: "Loud, obnoxious, no personal boundaries, fail to keep promises, make stupid faces--" Dazai: *behind Kirako, making a stupid face at Montgomery* kirako: dazai, please keep your tongue in your mouth. Dazai: "!!!" *does so...* ("...That's what she said...") Montgomery: "Like, is anyone at your agency responsible?" kirako: kunikida, fukuzawa, yosano, margie in accounting... Montgomery: "The supervisor, the boss, the doctor, and the accountant, right?" Dazai: D: ("Why didn't she say me?") kirako: yes. Montgomery: "At least that is less disconcerting." *points at Atsushi* "Don't you dare disrupt work at your Agency!" atsushi: understood! *salutes* Montgomery: "...Oh. Well...G-Good." Dazai: "I guess we're done here." *pats Atsushi* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "This is me. Thanks for the cafe stop." mahiru: no problem. you take care now sir! Chuuya: *nods* "Good day..." Kuro: *whispers* "He seemed irritable." mahiru: i guess..... Kuro: "...Probably lost someone." mahiru: i think so.... -inside- Chuuya: *opens his door* "..." mito: *nuzzles* Chuuya: *small smile, pets Mito* "Hey, Mito..." kouyou: welcome home, chuuya. Chuuya: "?!!! Kouyou?!" kouyou: what? a woman cant visit her adoptive son? Chuuya: "J-Just surprised at the visit..." kouyou: did you want something to drink? Chuuya: "...Water." kouyou:....by the way. i've noticed higuchi comes here often. Chuuya: "...Yes, I suppose she does." kouyou: .....chuuya.....im asking you this not as a fellow executive, but as a mother........are you and higuchi....*inches from his face* having an affair? Chuuya: "..." *brain snaps* "Wh-What?!! No! And how would that be an 'affair'?! Higuchi isn't dating anyone! ...Wait, is she dating anyone?" kouyou: i dont know. is she? *raises a brow* Chuuya: .\\\\\. "N-No? I wouldn't know! Because I'm not having anything sexual or anything to do with her or anyone!" -elsewhere- higuchi: !!! i dont know why, but i think im going to slap chuuya next time i see him. Mafioso: *thumbs up* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, I SWEAR!" gin: i didnt say it looked like anything! Akutagawa: "The way your eyes look say it all!" T_T gin: *looking away*.....*cough*....care to explain then? Akutagawa: "...I was...trying to sleep?" *he has a pillow over him* gin:.....ok then. *walking away* Akutagawa: Q~Q ("What is wrong with me?!") -morning- Kid: *small whimper* stocking: *holding him close, humming* Kid: *holds onto her* "N-Not a good start th-this morning..." stocking: couldnt sleep? Kid: *shakes his head* "I was so worried..." stocking: ......*kisses his forehead* Kid: "Wh-What happens next...? I know you'll be here...I'm just worried..." stocking: i'm here kid....i always will be...*kiss* Kid: *nod nod* "I-I know...I love you." stocking: i love you too. u///u Kid: *lays his head next to her, holds her hand with a soft squeeze* stocking: hehe... *small kiss on his hands* Kid: ^\\\\^ "...Symmetrical." stocking: only the best for you, dear~ Kid: *small giggle, as he hugs her* -elsewhere- atsushi: a-CHOO! *sniffle* TT~TT Kyoka: "This is why you should have worn a mask." *wearing a mask...and gloves...and holding out glass of orange juice to him with a pair of tongs* atsushi: TT~TT *mumbling* darn you lucy, dragging me out in the rain and wrecking me.... Kyoka: "...She did what to you?" *flash of angry eyes* atsushi: o.o;;;; Kyoka: "I will teach her a lesson..." *Demon Snow pops up* atsushi: woah now, there's no need for tha-ACHOO! *sniffle* geh... Kyoka: "But she made you sick--that cannot be forgiven." atsushi: i-it's fine really...i kinda did deserve it... Kyoka: "...How so?" atsushi: i did make a promise to get her out from that place....and i screwed up. Kyoka: "...But she isn't there any longer." atsushi:.....*sigh* maybe i should talk to her. Kyoka: "Yes." *holds up a knife* "Be armed." -and so- atsushi: *knocks on the door* Montgomery: *from inside* "Hang on..." *looks through peephole* "...Oh. You." atsushi: hi lucy. i brought flowers. OuO;;; Montgomery: o\\\\o ("FLOWERS?!") *calms herself...opens the door* -\\\- "...What, this a date or something?" atsushi: *hands her the flowers* CONSIDER IT AN APOLOGY GIFT! >///<;;; Montgomery: "?!" *looks at the flowers...frowns* "This makes up for leaving me alone? ...I waited for you...and you never came back...and I...I..." atsushi: *COUGHING* ugh... s-sorry...sick.... Montgomery: "...You look hot. You must be running a temperature." atsushi: y-yeah.... =///=; Montgomery: "...Because of the rain..." *grabs his hand* atsushi: *his hand is getting a bit sweaty* um...y-yeah.... .//////.;;;; Montgomery: "Get in here. I'll make you feel all better." *pulls him inside and shuts the door* Kyoka: *pops up out of potted plant outside Montgomery's apartment* "...That witch." -elsewhere- Black Star: *pouting, on his hands and knees pleading* "Please? I'll be your best friend..." kyouko: cute, but rules are rules. soul: *light chuckle* kilik: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "But rules are meant to be broken! Come on, what do I have to do?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *wearing glasses and fake nose* kirei:... *chuckling* hinata + hikage: X'D Benimaru: "I was trying to lighten up before the training gets underway. Did it work?" -elsewhere- Burns: *sets down two coffees* "Drink." dia:.....*sips* ..... Burns: "What can you tell me about the visitor? Did she have a name?" dia:....she called herself 'ozaki'...
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