#i feel like an idiot making this post because i find myself very airheaded and like i dont actually know what im talking about and everyone
hellworldprincess · 23 days
Hmmm. okay. well. film over (poppy NO LOOKING!!!!!! SPOILER ALERTA)
drumming my fingers on the desk hmmm so lets think about it. i think everything after 1h22m kind of shot out the legs (lol) of the rest of the film a little bit but not too much i guess
i thought it was corny that the accomplice was her mom but i do like the idea of a protagonist who just exists as something a literal deal with the devil hinges on. i guess. Ummmm yeah i dont see what else they couldve done with her mom. it was that or kill her or just stop mentioning her at some point i guess? i dont know i just didnt like it i thought it was corny..it felt shoved in there but then again like i said i thought the last 20 minutes were very shoved in there also. it felt like it was stapled on to the first 1hr22. the tone felt different i think <- already forgetting <- gormless
im going to just skip over the oblivion 2006 ass devil design and pretend he was only the shadow goat because that was cooler i think if still a little eh-ish
obviously i think its very well shot and also i liked all the religious imagery, fucking obviously. i liked the cross wound on her mothers forehead after she shot her i thought that was fun, and dont think i didnt notice the "x marks the spot" being literal crosses...x marks the spot....another word for an "x" symbol is a cross....and theyre literally tilted crosses lol. i loved that
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onto the main event though nicolas did as nicolas does it was a fucking great performance. why cant everyone be freaky like that. as for the buffalo bill-esqueness i'll have to be honest i didnt really click to it at first, i kind of just saw him as just like.....you know the kind of eccentric strange lunatic killer thats seen in horror films these days, but after it being pointed out i can see it i think. mostly in the speech patterns more than anything though and thats more of a direct parallel (specifically in my head) to buffalo bill than transmisogyny itself, but i can definitely see where it comes from - im not writing it off, to be honest i dont even really have to tilt or squint to see where it comes from. i'd be interested in hearing the thought process behind the character and if any caricatures like that (unintentionally, i hope) went into it but im not THAT invested in this film. either way i really enjoyed the character. was pissed we didnt get him for the whole film but thats just because i loved the performance. nicolas cage is fucking scary
anyway ummm what else. oh yeah that fucking Scary demon voice on the phone about ruby was embarrassing. why not just have it be her mom?? Dude wait literally why wouldnt it have been her mom. most of the interactions with her mother in this film have been over the phone...its pretty much always been her mother that wouldve been more. i dont know it wouldve worked...plus she was fucking there. all that being said though the second i saw this shot i knew the family was fucked
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i think overall the film kept making me feel like i was watching smile and se7en at the same time in two separate tabs right next to each other like one of those minecraft parkour videos with a family guy clip stitched above it. i loved it until i only liked it after cage's character died and the dumber stuff happened. i'd like to still say i loved it but at this point i can only say i really liked it. unfortunately with films like this, endings do define them. but ummmmmm yea. longlegs 8/10 i had a lot of fun. ending was stupid
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madamenighttalon · 6 years
Why Desexualizing Women in Video Games is More Dangerous than Over Sexualizing them
Little known fact about me - I’m a nerd: starting from the very first time I picked up a game controller and found myself being tossed into a fantasy world filled with intrigue and danger I have been completely hooked. One of the largest issues as I had as a young girl was the fact that I could never really relate to the characters I was playing, I just didn’t have much in common with big meaty men in armour carrying around guns. So when I found games that let me play as a woman, I was overjoyed; the first game that let me fully alter my in game self was a MMORPG by the name of Perfect World. Honestly looking back it wasn’t that great of a game, it had a pay to play aspect that made it easy for some people to level up and do quests faster and it was pretty easy to find yourself in places that you just weren’t strong enough to handle yet. But that didn’t matter to me; there were eight classes in the game at the time and seven of those classes allowed you to play as a female - with one class (Venomancer) being restricted solely for women. I was able to completely customize my character - I could make make her tall or short, thick or skinny, I could even control the size of her bust and hips; I was in heaven, not because I could create some sex kitten ( though admittedly a lot of my characters were ridiculously pretty ) but because I could create the kind of woman that I wanted to be - I could make this beautiful woman who didn’t care if she was showing a little skin because if some jerk guy said something to her she could just take them out like a total BAMF.
And yes the clothing for Playable Female Characters (PFC) was pretty revealing, which I didn’t realize at that time was a problem for some people, all I cared about was that finally I had character that was feminine AND a total badass. Playing a game like this made me believe that as a woman, it didn’t matter what I was wearing - be it a mini skirt or leather pants, my clothing didn’t take away from my personal power or invalidate me. Games like this made me feel just as, if not more, powerful than my male counterparts.
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Of course as I got older and took a break from my games I realized that the strength PW had given me was not applicable to the real world - in the real world as a woman I was inherently weaker than the men around me, I had to wear modest clothing so people wouldn’t think I was looking for trouble, I couldn’t read or use my phone in public because it made me a target - made me vulnerable. This was also when I became aware of the fact that some people, people that probably have never played a video game in their life, had a problem with the way that women were being represented. They believed PFC’s we’re being objectified, that their clothing or breast size made them inherently weaker than PMC (playable male characters). Sound familiar.
I started up my gaming addiction again with Fable II and Dragon Age : Origins - I fell in love again. These games, while limiting my customization, still allowed me to play as PFC that was just as strong as the PMC - in fact there was absolutely no stat difference between the two genders. But beyond that they gave me something that my previous gaming had kept from me - they allowed me to develop my characters personality and form bonds (both platonic and romantic) with other in game characters.
Now the fantasy that I dove into was different - I knew that in real life I wasn’t powerful, that I couldn’t say whatever I wanted or wear whatever I wanted, but in this fantasy world I could do that….and more. In the spirit of being completely open - of helping you understand why this game and the way it was made is so important to me, I should mention that I am a survivor of sexual assault. As are many other people I know. In DA:O you are given the chance to play as a young woman who, along with her cousin and friends, is kidnapped on her wedding day by a nobleman looking to throw a “party”. No one can help them out of fear of endangering the rest of their people, and so the women are left to their own devices - it is also insinuated in the game that this is a common occurrence, that women are kidnapped and raped by nobles all the time because they have no power to fight back. Now let me jump in and keep going before someone gets angry; yes this could possibly teach some little idiot that it's okay to objectify and abuse woman EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. You. Fight. Back.
The whole point of the origin is that you, a woman, fights back against her oppressor and saves her cousin and friends. You, alongside your male cousin who, interestingly enough, is weaker than you and honestly only there for moral support, fight your way through the estate taking out anyone that gets in your way until finally you find your younger female cousin who has just been raped by the nobleman and YOU GET TO KILL HER RAPIST. Now I understand that a lot of people may think that its impolite for women to get this excited about violence but anyone that has been sexually assaulted or knows someone that has can tell you that there is not a single moment where they haven’t wanted that person to pay for what they’ve done, but hasn’t felt like that was a possibility because in situations like this the law is rarely on the side of the victim.
Once again throughout this game you are give the choice to wear revealing clothing, and your femininity is highlighted even when wearing full plate armour - you can wear makeup and make yourself as pretty as you want, also as a side note the physique of the women is default set as being very fit and picturesque. Over and over again you are shown female characters who are not forced to sacrifice their beauty and sexuality in order to gain power. (Also they’re literally all gay but that’s a different post)
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So maybe men “objectified” them, maybe they didn’t care about the backstories or personalities, but the young women playing these games 100% payed attention.
The rather long point I’m trying to make here is  that, yes, there are some people out there that purposely create unnaturally attractive women and put them in skimpy clothing because they want to play out some ridiculous sexual fantasy, or because they want to try and demean them and their abilities. Those people won’t respect women anymore if their wearing loose fitted clothing instead of tight leathers, and it’s ridiculous to assume they’re the only ones playing. Female gamers need these characters - they need to have power somewhere because I can tell you they certainly aren’t getting it in the real world; they need female characters that are beautiful without being ashamed, who show as much or as little skin as they want because IT’S THEIR CHOICE, who don’t teach them that in order to be equal to men they have to sacrifice their femininity
When I was reading articles to amp myself up to write this I found a quote that I want to share that said “men win battles and women wear heels.”. Now I’m sure the author was well meaning but they drew in on what I believe is the real reason why these characters offend people. Women are taught through other media and real life experience that beautiful women, with large breasts or curvaceous bodies, who wear clothing that highlights these characteristics can only fall under three categories; The Airhead, who has nothing to offer society and obviously cannot possibly be intelligent because they focus on and or take pride in their appearance, The Mean Girl, who while being ridiculously pretty also has nothing to offer society because she is so self absorbed,usually but not always rich/spoiled, and has no real worth or skill other than her looks so she spends all of her time bringing other people down, and finally The Slut, the obvious beauty who must be having sex with everyone and could only have gained any power or knowledge she has through sex because of the fact that she is unashamed of her body and sexuality - she also has nothing to offer society.
So when they see these characters, when they skim through gaming clips without context, and they see that flash of thigh or display of cleavage, they automatically put the female characters in one of these categories and become offended because they think it’s just another case of woman being demeaned and under sold by men. And maybe that was the intention maybe there's some big misogynistic CEO out there cackling because he thinks he put us in our place. But that’s not what happened, yes men do go into battle, and women do wear heels, that’s what the real world has taught us, but these games -
They taught me that women can do both.
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rhodrymavelyne · 6 years
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I’ve just posted the last part of Let’s Just Talk at the Forbidden Cauldron, a story of a reluctant medium with a ghost on her porch. This is all started with a Wednesday Words prompt courtesy of P.T. Wyant, involving a blood splatter, a heat wave, and a dust bunny. :)
Last Wednesday, I shared Parts 1 and 2 here. As promised, here’s 3 and 4 of Let’s Just Talk...
Let’s Just Talk, Parts 3 and 4
by K.S. Trenten, a.k.a. rhodrymavelyne
Thus had begun one of the most unusual relationships in Caitlin’s life.
“I can see Micki in your mind.” The ghost spoke in a soft, hushed voice, filled with an almost desperate hunger. “I’ve never had a conversation like that with anyone.”
“You’re spying on my thoughts.” Caitlin backed up a bit.
“I’m sorry. It’s just I’m Minae and she’s Micki.” Minae wrapped insubstantial arms around herself, an imitation of how Micki had once hugged herself. “The image of her sitting on that bench next to me, yes, I feel like it’s me, not you. It should have me!”
“Calm down!” Caitlin snapped, nearly tripping over a flower pot. “You can’t have my memories.”
“Why not? Why can’t I have them and shape them into something with me in them?” Minae rocked herself. “Picture the two of us together. Micki and Minae, just like the Disney mice. We’d finish each other’s sentences, complete each sentences. We might even voice each other’s thoughts before we could say them!”
Caitlin hunched down, trying to protect herself from the barrage of images invading her memories. “Stop it.”
“She’d draw out ideas I’d kept close to my chest, encouraging me to think whenever I spoke.” Minae released herself. “It was intoxicating. Nothing has ever been like that.”
“Stop that!” Caitlin clasped my hands to my face, trying to organize her jumbled thoughts. She could see herself, only she was no longer Caitlin. She had Minae’s round arms and big hands. One of them clasped Micki’s in hers.
Micki smiled up at Minae.
Minae smiled back, proud to wear matching mouse ears to hers.
“I’ve never worn mouse ears in my life,” Caitlin said between clenched teeth. “Stop playing with my memories!”
“Sorry.” The images settled returned to what they’d been. “It so easy, getting drawn into the fantasy. Drawing you into the fantasy.”
“How did you know what I was thinking?” Suspicion curled within her. “Did you know Minae and I before you died?”
The ghost hung her head in a very human gesture. “I was aware of very little until I saw you, felt you. Even now, I’m not sure which thoughts are mine and which are yours.”
Minae shimmered in the heat, as if she were part of the sticky air, clinging the dust bunnies, the blood splatter, and to Caitlin herself. “I hit my head when I fell.”
“You’re claiming head trauma after death?” This wasn’t the strangest notion Caitlin had ever heard. Ghosts tended to cling to the sensations they remembered from life. Literal phantom limb syndrom, how very punny.
“There must have been something you wanted to resolve or you wouldn’t be here.” Caitlin decided to focus on the here and now, what she could do something about. “You said you wanted to talk to me, but I’m not good at talking.”
“No, you’re not. You just smile and laugh that artificial laugh of yours.” Minae scowled at Caitlin, pupils glowing with a cold, obsidian gleam. “You have no idea how much I hated the sound of it.”
“Well, it wasn’t like I enjoyed it either…wait, you knew me?” This was something of a surprise. Perhaps it shouldn’t be. “No, I couldn’t have. No one I spent time with in high school had such good taste in anime, or even knew what it was.”
“That’s what you assumed.” Tiny pinpricks of yellow green flame appeared in Minae’s pupils. “You never bothered to find out the truth.”
“I can’t believe it. You’re saying we used to hang out back in high school?” Caitlin rubbed temples sticky with the heat. “I definitely would have remembered.”
“I never said you hung out with me.” The unearthy light in Minae’s eyes spread through the irises into the whites. All the illusions of lost appearances which ghosts clung to. “You never noticed me. You or Micki, even though I was standing right behind you when that vapid idiot pointed her out to you.”
Uh oh, things were getting dangerous.
“Of course you were.” Caitlin did her best to make her voice sound soothing. “Don’t be upset. You look quite, err, different than you did back then.”
“Yes, I’m heavier!” The sickly greenish hue was spreading across Minae’s face. “Not that anyone has ever noticed that!”
She raised her luminous arms to see the putrid glow creeping up them.
“This is what happens when you get angry.” Caitlin crossed her arms and took a step back. “Are you really enjoying it?”
“No.” Minae dropped her arms to her sides, slumping. The greenish light retreated back up her wrists. “Wonderful. You’re finally paying attention to me because of this.”
Saying “I’m sorry” seemed a little weak at this point.
“Err, well, I didn’t notice much of anybody back then.” Caitlin fumbled for the right words, only to end up telling the truth. “Not even my friends. To be honest, none of us were all that intelligent. Myself included. At least I didn’t act as if I was.”
Nothing like taking refuge in an obvious put down.
“You’re telling me.” Minae smiled a little, scuffing a sneaked foot across the ground. It slid through a dust bunny, making it tremble a tiny bit. “You I just disliked, but most of the people you spent time with I hated.” “Why are you trying to talk to me if you disliked me?” Caitlin felt a bit defensive on the part of her old high school crowd. Sure, they had been airheads. This didn’t merit hate.
“For the same reason you spent time with them.” A lock of hair slipped down across Minae’s forehead to hang over her eye. “Protection.”
She pushed back the hair from her forehead, only to pause, fingers frozen, wondering. “How did I do that?”
“Still feel your body even though it’s no longer there? For the same reason you’re suffering from head trauma, even though you’re no longer anywhere near your head.” Caitlin waved a hand at her. “All of this is an echo, Minae. Just an echo.”
“An echo.” Minae let out a sigh and looked down at the blood splatter. “To think of all the doorsteps I could have died on, it was yours.”
“I haven’t lived in this house for very long.” Caitlin raised a hand to brush one of her own curls out of her face. “I’m guessing it was yours first.”
“My parents must have sold it after I died.” Minae crossed her arms. “They must have been sad.” Once more, a light entered her pupil. This time it was clear, sparkling gleam, like a crystal or a tear. “I never thought about that.”
“They’ll be more than sad if your spirit isn’t able to move on.” Caitlin glanced down at the blood stain. “They’ll be haunted. They probably already are by this.”
“Move on.” Minae sighed. “If only I’d spoken to you or Micki. I feel like I wasted the time I had.”
“What did you want to say to us?” Caitlin swallowed a lump growing in her throat. “I haven’t seen Micki in years.”
“I think that may be it.” Minae frowned, cocking her head. The crystalline gleam spread throughout her eye. “Go talk to her, Caitlin. Don’t let time or distance stop you. You don’t know how much you have left.” The light grew brighter, enveloping the ghost’s face. “Something might happen at any minute. Look at me.”
Caitlin tried, but the glow was so bright, radiating out of Minae, a welcoming warmth that felt like home, completion, a serene contentment…
…only the next moment, the ghost was gone. Along with the blood stain.
Only the dust bunnies remained.
“Just when I was starting to enjoy our conversation,” Caitlin muttered, only now it was to herself. It was better that way. She didn’t need anyone other than herself.
Only she missed talking. Not to people in general, but to the right person, conversation could be oddly satisfying.
Like with Micki.
“Go talk to her, huh?” Caitlin smiled a little, scuffing her foot in the dust bunny Minae had tried to move. It scattered when Caitlin’s shoe impacted with it. “Maybe I will.”
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prettycooregrey · 5 years
So after setting up a 100+ plugin modlist for Raka, I started their official Skyrim SE run with SkygerfalI. This is really long. Like, really really long. And it’s packed with spoilers, so my fingers are crossed that the cut works on mobile because otherwise I am so, SO sorry to mobile users.
Links: Legendary - Special Edition
What a hell of a mod. It was so much easier to swallow than Daggerfall proper, I’ll give it that! For one, the 3D map in Daggerfall drives me batty. I can’t read it at all, and the samey graphics in every dungeon make them really hard to navigate. For another, Daggerfall notably averts the “take your time” trope where players are allowed to fuck off and do whatever they want while the main quest stays politely paused in the background - almost every single quest is timed, and exceeding the time limit is an automatic fail. It’s possible to lock yourself out of the main quest this way.
Thankfully, the Skygerfall mod recreates all the main quest dungeons with a significantly more helpful Skyrim-style local map. The mod page describes the dungeons as hand crafted, and... well, I’d personally describe it as LOVINGLY put together. The attention to detail is exquisite, and it absolutely feels like a recreation of the dungeons. In fact, it’s so carefully and thoroughly remade that for the most part, the original walkthroughs on UESP came in handy for the few places I got stuck (ahem... Direnni Tower). There’s so many twisting corridors, right angles, and those big huge pyramid-esque centerpieces. My unabashed favorites are the little diagonal rooms hidden within other small rooms, tucked into corners in and of themselves. My own playthrough of Daggerfall made me look forward to those spaces as good places to rest or find loot.
There is not much going on outside the cities or dungeons though! Since it was, for the most part, a single dev putting the whole thing together in their spare time, it’s just the main quest. Even the main towns are largely empty, save for tavern owners (who act as general good merchants), a blacksmith in Daggerfall proper, and any NPCs directly related to the main questline. Ironically, Scourg Barrow is one of the most populated places in the entire game, if only by volume of nonhostile NPCs! The palaces also have merchants and guards around, and there’s a... cheerful little kid over at Wayrest who would love to meet your Agent.
That means no questlines for any of the side factions, very few extra merchants to buy your high volume of crap (though you wont actually need more than one or two at a time), no side dungeons to explore, and nothing in the landscape between the map markers. There’s not even any generic NPCs to populate the towns, and almost no interiors.
Still, it’s entirely worth playing, if you want the basic runthrough of Daggerfall’s main quest in a familiar, modern engine. Particular props goes to some of the scenery and levels. Where there’s very little going on outside of your quest targets, the places that have been built are stunning. Shedungent’s exterior in specific enchanted me, looking exactly like a medieval castle with plenty of nooks and crannies to poke into (though no loot, unfortunately... not that I need any extra with how much garbage I haul out of those dungeons). Another particular detail that I loved were... pigs, actually. I loved the pigs. There’s a few dungeons that contain pigs, which existed in Daggerfall.
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I love them. They’re darling.
I dunno, the fact that Oracus0 put so much time and effort into making sure that Skygerfall was a true to the original as possible, down to the animals passively hanging out, really brought me into it. Sure, I wish there weren’t giant scorpions in any game ever, but I can also appreciate that since they were in the original, they were there in Skygerfall (and that they dropped a Raka certified safe alchemical ingredient). And who doesn’t get excited when they see the loot pile model tucked behind a locked door?
I also ADORED - spoiler alert - Aetherius, which turned the game into a full-fledged puzzle platformer. Note to anybody playing through the Room of Fire? You can and will fall off if you’re not careful! But the scenery there is also gorgeous, with a stunning backdrop of swirling stars and galaxies, hellfire, and a wonderfully dapper Sheogorath (whose voice actor does a great job, by the way, of holding true to Sheogorath’s canon voice).
Bonus points for having (and I must emphasize) FULL VOICE ACTING. Every NPC available in the game has a voice. All of the custom NPCs have custom voice acting, and every voice actor did a real bang up job. There wasn’t a single character I encountered whose voice didn’t match them.
It’s also way more... cartoony? Than Skyrim, and it shows a lot in places where custom and vanilla 3D assets were used right next to each other. There’s a lot of blocky, and almost plastic-y walls, floors, sconces, etc that made some of the rough-and-tumble stuff stick out, but it’s not actually enough to take you out of the game unless you’re a really picky bastard imo. It works really well for being a faithful recreation of Daggerfall, which looked like... well. This:
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I had a habit of taking pictures of any cool animals I saw in Daggerfall, especially if I haven’t seen them in TES before. Speaking of this awesome camel picture, not to fear if you’re worried about hauling all your crap out of the dungeons like I am (my partner has a hard time watching me play Skyrim with the way I lug out everything that isn’t nailed down to hawk later)...
There’s a mount waiting for you near Sentinel!
...(: That’s right. You get a camel. No need to buy it, it’s not tagged as theft (as of 11/12/19, a little under a month post initial release). It works exactly like a horse - hop on and it’ll help you bounce between map markers, even if you’re overencumbered by several hundred pounds of loose swords, gemstones, potions, and your enemies’ underwear. It looks AMAZING, and though you kind of clip through his hump a little bit, it’s again not really an issue unless you’re overtly picky.
The only thing I absolutely cannot stand is... mythril.
Mythril in this mod is... blue. The armor is gray, but the weapons and shield are blue. Not a silver blue or a dark slate blue in the way you’d expect from something metallic. No, I’m talking about Hawaiian Punch Blue Typhoon, I’m talking blue raspberry Airheads, I’m talking about Lapis lazuli from Minecraft and/or Steven Universe, Cornflower Blue Crayola, “her cerulean orbs” fuckin BLUE. That was the ONLY thing that really stuck in my craw. Raka is an archer, but in the event of an emergency they dual-wield daggers and for a period the best one I had on hand aside from the ebony dagger was mythril and I hated it. I resented it. Every time Raka had to get into close quarters I grumbled with distaste as soon as that goddamn Manic Panic deep dream knife popped out on my screen. I replaced it with adamantium as soon as I was able to.
Everything else was copacetic! As with the set dressing, a lot of the custom armor and weapons were kind of cartoony and might stick out in Skyrim proper, but they’re pretty charming in that way. If for no other reason than collection purposes, I took one of everything with me to Skyrim at the end of the questline with the intent to maybe display it in one of Raka’s player homes. Especially the adamantium, which out of everything fits in the best with vanilla Skyrim’s assets (as far as I can tell, don’t quote me on that, please!).
Again, it’s a very lovingly made tribute to the original game, with a lot of time and effort put into it. A lot of modder resources were used in order to achieve this end, and what an end it is. For all of the places where there might be criticism, it’s still a fantastic piece of work that deserves a lot of praise and appreciation, especially since it was largely a single dev working and learning by themselves to put it together. It’s still hours of content to work through, having taken me about 4 days to get through via my playstyle, even when it primarily involved jumping between map markers and delving into dungeons. God only knows I’d have never gotten to the actual main quest of Daggerfall in the original engine, and likely not even in Daggerfall Unity, as I was too busy messing around, getting headaches from the procedurally generated dungeons, and trying to climb the ranks of the Mage’s Guild and Thieves Guild. Not to say that that isn’t a fun and completely valid way to play the game. But Skygerfall allowed me to play through the actual main quest, kept me engaged with voiced characters and a streamlined series of events, and a thorough and faithful recreation.
A lot of people mentioned wanting more stuff between the towns and cities currently in the mod, but personally, going forward, I’d love to see what already exists be expanded. I’d love to see more shop interiors, some generic NPCs to chat with or ask about rumors from (or even just to fill out the space! I’m not picky!), and maybe some basic structure for some of the guilds.
That being said, it’s still a complete mod in and of itself. It has all the components anyone could reasonably ask for. It has its dungeons, it has its armors and weapons, it has custom spells, potions, and ingredients. It makes use of monsters from the Mihail mods, populating the underground with lots of scary and lore-appropriate foes to fight. It has very little to explore outside of that, but still offers a LOT, and I was able to enjoy the main quest of Daggerfall in a way that was comfortable and easily playable for myself, which is more than can be said for the clunky DOS the original game is built in. I would not be mad if Oracus0 decided to close it up, call it good, support bugs for a while, and moved on. They’ve done plenty in the way of Skygerfall, and though I’d love to see more I’m also incredibly happy with what I got! I’m pleased as punch, got to roleplay my little idiot moron bosmer in their original context, and then was able to seamlessly integrate them into the world of Skyrim (via Live Another Life, which is supported by Skygerfall) to enjoy the rest of their modlist. I can’t recommend it enough, especially if you want to get a feel for Daggerfall with some of the comfort and convenience of a better engine and less stingy limitations.
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