#i feel like a tumblr elder hehehe
milkiesoda · 4 months
I have a question ab how people make friends on tumblr!! I'm new here and I'm not used to blogs or the culture I feel weird just dmming people randomly too lolol
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oh my gosh welcomeee!!
from my personal experience, i'd say send a few asks to people first off anon to start chatting and then dm them if you find a common interest :D
probably don't start with a "hey", go with "so i heard you like this thing too!! what are your favorite parts?" (obviously changed to whatever you're talking about hehe)- that starts a solid conversation and makes people more likely to respond!!
also, it's important to know that not everyone checks tumblr every day since they can queue their posts, so if you don't get a response asap don't count that as a loss! they probably just haven't been on yet to see it.
general tips would be to use the filtered settings to remove what may be triggering and don't be afraid to block someone if they make you uncomfortable. tumblr can get toxic if you're on the wrong side of the site, so always prioritize your wellbeing over anything else.
good luck!! ❤ ❤ ❤
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cherries-in-wine · 7 months
A rant/review of immortal desires:
hiiii this is my first time posting on Tumblr so sorry if it's messy- also english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes
Since immortal desires 2 is coming up I just wanted to share my thoughts on the book and this random incident that won't stop bothering me lol
So i absolutely love cas like bro's the finest bad boy love interest to ever exist he's so baby girl I love him but after the whole confrontation with mc's mom outside the fighting pit where they accidentally reveal that cas was at the crime scene in front of the entire crowd of vampires- that's a guaranteed being-summoned-to-the-nexus-and-executed. Seeing how fiercely protective cas is it just seems so odd that while mc is at the Nexus with their mom later that night being executed bro's just out with the hunting party??? 😭😭😭 I'd expect cas to put up an even bigger fight than gabe about the covens killing mc like he'd be kicking and screaming and threatening the elders and stuff but he's out feeding??
It's moments like these where immortal desires just does things for convenience like it's so obviously poorly planned.
I think my like for the book only stems from my love for vampires and I'm a teenager so ofcourse I'll eat up a highschool romance and although immortal desires is a 10000 times better than the smutty trash they've been releasing it's still very....eh?
The characters are good- but they're underdeveloped af and it's even worse if you consider the fact that it was originally supposed to be a standalone. I know i can't really compare it to bloodbound (absolutely adore that book- the plot, the antagonists, the love interests, the world building, even the side characters are just perfection) because the stories don't have anything in common other than the fact that they both include vampires but bloodbound did everything so much better. For example kamilah being so cold and cynical makes sense because she's been alive for 2000 years and experienced so much..why did cas hate his human life and why does he despise humans so much? I hope this makes sense but specially in vampire books getting a backstory is essential for connecting with the character so in immortal desires they feel like a clay sculpture that had so much potential but it was never painted properly so although it could've been a masterpiece it just looks trashy. Even the flashbacks in immortal desires feel so lazy- unlike bloodbound there's no change in clothing/hairstyle to show the different time periods.
And it doesn't make sense for mc to get over cas killing someone and Gabriel's betrayal (if the only person I thought i could actually share my problems and connect with turned out to be a spy for that very fucking problem i would be PISSED) so quickly.
The pacing is really off too like I had trouble keeping up with how much time had passed because it felt like the story started off really slow then was rushed at the end.
I didn't really love the addition of talismans either because I just find them stupid and lazy honestly like "RAHHH I'm an all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries I'm gonna kill you" and then MC's just "hi all powerful vampire that's been alive for centuries and is skilled in killing humans and fighting i found this random ass charm hanging from a tree/in a cave/on the ground that is ridiculously powerful and for some reason never runs out of magic and although I'm a fragile human with 0 experience I'll kill you all in seconds hehehe" like?? 😭😭😭
And again bloodbound does it so much better like mc knows she's the weakest of the pact but she does everything she can to help. Even kamilah knows she isn't good at fighting so instead some stupid shit like trying to teach this human hand to hand combat in one day to fight against a fucking vampire (what gabe did) she teaches her to use her wits like instead of fighting back you dodge their attacks to use their own momentum against them. AND THAT SCENE STILL HAD SEXUAL TENSION LIKE IT WAS DONE SO WELL.
Another thing that bloodbound does better is that the actions actually have consequences like mc actually gets injured/dies if a lot of wrong choices are made whereas in immortal desires literally nothing happens.
I'm sorry for the rant lol that's all for now. Thank you so much for reading<33
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rxspbrrry · 2 years
i hope you missed me here's some thoughts and feelings about day 1-3 of chapter 2 of the cookie odyssey. read to your hearts content and enjoy the rare word vomit from me
warnings: spoilers duh, i ramble too much about clotted, excessive hatred towards his dad
“dark enchantress attack on creme republic” I FUCKING CALLED IT I FUCKING CALLED IT
creme republic is super sus. gap between poor, unfortunate and the rich and wealthy is SUPER big. no one knows that the people in the slums (old mud thingy? i forgot) are suffering and they are hidden from ousiders to promote “perfect image” of creme republic. only elders + cc knows about it and ignores it because they live in a life of luxury. also old people are stinky and selfish except pure vanilla
everyone puts so much pressure on clotted???????? what hwat what??/ custurd’s expectations of him are unrealistic and you have to remember that guy suffers from before being consul (intensive training) and after being consul (expectation, stress, workload, image) does he ever get a break smhsmh
custard says “i saved you from ruins” did he come from a not so good background? but his mom dresses decently enough i think. doesn’t change the fact that cc led an unfortunate life, even when being brought up in house custard
he’s been through verbal abuse but if he rebels or retaliates he loses all power all position all wealth. i think there was also some underlying threat that both he and his mom will be ruined if he ever messes up
ok what the FUCK is going on the in creme republic. the atmosphere is super nice and the art is gorgeous but. everyone is so terrible. elders only care for themselves, wealth and image. privileged citizens ignore those in the slums and those in the slums don’t speak up.
what is clotted doing amidst the whole “rich-poor” gap thing though? he knows about it but is he doing anything about it? he probably has bigger things to worry about now but he should also solve this problem. promote equity yk but not to communist extent
loved crunchy chip + wildberry interactions. they’re so pure and cute i love them
interlude because tumblr has a word block limit
madeleine aunt’s are a whole mood. aunt behaviour being making too much food for guests (also asian aunt behaviour) and pampering their nephew. madeleine really grew up loved
(for end of day 3) so espresso finally succeeds in transferring the soul jam energy thing right? if i conclude correctly it means that in order for you to resonate with the soul jam energy you have to put something related to you/a part of what makes you, you, or simply a piece of your dough (in espresso’s case he put coffee and was able to touch the soul jam energy) does that mean that as long as the energy is connected to someone they can harness it? this can definitely help advance technology. but also really easy for someone to abuse the power
bet one of the stinky elders will misuse said power smh
pop off espresso
espresso is a whole ass mood
i think he has death flags though, like day 3 just ends with espresso being fascinated with the success of harnessing the power. like is he gonna use it and maybe lose control? unlikely he will abuse it thats just not an espresso thing, but he might lose control of the newfound power
dragon eyes are sus
i love espresso’s rolled up sleeves costume it makes him look so handsome hehehe
clotted cream shows his “motivated” sprite so many times (for those that don’t get it, his shocked sprite is named “motivated” in the cookie run kingdom wiki. not sure if it’s fixed)
i want to continue studying the creme republic. i cannot emphasise how much the elders creep me out and make me uncomfortable. do the citizens even do shit? no they just sit around in their rich households waiting for their rich daddies to put food on the table. I HATE THE ELDERS GRRRR
side note i really love clotted’s mom? light cream cookie or something? her voice is so soft and delicate i want to hug her
i want to hug clotted cream
“we were never allowed to eat sweets in the dark cacao kingdom” or something like that i forgot what crunchy chip says. but that’s hella sus, dark cacao what are you doing to your citizens???? its already implied in the story that no sugar intake makes the dark cacao citizens super malnourished. GIVE THEM SUGARRRRR
YOOOO SHADOW SISTER COOKIE??? missed her i wanna see her again oooooh sneaky sneaky. we havent seen her since like, may 2021?
#bringbacktowerofsweetchaos why is the story not updating. GIVE US ANOTHER TOSC UPDATE PLEASE
wildberry is funnier than i thought
i hate the creme republic
i think that earthbread should have some sort of chinatown (solely because im chinese heeheheeee) but also because chinatown just feels more homey compared to the existing nations, aside from hollyberry kingdom. sinophobic people please go away im trying to ramble about my culture
who’s the closest cookie we have to being a culturally chinese character? kumiho doesnt count since shes japanese i think? or korean
pomegranate also gives off very east asian vibes but i cant quite put my finger on it
another interlude
i went off topic
ok but what makes custard cookie think that cc seeing his bio mom will ‘distract” him from his duty as consul 💀💀💀💀 where is the logic. did he project his own daddy issues + dead mom problems onto his adoptive son
oh wait. *thinks deeply about it*
captain caviar looks super cool and the pointy parts of their hair remind me of sorbet shark
are the white masked guys a part of shadow sister’s plan? she hasn’t interacted with them yet i think
do you think clotted ever wished he had a nice, supportive and loving family when he was at madeleine’s and saw the latter being pampered by his aunts
religious themes are fairly present in creme republic (+ shadow sister was there, is there some propaganda being spread?) and you know how religious themes turn out in tower of sweet chaos
speaking of religious, kind of odd that the archbishop cookie and the other elder cookie didnt scream when they were attacked, since they are so “innocent and pure”. makes me think they organised this entire thing: hiring masked men to bring sugar golems into the city to distract clotted, while stealing the soul jam. what do they benefit from this? clotted’s downfall, ofc
felt a little sus the moment clotted said “help me keep the soul jam safe” like hell they were going to lmfao
will add more scrimblo thoughts later
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the-nysh · 5 years
Opm s2, ep1 live reaction
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Just watched it and here to post my excitement! ;A; I am so happy and honestly relieved, oh gosh, it’s as faithful to the manga as it could possibly be! (No recaps or filler padding, I’m glad!) :’D No major complaints from me (because my priority right now watching this is to relax on my break from moving). They’ve made plenty of touch ups/edits to the scenes from the pvs, so the visuals back then can’t be fully trusted compared to what they’ve improved on here. (They’ve done as much as they could considering the studio’s lack of exp in action scenes, though we’ll see if it’s ever improved further for the bluray release.) Most importantly, it captures the same spirit and hype we all know and love, but most of all it’s FUN. Ahaha omg I’m so excited for more! Especially after seeing all those teased upcoming clips in the credits. AHHHHH!! I’m on fire. 8’D  
Transcript of my live chat reaction (going in blind) with @rayadraws:  
the-nysh: i've seen no reactions to it yet, so i'm going in blind!
rayadraws: I want to scream on tumblr but gotta give people chances to watch first Aaahhh
the-nysh: HHHHHHHh
rayadraws: Tell me your thoughts later!!
the-nysh: maybe i can just livereact to you! 8'D ahhhhhh the immediate dorks are backkkk
rayadraws: Yes!!! You’re watching now right?
the-nysh: omg king's drumming engine! XD (i'm trying to yeah ahahah) in before the movers come back from their lunch break
rayadraws: Aaahh I LOVED the first scene lmao Shiny
the-nysh: i love how it just goes immediately into the main manga scenes no recap or bullshit or anything
rayadraws: Yeah!
the-nysh: the crowd animations look totally fine to me! :D genos: "i believe that gentleman is king" buahahaah omg wow how formal
rayadraws: Omg when you can, later viewing maybe, compare the final version of the rocket punch with the trailer version
the-nysh: :O !
rayadraws: They added a lot!
the-nysh: oh shit! i'm not there yet akjfghg but sweet to know they edited things!
rayadraws: Aahhh I want to scream re a particular scene... when you’re done XD
the-nysh: akjfhkhg g4 just showed up 8D
rayadraws: Hhhhhh Battle of the shinies
the-nysh: so far there's little nice bits of animated character movement, like when saitama and genos turn heads and stuff
rayadraws: Yeah, granted I first saw it on a small blurry livestream but I can def live with this animation
the-nysh: honestly it looks totally normal/fine to me no complaints
rayadraws: Yup!
the-nysh: uwaaaaah king's bathroom breakdown!
rayadraws: He’s so STRESSED
the-nysh: it's drawn really nice and detailed here
rayadraws: <33
rayadraws: H I M right????
the-nysh: HIS OST TOO!!!
rayadraws: Yes a sweet remix!!
the-nysh: AHHHHHH yooooo rocket punch! hue saitama....'do you need help?' heh wah there's king, all the way home already :'D
rayadraws: Yessss When you’re done with that scene I need to SCREAM
the-nysh: oho fuckk;;; waah king's little smile playing his game~ SUDDENLY SAITAMA IS RIGHT BEHIND HIMMM
rayadraws: MMMMM look at THAT EGG
rayadraws: His FACE
the-nysh: WE'RE ON THE 22ND FLOOR THRU THE FUCKING WINDOW AHAHAHA yep classic egg saitama's FACE is SO interested in him like ohhhhhhh????? are you like me? HAAAAAAAAH king's scream of 'stoppppppp!' in agony XD OSHIT BACK TO GENOS
rayadraws: Hhhhhhhh
the-nysh: classic incinerate and flashy spin away with style ohohoho
rayadraws: Hehehe
rayadraws: TIME 4 RAVE PARTY
the-nysh: ayyyyy saitama finally prompts king the big question of why he ran away~~~ genos is fighting in your place~ suddenly BURD ahahaahaha ah! genos' face is edited in that quick laser dodge part it's such a short shot the panning doesn't even matter cause he's thinking to himself
rayadraws: Mmmm
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhhhh start of king flashback~ eg eggg egggg!!! 8D i see him!
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: whoooosh, genos fire extinguisher strats 'i know someone who's stronger'~ yohohoho oh ayyy also his face is slightly edited here too~
rayadraws: Hehehehe Yeah we really couldn’t trust the trailer, they changed a lot!
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhh suddenly~ all angelic feathers floating after the scream/roar confession~
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: yoooo king flashback for the scar on his face~ !!!!! huhuhuhu!! i hear a young egg voice!
rayadraws: YES
the-nysh: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; kakgjghhj the!!! the face recognition!!!!!! AHHHHH the panels drawn just like the manga!!! a;kjhguhagkuhilligh
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rayadraws: THE CHANGE
the-nysh: AHHHHHHHHHHH HANDSOME EGGGGG soft egg counsel :')) 'just get strong'
rayadraws: THEIR WHOLE EXCHANGE was so STRONG so much emotion!!!
the-nysh: (tho i do wish the soundtrack was more swelling with feel here, it's a bit minimal but it's all good) huehue, egg will come back to play more games now and then~ :'3
rayadraws: Yes...
the-nysh: oh! suddenly genos back with kuseno and the parts he recovered
rayadraws: YES
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YOOOOOOO TERMINATOR GLARE OF DEATH wub, back to the HA oh WAIT i know this scene, ahahaah omg it's coming
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: all those criminals gathered~ ;D SONIC! yohoho, there he goes, showing off~ ayyyyy oh! FUBUKI! ayyy her face is edited too :D yooo everyone's all 'there's something about saitama~' omg they're all converging up to meet~ ahahah genos vs sonic event (with fubuki) happening soon!
rayadraws: Yesssss
the-nysh: lul now it looks like fubuki vs sonic XD ahahahaah egg back with king playing games i feel like i recognize that game tune HAHAHAHAHAAHAH BROKE THE CONTROLLER YESSS OF COURSE
rayadraws: Of COURSE
the-nysh: OH WAIT SHIT! suddenly end credits (wow i just realized we never got an opening) staying tuned in for anything after~ (garou where are youuuu)
rayadraws: I think it’s like at the corner?? Or was on cr at least...
the-nysh: oh wait! i think it’s the op song played here for the credits! ayyyy all those flashes of characters (wah the bang+bomb combo attack and yooo garou face!)
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: elder centipede!
rayadraws: YES
rayadraws: Hehehehe What did you think of the whole episode??
the-nysh: omg this feels like a comic book with the name graphics, ahaha holy shit that one animated cover page of the egg rage screaming oh! hey suiryu! :D (waaaah it was fun and very faithful! no complaints!)
rayadraws: Woo!!!!
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(^oh I was definitely not prepared for that tease! 8′D)
rayadraws: YES.
the-nysh: i'm fucking laughing at all the quick shots of derp tatsu in between things XD
rayadraws: All the tatsus!!!
the-nysh: epic eggggge omgggg the song end, from super srs egg to WAH BOOP CUTE EGG AKJGJGHJ! AFTER CREDTIS SCENE! I SEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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rayadraws: Hehehehe
the-nysh: this is gonna be so fun i'm on fire HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's over ;A; i'm so happy!!!!! absolutely no complaints! it was as faithful as it could possibly be! :'DDD
rayadraws: Yesss Vs g4 was glorious and we have bigger fights coming up!!!
the-nysh: hype hype hype hype 8'DDD
(Disclaimer: a more critical eye may be applied upon later rewatches, but for now I’m happy with what we got. Definitely on board for more!)
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tinycitysims-blog · 8 years
Got no pull out game
and other replies... 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Not feeling well babe?  “Dammit, that man really can’t pull for...”
This is what happens when women rely on men for birth control.
LOL yeah, I’m not sure how serious they (read: I) was at preventing it since this was effectively my toddler test save. But yeah like ultimately we’re responsible for our own destiny when it comes to that sort of stuff. When I was single and just dating around it was no problem to insist on secondary protection but I was more of a push over in my long term relationships which is how my husband and I got Lo. Personally I’m glad I’m done with worrying about all that now even if I do look at my adorable niece occasionally and get the “awww I miss that age” feeling, lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Uhhh… Twee?” ”
To be fair, Jensen, the only way my mom could get me to eat broccoli when I was little was get me to pretend to be a dinosaur eating a twee.
Hehehehe. that’s adorable. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Otis and Anissa’s daughter Cora came home from school with Jarl, he...”
You be nice to my grandbaby!
  Yeah Yar! Course he’s been a jerk the whole time so what do we expect? 
crystaldollhouse replied to your photo
The potty faces are actually kind of intensely cute for some reason in this game, lol. thanks!
the-shimmering-silwermoon replied to your photoset “Uhhh… Twee?” ”
cute little bun <3
Hehe he really is. I feel bad he’s kind of the forgotten middle child in the long run. AND also I did not know that about the word Twee! I know very little about Afrikaans aside from it’s really only spoken in South Africa right? 
msmidnightblonde replied to your photo “As usual I’m a dirty spoiler but Nicky aged up in game today, I think...”
Haha I was thinking he resembles Ti very much here. He's a cutie though.
Yeah I really adore him but I think that fact has taken him out of my heir pool. Like he’s almost too much of a Rose baby, not much of his dad in him. I’ll find him someone special though and probably check in on him a lot, lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photo “It’s Nicky’s birthday and I’m not happy about it but everyone’s gotta...”
Icky will probably be less jealous of the little.
 Definitely he was better about his brother once he was older haha. 
elisabettasims replied to your photo “Sowy mama.”  “It’s okay angel baby, I know it’s hard for you too but...”
Poor little skweep.
The doll doesn’t really want to be mean. He just doesn’t understand where all his attention went, lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “I hope you’re being sweet to your little brother Nicky, you probably...”
"I bet you don't remember when your big brother was a dick to you."
“But you will be reminded over and over and over cause he only gets worse.” 
ciarasia replied to your photoset “I hope you’re being sweet to your little brother Nicky, you probably...”
i know i've said this a million times but THEIR FACESSSS
ciarasia replied to your photoset “Nicky’s not jealous, no not at all. ”
haha i love their faces omg :D
Hehehe you really have said it a lot but they are so dang cute. Your new couple needs some tots to enjoy of their own. ;) 
elisabettasims replied to your photo
Got to make up for being such a toddler terror.
He was a sweeter child but his angst will never fully be subdued I think, lol. 
elisabettasims replied to your photo
Icky! He's going to be a YA and I'm going to call him Icky.
It’s his nick, he’ll never escape it! 
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “A logical afternoon. ”
Forgot to mention she looks super cute with short hair.
She really does, her face fits shorter styles really well. I wish I could find an alpha hair like it for when she’s an elder but most of them that are similar are like really set tall on the head so she’d be in a hat pretty much all the time, lol. 
ciarasia replied to your photoset “I’ve been working on this lot off and on since City Living came out as...”
if you want feedback i'd try more brick on the outside and a bit less on the inside! :p jk, but i really like it... maybe when you go back to it to rebuild it you'll start liking it too! :D
Yeah I was wondering if the outside was a bit too bland and man I do have a brick obsession, lmao. 
Thanks as always for your lovely comments guys! Sorry for the weird formatting half way through, I think tumblr timed out on me midreplies and wouldn’t give me the little format menu. 
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